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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
;? - 4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY; MORNING, MAY 20,1 1917. REAL ESTATE . MONEY TO LOAN Contlnnd 21 ' . CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. 1 $500 to 860J0 6. ,T"RED8. WHXtAMS, 92 Vfc 1ST. ST. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 . " BY OUR METHOD We can furnish you MONEY On short notice to pay your present bill and you can pay us back In easy weekly or monthly payments as you like. WE LOAN MONEY To salaried people on their-own notes, easy payments, strictly confidential. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. jc Having loans elsewhere .does not prevent vou from getting loans here. We also loan on household furni ture. pianos, etc.. without removal. Call and Kee Us. coli;mbia discount co., (Licensed In hoth city and state) 317 FAILING BLDG.. 3d and Washington sts. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS T nnna made to rjcrsons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture. pianos diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential: private o flees. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). r 306-307 Dekum bldg. . PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N k h hM hv Portland Dusiness .'3 men to nrotect borrower. I ( ' - r MYERS HKRKMAN. Mgr.. 394 Stark LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY fi V ' PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FU RN'lTI; RK HELP WANTED MALE (Continued) HELP WANTED MISC. (Contlxaed) 49 WANTED MONDAY Office and delivery boys: young man, cooper shop, $2.60: man for laundry: hospital orderly; man for dairy work, J 18.50 per week; lumber mill yard men, city, 12.50: families to weed wheat, $2 to $2.50 per day. men and women and children above 12 years; general farm hands. $40 to $60; laborers rock crushers,' $3; mill laborers, $2.75 to $3: planer feeders. $3 to $8.60; off bearers. $3 to $3.25; wood bucks, $3: knotters, $3; choker men, $3.60; head rigger men. $4.25; rough carpenters, $3.25: cabinet makers, $3; head fallers, $3.75: second fallers, $3.50. All jobs are free. PUBLIC EMPIXJYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson sis. Perpare Now I There are many positions left open j every day by men who have Joined the colors. THE REFERRED FOSI : TIONS in the army require men who , can drive trucks, ambulances, and have other gas engine knowledge, WHY NOT PREPARE NOW? The opportu j nity was never so great. Call or write . for full particulars, or list of positions open. I ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL 388 Burnside St, Portland, Or. SALESMEN, BUILD AN AUTO SPECIALTY BUSINESS. Aggressive men with, some capital and sales or executive ability wanted as general managers in their territory for the distribution of a world-wlds necessity for auto owners. New I standard equipment on thousands of cars. A chance to make big money $28 AND A BONUS PER WEEK while establishing yourself in a busl guaranteed to the v.-orker in every j ness which is permanent, unaffected county of Oregon west of- the Cas-1 by the war and uniquely free from cades, who makes good. Secure and ' competition. We back our representa renew subscriptions for The Oregon ' tives to the limit with advertising and Farmer. Men who own rig, saddie ' service. Write AT ONCE for full de horse, auto, moyircycle or bicycle j tails. The Armstrong Rubber Co , only will be considered. Experience Is Newark. N. J not necessary, but three satisractory references required. This-Is a perm a- j nent position for the successful man. Your territory guaranteeed against WANTED AGENTS 6 "INVEST 1& A Vn TXTMTRLE It same day. Perfect reproduction of Old Glory in red, white and blue. ; Gummed stickers for letters, packages, etc $5 brings you 100 packs (each containing 100 flag labels). Sell them for lc a pack. Everybody's using them. Sample package 10c. postpaid Fenton Label Cq., th and Thompson pis., rnua., r a. FURNISHED ROOMS Cotinnn HOTEL R1TZ.' PARK AND MORRISON Elegant furnished rooms with or without private bath, hot- and cold running water and free phone every room, elevator service all night, shop ping and theatre district Special rates to permanent guests. 2n GRAND AVE. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, fur i EAST nishlng everythina: men and women, i i $30 to $200 weekly, operating our R0oma ana apartments by day. week or New System Specialty Candy Facto- month; strictly modern. $2 week up. ries." home anywhere; no canvassing; . - opportunity lifetime; booklet free. ; rH fic.P. HnTP RAQSDALE CO.. Box Z. East Orange.! 1 l0 IIUIGI N. J. I 446 Washington st. Cleanest and AGENTS make 'big money" selling most modern rooms in town. Reason- American Flae" window posters ame, rales. wanting distance. shields, pennants, buttons pins and stickers. "Big variety," "big proIts HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 nraxxsxss jtd nrnnsiio -u i j00? -. - - TWO room H. K. suites. 89 and up. 545 Washington, near 16th. fiom Arvte ,'ree bath. hot. cold water V3CJM APIS. $i week up. 401 1st st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7:1 TTTKZfXSKSD AJTD USTUBHUSES FUTATB TAUXLT FOR RENT HOUSES ( Coauaaaa 12 BEAUTIFUL place and location, yard, trees, garden, large sleeping por?a, sitting room, kitchen complete, re duced; $12 monthly; walking distance. Sellwood 1109. 664 E. 6th. enormous demand, catalogue free. Sul- j livan Co., 1123 Van Buren St.. Chi-' cago. 111. I hth rii I i f T T I I I f T-t . 1 i- - VlClO, ! Hnv. ... M h HU 1 A it 8 1 Fireproof. Strictly modern Newly decorated. 75c to $2.00. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. interference Write or call. The Ore-I manuiaciurm rp"i.'V r. 411 Stock Exchange bldg., S"1"" ' JffJ au Xt-ZZ.l gon Farmer Portland. Or. IF retail stores, wants a few highest grade stock salesmen with successful records on flotation of issue preferred stock to double present business. Quick LOANS WANTED 30 a WANT $1100 and $2500 at 7 per cent on best Portland residence properties, also $2250 at 7 per cent on best As toria residence properties. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Hank Bldg. HAVE 2 first mortgage loans well se cured on acreage drawing 8 per cent; one $600, one $S00. Sell either or both. No discount, as these are first class. Information and abstracts Of D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. WANT to communicate with party having $2400 they wish to invest a lot and building new home in Oregon City; installment plan, fair interes'. Caro Journal. G-494, Journal. . WANTED From principal. $1350 on income beuring residence property at 7; walking distance; east side. Z-981, Journal. , WANTED $2200 at 6.. 