' t - - - ltf I': : - ' ; L BUS FRANCHISES ARE F e THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, FRIDAY. MAY 25191. SOUGHT, PEOPLE TO ' VOTE ON QUESTIONS Four Ballot Titles Have to Do , With Operation of Port 1 land Trackless Car Co, ROUTES ARE DESIGNATED Xitnitt to B Stfbmlttsd t inft of Commissioner ie; Council Had Already Pttud Thm. ra l ic eorge Bakerism at Wkit e Heat The Journal is punusning.ior w the benefit of voters, ballot ; titles and brief explanations of j measures to be voted on at the regular city election ta be held June 4. These --ballot titles are being printed In the order they are to appear on the of- ' flcial . ballot and, arguments both for an against are being presented. The. masures are charter amendments and orJi- nances proposed by the Inlela- tlve, and amendments and ordl- nances presented by the city r council. ' HAVE. NT WE. COT A WIGHT TO COP MORE COIW AND HANG ON , IF WE. CAN ? ft .I TUN E IN COIN OF REALM FIGURES IN BIG SHEEP Tl 1ANSAGTI0N .Gold to Amount of $54,000 Rushed From Portland Fails to Save Deal. Owing to the fact that the four suc ceeding' ballot titles deal with motor bus franchises for the Portland Track less Car company, numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12 are presented in one article. It follows: Ho. 9. An ordinance, granting a three-year franchise to the Portland Trackless Car company, to operate motor buses on routes designated as West Portland route, South Portland route,Depot and Down-river route, and regulating of . suffh motor buses. Shall said ordinance be enacted? . 116 Yes. 117 No. HO. 10. An ordinance granting a three-year franchise to Portland Trackless Car company, to operate motor buses o.i . routes designated as Belmont and Di vision street route; East Clay, Ladd nvenue and Division street route, and East Fifty-second street, Division and Foster Road branch, and regulating the operation of such motor buses. , Shall said ordinance be enacted? 118 Yes. 119 No. Ho. 11. An ordinance granting a three-year franchise to Portland Trackless Car ' company, to operate motor buses ou routes designated as East Thlrty-nlnih street route; Halsey Street route; Steel Bridge route-, and regulating the oper ation of such motor buses. v" Shall said ordinance be enacted? , 120 Yes. 121 No. Ho. ia. An ordinance granting a four-year franchise to' the Portland Trackless Car company, to operate motor buses on routes designated as Linnton and WUlbrldge route, and regulating the operation of such motor buses. j Shall said ordinance be enacted? 123 Yes. 123 No. These are the ballot titles of four ordinances submitted to the voters by the city council at the request of Rob ert G. Dleck commissioner of public works. The ordinances have already been passed by the city council and give the Portland Trackless Car company, tne right to operate motor buses through four districts of the city under different franchises. The Port land Trackless Car company is a sub sidiary concern of the Portland & Ors gon City Electric Railway company of which Stephen Carver is president. Th T. Paer eased his weary frame down j upon the fragrant, greensward of Lau relhurst park, leaned his back against a whispering fir and drew aMong. deep nigh of content. Across the street Ferd was carefully picking campaign cards off the close-cropped lawn. "Come on over, old top," he called. "I want to show you my decorations." "Have you been to war?" asked T. Paer, climbing up. stiffly. "No. I've been having a party," Ferd answered. "Who was the debutante?" T. Paer wanted to know. George Comes Out. "Oh, it was George's coming out party," Ferd told him. "You oughta been over last night. We sure had some circus. George spoke about be ing mayor. And John Mann told part of his legislative record. And Kap Kubll was here, ana Laurgaard, only hi did not count, not being on the bal lot anv more." "I ain't a member," T. Paer said sad ly. "Henry E. Reed owns the only clui I belong to and he keeps me broke paying dues to him. Did you have anything to eat?" "Nothing but mental food. George spoke." Ferd told him. "Oh, then, I ain't hungry," T. Paer said. "Did It cost anything for tick ets?" It Was Tree, Too. "No," said Ferd. "It was all free. Invitations and everything. I fixed it up. I an president, you know." necessary," T. "It didn't spoil heard George's "He said that "But I thought this was a social club. Just for dancing and bridge and things like .that," T. Paer said -doubtfully. "Well, George Is some dancer," Ferd argued. "What's the harm If he rests Ms. feet and exercises his voice In a clubhouse once?'" "No explanations Paer hastened to say my evening any." "But you ought speech," Ferd insisted. Barbur " "I thought he shaved himself," T. Paer interrupted. "What's Harm?" He Bays. "Give me time. Give me time. I can't tell you anything if you cut In .like that," Ferd complained. uo ahead, but speak softly, T. Paer murmured. "I don't often get a chance at an easy chair like this." "George said," Ferd continued. "George said, 'What's .the harm of me and Barbur running for office when we got an office already? Ain't we got a right to run as much as we want to? Is there anything In the constitution against it? Haven't we got a right to cop more coin and hang on. If we can? Did you ever see us let go of a sure thing? Absolutely not' What do you think of that for a speech V i Pendleton. Or.. Mair 25. Dan P. Smythe is a practicing attorney as well as one of the biggest sheep deal . era In the northwest, and thereby ! hangs a tale of $54,000 in fold coin that went abegging for a taker Wednesday at Echo. The tale begins several months .go with the sale of 6000 head of ewes to Fred F. Thomas, an Ohio buyer, and ended with