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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
6 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURtfAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 20, 1917. r " 5 : Where to Get It" BRIQUETS $7.60 single ton, T la S ton lots. 8ave 26 on your fuel blU. Clean, odor less, easy to handle. Most beat lor least money. pacific T WM CI Washington St A-2293. FOr the greatest . economy Buy (Utah best by gov- i'uniMt's teau.As tor. tfuUetlu No. it. Dept. of Interior buieau of Mines. lull weight and absolute guaran tee with every order. All oilier standard grades Of coat and bri quettes. Ice Delivery Co, Sue. tc Independent Coal A Ice C 18th and Thurman. li'ln 234 Phones A-3S4I wm T iM Inside block wood and save money, 1 cord, $4.60; 4 ft., $4.76; 2 cords or mora 14.60; tawed to order, cord, $5.60; load, $4.60; double load, $8.50. We deliver to nearly all' parts of city. Keller Fuel Co. THE OLD RELIABLE. 9th at Gllsan. A-2283. Bdwy. 3363. KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL THW CLE A NEST AND BEST BURN ING COALS. BR ICES REASONABLE CRYSTAL OCEi&STOIBAClE EAST 2 4 4 Ml 244. WE ARE QUOTING SUMMER PRICES ON THE Famous Castle Gate and Kirby Coals 81 GRAND AVE. Economy Fuel Co, Kant 214. B-2343. fcast 2041. NATIONAL KIEL CO. C-1224 CorUwood. 4-ft. II lock wood, Stab wood. Sawed P.lof kwnnd. rity Klttbweod. Green Kmbwood. AMfcKli;A. KILKl, CO, All kinds of green and fir iflHllT. Also owl. IStli and Vaughu. rr wood. . A-1 dry Alain rv. A-2415. hKEH & KA lilt All ktixls f green ami lrj 4 W titer t. M-450H. A-454t. ft. fir for ittp. DRY WRW'KAliB WOOll for Bale, atoTe lenctha. 1'bonR Kaat 8311.; NEW TODAY On TUESDAY NEXT We shall sell. In addition to a lot l of Rood furniture, 1 Imported French f clock, vases, bronze, bric-a-brac, pedei tals and statuary, letc. Tlwse goods f, are now on dlj)lay at the . Baker Auction House MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. t Following is a partial list of what will be Bold: Several pairs of costly i portieres, u good collection of- pictures, porcelain, French clocks, vases and candlesticks, massive mahogany li brary, table with genuine leather top, costly mahogany rockers and chairs. " gran rocktrs, gold leaf Roman seat, davenports, mirrors, fumed oak book : caae. recently cost $52; several pairs of imported p6rtteres. ,. genuine leather I Turkish rooker.. waxetr oak library ta ble and rockers, several volumes of . bpoks. parlor desks, electric tabu r lamps, several choice pictures, Axmln " ter rugs, two dinlntr room suites in ' waxed oak and early English finishes. ALSO GENUINE MAHOGANY BUTPET Full slxe an,d three-quarter slxe . brass beds, iron beds, best steel r springs, mattresses, pillows and bed ' ding, dressers and chiffoniers, box 'couches, oak parlor auite of three - pieces In velour coverings, bed daven- ?ort and pad, small desk, ref rigerator and many other useful ' household goods. NOTE PLEASE CALL TOMOR ROW AND LOOK TKESB GOODS OVER. THEY ARE WELL WORTHY ' OT YOUR ATTENTION, i AUCTION ON THURSDAY SEAT OnWEDNESDAY Next AT 79 WEST PARK ST.. COB. OAK ST. Mrs. Netta Koch Iras decided to quit " nd we have been instructed to sell the contents of her private dining parlors and other furniture, compris- Ins; oak dining tables' and pads, cost'v r oaff buffet, several dining chairs, oat 1. drop leaf tables, glassware, crockery, Uverware, oak stands, large size re ::, frigerator as g-ood as new, first-class ' Majestic steel range with water coilw, mall raa ranee, kitchen cupboards. feveral stone crocks in all sizes, gran ts utensils, etc. Also the furnishings of two bedrooms, as- follows: Iron beds; springs, mattress, pillows and ; - bedding, dressers and rockers. - AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY NEXT at 10 A. M. On THURSDAY NEXT WE WILL SELX. AGAIN AT OUR SALESROOMS FURNITURE. ETC. SALE AT 10 A. M. On FRIDAY NEXT : AT THE NORTHWESTERN TRANS' PER OO., 1 (S Front at. Will sell for storage. ic, 101 oi arug iixtuses and show cases. n SALE AT 10 A. IS. W. - O. BAKER AND W. S. DEAN , Pnraltars Dealers and Anctlonesrs. IS as onto Temple Bldg., ' Yamhill and West Park Streets. W pay cash for good furniture. Phono us and we call and pay the casrv .fnone Aiain 3332. SPECIAL PRICES " . 'tMOITDAT AXTB TTTESDAY on -our full line of Sample Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods, Bicycles. Lawn Mowers. Garden Iose Garden Tools, Refrigerators, Bird) Cages and . vas oicves. Levin Hardware & : Furniture Co. , ; B21 noirt. BTSST. . 1-f 249 I f - Main 228. NEW TODAY AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169. 171. 173 SEOOZTD ST. (Hear Tamil til) - BEQTTLAJl SAX.ESDATB MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY SACK DAY AT 10 A. BC TOR MOXDAT8 SALE XlcVBOX: ASSOBTMEWT TOBJf 1TUBE OT ALL BESCBXPTXOHS, CAB PETS, BUGS. STEEL BAXTCrB WITH BESERVOrK, AND OTHER EETEOTS. WEDZTBSSAT AH9 FRIDAY SELL AOAZJf AT lO A. 1 WE WE SELL AT PRIVATE SALE AT ALL TIMES. WE HATE SEVERAL GOOD PXAJTOS, "PACKARD" ORGAN XX OAK CASE. TBE VEBT BEST AND LATEST XJT FURNITURE EQUAL TO HEW. ALSO CARPETS, ROOM SIZE BUGS, STEEL AND OAS RANGES, Various Sizes and Makes. OPTICE DESKS AND EQUTPMENTS. WE GUARANTEE ALL GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE BALE ; ALSO DELIVER PBXE. GROCERY DEPT. JUST RECEIVED. TWO BIG BANKRUPT STOCKS OF GROCERIES BED HOT BARGAINS POB EVERYBODY. STORE FIXTURES EQUIPMENTS INCLUDING COUNTERS, SHOWCASES, CASH REGISTERS, CREDIT SYS TEMS, COMPUTING SCALES. MEAT SLICEBS, CHEESE CUTTERS. PIREPROOP SAPES. In Fact, Almost Anything You Need to Equip a Store. Come In and . Look Throug-h Our Una Before You Buy. 9. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE TUESDAY NEXT AT fl 9. Iff. AT OUR SALESROOM. 