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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1917)
PROVISIONS How Government Will Raise Money With Which to Defray War Cost Set Forth in Text and Summary; Wide Range of Sources of Income Reached by Provi so sions of the Measure.. Herewith la reproduced In text: and ram H krj tha provisions of tba war reTcau bill w be fur congress. Uertalu changes will b Bcsda la the bill before it in enacted into tew. Fur example i-tutuse In the iucutne wr tax schedule including a 25 per cent Increase on incomes of between f4O,0M and 1.0u0,0u0 and 4& per ceut aurtax on income over 1, 000,000 were approved by tbe buuite iu ite eoniBiitte of tbe wbole Tharndaj. i This pre eotatloa bower elves eacn citlaen a cuui prebeoslTa uixtentaiMllng of tbe abttre of tbe var eutt be will be called upon to uaume. Section 1. That in addition to the normal tax imposed by subdivision (a) of section one ot the act entitled "An act to increase the revenue, 'and lor Other purposes." approved September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, there shall be levied, assessed, col lected, and paid a like normal tax ot two per centum upon the income ot very Individual received in the calen dar year nineteen hundred and seven teen and every calendar year there after. Section 2. That in addition to the additional tax imposed by subdivision id) or section one oi sucn act or Sep tember eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, there shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid a like additional tax upon the income of every individual received in the calendar year nineteen hundred and seventeen and every cal endar year thereafter, as follows: One per centum per annum upon the , amount by which the total net income exceeds (5000 and docs not exceed $7600; Two per centum per annum upon the amount by which the-total net income Mceeda $7500 and does not exceed 110,000; Three per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net in come exceeds SIO.OUO and does not ex ceed HZ, 600; Four per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net income exceeds $12,090 and does not exceed $16,000; Five per centum, per annum upon the amount hv which t.lm total net Income exceeds $16,000 and does not exceed $300007 Six per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net income exceeds $20,000 and doe not exceed 140.000; Kight per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net in ccme exceeds $40,UOO and does not ex ceed $60,000; Kleven per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net in come exceeds $60,000 and docs not ex ceed $80,000; Fourteen per centum per annum Upon the amount by which the total net Income exceeds $80,000 and does not exceed $100,000; Seventeen per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total Bet Income exceeds $100,000 and does not exceed $150,000; Twenty per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net in come exceeds $150,000 and does not exreea xzuv.uuu; Twenty-four per centum per annum upon the amount by which the total net Income exceeds $200,000 and does not exceed $250,000; Twenty-seven per centum per annum t;pon the amount bv which the total net Income exceeds $250,000 and does not exceed $300,000; Thirty per centum per annum upon .the amount by which th total net in come exceeds $300,000 and does not ex ceed $.ri0O,O00; And thirty-three per centum per an num upon the amount by which the total not' Income exceeds $500,000; Exemptions Are Reduced. Section 3. The taxes imposed by eectlons one and two of this act shall be computed, levied, assessed, col lected, and paid upon the same basis and In the name manner as the similar taxes imposed by section one of such act of SoDtpmber eighth, nineteen hun dred and sixteen, except that in the case or the tax imposed Dy section one of this act (a) the exemptions pro vided in section seven of such act of September eighth, nineteen hundred -and sixteen, shall bo, -respectively, $1000 and $2000, instead of $3000 and $4000, and b the returns required under subdivisions b and (c) of sec tion eight of such act shall be required In (hit V wy&t fnrnmpa nf ItOOO Or over, instead of $3000 or over, as therein provided, and (c) the provi- sions requiring the normal tax of in ; dividual to be deducted and withheld : at the sounce of the income shall not apply to the new two per centum nor ; mnl4 tax herein prescrlled until on and after January first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and thereafter shall ap ply onlv to Incomes exceeding $3000 . an provided in title 1 or sucn act 01 : September eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. That in addition to the tax Imposed by section 10 of such act of September 8. 1916. there shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid a like tax of 2 per centum upon the net Income received in the calendar year 1917 and every calendar vear thereafter by every cor poration. Joint stock company or As sociation, or Insurance company sub- - Ject to the tax imposed hy that section, iranl ilial if it has fixed its own fis cal year, the tax Imposed by this sec tion nhall be levied, assessed, collected and paid only on that portion of its In-J the calendar yenr 1917, which the pe riod between January 1. 1917. and the end of such fiscal year bears to the whole of such fiscal year. The tax imposed by this section , fthall be computed, levied, assessed. collected and paid upon the same in comes and in the eame manner as the ta Imposed bv section 10 of such act -of September 8. 