THE OREGON y DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. MAY 12, 1917. 9 v STEPS ARE TAKEN TO PUT DRAFT MEASURE EFFECT AT E Ten Million Blanks for Regis tration Are Being Distribu ted by the Government. Washington. May 1J. (U. P.) The government today took Its first pre liminary step toward putting Into ef fect the selective service system for raising an army of one million men. Certain of speedy action by congress on t(ie army bill which came up for final debate in the house at 10:30, the war department began distribution of ten million registration blanks through which all males of the nation between tho ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, will b card indexed. These blanks will be sent to sheriffs and mayors of hun dreds of communities. The ; cards contain blanks for 14 questions every detail the govern ment wishes to know about Its poten tial soldiers and a query whether ex emption is claimed. Absent Must Mall Cards. Men who are absent from their home states will be required to procure a card wherever he may be and mall It to the county clerk at his home. Distribution of the cards Is expected to be completed within a few days. According to estimates compiled by the 'bureau of census, New Yom city alone should register 824,700 men of be tween 21 and 30 years inclusive; Chi cago. 300,800; Philadelphia, 171.800; St. I-ouis, 84,900; Boston, 77,800; Cleveland, 82,600; Baltimore, 67,600, and Pittsburg, 67,200. The figures given by the bureau are based on the average annual numerical increase in population for the different cities and states since 1910, when the last accurate census was compiled. New York state leads the country in available material for war, with ap proximately 1,068,000 men subject to selccttve service. Pennsylvania is next with 874,000, and Illinois third with 639.500. The registration possibilities for other states are compiled as follows by thi bureau: Alabama 209,900, Arizona 84,700, INTO ONC LOCAL INVESTMENTS IN MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTOKX (Continued) Portland Auto Lamp Co., copper and brans pinning, 510 AMer st. Pacific Iron Work, foundryroen. machinists, structural steel and iron. East 29th and Clack- mil sta. . Portland Fumltura Mfg. Co., furniture, np bolstertng, 124U-5U Macadam road. Peninsula Iron Works, foundry men and ma chinists. Alta and Bradford ata, Puritan Mfg. Co., all manner of soft drinks. East 8th and oak eta. ' . , ... Pendleton Woolen Mills, woolen cloth, Indian blankets, Pendleton, Or. . Portland Stove Works, rangea. eooklna; and besting stoves, Derby at. and Columbia blvd. Phovnlx Iron Works, foundry men, machinery, 88) Hawthorue ave. Pacific Hard Tack fc Toait Co., hsrttaek, 061 Kt 17th' st. Pacific Stone Works, pottery, stoneware, flower pots. (187-605 Sherlock ave. . I I'ortittno Baaaet at ninun tt -w . , bandies. 1321 Macadam road. Portland Oxygen Hydrogen -Co., oxygen and hydrogen, Kast 17th and Center ata. Pettlt Feather Bedding Co., feather bed dim?, niBttregws, aprlngs, 213 12th at. N. Portland Bolt and Mfg. Co.. boltf. 200 low " Portland Itubber Mills, everything la rubber, ruhber heels, soles, 888 E. 8th at. Ucllance Wire & Iron Works, bank and store future, wire work. East 10th and Handera. Rasiuuiisen k. Co., paints, varnlsnee, 2d and Taylor ats. Sonituer. C, piano iMnufacturer, rebuilding, repair. 247 5th at. , , Snodgra-s & Wllliama, metallic hip shingles, 2S5 Ilanthorne ave. Sharkey. P., & Son. Flab brand horse collars, 58 I'ulnu ave. , Smith Watson Iron Works, foundrymen, umrhlnUts. 412 Front St. Thayer, Shsver & Oulley. tuto track builders, roachliilsts, 19 Eaat Water at. t ulversal Tire Filler Co.. uon-punetur aoto tires. 441-443 Hawthorne ava. United Mattrets & Pad Co., mattraaaea. rea ovatora, 427 Hancock at. Western Sods Works, soft drinks. 204 Mill st. .Western Tool A Lle Works, tools, dice, ma chine work. 3d and OUsan ats. - Willamette Oaa Engine Machine Works, gas engines, auto repairing, garage. S61 E. Uurnalde. 7m Bros., Inc., broom makers, 60-58 Front- Tho Modern Method. From the New York Times. Mary, small but up to date, had been to tea for the first time with the new neighbors. From all accounts the 1H tle girl there had not been at all gen erous In permitting Mary to share her playthings. 