their shipment. Wednesday, to New York, where, they are to be distributed by the Agricultural Preparedness commit tee to small farmers. The Pendleton Sheep company, of which Smythe is the head, m tde a con tract several months ago. To bind the contract, Thomas is said to have bor rowed $6000 of J. W. Creath of Port land and transferred the contract as security. In the meantime the ewes had advanced in price until Uiey were worth-about $15,000 more than when sold. On May 12 Smythe was notified that J. F. Beymer, Heppner banker, acting as agent for Creath, would demand de-si livery of the sheep under the assigned contract. At the same time, Thomar., claiming to be a bona fide purchaser. demanded delivery. The Pendleton Sheep company asserted that it be lieved Thomas to be the bona fide purchaser, yet it was legally bound to recognize the assignment. However, when the sheep were counted Smythe demanded cash. Beymer tendered drafts, checks and guarantees of sev eral banks, but Smythe refused and declared the contract cancelled. That night $54,000 in gold coin was shipped from Portland under care of an armed guard to Echo, but Smythe had returned to Pendleton. His legal partner, C. H. Carter, went to Echo and tendered $6000 in currency and in terest as repayment of moni-y Creath had advanced. This was refused sev eral times, but finally accepted and the sheep were loaded and started east in charge of Thomas. Had he not re ceived the sheep he would have been unable to fill the New York contract and stood to lose between $15,000 and $20,000. It is eaid. Japanese Ships Aid Allies. Rome, May 25. (U! P.) Japan is "effectively cooperating" with alli-sd warships in the Mediterranean, accord ing to formal announcement today. WXT WASH UaVYOKIXS CkNixtAL wet waab. Xtt Iim., East T4. B-27S4. due. "manufacturers i jobbers wholesalers! TT-VTFT HUGS A YD SAO KTOS By means of a secret process a French scientist converts flowers, fruit and even animal tissues into metal. NEW TODAY Zaoaas of 810,000 and up oa im proved B n slaess Pxosarty tor ox Improvement Far poses. t. P. UTSCOHB. 843 Stark Street. Send Us Your Old Carpets RIFF MUGS Mad from old Ingrain, Brussels. Axmlnstsr. Burroa. Alio rag rugs, all alses. Hail order prompt. Bend fur booklet. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, etc 8x12 rars, (team or electric cleaned $1.00 8x10 ruga- ateara or electric cleaned 75e WESTERN FLU' RLO CO.. 54 Union a.. N. Pbnne Kaat B-1475. FUNERAL DIRECTORS -n5-0otB.tt?d? J. P. Finley & Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main A-li. M1LLKK & TRACEY. Independent Fu neral Liireriurs. rrit'fs low &a 40, $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 8691. A-T835. At ili LtJIIdl UUiEast 1088. C-108 Lady attendant. WOOD PIPE fORTUAXU WOOD Fll'K CO. factory an! office near 24tb and York ata. Main 34S9 MEETING NOTICES 41 ed. OREGON LODGE. No, 101. A. F. and A. M. Special com munication tomorrow isatur day) evening at 8 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. Vis iting brethren cor.liallv invit- By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Secretary. JNO. B. COFFEY XOXTGAQE Z.OASS Insurance, Surety Bonds 301 WTX.COX BX.SO. Main 702. A-3703. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7.8 Oregon Investment ft Mortrags OaV Offices a 02-4 ire ad at. FOB BEST No. 306 K 1st St., 41- room brick building now being re paired. See MB. EAWXTHB, 448 Sher- 1 ' IV UUlJUJllg. Professional and business directory Real Estate Transfers. AWina Patterson et al to Caroline J. Klngaley, 13.51 acrea beg. at point In K. bdry. of gee. 33, T. 1 S..R. 1 E. (To correct deed dated October 5. 1916) $ 10 Morris I.. Courtrtgbt and f. to the ' Bankers' Inrat. Co.. W. 4 I. 1 and W. Vi I.. 2. B. 61. Vernon 1 Sheriff to Joseph Pazanowskl Parker et 1, SE. of sec. 10, T. 2 N., U. 1 W 32,312 A. J. Walters and wf. to I. K. Moore, portn. of L. 28 and L. 29. 30. B. 31. Willamette Hta. Add., also portns of L. 25, 28. said B. 31 10 H. A Swart et al to A. L. Parker. L. 14 5. 8. OTerlook 600 C. u. Lawrence and wf. to Edward Charles Ma lone. L 6, B. 2, Rook wood Park 10 Jame E. Colston to School DIat. No. 1. Multnomah Co.. Oregon, 80x92 it AGATES cut and polUbed. Jewelry aud watch repairing. Miller . 843V Waablngton at. IjAHs t UOLilAA. i..t., lift 2d at., blaua- book rcanufacturers. A-31&a. Main 183. "He sure Injected Bakerism into it," I beg. SE. cor. of L. 3. B. 1. Woodstock said T. Par. "Sure," said Ferd. "George is some little injector, believe me." QUESTION IS LOOMING UP BEFORE RESERVE OFFICER CANDIDATES VIENNA REPORT SAYS AUSTRIANS MAINTAIN SUPREMACY IN SOUTH Second Physical Examina tions Coming; How Soon! Will Active Service Come? .Only Gain by Italians in Ja- miano Salient; Fighting Is Most Desperate, San Francisco, May 25. (I. 'N. S.) Every man at the Presidio training camp for reserve corps officers is to day asking himself three questions, and, from all indications, will ton tinue to ask himself the same things for many days to come. In their order of importance the questions are: 1. Will I be able to pass the second physical examination that daily is looming nearer, or will I be sent home after giving up my job, closing Portland & Oregon City Electric Rail- my office or otherwise severing my franchise to self from a civilian payroll? oDerate lnterurban electric streetca-s 2. If I pass the second physical through the Boutheastern and down-1 test, will I get one of those commit town sections of the city. Road con- eions as a reserve officer, followed by struction will not be completed for a call for Immediate active service, or several months, however. will I be obliged to go home flor an . u - f. . .h indefinite period, after camp is over. four franchise ordinances on the ballot comes as the result of the controversy over "Jitney" regulation. When the ordinances were passed by tia council it was asserted that the "Jitneys" would put the referendum on the four ordinances with a view of holding them up until the next city election In 1919. Jltn7 Men Deny It. To prevent such a mov the council of daily worries. tisrreerl to submit the ordinances to the questions 2 and 3 find a payroll to connect up -with, and stick to that until the active service call comes? 