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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1917. MINIATURE BASEBALL WAR THREATENED BY INTERNATIONAL BOSS International League Doesn't . Like Suggestion Its Towns Can't Pay Expenses, WILL RAID WESTERNERS If Rival CM AA Circuit KtlHiH . Flayers, Easterners Will Oo . ' ' After Tbem. Ian Hay Lecture Heitig Theatre, May 24 Tickets for Sale in the Book Dept. First Floor mm A SALE Upfclk' at Ms, Wirtpiai Bpp Double Stamps With All Purchases Made Monday In All Departments WITH A MEANING A SALE WITHOUT A PARALLEL A "Dress-Up Week" ". By Jalk VTeIock. New York. May 19. (I. N. S.)-r FreBdnt Ed Barrow of the Interna t tonal league- announced this afternoon that he. will not only recommend ca In off the inter-lf-ague series with th American association, but will ask hii club owners to refrain from any fu ture dealings with the big central western minor. "It appears that a majority of the American association club owners de sire to call off the proposed fcerieH," said Harrow, "and there is nothing left to do but cancel it. I will ask the International to call off the series at our Buffalo meeting tomorrow and wHU recommendation that all rela tions with the association be severed. "Th proposition to call off the se- , rlca came from Mr. Hkkey, backed by a - majority of his club owners. I understand tome of the club owner are apprehensive of what the attend ance would be la International leaguo . cities and I can say that the Interna tional league results this attitude. Mr. Illekey is said to be working- on a new schedule calling for two cham pionship seasons. The International league will add 28 games to the pres ent schedule, making it a 148-game schedule as usual." President Barrow added that he con fidently expects his league to adopt his suggestions to the letter, whicn mea,ns that a miniature war between . the two big minors' i8 practically as sured. Jn the event of the American asso elation reducing the number of i's players, it is expected that the Inter national league club owners will feel free to go after such players who may draw releases. Under friendlier cir cumstances this would probably bi avoided. It was reported that the clubs favoring- the new plan Include all but the Louisville and Columbus clubs. Plan Big Reduction in A. A. 1 New York, Way 19. (I. N. S.) The i American association will cut down ita ; roster to--a limit of 14 players per club and the men to accept a reduction of 2B per cent In salaries, starting June, it was learned iJier-oday from a promi nent baaebap-min who refused to be quoted. t The plan, according to the baseball man In question, will be carried out at the .instigation of a majority of asso ciation club owners as a step toward retrenchment on acocunt of the war and prospects of a lean season. PRICES REDUCED And Double Stamps With All Purchases Women 's Envelope Chemise Special $1.98 Main Floor Extra special offering for "Dress-Up Week.',' Women's Crepe de Chine and Jap. Silk Envel ope Chemise, in pink or white, dain tily trimmed with fine lace edgings. Your choice for this sale J- QQ at the special price of only JpJ-.tO Gossard Corsets At $6.50 Second Floor Two great specials in the celebrated Gossard Corsets for "Dress-Up Week." Style 661, of fancy striped coutil, with medium bust and very long skirt: style 65 8 of figured mercerized batiste; will corset the figure with small waist line and medium bust and hips. Good range of sizes in each of these models. Priced special for this sale, your choice $6.50 Girls' Suits at $7.98 Shown in Sport Checks and Navy Serge "Is, $7.98 WINDNAGLE HAS . TAKEN PLACE IN BESERVE RANKS Noted Football Players Train ing at Madison Barracks, New York. Vers Wlndnagle, former "Washington high school and University of Oregon athlete, is numbered among the Cor- . rell university students who are sta tioned at the Madison barracks In New yarn. winanagie joined the army i after being unsuccessful In an attempt to Join the aviation corps. Wlndnagls has retired from track and field athletics. He regretted the cancellation of the eastern intercol ' leglate championships, as he was con fident of bettering both the half and anile records. . In a letter, Wlndnagle stated that i there were any number of star athletes in training at Madison, some of them being Muller, captain of the Cornell football team; Babe White and Peter- on of the Syracuse eleven, and Cap tain Anderson of the Colgate team. Department, Second Floor. -These smart little suits are from our regular stock and are beautifully tailored throughout. Made up in splendid quality navy blue