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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
V, .1 THE OREGON : SUNDAY lOUHNAU PORTLAND, ; SUNDAY MORNING, MAY' g0 ' 1917. r V APARTMENTS 43 rUBJOSHEP A3TO UNFURNISHED Beautiful New Irvington Apartments - 12th and Thompson. All outside corner apta., 4 room unfurnished with built-in cabinet kitchens; bedroom with real beds; large clothes closets, dressing rooms; thoroughly mod ern: flower conservatories. 4 choice apartments left. No chil dren. Mgr. East 4622. Tfre Cromwell Fifth and Columbia Eta. Five, min, walk to Meter & Franks store; good surroundings; strictly mod. S and room fur. apartments, all out Ida, with French doors and balconlea ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OC TRANSIENT. Lucretia Court Lucretla at., bet. Wash, and Ever ett sts. Most beautifully located high c'ass apis., 2-3-4-6 rooms. All modern 'conveniences, first class service. Prices reasonable. Reference required. Man ager Mar. 1613. . VILLA 8T. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance. References. MONTOOMtKV Ant. cor. 3d and Montmrv- mcirltrri hrirk building; all trtuside z room apts., furnished complete; private bath, phone and automatic elevator; close in; best serv ice: 318 to $26. Alain 9466. FURNISHED 3 and 5 room apta.. choicest location in "Portland; all outside rooms, large porches, every convenience. 341 Montgomery at., cor. oroaaway. fOHTI-AN li K lkTliST Merlin Apt.. Just finished, strictly modern. Broadway and Grant. 3 rooms, dressing oloBets. buffet and bath, fine view, rents reasonable, adjoining gar ages If wanted Marshall 426. . PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave. bet. Morrison & Belmont; new 2 &, 3 rooms, completely fur.; sol id brick bldg.; while enamel and ma- hogany; walking distance. DAVENPORT APTS., 605 Jefferson St.; fireproof brick building, 2 and 3 room apartments; also single rooms furnished, strictly modern steam heat, free phone, reasonable. Main 5435. 3 VEitY large rooms, unf urnisiied apta.. 3-bed sleeping porch; all outside; fine corner; very desirable ho pie; reason able to right party; see it sure. 816 Alblna- ave. Mississippi ave. car. NURTHH AM I'TUN APTS.. 407 HALL. We have three 3 room apta. and one 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or small family. Reasonable. Main 4289 ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and alt modern con veniences. Marshall 1793. THE LEONCE 3 room furnished apts.. modern; rent very reasonable. 186 N. 22d st. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW atrtctly modern 8-room flat, be side dressing roam and bath; gas range and water heater, two fine porches, corner lot. fine kept yard. electric vacuum cleaner; water fur nished; splendid neighbornood- one block south of Hawthorne. 317 E. 33d at. Mrs. E. B. Hyatt. Tabor, 97a Rent $19, IRVINGTON flat, two blocks north Broadway; Just like a home, fine lawn and roses, strictly modern, clean and neat. Just retinted, greatly reduced rent. -l3 lfl. Sth st. N. East 6Z34. A MODERN five room lower flat and basement, a fine lawn and shade trees; rent reasonable. 859 Rodney ave. $12.60FIVE room flat, furnace, fire place, gas range, water heater, lin oleum in Dutch kitchen, 2Sth and E. ;verett. MODERN 5 room flat In 2-fIat build ing. 662 E. Main. East 2764. Walk- Ing distance. 4 AND 6 ROOM flats; sleeping porch. hot water neat, wail Deo. gas ranae light, airy. E. 21t, Hawthorne. Tabor 1993. 6 ROOM flat, east side, overlooking river; large rooms; near uroadway iln. rjeal Brown. 07 fanama bldg, UPPER 6 room modern flat, all con veniemcea; select neighborhood: Wll lamette Hta Rent $18. 370 N. 29th st. ONE of nicest flats in town, cheap, talking distance. E. 18th and Sal mon. Main "bit. 4-ROOM modern flat, first floor. fireplaces; 8-room upper. $25. 340 Montgomery, cor. Broadway. 7.50 PER mo., to rent quick, small cieariiiat. B37V M. zist st. TWO modern flats, west aide,, near wasnington bi. rnone Mam 494. NTEWLY decorated lower 6 rooms, fur nace. Dfttn. &z Everett st. 4-ROOM flat, 301 E. East 1625. 11th, low rent. FURNISHED FLATS 50 PLEASANT 6 rooiV, sunny corner flat fireplace, porches, lawn, etc: walk ing distance; $20, Including water and removal or garbage, Kodney. wood lawn 1241. FOUR room furnished flat, exchange iut litmng cars ox my iiat ana two schoolgirls during day time. Tabor lozs. evenings. 8 ROOM lower flat, well furnished with piano, light, heat and water In cluded in rent. Walking djst. Adults. ci5 Hi. saimon. NEWLY furnished E room flat hai-A wood floors, fireplace, furnace, and large porcn. k. Ankeny st. $16 5 ROOMS phone, water, com plstely furnished, bath, clean, walk lng . distance. East 8310. FOUR room, eomnletelv furnished lint upstairs. 227 E. 49th at. Phone laoor 6Z3. MODERN 4 room flat, furnished, J10.60. with water. Call Sflfi niA stone ave. W-S car. Phone Sell. 1804 6 -ROOM flat with sleeping pore; good location, walking distance. 41 moss t,t. -last 7380. MODERN, furnished complete. 6 room lower flat, all outside rooms, walk ing stance. 484 Tillamook. FURNISHED flat, sleeping porch $11 per month. 621 E. llth st., 8. ' $7.60, SMALL flat partly furnished, 56 Powell St.; key at comer store. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREtHOTJSE or factory building in 8outh Portland for rent. Modern 2 story brick structure, trackage- wVl lighted. Atmly R. W. HagJU. 31 Journal bldg. DESK room. Dhone, desirable corner; will "look after vour buninu. ...? away. PubJle stenographer in adjoln inw orTlces. 717 Corbett Bldg; BEST location In Portland for t class tailoring establishment- will 5lv long lease at reasonable rental ppty R. W. Hagood. $n Journal Kjj- BTOK13 Fine location. 618 Albert 1 Bt $1$ per month? ion a lit SEVEBA1- desirabU offices and suitei In Journal building. Apply RTw Hagood, 311 Journal bldg w HOTELS S4 Palace 120 ROOMS FIREPROOF Hotel MODERN Cleanest Booms La City. Reduced Rates B0o and TTn. Free phones 44$ Washington. . H O T & t CLEVENGER Transient tra.d solicited. Single and R. 'apts. Under new management. Broad- wav 5196. - 418i Wash. st. r)W 54 wraiT 105ft 18th, near Wash. St. BtrleUy CLEAN. RESPECT ABLE .House under PROPRIETOR'S management MODERN, HOME-LIKE. $- UP Per week. Transient. 6o us. Marshall 27 SO. Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms, 11.75 per week and up. Transients. 60c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water In every room. Only white help employed. 203 K 1st., cor, Taylor. Main 4203. SUMMER RESORTS 56 GEARHARTlLVroom. ' comply "fuf j nlshed modern house. Main 6953 Apt, 26. Or Hajar, Qearhart. FOR SALE Seaside, new bungalow, modern, unincumbered. Call Tabor 6675 or Tabor 4535. FOR REXT MISCELLANEOUS SS VACANT lot cultivation, Irvington. near Fremont Call Mar. 252. GARAGE (private). Call at 674 tjuimby St., bet. 20th and 21st N. BRICK barn or factory. East 4476. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent unfurnished 5 or 6 room bungalow; must be fully modern; prefer Sunnyslde, Rose City or Haw thorne car. Phone Main 6065. WANT to rent small house, furnished fruit u ve oatloaViS on W'l journal locauon prloe" u ' . . . . I a. J 1 l a J I H KTt T T ... V. r Tf a M rent, ootla or roomii- fw mnnh X-389, Journal. vai itu 4.0 rqpi tor uciunuM : time. 7 room home: must be strictly ! modern, with Karaite and yard and near school, and earline. East 2116. I JUNE 1, by respoiuiible young couple, 6 or 6 room mwdwn furnished bun galow. B-361. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 US FRONT ST. A fresh carload of firat-class mares and geldings, weights from 1200 to 1800 lbs. Young and sound; also a few cheap horses that I have taken in ex- nange. win sell cheap, it ;ou are in he market for anv of this stock and inspect- Also 8 aheap horses from iNortnern Express Co. C D. William son. TEAM, weight 2200. harness and top wagon, tent 10x12 and camp stove, $126. and light farm wagon, $85. stock saddle, complete, $15. SPOKANE BARN. E. Sth and Madison. GOOD work team for sale, weight about 3000 lbs., good workers and puller; in good work order; price ngnt. At Star Llverv barn. 308 Front et. M. S. Mills, owner. FOR BALE Team of work horses. Z800 lbs.; 2 teams of blocky mares, good workers and gentle, weight 2400 lbs.r wagons, harness and buggies. 292 Union ave. 9 AND 10-year-old well matched aor rel team, 2900 lbs., sound and true; would take cordwood in trade.- Wil liams Ave. Fuel Co., 677 Williams ave. Kapt 3576. - TEAM of marea. weight -2600, wagon ana nam est; team ox mares, wetgnt 1800, wagon and harness. Must sell at onoe. No dealers. 9316 Foster road, Lents. 5 ACRES of free and clear land down Columbia for horses and wagon, or would consider good horses. 818 Rail- way Kxcnangq. $165 BUYS a ranch team.- harness and wagon. iso a gray mare, welaht about 1250 lbs. Cheap. 261 Arthur st- uevween ca ana a. MARE Works single or double: bui- i gy and harness. For sale at a bar- , gain. $6.. Will trade for a cow. 808 K. 27th st. Woodstock car. pEAD horses and ammaia hauled a war free. 86 nald for cows. crlD pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. 210O-LB. pair of ranch mules, cheap. or exchange for horses or oattie. 1029 Bast Yamhill St. 2 HORSES, harness, elngle and double aenvery wagon. Cheap. 324 13th st Main 8106. MY TRAP and harness for sale at a bargain. Can be seen at Portland Riding academy. 21st and Johnson sis. GOOD saddle and driving mare; will exchange for automobile. M-428, Journal. FOR SALE Good horse, works any place. $65. Trial " allowed. 1967 K. Stark gt. LIGHT farm wagon, good as new. for sale or trade. 142 1&. 82d st N. Ta bor 7678. BAY mare, 1160 lbs., in good condition. work single or double and la gen tle. $50. 228 N. 14th st. ONE black horse. 1100 lbs., harness and buggy, good for small place, cheap. East 1607. .v for delivery. $65. See Glllis. 6438 Foster rd. Tabor 2716 or Tabor 6312. 2600-LB. TEAM, good harness and ranoh wagon; $266. Phone Marshall 4056. , " TEAM MULES, 8600 lbs., good harness and ranch wagon; $386, Phone Marshall 4055. " ' FINE looking brown mar, cheap; good driver, saddler and farming. Part in wood or groceries. Phone Main B485. FOR tSALE Team, weight 8200 lbs.. harness and SH in. farm wagon. Phone- 95J." Mllwaukle, FOR SALE A good saddle nag sound and gentle, good else and a beauty. Maiiory staple-, gtn ana coucn sts. $65 FOR good small horse, harness and light farm wagon. 