The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1917, Page 40, Image 40

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Mrs. Barnes has been in California
recently, and was en route home.
At th annual meeting of the Wom
an's Exchange, held Monday, reports
were riven showing a grain over past
years 'in usefulness. During: the past
year there were 135 consignors who
wars aided through the Exchange. Fol
lowing are the officers and directors
chosen for the ensuing year: Presi
dent, Mrs. E. I Thompson; Mrs. Leon
Hirsch, first vice president; Mrs. Wil
liam C. Alvord, second vice rresident:
Mrs. J. K. Gamble, secretary; Mrs.
Krank E. Hart, assistant secretary;
Mrs. Faul Rockey, treasurer: Mrs. R.
M. Boykln, assistant treasurer. The
directors whose terms expire in 1918
are Mrs. Blgmund Frank, Mrs. Holt C.
Wilson, Mrs. Simeon R. Winch and
Miss 'Henrietta Failing; those whose
terms expire the following year are i
Mrs. Edward Ehrman, Mrs. Walter J.
Burns, Mrs. Vincent Cook and Mrs.
George 8. Whiteside. The new direc
tors elected arc- Mrs. Marcus Fleisch
ner. Mrs. Otl B. Wight. Mrs. Richard
Wilder and Mrs. W. O. Vsn Schuyver.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Standifer are
being welcomed .home from Js'ew York,
Where they have been making an ex
tended visit.
The Society of Graduates of St.
Helen'j Hall held their annual
luncheon and election of officers Sat
urday at 1 o'clock at the University
club, the honored guests at luncheon
neing HUiiop waller r. bumner and
the girls of thi year's graduating
class. Mrs. C. S. Jackson, president
of the society presided. The other
officers of last year included:
Miss Jocelyn Foulkes, vice pres
ident; Mrs. J. D. Honeyman, sec
retary; Miss Helen Whitney, assist
ant secretary: Miss Lucretia .Mien, as
sistant treasurer and Mrs. H. C. Cabell,
treasurer of the endowment fund. The
graduating class Includes the Misses
Consuelo McMillan. Adeline Kenball,
Dorine Wyld, N'adlne Caswell, Lucile
Brown, Susan Green of Aberdeen,
'Wash, and Marguerite Berg.
Mrs. Horace I-uckett is making a two
months" visit with relatives and friends
at Fort Worth, Texas.
Mrs. John F. laly will be hostess
Tuesday fternoon at a large tea for
the parishioners of ttie Madeleine and
their friends at her Irvington resi
dence. There will be cards arranged
for those who wish to play, both bridge
and five hundred. The proceeds will
go to the church. Mrs. Daly will be
assisted by the following women of the
parish: Mrs. T. J. Murphy, Mrs. James
F. Clarkson, Mrs. M. F. Brady, Mrs. R.
M. Dooly. Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. Wil
liam P. Slnnott. Mrs. John Manning,
Mrs. Isaac Lawler. Mrs. George Cole,
Mrs. William Ryan, Mrs. Kdward Dunn,
Mrs. J. Frank Sinnott, Mrs. Charles
Boss, Mrs. John D. Twohy, Mrs. John
parkin, Mrs. M. F. Kearns, Mrs. and
Miss M. Beahm.
Miss Kalherino Graham la being wel
comed home for the summer months
after passing the winter in Los An
geles, where she has met with much
success in moving-picture work. She
Is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Graham, and will remain until fall.
when she expects to return south. She I
has taken the second lead in the pro
duction which the American Lifeograph
studios in Portland are now filming.
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Friday evenings at the Portland
ing academy at 8 o'clock.
The charity bazaar and dance which
and thus far has not been able to ac- "c"r"y ffr ?. . "t"ce w",cl
cept the many social attentions which ' 5Ua"d.1,?1' 416. Independen
. r . , , , . uraer u nai uriin gave ruesaav eve-
her friends had planned for her on ot th R,, wj, "
" O ii-S,l 1J I llll UUtlUiiig HBJ
her return.
The new Portland Hunt club has
housed many interesting- social affairs
during the- past week In spite of the
fact that some of the days were rither
unfavorable for horseback riding. Th
weather conditions did not, however,
prevent the members from enjoying
the hospitality of the Hunt club house
and sharing it with their friends. On
Thursday. May 10. Mrs. James IL
Murphy had a luncheon for six, h ;r
guests beiner Mrs. F. G. Buffum, Miss
Ann Shogfen, Mrs. Sarah' B. Forbes,
Mrs. R. I.ea Barnes and Mrs. R. B.