169-171 SEC. OND ST. STOCK OP DBYGOODS. MILLINERY RXBB.ONS, NOTIONS, MEN'S COATS AND VESTS, OVERALLS. And Other Men's Purnlshlnjrm. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. LARGE STOCK OP PAINTS HARDWARE, ETC. AT AUCTION AT OUR SALESROOMS, 169.171 SECOND ST ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. STOCK OP PAINTS, VARNISHES MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE TOOLS, NAILS, ETC. This Stock Includes a Good Gsneral Assortment and Most PosltlTely Be Disposed of to the High est Bidder. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Cash Paid for Furniture, Stocks of Merchandise, Etc. Main 1638 Auction Sale Ford Auction Co. 191 Second St. MONDAY, 2 P. M. We Will sell several pnn,unm.n. of medium Furniture, such as Dining Tables and Chairs. Sideboards, Buffets, ier Seated Rocker. Oak Rockers, MetaliBeds, Bedding. Dressers, Carpets, runierea. eic eta, ana lr you are looking for anything in the Furni ture line don't overlook this sale. TUESDAY, MAY 22 10 a. m. the entire furnishings of GRATTON HOTEL mXiWATTXXE. OB. We have received n v. entire furnishings of the Gratton Ho tel at Miiwaukie, Or., on Tuesday next 10 a. m. to satisfy the mortnn This Is a modern hotel and the fur . .nr are all good, clean and sub- oi.nLioa. cuBuns originally aoout $000 and lneludes about 15 bedrooms, sev eral Drlvate linlnsr rnnma iaro dining room, restaurant aiid soft drink uiu mtcnen equipment We will also sell the stock of the soft Pa,r,or' including all kinds of arinnu ana mineral water- includ ing Imported French Vichy, white and black grape Juice, etc. This Is a flrt class lot of Furniture and Furnishings. ,ut won wormj or ug attention of both dealers and private buyers. Take Oregon City oar to Uilwaukle. Orstron. 80 car fare. . ' XaOKT LU1IOH BXXTE39 AT BOON. H. G. PORB, Aucttoaeer. THURSDAYNEXT 10 a. m. 151 17TH STREET : AT KEBZSXOrCT. COB. XOBXXSOir, WEST BTDB. We have received Iratrntinn. the entire-furnishings of the 12 rooms at auction on Thursday next at 10 a. , nu 11 you are lOOKLnor for ehun Furniture, this will be your chance and as several of these rooms were housekeeping rooms you will find al most everytning necessary to furnish the home complete. VTB WILL KBU OIT Wednesday and Friday AS a V. SO. JBACX DAT, 191 Second Street A good assortment of all kinds of Furniture at these sales and you will always find bargains for everybody. FORD AUCTION CO. OTTZCS A3T1 BAUBSSOOX isi sscoin st. PT cash for Qood Second Saad rundtu. Kala 895X. A-3353. NEW itD park yfcw acf Got Into tbs frdesion, iTTUKOICB-XBST. And ho independkit) Buy It In Park View Jfn . Price $$00 to 500 per pr Thirty minutes from certe of city on Eetacada car lie Consid er thd present pfceDf pota toes and other! v cetables. Fi gu re out how net you can grow on an act ud then come In and let Us tell you more awui j i PARK iW ACR1 JOHN H. 4IBSON Cham, of ibid. MarshAU pa. 910,000 IB IB. prof 1 u Haass Propiy (o tot Improvement rax toss. 9. T. UFiQJfO. 843 Stark Jtxn. 331 -r-r JNO. B. COFtEY KOBTGAGE li, Insurance,Suretyponds 801 WILCOX BLDG. Man 7tj, A-370X MORTGAGE $300 Upwards Oregon Investment Offices 803-4 17 PIONEER PANT CO. 186 1st et. Paints, oils, glass and wall paper. Gas tion. Phones Main 3856, A- arnlshes ling sta- 43. See STARK-DAtla CO. For your plumbing- aid blumbins- supplies. i 212 3d st, and 24$ ialn Main 797. Phones: . i A-4978 R0fESSI0NLl IUSINES5 DIR AGATE CUTTIN& AST) BT AUA.Ti.3 cut and poUahed, jeWry repairing. Mlller'a. at BLANKBOOK XAK llAVIa iiOLMAN. 1.C, HAM, ., blank 183. book manafacturare. A-8183.iM CARPET CLEAHl: FLUFf Ml carpeu. Carpet North-B-1240. west Kng Co., 188 IS. 8th. fc'l.tTl'l,' UlilU U Ail ITTIll CARPET CLEANING. REFITTIM BTC UAKUBT PL.ANT IN NOITHST. RUG CO. PHONE EAST 110. B-1473. JUXCK Bltocj.. Elecuic Cleaniit W pets cleaned and laid; reflttlnlour nasi 4u, u-iwtw. xu4 B. ivia VAOLLM CLEANING at your b up. Maiu . CHIROPRACTORS W. O. POWKLL, 1). C. U12-314 Pa 10 to 12 and 2 to B. All diseases blug. DR. McMAHON la making good. ) adjuat menta, $15. Seren. 5. EaaleA tma. DOa AND CAT HOSPITAi 1R. Q. H. HUTUUAN. Hospital 416 E. 7th at. veiikuiSTn Kaat 1841 B-1W2. EDUCATIONAL SAMCLWO) MANCHESTER Danclnc Academy. e& Bth at. bet. Stark and Oak. . Special rafes. prlrata leasons $2; morning, afternoon, trebg; all latest dances guaranteed; class Thirij, Sat- urday erenlnga. 7. 8:30. Broadwaj 2f. BIN(iLKlt Dancing Academy. Allbrtches ot modern, fancy, stage and bau romlaneinc. Clasaea and private for adulta atd blldreo. Main 3Sf. Montrose Klogler, dlretoi MR. AND MRS. I1EATIT3 Sctaol ; lessons dally. Class Mon., nor. eresj l2d st bet. Wash., Stark. Lessons 2.V.I li 3205 MISS 1RKLAND 609 Dekum bids prWats lessons a. Honrs. V.ztO a. m., MV8I0 SCHOOLS AKD TEAfag PBOK. T. E. LAWSON Plsno leteoawt your home. mie. t-iione laoor zna. ! RAGTIME piano playing In 10 toCOlessons. "Chrlstensen's System.' 412-13 Cofcpla bldg. E. THI ELHO RN Violin teacher, ftuteeiclk. 207 Flledner DlflB. Broadway In: PIANO and rocal lessons, witu use if kracttcs piano 1 hoar per day. $3 month. 6210. LAW SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SOHUULA tborodh. practi cal course In law. Recitation eitilngs. wain wi i. Ansay piua;, i EYB. EAR, KOBE, THROAT, Ipt TREATMENT by specialist; glasses Dr. Wn. F. r. casgeasy. mt leknm bldg FLTrrr rugs and rag r lit difS NORTHWEST RUG CO. EsUblUed) 190s! nun rui nuu xna run. woyen, aisiae. E, 1x4. E. id Irpet ein ana ivyiur. x.asi canv. PENINSULA Rag Works Rag rug at a, weaving. 