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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
s AUTOMOBILES- ACCESSORIES tCOlUSUMI 44 W'T WASTE YOUR u on Inferior Makes of Cars rte!MI THE HIT "A real rar 1n return for the money . '"Invested. Irresponsible dealers in used "tars, have nothing at stake except th-.' - " hie re sale of a car.- Select Your Car at V- Headquarters 'All Used Cars Sold y Minus Profit r A guarantee of FREE SERVICE ac companies each car sold, your satls- fact ion means our success. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7i LAUNCHES AND BOATS 61 WE WILL pay you cash for Ut-.jSo FOOT cabin crnlser, good for pas model cars in good condition, or eenger or work boat. In good condi will sell your car for you. . Our term tlon, ,no engine reasonable. D A. are lowest In the city. Chambers. 167 Broadway, or Von der USED CAR EXCHANGE. Werth's boat Bhop, east end Morrison., wring i 527 Washington St. ! bride-, have token Tl W TTT 1.1 -J T. ! nri n vvajsiunKion arm dutiibiuc mci,. j PIANOS, ORGANS AND -MLS1CAL INSTRUMENTS (Coattnuad) 34 : HOUSEHOLD GOODS tot SALE 05 (Coaitnuedl ' Special Talking Machine Sale During the past few months we Lve toJcen in a. nnmhfr of machines on new Victrolas, Grafonola and t,di- A Great Opportunity AWAITS YOU 11 EilAiOS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i . 4 Continued) . WE TKalhi;,1BUV. SKLU Household goods grocery, restaurant, hotel, store and office fixtures; talking machines, records, musical instru ments, typewriters scales, cash regis ters, sevuiir machines. KanlcQ toon. camping; outfit... l:tric fans. ril!-j SWAP COLUMN (Gootinaed IOST AND -FOUND 21 AJUTOS FOB HIKK LOOK HERE! 53! Owner leaving city. 2BZ2. New Ford for hire. Columbia Hlgh-ig FT. LAUNCH. 8 h. f " cyole engine, speed 11 miles. riinK- . sii-ao; sa down, xi week. way, 15 round trip hour around town. 4 Dersons: SI Marshall 3397. jFOfc SALE Fast motorboat. fully Bon Diamond Disc phonographs. We Used goods that have been entirely t shot.?. """I-.V1 'houVe equippea witn comDinaiion Doainoaae. offer them foiiows. .ch machine refintshed and look like new at nearly F looo BARTn-k i' 1st M. 44'C fit- - Mr f n Ml . au4 in. , ll II I l t - " eluding 24 records: ncU' rilLG p. 2 cylinder Z Regular 3o Edlon pnonograpn, i j.7.50 white enamel and bronre 1 miles, hunk" . Sll-ao; sa down. XI week. i finish iron beds i ley's Marine Machine Shop, foot Hamil- Regular $45 Edison phonograph. Ji 50 brass bed RELIABLE auto service, 5 and 7 pas- ; ton ave. $13.5, $5 down. $1 week. ' v$15 oak dressing table for highway and shop- FOR SALE 24 ft launch. 12 H P. fveguiar lis txiison, woocen num. ijo bird s eye commode HIGH trunk. 36 in. Heavy brass tray smoker's set. (5. & E. letter file with punch, i'air 3 lb. Indian clubs. Rem ington typewriter No. 6. Trade all for Underwood typewriter. Pay cash diC- faMnxA Ktll kioii.v.lAlu ' . uun I I. . . . . . v . m I' u tL 1 J v . m . 4?S Journal LOST Saturday afternoon, black leather hand I m. contninirg spec tacleo and money, between punt of fice, WAshtiiRton. or in ii;pman - WolTs lasemrnt. Reward: otfic Nortonia hotel. senger cars, ping; reasonable rates Main 7730. CADILLAC 7-pass. car, Columbia high way and shopping. Rates reasonable. -VlHin 1158. ) . A('uo i iivu - unvtrs oi mre. City garage. 6 10th xt B'wa MO A-4246. 5-7 fASS. lar. Columbia Highway, ser- vice day or night. Main 115s. Oregon Motor Car Co, V. Studeliaker Distributors. X Open Sunday. TARK AND DAVIS STS. B WAY 616. V JUST A FEW NICE BUYS LEFT. 1915 Buick r, P. light car. 1915 Buick roadster, perfect. 1916 tiiuon Six. just new. 19 Hi Dodge, extra perfect. 1916 Grant 'Six, run very little. l&lf Chalmers Six. Wk buy.. 1916 Chevrolet new tires. Other good buys for I ISO to $250. Free Inspection. MAN LEY AUTO CO., 11th and Oak, at liurnside. Phone Broadway 217. FRANKLIN Fix, tires almost new, Mr worth $500; must be sold for owner Quirk; make an offer. : CHEVROLET 4-9 W touring, 3 new 'tires, overhauled, fine shape. MAXWELL louring, good tires, car 4n good order, $300. rv FORD. 1917 touring, like new, run 2000 miles, not a mark or dent; per vfect order. Don't delay if you want this car. REGNER & FIELDS, INC, 41; 12 Grand ave.. North. East 25. S3'J5 condi- $350 dandy . . $350 4 new $17: EXCHANGE, Marshall 197i REAL SNAPS. 1915 MAXWELL, electric lights U.IK1 siai ifi, tjt;HJuuiunuir i nun, fc,t Mi nn it aiiy iu'w urt-a an ttiuunu, extra iir1 ana run, line uunui- tinn mpchnnifullv - ;i913 KNOX. 7 pass., fine tlon; snap at 5,1912 STODDARD. 7 pass., !; for truck or stage car . TJ912 ELMORE ROADSTER ' tires W AUTO 493 Alder st. FOR SALE CHEAP. C.One 7-pass. WHITE STEAM CAR. in ;gcod running order. $250. .j,, CADILLAC. 5-pass.. electric, lights .if If starter, eood tires! and good run- T'tilfig order. I o not fail to see tins ":ar as it is a tiargain. STUDEHAKEK delivery car, in good T running order, just thoroughly over hauled. $250. FRED DUNDEE. 57 5 Jefferson St. FORD one-ton trurk, new tires in rear, ' car in good running order; will sell "at $375; terms. uail nir. nuriey . "Broadway 616 , MAXWELI roadste.r Z-292. Journal. for sale cheap V AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 rAVlLL trade euuity of $650 in fine 1 ' acre tract for late model auto, living i water, within three miles of two towns i close to school; all but 1 acre in cul.i f vation. Mtg. $465, 6" interest. Write jowner, L. B. Mors", Brownsville, Or. . i VANT automobile in good conditio I i1 exchange for billiard parlor doing yiyood business; high grade equipment, .5 cheap rent; will sell for half of origi- lial cost. See owner at Club Billiard : 1 I'arlor, 1146 Alblna ave. . . , MOI'OIM Vt LKS-llK'VC LES 55 Used Motorcycles We have a large number of motorcycles of all makes that we have taken in on new Har ley Davidsons. They have been overhauled and put in first class condition. Come in and look them over before you buy, or write for bulletin 140, giving the description and price of thee machines. We ship on approval. Motorcycle & Supply Co. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE - MOTORCYCLE DEALERS IN THE STATE. 