THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917; 6 KOU an make big money selling our gaslflers for automobiles. Cars go 100 miles for &0t:. Guaranteed. Leiet Oasifier Sales Co.. 711 Clinton St., Portland. Or. We have a selling snap for well dressed live-wire agents; better in vestigate immediately. Harper and Brothers Pub. 623 Lum. Ex. Mdgr, SITUATIONS MALE YOUNG man, 26 years old. College edu cation, wants a bummer job; 6 year experience in clerical, stenographic and minor administrative work. Good hab its and highest references. Will do ything and go anywhere. Address. HX-865, Journal. CALL iiAST B046. For exnert ntcker of nlanna fur niture., pictures, crockery, china and 12X P-EP TIT NTTiri cr7 v... .,li,omon would like to travel in Montana, on I Idaho. Salary and expenses. 990 East urant. PAlNTINf; nanortne-t inline fTTTr 1 AVJ', papering, linilng, Ill!t class, reasonable. 361 Yamhill st. ana concrete garages. vv oodiawn I 22.78. WANTED Wood to cut by cord, or stumpage, house and garden. W-299. J6urnal. WANTED A situation as caretaker or nightwatch. Address Z-974, Jour- rial. A GOOD general shiDDing clerk, candv line pr-grerrea: employed at present. I Y-350, Journal. W AN TED Juilior work in int. hnuse by yonnir and Blnarla iiujl Marks. 1 Main 63C1. SHORT Job work of all kinds. Marks, Main t;jtii. i WANTED AGENTS PAPERHANGING, inside painting and $10 7 room house, bath, good condl tlntlng. Tabor 5258. tion; walking distance. 634 E. Sal- BUIIJJINO. job work, painting for cash or trad C-l 50S. PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging. Phone evenings. Woodlawn 3265. WANTED Lois to plow. Also acres. Phone E. Z719. M r. Sele y PAINTING, paprhanging and tinting. Good work. Cheap. Tabor 4367. MAN wants garden work. C-2474. '' n i Mara fc;. 171. SITUATIONS FEMAIE WANTED by good cook and house keeper, position in widower's homo. good location. Phone Woodlawn 3788. YOUNG woman wants anv kind of work from 9 to 3 week days. $4 yvr weeK. v-aat, journal. LACE crtains laundered 14 vears' ex- perience. Mrs. Scott, Tabor 5938. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator i wants- position. Call IJ-1026. 1 WORK of any kind by hour. Sell. 668. WOMAN wants work. Mar. 3672. DRESSMAKING 40 THE DRKSS MAKER Instructions and help, two weeks for $5. 213 West Park. Ma in. 6827. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.50 por oay; .rererences. woooiawn azi7. NURSES 60 PRACTICAL nurse, best of references. Confinements preferred. East 3663 FURNISHED ROOMS 9 6th and UnTCTI UOVTwy. 230S. Hoyt sts. I IU I lU I IU I I A-6681. Fireproof. Strictly modern. New'.y decorated. 75c to $2.00. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. Strictly Modern. Under New Manag'nt. 12th and Stark sts. Broadway 3822. RYAN Hotel Annex. 2ti9, 5th; bric.K, hot, cold water every room: steam heat; transient. Opp. City Hall. Main Hi it). HOTEL OCKLBY. Morrison at 10th. tS-.h?1? inS -1-KATES Ktto rlatv ur, weeklv tl tin. in Hawthorne dist.. 32d and Ev Riinning water. Free phones and bat'i. kam MAiicn hiiti.'!. MfincHM rjvis BAitis fHuriKs. and up. 42 2H"VASTl heat, running water. 385 3d st FURNISHED ROOMS PSrVATE FAMILY r-n. i '"I NEAT front sleeping room, close in, Jf-at. phone, bath. 21 N. 11th st. 2 NICKLY furnished: gas, bath. $10 per mo. 5 H 6 jres t y grove st. tICE clean furnished rooms and sleep lng pon-h. 444 Yamhill st. ROOMS AND HOARD 15 ROOM and loard for business girlc, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, $3.50 week. 12 K. 7th St. E. 4732 THE MANITOU. 'J 61 13th Homelike. steam neat; good hoard reas. M. 26 ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY WANTED 2 or 3 children to board; best of care, near school; plenty room ano rruit. T-3B0. Journal. ROOM arid gnoj board in private fam lly 629 K. Ankeny. E. 2686. AVAOTEU--0 THREE lively boys, 2 to 6, and work lng mother, want board and good care in countryiike home. Tel. C-1008. i Hri'i,,Kii'P,Trxrt itrtrtfa o HUL StilV,,! 1AU KOO.nS 8 riraiasHxs awd Tjwrxra kissed tlflUTT A VIVO UUAT'TllTT'T QIHtML .1 v"'""TWOTiTr o 9 i j ern. everything first class. $15 month: 4 blocks Laurelhurst Park; coolest, cleanest place on earth. Dennison apts.. atn ana rteimont, sunnyside car. $2.75 WEEK UP Completely fur - nished 11. K. rooms, absolutely clean. hot water and bath, free at all hours, large Day window suite. $3.5; also also lodging rooms, $2 week up. Desirable people only. Save car fare. THE CADILLAC. 3d near Jefferson NEWLY furnished housekeeping apart ments JS and up. Electric lights, gaa and telephone. Near shipyards. 2 GranJ ave.. cor. i?. Anneny. COMPLETELY furnished S room api.; sunny; large yard; centrally located. 6B9 Kverett. CLEAN, quiet, respectable housekeen- lng rooms. Marr Apts.. 380 Mor- neon St.. opposite oios r King. SUITES AND SINGLE H. K Reasonable Use of piano. "Roy- crest." its iztn. , Hq-vi An" Free bath, hot, cold wator jt,ni ntto. j week uf. 401 1st st NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, $7 per montn. S3 west I'arK st. SINGLE H. K. rooms, kitchenette, free phone and close in. 514 Everett. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 T I rU ft MIS ICED AND U API) AHilSaXD yitrVATE rAMTLY $1 75 AND up" comfortable rooms com- rtrtXKK uffi plete for housekeeping; use of piano. 170 13th st. 'laS? FUBMSHElAND UNFURNISHED 'sory tU $1.50 WKKK up, c-lesn. warm! modern 11 u'rapts" SULMER RESORTS 50 ySehSidgcar" an? h?ll Man! ..f"r- rm.n:-..cenIral- The King. 309 Jef. roomfur. and unfuapts., ufactured and installed at Portland i n a h w i niici 11 ' m - l a v . a w: i-. i n w w lm r m mm u ri l am. .