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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
1 i " -, i H..-I. I ! THE OREGON SUNDAY t JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20, " 917. ACREAGE (Continued) 57 ST. HELEN'S FARMS. ' Very choice acreage within walking distance of biff payrolls at St. Helena and Columbia City. New shipyard and Other Industries are fast making this very Important location. Get in ahead of the big development now go ing on. Tracts any size; soil is rich, deep, red-shot, clay loam, very pro ductive and absolutely free from rock or gravel ; low prices and easy terms; .every Inducement to settlers. Can han dle part trade on 'some. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., Suite 226 Henry bldg. 10 ACRE tracts, Clarke "county. Wash., S min from Interstate bridge. Ad dress owner, 690 Lovejoy s, Port land, Or. hi ACRK, small house, at Wichita sta tion. $600; ready for garden. Phone Miller. Bell wood 1714. A sure bargain. FOB SALE FARMS t Continued FOR SALE 160 acres irrigated land near Turlock. Cel. Owner, 325 46th et. H. R, Portland. KUllL'HIiAN HOMES 79 A $5000 PLACE FOR hi PRICE. This 6 acres, right at station, 45 minutes out on Salem Electric, all cul tivated, some crop, orchard, well. 5 room modern bungalow barn, chicken houses and runs for 104M) hens. A war time sacrifice at $2500, $500 cash, bal ance terms. . NET LAN K- PARKHILL, 303 Stock Ex. . $190 SUBURBAN HOME 11690. hi miles from city limits, near Base Une road; 5-roorn bungalow. 1 acre, all I cultivation, cherries, etc.; close to electric Htatlon. W. H. Chap man. SOB Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658; evenings, Woodlawn 3712. BRYANT ACRES. AT OSWEGO LAKE 1250 for an acre tract; lies level, open second growth; close to station. THE ATIIISON- ALLEN CO.. 500 Concord bldg,. 2d and Stark. 60 ACRES, fenced and all seeded to alfalfa, under good government irri gation project; cost owner 116,000; owner, going east and will sell for $126 an acre; 3 miles from Hermiston, 132 acres, 55 cleared, 20 in crop, new 8 room house, new barn 36x48 with concrete foundation, third best barn- in Floodwood district; other good out buildings, good fences, drilled well and pump, necessary farm implements, new wagon, household goods, etc., good country roada. 8 miles to Cromwell, St. Louis county, Minnesota, hi mile lake frontage, farm located between 2 lakes, abeauliful home site, mineral spring on place, good fishing and sum mer reaort; price $i000; hi casn. bal ance terms. 62.V4 acres, 58 cleared. 50 In cultiva tion 4 in timber, 2 wells, all fenced and cross fenced, hog tight; 14 acre young orchard. 5 room bungalow, barn 40x4$, big silo, outbuildings, good roads, all farm implements. 35 miles south of Portland, 1 mile off Salem road; , price $8000; 1-3 cash, balance mortgage at 6'c. Inspect our large listing of Wil lamette valley farms and dairy, stock and wheat ranches; also Montana ranches for sale, good buys. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE- FARMS 17 (Coatlaned) FOK SALE FARMS 71 ACRES. 45 acres under cultivation. .' balance in pasture. 8 acres in or chard, principally prunes; house 2Sx 100 ACRES, four miles south of Day ton, good house, two barns, about 80 acres cleared, on two county roads. 10 acres bearing apple orchard. Fine ror subdivision. Price $9500. Sold twice at a much larger figure. 80 acres 4 miles south of Amltv. 2 miles northeast of McCoy; 16 acres cultivated. Small barn, $2400. 200 acres pasture land about S miles southwest of Grand Ronde, $1800. t-nangf a nands tour years ago at S3500. 97 acres, 4 miles east of Amity. 40 acres cultivated, old house and barn. on main county road: a bargain at lerras lo per cent cash, balance 5 years. 6 rer cent. A number of dwelling houses and lots In Newberg. McMinnville and WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 104 acres. Oregon, 20 acres culti vated, black soil, lies level. 60 acres slashed, 15 acres timber, good well, water piped to buildings, 2 miles to railway station, good road. 1 acre bear ing orchard; bouse, fair barn and out buildings, 2 horses. 3 cows, some young stock, farm tools. Price $4500; $1600 down. 95 acres, 35 acres cultivated, good black soil, watered by spring, 8 miles to railroad station, hi mile to school and postoffice, on rock road. 3 room double box house. Place Is all fenced. 1,000,000 feet good saw timber, fine place for farming. Price $4275; $1200 down. ' 120 acres. 30 acres cultivated, bottom land, loam soil, watered by dairy creek. l mile to scnooi, on county road. 4 room box house, barn 40x42 ft., out buildings, 30 acres fenced, 2 acres bearing orchard. Price $4200, $1000 down. 70 acres. 23 acres cultivated. hi. mile to railway station, 25 acres level, clay loam coil, spring and well on- place, on county road, 12 acres bearing prune or chard, all fenced. 7 room house, good earn and outbuildings, z horses. 1 cow. farm tools. This is a rood fruit and cnicKen ranen.- Trade for part city property. Price $5700: $200 down. lbo acres near Clatskanie, 30 acres cultivated. 5 miles to railway station, good black soil. 60 acres level valley land, on cream route and county road. 6 room bouse, barn and outbuildings; t cows. 1 vearllnir. 2 calves, farm tm plements 2 acres bearing orchard ana Derries. hrice J6OO0. Ralph Ackley 28 7 Washington st. 28. barn 66x100, stanchion room for 20 WUlamina and small tracts of pasture neaa or cows, norses. etc. wen watered iana at various prices ror trade. Have by spring and wellis. 10A miles from Vancouver on good rock road adjoin ing country town with church, school, stores, shops, etc., and in one of the best dairy countries in the state. Per sonal property consists of 2 horses and harness, 2 plows, spring tooth har row. 1 disc. hi interest in fanning mill, hay fork and1 cable, wagon, mow- er, rake, spray pump, grindstone, also all small tools. Price $7250, terms hi cash, balance to suit. , THOMPSON & SWAN, ' Gth and Main sts.. Vancouver, WTash. VERY BEST 60 ACRES. This cannot be duplicated for the money. 50 acres perfect laying land, richest black loam: soil. 40 cultivated, balance pasture with living water. Splendid 8 room house, fine large barn and outbuildings. Everything in first class condition. Personal: 8 first class cows and everything in implement line needed on a farm. Price only $6500. 2 miles from high school. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Phono Broadway 4381. no use for above tracts. All are bargains. B. A. KLTKS, Owner. McMinnville. 80 ACRES. SO acres in cultivation, all but 10 acres of balance very easily cleared, now in dairy pasture, all till able, fine stream through place; could develon water power: family orchard V.Kwlnw .sis.m V. .