1029 Eaat Yamhill at. 3. INCH wide tlra wagon In good conoltlon for sal a cheap. 619 E. jonn st, est. jonns. DEAD stock and old horsed bought. (jail us ior Desi casn results. Mll waukle 69-J. FOR SALE Span ponies and camp outfit. See ownei 248 Front st. 2 TEAMS for gale, 4430 Woodstock FOR. SALE; Wagen and double v neaa, reasonable. Tabor 248(L A FINE driving mare for breeding, $125. Woodlawn 145 week days only. HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day: 2 horsea and wagon. 22 dav. 546 Front. M. 2108. ONE horse for sale, $50. 729 Liberty st. Take Woodlawn car to 22d st. GOOD covered delivery wagon for sale, $lfi. 148 Frgo. FOR SAXJO Pour sets of heavy team Ing or farm harness. Can be seen at barn 22. Rose City Racetrack. 2260 LB. team for sale. 235 5th. STALLS for rent. 263 Russell at. LIVESTOCK S5 FRESH, large Jersey, big milker; price $65. 1594 Division st. FRESH Jeraey, cream cow, young. 335 B. 85th st. GOOD 5 jt. old fresh cow for sals. anas Bth ave. 8. el. Lents. FRESH young cow, used to stake rope. Mar. 8214. 668 4th st A-S492 FRESH Jeraey, giving ' 4 gala. milk. 7719 60th ave. Mt. Soott car. A FINE Jersey hull. $ weeks. Box 46. Aloha, Or. PASTURE for stock; running water, elose in. 218 Allsky bldg. YOUNG 4-gaL cow for sals or tra3el 1679 EJast ntn st. w. "OR SALE 16 head of young brood sows. Call at Rose City Bacet rack. GOOD fresh gentle cow. 1941 E. Wash. Ington and 76th ets.j ' - Z COWS for aia, llieavy n3tar."Ti; HOTELS' ' (Ooatlxt-sd) EL ' - LIVESTOCK : (Coatlaaed) W ANTED SO bead of cows with oalvea or that will calve soon, Dur ham or Holsteia preferred. . Would take few Jerseys. Phone East 1(11 or write 609 Ladd ave.. Portland, Or.; also lvtf neaa or 1 ana .-year-oia etoe. S GOOD work horses, 3 2-year-old Hol stein heifers, highly bred; ona H and ona light wagon; two hacks, one surrey, four buggies, six seta single harness, one harrow ' and cultivator. Walter's Stable, Oregon City, Or. Registered Holsteiji Bull, 1 year old, $65; son of King Segls Pontiac. Jack Appleton. Deer Island. Oregon. X MUTH.1- mo; rv famllv cow. fresh: sell cheap. Oregon City car to Arlington station, vd river to wagon ?J If tSlZ! 13 HOLSTEIN cows. 0 Holsteln heif era. .1 and years old; terma. Wanted, a pasture close to Portland for 60 heifers. Bruce. Union Stock yards. Phone Woodlawn 2400. THREE fresh oows, Durham Guern sey and Jersey; heavy milkers. S. T. Llnd. phone Greham 28x1. Bull Run car to Gustavo. 6 FRESH dairy or family cows, with calves, Durham and Holstein; also some Jerseys and Guernseys. 70 East 7th St., near Hawthorne ava. FOR SALE One Durham-Guernsey. Just freshened. Heavy milker. Two Jersey family cows. High testers. Call at Rose City KacetracK. 4 BROOD SOWS; 1 boar, Duroc Jer sey 8 months old, pure bred, at Bonit'a, O E-. or address Philip Olsen, K. 1. uswego. ur, tStei; alsS one" fresh 'family cow, cheap, at 1681 W. Anna at,, St. f ilino r trt 1 iPv A I 1 CSI1 UiU I F TV Da V " LAXa Iine laimiy v.w Jeraey- Durham. gentle, easy milker, tuber- 1: . . 1 n- TT "Jntl. nnm. TXToah gunnyeide car. 7; . '-. TTTTTTTTZ .fZ4. . """."5 V ' ... TiJ.. ".Vm a? Itoae City Racetrack. for SALE Good 5-year-old Jeraey cow, fresh and very gentle, reason able. East j646. 2 HEIFERS, fresh, with firat calf. Call Gilbert sta., Estacada line, first house east. FOR SALE Nine registered Jerseys, both eexes. foundation Quality, ft. JX Saaford, Ashland. Or. ; FOR SALE A good family cow. 760 E. 30 th st. , HOGS and brood aows for Ue. Pittock block. "841 ONE fresh family cow with calf, heavy milker. 78a InBley ave., Bellwood car. GOOD Jersey cow for sale. Fine fchape. Call Tabor 7&o. NEARLY fresh cow. First calf cheap. Call at 1564 East Stark. FOR SALE Freah Jersey family cow, also three calves. Phone East 258. W ANTE D H elfer calves. Tabor 7701 POULTRY," PIGEONS AND 87 PET STOCK 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. Help a little, raise chickens. Our famous strain settings, only $1. In cubator lots, $6 per 100. First time we have ever offered this stock at these prices. Don't delay. First come, first served. Barred Rock eggs, $2 per setting. McKenna Park Poultry Farm. McKenna ave. and Lombard ets. Co lumbia 814. St. Johns ear lino. EGGS from prise winning Blue An dilualans $1.60 for 15; 4 Golden Sea Bright bantams, $5; 1 pair China pheasants, $3; 12 Silver pheasants. $15; 10 Anaconda hens, $1 each; Blue Andlluslan hens and cocks, $2 each. Phone Tabor 2638. Sorensen Bro-., Qresham. Or. ROBINSON Single Comb White Leg horns are bred especially for win ter egg production. June hatch baby chicks at $10 per 100. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wdln. 64j. A. F. Robln- son, 861 Jarrett at. . "iii-ppu" FISH MEAL. " Indispensable for baby chicks and laying hens. Supplies protein ot feathers and eggs. J. J. Butzer, 188 Front t. THOMPSON'S Rinalet Barred Rocka and Silver Cam nine a hatching eggs. $1 for 15. Barred Rocks and Silver Camplna chicks, April hatch. Mrs. Murray. 3126 62d st.. S. E. Tabor 1261. 15 THOROUGHBRED Tom Barron Leg horn cockerels, from high record hens, February hath Your choice 75c Get m. good breeder for next spring cheap. Carter , 1600 Newell. Columbia 327. THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leg horns, baby chicks and setting eggs, heavy laying strain; satisfaction guar anteed. W. Ziegler, 124 E. 83d at. B-2017. Take SunnyBlde oar. BABY chicks from vigorous, free ran era Barred Rocks. 