LUMBER COMPANY TO HELP INCREASE FOOD SUPPLY OF COONTRY Bend Concern Will. Fence Its , Logged-Off Lands to Allow , Bunch Grass to Grow. -! Band, !Or., May 11. The Brooks Scanlon Lumber company announced Trjday that it would do lta bit this year to increase the food supply of the ' country by bringing under fence more .han 2000 acres of logged-off land. It ' i the intention of the company to pro tect the' natural bunch grass on Its lands sV that cattle may be fed for market purposes aa soon as the grrass ' has reached a stage that will insure Its permanence. It is probable that later the company will experiment with root crops. Orasses not indigenous to central ' Oregon will be experimented with by tion OI K. A. Ciincnara, cuumy agri culturist. Irrigation District Proposed. Bend, 'Or., May 12. Five hundred owners of lands under the Central Ore-fc-on Irrigation project will be active In ' Support of the formation of the pro- posed Irrigation district now being t planned under the personal direction A of Claude McCnlloch, a Portland attor ney. The action affects approximately ' 45,000 acres. Petitions asking for the organization will bo circulated May 21. Mayor's Stable Annoys. Bend. Or., May 12. Mayor Caldwell Z Friday came in for a little unpleasant . puDUCJty, wnen a peuuon signed Dy t many prominent women was presented to the health officer urging that a Bta "ble of which he is owner be removed idence district. More Recruits lieave. Bend, Or.. May 12. Sixy-five re cruits for the army and navy of the United States left Friday night for PORTLAND S HOMH INDUSTRIES SPELL PROSPERITY MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTORY Following la in fclpbitbvtlcal oliectorf ol 11 advertisers on these tnu paces. All are manufacturers of tha artlcla mentioned, and not merely dealer la and aellera of tbe eonda ' and ware. Their pnxlfctluos will be found the equal of any to be bad. and should have I tha attention of Portland and Oregoa buyers: Atkinson, B. M., manufacturer of cookers to." airtight beating atoves. 249 Jefferson at. i Armstrong Machinery Co., M8 Tburman. St., aw nufactimTS of ice machinery and refriger ating plants. Applegath, C. O.. (0. P. Rummelin Boa), manufacturer of fur garments. 2d and Wash. Auto Tup Oo., manufacturer of auto tops, rebullder of auto, high claw garage, 11th and Hurnside sts. American Branae A Brass Works, workers to copper, brass, aluminum, etc.. OCO Upenur at. Adrian Neexwear Co., ananuf acturera of neckties, Gooduough bldg. Arrow Cement Laundry Tray Co., cement uunurr traj. 5j-1 n. loin su ArniA ftln Pa hWh mm wmmm mnA mjil , sun. 414 UltlB St. Brstton A Glcle (Portland Machinery Co.), Bankers of drag saws. 02 1st St. I BrousoD Motor Equipment Co., mainufae- tuwi of derlce for burning distillate for au j tn mobile fuel, 600 BuruaJde St. Ball Manufacturing Co., makers of women'a ! Six h class waists, N. K. ear. 4th apd Couch. liergman &boe Co., manufacturers of men's and boys' sbors, 621 Tburman st. Columbia Carriage A Auto oWrks, auto tops; rebuilding amd repairing. 200 Front at. Crescent Chemical Co., Janitors' supplies, 2 Washington st. Cooper, Cbas., military and cItII tailor, Boyal bldg. . Morrison and Broadway. " Crystal Springs Finishing Works, wool bats, Buttresses, 125 loth st. Carman Mfg. Co., furniture manufacturers, 1 1214 Mauadiu road. Coonel Lumber Co., Bam, ready cut houses, BM Ankeuy; st. Columbia t'srbon Psper Co., manufacturers at esrbon paper E. lXii and Broadway. Cheney. O. C.. Acetylene Welding Worka, 2&i Hawthorne ave. Coates, 1. B , ' Oets If Soap Co.. 240 8d. Coast Chemical Co., Janlto.'s supplies, 133 '- E.,6th st. Closaet A Co., roffee roasters, wholesale Coffees snd teas. 1ZS 12th H., N. ' California 1'latlng Works, gold, silrer and Klckel plating. 212 2d st. . Uuiter, I.. I.., manufacturer of hand con crete mixers, 1163 Moore st. Coulter Co., manufactures Tlollne. gnltars, banjos, ukuleles. 