1015 ration sye. Wood!' FURNACES B0YNT0N FURNACE' Economical BffectuaL J. C. BAYER CO.. Front and Mfte ruRNirrrRE repair and irPHOiirEUwQ MULTNOMAU Furniture Hospital, 34 a st Expert msttress msklng. Main 444. HATR GOODS AND HAIR EBVKT HANEBUT. leadii ng wlndtou- pea makers, finest stock human htr ads' r.slrdresslng. manicuring, fsce and sdip fe,t. ment. Remored to 34 Alder, near BoadVaT. MATTRESSES UL.I1 mattresses and feather beds njdsjnto sniury ioiaing rorms; lea t tiers thorKed Folding M. Co.. 606 Williams aye. Bs 74 HTMEOORAPHTNO MTTLTIORAat MIMKOG KAFHING, Clr. letters. W. ft Co.. Inc.. 2SH Btark. Main 8347U- PAINTING. TINTING, PAPER TUSOULE PAINTING CO. paperhanging. f49 Marshall st. PHYSICIANS VH K, A. f tlIULatS, AliSky t NerToasneas, Prostatic Trouble, PLUMBING SUPPLIES RETAIL, PLUMBING SCPPLTeT Fleming, 112 4th at. Main 73d. BATH tuba, sinks, toilets, pipe and A. L Howard. 212 4th st. PRINTING AND DDIMTIMfl-. W BALTES A r 11111 I IHUsnd Oak sts, M. 165.1 MARSH PRINTING CO.. 122H Front PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THK IVY PRESS JOHN M. Mi 882 Stark st. Broadway 40. ROOF REPAIBXNG IIK.LP keep Portland s low fir record remorea. zc per souare; sungle ed with Never-Leak. $1.50 per 100 racing Hoofing yrocess. C-Z474. RUBBER 8 TAMPS AND 8 ALSO Stencils, Trade Checks, Brsss PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORK C3 Broadway st. Broadway 710, SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING tin and crsvel roofs. Jscob 810 1st st. Phone Main 1424. TOWIXX SUPPLY Portlsnd Laundry Co.. for prompt, effrie service. Phone Broadway 410. A-4410.' TRANSFER AND STORAGE ! Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents, Storage Free Trackage. ' nrflca and Sloraca 474 Gllsan 8t 13th and OUsas, Mala 60, AHMQJ 912 iWo Loan! et ud m A -w lOlNS ft ioriace Oa, -4-4 AND tcroRYi feud watcb Imtoq at. 4 EE (Co rM d EeS 351. I J ks Uar- ipeclalty oaxiroia 25c L rr llor too. HASnft Painclna'. Tin Mi 4U4. lg Ltla. Rheulattm, BINDING n trr-t i.i roos coir UISS qua ftt EAXsl T TSAVSrCB AWT1 8T0UA0J ALWAYS "PICK" THE BBST HoCStHOLD GOODS BHECI At.ISTS Htor Park Inc. StlppiDg and Moving. Hone or Aato Vaue. Bpeciat freight ratea to all points. 2d and Pine. Broadway 690. 188S. ruklt moUACE. KHiK AIOVINU. Limited time. Obleet to fill warenooae. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSKKH. CO.. 105 Park at. Main 5199. A-1051. WET WASH LACNDHII8 CkN'lkAL wet H. Eaat 764. B 2781. MANUFACTURERS JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! rXTTTr RTTGS AHD RAO BUGS Send Us Your Old Carpets FL1FIF Um Ifada from Old Inrfn Rriuuu,! irmlnrit Snijrna. Also rag ruga, all alea. Mall orders prompt. Send for booklet. Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, etc 9x12 ruga, steam or electrie cleaned $1.00 exio ruga, steam or electric cleaned 75e WESTERN FLUFF UL'O CO., M Union ave.. N. Phone Eaat 6518. B-1475. WOOD PIPE POKTUANU WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ouicv near z9in ana ion sra. Main arot MKKTING NOTICES 41 EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204, K. and I, of S. Open meetlnK Mon day eve.. May 21; cards '500" and dancinsr. W. O. W. Temnle. llth st bet. Alder and Wash ington; fins prizes and eood union music: add, 16c. The Eureka baselall team play Order of Moose team today, 3:30 p. m at Columbia Park. KIRKPATRK'K COUNCIL, 2227, Knights and L,a4ies of Security. Big free open meeting next Friday May 25, 8.30 p. m. sharp. Moose hall. Morri son and Broadway. Cards 500, enter tainment, dancing, Hoch's union music grood prizes. Come for a good time G-et th best protection. Join our Coun cil now. Fifth anniversary campalch now on for 100 new members by June l. You need us ana we want you. ? O A T L, A N li T A K HOMESTEAD NO. 4:. B. A. V., meets every Thursday eveninp In the Moose Hall, 346 Mor rison street. Visitors wel come. FRANCIS FRY. Box 11, Waluga, Or., Correspondent, Home Phone. Osweso 421 IVANHOE, NO. 1. K. Ot P., meets every Tua day night. 8 p. m.. Casus hall, llth and Alder. ROSE CITY CAMP No 6468, M. W. A., meets in Modern Woodmen hall. No. 10, llth st., every Wednes day evening. Marshall 4831 F J. DARLINGTON. Clk. THE Maccabees of Review No. 24 will give a"500" party Tues. eve.. May 22. in I. O. O. F. hall. East 6th and Alder st. 24 hands, 6 hand made prizes. Everyone welcome. Admission 15c. THE Guard Team of W. of W. will give a 500 tiartv at hpnrlrmartern bldg., 394 Taylor St.. on Thursday eve.. May 24. Groceries will be given for prizes. 600 CARD party To be given Fri day, May 25, at Manchester hall, 854 Fifth st. A number of valuable tprizes. the first being a 50 lb. sack of flour. 600 PARTY given by Royal circle. No. 528 WnmATl nf TVrtrwl.rraf t W n.A r. rvu day eve., May 23d. W. O. W. temple. lzs ntn st. Twelve grocery priaes; 24 hands. 600 CLUB will give 600 party Tueedav night. May 22, 1917, W. O. W. haUl, 128 llth st. 24 hands. Chickens and eggs for prizes. Admission 25c. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty; buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th marriages, Bfrtbs. Dzalbs. MARRLAGE LICENSES Eugene Pullllpe, 1130 Alblna are., and Belle PLIUips. 728 Willamette bird. Adam G. Cushiog, 91 li 8th St., and Mary L Joseph boo, 133 B. 83d St. S. B. i'emee, Blackstone hotel, and Elm N. Halznagel. 369 San Rafael. George E. Murphy. 67th and KUllnrs worth, and Mary E. Wilcox. Park Rose Multnomah county. INVITATIONS Third Floor SMITH & CO, Morgan bldg. ufc.Si SUITS for rent, all sizes. Uirique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. BIKTHS CARLSON a'o Mr. and Mrs. Krnest rarlnn 407 E. Grant at.. Mir ii . ..h,., .' EI.DER To Mr. and Mrs. John EH-'. T, 81st ave.. S. K. Mt 19 . .k,. OLSON To Mr. and Mrs. r"red Olson. 