209 Fourth St. Branch 48S Union Ave.. North. P. run Wood- FOR SALIC 24 ft. launch, 12 H speed 12 miles, canopy top. equipment. Just overhauled. lawn 1271. 27 FT. hand dandy for d cash or terms . HT T 1 J . . . T " r. . ttOC A..nKtno I - - - . . . . . nunidim, cvciiniftn. jfinsive Talking Machine House in ine ji.25 folding chairs, each .tjjk BAijti une oi ine oesi nouse- vy wuijm uu enitrejy new owtn j xz.50 eolden oak buffet ! FOR SALE Brand new carom and j pocket billiard tables with complete A Krt i "" uju, becona nana , , " , kX ; auced prices; bowllnK alley ana ou- ' al,. Hard suppli..8- easy payments. Cigar store fixtures. Send for catalogue. fine cabinet and SO records; cost $27.50 Body Brussels 8.3x19.6 rug $122.50. Price $37.75; $5 down. $1 week, in 50 Karly English armchairs,. Regular $100 Columbia disc machine, j i' tv. v.,,11 -ooden horn, only $37.50. $7.50 down, . ,20 oak rocker, upholstered seat U type cruiser hull, a ; $4 monthly. fc . and back . .... ay cruising; seats four; , $11 vanaphone dWc machine. $5.50. j16 60 square too dining table 6 ? 4? rnslbl buyer- Don't forgt we are the largest ex- I ft extenkn . . . .! boats on the river, a S ft. veranda extends around the entire house; will Hva arm a I.1D1 T nnmal ' PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of Storage Pianos THOR single $ 40. 1 - I. 1 vj ; i n in. r' J uipptu ...... J TWIN HA RLEY DAVIDSON 75 Twin Excelsior, eauipped 100 1 Yale single 25 Two speed Indian, elec, equipped. .175 Single THOR 25 Twin Excelsior, equipped 125 Twin HARLEY-DA VIDS'N. equip' d 75 I 1912 Indian, twin, equipped 90 second hand bicycles trom Jltr up. Apex Bicycle Co. Main 2956. 124-126 12th st. A-3306. Special Prices This Week ON USED MOTORCYCLES 1915 2-speed "Dayton, equipped .... $1 75 1916 3-speed Tnor. equipped 150 it. i'. Lxccisior, equipped, A-i shape 110 i 5 H. P. Harley. equipped 70 ' 1914 9 H. P. Dayton, equipped.... 150 1 1916 3-speed Dayton, good as new, I equipped 22j Dayton Cycle Co. 210 Broadway. all makes. See our new store, new stock and new demonstration rooms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 331 a Morrison St. Opposite Portland Hotel.' $150 Talking Machine and Records for $60 Elegant cabinet talking machine, cost $125 and 30 disc records, all for $60 and terms if desired. ED $16.50 golden finish sideboard., j Several new and used stand ta- j bles worth to $5, each i $75 Monarch range with gas at- i tachment I $35 Vulcan gas range I No. 2 galvanized wash tubs $2.76 adjustable pin curtain stretchers (new) 5th and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. Your Credit Is Good. 5.00 9.00 ! 4.0) 2.25 , 7.50 , 7.75 .65 11.50 : 9.50 The. BRUN5WICK-BALHE-CULLEN- 1JKK CO., 46-4 5th. Portland, ur. Potato Seed 1 Blue-ribboned Russet Burbank. nounced by Luther Burbank the seed in existance. 5c lb., f. o. b. D. M. O SULLIVAN. 4S Union ave. N., Portland. pro-bijt I Fl 1 84 1 st St, SALE or trade, fireless cooker, bicycle,' I tteamer trunks, steel card index, cam era, 88-note piano rolls, lady s writing desk. Columbia Grafonola or 1000 other useful articles. Hall & Casslday, 126 First st. DANDY. Double barrel, hammerless Stevens $fu shotguA; give good trade for Grafonoia. pigs, calves, saddle pony or anything, give or take cash -lif:erenco. Evenings, room 2, 426 Alder. LOST Luk unttivr purse in Pet . pies theatre Saturday afternoon. 12 gauge ! containing H. R. ticket ti nvr, Col.. ana money; nneral reward for return to owner. ,Jo Multnomah street." Phone KM 5l.V.. 42.50 19.75 1.00 1.69 Light, rosewood, $18.00. Dunham, rosewood, $25.00. Story & Clark, ebonized. $30.00. Anlisell, $35.00. Decker Bros., $45.00. Hardman, mahogany, $65.00. Cable & Sons. $60.00. Haines & Co., mahogany, wax fin ish, $50.00. , Kimball, mahogany, carved panels. $78.00. Chickering, rosewood $100.00. Arion, burl walnut, $125.00. Mathushek, very elaborate case, $135.00. Pease, wax finish, dull mahogany, $150.00. Aeolian player piano, plays 88 note rolls, $175.00. Autopiano, $200; worth more than this to play by hand. These and many others to be closed out at once at Storage & Forwarding Dept., 151 4th st, city. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used piano, $35, $96, $145, $190 up. New 1916 models, $195. $235, $265. $290 up. Used plaver pianos, $290, $335. $435. $465. New 1916 model player pianos. $435. $465, $495, $635; $5 or $10 cash. $6 or more monthlv; no interest. Ill 4th St.. af Washington. TYPEWRITERS 77 Mi mm GUARANTEED REBUILT TYPE WRITERS. MACHINES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. VISIBLE MODELS RENTED. $2 PER MO.. 3 MOS. $5-50. INITIAL RENT APPLIES O.X PUR CHASE. SEND FOR NEW ILLUSr TRATED PR1CELIST. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 WASH ST., PORTLAND. OR. Bargains in Used Furniture Quartered oak 6 ft. extension table. J11.8.V, quartered oak buf fet, $15; chairs at $1; gas water heater, $9: fine bed davenport, . $19.50; gas table range, $14; bed-s. $1.50; springs. 75c; mat tress. $1.50; mahogany settees, $3.85; rockers, $2.25; sideboard. $9.50; reed baby carriage, $7.50; go-carts, $1.50; Morris chair, $4.25. Wm, Gadsby & Sons Washington, corner First. ALL machines sold for less. Renting $2 per month. No agents em ployed. Sewing machine Emporium, 190 3d. near Tavlor. Main 9431. A-36:6. "M U lCA L I N ST it L'il E.N TS. 1' y pe wrlters' and 'Housenold Ooods" are separate . cla-sif icatlons. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their itsiective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. FULL- blooded Plymouth Rock Homer pigeons, ajiy amount up to $lu; want kodak, motorcycle, gasoline en gine, bicyi le or anything 1 can use on tarm. Vnu.t have you? Paul Semmer. R'-x. Or. BOSTON bull pups, 3 months old. ap for 12 or 16 gua;e pump gun or Ford accessories tool box, bumper, trunk and rack. Mai $25, fcmaUjs $J0. Beauties. No junk wanted. YX-U54, Journal. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric "Works, 413 Burnsiue. