The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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MAY : 28, 1917.
Patriotic Sermon to Be Given
' at the First M. E, Church
Tomorrow Evening,
Choir and Congregation Will Join la
Bendsrlag ITatlonal Airs; Eve
ning Btrmon Announced.
Memorial services will be held In
the First Methodist church at the Sun
day evening; hour, which will be at
tended by members of the Grand Army
of the Republic from Posts George
Wright No. 1. Lincoln-Garfield No. 3,
and Sumner No. 12, and from other
posts Jn and near the city. The mem
bers of the Grand Army will also be
accompanied" by members of the
Women's Hellef corps of the posts
The sermon will be delivered by the
pastor, the Rev. Joshua Stansfleld, D.
P., his theme being "Memorial Stones."
Patriotic music will be sung by both
the choir and congregation. The spe
cial numbers will be "Fear Not, O
Israel'; (Spicker), sung by the full
chorus and the quartet will sing "To
Thee, O Country" (Eichberg).
Members of the Grand Army and
of the Women's Relief corps are re
quested to assemble in the Oxford par
lors, coming In by the Twelfth street
entrance. Seats will be reserved on
the main floor of the auditorium tot
aUwho may attend.
At the morning service Dr. Stans
fleld will preach as usual. The spe
cial music for this service will be an
anthem, "Thou Lamb of God" (Wag
ner), sung by the vested choir, and
"Breaks the Wave, Christian" (Shel
ley), sung by the quartet.
Y. W. C. A. Memorial.
A patriotic memorial service will be
held at the Y. W. C. A.. Sunday, at 4:30
p. m. Judge McCamant will speak
en "Message From the Men of "61. "
The veteran quartet will furnish
music. The social hour will take placu
'at 6:30 o'clock. All girls are cordially
Montavilla Christian Church.
Special G. A. R. and W. R. C. mem
orial services will be observed next
Sunday morning at the Montavilla
Christian church. East Seventy-sixth
and Hoyt streets. The evangelist.
Rev. Harry E. Tucker, who is holding
a series of revival meetings in the
church, will 'deliver the memorial
Rev. Mr. Tucker, who Is an eloquent
and forceful speaker and a man of
wide experience, has delivered tht
. decoration and memorial address four
times In the home town of General
John A. T.ogun, who designated May
30 as- Memorial day.
As a part 'of the service a flag will
be presented to' the church by the
Women's Relief Corps. There will also
be special music and decorations ap
propriate to the occasion.
Sunday evening Rev. Tucker will da
liver a sermon on "What I Ought to
Do." The public has a cordial invita
tion to attend the Sunday services as
well as the special evangelistic serv
ices Which will be held every night
during the week except Saturday
Bethel A. M. E. Church.
At the Bethel A. M. E. church, V(,
H. Prince, pastor, corner McMUlen and
,Larrabee streets, memorial services
will be held at 11 a. m. Rev. Daniel
Drew, chaplain of the G. A. R., will
preach a special memorial sermon. The
. Christian Endeavor will have an enthu
siastic . meeting at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m.
a special program to be given, will
include an address by V. B. Brown, a
.solo by Mrs. Dolly Paries, a paper by
A. J. K&Vlr a nlo hv Clnrfncp A nrt Ar
son, and a reading: bv Mrs. W. W !
a reading by Mrs. W. H,
.,, l' , rrf. 1 1 evenlnB
win ue lit. j.. a. luerriman,
Is Invited to the services.
Sunday School Teachers.
The teachers of the Kenllworth
Presbyterian Sunday school will hold
their monthly meeting- next Wednes
day evening, May 30, at 8 p. m. at the
manse. Every teacher la urged to be
Patton M. E. Church.
Rev. George H. Feese, D. D.. will de
liver a special memorial address at
th Patton M. E. church. Alberta and
Michigan streets, Sunday morning,
May 27. Veterans, soldiers, patriots,
an Interested are especially invited.
Music appropriate to the occasion will
be rendered.
Bible Classes Members Meet.
The members of two adult Bible
classes of Kenilworth Presbyterian
. church and friends enjoyed a very
happy social hour in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Luce, on last Friday
night. The Bible classes are doln
-excellent work and Invite more of the
adults, both men and women, to-find
their places with them.
Old Soldiers Invited.
'Every old soldier and the people of
Kenllworth community are invited to
attend the memorial services In the
Kenllworth Presbyterian church, E.
Percy Lawrence, minister, Sunday
morning at 11 a. m. There will be
.decorations of the national colors, a
patriotic sermon entitled "Heroic
Special memorial day music will be
rendered by the choir and male quar
- tet. They i will sing "Soldier, Rest, in
Peace," by Gabriel.
The sermon will compare some Civil
war conditions with the present day
4WiuabnJ. -tat bus w. w,ui IUB MMVUr
will give 'the fifth In the sermon series
to young people, entitled "In the Paris
of the Old World." There will be a
gospel solo as well as choir music and
good congregational singing.
. Memorial Sunday Morning. ;
. The Kenton United Presbyterian
church will hold memorial services
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The
new pastor, J. M. Kelso, will preach.
All .friends and members of the G. A.
R and Women's Relief Corps are, In
vited to attend.
Special Memorial Service, v
' , A special memorial service will be
heJd at the' Sunnyslde Congregational
offurch Sunday-morning" at 11 o'clock,
under' the auspices of the Men's league.