'Well," said Mary's mother when she had iheard about it. "if anybody had treated me like that when I was a little girl 1 should have come straight home." Mary shrugged her small shoulders. "Things have changed since your day. mother." she said. "I slapped her face! and staysd." Q It does one's heart good jpeif .-,1,1. mn .nil women Olmiaio are. vna aav enlisting in defense of the nation and the weald's freedom. Recruiting offices will be oiwned shortly to enlist an army ' (badly needed) for the defense of Portland's indus trial ami business situation. For ouite S number of j-esra eouia aiib-aomethlngs have been wrecking Portland's ships or Crosperlty so now you property own era. usinpga men and workers, here'a a chance to riafend Vour interests. , (ElvaA. (Ec fraetlgal Tailon. W4 Beyal Blig. Makes a Good Dinner laar B.tter-. WtlNHARD BEVERA0E THE AUTO TOP CO., 11TH AD BTTBHUDX MAKES OLD AUTOS NEW Only algheat elaas ef work dene er salielted. Me "cheap" stuff turned cut. Phone for particulars. Main 118. Bio. 3. MoLKAH, BOB. JACOBS SHIRT CO. GARMENTS TO ORDER 337 H Washington St., Cor. stxtk Northwest Bldsr.. Portland. Or. Phone Vain 1947 All Binds of BepalrliMf. Electro Galvanizing Works fSj nd sst Its. HOT. AKO IlEOTBO O AL A WT ZTITO, TV' HIITO AHO COriZBSKITHS. Bartia Leiser. Sro. Bate ItOt. Arkansas 156.600. California 362.000. Colorado 109,600, Connecticut 8123,600. Delaware 20,100, Florida 93,400, Geor gia 255,400, Idaho H.800, Illinois 689. 600, Indiana 268,600, Iowa 199.000. Kansas 178,900, Kentucky 202,200. Lou isiana 171.000, Main 63,000. Maryland 121.800. Massachusetts 865,400. Michi gan 288,100, Minnesota 244,700, Missis sippi 175,100, Missouri 815,600, Mon tana 73,300, Nebraska 129,400, Nevada 16,500, New Hampshire 30,800. New Jersey 300,200. New Mexico 41,600. New Tork 1.068.000. North Carolina 194,400, North Dakota 89,000. Ohio 434,300. Oklahoma 213,600, Oregon 108,100, Pennsylvania 874,000, Rhode Island 60,300, South Carolina 137,100. South Dakota 80,500, Tennessee 195,080, Tex as 420,200, Utah 46.200, Vermont 29. 400. Virginia 186.400. Washington 217, 400, West Virginia 141,600, Wisconsin 229,500. Wyoming 35,400, District of Columbia 87,400. Boards to Pass on Cards. Washington; May 12. (U. P.) How wt are to raise an army? The selective service bill, as agreed upon by house and senate conferees, will raise 1,200,000 men immediately. The president is authorized to brlns the regular army and national guard up to full war strength about 280,000 and 440,000, respectively. The bill empowers the president to draft immediately 600,000 males, not exempt under the law, between the ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, for mili tary service. All male between these ages must register under penalty. Boards will sit at points throughout the country to pass on exemptions. In addition to the first 500,000 troops, the president is empowered at any time to raise 500,000 more men by the process outlined above. Those exempted from draft under the law are soldiers and sailors now In service, divinity students, members of well established religious sects whose creeds oppose war, and certain speci fied skilled workmen. Others exempted are those having persona dependent upon them for sup port and those found to be physically or morally deficient. Married men, as a class, are not exempted; they ar exempt only if they have persons de pendent on them for support. The entire national guard, together with its reserves, can be drafted into the regular army under the bill. Under the measure, intoxicants can not be sold to a soldier in uniform, but he can be given liquor if he is off the military preserves. The secretary of war is authorized to taks necessary steps to prevent es tablishment of disreputable; houses within uch distance of military estab lishments as he may deem necessary. IFAGHEm Had trader Moat Banrtary Conditions. PORTER-SCARPELU MACARONI CO. rhoaa Woodiawn B1S. M. J. Belser, Kea. Phone East 4383 Helser & Unden Machine Works. Inc. Designers and Bailders ef Machinery C93-6-7-S K. I2i St.. Bat. Tork sad Bead. Phones Mala 724S. A T21S. r ADRIAN NECKWEAR CO. Manufacturers of HIGH-GRADE NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS QooOsougB Bldg., portiasa. Mais S708, 7, D, Wheel.'