223 W 2otn st. May 12. a daughter. BMiIH-To Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Smith Fern Park. May 12. a sod. FOLWN To Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Poison, N., May 12, a daughter. and M r. Jnhn 1-1 T 117T Ulena are.. LANGD To Mr. " "... -uij a.. a sua. illijLZU a Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Miller 690 hi. naa at.. N.. Mar l.H . iimrkt.. HEITKBMPER To Mr. and Mrs. WIDJam H. Ueltkemoer. 832 B. Rth at 1 1 daughter. 1CVAJ To Mr. and Mra. Irwin L Evana. 635 B. Stanton at.. ! m LAW To Mr. said MrjTS. P." Law. Ill P. f. ton road. May 16, a son. FUXKKALi DIKECTTORa GHORMLEY The funersl serylces of th. i.t Sarah Ghormley. aired TO ducted Monday. May ."1 at 2 p. m. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co 6802-04 2 at, S. E. in Lenta. Friend, in! vlted to attend. Interment Multnomaa cem- GEORGB In this city. May 19, Gust Georire. aged 22 years, lat of 288 Burnslde st. The funeral service will be held Monday May il at 4 p. m., at th Free Orthodox cnurrh. p." 17th and Taggart its. Friend inrlted. In terment at Rose City cemetery. J, p. Finley A Son, Directors. COB The funeral services of tbe late Wilbur J. c. age f yeara. of 1ZO Delaware are. will be conducted Monday. May 21. at in ' m. in th mortuary chine! of a n un. wwthy A CO., 5802-04 92d St. 8. B.. in Ints. Friends lnTlted to attend. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. MAO LAC II LAN The funeral err Ices of the late Sarah M. MacLachlaa will be held Mon day, May 21, at 11 a. m., at tbe residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son. Mont- omery at 6th. Friends inrlted. Services at orwanq crematorium private. iORMAN May 19, et the family residence. 1 month. Infant on of Mr. and Mrs. John rtorman. runerai aervices Monday My 21 at 2 p. m.. at Pearson's Undertaking- Parlors. ""wi tiiiwu bic. r rimtis luvlteu. buuuux roe funeral services of the late Aiwru series onciDy will be held Monday May 21, at 1 p. m.. at th residence. Mtik. ushment of J. 1 Finley A Son, Montgomery at 6th. Friends Invited. Serylces at th grave jbl.aihl, me runeral services of the let France 'A. Blasdel will be held Monris. T oo.'.1;?? m ' 4 tD "ally resl- uruw, iov eiuiri l. rncms invited, serv ice at tbe gray prlvat. J. P. Finley A Son, HEFFCEY In till city. May 19. Mr. Mar" th Heffley. She leave a husband. John Heffley, and a sister both resident of this city. Friends may pbon Chamber Co. for iorcoer laxormaiion. KNIPPLB At her rate resldenc. 2S8 t. 9th St.. Bertha Knipple. aged 20 year. Fn- reral service will be held at P. L. Irrh nn. dertakluf parlors, B. llth and Clay sts., Mon- amy it p. m. rngnqs inviteq. STEVENSON The fnneral services of the late nuuim Dtrrenjon win ee neia at P Lk Itch undertaking parlors, E. llth snd Clay ma.. cHimwy i i. ui. rrif-nfis inyiteti. RANQC1ST Anna iUnqulat. tiUOl 60th ai E., May 15,' lymobatlcn. 18 yars. statu thymico MAJiON'BY Grace C. Uahoney. 8C2 Manball sr., aiay 10. xi years, acute enaocardltl. HOOD will lam Q. Hood, 711 Beedway St., AIAMSWllllam Adams, 42d at, and CUum- D4 MVO-. slay it. w yr, ut gastrltla May 17., TO yer. eirrhosl of liver. GILDKZ Jnsetta B. Gild ex. T93 derelaBd ave tkMjr n, do yean, nuereajpsia. WW DEATHS AN1 FUNERALS Continued) WHECJ)OS la this dty May 19. Joeeph Wheldon. an 70 years. feeked bastMBd of Emma Wbeldon, father of Bwaa, Alfred. Lockaley and Ererett Wheldon, .all of aeU. ! Wuh. Remains will be forwarded 7:30 m., today. May 20. by Miller & xracey, io KaselL Wash., wbere Interment wiu place. ; - ERNST At A1S2 79th at. S. K-, May 18. Henrr William Ernst, aaed yeara. runrr.i serrlces wlU be eondncted at , the stooT. ao- dreea Monday, May 24. at 13 o cluca nwn. t.Jrnlnt Mult-1 Friends Inrlted to attend. iBtermeni noniah cemetery. Funeral under direction of , A. I). Kenworthy A Co.. osus-os vja u o. in Lenis. VAN BLKBX The fuaeral aerrlcee of the late WilHam Henry Van Buren will be held Mon day, May 21. at 2:30 p. m.. at tne residence establishment of J. P. Pinley A Boa. Mont gomery at 6th. Frlende InTlted. Interment at Kong caty cemetery. FLO HIS TS MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 354 Wash. Main 269. A-1Z6. r'lowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., Florists. 287 MorrlbO.i st. Main or A-ioa. in nowers ana floral designs. No branch stores. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows $3 up. Sprays $1 up. Chappell'B. 347 Morrison SWISS FLORAL CO.. 412 E. 7th N. Store 23d and Gllsan. Main 1359. Contts & Trombley. 768 Glisan, flowers for all occasions. Mar. 4372, A-1464. MAX M. SMITH- Florist. 141H 6th at. FUNERAL D1HECTORS Edward Holman, President. J. E. Werleint W. J. Holman, Secretary. Tre&s. EDWARD HOLMAM CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. THE HOUSE OF SQUARE DEALING Third and Salmon Streets. Established 1877. Lady Assistant 507. A-1511. Main J. P. Finley & Son Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9 A-1699. L IEE Undertaker, E. llth and Hawthorne. Phones E. 781. B-18R3. Iady assistant. Dunning&McEnteeiVoWrin every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430. A-4558. Iady assistant. A, D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 6S02 92d ot.,' Lents. Tabor 6895. 66th st. and Foster road, Arleta. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Alder st. Phone East 52, B-2525. MILLER &t TRACE!', Independent Fu-j neral Directors. Prices low as $20. 1 $40. $60 Wash, at Eija. M. 2691. A-78S5. I A R P arPn5'2 Williams ave. Ai 111 Z-Clldl VUiEast 1088. C-108S. Lady attendant. Day and night service. ! MILLER & TRACE Y. Independent Fu neral Directors. Prices low as $20 $40. $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691. A-7885 PIEDMONT Undertaking Co. R. J. will handle, bal. small monthly pav Groskopf. funeral director. Woodln. i ments. We are leaving the city. Will 4940. C-1155. KUllngsworth and Kerbv. Q UM UQ Undertaking Co. Main 41i.', OrL. VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Plnv Unm!lAn East 80th and Glisan. Fu I iai iiiiiuu ne sral services. Tabor 431 Dmm Onnl, Belmont at 35lu j ' Ll CCZ.C OllUUrs ' Tabor 1258. R. T. Byrnes, new residence establ't 801 Williams ave. Wdln. 220 CEMETERY Mt. Scott Park Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D-61. MAUSOLEUMS Riverview Abbey Mausoleum 626 Plttock blk. Phone Broadway 851. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-266 4th St., opp. city hall. Main 85S4. Philip Neu & Sons for memorials. BLAESING GRANITE JJ g67-3RO. ST. AT MADISON FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 60 $200 NET income per month, 22 apart- , ments -comp.etely rurnisnea. moaern west side apartments; furniture for i sale: price $4500. Will consider small farm. Main 1189. X)R SALE HOUSES 01 NEW modern 2 story home, large cor- Tier. E. 41st and Flanders, finest $8000 home in Laurelhurst; will ac cept $3000 in clear city lots or lm- gro un rovea acres ior iirst payment, open day. Owner. 267 Hazelfern place. SBK this house Sunday, owner leav - ine citv 7 rooms. modern, fine surroundings, Rose City or Beaumont c.n,r. si hi. iiatn rn.. cor. inomDson. Bargain; terms if desired. Snap in Nice Home 8 room modern house-, newly built. lot 100x100. Cost $5000. $3000. Quig ley, 202 Wilcox bldg. it uuo.M nouse on 19m near AiDerxa for $1800: all rooms white enameled: built-in china cloeet, coxnent basement. lot 60x100. $00 will handle. This Is a bargain. X-392, Journal. BUY A HOME NOW. 7 rooms, modern, full lot,' $100 cash. $25 Per mo., including Interest. Near hard surface street and street cars; bargain. Tabor 3 888. 6 ROOM, bungalow type, $ years old; ln fib1nn 1A vn it t,.A, cm r, I tin space. 2 blocks north of K. Gllsan. 191 E. 69th. $1900. terms; cost $2800. Main 6466. FOR SALE; By owner, 100x100, 388 Oninar st. Cement walk, and curb. taxes paid, tltlo clear. Cost $1300; will take $600 casn. 1-1-40, journal. 1RVINGTON 8 room home; mortgage $2500. Sell for 3suu. wig sacnrice. Must sell, going east, $700 cash. S-410, ournal. ; OWNER leaving city, must sell hlgh- clase home; equity isou. man cash payment, balance like renL Woodlnwn 278. 6 ROOM bungalow, Portland nta., $2100. Owner moved to farm. I. E. Carlock. 1011 Yeon bWg. Main 6456. R. COTTAGE, close in, east side, terest. 9 Ainswortn oiag. Mar. g3Sf. j SALE Modern home. 8 rooms, lot 186 -rfi trt aa v. 755 foot Owner. FIVE room modern house, 1H acres improved. $16q0. Terms. M-414 journal. FOR SALE 80x120. new bungalow. 6c! fare. $650, terms. Everett Si John son ,411Northretbldg; , FOR BALK 6 room house. 50x100 corner lot, Irvlngton district; will sacrifice for cash. East 6033. $20 A MONTH, no Interest, buys $1900 cottage. Paved streets; close In. 9 Aingworth bldg. Marshall 3387. (TStOOM house. 2 fine lots, shade, flow ers, fruit; worth $2300, now $140: term) quick sale. Owner. Main 1 450. HAWTHORNE bargain. 6 room mod ern house, $2400, $260 down;' $10 and Interest Tabor 7247. FOR SALE 5 room house, lot lOOx 160. 13 largo bearing fruit tree3. Paved streets. 45$ Beeoh st. NEAT MODERN BUNGALOW SNAP Full lot, fruit, garden, garage, sur face st. $1200. Terms. Tabor 2546. EQUITIES In 4 and 7 room houses cheap. Sunnvside. B-2457. TWO houses Xor sale. 82 K. iJverett. FOR SALiE HOUSES 6J Cos tinned) JUST THINK Or IT! HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE s ROOM BUNGALOW 12800 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SE CURE THE BEST BARGAIN IN HAW- THORNS DISTRICT. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BUILT-IN BUFFET. BOOK CASES. Fl REPLACE. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT, FURNACE OWNER BUILT THIS FOR HIS OWN HOME. OARAGE WITH CEMENT FLOOR AND RUNWAY. NO ASSESSMENTS SX. osirvfir vrtyi 'Vnw THK fiOOD TO ASSUME L YOU KNOW THb OWU BARGAINS DON'T LAST LONG NOW, SEE MR. HERMAN WITH FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 BTH ST A PAIR BUNGALOWS SACRIFICED $1700 and S2275. Terms, $100 Down. Come, out today and see them. Va cant now. No. 93 E. 18th st north. Neat 6 rooms and reception hell: whits enamel bedrooms, bath and kitchen: 60x100 view lot: 1100 cash, bal. $17.60 month. No. 660 Prescott, cor. 18th st. 6 rooms, haxdrwood floors, beamed ceilings, fireplace, bookcase, vacated yesterday. Owner paid $3260. Sell for $2276. Only $125 to $176 down, bal. $25 mo. including Interest 6 per cent. These are extra special buys. Mr. Ban-. 674 Prescott st. See me. or JJ?il Office MalnTiss .l vvoo"awn 88?- Vrncef $25 DOWN $10 MONTHLY. All of the following can be Pur chased on these terms: 3 rms., Woodstock.. $425. 3 rms., Woodstock. $760. 4 rms., Sell wood. $60. 3 rms., paved t., MontaviHa. $950. 2 rms., Gregory Heights, $650. 4 rms., Gregory Heights, $665. 3 rms.. Reed college, $675. 4 rms., Lents, $650. 7 rms., Montavllla. $1400. KRE1) W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. y All Snaps B room, Mt. Scott, $1500. 6 room. Mississippi, $1800. 4 room. Mt. Tabor. $1850. 6 room. Mt. Tabor, $2400. 6 room, Alameda, $2500. 7 room, Woodstock, $2750. These are all good homes and can be bought on easy terms. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg HOW CAN YOU COME home If you cn't own a home? Let me help you get the start on a home on terms like rent with a small first payment. IJttlo modern bungalow, furnished and disappearing bed: $1000: terms. Three room bungalow. Abundance of fruit; $1000; terms. Attractive 6 room modern Mt. Tabor home; fruit, etc., $1650; terms. C P. BENEDICT, 267 hi Oak, near 4th. Main 1743. Hawthorne District $1950 $650 Cash 6 room bungalow at 374 E 44th, near Harrison; fireplace, buffet, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, full well floored attic; 1st 60x100, cherry', peach and pear trees, roses, etc.; It would cost over $2000 to build the house now. See It today. J. G. Rainey. 