1916. War Excess Profit Tax. That In addition to the tax imposed . by title II Of the act entitled "An act v to provide lncreaseu revenue to aeiray the expenses of the increased appro priations for the army and navy and the extensions of fortifications and for Her purposes," approved March 3, 1 17. there shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid alike excess-profit ytax of 8 per cent upon the income re 5,eived in the calendar year 1917 and , every "calendar year thereafter by every corporation. Joint stock company or association, insurance company and partnership. Such tax shall be i com-. ' puted, levied, assessed, collected and fiaid for the same years upon the same ncomes, upon the same basis and in he same manner as the tax Imposed It iv t: title II of such act or March 3, iX,1917. as amended by this act. H lie) CLVV 1. 1 1 1; ' i CAiaiiia Jiak jtjv uicwill by the terms "corporation" and "tax able year," the former Including Joint stock companies or associations and Insurance companies and the latter meaning the 12 months ending Decem ber 31, excepting In the case of it cor poration or partnership allowed to -fix its own fiscal year in which case such' fiscal year is meant. Invested Capital Defined, i I inai mr ine purpose vi mis tine, ac- tual capital invested means, (1) actual A cash paid in. (2) the actual cash value ' of property paid in other than cash. 8AN FRANCISCO HOTELS HOTEL TEOflBT SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, lust off Union tkiiMPa European Ptao $1.50 8 day op ' Braakfut60e Lundr&Oo Din serf 1.00 Most Famous Meals in w United Slatat Kew steal and concrete tractors. Center of theater, cafe and retail , dlftricta, On earllnes transferring all over city. Take Municipal ear line direct to door. Motor Bos meets trains and steamer OF WAR REVENUE BILL What War Keveaue Bill Pro. Tides. . . Increased income tax. Reduction of Income tax exit- cmptlons. Excess profit tax. - Increased tax on liquors and beer. t Tax on soft drinks and mln- I eral waters. Increased tax on tobacco and cigars. Tax on transportation facili- ties. Tax on electric power, tele- phone service and other domes- tic utilities. Tax on telegraph messages. Tax on insurance policies. Tax on certain manufactur- ers Including automobiles, mu sfr sical Instruments, motion plc- ture films. Jewelry, yachts and I He pleasure boats and equipment used in golf, tennis, baseball, football, billiards, fishing and If- other pastimas, perfumes, cos 4t metics, pills, tablets, playing cards, chewing gum, etc. Tax on admission to any place where a charge for admla- sion is made. Tax on club dues. The affixing of internal reve st nue stamps is required on-. wide range of documents and papers. Increased tax on the transfer of estates. Ten per cent increase In all 4t customs duties. A 10 per cent-duty on all ar- tides now on the free list. t( Increase in postal rates. for stock or shares in such corporation or partnership, at the time of such payment, and (3) bald-in or earned surplus and undivided profits used or employed in the business; provided, that the good will, including trade- juaiKs ana naae oranas, or tne rran cnise or a corporation or a partner ship, is not to be included in the ac tual capital invested, unless the cor poration or DartnershiD made Davment therefor specifically as such in cash or tangiDie property, the value of such food will, trademarks, trade brands or ranchise. not to exceed the - actual cash or actual value of the tangible property paid therefor at the time ot such payments. That corporations exempt from tax under the provisions of section 11 of title I of such act of September 8, 1916, and partnership carrying on or doing the same business, shall be ex empt from the provisions- of this title. In the case of professional partner ships, having no substantial capital, the income derived from the profes sional services of the partners shall be exempt from the provisions of this title. Income derived from dividends upon stock or other corporations or partnerships which are subject to the tax imposed by this title, shall be ex empt from the provisions of this title. Tax on and Beer. Extensive provisions are made for the war tax on beverages that Include an additional tax of $1.10 a gallon on distilled spirits and of $1.25 per bar rel on beer. Taxes are levied on soft drinks as follows: That there shall be levied, assessed, uoneciea anu raid: A. Upon all prepared syrups or ex tracts (intended for use in the manu facture or production of beverages, commonly known as soft drinks, by soda fountains, bottling establish ments and other similar places), sold by the manufacturer, producer or Im porter Hhereof, a tax equivalent to 10 per cent of the price for which sold; and : B. Upon all grape Juice, artificial mineral waters and fermented liquors containing less than one-half per centum of alcohol. Bold by the manu facturer, producer or importer thereof In bottles or other closed containers and upon all ginger ale, root beer, sarsaparilla. pop and other carbonated vaters or beverag-es manufactured and sold by the manufacturer, producer or Importer of the carbonic acid gas used in carbonatlng the same, a tax of 2 per cent per gallon: and Mineral and Table Waters. C. Upon all natural mineral waters. table waters, sold by the producer, bottler or importer thereof, in bottles or other closed containers, at more than ten cents per gallon, a tax of one cent per gallon; and i. upon an camonic acia gas in drums or other- containers (Intended for use in the manufacture or produc tion of carbonated water or other drinks), sold by the manufacturer. producer or importer thereof, a tax of eight cents per pound. That each such manufacturer, pro