Jar WASCO COUNTY WILL !E T WARf mi UNO I RAPID CAMPAIGN Committee to Solicit Money ' for Purpose of Aiding Na tional Home Movement. BIG RALLIES SCHEDULED Zftcb Community to Bi Xepreaented In General Organization to Promote Welfare of Soldier in Service. The Dalles, Or.. May 14. The com mittee appointed for Wasco county to raise- this county's Khar of the $3,- 000,000 to provide Y. M. C. A. units for the troops- In camp or at the front. has gone vigorously to work. The state committee has asked lor $100 for each 1000 of population in the ctfunty. The Wasco cqmmittee has added another feature by which the county of 'Wasco will raise an add! tlonal amount, which, artr the ap portioned $1600 has been sent to Port land, will be kept In the county. The secretaries of the Y. M. C. A. at the front or In camps will be re quested to forward any information of special need on. the part of any Wasco county soldier, and the county com mittee will have the fund In hand to respond instantly, that any boy from this county may have the best caxa possible. A few days ago members of tTre com mittee, accompanied by other citizen. including mllltla officers who are sta tioned here, attended rallies at Dutfor and Moster. At both places the people were out to lear.-i what "the people at home can do to help the boys at the front' As soon as the .purpose of the Y. M. C. A. was explained, each com munity selected a committee of tTro and went to worlt to get the cash. At Dufur The Dalles committee told "there will probably bo onlv few out; the notice was short and the men ar busy.'' This was the feeling at all the places. But the Dufur school band came out, and The Dalles people bad to hastily rearrange the remarks they had prepared to make to a- small committee to suit an audience that looked like at least half the population or Dufur. Dufur has raised over 900 to date. The local committee visited and or ganized finance collection committees at Tygh Valley, Wamlc, Waplnltla, Maupin, Antelope and Shanlko. The Dalles has subscribed several hundred dollars and the committee is working io Dring this amount up to the J1000 marK. Boy Becomes Navy Cadet. The Dalles. Or., May 14. Alfred Bay Jey, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bay- ley, nas been informed he passed en tranco examinations to the United States naval academy at Annapolis. Young Bayley, who enlisted in the na val training corps a year ago, has been jstaLioned at a Colorado training sta tion. He will1 leave at once for An napolis. kick the dog; as he did mo Dalrymple, who had picked tip rock, threw It at ms opponent ana nit him In the neck, which was broken, causing almost In stant death. Dalrymple was sentenced to a year in the penitentiary, but was pardoned before he commenced serv ing time. Members of Cabinet Two Tie for Low Net Score on Local Links Rudolph Wilhelm and C. 1. Samp son tied for low net honors In the ball sweepstakes tournament on thecourse of the Portland Golf club Sunday, each making a 74 net score. Wllhelm'a fM iT t i gross was 77 ana Sampson's vs. ue- Give Sons to Nation x sHwee;,takiweathr " I Th results: rrrm ax jrreuaenvi oxnciai runur Contribute Beren Boys to Kelp Zlfht Battles of Stars ud Stripes, Washington, May 14. (I. N, S.) Five members ot President Wilson's cabinet are to contribute seven cons to the various arms of the nation's service In the war with Germany. William B. Wilson, secretary of labor" Is making the biggest sacrifice. Three of his sons are going. The cabinet members and their sons follow: William B. Wilson, secretary of labor William B. Wilson Jr- field artillery of the regular army; James Wilson, troop A, First cavalry; Joseph B. Wilson, candidate for officers' re serve corps. