The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1917.
Newberg and Pendleton to Be
Scenes of' Rallies of Re
spective Districts of Oregon
Heavy Xosponsss Mad to Calls for
Dslsffatss to Attend Gathering1 of
Stat Association JText WMk.
Judging from the plans now practi
cally consummated for the big twin
conventions of the Oregon State Sun
day School association, the gatherings
are destined to be the biggest under
takings of their kind attempted in this
Tha array of speakers secured in
cludes some of the most noted clergy
men of Portland and of the state. Rev.
Joshua Stansfield, Rev. Calvin B. Wal
ler, Rev. K. II. Pence and Rev. Dr. J.
L, Sprlngston are among the Portland
ministers to address the delegates to
the convention at Newberg and at Pen
dleton. The dates for the convention
of tbe western Oregon town are May
16 to 18, inclusive, and for the con
vention in eastern Oregon, May 18
to 20.
The feature of the conventions will
consist in having Marion Lawrence
of Chicago, international general sec
retary, to speak.
Ills' many friends In Portland have
expressed t hemselves "eager to see him
again after an absence of more than
nine years.
The delegates notifying Mrs. Walter
Terill of their intention to atterfd the
convention at Newberg and Mrs. S. A.
Lowell of their intention to go to Pen
dleton, have been large.
Series of Sermons
Proves Interesting
Thle series of Sunday evening dis
courses at Westminster church, by Dr.
Edward H. .Pence, is proving very in
teresting and attractive, as evidenced
by the large attendances. This series
-.of six discourses is a consideration of
'God in the Moral Crises of the Human
Race." On next Sunday evening, at
7:45, the third of these discourses will
be given on the subject: "The Strug
gles of Civilizations and Barbarisms."
Kvery thinking person should take ad
vantage of these studies by Dr. Pence.
It Is asserted, because of their profit
to the human mind.
At the morninp service, at 10:30, Dr.
Pence will speak on "Keeping the
Great' Securities Safe." The communion
of the Lord's supper will be observed
as also the receiving of some 40 mem
ber into the covenant relation.
Sellwood Parish
Officers Elected
The annual meeting of the members
of St. John's Kpiscopa! church at Sell
1 woo.3 was held on Tuesday evening in
the parish-house. Archdeacon Cham
bers, In charge of the mission, pre
sided. After the reading of reports
of the treasurer, vestry clerk and
woman's guild, the election of officers
was held for the year ending Easter,
1918, resulting as follows: A. G.
Whitemnn, senior warden; George
Clark, Junior warden; George Ballheim,
treasurer: John O. Nathan, clerk.
Messrs. Harold A. Sellwood and Jack
Nelson were ejected extra members of
.the vestry. After the election the
ladles of the guild served a substantial
lunch. "
Aged Mothers Will
TCP TfllrPlI "t.ft flhlTPP.Tl
UO Ol3S.Kjll LU VJUU1 Ull
I "Mother" will be tlve predominating
r" feature at the eryX1'es of the First
Christian 'church Sunday morning.
i Conveyances have, been provided for
the aged mothers who are not able to ,
' attend otherwise. In keeping with tho
spirit of the day Rev. Harold H. Grtf
i.." fis has chosen for his morning subject,
, '"Behold Thy Mother" and the evening
I ' topic will be "Cubic Character."
I The special seiial address for mem
J. bers of the men'a 'Bible class will be
i given at 9:45 a. m. by Claude S. Pefley,
I his subject being "Auto-intoxication
i vs. Health."
1 Special Services
For Mothers' Day
Piedmont Presbyterian church, Cleve
land avenue and Jarrett street, will ob
serve Mothers' Day Sunday morning nt
11 o'cloc The service will be int
duced by a junior service, with 111
trated talk by the pastor. There w
le special music for the occasion. At
3 p. m.. Dr. Hutchison will deliver a
lecture at Central library on "The Re
turn of the Iord to Set Up His King
dom, arti the Relation of the Present
World War to That Event." At 8 p. m .
In the church, the second of the series
. on "Old Testament Heroes" will be
given in a study of the remarkable case
. "of Jephtha.
Social Service Work
' Eeports to Be Made
.v Tho semi annual meeting of the
Episcopal social service league will be
-held at eight o'clock p. m., May 14, In
troom E, Central library. Report or
the four divisions of the league's woric
,wlll be presented as follows: - Scadding
:.House, by F. V. H. Andrews; Social
Service in Hospital, A. C Newill; Re
tllef Work of the Lexugue. Mrs. Graham;
Seamen's Institute' A. C. Lomer.
, Chaplain Howard will speak on the
.-work of the league as a whole and the
plan for the fall and winter months.
" ' All these reports form the basis of
ihe report to be submitted to the an
'nual convention of the diocese of
Oregon meeting this month In the Pro-
' Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyra
! ! Topic at St. James.
,' Rev. W. E. Brinkman will , preach
. Sunday at 11 a. m.,at St. James' Luth
eran church, on the question "Why
PryT and In the vienlng, at 8 o'clock,
on the subject, "The Gospel of Spring
time." i
. i..
Stars and Stripes
Will Float From
' St. David's Church
K On Sunday morning at the
close of the morning service
the and Stripes will be
raised aloft on a new flagpole
erected on the tower of St. He
David's church, the gift of A.
W. Wiltshure and family. The
choir will sing a new patriotic
anthem, "God of Our Fathers,"
ift by Mortimer, and at the close
"The Star Spangled Banner"
t will be sunr by all present.
Hf The speaker at the morning
service will be a representative
f of the Army V. M. C. A., who
in will present the cause of the
f Y. M. C. A. and the new Ameri-
can army. At night the rector
will begin a series of addresses
on "The Litany," the great com-
mon prayer of Intercession. The -)jf
t singing at the night service is
from the Mission Hymnal and
is always full and hearty. -Jfr
Meeting Will Take Place, Be
ginning Next Friday at the
Centenary Church,
Fullest cooperation having been ac
corded the Portland district Epwortn
league convention, to be held the three
days following May 18. the indications
are strong for an enthusiastic and
rousing success.