- i ri m a ah. i M r m snnn r f r i s t m i . w. . . . f.,i n Main n - , FOUR nicely furnished H. K. rooms, ? tro?mR ntUJ'teld m&eJ"t a?art walking distance. $3.75 or $14 month. ,nReJl$Ji?Z- 4 Uora $26 6th st. 10th and Vashington. Broadway 19. DANDY light H. K. rooms, close in. $1.50 per week and up. Broadway za9. inn st. is. TWO large well furnished H. K. rooms. walking distance. $14. 308 College Ft. main soiu. miRNlaHED W K" mnnu for nt Christian Science preferred. Main t'".1:.,. . MUuac.R.r,r.ruxu, ngie rooms, 71 month; f ree bath and phone. 45o1 xamnui. oetween in ana xatn. ASmt tk nA ttAtpr liO-Tlt ftna4 Katk 4n. . 'u7AZa TT vW TsVrf "0'.. " J W i.fY-i; WV.h V - rooma: 1st floor. 42$ Main. BLEEPING room - with or. without Boaru. cioso yi inouern. if at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rtnurxsscED axtx trxmrasisxczs PRIVATE rAMIX.7 Conttnnedt ONE furnished housekeeping room or oearoom si week: also 3 tor 6 mos.: Vi block Hawthorne car. 291 E. 49th St. H. THREE nice light housekeeping rooms with large bungalow porch, siz per month, for K 39th anrl Rdmnnt Ta- k tec GOOD, comfortable 11. K. flat. 2 to 4 rooms, bath, telephone, yard, shade; cheap. 961 Hawthorne ave. 2 OR 3 H. K. for rent. Kast 11th, near Clay. Kast 3843. FOR RENT HOUSES TranrainsKED 12 7 ROOM house, large yard, basement, complete; private bath, phone and bath, 1 block from carline; will re- automatic elevator; close in; bent serv model to suit tenant, $12. Located 586 ce: $18 to $25. Main 9466. Front. Inquire 594 Front. FIVE room modern bungalow new,y i mtvru, x uiui rv t.ii i nit'.. . i , vw. i St. S.. E. Ml. Scott car. Call beiore i I IMULicn.s o ruora nuuse, near uu a.u- i dltion. Newly tinted. Near car. $16. I .pnone .bast &8b a. m. I MODiSKiN 6 room nouse, newiy tiniea. gas, electric, rurnace. wanting ais- i tanre. :1 E. yamniu FOR RENT 6 room house. 1394 At lantic St. Inauire 13741A ureeiey st.. I Arbor Lodge hor Iodee. - lid MODERN 6 room house, lot aOul 00-1 $8 month. 842 E. 13th st. N. Take I irvington or union ave. car io oxiaver. 6 ROOM modern house. 305 Crosby st . east end of Broatlway bridge. 10 minutes walk from Union depot. j14 MODERN 6 room house. 3;13 E. 1st St., north, near Weidler. Oscar x. iison. jviain ybd2. mon. i-ist teu4. 5 ROOM modern house lor rent or sale. East 72nd st. and sandy, la bor 2134. 5 ROOM house, large yard, garden. cheap to steady tenants, call lisz Gladstone and 39th st. $15 8 ROOM house, 390 E. 4st St., N. OSCAR T. ULBi-jy, M Airs iSBZ. 6 ROOM cottage. t20 I'ettygrove si., rwar ZOth. Cheap. RENT Modern, home; Ladd add. East 2725. - $8 MODERN 5 room cottage. dslra- ble. Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. 7 ROOMS, fruit, cheap, $12 . , I n-ppiy il nsi am si. in. 5 ROOM house for rent. 709 Davis st.. nenr ZZd. 115. DOUBLE house. 3 and 5 rooms; nice yard. 188 ttast 4oin. FOR RENT 5 room house. Call 535 Clav st. GOOD 6 room cdttage. $11 month. 901 E. Couch. Paved district. KO(jil, , iiKul on car line. Frl W Qrn'iin Po 73-J Cham, of Com. FOR RENT, 7 room house 432 Broad- way. gas, nam. wmii. ii?. 4 ROOM cottage. near Broadway bridge. 32.i Schuyler st.; 3 MODERN 7 room house for rent. Beau- tiful yard and garden. Wdln. 1799. FIVE room cottage. 710 4th St.. near nooKer. jiar. isi. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 ROSE CITY PARK Nicely furnished 5 room bungalow, rent reasonable. . ail Alain 4.54b. 5 ROOM furnished house, large yard, rose es and garden, only $15; water free 763 Williams ave. oodlawn 410. $5.50. FUR. house at Myrtle Park. 5709 4Zd ave.. Mt, scott car. near carline, 40x100 yard. $13 4 room furnished house, yard. 520 Market, cor. 16th st. 7 ROOMS, partly furnished, good loca- tlon. nice vara, west sicio. ran, lain, SEASIDE, $50. 5 room fur. cottage. Call Woodlawn 2123 mornings. r mo., erett. 4-HOOM nicely furnished house nice yard, some iruit. Alain Vis NEW NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 3 room suites, uest luuauan aim uui- 1 A.i r All mml flflni-'n 1 . ' i M n h i Q rnt.C' Marshall 267. Glisan. near 23d st. COMPLETELY fur, 2 and 3 room apli $17 and up. including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, J 187 17th, near Yamhill. CLASSIC APTS.. 662 GLISAN ST. 2 and 3 room unfurnished apts. strictly modern, very reasonable. Mar shall S61U. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 514 Jefferson. 2 and 3 room fur nished apartments, walking distance. SI 2 up. Adults only. I BIRMINGHAM APTS.. 390 12th Bt.- NEW YORK apt., under new manage- light, h'ea't and phone; furnished. Cor. ro Pni l v x.riiiim n 1 1 r n iiiw t h i i East 7th and Belmont sts. r;ast 238. T ; j . . i- DELIGHTFUL ,4 rooms, furnished; sleeping porch, garage, garden, water, phone; $25. Woodlawn 2599. NOKOMIS. 665 'Marshall Modern 2 1 room furnished, private bath, dress- Ine room and nhone: 115 to 22.50. I : tz r ; i THK AICX). 287 E. Couch. Nicely fur- nished 2 room apts.. strictly modern: reasonable, new management. E. 2403. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Elegantly furnished 2-3-4 rooms, walk lng distance, reasonable. Mart-hall 98 o I MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d and Belmont. I Modern 1 and 2 room apts., ji.tu per weeK up; steeping rooms, cast zit. I 3 - 4 - 6 ROOM FURNISHED APTS. THE DEZENDOKr I 208 16th St.. near Taylor. Marsh. 