14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, MONDAY. MAY ' 23, 1917. ' GERMANS POUR HAIL OF SHELLS AGAINST ! HELPLESS SCHOONER As Boat Is Sinking Fire Con- tinues, Dealing Death and Injury to Most of Crew. DIVER REFUSES ANY HELP Incendiary Shells Are Sent Into Vessel Ud Bomb Complete the Devlllsa Work of Destruction. Paris. May 28. (U. P.) The story "of the French schooner Leontlne" Is s tai. of mndern rjlracy and murder which rivals any of the unauihenti . 'cated history of Captain Kldd. Here Is what happened on the high seas S during the morning of March 25 1917: The Bchooner "Leontlne," carrying L'. 280 tons of mine stakes, lert rancj. March 23, at 2 o ciock. i wo aays later the "Leontlne" was stopped by a long range shot from a German submarine. The crew, eight persons in all, pre pared to. leave the ship, as the captain rushed below for the schooner's papers. The submarine approached and lay 200 meters away, her commander and crew .watchlhg all that was happening aboard the 'Leontlne." damans Fir on Craft. Instead of allowing the unarmed men to save themselves, the subma rine kent up a steady fire, deluging the little -ship with 40 rounds of shrapnel. The first few shots killed four of the crew, and wounded the four others, three seriously. The "Leontlne" was a charnel house to far as the human material aboard could make It. Her captain, slightly wounded as he attempted to mount the brldg. -returned to the deck and courageously carried two of the viotims to shelter forward. The "Leontlne" was now riddled like a sieve, but did not sink. The Germans then fired incendiary shells, which started a fire in the stern The blaze, however, as if fate had Intervened, did 'not spread. Immediately a boat lelt the submarine and a party came aboard to sink the "Leontlne with bombs. Seeing that all the crew were either killed or wounded, the boarding party placed their, bombs and prepared to leave. Boy Pleads in Vain. On the deck, the first mate anl cabin boy, the latter a child of tender years, fearing th explosions, appealed to the enemy. Revolver shotsanswered their appeals. Aboard th.9 submarine, the crew which crowded Its deck ap plauded this act with laughter and shouts. ' Shortly before the first bomb ex ploded aboard the Leontlne" the sub marine turned )and steamed to a safer place. Tire explosion tore a gaping hole In the vessel's side. The first mate, who survived his double Injury faintly called to the captain that an other bomb was about to explode. , This bomb was hanging over the side by a cord, and the captain cut the cord. The first bomb, had done its work. Water was lapping the decks. The little ship wallowed In the waves and a sudden gust of wind threw her strongly to- port and she capsized Im mediately. Survivors Thrown Into Sea. The survivors, four in number capr tain, first mate, cabin boy and a sailor whom the captain aided to hide him self forward were thrown Into the sea, but managed to Tteep afloat on wreckage which surrounded their bat , tered ship. By superhuman efforts, ; they detached one of the "Leontlne's" boats and crawled Into it. The boat, battered by shrapnel, cap sized. By this time the mate and cabin boy had succumbed to their wounds. The two others crawled atop v the capsized boat, while the captain. summoning all his strength, appealed by signals to the submarine, which lay some distance avay watching the show. The answer to this was the training of the ;U-boafs deck gun on the two helpless men. No shot was fired, the enemy probably being con tent to let the victims die a slower death. The submarine then cruised heartlessly out of sight. Four hours of Intense suffering passed before the survivors were slg- , naled and picked up by a passing ship, They now are safely ashore, recover ing and able to tell the tragic story of , modern heartless piracy. Practice Shooting At Traps Is High Ban Jose, Cal., May 28. (P. N. S.) More than 100 of the best trap shoot ers of the Pacific coast were entered Sunday In the practice shoot which precedes the opening of the Paclfio coast handicap trap shooting tourna ment for three days, beginning Mon day. Representatives of nearly all the gun clubs of California, Oregon. Wash ington, ' Nevada, Idaho and Arizona were present. High professional scores were made by F. C. Relhl, Tacoraa, Wash., with 98' out of a possible 100 birds. Al Cook of Oakland and Hugh Posten of San Francisco tied with 97 and Dick Reed. Berkeley, was third with 96. The high anuteur score was made .by L. N. Neffler of Stockton, with 98. Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., and Bob Bungay of Ocean Park tied for second with 97. S. A. Vruner of Los Angeles, F. II. Melius of Los Ange les and C. H. Nash of San Jose tied for third place with 96. . Mrs. Ada Sohillng of Portland sur prised the gallery by shooting 93 per cent; which was better than many of the crack shots of the northwest did ; on practice day. Other Oregon sccores were: L. H. Reld 95, H. R. Everding 88, R. P. Knight 8 1 Frank Templeton 87, E. H. Keller 84, J. W. Seavey 89. Budd Kompp 84, W. McCormack 85, M. Sld- .oaii 3. c l.. Templeton 92, D. Holohan , 93 and P. J. Holohan 94. Negro Who Attacked Girl May Be Lynched Covington. Ky.. May 28. (I. N. S.) Headed by Sheriff John Allison, a posse with bloodhounds is searching the woods three miles south of here for a negro .who attacked Martha Due, 13 years Old. The jglrt was thrown into a creek cutter being beaten into uncon sciousness. Her heed, was not sub . merged and she regained consciousness -, two hours later. A lynching is feared if the negro Is caught. The Advance team of the Junior Artisan league defeated Montavilla Sunday, J to 1. . . . " 1 IN FIRST FORCE UNDER U. S. FLAG IN FRANCE iff j Rees Townsend Scully, second in commaiMl of the monitions branch of the American field service, the first