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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
12; THE : OREGON t SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND,-SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20," 1917.: ; ONLY SHIPYARDS NOW ESTABLISHED 10 GET T General Goethals Does Not Intend to "Bull" Market by .Giving Contracts. PLANS SOON TO BE READY . fi , - t 'Xxpactatlon Is sTaval ArcblUcta Will - Hav Specification Ready In About Two Weeks, Bays Mr. Standifer. " The government plans to mak use if those shipyards already established j. ind bf those"' shipbuilders who have had experience, according to word brought from the east by Guy M. Standi fer, member of the firm of -Jstarvdlfer-Clarkson Shipbuilding Co. tr- "General Goethals does not Intend to bull' the market by putting- orders ;for the- 1000 ships that were planned in the hands or a nuncired shipyards that might spring: up over night," de clared Standi fer. "We were riven to understand that those yards established, having; proper rating; snd possessed of tho proper wood shipbuilders, could have con tracts at a flat price. The 'cost plus 10' per cent' basis on which contracts were originally talked of has been dropped. Plans to Be Beady Soon. "The naval architects for the ship- pins: board expect to have the plans on which they want bids, ready for distribution during; the next two weeks. When they arrtve Captain Blaine of Seattle and Captain Pillsbury of San Francisco will be empowered to give .contracts to the builders who can sat isfy the requirements of the govern ment" fontanel snipDuuaers were as a whole satisfied with tho decision reached by the government. While they bad anticipated a larger busipess. atlll they see In this plan of the gov ernment a more healthy business and "One which is not so apt to become dis eased later, when government work ends and a number of mushroom yards were, left minus the high price nour ishment for existence. Ir Sixty Ships Under Contract. V It Is believed too that with the lim ited number of wooden ships to be built to augment the big fleet of steel Kraft planned, the question of labor Will not enter so largely and work will be gotten out in better shape and with less worry. The turning out of wooden Ships will be the best advertisement the wooden builders have ever had for 'the eyes of the public and the marine world will be centered on the ac complishment of this fleet There are now 60 ships building or Under contract in Portland and vi cinity with piospects of at least 20 Wore to be contracted within the next 'fortnight. These ships will give high Class employment to many thousand tnen for three or four years to come. GROVES RECALLED HOME Superintend tJredger Expert to , British Columbia Job, Within a few' days after he had arrived at Miami. Fla.. and reported ,for duty with the dredging company that how employs him. Captain II. T. Oroves, 'former Port of Portland dredger superintendent, was ordered back to this coast. He arrived home Saturday and will go to British Co lumbia within a few days to super : Intend a three-months' dredging Job for one" of the -railroads, the woik being contracted to Groves' employers. 'As a consequence he will be able to be home often during the summer. He iexpects to return to Florida about September 1. "J1- WOULD TRY CONCRETE SHIP San Francisco Men Risk $25,000 3 Apiece to List Construction. " 1 San , Francisco, May 19. Confidence In the feasibility of construction of concrete ships has reached a stage Where 10 San Francisco shipping men have subscribed $25,000 each to build GOVERNMEN ORDERS Don't Let Your Truss 7 Make Operation Necessary Operation for rupture would hardly ever be heard of if it weren't for fhe mischief done by elastic and spring tiusses. i Mighty few people ever have to be operated SM when first ruptured. '4 But wearing makeshift trnsseo year after fear Is sooner or later almost sure to make work for the surgeon. Xoo know that from your own einerlence ")rou know you're worse now than a year ago probably getting worse all the time. If jou keep on that way, how lonjt will It bt before you'll have to undergo a dangerous utiu cxpemive operation? 4 , . Aren't you willing to let na prove by a sixty-day demonstration how you can save jWirself from sll tbst? : , Especially 'when you can make- this sixty day teat without having to risk a nny? 60 Days' TriatTo ProTe How Good It Is Here Is something a guaranteed rupture holder which has saved trunls of people ' from ever having to be operated on thoroughly proved it. merit, that ag to aenl .. 60 da,,' trial. " It has eo we. are willing J-1 We'll make It especially for your case make It to your measure and practically lend - it to you Just for a test. '"'.