-v i "' '' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL," "PORTLAND, " TUESDAY, MAY -8, 1917. 13 "f HELP WANTED -MALE 1 r . . t t ; Ooatlttd) - . :' ;jr STENOGRAPHY IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE Unusual demand for shorthand writers and typists, created nr the present crisis. Beginners' pay, 76 to $100. i Special need is for men. Prepare In a man's school. Call or write Y. M- C. A. School. Portland. Or. tyANTEDGood cabinet makers and ' flu room men; permanent positions. Apply at Room 680, Northwestern Bank bldg.. 8th and Morrison sts. WANTED Sash and door cutters and rippers. Stock white pine factory. Give age and experience. FX-326, Jour nal. BOYS WANTKD-Over , $35 to $70 per month, steady work; chance to learn good trade and advancement. I Mollenhour, 253 Oak st. CAKPKNTiCK wanted to go to lone, ' $4.60 cer day. Call room 724 Im perial hotel. 6 to 7 this evening, 6 to s in morning. "WANTED caramel and apply fudge man. superintendent vogan candy WANTED assistant to cream man: Apply superintendent vogan can ay Co AUTOMOB1LK SCHOOL- Man are - entering the T. M. C. A. Automobile school now getting training for truck service. Quartermaster- department, and ambulance service. This may be an opportunity for you to render skilled and valuable service. Complete bulletin of information will be mailed to you on request. Address division A, Y. M. C A., Department of Educa tion Portland, ore W1RKI.E8B AND WAR An unusual demand is created by the war for wireless operators, both navai ana commercial service. Y. M. C. A. school offers thorough, practical ana Individ ual Instruction. Serve your country In a skilled position. Befcln your train ing now. Address division A, for da tailed Information. Y. M. C. A., Port land, ureaon. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 388 Burnslde St. Call or write for lull information -bout FREE TRIAL. OKFER. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. SLIMMER RATES $5:PER WEEK. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSES cleaned, pressed and made over. 31$ W. Park. Main 6827. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.60 per nay. -rteierences. wood lawn 6297. FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL H0YTBdr 6 th and Hort sta ireoroot. - Stnctiv modern. Newly decorated. 76c to $2.00. Kates to Permanent Guests. Special Strictly Modern, Under New Mnagnt. 12th and Stark sts. Broadway 3822. FURNISHED HOUSES (Ooattaaed) 30 ! FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 1 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 -ROOM Bungalow, furnished; lawn, roses and garden. 1108 E. Market. W. L. Nash. 723 Cham. Com. Phone Main 1434. Residence, Tabor 7200. BRICK building, para or factory. East 4478. Ootlaa) AUTO SPACK :' month "ast 4476. UNUSUAL offer. June and July, at tractively furnished room home; retaining use of one bedroom. $25. East 5149 mornings. , URN1SHTD " tent bouse in woods; gas. free wood, phone, garden, 30 minutes from centre; beautiful view. Mrs. Mary E. Thompson. B-3031. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished or partly f ur- nisned nous. reasonaDie. enemy gar- , den apace, fruit, near car. Phone C- 1506. CLEAN basement room - for a man. housekeeping- if preferred, $5 month. or exchange for keeping lawn cut. 642 Morrison. SIX rooms nicely furnished. Univer sity Park. $16. Have iiom perman nent. Main 455T. . HOTEL OCKLEY. RATES 60o day Running water. Fr phones and bat Morntun at 10th. up, weekly $1 up. LIU. HUUMs ana apartments in modern hotel.- 41. 75 wk and io 455 Alder. $1.60 WKh,K up, clean,, warm, modern fur, rms.. central. The King. 30 Jet. THa; HAZKL, furnished rooms; alcana neat, running water. -8K5 3d St. FURNISHED KOOMS ntTVATE FAULT NICELY furnished room in privat family, electric light, and bath, from $6 vcr month, ud. 130 13th st. near Wa;hl-ton. FIRST class modern room with select table. 181 N. 22d st.. corner Irving. Phone Marshall 971. NICELY furnished rooms for rent; references. 