armed force to carry the American flag in France, is a Princeton gradu ate and his home is in Pittsburg. There are 50 men in the con- tingent and they are engaged in transporting munitions to the front. Scully, after graduating . i.,, . . neering wore in nam ana inm- dad, and for two years afterward .ciof- (tl, ,Ho iirHnM m io u D1fluir v., oiv.uw.vw. " """ lor rrance on apru t v join uie ambulance corps. INDIAN LANCERS SAVE CAVALRY'S TRADITION BY FEARLESS CHARGE During Attack on Bapaume, Horsemen Rush Enemy and Defy Machine Guns, London, May 28. (I. X. S.) Cavalry has once mbrer come into play as an important factor In modern warfare. says a letter received from a British officer now on the front in France. In telling of the preparations mad for the capture of Bapaume he Indi cates that the Indian Lancers Kept up the best traditions of the British service by capturing the German post- tions in a terrific charge that can be likened to that of the famous "- i Brigade." He continues: "Machine guns meant nothing to them. With lances in boot and pennants fluttering they bore down on the first line positions with wild yells. The main defenses were on the top of a hill, and from thfs point of vantage a murderous fire was poured down into the advancing ranks. "The Indians, however, kept on. TJp the hill they charged, squadron after squadron, and to the amazement of all of us they gained the ridge and cleared it. sticking Germans with their lances as. If they were hunting wild boars ln! their native land. There was no holding them once they got a taste of it. Down the opposite bank they charged, driving the Bosches befo.-e them like frightened sheep. "We gained the ridge and. secured the position with artillery, which soon got into action and shelled the main German lines farther back. The lancers. realising that they were well sup ported, swept on and we brought up reserves and consolidated position aft er position. The Indians were fiends for fight ing, and it was long past dark when ey "iui lZ ."r nea'.. drlvins Speaking of the Equancourt advance. the writer says: when the cavalry charged at Equancourt a body of British infantry. who had come onto the around six hnMr. earlier 4hnn hv done, in order (as they said) not to miss the show, cheered them on with ht -arMAm trt Viii tHo mm 'T r.L- tk- u-.w.. rwa mw iuvoo w&&mo, Buvufccu vno umu liio cav- airy swept past; that's the way to take a village. No blighted bombs for them, and hell for leather all the way!' "Equancourt and a little wood In the front of It were held by Germans with machine guns, and another vil lage to the right named Sorel was de fended in the same way, and com manded the field of fire before Equan court. 'The cavalry had . two spurs cf ground In front of them divided by two narrow gullies of reentrants. One u"j uic village oi Equancourt, but was directly in front ITi. 11 r n nt .... IrvY.. . n . I. :n. . of the German machine gun emplace' ments. The other gully was to the right, and It was through this that the cavalry rode, sweeping round in a curve to Equancourt in two parties. Before the charge a third party was posted on the left of the risine ground And sept the wood below Equancourt with machine gun fire, and a smaller FUNERALS Beautiful adult plash or Broadcloth casket, em balming, outside box. hearse, two putos and service tor (funerals if desired for $20, $40. $00. Higher priced funerals In proportion. We manufacture caskets. Lady Assistant. . Beautiful Fnoer.1 n,.n.i MILLER & JRACEY . .t t5d'ITin.t J"el Directors. ' WasMBgtoa at Ella 8L (bet. 20tb aod t , West Sid -. -j Hjda 2681. A-7386. body of cavalry to' the right occupied the attention of the enemy In Sorel In the same way. Enemy Is Bashed. "Then the two attacking parties were launched and rode hard at apace of 23 miles an hour. The enemy did not stand. After a few bursts of ma chine gun fire, which only hit a few of our mounted men, they fled behind the shelter of a railway embankment beyond the village, and most of them escaped. "This cavalry attack is typical of the others, and one strange revelation of them Is the comparative harmiess ness of machine 'gun fire against a cavalry target. By the time the ma chine gunners have fired their first shots' the horsemen have swept on, and the machine gunners either lose their nerve or their mark. When our cavalry came out of Roisel they were under observation from kite balloons and un der fire from machine and field guns, but, riding very hard, they came through with only one or two casual ties.". Seaside Interested In First War Bride Seaside, Or., May 28. Seaside has its first war bride. Miss Leola Par rish, one of the Honor Guard Girls, and Terrenes Carroll were married Saturday morning in the Catholic church of Astoria by Father John F. Waters. Mrs. Carroll is one of the most popular girls of Seaside, having been voted queen of numerous fetes and carnivals. . She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Parrish. Mr. Carroll is from Michigan but has made his home in Astoria for the past five years and is in the First National bank. He is a graduate of Columbia university. Mr. Carroll recently Joined the quartermaster's department of the army and for this reason the wedding was hastened. Olmstead Park Home Sells for $10,000 b. b. Anaerson, norm bsu Claim Agent, Buys Residence Prom s. O. WUsoa at Bryce Ave. and 33d St. n Anrfrnn aftant a m asent of the s P. & s. railway, has purchased from D. G. Wilson the home a the northwest corner of Bryce avenue and Thirty-third street in Olm- stead Park, for $10,500. The property has a frontage of 144 feet on Thirty third street and 125 feet on Bryce avenue. The house contains nine rooms and a keeping porch, and is very at- tractive in design and interior ar rangement. The frontage is on Thirty-third street. An interesting and beautiful fea ture of this home is the gardening. Mr. Wilson started this development five years ago when the"1 home was Just completed. A systematic scheme In selecting and planting arrange ment was followed and results that a professional landscape gardener might be proud of were accomplished. The plantings were mostly of ever greens and perennials. Mr. Anderson purchased for a permanent home, and will take possession June 1. Real Estate Transfers. Robert J. Paterson to Edna Linn Pater- ton, I,. 