--'If it cannot be made to keep your nipt uro ' frum coming out or from bothering yon In any way, then you can send it back and it won't ot jou s single .penny. , . No Leg-Strspt No Belts -Simply write for our free book that will ilU you everything you waut to snow. " It shows how bur guaranteed ruptnre holder It made on an absolutely new principle. How It Instantly -and automatically protects yea sajatnst avsry a train so your rupture can't po. Ibly be forced out. And bow in additios It provides the only way ever diaoovered for ewrcomiag tha weakness which Is the real -causa of rupture. . The book tella how our guaranteed rapture ' bblder-tne famous Clutae is so beneficial ,afet Shysiclana la all parts of America bow CURRY COUNTY RECRUITS GUESTS H ii i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Delegation of young men from The delegation of 11 young men from Curry county who came to enlist in the navy, arrived in Portland Fri day night. They were met at the Union station by Frank B. Tlchenor, Curry and Coos representative in the state legislature at the last session. Fourteen members of the fife and drum corps of Scout Young camp. No. 2, Unlteu Spanish American War Veterans, escorted the contingent of Curry county huskies to a concrete vessel in this harbor as an experiment. If the experiment proves a success, it is' believed that the sub marine menace will be solved. A concrete ship, ;300 feet long, 46 feet" beam and 24 feet deep, will be built under a secret process developed by Kenneth MacDonald Jr. and his brother, Alan MacDonald. The pro cess is said to give the concrete the tensile strength and elasticity of steel. NaVal engineers and architects have passed upon the plans. The new company, with a capital of $250,000, which will be formed by the way of patriotic contribution to the government, includes Leslie Comyn, John A. Hooper, K. A. Christiansen and John Lawson. MAY USE GERMAN SAILORS U. S. Attorney Rules Teutons May Be Taken, Other Efforts Failing. San Francisco, May 19. (I. N. S.) Special authority was given United States Attorney John Preston by the attorney general to grant permits for German seamen to be signed on ships sailing from this port. This power is to be used, however, only in case an actual tleup of shipping is threat ened on account OX the shortage of sailors. Since the declaration of war there has been considerable controversy be tween ship owners and the federal au thorities over the employment of Ger man sailors. Teuton seamen would be signed here ! and when a ship would reach Hono- lulu, the latter port would take these ' nien off and oblige the company to to this port as passengers, forbidding their employment on the return trip. Several protests have been made by the Matson Navigation Co. to U Attorney Preston, and he finally ferred the matter to Washington. S. re- NEWS OF THE PORT Arrival!, May 19. Breakwater. Am. bb.. Captain Jesaen, pa gengrrs and freight, from San r'ranclsc'o and way. Emerald Line. Departures, May 19. Grrat Northern. Am. as.. Captain Ahinnn, paswugers and freight, for Sau Kraneiaco, U. N. 1". S(S. to. Marine Almanac. Weather at River's Mouth. North Head, Slay 19. Condition of the mouth of the river at noon, smooth; wind, northwest, 4 miles; wpather. cloodv. Bun and Tides, May 20'. Sun rises, 4:3;, a. m. Sun sets. 7:42 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High Water. Low Water. 12:55 p. m:, 7.2 feet. 6:48 a. m., sero. 6:40 p. mv 3 feet. recommend It instead of advising operation. t nas completely cured thousands of l-opie wtxise cafes seemed almost hopelry. How It does away with the curse of belts, leg straps and springs. How It is perSptra t lor-proof aand will hold in the oath. How you an try it sixty days and how little it eoa ii If j-u keep It. Thit Free Book Is Full of Fscts Never Before Put in Print itis ijook sums up all we have learned alHiui rupture during nearly half a century of i-Nperlenre. Shows Just why elastic and spring truatea are me ruptureo man s worst enemies. txpoaes tne humbug "appliances," "meth "plasters," locks, etc ods. r.xplalns why operation Is alwajs daiurerno im.l why. even l yon manage to live thVWgh y n may have jo keep on wearing a truss fe w.y V buv VtbJn. V1 to ,,he onl' ' t'ciliCJta IZt.JXt :ru. 1 the only thing you can get on such long trial because 0e onlv hln immgh to stand such a test i-u i i an i jrec in i nook with a Hat nt over 5000 voluntary endorsements Oon put It off. Just use the counon below of .!toJ, say in a k-tter or postal "Send me iT .. Tbc minute it takes vou to w-rit free you from rupture troubles