ducer, bottler or importer shall make monthly returns under oath to the collector of internal revenue for the district In which isi located the princi pal place of business, containing such information necessary for the assess ment of the tax. and at such times and in such manner as the commissioner of Internal revenue, with the approval of the secretary of the treasury, may by regulation prescribe. Tobacco and Cigars. The war tax varies from 25 cents per thousand to $5 per thousand on cigars retailing for various prices not to exceed 20 cents each, $7 per thou sand on cigars retailing at not more than 25 cents each and $10 per thou sand on cigars retailing at more than 25 cents each. . A tax of $1.25 per thousand Is placed on cigarettes. On other tobacco and snuff , the existing tax is doubled. The tax on cigarette papers and tubes intended for cigar ettes vanes rrom one-half cent to 2 cents per hundred of papers and tubes. Transportation and Utilities. The provisions taxing facilities fur nished by public utilities, advertising ana insurance read as follows: . That from and after the first day of June. 1917, there shall be levied, as sessed, collected and paid (a) a tax equivalent to i per centum of the amount paid for the transportation by v.. n ui iiruperi oy ireight consigned from one point in the Unit ed States to another; : (b) a tax equivalent to 10 Der centum of th. amount paid for the transportation of property by. .express companies con signed from one point in the United States to another; (c) a tax equivalent to 10 per centum of the amount paid for the transportation of persons by rail or water, within the ITnitrt s.t.. not including the amount paid for com mutation or season tickets for trips leas than 30 miles, or for transporta tion the fare for which does not - ex ceed 25 cents, and a tax pml valont n 10 per centum of the amount paid for, uci ma tma staterooms in parlor cars. -sleeping cars or on vmhIi If a ticket or mileage book used for such transportation or accommoda tion nas Deen purchased before this section takes effect, the tax Imposed by this section shall be collactMl the person presenting the .ticket or mileage book, by the conductor or otner agent, wnen presented for such transportation- or accommodation, and the amount so collected shall be paid to tne unicea states in such manner ano at sucn times as the commission er of Internal revenue, with th n proval of the secretary of the treas ury, may prescribe: (d) a tax equiva lent to 5 per centum of ;the amount paid xor me transportation of oil b Pipe line: (e) a tax equivalent to per -centum of the amount paid for eiecino power xor oomestio use and ot the amount bald for 11 ht or heat. and a tax equivalent to 6, per centum of ithe amount n.M fr,- 1 ice; by subscribing, exclusive of the amounts paid for toll or long distance I wim; proviaea. mat any expense in- 1 curred by any person, corporation, ! juuuni or association, in xurnisn- ing such services or facilities for its own use. shall not be subtest tn thi! tax; 11 ; a tax 01 livje cents upon each I aispatch, message or conversation I . Sl u l ,Kly ricA 8la; K.JLf eXKhan.? witlin thy United r. f leieyuoiie line, which la transmitted over such J.iif:. a wnicn a Charge of 15 centages of its value is hereby lm cents or more is imposed; provided, posed upon the transfer of each net es- !LlL paJ . ..wt ta shall be required, notwithstanding the lines of one or more Dersons. cornara- I lions. partnerships or associations I shan be used for the transmission of 1 sucn oispatcn, message or conversa-1 "M" I v wiMMwo rouaii. I That from And after th first Hsv nf I i2EAlJAJ2i 8a11 ,b levied, as- sessed. collected and paid the follow- rtJ:i T- 1 IV t 1MUMC6ior insurance one and one-haif per centum of the H'? insurance: A tax equiva-1 amount by which such net estate ex lent to eight "cents on each $100 or I ceeds 1150.000 and doea not exceed t ra rT 1 rn n 1 tn a a 1 . 1 .any P"cy r issuance, hf - 'Uf trumer"t. . by whatever name the same is called, whereby any uVZlr V,f5 .u6".1??11 any. fire i h L f that the provisions of thls subdivision shall not apply to any I 11 mcntai. ueneuciary Bociety or or- I Sa rinr8' Purly loyal cooperative . .. " f5i!f . asociatlins operated on the I rny5 a1 cai cooperation plan, J?iea and conducted solely by the KWlVif : . " , lUDivc Denent of its members and not for I . M; . I k u.ri.. . , I i. "u aim 11 juaur- ances. A tax equivalent to one cent I 5fcA dollaL?r f actional part there- ui 01 iiitt uremium cnarren under eacn 1 ., " , . R?2i k J2!?i"ance 0r Iter lnBtru ment, by whatever name the same is called, whereby insurance is made or rtT AUT Ar nfArvAi r.aMn,-n.i 1 in r iY,;i-- -,l' U1 "? ren.t. or Prfits) . , . . i wueiner against peru. oy sea or on JSiL1? "K"tni"8 PAAn...llwk I - I cooperative or mutual insurance com panies or associations carried on by the members thereof solely for the protections of their own property and not for profit shall be exemntei from the tax herein provided, and, provided further, that policies of reinsurance shall be exempt from the tax herein imposed by this paragraph. (c) Casualty insurance: A tax equiv alent to one cent on each dollar or m - i , . - : . . I ohr5 , t,V.1 h v,re0r tftj premium charged under each policy of Insurance or obligation of the nature of lndem- nity for loss, damage, or liability. i- IX K,,Ji- employers' liability, plate glass, steam boiler, burglary, elevator, automatic I sprinkler, automobile or other branch 1 iiriniuer, automoDiie or otner branch of Insurance (except life, personal ac- cident and health insurance and in- surance described and taxed, or ex- empted In the nrecedin? naraemnh and excepting also worklngmen'a com-1 pensation insurance carried on by the members thereof solely for their own vided that Mlirle, of Pr?;til ,r?: shin hi exem frorn th- tiSw? fL1.? ,"e.'Tt-rmti? tax herein Th;rvoJrVl'U:r,1'";n . Mhm Aor-;ir .i,Vrr,'- payment for advrming or advertising BnaOA linnn Whlrh a tAY in Imnncorl h i . r . . " ..Fyvi section ouo, snail witmn the nrst 16 days of each month make a return a - i- ,.ii -jrjr.