18, 1. 20. B. 1, Irene Hts.$ Prank A. Neher and wf. to Scandi- nnvian-American bank, L. 12. B 6. Sewickly Add.; L. 6, B. 3, Cook's Second Add., and also 3.25 acres in S. 4 T. 1 S.. R. 2 B. at a distance of 1335.4 ft. southeasterly from south westerly corner 10 10 10 Emma Larson and bus. to Lyla D. Oakes. L. 5. B. 4. Manlevrood Add... B. H. Paul and vrf. to Fsust Palmer. L. 21. 22. 23. B. 14. Tremont Plam Philip Phelan to Mary A. Maloney. L. . 10. B. 41. irvington Alpheus E. A oa tin and wt. to James Muckle. L 10. 17. B. 140. R CL Park 10 10 10 J. W. Norman and wf. to Emma L. Strnble, U 21. 22. 23. 24, 26. B. 4, Peninsular Add. No. 2 J. W. Norman and wf. to Emma L. Stnible. L. 11, 12, B. 2, Weber's Add. Anna Golden to Ralph 8. Barnes et al. IP 10 rlorenVGrimeT.nd huTTo AbblV m" ij. o, o. rs. zoo. Hawthorne park tioouy, parts ot L. a. u. o. fort- land Homestead: S. 175 ft. L. "F," sub. of L. 2, B. , Portland Home stead Sarah Bodley and boa. to Abble M. Boody. same as 1st 3 desc. In insL No. 127.443. May 24 A. R. Stringer to Abble M. Boody. same as 1st 3 desc in Inst. No. 127.443. Mar 24 George W. Bates A Co. to Robert B. Beat, S. Vj L. 1, 2, B. 4, Carter's Add. to B. P 10 Laurelhurst Co. to the Oregon Home uuikicTS, u. , B. 107, Laurelhurst. 960 NEW TODAY For Sale A SS to 40 M capacity saw and nlanlnr mill, located 15 miles west of EuKene. Or, and one mile from new r t ib.iii Buay R,R' ellent and cheap transportation to loading dock at R. R. A spur can be built to mill very cheaply. Mill has best re- tall trade In Willamette valley. Will sell any amount of timber desired with mill at market price. Same can be floated in season to and held at mill very cheaniy or logged by rail with a spur. Mill in operation and first class condition. Experienced resident help no labor troubles. We invite inspec tion by mill men of both mill, timber and operating condition. This is not a broken down business, but under su Lc,e"fuh ?pt"rJKi7el ViKJJS V"e. Ji Jniia& If! ,v J. "f"... " eponsioie parties oniy. rnune o, nu- i gene. ur or sr. j. oox oo. Xioana of 810,000 and up oa Im proved B n slasss Property (o for Improvement Purposes. J. 9. UVSCOXB. 843 Stark Street. JNO. B. COFFEY HOBTQAQB Z.OAVS ry r m InSUTanCe.OUretV DOnds 801 WTXCOX 8LOO. Mala 703. JU3708. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment ft Mortgage M Offices 808-4 170 34 St. 'HOFESSIONAL ANDI uJSINESS DIRECTORY AOATE CVTmrCr AHT MTO. JEWXLEB AGATES cut aod polished, jewelry and watch repairing. siniers. nA V) wanpingToa st. BLAKXBOOK MAKERS 1AV1S A UULklAN. luu St.. biana- ttonk icannfaetnrera. A-S1H3. Mala 183. C AH PET CXfASISO FLliKK KUQ3. KAQ UUG8. CARPET CLEANING', REKITTINO. KTC I-ARGEST PLANT IN NORTHWEST. RUG CO. PHOKK EAST WIS. B-147B. JUaCK BRU Kleetrie CleasiDs Works Car- seta cleaned and laid: refittinc ear soecisur" East 440. B-1963. 804 E. lBth at.. M.;-'- VACliUsl OiaCAMiiG at your Swims, Uwm Uc CA&PET CXEAXTHG R HUBS wrcf Bng Co.. 188 K. Ktb. truut old carp". tat nn. Csrpet cleaning. .I?" Kt 3.VH. B-l2sO CHraoraacToss 10 to 12 too 2 to S. All dlcw. LlK. UcMAHON U making good. 31 Uut menta. (15. $5. Katet trma. COAL AKD WOOD " OREGON FUEL Out Woodlawn 6210. Beech, near Union Cord wood. -tl. Biockwood. fciabwood. awl Flockwood. City Slabwood. Mreen aiapTruoq. AUbKICAN FUEL. CO.. JMh and Vaughn. All kinda of jrwn and dry wood. A-l dry fir a aprclalty. Alo coal. Bdwy 712. A-241S. NfctK ac FAHlt All klnda of green and dry 4-. ft. fir for aale. 306 Water at. . xa-ono. fi-. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL l)H. ti. U. UUTHMAN. VK'IKUI.NAHIAN. F.ant 1M7. B-1962. Hoattital 4ia K. Ttn ar. EDT7C AT 10 N A L SAMCIKO MANCHESTEB I'anclns Academy. 85V4 &tn at. bet. Stark and Oak. Special ratea. 4 prlrata iKn. 19- mnminff- afternoon, evening; au .latest dancea guarauteed; clasa Thursday. Sat urday Ten!n-. 7. B rod own y iidu. HIMiLKK. Uanclng Academy. All brancbea ut modern, fancy, atage ana dbii room aau-iuB. Claaaea and private for aduita anu cnnarcn. Main Sa. Slrwtroae Kingier. oirecior. MR. AND MBS. HEATH'S- Scuooi: lessooa dailT. Clawi mod,, mur. nn. i'n. iu ii. bet. Wb.. Stark. I-eMona 2.c. Main .iM. MISS IKKLAM) Uekuui llds. leiwonti t Hnr. :!K nm.. ft r. lo private MUSIC BCH00T.8 AND TEACHER8 PHOK. T. U. LAWSOW Piano lraaoaa at your home. r!Oc. rhone i ator BAUTIMK piano plajlnK In 10 to 20 leaaons. "Cnrlstenaen's ystem. 4i:'-u toinmpn nm. E. TUIELHORN Violin teatber. Tupil Sevcik. 207 Flledner bide. Proadway 12!. PIANO and vocal lessons, wltn ue ot practtc piano 1 hour per dny. $5 month. Main r-31Q. LAW SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL A thorough, practi cal course In law. Uecltations eveninga. Main 77. AUskv bide. EYE. EAR. KOSE, THROAT. LTJKGS TREATMENT by apeciaiist: glasses fitted. Dr. V. r. Ca-ineda v. M7 Dekum M1e.. :n htiii y n. FLTJIT RUGS AND RAG RUGS NORTHWEST BUG CO. Established 190. Fluff rugs and rag rues woven, all sizes, t. Fth ani Taylor. Kast 3."SO. B-12SO. PENINSL'LA Rug Worku Hat rug and carpet w-eavlne. lRi rafton ave. wood la wnJiH3. FURNACES B0YNT0N FURNACES Economical Effectual. J. C. BAYER CO.. Front and Market. FURNITURE REPAIR AND UPHOLSTERING MULTNOMAH Furniture Uospltal. 