for the rest -THIS BRINGS IT- Box 510 CLUTHE SON'S 125 Et 33rd St HEW YOBZ CITY Sand me tout free Bock and Trial Offer. Kama.... Address. Carry county, who have answerea the Imperial hotel, where they were guests of the management. Iater in the evening they were guests at the Washington street Hazelwood fop. din ner and afterwards were entertained by George L. Baker at a theatre party. Saturday morning the Imperial hotel management entertained them at breakfast and later in the day they at tended a show at the Lyric. One of the number Eaid that only four boys of military age were left in Broker's Insured Commission; Now Thank Lucky Star San Francisco, May 19. Cap jfc tain John Rinder and Oscar ifi Beyfuss are quite sure that in- surance, even at a high rate, is a good thing. They will get the commission of the sale of the Hilonian, al- though she has been sunk. It 6eems that the sale of the ves- sel was engineered by them and that payment of their commis- slon was to be made only after delivery. Knowing that the Hilonian )fc had to pass through the war rone, they Insured their com- mission. The underwriters de- manded 20 per cent. This seemed exorbitant, but they agreed to pay it. The Hilonian had bean officially delivered Sit when torpedoed. The time ball on the U. S. office ires dropped at noon. hrdro graphic Rally River Readings. 55 i o e -a j j as. lO. 0.2 o.lM 1.0 0.28 0.5 0.00 1.3 0.00 .03 O.10 0.4 0.O8 0.2 0.14 0.1 0.33 0.3 0.08 STATION. "S n Wfiiatchee . Kemlah Iewiston ... 40 & 22 25 40 10 20 20 12 13 24.4 10.5 13.4 16.4 27.4 6.o 7.8 7.1 6.4 17.8 Lmatilla ... The Dalles . Eugene Albany Salem Oregon City Portland ( ) Else. ( ) Fau. River Forecast. The Willamette ..,KU..7 uuxiug me next two or three days At Neighboring Ports. arairie nastl. lv lO u, wumeasiern Aiankan ports. 9 a. m Cir- . o , i - J - I ' I VJ . iwuvii- uova. Tacoma. 8 a. m Sailed: Queen, San Francisco. 11 a. m battle. Mir IS trrl.. - uii jt ch southwestern Alaskan porta, lo.3 p. m.: Admiral lewev San Krarwl-r, o m scbKnnr Ruby ;' Bethel, 7:30 p." m: " v rant-el. May 18. Sailed: AJki. south bound. 2 a. in.: Princess S,mM nnPti,honnrf S a. m. r--. Ket.hikan. May 18. Sailed: Spokane and Hi-.mboldt. southliound 5 a. m Port Biakelr. Mav 18 Arrive- n.,i r-,.. C. tioss. Seattle. In tow of tn Ttm Tacoma. May 1. Arrived: Admiral Dew ey. Seattle, 7 a. m. Astoria. May 18 Soiled at 1 a. m. Klam ath, for San Dieao anil war mri irH4 7 and left up at 8:30 a. m. Breakwater, irom .vi n -ranclscx and way ports. Sailed at - .f iivi i jri d, iur sn r mac is co. Arrived at 2:30 nd left up at 3:40 p. m. W. F. Herrin. from Sun Vrm An wrt TWIo l , ; , " ivr aii r rnncisco. mij tTamidco, May 19. Arrlvd OntralU, Astoria, 12:5 a ill. : Oulnatilt. Hrrklnrs 7:15 a. m.; Harvard. Los Angelen. 9:25 a. m.; San iMla. ll:lo a. m.: Itnae Cirr l-nifln-i . - - . , . . , -"- - m.: Multnomah. Los Angeles, L m. Saiied-City of Topeka. KurVka. 1130 a. m.; tug Hercules, IMgt sound, with bares fel- i ma-, r . a. iviiuurn. ioriwnn 4 - ki a tic, .nuuarvu ana isaac ueea Jn tow. 12:0 and Isaac lteed in tow. 12-2I I P m. : Novo. Los Ana-eles 12:Ki " rrey, wim Darge Santiago in tow, 1:20 p. m.; Adeline .Smith, Cvo bay. 2:.T0 p. m.: Northforlt. Kui-eka. :50 i. m; Harvard. San Diego. 4:1'0 p. m.: Heaver, Portland. 4:23 p. in.; tioveruor. Seattle. 3:20 p. m.; I'asadena. Albion, 6:35 p. in.; Xewborg, Me waits Folnt 7 p. in . Ventura. Cal.. May lf. Sailed Aurelia San Francisco 11:30 a. m. Seattle. May 1!. Arrived Redondo 9 a. m., collier Saturn from southeastern Alaska; motor barge Wakens, southeastern Alaska 3 p. m. Sailed Admiral l'arragut a. in.. Ancboraa-e: gu-en 11 a. m.. San Francisco; Admiral Def5 5 a. m.. Tacoma. ixtaysmltti. May 19. Arrived Baree Wm South irt tow tUT Sea Rover. San Fri'Setseo tverett, Maj 19, Sailed W. S. Porter. Port San I.nla. Arrived Admiral Dewev. Taconia. Tac-oma. May lit. Arrived Admiral Dewey. San Kr.mclm-o 6::iO a- in.; Bider Broa., power aehnniwr. Heretiden Bay t a. m St.ili-d Cordrwa. southweotern Alaska. 6 a. m. ; Admiral Dewey, i-km FXm-i-o, 1 p m.: Render P,ro.. BetUer. Alaska, p. m. Port Townsend. May J. Sailed lo a. m., Krltiah yacht D"U.ura, Vancouver; 2 p. to. Qiifen. San Franciaeo. ' Belllnghaiu. May 19. Sailed Tama lpa la, San Pedro - Santa Barbara, May 19. Sailed Anrella, 4:3u a- Jn. .' ' fan Diego. May 19. Soiled. 9 a. ov. Irgyle San Francisco; 8 a. m.. Yale. San Francisco. Northwestern Club Selects Officers The Northwestern University, club met at the home of Dr, J. Earlvtase. 