. X. S. Wheal sr. GRANDMA COOKIE CO. Ltrgest Cookie Bakery in America. 384 Sast Stark St Cor. Union Ave. Absolutely (Sanitary Bast Ma terials Used Snip Anywhera Wh.a baying- Hoodies, always ask for Mrs. SCHIELS (Qerman Style) Egg Noodles Deeldeoly ta. Best and a soma Product. PACIFIC HARDTACK & TOAST CO. By. Kardtack Bread aad Toast, BELIOATBS8ZR XYB A SraCXaXTT. Prompt Shipment and D.Hv.ry. PHOTO BXLLWOOO 1815. Bast 17tb and rr.derlck Streets. Davis-Scott Belting Co. Oregon Mal Pur. Oak Tanned Leather Belting 240-260 Hawthorne. At.. T.U East 308. Portland. Or. G. P. Rummelin & Son 114 id. near Wash, at- Mfg. Furriers CG. APPLE GATH BUOCE8SOB BstaD. 1870. Kaln 491. Pendleton Woolen Mills Psndl.ton. Or. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE FLEECE WOOL BLANKETS Indian Bo has, Itaamn Bar, Bath modss ana Atno onaa. It will yay to XnTsatlgnt. CARTER'S CONCRETE MIXER Only device of Its klnd,n th. market which can be successfully operated by nana. j-ric., .. writ, tor tasu monlala, aV. B. OABTXB. Patsmt), - 1163 Btoor. stxaot. Special HOE PARADE TONIGHT" STARTS FROM TENTH AND SALMON STREETS Knights of the Hoe, Young and Old, Men and Women, to Parade Through Streets, Portland's first "hoe parade," as a stimulus for the Increased production of foodstuffs and the enrollment of agricultural workers, wU be held to night. Tonight is the night of the hoe. Knights of th hoe from all stations in life, young and old, of both sexes. ' will march as a Dreliminarv to a food r preparedness rally, to be held at the , Lincoln High school at 8 o'clock. I Farads Starta at 7:30. The parade is under the direction of Helen I. Tomlinson, assisted by Captain James P. Shaw as grand mar shal, and General Charles F. Beebe. It will move promptly at 7:30 o'clock from Tenth and Salmon streets. The line of march will be north on Tenth street to Yamhill, thence to Fifth, to Alder, to Sixth, to Washington, to, to Lincoln High scnooi. The band of the Oregon coast artil lery corps will lead the procession, followed by the Girls' Honor Guard, with a military escort. School chil dren will follow the Honor Guard, and then will come civic organizations and citizens. The Honor Guard Girls will be led by the Misses Baxter and Bingham. They will all wear arm bands and car ry hoes or rakes. Tim Becrolts to Be lasted. At the high school food preparedness rally. N. F. Johnson will enroll re cruits for summer agricultural work; S. B. Hall, county agricultural agent, will answer practical planting ques tions, and W. H. Crawford, in charge of the Oregon food drive, will tell of bis work. Other speakers will be Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, a regent of Oregon Agri cultural college; William D. Wheel wright, who will tackla the problem from the standpoint of a business man; I. R. Alderman, superintendent of schools, who will discuss the place of the schools In, the movement; Judge JONES' Loganberry Juice With twenty-five years' experi ence In the FRUIT JUICB BUgl NESa it has mads it posalble for us to manufacture A PERFECT BEVERAGE. IN ordering Loganberry Juice, ask: for JONES URAND ana be couvlaced, Jones Bros. & Co. POBTA2n, OXZOOV. .HEVBSU, oxsoosr. WATSOYTXUX, CAJm. BROOMS ! Manufactured by Zan Bros., Inc. SUNSET BROOM WORKS Office 50-52 Front St. H. ABELB F. A. BARNICOTT PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO. Makers and Splnn.ra of Jardiniere, Nut Bowls, Cuspidors, Ash '1 rays and all articles in brass, copper and otkar m.tals. Chan I. lier Spinning a spacialty. Re pairing of lamps, radiators and windsiiielda. PBOBTB atAXsT T293. 