1-abhe bldg.. 227Vj Wash. Cauitbol Co., manufacture! of C a nit hoi, ls4 Buroslde st. Coin Machine Mfg. Co.. mannfaeturers of brass, eopper, steel und Iron products, 084 K. l'ith t., ,I)unniB, DstM M., manufacturer of paints, 10th st. and Sherlock are. Durable Booting Co.. makers of highest 'grades roofing paper, Kenton station, Portland. Uaria-Mrott Belting Co., leather belting ' Biskers, 24O-200 Hawthorne ave. . loernbecber Mfg. Co.. furniture nmnufac- turers. si. iMth st. snd O-W. ft. A N. trscks. Klectro UsWsnixlng Works, galvanising, 22d . at., N.. and Heed at. Enamel Bake Ovens, auto and other enam- ellng, 604 Burnaide st. Flelschner, Msyer A Co., manufacturers of ., feveralls and men's work shirts. 207 Ash St.. '-, Folding Mattress Co.. folding mattresses, : pillows, 606 Williams sre. Gill Bros Seed Co., dabllaa and seed, route s: I. Portland; Or. Gem Winder Co., tatting shuttle winders, ioi eth st. . - Grandma Onokle Co., wholesale cookie bak- era, 3SO-SA4 E. Stark t. tioldeurod Milling Co., mannfaeturers of . f kMir, healthifoods, poultry foods 363 Oak at. Holly Condensed Milk Co.. Milk and Klce. XS. H. Stevens. Board of Trade building. . Harris Ice Machine Worka, ice machines gs4 refrigerating plaats, 174 E. Water at. . . Hesse-Martin Iron works, foundry snd ma '. Yirx vnrbl. 4:U Relmoilt St. Hansen Mfg. Co., ammonia and liquid blu--i 4n. Aftin Powell Valev road. Helser A Unden Iron Works, foundry snd ' ' Biarhlne works, 403 rca si., ' Hlrah,Weti Mf. Co.. overalls, work shirts, - . - wssteroroof clothing, tents, etc.. 206 Burnaide. Independent Cracker Co.. crsekers, con fee - tines, etc., 430 B. Davis at. Independent Foundry Co.. fonndry. 743 York :3aeobs. Inc.. men's shirts to order, 327V4 Wash, ' Jones Bro. & Co., loganberry Juice, apple ' cider, vinegar, 84 AlDlna ave. ' Joust, Edward F-. Wllbolt Springs mineral water, Labbe bid.. 227Vs Wash. at. Korlnek Remedy Co.. stock snd poultry rem edies, Derby st. and Columbia Dive. L J. J. Kadderly. Kadderly fnrnace, 180 1st st, i T- Kent ThoS. E.. men's shirts to order, SIS McW-av bids-.. 4th and Wash sts. V - Knight Packing Co.. pickles, fruit Juices, el- Ar. vlnea-ar. etc., 474 E. Alder st. Kolle. Dr. D. W., Improved optical ooae piece, JOU Wilcox bldg. . Losterol. H. i. Scbwanborg. plane and furnl , tura polish, 4010 Woodstock sve. Lehman, Geo. O., Mrs. Sch lei's egg noodles, .lm R. Pino st. Leopold A Voelpet manufacturers' scientific : trmrntH. 107 K. 70th St. McMonlee. W. H. A Co., horse collars, auto tires, etc.. 440 llsncock SU t Mlllmade Construction Co., ready built arsracea. etc.: 644 Hood at. Montana Assay Office, asaayers, chemists, , a. 142X4 2d at. Mount Hood Soap Co., laundry and fine toilet aoa pa, 270 GHssd st. aiatnew A Phelps, manufacturers enlll-eon-' earns, beans and pork, 006 Wash. at. "- Multnomah Trunk Co., trunks and bags, suit esses, 84 E. Wster st. ' Northwest Lead and Machinery Co., lead -pipe, lead wool, etc., machinery repairing, 311 - Oregon Paper Box Factory, paper boxes, ear 'aM 245 ti Stark st. Old fashioned Milling Co., wheat. Vara, lye. Cats, nealio iooos, .cmj vvosey st. Oregon Brass Works, copper, brass and alum tnnn. 2d and Everett eta. , Oregon Door Co., doors, ssh, etc, foot Spo- gane ave. - Oreeou Chair Co.. chairs, 1180 Macadam reed ' Purdln Bros., garbage caaa, airtight stores, ' eouapeis)'' camping sisves, ton uqjob ave. (CaaUaaad ea sTaxt rage) Portland or enlistment. With the departure of the volunteers, the list of central Oregon man going Into train ing has reached 130 men. A big send off was given the men at the train. K. of C. to Organize. Bend, Or., May 12. With 21 old members and 35 Initiates, tha Bend council of the Knights of Columbus will ba organized here Sunday after noon under the direction of State Dep uty Frank Lonergan. of Portland, and Past State Deputy W. A. Barett. of Albany. ' Good Roads Are Advocated. La Grande, Or., May 11.' Good roads In Oregon were advocated by State Highway Commissioner Adams of Eu gene in the M. E. church auditorium in this city Thursday evening. He bpoke in Cove Friday afternoon and In Union Friday night. Dates for Pioneer Reunion Are Fixed Lebanon, Or., May 12. The dates for the annual Linn county pioneer re union and picnic to be held