--zz -c r" I r .v i" . 7 "i""5:. of th district n iw'ih th rVioi t&oy&!$LttS& son. association, partnership or as so- SoOTn 'ruWfohnSn SOT.' me internal revenue with the annroval of the secretary of' the treasurv mlv bv regulation Ascribe treasur' may by regulation rslbe War Tax on Mannfactnraa That there shall be levied, assessed collected and paid (a) upon all auto- moDiies. automobile trucks, automobile wagons and motorcycles, and automo bile, motorcycle or bicycle tires (in cluding inner tuDesl, sold by the man ufacturer, producer or importer, a tax equivalent to 6 per centum of the price for which so sold- Provided that from fhl rRiiv,SiKU?J?Jidl.aLriim nori nnn., a mnn.,fPt,.rr r,Ho, a. v a niviii v.iiui nioc iruuiu or imDorter of antomohllwi' .itnmn bfle trSekc R?tomobll waMn. SrS2l ?X, Lt.f.8'."101110.0."?. wa.?ona,.r.n??; amount of "any tax imposed tlE subdivision upon the tires used there- (b upon all musical instruments sold by, the manufacturer, producer or importer, a tax equivalent to 5 per centum oi tne price ror which so sold: and c) -Lpon all moving picture films ( which have not been exoosed) sold hv the manufacturer or importer a tax equivalent to one-half pf one cent per linear loot; ana (d) Upon all moving picture films and (e) Upon any article commonly or commercially Known as lewelrv whether real or imitation, sold bv the manufacturer, producer or importer thereof, a tax equivalent to K n. nM- centum of the price for which so sold: ana Tacnts ana Pleasure Boats, (f) Upon all yachts, pleasure boats motorboats or other vessels not used or intenaea to oe usei ror trade, sold by the manufacturer, builder or m- nnrtor . ,nnlv.Un K . C . 1 ' Vt Z l" -ii- f,Vle ?e fir, Whl? 80 sold:. an4 (g) Upon all tennis racquets, goir clubs, baseba l bats, lacrosse sticks. balls of all kinds, including baseballs footballs, tennis golf, lacrosse, billiard and pool balls, fishing rods, reels and j - - - - . j " . eames i and narts of cam on. piccnt playing cards, sold by the manufac ' - : mr " turer, producer or importer, a tax equivalent to 5 per cent of the price for which so sold. Sections H. I and J refer to per- and chewing gum. On Admissions and Xros. That from and after first day of June. 1917. there shall be levied, as sessed 1 and collected ana paid a tax equivalent to one cent for each ten cents or fraction thereof of tha .mount paid for admission to any place -to be pald by the person admitted, and a tax of five cents for each admission or each person (except in the case of a bona fide employe) admitted free to anv nlaca for admission to whth . charge is made, to be paid by the per- son so1 admitted. Provided, that the tax on admission of children under 12 years Of age shall in every case be ThtsV "ot .e ;V..,m' ,h,7 fV'.r.'ii;! which is five fcents. No tax shall be levied under this title in resoect to anv admission, oil tne proceeas or wnicn -inure exclusive ly to toe oerreru or religious or chart table Institutions, societies or organ- isations or admissions to agricultural fairs, all the proceeds of which inur exclusively for. agricultural purposes. ine term -aamisston- as used ln this title Includes seats and tables. ESTTE "i"" 'i,uvln!E "m: therefor: vUrB Thut fmm an e h fi-.. An t June. 1917. there shall be levied. DA rl rlTT t r A n a rill Wn n.n.. imoorter for mom than lift a.-h tTA ln such a manner as he may direct all upft planJ Tlayers graphoph'on mf5 VomaUl SCCOnd phonographs, talking machines and rec- ofCLrd, J?I ".fi'u"?- nn-i oia ords used in connection with any muei- ovid(e,iS5Ih5fh cal instrument, piano player, grapho- ?,atteLS1t1 fh. f hP. Vt r,& Phone.' rhonograoh or Ulklne marine an off ce other than that of publica- (containing a picture ready for prolec- for Pi113 ,nne ,r VI wefit tion) aold or leased by the manufac- come of which inures to the bencf t turer producer or imnorter a inr of any private stockholder or tndtvt- equivalent to one c5b Tr 1 taear'f d.a.1. .the CJP-S -P.?!1?? ,:at served, collected and paid a tax equiva- I red-leather, fitted out with tiny el sc lent to ilO per centum of any amount I trie lights and fastened with padlocks paid, as dues or membershio fees (ex-lin. r "Pt Initiation fees) . to any social. athletic: or sporting club or organiza tion; such taxes to be paid by tha per on making such payments. That every person, r corporation or partnership or association' (a) receiv ing any payments for such admissions. dues or fees, shall collect the amount of the tax imposed by section 700 or 701 from the person making such pay ments, or lb) admitting any person free to any place for admission to which a charge is made shall collect the amount of the tax imposed by sec tion 700 from the person so admitted and (c) In either case shall make re turns and payments of the amounts so collected, at the same time and in the same . manner as provided in section 508 of this act. uc" "Ow me proviBitwia ior um now A 1 A, 4"llln wr j&mPs to documents of various kinds, drafts, checks, deeds. etc., ana on piaying caras. 