610 Aides Btreet, Portland. O. The Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co. Ui.nfirliiMn tf 90 Pnr. Oxyrn and 9SJB Par. yOXOsT.n. xor su uaasmu. bubwibsi E. P. Piatt, Pres. Phon. a.Uwood 8408. east 17TV ajs J vxrxm sxa box nr tbb TBurr INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO Manufacturers and Dealer. In Cracker. Cake. Italian Paste 438.430 East Bans St Portland, Or. Phone, i Bast 148. B.1S44. Btala 81T TalspaonM JuaaiT. Smith & Watson Iron Works Foundry and Machine Shop, 412 FRONT STkEET Maaufaetnr. and y.palv all line, of axavc unary, ana cast anytning. BamaaA of jour dsalsr. BT7BBXBT BBOS, Portland mada. Air-Tight Heaters Camp bUot.8 aa Corrnrated Ann Cans. rf act. F. A. Purdin, Prop. Phone Kast 401 180-188 Union ATav, Portland, Or. Crescent Chemical Co.. Inc. ui wASHoroToa it. JAB1TOB tOTPUZn, fleer is, fleet an Haalaam efla snd draaalasi dusUess mess, fstaitar. and atatal salUa. wm s tounowia sag a4 reaah destrri Basses, Bala 144. A-ltSS. Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co. Vkatesala Bakers ef Tnaas. ntteasss. Bass, TaleaoevM. Ante Traaka. Ste. S04 X, Watas W reruaaa, ws. xaomm nasi sa, n-Jtt. Lionel Webster. William Hanley, Wal ter M. Pierce and Dr. W. J. Kerr. Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke has ar ranged a musical program with Otto Wedemeyer as the soloist. Anne Shannon Monroe, novelist and magazine writer, will preside. Funeral Services For Dr. Walker Held Last Kites Are Staid Ore Bemaln. of Army Stargvon and Arotlo Xxplorer By Bar. W. A. M. Brack. Funeral services for Dr. David Walk er, Arctic explorer and army surgeon. who died early Friday morning, were held at 8 o'clock this afternoon at the Portland Crematorium. Rev. W. A. M. Breck. rector of St. Matthew's Episcopal church, an old friend of Dr. Walker, officiated. The services in accordance with his wish were simple and strictly private. Dr. Walker was surgeon and botan ist of the McClintock expedition which was organized to look for the missing Arctic exploration party of Sir John Franklin. He was the last surviving member of the expedition. H had made his home in Portland for the past 27 years, coming to this city after a long service in the regular army of the United States as a surgeon. Blackburn Assigned To Cruiser Buffalo Long-expected orders to assume ac tive duties at sea In command of the cruiser Buffalo were received Friday by Lieutenant Commander John H. Blackburn. U. S. N.. Portland recruit ing officer for the navy. He will leave Portland about the middle of next week. The Buffalo, a 6000-ton ship, carylng 10 guns, Is reputed to be especially desirable for assignment. Ensign J. P. Hart, U. S. N.. retired, who was put on the active list upon the call to arms, and who has been on detail under Lieutenant Commander Blackburn, will succeed to the position of recruiting officer for this distric Patrolman Still Unconscious. Patrolman Andrew J. Laugeson, who suffered a fractured skull Thursday evening when be fell from a streetcar at Mississippi avenue and Skldmoro street. Is still unconscious at the Good Samaritan hospital, and little hope is held, for his recovery, according to a repon irom tne hospital this morning. INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES MADE STRONG MAN MAKING PATENT CAMP OUTFITS IN PORTLAND FACTORY George Shatokln, Scion of a Russian'Royal House, Opens Thriving New Industry, George Shatokln, with his wife and child, lives at 1020 Kast Market street. Mr. Shatokln Is a descendant of Rus sian nobility, his forefathers being slav owners in the earlier day. of that new republic. Of a roving and venturesome disposition, he has seen most of the habitable world and can Intelligently converse upon subjects connected with the governments and habits of nearly all nations. Mr. Shatokin is known as a sort of modern Samson. Getting under an au tomobile set on saw horses with one or two men in it. he lifted it wltn apparent ease. Once upon a time he traveled from city to city and country to country, giving exhibitions of his strength. Coming to Portland four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Shatokln concluded to make this city their home and over on Madison street Mr. Shatokin con ducts a factory in which he makes camping outfits. An outfit consists of a box which is an imitation of a suit case 32x17x9 inches, and It com prises a folding table, two folding double seats with interior compart