2 to 5 years Will pay no commission. Suitable security, farm land. Rov W. Mlnkler, Route 3. Vancouver, Wash. WANT $3800, 7; a good 40 loan on . income property, east side. George T. Moore Co.. 518 Ablngton bldg. WANTED, $1500 at 1rr for 3 years, on residence, A-l security. B-563, Journal. WANTED To borrow $1400; city property for security. Call 4213 6oth st S. E. $2500' on 10 acre improved home; 10c car Tare. 7. 3 years. N-aua. Journa' FINANCIAL 51 I 1 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. ani Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg HELP WANTED MALE WANTED A liv wire either with or without a Ford car. Must have some capital, to take up territory to dem onstrate and sell the Universal Tractor Attachment. Big money maker. Ad dress Sales Manager, 3011 So. Fife S' Tacoma, Wash. ' YOU want congenial pleasant work, i rjcn profits for experienced hustlers If you want a money making i, finnrD th.mAl' live lends- money saving job in a line where men , substantial helD by co-operation given T f r, rt l IX to Rfl vear-a a r A mnklnor mnnpv 1 i . -w . . from IS to 80 years are making money write us. Many of our men have been with us seven years continuously. Green made $150 his first month. Let us tell vou about it it will make money for us both. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Young men between 16 and IS years to learn the hardware business; must live witli parents; those with some high school education preferred; chance for advancement. PPiy I0:.i0 Monday morning. Honey man Hardware Company. Fourth at Alder stret. on generous commission. Don Mac Donald, sales manager. 7 Pine St , N. Y. City. STENOGRAPHY IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE Unusual demand for shorthand writers and typists, created by the nresent crisis. Beginners' Dav. $75 to $100. Special need is for men. Prepare in a man's school. Call or write Y. M. C A. School. Portland. Or. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Men ar entering the Y, M, C. A. Automobile School now, getting training- for truck service, quartermaster department, and ambulance service. This may. be an opportunity for you to render skilled and valuable service. Complete bulletin of information will be mailed to vou on request. Address division A. Y. M, C. A.. Department of Educa tion, Portland, Ore. LIVE salesmen with little cash to handle stat agencies with auto ac cessories: a money maker. Will pay to investieate. Call factory. 371 Haw thorne ave. WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual demand is created by the war for wireless operators, both naval and commercial service. Y. M. C. A. school offers thorough, practical and individ ual instruction. Serve your country in a skilled position. Begin your train ing now.. Address- division A for de tailed information, Y. M. C. A.. Port land. Oregon. WANTED Men with autos to sell the, My Week "if nn i fa qi (1 ir fffl II By Month Anti-Carbon Gas Saver and other , $2.00 Up. II lnl ISliLll II HDL $8.00 Up. automobile accessories; exclusive tear- . Strictly Modern. Under New Manag'nt. ritory to the right men. Write for par- 12th and Stark sts. Broadway 3822. Ay'iXS-iH Atierry C" I HUSH MARK. HOTEL Modern brick. 504 Journal bldg., Portland, Or. f furnishpri Pnomf, .i6 w(,ek ut. Runnine water, free baths. Walking 665 W ashington St. AGENTS, dealers. 100 per cent profit handling "Mystic-Fibro" automatic ; :istancp. . . . L?AnlA .1 . n . V. ....... ' mobile world. Fully guaranteed. Ex clusive territory. Apply quick. Presto Mfg. Co.. Albanv, Or 2 CONNECTING housekeeping rooms, with sink, cabinet and cupboard. 2 clothes closets and divan bed; also single room. 75 East 20th st. N. Phone East 1799 SPLENDID rooms in private home, hot water heat, $1.50, $2 and $3 per week; rates by month select table board; working man and small famllv preferred. 161 N. 22d St. Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the con venience of our patrons and frienda A service absolutely without charge to you.- Our listings of houses, bunga lows and apartments is most complete YOURS FOR SERVICE. Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill sts. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, $6 :i month: also one $4 month, half block Hawthorne cars; no children. 291 E. 4th st. HOTEL EATON. West Park at Morrison. Attractive rates to permanent guests. 'Centiia.1 location Modern conveniences SALESMAN Capable specialty man , Hf.TPI Kgog' for Oregon staple line on NEW and H"TEL CLLV tNdtR -.Marshall 6696. EXCEPTIONAL terms; vacancy now: , Too tr. -Vtf 01 1 Vt vvihin attractive commission contract; $35 f ro" apartments. 4134 Washing weelilv for exnenses Miles F. RIt1t I ton St.. corner 11th. Co., 22720 Carlin bids Cleveland, O'. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam neat, running water. 385 3d st. FURN. rooms for rent trlct. Main 6781. USALYTE Indestructible Gas man tles; burn less gas than others; agents prices, $5 per hundred, 78c dozen; retail 15c. J. I. Robin, manu facturer. 130th St. and Park ave.. New York City. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants rep resentatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for tree sam ples. Madison Mills. 603 Broadway, New York City. AGENTS START RIGHT NOW, make big money easy; brand new seller, unlimited field, free particulars. Bank Suppiy. 640 S. Ohio st., Los Angeles, Cal. SOLICITORS wanted patriotic novel ty. Red hot seller. Big money; quick results. 515 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. COMPETENT bookkeeper (employed). desires change; 6 yrs. experience .n all branches. Phone Main 2612. HELP WANTED MISC. STUDENTS course course in A complete and thorough in Electro - therapeutics, i DO most comprehensive: in WANTED SALESMEN To call on banks, manufacturers and mercantile houses with our complete line of leath er goods, art calendars, metal signs and useful novelties. Unexcelled op portunity for ambitious men. Experi- ence unnecessary. We prefer to teach you our methods and educate you In ; salesmanship. Established in 1870. The W inters Co. Springfield. Ohio. vour war "bit" canning. Informa tion and helns civ-en frei everv eludes anatomy nd physiology, diatr- Thursday from 7 to 12. in practical nosls, massage, vibration, light ther-! "home" methods of vegetable canning, apy, faradic galvanic and sinusoidal ' 295 E. 42d st. S. Hawthorne car. Ta- electricity. X-Ray and high f requen y ' bor 6S77. currents, hydrotherapy and suggestion I av PhEo'n 1iS8t854S6tary' 122 ran -JTyEjA.L 3i HOUSEHOLD necessity, big money; give phone, address, exparienc and three references. R-405. Journal. Nob Hill d'.s- FURNISHED ROOMS 70 PRIVATE FAMILY IRVINGTON 4 rooms, on carllne; ground floor, large yard, roses, piano, fireplace, $25, includes water, phone, garbage. Adults. East 4384. LARGE furnished sleeping porch, with removable windows. $7; break fast if desired; good jitney service. 