15c each: White tZ "utJ!, r& East' 1805. 787 Oregon 'st. BABY chicks. White Legnorns, from the best laying strain, 2000 each week; some trapnested, 200 eggs and over, 10c Master Hatchery, 415 Jessup St., Portland. Or. Wdln. 4344. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY. DAY OLD CHICKS. Barred Rock and R- I. Red, $16 per 100. O. A. C. White Leghorn. $12 per 100. Wdln. 1485. 1634 E. 12th at. ff. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatch ing eggs. $1 for 15; chicks, 16c each, hatches 22d. J4. C. oar. 196 E. 78th 8t. N THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte ggs for hatching, $1 per setting of 16. Phone Woodlawn $547 forenoon. 104 Emerson et. ONE 65-egg Cyphers incubator (hot water), practicallv new; one da-k R I. R. rooster. 1 year old. $8; seven weeks' old R. I. R. chicks. Tabor tiTi. 100 PURE bred White Rock chicken.. hatched in March, 50 cents each In lota of 25. 184 E. Route 1. Mllwaukio, Or. Tel. 124X. Oak Grove. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, June hatch, at $10 per 100. Better order now. A. F. Robinson. 851 Jarrett at. Phone Woodlawn 646. Ti??SBB r?1! .-, .w-. , 20c each, $2.2a per doz. 51. liuon avA.. n. near Russell. . . I 2150 Portland E. C Stevens Hills- l.ou. -ry"13-""-. -, nur tuvaci tia, ).! XTin MdK (' Tirn.niTnuBPim nhnii To'. nH t? pullets and Elliott cockerel, very fine laying strain; also settings, 15 for 75c. Phone East 1138 or 306 Morris st. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs for hatching babv chicks. Mrs. Creed Evans. 1447 Mallory ave.. Woodlawn 1656. BANTAMS . Golden Spangled Ham- burgs; cockerel, two pullets, laying; I.5Q. wooaiawn .... WHITE Wyandotte eggs for setting, stock for eale. reduced prices. 228 PHEASANTS Toun. and fine: will ship; 80o each. Address 6113 47to st. S. EL Ii . rviil -....I DV T . J.1.n C dii iajvi nit am ivu. is. icu iiiuiva. a to 9 wks. old. -&c to &oc each. 154 E. 76th st. N. HAVE ducklinars: will trade for hand feed grinder or 22-cal, rifle. L-415. Journal. FOR SALE Laying Leghorn hens, S1.2S each. Tabor 6312 or 2716. oi call at 3816 64th St. S. E. ttto R.ntm "fim with is hahv Rati.! tam chicks, all for $3. Half for $L60. Sam Whtttaker. King ct Mllwaukle. FOR SALE Golden pheasants, alao golden and stiver pheasant eggs. 842 wortnwicK st. wooaiawn . CHOICE White Wyandotte eggs. $1 16. 671 E. Salmon. B-32S1. per FOR SAL 'Thoroughbred white An gora rabbit a Phone Tabor 7987. 6 POLISH Link pigeons for sale cheap. Tabor 1866. 64 E. 74th N. FOR SALE: 50 laying hens. Mrs. Shield-, poach station, 8, P. Una. THOROUGHBRED B. R. hatching eggs $1 for 15. Tabor 4658. BUFF Cochin cockerel for sale, 76a $89 Carlton ave. - B. A. MITCHELL, oranca. Or. breeder Of high class pigeons; breeds $4 kinds. FLEMISH Giants J.or sale. Tabor 6413 "POULTRY, PIGEONS' AND 8T lAiriXJMOJaiJCS-AOCESSORIES ' 44 1 PET STOCK PEN i1 thsroua-hbred White Wyan dot tea, .Regal strain. Fine winter layers. 690 Princeton at. Phone Co lumbia 145. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 48! AIREDALES. ning Airedale dog sacrificed. - OnjHere S f r ine oiica puvyxy, - uiuuni, .. Adc.enna ."ar jv-nnais, McKenna ave. and Lombard st. AT STUD, King Sunburst, dark orange Persian, deep copper eyes. Cobby type. Pedigreed luttehs for sale. lorrison at. TTKTOV TIP wlnnlnr Airedale do ciicn. -uuminaior, uaa sire. r only $45- A real dog. McKenna Park Kennels. Col. 814. McKena ave. and Lombard streets., null "Mike Baldwin.7' sen- .Hnn of rMnt Snokana show. (0 tbs. and all dogj fee $15.00. McKenna Park Kennels. Columbia 814. McKenna ave. and Lombard st. CANARIES ana oner cage birds. Kit tens, pups, peta; cages, xooas reme dies and supplies, inusyaeea oira na pet catalog tree. Routledge, 145 2d it, near Alder. FOR SALE Airedale pupa from prize winning registered stock at Ramapo station, Estacada line; males $25, fe males $10. P. O. Box 871-M. Lenis. 2 BOSTON Terriers. 8 weeks 'old "$33 and S50. Sire Little Charlie Chap lin. Dan Cramers Beppo. un iktaraeu Mar. 3061. ' CANARY BIRDS' FOR SALE. Young warblers and Roller canaries, IZ.39 each, on sale at BKiamore urus Co., 151 8d st.. near Morrison. POMERANIAN SPITZ pup (male)to trade for kitten or cat tmaiej. x-auor 6K12 FOR SALE Yellow St. Andreaaberg roller night singer. Phone Bast $070. 533 Rodney ave. a HANDSOME and intelligent trained. 2-year-old English pointer dog. 816 Miss. ave. Woodlawn 1249. v . . t T xt I hnmA IIo rt7 xfrni n tfl.i n Kiner- ers, $3 and $4. Woodlawn 275. 1014 Commercial st. FOX terrier dog. 11 months old, rea- sonable. Address box 183, R- F. D. 8. Oregon City. $S WILL buy male and female canary mras ana cage 906 Alberta at. mala fine singer. PRDIdREED SCOTCH PUPS. Going fast at $6. Appleton Collie Kennels. Deer Island. Or. FOR. SALE, cheap, 1 thoroughbred Boston Bull pup. 2 mos. oid. 132 E. Sd st. East 68. YELLOW St. Andrasberg female, must be sold by Monday noon. ' Mrs. Den- nett. Marshall 8492. EXCEPTIONALLY fine singers; pretty females and cares for sale, trading ntsmpg or cash. Wdln. 2371. GERMAN Linnet, continuous singer. nignt anq gay, woin. zat. WAN.TED To buy itingneca aovea. wooaiawn ioii FOR SALE Great Dane. $75. 