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane Jr., army aviator. JosephtJs Daniels, secretary of the navy Joeephus Daniels Jr training for the marine corps. David Franklin Houston, secretary of agriculture David Franklin Houston Jr., about to enlist In the navy. William C. edfield, secretary of coraraeroe Humphrey Redfield, en rolled naval reserve as member mo squito fleet. . Bandl- ' Orosa. cap. N't. Rudolph Wllbehn ........... 77 3 74 C. N. Sampson ............ 99 24 74 J. H. Lambert ; M 13 75 O. K. McCnlloph P8 23 75 C. F. Orekaddea 87 11 74 A. G. Ml 11a 96 18 78 Rnocoe Fawcett . 7 8 79 William Ootollt 9 79 George WanJibum BS IS SO !c. B. Osborne 104 24 80 Ir, J. IB Tattle 91 .11 PO Hugh Oarin M 14 W) O. M. Bdjiefer 101 18 83 R. r. MoogM 106 23 83 H. L. KrxlM 98 15 83 P. L. Blahap 107 24 83 W. D. Stt 108 17 8 E. R. EWrldgo .- 100 20 89 Pairings in Tennis Doubles Announced ' Only one match was played Sunday In the spring handicap tennis tourna ment of the Multnomah club, Stacey Hamilton winning from Dr. R. J. Cblpman. 6-4, 6-2. Chairman Norris announced the fol lowing pairings of the doubles matches, which will be started during this week: James F. Swing and McConnao Snow vs. Dr. J. R. Bilderback and Dr. R. J. Chipman; J. H. Mackle and F. E. Harrlgan vs. A. T. W. Kerr and W. F. Wheeler; H. M. Stevens and P. W. Lewis vs. C Shannon and A. D. Wake man; H. R. Failing and I. Ia. Webster vs. M. B. Crumpacker and Paul Lusk; W. A. Gobs and Alma D. Kats vs. Bartlett Cole and O. O. Jones; A, B. McAlpln and F. B, Cook vs. P. W. Cookingh&m and F. R. Winch; Ml C. Frohman and W. C. Howe vs. W. O. Bailey and Del MaJlett; A. 6. Froh man and F. C Smith vs. winners. MINOR BASEBALL Best Spellers Are Named. The Dalles. Or.. May, 14. Winners In an old-fashioned spelling contest which was held at the high school auditorium Friday are Melva Butler, who won the gift of $2.50 for the sev enth and eighth grade division, and Leona Hoste tier, who was awarded the prize of $2.50 for the fifth and sixth grade division. Charles J. Pease Dead. The Dalles. Or., May 14. A. message has been received here announcing the rtea-th of Charles J. Pease, which oc curred in Han Francisco. Mrs. TQise Is a daughter of Mrs. D. M. French, a prominent loral resident. Divorce Petition Is Filed. The Dalles. Or., May 14. Florence 13. Andeison has petitioned for a di vorce from Harry L,. Anderson, charg ing "cruel and Inhuman treatment." The Andors. na were married in Port land in 1910. Dalles Policeman Shot Three Times Drunken Man rires Ttv Times at Charles MciLanej Wounds Will Mot Prove ratal; Assailant Has Slecord. The, Dalles, Or., May 14. "Watch me get him," said Alec Dalrymple to a friend after calling him from the street to the entrance of the Crescent rooming house at 11 o'clock Saturday night. Dalrymple then stepped on the sidewalk and fired five snots in rapid succession at Charles McLane, night policeman. Three shots caused wounds about the legs of the officer. He is in a hospital and will recover. Dalrymple, who was Intoxicated, Is In jail. Dalrynfple was convlcjed , in the Wasco county circuit court, Novem ber 19, 1908, on a charge of man slaughter. Following an argument at a local shotatihg gallery with Lee Putnam of KUckltat county, Washing ton, on June 12, 1908, Dalrymple knocked Putnam down in the street: a dog barked at Putnam's heels as he got to his fet; he turned around to The northwest Eiecrno company team of the Commercial league da feated the O-W. R. & N. team Satur day, 5 to 1. The Crane team Is leading the league with three victories and no defeats. "Red" Rupert's Baby Beayers de feated the Hills bo ro team Sunday by the score of 8 to J, Score: R. H. E. Beavers - . . . 8 IS 1 Hlllsboro 1 3 4 Batteries Goddard and McBrlde; Fitzgerald and Williams. a aa Raymond, Wash.. May 14. Oreat pitching by Carlson, who allowed but two hits and struck out 19 batsmen, enabled Raymond to defeat South Bend in the opening game of the season. 