serge, aso in the pop ular black and white checks. Natty Norfolk models, with plain skirts. Sizes for eirls of intermediate ages. 12 to lS years. Mothers should take advantage of this offering. Girls' tailored suits priced special 25c Sale of Hosiery Center Circle, Alain Floor Several special fines of Women's and Children's Hose on sale Monday at a special low price, l unity Duyers will tina tnis s good opportunity to supply their needs for months to come In the assortment there are Women's Fiber Boot Hose with double heel and toe, garter top, in black and white Women's black and white Cotton Hose in all sizes fine grade black Cot ton Hose with split foot, double heel and toe also Children's Hose in black and white ribbed cotton, medium and heavy weights for boys or girls, and fancy half so with dainty OC colored'toDS for little tots. Priced special Monday, pair d Portland Maid Silk Gloves Main Floor. Portland Maid and Kayser silk .gloves in all the new shades, black, white. Two-clasp Tricot and Milanese silk gloves in all colors, black and white, with embroidered backs, also two toned effects. Full range of sizes. Prices tne same as last year 60c to $1.75 the pair. Supply your needs now SALE What Splendid Chances for Women Who Need Coats THAT BRINGS WONDERFUL SAVINGS ON THE MOST FASHIONABLE APPAREL i r Women 's Coats $13. 79 Second Floor. Sport coats, street coats, coats for dress wear in all of the season's most favored styles. Novelty belted effects, high waist line and loose styles, with new large collars and pockets. Made up in wool velours, poplins, tweeds, serges and novelty mixtures. Splen did assortment of plain colors, also check and: mixtures. Q 7Q Extraordinary values In this lot of coats on sale at only vlOl & Women 's Coats $22. 98 Second Floor. This lot of women's and misses' coats is made up of many high-grade garments taken from our regular stock and under priced for "Dress-Up Week." Smart models for all occasions novelty belted, high waistline and straight loose effects, with fancy collars and cuffs. Velours, loopine, burella, serges, Bolivia and 00 QQ other materials. Popular colors. See these coats at ony $aai70 Fashions of Particular Charm Priced Way Below Regular DOUBLE STAMPS With Chare or Cash Purchases in All Depts. Sateen Petticoats Special $1.00 On Sale, Bargain Circle On Main Floor Women's sateen petticoats at a special low price for Monday's sell ing. Styled with fitted tops and deep, full flounces some finished with plain or plaited narrow ruf fles, others with rows of fine tucks. Excellent quality sateen In the leading plain colors, also in light and dark floral effects. Buy a couple of these at this low ynice. Choice Beautiful Waists Priced at $5.95 Second Floor. Thousands of waists with individuality and much of it waists for all occasions, made up in every wanted material. At the above price we show beautiful new waists of Georgette crepe with high necks and ruffles down front. White or flesh color. Finished with hand embroidery, bead trimming, etc. Round, square or convertible collars. OP All siz?s. Remarkable values p9a9 NewSilkSkirts Special $6.95 Second Floor. Shirred waistline effects with deep belted ties, shirred hip styles with high waistlines and other attractive styles. Made up in splendid quality Gros de Londres silks in the popular new sport stripes in all light colors. All QK sizes. Priced special now at pO.J OTHER DRESS SKIRTS in all the new silk and cloth materials. $5 to $29.75. New Sport Sweaters $4.98 to $10.00 Second Floor. Women's and misses' sweaters and sport coats in every wanted style here for your choosing at lowest prices. Made up in wool jersey, fiber silk, Shetland wool. Angora, -etc. Styled with full gathered backs or with deep b'elts, roll or square collars, Priced $4.98 $ 10 -is,$1.00 AND SUITS Out of Ordinary in Every Respect ALL WOM EN SHOULD KNOW the Details of This Offer Suits for $22.98 Second Floor. Extra special offering for "Dress-Up Week" women's and misses' new spring suits, made up in gabardines, poplins and serges. Smart styles for street, sport and dress wear, many shown in the new plaited ef fects, also loose-fitting and novelty belted styles. .Strictly . high class suits all from our regular stock and every garment worth far more than the price we have put upon them. Shown in leading plain colors, also in checks, etc. All sizes for women and IQO QQ misses. Priced for this sale at only i)Wa.a0 Suits for $33.45 Second Floor. A wonderful opportunity to choose from beautiful high class suits at a phe nomenal saving. This assortment includes many of our finest suits, selling heretofore at