-i 1 1 lawa horn necessary outbuildings; 1 mile from purchased on easy t Battle Ground, Wash., macadam road merman to.. .3.' ( nai WELL EQUIPPED 62 ACRES Practicallv all under plow 50 acres in crop, b acres more ready to plant fine garden. This choice place on main highway 2 miles Willamette vail y town, small grove and running water near buildings; 7 room house, large nam; included, heav" team. 7 cows. 803 chickens, complete set farm machin ery and feed. Immediate possession as owner is caned east. iiZbO. D. Ale i-nesney, 33a Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 710Z. WHriAT RANCH AT $28 PER ACRE, SBo'acres. 12 miles from Lyle. Wash.. miles li. K. f air house and barn plenty waten, all lenced. zbo acres spring and winter wheat. 250 acres summer fallow. Lays almost level in a district that gets 27 inches precipita tion. Average crop it) bushels. iri;e $28 per acre. $2500 cash, balance years at 6c'r. No trade. Don't answer this ad unjess you have the cash. Ad- dross P. O. Box 157. Lyle, Wash. 40 ACHES, Ciarke Co.. $900. 40 acres, Tigard. $4700. 80 acres near coast, $2750. 150 acres. Silverton, $1500. 151 acres. Silverton. $1800. 160 acres. S. Iverton, $2500. 161 acres. Swennson. 12940. All of the above have some build ings and cultivated land and can be crms. Fred W. m. of Commerca to Vancouver, stage line by door, 1-8 I FOR SALE Hog, alfalfa, cattle ranch mile to school, high school at Battle In Washington. Stevens county. You Ground. In highly developed eiairy can raise several nunareo nogs a yea district. All rural advantages. Price $7600. Terms hi cash, balance at 6 for reasonable time. THOMPSON & SWAN. 5th and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. i f CHOICE 10 ACRES. In a ADlerudld little pi Canbv. 10 acres all in a high state of cultivation. A perfect tract. New room "plastered bungalow, new barn and outbuildings. Crops as follows: 5 acres of spuds, acre wheat, acre of corn. V, acre beans. 2 acres oats, vi acre garden.- Price $3000. $800 down. balance 5 yrs.. 6. HARGROVE HKAL1I here. 1 have cheap feed, plenty of it, lor ooin nogs anu came. 320 acres lt0 acres grazing. 160 acres highrv im proved; lots or water; DiacK loam soil farm w.el-l stocked: crops in. 118.0&A takes all. $13.000 cash. T-341. Journal $150015 ACRES river bottom. 7 cul tivated. 3 in peaches and pears, lots . 1 1 1. 1 V . ) , V -rtV.fcjUkJ. I.., ,' . ' This is a splendid little place near ot perries, gooo improvements, z good in, '4 mile of graded and high schools. It. R. station and P. O.. store and church. Write Lee Thomason for terms. Dorena. Or. 316 ACRES, about 125 in high state of cultivation, good buildings, water piped to house and barn, fine soil, lo cated 5 miles from Silverton. Price $65 195 -nt fih t Phono Broadwav 4381. per acre. For particulars, write Thomis - I i- l ' : l ! ( l . l w V . IVUlilllttUU, SUH 1U1Q, l nam ijt of Commerce. Portland Or. 320 ACRES, 70- aorea buildings, plenty of fine water, fencad. lota of outrange, less than 25 miles Portland. Make us offer on this; will Corns! dear trade for clear city property. Best stock ranch in Oregon. . 2680 acres, 1600 under Irrigation, balance good dry farm band; good buildings. Drlvate irrigation eygtem, stock and i,it nVion A HIGHLY improved dairy orchard 0. P.'s Snaps W neat and stock ranches in eastern Oregon: 2600 acre stock ranch, fine sub-Irrlgat ea nottom tract that rurnlshes tame hay for stock; good new Vinii.. . ...... 1 1 . r r ,or. iiuunn, Lain? CLii u. imrn oaiia, other outbuildings: 160 head of cattle: work stock and machinery. Will sell ranch on time, with some security, or might consider clear income property as first payment. This place is nicely located and nanay to it. It. 260O acre wheat ranch, good bulldinrs pieniy or water, tuny, equipped; iuuo acres in grain. 1000 acre wheat farm, fair buildings; plenty or water, some airaira land 800 acre wheat farm, good buildings plenty of water handv to R R. 320 acres raw grain land, no Improve ments, ror city residence Or acre age. I have other ranches, anv size, on good terms. These are snaps. See O. P. Hulse, with J. L. HARTMAN TOMPANY, 4th and Stark sts. TIMBER fCotiied) 28 LOGGED-OFF land, famous fruit, hay belt, tiood River valley; irrigated; practically level: no waste: employ ment; 10 yr. terms. &. Box 1S5. Hood River. Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 J EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 (Oontlnaed) . (Ooatlancd) 1 FAR JH TRADES. 'HARGROVE REALTY CO. w- u .-!. ul-ai. " I now cleared and in cultivation. 10 in FOR EXCHANGE. 207 acre McKemle pasture fit to farm when cleared; no river farm, Eugene. Or., one of the overflow, beautiful trout stream on best in Oregon,- 100 acre in cuitiva-1 place, macadam road 4V4 miles to1 tlon. river bottom soil, large dairy own; ursi ciass t-rootn nouse. uirge barn, cement Iloor. horse barn and dairy barn stanchions 32 head and other barns; two silos, two residences; olds 100 tons hay; fine heavy team, on Lincoln highway, 7 miles from 6 blooded Jersey cows, complete Springfield. Price . $32,000. clear l cv'n' ''r , L'T -".r trade ror wheat or alfalfa land. Wash., 1 WANT TO TRADE sax has r Anu BlWA. Am a widow and cannot handle so . larre a nrooertT: have 160 acres rich ! ilt hnttnm lnri that wan riivvrfii with K ft . o ft ti ., v.. , nook, tiled halh. cement liasenienL fu alder and vine maple; 90 acres are ' Improvemenu, stocked with registered race. '1 Ivory, and white enamel fin- tAp of itlerit o iur iiirae wun EXCELLENT new sonlhem colonist 7 room house; hardwood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces, buffet, built ! 'n dressers, mirrored doors, break f ant tiOOQhnU'- ' TaKe.iacr and plumbingi T 10xl00 wooded -uvw uvuac. ground, landscaped, improvements in Southern Oregon, rood lAAJ- WSL -l1 harm. lots of stock and Implements. brac. .3.u 6l, cent: 1(iu0 90 acres. Price $6000 Take $5000 home. Oregon or Idaho. 336 acre fine river oottom dairy ranch, near Eugene. Or. 200 A. In cultivation, totlance timber and pas- j ture, line bldgs; two fine bungalows, large dairy barn, other bldsrs.. well and highly equipped, machinery and stocK. race jss.uuu ror aiL. "laae potato digger, interest in threshing rig: cash price of $17,500; want smaller farm to $12,000, balance on 154 acres. 6 miles Forest Grove, K5 cultivated; 2 miles' electric; equipped. $10,000. Take $5000 house. t 25 acres. Oregon City, 19 cultivated. I equity, for clear house or well located clear vacant lots, owner. C. u. Ijehm kuhl. Wdln. 34'i':, 161 Uunekley ave. part trade business income, time on ent: Property consists balance. This is a dandy. Ftr sale 156 acre farm Lttne county. Or.; fine soil and good im provements; have been aaaing $100 per acre; can now be had for $10,500 cash terms on part. This is a llnlll T.. A 1 I tiall or write us. Northwestern Ex change. 610 S wetland bldg., Portland, Oj-egon. time. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of I j "ro" ed 12500 Take t25oa houTe Commerce bldg. Main 71C2. I LX ftii -- house. We have a large list of farms for exchange. t ' HARGROVE REALTY CO. Broadway 4381. WILL. EXCHANGE $27,500 Investment paying 10 per modern orica apartment nouse ana two nai i j;j jf0- gtn e mont st.; improvements all in and paid for; mortgage $7500 at 6 per cenwas long as wanted: will trade Mix hmili ICQultf for farm or orchard or take in real uargaill I n,hr tmiillor nmwrl and elv time on balance. A. J. I FOREST. 207 Board of Trade bldg. IOWA INCOME PROPERTY. To sell or exchange for Oregon 800 ACRE wheat ranch, 700 in culti vation, good house, barn and water. FARM of 120 acres, equipped; has about half under cultivation; good land, fair buildings. Price $12.00C. Incumbrance only $2000. Will ex change for city property and assume. MoliKH.V 7 room house near Grand ave.. $16. Modern 7 room home. Alberta, $12. Modern 4 room apt.. $5. 5 and 6 room modern houses, $10. 3 rom furnished bungalow, lots of fruit, $10. Homelike little furnished bungalow, eL Its., gas, bath, $8.- ' 4 room bungalow, garden, chicken yard, etc., $5. C. Benedict. 267 H Oak near 4th. Main 1713. far tJ?X tr- 1 5 miles from town and R. R. station. business block in one of best towns riCUnty,i wli' lrad r.J" incmo In northeastern Iowa. Has been op- Z: or lley farra. southern Op erated as hotel and restaurant for 0n prererreo. number of years but suitable for any . . , , retail business and would rent well. , 1!r farm, a good one, clear of Cash value, $12,000. I have made incumbrance, near Dundee. Or., for enough here to retire and wish to Booa income property, move to Oregon. Will consider good j ho )rpcrnr HfllTIP Kill flPPS land at fair value anywhere in Ore- ' "c UlCgUII nUMId DUIIUtJIi gon. M. Wittllnger. Waukon. Iowa. 1830 Northwestern Bank bldg. 16?.JPiE!L?if-i'?5.4 kJZI tersn' WILLAiiETTB VALLEY RANCH land. 4 miles from North, flalns, ou NEAR ALBANY 5C.imwiVahn a?8 oStl0and 85 500- TRADE FOR CITT HOME JSttiI??tJ haV..If XrLi n f farflv 70 a- black oil. under high state potatoes; 6 acres of prunes and family cultivation- nw fi r hnn.. fair Ham orchard. Good barn, cost $2000, old other bldgs 3000 eal sun v,,,. .t..k . n nnnian,.r,.. 9 tnn nnn l"er uiags., juuu gal. sup. tanK, reet or good timbe and good well. 1 trade for Portland 5 vears. Phone Tabor 6805. or wrltA I .2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MRS. G. C ETC?HINSON. 401 E. 50th N. GOOD 920 acre eastern Oregon farm: YOUR SIZE. 350 a. In crop, 10 a. orchard, good 40 acres all in cultivation, on good house, barn, outbuildings, all kinds gravel road, mile to electric sta- farm tools, stock. Everything goes at tion; nice farm buildings. 7 room $30,000. Part cash, part trade, balance house, good barn and outbuildings; I long time, come and see me at 441 hi . J. 1. 1 I f a I V.n T . 1 . . . . I- . , O " . . hay. feed, seed, wagon. harness, a. at $13 per a.; all stocked mower, rake, disc, cream separator and equipped. Or phone East 238. otner tools; t&oo; place is clear ana will take Portland home to $4000. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of Commerce piag. Main 710Z. IF YOU want to sell your property see us; have clients ready to buy. The Oregon Home Builders 1310 Vnrlhcpctprn llnnlr Md Combination business and residence j WANTED 1 or mare acres in Park property, with large frontaee on good I Rose, for equltv In modern 8 room business street; income $174 month. : house in good dtslrict. Tabor 6852. Price $J0,OO0. - Incumbrance $6000. Ex-i WIT -r .,.n'n - , . . 13 ,',' change for smaller property or farm. I lhlL.l: ci-s,nf.or?,1tt0rtl&nd ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO NEWSPAPER FOR BALE. The publisher of the Polk County Observer, who is a trained military man. having been called to the service of his country in the navy, with uncer ' tainty as to the duration of that serv ice. I have been directed by: him to -sell the newspaper and general print ing plant, located at Dallas, Or., the county' seat of Polk the biue ribbon county of the state. The plant Is one -of the very best in the Willamette val ley. The Observer is in its 27th year, is recognized as the leading newspaper of the section in which it is published and ts enjoying a lucrative business, in all departments. A small payment -and terms takes it. The riant and business must be disposed of without delay, as it has no "head." and there for only those who can take lmmedi-. ate charge are invited to seek further Particulars. Address. Lew A. Cates, allas. Or. - i . .- Client with $3000 cash will buy a snap that is a snap; will assume" som?. Don't answer this ad unless you .re really prepared to sacrifice your prop erty and gft some money. Wi A, Barnes 607-8 Henry Bldg. house equity. K-490. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES S3 Main 2326. CLEAR PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY All or any part of the following to trade for colnsr farm: 10 room resl- i dence on acre tract, parked, land- 1 r. Running water r"- "'Y,L XTT.nw:i scaped, shade'and fruit trees. equipp S-?"-.0,0Ja to 13000. clear, o iirt aV. 110 bo J0r bS: 85O0:B room. cot resiaerace ana guou 'tiinTi Y. 1 1 Va tages jzibu. Zli)0. 11750 building now. wiin 8 good tenants: secured notes $2800, building lots $2125. W. F. Brock, Box 667. Leats. Or. B0 ACRES FOR TRADE This tract ts about S5 mlla amith of Portland. 1 mile from town; all In SKl-l TUB KENT. , 52 rooms, Buck bldg., clean as a pm, good furnituru, all full, rent only $46. On account of sickness will give away for $00, half cash. PKTEKS. 15 N. 5th St Now Is the Time to Buy Prices are going up, but I still have some bargains in rooming houses, trade. terms: ITall.B 1 2 Panama bldg- Modern Brick $700 Well furnished, central west side. Worth $1500. Quirk sale, $700. Sell. 2S. $20 RENTS and garage, walking dis tance, 2 and 3-room apts., always full; money maker; bargain st $900; no trad. 315 Couch. Main 4613. FURNITURE 8 room cutUge for sale, rooms rented to pay expenses. M. 7133. POOLROOM BARGAIN . ; . IN FACTORY TOWN OF T000, i HAVING $160 000 MONTHLT PAYROLL. ; " $600 CASH HANDLES IT. . ' 6 tables, cigar stand and soft drink' bar In connection; Sat. and Sun. bust-" ness alone pays practically all the ex- -" penses; balance velvet. This is a biT-" sacrifice on account of owner's other i business already engaged in. So hurry. . Call or write quick, A. J. Ik FOREST, i . 207 Board of Trade bldg. " 6 cows, 2 heifers, 50 chickens. East Belmont st. room 6. Also, 1250 & hth ta't of cultivation- 4 nm i 24 ROOM apartment houss for sale 79 ACRES, new bungalow; barn. 20 ACRES FOR $2250. 8 MILES FROM HILLSBORO. This is a bargain and a verv choice piece of land. There are 20 acres, all the very best of land, and lies per fectly. New, splendid 6 room bungalow nicely papered and painted, front and back porch; especially well built; splendid new barn; fenced with woven wire; located 15 miles west of Port land. 3 miles this side of Hlllsboro. 