3d st. Expert mattress making. Main 4554. HAIR GOODS AND HAIR DRESSING (KBV'fcT HANEMUT. leading wig and tou pee makers, finest stock hunian hair gooda; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treat ment. Removed to 34 Alder, near Broadway. MATTRESSES OLD mattresses aftd feather beds made Intj enltary folding forms; feathers renovated. Folding M Co. 56 Williams ave. East ft74. MIMEOGRAPHING MULTIGRAPHING MIMEOGKAI'HING. Cir. letters. V. E. Hner & Co.. Inc.. 211:! V. Stark. Msin :W47. A-12HO. PAINTING. TINTING. PAPERHANGINO TOCHLE PAINTING CO. Painting, tinting, pa perb a ngliig. 541 Marshall st. Main 4414. PAINTING. PAPERING, TINTING, reason able. 361 Yamhill st. Main 1509. PHYSICIANS Dil R. A. PHILLIPS. Alisky bldt. Asthma. Nervousness. Prostatic Trouble. Kheumatlsm. PLTTMBINO SUPPLIES RETAIL PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Fleming. 112 4th st. Main T3O0. BATH tuba, sinks, toilets, pipe nd fittings. A L. Howard. 212 4th at. PRINTING AND BINDING PRINTING. '; W. BALTES 4 CO., lat od Oak sta. M. 105. A-116S MAKSH PRINTING CO.. 122Mi KrnDt st. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THE IV PRESS JOHN M. MANN. 882 Stark St. Broadway 48. A-406S RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO Stenclla, 'trade Checks, bras dlgiui. PACIFIC COAST 1AMP ttUttb.3, 63 Broadway at Broadway 71. A -2710. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING tlat and graiel roots. Jacttb Losll, E10 1st st. Phone Main m. TOWZIX SUPPLY Portland Laundry Co., for pruuiut, efficient serrlee. fnone Broanway iu. a-io. TKANSFZR ANT BTOBAOK Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storuge Free Trackage. Office sud Storage 474 Ulisan St. 13th and Glisan. Main 60. A-4430. ALWAYS "I'lCK" THE UESi- UOU.SKHuLU GOODS SPECIALISTS Storage. I'acklcg. SLlpping and MoTlng. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C O. Pick TRANSFER A. STORAGE CO. 2d snd Pine. Broadway 500. lDftfl. KKEE STORAGE. FREE MwVlNG. Limited time. Object to fill warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 105 Park St. Main 5195. A-103l WET WASH LAUNDRIES CENTRAL wet wasn. East 764. B-2764. 2tt lbs., boc. Pboue I MANUFACTURERS JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! IXuTPRUGB AND RAO BUGS Send Us Your Old Carpets Hade from old Ingrala, Brussels, Axmlnster, 8myrnK Also rag rugs, all slses. alail orders prompt. Send for booklet. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, etc 9x12 rugs, steam or electric cleaned. $1.00 8x10 rag, stesm or electric cleaned 73e WEtlKKM FLU IT HIU LU, 54 Cntnn sre.. N. Pbone East 66 1. B-1475. WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD flpki CO. Factory al office near 24th aod York sta. Main MX9 MEETING NOTICES 41 THE G. A. R. memorial pa rade will start from court house, 4th and Salmon sts., on Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. and proceed to the German house. Many of the com rades are not able to walk, we therefore appeal to the patriotic public to assist by furnishine automobiles. them Please report to the transportation committee, courthouse. GUL REAZEE GROTTO NO. Co. CEREMONIAL. Masonic temple. West Park and Yamhill sts.. this Monday evening. Business sossion 6:30 p.m.; band concort by Grottb band, 7:30 p. m.; ceremonial 8 p. m.; enter tainment after ceremonial; a good time assured all who attend. Applications must be turned in by 6:30 p. m. Brins your fez. By order of Monarch. R. E. FULTON. Secretary. ALBERT PIKE lodge. No. 162, A. F. and A. M. Spe cial communication tonight at 7:30 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visitors welcomed. By order of W. M. E. R. IVIE. Secret rv. EMHUEM jewelry a specialty, teutons, pins. rhrm .Tw-gr Bros . 131-3 fith marriages, Btrtbs. Dcaifis. BUSINESS CARDS ESHfi INVIhAirTdIF'rS SMITH A CO. Morgan frldg. DRESS SUITS for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 G1LAJLAND la this dry. Mar 27. at his late residence, 1S . 27ts St.. Clarence K. Gll lili.nd. age S3 years, husband of Hattiebe'le Rej Glllisind. soo of Mr. sad Mrs. R. V. Gib lllrnd and brother of Ranee Gllliland. . The re n.ins ar at tae residence establishment ef i. V. ilalej- A Bon, Moalgoaterr st oca. , DEATHS AXU FUNERALS 75 - - - (Cgttotied) SAILOR In this city, ty 26. Margarita . 32 JrM "S- enMd-f it tiled will be held at th residence or her irnta li3 Hawlhorna 11 cSr of B. Ktb at., at 2:30 p. m, tomorrow (Tueadaj), May 29. Interment private. Pleae omic fkrer. i 1WIS Iu to is city. May 28, at bis lata real- dence, 6704 37th are.. S. E., Charles Abner Lemia. age 2S years. Hoaband of Mrs. Mandc E. Lewi, sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lwia. , ?.. ,' uVZn JaMf ,nd V. . ldtue Mtabllnhment of J. P. KlnleJ A Son. Montgomery at 6th. Notice of fuueral later. Eft. KPt UW til J A UC XUMllal A W m J,U 1 I ROGERS In tbis city. May 2tt, at his late residence, 1680 E. Morrison st.. Irving II. Rogers, age 50 years. Husband of Gra-e , 1. Rtigera, father of Edyth Kogera and son ' of Mrs, 8arah II. Rovers. Tl remains are at the residence establishment of 1. P. Klnley tt Son, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of fuueral oi. arrival of the daughter from the east.' ALDRICH In thla city May 28. Harry Q. Aldrlch; member of Spanish-American ir veterans age 4i yeara. Brother of Mrs. G. W. Webbvr of Portland, Mra. L. G. Stott of Dayton, Wash.; Mrs. L. F. Flnley of Sara toga. Cal., and E. R. Aldrlch of San Francis co, Cal. Remains sre at Molman's Funeral par lors. Announiment of funeral later . LA-NE The funeral services of the late Sen ator Harry I .sue will be held Tuesday. May 20, at S:M o ckxk p. m. at the Masonic tem ple. West Park and Yamhill ata. Friends In vited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery pri vate. J. P. FlhJey A Son, directors. HAYHLRST In thla city. May 27, Albert Hayhurst. age 64 yeara. Funeral aervlcea will be beld Tuesday. May 2V; at the Port land Crematorium. 