394 Columbia st. Phone Marshall 4214. THREH well furnished rooms in quiet, up-to-date flat with, or without meals. Marshall 4766. PLEASANT 2 room suite for one or two gentlemen. 389 12th St.. phone Main 666. 1 to 5 p. m. PARTIALLY furnished room house, fruit, garden, small barn. $14. 877 Oberlin St.. Portsmouth. NICELY furnished home. Nob Hill dis trict, to respectable tenant. Brincker hoff. Main 8429. MOJLfc.KN 6 room bouse, p Ished; garden: $9.00. 949 artly turn- is. salmon. APARTMENTS 43 F1RVISHK1I ANI UNFURNISHED The Cromwell Fifth and Columbia St. Five. mln. walk to Meier at Franlrs store: good surroundings; strictly mod. 2 and 3 room fur. apartments, all out side, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. YOUNG couple wiahe furnished house or apartment on u. V. car line; less than 315. D-i74 or 1374 E. oiisan. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 $$00 TAKES THIS CHALMERS. Electric lights, self starter: .has new tires; Just overhauled-and painted. We have a number ot other real bargains. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch sts. Phone Broadway 887. 36 HEAD of horses. 20 wagons. 30 aets of double harness, entire equipment of the Hawthorne Stables. These horses are right out of hard work and win sell at a price worth your atten tion ehould you. need a horse. Model Stables, 6th and Davis. DEAD horses and animai hauled Kway free. $6 paid for cows, crip- ! pled and played -outs. Call Woodlawn i V(t PnrtUnH Ranriorinr fV Garages $30 Up. la J.V See Samples. JKl 544 llOOd St. ' IiL ir.tn 1167. TEAM. 1360 lba. each, with good har ness and wagon, $225. South Port land car to Arthur St., two blocks west to Zl .Millmade Construction. Co. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor.. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. Reference. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, very reasonable. 147 N. 17th. near Hoyt. ROOMS AND BOARD IS ROOM and board for business girls, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. $3.60 week. 18 E. 7th st E. 4732. THE MANiTOU. 261 13th. Homelike, steam heat: rood board reas. M. 2670 ROOMS AND BOARD niTATB 3TA3SXX.T 73 WANTED Men. 18 or over; railway mail clerks: $75 month: sample ex- fimlnation questions free. Franklin institute, dept. 384-E, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Immediately, names men, ' women, wishing to become govern ment clerks, $76 month. HX-34 4, Journal. PREPARE to till vacancies caused by unusual number of men at front. Miss TWker's Business College. Aliakv bid. 1JNLALK'S COMMKMCIAL bUhUoL Broadway-Yamhlll bldg. Individual 1nt "rn'-t(nr rmitlf-m wnn comtittunl A.(J1C uri. sold on commission; 1 moM' mi-mhmhlp 31. 201 Globe Mdg. U.'Ai.i.k.i tor talior-maue auus . up Tavlnr the Tailor i9U, Riirnatd HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 FIRST CLASS rooms In modern home. hot water, steam heat, $2, $3, $4 week, rates by month. Select table board, working men or email family desired. Sleeping porch, galleries and large grounds. 161 N. 22d at Irving. Phone Marshall 971. C()i;i'LB will board 1 or 2 ohildren. Best care, reasonable. McDonald, Broadway ZZ8. MONTGOMERY Apta, cor. 3d and Montgomery; modern brick building; all outside 2 room apts., furnished complete: private bath, phone and automatic elevator; close in; best serv ice; 18 to $25. Main 9466. FURNISHED 3 and 6 room apts.. choicest location In Portland; alt outside rooms, large- porches, every convenience, $17 and up. $41 Mont gomery st.. cor. Broadway, PAIR -mares. 8 years old. weigh 2200, harness and farm wagon. Work dou ble or single. 3176. Woodyard. E. 8th and Hawthorne. TEAM of mares. 1150 lbs. each, with good harness and ranch wagon, $165. rnone Marshall 4055. FORD BODIES For Delivery Use. 4 0 atyies. Ready to Attach. Phone East 891. E. Madison-E. 1st. Pacific Storage idg. Body above $12.50 i60u LB. TEAM with i' Harness, wagon and Mars rial! 4065. l inch ranch 265. Phone BARNETT BODY CO, PAIR of ranch horses, harness and wagon. 