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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
'. :. .. "... ..... . ., . - . - . ... ... . . ; .1 . . . TEN PAGES AUTOMOBILES GOOD ROADS SECTION THREE PHOTOPLAY, DRAMATIC EDITORIAL. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1917. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS'- BISHOP SUMNER TELLS OF GOOD SAMARITANS PURPOSES AND NEEDS Review Is Given in Delivering Address to the Graduating - Nurses at Hospital. INSTITUTION IS BIG ONE Only Two of Denomination' HToapltalB la. Country X,erffr; Lack of En- dowmtnt Hampers Work. I I Something of the Good Samaritan hospital, its objects and needs, aims and accomplishment, was succlntly toid ly Bishop Sumner In an address given at the nurses' graduation exercises of the hospital. Thursday night. Bishop Sumner said in part: The primary object of a hospital 13 tocare for the sick. Everything In con. nection with a hospital is secondary to this all els must be sacrifice'! for this first, the patients' comfort, and happiness: second, efficient care,! and. third, all preventative and remedial measures studied and carried out to bring them back. to health and strength. Often times rules and reg-1 ulations seem irksome and unneces sary to the uninitiated; but to those who are in the closest touch with hos pital organization the necessity is very apparent. Protects PnbUo Health. The second object of the hospital Is to protect the public health. It is! hard to measure how great would bi ; the general sickness in this commu- : nity were it not for the hospitals, ! which minimize the general condition . of ill health by isolating sufferers. As a general educational institution in 1 public health it is unsurpassed. -Thirdly, to care for the sick, there , must be men and women carefully , trained and the hospital offers th.s: opportunity. The first group Is the physicians an 1 surgeons. Every hospital should be a training school for the physician, giv- ; Ing him technical and scientific ex- i nertences and providing him with the Knowledge of his science and profe3-; ( nlon. This, the Good Samaritan do s in connection with the University of Oregon Medical school. Short Course HI Adrised. ' The second grouo is that of the nurses. I have no sympathy with those who, through a mistaken idea of patriotism, are advancing the theory that young women, with all good in-i tentions. may become nurses through oni( sort of a short course of two or . three ' months, giving them the right to wear the uniform of a nurse and . f o 1 ! i n t Vi o m aclve, anrh 1 . The Good Samaritan Training school! for nurses points with pride to tn- ; splendid type of nurses which it has' graduated these many years in Port- . land, and no greater tribute could be' nalri to it than the fact that, year! after year, the educational standard a hub iwt n iHiaru tiiiu iiie w&iiins list of those who desire to enter the school is gratlfyingly large. , It is quite a pertinent question to -ask: How well is the Good Samaritan hospital meeting the demands which the community is making upon It? Is Third ZArg-est. Today, of the BO or 60 church hos pitals under the control of the Eplsr nopal church in this country, the Goe-.l . Samaritan Htands third in size New York and Chicago only being large". That it has not reached Its highest growth nor height of efficiency is rec- ognizable by us all. It Is still ham i pered by lack of endowment. However, for the last few years, it has been able to add considerably tJ its equipment in the way of new surgeries, conveniences for the pa- tlonts, a pathological laboratory and other needed important equipment. Ks needs, however, are still many, and it Is hoped that the citizens of Port land, recognizing these needs, will, of their generosity, assist the hospital. This may be done first, by building a new wing to take the place of the present old one, thereby enlarging the canacity and providing certain modern features, and second, the building of a maternity building on the present site A convalescent home is much needed and possibly, too. will be supplied. Xs Preparing for War. In these days of preparedness the Good Samaritan hospital has not been idle Plans are being considered for the 'erection of temporary buildings in the park in front of the hospital, should there be need of additional accommo dations to care for the wounded, in ' cident to active war conditions. In addition, our surgeries and our wards hava been thrown open to the young men who have been endeavoring to enlist for the defense of their coun try, but who have not been acoepted because of the need of minor opera tions. Scores and scores have been and are now passing through, cheer fully and ably cared for, whether o. . not they can pay for such operations. In this way the hospital is doing its bit in patriotism in the interest of preparedness, ' That there Is a need for the Good Samaritan hosDital. that the need is being met reasonably and efficiently, i is amply demonstrated by the fact -a xaci wnicn may oe appuea 10 any ousi ness, whether it be altruistic or purely monetary that the hospital has been constantly crowded to overflowing, ne cessitating extra beds in all available rooms and even corridors and the de