11 a. m. Remain will be at the Residence Parlors of Miller A Trace y until 10 a. m. Tuesday FLORISTS CLARKE BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-l 805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 364 Wash. Main 269. A-126S. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $$ up. Sprays $1 up. Chappell's, 347 Morrison SWISS FLORAL. CO.. 412 E. 7th N. Store 23d and Glisan Main 1359. Coutts & Tromiilev. 768 Glisan, flowers for all occasions. Msr 4372. A-1464, M AX M. SMITH. Florist. 141 S 6th t. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Holman. President. J. E. Werleln. W J. Holman. Secretary. Treas. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. THE HOUSE OF SQUARE DEALING Third and baimon Streets. Established 1877. . Lady Assistant. Main 607. A-lBlt. J, P. Finley & Son ' Progressive Funeral Directors. Private DriveWomen Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 8 A-H99. P. L, U Undertaker. E. 11th and Hawthorne. Phones E. 781. B-1883. Lady assistant. Dunning (SiMcEnteeoW takers. n in every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. -4558. Lady assistant. A, D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 5802 92d et., Lents. Tabor 6896. 66th st. and Foster road. Arleta. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 52. B-2525. MILLER & TRACE Y. Independent Fu neral Directors. Prices low as $20, $40. $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691. A-7886. A, R, Zellar Co East 1088. C-108. Lady attendant. Dav and night service. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J. Groskopf. funeral director Woodln. 4940. C-1155. Killingsworth and Kerb. CIrrAL"Q Undertaking Co. Main Hi, '. OrL. VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay Hom;unn East 80th and Glisan. Fu ainillun neral services. Tabor 4312. Breeze (Si Snook ?se,rnil25f at 3 5 tli. R. T. Byrnes, new residence establ't, 01 Williams ave Wdln 220. C-1943 CEMETEKY Mt. Scott Park Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 14fi. D-l MAUSOLEUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 628 Pittock blk Phone Broadway J51 MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-264 4th St.. opp. city hall. Main 8554. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. ja BLAESING GRANITE ILI 267-3 RO. ST. AT MADISON FOR SALE HOUSES OI FOR SALE or exchange, sacrifice, 6 room modern bungalow. Rose City Park; paved district; hardwood floors, built-in effects, fireplace, cement base ment, laundry trays, woodllft, 50x100 lot. Cost $3000. Must be sold im mediately or lose. Price $2250. Cash $250, bal. $25 month. S-356, Journal. 1750 PARK ROSE ACRE TRACT $25 DOWN $10 MONTH All cleared, close to car and good homes, on macadam road. 2 blks. to Sandy blvd.; now Is the time to make garden; get some chickens. Hickman Wilson, 45th & Sandy, branah of J. I Hartman Co. BUY A HOME FIRST Almost new 4 rooms and bath, large lot. ideal for gardening; 3 blocks from car. $1000. $50 down, balance like rent; low rate of interest. Sletten or Masterson. 202 Wilcox bldg. E. 38TH AND BROADWAY. Beautiful new bungalow, 6 rooms and attic; finished In ivory, nicely pa pered, hardwood floors. fixtures, shades; street improvements paid; 1 block to R. C. car. Tabor 4535. $665 TAKES $1800 home, 80th and Couch st.; lot 47x119, with fruit trees; house needs little fixing; big gest sacrifice in town. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 6 room house, bargain at $1750. Near Franklin high school; 50x100 lot; bearing fruit trees; 2 blocks from car. Must be sold at once. Tabor 26Z6 alter 4 p. m. ti" b"v--atw h..in- trade. 5 r. modern, large lot on car line; you will buy this. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry bldVg. WOODSTOCK BARGAIN. 6 rooms, modern, 2 bt lots, fruit, garden, hens; must sell quickly. Best offer tak-s it. 6036 57th ave. Tabor 4341. FOR SALE by owner, at a bargain, a nice 5 room Dungaiow in university Park, walking distance to mills and shipyards, cash or terms. vT i67. Jour- nal. BARGAIN in home; must sell 7 room modern bungalow on corner. 2 lots. 1 block from car; good view: a fine home for some one. Phone owner eve ntrars. Sellwood 1757. FOR SALE by owner, at a bargain, a rwuj uuunc, kuw lutaiiuu ama l ciose to car: spienaia car service, cash or terms. H-378, Journal. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, y. acre, 1 suid 5 room house, rents for $17, fine location. $2100. well worth $1000. J. F. Gllmore. St. Johns. Call Col. 1. FOR SALE Tent house. 2 rooms. close in. city .water, electric lights, fireplace: $50. terms. Phone Broadway 4526. BELOW XST. ' -On hard surfaced sL. 5 room bunga low, just completed. 1 block, from . car. No agents.. Sellwood 110. 61 rcoatlytted) 150 DOWN, $30 PKR MONTH Big livinh door, to win. paietea oiuius rwiu, wmu. ceiling. extiV large kitchen, all built- in effects, sealed back porch with lav- atory, 4 bedrooms and big closets up- stairs, full cmit basement. Al fur- nace, 50x110 ft. lot; price $3750; the chance of a lifetime.. Ask us about it. Hickman-Wilson, 45th St. Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121. Branch of J. L. Hart-1 roan Co. ... i i i i ! J It )R SALE SUMjpSER RESIDENCE ' NEWPORT. OREGON. 7 room house,' plate glass windows in front, with magnificent view of beach, ocean and bay. Ideally located. Will be sold very reasonably. Address Vallev Beal Estate Co.. Carlton. Or. 2500 ROSE CITY PARK 122 DOWK, $22 PER MONTH 5 room bungajftw. garage, paved sts.. I 2 blks. to car: small den with fireplace, j btjr attic with sealed room, full cement v?t8.mnt furXCZ' Whv.ei mi?,lle2 kitchen, roses. Hickman-Wilson, 45th & J t r u r c-iiii. onuicti ot . a iii i iiiia.li "t FOR SALE txyrs IO $650 ROSE CITY PARK SNAP 44th st.. block to car, lot all cleared and ready to but-ld on: this is a dandy location; arood homei on both eides. Hickman-Wilson. 45th & Kandv." Tabor 668. C-2121. Branch of J. L. Hart man Co. $750 LOT FOR $400. 