1 nese in teraal revenue Btamps will be on sal at all Dostof flees - , -..t.. XTansier or Estates. xro visions lor additional taxes on the transfer of estates follow: , Section 800. That in addition to the tax imposed by section 201 of the act or. ceptemDer , l<s, .as amended: a. tax equal to the followin ner- tate the transfer of which is taxable under such section, the value of such it.t. h 1 - ... in titio rr r.r ench , t nr sUrrm Ke & 1&I6: One-half of one cer centum of the A TTl nunf tf uurll nor iCfulft licit- in uv. cess Of 550.000 - n v.A . M which such net estate exceeds $50,000 and does not exceed $150,000. - - Two per centum of the amount by which such net estate exceeds $250,000 doea Il0t exceed 8450.000. Two and one-half per centum of the amount by which such net estate ex- Ceeds $450,000 and doea not exceed 91 000 000 Three per centum of the amount by which such net estate exceeds Ji.000, 000 and does not exceed $2,000,000. Three and ne-halt per centum of the amount by which such net estate exceeds J, 000,000 and does not e ni,n nn U.UL'V.UVU. Four per centum of the amount by which such net estate exceeds S3.UU0, nw, ar,A n. nt 1 1 nun Ann Four and one-half per 'centum' o k. v .. : i, .llZ aillUUIH l J HUIL1I Bill II IIC L TT3l.fcWC exceeds $4,000,000 and does not exceed 15 000 000 'mVb ner centum of the amount by - ' - . . - which such net estate exceeds J5.000 000 and does not exceed $8,000,000. Seven cer centum of the amount by cev which such net estate exceed $8,000, VVV Itl and does not exceed $11,000,000. Ten Der centum of the amount by wnich such net estate exceeds n.uuu, 000 and does not exceed $15,000,000 and 15 per centum of the amount by which such net estate exceeds 000.000. A tax equal to the value of 1 per cent of the value or tne net estate no in excess of $25,000 (such value to b determined as provided in title II o I r 1 1" ii I I ui. the act of September 8. 1916, except that the exemption provided in subdl vision A of section '03 of such ac vi.,,n Jt 21 ? "., n nnn , ; ? itVr t net estate of every resident of lthe United States dying arter passage 01 lnl acl- War Customs Duties, As regards customs duties, a 10 per As regards customs duties, a nt wlX valorem dutv in nlacec " VC-L i,V J "tides now on the free list, ur placed on all nder th Lnderwood tarltr. and an increase o 10 per cent in the present tariff schedules is provided. letter and Post Card Bates Tnat the rate of postage on all mail matter of the first class except postal cartls hal, hereater be, ln addition to the existing rate, one cent for each ounce or traction thereof. Postal cards t.mllnjBta vuun-.jiua mnt ir st i n tr la w sh h t ran r r:", Vh " T; u kt on- ? T . . . v v - in addition to tne existing rate. Thafon and after June 1. 1917. the zona system applicable to parcel post oiataPsP3yatndmtaiiemrtttesr ??ti it t-friiw. rales 01 postage I&Lf ron: threo cents a POd or fraction thereof when for delivery within the second or third zone; four cents a d oJ. fraction t hereof when for de- II.. 1 V. : V. "..,,.- . AM . livery Wlllilll xuua ui auiio. live cents a pound or rraction tnereor when for delivery within the sixth or seventh zone: six cents a pound fraction thereof when for delivery within the elsrhth zone. Provided, that the rate or postage on daily newspapers, when the sam deposited in a letter-carrier office for delivery by its carriers, shall be . - i i i i -i -v toe same as now provioeu y. mw. rro vd further, that such copies as are Untitled under existing law to free elrculaUon in the mails within the 1 WhSt" prlVe"' VJtf1 t'potmaste; f w Z" mailed from the office of the place of publication. And, provided further, that ln the case of newspapers and periodicals en- "tied to be entered as second class patter ano maintained Dy and in in interests of religious, educational, philanthropic, agricultural, labor or fraternal organizations not organized tlon thereof. Irrespective of the stone in which delivered, except when the eqttio am denosited in a letter-carrier office for delivery by its carriers, in wnicn case um ram auu w mo oi.m as now provided by law The publlsner or sucn newspapers or periodicals before being entitled to tne foregoing raien Kiitiii luinion lj the postmaster general at such times and under such conditions as he may -" -,h( satisfactory evidence that prcr; .v., ; m f nr,n. I TlOllO OI ll . "v. c -.. ; .. y izations Inures to tne oeneiit or any private stockholder or individual. And. Provided further, that the postmaster Krai on or before the tenth day of fach month shall pay into the general f tn treasury an amount equal iuni" j,V m-wr, tv, ti. I mated amount received uuruiK me i nrpcedine montn ior tne transporta- 1 preceum w " . j io, n i 1 si n r t titki yliiii orLUiiu uiana man matter through the malls under this ti ond the estimated amount which would have been received under the tlroe of the passage of this act. provisions or tne law lia- iorco at mo Paratyphoid Given Interned Germans Atlanta, May 19. The German prls- oners at Fort McPherson ' are being drawn up ln sqoads of 25 dally and with aanvbodermlc Rvrinee con. . , , V? ffcvwTif i-fY taininsr the jJ&raTyphoid injection tht has efficacious in preventing that disease. Those of the 800 recruits at the fort 1 who have been treated havo suffered sMshtly from the temporary illness that accompanies the immuiWxlng pro ceas, but not one of the prisoners ha experienced more than the usual tran I nient effeot i lAOQTC XhriPQ Tf KOTlH YVCCtlo IJiiUGO LU JJCilU. When He Loses Key Indianapolis. Ind.. May 19. -Colonel j H. Worth, lead and xln0 Xing' of I Jopim. mo., arrived at tne tjiaypooi hotel here wearing shoes of black and TTf..w m ,. .v.ntn- h. colonel lost the key to his padlocks -7--. . . " and he had to go to bed with his I shoes on. I tiflTI