ment. In th. table for food, bottles. dishes, towels, napkins, knives and forks. The whole, including the uten sils, weighs about 30 pounds and may be carried as an ordinary suit case In automobiles, carriages or cars. It is Intended for the use of campers, automobile tourists or may be used on lawns as an attraction for children or for small families dining outside beneath the shade of trees. When set up for use the table stands 30 inches high, and its top is 32x40 Inches. It can be used for a sewing or card table In the home and an Insert has a handsome checkerboard painted on It. A patent for the outfit waa granted April 24 of this year, so it la not yet a month old. Captious. Prom the Christian Register. "Is this beef too rare for you, Mr. Bimpkins?" "Well, Blnce you ask me. Mrs. Skin ner, I would like it a little oftener." General Manufacturing Screw Machine Work and Gear Cutting. DIES AND TOOLS DESIGNED AND BUILT Coin Machine Manufacturing Company. 984 East 17th Sell wood 100 Portland, Oregon OregonGrownSeeds,DahIias,Roses&PerenniaIs (Wo tho best results. WJ tsve the largest collection of Dahlias and peren nials in the west.' All our stock guaranteed true to name. GILL BROS. SEED CO., 9&:?-sZ No-1 "It U Hot a Liquid r Universal Tire Filler Co. ICanuf XT. B. and Canada, : 441-43 Sawthorn. Ava. VOBTCAJTB, OXBOOJT. OA P F O R. A U X O S SEXOTZS TSa PZBT BTTT DOEBITT BZX TKI 1.V9TWM ! Other h rands tor Janitors and fanUly ik 3111. Third and Coin m hi a. . j - "QVIU XX" S0AP COKPAST. NEW FREIGHT TARIFFS SUBMITTED AT SALEM BY SEVEN They 'Carry 15 Per Cent In crease in All Intrastate Rates; Filing Is Refused, Salem, Or.. May 12. Seven railroad companies Friday aubmltted to the public service commission new freight tariffs carrying a 15 per cent Increase in all intrastate freight rates, but the commission has refused to file them until the carriers comply with the law relating to rates which have been fixed by order of the commission. The law provides that after the pub lic service commission has fixed by formal order any freight rate it cannot be changed by the railroad company until the matter 1 presented to the commission in a formal application and a hearing is held and a new order is made by the commission. Many of the intrastate freight rates have been fixed by the commission, so instead of filing the new tariffs the commission is sending notice to the carriers to comply with the law by making formal application to in crease the commission-made rates. When these applications are filed, explained Chairman Frank J. Miller, the commission will file the tariff in creases on other rates which have not oeen fixed by the commission and will immediately suspend them and will set them down for hearing at the same time the applications for increases on commission-made rates sre heard. The carriers asking for the 15 per cent increases are the Southern Pa cific. Union Pacific. S., P. &. S.. Oregon Electric, United Railways, Pacific A Eastern and the Portland Railway, Light & Power company. Pendleton Man Who Killed Wife Is Dead Lewiston, Idaho. May 18. (U. P.) Lloyd Shawley of Pendleton. Or., member of a prominent family of romeroy. Wash., who on last Wednes day evening shot and killed hls wife. Housewives Learn Of Merit of Kaola That Portland housewives msy have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with its products, th. Kaola company, 624 Roosevelt avenue, is conducting a demonstration of its cocoanut butter, used for shortening, at the Olds. Wort man & King store. The attendant serves the butter with crackers and cake shortened with the Kaola. C. A. Palnton, the manager, long ago discov ered the penchant of Portlanders for buyings things not made here, but in his case this is largely overcome. Tim. was when 90 per cent of th. big plant's product was shipped to the east, but now the local market is changing this condition. Still, he is shipping carloads to Pittsburg. Chicago. New York. Phila delphia. Boston and other eastern cen ters, but his plant has been so greatly enlarged within th. last year that he can do this and still not slight the lo cal demand. Considering the high