Ilea Sutler Post, Q.. A.SK-, No. 67, and
, . , '. ' y
Historical Pageant
To Be Re-enacted in
St. Mark's Cfiurch
-The Great Trail," an In-
if spirimg allegorical pageant and
a feature of the annual Episco-'
pal Diocesan convention j Just
closed, will be re-enacted at St.
Mark's Episcopal church. Sun-
day evening, May 27, by the
young people of St. David's
if The play, showing the re-
A markable transition In the life
of the. red man that the chris-
tianizlng influence of the gospel
produces, has close to a hun-
if dred young people and children
of St. David's parish. In the
if cast. The young people, in cos-
tume, act their parts well and
f the mystery play is well worth
seeing. The presentation is in
common with similar produc- If
tf tions being elven throughout
p- the country in the Interests of if
religious education. The pro-
ceeds will go towards church
REV S. B. L.
President of Whitman College
of Walla Walla to Fill Pul
pit at First Presbyterian,
Dr. S. B. L. Penrose.
The First Presbyterian church, cor
ner Twelfth and Alder streets, will
welcome to its pulpit tomorrow, onu !
of the most prominent educators and
college presidents of the northwest.
Rev. Stephen B. L. Penrose, preslden:
of Whitman college, Walla Walla,
Wash. He will preach both morning
and evening in the absence of the
pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., who
has been in Dallas, Texas, at the
meeting of the geneial assembly, and
In Jackson, Miss., on a visit to his old
home. He will be back in his pulpit
June 3.
His subject in the morning will be
"The Recovery of an Unbalanced
Mind." At 7:45 in the evening, he will
preach on a subject most pertinent
and of great present day Interest,
namely, "The Church and the War."
There are many old students of
Whitman college in Portland who will
welcome their president and hear this
message from him.
The music for the morning service
Have Promised'
fBosworth: anthem.
-Que Sweetly Solemn Thought" (Am
brose)., The music for the . evening
servlcetUs as follows: Duet, soprano
and baritone, "My Faith Looks Up to
Thee" (Schnecker), baritone solo, "Holy
City" (Gaul), John Claire Montelth.
Rev. Beers to Have
Series of Services
"Christ Encounters Satan in the
Wilderness" will be the subject of the
Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Free' Methodist church, Eas
Ninth and East Mill street, Sunday
t-mornlng. This is the first of a se
ries of sermons that Dr. Beers has
planned to preach to his congregation
Sunday morning, covering the general
scope of the temptation of Christ In
the wilderness.
the Ladles Relief Corps will be in at
tendance and will be the guests of the
league. Wm. D. Wheelwright will de
liver the address of the occasion.
Colonel May of Vancouver, has dele
gated a social bugler to be In attend
ance and music of an Inspiring and
appropriate character will accompany
the service. The public is cordially
At Congregational Church
Wednesday, May 30, the Congrega
tionalists of Portland will observe
Memorial day In a special service to
be held in the First Congregational
church at 10:30 a. m. Tr. Calvin U.
Waller, pastor of the White Temple,
will deliver the address. Dr. J. I.
Staub, pastor of the Sunnyslde Con
gregational church, will preside.
At this hour Dr. Dyott will deliv?
an address at the Crematorium, at the
memorial services held each year in
I honor of those who have passed away
during the past year.
Vernon Memorial Sfrrices.
At Vernon Presbyterian, corner
Nineteenth and Wygant streets, me
morial services will be held Sunday
nignt. Tne uoroon Granger post No,
43, G. A. R., Commander Edwin Covey,
with the members of the Women's Re
lief Corps, will attend In a body and
will be received by the congregation
as the nation's defenders and pre
servers. Rev. William E. Todd, pas
tor of the church, is past captain of
the Sons of Veterans, and his wife is
a veteran's daughter and one of their
chief delights is to honor the men of
our armies. The minister's address
will be entitled "The Supreme Test of
Ouf Common Life.!' and a musical pro-
sr nu oeen planned. r
j ' j . . '
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David M. Jack.
Dr. Hinson to Talk
On Words of God
Dr. Hinson will discourse In the
morning at East Side Baptist church
on the certainty that In spite of all
the eeemlng evidence to the contrary,
God Is doing his best for the world
and for man. 1
At night Dr. Hinson will preach
from the words, "Acquaint now thy
self with God, and be at peace," ani
he will show how back of the created
universe is discerned the creation.
Services In this church commence at
11 o'clock and 7:45 on Sunday. Tho
midweek preaching and prayer service
is held on Wednesday night, and com
mences at 7:45.
Rev. Dr. Marvin to
Offer Timely Topic
At the Taylor Street Methodist serv
ice at the Circle theatre Sunday morn
ing. Dr. M. H. Marvin will preach on
this timely topic, "The Message of
the Sea With Special Reference to the
Expedition of Our Naval Forces to
Special music by quartet and choir
will harmonize with this patriotc topic.
Lesson Topic.
Christian EndesTor "Financing the King-
Epworth League "Why 1 Should Attend
League Institute." .
B Y. P. U. "The Gospel Afloat and
First White Temple tath and Taylor sts.
Rev. Calrin B. Waller. 11, "Meeting the
Pf"1' m,?-rZZZi. s
East Sitle Bast 2h and Ankenr st. Et
W. B. Hinson. pastor. 11. "Ia God Good?"
7:43. "An Anchor That Holds."
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Ee. Charles
Meier, pastor. 11, 7:45.
Arleta Rer. W. A. Sprlgfs. Preaching bj
Rt. H. E. Marshall. 11, "The Silence of the
Scrlpturea." 7:45, -Soul Restoration. "
University park Re. Thomas Stephenson,
acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bev. T. Gideon
SJolander, pastor. 11:16, 7:30.