This, the 27th annual convention of
the organization, will be in charge of
J. R. Benton, president of the district.
who has devoted untiring efforts to
ward making the gathering representa
tive of every unit of the league ard
making it helpful and instructive.
Equal commendation is conceded to
he due the members of the district
cabinet, F. J. Schnell. chairman, Mlf-s
Minnie Marey, Miss Ida Matson, C. V.
Ohilson, Miss Leva Jackson. Will K.
Warren, Willis Vinson, Oliver Gill and
Dr. W. W. Youngson, advisory.
Bishop Mathew Simpson Hughes will
give the principal opening lecture at
the Centenary church. East Ninth and
Pine streets, the meeting place, on
Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
A loving cup will be presented by
Dr. Youngson to the chapter having
the largest proportionate attendance.
An Interesting aggregation of dis
cussion subjects and features have
been outlined for the three days. Dr.
Joshua Stansfield will talk on "My Ob
ligation as a Young Methodist," Satur
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Out-of-town
speakers have been secured for
the occasion, also.
Young men and women active in the
league have been designated to speak,
instilling vigor and vitality to the
movement In hand.
Program Arranged
For Mother's Day
With the Alberta Commercial club
as special guests, the following Moth
ers' day programs will be given at
the Vernon Presbyterian church Sun
day: Morning Organ prelude, "Pastorella
in A."' Wareing; offertory, "Prayer,"
Von Weber vocal solo, "A Vision of
Eden," by Monnett, Miss Collier; ser
mon by Rev. William E. Todd, pastor.
"The Limitless Scope of the Uncon
querable Energy of Human Harmony";
postlude, "12 Mass," Mozart.
Evening Intermezzo, sacred 2 S..
"What a Friend," Wallace, orchestra:
organ prelude, (a)
Pilgrim's Chorus"!
wagner; (b) "Memories." St. Clair; of
fertory, "Land of the Sky-BLu Water,
Cadman; anthem, "Praise the Lord,"
MrPhnll .mil,
God s TP1": vocal solo, "Calvary,"
1 by Rodney. Moraine: MarT),.!. ..
! march, "Wondrous Love." Farrazzl. or
chestra; "Postlude," Engleman
A girls' chorus will assist' in tho
Minister to Give
Practical Sermon
Luther R. Dvott niitn e '
First Congregational church m i
I reacn fcunaay morning on "How to
He Strong." This Is designed to be
an Intensely practical sermon, show
ns how to be strong in these days
that try the souls of men and women
The evening services will be approp-1-ate
to Mother's day. With no thought
of detracting anything whatever from
all that is due exalted motherhood and
Riving all honor to mothers. Dr. Dyott
7lllr?mZ?h?L the fathe". as Ins
tated in his thme, "Mother's Day and
r ainer s Day."
lliDr. Bishop Preaches
vill ! r r. A
un Sunday Night
Central Tresbyterian church pulpit
W"l b occupied Sunday morning by I
B. Rhodes, state secretary of the
Young Men's Christian association In
the evening Dr. Bishop will preach as
usual. He has been absent from his
pulpit two weeks on account of illness
and his congregation will be glad to
see him in his accustomed place again.
Social Vj,U Be Held.
The homo depaYtment nf th Wom-ii-
worth Presbyterian church, which
reached a total membership of 177
during the recent contest, will give a
social to its members and workers next
Tuesday afternoon at the church.
There will be a musical program a
short address by the pastor, some en
tertaining readings and a social hour.
Will Observe MotherV Day.
Mothers' day will be observed Sun
ty l Kendlworth Presbyterian
chuxcm, where the pastor. Rev. E. P
Lawrence, will speak on "The Purity
Dignity and Spirituality of Fatherhood
and Motherhood." White buttonhole
bouquets will bo given each one at
tending tho service not already wear
ing one.
Will Discuss Picketing Law.
At the CThurch of Our Father, on
Sunday at 7:45 p. m., Charles P. How
ard, president of the Central Uhm-
council, will speak on "The Proposed
Anu-ncseung Law." Free .discussion
will follow. This will constitute the
regular open forum.
Wear a Flower
t t t
Loyal Sons and
Mothers' day, Sunday, while of uni
versal observance in this country will
be given special significance by the
religious bodies of the nation. In
Portland practically every church of
every denomination will set aside the
day for appropriate services.
President Wilson, three years ago,
upon the resolution of congress, pro
claimed the second Sunday in May as
Mothers' day, and asked that that day
be so observed throughout the nation
Conceived by a girl, 10 years ago.
the idea of observing . Mothers' day
has grown in favor, until now the whole
world gives the day over to thoughts
! Bishop Hughes Off
For Another Trip
Bishop Mat S. Hughes of Portland,
a prominent delegate to the convention
of Methodist bishops Just terminated
at Grand Rapids, Mich., returned F-i-day
afternoon to Portland after a
month's stay in the east. He left Fri
day afternoon, after only a brief stay
here, for the White Swan Indian reser
vation. Just north of North Yakima.
There he will address the Indians and
study the work of the reservation.
Leaving there for North Yakima, the
bishop will make addresses, to be fol
lowed by a visit later to Seattle.
"Safety in Service"
Is Evening Topic
At the anniversary services of the
Epworth league of the First Methodist
church Sunday night. Dr. Stansfield
will speak on "Safety in Service." set
ting forth that the best security to
youth is in a high and worthy service.
It will be shown that the soul of the
Individual and the soul of the nation
may be saved by service. The
text will be "Is the Young Man Ab
solom Safe?" There will be an in
stallation of the newly elected officers
of the league of the First Methodist
church. Special music will be ren
dered by the choir.
Aiding Red Cross.
