The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1917, Page 38, Image 38

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Fitting Ceremonies Will Be
Held in Jewish Synagogues
in Respect to Occasion,
Also Beick Pase Section
Confirmation of Class of 22 Candidates
Will Bs On Peatuxe of Pro
gram for rsstlTal.
1 T
"With fitting ceremonies In the Port
land Jewish synarjogues, Shabuoth, or
the Festival of Weeks, one of the im
pressive holidays of the Rabbinical
calendar, will be observed this year
Sunday. May 27.
Rev. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, in Tem
ple Both Israel, will conduct appro
priate opening services Saturday eve
ning. May 26, at 8 o'clock.
Services in the temple in observance
of the feast on Sunday morning. May
27, at 10 o'clock, will be given added
significance by the "confirmation of a
class of 22 candidates. Rev. Dr. Wise
will personally confirm the large class.
In the Ahaval Sholom synagogue.
Rev. R. Abrahamson will conduct serv
ices Saturday evening. May 26, "it 8
o clock. and also twice on Sunday, May
27, and on Monday, May 28.
Tims Is Announced.
The times of service Sunday. May
27, will be 9:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.. and
on Monday, 9:30 a. m- the last being
a memorial service.
The Sixth Street synagogue, as also
the other synagogues, will hold spe
cial services, too.
The name, Shabuoth. or the Festival
of Week, Is derived from the fact
that the Mosaic legislation does not
prescribe the date of this festival as
being definitely on such and such a
day, or such and such a month, which
Is the case -with the other festivals,
but instead,, simply states that seven
full weeks are to be counted from thf
time 1he Omcr (a measure of grain as
an offering) Is brought. Hence. th
name "the Festival Weeks," and
also the name "Pentecost.'" meaning
"fiftieth.'' since the festival is seven
1 weeks or the fiftieth day after the
second day of Passover, so fixed 'by
Rabbinic tradition.
Origin Is Traced.
Uike the other two so-called Pil
grimage festivals, Passover and Taber
nacles, the Festival of Weeks was or
iginally related to the agricultural
life of ancient Israel. Its designation
sometimes as the Feast of "First
Fruits." as well, as some of the fea-
tures of its celebration is described
In the Bible, and the further fact that
the Book of Ruth, with Its harvest
scenes, is designated as the special
scroll for reading on Shabuoth indi
cate clearly the agricultural character
of the festival.
Pledff m Are Benewed.
However, this aspect of the festival
has becomte altogether secondary to its
historical significance, since tradition
makes Shabuoth the anniversary of the
revelation, at Sinai when Israel as
sumed his sacred mission as the priest
people and holy nation. In keeping
with this deeper meaning of the festi
val, Shabuoth has been chosen by the
modem American Synagogue as the
most appropriate occasion for the im
pressive ceremonial of confirmation
whereby the boys and girls in Israel
, renew the vow of Horeb and pledge
their love and loyalty to the covenant
of their fathers.
Effort Is Made to
Keep Men on Farms
BaffYestlon of H. E. Ward, of Oregon
Patriotic Service Xgme, Meata Ap
proval of national Authorities.
The. war and navy departments and
the Council of National Defense rec
ognise the merits of the contention of
K. H. Ward, president of the Oregon
Patriotic Service league, that recruit-
lng officers should confine their ef
forts more to the cities than to the
country districts. The problem of
keeping as many men as possible on
. the farms is now being duly consid
ered and Mr. Ward is assured that
every effort to arrive at a satisfactory
solution will be made. A letter to
Mr. ward irom the Council of Na
tional. Defense follows:
i a "Yur,4etter, nas J"st referred
' foV !reply f Natlona Defense
' iTihe cu"cn appreciates the diffi
culties of the situation and the inevi
table complications which the war and
.navy departments have to meet with
regard to recruiting, especially in
JTaWwffvfarmer M yu ca attention
. to. We know that you also appreciate
these difficulties, and that it mus?
take some time to get such matters
straightened out. On the tfassaTre of
the military bill and decFsiolwith
L??3 to exemption, thereunder the
matter will be much clearer. We as-f-ieiou
that th, Problem is receiv
ing the serious consideration of the
departments,, and every effort will be
made to avoid the difficulties which
- y0ILrer.r to' . W w,1 take up your
suggestion with these departments
aenoank IZZJ0?' C&11,n " 3 our
attention. Sincerely vours
"(Signed) W. E. GIFFORD."
Ian Hay Willie"
; - ' A Portland Guest
' i - j
Local Society People to Entertain Pa-
moos lecturer; Traveler to Tell of
XJfe la the Trench as.
Ian Hay (Captain Beith) will arrive
In Portland on the Shasta Limited
- Tuesday afternoon en route to Tcn.
ma where he will lecture. He comes
. irom an -rancisco where he spoke
j- many , times to large audiences. Sev
eral people are planning to enterta'n
vapiain iieitn during his stay her
', Tuesday Mf. and Mrs. Henry L Cor
bett will be hosts for a motor trip up
the Columbia highway and at a din
ner tobe given at one of the attrac-
tjve inns. Thursday, which Is Empire
t tmy, Harry Sherwood, British consul.
Is planning to entertain the members
i 3 and their wives of the Rnvii
institute, at a luncheon in honor of tn
distinguished guest. Thursday eve
ning .at the Arlington club Captain
Beith will be the guest of honor at .
Captain Beith has been speaking to
capacity audiences all over the coun
try. .tr-- . JVV
Hia lecture will be' Illustrated with
official picture. ; Proceeds go to th
Portland chapter American Red Cross,
VJX 1 . vVv XXS Win A 1 dmhynv
Br.-vvy a r? r-
" i in
U No
3 !'
I There Will Be
Of Thi5 Sale
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