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-56T4. U.Nfc, gasoline wood saw, complete, guaranteed in good running order, 4 extra circle saws; cash, $150. One 3 horse marine engine, just overhauled; cash. $25. Call phone Corbett 520. ELEGANT floor showcase, width feet, height 4 feet, mirror back; top section has bent glass front; cost $50, for $25. One showcase 32 Inches high, 24 inches wide, 18 inches, deep, for $7.50. USED MACHINES ' $20 and ud. On easy terms. Motors. Clutches, Carburetors, etc. Write for Complete List. Cylinder Grinding, Acetylene Welding and General Overhauling. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avek SECURITY storage Co.. closing out: Used $375 Kimball upright, cash. $95; $500 Weber upright, cash. $100; $375 Emerson upright, cash. $65; $350 I Emerson square, cash. $35; $2.75 H. C I Fischer square, cash, $20; $90 parlor 1 orean. cash. $12: $125 narlor organ. casn. szo. Pianos storea. ouc mommy. We buy and sell for cash only. 4th St.. at Washington st; BICYCLES BICYCLES. If you need a bicycle for yoursedf or for your boy, just stop and think. You can get a bicycle BY USING YOUR CREDIT. $34 Bicycles $12 down, $2 week. $40 Bicycles $16 down. $2.50 week. JOE'S BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP, 204 4th st. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE BICYCLE DEALERS IN OREGON. SELECTED STOCK. Before buying get onr prices on rebuilt typewriters from our selected stock, fully guaranteed. Very easy pay ments. Machines sent on week's ex amination, free of charge , Rebuilt Denartmn t. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. 184 First St. Jlu TLX dr-jpneud stwinjj macianes with attachments, good condition. Sewisg machines rented at $2 per month. Fast 2ii9, B-3307. E. R. Steen, lo2 Grand ave.. nar Belmont. fab ITS pressed, 35 cents. French dry or steam cleaned, $1. Why pay more? Autos call and deliver free. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3oa Stark. Broadway 514.. Seed Potatoes $2.50 and up per hundred. Call at Pacific Storage, E. 1st and Madison sts. Fast S91 COAT and dressmaking, plain sewing. men and women's shoes, slightly worn; clothing, trunk; swap for rugs, dresser, couch, range or netting. D- 394, Journal. LADY'S writing desk, oak bookcase, buffalo robe. $r5 elk charm. Want late model typewriter and stand, ward robe trunk or what have you? 305 Lewis bl d g. FINE violin, bow and case, value $7"'. Want 32 special rifle, 38 Colt sj. rial, and good Kodak. Room 6. Sclio field bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. WILL r-aity taking red fox fur by mistake from Cot i' lion Hall last We.dni'sdav night kindly all Marshall hfs.l. apiirtnunt 3.'" No questions asked R'ard. STiiA VV.I "lila. k mar, left hind foot white. Reward. Andcisun. 660 South ave. I)ST. gold nio.-iojcram watch fob, "IL Y. B." Hbi.ut Thursday week kgiw Wood lawn 34 TS $5 reward. STKAlKl.i nil STOLEN Coach dog. Piease return, no questions, reward. 029.Jouriml. LOST--.- -' and Union greenback", bet. 61 h at on Hawtlnrne. East D07J. PERSONAL Get Well FOR sale or trade. Fox terrier. I J months old. and Angora goat; want electric iron or cooking appliances. Oak Grove 22R. HOi SEBO AT furnished complete!-. Will trade Tor a Ford. Call Tabor 4053. as first uay- modern bungalow. 50b. N. CEMENT work wanted ment on Jersey s:. WANTED, to a gxso.1 bor bicycle 7640. or what have violin for you? Ta- FURN1TERE. auto; what have you as first payment on modern bungalow? JOS N. Jersey st. SEED potatoes $3 and $4.10 per hun dred. Delivered anywhere between Union ave., Madison and Woodlawn. Hoy w. Minkler. Route 3, Vancouver, W ash. A Typewriter Snap Vern L. Wenger The 2d Hand Talking Machine Mao. All Makes of Machines and Records, bargain prices, easy terms. 142 2d. Main 7244. Practically new No. 5 Oliver type writer, used very little and in perfect condition and working order. If you were to see this machine and did not know that it had been used vou would 103 think that you are getting it first hand. 1 oat new 1U0. but party will sell for $25 cash. We consider this the great est typewriter bargain In Portland. Mish Furniture Co. USED RUGS We still have quite a few used rugs left out of the 50 we received from a big hotel last week. Thev are all used Shuttleworth ' body Brussels rugs and cost from $3 5 . l. rwl -- M i lows: 9x12 nigs. $15 each: 9xlC-6 rugs. 1 A YTh vv V? I110 t1d beaJls: ?so $13 each; 8-3x10-6 rugs. il2 each; 12x ' tlfdy, ash'ngton white beans; five 15 rugs. $25: 9x15 rugs. $22.50 each; 1 ,m? fancy seed potatoes for sat. 12x12 rugs. $20 each. An pim.Ptinnal ; 74 Front St.. cor. Oak. chance to secure a good used rug at a 60 INCH malleable steel range corn very low price. 1 bination gas and coal; also 8 foot GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. - (steam table with dishes; all In good 185 to 191 1st fit.. j order. 430 Harrison st. iear lamnni. $15 DISC phonograph and 10 disc records, all for $12.50. double WRITE for Bulletin 140, fcivintr list of 30 used Motorcycles, all in good ' running condition. We will ! ship to you on approval. 1 Mo obligations. MOTOR 1 84 1 st St. SOLID FUMED OAK EXTENSION TABLE, size 54 inches. 10 foot ex- I tension. A splendid table and 5 fine not, .Vi i i .... .1(1 o r Aw . 1 nr.nt.1V1 . THo sat onct t " unil haa sftarrnlv h,,n ftlAAlr used. Could be sold for new. Price only $50. This is a bargain. We also I received from the same place a splen- j did, massive library table, cost $50, j for $30; and a few fine leather uphol- I stered rockers that cost $22 for $12 1 and $15 each. Terms can be arranged If desired. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 18o to 191 1st st.. near Yfcmhill. IF YOU want to buv or sell second hand furniture, call on G. OKI. 209 Second street. colle.-tions bouc-ht and snld: look UD VOUT Old Stamns: trait thpm for money. Brinckerhoff, 832 Morgan bldg. VACUUM CLEANERS $2 to $00 each. W e sell, rent, exchange or buy. EXPERT REPAIRS, Duntleys and all. Uentley & Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 85S2. 184 First at. NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod els. $3 per month, $7.50 for 3 months. Other, models less. Remington Type writer Company. 