3 to 2. aj Sk The Capitol Hill team defeated the Newsboys Sunday, 10 to 7. Six runs in the fourth frame off Sloan gar th Hill team the game. . The Armco team defeated the Hi bernians Sunday at Arleta by the score of 7 to 3. Goldstone and Marino of the winners made home runs. The Flelschner, Mayer & Oo. team fell before the Lang & Co. team Sun day on the Peninsula grounds, by the score of 6 to 2. Fraternal Xieagoe Standing, Team Won. Lose Maccabees 1 Webfoot Camp 1 K. and L. of a 1 I. O. a F. 0 Portland Moose -, 0 St. Johns Moose. 0 The Fraternal Baseball league was opened yesterday with the Maccabees defeating the St. Johns Moose at the St. Johns grounds by the score of 10 to 3. Batteries Maccabees. Hoss and Garrett; St. Johns Moose. Larsen and Peters. The Knight's and Ladies of Security defeated the Portland Moos at Colum bia park 10 t 2. Tn feature of the game was the striking out of 12 of the Moose by Kxause Batteries K. and I of S., Krauso and Tucker; Moose, Saub and Miller. Webfoot Camp. W. O. W., defeated the 1. O. O. F. team at Sellwood 14 to 0. The features of the game were the pitching of Fedlck, the W. O. W. pitcher, who pitched a no-hit no-run game, and the heavy hitting of Chaplir and Daniels. Batteries W. O. W., Fedlck and Chapln; I. O. O. F Weller and Miller. Pet 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 .000 Wilhelm advanced to first place In class A of the perpetual ranking tour ney, winning from William Gotelll. Prior to losing, to Wilhelm, Gotelll defended his position against Roscoe Fawcett. Gotelll beat Fawcett, 2 up, but laying two .stymies. Dr. W. I. Northup advanced to a 16 position by winning from Dr. T. W. Watts. Following are the rankings of the women players In the perpetual tour ney: Mrs. James Nlcol, Miss Agnes Watts. Mrs. F. J. Raley, Miss EIa Koerber, Mrs. R. R. Warinner, Miss Marion Brodie, Mrs. J. D. Mackis and Mrs. Charles Canada. C. B. Lynn has been selected as one of the members of. the team which will play on the Eugene Country club course May 27. Tacoma Gets Pitcher Mclror. Taooma, Wash.. May 13. Manager reaiy Raymond of the local North western league club has traded Pitcher Alexander and Outfielder Bankhead tor the Seattle club for Pitcher Mclvor. Leonard to Meet Welsh. New York, May 14. (TJ. P.) Benny Leonard will get his third crack at Freddie Welsh's championship title here the night of May 28. WHY Does Your Head Ache? Headaches, sick or other kinds, don't happen to people whose livers are busy and whose bowel are as regular as a dock. Thousands of folks who used ty have headaches say this is the way they removed the cause: One pul at bedtime, regu larly. Largerdose if there's a Suspicion of biliousness or constipation. OUTERS Ctrmhtm bmrm Wgnrntut Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. CARTER'S IRON PILLS will help this condition. Simpson Breaks Record. Lawrence, Kan., May 14. (I. N. S.) Running for the first time for a record on a circular track. Bob Simp son, world's champion hurdler, clipped two-fifth3 of a second off the time of the 220 yard low hurdles In the Missouri-Kansas meet Saturday. His time was 24 2-6 seconds Ithe boss and HIS SUPERINTENDEHT. ) v THERE ISN'T A.Nt TOBACCO THAT .HAS THE SATISryiN nw kATiNQ QUALITIES r ' or W-B CUT chewing: h VE-S SIR! I KNOW IT-SEVERAL OF OUR MEN HAVE CHANGED FROW OROINAR-y JUU KB KISHTH-7 TOBACCO. I I THERE'S us rriuch differenco between tobaccos as there is between sugar canes the more sap there is in the leaf to start with, the longer it takes before the last drop of goodness is used up. W-B CUT is shred ded; so that the tatisfaction, stored in the rich, sappy tobacco, comes along easy, without so much chewing, when you chew W-13 CUT, you are chewing tobacco. Had. t, wmUN-Bt Slept tight cU mgitt! " on the HcrthBoiik jimiei Also, the only til daylight trainInland Empire Express. No Service Better to SPOKANE and EAST CENTRAL OREGON Standard and Tourist Sleepers to Bend. Ticket Office 5th and Stark. Brdwy 920, A-6671. 