much higher price. Leading plain colors," checks and stripes. Made up in gabardines, velours, Poiret twills and serges. Smart new loose fitting styles with deep belts, large collars and cuffs, also fit ted and novelty styles in great assortment. Many are trimmed with buttons, fancy braids or silk stitching. See these hand- flQQ IK some suits the first thing Monday. vOO.rrO Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with charge or cash pur chases in all departments. PerfectlyAdorableDressesAxeThese Double interest it Is and full measure to the brim and running over for you and every woman who is in the mind of a new dress it sis good" news and there is economy of importance running through it all this extraordinary sale of. wotnen'-s and misses' dresses! The styles are exceedingly at tractive and theie Is a wide range of ; materials from which to make your selections. Investigate these special offerings. . ' Dresses at $16.45 Second Floor. Women's and misses' new spring and summer dresses of high grade taffeta silks, crepe de chine, figured and embroidered pongee and combinations of Georgette crepe, crepe me teor, khaki-kool and taffeta. Plaited and loose ef fects with belted ties or embroidered belts. High waistline and novelty styles. Light I" AfZ and dark colors. Exceptional values at vAO.fxtJ Dresses at $ 13 A5 Second Floor. Lovely frocks, made up in fine quality crepe de chine, taffetas. Georgette crepes t and serges in all the new shades. High or fitted waistline effects, many in the new straight-line model with novelty belts and plaited skirts; others have shirred waistline. Trimmed with braids, but tons, fancy stitching, etc. Shown in all the newest sport colors, all sizes. $13.45 "Dress-Up Week" PRICES REDUCED And Double Stamps With All Purchases Women's High Boots A t $6. 98 Main Floor. Women's laced boot of white kid, 8-inch top, long receding toe, imi tation tip, lace stay and vamp seam daint ily perforated, covered heel with plate dark brown kid boot, 9 inches high, narrow toe, tipless, heavy turned soles, covered half Louis heels black glazed kid boot, 8 Yi -inch top, lace or button, narrow receding toe, no tip, welted ; soles and leather half- Louis heels not broken lines. but new stock Just Sale price special for Monday, the pair only received $6.98 JM': Women's Pumps Priced Special, Pair$SJ8$ Main Floor. Women's pumps "Milady" model, made; of pat ent coltskin with pointed plain toe and leather Louis heel Genuine Goodyear welted soles. Cloth insert with neat 'or- nament at vamp. -Widths from A to D. Size zes ?Q QC to 7. Special for this sale at only, the pair, VtltUU Women's Shoes, Priced Special, Pair $3.48 Main Floor. Women's shoes of patent, dull calf and bright kid with either velvet, cloth or leather tops. Laced or but toned. Heels high, medium or low. You must see these In order to appreciate what a remarkable bargain fl A O this is. Quality shoes, every pair. Sale price is only tJJO.'xO. Charming Millinery Special at $5. 00 nly $5.00 Second Floor. Monday we shall hold a special clearaway of trimmed- hats at five dollars, which includes over 200 beau tiful models, selling heretofore at two and three times th" above rrice. Small, medium and laree. in the season's best styles. Effectively trimmed with flowers, winj ornaments, bows, etc. Extraordinary values at only1 New White Milans at $15. Second Flpor We have Just received a shipment of beautiful new white Milans in tKe very latest shapes to sell at Jt5. These are of very select quality and are splendid values. On display Monday for the first time. Department, Second Floor. Carlton Anglers to Have Great Fishing Carlton, 0r., May 17. W. A. Howe has. Just returned from Meadow Lake club's large lake at the headwaters of the Bis Nestucca river, near the sum mit of the Coast Range mountains, with one of the finest catches of trout ever taken from the club's waters. He broke the club's record for large fish by successfully Undine a two and one half pound rainbow trout. The prospects are that the club mem bers will enjoy the finest year's fishing they have ever experienced since the club was organized in 1903. The thou sands of trout planted years ago have increased rapidly and It Is expected1 . some member win catch a three pound trout before tne present season is over. W r Women'sNeckwearat K Off Extra Special for Monday Main Floor. Monday morning at 9 o'clock we place on sale a great special lot of women's collars at one-fourth of our already low prices. Don't overlook this unusual offering. Beautiful hand embroidered and plain hem stitched, also beautiful styles, trimmed witn filet