86 Broadway. Tele phone Broadway 621. NURSE joining army has Victroia for sale, excellent condition, 16 double faced records; also brand new suitcase; want offers. Main 110 or A-1136. We Pay More WE SAVE you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our 1 Illustrated folder. Retail department, I WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. USED gas ranges for less: good Re liable gas range, elevated side oven and broiler, green porcelain doors, in fine shape, a good $50 range for $22.50 connected: a great quantity of used gas ranges, some aa low as $5.50. Why pay more? Gevurtx Furniture Co.. 185 to mi 1st St.. near lamnni. I TbM'HULSB, 14xlS, for $25 or fly FOR SALE Beautiful fumed oak di-L and tent for . $15. Call Tabor 79'JS. nlng room set. library table rocking net, iu-i- a. m.. or can see at ul41 67th chairs. Wilton rug; cheap for cash. Mt- Scott car. Marshall 1600. i A U T O U O ri 1 LES llOTORi'Vi'l.vs CHEAP No. 15 DeLaval creajn separ ator, excellent condition; rood chop per; fanning mill; wagon; hack. Part in wood or groceries. Main 5485. SIX volumes Hritannica, ninth edi tion, sheepskin, cost $45. for good second bicycle. K-500. Journal FREE. Every day from lu a. m. to 4 p. m. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday lrom 7 to 9 p. m. (THOUSANDS OF sl'H EKERS WHO HAVE FAILED To get relief in any way are lnrlted to attend these clinics n uur big clinic ball. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC I DIAGNOSTICIANS Will examine and diagnose your case and direct your treatment. ! FREE TO ALL. I CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, ;ure and mcdern 8' lcnce of curing and ! preventing diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause, ' health returns i PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, I 433 lla.vsu.lo mi., at illi, east side. Pnone Eust 6536. Dr. Elliott, dlie. ior of clinics. GOOD phonograph to exchange lor 1st class rolding bed. 309 Market. Mar shall 3061. EXCHANGE Female Airedale for nig or pheasants. Tabor 4941 GENTS' watch to trade, for horn. 4Q9 Wilcox bldg. WANTED M I SCELLA X EOUS 5 THE LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., dealers In nw and second-hand furniture and hard are. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Four large tofes are ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need in home or elsewtiere. Front. Mfiln 9072. A-7174. V 1 1. 1. .J I . ..... , . . O L have lnesteu muie i.uney in ine last ten years in neailii u,',....u.c- man any physician in oieou. T.iey are radium X-ray ptiuluKiapnin machines, sialic. 1 rays, sinusoidal laiad.c, galvanic and pups ; oilier loima of eleciriu machine. otunc, oiafciiciit; wave viumuira. lauia tors, bake ovens, lights am. oaths. Thousand oi cuied patients woi glad ly tesiily as lo .iui 1 tiav uone lor them.' .No cnaifco iui consultation ur examinations. come ana talk your case ovei i h mc UK. VV. E. Alvi-.-LOKY. Man, tu oiuaoviay Hon ui.AJOfj) Ai .A ftAVLNG. 1 uc name service ana yua.iiy ou pay uuuule me money cisew .it e, cuiiocliy Hind siiis.-M-., aa low aa l.o0. Tnou aiin ul siiilb; K-J i' joiu'iic. a. c has. Vv . 1 I UUUulllltil, oploi.i I l- I, O J MOI I i.-iOll St. TltAl.NKli Iiinse and ma.sceuse glvcb lleauneiit 101 1 1 t u 1 11 a usm. iuiiiuuKj, neuiui(,a,. etc. , iiLi.-xAiie ailu baiub,' lauy a-Sitaio. di ia,v j3 1. alaiauk.l jUoJ 1101.1s S.J a. 111. 10 lU P- open unuaj s. I U U L l.o to coauiiunicaic viui relatives of m. i.aien. laiiioad Seclion luruiun. W 110 UieU at Situi- ' ooal SpiinA, v 0.0.. last August. E- ! A. Robinson. Tuaialin. or 205-207 FIRST STREET $1 TO paid lor old laise tecri. NEEDS 2ND HAND Fl ' RNITLTtE. older the beilti , Undue 01 K. old Jw CARPETS. ETC., RANGES. CALL elrv. diamonds, s.iv ti . ...a, i..un. WAHMiAI-l, t)i. OLK BlItK WILL 41 ins. oi lua.l. llai.-o. ull. 1.1 1 eo-1 WANTED You to know the Hyatt Talking Machine Co. moved to new location. 331a Morrison St.. opposite Portland hotel. New stock, new fix tures, fine demonstrating rooms; Vic trolas, Grafonolas and Edison Dia mond Disc matchines and records. Gevurtz Furniture Store CALL WITH CASH. WANTED.. OLD GOLD, SILVER. PLATINUM. Full cost value paid. Old broken jewelry bought. PORTLAND JEWELRY CO., 1218 Yeon bldg. Main 3252. SECOND-HAND CIX)THING WANT ED J. MEYER THE TAIIX5R PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAY'S MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING MAR. 1229 229 MADISON . Huy. j SPl li 1 l ALl 1 -O ul.i St.. I isll alio, ui ' Hie sc iene 1 lJU FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS 19 C VCLE & SUPPLY CO., 09 ( for talking machines, records and mu- FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood stand- I i"WE will pay ! Ford, i W. H i26 Alder st. you cash for your WALLING FORD. used Main 1100. 4th st. Harlev. Davidson service center. Largest papers in the state. 1914 Twin Indian, 2 speed $115 1914 Twin Indian, 2 speed $125 1912 Twin Indian, equipped $ 85 1914 Twin Indian, equipped $100 1914 Twin Jefferson $ 75 1916 Miami Power Bike $ 50 1916 Harley, A speed, equipped. ... $175 And many others INDIAN AGENCY. 273-Third st. Main 6139. sical instruments, or will give equal ! ard value in trade; house of 1000 bargains, cash. Main 4495. 128 First st.. near Alder, j Main and typewriter: Hall f098. will sacrifice for S30 FT .AT ton llaari nfftr-a. Houlr t1H lin & Casslday. 126 First 8L i n.25 foldintr chairs earh -fi5 $10 high back office chair 4.00 NEW VICTROLAS, Grafonoias and WANTED TO RENT 10 acres or over. White sewing machine 6.0u Edison Diamond Disc machines and! suitable for potatoes: adjacent to ! $100 Electric Rotary demonstra- launches or boats are separate classi fications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. VACUUM cleaners, $8, guar. 5 years. Phone for demonstration; all makes repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 Swetland bldg. Mar. 60S. WAYNE gasoline pumps tor filling stations and garage. E H Rueppeil, 473 W'asMnitton st Main 10 records. New stock, new location. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. now located -331a Morrison st., t opposite Portland hotel. FINE $250 Cecilian piano player, with $100 worth of fine rolls; elegant condition; cost $350; price $42.50, miles, i intr Machine Co., 331a" Morrison st., opposite Hotel Portland. Portland. "Will buy stock, nal. G-497, Jour- j REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro ' na dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. ALL makes typewriters rented and re paired. Royal T. W. Agency. 262 Stark. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 6r. ; FOR WRECKING. $ We pay the cash for automobiles; : condition no object Al'TO WRECKING CO., "V 89 North Broadway. 'WANTED An old car for a few of its parts, any make, any condition. Must .. be cheap. Don't care as to body, tires ;or running condition. Call E. 2652. at i-E. 10th and Mill sts. , '"TO 'TRADE Property 50 miles from j . Portland, on electric line, for auto; "il block in small town, with house, inarn and improvements; value $1000. h1720 E. Flanders, cor. 66th. e WANTED JEFFERSON bicycle, run 743 paint like new snrinf forV rlinihop vitalic tires, cost $51.35. will sell for 1 r.: ": -. 1 MAHOGANY TWIN BEDS from e. $30 Other bicycles $8 up Presto-lite "KA1 orsoLA brW-ial tirana new, fine home. Four post spindle beds, tanks $7: used engines' hcrm and ' latest style $75 Grafonola and $7.50 ; fitted with fine Beaver elastic felt other parts. ! worth ot new records only $82. aO on mattrtsses and De Luxe springs. R H P.IX'KF.R special ierius or iu uown, xnese oea outiits cost wnen new tion washing machine 5th and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. Your Credit Is Good. 59.00 276 Taylor st.. cor. 4th. Four 7-pass. autos and drivers, Studebnker preferred, for the summer to take interest in busi ness. Cramer's Stage & Realty Co. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. TWILL pay DODGE spot cash 'for FORD or East 1300, 717 Hawthorne .tAoH paid for old cars; Jo or more wanted at once. Broadway 2629. V AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 3d ' nd Gllsan. ? EXPERIENCED driver wants use of light, modern, 5 passenger car for .June. July and August. Carh in ad vance. References furnished. B-540, .Journal. " . . AVANT 5 passenger car for family use; will pay half original cost, all .rash, If late model and first olass con- jattlon. E-402. Journal. vl WILL PAY YOU oPOT CASH FOM av fOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOP fAT TT V g. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. i WE pay highest cash price for las model used cars. Call us up. 1 A. M. FERGUCON & CO.. 1014 Alder st Main 39.1 . . . - r; : wain i a late moa.ei meaium priced car . and some cash for my equity in mod- rn a room bungalow Rose City Park. - j Aqaress ownetv s-402. Journal. - VASTEi To trade idood-for 4 pass, light roadster. Must be in good f condition. Address John Jackson, v' xoute z. kox as. Portland. MODERN nouseboat. one of the best i on the river; will exchange for auto worth 36U. 1V.-4S5. journal. .: GOOD $1200 picture show for grood s auto. owner. 4J rly. Fjt. bids. EXL ELSIOR twin CVliriduf la nl-m new tires. Presto nxc Hnlorwti.l ! FOR dition. $S5. REGNER & FIELDS. 12 Grand ave. N. East 25. B-1233. 1915 HARLEY. 7 h. p. 3 speed tandem; presto light, new tires. Perfect con dition. Very fast. $175. KNIGHT GARAGE Woodlawn 1441. 741 Alberta st. BICYCLES BICYCLES JOE'S BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP, 204 4th st LARGEST EXCLUSIVE BICYCLE DEALERS IN OREGON. monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 31a Morrison st. SALE Edison phonograph. standard, good condition. 18 record-s. i bij horn; $30 outfit: will take $9 for I it; going: east. 940 E. 30th st. S. Sell- wood 2018. FOR SALE Excelsior motorcvele cheap, lust overhauled. . new tires. good condition; a snap. Woodlawn 4032. C-3169. FOR FINE Newman parlor organ. In perfect condition; a splendid instrument, with rich, mellow tone and great vol ume, and only priced at $18. For Sale Miscellaneous Showcases, candy case, cigar case, grocer's display case, large wall dis play case with sliding glass doors and drawers In base Cheap. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st. tiQn onH f,in.i , i a oua i wiiiu your 1a.iK.11iK macninc. perfect. They are a snap at $75 for 1 .The new ,otr?la automatically the two outfits. Also from the same 'winds It electrically Runs 10 hours house a splendid 8-3x10-6 Blgelow i for a cent. Price $2o. $ down $o Wilton Rug. looks like new, $45; and .ninthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co a $50 McCrav Ice Box for $25. Gevurtz ?3la Morrison St.. oppose Portland Furniture Co., 185 to 191 First St.. j f)otel- near Yamhill. COME in and hear the new $250 Vic- BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN SILK RUGS I trola. An instrument of superior BELOW WHOLESALE PRICE. 1 quality. Perfection in the Victor prod- We have secured a number of Per- uct. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Ma- 600 BOND letter neaus. 41.9t; lo' $2.90; 500 envelopes. $1.90; 1003 S'. 90. Smith, printers 204 Stark s PARTLY furnished, comfortable house boat, well located. Will sell at a sacrifice, Y-319. Journal FOUR drawer National cash register for sale or trade for a smaller one. Phones A-4422. Main 9089. 1 , Jill. JJ. 1.. i.lli, col. .mill., leailiba paltii i rcaiiili, dinu icsaons tl ot iicu.iu alia ui6. .UAllGAI.Li H.U.Mh treats ner- voubin ts. Ui.--at.c-s of women and chiidien. sp. i iui ollei s to ctironic ca-ses. 517 ewttiand bi-l4. .vlam l.a. DR. MAUI E JoilNhU.N, ( iniooooy. Iiiamcu i ilij; una LnanKcl Sweats luf SCRAP IRON WANTED j colds. Main ,.ui. oi. bin atu asn- Highest cash pri'cee paid for scrap ""Si0" a.iu .vmiliwl biu. iron of all kinds; also hop wire. , Pltiaih.uA lali, loi iiiti iy ALASKA BAG Sl METAL CO., Banu oi Fiks, lor d sta-tts ui wuuieu. 173 Iont St. Main 8232 ' 84 l. -ao si. stil. iili. i'Duuk uioi.i- Front. L SHANK CO. Oregon. 