at Browns ville have been set for June 20, 21 and 22. Coshow park, in which this cele bration has been held for 40 years, was recently purchased by the city and ex tensive improvements have been made on the grounds. Tha following com mittees have been appointed by the di rectors and officers of the association: On grounds. Earl Cochran, H. C. Thompson and J. N. Coshow; program. C. E. Stanard, C. E. Sawyer and W. B. Glass; securing speakers, J. D. Ir vine, C. H. Stewart, W. B. Glass and W. T. Cochran; vocal music, H. A. Stanard, Mrs. Clara Starr and Mrs. Josie Starr; instrumental music, W. E. Thompson, Wayne Stanard and W. C Cooley. Oil Heater Fires Crib, Twins Burn Berkeley, Cel., May 12. (U. P.) Jean and Katherine Mackay, 14-months-old twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. 6eth Mackay of Berkeley, were bumeil to death Friday when an oil heater set fire to soma clothing dry ing near the crib In which they were asleep. Wilson's Old Fashion Whole Grain Products Delivered to your home fresh from the mill. Corn Meal. Wheat Meal. Oat Meal. Rye Meal, fine and coarse. Old Fashion Milling Co., 241 HoUaday Ave. Zast B75S. C1341. Enamel Bake Ovens Makes aShaaby Antes Xook Uka Vaw. We treat tha hooda and fenders Ilka they do at tha factory DON'T paint and varnish em. Ask for particulars. J. C. WAXJTOCX. Prop., sol Bonslde at 14th. Mala 8435, A-4349. LAUNDRY TRAY CO. ARROW CEMENT Manufacturing "Arrow" Brand Trays. The fastest growing cement products iaciory in tne fsortnwest,. wnyi Products and service. See them made at 554 East lota St. Fnone Sell wood 1530. QLXBS SIGNS HXTAI. Acme Sign Co. Sand Blast, Chipped a las a. Acid Etohlag. Epeelal Prlees on Quantity Work. 414 Davis St., Portland, Or. The Bergmann Custom Made Wabfoot Braag Bhoa for tha BTJBIHEBB, BTBJBXTCAX. BAXXm koas os rozaczuAAN. Awarded Oold Medal P. F. X. B. 1H DAVID M. DUNNE CO. SAUK'S aCABTJPACTTJBJBXS Fatr9alaa ttoat Xadnstry Boy Tout PAINTS BZXECT rBOH TBS PAOTOBT 19th st. aad Bherlook Ave. paoaaa Mala 17, A-1313. David AX. Ooaaa. Praaideat. Montana Assay Office GOLD. PLATINUM AND BILVEK REFISEAI. Aaaajera. Hmelters, Uefiuers and Buvera it Gold, Platinum, ailver, tilgb Qrsds ores. Jew elers' Sweepings. Pboto Silver, Nitrates. Kta. Producers ot Ut-ntal and Jewelers' Gold aatl Silver Flat cock. Wire Solders. Chlerldca. til. trates and Ertue Strengtb Alloj. s-t-a-S 3d ac Marsuall CLOSSET & CO. Roasters and Jobbers of COrPEBS, TEAS, SPICES. EX TRACTS, ETC. 128 13th Bt Portland. Oregon. O. O. Wentworta C. O. Irwta Columbia Carriage & Auto Works ATJTOMOBU.S ZWOICS, &PKIXG8. FOBS. HOB, fAUTflMQ, BAaZSAI. gAI&v, sos-sii rroat atrsst. Portland. Omm. PORTLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO. Makers of COUCHES, LOUNGES. UPHOLHOLSTERED FURNITURF MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS ls.u3 macadam Road Main 809 A-3513 Snodgrass & Williams lr &- JttgiM.52 sj; Ciaatiaga, rialala, eto. . SW Hsvnaoras Am. BOY OF 15 CONFESSES HE KILLED IESS HALL, Carl Don Tuell Insists, How ever, That He Fired Fatal Shot in Self-Defense, Salem, Or., May 12. Carl Don Tuell, 15 years old, has confessed to firing tha ahot which ended tha life of Jess Hall, notorious ex-convlet, in a tent concealed in tha brush on Beaver creek, in Lincoln county. Tha confession was made Friday aft ernoon to Bert Geer, sheriff of Lin coln county, when ha interviewed the boy at the state industrial school for boys, where Tuell was commit tea April 9, which was about a week after the killing. He was sent to the re form school for robbing tenta and cabins along the beach. Self Defease Claimed. The boy told the sheriff hat he fired the shot In self defense. He said he and Hall, whom ha met in Portland were living together in the tent and one afternoon, near the first of April, they quarreled. He said he had been cleaning a gun. Hall reached for his gun, and Tuell shot first, according to the boy. Only one shot was fired, Tuell told the sheriff. He said Hall was stoop ing in such a position that the bullet went through Hall's body and struck his knee, which gava rise