2316. RTmr,ANT fi room ariartment with sleeping porch and all modern con- venlences. Marshall 1793, PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.: 2 and 3 rooms: hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Moderns, 2 and 3 room apts.. $12.50 up; walking distance. East 882. nB a vn oak- apts rnrntr k nlc and Grand ave.. strictly modern 2-3 room apts. First class service. 3302. BAN MARCO. EAST TH AND COUCH verv nicelv furnished or unfur. aDt.. strictly modern, walking dist. E. 1990. GRACE APTS. 24th and Northrup. noucrn nixn uiass o niuui itii. i iiuua Marshall 107. 2 AND 3 room, nicely furnished apart- ments. 615 Vista ave.. Portland Hts. Phone Woodlawn 1339, or Main 7017. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay. Modern 2 room furnished, $12 and $14. Also 2 I room basement apt., $8. , --- ' - I V'V03 111. 11 , ii ' I " -r n. nni rAAm tiipo v Tiirnionpn i - - - . . 1 ' . . ' I Ji " Tel' I SEVEJIAL desirable offices and suites LATE model F nh r Marshall 484"'" ..' Journal building, Apply R. W. i miles; over .Hagooo. an journal oiog. self-staxter and , hKlrJXPl1 Strict- STORE suitable for restaurant; large , Tel. Main I860. W mnrtprn -aalkinir distance reason- Dullt-ln OVen. 2JU UUrnside. Alar- BONTTY'S ' Of .'hi Main inF snail 44i - .i i i. .. i .. ..i I--- - - i . . I.,. , THE WESTFAL, 410 6th St., 3 room BARGAIN New farm wagon, corn furnished apartments, modern, brick plete; also double harness. 1967 E. building, walking distance. $18.60. Stark st. lnis a-lamu, 44 Maritet 3 room . tvLT modem, brick. $12-$14. Mar- shall 2004 ROSE FRIEND APTS.. cor. B'wav and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service, wanting oie. xaarsnan 1410. AT 115 N. 23d, 2 nicely furnished apti Moderate. $18. THE Ormonde, mod.. 4. room front," bob p lanaers; in oo Mill. Main 8251. HARRISON COURT 5th and Harrison. j :.r;;w aT.r ::: ra "pj . . Tr . n a"l ROOM ApTS. MAR. im. LAUKKTTE Ajt. 3 R. f urn. apt., mod- I Inl'Ao t'xi tvt'.i u.i.i.i a tl. a ir ' ' . i ' '.".''V.'.V.1".? I rma.. til, au. 6z.ov. p iv" ?t8K2.m.s.irur '.?is- beds, I phone, lights, heat. $12 up. Mar. B0e6. I AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4". 1 6, s rm. apts. Mar. 3360, M. 7516, A-2675. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Continued) The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia Sts. i , rive. mm. waig to Meier rrn store: good surroundings: strictly mod. M . i a 2. and 3 room fur. apartments, all out- , siae. wun french doors ana oaicomes. , ATTRACTIVE RATES. 1 tmttjm vtitwt rrtT rmvoiPVT , VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Tavlor. Modern, completely furnished apts. wanting distance. Kererencea. MONTO - JMERY Apts., cor. 3d and all outside 2 room apts., furnished PORTLAND'S LATEST Merlin Acts., lust finished, strictly , . W i t. " " I'oseu, DUIiei BJiu Dain. uno ViW rwitl ,-oaAn..Hl. qHk nlnr par. aces if .n .7 vilhoit f " UKNlSHiOL) 3 and & room apts choicest Ideation in Portland- all outside rooms large porches, every unvenienc, iv and up. 341 Atom snery gr... cor. Broaaway, PENROSE APARTM1RNTS Grand ave. bet. Morrison & Belmont; new z & 3 rooms, comnletelv fur ; ol. brick bide.: white piwmp nn,i ma. ""gany iinisn; waiKing distance NORTHHAMPTON APTS. 407 HALL. we nave three room apts. and one 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean- est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or bhih - h tamuy. rteasonapie. Alain 42. FOR RENT FLATS 13 7 AND 9 room flats, all modern, near Washington st. on Cornell at., west side. Main 4694. FIVE room upper flat; gas range, hot water heater, electric lights, etc. 330 Park st. 5 ROOM flaC steam heat; walking aistance. tt4 t oucn st. MODERN 3 room flats $7 and $10. woooiawn ia&3. 706 Vancouver ave NEWLY decorated lower 6 rooms fur- nace, bath. 529 Everett st. FURNISHED FLATS 50 NEAT 4 room flat, lawn, etc.. $13, In ...miaSB removal; lnL?U tance- 449 Rodney. Wood- cluding water and garbage removal; n 4. t. 1 X FOUR room flat, completely furnished. upstairs. 227 E. 49th st. Phone Ta bor 523. SIX room furnished flat. elec. "lights. sao mm uiiui, large porcn: 112. 00. Phone Tabor 5716. NICELY fur. 7 or 9 room flat for rent or tale; also unfurnished rooms. Main 3539. COZY flat, sleeping porch. $11 per muinn. nil JO. inn St. 8. THREE room furnished flat and i nouseKeeping rooms. 504 E. 22d st S. HOTELS 54 PalaHfi . , ' , 120 ROOMS FIREPROO F Hotel MODERN Cleanest Rooms In City. Reduced Rates 60c and Up. Free phones. 446 Washington. 105 12th, near Wash. St. Strictly CLEAN, RESPECTABLE House under PROPRIETOR'S management. MODERN. HOME-LIKE $12 up per Week. Transient, 50c up. Marshall 2790. Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms, $1.75 per week heated hoTrldwMfe S.vv icely room cottage for season. Particulars, F. Tompsett, Twin Rocks, Or. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or factory building in South Portland for rent. Modern, story brick structure, trackage; weil lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood, 311 Journal bldg BEST location In Portland for first class tailoring establishment: will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply R. W. Hagood. ail journal Dldg. FOR RENT A good location in an es- ; tabllshed market; good for groceries, j fish and poultry: rent reasonable, i T-83 4. Journal. i-X)R RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 FOR RENT Cement garage, E. 78th - - - - - - - .. , , N. Phone Tabor 1204. ; vrw, "-ly" ' 1 hpatpd flflt or &nt Must tM north of: Jefferson, south of Glisan and east of I 9ftv Tnnmii HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 6 YEAR old mare, buggy and harness. gentle lor women and children to drive. Entire outfit for $40. Also team. weiKht 2600. for sale cheap; take Linn I ton Jitney at 2nd and Stark; get off at Wlllhrtdge sta. Ask for Mr. Blades. i it-Art horses and animaos hauled I away free. $6 paid for cow, crlp- I pled and piayed-outs. Call woodlawn 1 20. Portland Rendering Co. TWO teamn small horses and delivery wagon, wagons $10 each. U. S. I Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and E. Yam- hill. 1300 POUND horse, work anv place. just in from the ranch, good to plow. f6- bmVt,n ?outh 1lor1JTIan2-?ar to alea" - "w-ns wgsu u. lo I TEAM, 8 and 10 years old. 1250 lbs. each; good harness and wagon. $210. I wum t-oriiaiiu car iu Armur si., wais two diocks west, o. toi TEAM mules, 2600 lbs., with good har- I ness ana rancn wagon. iso. i-none I Marshall 4055 I DEAD stock taken quick; cash paid I lot ueaa biuk, i uiu up i u ii ueuu l cows and worn out horses. Tabor 4203. HORSE FOR SALE, also 2 Rhode Island roosters. 350 E. 39th. Tabor 4578. I FOR SALE Horse., wagon and har ness. or will trade for Ford. Phone I 473 Vancouver. 6a5 W. 11th ranch mare, goon worker, pavement I sore. 1350 lbs.-. $65. 196f fe. Stark. HORSE and wagon, $1.85 day; I horses and wneron. z dav. n4i yrnnt. M. zzas. NICE team of sorrel ponies, sound and true- Call 429 Hawthorne ave. 2600 LB. team with good harness and ranch wagon. $265. Marshall 4065. LIVESTOCK 85 tCT? sTJft" I v i " ' J , WANTED. 10 to 15 head Angora goat, -. into.t Phons tast ts&. for SALE Two Jersey famllv cow. Can be seen at Rose City Speedway I T.-.-. . "- i m ii.f , ',u't..t)Ai-: ?aeao oryounj nogs. I vail l-.ajlt 8318, Or jj-1061. TOUNO fresh cow for sale. 80S E, 1 1 7th. Woodstock car. - I FIRST-CLASS full blood Jersev cow" ; Tt U',.- 488 Kerby st.. near Russell. 35 continued TtKX3 '"i1.0" 5""?- i . . j itCDIl Hull ULI1HII llJIUill kC ltCBn BUUU. Heifers aee 2.K, ta 1 vears Xtatrhed fi?Lie"i tJ i.,,6? .JS 'UXimL "i.KV . - d -i " r,- hiifiVV i thn neaa t. yearling heifers, 1 tnor- uugnurec jioistein Dull. 4 yrs. oici. 1 vearlinsr Durham tuberculin tested. I May 10. Terms $20 and undr; casr.. lOver 20, 6 months at 8 bankable j note. 2 off for cash or sums over J20. Free lunch. Three miles West Side Canon road. Sylvast- H. Wirth, owner. J. C. KURATLI. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. Welch farm, S miles east of Gresham, Thursday, May 17. 1 p. m., 70 head breeding ewes, 60 head lambs, rade Holstein bull. 1 year old; 3 black ulls, 1 year old; Rjd Poll pull, 10 mo. old; 3 yearling heifers; 4 pigs, old sow, gray mare, little giant jsheep shearing machine. F. A. WELCH, JOwner, W. St WOOD. Auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. SHEEP FOR SALE 400 htad of good young grade Shropshire and Cots wold vallev ewes with 400 head of good early lambs by their side. Address V. J. Philippl. Stavton. Or r OK bALE ;o head young brood sows, call at Rose Citv SDeedwav Sunday. FRESH Jersey, wonderful producer. 203 Commonwealth bldg.. Sunday, 335 E. 35th. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK LAST hatch Leghorn baby chicks, Juns 7. 10c each; begin laying In De cember. Order now. F. H. Robinson. Carlton. Or. BABY chicks. R .1. Red. Barred Rock, wnne iegnorn, orr May 15 and 20; low prices on hatching eggs balance of season. East 1805. LEGHORN baby chicks 10c each now for sale. O. A. C. and Barron strains hatch every week. 743 E. 10th St., Portland. Or. Sellwood 3192. BARRED Rock chicks, $15 per J 00 chicks, chipped. X Poultry Yards, 46th and Killlngsworth ave. Woodlawn 2397. BARRED ROCK EGGS, special prices incubator lots; baby chicks; setting hens. Mrs. Creed Evans. 1447 Mallory ave. - Woodlawn 1656. BABY chicks. White Leghorn, from the best laying strains; 2000 every week. Master Hatchery, 415 Jessup st. Woodlawn 434 4. FOR SALE Buff Orpington chicks. 16c each. 912 Division st. B-1391. Richmond car. LAYING full-blooded young Leghorn hens, white or brown, $10.20 dozen. East 1805. 787 Oregon St. FOR SALE Golden pheasants, also golden and silver pheasant eggs. 842 Borthwick st. Woodlawn 897. WANTED Bufr Orpineton ducks. Send address to Y-318. Journal. RHODE Island Red eggs for hatching, 85c setting. Main 9555. PEK1N ducks and eggs for sale. E. 31st. rsi B. A. MITCHELL, orenco. Or., breeder of high diss pigeons: breeds 14 kinds. FLEMISH Giants for sale. Tabor b42J DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 CANARY birds, fine singers, and fe males: also mated pairs, cheap. 204 4th st. A-S572. FOR SALE Two pups. 6620 82d St., mornings. Lewellyn setter 6. E. East 7151. BLACK and TAN at etud, 4 lbs., best specimen in Portland. Tabor 48S3. Box 279-. Portland. WANTED A good St. Andreasberg roller. Phone Marshall 2853. FOR SALE Female dog license. 553 Ainsworth ave. ' S BOSTON TERRIERS. 7 weeks old. $80 and up 309 Market. Mar. 3061. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Alrdale dogs, three months old. Main 95S3. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. LAMER' Mfg. & Repairs, 3000 guarat'd springs in stock, prices reduced 34 N. 16th st. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ex.. 129-31 Lownsdale. Main 17,- oAUSXhK, 2-pass., 20 h p.. in fln- mechanical condition. fires 85 per pent npw lOxtra tools inrir nl nnmn ! Will sell cheap. 445 'Hawthorne ave! ord touring, run 1570 $100 extraa. Including battery; $400 cash. AUTO PAINTING. Frank Bontty. 