The various women's organizations
of the First Congregational church are
giving their time to various lines of
Red Cross work. The ladies of the
league give Tuesday of each week to
sewing for the Red Cross at their head
quaneis in me tvipman-woire com
pany s store.
Fifth Sunday. After Easter
Legion Topic.
Epworrh Leajrue "Bp worth Leagos Anni
versary Serrle."
B. Y. P. V. "Fellowhip With God."
First 'White Temple 12th nJ Tajrlr uti.
Re. Calvin B. Waller. 11, "A Wnmtn'i
Memorial." 7:30, "The One Thing Needful
In America."
Swedisb-Finnlsb Mission White Temple. 8.
East SfSe E. 20th and Anketiy ats. Rev.
W. B. Hhmon. pastor. 11. "The Judgment
of God." 7:45, "Your Mother."
Highland E. 6th and Alberts IteT. Chan.
Meier, pastor. 11, "Mother's Contribution."
7:45. "Reciprocity With Ood."
ArletaKeT. W. A. Sprlggs. PreaehiDf by
Rev. 11. E. Marshall.
I'ntTersitr 1'nrk R't. Thomas Stephenson,
acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rer. T. Gideon
SJolander. pastor. 11:13, 7:80.
Grnce Montarilla KeT. n. T. Cash.
11. 7:45. 11. "To All Who Lore His Appear
ing." 8. "Eyes That Watch."
Sellwood ReT. F. H Hayes, pastor. 11
7 '30
St". Johns ReT. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30.
Calvary E. 8tb and Grant Rev. J. E.
Tliomss. pastor. 11, "Those Women." 7:30,
Mt. Calvary East Pine and Grand eve.
ReT. A. M. Machaeek. 11, 8.
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Eev. W.
J r"-!f rw .t
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. Rev. Thomas
Broomfield. revival services.
Second German Morris and Rodner ave.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Walts. 11. "Home Influence Over Children."
8 "Blessed, by an Aged Mn."
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Majrett. '.1, 8.
Italian Mission ' Rev. Francesco Saunella.
11, 8.
First German 1th and Mill Rev. 3. Kratt.
11. 7:30.
North Portland Mission 880 Nicola 1 st.
Friday. 8.
Ruasellvllle Mission Iev. Albert Laugh
bridge. 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 4 2d and Holrate Rev. Wal
ter Duff, actins paator. 11. 7:30.
Ftrnt Park and Columbia Rev. Harold II.
Griffls, pastor. 11. "Behold Thy Mother."
"Wc riu,rac'rv-
ers." 7:3. Elder A. H. Mulkey.
East Side I hr1stin K. 12th and E. Tavloe
Rev. A. L. Crim. 11. "Memories of Mother."
fc, "The Hour of Temptation."
Sellwood 13th and Tenino Rev. J. B.
Johnson. 11, 8.
St. Johns Rev. Ilemert F. Jones. 11, 8.
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
Montavllla E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. Eogeue
Burr. 11, 7.45.
Gladstone Rev. Roy LI Dunn. 11, 8.
Ktn?y Aveuuu and Knott Rev. J. Carlos
St. Peter's Lents Rev. P. Beutcen. 8
10:30, 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V
O Hara. . 715. 8 30. :45. 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Uev. J. C
Hughes. . 8:30. 10:3O. 7:30.
St Patrick's 19th and Savler Rev. E. P
Murphy. 8. 10.30, 7:30.
St. Francis' E. 11th and Oak Rev. J. H.
Black. . 8. 3. 10:30. 7:30. "
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave
and Stanton- Rev. W. A. Daly. , 879 n"
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E.
S. Olson, ti. 7, 8. , 11. 7:30.
St. Kose E. 63u and Alameda Rev. J
O larrell. 8. 10. 7:30.
St. Andrew' K. Mh and Alberta Rev. J
Kiernau. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
The Madeline li. 24th and Siskiyou Rev
r...rr K. 'ibompsuu. 7:30, . 10:30.
Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 7Hn Francis
cau Fathers. . 10:30. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa-
deua Kev. . " - o. iv:ou. 7:3o.
Holy cross 77 Buwiium Rev. c. ttauiuod.
i.i mi 7 :30. -
'St. Ignatius' 3220 4Sd St. S. E. Jesuit
FaiuerB. ti:au, o, iv.ou. .
St. Stephens' 2d sod E. Taylor Rev. War
.... A Waltt. 0. 8 30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Philip Nerl E. 16lh and Hickory Hev
yi. J. Cartwright. 8. lO:30. 7:30.
St. Clements Sun to nil Newiou Jtv. Jo
jeuh Chaootou. liev. 'Ihomas Mealou, wssistant.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Uev. Q
unhi. fc. lo:3u. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Kev. F. U. Miller. , 8. lo:3o, 7:3u.
St. Againa a.. im ami diuier tktr. j
Cuiumhwuy. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus tPolish) Maryland ave. and
Falling Hev. F. Matthew 8. 10:3O. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 13th and Couch lUv
B. uurrer. 8. 10:3U. 7:3u.
St. Michael t Italian) th and. Mill Kev. M.
Baleatra. 8. :o:30. 7:30.
St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Fath
ers. 7 :30, 015.
St. Chartes 83d and Alberta Bev. G.
Smuerhoru. S. 10:30. 7:30.
First Park anS iladlson Bev. Lather R.
1 7:45, '"Mother's Day and Father's Day
Dyott. minister. 1O-.30, "How to Be Strong'
40, "Mother my ana ratners lay."
First uenuan E. 7th and Stanton Kv. K.
O. Wlllman.
Atkinson Memorial church B. 29th. and
Everett, Rev. Warrea Morse, paator. It,
Tomorrow in Honor "Sweetheart of World39
at ae x t at
Daughters Everywhere Observe Mothers3 Day
of "Mother."' Miss Ana Jarvls of Phil
adelphia is credited with having ini
tiated the idea, when during the first
part of May, 1907, she Invited a friend
to visit her on the second Sunday In
that month to commemorate the date
of her mother's death.