Grace-MontaTilla Rev. H. T. Cash. 11,
"Behind Closed Doors." 8, W. G. McLaren.
Sellwood Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor 11,
St. Johns Rer. B. P. Borden, pastor, i :30.
Calvary E. Rth and Grant Rev. 1. E.
Thomas, pastor.
Mt. Calvary East Pine an Grand ave. Rev.
A. M. Machacek. 11. "Why Have Faith in
t n,.t., v fi T tK. nihl run thm Aid tit
111 CUB l ,JT ' - -' "
War?" Memorial day sermon and song.
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Bey. W.
J. Bfaven.
Chine 309 Davia st.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, 3, 8. Rev. T.
3. Broomfleld.
Second German Morris . and Rodney ave,
U, 7:30.
Glencoe E. 4Bth and Main Rev. A. B.
Walts. 11, "The Thunders of Forgottea Sinai."
8, 'Circumventing the Submarine."
Mount Olivet Kev. W. A. Magrett. 11. 8.
Italian Mission Rev. Franceaco Saunella.
11. 8. N
First German 4th and Mill Rev. J. Kratt.
11 7:30.
North Portland Ml anion 880 Nlcolal st, Fri
day. 8.
RiiniellTllle Mission.
Tabernacle E. 4 2d and Holgat Rev. Walter
Durr, acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
First Park ind Columbia Rev. Harold H
Griffis. pastor. 11, "Lessons From American
History." 7:45, "The Church for the Twen
tieth Century."
Kern Park Rev. G. K. Berry. 11. "The
New Creation." 8, "la Christian Science Chris
tian t"
East Side Christian B. 12th and E. Taylor.
Rev. R. H. Sawyer. 11, "The Unfailing Pow
er." 8. "England's Stooe of Destiny."
Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. R. John
son. 11. 8.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8
Bethel E. S2d and Ttompsoo Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
Montavilla E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. Euc-ene
Burr. 11, Rev.-Harry E. Tucker. 7:45, "What
1 th'Sht to Do."
GUdstooe Rev. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8
nodney Avenue and Knott Rev. J. Carlos
Ghormley. 11, Commissioner Daly. 7:30, "The
Forgotten Steward."
Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen
St. Peter's Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen, 8,
0:3U. 7:ao.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V
O'Hara. 6, 7:15. 8:30. 9:40. 11. T:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bev. J. C.
Hughes, tt, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Patrick's 19th tod Savler Rv. E. P,
Murphy. 8. 10:SU. 7:30.
St. FrancU' E. 11th and Oak Rev. J. H.
Black. 8, 8, 9 10:30, 7:30. .
Immaculate Heart of Mary-Wllllama ave.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. , 8. 9, 11,
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamaa Rev. E.
S. Olson. , 7. 8. 9," 11. 7:30.
St. Rose E. 63d and Alameda Rev. J
O'FarreU. 8. 10. 7:30.
St. Andrew's E. 8th and Alberta Rer.'J.
Klernan. 8, 10:80. 7:30.
The Madeleine E. 24th and 81sk!you Rev.
ueorge r . xnompson. i v, iu:au.
Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 78th Francis
.1 a v.on
Blessed Sacrament -Maryland ave. and Blan.
dena Rev. V. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond
8 10:30. 7:30.
St. Ignatius' S220 43d St., 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 8:30. 8, 10:3O, 4.
St. Stephens I2d and B. Taylor Bev. War
ren A. Waltt. 6. 8:30, 10 JO, 7:30.
St. Philip Neri E. 18th and Hickory Rev,
W. J. CartwTlgnt. s. iu:w, ias.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Rev. Jo
seph Chapoton, Rev. Thomas Kealon, assistant.
8, 10:30, T-.3U.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O.
RnhL a. 10:30. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland Blvd. sad Vancou
ver ave. Bar. r. a. sauier. o, s. iv:su, T:ao.
St. Agatha e. iota ana sutler Bev. 1
cnmmlnskr. s. iu:su. ( :w. t
St. 8tanislans Polish) Maryland are. and
Fsillnc Rev. F. Matthew. 8. lO:SO. T-.30.
' St. Joseph (German V 15th and Conch Bar,
B. Dorrer. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th aad Mill Bar. M
Baleatra. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan rather.
T:90- :15. -
St. Charles S8d and Alberta Brr.,0. Bnt-
aernom. ; i, a:su.
..tuMr hm nmunuo iwf. win
First Park and Madlaoe Rev. Lather B.
Kmll Swanson.
New Prison Will Be
Topic Sunday Night
At Forum Session
At the Church of Our Father
ili Open Forum, Sunday at 7:45 p. -if-
m.. Captain Charles Murphy and
ife . Frank Ei. Davey will speak on
"The Proposed New Penitentla-
ry for Oregon." The Forum
it meets in the chapel, entrance on
Broadway. between Yamhill
and Taylor streets.
if: In the regular morning serv- -3fc
if. ice the pastor. Rev. W. G. t
if Eliot Jr., will conclude a series
on -The World Is Plowed
What Shall We Plant?"
Wheelwright Will
.Make an Address
W. D. Wheelwright, president of the
Oregon branch of tha League to En
force Peace, will address the Portland
Presbyterian Ministers' association
next Monday morning. May 28, at 11
a. m. It was voted at he last meeting
to unite the meeting of June 11 with
the meeting of Presbytery, June 12.