2 miles of elctrlc line; 4 acres cleared. Price only $2250. Fencing and build ings worth the price asked. liAKUKUVK REALTT CO., t 122 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 4S81. 220 ACRES fo sale or lease, with option to buy; one of the best farms in Santiam valley, stocked and eauip- ped. 721 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 9438. FOR RENT FARMS 14 and stock farm on the Pacific hirh way, 30 miles from Portland. River steamer to and from the city lands at tne place; a going rarm rully equipped and storked. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumber- mens Bldg. 24 A. unimproved land on Beaver Creek, 3 A. beaverdam. land easily cleared, buildings, electric station on place. 5 miles from Oregon City, near For Sale by Owner 692 acres in Willamette valley. 2 miles south of Monroe, 2 miles norta of Furgueson, half way between Oor vallls and Eugene. Portland Southern Pacific Ry. rung through the place. About 180 acres bottom land, re mainder first bench; all fine land, no waste, wnire gravel or rocK, ail un able; fine live stream runs through the place. Improved with 6-room house. 3 barns; fenced and crpss fenced;, family orchard. About 400 acres has been cultivated; at least 475 ready for nlow at the present time; the remainder can be out under culti vation at small expense. This farm is ideal for general farminsr. dairy or stock ranch. One-half mile from Mon roe, which is a fine valley town, with stores, .hotel, flouring mill. bank, nub ile ana nign scnoois ana cnurcnes. This place is 100 miles south of Port land on west side of Willamette river. One-third cash, balance on or before 0 years at 5 per cent interest. Journal. MODERN DAIRY. 140 acres. 65 acres in cultivation new barn, modern 7 room house, close In, good roads. Rent only $72.35 p-sn month. Stock, 'crop, and Implements, $3700. Mr. Jouno, Z07 Board of Trade. equipment. Price $70,000; will' take school church, store. Note posslbill ties of development of fine rural home. $75 per A., easy terms. Osear Freytag, $25,000 cah,' balance terms, to suit .... V. i . 7 n t- Affcrlit ffyy - sider little trada. Atkinson & Nich- OladBtone. Or. ols. 112 West 6th st.. Vancouver, wasrt. 1XJR SALE Stock ranch, 640 acres, TZT o an lencca. water. Dams, nouse, 62K ACRES, 60 acres UUable. 8 acres abundance outrange; chickens, horses, in timber, 6 acres slashed and cattle and all farm implements. Price burned, about 10 acres of pasture; u 15500. No middleman. Owner. J. O. acres levett. rich, loam goii. bo acres AVhvtaker, Hampton, Deschutes county. in cultivation, am iencea anu ui ws.i- cjr imcra; im . s VJZ.t "1T, FOR SALE Must sacrifice mothers on2 r"lier iiV k X , , I; 60-acre stock hill ranch in southern and berries; 6 room house, Koodjvell Oregon, on county road, 4H nilles to at.?Si Jri sriV, J0?!?' Tf Kood town, good buildings, fine spring, outbuildings, 1A mi es from store and cre 40 &c big timber; wood sellJ wuuiry uju, , ' " 1 T V I I " 0 on ground, jisoo. n taken at . u., I'iiiHio '""""" j once. H Liint, corvaius. or. Oen. Del ranch- Price $6000. atts a n -mii- FtH anrt ats. Vancouver. Wtaah. . & in culUvaUon. new. house an: -K1Y TTfi-'.T.P TTJSriJSTED. Therefore must Sell 60 acre farm, all I hv land Prirn 13000: tftrma. Oamr. 1 a wxm Kmicn lor,, h, rn a T (1 I riCK T ' J 1 1 .. ( f ' outbuuuines. orcnara. curing, i. uiub Red carline, near Forest Grove, team, cow, chickens, machinery included. Soil, slope, crop and location cannot be excelled in Oregon. 4uuu casn re nuired. balance terms 6. memi.aN PUlKHII.k 803 Stock Ex. t- ?0 ArTTRS rlonn to denot on autn'road (H) INTRf 11UMU KALHiriCK. ViX miloa mil Isvol hoof nt Jirvll 11 acres. I cuuivaico. utuiy icici, i rhn i nr-ar hnl rf ncii nnruM onwa runnine water, well, large hOUSe and nia-s rhlfkpns rrnn nnH tnnln Sacrl. barn. On Estacada carline, Oresham f ice for quick sale. Cash and time at aisirici, biso on new jui. iiuuu vmeu g per cent. 416 Flatt Mag. itfhnrot. , ii t r i :t r 1 1 . phi i i i i 'j i . 111 1 1 1 . 1 1 : : . 1 c 111.11 " t. . ..v - -.- - . 1. r . - il, 'L- ot rrw o . 1 a pi a n n of buildings, new owner will discount VoresV ?rovr? iTidin for Mvml ! in tract. beans. Ad- 27 hi ACRES, new house and .barn, fine dress, S. F. Henderson. Hood River orcnara or cnerries, appies, pears lit. and Derries. 1 inft sanay 10am son, one- FOI SALE, 352 acre farm, 160 acres half -in cultivation, fine springs, elec- under plow, 100 acres bottom land in trlct station on the place, 5a minutes cultivation, balance In pasture, with from Portland, btock. implements, ev- i go acres of good saw timber. $85 per erj umiK iur d, yuri. tajiii ana iimo i acre. Aaaress joe senwinat, r. tf . i. on D&innce. . r. riuioroony iit-io i io. l, kcio, ur. I'anama biag, 62 ACRES. 35 acres in cultivation. near Estacada Stock crop and im plements. $800. Mr. Jouno. 207 Board of Trade bldg. ACRES on Powell Valley road; plowed ready to plant: small house and barn. R. F. Walters. 133 V4 1st. HALF MILLION acres rich fertile prairie land in Montana from $7 per acre up; take some unincumbered property as part payment; very easy terms. Herman Peper, 642 Williams ave. rast &bSJ. &iXTO th"-a" cliickens." 26"a-cres",nB NBiILAN & PARKHILL, 303 Stock Kx. , n acres ln potatoes and bean: Or. Route 2. I UAVK 35 acres of eoori land !i mi loo 80 ACRES on Pacific highway, 5 miles north of North Plains in Washing- from Washougal. about 10 acres I ton county. Or. A good Ford auto and ciearea. smau nouse ana rarn, an jsoo in money gets tnis. Call Tabor fenced, running water, including 1200 1349,- James Hutchison owner. pigeons; must sell quick; price $1250. IMPROVED farm. 9 miles north of Sa- J- H wi-BO ' 2 chaxnher of Com" lem. on O. E. R. R.. about 40 acres. i A very Deautirui Home, $5000: 14 FOR SALE 110 acre farm 8 miles I cash; terms. C. M. Massey. Grvals, norm Vancouver, on Aiain street road, paved. 2 trout streams-, farm toola, household goods, all stock, good dairy ranch. S. M. Jewell, Route 5, Vancouver, wash. FINE HOME. Beautiful 5 acre prune orchard. House. Wire fenced. Well. Outbuild ings. Last year 6 ton crop. Price $2500. urcnaros, Vancouver. asn. h . lsn- lington, 1661 Denver ave.. Portland. FINE little ranch near Vancouver. Wash., all level land, small 4 room nonse and outouiiaings, a lot of 10 year old prune trees in bearing, will maae line cnicKen rancn. wui sacri fice ror cash. A-3151. L-414. Journal. 10 OR 20 acres, uncleared, $95 acre; land Ihli miles from electric line. Mrs. J. Steinke, Hlllsboro, Or., R,. F. 1). sso. . HALF section, eood soil, beautifu. creek. Portland 26 miles; will take house as part payment and $2000: terms. rK-47 5. Journal. BEAUTIFUL suburban home. 30 acres, 11 acres prunes, apples and small fruit, modern conveniences. Turner, zz railing puuaing. fice LSHINO to retire from business I offer mv sawmill and d'onkev en gine for sale: also 60 acres of logged oft land ln good fruit elt. near town and railroad. Will sell cheap. RX-412, Journal. BURNED ovef lands. 