0 1 5th and Stark. Kll I 1 Brdwy 920, A-6671. ! i' a ilk a. m Universal Service of United States Tires Common sense proves that no one type of tire can give supreme results on all types of cars, any more than one size of uniform will fit every soldier In the army. That is why the United State Tire Company produces five llfferent. dis tinct types of tires, one for every need of price and use, the 'Royal Cord, the 'Nobby Tread, the 'Chain' Treadt the 'Vico Tread and the 'Plain' Tread. M One of the five is exactly the tire to give you the lowest possible cost per mile. The United States Royal Cord' Tire the Monarch of All Cord Tires The 'Royal Cord' is Incomparably the cord tire of supreme resiliency and elasticity, of endurance and toughness, of low mileage cost, of anti-skid service, of beauty and distinction. It is built on scientific principles which are m complete accord with the laws of nature and the facts of experience. So nearly perfect is the service which 'Royal Cordaf are giving that the de (mand for them is straining our factories to their capacity. We assert not merely with confidence, but with absolute knowledge, that the ' Royal Cord is the supreme type of cord tire construction and service. The 'Nobby' Tread the Aristocrat of the Road The Nobby. Tread is the acknowledged master of woven fabric tires in general anti-skid and mileage-giving qualities. N It is not anywhere nearly approachable by any other tire made in all ox those qualities of tire service which you and every motorist demand. Look at the long and honorable record of the Nobby Tread you will find that It corresponds with these facts about the tire: that it is the supreme antiskid an examination of the remarkable tread design makes that evident; that it gives a low mileage cost that has put the 'Nobby uf a class apart; that its amazing sales increases are a daily demonstration of the amount of "make-good" which is packed into the construction of the 'Nobby' , It is the one woven fabric tire which has neither peer nor superior. Then there are the 'Chain,' the 'Uscb,' and the 'Plain' Treads Each of these three, as with the Nobby, and the Royal Cord serves a particular purpose of its own. Each of the three stands for the most that can be got out of a tire of it particular uses. Service is crowded into their design and structure just as In the 'Royal Cord and the Nobby Tread. v ' Each was designed to do a' certain thing and to'do that thing superlatively well, While a versatile' man is no doubt very admirable; the specialist is the man ,to depend on. Each of the five United States Tires is a specialist In Its service. Get the United States Tire designed specially to suit your needs, and you are bound to obtain the absolute xnaximum of service. Any United States Tire Sales and Service Depot is competent to advise you as to which one of the five is yours. ... And, depend upon it, when the dealer gives you the advice, he does so be cause he knows. because, being an expert and wanting to give you and us the best possible service, he will see to it that he makes no mistake. ' Proof of the Universal Service of United States Tires The proof of everything lies in results. United States Tires are giving satisfactory results to the automobile owners i who use them. And the automobile owners who once use United States Tires are continuing to use them, and, because their low tire-maintenance cost becomes known, other automobile owners in vast numbers are becoming United States lire users. All of which is summed up in this big fact, , the tremendous and amazing sales increases of United States Tires. Motorists buy, and continue to buy, in ever increasing numbers only be cause United States Tires give better service than can be obtained elsewhere. 'Nobby9 'Chain' 'Royal Cord 'Usco & 'Plain "Li- i id i i wsna it i rm United State Are Good United States TUBES and TIRE ACCESSORJES Have All the Sterling Worth and Wear that Make United States Tires Supreme site; BK.il e A 7ire for " ' Pi p M,W of Price hp n Mi Jh V !! . andVte t m i mm IT S Lii i.ra