An earnest purpose to make the ob
servance more common among friends,
resulted, in' the following 'years, in a
more general sentiment of remember
ing mothers in that manner.
At present almost every church and
home in the world has Inculcated into
its calendar and spirit the celebration
of the day.
Services at the First Presbyterian
church. Twelfth and Alder streets. Sun
day, will refer almost entirely to tho
military situation and the treatment of
our soldiers. In the morning, at 10:30.
Major W. S. Gilbert, chaplain of tho
Third Oregon, now stationed at Van
couver, will preach. Major Gilbert's
subject will be "Loyalty."
The officers of the church feel that
they have been very fortunate in se
curing Chaplain Gilbert, who has had
such a long career with the soldier
and who '.a so thoroughly conversant
Interesting Program Has Been
Prepared by Committee in
Charge of Rally,
The Multnomah County Junior
Christian Endeavorers will hold their
annual rally at the Mizpah Presbyter
ian church. East Nineteenth and Di
vision streets, Saturday afternoon.
May 19, 1917. at 3 p. m.
Miss Violet Johnson. Multnomah
county Junior superintendent, will be
In charge of the rally and a most in
teresting program has been planned
for the young people. Miss Mildred
Mclntosch, superintendent of the Miz
"Our Mothers, the Home makers." 7:45, "The
Hidings of Power."
I'llerim Missouri ave and Shaver st. Rev.
W. C. Kantner.
I'nlTernlty Park Ha-n at., near Lombara
Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, pastor.
Waverlv Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses.
Snnnysirte K. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 11, Dr. J. H. Matthews. "The Chal
lenge of the Child." 7:45, "Joys and De
lights of the Inner Life."
Zion I German) KL !th miA Tremnnt Rev I
J. H. Hopn. 10:30.
Norwerlan Danish ConrrecaHnnal rhnrch F
23d and 8nraner Rev. Morton Olson. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Bsrnett. pastor. 11. 8.
Finnish Mission 107 SkMmnr. t Rev
Samuel Nevala. 7:.T0.
Laurelwood Conzreestinniil ehnrph 4Xth ve
and 65th st. S. E. 11, 5.
Ardenwald Ardenwald statlnn Hnarard W
Christian Science,
ftabiect Lesson Rernvin- "Ariam am wiln
First church Everett, between ISth and
10th sta. 11, 8.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Myrtle Pnrk hsH. 11.
Christian Science aocletv Rnlhronk hUwk
St. Johns. 11.
Trinity lth snd fcverett Ttev A A Mnr
rhvn. rector. 8. 11. s.
Pro-Oathedral of St. Stephens the Martrr
18th and Clay Very Rev E. H. McCollIster.
deui. Rt. Rev. W. T. Snmoer, bishop, 7:45,
11. 7:45.
St. David's E. 12th and Ttelmnnt n.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30. 11. 7 30
St. Mark's 21st snd Marshall Rn T ir
H. Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hattoo. asso
ciate rector. 7:30. 11, 7 43.
St. Andrew's Hereford St.. Ports-mouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 9, 7:30 p m.
St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft sts
Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 11 a. m.
Grace Memorial Weldler and E. 17th N
Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev
John Dawson 11. 7:30.
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 8:30, 11, 6.
Church of Our Savior 0th ave. and 41st st
8. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11
St. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oswald W Tay
lor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Samar
itan hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7
All Saints' church 23th and Savler Rer
Frederic K. Howard. 11. 6:30.
St. Johns church Corner E. 15th and Har
nej.Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers in charge.
Trinity (Norwegian) Portsmouth Rev. Slgw
A. Stenseth. 11, 8. Services at Lundes ball.
15th and Alberta.
Our Savior East 10th and Grant Rev. Im
Henrikson. English, lo:15: Norwegian. ll:lj.
German Evangelical Reformed Leuts Rev.
W. G. Lienkaemper: 11.
Latter Say Saints.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormon E. 25th. and Madison. 11:45. Rev.
M. J. Ballard.
The Reorganized Church of Jesns Christ of
Latter Day Sainta (pot Mormons) E. T6th snd
IrTlng sts. Evsngelist U.,i'. Barmore. 11. 7'4o.
Methodist Episcopal.
Brentwood Rev. Paul F. Green. Preach
ing at 11.
Bethel A. M. E. W. II. Prince, pastor. 11.
"Motherhood." 8:15.
Kendall Kev. Paul F. Green. Preaching
at 7:30.
lentennry Rev. T. W. Lane. D. D. 11. 7:45.
Central Rev. C. C. Rariik. 11, 7:46.
Clinton Kelly Rev. A. B. Calder. 11, 7:30.
Epworth Rev. C. O. McCullocb. D. U.
First Church Rev. Joshua SUusfieklA D. D.
10:30, "Honor Thy Father and lliy Mother."
7:30, "Safety In Service."
Laurelwood Rev.' C. R. Carlos, D. D.
Pleaching. 11, "Mother's Day Service." 8.
"la the Future of Christianity Threatened by
the World War?"
Lents Rev. F. M. Jasper. Preaching at
11 and 7:30.
Lincoln Rev. W. T. Krr, D. D. Preaching
at 11 and 7:30.
Llnntou Rev. S. H. Drwart, D. D. Preach
ing at 7:30.
Mount Tabor Rev. E. O. Eldredge, D. D.
11. "Mother's Influence." 8, Rev. R. N.
Montavllla Rev. C. L. Hamilton. Dreach
lnc 11 and 7:30.
Patron Rev. G. H. Feeae. Preaching at
11 and 7:30.
Taylor Street M. E. Circle Theatre. Rev.
R. Elmer Smith. 10:15.
Rose City Park Kev. A. A. Helat. Preach
ing at It. Vesper service at 4:30.