100 tillable, famous red shot eoll, easily cleared; hard surface roads, schools, near town, $16 to $80 Per acre. J. C. Corbln Co., 80R Lewis bldg! . FOR SALE or trade for farm. 8 room house, 71$ E. 72d and Sandy road. Information Tabor 7761 t p. m. 1 BY OWNER 14 acres, LI me man sta. Fruit. : Consider part trade modern Wungalow. Phone East 7240. v," . I HAVE 80 acres of land ln Lincoln county. Or., that I will eell for 1800 the land is worth $2000; good reasons ior selling, ij-535, Journal. 600 ACRES wheat land, near Kluchitat station. Wash., very cheap. Tabor 820 A. of well improved farm land in central Oregon. For full information write h. c. oreen. Mill City, Or. 40 A. dairy ranch, sell or trade fo smaller place, well improved, Oresham dlst. No agents. Tabor 3740, 40 ACRE improved farm. 15 miles out, must sell. See if I mean business, oodiawn 4vOl, 120 ACRES. -.6 miles Camas. Wash., sell or trade. 641 Plttock block. 60 ACRES good land, 20 cleared, $3 E-408. woven wire fencing; fine road; Joins 1 real good place. bouse, barn and outbuildings. Pries $500; mortgage $2250. Take hous for equity or might assume $1000 cn city limits; $6000. 160. well improved, Implements. $9500. western and Eastern Oregon farms cattle, horses, IIARGROVR RPAIiTT m 122 N. 6th sU Phone .Broadway 4381. 200 Acre Farm 100 acres ln cultivation 40 acres river bottom. R. K. station on land. to house, cattle, team, crek through water h t hardwood floora ira'raee. ' A 15.;20 Jrade T?r. c"y Property place. Price $3&00. Robert Cline. ... . K,,m 5 ... ,v...-.kwulf.r. 1,.- wucox oiag. Linnville, Or. 160 ACRE DAIRY RANCH. 8 miles from Bay View, to trade for city property; 15 acres under plow; aU I to exchange. crops in; 40 acres slashed, burned over, EVERETT & JOHNSON. naiance pasture; scnooi nouse on piace, 1 411 Nortnwest bldg posioiuce y mue away, o roum nuuaif, 1 MODERN HOME, barn, outbuildings, spring, water piped strictlv modern 11-roonThouie. hot hard uirfr stroAl- all klnrta nf AUUXIUU FIVE room hnnu raniiul VATIPO 1 hrllhhrv flnwura tirtA lnu rwnr ! WOOdBlocK: nrice 12000 onilltv 1!nn If vour nronertv. either citv. farm leaving city, will exchange for land or 1 room modern house. LoveleiKh addi- or acreage, has merit, and is for ex- timber; price $9000; mortgage $3500. i tlon; price $1800. rented $10 per mo., change or sale, call or write fuM par- GEO. P. HENRY, 329 Henry bldg. ; equity $1100. Trade both for land and tlculars; no inflated values considered; 12 ACRES, 10 mileswcst of "i"""1 ' a9s"r"- Fry, 226 Ealmon st have first class lists to select from. of Portland: land all in cultivation: I 160 ACRES wheat r.An George P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Ref-I 6 room house, large poultry house. Fine location, close to river trans- erences Portland Realty Board. MAKE a good living in the real eatate business. Uur Real Estate Educator tells how real estate deals are mads by successful real estate agents;1 how to list property; Jjow to sell; advertise; manage property: write insurance; about landlord and tenants; real estate, titles, legal forms: hundreds of pointed tips, etc. 246 pages, nicelv bounds Onlv $1. postage prepaid. Your money right. ' back if you are not perfectly satisfied. Realty Educator. Desk 93, Station F Washington, IV C. CO N FKCT ION ER Y AND CAFE in town of 800O population near Port land; sales run $1700 to $2000 7 monthly; rent $85: beautiful stora with -up-to-date sia fountain and other fixture to match; glass and silverware or the highest quality; . Everything complete. (Joes for $4500, $2000 down, balance monthly. Best season just starting. Hurry and Ct the cream of the business. A- J. He FOREST. : 207 Board of Trade bldg. ; : $10 NKT PElt" DAY. Old estjibllxh")! moneymaklnr stors li itotiM, ror sale or trade; wouia l in excellent local ion ; mosi pleasant ana ff cheap; income $70 per month clear. 107 larK st. rent to responsible party. Main 3374. llt'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES 20 RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER for sale for $550 for all. or will sell hi interest. This business is located in a good town in the famous Hood river valley and Is doing good busi ness, paying about $150 per month. Good reason for selling A. J. De FOREST, 207 Board of Trade bldg. Grocery Store Bargain Will invoice and discount. Rent In- easiest line-to handle, and a cash buU -. ness. Invoice and fixturc-s about $4000. .-.' aught accept house or acreage, but Will , . ; give a bargain for cawtr. OTIS C. BECK. : 426 Hon ry Building. '-Ji $100. Ouo manuracturirg corporation : wants capable man to rnanme office . ' and salesmen. Posf.iMlltles unlimited. From $300 to $700 cvpltal necessam You handle own mot.ey. Will pay " penses to Chicago If you are man we f want. Secretary, 16 Republic bldg., ; f Chleago. z, WANT partner in automobile business i wiin specialty line In connection: - : established since 1907; pays $6000 an Alberta Wheat Farm nns- fiTPnnn S. Yl PPA VT7WTnW i u ni an nun icv ci ieuiu. a c w i i (IHK(UN i7tAVii?,- "i?, ' "r"i Vf.1. ""'""n, partially i l an t-belp but make good here. See tv v, j ' " " , ,-' v.. ntc t.uu. nam acreage Portland property; easy terms on bal- or bungalow- here. BECK. 4 26 Henry Bldg. room house, bath, furnace heat. Large j. .. . . , . 1 ' t. , new barn. Price $40 acre. Will take N 0 a,cre8- 8 ln, oultlvaUon and rarm in valley as part payment, bal. ' .w.., v easy terms. CudeCole7 300 Henry new 6 room house, granary, brooder hi.ii and extra large root and chicken ft- . . I 1 , . n -.. 1. .1 . 1 . Mvruoa. . i ii v. i t irv auu oyiltif,a, 73 111110 GOOD 1 trie lignts. ruii basement, large pan-jDrook. 214-215 Panama bldg. brance $450. Also lot ln'Sellwood. WANT ROOMING HOUSE value $600 To exchanre for smaller I "rUI MUWIVIHIU HUUOL house. Kenllworth or Richmond pre-I Will trade you good 8 room house Trade for Farm . 8 room modern house, 100x100 lot. Trade for farm. Value $5000. Quigley, wucox oiag. eludes stor, fixtures 4 living roomi nually; experience not necrssary It and large garden Uact. Old established substantiated by other good oualiflca- iiuiia. iauni imve j miu cnari u iiiveai. , A. J. Jc FOREST. ; 207 Hoard of Trade bldj " business. Large trade. Price about $600 owner, 520 E. 26th St., cor. Clinton. ACTIVE partner to take interest ln prosperous, paying pure fruit cider business, established 3 years in Port land; investigate If you want good o.eai. Owner. W. n. C, 1147 East Har rison st. KTPKPTinN'lI. nnnnrhinlK tnr Halrv vl-v e i i r..i 1 - . ...p,.,, ,M "'" . ' . l r ......... j j V" " '"i- vytiicr iwi. lo store and railroad station; $3500; w.-Mt-jit oilers at sacrifice modern)! store and lunch counter combined cr , v'n U1B. , c,e- want cash or city property. J. B. Hoi- vupiex house. Ideal location. 