275 Glisan st. Cor. 4th st. Phone Broadway 1472. j MOTORS, gears, bearings. wheels. ! -V1-'"- "c, " ' ia and sell their parts at -4 price. Auto WwUnir Co. 8S North Rroa.dwv t,.,,,.JL, '. mlt, .. Ull 1 t Lnonu o nivi ijiv jr v-' i s vrwu j. r.ennnfilhiA na rl (ph A T. Rrpplranridr. 836 Halsev st. E. 5095. C-2263 i .. . - rr- : : r-r. , sall rsew tora automoone, de- I n,-o l,- ha. ii. t-., ! Phone Owner. A-5394 ONE ton B'ederal truck; owner has no work for it; make me an offer. Mar shall 3574. 1917 MAXWELL for sale cheap, R.-370. Journal. WILL pay cash for good used Ford. Phone East 1628. LIVESTOCK I. AUGTilM SALE VICTIM NO. 611 - 11 H. I I I - ! ! II. -I 1.1 !. I I I I I I 1 1 I I J I rHAry Ihe; ont iu rnMP - The cop .V.a crook-x V" CHtRC J him tul oe) cunt un 0UHT -fc wouLDMr cfi6rN ) hvkhth J That j o?In mis vp- W lJjf-WU AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 - t continued) WE) HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SELL OUR Used Cars REGARDLESS OF PRICE ' -HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE FROM $100 to $500 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM RUNABOUTS TO LIMOUSINES. THE WINT0N CO, i 23d and Washington. Main 4244. MITCHELL LIGHT delivery .$175 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX, 1916 model 600 OVERLAND. 5 PASSENGER, late model 650 MITCHELL SIX, good shape.... 400 And others, liberal terms. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East 7272 B-1216. $4500. WINTON SIX "V LIMOUSINE Cost new $4500 used by private famlVy two seasons, run only 11,000 miles, repainted, have Just epent $400 putting car in same condition as new; cord tires. For further information phone Main 4244. THE WINTON CO. Garages i $30 Up. Seo Samples, 54 ; Hood St. Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. FORD BODIES for Delivery Use. 40 Styles. Ready to Attach. Phone East 891. E. Madison-E. 1st. Pacific Storage Bldg. Body above $12.50 bAHNLTT BODY CO. LIBERAL TERMS. 1916 Oakland 6 ..1700 1915 Studebaker 6, 7 pass ..$650 ii.i ei:e $575 1912 Studebaker $200 Marmon roadster $400 D. C. WARREN MOTOR CO. 58-60 23d St. N. Main 780. NEW TIRES. What brand of new tlrei do you prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizine Co.. 233-335 Bum- side, near Broadway. THAYER, SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO, 1 Ton. $350 BUILDERS OF 1 Ton. $400 J EVER READY TRUCK 2 Ton. $450 ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7487 LIGHT RUNABOUT. 1914 STUDEBAKER, electric starter and lights, cabriolet top, excellent con dition. A bargain at the price we ask for it. See this one today. THE WINTON CO.. 23d and Wash. Main 4244. GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $27.50 TO $70.00. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO.. BROADWAY 140 Sr,4 ANKENY ST. REO 2-ton truck, power hoist, 2- yard dump box; also 1912 Hudson 33-touring car, at a bargain. Maxwell. 271 East Water st. Phone East 1676. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 COLUMBIA river gil'net fishing out fits with draft rights. Will invoice and sell at one-half price for cash, or will trade for automobile, house ani lot. or any available personal property. D. B Carr, Carrols, Wash., owner. Or anplv 431 Ch. of Commerce. Portland LOTS No 19 and 20. blk. 16. Argyle Park; cost $500, free of Incumbrance. Will trade for an automobile of like value. The Fred A Jacobs Co., 104 5th st, can tell you about these lots, I purchased them from them. Address box 255. Golrlendale. Wash. I WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1199. Kast 13th and Hawthorne Ave. WE pay highest cash price for lata model used cars. Call us up. A M. FERGUCON & CO.. 514 Alder st. Main $965. FORD auto in exchange for horses and delivery wagons. 1014 Belmont st. Phone after Sunday: Tabor 218. B-1218. MODERN house, rented, in Woodiawn section, to exchange for automobile. Tabor 7343. WANT nutomobilc and some money for my $1500 equity in Hawthorne bungalow. X-399, Journal. ' SPOT cash for late model used cars. Broadway Garage. Eat 24 th and Broadway. East 1558. EXCHANGE lots for used automobile. Tabor 5S58. AUTOS FOR HIKE RELIABLE auto service, 5 and 7 pas senger cars, for highway and shop pi n g : rea sonaJilftrateHXi a in 7730. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City garage. 86 10th st. B'way 840. A-4246. 52 1917 AUTU, 7-paes., equipped for serv ice, Columbia river hignway. sight seeing, or elsewhere. Reasonable rates. Call Leroy Herrlngton. Main 8357 a. m. Main 2965.vp. m. COLUMBIA highway, reasonable rates anywhere. Main llfta. - MOTORCTCIJCS-IHCVCLES 5-1 WiklTE lor bulletin Itu. giving ifot of 30 used motorcycles, ail in good running condition. We will ship to you on approval. No obligations. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. 201 4th St. Harlev-Lavidson service cen ter. Largest dealers In the stats. FIRST -CLAN'S bicycle for sale, $15. Address 681 Hood st. Phones: Main 9089. A-4422. -SPEED Indian motorcycle and sid3 car. for quick sale. jioo. 4to llaw- thorne ave. $165 CASH takes 1916 3-speed electric eauinped Harley Davidson, A-l shape. Garland Hotel. TWIN Indian for sale cheap, A-l con dition Z0S targo st FOR SALE 1913 Indian, A-l con dition. 721 E. 79th N. Tabor Z134. CYCLE CAR for sale. Phone Broad way 1073. LAUNCHES AND ROATS 64 FOR SALE or trade, motor hull, lRx 4. V-shaDe and 04 h. p. Gray single oyl. engine, full equipped ercept stear- I, -,.'141 . I J . ing gear ana ton. ui naue iur uui- joara motor. ,veiuuue ui x-uuun y'- . , ,n . . 