mand continues for larger accommoda tions to care for those who are seeking admission. I bespeak for the hospital your ear nest support, your constant "interest and your gifts. It was never in a more efficiently organized and successful condition. Portland may well be proud of an Institution which has been for so many decades a boon to suffering humanity and an object of pride as an Institution of the citv of Portland. Quality of School Service Is Attacked That although school district No. 87, near Peak. Lincoln county, possesses a choolhouse, the eight pupils within the district If they go to school at all are compelled to go Into another district eight miles away, is a com plaint reiterated by P. S. Frye. Mr. Frye lives In that district and bas children of school age.' It is said that during the past four years there has been but approximately nine months of school held. Lack of a teacher was given as a reason, it Is said, and now the school is kept closed because of needed repairs. The complainants al lege; that dilatory tactics are main tained by some opposed to the open , ins of the school. . 0 I Hairbow and Sah I RIBBONS 25c Yd. 1 A special sale of Jacquard Brocade Ribbons 5 inches wide in such colors as blue, pink, navy blue, cardinal, white and Stockholm blue. Main Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. Colored Edgo Handkerchiefs 6c With colored embroidery to match in one dainty corner! They're of sheerest lawn a very special value at 6c. Not enough to last all day, so be early. Main Floor Lipman, Wolf & Co. clMerchandise cfcJ Merit Only Exquisite Now Neck fixings 75c Stocks and Jabots of fine net and lace are the newest and the daintiest things in neckwear. Main Floor Lipman, Wolf & Co. t Our Optical Department Glasses at $ 1 .50 pair If you are troubled with your eyes or have headaches, let Dr. Dallas examine your eyes there will re no charge! He will fit you with glasses for as little as 1.50. . m 2d Floor. There's going to be no end of a stir over these Remarkable 36-inch fancy SILKS at $1.58 yard Monday specials in LINENS Satin-finish bed spreads, $3.93 $3.95 is way below what they're costing today when bought by hundreds. They're real 1 beauties, too. Hemstitched table cloths, $3.98 . Of pure linen, size 68x68 inches; 53.98 invested in a table cloth like this is a real in vestment, as linen prices go soaring skyward! Splendid bath towels, 49c Made from the finest yarn; French weave; the kind of a towel that you'd embroider for a gift; size 20x40 inches. Hemstitched linen towels, 49c Pure linen, in a fine huck weave. Hand some patterns with a place to embroider or monogram; 18x30 inches. Japanese nainsook, 10 yards $3.35 So sheer nd soft that you think of fine lingerie or babies' clothes when you look at it. It comes nicely boxed in 10-yard bolts. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Genuine Cowhide ' SUITCASES at $0.50 With leather almost worth its weight in gold, you'll appreciate the importance of this Monday offering. These cases are made with heavy leather cor ners, with two all-round straps and with locks and bolts as you would expect, only they're in finitely better than such low-priced cases usually carry. Sub-Basement Lipman, Wplfe St Co. pKr'M F ' VfeVlb Another lot of those wonder y I Y ' SUITS,;at $25-00 iK 1 At the beginning ol this seasott we set out to specialize on $25 suits! We set it - i 1 i We consider them among the most wonderful silk values that we have offered in month that's all the word that hundreds of women will need to bring them down town bright and early Mon day morning! In the sale are included fancy messaline3 in great variety--satip striped taffetas in a great many different color combinations and there are sport taffetas and others with pin checks and pin stripes and then there are two-toned jacquard gros de londres! There's a big window display of these silks ready for you to see today and if you do see it you'll be among the first to -come buying on Monday. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. American Ambulsmce Service MOTION PICTURES With lecture by Captain George H. Roe der, Tuesday, May 22, Eleventh-Street Theatre. Tickets for sale on the Main Floor. r An important clearance TRIMMED HATS $3.95 When the Millinery Chief decides on a clean-up of hats he means just that. Hats must go. That's why this lot of hats is marked as low as $3.95. .And they're sure to go flying if .we are any judges of values and styles. There are small hats and large ones the most approved shapes and garnish ings in all sorts of colors. You'll be surprised and delighted when you see them at $3.95. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. IS J I 9x12 Wiltana RUGS $35 i Rugs that have much of the beauty of colorings and patterns that charac terize the higher-priced ones and then of quite as much importance is the serviceability of these Wiltanas. P. S. For the information of those who don't know Wiltanas, let us say they are velvets and they come in both Oriental and conventional patternsl Unusual values at $35.00. . Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe Ac Co. L. Curtain madras 1 9c It's real Scotch madras, a full yard wide, that would be priced at much more than this is except for the fact that the curtain buyer bargained for a special lot, and got it at 'way below market price! Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. At the beginning ol this seasott we set out to specialize on $25 suits 1 We set a high standard one that made" the1 manufacturers gasp when we made it known to them ! You may be sure that there were plenty to tell us "it can't be done," etc., etc. but we went ahead just thesame and in the face of the extraordinary market conditions which existed we found better suits to sell at $25 than we had ever had better suits than we have ever heard of any store anywhere selling for $25. - Come and see these wonder suits of oars look through them inside and out then compare them with other $25 suits you'll understand our enthusiasm! v Many of the suits that will go into Monday's offering will not be unpacked until after this advertisement is sent to press, so we will attempt no description. You may rest assured, though, that all good fabrics and colors are included. New wash sport SKIRTS like the pictures above $3.98 Many of the most attractive ones are in pure white others are in new sports patterns and colorings, copies of the high-priced sports silks. Besides the three styles pictured there are fully a dozen others some of cot . ton gabardine and some of novelty weaves that are too new to have names New GOATS will be featured in a special way at $22.50 They're not just coats-there is something about' these that takes them far away from the ordinary vclass ! There are models for motor wear for traveling wear and for street wear. They are tailored from shower-proof English mixed tweeds in tans and gray with belts and convertible collars ! Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. We do not use comparative prices in our advertisements boe believe they are always mislead ing and very often untrue I You'll find everything in" this advertisement better than the ad vertisement leads you to believe. A sale of Junior SUITS at $25 They're suits that have been marked at more tlian half again this price but we've decided that they must go, and right speed ily. And they're sure to vanish when girls and small women see how very special and how very stunning they are! - Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Extra special, SPORT SKIRTING, 49c yard It's a special clean-up purchase that our dress goods buyer bought at a remarka bly low price. That's why we canell them to you at 49c a 3'ard even though they are the very newest and most stunning patterns, and it would be easy to sell them for much more There will be plenty to choose from if you come early. Sale of Stockings and Underwear Women's union suits 49c Women's fiber stockings 29c A tremendous value. They 'have "double lieels and soles and deep garter tops. Black or white. Children's ribbed stockings 12yzc For kiddies up to 10 years old. They come in black or white well reinforced for wear. Summer styles with plain or beaded tops and loose or ribbed knee. Extra large sizes 49c. Women's stitched vests 12yc Fine stitched or Swiss Ribbed vests, low necks, and sleeveless or with short sleeves. Economy Basement. Special the Boulevard Lawn mower at $4.98 There is just a limited number of these lawn mowers, so we ad vise early buying. This is just about what they'd cost today tnese 14-mcn Bail-Bearing Lawn Mowers with 4 highly tempered blades and a sa. steel bed knife. You'll find them better than you thought such low priced mowers could bel Beeraent-j-Lipman, Wolfe & Co. For their majesties "The Babies" Sweaters Dainty little slip over styles, in loose Swiss stitch, sizes 1 to 5 years, in pink, blue, . rose, green, tan and other shades, at $1.98. Shoes Button styles,-of all black kid or patent with white tops. Sizes 1 to 4 at 49c Wrappers Pretty little af-' fairs of white daisy cloth, with crocheted edges; some are embroidered, others have quaint nursery designs 59c Peffcoaf-pMade with em broidery .or lace-trirqmed ruf fles and some with a finish of lace at the neck and armholes. Sizes 2 to 6 years 59c Dresses-Some of the pret tiest we've seen for little tots of 6 months to 2 yearsl You'll like the way they're trimmed with laces and em broideries and feather-stitching, and you'll like their price 59c t4th Floor Lipman, Wolf. Co. aPt. IAN HAY lectures at the Heilig . Thursday evening, May 24th Tickets for this splendid lec ture are for sale at the customers' desk on our main floor! Prices are 50c, 75c and $1.00. Pearl tipped SILVER A wedding gift special! We are exclusive Portland agents for the famous INNOVATION TRUNKS -You'll "sit ud and take notice" - these handsome silver pieces with pearl tipped handles when you see theml And so will the bride or matron who receives them as gifts, and so will the guests who sit at her tablel They're the most original things In all the realm of silverware, and, as usual, they're to be found only In the Lipman-Wolfe store. ' a( 89c Sugar shells, butter knives, cream ladles, etc. At $139-Large berry spoons, cold meat forks, tomato servers, pic knives, gravy ladles and salad forks. Af $2.65 Steak sets. See them In the show windows. You'll agree that the prices are amai inglyIow. Sixth Floor-Lipman", Wolfe & Co. i II 0 0 1 e o f 0 I; e o Jl J - 7 -J -V