Dyott minister. 10:30. "The Higher Here
Ism . 7 :4S, sermon before Maccabee'a - Tent.
No. 1. -s.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. E.
O. Wlllinan.
Atkinson Memorial church E. 29 th and Ev
erett. Bev. Warren Morse, pastor. 11. "Peace
and War." 7:45, "Patriotism at Its Beat."
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver at. Rev.
W. C. Kantner.
University Park Haven at., near Lombard
Bev. F. J. Meyer, pastor.
tucmann k. utn and iTescott Key. ueorge
Edward Lewis, pastor.
waveriy Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses. 11, "Investing Our Lives
for Humanity." 7:45, "In Memory of Our
Sunnyslde K 82d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 11, William D. Wheelwright, memorial
service. 7:45, "The Inspiration of the Bible."
Zkm (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev. J.
H. Hopp. 10:30.
Norwegian Danish Congregational cbnrch E.
23d and Sumner Kev. Morton Olson. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Barnett, paator. 11, 8.
FtnnUh Mission 107 Skid more st Rev. Sam
uel Nevala. 7:30.
Laurel wood Congregational church 45th ave.
and 05th st. S. E. 11. 5.
Ardenwald Ardenwald s tat loo Howard W.
Christian Bclenoa.
Subject Lesson Sermon: "Sonl and Body."
First church Everett, between 18th and 19th
sts. 11. 8.
Second E. flth and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Sixty-Second street and Forty-Sec
ond avenue southeast. 11.
Christian Science Society Holbrook block.
St. Johns. 11.
Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor-
rlaon. rector. 8, 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephens the Martyr
istn and clay very Kev. a. h. ucuomater.
dean.- Rt. Kev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. 7:45.
11, Rev. B. T. Kemerer. 7:45.
St. David's B. 12tb and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Rev. W. B. Hamilton
will preach, 7:30, :30, 11. No evening ser
vice. St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E. H.
Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton. associate
rector. 7:30. 11. 7:45, presentation of play,
The Great Trail."
St. Andrew's Hereford St., Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. S, 7:SO p. m
St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft sts.
Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 11 a. m.
Grace Memorial Weldler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and uraham Rev.
John Dawson. 11, 7:30.
St. Michael's and All Angels' B. 4Sd and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 8:80, 11, 6.
Church or our tsavior eotn ave. and 4lst st.
S. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
St. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oawald W. Tay
lor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Samar
itan hospital Bev. Frederic K. Howard. 7.
All Samta" church 25th and Savler Bev.
Frederic K. Howard. 11. 8:30.
St. Johns church Corner E. 15th and Harner.
Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11,
Trinity (Norwegian) Portsmouth Bev. Slrw
A. Stenseth. 11, 8. Services at Lnndea hall
15th and Alberta.
Our Savior East loth and Grant Rev. Geo.
Henrikson. English. 10:15; Norwegian. 11:15.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. G. Llenkaemper. 11.
Evangelical Association.
Carson Heights Uev. N. Shupp, pastor.
11:20, 7:30.
First English E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
D. Hornscbucb. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. U. F. Lienlug. 10:45, 8.
Portland Mission church Carson Heights
Rev. N. Shnpp. pastor. 2:30. 6:30, 7:30.
Evangelical Synod.
German Evangelical Friends' cbwrch Ta co
ma ave. and E. 15th Bev. Ellas N. Hegert
10:45, 7:30.
Tree Methodist.
Central 55th and E. Flanders Rev. W. N
First &. 9th and Mill Rev. A. Beers. 11
"Christ Encounters Satan In the Wilderness.'
St.. Johns sist snd 57th ave. 11.
Third Kev. R. H. Clark. 11. 7:30.
Friends' Church.
First E. 35th and Main its. Rev. Cox. 11,
Lents South Main at Rev. John RUey.
11. 7:30.
West Piedmont Friends' , church Corner
Bortbwiek and Jeasnp sts. Chester A. Hadley
-Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Babbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m.
! St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
son Rev. William Evan Biinkman. 11, "The
Spirit Filled Life." . 8, "Thoughts for Memo
rial Dag."
I mm an del 19th and Irving; 11. 8.
West Side Norwegian Lutheran ts y. nth
Rev. W libel m Petterson. 11. 8.
Bcthanla - Danish Evangelical Lutheran
chorea Union ave. and Morris St. Bev. L.
e. KJoller. 10 a. m. and 8 p. m.
lmmanael German Sellwood Bev. H. C.
EbeUng. . 10:30.
Trinity Germaa (Missouri Synod) Williams
ave. ana Graham Kev. J. A. Rlmbach. 10:15,
J;S0 - ' '
St. Paul's Germaa 13th and CUntoa-
Bev. A. Kranse. German. 10:30; English, a.
" ' Grace v English ' htiaaoari Synod Alblna
G. H. Charters.
"Stone of Destiny"
Will Be Discussed
Rev. R. H. Sawyer of the East Side
Christian church, a student of proph
ecy, for a number of years has pub
licly proclaimed the- coming alliance
between America and England as the
fulfillment, of prophecy.
His sermon for Sunday evening Is
to deal with "The Stone of Destiny,"
in which he will describe the curious
stone kept Tinder the coronation chair
in Westminster abbey, and cherished
by the people of England as their most
sacred relic. The history of the stone
has been traced for 2400 years, con
necting it with events of greatest im
portance in the history of Ireland,
Scotland and England.
Brooklyn Union W. C. T. U.