shall T19T IHH KflmA rSLT ft O.H II I - i enn re one-iia.ii ceiiL et puunu ui iitu;- . J -1 ' : ' ; -, ; 'Zl i - . OFFICERS AND WAR COUNCIL OF AMERICAN RED CRt)SSp ' ' 1 11,1 1 1 - . ! r r 4 (I 0 I) If i h " ; it p y i 14 n 9 htm ' w L- The first meeting of the officers and the newly appointed war council of the American Red Cross was held in .Washington May 12. Left to right, front row VKobert W. DeForest, vice president; Woodrow Wilson, president of the TlM Cross; former l'resldent Wil liam H. Taft, chairman of the executive committee; Elliot Wadsworth, actual executive head of the organization. In tbe back row are Henry P. Davison, chairman of the war council; Grayson P. Murphy, Charles D. Norton and Edward X. Hurley, all members ot the war council. Cornelius N. Bliss Jr., .the only other member of the council, is not present. j 1 TEXT OF 'ARMY BILL Provisions pf Measure Authorizing President to Increase Temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States, Herewith la presented tbe text of the army bill a few of the lea eaaentlal proTlsiona ex opted as apreed to la confererK". Certain amendment were made prior to tbe pascare of tbe measure, including tbe authorisation of four divisions of votunterr Infantry (the Roose velt army) and further increase ln tha pay of enlisted men. A2f ACT To Authorise the President to Increase Temporarily tha Military Tatablish ment of th United States."1 Be It enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assem bled, that in view of the existing emergency, which demands tho rais ins of troops in addition to those now available, the president be, and he is hereby, authorized: Section 1. First Immediately to raise, organize, officer and equip all or such number of increments of the regular army provided by the national defense act approved June 3, 1916, or ciirh nartn thereof as he may deem necessary; to raise all organizations of the regular army, including those added by such increments, to the max imum enlisted strength authorized by law. Romnri To .irft into the military service of the United States, orgaotfe. and officer, in accordance with tfie provisions of section one hundred and cloven of said national deiense act. so far as the provisions of said sec tion may re appucaoie ana not incon sistent with the terms of-this act. any or all members of the national guard and of the national guard reserves, and said members so drafted into the military service or tne unitea Mairs ili joT-ve therein for the period of the existing emergency unless sooner discharged. Draft Jm Authorized. Third Tn rTs hv draft as herein provided, organize and equip an addi tional force of 600,000 enlisted men, or such part or parts thereof as he may at any time deem necessary, and to provide the necessary ofiiccrs, line and staff, for said force. , Evmh Tha resident is further authorized, in his discretion and at such time as he may determine, to raise and begin the training of an additional force of 500.000 men. organ ized, officered ana equipped, as pro vided for the force first mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this sec- tl0Flfth To raise hv draft, organize, equip and officer, as provided, in the third paragraph of this stction, in addition to and for each of the above forces, such recruit training units as he mav deem necessary for the main tenance of such forces at the maxi mum strength. nirth Tn raise, oreanlze. officer and maintain during, the emergency such number of ammunition batteries nnri hattalions. derot battel les and battalions, and aych artillerv parks. with such numbers ana graaes oi per sonnel as he may deem necessary. Inability to tha Draft. Sec. 2. That the enlisted men re quired to raise and maintain the or ganizations of the regular army and to complete and maintain the organiza tions embodying the members of the national guard drafted into the service of the United States, at the maximum leeal streneth as by this act provided. shall be raised by voluntary enlist ment, or if and whenever the president decides that they cannot effectually be so raised or maintained, then by selective draft; and all other forces hereby authorised shall be raised and maintained by selective draft ex clusively. Such draft as herein pro vided shall be based upon liability to military service pf all male citizens, or male persons not alien enemies who have declared their Intention to become citizens, between the ages of 21 and 30 years, both Inclusive, and shall take place and be maintained under such regulations as the president may pre scribe not Inconsistent with the terms of this act. Quotas for the several states, terri tories, and the District of Columbia, or subdivisions thereof, shall be deter mined In- proportion i to the population thereof, and credit shall be given to any state, territory, district, or subdi vision thereof, for tho number of men who were in the military service of the United States as members of the national guard on April 1. 1917. or who have since said date entered the military service of the United States from avnv such state, territory, district. or subdivision, either as members of the regular army jor the- national l nilM .1 . 