lace, ery latest effects collars that are beautifully made and : that will t. Made up in pique, khaki-kool silk and Geor- j gette crepe. An immense lot to select from. 1A. One and two pieces of a kind. Monday at Vrll 44-in Silk Chiffon 75c Yard 72-in. Dress Nets 59c Yard Champion Direr Joins Navy. Kenosha, Wis., May 20. (L N. S.) : Everett o. Johnson,- world s champion diver, haa joined the United States navy. Johnson demonstrated his abil (ity when as a member of the party he ought to rescue the crew of the sub marine F-4 at Honolulu in 1915. Carlton R. Smith, graduate of Princeton and heir to $3,000,000, has entered the off icera' reserve corps at Fort Sheridan. HI. Horses Run Dead Heat. There bav been some unusual dead beats in distance running race in the United States, but here is an.cxtraor dlnary one that happened- In Hipper- nolme, England, a few weeks ago. in a. 12-mile road walk of the Yorkshire . VTalklnr club Smith and Wynne fin Ished together after a punishing match in I hours 2 minute a ana 20 seconds Main '"Floor. 44-inch silk chiffon a fabric very much in demand right now. This is a real special and is thoroughly desirable In every way. Not a job lot. HfZg Good Ange of colors. Yd. 4 JK Main Floor. 72-inch pretty dress nets in white, cream and ecru. Do not overlook this special. Meaium mesh and good finish. On CQ special sale Monday,' the yard Soft, pretty aress r inches wide, special, Soft, pretty dress net,.72QQ yard New Drape Veils Special at 75c Main Floor. Women's new drape veils underpriced for Monday's sell ing. Mostly in black, although there are some colors included. Circular styles. You will not appreciate what a great bargain these are until you see them. Your choice S75c Handkerchiefs Special at 25c Main Floor. Women's colored hand kerchiefs. Belfast prints and hand emDroidery tn an tne good spring colors. One big lot, formerly Of? 35c, price changed now to Special Summer Furniture IT- Curtain Specials Third Flo Marquisette curtains, trimmed with real linen lace, in a great variety of new and attractive patterns. Ivory, white and I" f7Q Arabian. At $2.48 and pJLe 4 U Plain hemstitched scrim i curtains of splendid quality and nicely made. Shown in white, ivory and J-j 4Q Arabian. Special, the pair V-l-aTcO Of Rattan and Sea Grass Third Floor Special show ing of new rocking chairs and arm chairs with wide sweep to the arms. Cool, comfortable and sightly for the porch. From $8 to $10 Reclining chair couch moderately priced $12.50 Great variety of styles in small chairs, tables, tab ourettes, India seats, foliage baskets, etc. $1.59-$12 Now is the best time 3 make your selections of summer furniture. Double Stamps given. IttL Mattresses Special$9.90 Third Floor. Felted cotton mattress for full size bed. Built up, not stuffed. Covered with good .quality ticking, in attractive pat-QQ Qf terns. "Priced special at P57aU Subscribe to U.S.LIBERTY LOAN Under This Store's Guarantee to Take Your Bond in Exchange for Merchandise er to Apply . on Your Account Salaried people and people of limited means sometimes hesitate to make investments for fear cir cumstances may arise : whereby they would wish to use the money in an emergency for necessities. We make this offer to citizens of Org-on aad, Washlag-toa who make application for bonds through oar tore. We will guarantee at any time within five years to take bonds In denominations of $60 to $500, sub. scribed for through our store, in exchange for merchandise or to apply on account or on deposit to be traded out. We make this offer in a spirit of patriotism and to encourage thrift among our people. Apply at our credit office. 4th floor, for full particulars. Remember, we receive no commis sion whatsoever for the sale of the bonds. OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO. Monday Grocery Special? With Purchases u Armour's Bouillon OO A Double Stamps Imported Frenchlfti ceis priced at. the can JL7U cubes, special, the can Portuguese fl$, 11p Monopole sliced Oftp priced special, pound JL At pineapple at, the can 3 CLUSTER RAISINS ON SALE MONDAY, THE POUND, 7c FOUNTAIN BRAND OYSTERS, SPECIAL, THE CAN, He Exquisite New Tub Fabrics In a Notable Showing for "Dress-Up Week. INLAID VOILES One of the season's very popular fabrics for summer dresses. Shown in various colored spots, also in the sport stripes. Fine and sheer. Priced special at this sale 50c and 75c a yard. EFLEURE VOILES New shipment just opened up. Shown in a great assort ment of beautiful new patterns for spring and summer waists, dresses. AA All colors. Priced at, the yard vi-.UU NEW SILK MIXED Shantungs and pongees very much