Caswell. In the evening Miss Edla
Wallin and Miss Mabel Weed stopped
for dinner after a ride from town. On
Saturday afternoon Miss Iadine Cas
weU entertained eight of her friends
at luncheon. During the afternoon
many or the members and their friends
rode or motored out to see the finish
of the excltlnp open paper chase run
by the men, and enjoyed a cup of tea
fcerore starting txtck. Among these
were Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth and daugn
ter, Mrs. W. H. Warrens and four
guests, Mrs. Nat- McDougall and
party of seven, and two small parties
of children, one of which had Mn.
Ambrose Cronln as hostess and tho
other Mrs. F. A. Martin. At 5:30, at the
conclusion of the paper chase, th,i
men held their stag dinner, 16 of the
members being present. H. M. Kerron,
Nat McDougall and E. K. Oppen
heimer were the guests of the other
men at dinner, as they finished first,
second and third respectively in tha
Sunday morning William Ryan was
host for two at breakfast. The Derby
club also had breakfast at the club
house, after a strenuous cross country
ride. Thero were 18 in the party. This
- club is composed of about 25 young
women who have ridden on Tuesday
evenings at the Portland Riding acad
emy all during the winter, mot of
whom are members of the Portland
Hunt club and have among their num
ber some of the best women riders of
the club.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. F. A
Martin were hosts for dinner, in
eluding, besides themselves. Miss Heljn
, Wood, Miss Mary Mcol and F V. Mur
phy. Miss Daura Hamblet was also a
dinner hostess, her guests being Miss
Kdla Wallin, Lowell Patton and p. s.
s On Monday Mrs. R. B. Caswell. Mrs
J. C. Ainsworth and Mrs. W. 1,. Wood
were guests at tne club, and on Tuea-
day Miss Mabel Beck had a bridge
party ror rour.
On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Claude
v. Bowman had as their guest at din
ner Ml as Sadie Noyes, who has Just
returned from a four months' visit in
. Ban Antonio with her brother. Dr
Edward Noyes, who is stationed there
in the government hospital.
There will be a cross country ride
for seniors of the Portland Hunt club
this morning, leaving the Portland
Riding Academy at 8:30 a. rn, at the
conclusion of which breakfast will be
served at tne ciud nouse
A Junior cross country ride will be
Held Saturday afternoon. May 26
Two mounted classes- for military
- drill under the auspices of the Port
land Hunt club, meet Monday and
well patronized by Portland society.
Because of the merit of the cause,
which was 1o start a fund for the de
pendent of the soldiers and sailors who
are giving their services to their coun
try, much interest was attached to the
event. More than 600 attended and pro
ceeds amounting to about $600 re
warded the committee and workers
who zealously endeavored to make the
affair a success. The B'nai B'rith
building, where the affair took place,
wag charmingly decorated, with ferns
and dogwood, while a patriotic note
was carried out in the several booths
which were gay with flags and red,
white and blue bunting. A most pleas
ant evening was enjoyed by all. The
section devoted to the days of '49 vied
for popularity with the patriotic court
spend the summer with her parents.
I Dr, and Mrs. C. R. Templeton. Miss
I Templeton was chosen a tnonber of
the committee to assist In the finan
cial arrangements to send the ambu
lance units from Berkeley with the
duty of carrying the Stars and Stripes
to the battlefields of Europe. A half
holiday was declared and all the stu
dents met in the Greek theatre to give
their 42 young meri composing the
unit a most enthusiastic adieu. Miss
Templeton is a member of the French
club, Le Cercle B'rancais, and has the
honor of being elected secretary of
that club.
A musical and dance will be given
for the benefit of the blind soprano.
Miss Margaret Carney, by the Crescen
do club at the Multnomah hotel, June 6.
Miss Carney, who is from La Grande,
has a rarely sweet and sympathetic
voloe which wasf heard to great advan
tage recently at the recital given by
her teacner, Mrs. Rose Couraen-Reed,
Mrs. George W. Joseph is secretary.