25th N. 1880 E. FOR SAUE Three beautiful -pedigreed Persian kittens, cheap. Tabor 36. FOR SALE Pedigreed English bul female. Ready to bread, xaoor m, PERSIAN kittens for ale. Hillsdale, Or.. Box 22. Main bbO. BLACK and rn terrier pup, 7 weeks old, tnoroughiirea. Z.-.43. journal. BELGIAN rabbits, 26c. Tabor 7524. AUToioBiLEs.AocEssoRrai3 44 DELIVERY: CARS. v We have a half dozen dandy light delivery cars; are equipped witn I bodies and rdy to run. trices range from tlBO to 8500. Will give long terms to- responsible buyers. I OREGON MOTOR, cak uuHrAwi, fttudehalier Distributors. Broadway 616. Park and Davis ets. STUTflEBAKHR 6 roadster, S passen- nno miles: - . j . ger type, driven but owner turned this c&r ia on new 7-passenger car. Car lust like new; will sacrifice and give long time pay ments. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANT, Studebaker Distributors, Broadway 616. Park and Davis sts. 191 K FORD TOURING CAR. Good mechanical condition; can be seen today. USED CAIRi EXCHANGE. 627 Wraahlngton st. Where Washington and Bumslde meet. FOR SALE Model 40 Bulok touring c.r Dosco selfstarter. lust over hauled, painted brand new top, good 1 .- Ti.4 nc'n rn isfift Snn- ' day, or Monday Main 109.. BRISCOE 3 passenger Cloverlear mobster, ran but 1300 miles: Will give buyer of this car extra long terms. Call Mr. Hurley. Broadway 61b. WB WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ki., is-si Lownsaaie. Mam lini. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at price. Auto Wrecking Co., - rvortn tsroaoway. TIM7VKR9AL STARTER FOR FORD A (Improved Jiffy). 80 days' trial to responsible parties. A. L. Breckanridge, 836 Halsev st. E. 6095. C-2263. AUBURN 5-pass., fully equipped, best of running order, all good tirea, good paint, looks good, and la good, $300. Some terms. 445 Hawthorne ave. 1913 CADILLAC In best " oonditlon, newlr Dainted. starter and lights. and fine tires with extra. 287 Mor rison st BUICK -roadster, Just overhauled, new body, electrlo light, good tires, for sale, or trad for 6 pass. auto. Tabor 1855. 54 E. 74th N. SECOND-HAND auto garage for sale; i price $35. N. O. jacooson, eau. sain I I ave. S. E. ? 2 -TON Reo truck for sale by owne". " ehllstT' Call at g94 jSth 0 phone sell. .j7 r . ,, . lU'll.T, cmhuire new talkine- machine! I . . . tEflA 1 i it V. IJ.rntt I outfit up to $500 for light tar Hyatt , -- - . . -.--. i . . . - LIGHT AUiU aenvery siuaeoaer, I - - ., ti in. LIUJUB IV! 1 1 IV v. I,, i, ,wv. IV. i Panama bldg. FOR SALE 1910 Cadillac, Bpsch H. T. i magneto, automatic tire pump. 121 i V-aughn, cor. 22nd st. $190. HAVE hares paying royalties, value i $150, $100 cash, to trade for good ; car. Tabor 642. i IF YOU use seconds and need some i tires, better inquire at inmil,. at XT fif V, r god buys in large sixes oral truck, with good I We have some ; TOK Federal truck, with ! freight route; price $1100; S terms. 226 Ash st. 80me PEERLESS touring car, mechanically I perfect, forced to sell by enlistment. ! Phone or call 672 E. Salmon. East 6170. ut sai.c ft, ion irucn. o2 za ; , . t - T9fii SI fil h. f rvr.i unH -ftc . ov.i v ' cunoay. , FORD, .repainted seat covers. ; $250 Richmond Garage, 37th and : Division. - GOOD panel ton 1250-lb. delivery truck, cheap; accept groceries part OPsrnv. 1.4 13th St. Main io I vi.ri KAlJ-i 1916 Ford. touring ear. $300. terms. B-538. Journal. STUDEBAKER, deposit cjheap for cash or diamond. V-360. Journal. 1917 MAXWELL 'or sale cheap, R-370. Journal. WILL pay cash for good used Ford. Phone Es-t 162 1917 STUDEBAKER, cheap if taken at once. 214 E. 19th St.. N, AUTO truck, milk and transfer, clear ing .$ 250 mo. Hell. 1532. 1917 BUICK SIX for sale cheap,. Y-364, Journal. - MUST sell my Hudson 6-4 at once. W-B13. Journal. . WILL sell 1916 Maxwell touring car. Ut$37, Journal. . ' tXRD, panel body , dellvary,' $275. K-497, Jouj-naX . AUTO delivery bed with top. Ford or t ny light osx.-.. Broadway ,, earnnvooi WET HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SELL OUR USED GABS : Your Opportunity to' FROM 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM RUNABOUTS TCVLIMOUSINES TBfli W1NT0N (Si. 3 3 23d and Washington. OPEN SUNDATB AND Mala, tin EVETIN( Used Trucks WHITE delivery $450 L1PPEKT STEWART, ton $350 WILLETS utility. . ton ..$600 REPUBLIC. 1 ton $T5u UNIVEvRSAl, WORM DRIVE, 1H ton $li? FEDERAL, chain drive ....$76 J All of the above are in first class condition. We will give terms to suit. Columbia Carriage & Auto Works Main 2892. 209-11 Front st: THIS WEEK WB OFFER Bargains you should not overlook: Cadillacs, all models, eight and fours. Grant . 1916. Studebaker 1915. light ; Fords, Oodge iib, Maxwell, -aae, i Pierce, Reo 191 Detroit electric and many others. Mam 6244. 2it anA wash. I COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. A. M. Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LE1ADING USED CAR IJliALiaUi. MB. USED CAR BUYER WAKE UP! Outside dealers are buying used cars FKU-l US IN CAKOAD LOTS. if a dealer can afford to pay as our price for used cars, pay freight on thm In ritina.tlan nri renAll them again at a profit, why don't you take advantage or our big STOCK. OF GENUINE BARGAINS and coma in and pick out your car. I Ws carrr the Laraest. best and most I complete Una of used automobiles in 1 the stats. OUR TERMS ARE THE BEST. A, .Mi Ferguson & Co. 614 Alder et. Main 3966. Hemphill's Used Car Center Have for sale a number of Dodges, Maxwells. Fords, Reos, Studebakers, Chevrolet, Over lands, Bulcks, Mitchells and many others In roadsters. 6 pass , and deliveries. RANGING Iff PRICE FROM 200 UP. CASH OR TERMS. . ...i ii s . Hfimnhl 'S MSftfl Lar Ivemer . 1X7 Lownsdale at 15th and Wash. Phone Main guts. A-Z4.&. WB BUT THEM, WRECK 'EM. Sell the parts at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co. 89 North Broadway. 1918 DETROIT electric, 4 pass.. excellent condition, with charging electrifler, beautiful car-for lady; will take part real estate or good equity. The Win ton Co., 23d and Washington. Main 4244. I .mam . BUICK "10" JOU $250 I Aim t t a .t -m-v f .J.I nil H s . ivEji.n.x-v " v-ne-. Minit t nn win wheels, sent uivtri. I - , .. . - . i Bosch magneto; owner must have money; will sacrifice. 7-pass. WINTON, 1913; a bargain. 7-nasB. COLUMBIA KNIGHT. $560. 1911 CADILLAC . . J $400 HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th & Tvim sts. Look, Ford Owners -it i . u. i I " C li-vo a irw ur hiiu rear lire &Zfftr&& 3& thev last Benj. E. Boone &. Co. " 33 North Broadway. CADILLAC. Cadillacs you can buv Is the 1913 model. I have a rood 7 pass, that has , had good care, is in splendid condi tion and a rare oargain at .; can give terms. J-9.39. Journal. 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX. cord tires the best usod BXTTCK six in town for the price. 8950; TERMS. A. M, Ferguson &Co, 514 Alder st. Main 3966 CASH paid for old cars: 25 or mors wanted at onee aroanway Z9. loT,0RarRBC0N9TBUCTl0N C-- ?d and Gllsan, FOR SALE Two Uewellyn Setter 0nA On.l. LI T7 . E. Mount Scott car., Kast 715. a. m. 6 PASSENGER auto, good running or der; trade or sell cheap. Fry, 224 salmon at. 1-TON White truck for sale: Call between 5 and 6 evenings, $3 Morrlx st. Phone Woodlawn 3436. TWO good 32x3H Goodrich tires, run about 400 miles, for sale cheap. II. E. Adams. Oswego, Or. ' SPLENDID 5-pass. automobile and some cleat lots, to exchange for clear house and lot. Sell. 2662. 1 1114 6-PASS ENOEB Ford body, $!; . MV . till ... J w uvu u-4"a. fit - vafcv w . SAVE SUOO'TO Wm AITKMOBlLESAOCESSORlES 44 fV-asnef nrrei FATHERS and MOTHERS Do you know where your family spend their evenings and Sundays? If not, why not? , You can, yery easily. WERLAND-P BUY FROM A RES Broadway and G.ood Used-Cars Are Hard to Get at Bargain Prices ' - Here are a few we have: 1914 Ford delivery $275 1916a Maxwell 375 1916 Maxwell , 490 1916 Chalmers, 6-40 vaO 1915 Hudson. 6-40 800 1914 Ptudebaker, 6 550 1913 Hudson. 6-54 - 653 1917 Buick Little Six 875 These cars are all overhauled and repainted. Guaranteed by us. Boss & Peake Automobile Co, 616-617 Wash. st. Portland. MITCHELL SIX, 5 pass $ 400 CADILLAC touring car 400 OVERLAND, model 83 600 CASE, light touring car 600 wm.,Tui.n i iv i-. ,Yi " KfJ4Xt.:fT -T' "-IA 800 model ....... 1160 And others, terms given. Mitchell, Lewis, d. Staver Co. EAST 7272. B-1216-. Special Offer We are selling out our stock of NEW CHEVROLET CARS. Including touring car and roadsters. Price or either touring or roadsters Is $B7$ F. O. B. here. TERMS, $200 DOWN. BALANCE. $33 PER MONTH. Only a limited number to sell. Leave your order now. OPEN SUNDAY. A. M. Ferguson & Co. 514 Alder St. Main 3966. THIS is to certify that we sustained a lORS rn nur fiutnmnhllAN in th flrA I at the Broadwav fJaracw We carried I policies in the Insurance Company of North America, written J. C. Cortun Co.. at 306-6-7. Lewis bldg. local agents. The loss waa settled promptly, to our entire satisfaction, and we rec ommend the Insurance Company of North America to any one desiring au- lumoDiie insurance. Boss & Peake Auto Co.. 617 Wash ington St, 1 Super Six Hudson. J. B. Skinner 721 E Broadway. 1 Super Six Hudson. Oregon Garaee Co.. II 24th and Broadway. 1 Chalmers. 1 Saxon. 1 Reo. Rebuilt Federal Trucks I ne nave several reuuiu p eaeru. a rebuilt Federal U not an overhauled Nob. It Is rebuilt and guars guaranteed. W e also .have a number of good used trucks, all capacities. Sold on easy terms, open wunaay. THE PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH Broadway at Davis. - New Ford Sedan, Used very little; Stewart vacuum feed. new tires all arouna. trice Terms $260 down, balance In monthly i payments. A. M. Ferguson & Co. 614 Alder. Main 8966. Tires Used tires and tubes for sal. Double Tires. High-class vulcanising work. Factory Experience. Best Prices Paid for Old Tires. Akron Tire & Rubber Co. I 323 Burnside. Phone Broadway 117. 1913 CHALMERS, starter and lights, in great condition; fine tires, with extra, newly painted, snap for quick sale, terma. King, Main 4244. I a 11 trnnhiiri nrtn for le7 than half price. We carrv the largest stock of used auto parts In this city. Bring in I vour broken carta and We will match k- " ,! -.