Sellwood Rev. A. B. Maclean. 11. "The
Son." 8.
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Irvine. Preaching 11.
11 and 7:30.
Trinity Rev. F. N. Sandlfur. Preaching 11,
Woodstock Rev. Lester C Poor. 11.
"Mother." 7:46. "Young People."
Zrangelioal Association.
Canon Helghta Rev. N. Shapp. pastor.
11:30, 7:30.
First English E. 6th and Market Rer. B.
n nnnarhnch. 11. 8.
First German Evangelical loth and Clay
Rev. U. F. Lieaing. w:to, o.
Portland Mission church Carson Heights
Bev. . Bhupp. pastor. 2:30. 6:30. TJO.
Ev sags Ural Synod.
German KraBgelmu rruaa' chtirdkTaeoasa
The wearing of flowers and the giv
ing of them to the "sweethearts of the
world," as mothers nave been termed,
early became the custom, and now
most of the day's significance is lent
by the profusion of flowers to be
found in the- form of gifts arid comple
ments of dress.
While no fixed rules, to be literally
followed, exist, concerning the variety
of flower to be used, certain facts
concerning mothers of individuals are
supposed to be manifested by the color
of flower worn or presented as a gift.
The primary rule is, of course, to
send flowers, xm matter what kind, to
one's mother. One should endeavor to
with conditions among the army regi
ments. In the evening the services will
be in the hands of the Y. M. C. A. in
the interests of their work among the
soldiers. I. B. Rhodes, one of the
Y. M. C. A. secretaries, will speak, and
also Chaplain Gilbert, who wllj tell of
what he saw on the Mixcan border of
the camp work of the Y. M. C. A.
In the morning a special feature of
the service will be a brief sermon for
children, given by Major Gilbert. His
subject for this sermonette will be
"The Law of the Sea."
pah society of Juniors, will be the
hostess for the afternoon.
Two pennants will be awarded for
excellence in membership attendance.
One will be given to the society of less
than 20 members, having the highest
percentage of membership present, and
one to the society of more than 20
members, having the highest member
ship percentage present. There will
also be a pageant by the young people
entitled "What tho .Junior Commit
tees -Are Doing."
After the program a social hour will
be spent in playing Interesting games.
Those on the committee in charge of
the rally is composed of Miss Violet
Johnson as chairman. Misses Margaret
Bates and Bessie Ristig. There will
be about eight or nine Junior societies
taking part in the program.
Brotherhood Dinner Successful.
The Brotherhood; dinner given in
honor of the ladies of the First Con
gregational church who have served
the dinners during the past year, was
unusually successful. The men cooked
and served the dinner, followed by a
most entertaining program.. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
coming year: President, T. M. Dye:
vice president, C. H. Farrington; sec
retary, Walter Huntington.
ave. a-d K. 15th Rev. Eliaa if.
10:45. 7:30.
Free Methodist.
Centrsl 55th and E. Flanders Rev w
First B. 8th and Mill Rev. A. Beers.
St. Johns 61st snd 57th ave. n
Third Rev. R. H. Clark. 11. 7:30.
Friends' Church.
First E. S3tn aim .jin sts. ReT
Lents South Main at. Rev. John Riley.
Weat Piedmont Friends' church Corner
Borthwlck snd Jessup st. Chester A. Ha die v
Congregation Beth Isrsel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 n. m.
St. James. Engllsn West Park and Jeffer
son Rev. William Even Brinkman. 11 "Why
Pray?" 8, "The Gospel of Springtime."
luimanuel 19th and Irving 11, g.
West Side Norwegian Lutheran 3 n iik
Rev. WUhelm Petterson. 11. 8. "
Betbanla Danish Evangelical Lutheran church
Union ave. and MorrU st Rev L. P
KJoller. lO a. m. and 8 p. m.
luiiuanuel German Sellwood Rev Ft i-
Trinity Germ
an (Missouri Synod) Wllllsms
im Rev. J. A. Rimbach. 1;1S,
ave. and Graham
St. Paul's German E. 12th and Clinton
Ru-v. A. Kraute. German, 10:30; Kugllsn, 7:30
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblui are
and Mason st. Rev. E. Probst. 8:30 lo-ao"
7:30. ' ' '
Evangelical Lutheran Zlon (Missouri Synod)
Salmon sod Chapman Rev. H. Koppehmanu
Leiiten setvk-es morning sad evening. German'
10:15; Kngllsb. 7:45.
St. John's Peulnsular and Klrkpa trick Rev
K. U. Saizmann. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Augustaua Kev. U. E. Sanstedt
10:45. 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Westmoreland Rev. F. N. Sandlfur.
PreaculDg, 7:30.
University Park Rev. J. T. Abbett. D. D.
Preaching 11, 7:30.
Woodlawn Rev. W. E. Kloster. Preaching
11. 7:30.
Woutistock Rev. L. C. Poor. Preaching
11, 7::tO.
Taylor Street Church Dr. M. H. Marvin,
meeting place. Circle Uaeatre, 126 4th. 10:16
Dr. Clarence True Wilson.
Swedish Bortiiwlck and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellmun. 10:45, 4, 7:45.
First Norwegian lanlsh ISth and Hoyt
Rev. Ellas GJerding, pastor. 11, 8.
German Koduej ave. and Stanton Rev. F.
A Schumann, lo, 8.
Africau Zlon 2St Williams ave. Kev. W.
W. Howard. 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Comer
Skldoiore Rev. 11. P. Nelsuu, pastor.
Unit German Kev. A. F. Cramer, ll, 8.
Kendall Kev. A. B. Wllaon. 7:30.
District superintendent, Kev. William Wal
lace Youngson, D. D. B91 E. t2U. st. N. Ta
bor -IlKfc
M. E. Church South,
Flrt M. E. Church South, corner Union av.
and Multnomah st. Uev. 'A. J. Feutou, pastor!
11 a. in.