1 SPIRITUALISM Rev. il. A. Price. Hides Metals Rubbers. Write fori Circles Tun., 2, p. in., Suivh., b p. m. prices and shipping tags. Main 1699. ! Reading daLy. 93 Clay. Mar. j(IU. Will repair oui wulcti no tackle wanted by party FISHING leaving mountains; rods, flies, spoons, etc. dress N-;t-2. Journal O 1 fnvim for ca.mplng tour through kit) U mWU) ugh Vi1 U mWw mailer now oadly lroen. Ad- ' lLi.oLl J'S.y Jewelei s, 1.4 Fltth Mt. WANTED Second ranges and stoves. Morgan Furniture Co. st. Phone ICsst 22S LOOK. We pay highest prices for your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, etc. Phone N. W. Fnr. Ex.. East 636. Rl'SSlAN and Iuikisu ..juns. tliu hand furniture, j Sanilaiium. 1 E. sln si., cor. Ever Best prices paid, j ett.Plione E. 7 ii5 1 It. iro proo 390 E. Morrison j VIBRATORV mas sage, face and scalp treatment. 2'i Washington, room 6. Marshall 1..,. FOR SALE cheap, painters' complete outfit; also 3-A Eastman camera. Fast 5434. B-2458. STANDARD make piano, two-wheel cart with top and child's highchair cheap for cash. Tabor 6."60 COMPLETE blacksmiths outfit, irv (-lading 4 motors, handsaw, jointer, etc. Apply 135 Division st. , COMPLETE photo ) your own terms. 1 Morrison. Main 957. engraving plant; South wick, 4 20 184 First St, GRAFONOLA. Just received a ship ment of the popular $35 Jewel Grafonolas. Special terms $5 down. $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331a Morrison, opposite Portland hotei. sian silk rugs, sizes 36x62 and 27x54 Inches; regular $37.50 and $27.50 values; our price $15 and $12.50. Fl 1 84 1 st St, USED ICE BOXES AND REFRIGE RATORS h lac than tialf oil l,Bnfll SALE 1915 twin mntnrrvcio BEFORE you buy or sell vour old i t h amo ni'w condition npo nearly new. $140 cash. Must sell ac- piano see V. Kremar's expert piano I are a few examples: $25 Alaska for count sickness. Brdwy 4599. - I repair and tuning shop, 54 Market, s $12.50: $20 Triumph Challenge for SI 0: csi niiiiies Kiven. I tor. 3d ; I HAVE a 1914 Ex. motorcvele for c I tandem and presto tank: tArms out WILL exchange fine new Grafonola Grand ave. N t or Victroia for good piano. Hyatt for Sale , ry ii, lilOLUI cycle, ut equipped, good condition- c.hejin fnm cash. East 6162. M FOR SALE, new cycle and side Tabor 1922. Talking Machine Co., 331a opposite Portland hotel. j large 6 foot high I-onard Cleanable, J cost about $70. for 2i; good ice boxes t, ae low as J5; 100 to select from. Morrison garage for motor car. 8x7 ft., $5. HiGHES'J' prue paid for used ii anos. or will trade up to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Har old S. (lillert 311 Yamhill st. Geyurtz Furniture Co., St., near Yamhill. chine Co., 331a Morrison at., opposite Portlandjbotel. VICTROLAS, grafonola and Edison D4amond Disc phonographs and rec ords. Easiest terms. Entire new stock, new fixtures, new location. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., moved to 331a M o r r ison 6t., N. W. Bank bldg. ELEVATEXj gas range, chicken wire, library, kitchen tables, sanitary couoh, single bed. D-1063. SUNDAY afternoon, high cost re duced, flour $2.85; dried herring, 20c box; phonograph, $2. 50; 3 disc records, 65c. Carpenter wanted. 127 W. Wygant. .GRAY kid shoes, small size, $3; also other apparel reasonable. X-291, Jouma.1. AUCTION SALE. Furnishings of Gratton hotel. Mll waukie, Or. Tuesday. 10 a. m. DIAMOND sacrifice, clear blue stone, 1 karat, platinum mounting, $160. 0-298. Journal. FOR SALE Good Tabor 5312. gocart. Sturgis, KODAKS: 1 buy, sell, rent and ex change Kodaks, lenses, shutters. See Sandy first. Sandy's Kodak Shop, 3.'S Washington, next sunset tneatre SHAMPOOING and electric ktalp treatment. 162 W. Park, room 30, ad floor. j El-El Till'. treatments tism. .unit. ;i((. etc., b. ! Clay. .Vlainh.i9. 1 tor rheum. l ilt baths. 426 WANTED The people of Portland to know 1 pav the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. Ent 6707. N M. heater. 1 43 Kussell M. MABEL Meet me at Canby May A. L. JoneS; 29, at my ex- Want Household Furniture Will pav cash. Phone Main 333: OPALINE Mrs. Sumnin's iviii'Mly for diseases of wome.ii. poMlive itiief. j 243 Filtn. Main i WANTED - Lady eniplojed to hare i apartment vyith relined lady. Mai- shall 139. TO THE HOESEKEEPER. Will call with machine for your Junk, paper, rai? or clotlies; we pay abso lutely highest prices. Marshall 386.., 1000 FRUIT .IAR.S WANTED. Also bicycles, tents, garden tools, rifles and everything. Main 4495, 128 1st st. WANTED Showcase, Japanese screen, cash register, milk shake machine. 127 West Wygant, GOING EAST? Household goods shipped a; red. rates. Pac. Coast F w'd'g Co.. "01 Wl'cox bldg. Mar. 2467. FITS 1 cured my daughter by simple uicuvr ; particulars free. LepJ, 120 lsiand ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. DR. V. G. KE I CHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men: Wash, bldg.. 4th and Wash.. Rm. 441. Mar. 44. TRY my remedy; it will darken your gray hair without dyeing it. B-oit, Journal. ' ASTROLOGICAL STUDIO, 80$ Central bldg. Scientific instruction: fore casts, readings, etc i:alr permanently WANTED 1913 sior for Parts. Taylor st.. Main 1018 BUSINESS AS USUAL. Economize Buy, sell or exchange old Indian or Excel- j R. IL Blocker. 276 i vonr nhonoem.nh rinrda at U',ttroi.a n- za. TWIN Excelsior motorcvele- In fina shape, .large nresto licrlit o em. $45 if taken tod.iv 414 CoAlr WANTED Second hand side car for motorcycle. Aoolv 70S r"nmm.fiui st. Sunday a. m. or evenings. TWO SPEED Indian moTofT-vrla n.l side car. $100 cash, no tradM nr. terms. 445 Hawthorne nve 1914 3 SPEF:i electric. eontrmrl Tnl dlan motorcycle cheap. K. 7147 1914 CANOERS, attention. See this won derful, indestructible, hornless pho nograph, with a $100 tone, only $10 -wt wengers, 142 zn. 100 USED ranges very low prices; incn oven, nice and bright. 125: new Leader, $20; others as low as $15; fine Eclipse cook stove, all cast iron, com plete, with coils $15: others as low as i $6.50. All guaranteed as represented. Gevurtz Furnitur Co., 185 to 191 1st St., near Yamhill. NATIONAL cash register for sale; rings to $7; has penny key; one of the latest type, with tape; price $65. Francis Motor Car Ex.. 13th and Haw- 1S5 to 191 1st ! thorne ave. East '3770. I ClVflf T,- BARBER shop for sale; easy teirms, cheap rent; will lease. Tahor 80 8. GASOLINE drag Vancouver ave. a. w c heutp. 