933 East Flanders street, Friday eve ning. All Northwestern XJnitsrsJtjr clubs in the United States lrold;thelr annual 'meetings on this night. The following officers were elected: President. Dr. Else; vice-president. Dr. Jessie M. McGavin; secretary-treasurer, Miss Helen M. Trew; trustee, Mrs. J. K. Rose. , , Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zollinger, Dr. and Mrs.;J. C. Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Asher. Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Wright, Mrs." Hodge, Miss Paulls, Dr. and Mrs. Fleblg, Rev. A. A. Heist, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Bo Dine, Miss Trew, and Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Benas. f . Crack lawn tennis players of Phila delphia, New York and Boston will take part, unless the war interferes. In the Intercity series for the G. M. Church trophy, at the Merlon Cricket club, Haverford, Juno S and 9. ., , - the call for service in the navy. Port Orford. These four are planning to leave for Portland in a few days to enlist In the navy. Those in the party are James Hill, Clarence Wright, Robert Smith, Francis Smith. Lynn Woodcock, Merle Woodcock, Weston Zumwalt, Orris Knapp, Leland White, Oliver Corbin and Loren Forty. Their ages range from 18 to 27 years. Zumwalt is the youngest and Merle Woodcock the oldest. Seven of the eleven are members of the Port Orford band. CONSTANCE MEYER IS WINNER OF NATIONAL DUG CHAMPIONSHIP Competition for Amateur Ath letic Union Title Very Close Helen Hicks Second, Mrs. Constance Meyer of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club regained tho women's national diving crown, which she held in 1915, when she fin ished first in the Amateur Athletic Union meet held last night in the "Winged M" tank. Miss Alleen Allen of Los Angeles, holder of the cham pionship, did not enter the meet. Mrs. Meyer displayed wonderful form in making difficult dives. Competition for the national title was very close. Miss Helen Hicks of Multnomah was second and Miss Thelma Payne was .third. Less than one-half a point separated Miss Hicks and Miss Payne. "Happy" Kuehn won the men's city diving championships, with Ed Reeves second and Ed Stryker vthlrd. All are members of Multnomah. Emil Vodiansky of Eugene carried off two firsts in the men's swimming races, winning the 200 yard snd 600 yard events. Louis Balback, who was a member of the Stanford university swimming team and also a club mem ber, won the 50 yard dash and the plunge for distance. Al Mattern won the 100 yard race. Mrs. George P, Putnam of Salem showed her heels to the other con testants in th women's 50 yard race. Every available space in the club's spacious tank room was crowded. Hun dreds were turned away. Tha results: 50 yards, men Louis Balbak (M. A. j. k,.. lirsi, uswii j. nomas (M. A A. J.;. second; K. H. Rickart, Corvallis' third. Time :29. 100 yards, men Al Mattern (M. A. ursi; voajansKy, (Eugene), "tunu, ijouij isaiDacK ( m. A. A C.) third Time 1:09. ' 200 yards, men E. Vodjansky (Eu- fctrue.;. mi; Myron vv lisey ( M. A. A. y-.. eecunu; oiue w neeier (M A A C). third. Time 2:39. ' 500 yards, men E. Vodjansky (Eu gene;, rirst; u. j. Hosford (M. A. A. ; "w.coJxavMyron Wilsey (M. A. A. C). third. Time, 8:05. 50 yards, women Mrs. Rmrse P Putnam (Salem), first; Miss Harriette o 511 , 1 A- seconj; Mrs. E. Schockley (M. A. A. C.).- thft-d. No , . Men a Dlun?e Louis RnlhfirTr TUT X A. C). first; R, H. Rickart (CorvaUis) i thlrrf At-t 8 ' " ' A- ' 1 .Ja- M. wV UIOIQIU C. i Mon'n h v T i - v t I A C f lr .vL i i j second- Ed' StrvUr a ' rf,J?a' M tryKer (M. A. (M. A A. C. i. A. C). . . a. a. u. women s national diving championship Mrs. Constancfe Mevef. lirst; Miss Helen Hicks M. A. A. C). cuim, miss i iieimd rayne (Al. -A. A. C), third. Cavalry Ranks Are Open for Recruits w . . ' Men Wlio Wish, to Enlist Before Con- scrlption Begins Have Chases fa na tional Guard TJnits. Those who wish to get Into a mil itary organization with their friends and fellow citizens before conscription have a chance with-the three troops of cavalry and the flfeld artillery. O. N. G. Everything else is full up. The cavalry troops have vacancies for 12 to 15 men each. Captain C. F. Hogan is keeping open his offices at 106 Fifth street. Thers will be no volunteer organ izations accepted even if formed. Men who have been holding bade because of uncertainty are now coming in since It is known positively when the call will be made. Large Sum Left To State's Credit Secretary of Stat Oleott Zatimatss that Thers Will 8a Approximately $302,068 Balance of rnada, Salem. Or., May 18. Of the unex pended balances of the 1915-1916 ap propriations. Secretary bf State Oleott estimates there will be unexpended and revert to the state treasury approxi mately $302,086. This is made up from 131 Items, ranging