Swedish Mission Kev. to. J. Thoren. 11, 8.
Ellin tbapel Kev. B J. Iboren. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy st. and William -Rev.
J. A. btavney. 11. 6,
First Pentecostal t.. tn and E. Couch it-
Kev. C. Howard Davis. Evangelist K. H.
Jaikaen. 11, 2:30, 7:30.
Sellwood taiu auu Spokane Uev. II. c
Rxker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood E. 69 Ui and E. 65th ave 8 E
Kev. J. la. Butchard. 11. b. '
Scandinavian U4S oaruua. II, :30.
Highland i'urk lloJ K. iilb N. uev. 8L L"
Uftouel- lo. 11. 7: io.
First 12th snd Alder sU. Rev. John H.
Boyd. 10:30, Major Gilbert, "Loyalty."
X. M. C A.
Ceiitral- E. loth and Pine sts. Rev. Arthur
F. Blsnop. D. D. 10:30, 7:45.
Westmjiister E. 17tU and Schurler sts.
Dr. Edward Pence. 10:30. "Keeping the Great
Securities Sale." 7:45, "Struggles of Civilisa
tions and Barbarislms."
Arbor Louge ue. Geo. R. Cromley, 11. 7 45
Calvary lltii and Clay sts. Wallace U.
Lee of Albany college. lo:30. Rev. George H.
Lee, "God's Saving Love." 7:45. Rev. ueorge
H. Lee, "What Creatkw Teaches L's of God."
Foiirtu First and Gibbs sts. Rev. H. G.
Kenllwortti E. 34th and Gladstone Rev. E.
P. Lawrence. 11, "The Trinity of Fatherhood
and Motherhood." 7:45, "lu Arabian Soli
tudes. "
torbes Graham and Gantenbeln aves. Rev
Wm. MacLeod. 11. 7:30.
Mizpah av. 19th and Division sta.
D A. Thompsn.
Hope Montavllla. 78th and E. Everett Rev
8. W. See man. 11. -The Mother's Task To-day."
7:30. "Keep Sweet."
Vernon 19th and Wygant sts. Rev. Vernon
B. Todd. 11, "The Llmlt)e Scope of the Un
conquerable Energy of Hunan Harmony."
7:30. "The Pillars of the Temple."
Millard Avenue -jitl cvt ave. f. . Hev
W. H. Amos, 10:30.
Unity 71st and Sandy blvd. Rer. W. Le,
Gray. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and Belmont sta. Rer.
Ward W. McHenry. 11, "Honor Toy Father
and Thy Mother." 7:45, "God's Auawer to
the Heart Hanger of His People."
PlednwDt Cleveland and Jarrett at Bev
have the flowers her favorite ones. If
known; otherwise to send her one's
own favorite flower.
There are no set rules as to color
or variety of flower to wear. As first
suggested, it was a white carnation
for those whose mothers had passed
on. Then it broadened to absent
mothers, living or dead. Then the
carnation was supplanted by any va
riety of flower. A pretty idea re
cently innovated la to wear a white
flower for a mother who is dead, a
red flower for one who is living but
absent, and consequently any other
colors for the mother who is living
and present:
Woman's Memorial
Dr. Waller's Subject
In keeping with the general idea of
Mothers' day. Dr. Calvin B. Waller,
the pastor of the White Temple, will
speak Sunday morning on "A Woman's
At night Dr. Waller's theme will be
"The One Thing Needful In America."
This message will be a sequel to his
series on "Things We Need."
After the service last Sunday even
ing 11 people cajne forward in response
to tho pastor's appeaj, several of them
uniting with tho church.
The gospel song service conducted
by William Manscll Wilder Is a feature
of the evening evangelistic services.
Motherhood One of
Divinest Functions
Sunday will be Mothers' day at the
First Methodist church. Dr. tansfiel.I
In the mornlnpr will preach a special
sermon on Mothers,'" taking as texr
one of the 10 great words of the deca
logue, "Honor thy father and thy
mother." He will show that mother
hood Is-one of the divinest functions of
human life and that In and through
motherhood there are the greatest re
deeming and character making forces.
The mothers of the church and con
gregation are to be present, and all
traveling men and visitors in the city
are earnestly invited to this service.
Rev. Mr. Lee .to Preach.
At Calvary Pres"by terian church,
corner of ETleventh and Clay streets.
Rev. George H. Lee of Newberg will
preach Sunday morning orl "God's Sav
ing Ixve," and in the evening "What
Creation Teaches Us of God." AH are
cordially invited.
A I. Hutchinson. 11, "Mother'i Day." f
' Jephtha." '
Rose City Park E. 45fh and Hancock sta
Rev. J. M. Skinner. 11. 7:30.
Spokane Avenue E. lStrj and Spokane Rev
W. S. McCullagh. 11. 7:3a
Marshsll Sireet 17th snd Marshall sts
Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:45.
Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska ata
Dr. A. J. Montgomery. 11. 7:30.
Chinese 145V4 First St. 7:48.
Ansbel 56th st. a rut 37 th n v t
John E. Nelson. n. "Our Mnf'her '
"Um-onfessed Sin."
Vancouver Heights 33d and "L" at. Rev
C. F. Bennett. 11.
Reformed Prvshytarlan.
First Church Minnesota and Alnsworth
Rev. F. D. I rater. 11. 7:30.
nerO Gft'rmtn 12111 Clay Rev. o. Haf-
Second k'olombla blvd. and 33d at. R
E. A. Wyaa. 11. Iw'
Third Fifth ave., Lents Rev. W. G Lien,
kemper. 11.
Salvation Army.
Corpa No. 1243 An st. Adjutant snd Mrs
Frank Genge. 11. Holiness meeting Sis
"Mothers." 8. "Great Salvation." '
Corpa No. 4 12SV Firs. st. Ensign Pocue
snd Captain Brown. 11. Holiness meeting 3
8. Falvatlon meeting.
Swedish Corps 430 Bl'rnslde.
v Sevsnth Day Adventists.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central K. Uth aud Everett Elder P,
Ri.virH naalnr 11 IR
Tabernacle West Side. K". of P.
hall ltth.
auu Aiucr. u.