price of lard, Kaola comes In as a blessing to the larder of the home. Jacobs Shirt Co. Enlarges Its Force The Jacobs Shirt company, fourth floor of the Northwest building, Wash ington at Sixth, has added largely t. its premises to accommodate an en larged force of workers. These addi tions mean that, "business is mighty good and I'm kept busy with my shears! I simply haven't a minute to talk unless my callers chat as I cut," as Mr. Jacobs puts It. Charles J. Jacobs has been in the shirt manufacturing buslnes in Port land for about a quarter of a century and he never was more active "than now. Vaughn Company in New Home. The Vaughn Motor works is now In its new home erected by Mr. Vaughn at 471 Kast Main street, corner of East Ninth, and conspicuous signs may be seen st a great distance di recting the interested to the place. The foundry and machine shop, sep arate buildings, cover hair a bloctc. tne machine shop being two stories with woodworking apartments above. Here is made the frame work of the fa mous Vaughn drag saw, and such other devices as the company manu factures. The fore, of workmen has been largely increased in the new premises. When writ! ns to er rallinar on adTertlasra pwase mrnnon ice journal. iaoi.i TJYTTEUAX 1XMJ1 rTT.T.Ti OaaraatMd 100,000 XlUs. It will reduce your tire expense 88 and will add at least 100 more pleas ure to your rnotorinjr. What better results do you ask? It does not re Quire n cent of Investment to try It out. Give it a trial, is ill we ask. RAILROADS a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. I Happy of Connell. Wash.. andr Fort , Benton. Mont., and then turned the' same revolver on himself, mulcting two wounds In the left breast, passed away at White's hospital here this morning at o'clock. Shawley under went an operation yesterday for re moval of the bullets, both lodged near the back bone, and gradually sank from that time. During his rational moments, Shaw ley Intimated that persons coming be tween himself and his wife had caused a rupture In their relations and that this had driven him to commit the crime. The remains of Mrs. 8hawley wero removed to Walla Walla yesterday for burial. Shawley's body will be taken to the family home at Pomeroy for interment. Hunters Pledge Help. Lewiston. Idaho, May 12. (U. P.) Sunday. May 20. will see members of the Lewiston Gun club in the field to wreck vengeance on magpies, hawks, crows, owls, coyotes and other forces that destroy bird and animal life that the sportsmen are trying to protect in this section. Almost two score mem bers have valunteered for the expedi tion. Plot to Assassinate Baltimore Police Baltimore. Md.. May 12. (I. N. S.) What is declared to have been a plot to assassinate the heads of the Balti more police department and carry on campaign of wholesale aafe blowing was unearthed by tha police depart iar poiico utpsu- ment today. Joseph Wagner, sentenced to the penitentiary recently on a rob iv .... - ..nlAnrul bery charge, confessed to tne ponce that he and several "pals" who -were pot in prison planned the campaign. British Tars Come To Grief in Auto New York, May 11. (I. N. 8.1 Three "Jackie" from a British cruiser and their host are suffering injuries today as the result of an automobile accident. One of the sailors is in the Knickerbocker hospital with a frac tured leg and William Barry, who was entertaining the men from the cruiser. Is also a hospital patient. The acci dent occurred when the machine in which they were riding skidded Into an excavation in the street. MT. HOOD OVERALLS "True Blue, Through and Through' Genuine Indigo Dye Denim cut full roomy can't rip. A Substantial Portland Product Fleischner, Mayer & Co. Manufacturers ef Xt. Hood Brand Barrta. Pants and Ovaralls Unirersity Brand Mack inaw Coats and "I ft J" Flay Baita. LIT. Afaat Caa afak. Bar.. Quick Mousy The "MANNING" Kerosene-Oil, Gas-Producing atAHXTTACTTTErD BY H.W. MANNING Lighting & Supply Co. .3 .ins 83V4 . yortlaa. Of, VAN HOETER'S BLEACHING SOAP Tt is saad. la Portland, maraataas ai ie injur, tb. flnaat fabrics, th. stoat 4.11 eats colors, or tb. saoda. Baa xc.ptlosai cleansing qual!tla. and produces aoowr wash. Con farthar tban oth.r soaps, Ord.r from your d.sUsr. MT. HOOD SOAP CO. 108-no roumra bt. v. NON-SKID Rubber Heels Right and Lft Hc.l i'latcs Means 20 More Wear lad. In Portland. Ask for Portland Non-Skids DRvD.W.KOLLE XAKZI XOIT rZBITCT Eye Glass and Spectacle Monitings a aarlh. I. ansa, wlil sat aaaw looaa aa. aaata arMkaaa. across eaa mat Mm. nt. a. Miuit aa.4. Pbaas for partioalara. 