505 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. FOR SALE Dandy home. 6 room mod ern bungalow: nice lawn and 8 bear- ing fruit trees, berries, roses, etc.. o- i ment waiKs, rine cnicken nouse. witnin I 300 ft, of stores, church and Rose City Park carline; 2 blocks from schooL I Will RnrHfiA Rmnll nmnunt nf rflsh furnished if desired. 743 El 73d I at. N. Call Tabor 2544. MAN WANTED Who will appreciate the new 6 room bungalow I'm Just completing in Laurelhurst near park. Extra largo rooms, arrangement Is good, finished in old ivory, walla tastefully papered and decorated, solid concrete porch. steps, buttress and pillars and balance of construction the very best, pnone owner for price and terms. Tabor-6845 STOP LOOK LISTEN HAWTHORNE FORECLOSURE 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, COST $5400 AND NOW IT'S YOURS FOR- $3200. THIS REPRESENTS EN CUMBRANCE. ABSOLUTELY ONE OF THE BIGGEST BARGAINS IN ALL PORTLAND. SEE MR. HERMAN WITH THE FRED A. JACOBS CO 10 4 6TH ST. Very Close in Home Sacrifice 7 rooms, very convenient, on a beau tiful corner lot. improvements in and paid; walking distance; will take Port land vacant lot or San Diego property. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg ROSE CITY PARK CARLINE 1 blocks south of Sandy boulevard. My 6 room bungalow with fireplaxe. nam woo a floors, lot ooxioo, cost me $3200. I owe $2000: give me enough to g:et out of town and you can have It. ;lt's a case of you taking It on- fhe mortgagees. See my agent, Geo, T. Moore Co., 518 Ablngton bJdg. SUN NY SIDE. I 6 room house; eloctriclty and gas I Improved street; small lot; corner; , $1050. 6 room nouse; electricity and gas; lot 60x100; $.'300. ! 5 room bungalow: small lot: corner ! $2000; easy terms. Tabor 1811 W. H, nawtoii. SEVERAL, homes for sale in Univers ity Park and St, Johns district; walk, ing distance to ship plants, sawmillj ; and various Industries: attractiv-j , prices: easy wrma K. is. everts, I 717 Oonbott bldg. Main 1868. Evenings vu.uuiuia o NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. Neat 4 room modern bungalow, large attic, 2 lots, 1 blk. to car, 2 blks to park. $1200, $200 cash, balance to suit. Place cost owner over $2000 Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE. $1760. 6 room modern house, pantry, bath gas, cement basement, fruit and flow ers. Aloerta district, near I nlon ave Must be sold by June 1. Phone owner. Wdln 3229. THREE room cottage for sale or trade. Will- take team as first payment In trade or $250 as first payment. Lot 66x140. Good location, Mt. Scott, 4906 ; 80th St., S. E. Call Sunday, bet, J and 2 p. m. . 6 ROOM bungalow, Rose City Park i district; hardwood floors, fireplace, all built in features. Big basement. A i dandv -home for $1875, $100 cash, $20 month. J. C Corbin Co., 305 Lewis bldg. TWO big bargains, modern 6 -room I bungalow; modern 4-room bungalow 1 room for 3 more upstairs. $1600 each i Terms Call 1180 Francis ave., near 89th. A SACRIFICE. $50 DOWN. My 4 room plastered house. 40x100 corner lot, near Lemts school. Prico $650. Easy terms. Geo. T. Moore Co, 618 Abin-gtom bldg. 4 ROOM house, nicely improved lot, 78x110. fruit, berries, lawn, garden space. For quick sale $7o; $40 cash $10 month, j. c. coroin Co., 305 Lewis j I decidedly th. best bvnlB 1 a . .-room house that is offered 1 In Portland. Get all particulars, Neal I Brown, 207 Panama bldg. SACRIFICE. $1000. 7 room modern 1 bungalow, paved street, near car and schools, tor quicic sale. fZZOO. Ta bor 3(8 8. ENORMOUS sacrifice near Broadway Dnage. ijot gooa nouse, 82750, 60X60, (140U. owner, box 77 Sclo, Or. MUST sacrifice $?000 home for $1200 10 roomed house, full lot. Heart of east side. M. P. Llnnton. K. 2, Box 6 SMALL house and lot 60X100. on Wood stock line. Will sell cheap. Call evenings or wunaayn. 76 E. 28th r FOR SALE House In Milwauki. acres in cultivation, fruit trees and Domes, sen wood zzis. $3500 BUYS 2 modem 6 room houses east side; 20 minutes' walk; terms. x-860. journal. MODERN" bungalow large $1400. nocch lavge lot. nice view; 646H 6th- See me 6 ROOM house, lot 40x100, for only $600; easy terms. fTy. zzs salmon INVESTMENT $2400 for house rent L . . . 1 . - . L . . . ' a xor xaoor 7Z47. - FOR SALE HOUSE3 61 tOostiaad BUY A HOME FIRST. 1 Smell house,, two lots, near car. In good district. $850. 4 Attractive modern cottage, chicken house, orchard a quarter acre, 5 cent carfare, $950. 3 Modern 5 room house, good con dition, on Cook avenue, near -Williams, $1800. 4 Up-to-date, nearly new 6 room bungalow, close in, Waverleigh, $2200. Small payment down. easy. terms on balance and prices quoted are at least 26 per cent below cost. NEILAN & PARKHILL 803 Stock Ex. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT CLOSE IN. 7 room bungalow, double construct1'!, built for a home: 4 white enameled bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast roonx furnace and fireplace every :nodern convenience. Owner leaving the city and will give a good deal 10 the rignt party. For Information ca'l Tabor 8089. Must Go to California 7-Uoom Bungalow. Lot .50x100. facing east, gas lights and sewer all connected; up; this piace cost me $6100 to build; will make a dandy price on same: streets pavei and paid for, taxes paid; on Rodney ave. See it; a bargain If you want a house this Is a bargain. X-288. Jour nal. ALBERTA DISTRICT A GENUINE SACRIFICE. $2100 FOR A BEAUTIFUL SIX ROOM BUNGALOW IN THIS POPU LAR DISTRICT. FULL LOT. NO AS SESSMENTS TO ASSUME. TERMS $150 CASH AND BALANCE $20 MO INCLUDING INTEREST. TIU3 WON'T LAST LONG. SO HURRY. SEE MR. TEKPE. 104 6TH ST. Good Bargain 6 -Room house and lot. new wood shed. 7 blocks from Mount Scott ca-, $276 6-Room house. 