10 min. to postorrice, west side; terms $70 per month. Consider part trade. jwner. s iienry bldg. place equipped, business established. See P. Barette, Panama bldg. Main PS07. rerrea ana &oo casn. ive run par ana ior, nnaii mortgage, ror same; or. , "'"i yur 11 w,nl acres in Clarke l ' tr ' or um- ticulars. Owner. B-537, Journal. you 80 will trade NOTICE. oouniy. , Tf nwvr,,. .ith.. --. I li. b- KELLY. 7ZS Cnanv Com Bids. jriai J a iiir;i wj. a es-s it a , , or acreage, has merit, and Is for ex- EQUITY in well located Mt. Tabor lot change or sale, call or write full par- for anything can use, beach or other tlculars; no inflated values considered; cheap lot; auto, lot, or stock as first have first class lists to select from, payment on a home. An up-to-date Irv- George P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. Ref- lngton home for lot or automobile. Lots erences. Portland Realty Board. land acreage for home equities. C. P. jtfeneaict, zuihi QaK, near 4tn. m. 1743. WOULD trade mv corner lot mtnrr uuiiuing, grocery ousmess ir wanted omianca, cneap rent, easy io run, gooa FURNISHINGS of small apartment U-422. Journal. nouse ior sale, west sioe, walking FOR SALE CHEAP f THE WHITE FRONT POOL ROOM, AT TilM MAIN (ST.. - IN OREGON CITY. OREGON CALL ON PREMISES SUNDAY or rail any tlmft at 207 Board Or, Trade bldg.. Port land. Oregon. - , WANTED An experienced man to join me in t lie dairv cow business: must be a Judge of dairy cows and - understand handling them. We caa make $15,000 to $25,000 fhrst year. 5 ber not over 20 miles of Portland owner only. N-305. Journal. WE want some good wheat land for th best dairy and stock raneh in ciarKe county. valued at $65,000 money, small investment, everything complete. Main &43Z. Owners, Take Notice I will give noma cash and some clear TWO FINE CORNER LOTS. Warrer.- vnTirr l Joenealct. ZHIV, oaK. near 4th. Al. 1743. ton arg: so acres. Linn fo. Orea-on Wa have what you want. Choice! EQUITY in 4 room bunealow ln Dal- ?om b. Hcnorield bldg.. ancouver. profit. . "a . . . I r ... . . ,J ... oh ' i . . IIHT niV TrnnPf TT a I Rrt WTlAJll RTOOK I Ra WITH On fiOfP All in ni TlVATmn T." and general farm a, for sale and x- Derries and small orchard Buyers, Take Notice - If you have about 3500 I can sell voit the best grocery store In al) Portlands i . lofini money, rn prove it. K. ain. , NOTICE. STOCK hm SALE. i The coast Brush Mfa- Co.. No. 1. 1 Union are. Portland (Jr.. offers 45 "j ; shares of Us capital stock or anyjpart'ii thereof, for sale on or before June J, ' WANT a man to tend office, be ea. fi ler, cneck wooa. etc.. as Dartner. Cm i'.i. at i p A rn w frorkrl s q 1 i rv Kua I ..a . u n m ,.t, r . .t.i. ...... . . . . . . . . . , i . ,t "'" i ni i ,1.1 sii i t t u. L.W in live wuouruari j jmcouunu icijuinu, district noinir irooa niiBineSK fiiri char. ire. $3000 to $90,000. Nothing for pood lot ln Portland. but the best handled. I 1016 Chamber of Commerce A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. 3953. all JTV k L,vauon- room nouse. Jo00 FOR third Interest. Business See owner.. koo.1 barn. 2 acres orchard, hi mile, ,600 monthly. 30 diin trlaL If Aiam o scnooi . pwtomc $1000 Terma satisflel money refunded. As in Lliimner i.ommwcti , will r,l:ie- ettv nrnnnrtr 1ti : fully securl. Call room 436 Plttock bU grade e.iu'lpment. cheap rent. Will sell ! pays for half of original cost. See owner.; not today p.t Club Billiard Irlor. 114$ Al-, security hlna ave.. eorner KUIngsworlh. 'J . - i . r liuvU paying confectionery. llghtldoo AtKt3 near KJamatn l--alls; 100 10 ACKiiS in Union Co.. Ihi miles shew good faith. groceries, ice cream ana cigar store, I acres in grain, aros timoer, an i rrom railroad ana town. Value $500 on busy east side transfer corner, do-1 fine land; good set of buildings. $9000. for Ford, --diamonds or city lot. S ing good business and making money, j Clear. Wants smaller improved farm 353. Journal. w in invoice zauo. clear of lncum-i Western Oregon. J. c Corbln Co., 305 prance. win trace ior small arm i Lewis Diag. ciose to fortiana. journal. F-312, Journal. escrow to WANTED ideas. Write for list of In- A SMALL farm for rent on shares, tock, Implements and crop for sale. F-362. Journal. 148 ACRES, running water, outside range: bargain. L-405, Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 6-ROOM house, corner lot. 15 Droliftc ARE you going back to Kansas City, fruit trees, large garden, plot planted, mo. 7 l nave a place wortn ztuu lawn, nowers grapes, berries, chicken about 10 miles of 9th and Delaware I place; east side; investigate; cash or sts.. that I desire to trade ror good I trade. No agents. X-289, Journal. property ln or near Portland. P-404. WILL trade confectionery and fruit " i stand, value szouu. ciearina- is aav. 1 fill Arroo Tillomo I onrl tor acreage; assume small amount I JJ noi&o i i liuuio Owner going to Californl Crook Co. level. 25 arret: cleared. 20 I 1189. acres timber, house, barn. What have BEAUTIFUL home, 1 acre, at sacrl you? Hall, 512 Panama bldg. I fice; modern house, fruit, flowers. TWO good houses. $1400. $1600. ln chicken houses; trade for good sawmill town, trade for l O. California or cash. Address 4206 73d st. farm. Might Include 8,000,000 feet S. E. timber land for large place. O. Auc- 20 ACRES good land near Home Val- iana. r au3 jity. jr. i iey, wasn.. win consider gooa 5 WHEAT OR VALLEY FARM WANTED In exchange for pleasant home, large grounds, shade, garden fruit, paved street, close in, east side; value $20, 000 for clear, or assume equal amount. Tabor 1993. or address 306 Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. WANTED FOR CLIENT, 15 to 20 acres, close in: will ray cash rent and buv imnlementa and stock. Rltter-Lowe Co., 207 Board of Trade. WANTED 20 to 40 acrea land, where l can pay part witn work tnis sum mer, c. C, Cluster, Vancouver, Wash.. Route 4. WANT to rent an improved acre with privilege of purchase, for a home. C-424, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENTS. 125 acres. 20 cleared. 5 room house. large barn, orchard, running water. furniture, 3 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves. cnicKens; ail crops in; only $1600, rerms. 160 acres, proved up. good house. 8 acres cleared, hi mile to school; good nouse; oargain. 160 acres. 25 acros -lashed. S room house, barn, stump puller;, crops ln; 3 miles rrom town: sihi. See MR. MILLERSHJP. 723 Chamber Commerce. 64t)-Acre Homestead Am living on homestead in Lake county; been there eight yfears; know tne country wen; can get you the best (two joining); splendid bunch grass, raise plenty hay; near school; adjoins neighbors; ciose timoer; close right or-wav nroDosea &tranorn railroad near town, creamery, cheese factory. See me at Hotel Alder Monday. Tues- qay or wetinesqay. Aivin s. Hawk. HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 16 acres, level ground, good land, some cleared, on Lewis river, 3 miles Wood land. 27H miles from Portland. 