The Brooklyn Union. W. C. T. U..
will meet Tuesday afternoon. May 29,
at the residence of Mrs. A. J. Wind
nagle, 259 East Forty-sixth street. All
members and friends urged to attend.
Salvation Army Services.
Special service will be held Saturday
and Sunday by the Salvation army.
Corps No. 1. 243 Ash street, with brass
band numbers. The hours of service
will be 11 a. m.. 3:16 p. m. and 8 p. m
All are cordially invited.
ave. and Mason St. Rev. E. Probst. 9:30,
10:30, 7:30.
Evangelical Lutheran Zlon (Missouri Synod)
Salmon and Chaima Kev. H. Koppeh
mann. German, 10:15; English, 7:45.
St. John's Peninsular and Klrkpatrlck
Rev. K. 0. Salsmsna. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10:45. 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Westmoreland Rev. F. N. Sandlfnr.
Preaching. 7:80.
University Park Rev. J. T. Abbett, v. v.
Preaching. 11. 7:30.
Woodhvwn Rev. W. E. Kloater. Preaching
11. 7:30.
Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor. Preaching
11. 7:30.
Taylor Street church Dr. M. H. Marvin,
meeting place, Circle theatre. 126 4th. 10:15.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson.
Swedish Borlhwlck snd Beech Rev. John
. Wellman. 10:45, 4, 7:45.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Ellas Gjerding. pastor. 11. 8.
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Rev. F.
A. Schumann. 10, 8.
African Zion 288 Williams are. Rev. W.
W. Howard. 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Cor
ner 8kldmnre Rev. H. P. Nelson, pastor.
First German Rev. A. F. Cramer. 11. 8.
Kenialt Rev. A. H. Wilson. 7:30.
District ut,erintendent. Rev. William Wal
lace Youngson. D. D. 091 Es 62A St. N. Ta-
oor 2790.
Latter Day Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Pay SalnU
(Mormon) E. 25th and Madison. 11:45, Rev.
M. J. Ballard.
The Rornlrf 0,,.rh of Ihi,. fhrliir of
Latter Dav Saint, (nnt MrmonlE 7th
find Irving sts. C E. Jones, pastor. 11, 7:45.
Methodist Episcopal.
Brentwood Rev. I'aul F. Green,
ing at 11.
Preach -
Bethel A. M. E. W. H, Prince, pastor
Kendall Rev. Paul F Green. Preaching
at 7:30.
Centenary Rev. T. W. Lane, D. D. 11, 7:45.
Central Rev. C. C. Rarlck. 11, 7:45.
Clinton Kelly Rev. A. B. Calder. 11.
"Christian Education." 7:30, "The Program
of the Church."
F.pworth Rev. C. O. MeCulloch. D. D.
First Church Rev. Joshua Stansfleld. D. D.
10:30, R. P. Hutton. 7:30, pastor, "Memorial
Laurel wood Rev. C. R. Carina. D. D.
Preaching, 11, "A Memorial Sermon." 8,
"Home and Country, a United Bond."
Lents Rev. F. M. Jasper. Preaching st
11 and 7:30.
Lincoln Rev. W. T. Kerr, D. IJ. Preaching
at 11 and 7:30.
Ltnnton Rev. S. H. Dewart, IX D. Preach
ing at 7:30.
Mount Tnhor Rev. E. O. Eldredge. D. "P.
11. "Our Heroic Dead and Their Contribution
to Progress." 8. "The Broad and the Nsr-
row. '
MontarHI Rev. (' L. Hamilton. Preach
ing. 11. "Business Success aad Soul Failure."
8. sreclat progrsm.
Patton Rev. G. H. Feese. Preaching at
11. speclat address. 7:30.
Trior Street M. E. Circle theatre. Dr.
Marvin. 10:15. "The Meres Re to Sea; the
Expedition of Our Naval Forces to Europe."
Hose City Park Kev. A. A. HeUt. Preach
ing at 11. Vesaer service rt 4.30.
Sellwood" Rev. A. R. Maclean. 11 8.
El. Johns Kev. J. 11. Irvine. Preaching 11
and 7:30.
Trinity Rev. V. N. Sandifur. Preaching 11.
Woodstock --Rev. 1 .enter C. Poor. 11, 7:45.
H. E. Church South.
First M. E. Church South, corner Union ave.
and Multnomah st. Rev. W. J. Fenton, pas
tor 11, "The Badge of Dlsciplesblp." 7:30.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J, Thoren. 11 8
Elim Chapel Rev. B. J. Thoren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy st. and Williams
Bev. J. A. Stavney. . 11, 8.
. First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Coach sts
Rev. C. Howsrd Davla. Evangelist K. H.
Jackson. 11. 2:30. 7:30.
Sellwood B. 9th and Spokane Rev. H C
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood OBth st. and 06th are., S. E.
Bev. J. M. Butt-hard. 11, 8.
Scandinavian 048 Garfield. 11. 7:30.
Highland Park 1138 E. 14th N. Bev. g. L.
Mendel. lO, 11. 7:30.
First 12th and Alder sts. Rev. John n.
Boyd. 10-.30, "The Recovery of an Unbalanced
Mind." 7:45, "The Church and the War."
Central E. 13th and Pine sts. Bev. Arthur
F. Bishop, D. D. 10:30, 7:45. . ,
Westminster E. 17th snd Schuyler sts.
Dr. Edward Pence. 10:30. "The Other Klda
of the Man.' 7:45, "The Battle Straggle To
ward Democracy In Modern Times."
' Arbor Lodge Bev. Geo. R. Cromley. 11, T:45.