in demand for sport dresses, waists, skirts and suits. Shown in various colored grounds with novelty designs, stripes and figures. Prices range now from 60c oil up to $1.00 a yard. NEW PRINTED VOILES in a vast as sortment of handsome new patterns for waists and dresses. Shown in pretty floral effects, sport stripes and novelty plaids. Priced at 25c 35c and 40c yd. NEW BORDERED VOILES, 44 inches wide, very new and desirable for the lat est sport dresses. Shown in various col ors. See these. Priced now at 75c yard NEW WHITE GOODS in splendid variety. Sheets, Pillow Cases, Spreads At Special Reduced Prices PILLOW CASES of extra heavy i BEDSPREADS quality bleached Vnuslin. Size 38x45 inches. Priced very special OAp this week at low price only iJs SEAMLESS SHEETS in good large size. " Made of heavy grade, good wearing, bleached sheeting. Free from dressing of all fC? UK, kinds. Priced special at only of fine quality with beautiful raised patterns. Hemmed size for 4, Q(J QQ bed. Priced special atPaW.7D FULL SIZE hemmed bedspreads with handsome raised pat-dQ AQ at tPtJ.'AO FULL SIZE terns. Special now E scalloped c0 Q and cut corner spread at vcl.UO Pattern Clothsat98c Main Floor Mercerized damask rati tern cloths in sizes 64x64 inchesi Are shown in many attractive pat- terns. Hemmed, ready for use. Just the thing for breakfast or: lunch cloth. Launder and wearQQ' splendidly. Sale price only aOv This is about half regular valuei Annual Sale Fancy China Blue, Irts, Pink and Blue Dresden Decorations Blue Iris Salad Bowls at $2.85 Blue Iris Celery Trays at SI. 99 Blue Iris Pickle Dishes at $1.50 Sugars and -Creamers at $3.79 Blue Iris Cake Plates at $2.37 Blue Iris Relish Dishes at $1.50 Blue Iris Chop Dishes at $3.05 Ramakins & Saucers, dz. $10.30 Bouil. Cups, Saucers, dz. $15.80 Choc. Cups, Saucers, dz. $14.90 Tea Cups, Saucers, dz. $14.50 -A.- D. Coffee Cups and Saucers in this sale at, a dozen $12.90 Bread, Butter Plates, dz. $8.35 Tea Plates at, the dozen, $9.95 Salad Plates, the dozen $11.98 BLUE DRESDEN DECORATION Comports,' priced special $470 Handled Bon Bon Dishes $3.48 Oval Bon Bon Dishes at $2.19 ' Comports, priced now $3.59 PINK DRESDEN DECORATION , Oval Handled Baskets $4.39 Bon Bon Baskets at only 98c Bon Bon Baskets only $1.19 Bon Bon Baskets only $3.15 NUT SETS ASSORTED DECORATIONS 7-piece Nut Sets in thrs special sale at low price $1, $1.05 set. Special Showing of Auto Lunch Sets, Vacuum Bottles, Etc. i . - Refrigerators i Third Floor Third Floor. Autoists will be in terested in our splendid showing of new luncheon sets, vacuum bot tles, carafes, lunch kits, food jars, accessories, etc., etc. Lunch Sets $14.75 to $45.00 Lunch Kits, blk., nickel, $2.50 Vacuum Bottles, $1.75, $2.75 Vacuum Bottles, heavy full nickled,. priced $2.75 to $4.00 Food Jars, nickeled, pts. $3.25 Food Jars, nickeled, qts. $4.25 Double Trading Stamps with all charge or cash purchases here. ill! m Garden Tools. Etc. Third Floor. Headquarters for refrigerators, lawn mowers, garden tools, garden hose, .gas hot plates, ice cream freezers, "meat safes, ad justable i window screens, house paints, varnishes, enamels, brushes, etc. Make out your list and bring it to us we can save you-considerable. SO feet garden hose QJT with nozzle, special : at$U.7d Doable Trading Stamps with Charge or Cash Purchases is) All Depts. "Dress-Up Week" In the Men's Store Choose your new suit. at this store and pay not one cent more than the same qualities sold at last season? Come in and let us show you the finest line of men's and young men's clothes in the city at our moderate prices. Suits from: as low as $15 to$35 and $40 Sale of Men's Hats All Felts and traws Reduced Maim Floor Until further nnttee w will tire stock of men's new spring straw hats lowing snecial trices. Every wanted. sham Bankoks, bennets, Milans. Choose your new bat here. : Reduced. f C we will sell our en- 14JUL raw Hats at the fol- 'VtCF, ed .shape. Panamas, "ftV" All men's f 1.75 ?2.5o , sennets All men's sennett All men's straws now for $1.50 3 flJO OK straws Py.4tJ for. $2,75 $3.75 Men's 5 Pana mas, Leghorns Men's 16 Ban- ? A rtjr koks, Panamas j)r.U Men's J7.50 Bankoks and Panamas priced for this sale at $5.50 DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WITH PURCHASES. Men's Silk Shirts at $3.75 d3 Main Floor. Men's silk shirts in soft cuff styles. Shows in attractive striped patterns in assort QQ 7E ed colors. Special now at POe 4 D 41 K 1 ' i rift Special, showing of men's spring and summer underwear in the ce!e- bated Vassar and Carter's . makes. -Priced now from $1 to $10 the salt f , : l,z- ... .. v ., . V . -1 . .