1967 E. Stark St.. corner 78th st. Trial aJ lowed. DEAD horses and animals hauled away at any time. Call us for best results. MUwauKie 6-j. HORSE and wagon, 11.25 day: 2 horses ana wagon, f 2 day. 648 front. AW-zaua. What brand of new tire do you prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do ail manner of tlra reDairlna. Oregon Vulcanlsinr Co.. 383-336 Burn side, near Broadway. GOOD young team; well broke; weight azuu. can 824 ti. zeth 6t. PORTLANDS LATEST ' Merlin Apts.. just finished, strictly modern, Broadway and Grant. 3 rooms, dressing closets, buffet and bath, fin view, rents reasonable, adjoining gar- ages. ir wanted. Marshall 4Z6. NEW YORK apt., under new manage ment. 1. 2, 8-room apt, at low rates; light, heat and phone; furnished. Cor. East 7th and Belmont sts. Phone East 9MR ROOM and good board In private fam- ny. 6Z9 re, Ankeny. Jfl. Z6. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FTTBHTJrgED PKriJiriSHED SUMMER RATES, BELIEVE- ME. 2 and 3 room suites, high class, nice ly furnished, complete housekeeping, beautiful outside rooms, table linen, private bath, private phone, every thing strictly first Class. ii montn. WANTED young lady with dark hair &'m Vrey sSitS: benni-on MIU rjC B-1IU KUS.V H.UUUI O LI. S in. tail and weighing about 120 lbs. W. 'F. Coin well. 348 Yamhill. Main 8652. Apply at once as I expect to Ipave with army soon. WANTED Lady typist, good at figures PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave.. bat. Morric.n & Belmont: new 1 A t rooms, completely fur.; sol id brick bldg.; white enamel and mm hogany finish: walking distanca NOKTHAMPlON APT 3.. 407 HALL. We have three 3 room apts. and one 2 room. All outside rooms, in clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or small family. Reasonable. Main 4399. XUHi akuab-vis&L.u. 2f Broadway a. 8 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance, at very reasonable rent: beet of ervio. Main 2606. preferred: state salary. nat. V-354, Jour- Apts.. 1027 Belmont at., corner 34th, Sunnyside. ML. Tabor car. DEL MONTE. 20th and Morrison. Fur nished H. K. apis., light, heat, hot water and phone; 36 ttp. MarBh. 4305. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for GIRL to aait with light housework and car0 of children. Phone Wood Ipwn S2h6, STEAD i' rent: price reasonable. Phone Main 6765. 608 Alder. rirl for Keneral housework and cocKing. Broadway 2474. WAN T fcu Lad i es to" demonstrate, $1 to $3 day mart's. 502-S Columbia Mdg. ROYCREST. 175 12th Comfortable suites and single rooms. Complete for houseneeping, Summers at beach. CJfaAJj( ligJ dement H. K. or sieep- lng room, 310.60, Including light and water, K. 28th and Couch. East 1990. WANTED Maid for general work. Phone Main 3415. . b ROOM house, garage. 47th and Haw thorne, fl'fi Hill,, Main 1902. A-1218. GOOD girl .for g-eireral housework. Ul N 4th st. LA DY barber wanted. 109 North 6th st. $12 guarantee. HELP WANT EI" MALE AND FEMALE 2 STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg raphy, salesmanship, English branches, at an accredited school. Wr,ite or phone Main 690 .tor cata logue; graduates guaranteed tosltiona Behnke-Walker Business College, 167 4 . nr Mrtrrlson mmm M ciLLEif Teaches men and women in weeks. gives a diploma, scholarshln and tools: pays while learning Send for If cat- aiQgue, weonn and nu reside. OREGON Barber college wants men and Women to learn barber trade: paid while learning; position guaran- leed. 233 Madison. MOHLER Barber school, men and worn- . cn to tearn oaroer iraae iree, paid while learning. 8 8 N. 2d, cor. Couch. ONE large room with kitchenette, gas lights, phone free; $15. 414 Jefferson. NEW NU4 1L.L. AfAliXUENTli. 2 room- suites, beat location and, out look. All mod. conv's. Reasonable rates. Marshall Zb7. misan. near 23d St. CLASSIC APTS., 662 GLISAN ST. 2 and i room unlurnished apts. strictly modern, very Teasonable. Mar shall 3610. TEAM of mules. 