A happy gathering of last week was
the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron M. Frank at heir new home as a
housewaxmlng. Their guests included
several members of the family, and
the affair was charmingly informal.
m m m
Thursday evening, June 7, the
Shakespeare Study club is planning to
give a large reception for Dr. Henry
Lawrence Southwick to be held at the
new clubhouse for women at East
Tenth and Weidler. The event will
be elaborately appointed, the following
to act as patronesses: Mr. and Mrs.
Albert M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chapin, Mr.
and Mrs. EL G. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Francis Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Gio-
blsch, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hare, Mr.
ana Mrs. W. P. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs.
D. B. Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Preble, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garr
which Theodc-r Herzl Lodge conducted, director of the Crescendo 'club and
An old fashioned country store pre- xfr n-c w t, 1d .
sided over by Mrs. Harry Meyer, Miss
Delphlne Rosenfeld, Miss Irma'Hart,
Miss Dorothy Goldsmith, Miss Mlnett
Schube, Miss Elise Feldman and Miss
Irma Rothschild was well patronized
by shrewd housewives. Good things to
eat were found at the cake booth
under the supervision of the Council
of Jewish Women by Mrs. Ben Sell
ing, Mrs. Ben 'Neustadter and Mrs. S.
J. Freedraan, and at the candy booth
conducted for the Oregon Auxiliary by
Mrs. j. feavan. Alls Belle Simon, Mini
Jeanette Schlosber, Miss Nena Neme-
rovsky ajd Miss Cecil Rubenstein. Pa
triotic emblems and flags; were for
sale at the flag booth by Mrs. Georgg
N. Black, Mrs. Henry W. Metzger, Mrs"
Julius L. Meier, Miss Mai Hirsch and
Miss Marion Citron. One of the pret
tiest and most attractive booths of the
evening was the flower booth which
was .managed by Mrs. fidward B.
Kramer, Mrs. Fechhelmer, Miss Jane
Seller, Miss Eloise Loewenson and
Miss Helen Bloch. Delicious ice cream
was served in the ice cream booth by
Mrs. Albert M. Schweitzer, Mrs. Aaron
Frank, Mrs. William IL Ehrman, Mrs.
r ranees Jacobs, Miss Ed a Hirsch and
Miss Ellse Simon. Refreshine ouneh
was dispensed for the Jacob Bloch
Auxiliary through Mrs. J. Sherman.
Miss Florence. Bloch. Miss Adrlenne
Shemanaky, Miss Alma Shemansky and
aiiss .utn runn. Mrs. I. L. White,
Mrs. Louis Dang. Mrs. I. ST. Unman
Mrs. Roy Marx and Mrs. Felix Freid-
lanaer had charge of the fruit booth.
An interesting raffle booth which pro
vided much enjoyment was conducted
by Mrs. Roscoe Nelson. Mm Harrv
Lang, Mrs. Sidney Telser, Miss Frelda
tsarun. Misjj Carolyn Simon, Miss Ethel
Kauf fman, Miss Marjorle Haussman,
iwrs. b. w. uitenneimer' and Mrs.
Jonah B. Wise. Fortunes were told by
Mrs. Carlos S. Unna who imperson
ated La Zingura, a real gypsy. Useful
knick-knacks were sold at th nntinn
booth by Mrs. Lawrence Selling, Miss
marie ju. ireldenhelmet. Mias Dorothy
Loewenson, Miss Amy Rothschild and
Miss Mariam Jacobs. The B'nal B'rith
International bank where saner monev
was for sale was extremely popular as
this was legal tender in all the bnntha
Altogether the affair was a huge suc
cess from a social as well as a finan
cial standpoint.
The committee in charge was: Dr. M
M. Bettraan, chairman; Charles f!
cerg, ur. Jonah B. Wise, Milton
rTeiaenricn. Herman Politx, George J
Mannhelmer, Leo Hartstein, Jesse J
Rich, Mrs. Julius Louisson and Ed
ward B. Kramer, president.
Vaughn Beharrei entertained with
a delightful dinner of 12 ! covers at
Hotel Portland Wednesday evening.
The table was beautifully; decorated
u uk guests enjoyed dancing be
tween courses.
Miss M&rruerlte
of our charming Portland j girls who!
has arrived home from college to
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Seton,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silknltter, Mr.
and Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, Mr. and
Mrs. Emlle Struplere. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward C. Smith, Mr. and' Mrs. Edward
T. Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. John Tail,
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Townsend. Mr.
and Mrs. George D. Young, Mrs. Ade
line Alvord. Mrs. G. F. Frankel. Mrs.