- " Z Z ffJ Bdw?' 325-27 Burnnlde at. Bdwy. $238. FOR SALE 1912 Cadlllao toiling ear, 6 passenger, in as good condition as It was the day it left the factory, or will trade for light truck. Address A. B.. 101 Front St., city. FOR WRECKING. Ws pay the cash for automobiles; condition no object. AUTO WRECKING CO 89 North Broadway. FOR SALE Model 40 Buick touring car. Disco pel r start er. overhauled fttirf n.nted. brand new tOD. rood tires. 3450. call ftiam un on ounaay or Main 1093 during week. 30-IL P. Pope Hartford roadster, first rlAss condition, with new set of tires. J cheap for cash or would consider tnade. l Tel. E. 604. 408 Hawthorne ave. DETRblT electric, new Edison bat tery; also rectifier; will trade for I rood clea.r lot. I - , . KlsselKar Branch, Broadway at Davis. 1916 KISSELKAR. perfect condition: am leaving city; will sell for $775 cash or take good Ford as part pay mewt. Woodlawn 1710. BARGAIN Studebaker touring: good condition. 1914; only $325. Cor. E. 74th and Base Line. BARGAIN Non-skid casings, lze 4x 85, run only 120 miles. E. 19th and Mill- TeL B 265$. . . FOR SALE One 1915 Ford body. East 7147. - FORD for sals. Call 7 4th at- fi. & M$. Etcott car. , ,: ia-iiiiiiaini-iiira ..r ACTaMOniLESACCESSORIES 4 4 iiBUUiiiiaiiiaTiouiiaaiisMiiniiiiiaMffliii f Till HOW? Keep your family togeth er by purchasing a used car on easy terms. , Fishing, picnicking, visit ing, pleasure-riding, MR, IK. PONSIBLE HOUSE Davis Street rcOT'iyira-;ym:iimajni;nu 1 Used Cars NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT YOUR- CAK, IF YOU JUST WANT A CHEAP CAR TO KNOCK AROUND IN. WE HAVE IT. IF lOU WANT A uoou honest 6 or 7 pas senger car, to tour in, we have it. if you want a real classy car, cheap, com 10 to us. compare our prices with others. buy where you can save money. if you buy your car from us. you are buyrno from an old es tablishment one that will Stand by you after selling you. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Bargains CADILLAC $295.00 FORD touring .45. 0 REGAL touring, 1915.. 195.00 Fords, Brlscoes. Kissels, Studebak ers. lteos. 'Cadillacs. Overlands. and many others to choose from. Sold onlffystem; cheap term easv terms. pen nunuaya. THE PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH Broadway at Davis. 1915 WINTON touring car, new Urns, overhauled and -repainted, like new; will consider small car as part payment; terms on balance. , THE WINTON CO.. 23d and Washington. Main 4244. Used car department. Garages $30 Up. Sea Samples, 644 Hood St. Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. Only $12.50 Dlvery bodV for "FORD" CARS. 40 other styles. Ready for use. Bamett Body Co. StV.i. E. Madion-K. ltM Pao. Storage bldg. 1917 CHALMERS SIX 1917 CHAL- MERS SIX. 1917 Chalmers Six 80 touring car, practically new, has had finest cars and Is really better than new. having been run Just enough to break It In; lots of extra equipment; pries $ 97 S, mis wuuiu d w saving w yuu u rancis Motor car iw. tai um and Hawthorne ava AUTO FOR REAL ESTATE Have 1913 7-pas. car. also fine Detroit electric; will trade for clear property: cars can be seen at COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, weekdays. 21st and Washington. NEW TIRES. What brand ot new 41ri do you prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (aewed) tires and do all manner of tlrs repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co- 323-3X( Bum aide, near Broadway. ENGINES, ENGINES, ENGINES. WHEEL-., WHEELS, WHEELS. flKARS GEARS. GEARS. GEARS. for all cars, less than the regular price. Wa have over zb engines stock, from $20 to $125. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO- Vhira anq tinman mreeis. 1913 BUICK $376." 1916 Saxon $650. 1916 Dodge $550. 1914 Ford delivery $260. Chalmers bug $275. Expert Chevrolet mechanic 7So par hour. 63Q Alder St.- Main 2717. LOOKi .XJRD OWNERS. We have a f tw side and rear tlra ae. "'' .""'Cia " Ail. tbs? 1 cars. 1-3 olf present prices while tneyi BENJ. E. BOONE A CO 33 N. Broadway. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton, $350 I BUILDERS OF Itt Tbr $400 1EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. $460 ( ATTACHMENTS Capacity 1 Mfg. in Portland. 193 K. Water wt. Phone East 743T. 1912 DETROIT electric. 4 pass., excel lent condition, beautiful .car fori y . JX vt V V. n r- rri w s al Tf ff1 Timr 111 I i- V-l.."r r. ' 7. SCHLElUlSri rnasier Draaa. ior ercua Saves the dlfierenllai; soon pays rot in relinlaa. Only sura and relia ble brake holds car on any hill. Man ufactured and installed at Portland Carriage works. 109 N.4th st. B'way 946 SWELL Overland bug, seating room for 4, electric lights, center control, fine mohair top with curtains, - long Line iiiuibsr iuh . . i . , , i . ,..! hl- .. tank n!fi,hl1l BTTTrklT.n A ITKli lllhl -., t lr. ! and all new tires "for sale by owner. T-l-T tt-.. .. w r.u .v,fiu ' -"t,-". y-y L-J-Z " . GARAGES, PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $27.60 TO $70.00. CAIL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO, TTr T)W A V 149. 354 ANKKV? ST. r7VFH Y'T'w'l'f in tbe t-y ni t. -t. f your auto, we aismantia all makes and models, less than priee. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and Gllsan Ptreets, "HAYNES" model 24, perfect mechan ical condition; a real car at a real bargain; not a bunch of tin and Junt US.