3. When, if at all, will I get the $100 a month for camp duty and the mileage coming to me for travel from my home to the camp? There are a few of the boys who al ready have successfully undergone the second physical examination that' have cut off question No. 1 from their list They still have to struggle with. Beals Will Direct All Coast Bureaus Vienna (Via London). May 25. (U. j P ). Austrian arms were maintaining , their supremacy practically everywhere along the Italian front In the most ! James 11. Sutton and wf. to Johanna Deckenbach. 6 acres beg. at pt. where county line bet. Multnomah and Clackamas counties Intersect county road le-adlng to Milwaxikle in sees. 24 and 25, T. 18., R. 1 W EItIu Zimmerman and wf. to Gaetano Francone et al. L. 16. B. 8. Ladd's I Add Amelia G. Adams' and bus. to Warren E. Thomas, SE. Vt of SW. hi of sec. lft. T. 1 S.. R. 5 E. G. W. Kenney and wf. to Albert E. Kessler et al. E. H L. 2 and W. 15 ft. of L. 3. B. 2, Gresham John N. Henkle to Ellen Josephine Yannke. L,. 35, 38. 30. B. 14. Er- rol Hta. L. V. King and has. to C. . Calkins. I L.. 2. 3. B. 7. Kern Park 1 Arlander F. Smith and wf . to Mable ! Smith, L. B, B. 2, St. Johns Park I Add 1 Commerce Trust & Sarings Bank to ! lUrich A.'Brugger, L. 11. 12, B. 38, East St. Johns Dore-Thompson Co. to Mary Charlotte Beable, L. 32 to 36, B. 8, West Portland Park Frank L.. Dnrfey and "wf. to' Bdwln Foster, V. 13, B. 68, Lanrelhurst James E. Dunham and wf. to Oliye Wlnberg. L. 26. B. 16. Tremont Park Mount Hood Ry Dev. Co. to H. Byron Lerey, t. 6. 7, B. 6, Proctor B. F. David to William B. Boardman et al. L. 17. B. 4,.Lamanda Pwk. Henry M. Tenny and wf. to N. M. Mwart, Li. 8, u. , MipairicK-uonins 10 6,500 t iv.it f. i k ih raiirti pt jonna. . desperate fighting this theatre of the . N. M Swart to Henry M. Tenny et al war has ever witnessed, according to I 1 , B. 18. South St. Johns today's official statement. The only Et p-.st1 hp"-kto Miry E- Leon" gain achieved by the enemy was In j wifflimF. F?shr ."d wf" to Wiii'l.m Jamiano salient, where Austrian troops G Coleman, L. 8, B. 5, Sewickly withdrew five eighths of a mile. Add 'From Plava to the sea. since noon J- c- Ainsworni trustee, to on Wednesday a battle of extraordi- R.. Vghf." Vo M..n Printing nary violence has been raging." the Co.. l. h. 7. B7. Southoort o. . -, 13. Men- tone R. H. HutThes to Better Cooking. Inc.. U. 12, B. 7, Belle Crest Spire Sarjentlch to L,. C. Henrichsen, L.. 1 to 7. in., B. 7. Greenoe Hts Esther Alexander and wf. to L. H. Al exander. E. 13 1-3 ft. of L. 3, and W. 23 1-3 ft. of L. 4, B. 5, Central Add to East Portland J. W. Ejles and wf. to H.' E. Stubba et al. Li. 43, 44, B. 8, Fern Park Sheriff to Anna Wager. L,. 14, B. 8, RaTenawood Wellesley Land Co. to Elise E. Chris- tensen, L.. B, lo. B. w, weuesiey. 10 10 10 10 375 10 160 10 550 750 500 10 10 war office reported. "Near VodiPA n Rufna Rlna to Lila Ring. L. enemy attack collapsed. Near Monte- 1 Arleta Park No. 2. L. 5, B. sano and Convait the enemy succeeded in crossing our trenches, which his drum fire had ruined, but was prompt ly driven back. Simultaneously two' Italian mass storms were directed east of Gorlzia. Both failed in our artillery fire and the bravery of our troops in hand-to-hand fighting. 'On the Carso plateau the fighting was especially fierce and obstinate. Between .rogtlhrib people at the coming election. The though. "Jitneys" denied that they ever con templated such a plan, however. With the exception of the routes, provisions of thre four franchises are nearly identical. They provide for tha operation of large buses with a seat ing capacity varying from 10 to CO passengers, and further provide a fran- San Francisco. May 23. (P. N. S.) chise fee of $1 per quarter per motor The entire coast weather predictions bus seat. will toon be directed by the ban Fran The first franchise provides for the Cisco government bureau, according to ana t h A oca H enemy's attacking 'Waves collided with i SoerlW to John Bain, U 6, B. 5, Wll- m r counter arrnrirfn v - i " ivivca, 1 11 c Birug gle continuing with undiminished vio lence through the morning. "The enemy gained only in the Ja miano salient, where we withdrew five eighths of a mile. "Otherwise we victoriously main tained our positions everywhere." an announcement made today. E. A Beals, now in charge of the Portland bureau, will likely be placed in charge. Qeorge H.' Wilson, now in charge of the local offices, will remain as second In charge. Hitherto the Pacific rc- vinn Via haon rllvirlpri Into twn sec- The" second franchise provides for tions. Th-ey will be Joined. Wilson operation of buses from Fourth and Alder streets to Twenty-third and Vaughn streets, to Front street and Hamilton avenue, and to Nineteenth and Vaughn streets. Second Franchise Considered. it- the operation of buses from Fourtn and Alder streets to East Sixtieth and Division via Belmont. East Thirty- ninth and other streets; from Fourth and Alder to East Stark and East Six tieth via Morrison bridge. East Stark and other streets; from Fourth an 1 Alder to East Thirty-ninth and Divi sion streets via Hawthorne bridge, Eaat - Clay and other streets, and a branch line on