from a few cents up to $65,484, which sum Is the unexpended balance from the main tenance appropriation for the Oregon state hispltal for the Insane. Of the $302,086 there was credited upon the 1917 tax levy by the state tax commission $100,000, while $9,006 must be deducted to adjust an error In the 1914 tax levy. This leaves approx imately $193,080 to credit upon the 191$ tax levy. GRAYS HARBOR PLANS TO ENTERTAIN CROWD ' OF REALTY DELEGATES o :i t a : 1 1 r oca From Portland and 100 Are': Expected From Valley. TAYLOR GOES TO SPOKANE S Delegation of Sevan Will Visit Realty Boards of Inland Empire and Other Cities. Interstate Realty association conven tions were discussed In enthusiastic manner at the meeting of the Portland Realty board Friday. M. C. Harris, chairman of the execu tive committee of the Grays Harbor Realty board and its representative in strengthening interest for the conven tion, was the principal speaker. He said that Grays Harbor was planning to entertain between 1000 and 1500 realty men during the convention, the dates of which are August 9, 10 and 11. F. E. Tavlor. Dresldent of the inter state association in n. short talk aid that a special train carrying 250 realty i men and their wives from Portland was assured, and O. H. Skotheim of Eugene said 100 realty men from the,8Cores are to be reported to w. nun- upper valley and southern Oregon arejaleston OI Aieier & rranKs sporting sure to attend. , goods department. Delegation does to Spokane. Frank McCrillis was chairman of the day. Mr. McCrillis was chairman of the invitation committee of the realty boasd last year, and he is sending per- sonal invitations to every real estate man in Oregon to accompany the Port- land board members on this special train. Following this meeting. President Taylor and a delegation of seven mem- j bers of the executive commitee of the. Interstate association left Friday night for Spokane, where on Saturday night they visited the Spokane Realty board. The committee, augmented by several Washington realty men, win spend Jion - day and Monday night in Seattle, and; Tuesday and Tuesday night in Tacoma. Those in the delegation at Spokane ucsiuro 4ai . i aj jut vtdc x i fx . v w n gill, secretary; John H. Scott, Salem; J. W. Fitre, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; E. T. Wade, Pendleton; C. M. Butler. Stites, Idaho; W. R. Weisel, Kennewlck, Wash., and M. G. Harris. Special Meteings Called. At Seattle and Tacoma, in addition to Messrs. Taylor, Cowgill, Scott, Wade and Harris, the committee will include Frank O. Cole, Aberdeen. Wash.; Al bert Schooloy. Chehalis. Wash.; J. E. Calder, Montesano, Wash.; Fred K. , Jones, Spokane, Wash., and R, E.' Pas- f ley, Aberdeen, w ash. Special meetings of the realty boards have been called at these places, and plans are being formulated to send large delegations to the convention. At its Friday meeting the realty board went on record in favor of rais ing the limit on the height of build ings from eight stories, as proposed in the new building code, to 15 stories. Paul A. Cowgill, secretary of the board, was authorized to Inform the city coun cil of this action. m H. L. Corbett, president of the Port - land Chamber of Commerce, addressed the board in opposition or tne proposea two-platoon system. Oakland Tanker Is Launched at Night Oakland, Cal., May 19. (P. N. S. The Frederic H. Kellogg was launched shortly before 11 o'clock tonight from the yards of Moore & Scott in the Oakland estuary. This is the first night-time launching that has been i staged on this bay for several years. The Kellogg Is owned by the Pan American Petroleum & Transport com pany of Ixs Angeles, representative of the Doheny interests. She is an oil tanker of 10,000 tons and her dimcn- ' eions are 425x57x27 feet. She Is built under the Isherwood patents. She will ' be equipped with twin electric geared j turbines of a total of 2900 horsepower. ' "Weather Conditions. Tortland, Or.. May 1. 1917. A modern disturbance overliea the southrn plateau and Reeky mountain states and local showers Lave fallen in most of-the western and north ern atatea and western Canada. The pressure is incrasinK along the north l'acrllc oas! The weather is cooler in Oregon - 1 an" " Vf fi"sh fiabt' rn r fi tone, the bi of the i ' ,., foil Washington. Dorthern Nevada, uorther the llockv mountain states, moat I kilns states. Minnesota and southeastern New York; It Is warmer In the centrrl MIs- : I I A . ......... (thin vallava luL rt7t..i. T ,Tnr thIIov and northern Altierta. Te conditions are favorable for iturtly cloudy weather in this district Sunday, with rising temperature und generally northwest erly winds. Forecasts. Portland ' and vicinity Sunday. partly cloudy, with rising temperatures, northwest erly wind. , , Oregon. Washington and Idaho Sunday, partly cloudy with rising temperatures exept near the coast; winds mostly northwesterly. North Pacific coast Sunday, probahly fair; n ,t(,rthwosterlv winds. " T. K KAN CIS 1) HAKE. Assistant Forecaster. Observations. Observations taken at 5 p. m.. Pacific time. J Wind. . Station. e 1 I Baker S4 i .0 10 NW I Cloudy Boston 72 j .0 14 SW Cloudy Chicaa-o RH .00 22 NB Cloudy lenv er 58 . W It. Cloudy Iuluth H . 