70s- Vilosz Bias. Xaia 41 U. Leupold,Voelpel& Co. atakars SCIENTmC INSTRUMENTS i: Sorr eying, HydroarrspIUe, Nautical 107 EA5T 70TH ST. NORTH !; rosTLAno. onxooif -. BURNER jTgg NEWS OF THE PORT Antral. Bay .It. Waafetraa. Am. a... Captain VToldaaa. tt. from Sua Francisco. Union OU 0. 8. I. Allard. Am. freight, from Kan Francisco, Parr-McOnrmk-k HS. Co. Dalay Math-, Am ca.. Captain Donaldmn. freight, from San Francisco, t'rwmu 98. Co. Marine Almanac. W.aths at Elver'i XovtK. North Hrad. May 12. Condition of the moots or tee river at a. ra., month ; wind, aucthweat, 6 miles; weather, ckmdj. Sua and Tides, Kay 13. Sua rteea. 4:41 a. m. Sun sats. 7:34 p. m. Tidaa st Astoria. Hlth Water. Low Water. 5:01 a. m., 7 8 feet 8:65 p. m.. 7.5 feet. 12:18 p. m., O.C foot. The time ball on the U. S hdrographle of fice waa dropped at noon. Daily River Readings. 4 MM C el t J G S3 STATIONS 15 K5 Wetiatobe. . Kamiab .... Iwlaton .. . 15.3 11.7 13.0 13. a 20.4 H.H 8.S .. 7.2 13 2 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.8 2. a 0.1 O.S 0.5 O.I 0 7 23 22 as n (in 0.12' il iuatllla ... The Da Ilea . Eugene .... Albany 0.25 0.t6 0.1 0.T 0.07 0.11 0.01 ..! 10 40 20 12 15 tsaiem Oregon City Portland . . . ( ) Ulslug. t ) l allluc. River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland win rise atesdllj, reacrilng atarea of about 1S.S feet Sunday, 14.4 teet Monday and 13 feet Tuesday. At Neighboring Ports. AsSSt IS HaLm Vfaia. 1 A lS If ... iTw'p. &ST. ffi, p. m.: Aenie. Kandon. 6:30 p. m rta arce Simla. In tow of tiia Seat Klnsr. Port Saji Lois, 7:30 p. m. i eaiieo: Lily or Tooeka. Eoreka. 11:50 a. m.; Santa Monica. Ix Anfelea, 12:40 p. m.; Daisy. Graya Harbor, 2:40 p. m.; Admlrat Pewey, Loa Anr!ea, 4:20 p. m.; 8. Loop. Puffet Sound, 4:30 p. m. . Yoaemlte, Port Gam ble. 8:30 p. m. ; iWla. Portland. 8:40 p. m Astoria. May 12. Sailed, at 11:30 last nlrtat. Beaver, for Rsn Francisco and San 1 edro. Arrived and left up during the ntrht. Washtenaw, from Port San Ltiia. Arrived or 6:40 a. m., motor achonoer 8. I. A liar 1, frrin San Francisco. Arrived at S:45 and lft sp at 8 a m., Daley Matthews, from San Pedro. Ralleo. at 7 a. m., motor schooner Santloo. for Boaton. Kureka, May 11. Arrived, at 1 and sailed at a p. m. . K. A. Kllhurn. from baa Francisco for Coo Ray and Portland. Saa Pedro, May 11. Sailed, at 1 p. ro.. Ros City, for Portland via San Francisco; at e) p. m., Santlsm, for Columbia river. aa Francisco, May 12. Arrived: Noyo. Mendocino, 5 a. ra. ; Willamette. Ioe Angeles. 6 a. nv; Brunswick, Port Brags. S a. m,; W. S. Porter, with snip Falls of Clyde In tow, Ev erett 7 a. m.; Pasadena. Alblan, 7 a. m. ; Kan Juan. Balhoa. via Champcrlco 7 a. ro.; Aran, wiin Santiago in tow, Monterey, 8 a rn.; Svea. Grays Harbor. a. m.; Tali. Loa Crown Flour, Unbleached Manufactured by Crown Mills, PORTLAND Golden Rod Cereals and Golden Rod Poultry Feed, Manufactured by Golden Rod Milling Co., PORTLAND Retail Department of that Wicker Shop Is Closed Our Willow Furnitur. is now sold by H. JENN1NG 6c SONS EDWARDS FURNITURE CO. GADSBY & SON POWERS FURNITURE CO. Our Factory Is OT.rwh.lmotl With Whol.aale Orders. FAIR WARNING! Dont 7Nd "t Swat" if Ton Want Your Sat. to Uts I Coast Chemical Co. 133 Z. 6th, Bat. ICorrlaon and Alder. East 7085. AK TOVB SSAUS TOl BRAND WAISTS TB.7r. Xad. In Portland. U A KA Utl $30 and up Portibit bouses, chic It. en bouses, woods had a, ate. Mill road. Con struction Co. Main 11(7. 