East Fifty-second street from .Division street to Foster road. The third franchise provides for the . operation of motor buses through the central east side, Irvington, the edge of the Rose City Park district and : the Alameda district. The fourth franchise provides for the operation of motor buses between the downtown section of the city and Linnton and ' WiUbridge. This fra,i chise Is for four years while the other; ar for three. Austrian Assaults Fail. ! Rome, May 25. (I. N. S.) The bat. ties for possession of Trieste-- have ' reached a new stage of intensity i i...Uu6.,uui juursuay, me AUStrO Margaret Johnson to Arthur Llnd, L. 5, B. 88, Laurelburst Bertha Vandemeer to Sycamore Real Es tate Co.. und. y, int. in following: L. 3, 4, B. 25. U. 8, B. B. 31. Linnton. Clarence W. Hodsoo and wf. to C. W. Cornelias, land in Sec.' 38, T. 1 N.. R. 3 E. Joseph McChesney and wf. to John W. Palmer, L. 16. B. 1, Chester Place. L. 15. 16, B. 4. Cbipman Add., L. 0. 10. 11. 12, B. 3, Court Place William C. Scougell "to Nancy Martin. U 12. and frac. L.. 14, B. 3, Richmond.. 10 10 50 1.200 2,743 10 1,350 10 10 550 10 100 60u CAKU party To be given Fri day. May 23, at Manchester hall 85 V4 Fifth st. A number of valuable prizes, the first being a 50 lb. sack of flour. ROSEBUD council. K. L,. of S.. will give a dance and card party at East Side Business Men's rooms. Sat. eve.. May 26, cor. Grand ave. and H Alder St. Add. Zbc. Kverybody welcome. tMBLKM jewelry a specially; buttons. .Ia pins, rham eeer Brow . lS1-3 6th marriages. Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Peter Hull). George Montavllla, Or. Charles J. Be'tchel. 1426 E. Myrtle B"de. 4.V1 Jeftsnp st Or., and Lldia Mueller 18th st. 3. E., and SMITH & CO. IN VITATIONS Third Floor Morgan bldg UKfcSS SUITS for rent, all sizes Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st AGATE CTTTTINO AST) KFO. JEWELER BLANXBOOK MAKERS CARPET CLEAN1HO f MUSS a west Rug Co., 188 E. 8th. via old carpvut. ruga. Carpel anlng. Nortb- Kflst 3580. B-1280. KLCKK ULGS. UAG HUGS. CARPET CLEANING. REFITTING, ETC. LARGEST PLANT IN NORTHWEST. RUG CO. PHONE EAST 6516. B-1475. UltK BROW., Electric Cleaning Works Csr peta cleaned and laid: refittloz our sDeclaltr Est 44o. B-llKtt. 204 E. iutb at., N. VACLLM CLEANING at your home. up. Main 46U8. (row 25c CKfROPRACTOas W. O. fOWkL, L). C. 312-314 Panama blue. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. All diseases. UK. McMAHON is making good. 31 adjust ment. io. seven. $3. Esalest terms. COAL AMD WOOD East 2041. NATIONAL FUEL CO. C-1224 Cord wood. 4-ft. Block wood. t lab wood. Sawed Blookwood. City Slabwood. Green 81aowood. GOL'LD To Mr. and Mrs. A. l tiould. 61 loiumma bird.. Mar 13. a daughter. Hl'BBARI) To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Hub- oaro. t:. ziat st.. Mar 13 a son. THOKRSE.N To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence N TTioreaen. 4TK) Sumner at.. Mar i:t. a Kin ItABB To Mr. and Mrs. Earle E. Crabb Kalrview. Or.. May 13. a dxuebter. IANSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneih I). Han sen. set Mariahall st.. May 13. a dmiehter M'MICKBN T Mr. awl Mrs. Andrew C. Mc Ml'-ken. i'M Flora are... Mar 13. a daughter WAIXA('t-To Mr. and Mrs. Jasper V. Wal lace. C-HiasM. Wash.. May 14. a daughter HOE RN ER To Mr. and Mr. Ied Hoerue 4rt Weidler st.. Mar 14. a son. ENSEN To Mr. and Mrs Noise R. Jensen ftttO',4 Alto-rta at.. May 14. a daughter. RICE To Mr. aud Mrs. James N. Klee. 609 K. Bth St.. N-. May 14, a son. (inKE To Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Moore, 85 N. i;'.th at.. May 17. twin sons ARNItT To Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt. 426 Shiwr at, Mav 15. a daughter. HI." RLE Y To Mr. and Mrs. nine W. Hurley. 677 Drew st.. May 15. a daughter. KLEIN To Mr. and Mr. John Klein. 120 Hartman St.. Mar 15. a son. RLHNDORFF To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ruhndorff, 1168 Moore St., Mar 17, a daughter EDWARDS To Mr. and Mra. Clinton H. YA- wards. 148 B. .Tth at.. May 17, a son. AMERICAN FUEL CO. 18tb and Vaughn. All kinds of green and dry wood. A 1 dry fir a specialty. Also coal. Bdwr 712. A-2415. NbEK A FAKit All kluda of green and dry 4- it. nr tor sale. -5c water st. M-43. A --!(. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. H. HU'l'HMA.N, HoapiUl 415 E. 7tb St. VETERINARIAN. East 1847. B-1B62. EDUCATIONAL DAN CINQ MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85 Vi Btb at. bet. Stark and .Oak. S;eclal rates. 4 prlrats lessons - morning, arternooo. erenlng; au lateat dancea guaranteed; class Thursday, a t nrday erenings. 7. 8:30. Broadway 2160. RINGLER Daucing Academy. All branches of modern, fancy, ttage and ball room dancing Classes and private for adults and children. Main 33J. Montrose Klngler, director. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S School: lesson datlr. Class Mor... Tbur. eres. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash.. Stark. Lessons 25c. Main 3205 MISS IRELAND 509 Dekum bldg. lessons $5. Hours. :ao a. m.. w p. 10 private . m. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS PROF. T. E. LAWSON Piano lessons st your home. 0e. Phone I abor -jw:to. RAGTIME piano playing In 10 to 20 lessons "Christensen's System.' 412-13 Colombia bldg. E. THIELHORN Violin tescher. Pupil Serclk. 207 Flledner bldg. Broadway 1R2B. PIANO and rocal lessons, with use of practice piano 1 hour per day. to roontb. Main oZlO. LAW SCH00L8 OREGON" LAW SCHOOL A thorough, oractl cal course In law. Recltationa erenlnga. Main 77. AMsny niqg. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LTXN08 TREATMENT by specialist; glaaaes fitted. Dr F. F. Casseday. M7 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wn FLUFF RUQ8 AND RAO RUOS NORTHWEST RLO CO. Established 1808 Fluff rugs and rag rugs woren. sll sizes. E 8th and TyIor! Knst 3.vo. B-12HO. PENINSULA Rug Works Rag rug and carpet weaving. ioit ranon are, wooaiawn 2n85 FURNACES BOYNTON FURNACES J. C. Economical Effectual. BAYER CO.. Front and Markef. Building rermits. has been in charge of the local bureau since 1913 and has won the admiration of all those connected with the service. San Diego Ex-Mayor Arrested. Los Angeles. May 25. (P. N. S.) Wanted here on a charge of using the mails in a scheme to defraud, William H. Carlson, twice mayor of San Diego, was taken into custody yesterday at Kogales, Ariz., and steps are being taken for his immediate removal here. The specific charge against Carlson is alleged misuse of the mails in con nection with a land promotion scheme in Imperial county. Victim's Will Missing. Seattle, May 25.-(P. N. S.) The will of Mrs. Florence Wehn, whose murdered body was, found in a vacan t lot here a month ago, has dlsapeparc.i. according to her husband. James A. Wehn, who has filed application for letters, ol administration in the su perior court. Mrs. Wehn left- real es tate cand other property valued at S3000. Wehn believes the will has been stolen. Hungarians made desperate effort to Blodett fT?tm?nt " 1 mtoTJ. ., Jr ?, rrorts to fireproof relnforced concrete and fireproof recapture their lost ground eoutheast steel frame moring picture thestre. 101-107 BroadwaT. between Stark and waanmgton sts.; Liberty Thestre Corporation, builders; $2500. D. M. Holbrook. repair 2 story frame ahop, 415 Jessup, bet. Union and 7th; builder, lame; :oo. B. & B. Realty Co.. erect frame garage. 074 Thurmsn, bet. 2Sth and 29th; Sam Connell Lumber Co., builders: $35. BAB. Realty Co.. erect 1 story frame gsrage. 974 Tbnrman st.. bet. 28th and 291b; Sum Connell Lumber Co.. builders; $33. B. tc B. Realty Co.. erect 1 story frame gar age, 974 Thnrmanast.. bet. aim ana Vlii; Sam Connell Lumber Co.. builders; $36. TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) 3& zET.L bei. Ttarmi." ttavlST FURNITURE REPAIR AND Uf H0L8TERIN0 MULTNOMAH Furniture Uoapital. 354 3d Expert mattress making. Main 4554. HAIR GOODS AND HAIR DRESSING FEB VET A HANEBUT. leading wig aud tou pee makers, finest atock human bair goods halrdreasing. manicuring, face and acalp treat roent. Removed to 348 Alder, near Broadway MATTRESSES of Gorits, but all their counter assaults; failed.' said a dispatch from Udine today. j Rate Case Is to Be Heard in Medford Washington. May 25. (WASHING- The case of the Medford Commercial ! William Ballla. builder; $30. club against Southern Pacific class rates from Medford to California, assigned for hearing June 1, will be heard at Medford instead of Portland, according to an order of the Inter state Commerce commission. 1 American Is Cited For Aiding Wounded 1 - , , Paris. May 25.J-(I. N. S.) For car rying wounded .men from the firing ' line amid a hall p,f violent shell fire. John Kdwara uoit, oi Harvard, a member of the American ambulance neld, service, was citea ror aisttn- day. He was 69 years old and had gulshed service. Bolt,.hails from lived in Seattle more than a quarter 4rooKiine, Jasuss. , j or a century Francis P. Scott Dies. Seattle, May 25. (P. N. S) Sue cumbing to a stroke of apoplexy, Francis F. Scott, well known lumber man of the northwest. Is dead here to- What Oregonian Thought of Daly Just 4 Years Ago The following editorial esti r mate of Commissioner Will H Jfr Daly appeared in the Oregon jit ian four years ago: - rW. H. Daly Is a man with at lono; and honorable -rtoora. of IH- active and useful Mrrloa for the labor interests aud fox tlx general interest as well. 'His sincerity and devotion to hie ideals have impressed mot only Mr. friends but tne forces and" ft elements that stand for differ. ent views and purposes, ar. ft SAXiT'8 PZmSOxTAX XECOXB ft X8 CX.EAJT A3TD HIS PCTUO ft JtECOBB ZS OOHBZ8TSHT ft AMD GOOD." Oreronlaa Vit ft 17, 1913.; y ft Henri Darles, erect 1 story frame garage. 63 E. lftth at., N., bet. Siskiyou and Klicki tat; E. L. Sanborn, builder: $175, H. W. FVies. repair dock and stores. 200 202 Front St., bet. Taylor and Salmon; F. H. Brandes. builder: $100. Fred Blackwood, erect 1 story frame garage, 1118 K. 20th St.. N., corner Emerson; $60. J. R. Hsll. repair 4 story frame lodging house. 184 .Sherman, bet. Front and Hood; J. R, Hale, builder; $1000. J. Fenlrard. repair 3 story frame dwg.. 56 Tnerstis at., bet. Washington and Everett: ! Jamea Moe. builder: $330. I M. M. Uallotu, repair 2 story frame store, 1 225 Grand are., bet. E. Market and Mill: builder, same; $150. (i. Edlnnd. erect 2 story frame dwg.. 405 E. 12th st. N.. bet. Thompson and Brasee; L. K. Bailer, builder; $3500. First National Dans, repair wag poie on a atory bank, 105 6th St.. bet. Washington and Stark: Enterprise planing Mill Co.: $300. ftftft ft ft ftftftftftftftft FUNERALS Beautiful adult plush or Broadcloth casket, em balming, outside box. hearse, two- sntos and service for Funerals If desired for $20, $40, $). Higher priced funerals la proportion. We manafactore caaketa. Lady Assistant. Beautiful Funeral Chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Washington at EUa St. (bet. 20th and 21 rt) West hide. , , Mala 8601. A-T884. $75 OLD mattreases and feather beds made lnt sanitary folding forms; feathers renovated Folding M. Co.. WW Williams are. East M74 MrttEOORAPHTNO MTJLTIORAFHIWO MIMKUGKAI'HING. Cir. letters. W. E. rinse A Co.. Inc.. 3H Stark. Main 3347. A 12ttO PAIRTINO TINTING. PAPERHANGINO TOCHLB PAINTING CO. Painting, tinting pa pernanging. rv-tn iarsnaii t. Msi n 441 PHYSICIANS DR R. A. PHILLIPS. Allskr bids Asrhma Kerronsnesa." Prostatic Trouble, liheuros tlm IJIRTHS Williams ave. t 1088. C-108. Day and night service. CKMETEItY Mt. Scott Park Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D-81. MAI SOLKUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum ?"JPIttock blk Phone Broadway 351 MOXU si Tfa,asa,s,,s,,ssasi i MEXTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-26S 4th et.. odd. citv hall. Main 85-4 Philip Neu & Pons for memorials EXCHANGE REAIa ESTATE 24 (Coa tinned 150 ACRES 75 acrea in cultivation and nlsnted to crop, balance fine timber and pas ture: fine buildings. 