1 . r ruard - . . Conditions ot Service. All persons -drafted Into the service of tbe United Statesi and all officers accepting commissions in the forces herein provided for shall, from the date of said draft or acceptance, be subject to the laws and regulations governing the regular army, except as to promotions, so far as such laws and regulation!! are applicable to person wuuse periu&jiuui reieuiiuu iu vac nun tary service on the active or retired i Jlst Is not contemplated by existing law. and those drafted shall be re quired to serve for the period of the existing emergency unless sooner dis charged. Sec. S. No bounty shall ibe paid to induce any person to enlist ln thj military service of the United States; and no person liable to military serv ice shall hereafter be permitted or al lowed to furnish a substitute for such service; nor shall any substitute be received, enlisted, or enrolled ln the military service of the United States: and no such person shall be permittel to escape su-h Bervice or to be dis charged therefrom prior to the expira tion of his term of service by the pay ment of money or any other valuable thing whatsoever an consideration for his release from military service or liability thereto. Exempted Vvom Draft. Sec 4. That the vice president of the United States, the officers, legisla tive, executive, an.i Judicial, of tho United States and of the several states, territories, and the District of Colum bia, regular or duly ordained ministers of religion, students who at the time of the approval of thia act are pre paring for the ministry ln recognized ineoiogicai or divinity schools, and ail persons ln the military and naval serv taa of the United States shall be ex empt from the selective draft herein prescribed; and nothing in this act contained shall be construed torequire or compel any person to serve in any of the forces herein provided for w.-io is found to be a member of any well recognized religious sect or organize tion at present organized and existing and whose existing cred or principles forbid its members to participate in war ln any form and whose religious convictions are acainst war or partici pation therein in accordance with the crcea or principles of said religious organizations, but no person so exempt shall be exemoted from servicn In anv capacity that the president shall de clare to be noncombatant: and the president is nereby authorized to. ex clude or- discharge from said selective draft and from the draft under the second paragraph of section one hereof. or to draft for partial military service only from those liable to draft as ln this act provided, persons of the fol lowing; classes;- Countv and munlrlnal officials; customhouse clerks; person employed by the United States In- the transmission of the malls: artificers and workmen employed ln the armor ies, arsenals ana navy yards of the United States, and such other persons employed in the service of the IJnitd States as the- president may designate; pilots; marines actually employed in tne sea service of any citizen or mer chant within the United States; per sons engaged in industries. Including agriculture, found to bo necessary to the maintenance of the military estab lishment or the effective operation of the military forces or the maintenance of national .interest during the emerg ency; those ln a status with respect to Dersons deuetident upon them for sud- port which renders their exclusion or discharge advisable; and those found to be bhyslcally or morally deficient No exception or exclusion shall con tinue when a cause therefor no longer exists: provided, that notwithstanding the exemptions -enumerated herein, each state, territory and the District of Columbia shall be required to supply its quota in the proportion that its population bears to the total popula tion of the United States BerfstratlOA Boards Authorized. The president Is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to create and estab lish throughout tho several states and subdivisions thereof and in the terri tories and the District of Columbia local boards, and where, in his discre tion, practicable and desirable, there shall be created and established one such local board in each county or similar suoaivision m eacn state, an 3 one fox approximately each SO.OOd of population in each eltv-of 30,000 pop ulation or over, according to the last census taken or estimate furnished by tne oureau or. census oi tne aepart ment of commerce. Such boards shall be appointed by the president, and shall consist-' of three or more members.- none of whom shall be connected, with the . military establishment.! to I bo Chosen .from among the local authorities of su lh subdivisions or from other citizens re siding in the subdivision or area, in which the respective boards will have jurisdiction under the rules and regu lations prescribed by the president. Such boards shall have power within their respective Jurisdictions to hear and determine, mi Meet to review as hereinafter provided, all questions of exemption under tbis act. The president is hereby authorised to establish additional boards, one in each federal Judicial district of the United Istates. consisting of such num ber of citizens, not connected with the military establishment, as the president may determine, who shall be appointed by the president. The pres ident is hereby authorised, in his dls- , cretion, to establish more than one such board in any federal Judicial dls- trict or tne urutea tytates, or to es- tabllsh one such board having Juris diction of ah area extending into more than one federal Judicial district.