Calvary 11th and Clay ats. Wallace H.
Lee of Albany college. 10:30, "God's Three
Mils." t:o, "Rowing in lean, Heaping in
Joy," memorial discourse.
Fourth First and Gibbs sta Bev. H. O.
Hanson. 10:30. "The Message of Pentecest."
7:30. "The First Flood."
Kenllworth E. 34th and Gladstone Bev. K.
p. Lawrence. 11 "Herole Lives." 7:48. "la
tne rari or tne uia woria.
Forbes Graham and Gsntenbela aves. Rev
William MacLeod. 11, 7:30.
Mlapah E. . 10th. snd Division sta. Rev. n
A. Thompson. 11, "The Measure of Christ's
Love." 7:45. "Jesus and Common People." -
Hope Montavilla. T&th aad K. Everett
Iter. 8. w. Beesaaat -
Millard Avenue 7241 SSta ave. A.' & Bev.
W. H. Aans. 10:30.
Vernon 19th and ; Wygant sts- Ber. - Ver-
Beatrice Brownell.
Themes for Grace
Baptist Announced
At the Grace Baptist church. Rev.
H. T. Cash, pastor, will preach in the
morning on the theme, "Behind Closed
Doors." In the evening at 7 o'clock.
L. G. McBwnald, an ex-convict, will
speak to the Young People's society
on "Conditions in the State Peniten
tiary," using lantern slides to Illus
trate his address. At 8 o'clock, W. G.
McLaren, long at the head of the
Paclfio Coast Rescue Protective so
ciety, will speak.
Higher Heroism to
Be Pastor's Theme
"The Higher Heroism" will be Dr.
Luther R. Dyott's theme in the First
Congregational church . Sunday. 10:30
a. m. The quartet "will sing "Grant to
Us Thy Grace" by Buck, and "The
King of Love My Shepherd Is" (Shel
ley). In the evening, the Maccabes
under the auspices of Portland Te-jt
No. 1 will worship in this church. Dr.
Dyott will deliver a memorial address
and special music will be rendered bv
the quartet and by Mrs. Jane Bums
Albert, soloist. The services promise
to be largely attended.
non E.
Todd. 11, "The Oppression of Neg-
lect." 7:30,
"The Supreme Test of Our Com-
men IJfe
Unity 71st and Sandy blvd. Rev. W
uray. u.
Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont ats. Rev.
Ward W. Mcllenry. 11. 'God s Providence In
American History." 7:45. "America's Su
preme Need and the Church's Supreme Test."
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett at. Rev.
A. I. Hutchinson. 11, "Jebovab a Man of
War." 8. "Daniel."
Rose City Park E. 45th snd Hancock sts.
Bev. J. M. Skinner. 11. 7:30.
Spokane Aveuue E. 18th and Spokane Rev.
W. 8. MfCn.laugh. 11, 7:30.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall ats.
Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:45.
Trinity Corner Virginia arid Nebraska sts
Dr A. J. Montgomery. 11, 7:30.
Chinese 14.V4 Flrtt St. 7:45
Ansbel 56th st. and 37th ave. S. E Rev.
John E. Nelson. 11. 7:30.
Vancouver Heights 33d and "L" st- Rev.
C. F. Bennett. 11.
Reformed Presbyterian.
Pint Church Minnesota and Alnaworth
Bev. F. D. Frazer. 11. 7:30.
- Reformed.
First German 12th and Clay Rev. O. Hit
ter. 10:46, 8.
Second Colombia blvd.. and 33d St. Bev
E. A. Wyss. 11.
Third Fifth ave.. Lenta. Rev. W. O. Lien-
Kemper. 11.
Salvation army,
Corps No. 1. 243 Ash st. Adjutant and
Mrs. Frsnk Genge. 11. 3:15. 8.
ixwps so. 4. lZSVa First St.
Enslrn Porn
""V""1 "'V meeiing.
T LV. ' S'.'"'." "wun!.
Swedish Corps 130 Burnslde.
Seventh Say Advent! ts.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central B. 11th and Everett Elder P.
Hayward. paator. 11:15.
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. hall, 11th
sua Aiurr, it.
Montavilla E.
S. F. Beatty
Lenta 4th st
Cbitwood. 11.
80th and E. Everett Elder
. and 68th ave. Elder D. J.
St. Johns Central ave, and Charleston.
Elder A. R. Folkenherg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Rev. J.
M. Wllloagbby. 11.
Albina (German) Skid more and Mallory
Minister. A. A. Meyer. A. C. Schweltaer.
local elder. 11:30.
Ogden hall, Mississippi and Shaver Bev. O.
E. Sandnes. 11.
Services for the Deaf.
United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand sve.
Rev. S. Earl Du Bola. 10:30, 7:30.
New Church Society 142 Broadway Bev
William R. Reece.
Church of our Father Broadwar snd Tim-
hill Bev. T. L. Eliot. D. D.. minister emer-
Itos. Rev. w. G. Eliot Jr., pastor, ii. "Tbeinavirl M Jack, oresldent of the Mult
H.l.JenU.'rVr-145, 0r'
TJnitad Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta
lint E. 15th and MonisorT Rev. p. o.
Bonebrske. 11, 8.
Fourth 0tb snd 32d ave. S, E.
Third 7tb st. snd 32d ave. S. E. Herbert
r. none, paaior. ii. : ju.
First 17th snd Hsrnev. Vinxonm'. Wh
Kev. jonn u. Mewonoer, paator. Fea
10:30, 2:30, 7:30.