R. E. Jones, Mrs. Eleanor Sanford
Large. Mrs. M. C. Robins, Mrs. R. T.
Dabney, Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, Miss
Alleen Brong. Miss May Bresli. Miss
Nina Greathouse, Miss Elizabeth Eu
genia Woodbury.
Owing to the illness of Dom Zan,
one of the prominent soloists to have
presented the song cycle, "The Morn
ing of the Tear." at the American
Red Cross benefit Friday evening at
the First Congregational church, the
affair was postponed two weeks.
Invitations will soon be Issued -for
the closing exercises of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Christensen's esthetic dancing class
of children. Miss Mildred Keats,
Portland's clever young dancer, has
been illustrating the dancing steps this
season for Mr. and Mrs. Christenssn,
and in addition to several ensemble
and solo numbers by the children of
the class. Miss Mildred will present
some clever solo numbers. The af
fair will be held at Christensen's hall.
Friday, May 2o.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Childs and
Mrs. J. Ward Childs had as their
guests, at dinner Wednesday evening
at Hotel Portland, Mr. and Irs. W.
Clayton and Miss Clayton of San
Diego. Mr. Clayton is attorney for
the southern California Interests of
the Spreckles. which center in San
Diego and Coronado.
The "Whirl O the World" dansant
given by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Love
last evening. In Murlark ballroom, was
a most successful affair. Prominent
Portlanders who acted as patrons and
patronesses for the evening were
Messrs. and Mesdames Charles A. Shea,
C. E. Irwin, W. P. Dickey, L. A. Means,
J. P. Mulder, T. W. Saul, Frank Camp,
W. H. Guild. M. C. Woodard, W. E.
Klernan, T. W. Nordby and G. N. Ver
steeg. Of interest toitsmembers and many
friends is the announcement made by
the Blackstone club of Its season-end
dancing party to be given at Murlark
ballroom Thursday evening. May 24.
This affair the closing event
of the club's activities for the present
season and bids fair ft) be a fitting
climax to the enjoyable series of par
ties given during the winter by this
popular organisation. The committee
chosen for this party is the following:
Messrs. Carl J. Hurley, James W.
Crawford. Fred W. Hummel. Alfred
J. Shawcross, Thomas B. Collins, Earl
W. Hammond, John I Bosorth, Frank
E. Manning, Walter T. McGuirk. and
the Misses Jesslyn C. Pottage, Alma
M. Gruenlg. Evangeline F. Mcintosh, I
Margaret M. O'Shea, Ruth A. Rout-1
ledge. Lina M. Schmld. Dorris Clark,
Lydia M. Villeneuve. Margaret E. Gil
move and Nita D. Plcken. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Langguth and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur C. Spencer will act as
patrons and patronesses for the eve
ning. Attention is called to the fact
that this party has been set for
Thursday evening, instead of Friday
evening- as previously announced.
An Interesting event of Saturday
evening was the piano recital given
at Lincoln high school by the pupils
of Miss Avis L. Benton, assisted by
Miss Mildred Keats pnd Miss Owena
Wolcott in classic dances. Those tak
ing part on the program were Miss Bet
ty Scott. Miss Elesa Scott. Miss Orel
Henserling, Miss Wilms Andrews, Mis
Wolcott. Miss Helen Pittelkau. Miss
Mabel Dawson, Miss Cora Black. Mrs.
I.ily Lyons, Miss Mildred Keats, Mrs.
William Speck, Miss Sadie Hornibrook,
! Miss Helen Watt, Miss Margaret Mc
j Cabe, Mrs. Charles Warner and Miss
Mrs. lima Martin and Miss Helen!
Clark entertained the Crescendo club
at the home of Mrs. Martin, Kingshill
Apartments. Wednesday. May 17, with
a very elaborate luncheon. Covers were
laid for 16. Miss Clark will be pre
sented in recital by Mrs. Rose Coursen-
Reed in June.
One of the prettiest and most en
joyable events of the season took place
baturday evening when Mr. and Mrs.
Albert J. Matter entertained 50 of
their friends with a dancing party at
their home in Irvignton. Punch was
served beneath a bower of softly
shaded Japanese lanterns, which added
to. the attractiveness of the scene. A
delicious buffet supper was served at
midnight. Mrs. C. A. Milliman and
Lawrence Woodfin favored the guests
with a few vocal selections. Among
those present wei Mr. and Mrs. Harry
J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Milliman,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lpthrop. Mr. and
Mrs. C A. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
Roe. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mann. Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Younls, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Younger. Mr. and Mrs. -Jay Grew. Mrs.