to the be lief that mora than one shot had bees fifed. Hardly knowing what to do, Tuell left the tent and made hia way to Al bany, where about a week later he was arrested and returned to Lincoln county to answer tha charge of rob bing the beach tents. Boy Confesses Beadlly. Sheriff Geer said he had no diffi culty in getting the boy to make a clean breast of the tragedy, but he did not press him for details Hall's body was found In the tent Thursday and Sheriff Geer imme diately connected young Tuell with ARE YOU AWARE THAT Tha Auto anal Fnrnitar Polish will make your housework easier. Phona Scllwood 55 aad lat ua tall you about it, AUTOS REPAIRED AUTOS REBUILT ELEGANT GARAGE WORK GUARANTEED East Third and Burnsido whlakbttb oa xwum a MACETJTB VAKKB Phona East 65. J. A. Webber. Prorx Wool Bats Mattresses AST BZXE AVD WfcXQXT. Bay Direct lrom MavnnfaetnrM. Blankets. Mattresses aad Psatatr ataaoTataa. we do castom Cardiag, Crystal Sprints Fmiihiijf Works 18S lota. Baas AOdex. Pbaaa SKala 874 PETTIT FEATHER & BEDDING CO. 813 V. 1STS ST. POBTIiAVS, OS. ataaafactarara of blga-gTada Comfort ers. Pillow aad tbe (amoas Heas apraad atattraaa. Ask yoo deauet ta see them. for real Knaioal iBatrumeata. Bad to e the est. rather thaa to sslL Visit tha Cealtar Co. 'a riddle Shop. Violin, Xaodolin, Oaitar, Banjo. Ukslsla,- 111 to SU LABBZ BI.DO.. m's WABK1NQTOM T.. PorUaad, Oragsa. Merchants Requiring Paper Boxes for their store shelves can have prompt service by placing their orders. Satisfaction or money back. OREGON PAPER BOX FACTORY P. Dielsctaneider, Prop, 3d Floor, 241-245 Stark St. K0R1NEK REMEDY CO. Manufacturers of Veterinary, Medicines adapted for diaeaaaa of horse a. cat? tie. sheep, poultry aad pei animal. Compounded by graduates of Ute foremoat Veterinary Bchoola. Darby aad Colombia Boalavaxd, North Portlaad fltatloa, Portlaad, Oregoa. -J Have you tasted KNIGHTS NEW Rogue River CATSUP? It'is delicious. Ask your Grocer. KNIGHT PACKING CO. : Portland, Oregon NOTORIOUSEX-CONIT tha shooting as Tuell, when arrested in April, admitted being with Hall. At that time tie said Hall bad made hia way ta Mexico. Tutl had said Hall, who had been pardoned by Governor Wlthyoombe about a year and a half ago, had come from Canada to visit hia aged mother, who lives about a quarter of a mile from where ha pitched hia tent and had kept under cover because he believed that returning to tha state was a violation of hia pardon. Murder "Will Be Charge. Superintendent Hale of the State In dustrial school says that Tuell has a reeord for good behavior since being at tha school. Tha boy's mother lives at Seattle. Sheriff Geer will take Tuell to To ledo Saturday to answer to 'the charge of murder. Nebraska Is First State to Buy Bonds Washington. May 12. (I. N. S.) Nebraska was the first state to enter an actual subscription to the Liberty Loan, the trearury department an nounced Friday. While Idaho sent In an advance pledee several weeks be fore the declaration of the war bond Issue, Nebraska Is the first state to Kubscrib since he bonds have been actually placed on sale. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo FrlJay received a 1500,000 subscription from George E. Hall, state treasurer of Nebraska. A 1100,000 subscription was received from the Woodmen of the World through C V. Benson, head clerk of tha board of managers of that organ ization. Willamette Building Fund Now $12 000 Willamette University, Salem, Or., May 12. A check for 3500 is the latest addition to the building fund of the new girls' dormitory, and was con tributed by Judge Charles S. Cutting or Chicago. The first check for 3(00 came from Mrs. Lou Stockman of Pendleton. She Is, therefore, the first to receive the privilege of naming a room in the new building. The largest gift to data is $6000. from W. W. Brown, of Fife, Or. The cost of the building and furnishings is estimated at $40,000. Of this amount $12,000 has been secured. E ERECT ON BIG FARM y C. Egbert Finds Advantage in Getting His House From Portland Factory, J. C. Egbert of The Dalles, has spent tha week