Montsvllla E. 80th and E. Everett Elrlar
S F. Beatty.
Lents 94th ani 68th ave. Elder D I
Chitwood. 11.
St. Johns Central avnne and Charleston
Elder A. K. Folkenberg. H.
Mt. Tabor E. tiOta snd Belmont Rev,
WilHjugnby. 11.
J. U.
Alblna (German) frkldmor and Mai lory
Minister, A. A. Meyer. A. C. Schweitzer
local elder. 11:30. r'
Ogden hsll, Mississippi and Shaver Rev
O. Sandnes. 11.
Services for the Deaf.
United Preabyterlan Wasco and Grand ave.
Kev. S. Earl Du Bois. lO:30, 7:30.
New ChurrL Society i-i Broadway Rev
William R. Reece. 11. "Building the Spirit
ual Mind, Within the Carnal."
Church of Our Kataer Broadway and Tim
hill Kev. T. L. Eliot. J D.. minister emer
ltus. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr., pastor. 11, So
clsl Democracy After the War." 7:45. "The
Antl-1'icketlng Bill," by Charles P. Howard.
United jirtthrea.
Alberta 27th and Alberta.
First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. p. -o
Bonebrake. 11, 8.
Fourth Outu and 32d ave. 8. E.
Third tilth at. and aid ave. S. E Herbert
F Wuiie. pastor. 11. 7:30. aeroeri
Hrst liO aud Hariapy, Vancouver Wash
Rev. Jobu D. Msewouuer. pallor. Preaching
10.0U, Z:oO, 1 :30.
United I vangelical.
Fourth Uev. J. ii. Couuer. 11, 7 30
Radical jessup si. It.. A. jj. Henderson
11. t.M.
Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Crove 3 B
m. , iruh 1 ririe, 7 :JO. , "
Ockley Green W lUaniette blvd. and Car
Kev. 11. Ii. r aruliaiu. 11. 3, a.
rlrst L. lui ana Poplar Kev. J. a. Goode
11. "TDe Moral l'uae of the War." 8, "Pre'.
St. Julius Rev. A. P. Lay ton, n. 7 jjq
Blsnop V. 11. louke. ' '
United frsstyterla.a.
Flrst E. ilu aud llawtiiurue r... Hugh
Fraser Given. 11. "The High Value of Cona
tion r enow snip in ennea naytr. 7.J0, "A
Result of the 1'reseut War."
LuurcU ui tlie oiraug.-ra Waaco at. and
Grand ave. 10:JO, "iauger lu Departing From
Uie Living God." 8, "jSoutb America."
Keuluu .uiied PiesU) '.ciiau cuuixk Lombaid
me cuamam sts. iU!V, J. c. c.:e, pasiu.
n.ii, 1.0.
Church of the Good Tiuuigs Broad war and
E. 24th. Kev. F. X. Scott. 11, "Consolations
uu Uie Koau 10 tmiuaiu."
X. A. c r w. C. A,
X. M. C. A. oih aud Iay,r U. , Stona
general rJ-iary. 3:00 i-. ui. '
1. w . a. oroauway and Taylor,
vesper service, kuaa tier Audersou.
1. 3o
Advent Christiau tjj becuad ju near Ha 1
st Kev. J. a. Lucaa, tator. 10:j' 7-jo
Asauciated Bible Students (1. R.' a". A
3, F. McKerctier. 8, W. A. Baker, "The
Peace ot God."
Balial assembly Friday, 8 p.
a-, la room
alb oc ine ciiers ouuaing.
The lliurca vt U04 owl Falling ,t. It u
Neal pastor. Serrlcvs 11, 7:30.
thiirca of the brethren ilt Bortawlck aau
Briur4 ats. 11, lv l in.
Carisiadelpulaa Ssuiiday
WaaaiuKtou st.
10:3a CB1 E.
First tilrloe Selene 131 12tb
Rer. Tbaddena U. Mlnard. 11.
cor. Alder
The Universal Cburc-r-. of tae Master R.
Edward trle, pastor W. O. W. hall, 00 llta
Pen lei Mission 208 rlrst at. 8. Cora Adama
and Tina Wilson.
Tbeoaophy dOl Central bldg.. 10th and Al
der sts. 8, "Traditional and Revealed Relig
ion." Wben writing to or railing on advertisers,
pleas location Tb JoornaL (Adv.)
Pastor Reece Goes
East; WU1 Attend
New Thought Meet
sfc Rev. William R. Reece, pas
tor of the New Thought Church
society, 142 Broadway. will
leave Immediately for Philadel-
phia, where he will attend the
lie New Thought convention.
Importance is attached to
Rev. Mr. Reeces visit to the
it eastern city In that he will
there be ordained as a minister
of the denomination. He will
be gone for about two weeks. -Jfr
Mr. Reece has been in Port-
land for several months, dur-
lng which time he has gained
the esteem of a large circle of
As pastor of the New Thought
(Swedenborgian) church here
he has been active in the up-
building of the congregation
and the dissemination of the
4t doctrine "which he represents. -St
As a result of his efforts,
the Portland organization of
le his church has received a sub-
stantial Increase.
DR. A L.
Portland Bible Institute Plans
Interesting Program for
Meeting Sunday Afternoon,
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock the
Portland Bible institute will hold its
second monthly Bible conference in
Central Library hall.
Uev. A. L. Hutchison. D. D., pastor
nt the Piedmont Presbyterian church,
will lecture on the subject, "Christ
Coming With His Saints." This ad
dress villi cover the second phase of
the Lord's return, the first having
been treated by Rev. Walter Puff,
president of the institute, at the April
Dr. Hutchison la one of the best
known Bible teachers and lecturers In
the Pacific northwest. His lecture for
Sunday will contain particular refer
ence to the great war and its place in
Bible prophecy.