60x100, paved street, cement walk, on car line, urelev near Jessu:: everything paid;. sacrifice for cash only. C-369. Journal. ACREAGE ' 57 IN VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. 6-room modeirn house except furnace and fireplace fu)l basement. lawn and iiuwers. kwq raraen. iruit trees. ground lOOxlOO. on hill overlookrn'g ! the Columbia, extra fine view prop- ! erty, must sacrifice for $1600, terms $800 cash, beJance terms to suit pur chaser. W. W. Wilson. 112 W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wr.sh. 10 ACHiiSi lays levol, no rock or gravel, drains well. 9 acres in culti vation, on good road, 2 miles ear line, i la-cent rare; price $iooo; mortgage $500, three years at 7 per cent? will trade equity for clear lots and lignt car. W. W' Wilson. 112 W. 6th st, Vancouver, Wash., Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city, water, close In .car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. $150010 ACRES. Vt value; cultivated. $2500, 5 acres, close in. cultivated. j $4500, 6 acres. Garden Home. sandy river acreage nomesites on CO- ",ni?-,.eE una8- ' Vt ACRE and small furnished .house. fruit and berries, for sale cheap for cash; clooe in, 5c fare. P-413, Jour- ni. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN rancnes near Portland; S. 6. 10 acre tracts, $6t to $200 per acre, easy terms. Mc-i Farland. RQS Yeon hlrtg.. Portland. Vi ACRE with small house. $625; has young orchard and chicken yard, near wicnita station. ir"none leSell. 1714. FOR SALE HOUSES RIVER FRONT, 3 acres, good for j oodtawn la96. c ship building plant or nice home. 1 FOR SALE Io'K stwK general-mer-Fqt particulars, K-499. Journal. I chandise, with or without fixtures. SUBURBAN ACREAGE PARK ROE ACRE TRACT $25 DOWN $16 MONTH $1500. all cleared, close to car, good hrmife And so.hnnl : ara.x. water and trlclty; ideal location and soil; all) ONE 8x12 t. & P. press, type and com ready to plow and now Is the time.! plete printing plant for $100 cash. Hickman-Wilson. 45th & Sandy. Tabor ! Must sell at once. 325 Wheeler st. 8868. C-2121. Branch of J. L. Hart- Bmnch of X 1 Hiri. man co. M ACRE tracts near Kendall station; ! - of 6000 People, average dally busi flne garden soil; $450; $25 down. JlOivHru n.l V " " rarns" per month. Sletten or Masterson, Wilcox bldg house, $1260: $100 down $15 pe? cox bldg. FOR - SALE FARMS 17 40 ACRES near Castle Rock, about 2 ia milt nn M r?neA rnnntv T-na A all first class soil, 20 acres compara- 1 tlvelv level, balance rolllnar: has eood creek. Zhk miles from town. Price ! only $800. .$300 down. Would make a fine little dairy rancn. . 40 acres near Forest Grove. 11 acres cult.. 19 acres slashed and soeded, bal- ance good timber, 3 hi miles from town, 6-room house, good barn and outbldgs. Price reduced-to $2900. 28 acres near Woodburn. 26 acres cult, all first class river bottom soil. good house. Darn ana outDidgs., Dear- ing orcnaro. x-rice oyu iuuw aown. Ralph Ackley 2874 Wash. st. j 71 ACRES; 46 acres under cultivation, Daiance in pasture, s acres in or- chard, principally prunes; house 28x28. barn 56x100. stanchion room for 20 ' head of cows, horses, etc. Well wa- I "A "T.Tl r1: ro& road JolninT country' town with churcn. scnooi, stores, etc., and In one of best dairy counties in the state. Personal property consists of 2 hnrui riamou 5 ninwn unr nr.lnnlh harrow, 1 disc, y Interest in fanning mill, hay fork, cable, wagon, mower, rake, spray pump, grindstone, all small ance to suit. Thompson & Swan. 5th and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. BEAUTIFUL river home on Willam ette, 8.0 acres fine soil. 10 acres extra fine beaverdam, stock and tools, spring water, 2 sets buildings, about 7 acres in onions, 10 acres in spuds. Will sell with or without one-third crop. Phone owner evenings. Sellwood 1757. SNAP 160 acre wheat ranch, half In crop; $3000. Including crop, terms. O-B06. JournfJ. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS For information write W. W. Rose. Lpeater, Oregon. C Lapine, 1TVPT t3 C A will irl. ..4 homestead. Call at 714 Couch bldg. EiOHAXGE--REA L ESTATE 24 FOR TRADE $2000 In real estate, to trade for furniture or lease in pay ing apt. or rooming house. w. c. ! Johns. 606 Henry bldg. Main 6440 ' 60 ACRES near Heison for good hous i or will consider clear vacant lots or small closein acreage. Sletten or Mat: terson. 203 Wilcox bldg. WILL sell or will trade for land, fur- nl.hlnffa . nf rnnm inirtmunt house. K-482. Journal. ' CLEAR lot, Alameda Park, to trade to traae for equity 6 or 6 room bungalowv Smith, ISO Hazelfern. City, '714 ACHES of land with bungalow, j some cash, for small house, ' east I jrlA 10(4 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND or Salem house for Sea- side furnished house. Phone 39-R. Mllwaukie. IF you want to sell buy or exchange your property see Masterson or Hlet- ten. 202 Wilcox bldg. DONT WORRY. We can sell or trade anything. The Pacific Investment Co.. 24H Stark st. HAVE Income - property to exchange for farm up to $20,000; will assume. J-401. Jou rnal. DON'T WORRY. I can sell or trade anything any where. La v man, 431 Cham, of Com. I HAVE house equities totalling $4000 -. for trade, tog-ether or . sepstrate; bo agents. P-4 3 6, Journal. $1500 EQUITY in 7 room house for cheap land. B-546, Journal, EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE 2 . (Contlnned) 65 ACRES. S9 miles south from Port- oteSKJ2. ll w. ' ...... . . w... - - town; will take clear house in Port- land as part payment, long time on balance, low rate of interest. Slettcn J Masterson. 20 Wilcox bldg. S2H ACRE tract in Hood River valley. 11 acres In 4. 