In Portland partly to visit nis niece, Mrs. I. M. whltcomb, 800 Macadam street, and partly to arrange for the construction of a fine dwelling on his big 960-acre farm located a few miles out of hia home city. On inves tigating prices of lumber and cost of carpenters. Mr. Egbe't arranged with the bam Connell Lumber company, 354 Ankeny street, for the erection of one of Its ready-cut houses, and tha build ing will be shipped to its destination within a few da's. I discovered that I could save a large sura in the cost of the building," Mr. Egbert says, "by having it fabri cated in the factory here, and that I could have the plans changed from those shown in the catalogue to suit my own tastes and desires. This was dona and my nine-room dwelling will be ready for ccupaJicy within a short time. I found that it was easy to un derstand the advantage in buying ready-to-set-up houses. AH the ma terial is cut to exactness by machin ery, no, hand work being necessary, and tha small' pieces lett from one building can be worked into another. so there is no lose in lumber. And when on the ground unskilled work men can put tha structure together, as all parts are plainly labeled, and within a few days the building is com pleted and ready for occupancy. There is no litter to be burned or carted away no waste of any kind no bad joints anywhere, no doors that do not fit nor windows which rattle in their frames. All reasoning teaches that frame buildings may be fabricated in the yards where the material exists. Just aa well as can structures of steel at the steel mills. It Is simply carry ing out tha steel building idea." Mr. Egbert's farm la leased and his tenant's share of tha laat crop, sold before prices had climbed half way to the skies, brought him between 18000 and $9000. Mr. Egbert has had bis home at Tha Dalles for-31 years. r m Heard In Court. From the Barton Transcript. Judge &'ix months in Jail with hard labor. Hobo Say. Judge, can't yer double de time an' cut da labor? WASCO RANCH ER BUYS READY-MAD HOMETO Hesse -Martin Iron Works Corner East 7th aad Belmont Su. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS Elevating, Conveying, Screening and Transmission Machinery Contractors' Equipment and Saw Mill Machinery. PACIFIC COAST PRODUCTS FOR PACIFIC COAST INDUSTRIES - - " . i ICE MACHINES Trom aa aaly cooaplata fact ay la tha atlre Vortawest. ARMSTRONG'S iVIcIntosl-i & Felxftalb, tLTioAVa."! THE VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW FOUNDRY at 471 East Main Street FINE GREY IRON CASTINGS OVM iwroiijiininracruwm rzsroars ajtb vast Leonard Schadr Superintendent, - . . Phone East 713! PAMPHLETS MAILED TO VOTERS REVIEW ELECIN SUBJECTS Registered Voters to Get Ad vance Notice of Measures and Amendments on Ballot. Salem, Or., May 12. Approximately 311.692 pamphlets containing tha meas ures and constitutional amendments to ba voted on at the special election, to be held June 4, have been mailed to tha registered voters by Secretary of State Olcott. It took H days in which to mail tha pamphlets, and the post age amounted to 33,113.92. Tha law requires that tha pamphlets must be mailed not later than 10 daya before the date of election, ao Secretary Olcott has beaten the law by approxi mately 20 days. "The mailing of tha pamphleta waa expedited," said Secretary of 6tate Ol cott, "so the voters would nave an pos sible time before the election for the consideration of tha measures and amendments referred to them." Votera who have registered recently will be mailed copiea of tha pamphlets as soon as their names are reported to Secretary Olcott by the various county clerks. "If any registered voter ha failed ta receive a pamphlet." said Mr. Olcott, "It Is beeause Tie has changed his real denea since his laat registration, or the pamphlet addressed to him has gone astray in the mails." Accident Claim ,1s Allowed." Salem, Or., May ' 12. The claim against the state industrial accident fund of the widow and child of Franklin P. Meeker, who was killed March 13 while employed at Bull Run by the Cameron-Taylor Logging com