2600 lbs., with bar- ness. fB3. h-none Marsiiaii 406t. LJVKSTOCK 3.1 THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $360 I BUILDERS OF 1 Ton, $400 JEVERREADY TRUCK Ton. 3450 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfr. in Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437 AUCTION SALE. 1 miles southwest Woodland, Wash.. Thursdav. Mav 10. 11 a. m.: 25 head livestock, Including 16 head high BROADWAY 149. grade jerseys, i cows a years, z cows 7 years, 2 cows 6 years, 1 cow 5 years, 6 cows 4 years. 3 cows 2 years, regis tered bull. "Agatha Tormenter x F." Also 6 Jersey and 2 Durham cows and graded Jersey bull; horse, wL 1500; driving norss. farm machinery; terms w. J. bfif.be. owner. W. 8. WOOD. Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READT CUT. $27.60 TO $70.00. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO 864 ANKENY ST. SCHLEIGER mooter brake, for Fords. saves the differential; soon pays for useii in rellning. only sure and relia ble brake holds car on any hill. Man ufactured and Installed at Portland Carriage works. 109 N.4th St. B'way 945 FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., and Washington. Main 6244. list 10 FRESH cows, some extra good Jer sey family cows, some large dairy cows; 3 to 6 gals, per day; $60 and ud Will trade for beef cows or thin cow 1130 Macadam at.. Soutlt Portland oar end of lme. 1 block south, 1 east. LAilER' Mfg. & Repairs. 8000 guarat'd springs m stocK. prices reduced. 84 N. 16th st. AUTOMOBILES WANTED (Ceattaaea) 78 WE pay highest cash price for late model used cars. Call us ua. A M. FERGUSON CO. 514 Alder st. Main 3966. AUTOS FOR HIRE 54 RELIABLE auto service, S and 7 pas senger cars, for highway and shop ping; reasonable ratea Main 7730. AUTOS without drivers tor hire. City garage. 86 nth st. B'way 84t. A-4Z4. MOTOKCYCLES-BICYCLKS 53 WRITE for Bulletin 140. giving lUt of 30 used motorcycles, ail In good running condition. We will ship to you on approval. No obligations. MOTORCYCLE & 8UPPLY CO., 208 4th st- Harley-L'avidson service can ter. Largest dealer in the state. FOR SALE 1915 model Pope motor cycle. Call East 6361. WANT BICYCLES and FARTS. Mala 4495. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 BOATHOUSE and 18 ft launch. 1 A. D. enaine cheaD. East Til 70 Sunday. A-49S8. room 22, week days. MOTORBOAT. 16 ft.. 6 h. p.; will seat six; a bargain. 50. Sell wood 1621. riANUS OliOANii AND MUSICAIj l.VSIiilMtiNTS 4 SECURITY Storage Co.. closing: out uaed J(t JUniDan upngnt. oaan. 395: S500 Weber upright, cash. 3100; $376 Emerson upright, cash, $65; $350 Emerson souare. cash. $35: $2.75 IL C. Fischer square, cash, $20; 890 parlor organ, cash, $12; $125 parlor organ, cash, $20. Pianos stored, 60c monthly. We buy and sell for cash only. 10 'J 4th st., at Washington st. SCHWAN PIANO CO, Used pianos. $36. $95. $145. $190 Up. New 1916 models. $195, up. used player pianos. tt. New $435. $465. 16 or more montiily 4th St.. at Washington 3235, $265. $290 -'U. 3. 43j 1916 model player pianos, $495. $635. $a or $10 cash, i monthly; no interest, ill Vern L. Wenger The 2d Hand Talking Machine Man. All Makes of Machines and Records, bargain prices, easy terms. 142ft 2d. Mam 7244. FOR SALE SIXSCEXIaAN EU L S 19 WTO THAflF Rtnr. SELL Household goods, grocery, reataurant. hotel, store and office fixtures, talking machines, records, musical instru ments, typewriters, scales, cash regis ters, sewing macninaa, garaen Vir camping outfits, electric fans, rifles, shotguns, bicycles and parts. HOUSE OF 1000 BARGAINS. 128 1st. M. 449. FOR SALE Brand new carom and pocket billiard table with complete outfit. $150; second hand tables at re- aucea prices; - bowling auey ana ou Hard suonllea: ar navmeuta. Cigar tor fixtures. Send for catalogue. The B R U N aWlCK-BALKG-COUJUuaa Co., 46-48 6th, Portland. Or. POTATO SEED The BIua Ribboned R unset Bur bank. produced by Xriithvr Burbank. the beat seed in existence, 5c lb., f. o. b.. Pori land. Or. D. M. O bUUlvan. 