United Xvaagalioal.
Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11, 7J0.
Radical Jeasup at. Rev. A. S. Jflenderaon.
II. 7:30.
Manar. Circuit !e rr Ires Chert T Grava. a
p m.; Brash Prairie. 7:30. '
ocaiey ureen wiiamette Mvd. and Gar
Bev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 3. 8.
First E. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A. Good.
St.' Johns Bev. A. P, Lay ton. n 7:30,
Bishop W. H. Focke.
United Pre ytarian.
First B. 87th aad Hawthorne Rev. Hnarh
r :
rt Given. 11. "What Should We Da an
the Sabbath?" T.30. "The Present War: Do
Yortr Bit as a Christian."
Chnreb of the Strangers Wasco at. and
Grand are. 10.SO, 7:30.
bard and Chatham sta. Rev. J. C. Cole, pas-
tor. 11:15, 1:30
Kenton United Presbyterian church Lorn.
r, , n
E. 24th Rev F.T.Scott. 11
T. M. C. A T. W. C. A.
T. M. C. A. Oth and Taylor H. W. Stone,
gsnexai Becrcisrj. o . jr p. u.
Y. W. O. A. Broadway and Taylor 4:30.
vesper service. .Jndge McCamant, "Message
From the Men of Vll."
Misoells neons.
Advent Christian 128 Kecood at., near Hall
St. Rev. J. S. Loeas. paator. 10:30. 7:30
Associated Bible Stadents (I. B. 8. A.)' 3.
C. W. Field. "The Twofold Object of the Gos
pel Age." 8. N. U. Lewton.
Banal assembly Friday. 8 p. m.. in room
(ill of the EUers building.
The Church ef God 361 Fslting St. H. G
Keal, paator. Services 11. 7:30.
Church of the Brethren; 1124 Borthwlck and
Bralnard sta. 11, 7:30 p. m.
CLrlstsdelphtan Sunday. . 10:30. 621 E.
"Washington St.
First Divine Science 131 12th.' cor. Akki
Bev. Thaddeu M. Mlaaed. 11.
The L'Brversal Church of the Master Bev.
Bdward . Earls, paator W. O. W. kalL on
llth st. - - ,
: Pentet Mission 208 First at. 8, Cora Adams
aad Tina Wilson. t
CEinese Missionary
Play Will Be Given
Next Friday Night
On Friday night tha Toung
People's Circle of th nrtl
0. Presbyterian church, unaer xna.
direction of Mrs. B. A. Thaxtar.
will give a Chinese missionary
play, called, "The Rica Chrla-
tians." This in a description
of life in Chin during the Box-
cr uprising, and the treatment
- of the Christian at that time. 4
A The cast is as follows:
Christian Missionary. Alice V
I-aughton; Secretary of the
Legation. Kdward Irwin; A
Christian Merchant, Mr. Wau,
Tom McCamant; Mrs. Wau.
Margaret Slauson; children of
Mr. and Mrs. Wau. David Pat- 4k
tullo. John II. Boyd Jr.. Philip
Martin, Helen Rail; Three Kiere
ifr Boxers, Tom Ewing, Graham H
McClintock. Vernon Duncan. Mr.
Wanjj, A Bible feVUer, George
Mays; Mr. Wen. a Christian
Merchant, John Dinwiddle.
C. E.
Eighteen Societies Out of 25
Are Represented in Meet
ing Held at Mizpah Church
Frances Comes.
There was much pleasure and grati
fication in the hearts bf the Junior
superintendents in the Multnomah
County C. E. Union, when they sur
veyedstho Junior rally recently held
at the Mizpah Presbyterian church.
May 19. The church was filled with
some 300 live and energetic Juniors
ijtnai maao imriKs just num during ine
nEPternoon of the rally. Eighteen so-
rlttea out of 2a were renresented
J - ThA nrncrn m wan ntlrelv In th
hands of the Junior Endeavorers them
selves, the keynote of which was a
pageant entitled "What the Junior
Committees Are Doing." Games were
played and pennants were given away
I to the societies having the highest per-
C. i centage of attendance at the rally.
The Mlxpah Presbyterian Juniors ani
the Central Presbyterian Junlora tied
for the pennant for the highest- per
centage of attendance of societies
having less than 20 members. A pen
nant was awarded to both these socle
ties, as their standing was 100 per
The Glencoe Baptist Juniors carried
off the pennant for addendance pf so
cieties over 20 members. Their stand
ing was 93 per cent. The Highland
Congregational Juniors were doss
competitors to the Glencoe Juniors,
having 90 per cent present.
Miss Violet Johnson is Junior super
intendent of the Multnomah County
Juniors,, and with the help , of MUs
Bessie Itistlg. planned the Junior rally
which proved to be such a succes.
j mm,ah County C. E. union, attended
tne rauy.
J Frances Cornes, president of the
., Tnrel wood Congregational Juniors. tha musical committee at
! ,,
I lne rally.
! Series of Sermons on
World's Battlefields
Interesting, helpful and appropriate
sermons or studies are now being given
at Westminster Presbyterian churcli
Sunday evening. Dr; Pence, the pastor.
Is giving a series on "Great Historic
Battlefields;" answering the question,
""Is God in the -Moral Crises of the
Human RaceT" The fifth sermon will
be given on Sunday evening, at 7:45
m'-ctock, subject, "The Battle Struggles
Toward Democracy in Modern Times."
On Saturday evening, June a, tne
! sixth and last sermon will be given.)