1030 E. 24th- st. N. SLEEPING norch with adjoining room in beautiful home in Ladd's Add., one block from car. walking distance. Both phones. E. 38S4. B-1270. FURN. rooms in modern home, meals if (desired; also b k. privileges, phone and use piano. 628 Irving, near 16th st. SITUATIONS MALE FRONT room $4.50. sleeping $3.50: i quiet and clean; not modern. 183 1 I East 9th st. A RARE CHANCE Wanted, a position in town outside of Portland by young married man. My line of business is men's cloth ing, hats, shoes, furnishings and dry goods. First-class card writer and window trimmer. Have ability for buying and managing a store. A REAL LIVE WIRE. Z-942, Journal. NICELY furnished rooms. electric lights, bath, from $6 month up, in private familv. 130 13th st. WANTED 5 young men, $40 to $70 ner month: chance to learn estab lished business and advancement; cin also use L" men with motorcycles, $2.60 per day, su-mly work, splendid busi ness opportunity. L. Mollenhour, 253 Oak ht. WANTED Men with autos to sell the Anti-Carbon Gas Saver and other automobile accessories; exclusive ter ritory to the right men. W-nrte for par ticulars. Pacific Auto Accessory Co., 604 Journal bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED Young man to run shoe shine stand in an exclusive men's shop; must be 17 years of age or over; $10 a week to start fciunaay, 11 to 12 a. m., room Fleldner bldg. nAP?2? VACANCY May 26th for competent A MAN, 50 years old. selling his own saleman or ex-merchant with large; lands, finds only a little of his time Cleveland corporation, to sell mer. occupied. He is in high standing; can chants a needed high-class specialty in furnish any amount of the best of ref Oregon and surrounding territorv i300 '. erences; is a successful talesman; has to $500 per month. Commissions' paid ' a 1,ost of friends and an office; would weekly. State experience Address ' accept any agency or position that Sales- Manager Box 176 Station C i would enable him to still sell his lands. Cleveland O All answers will be promptly replied SALESMEN - WANTED Experience ur- ! Journal treated " COnf identlal" E"421- necessary; earn while you learn I Ju'n2- W'rite for large list of openings an I i ASSISTANT cook in private family, testimonials from hundreds of our capable, intelligent young woman, members, who earn $100 to $500 a ; preferably one who has taken a course month. Address nearest office D-pt 1 it domestic science, and who desires ?12, NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TRAIN-: to learn the practical side of artistic ING ASSOCIATION, Chicago, New home cooking; references required. Z York. San Francisco 944. Journal. SALESMAN Business man, 35, col lege education, with 12 years' whole sale experience, desires opening calling on trade in or out of Portland; good references; opportunity not salary the important consideration. F-345. Journal. NICE furnished room, walking dis tance, for one or two gentlemen. 60 E. 10th St.. N. East 7751. NEWLY' furnished rooms, modern con veniences, very reasonable. 147 North 17th, near Hoyt. NICELY furn. front room with board for 1 or 2. East side. Walking dis tance. East 4611. POSITION wanted, salesman with 12 years' experience in wholesale house, college education, good record, oppor tunity to locate in Portland main con sideration. G-604. Journal. FINE room in private home. In Irv ington. Piano and Vlctrola. May use as your own home. C-1104. NEAT sleeping room, close in, phone, heat, bath, housekeeping suite. 21 N. 11th. A CLEAN light room $1.25 and phone free. 529 Broadway 2892. h. k. and sleeping up: light, bath anil Hoyt, near 16th. Phone Mar. 400 A-C101 MEIER FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. in all parts of the city. Avail yourself or this FREE service. information enter lull y furnished. 2-ROOM suite, running water, beauti ful yard, trees, flowers: 10 minute walk; elegant neighborhood; $2.75 to J350 per week. 391 Broanway. TWO very pleasant furnished rooms with kitchenette. Al! conveniences. 2 blocks from Broadway bridge. 318 Benton st. E. 955. NICE freshly papered front rooms, H. K., sleeping; free phone, every thing convenient. 229 uth st. Call Monday. THREE nicely furnished H. K. rooms. waiKing distance, piano. i3.5. ibb East 12th, near Belmont. B-2065. ONE furnished H. K. room. bath, elec tric lights, heat and free I hone. 141 N. 16th st. Call after 6 o'clock. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Including light, bath, and phone; $12 a month. 736 Hoyt st. $65.00 9 rooms, modern, Jl',1 Jefferson oU.oo , rooms, modern flat, 14S 1.1th. $40.00 1 2 rooms, modern, 204 N. 22d. $22.50 S rooms, 392 E. Taylor st. $18.00 7 rooms, 314 Clay st., cor. 6th. $20.00 6 rooms, 7iii Marshall st. $15.00 6 rooms. 67" E. Everett st. -$12.00 6 rooms. tyi I'ommercial St. CARL K. JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox b'.dg. Main S699. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 run RENT Modern 6 room hou;, completely furnished, furnace, fire place, sleeping porch, three lots, two blocks from car. at Island Station, near Milwaukie; U hour service. Jo minutes out. Beautiful view, overlooking the river; paved road to the city. Rent reasonable. Propt-rty tshoutd be seen to be appreciated. ve simply say that It cannot be duplicated. Phpne Mll waukie 39M. A TYPICAL bungalow in Rose City Tark; 6 rooms and bth. all fur-' nished complete, for rent to a couple with no children. Possession from June 20 till October 20. Owner leav ing city for the summer, phone Ta bor 6621 for particulars 10 R. house, East 6lh st. . . $ 1 h. in 7 R. house. 454 --63ri st.. S. R. cottage. 27 NV9th st R. cottage. 413 E. 9th st'. .... It. bungalow, .".94 East 39th st . R. cottage, ;,33 E. Market St.. K. cottage. 16 E. 60th st i. fa1.' 12.00 ."..0 6.1") 7.VJ 14.50 $18, 5 ROOM bunpaltiw. furnished; lU'-e yard, roses, garden, garage, close to car. Call 4 7 2S ,oth st. S. E.. Mt. Scott car. or phone Main 7 463. Monda. after 1 p. m. 3-ROOM cottage, well furnished and clean; nice location; large lawn, trees and flowers; with or without garage; very reasonable. PlKinc Wocd- lawn 530. SMALL 3 room bungalow, romp, ely furnished, nice vatd. trees, bu. .. S20. Call 242 K. 44th st . 