1 - . C C li 1 i . . .. ierreu. ruuutj i.n e t. toj, Centura, after 8:30 o'clock, or call at 105 V Jl H SALE New, modern 5 room fur nished houseboat. Phone feeJlw. 6l. LAUNCH "Neptune" and house. Von der Werth s boat y d. r-at 8, journal PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 M 1 USICAIj INSTRUMEXjn SECURITY Storage Co.. closing out. Used $375 Kimball upright, cash. $95; $500 Weber upright, cash. $100; $375 Emerson upright, cash, $66; $350 Emerson square, cash, $35; $2.75 H. C. Fischer square, cash, $20; $90 parlor organ, cash, $12; $125 parlor organ, cash, $20. Pianos stored, 60c monthly. We buy and 6ell for cash only. 103 4th St., at Washington st. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used pianos, $35. $95. $145, $190 up. New 1916 models. $196, $235. $265, $290 up. Used plaver pianos. $290. $395. $435, $465. New 1916 model player pianos, $435. $465. $495. $636. $5 or $10 cash. $6 or more montiily; no Interest. Ill 4th St.. at Washington for talking machines, records and mu sical instruments; or will give equal value in trade. House pf 1000 Bar gains. Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. Vern L.Wehger TJie 2d Hand Talking Machine Man. All Makes of Machines and Records, bargain prices, eusy terms. 142 H 2d. Main 7244. lliGHLbi cull price paid lor used pi anos, or will trade up to date taiK lne machine and allow full value. Har old S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill St. PHONOGRAPH and records bought. sold and exchanged. Hall & Casal day. 12 1st. Mln 7098. $695 STROUD player piano, fine con dltion; very cheap for cash. Call Broadway 535. Gr.i.Nt INK mahogany player piano. 70 rolls music, perfect condition. Term, Sell. 63. I CAN PAY MORE Xor your Victrola. Grafonola, Edison Disc or records. Vern L. Weneer. 142V4 2d. Main 7244. S95 cash buvs JS75 Harvard upright piano tomorrow at Security Storage ro.. ins 4th st, WANT PIANO; will give $50 and Tillamook beach lot. T-339, Journal. MAHOGANY Main 6210. modern upright, cheap. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers guarantee ana rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod els. $3 per month. $7.60 for 3 months, Other models less. Remington Type writer Company, 86 Broadway. Tele phone Broadway 621. WE SAVE you irom 60 to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated roider. Retail department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. szi Washington st REBUILT typewriters, supplies Coro na dealer E. W. Poae C- . 110 Sth. AH. iii ii -i (Vni-nMiriF le tuil and r paired. Poval T W. Aeinrv Stark. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for KALE 6." GOING east, to save storage will sell beautiful brass bed. guaranteed coil spring, fine cotton mattress, $35. fine Circassian walnut dresser $25, cost $45 new. Woodlawn it25. FOR BARGAINS in used house fur nishings, visit our exchange dent. Calef Bros.. R Mo-r'-n st at E 3d. ALL kiuds ut fine furniture for sale, cheap, at 2i E. 22d st. Call Sunday nnd Monday. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WIDOW must sell shoe finishing ma chine, with, motor attached, very cheap, information i7 west Park- Main 8428, A-5428 WAYNE gasoline pumps for fill In stations and garage. E. II. Rueppeil 473 asMnirton st. Main 60). LATE fireproof McCaskey rig: cost $140: used 3 mos: Take part pay in groceries, izat lamnin. ia. ii4 HH) BOND letter heads, $1.90; 1000 $1.90: 600 envelopes. $1.90: 1000 $190 Smith, printers 204 Stark st ONE 7 H. P. E. M. Wachs steam engine in good condition, chenp. A-1265 Monday. ROTARY White newing machine like new, $25. Bargain. 191 14th St., near Yamhill. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. DE BECK AUTOS FOR HIRE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 ,,.t.yj,-, -.- t-u, WE TRADE, BUY. SELL. Household goods, grocery, restaurant, hotel, store and office fixtures, talking machines. records, musical instru ments, typewriters, scales, cash regis ters, sewing machines.' garden ytools, camping outfits, electric fans, shotguns, bicycles and parts. HOL8K OF 1000 BARGAINS. 1ZB 1st. At. FOR SALE tfrand new carom and pocket billiard tables with complsts outfit. $160; second hand tables ft re duced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. cfar store fixtures. Send for catalogue. The B R U N SWlCK-BALKB-COLLENDiJt Co.. 46-48 tth. Portland. Or. ALL machines sold fur less.- Renting fl. per month. No agents em pLoyed. Sawing machine ruiiporlum. 190 $d. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-36.!!, J., .oiv..!, iAalKLMti-Nlo,' "'Aype- writers" and "Household Goods are separate classifications. All '" tisements of these goods are pubiisned under their respective clasif icatlon. LOOK THEM OVER Electric Motors Bought. old, rented and re paired. Walker Electrlo Works. 41$ Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674. lo lopncad kewing macninea with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented at $2 per month. Eaat 2359. B-3307. E. R. Stem, 162 Grand ave.. near Belmont. BURBANK and Amorlcjn Wonder seed potatoes for sale at $2.50 and $3 per hundred. Call at Pacific Storage. E. 1st and Madison. East 1)91. VACUUM CLEANERS $2 to $2w0 each. We sell. rent, exchange or buy. EXPERT REPAIRS. Duntleys all. Bentley (k Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 8582. HOY daveiiDorL sofa, couch, covered with fancy velour; gas stove, pil lows, fruit Jars, etc.. cheap. 