46 Union. MUSICAL lNSTRUMislNTi4.u "Type writers" and "Household Goods'" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are publiahed unaer their respective ciasixicauoua. LOOK THEM OVER THB following article were found on car or the Portland Kali way, ugnt Power Co.5 '. Mav 6. 1S1T L afilteaaea X umbrel las, 6 lunch boxes, 1 pair tennis shoe. a ounai overalls, l ounoie wail paper, . 1 coat. 1 basket. 4 pair glove. 2 books, 3 notebooks, 4 packages, 1 brush. 1 bat, I bag, l cas. l valise, 1 piano. .1 cigar caae, 1 purse. 1 cap. 1 lantern, 1 ear- : ring, 1 shopping bag, 1 sample case., , May f. mi? z purses, umDreiiaa, 1 Pair overalls 2 nackaces. 3 clove. 1 - bunch keys, 1 pin. 3 grips, 1 valise, 1 pair overshoe. 1 elk tooth, 1 handker- . chief. 1 Iron drill. i Mar 7. 117 2 auitcases, 13 ombrel . 1 Pair rubbers. I glove. 1 pair gloves, X handbag, 1 coat, 1 fish rod, 9 packages, 3 grips. 2 lanch boxes. X fountain pn, 1 notebook, 1 pair shoes,. 1 sweater, 2 books, 1 purs. 1 bunch keys. 1 bundle letters, 1 piec bras. Owner may obtain property at First and Alder tret station. - . . . Electric Motors Bought, aold. rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 16th. Broad wav or A-6674. Urophoad- sewing machine With attachmenta vaod condition. Sewing machines rented at- $3 per month. East 2263. B-330T. E. R. Steen. iQj urand ave.. near Belmont. FOR SALE Private collection 300 named dahlia. 6 varieties, from Alexander Dahlia Kin, retail Drlce 26 cent to one dollar. 100 not namd all to. niowoay. H37 e. HTvereiv. VACUUM CLEANERS $3 to $20 each. w sen, rent, exchange or ouy. EXPERT REPAIRS. Dun tie Va & all Ranllav a rA T ft l.ln tKt AUTOMOBILE). MOTORCYCLES, v launches or boats are separate classi fication A largo listing can be found unaer tnese different classifications YOUR BUYING POWER Need be but $5 cash and $6 monthly. no interest for years, to secuiU a 3350 local market price piano lor $262.80 at Schwsn Piano Co., Ill 4th. HIGHEST cash price paid for used jl anos. or will trade up to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Har- FOR SALE Singer sewing machine, with motor attachment, $15; desk, bookcase and snare drum; must be old by May 12. 878 E. Flanders st. LI 1.-1-.. . ' VACUUM cleanara. 38, guar. 6 year Phone for demonstration: all maka repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger aarg. 701 swetisnd bldg. Mar. SEWING machine for sale cheap. Wil iiams. Main Z6o. ing old S. Gilbert. $84 Yamhill at. $45 CASH Buy small upright at Security Stor age Co.. 109 4th st. JEFFERSON I AN APARTMENTS.. 614 Jefferson, 2 and 3 rooms fur nished, walking distance; modern, adults only, $12 up. S"AN MARCO, EAST STH AND COUCH Very nicely furnished or unfur. apts.. strictly modern, walking dlst. E. 1990. NOKOM1S. 666 Marshall Moueru a room furnished, private bath. dress In groomandphone: 316fo$22J5K GRACE APTS. 24th and Northrup. Modern high class 6 room apt. Phone Marsnall 1079. riorrt Arvfe Free bath, hot, cold water UCllI ttpiiiji week up. 401 1st at. HOliSKKKKJr'lNa ROOMS 7:1 rxTRHisass ajts virrtTsTXS3u:s TWO connecting housekeeping rooms with ink, cabinet, cupboards, two clothe closets and divan ' bed. Also single room. 76 E 20th St. N. Phone isast 179 4 LARGE room and bath, nicely fur- nisned, piano, ngnts, gas ana neat, rent reasonable. 239 E. 61st, near Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 6166. Jll NICE, clean 3-room suite, com plete, with lights, water, phone, yard; walking distance. 564 EL 6th st. Phone Sellwood 1109. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern conveniences. 627 E. Burnslde st. complete for housekeeping; use oi Piano. 170 13th St. WANTED AGENTS 0 CARS with our yaslfier go over 100 . miles for 60c; guaranteed. Rpnre- sentative wanted in every county in I Northwest Leist (laslflvr i),!,, Vn able. ill Clinton St.. Portland. Oregon. " SEVERAL subscription canvassers. men or women; biggest offer yet 4 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, walking distance. $3.75 a week, or $14 a month. 