18 N Ft. Cloudy tialveston ... 76 . 0 24 SE ; Clear Jacksonville . ) . . J E Clear Ios A.ngelea. 64 .0 in Stt Pt. Cloudy Medford .... .0 12 W I Pt. Cloudy Montreal .... .0 14 , S K.I,. New York . . 76 .0 So -S Clear S. Yakima . 70 .0 16 NW Clesr Pendleton ... 38 . I W Pt. Cloudy Pocatello ... 00 .ol .. SW Cloudy Portland -13 .. I Kain Sacramento . . 6S .0 16 I , S Clear Salt Lake ... 64 .O .. W Cloudy Sao Fran. . . 58 . 14 .NW I't. Cloudy Seattle 54 .10 10 W Cloudy Spokane fl .28 W Cloudy Tatoh Isl.. 54 . 12 W Clear Walla Walla. ri .O SW Clondy Washington . SB Clear Ijocal Record. I tlnn. tr.. .My iw. juiiranoi irinpera- ture CO desre?a. Minimum temperatore 40 de- Tea River reading. a. m.. 17.8 feet. Change In last 24 bonra. -r0.3 feet. T$TVx$HS& ternber 1. 116 r: . i on iniuia Total sansh liie. 4 hours 20 minutes- Poalble mnstilne. 13 bonra 6 minutes Barometer (reduced sea level) 5 p. n.. 39 AS Inches. Colombia Bivsr Bar Report. Relative bnmidity at Bonn. Ut per cent. North Head. Mar 1. Cnodlttnn of the bar it 9 a m. -Sea smooth; wlad NW, 14 miles. McCormick'siHave , ' ' To Pay Own Men for Saving Own Ship Fan Francisco. Cal.. May 19. The breakdown Of the Mc- Cormick steamship Klamath last3anuary has brought about t a rather peculiar situation In , which a company pays salvage W- to employes on- one ef Us ves- sels for saving another of its steamers. When the Klamath broke down she was picked up by the Celilo of the same company. Yesterday the McCormlck com- pany sent out a notice to Its employes on the Celilo that sal- vage money has been appor- tioned to all officers and crew on board at the time and is now . payable at the head offices. ' Walter McCredle Is 111. San Francisco, May 199. (U. P.) Walter McCredle. manager of the Port land eeam of the Coast league is con fined to his room here threatened with pneumonia. His condition is not con sidered serious. X "Red" Murray Is Released. New York, May 19. (I. N. tf.) Jack "Red" Murray was handed his unconditional release today by Man ager John McGrew of the Giants He expects to secure a berth with some minor league club. GRAMMAR BASEBALL me semi-iinai ana rinai games Will fee played on the grounds decided on. by- tfle principals or the managers of tne opposing teams. After each game all Division Wo. 1. May 22 Arleta vs. Glencoe; Rich- mond vs. Section 5. May Zo Olenco vs. Richmond; Bee-, tion 5 vs. Arleta. May 29 Richmond vs. Arleta; Sec- tion & vs. Ulencoe. Division Ho. 3. May 22 Holladay vs. Shattuck: Ock- ley Green vs. Failing. May 25 Shattuck vs. Ockley Green; Failing vs. Holladay. May 29 Ockley Green vs. Holladay; Falling vs. Shattuck. Division Ho. 3. May 22 Winners of Section 6 vs. !t,., c,i m M 25Winner. of Section Wlnn' f s,.ti0n fi 10 vs. i ,fav ,,,.,. nf Winners of Section 10. i Finals. I June 1 Winners of Division i Winners of Division 2. 1 vs. 2 vs. June 5 Winners of Division Winners of Division 3. June 8 Winners of Division Winners of Division 1. 3 vs. Doctor Says Crying Need Of the Women Of Today Is More Iron In Her Blood I CTDTMP TU J rJ 1 O 1 IvIlINVi I H Any Woman Who Tires Easily, Is Nervous or Irritable, or Looks Pale, Haggard and Worn Should Have Her Blood Examined for Iron Deficiency. of Nuxated Strength Administration "There, c.n be no healthy, baanUfoL rosy, cheeked women without Iron," says Dr. Ferdi nand King, a New York Physician and Medical i.ithnr -in my re cent talks to pJiysi cians on the grve and serious cons- quences ur " ifienov in the blood I rxf A m e r 1 can wo- ! men. I have stronK- - lv emphasized tne ! f act that doctors should f 'rba i mn r iron mure t r- f I ...i iron 'Or iTwn" weak! hagar-looklng women patients otuMnii. The Pallor means skin or tne anaemic woman lacil rain fags.and the K -al,;;f irri table, despondent and meian . , l -s4 nfl bT1 I lie V 1 cnoi cnoi. . f wornen. the from inp "'w- . . roses go from their cneK tr. the most common foods America, the starches, of Alible svrups. candles, EES rl. whit? Wl. sod C r.a C hetti. tapl- macaruii.. - ---n. oca, Mfi , rrirfr mrnmral. no longer THI in, Is iron to be found, ltefm ! J Processes have removed he Tron of Mother Earth ' L impoverished iiuii'c y- .;,(. pipe the oown the Jaste i p v-eetaMe8 ! Sowed are responsible for another j grave iron loss. ( , f vo l your youthful old asre. you must supply me iron ue- : ficiency in your foou ny using wiw of orirantc iron, just I -niVld use salt when your rooa nas not. form i enough salt. As I have said a nu..u. . - i A rA nr. would only , builders tike Nuxated Iron wnn "tnoy fl wclk or run down, instead L An themselves with saes I am convinced that in ?5e"- could ward off diSa-eV preventing It be.