I The subject will be, "The Present '
Crisis in the Uffht Of the Foregoing
' History; a Resume and a Forecast.
! -
Meeting Lord's Need
White Temple Topic
"Meeting the Lord's Need" will be
Rev. Calvin B. Waller's sermon topic
Sunday morning at the White Temple.
This will be a discussion of man's part
In carrying out God's plan for world
betterment and redemption.
For the evening evangelistic serv
ice, the subject will be -The Man Up a
Tree. The gospel song service be
ginning at 7:46 wUl be under the di
rection of William Mansell Wilder.
The pastor "Invites all to come snd
hear the people sing old-time revival
songs, v - .h . j : . - v
' 1 ' f ' "' ' ' V i ' ,
rri -pA '''' ;Tl
X '
. 1 '""'-
Meeting' Will Take Place at
First Presbyterian Church
and Banquet Will Be Held.
Yawly t3 acted Offlcara WU1 b la
stall td hy tha &t. Sr. Boyd;
Business Is Scheduled.
The fourth congress meeting of the
Multnomah County Christian Endeavor
Union will be held Tuesday evening. .
June 5, 1S17. at the First Presbyterian
church. Twelfth and Alder streets. A
banquet will be served In the chur.'h
dining room at 8:15 p. m. Plates 10
cents. Reservations to be sent .o
David M. Jack. 401 Worcester Bids.
Marshall 1861.
The main meeting will open at 3
o'clock. A good program has been pre
pared. At an executive committer
meeting held May 1, a nominating
committee was appointed, composd
of nearly all the denominations repre
sented in the union, with Walter M.
Huntington as chairman. The nomi
nating committee will make their rs
port at the congress meeting.
The 'newly-elected officers will be
installed by Dr. Boyd of the First
Presbyterlsn church and the charge to
the societies in the union will be given
by Dr.' Pence.
Another item of business to be votel
on is whether or not the union should
plan to have a summer excursion,
again this year. It has been the prat
tles to have a boat excursion in the
past, which has helped to support the
treasury of the ynlon. The Sunny
slde orchestra lll render several
selections and other musical numbers
will be given. The following commit
tees will render repofs for the year
1916-1917: Efficiency committee. Miss
Helen Orr; introduction' committee,
Mlsa Mildred Mcintosh; press commit
tee. Miss Josephine handle: Junior
committee. Miss Violet. Johnson; soclil
committee. Miss Frances Coykendall;
social service committee. Miss Julia
Palmer, and the missionary commit
tee, by Miss Ellanor Ewing. Also the
lookout committee by Emll Swanson.
The minutes of the last meeting will
be given by Miss Beatrice. Brownell.
secretary, while O. H.-harters will
report on the treasury. '
Each society should send as many
delegates as possible to the congress
meeting; at least their president and
one other member. Also the pastor
of the church.
Junior Services
Prove Interesting
Dr. A. L, Hutchinson of Piedmont
Presbyterian church, conducts a Junior
service at the opening of the regular
morning service at 11 o'clock. A large
number of the Sunday school members
enjoy the illustrated talks. The clos
ing series of talks have been drawn
from our popular national game, baw
ball. One topic was on "Getting Onto
the Curves." Another was on "Pin'-h
Hitter." The closing talk Sunday will
be on "A Sacrifice Hit."
At 11 o'clock Sunday Dr. Hutchison
will give a Memorial day message In
the topic and text, "Jehovah Is a Ma-.i
of War." This will have special sig
nificance in this day of a great world
war. At 8 p. m. the closing topic of
Old Testament heroes will be given
In a study, of "Daniel," hero of three
Commissioner Daly
Will Speak Sunday
At the Rodney Avenue Christian
church, Sunday morning. Commissioner
Daly will give a memorial address, in
the evening the pastor, Rev. J. Carlos
Ghormley, will speak: on "The Forgot
ten Steward." The choir will render
special muslo both morning and even
ing. The' Christian Etodeavor society will
hold their regular monthly business
meeting on Tuesday evening, at the
home of Rev. J. C. Ghormley. 663
Rodney avenue. The regular election
of officers for the" coming year w:i
be held at this time. All members and
their friends are urged to be present.
Christian Badges
Subject of Sermon
The Sunday morning theme, at the
First M E. chursh south, will be,
"The Badge of Diselpleshlp." All so
cieties have their emblems, signs,
grips, and pass words. Has a Chris
tian anything that designates him?
If so, what Is it, and why has more
attention not been given to it? These
questions will be answered. Follow
ing the aermon the sacrament of the
Lord's supper will be observed. Sps-
cjal music by the choir both morning
and evening. The evening service will
be evangelistic.
Eev. Mr. Bonebrake
Announces Subjects
At the First United Brethren church
Sunday morning at U o'clock the pas
tor. Rev, P O. Bonebrake will speax
on the "Sacrifices for Liberty, snd In.
the evening at 8 o'clock he will speak
on "Why Our CMirch and Some
Thourhts on the Recent General Con
ference." As there Sre but two mor
Sundays Jn this conference year hope
is expressed to make them mors in
teresting than usual.
All are Invited to come.
Lesson From History
To Be Topic Sunday:
"Lessons From American' History"
will be the message of the Rev. Harold
II. Griffis for Memorial observance, to
those attending services at the First
Christian church Sunday morning. An
other important subject, said to be
vitally Interesting to most people at
present, is "The Church for the Twen
tieth Century," which will v Be dis
cussed during the evening bour. , -. : .
-.. ' . i , ' : . ' i '. -
. v . I , . j i I , . ' ... .