326 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING Single rooms, $7 er month, free bath and phone. Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. THE ALCO. 887 E. Couch. Nicely fur nished 2 room apts.. rtrictly modern; reasonable, new management. K. 2403. TWO room furnished modern apart ment, $2.50 a week. 4 blocks from 10th and Washington. Phone Bdwy. 1. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Elegantly furnished 2-Z-i rooms, walk- lng distance, reasonable. Marshall 983. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. ad and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. 31.60 per week up: Bleeping rooms. East 212. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th St.. 3 room furnished apartments, modern, brick building, warning distance, iis.50. ROSE FRIEND APTS., cor. B'way and Jefferson. Elegant unfur. apts., best service, warning qis. aaarsnau 1410. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 1793. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and 3 roms; hot and cold water, hatha, phone, steam heat. 312 up. BANNER APTS, 489 Clay. Modern 2 room furnished, 312 and 114. Also 2 room basement apt.. $8. 2-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED APT tit THE DEZENDORF. 08 1that- near Tavlor. Marsh 2318. FOR SALE One 1912 Cadillac, elec trie lights and ataxter. fine condl 12 BIG Kolsteln cows, 6 large Dur- tion: for. quick sale. $400. Can be hams. 6 Jerseys, all milking: 30 Hoi- I seen at Long & Sllva Garage. E. 8th 6tem neiiers; win give terms or traa and Hawthorne for dry cows. Bruce, Union Stock yards. PHONOGRAPH and records bought. sold and exchanged. Hall A -Cassi-day. 126 1st. Main 7098. I CAN PAY MORE for your Victrola, Grafonola, Edison Disa or record. Vern L. Wenger. 142 hi 2d. Main 7244. Pasture 1916 STUXKEJ3AKER. 6 cylinder, 7 pas senger, in brand new condition; will sell at a great sacrifice, $625 cash; leaving city. Phone Main 3843. for stock, close In, running water. 218 MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheel. AllKky bldg. FOR SALE 15 fresh cows: first, sec ond and third calves; also one neavy team. J. Elliott, Vesper, or. axles; we wreck all make of cars and sell their parts at Vi price. Auto wrecKlng Co.. a xwortn Broadway. FOR SALE 70 head breeding ewes F. A. Welch. Phone 77-X. Oresnam. HIGHEST cash price paid tor tii wijv OIt; WB WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto F. 129-31 Lownsdale. Main 1161 . cows, dry or stripers. Phone E. 6605. ONE fine fresh family cow. Stables. Front and Madison. U. S. POULTRY, 1'KlbONa AND 37 PET STOCK passenger, fine running order, arood eaulnment. all new tires: best buy in Portland; $250, terms. 44o Hawthorne ave. UNIVERSAL STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved Jiffy). 30 days' trial to responsible parties. A. L. Breckenridge, 836 Halsey St. E. 5095. C-ZZ63. White Leghorn ten: fine stock. Rhode Island Red tniinn $10.20 per dosen; fine stock. 200 LAYING hens. $10.2 V.trcrik 11 fn IK eggs $1.50 for 15. Three fin cock erel for sale, 1 prite winner last Port land chow; also few nice pullets. i87 Oregon st. East 1805. .1915 REO. A-l chape, terms. Broadway Garage, East Twenty-fourth and Broadway. 1915 CHALMERS SIX. $700 $95 cash buys $375 Harvard upright piano tomorrow at Security Storage Co 109 4th st. STANDARD talking machine, latest model, for piano. Tahor 3124. ? TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturer' guarantee and rent als annlrlnr to DUr chase. Visible mod els, $3 per month, $7.50 for 3 months. Other model less. writer Company, 86 Broadway. phone Broadway 621. Remington Type- Ti rele- WE SAVE you irom 60 to 75 on all make of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder. Retail department. WHOLESALE TirEWKIItK CO. 321 Washington at NO. 8 OLIVER typewriter, as good aa new, to trade "or corona. Main 33b6 or 641 Washington st. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Coro na dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. ALL mases typewriters rented and r- palred. Royal T. W. Arency. 262 Stark. S C W1H1TR I.KOHORN9. You can help; raise chickens. Our famous strain settings only $1. incu bator lots $5 per 100. McKenna Park Poultry Farm. McKenna ave. and Lom bard st. Col. 814. St. John carllne. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY, DAY OLD CHICKS. Barred Rocks, $15 per 100. R. I. Reds, $15 per 100. O. A. C. White Leghorns, $12 per 100. 1534 E. 12th, N. Woodlawn 4 85. 4505' 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms In modern home, one sleeping room, reason- 208 14th st FURNISHED H. K. rooms, clos In. phone, gaa and electricity. 349 Jef ferson st., near Broadway. made; $15 a day easily made. Motorist, I NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, close 4 20 Morrison. in. 390 Salmon St. -CREW manager, with crew subscrip tion men: best , proposition ever of fered; act Quick. rison. Motorist, 420 Mor- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 554 B. Madison. Tel. East 8065. 1. 2 AND 3 large H. K. rooms, first floor: private entrance. 429 Main. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 SITUATIONS MALE 3 YOUNG married man wants auto re pair work east of mountains. Or.. I FOR RENT 426 Ross. 6-room cot- "". f ua. nave naa tecnnicai, I tage; newly papered and painted: io. practical experience. Jsmau wages electricity and gas: rent 312; near tojwtart. 1-389, journal. Broadway bridge and Alblna shipyards. WANTED-rbituation by all round ma- I call Kast 301 or Kast 33 n. cnintst used to both machine and bench, uooa city references. G-453, journal. CALL EAST1 6046. For expert packer of Dianos fnr- niture. pictures, crockery, china and glassware, neierences. YOUNG man 18 attending -school in afternoon desires work from S to 12 m. Call B-1618 MODERN 6 room house in first class condition. In Laurelwood, $11 per H1SLOP HALL, E. th and Hawthorne, Modern 1. 2 and 8 rr.ra apts., $13.60 up: walking distance. East 882. clarka ants.. 2 rooms, phone. lights, heat. $12 up, fur., dis. beds. Mar. 6056. WHITE Leghorn baby chick, from heavy laying (Hogantzed) stock. 88 per 100, for April May and June Safe delivery guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma. Cal. CHOICE matched, good breeding pig eons for sale. 50c a pair. Woodlawn 2926 BARRED rock chicks and eggs: sat isfaction guaranteed. Wdln. 239.7. THREE White Emden geese; will trade for chickens. Woodlawn 3701. THB Ormonde, mod., 4 room front, 658 Flanders; Nob Hill. Main 8251. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6.C rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7616. A-2676. HADDON HALL. 414 11TH Sx, 2. 3 and 4 ROOM APTS. MAR. 1163. LAURETTE Apt. 3 R. furn. apt., mod ern. Main 8397. 229 11th st. ROSEN FELD (brick). 14th & E. Stark. 8 rms.. 217. 320. 322.60. 32! FOR RENl FLiATS 13 FIVE room upper flat; gas range, hot water heater, electric lights, eti 330 Park et CLEAN 4 room modern flats on Sac ramento st.. near Williams ave. In- qulre 288 Sacramento st. 6 ROOM modern flat, bath, newly tinted. 629"Everett st month. Inquire of James K. 6248 Foster Road. Tabor 26. Roas, FURNISHED FLATS 50 FOR SALE Large Plymouth Rock setting hens. Tabor 612. FLEMISH Giants for sale, Tabor 6422 Dotijs, limns, pets. etc. BLACK and tan at stud, 4 lbs., best specimen in Portland. Proven .sire, Oregon Carneaux Co. Tabor 4883.tBox Z79. rortiana. Phone Tabor 2318 or call 268 E. 72d et. N. FOR 3ALE. cheao. Irish water spani-ls and Chesapeake Bay dogs; Just right for fall work. 95 E, 6Znd st. CHOICE singers and females, all kinds and color, woooiawn zii BLACK ahd tan terrier pups, 5 months old; througnored. j-aa. journal. AUTOMOH1 LES-ACCESSOR1ES 44 FOR RENT 5 room bungalow, gas, 15 minutes' walk to Washington st., rent $8. Located E. 13th near Pine. Fhone E. 466, . 