644 Hood st. Sunday and .renlnm. Woodiawn ttll. CALIFORNIA PLATING WORKS Sia 3d at Salmon St. OOXiS. SX&YXX AJTD HCUla PLATING Xe. Czam Cans Xe-tinned. Durable Roofing Saad. la Portland to srUt lfM! ooa- dlUon. by DURABLE ROOFING MFG. CO. Xenton BtaUan. Fortlamd. Or. "Acta ally Mad. in Otacca." C SOMMER & CO., Piano Factory 847 TXXTM ST. onxT rzAJio raoTOBx nr staxb. Awarded Gold Medal as S. jr. Xxpotnton. Piano. Repaired, and Tuned. AH work ruarante.d. Kstablished lis. Phone Marshall H71. Wilhoit Mineral Water Inoorsad Vr PhrsMaaa, - Pkea. far pfastare kooslct. XaU Slis. A-7M7. iktUhU. Angeles, 9 a. m.; J. B. ft at sea, ' lifts Anfelea, 10:30 a. so,; Aaonclaa. Portland. 11 a. in.; Fearle, aiUl Knllertua la tow. Port San Luis, noon. , Halied; Luaon, Gray Harbor, a. BV. Hraule, Kuh., May 12. Antra: . Vic toria, I'naUaka. rla anaUiwrstera Alaska e porta. 8 a. m.s Alaska. Anchorage, rla souta western Alaskan ports, 12:MO a. m. "wattle lias 11. Arrived: Duiabla. sontb ecatern AJakan ports, S:aO p. M.; Admiral , bebloy. Ban ledn via Ban I'reJJCiaco, SUW p. ffi.; ImatlUa. 'lacotaa It p. Bx. Sailed: Admiral brans. Anchorage, vta. southeastern and euatbwealrra Alaska, ports, -11 p. m.; SpoLaue, auutheaatm A last a a ports. 11 p. iu. ; Nun&iand. sostheastara Alaskan porta 6 p. u. ; Safins w. for baa l'wlro, 3 LMi p. m. l-Uut Wells, May 12. Sailed: Captain A. F. Lucas, tor San rtancteoo. Mukllieo. Ms j ll. Arrived: VUmlngtoa, from Seattle rla Tat-uma. - - Tacoiua, May 12. Arrlrr4: (Me Kara, ilawall Mini and Alaska, from Seattle; Cms tUla and Vubarl Maru. from iVattl. yeaierdar. "Billy" Swope Will : Wed Wheeling Girl Ltcenso to wed has been issued to William r. Swop of Portland and ! Katheryn Cohen of Wheeling, W. Vlr S according to telegraphic word from.' Los Angoles. Mr. Swope, who former- ' ly conducted a newspaper in Port- J land, has been engaged in the' real e-'. tate business in recent years. He is a widower, aged 61. Mrs. Cohen is said ! to be a widow and her age is given s so. Woodmen Protest at Food Speculation At the W. o. W. patrloUo meeting on the east side Fridsy night, strong" sentiments against food speculation were expressed.' All the 'Woodman camps in this city have sent protests to the Congressional delegation in Washington against the procrastina tion In consideration of measures to bring the "sport of millionaires" to a sudden stop. Steamers to Remain on Ron Marshfleld. Or., May 12. Announce ment was made here today that the steamers P. A. Kllburn and Breakwa ter, which wer sold by the Oreat North Pacific Steamahtp company to Crowley & Mahoney of San Francisco, will continue on the Coos bay run t Portland and south snd will be oper ated as the Emerald line. L. O. CusU lng, who has been, Marshfleld agent for the Oreat North Pacific Steamship company, will continue in the same ea Paclty for the Kmerald line. TO PAY Rose City Brand Alloveralls At Your Dealers $2.75 in Khaki or Blue Suiting with Brown The Quality Garment Manufactured by HIRSCH-WEIS MFG. CO.! Portland, Oregon - i i BEANS and PORK t baud w rosTLAn, "?,nc'0,u":". "Grand," Dellrtitrul. Splendid. Is what rop1. may of th.m m. fc r. cAanrnro oo 008 Wa.hlnrton Marshall IMt: FOMETHIsa NEW esa Ts (iar onuttis Wladar Makt. abut) la wlndlna . u. ' For aal. at WaelwortaV M.w a rrank-a. Llpmaa Wolfed OIJ. Woitmaa Klsfs, as all lnr-a wbara talUa( sbsr tlra ar sola. T snit pustpal c nraltit of your daalac bsiu. and 10c. otu wiinrn CO.. - HI Sta. rartlaaa. Or. - Western Soda Works Makers of oda Water, SarsapartUa, OtnffW Al., W.stern rotter and Bjrw. Krxxa bt. rio mazv tut. A, J. JUCHKM1CU. Prop. PANSY AND SMALL FRUIT BASKETS Oil a Ka.kt.t. a - - S .. w mi w uiaftvuv All VHBb hav covers aod ar cbap PORTLAND BASKET fc HANDLE CO Msaars af Cary Kiaa a( Islial Baaket JOa. T Urn MaU COT. illl-U alMMlaas WS JUIs SAILS fat nips. aVwalasa. TaaU eaa) rVaaai Aaa IU. aad Oilad Cletalas. Merae a4 CTr. : ttoaa.a. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO Ilrst a ad Aakaa. Maw. Istt. a-lM W. Mak It PAINT; FOR ALL PURPOSES Rasmussen & Co. N. E. Cor. 2d mmd Taylor Str ( Ready-Cut Houses MADB IN PORTLAND SHIPPED A.VWHtKE. Sam Connell Lumber Co. 3 54 Ankeny Street.. Sear Broadway. Phon. Broadway 149. Portland. Or. i P.: SHARKEY & SON I X.09Cr STXAW TXXOAT 1 HORSE COLLARS I Lari 1 Pact Largest factory of It. kind on th. ' una on in. ' ods War. I AVenaa. Pacifi costal, ah uooa. war. i r - rantea. Znst Oak and Vnlom 4 tw: Ha "1