Sadie Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Chamber
lain, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ambrose,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dlngman. Mrs.
Margaret Moloney, Misses Edna Henry,
Mabel Knowlton, Ruth Routledge. Sue
Schadt, Vida Zachary, Frances Coak
Uy. Florence Williamson, Dr. E. V.
Morrow, Jack Berry, Lynn Buck, Dr.
Charles Prehn Jr., Frank Callahan, Dr.
Frank Paul Firey, Walter Jamison, Dr.
Paul Yates, Lawrence Woodfin. Ira
Jamison, Charles J. Swindells, Clinton
Routledge. Mr. Mann, Mr. Scott and
Mr. Griffin.
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If you contemplate purchasing a diamond in the
near future don't delay. Do it NOW. You will
save money.
Despite the fact that I have purchased a very
large stock of the better grade of diamonds (for
which my store has become popular) long before
the last advances in prices and the present scarcity
of same, I will soon be compelled to advance prices,
owing to the war tax Congress expects to put on
Select your diamonds now, a small deposit will
hold them, or you can pay part down, the balance
on Convenient Terms, without extra charge. '
My Special $50.00 and $100.00
Diamond Rings have no equal.
Laxgst Diamond Dalr in Oregon
334 Washington Street, Near Broadway
Miss Lydia Dammeler, bride-ele;:.
was honor guest on Tuesday night, at
a charmingly appointed supper partv.
presided over by Mrs. Frank W. Car
roll, a delightful surprise shower pre
ceding the affair. The drawing room
was evidenced by a profusion of cuplds
and hearts, which led to the prettily
decked supper table, variegated tones
of pink formed the key-note of color
scheme, the dainty setting displaying
XSheer pink parasol, beautifully
adorned. This over-hung a mounted
garden of sweet peas and ferns, from
which was also suspended graceful
tulle streamers, caught by a miniature
bride, to mark the place of the honor
guest. A handsome cut glass bowl
was the gift of the hostess.
Covers were laid for Miss Lydli
Dammeler, Miss Rotba Carroll, Miss
Tina Conrad, Miss Myrtle Hummell
Miss Lydia Schneider, Mrs. Sidney A.
Hatcher, Mrs. John Boentje, Mrs.
Ralph G. Hedderly, Mrs. M. C. Dam
meler and the charming hostess.
The event of the season in the Al
berta district occurred Monday after
noon at 4:30 when Mr. and Mrs. Otis
(Onntlswd on Pollmrtnf Page)
Satisfied Customers
have learned that "Rosenthal's
styles are "Different" from those
produced by ordinary designers,
and the name "Rosenthal's
stands for exclusive creations in
Complete Spring Stock
Now Here
Portland's Best Shoo Store
129 Tenth Street
We Give S. & H. Green
- Trading Stamps.
Monday We Will Hold a
Remarkable Suit Sale
This week we were fortunate in procuring 75 beautiful
Suits at a price and will sell them Monday at prices
close to this season's wholesale for the 'same quality
goods. They are all the finest quality the newest ad
vance styles and tailored to perfection. We have di
vided them into three lots as follows:
Lot 1
Navy blue gabardine and serge in
the plain tailored models now so
popular featuring the longer coats,'
fashion's latest edict. Then there
are tan gabardines, shepherd
checks, bright colored Gunniburls
and other new fabrics in pretty
little novelties clever and
stylish. Special for (Uy gs
Monday at pOLf
Lot 2
Navy blue gabardine with deep
pongee collars, bone buttons and
tie sashes. Serges and Poiret
twills in advance models espe
cially emphasizing the longer coats
all the new colors and contrast
ing trimming. Pretty, high-waisted
effects so girlish and charming.
Wonderful values rrry m
at $2,0.51)
Lot 3 Beauti Quaty gabardine in the bright new colors, trimmed
in novel effects of pearl stitching, cape collars and belts.
Handsome navy blue models, novelty trimmed in tan. Gray gabardine
with large bone buckles and made in girlish design. Shepherd check
with vest of white serge and white braid trimming. We are sure there
are no suits in the city that can compare with these at (uy a f
the price v. p045(J
Your Charge
Street at