2 lots, block and a half from the car; $650. 4-Room plastered house, 2 lots, 6 blocks from car, good sidewalk; $630. Tabor 62. Stop Paying Rent Nice 4-room bungalow, plastered, wired, sink, toilet and Dutch kitchen. 2 lotsv price $1125. terms, $15 down and $5 per month 6-Room house. 2 lots, easy terms. Williams Realty Co, Grays Crossing, Tabor 4834. MODERN 7 room house, $275C. Corner lot. 60x100. fireplace, furnace, sleep ing porch, cement basement laundry trays, very complete, certaiu'y a bar gain. Terms. The Oregon Home builders 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW $875. a niviw l.TTTI.K 4 ROOM' BUN GALOW FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF LOT. YOURS FOR $100 DOW ajo 10 MONTHLY. PROHARI,! Iivr,ii AGAIN A CHANCE LIKE THIS, btf. MR. TEEPE. 104 6TI1 ST. RIIXOAUHV SPECIAL 11X storv 6 room bungalow, close to R 2ftth bL hardwood floors, run eeme.nt hjLsement carasre. street lm- nrnvementM rwaid. 12250 on terms. MIg gest close in snap in city. J. W. Cross- ey, Main itou. A-itia. BUNGALOW, GARAGE. Only $1850, Rosa City car, 6 rooms. bath, gas, inverted electrical beautiful flowers, garaen, etc. ovx 20; .sacrifice for quick sale. iwras o suit, see -Mr. igan, tu iirenuoiiii bldr. Bunday only. Tabor 3040. T NVESTIG ATE My 6 room bungalow, corner lot. Jim the place for your home, nicely fin ished, white enamel bath and kitchen, all modern, lawn, roses and berries, comer of 66th and Flanders. All only $1950; terms. Owner. 1720 E. tanners. HAWTHORNE line bungalow. la.rg lot and garage. 6 immense rooms downstairs, room to finish 4 upstairs COst $5260. mortgaged $2000 Sell equity $2250. ConxldT traae uos-j City or Beaumont. Owner. 419 L. euin. Tabor 3219. IN agent. 1750 BUNGALOW. . 6 R-. modern, larre lot. Easy terms. Lot or auto part payment. $1860 wooaiawn i rv, nou.o, incccn.. $4200. Piedmont bungalow, modern Chas. Ringler & Co.. 228 Henry dips- PRICE $7504 ROOM HOLcb. Nice level, full lot, 60x100. barn and chicken house on E. Halsey si., ne-ir Twohy Bros, plant. ery easy icim.. KlTl r,K. IjOVKU vv., 207 Board of Trade bldg. Forced sale by mortgage. Small house, 60x100 lot. 419 E. 4in st,. near Lincoln. TJTT'VFTlTCT BROS.. 476 E. 50th, cor. Division. HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY $1125. 6 rooms, plastered, sleeping porch. wired close to station, good roan, very easy terms. Mr. Allen, 600 Concord hldsr.. 2d and Ptark. FOR SALE or trade. 2 lots at .-son n Bend, ana zo acres jaiiu i 2 lots, house. iota ot irun, 3 lots. Bmall house, lots of fruit on it. at St, Johns, tan on Office phone East 3595 FOR SALE or rent. mo.. house, wooasnea, garden. cn.... yard. 6 blocks Evergreen station j. B Hick Res., Courtney ave. Oatfleld road R. 1. Mliwaukle. Or. ROOM bungalow. 2 blocks to car. close to school, all built in .fects. full basement, large ioi; smau ment down, rest like rent. Owner, C- 2204 : . ObOOM bunralow. $1500. 80x100 lot. near car. Terms. . The Oregon Home builders 13S0 Northwestern Bank bldg. 1 OR V acre, rine garucu . barn chicken house, fruit. Block from city limits. Woodstock, car. vonn $3500 to $4000. mil K"wi it. l aoor 4ii. . . i . r , 450O Modern 8 room nouss. . oi 100 N E corner E. 15th and Madi son. Lot'ahme i9 money. A. J- r Au;nf,ik, 407 Stock Exchange, i DESIRABLE homes for sale in various lor-alities: alro trade or terms. BREW BR-K.M a i r CO.. 717 Corbett bldg. ott pvrinPARKHOBB HOME. For sale, oni acre with bearing fruit . a h.rrlc: modern 4 room house, on macadam road. Tabor 6866 ttor SALE 3 room hous ana ioi, . ocfroarline $1200.Term or discount for cash. Phone Wdln. 38-7 or call 1247JEmhsLN1 "FOR SALE On easy terms, cheap. will take auto. 6 room bungalow near the belt high school. M-405. Jour- nal. ccs xfnntavllla sacrifice. 6 R-. trees. on 1-3 i-iin. Laree lot. fruit Cha'RIngTer ft Co.. 228 Henry bldg. FOR S A LE--IjOTS LOT, TOTAL PRICE $116.70. Full sise 60x100. fine lot out In the brush near Rose City Country club Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. A SNAP Over 5 lots about 4 of an acre fac ing on 52d street eaat between Errol Heights and Woodstock. Price $750. B-539. Journal. 100x100 IN Irvlngton. all improve ments paid, for $3250. terms. Also n vellow Dine at a bargain. Fl V Rlcket. 727 Clackamas st. Phonff E. 5286. 880 BUYS a lot in Berkeley addition within 1 block of canine, pavad streets and sidewalke. 248H Stark st. SELL or trade lot across from Frank lin school raoor bo LOT at a bargain. Cor. 24th and Carruthers sts Phone PeUwood 494 6-ROOM house. 4 lots, Marquam H11L $6 per month. Call A-2628. ACREAGE BT WR HAVE 19, 20. 30 acre tracts of . rt lanil fnm In sdantrln Ilnj . " . - - T - 1 Will be mold on easy terms, 24$ f BtarK st. 57 . (Continued) CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $250; $lo down. $S pep month, buys 6 acres of land between Portland and Centralia. on the main line of 3 railroads, 1 V miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills. Somo of this land is partly cleared; running streams, some bottom and tome bencn. Some of .this land is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. $20 down, $10 per month, buys 40 acres good land at 22.5o per atre, 2h miles irom tho. Columbia river, be tween' Portland and Astoria, in Cow litz county. This land is free from rock and gravel. Jays nicely; good soil and hoids moisture. BELL, REAL. ESTATE CO.. 818 Raliwuy Exchange bldg. House and 10 Acres . Columbia Highway Just north of higuway between SpriiigJal.