2 block north Hawthorne tve. Phone Tabor 1610. garage if desired lb ROOM house, fuil $50 per month for the summer. Ground for pota toes already plowed. Rose bushes and lawn. 4tj5 West Park Portland Heights, room tiuug:i- FOR RENT On completely furnished .. low for summer months, shall 1243. Ij'hone Mar- THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. lo3 Fourth St. Main 6915. A-215. MODERN 4 room bungalows, hardwood- floors, -beds, buffets, book cases and window seats, gas ranges, water heater, linoleum in kitchen and bath. Sumner, near E. 13th, 1 block north of Alberta car Owners, Blanch ard ft Clemson. 702-3 Selling bldg 2 ROOMS, large pantry, first floor, running water, walking distance. 325 12th. 2 ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone. 490 Washing ton st., cor. 15th. 2 NICE front rooms for h. k.. suitable 2 or 3 people; conveniences; reason able. 389 Taylor st. COSY, homelike. fiVst floor room;,het. light, bath; will arrange for llgh! H K. ; $2. 472 Salmon st. NICELY' furnished clean H very central, $8 a month, way, cor. Madison st. TWO modern ti room houses for rent, in good location, with furnaces, ce mented basements, lawns, etc.. 2 blocks from carline; clos to school and ship building plants: very reasonable rent, if tenant desirable. 232 and 23 4 Front st. Call Main 518. 4 ROOM cottage. furniture, walking distance, phone, gas, elec tricity, bath. 460 Flint st near Russell and Williams ave. East 5571. SHIPYARD district. 4. 6 room modern. clean furnished house, garden, gar age. Two 5 room vottuges. garden and fruit. S54J, First j;t S. . NICELY furnished, modern. 6 room house; lot 60x10ft; $15 month. all 361 Fremont st. Take Union or W il- liams ave. car. UK smai.I, modern eottage. close in. garden plowed, no children. East 5020 Phone MT. TABOR I-arge 5 room bungalow sunny soutnern exposure, hardwood floors furnace, IS 13 Royal ave.; price $22. Key next door west. Mrs. E. G. Hopson. STRICTLY modern 8 room house. 48th St.. near Hawthorne. Call Sundays between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. 340 E. ne Tabor 6256. Week days call Main 3953. SMALL npt. house, sleeping porch-. fruit and garden, some planted. $li. Phone Wdl 2449 or Wdl. 405. K suit-1 ' lu a. m. 261Broad-! ls,h st. S.. or pho 7 ROOMS partly furnished, aid. good location. West side, cheap. Tabor 1901. ' 6 RtoM furnished house, modern. 10 minute car service; Tine- yard. Sell- wcmhI -47 1 . i WELL furnished 4 rooms, close t Broadway bridge. $1::. lights and water inluded. I'hone ''---'.-iL HOUSEKEEPING single rooms, $5 and $7 month: free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill, bet. 12th and 13th sts. NICE lbp-ht sleeping and housekeeping room cheap. Call 290 Jefferson. Marshall 1048. NEWLY renovated light housekeeping suites, close in. $1.50 week up. 9 N. 11th st. Broadway 2539 NEAT 2 room furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, Qheap. 608 Jefferson. FOR RENT- or en suite, with privilege of ' 589 Kt Burrside St. East 7005. single H. K. MACHINIST for different repair wo'K. Have also experience with construc tion woodwork; have been in city for 13 years. Y-353, Journal. CALLEAST 6046. For expert packer of pianos, fur niture, pictures, crockery, china and glassware. References. FURNISHED room In private family, no children. Close in and on car line. For particulars. Call Mar. 61. FURNISHED room in private fam;iy for respectable lady or couple, very reasonable. 703 Hoyt. near 21sU OUR salesmen are making from $25 WANTED Bv a young man, boy or to $100 per week selling our well 1 Kirl who has been through the 4th known nursery stock. You can do as ' grade school, to take private lessons w-ell Necessary outfit furnished. Only with me; foreigner of good habits pre stady men wanted. Openings also ; i f erred. L-423. Journal. cur saiesiaaies. tKr particulars dress Nurrery, Orenco. Oregon. ad-j THREE excellent fields open for Nu Bone corset representatives: fre A MAN of eood eha.ra.eter. training, permanent emDlovmenr for to 60. for my special capable women.- Apply 207 Central bldg. AUTOMOBILE washer. . 2d and Jefferson sts. Co. Apply garage, Meir & Frank I WANT aged from 20 tteai testate Representative. ExDeri n l SI 1T2.?-e5.c,n yOU)' WANTED A elderly lady that wishes W " "r 1 a good nome for a companion and T.,,,c iiinc. mars money wniie learn- helD with housework- Rome cm nil ing. McDonnell, Dept. Y 909. 1426 You u-.L aito;!"16-. sma!1 at TT.cV.1 , n 1 1 "rr'j hi ai. OLD hats made new A MAN with much experience in gen eral merchandise, who is an A-l bookkeeper, desires a position. Very best city references. M-402. Journal. ONE large fur. room and kitchenette, light, phone, hot and cold wate.-, free, 1st floor. '655 Wash. st. EXPERIENCED young man work on farm all summer milker. G. A. R. 4, Box 70. wants good Jackson, Gresham. Or. LARGE front room, private family; phone, bath; walking distance. Phone East 1508. i 4 NICE clean unf ur. rooms. 6T? HIGH school hoy with wheel wants work after school and Saturdays. Broadway 2917. PAINTING. reasonable, evenings. paperhanging. tinting. Main 699. Sunday or Wash. st. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive large front room, fireplace, piano; modern. 327 6th st. NICELY furnished rooms at 394 Co lumbia st.. cor. 10th st. References. WANT 2 or 3 more sets of books to keep: lodge work a specialty. Mar- shall 4418. FRAME and concrete garages, every thing in cement work Woodlawn 2278. AT- 779 Kerney St.. nice upper front room, good distr let ; walking distance. NICE, airy room for gentleman. 521 Heights Terrace. Mar. 1237. $1.60 NEAT single room, also large. airy basement room, phone, bath, close in. 151 Lownsdale, cor. Morrison. NICELY furnished 11. K. rooms, rea sonable. Call Sunday and evenings. ?06 14th. H. K. ROOMS, furnished: walking dis tance, nice, clean and cheap; op'i. L. H. school. 347 Market st. NEATLY month. furnished H. K. room, $'j 2215 W. Park st. $ 8.00 6 room bungalow, Arleta. $10.00 6 room house, Rodney ave. $10.00 6 room house. Tillamook 4U. $12.00 7 room house. Borthwick at. M. 94 85. HOUSES. FLATS AND STORES. J. J. OEDER. Real Estate and Rentals. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny FOR RENT Tenthouse. Beautiful lo. cation, close in. near car. Citv. wa ter, electric lights. Fireplace. i& per month. Phone Broadway 4525. ONE and 2 large light H. K. rooms, first floor, $8 and $ 10. 4 29 M a in . HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $4 i-p; phone. bath, electricity. 349 1 2th st. 2, 3 OR 4 modern, cheerful housekeep ing rooms. 120? E. Main Tabor 4133. ROOMS ANI) BOARD 15 HOTEL CHEST ERBURY. 20th and Kearney sts.; excellent din- WANTED Salesman with auto to sell real estate. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED 2 mill hands, 1 teamster and 1 planer feeder for fast feed Stetson-Ross machine. Married men preferred. Apply West Ore. Lbr. Co.. Ilnnton, Or. EXPERIENCED young man for part ner In rental business and handling city real estate; must bo live wire. Give experience, reference and phone. D-377, Journal. VANTED Teamsters at $3 and com mon laborers at $2.75 for 8 hours' work. Holbrook, Or., J. W. Sweenay Construction Co, WANTED Experienced billing and invoice clerk for lumber company out-of-town mill. General office du tiea. State experience. H-6. Journal. L'l'NlKACTOK or Al carpenter; house Cleaning; continuous work In city; small capital required. McDonald' Brdwy. 228. WANTED Man to take care of partly paralyzed man; good home; small wages; country. 121 Portland blvd Ketiton car. W ANTED Special delivery and wa gon boys, 16 to 18 years. Apply su perintendent's office. 9 to 10 a. m . Olds. Wortman & King. blocking r.D trimming, 25c, and up; hemstitching 10c per yd. First class work trimni.. teed. S. v H. Green Trading Stamps Mack's Millinery, 542 Union ave. N East 381. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 388 B.irnside st Call or write for full information about FREE TRIAL OFFER STEADY employment? good i-iuucaoie worK, ay and night classes: few months learning. Watch. loaning An ken v, 1 j Jonns car, or phone Col. 227. t 1 WANT lady to work in grocery I store that has had experience Call ; Sunday from 9 to 3 at 520 East 26th ! street, corner Clinton. I WANTED at once, woman cook fo. j country hotel, wages $30 per month, board and room. For particulars write I to Max K. Pluemke, Kent. Or. ; WANTED Competent girl for general housework; also experienced second j girl; good wages; Portland Heights. I 1 eiepnone aiain Engraving School, 218 6th and j -'Jon , Portland. 1 Kant i509 wages, TT vi-i,-r, t cii ., kiH TTTTTTZ i 7 rr ' - - - . ..iu.tsv - u u , , gill IU a- sist in housework and care of child. Good home and small wage. Phone MISS MATTINGLVS SCHOOL OK U-ADY MUSICIANS SHORTHAND AND TYPEVVRlTivn wanted at once. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main asm : t Monday. for band work Phone Mar. 365 $d a month; day and evening sessions; I LADY barber wanted, experience not new classes now forming for mid term I necessary. 263 Salmon st., be STEEN SEWING SCHOOL BleekTs tween 3d and 4th sts. system of ladles' tailoring nd rir.oa. ma.cing taught; patterns cut to meas ure. Phone East 2359, B-3307 15" Grand ave.. near Belmont. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel' GIRL experienced in candling eggs; permanent position. Mutual Cream ery Co.. East 10th and Burnside. demonstrate and sell iinUr. WANTED, a nurse girl to taka care of z-year-oia cnua; gooa. Home. J-41L $25 to j Journal Goodrich Drug Co.Dept 700 nfah' ! EE apt. for man and wife for wife's Neb. v l'man. services. Light work. Good home. EXPERIENCED door paichers wanted y steady work, good wages. McCleary Timber Co.. McCleary. Wash. BOOKKEEPER Must be man with good experience. State all partlcu- lars and phone number. 7.-941. Journal. WANTED, an apprentice to learn the machinist trade. Henrv Funk Auto Co., 16th and Couch st. STEADY man to drive Ford delivery, s.- White Palace Grocery, cor. 21st and Glisan 8ts. WANTED Married man. milker for retail dairy. Call at Columbia blvd. and Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 199S BRAKEMEN; firemen, $90 to $0J monthly. Positions open for inex perienced men Steady work. Send !,ta?lp,,.f?. "cation blank. Address RAILWAY. Box N-f.0 6, Fresno, Call f . SOLDIERS, sailors need sockS Good money made at home knitting hos iery. Machines furnished on time We pay fixed rates for making the good. Wheeler. Inc., 337 Madison. Chtctgo Right party. A-661I GOOD girl for general housework; no washing. Apply 345 E. 37th. Tabor 3188. YVA.-ir.u toadies for I.orTi KeoTTTT Astoria, Marsh field. Tillamook 12"! WANTED Married lady to do few hours' chamber work in exchange for rooms. wasnington. WANTED Lady to care for good home of 3; references. 920 East Main. WANTED- Ladies of good appearance. Will vnn walk anil tollr 9 fr li v ip "usrness lor your-1 mace, tioom ouz-a, toiumpia bldg .n. nuum ovi.-. lotumoia bldg. i WANTEl Hoousekeeber to attend bell and telephone in exchange for $20.00 WEEKLY collecting name. And addresses; no canvassing; particulars housekeeping apt.. 401 1st st. tor Ktamn rr Vi r2,,i.i , . ; , - - ' vjuiuc ' winuiiliy. lie partment A. Memphis. Tennessee WANTED Plowing or other work ing service; rates reasonable. with heavy team around Mt. Scott siamnau t. district. Call Tabor 3783. PAPERHANGING. inside painting and tinting. Tabor 525S. I ROOM and board for business girlr,. modern conveniences, walking dis tance. $3.50 week. 12 E. 7th st. E. 4732. WANTED Spading and planting. 2 474. HOUSE cleaning, garden, work by the hour. Marks. Main 6361. ELDERLY couple want work, farm or orchard preferred. H-379. Journal PAINTING, kalsomining and papering, first class, reasonable. Sell. 1399. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Good work, cheap. Tabor 4367. 328 10TH ST., rooms with board, home cooked meals, hot and cold water; walking distance. Main 7795. A-4137. THE MAN lToU. 261 13th. Homelike, steam heat; good board reas. M. 2670. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE PAJdJXT $14 TWO clean well furnished h. k. roms at 308 College st. Main 8510. GROUND floor H. K. room, kitchenette, heat, lights. 195 13th st. .Main M';:'. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 -u. TJ1T rTTRyiS HE D 5 ROOM house, 3 lots, 1 lot seeded to potatoes, bal. In fruit, berries aril garden, bairn and chicken house. Wi;l rent to party that will take good care of premises for $10 per month S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg. Main 622 l. WILL RENT or lease my modern bungalow and ' good garage. nlc flowers and lawn. 10 minutes from heart of city. Sellwood 1044. 5 K )OM modern house, Sunnyslde, large garden space, lots of roses an 1 fruit trees. 172 E. 31t st.. near Yam- hill. Call Sunday afternoon. 3:, EAST l.Mh st.. North Hnd Broad way, modern house, perfect repair: garden; no house cleaning; small fam 1y. $40 per mo. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Marshall Apartments 624 Marshall St.; 20th and Marshall sts. Beautiful 3 room furnished apart ments, all larj,-e outside rooms, private baths, heat, water, phone. Janitor aerv lce. etc. ONLY 5 minutes' walk to business cen ter; modern 3 room furnished apart ment; 6th floor, l orner. with sleepti porch and two disappearing beds; $4". adults. Main 2 2 71. ' $7.505 ROOMS. GARDEN. Modern cottage, M-S car. 25 minutes out- room for chickens; snap. C. I. STRINGER. M. 5446. Sell. 283. 6 ROOM house to rent at your own price; just painted and tinted. 