pany, was approved. Friday by the state industrial accident commission. The widow Is 56 and the child 14 and if they live their expectancy they win receive from the fund $6004.60. Stoneware Makers Behind With Orders The Pacific Stoneware company is in hard luck. Its business is o good the management cannot keep up with it unless it forgets the clock and runs the factory day and night. The man in the public market who sells its Jigs and crocks and garden pottery, declares he wishes tha de manda on the company would let up long enough for it to get his orders filled so he in turn could fill those placed with him. From present appearapcea it looks like T. S. Mann, manager of the enter prise, soon will have nothing to do but work 24 or 25 hours a dav. This institution covers the entire Paclflo coast territory,, from the Mexi can border to beyond tha Rockies on the east. Its products are -of many varieties, from the ornaments for the home, lawn and garden, to all things In plain crockery. Visitors are always welcomed at its plant. 895 Sherlock avenue. There they may have their attention drawn to many varieties they have not known existed. Stove Works Moves Into New Location The Portland Stovs Works, for al most a generation located at 626 Hood street, is moving to Its new location at Derby street and Columbia boulevard. Kenton, into tha building formerly oc cupied by the Pacific Coast Safe & Vault company. Thia structure, UOx430 feet, was purchased by the stove company a cou ple of months ago. It is located on tha tracks of the O-W. R. & N. Co., and adjacent to the Columbia river. The company's foundry Is already in opera tion in its new location, and the bal ance of the plant will be there within the next two weeks. The old works are being dismantled, and auto trucks are transferring the output to Kenton. Medicine Gushes From Springs. Over at Wilhoit, in Clackamas coun. ty, but a few miles from Portland, has been flowing for countless centuries a stream of medicine which has cured thousands of persons of various afflic tions, and still is performing Its func tions for many who give It a chance. Doctors say it is one of the finest stomach remedies extant, and that. If the springs were only located in the heart of tha Siberian mountains, the Jungles of Africa, or the Sahara des ert. Portlanders would be mortgaging their ineomes to get money enough to visit them. The management of the springs maintains a depot for tha wa ter on Washington street. In tha Tabbe building, between- First and Second atreeta. Defense Council of Hood River Elects Taomaa CaXktaa Xs Made Prealdemt of Orgaalsattoa VUeb WQ1 Save Onarra of Campaign to Orow roods. Hood River, Or.. May U. A meeting of 30 representatives in Hoott River county who will have charge of thaj work of tha agricultural defense coun cil In this county was held at tha Com mercial club Thursday night. A per manent organisation was effected, with Thomas Calkins, president; R. E. Scott. secretary, and a committeeman from each school district in tha county. They will at once proceed to secure accurate statistics relative to the amount of foodstuff and varieties that will ba grown in the Hood River valley this season and to organise a central labor council to handle tha labor problem. J. W. Brewer and H. O. Miller of The L-alles. reprcaentlng the government. ware present and outlined the cam paign to be carried on throughout the state. Mass meetings will ba held In each of tha school districts of tha Hood River valley on Saturday evening to urea the farmers to plant all available acreage with substantial food crops. Disloyal Americans Will Get Publicity San Francisco, May 12. (P. X. S.) John W. Preston, United States attor ney, admitted Friday that he is busy Investigating many cases of disloyil Americans who are responsible for ut terances manifesting more regard for the enemy than for their own country "If these people can not be reachel In any other way," said Preton, "I will make public their names." Reports of patriotic citizens having knowledge of persons favoring the en emy will