7 horses. 5 cows. 4 sneep. beet of machinery. 8120 per acre; property free of incumbrance; will take $500 in trade for Portland residence; $5000 cash, balance on long time with low interest. DILI. MAN & HOWLAND. Sth and Main Pts.. Oregon City, Or. VERY attractive furnished Seaview, Wash., home, several lots, facins ocean, good condition. Reasonable for cash, or take part trade- terms on bal. Call or write 'Killingland." 1018 Cham, ber of Commerce bldg . Portland, Or. Main 3953. HAVE 99 acres; good buildings; near Lebanon. 65 acres; gnod build1ng; near Uervais: 10 acres (rood buildings, near Portland. SO acres, timber, nea' Toledo. What have vou to offer? Mas terson or Sletten. 20; AMIcox lildg I KJN'T WORRY. 1 can 3cll or trade anything: any- where. Uvinan, 431 Cham, of Com. WILL sell or will trade for land, fur nishings of 62 room apartment house. K-4 K . Joy rnal. VAXTKI REAL ESTATE 31 BLAESI NG GRANITE & JJ -i67-3RD. ST. AT MADISON HAVE cash buyers for modern homes in good locations. Must be right. Mnsterson or Sletton. 20? Wilcox hlJjr , KOOMIX HOI KKS FOK SALE BUSINESS l'KOPEKTY OG INCOME property. 2 large grain and hay warehouses. capacity ho.uuo bushels and 1000 tons hay. including machinery and 2 acres on R. R.; place rents for $100tj for season. Can be bouKht for $t."00 cash. A bargain. McMtnnvtille Land l"o.. McMinnvalle. ur. IX)lt SALE HOUSES Ol DROADWAY HOME R)R SALE. BUY A HOME FIRST. Modern 7 room home, with every modern convenience: parage, under ground gasoline tank; fine lawij shrubbery, etc. Price onlv $4900 on very easv terms to right party. Inside Property Dealers, Ground floor. Henry Building. COUNTRY HOTEL. 30 rooms first class furniture. tiood. live town, lark's lobby, iiiano, Kafe, casli register, clgrir case, typewriter; everything neeJ"d in place. $100 $1000. terms to suit on balance. Rent $30 411 Henry bldg. 33 WHIMS, RENT $50. 2 Mocks, from V. ()., all outside rooms, dandy transient location part H. K. All for $550; easy terms. Peters, 15 N. Bth st. ' , HUSIXESS Ol'I'OUTUXlYIES 2( FOR SALE SUMMER RESIDENCE at NEWPORT. OREGON. 7 room house, plate glass windows in front, with magnificent view of beach, ocean and bay. Ideally located. Will be sold very reasonably. Address Vallev Real Estate "o.. Carlton. Or. GEN ER A L M ER 'HA ND1SE. In Rend or., citv of fioon; best new up-to-dCTP stock (JROCERIES MEN'S WORKING CLOTHES AND SHOES: majority of stock bought oeforc the wr prices came into effect Sales $300 to $500 a day. Will sell at in voice. Will invoice stock ar.d fixtures. $12,000; no trades, no agents. Some' terms can be had; long term lease, $40. Drick hiag., 40x69, basement 40x40. 2 big sawmills in town and 3 smaller nes in near town. This is no fake nd worth anyone's while to look into. I am obliged to ouit the business on account of health. AdAess P O. Box 28. Bend. Or. HE safest and best buy in the valley, grain and hay warehouse. Including V acres ground, fully equipped with 4nachinery, no competition at place; oes big business, large territory: all ready to step in and go to it. Can -get ou a renter at $1000 per reason. Can be bought for JH'.fjiO. Mc.Mlnnvlllc ami Co.. MrM inn vllle. Or. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 ROTH At his late residence In Hillsdale. Or., May 'J4. ( sper Roth, age 64 jear. months, 22 daya. The deceased Is sur vived by a widow, Mrs. M. Roth, and two sons, John Roth of Bridgeton. Or., and lnsr Itoth of Hillsdale. Or., and two daughters. Mrs. Annie Rufeuer. Hillshoro; Mrs. Kat!iT ine Spalinger. Rosehurg. Or., and two broth ers, l'eter Roth of Vancouver. Wash, and John Roth of Clackamas. Or. Deceased was a member of Portland (irutll err-In. Funeral notice later. Funeral arrangements in charge of Sfcewes' Undertaking company. IRVINGTON SNAP. HandfMmely finished home in best part of Irvington, modern in every de tail, all built-in conveniences, large living room anil dining-room, kitchen, three sleeping rooms on second floor and two nicely finished in attic; fuil cement basement, good furnace. Ownt-r leaving town end will sell for $4750 on easv terms. Is worth $6500. LI" K I I K M A N N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. A Sl'RE bargain; I em leaving Port land and will sell my 5 room modern home, close to best carline, only 15 minutes out; nice yard, with friut and roses. Price $2500. Easy terms. G-520, Journal. WOODSTOCK BARGAIN. 6 rooms, modern, 2 big lots, fruit, garden, hens; must sell quickly. Best offer takes it. 6035 57th ave. Tabor 4341. GARRIGl'ES - At hi residence. 620 Holly atreet. May 24. Samuel Parker t.arrlgnes, age 68 rears. 4 months. -1 day. PuiieraJ ser vices will be held at the conserratorr chapel of the Eest Side Funeral directors, 414 Kast Alder street, tomorrow outurdayi. May Jts. t 2 p. m. Friends invited. Interment at Riverriew cemetery. EQl'ITY in modern bungalow, hard wood floors. full " lot. on carline trade for musical instrument or dia mond. Sellwood 1919. NICE 8 room house. $3750. for valley farm. 160 Canadian wheat land for vacant lots.