5 imd year apple trees. In good condition; small ranch house, balance not improved. Will trade for home in Portland or suburbs. Value $7000. Write 707 PiUock block. HAVE 80 acres 3 miles, from R. R. town in So. Oregon, well timbered. value $1600, no incumbrance; want to exchange for grocery of equal value. but might put in some cash or assume. Call on owner. 408 Swetland bldg. FOR TRADE acre land, unfinished 4 room building. 13 miles out. close to Eugene & Eastern station; abstract; value $800; want vacant lots on Be line or small house and lot. Mrs. A. RoKblns. 974 Macadam et. V i'T ftn T n k"n" Thi nddresa of parties owning property in Turlock. Cal.. thht would like to trade for property in or near Portland. 974 Macadam f Phone A-7051. OWNER offers at sacrifice modern duplex house, ideal location. 10 minutes to postoffice. west side;-in corns $70 per month. Consider part trade. Owner. 408 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES All cultivated, for lots In Piedmont add.. Portland. 400 acres good wheat land for small farm to raise stock on. D. S. Cameron Realty Co., Vancouver. JiVash. 16 ACRES, part trade or terms; level dark loam garden land on electr'c line 20 miles out, 500 cords wood, part easily cleared, no buildings. $150 acre. Write Owner. 60 E. 9th st.. City. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Portland property. 40 acres In Benton Co., good bldgs, 2 wells, all fenced, equity $2500. W-r.Ti. Journal. THREE room bungalow, modern, well furnished, sell or trade for lots, acre age, auto or land anywhere on Oregon coast. M-409, Journal. F desiring to Duy. sell or exchange city propertw. farms, timber or stump - l?nd - cJmmu?.,ca,tJf wlth Brewer-Knayp Co 1,7 r"rht n rtg WANTED REAL. ESTATE 31 CLEAR lots and cash for modem house. Slettcn or Masterson. 202 Wilcox bldg. HAVE client for house,' bargain. Frank L. Mcuuire o.. AMngtpn bldg. BUSINESS- OPPORTUNITIES 20 GROCERY BARGAIN. Located heart of west side, rent, in cluding 2 nice living roms. $10; doing good business, worth $800; if sold at once price for stock, furniture and fixtures. $325 for all. Peters, 15 N. Elh st. FOR SALE Good bla7k!smlUi business. fine' locality, close to Poitland, no reasonable price refused. Must sell at once. Forced to leave on account of health. Write or call on J. J. Jacobs, Ridrref leld. Wash. FOR .SALE-Sawmill boarding house. run of boarders, good Tor a ramily. 1 where the man can work in the mill ! and women run the house. Address V74 Macadam st. Phone A-7051 , VOU SAT P. . A rn,v1 hUrlf.mlh tiu.l. I ness, live town, close to Portland; no t reasonable offer refused; must sell on account of health. Write or call on J. ! J. Jacob. Itideef ield. Wash. CORNER I BlodKctt grocery stock, fixtures. oven, butcher- hlock aind case. Sell for $7 cash. Owner, phone at 75 texts on the dollar. L. W. Mor gan, La Grande Or. ' j FOR SALE or trade, a well equipped J eating hotlse In Seaside,. Or.; beet patronized place In town. Address Z-:'46. Journal. ! '- -' 5. I'hin C-325 . .T pinivn . n. i n I . .. ! bL.AUKH.MHH snop ror sa.c- cheaD. a ... .i t i i 1 1 j i lcase- 8ome terms' J-408' Jour- FOR SALE OR TRADE Flour mill and elevator. Apply to Ij. T. Wil- j ccx. 719 Roard of TraJe bldg. CIOAR store and poolroom for sale; near steel works and shipyards; Tp' rvrt fi22 1st st. ALE Soda fountain, chairs. tables, electric drink mixer, counters. shelves, showcases. 511 Beacon St. $300 BEST little garage and repair shop on west side, clearing about 135 a ween, owner, 1-4U1, journal. $300 CASH T Well established business. prf.t t160 a month 0-42 Journal. - r-r r-r : A GOOD. clan cash businrsa cheap ,?S e.nr, a(ftter 1 tor Particulars, st ! SMALL grocery and confectionery well locatod. cheap. Owner. East , 558; ' CORDWOOD stumpare conract for sale. H. B. Nicholas, 715 Oregonian ! bldg. . AI.'TO truck, milk and transfer clear ing $250 month. Sellwood 1532. 1 1 j J KOO, oyster claims left which are Alder hotel, room 408. BUSINESS OPPOKTUXITiES WANTED 68 WANT ajrrocery business; have nice , J, room cottage 1 Wjjf.H ,,"'' i. w"1 P"1 'nnBsomJ,sA X"r CI! : ??eP .,408 SwetIand bld- Pnone iuin o i o MONEY TO LOAJr 27 REAL ESTATE j OUR installment plan is the best anl surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, 121 24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $10)1 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVGS & LOAN ASS'N, 242 Stark st- Portlsnd. Or. Ritter, Lowe & Co, ' LOAN AMOUNTS TO SUIT. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. BUILDING loans on cltv or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck 315 Falling j bldg. Main 3407 MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. 201 Oeilinger bldg $230 $250. $400. $1000. $3004. On city or faim property J. C. CORH1N CO.. LEWIS RLPO. $'50 Jf.00 and $1000 to loan on good "securities. .Sletten or Masterson. 202 Wilcox bldg. - CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, fjr 1500 to $60006. FRED S WTLLTAM3. 2Vt IPT. ' f CASH paid for. mortgages, notes, coa- ! . m tr t ith a hM traCIS; UVriKBiC iw.w, mmunmv ' . ' ' . , 1 $1000 to $5000 to loan, no commission principal. iP-ll. journal. MONEY to loan;. ral estate mortgages bo t. FTed t; King, sis spaiainr niin MORTGAGE loans, and 1. LojI Salomon A Co.. 40 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8. W. Sr Co.. 310 Spalding bldg H. Sells $200. $350. $0J. $0 $1200. $185J, Fred W. German Co. 72 Cham. Com MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS t A.nt miii to Dersons on salary o fixed Income, on household furnitura. ni.nni diamonds and other persocai property; legal rates Business confident!!; private of "pORTI-AND LOAN CO. (Llcenaea). 