1536 firele-ss cooker. 3 new win- to select from at I daws. 2 porch shades, scythe, prun- Empress range. 18 j ing shears, large Stllson wrench. Phone rast zzui. STEVENS double barrel hammerlesa shotgun, 12 gauge, In extra good condition. Price $12. Fox motorcycle, tandem, $5. Phone Woodlawn 2821. 100 BU. gray oats. 919 Woodward ave. Phon Sellwood 1551. PAIR ladles' shoes, black satin, grey cloth. 4-A. new. $1. 243 5th. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. BRICK for sale, $5 per 1000. East 3311. Call at 366-2d st. Phone JACOBEAN DINING SET, comprising table 5 fine chairs and carver, up holstered In genuine leather. . The table Is Quartered ofik. with center $150 VICTROLA, perfect condition. I Pedestal, We will deliver it to you late modeJ. with albums and over ; in splendid condition for $65. Gevurtz $30 worth of fine records. Snap at $89 I Furniture Co., 185 to 191 1st st.. near via iv. iui bi i i h nor A-1 condition. Call Tabor 7545. ! FOR SALE White Lady banjo and I AMOH.T new $20 washing machine. black leather case; reasonable price I . b i yards or velvet; Brussels L-406. Journal. ! hall carpet 50c yd : $3a bedroom rug. n.ot. rasi titn st.. cor, bran els. TWO, speed Dayton motorcycle, I1 OLD square pianos to trade for second- FORD Auction Co. will auction all the furnishings of the Gratton hotel at ' Mllwaukie, Or.. Tuesday. 10 a. m. ' FOR SALE Electric flashing drug. I sodawater and kodak, sidewalk sign, j Wood ard. Clarke & Co. 3 SECOND hand bath tubs. cheap, i Levin Hardware &. Furniture Co., 221 -Front s : STEEL confectionery tables and j chairs, cheap. Levin Hardware & I Furniture Co., 221 Front st. : FURXITVRE WANTED 74 PHONE East 715 when you want to sell your furniture. We coinp ai once and pay you cash. M. R. Sealer. ( Hawthor. e v no tier I nmn WILL pay highest price for furniture, rugs, stoves, ranges and iffice fix tures, for out of town stoic. Main 1714. 608 Main 1757. GENT'S or boy's bicvcle. 17 Crookham ave. Sellwood car TWO motorcycles for sale cheap. 1050 "."n'cii ri. 3iarsnan 499 hand furniture or piano truck. Woodlawn 1851. Phone WILL exchange fine new Grafonola for up-tordate Dictaphone. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331a Morrison st FOR SALE Good Majestic garden cultivator, round oak ' table and other furniture. 1222 E st. N. Jange, ining 15th FOR SALE, Becker & Made pressing machine. good condition; cash or I WANT to termc. Kroadway i . ' rne if you KUST get stock ot uswi furniture at once. Will pay HlOliwT PRICE for nvthlne vou have Marshall 365 urnish 2 houses; write have good furniture to J-403. Journal. "ESTABLISHED grocery, five living t- roms, ror auto ltuck. uargain. Sell ; wood bus. w-t04. Journal. f WILL trade 7 lots with $300 mortgage! equipment. i ror used car. laDor bsos. 656 K I etn at., jm. WANTED New or second hand Ford LAUNCHES AND BOATS .TrtOiNOoKAPH -end records . i soio and exchanged. Hall &. Caasi- oay. ns'isr. Min 7o8 bougnt. 1' OR SALE or trade, motorhoat kii RRAI'TIFVT. n1no rnnH 24 ft. long, good condition -F,,i I standard make nhsntntu Isy terms. Tabor 4832 Sunday, Main 5111. as new, sacrifice. '-J runabout, 1916 model. Holechek ' wros., cto. or. ' I WANTED A good bug. $200 or lesa j ' Write H. Ellers, foot of California t w city, or pnone jviarshaii 4905. t. WANTED to buy for cash, 1, lii or 2 ton used auto truck; (no scrap pile wajixeai. rt-34, journal. WANTED xo Diy light auto; must - De in iirst class order. Call B-2337 Barr hotel. WILL exchange two lots in Portland lUR SALE 21 ft. launch. Call at ft i '5 cash" buys $375 Harvard upright ejroont St.. east side, or phone 1 Pino tomorrow at Security Storage B-21 91. Co 109 th st GOLDEN oa.k buffet, only been used 3 months, cost $60; will sell for $25. Call 6X3 E. -Jth st. S. Phone Sell. 109. frO YARDS almost new carpet and new heating stove, very cheap. Call 520 East 26th St.. corner Clinton. in usrJ nuu.Ht Col our exchange if( COMPLETE watchmaker's outfit; alsd soil for cash 2 optical instruments for sale' cheap. v E. i ihmk-:i tasn prices lor used 350 Columbia. house f urn'shingn. Kwat 452 B-1914 FOR SALE 2-6x8 Axminster Call at 474 Alder st.j VULCAN rugs. PA V .anh oi trade Cnlef R40 W lMam. on new. M. 11. ave Fast 417 gas range, kitchenette and dog house. 1041 East 15th st. N. i WILL pay you the highest your fnrntnire ' Cnll East price 214 lor FOR BARGAINS nishtngs. visit Catef Bro v GAS water half price. heater, almost new, at ' C-3267. I SWAP COLUMN 23 WANT fruit Jars, tents, garden tools, Ktove, bicycles. Hall & Casslday, 126 First st. Main 7098. HAVE your Guaranteed to last. Parlors. 400 lukufii. ived. Sanitary Beauty Marshal! 1702. WANTED A traction engine. Siegenthaler. K3 Colonial- ave., Portland. Or. Phone Woodlawn 3675. ! ALMA S. JOHNSON. Wajsh. hotel, for- , merly 417-20 N. VV. Itaiikbjdg. E.. ! l i .ii ai,.i.ti,in i, .ntiv Labv boy or K-4'Jl, Journal. girl. WANTED Hose, garden tools, fruit I I awVPf jot, n' i" - .. uiic, XUOIIQ Woodlawn 2821. C.msullation FREE. Main i'Jji. 612 Selling bldg. WANTED 5u0 litnt Mason fruit Jars, will pay 1'c each. 406 Vancouver. Phon East 6039 NOTICES sn WANTED High Power sportinR rifle; give price and description. N-307, Journal. WANTED -separa lor. Oregon. SALK OK TlMMt'S, H.A1ULAD 1U1A.N HliKKVA l lo.N. Srmu-tl bids mtrk'4 oil side "Bid iaftisd TioiLwr. Huoan Unit." aa4 addressed to fcuiwrlutvDdrnt of U Malisad lodlsQ scbuoi. Lttxuu, Mont., 1U be recid , . ' cntll 'i o'cl'jek, ooo, uiuuiitsLa titue, Ttt Good second-hand cream 1 ds, Srpu-uitx-r 11, iwii, lur U puribase ot Address box 7 7, Tigard tb nnrrctiantsblr tlailr ujjou tribal and al- I lolled Isoos altuatrd wliblo towuaiilpa 1, Ml and al oortb, rsugra 1 man w wan. coo tulnlnK pruximalrlj' 67.Oou.oOU feet ot Um ber. uvr Ml per vrul neaiera jrriWw iiina. No bid of less tban $a per tbnasaud leel tor f i lum I'liit; and (l. ier thousand fact for Uou( lsa fir, Isrca sod other spedea will b mr ceyted. . 