- or rooming house. $3500. or both for vallev farm. 416 Piatt bldg n ILIj Sell Liicaji iuj a iiwm unusdiuw . also 10 acres with $1000 worth of wood. Tshor 47S7 FOR SALE LOTS 10 HAWKINS May Mra. Ada Hawkins, age "i rears, beloved wife of Albert Hawkins, and daughter of the late Catherine A. Coburn. Funeral services win pe nem ai uunning sic Kntee'a chapel Saturday. May 26. at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Services private at the Mnunt Scott crematorium chapel JOHNSON At Fresno. Cal.. May 20. Mary Johnson age 2 years. Beloved wife of George N. Johnson. Funeral services will be held tomorrow iaiuraayi. aiay . at i a. m. at the cbapel ol .Miner a lTat-ey. vt an Ington at Ella at. Interment at Rose City cemetery. LANE! At San Francisco, t al., .May 2:!. Sen ator Harry Lane, age Ol years, uusiiana c.r lols A. Lane and father of Mr. Ifaar M.- lirlde. Mrs. lelancv llb-ks and Marorle uane. Notice of funeral hereafter. J. P. Finley ic Son. directors. BARGAIN" Lot in only $60. 202 H evenings. h1 mile circle. Jefferson. Call ACREAGE 57 Gibson Half Acres Good son. city water, close in ear- line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell- wood 4i6. John H. Gibson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN rancn near Portland; 3. 5, 10 acre tracts, $6i to $200 per acre, easy terms. Mc Karland. 505 Venn bldg . Portland. 60 ACRES. 20 cleared, no gravel. $8 per acre: H cash. 1442 K. 7th N. NEILi, Sarah L. Nelll, St. Vlncent'a hos pital, Mav 22. 52 years, tuberculosis of hip. JETTTE Adolph' Jette. Linnton. Or., May 22. 91 years, endarteritis oojnerans. GKORGEOren 8. George, 274 College at.. May 22. years. cereDrai nemorrnage. SOLLARS At tie residence, ion William ave. Mar 25. Margaret r. aouara, wiaow of the late George A. Sollars. Remains are at Holraan s huuerai parlors. &nuounrmeni of funeral later. LRICKER The remains of the late Edward Brliker, age 36 years, will be forwarded Sat irday 9 s m. to Dallas for Interment by A. 6! Kenworthy A Co., (W02-,V104 y2il st., S E.. In Lents. HILL In this city. Msy 24. James W. HU1. atted 45 yeara. late of Seattle. Wash. The remains are at the residence establishment of j p. Finley A Son. Mwitgnmery at Bth. FLORISTS CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 MorrUod gt Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists, 354 Wash. Main 269, A-126S. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $s up. S prays $1 up. Chappell's. 347 Morrjgon SWISS FLORAL CO.. 412 K. 7th N. Store 23d and Ollsan. Main 1359. Coutts & Trombley. 768 Glisan. flowers for all occasions. .Mar, nu, a-mo MAX M. SMITH. Florist. 141 6th t. FUNERAL DIRECTORS PLTTMBINO BTTPPLIZ8 RETAIL PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Fleming. 112 4th st. Main 7300. BATH tubs, sinks, toilets, pipe and fittings. A L. Howard. 212 4th st. PRINTING AND BINDING- nDiMTiMn r. w I nllt I inVJ and Oak ata BALTE8 M. A CO.. Isr 163. A-1188 HAK.SH PK1XT1NG CO.. 122H Front st. PRINTERS AND ENO RAVERS THE IVY PRESS JOHN M. MANN. IR2 Ptsrk st. Brosdwar 4s. A-4KW RUBBEJt STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO Stencils, 'trade Checks, Brass Signs. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 63 Broadway at. Broadway TIP. A-2710. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING tin and gravel roofs. Jacob LoaTH 810 lt st. Phone Main 1424. TOWXLL 8UPPLT rorflsnd Laundry Co.. for prompt, efficient service. Phone Broadway 410. A -4410. TRANSFER ANP STORAOK Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage Free Trackage. ' Office and Storage 474 Glisan 8t. 13th and GUssn! Main SO. A-4430. ALWAYS "PICK' THE- BEST HOUHKHoLU ROODS SPECIALISTS Storage. Pick in. Shipping and Moving. Horse or Anto Vans. Special freight rates to aH points. C O. Pick TRANSFER A 8TORAGE CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway 090. lnaa. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Limited time. Object to fill warehouse. SECLRITY 8TORAGB A TRANSFER CO. 109 Park St. Uala 8196, A-10iL !. . Edward Holman. President. J. E. Werleln W. J. Holmaj, Secretary Treas. EDWARD HOLMAN CO, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. THE HOUSE OF SQUARE DEALING Main Third and Salmon Streets. Established 1S77. I-adv Assistant. 507 A-1511. P. L LEB Undertaker, E. 11th and Hawthorne. Phones E. 781..B-1883. Lady assistant Du n n i n & M c E ntee i' "oTe1? every detail. Kroaaway and fine sts. Broadway 430. A-4558. Lady asslptany A, D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. S802 823 t., Lents. Tabor 6895. 66th st. and Foster road. Arleta F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors.' 414 Alder st. Phone East 62. B-2S25. PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J Groskopf. funeral director. Woodin. 4940. C-1155. Killlngsworth and Kerbv FOR HALE FARMS 17 18 ACRES, about 16 acres tillable. wood for family use. 10 acres seeded to pasture, sandy loam. 8 acres In cul tivation, all fenced and cross fenced. trout stream through place, about 100 frjjit trees mostly bearing, small fruits of all kinds, 5 room house, hot and cold water, small barn, necessary outbuildings, team, harness, cow brood sow. 100 chickens, furniture; adjoining good school, '-i mile from railcpad town. In very thickly setttled locality all rural advantages. on macadam road, 12 miles from ancouver. -Price $3260. thumfsu.n et a vv a.-n. Fth and Main sts.. ancouver Wash FRUIT. 1AIRY. ALFALFA. Land for alfalfa: $2500 required as cash payment and to start crop. Some trade and long time on tne Da.ia.ncei. Two cheese factories. rlne schools Pure water for drinking-. Watertight oaid ud. See "fatanrieia."' 