496 tu. Burnside. A U 1 U M U U 1 Lt,&. WUiUKLH-Lta launches or boa: 8 are sala rate classi fications. A largo listing can be found under these different -classifications. VACUUM cltacera S. nuar. a years. Phone for demonstration: all maks repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 Swetland bldg. Mar. tsof SLIGHTLY used lawn mower, with 4 blades; large size, with basket; $5. Call 907 E. 15th st: N. FURNITURE WANTED PHONE East 7816 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you cash. M. R. Seater, 3 SO Hawthori.e ave.. co.-ner or union. &UST get stock of used furniture at once. Will pay HlUHbsT PRICE lor nything you have. Marshall 3865. WILL pay highest price for furniture. rugs, stoves and oirice xixtures. Main 7714. WE pay highest cash prices for used house furnishings. East 462. B-1944. PAY' cash or trade on new. M. H. Calef. 540 Williams ave. East 6417. WILL pay you the highest price for your furniture. Call East 294. SWAP COLUMN 35 BEACH lot for eale or trade for mo torcycle, cabinet style talking ma chine or anything I can move, as I am leaving for the east. Addresa James Wallace. 6610 62d st.. 8. E. B A B 1' CARRIAGE, rocking chairs, rugs, mirrors, dresser, clothes, etc. I wart library tabl piano, or what have ouT Phone Tabor 6716. HAVE mahogany pianola, 14 rolls; will trade for good lawn mower, hose or incubator, or what have you? 7733 45th ave. S. E. VRADIi Electric Iron and some casn for suitcase. Address Box Y-34S, Journal. TRADETwo Nehalem beacn lots, SO xlOO each, for a piano. 835 Haigbt ave. PIANO TUNING and repairing ex ' changed for dressmaking, furniture or what? M. K. Webster, Tabor 6716. COPYRIGHT of new opera, or song. military march and lot, for email upright plajio. 0-886, Journal. WILL swap buggy for trunk. East 429S.- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 THE LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., dealers In nw and second-hand furniture and hardvi'are. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Four large stores are ample pcoof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need in home or elsewhere. 221 Front. Main 9072, A-7174. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 129 MADISON. Front. L. SHANK CO. Oregon. Hides Iletals Rubbers Write for prices and uhlpplng tags. Main 1S99 Want Household Furniture Will pav cash. Phone Main 8332. WANTED Second band furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 390 E. Morrison st Phone East 22SS. LOOK. We pay highest prices for your usad furniture, rugs, carpets, stores, ranges, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. Kast 63. KODAKS: 1 buy. sell, rent and ex change Kodaks, lenses, shutters. See Sandy first. Sandy's Kodak shop, lis Washington, next Sunwet theatre. positively: fax highest prices for an x kind of junk and id hand clothing. phone bdwv. 119. WANTED The reople of Portland to know I par the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention East707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st Tcr THE HOUSEKEEPER. Will call with machine for your Junk, fiaper, rags or clothes; we pay absol utely highest prices. Marshall 3865. 1000 FRUIT JAKS WANTED Also bicycles, tents, garden tools, ri fles, and everything. Main 446. 128 1st st. . MEN'S suit of clothes-ajxe 44. dark color; must be In A-V condition and reasonable. Q-491, Journal. GOl.NU KAST? Housenold gooos shipped at red. rates. Pa a. Coast Fw d'g Co.. 201 Wilcox bid. Mar. 24' WANT liuit jara, tents garden tools, stoves, bicycles. Hall 6l Cass 1 day. 126 1st st. I WILL pay you absolutely the hlgh est price for your furniture, rugs and men's clothing. East 6054. WILL pay $l-$20 for old false teeth; sets, crowns, bridges bought; bring orTr-ail. O. Randolph. 121 Yeon bldic. WANTEiJ Rifles, shotguns, kodaks, cameras, lenses. Hocnfield. 8$ 3d, Main SK31. WANTEIJ Old mirrors to re-silver. Portland Mirror & Beveling -Works 22 N. 15th st. Main 11$2. HIGHEST cash price paid for fuml- mre ana gen. mae. pimmonos. K. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANT ED. Main 1705. HIGHEST cash price paid for furni ture. Call A. B. D.. Marshall 473. CASH paid for rood second-hand fur niture 161 2d st. Main &61. PAYS highest price for 2d hand cloth ing. tools, etc. 171 Front. Main 4t LAWN MOWER wanted. Call Wood- lawn 4104. ' "LOT H I NO wanted. B-3263. KUttNlTURE wanted. Tabor 680$ . LOST AXD POUND 21 FOUND A small white bulldog with brown ears, at 880 E. 26th St. 8. Sellwood 3041. Owner can hay dog by calling i or same ana paying ror adv. LOST On Council Crest, small rough cmtien Diacn pup. Call Marshall 3478 783; reward. or Broadway LOST A month ago from Rose -City park, saoie collie. Broaaway 3679 Reward. LOST Wednesday night, pair . ln- visioie Diiocai glasses Reward. LOST AND FOUND - 21 -9-L."- -iin -ui-uiT-'r-l-t-V- THE following articles were found on . cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company: . May 9. 1917 o grips, 10 umbrellas, 1 rubber, 1 pkg. collars. 3 valises. 2 bundles books. 1 fur neck piece. 5" pkgs., 1 hoe. 1 pair overshoes, 2 letters, ' 1 pin, 1 butten, , 1 basket. 2 lunch . bbxes. 1 glove, 1 purse. 1 pkg. thread. 1 knife, l lunch basket, 1 shovel. 1 suitcase. May 10, 1917 I umbrellas. 1 bundle, 1 Jar. 13 pkgs.. 2 garden tools. 1 grVf. 1. knife, l pkg. keys, 1 key, 1 pair gloves, 1 pair optical rims, 1 basket, i 1 lunch box, 1 bracelet. 1 apron. - -. May 11. 19171 valise, 1 grip, 2 bunches keys. 1 handkerchief. key, 9 umbrellas. 3 pkgs., 1 glove. 1 car floor wax. 1 book. 1 lunch box. 1 bucket. 1 pair shoes and hat, 1 ear ring. 1 pair;, glasses, 1 suitcase. 