be treated as confidential by Preston, ha said. "The Germans who are obliged t.i remain here are temperate in their speech, compared to some Americans who do not realize that we are at war" said Preston. "I am not speak Ing about just criticisms, but I am referring to persons who frankly state that their sympathy and support are with Germany." United Mattress & Pad Co. X. 670 a 134 5 airss EXTRA GREEN Trading STAMPS with every Mattress renovated in pur most modern RENOVATING DEPARTMENT. Our wornman ship is beyond comparison. Done by UNION EXPERTS. Oar prlees ara reaaonable. aad oar g-narantee la worth y o a r friendship. Portland. Oreg-oa. MADE TO ORDER Finest imported Fabrics Boom BIS ICacleay Bldft 4t& aad Wasaiaftoa ts Pacific Iron Works Structural Steel and Iron foi Buildings and Bridges We earrr in stock a complete Una of Beam. Angles. Channela, Tees and Mill Plates. PORTLAND, OREGON A WXITTIM OTTASaJfTEZ res with -rry BRONSON Distillate Burner Taat tou will Vera DlaTELtATE la roar Aa tomobll ot Tracts at ss-aalf reur foal east BETTER thaa yon now bura Gaaoliae, Ssaa for Booklet. SROHsosr stOTom SQTrmazarr co. 100 BtTaVBIDZ. pobtxavs. obeoow LajrOTACTVSXX8 Or CSAZSS AST) soexsu. Portlaad, Oreg-oa. "BEST XBT THE WtJTI" Pacific STONEWARE Co. W. H. M'Monies & Co. Makers of Horse Con ara. Rator Strops. Auto Tires rebuilt and double treaasd, Vuleanlsina and repairing. We buy old auto Urea. non XASTlaa. raatory .440-443 Xaaeock U Cot. E. TtJa. pxora BAST aT7 for hlfftieat grade typewriter aad pencil. CARBON PAPERS SCade ta partus aad In m fm 50 5 rMaMVMM G 1 r,-frrrM,Y p R t D V ..-w, , ."..V-. : T E - E N R lit BOX FACTORY - 9 SOON WILL BE - AT FULL CAPACITY North Bend Plant of Northern Pacific Company Will Be Opened by Its Lessees. Marahfleld, Or.. May 13 W. I Clarke, one of the new proprietors of tha box factory In North Bend, has arrived on Coos bay to make arrange ments for opening the plant which has been leased from tha Southern Paci fic company. Tha proprietors are Callaghan A Clarke, the firm being made up of C W. Callaghan and W. I. Clarke, who operate a paper mill In California. Mr. Clarke states that tha factory probably will be ready to operate within two weeks and will run f u 1 capacity. Orders have already been received. Several mills ara cutting aeroplane lumber in Coos county and tha lower grade spruce left after the select aeroplane stock is taken out will ba used to make boxes. Ordered to Training Camp. Marahfleld. Or.. May 12. J. W. Gra ham, who has been employed as tally man at the Buehner mill, in North Bend, today received a call to report for service at the officers' training camp in San Francisco. He recently took the preliminary examination at Eugene. Strike Still is Unsettled. Marshfleld. Or., May 13. Tie strike at the C. A. Smith mill still Ts unset tled, tha men demanding a 60-cent raise. Superintendent Merreen Bays the company Is not making an issue of the men's demands and that the offer of a 25-cent raise stands as the com pany's -answer to the walkout of the men. No attempt la being made to operate the mill. When writing ta or railing on adTertlarra, plea mrntvm The Journal. (Ad. I OPERATING EOR EVERYONE ot making- over all kinds of mattreaaea at small cost Into Sanitary Folding Mattresses na way shown here. Feather nad" roadw Into folding mattresaea wltn aumroer and winter aidea. Wool Batts Carded. Too Ht.ona for liurature which wa will rindiy mail. Folding Mattress Co. oe Williams Ave. Fhoae Baat S874. tn BEST DRAG SAWS Cnt cord of wood In IS to 20 minutea; economical: weight 2CS; cuta timber to feet Bend for circular. Portland Machinery Co. S3 PZTST ST. Phoae fctaia 117 Ask Your Dealer for FAMOUS Doernbecher Furniture Made in Portland Thayer, Shaver Gulley Machine Co. Qtneral Machinists aad Builders of "EVER-READY" TRUCK ATTACHMENTS for all makes of cars. l.toa attachment gaao IH-toa attachmaat 41 g-toa attacamaat 460 Fhoae Zaat 7437. 