700 feet county road, email but good; ad joining land $100 acre. Price $250. E- 372. Journal. RELINQUISHMENT Roads, phone, creek, near railroad town, sawmill, neighbors. Willamette valley district. I6U. is-ao. journal. A REAL good close in relinquishment for $50. Mile to R. R. town. B- 533. Journal. 640 ACRE homestead, over 300 acres of good tillable land; $100. J. C tjorom co 305 iewis biag. CASH for relinquishment; give par tlculars and price. W-509. Jdurnal, TIMBER 28 I200Oltift acres tlinbar near n rant a .per acre; nan casn, xtta itn JM.l xass. swank. 601 Northwest bldg. ILWE residence property; want to ex change for Improved farm.' Consider eastern Oregon land. Will assume. Broadway 2917. DON'T WORRY. I can sell ot trade anything any where. Uvmmi, 431 Chan, of Com. : EXCHANGE house and 2 lots for 6 a. I first payment; bal. mortgage. P : im TA,..n.l Barr. Main ; - """ SPECULATORS and home buyers: Must sacrifice my bungalows. Small amount of cash will handle-. M 1493. CANADIAN wheat farm. 161 acres, room bungalow in trade, and assume Produces 35 bu. Price $20 acre. Will reasonable amount, state location. S- make even exchange for Portland prop- 411. Journal. erty or small farm. o ACRES, Improved, near Grants Pasn; A. iv. MlL.Lt i nenry iqg. eood buildings, some fruit, grain. hi ACRE wit-h 7 room house and barn, pasture land. $4o00. Exch. for smaller store buildin rented. $500 security place. Wm. Jef fers. Murphy. Or. 7. and general store clear for ranch TO TRADE 50 r. apt., for lease and clear, owner; store 10th and Church stock of good farm, eastern Oregon sts.. Vancouver, Wash. preferred. Address 247 hi 6th sL. Port- WILL exchange improved Oregon for California property. S-419 Journal. CORDWOOD cutting plant on river. barge ana auto trucK; stumpage at ventlons wanted by manufacturer and prices offered for Inventions. Our 4 docks sent free. Patents advertised 25c; 20 miles out; clearing $300 per free. Victor J. Evans & Co.. 614 Ninth,. month; am retiring; quick sale, $900. Washington, i. c. j a-4 1 1 . journal. A SMALL Investment. Refund guar- BARBER8 Only shop and pool taWs '! anteed. Will give you position as In town; also soda fountain, cigars. "j traveling ftalenman. W rite us for par- candy. Clear $150 per mo. above t 1 tioulars. Pacific Auto Accessory Cxi penses. John Reter, Jacksonville, Or, 612 Journal bldg.. Portland, Or. I ' J MAN to log and mill by thousand, with I BY reason of death in the family, i -money toswrng: would lease, sell! have one of the best confectionery h nil or part, plant established, river, stores on east side for sale. If yo.l 1 railroad. V-3,3. Journal. I want something good at a reasonable price get particulars. Neal Brown. JftI t Panama bldg. . - - See "The Live Wire" $1000 EQUITY in 6 room houso. nice 'and- Or- garden, bal. $275. payable monthly. WANT a S10.000 wheat ranch and At Tremont. Mt. Scott line, for clear $10,000 vallev farm. Trade for Port- acreage, close in, same value, or will Hand property. What have youT De sell cheap for cash. W-502, Journal, scribe fully. Q-502, Journal. EXCHANGE new $50 white enameled SACRIFICE equity in house on West Hoosier kitchen cabinet, for groceries or potatoes, or will sell cheap for cash. Home phone B-7125 Second street. Portland, rented S10 per month, submit offer. B-552, Journal. , WANTED---REAIi ESTATE 31 THE PUSH OF BUSINESS CALLS for more property for sale on easy terms and for rent ln modern homes, few for cheap houses and close in acreage places. If you have places for sale or rent Bend me a descrip tion and I guarantee not to harm it nor you ln negotiations to handle your property. C. P. Benedict. 2674 Oak, near 4th. Main 1743. For real business SNAPS; terms to Butt. L. A. Hall. 513 Panama bldg. YOUNG MAN with $1500 cash can se cure good position in manufacturing business, money secured. Address for interview. E-410, Journal. AUTO FOR REAL ESTATE Have 1913 7-pass. car; also fine Detroit electric; will trade for clear property; cars can lie seen at COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Weekdays, 21st and Washington. F desiring to buy, seil or exchange city property, farms, timber or stump l 'land' under" the Co .17 Corbett b.Cg. Hermiston project. J-402. Jcurnal. hhi ACRES clear Klickitat county, $10 NET PER DAY. Wash., lhi miles to station, to trade i Trade your house or acreage in on for lots; a large lot and small house, ! this moneymaklng store. Most' pleas- clear, by owner. C-402, Journal. j ant and easiest of all to handle; old es- MODERN 6-room house, near Mount tabllshed, excellent location. Invoice Scott car, value $2200 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 6 I Auto for Grocery 5 pass, car, A-i condition, seir start j T7Z. r 3 r: r I o pass car, a-i condition, aeir kmw, WTXPuZg Asm s roAtirlc W gul,ley' m Wli: ofit besides; will sell cheap. Dl . want btore . TTava Mveral rood trades and MIM f '. A CASH grocery with rooms, clear pro Room 436 Pittock blk. WANT a steady man handy with tools am fi rf nftT In a wfnwlnv htt.alnnoa good pay, $350 required. Call room I ctuth for store. Quigley, 202 Wilcox ld. j RrAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILE business, owner wants a partner to help him. Can draw, a salary, also share of profits; $326 ro quired. Call room 436 Plttock blk. GROCERY BARGAIN. Dandy corner, close ln. clean as a pin. Worth $800: if sold Monday price for ail 3i5. deters, la N. 6th st. EQUITY Good 6 room house, mort gage only $800 wni ;,f 240 ACRES wheat land Will sacrifice for -ntv at S11 ner aere tr In Union ....... a 9 r l BMA .Ht A l . 5-or4r,&7K fTe5,rmstOCl1 ubmlt clear property in trade. B-551. Jour- vvam A. VIVa vvuaua. you a bargain. OTIS C. BECK, 426 Henry Building. naL v J.X"T' -"s: l want lmnrovea rancnes in ex A5a,,PbJi , 5 w eTe.r r li, change for clear residence and city e!5ra2J. l70 TonVnai properties. J. R. Wolff. 618 Chamber cumbrances. Z-970. Journal. I r-nrr.mere hMr JTflrtr li. iif..mV I FINE 160 acre timber claim, close to ..X,T; rfV I Portland, to trade for Portland or , -i 1..... "--. Seattle property. $18 jvutiiiu. MODERN 6 room house and 2 lots. Eugene. Or., for St. Johns property I change. 50 ACRES near Woodburn. all in culti- or Multnomah county residence. B-52?. p Woodward ve. Sell- cash. Call 352 3rd St.. Monday, A GOINtJ grocery "tore in Oregon City doing busfness of between $3000 a .4 J .'i t, , mnnthltr A A A T Yr a. 111 V 11 II . j ..r Kill. . 1 .J V ' lliuilil ,1 . uu, OW tf. r- clear: to iiivures auvui jiuuu. w ui give . ?