-orn-Vrr organic In thousand- of i Inn- orgs i cases and .i. i.v. th lives inn " 7 . V, 5T lTvear f rom pneumonia, grippe, die evexy aVeart trouble, and other kidney. v5T;2?rs ThVreal and true dangerous msJadles i ",dlmiI, wa8 more nr less than a weaken.! SEdttSTMSt 'in by lack of iron in the blood. . Ight ne hpi "" " " j un actuuui i . i On account of tne P"-r j 0f woman, ana me "r"V " " ZrinXL. h uncm her system at certain nenoas. no . renuire iron much more than man to n? up for the losa "IfrvSTcTonKeTnto 1 1 .ithout'u' no Matter i niiw r ii ucii an v v j - i merely parses through you wit hout do irur you any good. You don't get the strength out of it, and as a conse ouAnce vou become weak, pale and sickly looking. Just like, a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If ynu are not sttrona or well, you owe it to your sel I to mass me louea-ing iei n -t m GREAT NORTHERN IS POPULAR AS ISLAND EXCURSION CARRIER Bjg Turbiner Carries 6907 Folk to Honolulu Returns to Coast Run, Six thousand nine hundred and seven passengers were carried by the big Hill turbine liner Great Northern on her nine voyages between the Ha waiian Islands and Safi Francisco dur ing the winter tourist season. This announcement, made by the Groat Northern Pacific S.. S. company today, marks a record in Transpacific travel that has never before been equaled. The figures show that on the out bound voyages the Great Northern carried 2984 passengers end on tli; homeward voyages 3923 passengers, in addition to these, 1215 passengers were carried between Hilo and Honolulu on the big turbiner. Since being withdrawn from the San Francisco-Honolulu service, the Grear Northerrf has been overhauled at a cost of $114,000 and is now on the San Francisco-Portland run for the sum mer. Union to Enlarge Force. Satn "Francisco, May IS. At the Union Iron Works today it was an nounced that 5000. additional men would be employed at the plant as soon as steel begins arriving from the east in any large quantities. Officials of the plant said that while steel for government - work was on hand, ma terials for commercial work' was not as fast in arriving. Under an agree ment with the federal authorities. 70 per cent of th: men in the plant can at any time be put on government work. New Yard Planned. San Francisco. May 19. The ifo- qulam Lumber & Shingle company has been sold to the shipping firm of Sudden & Christensen of San Fran cisco it was announced. The new owners will construct shipbuilding ways on a portion of the property and begin "the buildincof wooden vessels on an extensive scale, it was said. Ed. Christensen is in Aberdeen. - Changes and Charters. San Francisco. May 19. H. E. Her rr.anson has replaced John Bostrom as master -of the steamer National City. C. O, W . Lofstrom has replaced Charles F. Hoffman as master of the steamer Mandalay. The Norwegian motorship Bayard has been chartered for a trip from San Francisco to Manila and .return IN HER NERVES HER CHEEKS. Iron in Clinical Tests Gives Most Astonishing Youthful and Makes Women Look Years Younger. A you I i i i I I L I 1 X Dr. Ferdinand Kinfh New York Physician and Medical Author, tells physicians that they should prescribe more organic iron Nuxated Iron for their patients Says anaemia iron deficiency-r-is the greatest curse to the health, strength, vitality and beauty of modern can Woman. Sounds warn ing against use of metallic iron which may injure the teeth, corrode the stomach and do far more harm than good; advises use of only nuxated iron. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated J ron three time rxw day after meals for two weeks, then test your strength again and se how much you havs gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who wera ailing all tn while double their strength and endurance and ailing all the while double erctiralv rid themmlves of all ivmn. tomi of dyspepsia, liver aad other BEAVER HURLERS TO OPPOSE EA0H: ON VAUGHN LOT Harstad and Fitzpatrick Will Pitch in Intercity League Contest TWs Afternoon. INTERCITY BASEBALL LEAGUE. Won Lost P.C Kenton 1 0 1.000 Camas 1 1 .f,0O Klrkpatrlck 1 l .58') Maroons . . .