1S3 B. Wata St, PEMNSIU IRON WORKS founders, Mavcniuiata, pattern nsakers. "faniasuia Uray lroa and SerolotUeel Caatlaca Jot all . pur roses. Transmission aad Special Machinery. MU1. Marina aad Oaa eraj Repair Work. Paoae. Oolaxav Ma 14. St. Johaa, Portlaad, Oa. Independent Foundry Company portlaad. Orerom. OBBT CKOB AJTS feXMX-PTEZX. CASTINGS J. S. BMat I. M. XaOaaWy RELIANCE Wire & Iron Works alaaofaettsrers mt all ktada af WIX AMP U0B WOBX aAAXUVSS ABB IXsTCZa. OraaawaUl Iraa ' Work, . avaart Osaraa. Kta. X. lath a4 riaaaasav . . rkna Zms 1Mb, mm Garbage Crematory Scene of Impromptu Fireworks Display When G. C. Taylor, a weigher at the municipal garbage incln m erator, saw a wasonload of fire- crackers and fireworks bearing down upon him he couid not re- sist the temptation to try a firecracker and see If It would go off. It did Also It fell upon the wagonload of explo- elves and the rest of them went off. p Ked fire, green fire, Roman candles, skyrockets and large and small firecrackers corn el blned their activities to produce something resembling . an old it tlms Fourth of July, the erup- tion of Mount Pels and the bat- tie of the Marne. Firemen ar- rived shortly after the eruption started and saved the wagon and what was left of the fire- works. The explosives belonged to if Andrew Kan, Chinese merchant, . and had been condemned by the city authorities Kan according- ly hired an expressman, Henry Swarts, to move them to the In- cinerator. Most of them never got there. ShippingHoard Gets Four Old Navy Ships Washington. Mav 1! rt M a The navy department Krirtay turned over to the shipping board four old naval vessels. They are the Boston, a third class cruiser of 8000 tons, the Iris of 6100 tons, formerly a tender to torpedo vessels; the Princeton, a 1010 ton gunboat, all out of commission, and the schooner Rainbow, built In 1890 and long attached to the naval training school of San Francisco. ' Bridges to Be) Inspected. Salem, Or., May 12. At the request of County Judge A. M. Hare of Tilla mook county, the statn highway de partment Friday sent an engineer to that county to Inspect a number of bridges. Judge Hare said the county expects to replace a number of tbo bridges this season. Portland Stove Works MANUFACTURERS OF B30B OBASB Stoves and Ranges ASK TOTJB SEAZ.EX. THE KADDERLY FURNACE la an Oregon production, made entirely of steel, boiler riveted, and a Last Forever. It is tha bast arid mpstaco nomlcal Furnace in the worldTvr J. J. KADDERLY ISO PZB8T STBEET. MAXIT 13BX OREGON BRASS WORKS, be BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Bronsa. Brass. Copper. Aluminum and Composition Cystines. Klnlablna. poi lablns and Plating- Sash liars aad Brass Railing. Saooad aad Everett Sts.. Portlaad. Or. Phones t Mala 6373, A-3373. Oreatlr Xalarf d Vsw Eqnlai I-arssr Capital Am. Bronze & Brass Works D?SHUB STREET. Made qolcklr to order, taatlags of romtmrr elai brass. mat-Bluer rsd l.rsas. dipping metal allojsd alumlauiu. prospbar, aluminum aad Ruaslsn brunss or su utbar esstlnas. Wrttai for partlculara. " The Harris Ice Machine Worki 174.17 East Water surest. Jdikers ot Harris Ice Machines All kinds of ice and refrigerating work; pipe bendinaj and coils made. pobtzvAbs. oaxaov. KACHUTS IH0P. Havtaaraa Asa. U i si. raeaaa, aast as. B-liu. rOUJlDBr aad AX1E1 1H0. Ual. Asa. aad Zaat Suraaa St. fkesss. East 1. -llU Phoenix Iron Works naurzzma roBTtABo. ohioob. rsuadars. KaaaiaUte aad BoUar Bafesrs, BaOA, la aad SUMtarsl Wars. Bspatr Wera Otsaa Broaapt Atasausaw "SSABE IB cfeEGOV." PORllAND BOLT & MFG. CO. Bods, Bolts, Upset Bods. Dies aad Paranasa BnUdtaar lroa ox all ; klada. 3. M. I.LKWS;LLT?f. Mar. SOS 13tk St. B Portlaad. LEAD PIPE to S Inches: calkin lead, sheet lead, lead wool. Biasing lead, ate, NORTHWEST LEAD & MACE CO. S09.ll rBOHT STBEET. CARMAN'S GUARANTEED FURNITURE J Of all Dealers. Bade la rsrtlaad LTB UOTZB. Western Tool and Die Works ANDY FRITZ. PROP, alanufacturara of aaaS BXatal Staatplara aad TKm VOW AT TBXBD ABO OZOSAV STBs Tela. Broadway 870S. W837. Mansf.n mitt: rr . s aa av a sasf ai w SIS i rt asasT al Paw Vanay Baaa, aaakaa ' -V UQTrxo BZ.umr abb ajstjcobta ft isaaata saUy. Have yaer sraeaa acdaa aft Is yaa. Xeaty aattte sramatad. '