- Such district boards shall review on appeal and affirm, modify, or reverse any decision of any local board having jurisdiction ln the area in wnicn any uch district board has jurisdiction under the rules and regulations pre scribed by the president. The decisions of such district boards shall be final except that, in accord ance with such rules and regulations as the president may prescribe, he may affirm, modify or reverse any such de cision. Provisions for Seflstrattoa. Sec 6. That all male persons be tween the ages of 21 and 80. both In clusive, shall be subject to registra tion in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the president; and upon proclamation by the president or other public notice gliw-n by him or by his direction stating the time and place of such registration it shall be tne duty of all persons of the designated ages, except oiiicers ana cnustea men of the regular army, the navy, and the national guard and naval militia while in the service of the United States, to present themselves for and submit to registration under the provisions of this act; and every such person shall be deemed to have notice of the re quirements of this act upon the pub lication of said proclamation or other notice aa aroresaid given ny tne pres ident or by his direction; and any poi son who shall willfully fail or refuge to present himself for registration or to submit thereto as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction in tne aisirici court of the United States having Ju risdiction thereof, be punished by im prisonment for not more than one year, and shall thereupon be duly registered. . m Persons shall be subject to registra tion an herein provided who shall 4iave attained their twenty-first birthday and who shall not have attained their thlrtV-flrst birthday on or before trie day set for the registration, and all persons no registered shall be and re main subject to draft Into the forces hereby authorized, unless exempted or excused therefrom as ln this act pro vided: Provided further, 4hat in tha case of temporary absence from actual place of legal residence of any person liable to registration as provided here in such registration may be made by mail under regulations to be prescribed by the president. Sec. . That the president Is hereby authorized to utilize the service of a-nv or ail departments and any- or ell officers or agents of the United States and of the aeveral states, territories, and the District of Columbia, and sub divisions thereof, ln the execution of this act. Qualifications for Tolnnteara. Sec 7. That the Qualifications and conditions for voluntary enlistment as herein provided shall be tbe -eame aa those prescribed by existing law ior enlistments in the regular army, ex cept that recruits must be between th age. of eighteen and fortv yeara. both inclusive. at the time of their - : ; - SsiSSSB -3'i!m. v-r. I j , enlistment; and such enlistments shall be for the period of the emergency . unlers sooner discharged. j All enlistments. Including1 those In -the regular army reserve, which are in force on the date of the approva.1 of this act add which would terminate during the emergency shall continue' In force during the emergency antes -sooner. discharged; but nothing herein " contained shall be construed to shorten the period of any existing enlistment. All persons enlisted or drafted nn .. der any of the provisions of this act v shall as far as practicable b. grouped -Into unita by states and the political subdivisions of the same. i All persons who have enlisted elnci' . April first, nineteen hundred land sev enteen, either In the regular) army f in the national guard, and all person who have enlisted In the i national guard since June third, nineteen hun -dred and sixteen, upon their epplica tion. shall be discharged upon the ter mination of the exiting emergency. Vay of Enlisted Man. ' Sec. 10. Thst all officers L and en listed men of the forces herein pro vided for otber than tlx; regillar army . shall be in all respect, on the same footing as to pay, allowances, and -pensions as officers rid enlisted men of corresponding grades and length of ? service In the regular slrrhy; and cem menclng June one, nineteen i huadred - T nnd feventeen. and continuing- until the termination of the ; emergency, all enlisted men of the army of the United States in active service whose -base pay does not exceed j$21 rr month shall receive an increase of $11 per month; those whose base pay 9 $24. an Increase of .$", peri month: those whose base pav Is lIQj IIS, or 140. an Increase of $ per month; and those whose base pay la $45 or "more, . an increase of $5 per month.! -- - - X4qor X Prohibited.! ' Pee. 12. That the president of the United States, as commander 'In chief -of the army. Is authorized to make: such regulations governing the prohl.. bltlon of alcoholic liquors In :or near , military ramps and to the officers and -en Us ted men of the army as he may from time to time deem necessary ox ' advisable. j See. 13. That the secretary! of . war -4 In hereby authorized, empowered, and ' directed during the present iwar - to " do everything bv Mm deeraed neces--sry to suppress and prevent tfce keep l.ig or setting up or nouses or in rame. brothels. Or bawdy houses within such distance as he may defm needful of any military camp, station, fort. post. cantonment, training, or mobilization place. i . Sec 14. That all laws, and parta of laws In conflict with the provisions-, of thia act are hereby suspended dur , lng the period of this emergency. fj" j ! -- T OorTnorg Mansion to Wait," r Columbus, Ohio, May 1. Bulldlnir of a fovernofB mansion here' . haw been postponed for a. year at least to leave all state fund ; end energies available for war nee, j . . . Stop Picketing;: ..." " i Vj ' I V- Help Shipbuilding Vote X 110 Yes FaU edvertlsomeat. A. a CJU. 601 . XerUray tx.; Portlaad, Oregast 3 .- Nortonia Hotel llthOff Waahinf ton St. Those little details of ser- -vice and courtesy so much . appreciated by every trav eler, i Special rites to perma nent guests. ! Unexcelled table d'hote meals. . EUROPEAN AND . AMERICAN PLAN ' - , i t