The Portland Bible Institute, which
Is conducted by pastors and laymen
of evangelical denominations, aims to
bring before the church goirg pub
lic at these monthly conference the
great, fundamental Christian doctrines
in popular lecture form.
The week day district Bible classes
of the institute are showing an en
couraging growth. The class room at
the Sunnyside Congregational church
last Tuesday was well filled when Mr.
Duff began a series of lessons on
"Genesis." Tho Wednesday afternoon
clacs at the Forbes Tresbyterian
church Is also largely attended. Sched
ule cards of all Institute classes may
be had at the conference at the library
There is no charge for membership
In the classes which, together with
Sunday's conference, are open to the
Parents Day Will
Be Church Feature
At the First M. E. Church South.
"Mother's Day," made a national dav
by President Wilson in 1914, will be
observed by giving it that larger mean
ing, namely, parent's day, including
both father and mother. Children's
day will be observed later. It is con
tended that all should be Interested In
this giving one Jay In the year, to
those who have clothed and fed us.
when .we were helpless babies; think
ing of how they have planned, toiled
and card for us; taking the thorns of
life, that we might have the roses.
Miss Holmes will sing a solo and the
O. A. It. quartet will sing. A special
musical program will be given at
night by members of the choir.
Conference Opens
On Next Thursday
The Oregon conference of the Evan
gelical association will hold its 34th
session May 17 to 20. at Monmouth, In
the Evangelical church of that town.
Bishop Iawrence II. Seager of Na
perville. 111., president of the associa
tion, will be the principal Teaker. He
wi'l give an address in Portland at the
Kir t Kngllsh church, Kast Sixth and
East Market streets, preliminary to
the conference, on May 15, the date of
his expected arrival.
C h i
. and East
Take advantage of the
opportunity to visit the
Grand Canyon in Arizona
One way fares practically the
same as via direct routes.
H. H. Francisco,
Cn'l Af'U
122 Third Street, Portland, Or
Phono Main 1274
enne A!II I n T PU.,
oumo y w 1 1 1 uivc ill I Clll uuy
on Mt. Scott Line,
President of Wr'l Conference Is K.
turning' From Ton of China,
Japan and Korea.
The Seventh-day Adventists r.f
Western Oregon have already begun
prepa.ra.Uons for their mammoth camp
meeting to be held in Portland again
this year, when between 1100 and jOOa
persons will live In the tented cltv
from Mho' 29 to June 10. The encamp
ment Will consist or about -50 dwell
ing tents, and a dozen or more large
pavilion tents to be pitched in Mc
Oowaji grove on the Mt Scovt ear Una.
For the convenience of those from tiia
city who attend. tl:e ftreetcar com
pany has arranged to stop their car
in front of the grounds during Uie
timo.of the encampment. This will b9
known as Campground station.
Several of the leading clergymen of
the denomination will be in attendance
from different parts of the world.
One Whose presence will be quite con
spicuous will be index Arthur O. Dan.
lens, or Washington, D. C, president
of the world conference of Sevemth-day
Adventists. who la' now somewhere on
the Pacific ocean returning from a
seven months' tour of China, Japan
and Korea, in the interests of the ex
tensive missionary operations now be
ing carried forward by hia church in
these countries. He is scheduled to
arrive In San Francisco May 15. and
plans to spend four or five days i.n
Portland on his way east. M'hlle her
lie will give several lllustraled lec
tures on his travels, and on tho mis
sionary activities in the orient.
Klder 1L W. Cottrell, president of
the, western Oregon conference of
bevemh-day Adventists, saya he ex
pects this to be the largest and most
important gathering of this people
ever held in the Pacific Northwest.
Services will bo held each day in th
Kngllsh, German, Swedish, L'anish and
Norwegian languages, at'll, 2.30 and
745 o'clock. The evening meetings
will be especially frrr the general pub
lic, to which all are cordially in1ted
to attend.
Sermon and Song
Will Be For Mother
Mothers' day will be observed at th
East Side Christian church In a spe
cial srvloe of sermon and song at
the morning hour. The member of
the congregation have been requested
to weaj-'a white flower in honor of
"Mother." 1
The choir, under the direction of
Mrs. FJsle Riahoff Moore, will render
several special selections, among them
the following: "Mother Knows" (Cas
sell). duet by Misses Pfaender and
Matthews; solo, "Remembrance of
Childhood" (Sawyer), Miss Jessie Lynno
Sawyer; solo and chorus, "Tell Mother
I'll be There" (Fllmore), Mrs. Powell
and choir.
The subject of the pastor's sermon
will bo "Memories of Mother." A spe
cial baptismal service, will be held at
tho First church in the afternoon at 3
o'clock. The topic of the evening ser
mon will be "The Hour of Tempta
tion." Y. M. 0. A. To Hold
"Mother's" Service
Mothers' day will be obfierrvcd at th
T. W. C. A. vespeir service Sunday
at 4:30 p. m., when Mrs. Helen E. Star
rest, who has boen for 30 years at th
head of the Stajrett School for Qir
in Chicago, and who now is a rxrma
nemt resident of Portlajid, will give a
talk on "Modern Problems for Olrls
Mr. Starrest will also read from
some of the modern poets Including
a few verses of her own. Mrs. Jan
Burns Albert will sing. The social
hour is at 6:30. Every girl cordially
Will Meet Slonday.
The Toung People's Lutheran Fed
eration will hold a monthly business
and social meeting in St. James' Eng
lish Lutheran church. West Park anl
Jefferson streets, Monday evening. May
14, at 8 o'clock. A fine program of spe
cial addrefcses and musical number
will be followed by a social hour for
the members.
c a
E. W. Zamiow,
TrY. Pass. Aft.