- 0 1 .000 Pitchers Harstad and Fitipatrlck of the Portland Beavers will be the op posing twlrlers in today's Intercity league contest on the Vaughn street grounds between the Klrkpatrlck Star and the Kenton club. Harstad wii! hurl for the lodgemen and Fitzpatrick. for the Kenton1 club. The game will start at 2:30 o'clock. Ralph Pinelli. who is being groom M to take the place of Charley Hollo cher, who will probably go up to tha majors next spring, will play the short field position for the Kirkpatrlcks. George Grayson's Maroons will bat tle the Camas, Wash., team on the Camas grounds, this afternoon. Smith will pitch for Camas, and Dlllard will hurl for the Maroons Liangs to Play Ruperts. The Lang & Co. team will play a double header this afternoon on the Peninsula Park grounds, clashing with the Wabash nine in, the first contest and with the Baby Beavers, champions of the Intercity league, in the second battle. The first game will start at 1 o'clock and the Becohd at 3 o'clock. The batteries for the first game will be: ' IS.UIUZ. . regg ami Jamison ror Uing. and Goddard and Williams for Wabash; second game. Helm arid Weist for Lang and Hleman and Thomps&n for tha Baby Beavers. Los Angeles Faces Busy Election Day Los Angeles, Cal., May 19. (P. N. S.) With the date for the registra tion of conscript set for June 6, Los' Angeles today faced the problem of holding her municipal election and conscription on the name date. It was announced today, however, that both Jobs would be handled by the regular election officials. A plan Is being formulated whereby two) or thres members of the election board in each precinct will handle the registration of men eligible for military duty as they appear at the polls to cast their vote. (lump sum), by Co. (June-July). George A. Moore Sc AND COLOR IN troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking Iron in the proper form. And thia. after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron aretate. or tinc ture of iron simpVy to sava a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red coloring matter In the blood of her children is. alas: no'. tnat kind or iron. xou mutt mi Iron In a farm that can be easily ab sorbed and assimilated to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. "1 have used Nuxated Iron widely In my own prac tice in most never aggra vated conditions with un failing renulfs. I have in duced many other physi cians to give It a trial, .all of whom have given me most surprising reports In regard to its great power as a health and strength builder. "Many an athlete and prize-fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled hlg blood wltn tron before he went Into the affray; while many another has nam.! down in inglorious defeat simply for the. lack of iron." I)r. 8 : h u y ler ('. J a q u e s. ViKl'tiig surgeon of St. -Kllsa- beth s Hospital. New York, City, nald: "I have never before given out any medi cal information or advice Tor publica tion, as I ordinarily do not believe in it. But so many Ameri can women suffer from iron deficiency with its attendant Ills physical weak ness, nervous irrita bility, melancholy indigestion, flabby. sagging muscles, etc.. etc. and in consequence of their weakened, run-down condi tion they are so liable to con tract serious and even fatal, diseases, that I deem It my duty to advise ail such -to take Nuxated Iron. I hare taken it myself and given it to my patients with most surprising" and satisfactory result a And Amen-: tiione who isb quickly to Increase their strength will find it i power and endurance most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." NOTK Noiate line, which Is prescribe! am! recommended above -y ptiyalrlins In an a great variety of raws Is Dot a patent bmmU clne sor secret reajeO. l-at one which s kocws to druggists acd witoee Iroa coutltneats r widely precTlh! Ir eminent physicist froth Is Europe and Aaerirs. t'slike the nrle ' hvvgaale Iron produce It Is easily slmllata rioea not Injurs- the lee h. make them htaek 1-ot upset the Btomae!. or the contrary, U Js suat patent remedy la rearty all forms "T la digestion. as well as (ur m rvona, rao-dows eosi ditlona. Tha mamifacr-reers ban a-b gret cinfMence In cms ted b. that tbev offer tm forfeit t l'lll to say eoaritable lnarlta'lai I. tbey i-annoc take muj man or woaaan ander fM wb lacks lrmi. aaxl iscreaa their strangtb ara per cent over In foar weeks' time provldaa tsey ba-ee m sertnna otganle Iron Ma. Tbev akw. offer to refand vour money if H jisr -not at least double roar atrengtk and eador snea la ten days tla. It Is dispensed la Ssas city by IBS uwi ltus l- and ail ssssa drugs lata i a-