'ilia rlUt to reject auy aodaU bids , . . I . .lit m Af rru),lktiu md btllef WANTED jOoQ second-hand 2i or luforinallKa n-gsxdlng th a-uvMd sala lo-3-in farm wagon. Address box 77. i ciodiux apeclfU- o'a;riptk.B ul tba sale araa Tigard, tJregon. : Daj be obtaUed from toa anpertoteodent f I WILL pay you absolutely the high est price for your furniture, ruga and rren s clothing. East KP54. WANTED Rifles, shotguns. kodaKa. tameraa. lensea. Hoctifleid. 1(5 2d. Main 3581. ' WOULD Hyatt Morrison likf to Talking buy a Dictaphone. Machine Co.. 331a COMPUTING scales arid small caa.i register. Est 4611. WANTED Triple plate mirror. low est price. N-3'16. Journal. WANTED, woo( mattresses forts. B-52H. Journal. and com- SEE Hlnkley, foot Hamilton avei, for i 65 CORNET for sale cheap, or trade s""" nun watn rav K- Knwan i ior motorcvele. Fhon MllwsulriA FURNITURE, piano, rugs, nange, table, dressers, etc.. cheap. Monday. Main 3570 j 33-Y. gine. Terms. FOR SALE Modern honsehont IwC i $750 PLATER piano, cabinet, music trie lights, bath. icK, excellent make: i $200: soinar awav. Call Marshall 3504 I Marshall 2543. for $400: FOR SALE OR RENT7 i.ew launcn nouse. Sellwood 1216. TWO motorboats C-409. Journal. for sale or trade. for FoTd. East 3562. WANT auto as part payment on 5 'room bungalow. li-327. Journal. WILL exchange 3 lots for auto. 793. Tabor TWaxJ1uUSeoats for 8ale- Apply foot fjbraska st. Inquire after 4 p m 6 r??lhouseboat for safe, or trade .jfjn vniue jno, Wdln 5181. MODERN mahogany upright cheap. .Main szio. $115 CASH can buy upright piano; line new; a real bargain. 254 Market st. NEW cello outfit -for what have you? Wioodlawn 1710. FOR SALE Upright piano, cheap for I. 1 I e-ci WANTED I.ite model Ford touring ortr. - P. Miller. 612 Karl st. WANTED Auto for eaultv in Haw- t.,- thorne house. Tabor 7247. ' rT;63rin' 3 R-f"rn. house- A wB'R.GAIN. for 8meone. Pleasure . ooat in A-I condition. Bdwy. 3503. FCiS.Ai'?ASOovfurn,shed -houseboat for $li5. Marshall 6254. f ... cash Main 6781. Portland for $100. BEST piano in loth st. Mam zzo. UPRIGHT mahogany hew, for sale cheap. 166 piano, C-32 67. almost $26 GRAFONOLA and records, all for $15. Vern Wenger. 1424 Zd. PIPE organ for-pwtctice. Main 6210. J35 CHINA closet, $15; range. $1'.; beds, rockers, dishes, etc. 1322 Vil-. lard ave. C-2891; FURNITURE for sale, leaving city. In-! quire at 89 N. 17th st. Call bet. , 15 and 5. ! FOR SALE 36x64 used window screens, reasonable. Tabor 808. FOR SALE Sextarit made by Spencer & Co.. O. A. Woster. Orchards. Wash. POTATOES, seeds, plow, wagon, spray iner machine, cheap. 50 E. 3rd st. ! FOR SALE Practically new Invalid's wheeled chair. $20. Muhl. 2737. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk . good condition. $25. Marshall 617" SNAP $100 stock in going Oregon corporation for phonograph or uk toreyde. 1-413, Journal. WHAT have you In horses, buggies, or cattle to exchange for fine diamonJ ring? 1029 East Yamhill sl. CLIMAX sewing machine, in good con- d.tion. w,itn ail attachments Tor 6 In heavy young hens. 102.. F. -Qlh N. irrTinv kat.p". Furnishings of Gratton hotel. Mil-' CHOICE - gladiolus bulbs, 15c wnnkte Or. Tuesdav. 10 a m laDor mi dozen. Ill auction all the i SOLID gold genuine diamond stud. $15. FORD Auction Co. furnishings of the Gratton hotel at ' Milwaukie. Or.. Tuesday. 10 a. m. , FOR T-368. Journal. furni- FRIVATE sale of household ture. Woodlawn 916. FOR SALE-1 1 high oven gas range, first class condition, cheap. B-187 8. GOOD, furniture ot 3 rooms, reason able. 207 Zd St.. apt. 30Z. "4 -ton cold storage ma Yamhill st. DOGS, birds and chickens for rabbits Tnhor 7 fig 4. DAJsDV twin Merkel motorcycle, trade j for a taooe and cash. East 1307. : WILL give unincumbered Portland i"t for diamond. V-SK5, Journal. EARLY new dining room set for sale. Main C7l. SALE- enme. t amnui st. j DANDY twin Merkel motorcycle; will 5 SECTIONAL bookcase base and top; trade for a diamond .. Fast 107. for sale. 812.50. Phone Tabor 2709. cHOirn Rhod l'nnl lltti h.n. for FOR SA LE- Good spray pump, cheap. chairs or babv mj;-y. Tabor i92 Woodlawn 916. i7a DICTA FMOJNJrd ror sal cheap; qwed very little. 717 Corbett bldg. 1 BIRD cages reasonable. Bdwy. 2917.' I TRADE cither for good trunk, or wiE well cither. B-2450. RUGS for lady's . G-46. Journal. good black coat. HIGHEST cash price paid for furni ture and gen nidse. Slmmond. E. 51i' SE "ON D-H A N D F U R N ITURE WANTV Kli V .-in 2705. CAfcH paid tor tood rlture 11 2d st second-hand lur Mam 951. PAYS hiRnesi price lor 2d hand deta in g tool, etc . Front. Main 4: tbe r iHlursu inaian m-awi. mmvu. '" Msablugton. D. C. May 4, 1W17. Caio Bella. CooimUsi'-iier of Imlis" Atfaira. HEA I.El ) l-pii.i It ni be receied at tbe of- nre oi n. ' . - - curthuae. Porllsnd. I., tbe exrlan(e of a new 7 pssetiicT. 117 OKsk-l toorliig rar for 7 i)asug-r (sdillac rar Dw owned and oper ated by the district. Certified rlieck for 3 ptr ceut of bid Biiut ao-vminr taib iropoaal. I Sije-lflcatl e 'tsloed at the offtae i of tbe undersigned. Tlie lomr l of dlrectorg r- at-rre tbe rlLt to ffject any or all btda. I May lt, 117. K. U. "IHOMAH, I M-tKl Clerk. TRANSPORTATION' WANTED to tnarin- engine. 14 H. P. four cycle S-S50. Journal. WAN'TF.ii Hand gris niilj for grind" ing cl.i' k fned. R-55. Journal. PART V wants to buy furniture, stoves, carpet. Marshall 4"3. WANT slightly used, electric vibrator; reasonable. Marshall 3617. WANTED Wire fencing. 42 Lelay. CI.OTH'NG wanted. B-3253. FU R N I T U RE wanted. TaJxr 6S09. LOST AVT FOITXO 21 i SUNDAY Lost old fashioned (old pin ', ith Z gold tajiseis, oetweeo z&tn l and Yamhill. 28tb 74L Reward. and E. Oak. TWIN PALACES partlajui ta Saa Fiaaciaco B. OK EAT V0B.THESN. Wai 10. 1M. 24. 2W. California HteanieT Kirw leaves 9: SO a. m. Fares ft. flZ.aO. US- ' . KOUKO TftJJ? 1S8 00. ,rr Toeedar. Tburadar. Rsturdsy froaa porllaad and San Krsortsco. begianlag May Z,. UoU auiiia la aerTlc. , Sortk Bank, tk a ad Stark I BtaUoa. lOt tad Hrt Mud fctarrlaoa, X. . ava WUR,, V. M TICK IT orriccs 10 td. Btn-Haa-toa y.