7012 Millard ave. I'hone Woodlawn 4151. FOR RENT Two clean, modern. 4 room cottages. walking difctancc. 421 E. 8th st. I'hone East 29R. MODERN 6 room house, near !udd ad dition. Newly tinted. Near car. $16. Thone East 587 a. m. 6 ROOM house, gas, electricity, f u -race, bath, wash trays. Walking distance. Key in west par THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway b. 3 and 4 room rur. anu umui walking distance, at very reasonable rent: best of service Main 2506. . NEW Null HILL AFAKTMtMS. room suites, btst location and out look All mod. conv s. Reasonable rate. Marshall 267. Glisan. near 23d ft. 4 ROOM FURNISHED All Ideal location for Mimmer; walking distance; reasonable. -Ja' kson Bung.- low,'' 454 1 1th st Mal nf4 22 LUXOR AITS. 324 13TH ST 3 and 4 room furnished aptn. Strict ly modern, walkrng distance, reafcon- able. Main 8105. NEW YORK apt. under new manage ment 1 2, 3 -room apts. ut low rates, light, heat and phone, furnished. Cor. East 7th and Bel mmiEalgjJL SUNNVMONT. 3ith and Belmont, fur nished and unfurnished 2 room apts . with private bath, phone, light, h.-at and water. $13 to $20. , 662 GLISAN hi. unfurnished apts.. 6-ROOM house; electricity, gas and furnace: cement basement and large attic. 35th and Woodward ave. Owner. East 1328. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. with all conveniences: fine location: clean, first-class condition. Phone Sellwood 1316. PAINTING. tinting. Woodlawn 3265. Tinting, $2.50 a LADY owning her home can accommo date 1 or 2 ladies or gentlemen; n7 rrti a7n Hnr' 1 pleasant room; good home cooking, Z papernanging. , ,. i.. frtS' waiirinr- $19 mo. 525 Clay St. room. O'Mara. E. 171. j meals; - I distance: - SITUATIONS FEMALE PAYS carfare, clean, comfortable 6 room house, 2 blocks south of east end of Broadway bridge; free garage. 193 McMillan st. East 6791. 1 WISH a girl to care for, not under 3 years; will board and do their sew- ing, making clothes, for $10 per month. Clara A. Kionc-y, Barton, Or. M1DDEEAGED lady would like posi tion as helper in small restaurant. Call evenings, after 8 o'clock. Wdin. 6102. COMPETENT housekeeper, with girl, 6. desires position, small family cr widower's- family; $20 per month. Mrs. T. Mays, R 5. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED POSITION BY EFFI CIENT WOMAN BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MANAGER. Z-940, JOURNAL. GOOD hand laundry wishes day worn or bundle washing. Phone Tabor 4275. WORK day or hour, laundry, clean ing or housework; references. Ca!l East 5265, Mrs. Loveland. SECRET fc'ERVICE- ing, foreign. expert Asiatic- -American. travel- HELPER on pants (good), one with knowledge of machine preferred. cnas. coopey & fon. 004 Royal bldg. , TAILOR, good coat maker; bv th week. Chas. Coopey & Pon, 604 Royal Wdg. - ... TAILOR, good general hand: bv the week. Chas. Coopey & Son, 604 Royal : bldg. Av ANTED Boy with wheel; must be . ,16 years old. Can earn $50 monthly ; Apply Board of Trade bldg. oreDa'rftt?orn w'nS onPr'tunities. WANTED Iady ' canvassers, good iK iZrv I, necessary.; pay 302 Dekum bldg. Call between racmc Agenc, San Francisco. 9 an j j DAY'S laundry work by colored wo man, reasonable. Woodlawn 4760. Call all week. 1 WOMAN wants day or weekly work on west side; will go home night. C- 404. Journa h LADY takes orders for all kinds crochet work. Phone E. 2821. EXTRA large front room and large garage. All home comrorts, sleeping porch. lawn. 4 in family, roomy porch and Kast 7txo. NEAR Multnoman ciub. nice room, choice table, good home, reasonable. Main 2219. BOARD and room. 1099 Garfield, I block west of Union ave., near Al berta. Wdln. 2 025. COMFORTABLE room with, first-class German cooking. 331 Montgom ery st. 12 ROOM modern residence to lease. suitable for boarders and roomers, 57 Trinity Place. Inquire owner. F. Abendroth, Jeweler. 146 Broadway. BUNGALOW, a rooms, modern, good district, reasonable rent: best of care; no children. Call Wdln. 4104. COTTAGE bungalow. 5 rooms, attic, modern; most reasonable. 933 Di vision and 31st st. Tabor 2951. TO RENT 1 acre ground, fruit, lor ries, hard surface street, streetcars, $15. Tabor 3S&8. 9 ROOMS, suitable for renting rooms; near new Couch school. Low rent. Broadway 1178. MODERN 6 room houae, lot 50x100, $7.50 month. Call 361 Fremont st. Take Union or Williams av-. car. FOR RENT A 5 room house wph garage. Inquire 865 Williams ave., or phone Woodlawn 1533. CLASSIC Al TS. 1 room strictly modern, very reasonable. Mar shall 3610. HOUSE in South Portland. 7 rooms. good condition, fine view, $10. Phone C. M. I'illey, Main S0SO. 6 ROOM house. Modern. Furnace, fireplace, roses. Room for garden. Walking dist $16. 2"7 E. 14th st. 6 ROOM bungalow. 62d St.. near Haw thorne car. Key at 1926 2d. Call Tabor 79Q. FOR RENT 4 room modern house, garage and garden. $10. 1030 E. 17th st N. "62 Prescott St. OSWEGO lake. 3 room house, lights, water, sleeping porch. $6 month. Mr. Allen. 500 Concord bldg. MODURN .' room corner cottage, elec tricity and gas. 235 Adams St., walk ing distance $14 E. 356. $8.60 FIVE room bungalow, modern. gas, electricity, 1 block Mt. Scott car. 7111 64th ave. S. E. Tabor 2483. 6 ROOM house, good condition three fruit trees, garden place, Salmon near 39th, $8. Tabor 845. NEARLY new house, 4 rooms, modern. 1632 Penninsula ave. St. Johns car line. Phone Woodlawn 2340. GOOD 7 room house, 10 blocks from Franklin high school, $12. including water. Neal Brown, 2"7 Panama bldg. CARE of small child in my home. Sell wood 1038. ROOM, dren. board and good care for chil East 4786. WILL board gentleman for $4.50 per wk. Sellwd. 2898. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 WOMfcJIN WAMKU r,nvnrniTinl nr. jobs. $0 month. Write immediately for list positions oren. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 704-E. Rochester N Y WANTED Painter for our-of-town work; must be good mechanic. Sun. day. Col. 680. Residence, 1595 Olln st. WANTED Party with three or more - teams to haul wood; all summer's work.. Geo. R. Beller, Qreenburg. Or. WANTED Deckhand and loggers, Co :,; ' lumhia and Willamette river steam .' boats. Annlv 131 u. Second t.. upstairs. , .WANTED Young man to run felt ma chine. Portland Furniture Mfg Co 1249 Macadam Road. WANTED Counter man and kitchen help. Leighton s Dairy Lunch, Broad way and Washington. WANTED, young man for clerk in of- EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experi ence unnecessary; details free Press iiui' a-ie, ui ioms, MO. WANTED Experienced cook in pri vate family. 722 Flanders. Mar shall 1969. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family, good wages, 161 North 24th st. WRITE motion picture plays; $50 each Experience unnecessary. Details fre to beginners. Producers League, 206 Walnwrlght, St. Louis. FINISHERS on pants, experience, 205"4 Jefferson, steady work. COMPETENT girl to do general house, work, family of 3. East 3727 Phone D- WANTED A nurse maid. WANTED Men. 18 or over: rallw.v i 1361- mail clerks; $75 month; sample ex- i WANTED animation questions rree. Franklin Royal msutuie. nert. Rochester. N. Y. wMaht rr h.,,..wn,i, i fmiiy, w a,o cieaneo. ioc, mainspring- 75c cook, $20. Mar. Z737 Waitress. 144 Morrison. short hours, work guaranteed. 218 bide- fith and Anbmv W AIN i. duei i wuiu.u ir 5j i- HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL School' : Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Reduced i prices for the summer. Positions se- 1 cured. I eral work around kitchen. 263 6th HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 flee: state whether phone. B-657, Journal. married, age. GOOD tlutf rug Mtavers wanieu. Northwest Rug Co.. E. 8th and Tay lor BOOKKEEPER Must be man with good experience. State all particu lars and pnone number. Z-941. Journa' PAINTER wanted, steady Job. Call Tabor 6345. WANTED Presser. Come Monday, Y. M. C. A. basement. WANT to let contract to peel 800 cords -of tanhark. v Main 7797. SOT wanted. . Apply . 32 . First at. N. WANTED A number of .mut.,,;' STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg- musicians for orchestra: fnmrwttm! laphy. salesmanship , n g 1 1 s n ro aues high class music leader used. B-634 Journal. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. WANTED Immediately, namea men! women wishing to become govern ment clerks. $75 month. HX-344,Jour- W ANTED, young man to learn vulcan- one wno resides with his folks preferred. 4 N. 6th St. PREPARE to fill vacancies caused by unusua, numbe- of men at front. Miss Decker s Business College. Alisky bldg. FANCY work sold on commission: I mos. membership $1. 201 Globe bid?. tranches, at an accredited school. Wrtte or phone Main 690 for cata-Ins-.m: eraduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Waiker Business College, 167 Ith St., near Morrison. EXPERIENCED janitors, man an wif for apt. house: must under stand boiler. Bond and references re- auired. $46. witn gas, ugni. water and apartment. V-369. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor-made suits $8.60 up. Taylor the Tailor. 28VBurniid mutm mw&m mumi isis 30 schools. Summer rates. Pav while learning. 234 Burnside st. IjACE curtains laundered; 14 years' experience. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5931. HOU SBC LEAN ING and washing by day or hour. Tabor 7235. LADY with 3 children under 10 desires board and room, city or country. State full particulars. F-343. Journal. Y"bUNG lady employed. C S., family in Irvington preferred. G-495, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FTJKNISHXD A5D TTITFTTBinSHED DRESSMAKING 40 LADY wants to sew children's clothes. also plain sewing ana mencung. 293 6th. Main 1617. FIRST class dressmaking, reasonable. n i -. . rnCA 1 REMODELING and dressmaking home. Marshall 139. , LADIES and children's plain sewltisr, reasonable, pnone Monday, A-2812. NURSES 60 NURSE will take in attractive home confirmed invalids, elderly people, convalescent unfortunate paMents; ref. Gresham, Or. R. 2, box 74. Phone Gresham 27X2. $2.75 WEEK UP Completely fur nished H. K. rooms, absolutely -clean, hot water and bath, free at all hours, large bay window suite, $3.25; also lodging rooms, $2 week up. Desira people only. Save carfare- THE CADILLAC, 3d, near Jefferson. 6 ROOM house, y, block from Mlsis eippi ave. car. $10 month. Inquire 941 Mississippi ave. MODERN 5 room cottage, walking dis tance. 7 fruit trees, place for largo garden; water free; $9 month. E. 5571.. TWO lots, small 3 room house.' 18 bear ing fruit trees, chicken house, $3 month. Sellwood 1203. GOOD 7 room., 1 acre fine garden, part ly planted, barn, large chicken house, fruit. Woodstock car. Tabor 777. FOR RENT cheap, more than acre, 2 houses, large barn. Inquire 660 E. 27th N. Phone East 8178. 5 ROOM house, 913 Borthwick st.. chicken house and fruit. East 2043. C-2459. FOR RENT 8 room house, painted and cleaned, on carllne, walking dis tance. East 3219. 5 ROOM cottage, and bath. 666 Walking distance. electric lights, gas E. Main. E. 27C4. FLORENCE APTS.. 38 lit ' 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished sleeping porch, roof garden; ideal roi summer: walUimr distance BIRMINGHAM Al'TS. 290 Two and 3 room nicely furnif ied apartments, modern, walking distance, reasonable. Marshal I 4M CINCINNATI COURT. 10th and Har rison, '2-3-4 room apts. All ,nn lences. Retmoiw-ble renlAjaJn J9i8. BFNSON APARTMENTS. 205 N. 20th. newly furnlahed 3 -room apartment Marshall. 444H. $25 ROSE CITY. 6 rooms and garage. $16 Hawthorne. 6 rooms, garage. A. K. H ILL. 419 Henry bldg. ATTRACTIVE 5-room condition. walking Cherry st East 1809. cottage, good distance. 295 $10 8-ROOM house, walking distance. good condition. 634 East Salmon t. East 6604., SMALL houses. yards, fine neighbor hood, walking distance. 600 E. Oak. Kast 5222. S ROOM house, large lawn, abundance fruit, nig garden chicken runs, close in; cheap rent. Marshall 1856. WEST SIDE. room modern. 2 baths, walking distance, suitable to suble'.. 330 6th. FURNITURE FOR GALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 FOR SALE, modern, very nicely fur nihed 12 room houn. Including brlc-a-l Tfte. picture. piano: filled with good paying, steady roomers; leaving eitv; great bargain to right patty. 211 1 4th St. 4-ROOM. furniture complete, practic ally new, nap for party willing to move in a modern flat; walking dis tance; rent $12: prire $225. Call Mon day. 343 Wheeler St.. Erickson.. HIGH COS T OF LIVING SOLVED Make your home with me; most modern and best furnished 2 and 3 room suites on earth; private bath; private phone. $14 and $16 month. Den nlson apts.. :4th and Belmont. IF you want 2 neat and reasonab'e h. k. rooms on East Side for $2.2? per week, call at 382 Hawthorne, cor Union, or East 702L THREE completely furnished H. K rooms, single or en suite; also base ment room, with private entrance; rent reasonable. 569 Everett. ROSE BUD HOME For children. Shops, park, playrooms. Motto: "Fair Play." East 6609. I PRACTICAL nurse with long experi ence; doctor's, reference. Phone Main 1430. Call nurse. FURNISHED ROOMS 0 ONE 2 room suite with bath. We have the cleanest rooms in town. Vree phone. Palace hotel, 446 Washington. TWO or three furnished H. K. rooms, 2 beds, ground floor, walking dis tance. Adults only. $10 up. 514 Jefferson. THE LIN DELL, 269 Market St., near 4th. Nicely furnished 2 room H. K. apts.. $9 to $14 per mo. H. K. ROOMS, 414-Jefferson St.. $10. $12 and $14 per month; hot water in rooms. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN RMS BATHS. PHONES. $2.00 AND UP. TRANSIENTS 60c UP. 422 WASH. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th. RATES 60c day up, weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and bath. ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel. $1.75 week and up. 455 Alder. OREGON Barber college wants men an4 women to learn barber trade; .m Uirnini! Doaition sruaran- . u.iiiuni tl.aO WEEK tux clean, warm, modern MOHLER Barber school, men and worn-1 fur, rma. central. The King. 309 Jet. en to learn barber trade free, paid I NICE light room; bath, very reaeon whila learning. 38 N. 2d, cor, Couch. I able. 26 Fargo. ... DEL MONTE. 20th and Morrison. Fur nished H. K. apts., light, heat, hot water and phone: $6 up. Marsh. 4805. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 Grand ave., cor. East An keny. near shipyards. $1.50 UP Single housekeeping rooms. All conveniences. Use of piano. 176 12th st. 7 R. HOUSE. 672 Belmont st. Walking distance. Rent $12.50. Sellwd. 1639. $12NICE. dean 4 room cottage, walking distance. East 2409. NEW, modern .5 room house, base ment and garden. Tabor 3704. 6 ROOM houses ; and Graham. S room flats. $9 up. East Union 2195. 6 ROOM house. 587 Crompton, corner Milwaukte st. Main 7215. GOOD 6 room house, close in. lawn 3526. Wood- HuUiiA, t. rmul uo car line Fr4 W rman On 73j Cham of Cn-r 7 ROOM house. 432 Broadway; gas, bath. $11. Woodlawn 2779. 6 ROOM cottage, 336 E. 44th st.; big basement and big yard. Tabor 356. 6-ROOM house, corner East Ankeny and 11th. Phone Sellw-ood 1035. MODERN 5 room house, near E. 3d st. 366 Stephens. $8 Modern 5 room cottage, desirable Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. FURNITURE for sale. 5 room flat for rent cheap il taken at once. 360 Columbia FURNISHED HOUSES sa NOKOMIS. f.65 Marshall Modern - room furnished. Pri'"1' b1'-, J""' Ing room and phone; $16 to $2-.u. THE ALCO 3X7 E . Coil-h. Nicely fur Afched room apts . strictly modern; reasonable, new management E .4'J-r Juliana apts . 45 trimi y j PL FU-gantlv furnished 2-3-4 rooma. walK ine distance, reasonable. Marshall MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and lWrnoni Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.60 per week up; sleeping rooms. Kast .u. LOVELY modern apartment. 2 large outside rooms, rent reasonable. 308 13th st. i- oo COZY, furnished and unrur nished apartments, with lot for gar den. 1 402 V llawinnrmwm .-.... ..,.1. A tiTU 3-4-5 ROOM FI K.Ml"" 3 THE DEZENDORF 20 16th at., near Taylor. Marsh 2316. PENINSULA APTS. C-l 1 i'J. v.oiicrej bldg 2 jUd 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up. nice' 3 rooms andbatb. ground floor entrance, oi ly $17. The Alta. E. 29th and Ash . Pii one 1 a t8 4 0. o ANrT 3 room apartments ni-ely fur " nlhed 51", Vista ave.. Portland Heights, rent reasonable. JiVoodl'n 1339. D"eL10HTFi"T 4 looms, furnished. sleeping porch, garage, garden, wa ter "phone, $25. Woodlawn 2699. HISLOP HALL. E. th and Hawthorn. Modern J. 2 and 3 room apts.. $12. up"; walklnr distance. East 882. 0 1 . . . T- k la GRAND OAK Al'16.. corner e. - and Grand ave.. strict lymodern 2-8 room at.ts First class service. E. 8802. saITmarcoTkast .TH AND COUCH Very nicely furnished or unfur. apt-. strictly modern, walking dist. E. H0. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny t- Mod. light, clean. 3 room com. rur. apt. 1st? loor front, garden. East 1808. GRACE APTS, 24th and Northrup. Modern hif h class S room apt. Pnons Marshall )T. - . MODERN 4 room cottage, nice gardei, E 2."tl0 near S. P. shops. Call Eaat 3225. FURNISHED 5 den fruit. 31 eluding-water. room house, good gar E. 26th St.. $1250. in Phcne East 5271. A NICELY furnished 6 room cottage with yard and fruit trees. Call -Sunday or evenings. Tabor 5777. j8 4 ROOM furnished home, St. Johns. nice and clean, bath, toilet, etc. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stoc-k Exchange 6 - ROOM modern new bungalow, fine location. 4 40 E. r.2d. $25. Main 948',. $13 4 ROOM furnished house, yard. 520 Market St.. cor. 16th. 2 HOUSES, 4 and 5 rooms with bath. Sellwood 1900; call evenings. room bungalow, large MODERN 5 yard, clean cheap. Marshall 54 6. ALBERTA 6 room cottage, fruit, garden space. Marshall 4030. 4-ROOM cottage. East 19th and Sandy blvd. East 2301. CHEAP 6 R. house, yard, roses, sleep. ing porch. 628 E. Madison. SPLEN'DID 7 room home, modern. Irv ington. East, 273. FUR. H. K. rooms," dandy large front room. n. k... wen rur., cneap . rent; no children. 293 10th at. FURNISHED houaekeplng and sleep-1 STRICTLY modern 6 R. hs. ing room at 60S Alder St.. 8 OOTTAflVl pUan elnmjh in V a rti rno. I , modern conveniences. Kan isiu. I bin. from car. In Laurelhurst, $80. E. 1192. LOWER floor. 3 rooms. Inquire 844 T i 1 lamooK st. Wa lit I ng distance. KlCELY furnished 6 room modern house. 336 Tillamook at. Eaat 955. PART of pleasant home. 2 adults. 666 Yamhill. Main 4415. ROOM furrJahed house for rent, in cluding piano. . B-1 482L FURNISHED bungalow for rent. E. Everett, 22 MODERN 5 rcom house. 80 E. Morri son: rent reasonable. Wdln. 2714. FURNISHED houae for rent; $6 per month. Marshall 660. ROOM cottage, rent 111. Stafford mt. 187 East FURNISHED cottage for rent. Monta villa line. 812. East 488. - 624 HEIGHTS TERRACE Only OM THE WKSTFAL. 410 6th at., 8 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building wa lkmr d iwtance. $ 18.60. "THE ALAMO," 494 Market 3 room unfur., modern, brick. $12-$ 1 4. Mar shall 204. TWO room furnished modern apart ment $2.50 a week. 4 blocks from lfKh arid Washington. Broadway 19. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B wajf and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service Walking dis. Marshall 14J4V. $12 50 TO $17, modern 8 and 4 room apts. Well furnlahed. 813 Nelson st. East 6157. THE Ormonde, mod., 656 Flanders; Nob Hill. room front. Main 8261. AT 116 N. 23d. 2 r. furn. apt., modern. $H Main 7760. HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison. Furnished apts. io montn anq up. BANNER APTS., 4 . lay. modern 2 room fumishe!. $12 up. Mar. 274. HADDON HALL. 414 11 TH ST. and 4 ROOM APTS. MAR. 2. 2 1163. LAURETTE Apt. 3 K. turn. apt. mod ern. Main R397. 22 llth st . ROSEN FELD (brick). 14tb Sc E. Stark. 2 rmi. $17. $20. $22.60. $2$ Clarke apts.. 2 rooms, fur., dis. bed, phone, lights, hat, $12 up. Mar. S0. : AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6. 6 rm. apts Mar. 3860. M. 76!. A-2678 FOR RENT 2 room apartment. Heat and water furnlahed. 1061 Kerby. - BUNGALOW APTS Furn. 2 r. apl.. $U 4 -room tent cottage left. and 818 pr wo. 148 Grand K. iComUaaad oa Kxf Tags) -,