-Uirgan. Oregon :lty. 1 FOR SALE A blacksmith's shop for ies man, invoice or win taxe 1760. ( an xabor Z4i'j. $300 CASR well established business, profit lieu a moms. u-uj. journal. FOR SALE 1 chair barber shOD. Tn quire Kemp Barbers' Supply Co., 271 wasmngton st. SMALL going business suitable 1 or J t,nnppanKn- f n vratl o-n I . Dwvv W K bav a elleit whA m-arrta tn Ktitf I a small piece of acreage- with a GO?D. PS"A ro,om . an.t ."xtures and house on it. Must be a snap. Geo. 1 . stock J."r .a.le An.. thriving country FARM LOANS made ln North western f. Oregon and Southwestern Washing ton. Oregon Lumber Company lodged j off lands with water rights far sals in: . CLEANING business, apartment house Hood River county. Write fcw for par-r location; rent $10, paid until June 1; tlculars. Excellent proposition fork living rooms : good businesn. Cheap f or 1 lease to responsible Japanese, on largs ! eulttvated tract in this county HOOD RIVER A HSTKACi t INVESTMENT CO, . Hood River. Ore. Railway Ex- GOOD east side picture show worth i $1200; will take good equity, clear lots or auto, owner, 429 Railway Ex change bldg.. Main 1757. wood 1551. TRADE 10 acres, $1000. Goodnoe Hills, fine property, near railroad, for house equity and assume. C-411, journal. CJ ?,C; . "nin"m,bC"J- FIRST CLASS 8 room home and cash AJ 7,7p 4iTTJT. for improved ranch about 40 acres J. C. CorbVn Co.. 305 Lewis bid g. EE 'D ftTroI? h." 12 WILL exchange $550 lot equity Rossmere for Improved acres in Parkrose. Owner, Tabor 5852. ' DON'T WORRY' '. We can sell or trade anything. The I Pacific Investment Co.. 248 H Stark st for 18 months' rent, modern bungalow. R-402, Journal. WANT about 20 acres improved within 25 miles of Portland on good road, for clear property. Q-469. Journal. 40 ACRES; Underwood. Wash as sessed value $1000; trade for house equity or what? J-410. Journal. 0 ACRES' within four-mile circle of Boise, Idaho; 80 acres adjoining Dietrich Idaho townsite. subject to ex cellent Carey act water right; 4 Rich field, Idaho, townsite lots; one Payefe Lakes lakeside lot: total value $7000; want clear Portland residence or well located vacant lots. C. D. Lehmkuhl. 961 Doockley ave Wdln. 3466. OUR installment plan is the best afl-1 ' surest method of paying a loan.' $32.26 per month for 3 $21.24 for .60 months, or 2 . mithlKi ' A' 11049 $15.17 fof 96 months, pays loan and interest. Other amounts ln proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. . ' ' ISO commission cnargea. . EQUITABLE SAV GH A LOAN ASS'S. ) Z4Z BtarK st., iortianq.tjr. t MONEY TO LOAN j On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts;' no commissions. - COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. ! . 202' Stevens Bldg. ' A BUILDING loans on city or suburban nrfiwrlT' monav iflvunrM aa wa,w ' fruits vegetables small investmeni, progresses. W. G. Beckt Slf Fall la z i hav u a casn ouyer ior rrom & to 10 i ' v-- "!. i mag. Main iiui. acres up the.. Willamette, valley, : CANDY kettle furnace, caramel cutter. I CITY and farm loans at lowest raiaa- around -VVllsonvuie preferred; price, crispette outfit: cost $160. will take I f. riennait hniM fr rent tTt, m net Hat irht rr H i- riAt nau. ai T XT ' ca im n V nr i.. - nuo I . . Clan tucn. iur Raie, in i town. MarehgU 301. T If r-A r. C16 A tvlnnt. K1J. 3 ItOOM houseboat furnished, boat nouse, l i 'im i n , w on u isuv. All-ror 3. .41 tjnamoer or tommwc PARTNER. your or vacant which you can trade lot as first payment. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg established evaporator, WANT house in vicinity of dental col lege. Condition immaterial. Havn 225 Salmon st. equity in rentea property ztia ana 01- 1 vision ss payment on same. Will as sume. East 118. RESTAURANT, oiose In on East side, I TO loan, by. private party, $1000 at f uoiiik k"ou uusukm, oniy tiov. Ty, i per cent; gooa security, mono Kast 7a - t . 6979 12 ROOMS, elegant furniture, best lo- I MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $1800 EQUITY in 6 room house, mtgv $700, for vacant land or what? B 532. Journal. VlTl T .n1l 1 1 4 rait a 1 . M oci yj 1 nin, 11 au 1 1111 muu. 1 it i ' , . , . . . , , nishlngs of 62 room apartmant house. CLEAR lot. Alameda Park, 'or equity 1C-482 Journal. 5 or 6 room bungalow. Smith. 160 SALEM improved or Portland property I !l j 3 for Improved Seaside property. Own- WANT unimproved acreage for two er.- Phone 39R MilwauVie 'oto. Improvements all In; $2500. .b v,,.',..-..!,.. n 734 Y. M. c. A. owners oniy. iUVLIUUl WU11RIWVII, TCWUO flVV. trade for small farm. Tabor 3652 cation, west slde srwi. on account nf leaving city. n-4U, journal. , p . 1 , 11 ' 1, . 1 r, nave aevtrnn uauin iur small cneap ' i . . .... v . . r - - . . 4 homes within the 3-mils radius. .If ''f "t.h,,,"ned 6 Jprlces are right for these times Md ' ftlS oS" conditions, we oan sell them for you. ! clut1- Katherlne Apts.. 149 N. 23d. $5000 on city uroi-erty. A. H. BELL. 201 Gerlinger bide " $290. $250, $400. $1000. $100. . - , V On eltr or farm propertr. J. C. roRHTNfU, to HAVE nearly new 4 -room house and 3 VnPr..nP u v. 1 . ' WI" u..Ba.u. i"h, wani larger n.yivii.rii lu .?.'-.""'" i nouse or rarm. -s. journal IM TiThnii I i i i R.pniu hnuae eon venieneea a r .1 A SO. ACRES, Clarke Co., $2000 equity for! lots, $3800; mortgage $S00; for clear ntrape. M-iii, journal. i acreage, owner, v-sn. Journal. 8 ROOM house. $1650 equltv for acre- I HAVE $1200 equity in fine home to ex- wo or "miuiw nwwi journal. cnange tor goon auto. M-t3 5. j oum n 1 WILL trade $2500 equity In furnished I WILL trade hi acre, improved. cent - home Xor small farm. Sell wood. 2898.1 are. B-596, Journal. Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Ahington bldg. $550 TAKES a grocery store doing a I CASH paid for mortgages, notes, coo WANTED, best neat bunealow 4 imh uoiur. .trwuer wn io go I tracts; uorieao iuu,- rnwoao.f rooms, that $2000 or less can buy. sl- Z-D..Journal. F. Iuchs. 420 Ch. of Com rates. F. H. Iwls. lobby 4. Lewis bldg WANT small house-for lots and tmr.ll amount of cash. Tabor 3209. eve- n I rigs. $200 CASH and 10 acres land for good house equity. State location and par. tlculars. C-412, Journal. WANT small acreage on Columbia. Swank. 601 Northwest bldg. STANDARD ABSTRACT CO, W. R. Halilip Co.. 46- Ktock Ex. M. 774. WANT about h acre, small house uay $ln onto, -35Q. Journal. LAW and collection business clearing I $100 to $5000 to loan, no commlsattm; $400 month, growing town; called to I prlntlpal. S-117. Journal. r colors. 209 Abjngton bldg. I unvt-v t inan- r,.ni f WA-NTED Manager ln conf ectlonerv -. 1 bo't. Fred C. King. 314 Spalding bldg. t 3100 required. -943. Journal. I MORTGAGK loans. and 1. Louis FIRE apparatus business, wants man I Salomon & Co . 418 Selling bldg. witn some eapnai. 1-402. Joumsl. I MONEY to loan. to 8. W. H. eiu 1 DANDY lunch stand, complete; . 247 lamniii; i iif. tj. 1 1. Ilarnng. GROCERY) store at (29 Columbia blvd." St. Johns. Or. PANTS tailor ahop; . moat sell; lots at'Oo.. $10 Spalding bldg. $200. $360. $!. $l0. $1300. $1$J. FredV. German Co.. 73 Cham. Com. . flOOO TO "LOAN on rel estata' first morgaga Hatfleid. Hi hi 4th st. ' iOoaUaaed oa Jlssn 9tX