616 seilin bldg. GROCERY' HARGATN. In heart of west side, all new atock. rent $10, Including two furnished living rooms: doing good business. All for 29R. worth $S00. Teters Realty Co.. 15 N. 6th st. WANTEO Ooctnr for furnished of fice, good location, who wants citv practice: rent cheao. R-SfiO. Journtl. $300 CASH. Well established business. $160 a month. G-42. Journal. prof.: AT ONCE Stock hardware, no fix tures or lease, small amount will handle. Phone evenlngn Tabor 708i. A GOOD, clean cash business, cheap. See owner after 1 for particulars, at 271 Yamhill st Ml'ST be sold: small hardware and paint stock. Phone Tabor f.473. FOR SALE Re.'i.xonable. l chair bar ber shop. Phone Marshall 448. PUTTER store $400 ;1 Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best an 1 surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $1517 for 96 months, pays a $10)1 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUJT ABLE SAV'OS & LOAN ASS N. Z4Z KtarK St.. j'ortiana. "jr. Ritter, Lowe & Co, LOAN AMOUNTS TO SUIT. 205-7 Hoard of Trade bldg BUILDING loans on citv or auburU'i property; money advanced as work progresses. w. u. liecK tia railing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to, $5000 on city property. A. H. HELL. 20 1 ;ei!inget bldg $200-. $250. $400. "$1000. $300J. On city or raim property. LEW J. C. CORHIN CO.. IS BLDG CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, $500 to $60006. FRED S. WILLIAM". 92 U 1ST CASH paid for mortgages, notes, co.. tracts; mortgage loans, reasonatj. rates. F. H. Lewis, lobby 4. Lewis bit!;- $1600 to $5oOO to loan, no commission: principal. 8-117. Journal. MONEY to loan; real estate mortgage s bo't. Fred C. King. 314 Spalding hd.r MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7. Loan Salomon & Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8. V. sV Co.. $10 Spalding bldg 11. SeUJ $1500 to loan on good property, inter est 8. C-421. Journal. $200 $360, $600. $900. $1200. $180.). FTed W. German Co 782 Cham. Com MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 46 ACRES m miles from KaJama, Wash.: 20 acres in- crop, good or chard, good buildings, livestock and implements, all for $4000; will take $2000 trade. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 Tewls bldg. 120 ACRES. 6 miles Camas. Wi sell or trade. 641 Plttook block. ib.. FOR RENT FARMS 14 I HAVE a 10 acre piece of small or chard 4 miles east cf Estacada which I want intercropped on shares. Phone Eat 1507. I HAVE a 10 acre piece ana small or chard 4 miles east of Estacada which I want intercropped on shares. Phone East 1507, FOR RENT 10 acres, near citv. Tabor 683 good terms. HOMESTEADS 47 160 ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale. A- H- Johnson, box 84 A. R F I No. 1. Carlton. Or. good rvrt p SAM will give you a homestead. Call at 714 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 OWNER offers at sacrifice modern duplex house, ideal location. 10 minutes to postoffiee. west side; In come $70 per month. Consider part trade. Owner. 4 08 Henry blag. FOR SALE OR TRADE For Portland property, 40 acres in Benton Co.. good bidgs , S wells, all fenced, equity $2500. V-T.1 6. Journal. . r- desiring to Duy, sell ur cxcnng city propertw, farms, timber or stump lands, communicate with Brswer-Knapp Co 717 Corhett b'dg. . - WILL trade my bungalow, good' loca tion, corner lot, for small farm near city. 107 E. 56Ui st. N. Phone Tabor 3624. OlCVACC Undertaking Co. Mam 415J, OlNLVVCO A-2821. Cor. 3d and Clar Uomilinn East 80th and Glisan. Fu- i lainiiiuii neral services. Tabor 431 Breeze & Snook iont at ibor 1258. 35i.it. R. T. Byrnes, new residence eatabi't 1 Williams ave. Wdln. 220. C-l42. a ACRES. Mosier district, trade for Peninsula lot or auto; might pay some difference. U-332, Journal. IF vou want to sell, buy or exchange your property see Mastcrson or Slet- ten, 202 Wilcox niqg DON' f WORRY. We can sell or traJe anything. Pacific Investment Co.. 24S4. Stark St. The FIVE or 10 acres for small house and lot. Phone Broad war 868 after p, m. BY OUR METHOD We can furnish you MONEY On short notice to pay vour present bills and you can pay us back In easy weekly or monthly payments as you like. WE LOAIN MU.CI To salaried people on their own notes. easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLC i fc-lvX rs- Pin-unui. u,i-ln loans elsewhere does not prevent you from, getting loans here. We also loan on household furni ture, pianos, etc., without removal. Call and See Us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (Licensed in both city and state) 317 FAILING BLDO.. 3d nnd Washington sts. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persona on salary r fixed income, on household urnitur;. pianos diamonds and other personal property; legal rates Business confidential ; private or- . ... PORTLAND LOAN CO (Licensed.. . 306-307 Dekum bldg PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASs'a Established by Portland business men to orotect borrower. C. MYERS HERRMAN. Mgr.. 394 Stark LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PI A SOS. HOUSEHOLD H'HNITHRK. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED $2200 at 6. 2 to 5 years Will pay no commission. Suitable security, farm land Rov W. Minkler. Route 3. Vancouver. Wash. MORTGAGES for sale on improved city and going farms. $500 to $5000. Deshon & Hawk. 615 Chamber of Com merce. ' FINANCIAL SI 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers" interest in contracts. Or. ant Wash H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldif. HELP WASTED MALE WANTED Two boys with wheels 1 years old can earn $50 monthly. Apply 7. Board of Trade bldg. tOOiJ M-iif rug weavers wanted." Northwest Rug Co., E. 8th and Tay-' lor. BAKER Steins" wagon Bakery, driver wanted til 32i lth st.. If. MACHINE men and boys wanted. Si lem Fornlture Co. 970 Macadam. -s (Coatiaasa im rc) . .