1 pocket knife, X ' purse. 1 tie pin. r May 12, 1917 9 pkgs., 1 comb, I" purse. 1 pair gloves. 1 magazine, J , .suit box. 10 umbrellas, 1 suitcase, 1 valise. 1 sack nuts. 2 lunch - boxes, 1 -pail. 2 gloves. 1 box. 1 bundle clothing, 1 grip. 1 lunch basket, l pair rubber. 1 book. 1 brooch. 1 fishhook. May 13. 1917 7 umbrellas. 1 purse,. 1 notebook. 2 grips. 1 glove. 1 hand case. 1 camera. 1 bottle cap, 1 rubber -raincoat. 1 bag oranges, 1 tie pin, 1 brooch. 4 pkgs. Owners may obtain propertjr at 1st - and Alder Bt. station. Lost In Sellwood. light brindle bull dog, white stripe on nose, white breast, collar with brass studs and license; liberal reward. Phone Marshall 217. ' LEFT camera in waiting room. 1st anl Alder sts.. Sunday; reward. Sell $42. PERSONAL 22 GLASSES AT A SAVING. : The same service ana quality you pay double the, money elsewhere: correctly fitted glasses as low as $1.50. Thou ands of satisfied customers. Cnaa. w.. Goodman, optometrist. 2U9 Morrison TRAINED nurso and itiduseuae gives treatment lor rheumatism, lumoago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and- baths; lady assistant. 3iu Pain st. Marshall 6033. Hours 9:3kfa. in. to 10 p. m. Op'fcn Sundays. . SPIRITUALIST. MRS. M. L. LA MAR, 235 6th t.t.. cor. Main, teaches palm istry and card reading; also lessons In ... the sicence of health and success. Daily. ' . DR. MARGARET HAVN1E treats ner vousness, diseases of women aal children; special offers to chronic , cases. 617 swetiand tldg. Main 1764. REV. MRS. SOUUKl teaches trulit; circles Sun., Tues.. Thurs., it o'clock. Reads daily, 167 lltii st. suunysida, car. Murstiail 6i. - ADAMS' Astrological school. 3&9ta Morrison. Yeany and life forecasts. Bet;t references, 0 years. ELECTRIC trratmeiiLs lor rbeuma; Usui, lumbago, etc., bait baths. Hi Cluy. Ma. n tzit'J. ' - SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. a, f rica Circles Tues.. 2. b i. nv; Suns., p. m Reading dally. zz nay. iar. " VIBRATORY maaaiii.-, lace and scalp treatment, 386 usnington. room 56. Marshall 472. 1 miniW11 repair your watcn no 1 UJ matter how badly broken. HhiiNiiul.DH, Jewelers. 124 nun su RUSSIAN and '1 urkish baths. HlU' Sanitarium, fel E. 2HH st., cor. Ever-. ett. Phone E. 7 651. Dr. Geo! Hill, prop. DR. V O KKTCHUAi (Vomen'i mala dies "and scute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th and Wash. Km. 441. Mar. 44.v FITS 1 cured my daughter by simp, discovery; particuiaik free. Z. Lepso, 120 Island ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. 11 A V . your hair pel maueully wavea. Guaranteed tiAlast. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4oo Pekum. Marshall 1703. DR. MARIE JOHNSON, chiropodist and manicuring; open Sundays to 4. Office 610 Northwest bldg. Main 804 - I nunmr .Consultation FREE. Lia Lawyer 4993. 612 senmg bidg. SHAMPOOING and e fee trie scalp treatment. 162 W- Park, room 30. ALMA to. JOHNSON. Wash, hotel, formerly 417-20 N. W.jianjt, pKx, NOTICES 2ft &ALK OK TlMlitK, Kl.A'f 11KAU INDIAN RESERVATION. l-d bids marked ont alde Hid KUtbead Timtx-r, Uunao bait." sod addrewed to Suierluteud.-ut of tb (latbead Indiau acboul. 111 ion, Munt., will be received until 12 o'clock, uuuii, mountain lime, Tses- . da, (Wpu-mbc-r 11, 1U17. lor tl purcbaae ef (be me rrb to tab ! lluibrr upon tribal and al lotted laoda aituatrd wltbiu luwuahlpa 1U, SM and 21 iturth, rangi-a 1'J and '0 wast, coo UliUiic apprnxiiualel fi7.ouO,iOU trt of Um Ler. jier so per crul weateru jtclhiw pine. Ko bid of Iraa tbaa i per tbuuaand teel fur rl low plua and II 2i per tbouaand (set for Doug laa fir, larcb Dd other apectea will be ac cepted, llie rijut u reject anr aud all bids-. 1, reaerred. I op lea of n-fulationa and otber loformatlua r(ardlng tbe prpoed sale la clndloc ap-rtric deacrlptloa of tbe sale sree -ma be obtained from tbe uperlntrodcat . ef the KUtbeed Indian xbool, lnxoo, slonU Wa.hliiKlon. D. C. Mar 4, 1U17. Cat tteUs. lominiaamner 01 niuiiu ah ii. ilY WTKK, Mariuti-' Catherine Smith, haTUia - left my runia and board, I " will net be futher renpoimlble for any bills restricted by " ber. Iat. May 12. 1U17. at. P. Smith. M hn lUfael t. : IO WHOM IT MAX CNCKHJ: 1 will nut' pay any debU contracted by bit wife, Mr. Jeie iw.yre. A. L. BOYClfi. TRANSPORTATION - y a ...a, .... lu. San Francisco I Los Angeles (Without Cbang en Boots.) The Big Claaa Comfortable Elegantly Appointed 14 1 SS. ROSE CITY Balls 3P.K, Thursday, Hay 17 - 100 Golden Mllae oa Colninbia Rrrer. All Bates iDrloda Krtlia and Mrala. Table and Sarrlce L'DCXceUed. For sailing dataa apply ta The Sea fra cisee Portland SB. Ce., Thtra sad Waaa ingtoa aueeta (with O-W. JU 4k M. Ca.) Tal Broadway 4600. A41tl. iTWIN PALACES GREAT !10RrKEraiiORniEE KflfK ortlaad to Sea Fraaclaoo 88. eaXAT SOKTHEKM. May 15. 1, 24, 2V. California Mtiiutr txpreaa leaves 1 MO a. n. Fare $,. $12.50. $li, $170. $2o. xotrvo iaip $33.00. trr Toeaday, Tbaraday. Satnraay frea Portland and Ran Franrtaco, beghulng stay 2W Kota sblps to eerrlca. Verta Bank. Ms and Starh V Ststlea. lOts sad Hart nam ( and karrtaoa, . t. j, 01TICZS J a41 Wash., o. . 100 td. Barltarton y. - ' American-Hawanan Steamship Co. All savilings betweea U. S. Atlantic --; and ; U. S. Pacific ports are canceled until further notice. 0. S. Xaaee. Art. m Stark aaV reWssaW sails mazer worn SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO -WTSVXSSAT, MAT IS, S:S4) P. X. Saa FTsociaeo. rorrlaad 4k Loa Aaralae gteamabtp Oo. Frank Bollaa, Asant. U4 TUI&O STHEET. A-ii. Kaia IT