$nuSti3& OocSf 4 " " - FOR USED CARS Como ths Covey Motor Car C-. list and Washington. Main 6244. LAMER' Mfg. A Repairs, 8600 guaranfd springs to stock, prices rsduced, $4 N. l$th bC AtTOMOr4LES - ACXSaORJES 44 1916 CHEVROLET, used very lit- -tie, electric lights and starter. .$410 101 ha Vt kn II i.. .1, t 11814 PAlGEv atarUog and lighting ; aystem ....I$37. 1914 MITCHELL. eUctrlo starting and lighting system, ail good tires ; $515 BUICK BIG SIX. not Bed. ....... .$876 , 191$ MAXWKLU run 2ft mile.. $67$ 1912 CADILLAC roadster, electrlo lights and starter ttlO 1 19U CADILLAC delivery car.M.t$7B The above oars and a hundred ctheta ror aaie on easy terma. Come ia today and tha car, SAVE THE OTH-BR LOSS IN DEPRECIATION. - A. M. Ferguson & Co, PORTLAND S IAPINO USED CAR .. Miiia 514 Alder st. Main $9. ' '. REAL. BARQALNS. 1 9 H FORD touring.. $121 8-S r ism r-uitu touring 1914 FORD touring. X60 buick tourleg. C25, eleotrlo lights and starter.-like new... 685 ' 1913 OVEIUaAND touring, finest condition 291 1917 MAXWELL touring, prac- ' ticaliy brand new, eleotrlo lights and starter - ...,89$ 1916 SAXON roadster, six cylinder, run only 400 miles T95 1913 Dl'PMOBILE touring .....'$5 1912 CHALMKRM $6 touring . ...-4 3912 RCH HUP rondster li 1914 STUDEBAKER touHng, elec- i trio lights and starter $95' .916 OVERLAND 86 touring, eleo- trio lights and starter, like new , ... 50, FRANCIS MOTOR bAR XX. '. ' E. 8770. B-1166. " t East 13th and Hawthorns. . 1914 FORD TOURING with 1917 body; car thoroughly overhauled; terms. Mango. A-2442. . 1916 FORD TOURINO: car Ilka nw terms. Mango. A-8443. 1912 OVERLAND at your own price. - Mango. A-1442. 1913 STITDFJBAKER. in firat-elaas condition, veryreasonabla; terms. ,: Mango. A-2443. 1916 LIGHT 4-eyllnder touring csr car lUtfi new; terms. ; - Mango. A-2442. : 1916 MF.TZ TOtmilfd CAR. never. been used, aj a great sacrifice! ' terms. Marshall 6000. 1916 MKT. ROAISTER, car nrver been drivn a mile; very reasonably terms. Marphall 6000. . 1916 4-CYL1NDER ROADSTER. wlh' Gray & lavls lighting and starting Mango, a-2441. Palace Garage 22ND AND KEARNEY. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MAIN 90 A-2442. - Remember the Place If you need a part for your auto mobile, coma to the "- i ' Auto Wrecking Co, I ; Wo aro the ORIGINAL auto wreckers. We have everything for the auto. If you trade with us we are sure to give you the best of treatment and will re fund your money If goods ara not as represented. 89 North Broadway, STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! STUDEBAKER 25. I PASS, self- starter, first cUrni tires, bast of " mechanical condition ..$325 I PAIGE, 5 PASS.. Just overhauled. rood tires .....$27S All cars guaranteed and servU fiven. BIS BUICK 26. 6 PASS... $259 ; East Side Auto Repair Co. East 1 09. 717 Hawthorne a. . 1917 CHAlJUEUS SI K 1917 CIIaC MERS b IX. , j 1917 Chalmers Six 80 touring car, practically new. has had finest cars and Js reany tter than new. having been run jont enough to break It in; lots of extra equipment; uric $97$; this would be a saving to you of 1160. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. 12th and Hawthorns ave. E. 3770.. !. 1H-TON JKPFERY TRUCK. ' Combination passenger and ax . press body. $10u0. Terms ta rs sponsible party. i , " PORTI-ANO MOTOR CAR COf BDWY. AND BURNSIDE STS. Keats Bldg. IF yon ara looking fpr a goo " used car. see W. H. Wallingford 'J'-- ATJTHOPvIZrfiD FORD AGENT, ' 62 Alder. Mala 1160. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX 1-PAiB.' Ws have just received a Chalmers Llght Six In exchange on latest aeries Chalmers and will sell same at a vary reasonable figure. It Is well equipped and In fins condition throughout. -L L. KATB AUTO UJU Broadway and -Burnside Jst. -' -Phone Broadway 5$68. WE wreck all 'makes and models of automobiles for their good parts an I th(m for than V4 price. fn Bvth(n. vnu r..t Wa in positively the largest usea pans ;con- panv in Oregon. Ws guarantes fair and square treatment. 4W V . j . w r ' Third and Gllsan Streets. MAXWELL touring oar,' elactria lights uld starter; good mechanical oonditlon, $450. Easy terms If ds sired. USED CAR EXCHANGE, , . , -: ' wnr WssMnrton and Burmitd mmX - - - - ' k 2 ; vasnuigioTi v I thu roomiest Ilahtest 7-passenaer 1IU ih. tirmii 6r taka old au u naxt. Tarshall 429. FORD roadster, li17 body. 191$ aw tor. Juat overhauled. $295, cub ot terma. - - I USED CAR EXCHANGE, ' . 627 Washington street, v Where Washington and Bnmwids t. with extra; aquipped with Ksllogf ft SV :1Vr tTw ... 'c-. r"' 800 miles. Like new. Snap, Terms. Phone Tabor 4822. -kR SALE, at a great bargain prlca, a Super Six Hudson, not a scratch oa 4t. You can scarcely tell ths car has l . . . . . . m . . own uwhi . n raua at., I day, or later PACKARD 3-38 Owner has left city. w(U Mr(flo. 5N28d st. Mar. 1428. , SM A P WHO WANTS lTt : " Have one good passenger ear J will .ellery cheT or Td " or an aare "oUYn17 ffclPt 849 Sandy blvdf I for s A i.k Two ton Reo , truck at your own price, mens jussx or 11 271 East Wrater st. I $10 TAKES Ford exoress body and top! BRAND new Ford; anv leaving Hy. 853 union ave., I. jast ion. . ; PRIVATE party will pay eaah for gooq seoon nana jjoogg, - u. gi., -. -t (Contlansa oa ttsxt Pact ; 1 -" X i - "