- and Corl.ett, IS miles Port land; wonderful unobstructed view of the mountains, Washington side and Portland, bo.iutiful tres. fin.j big fruit trees; 6 acres in cultivation, all fenced, fine water systt-m with gaso line engine, water piped in house, gar age, bam. cto.; very artistic 6 room California ruMic bimcaluw ; for a sum mer or permanent home, one of the most attractive , highway places and &n excellent Investment. For quick sale owner Sacrifices for $2800; 11400 cash, balance Ioiik time, 6'.r. J G. Rainey. 5t5 Yeon hldif. Main 8672. LOGGED OFF LAND. Adjoining improved districts for'sale ry lumber companies to settlers only. 25 to 40 mili-s from Portland; rail, water and amn trnnsportation; cream eries, canneries, rich Foil, light clear ing, spring w.itt-r. county roads, plenty Of employment; terms CHAKLKS L WHKEI.KR CO . "17 "hamli 1 of ("inimerce bldg. Ft U R 60x12 lUt s: rl c li 1 c v" lgiro undT f room liJngiilow. chicki n house, runs, fruit trc-i-H, 1tiI's. gaiden, etc.. on i ii ior row, 4 mile circle; line view. Will sacrifice at $1200; io0 will handle. 10 acres, 5 in fruit snd garden all under cultivation. Hoso in, a good buy Price $15oo. Terms. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern 1 Ihiik bldg. 10 ACHES. New house, barn, fenced, fruit treen Ground all planted to potatoes ami oats. Lots of terriej. St renin of wa ter. 1 mile from high svhool. Good town. $3600 Will tako an auto or lots up to $1500. some cash. Balance 4 years, 6"r. Cramers Stage Realty Co., 31S Railway Exchange bldg. Mar shall UfiST. AOltES ot' Ol'l'OKTrNlTlES. Ail illustrated Imoklet free. r Mlch- Igaii h;ui iitiiulrcilH of thousands of acres of virgin land. $5 acre up. Healthful climate. '(.rowing season for all crops. Ample rainfall. Write W. 1'. liartinan. A. oi I, ugent, Room 355. Grand Haplds A- Indiana Railway. (SrsindR? pids Mlrh $1200 Bargain 20 acres of fine level land. 1 mile from Houlton. Ore.; terms. 10 acres for $7u0; AI black loam soil. tj mile from station on clectrlo line, ti'-ar- Barton. Ore.; termu J It. WUl.KK, filS Cham, of Com, bldg. NEAR WOODBURN Dandy l'ule 6 u.'re tract, all In clit ti vat Ion; r, room house; cost $900; small barn and woodshed; good well ami pump on porch; 3 miles to new loganberry Juice plar.t; price $1600. $200 down. $10 monthly. Fred VV. Ger man 'o.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $333 Equity for $80 10 acres fine soil. 2 acres cleared and fenced, small house, block to srhool biid rnai a.iam road. Balance $196 pev ible $12 per month. 214 Lumber Ex- cnange muir. I'ngrn- evenlnirs, Wi. 971. ACHE at "MfeUger." feiK;el, cleared. house, chicken yard. 30 fruit trees, 6 jts. old, berries, good" welU For quick sale. $S'50, terms. Have been transferred to Idaho. Take Oregon Electric. 1:1, 2:20 or 3:65. I will mee t y o n. Main 5456. FOR quick sale, by owner, 16Q seres acroftg from Hood River on Wasn. side, between White Salmon and Lyle: would trade for Portland residence. or small amount of cash would handle; beautiful view Columbia and Mt, Hood. Phone Main RSfi'.'. G-493. Journal. Gibson Half Acres Good soli, city water, close in ear line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 15 ACRES uncleared land cheap. Tual atin valley, near car line; well tim bered with cord wood; adjoining land selling for $200 and $500 acre; must be cash. Owner- leaving state. Ad dress V. II.. 1663 H E. 13th St.. Sell- wood. FOR RENT, $10 One half block of ground on 28th St.. near Sandv road Plowed and partly planted in potatoes. Inquire at 267 E. 34th St.. cor. Madison, after 6 p. m. week days, all day tMirtriay. T1GARD. $X26 PER ACRE. A most slfthtly tract of 10 acres. U mile f rom btation. large first growth fir trees; $600 cash, baiancr. to suit. Fred W. German Co.. 731 Chamber of Comm rce. 10 ACHES $250. $ mllei from Clatskanle, 1 acre In cultivation. 1 room shack, 2 small creeks; $125 cash. $7.60 monthly, in terest 4 per cent. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. A BEAUTIFUL ACRE. Near school and 5 -cent carfare. 258 feet rrontagc on street- Bull Ron-water; f?ood noil: beautiful view; $600. Eny torirn. Geo. T. Moore Co., 618 Ablngton bldg. 10 Acres New hulldlnas. trout stream, arorlnsr.. shade, paved road. 40 minute out, car. une. uwner. zix AilsRy rildr. WE have from one to ten acres to rent or for sale, close to car, water piped, 25 mlnutus out, $376 to $500 pe-r acre. Carlock & Wayne, 1011 Yeon bldg. $1500 10 acres. Reedvllle, value. $2500 6 acr-s. Powell v'alley rd. $4500 6 acres. Garden Home. Sandv river home lta on hls-hwav Clias. Ringler Ac Co.. 22 Henrr bid. OSWEGO LAKE ACRE. . Only $10 down and $10 per month; water and lights, telephone; 9o com mutation far-; prlee only $400. Call at 600 Concord bldg. 1 ACRE. 3 blocks from station, planted in potatoes, beans and other vegeta bles. Modern 4 room bungalow being built. . sell reasonable. F. W. Wells. Aloha. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranch near Portland: 8. E. 10 acre tracts, $6 to $200 per acre, easy terms. Mc Farland. 603 Yeon bldr . Portland. FOR SALE 18 acres, clear. In grass; house, barn, chicken house; 2$ min utes out. John D. Lerch, Cape-Horn, Wash. ONE acre near Ryan station, ail in cultivation. Price $1000. Will take clean lot as part payment. Mr. Jouno, 207 Board of Trade. Ndg. 10 ACRES. $4 00. on county road, run ning water, school; terms. : Open Sunday. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. ACREAGE i ACRE $150. SNAI : Near Lents school ; 5-cent oarfare; Bull Run water; $20 down; easy terms. Geo. T. MooreCo.,518 Ablngton bldg. iO ACRES of inewlld land for sale, well located. $20 per acre. Term. No trades. Box 231. Oregon City. FOR SALE 8 acres, all clear, 4 acres fruit trees, near Tlgaxdvllle, Or. B 641, Journal. WEiTT SJIjE. south, half acre cleared and planted. 6c fare. Free wood," water. Cash or trade. X-390. Journal. ' A SNAP For quick sale, 1 acre, fiber lock station: must be sold 'soon; .going away. Marshall S43. . iOoavttaoed. on Vast Jryfj,