306-307 Dekum bldg. 07 BY OUR METHOD We can furnish you MONEY On short notice to pay your present bills and you can pay us back In easy -weekly or monthly payments as you Hke. . WE CO AN MONET To salaried people on their own notes, easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Havins: loans elsewhere does not prevent you from getting loans here. We also loan on household furni ture, pianos, etc.. without removaL Call and See Us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (Licensed In both city and state) 817 FAILING BLDG.. 8d and Washington sts . PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS8'N Established by Portland business men to orotect borrower. C MYERS HERRMAN. Mgr.. 394 Stark LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANQ3. HOUSEHOLD FI'RNITURK. LOANS tVAXTED " 30 WANTED $2200 at 6. 2 to 5 yeara Will pay . no commission. Suitable security, farm land. Rov W. M inkier. Route 3. Vancouver. Wash. MORTGAGES for sale on improved city and going farms. $500 to 85000. Deshoai & Hawk. 615 Chamber of Com-, me roe. $2300 ON $10,000. city nrfitmrtv lrl. vate party only. G-ftrt". Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers' interest in contracts. Or, anl Wash. H. E. Noble. T,umhrmen hldr HELP WANTED MALE BOILER maker, boiler and steel con struction plant, requires the service of an- experienced and competent shop superintendent. Must be thorough or ganizer and competent to produce re sults at mimtnum cost. Capacity of chop about 160 men. Can also use shop Joreman. Give particulars, including age, experience and salary expected. In first letter. Post office Box 94, Se attle. Wash. FACTORY sewing machine adjuster. Ames Harris NeviUe Co. 15th and Hoyt. BARBER wanted; must be first class; no student: fine, steady job. $18 guaranteed. C F. Thomas, Wallows, WANTED Woodcutters $1.50 ter cord, close to citv: good nle.ee to live. 294 Hawthorne ave. East 2315. B-1695. WANTED Young men. 18 to 85 years. Vogan Candy Co.. E. 11th and Flau--ders. WANTED On dairy. 3 experienced milkers, $4 5 per month. Address box 94. Langfols. Or. WANTED M an to work in kitchen. Letghton Dairy lunch, Broadway and Washington. WANTED Deckhanas and loggers, Co lumbia and Willamette river steam. boats APPlv 131 H Second St.. upotalrs. WANTED-r-A party to take a contract to saw shingles on shares, mill ana tumpage furnished. P-427 Journal. WANTED Two boys with wheels is vears old can earn 150 monthl. Apply 7,. Board of Trade bldg. GOOD fl-iff ruK weavers wanted.' Northwest Rug Co.. E. sth snd Tay- WANTED Parties with Vams to haul wood. George Beller. Greenhurg. Or, WANTED Experienced nicht clerk. Ramapo hotel, 14th and aHhlngton. FIRST class polisher wanted at Call fornla Plating Co.. 212 2d st. SHEET metal workers wanted, $5 per day. Z-776, Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 SALESMEN WANTED With automo bile, to solicit trade from the farm ers and smaller towns for two of the best Selling articles ever offered. Arti cles sell from $8 to $25 each. Good salesmen can maJce rrom 1; 0 to szo per dav the year round. They are high class and legitimate. Opportunity for a permanent ana proiitaoie ousiness in any county for the best or salesmen. Address, Coast Culvert & Flume Co Portland, Or. ADCOX AUTOfSCHOOL, 388 Burnside st. Call or write for full information about FREE TRIAL OFFER. WANTED Men. 18 or over; railway mall clerks; 17& montn; sample ex amination questions free. . Franklin institute, dept. 3M-K, Homester. N. X. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL. School, Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Reduced prices for the summer. Positions se cured. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. W ANTtl Immediately, names me a. women, wishing to become govern ment clerks, $75 month. HX-144. Jour nal. FKKPARE to (Hi vacancies caused bf unusuai numbc of men at front. Miss Decker's Business College. Alisky bldg. r ANC Y work uy'-d on commission; mo. membership $1. 201 Globe bldg. UNCALLED for tailor-made suits $8.50 up. Taylor the Tsllor. 2SH Burnside. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 "OPERATORS wanted on power sewing machines. Apply 167 ibi iu, up- stalrs. - WANTED Young.lady for light house work ana care 01 cnua; gooa nome; small wage. Phone East 750: WANTED A woman to work for room and board for self and husband. 074 Macadam st. WANTED Two markers and sorters; 1 starcher and polisher. Apply Post Exchange Ldy.. Vancouver Barracks. HELPER in boarding house. $4 week. Room and board. 253 6th. MOXET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SAHUUES HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 28 , STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg laphy. salesmanship, E n g 1 1 id tranches, at an accredited school. Write or- phone Main 6 for cats- iogue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Waiker Business Cvllege. !'. th St.. near Morrison. WANTED Man and wife, iO to 4s; nflist be strong, sober, willing work- . ers, give A-l references as to charae- ter. honesty, reliability; man work in ' dairy and general farm work, woman housework; ws'ges $55 per calendar " month. 8. D. Wallace, Oaniiner, Or. vmt&M &mm miimz Est. 18v3. 30 schools. Summer rates. Psy while learning. 234 Burnside st- OREGON Barbefcollega wants men and women to learn barber trade; paid while learning; position guaran teed . ZJ3 Md!J011 MCuHLEK Barber school, men and worn en to learn barber trade free, pa : while learning 3 V. 2d cor Couch WANTED AG ENTS AGENTS WANTED Clean, pleasant. legitimate proposition; no competi tion; at home or traveling. 1062 Union ave.. room 2, I to 10 p. m.' Woodlawn 3274. ' SITUATIONS MALE W! ffalffi W1U -ePal' your watch no ' WlsUy matter how badly broken. REINGOLD'S. Jewelers. 124 Fifth st. - FRAME and concrete garages; every- thine- in cement work. Woodlawn A. s I o. . POSITION as nlKht watchman, or oth- er night work. Also good horsemnn. t D.CniioH RrAAAwav 7C PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work reasonable. Sellwood 1399. J PAINTING, paperbstnging and tlntinjc; j - I good wort, cheap. Tabor 437. ' - I WANT spading hoeing C-2474, I tContUssd t !).