4 SOOM and bath, modern cottage, i nn nnrl tvq r-lr fruit and irnr. YOUNG man wishes work 6 to 9 eve- den. partly furnished if desired, 3 blka. Journal.' ' ; 8- ROOM modern house, 4 bedrooms, LIVE SALESMAN AND SOLICITOR nic grounds; walking distance. 405 wants meritorious proposition or ar- Madison., Apply 358 11th st. tlCl. H-364, Journal. Vtnnir.RN 6 room hOuse with rarden space. 4iii ora st. is. n. rnone Sell., 1849. - 6-ROOM upper flat, modern, well fur nished, walking distance; $6.75. E. Salmon, cor. E. 14th. 3lX room tUX. partly luxnished, rea- sonable rent; weoster. Tabor 5716. $10, 6 room modern furnished Hat. all ontglde rooms; 996 Commercial. $7.60 Small flat partly furnished. 661 Powell st. Key at corner store. FOUR room flat, upstairs, furnished. 227 E, 49tn st. fnone laoor 8176 CHALMERS $175 1911 Model M, in good condition; fine for bug; terms. Broadway uarage E. 24th. and Broadway. East Broadway Twenty-fou ay uarage, ' rth and Broadway. ONE ton Federal truck; owner has no work for it; make me an offer. Mar shall 3574. 1914 OVERLAND delivery, fine condi tion, panel bod $250. East 5841. 264 Page st. TWO ton truck with steady lob. cheap; part cash, bai. terms. 328 4m st.. room 49. FORD 5 passenger In excellent shape. 2200 take it. Phone A-Z448. WILL pay cash for good used Ford. Fhone t;ast izs. 1915 FORD, good order, sell cheap. 4322 52d t. Tabor 5490. 1917 MAXWELL for sale cheap, R-270. Journal. 1916 8TUDEBAKER SIX. driven about 8X)0 miles. 386(K Phone Tabor 4822. $75 REO delivery. B96 Commercial. AUTOMO COLUMBIA river rillnet fishing out- nts witn draft ngnts. win invoice and sell at one-half price for cash, or will trade for automobile, house and lot or anv avnilatkl rteraonal nrODeriy D. B. Carr. Carrols. Wash., owner. Or anDlv 431 Ch of Onmfherce. Portland 1 WILL PAY VOLT SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. R. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 5 FOR SALE 4 rooms, hardwood, oa furniture. Axmlnster rugs', mech anlc's tools, etc. Cheap. Leaving city. Call Sunday after 9 o clock a. m. : week days alter e p. m. caii zesft tiooner, near Fourth H. P. FURNITURE for sale 10 rooms, near ibors, cor $41 Front. Northwest Steel, good neighbors, cor ner, garage, reasonable rent. rabor 3647. FOR SALE Whole or part, furniture of six room. $91 Weidler at Grand avenue. FOR BARGAINS In used house fur- nlshlngs. visit our exchange dept. Calef Bros., E. Morrison st.. at E. 3d. NEARLY new waxed oak furniture and rugs of three room apartment. Marshall 6758.321 14th. I1CA tr4kT) fiLtiUn.. nl 91 m u 1 1 XT apartments. Phone Marshall 4208. 274 Montgomery st. FURNITURE WANTED 74 PHONE East 7816 when you want to ell your furniture We come at on and pay you cash. M. R. Seater. 8 Mawtnorr.e are., co.-ner or union. once 30 WILL pay highest price for furniture. rugs, stove and offic fixtur Main 7714. klbi get sioca oi used lurnttur a once. Will pay HIGHEST PRICE for anything you have. Marshall 3865. "LOST ANT FOtJNl 1 '21 LOST A Persian tabby femaf caL on nas young Kittens, win Iinoer please return and et reward. l ' East 27th t. N. or phone ..$967.- LOST A child's locket between Broad way na urant ana loth and Clav t.; monogram E. R. G. Finder call Main 9253. ; LOUT on King'a Ueighta a gold watch! ..100 witn letters is. i a. newara. Marshall 1211. 229 N. 23rd sL LOST Greek letter fraternity pin. J. A. Rock wood. Mass. Alpha engraved on bacg. nnder please call East 6727. LOST Orange Persian female cat in Alberta district; has sore on the Reward. Woodlawn 2275. nose. LOST Check signed April SO to H, Knowles for $34: will glv $6 re-. ward. Call Main 2876. Wabash hoteL PKKSO.NAL "22 GLASSES AT A BAYING. The aaxno servtc as J. quality you pay dosbl to money elsawnara: correctly fitted glasses as low aa $1.50. Thou sands of satisfied customtra Cba. W. Goodman, optometrist. 2 u Morrison e VVE pay highest cash price for used noue rurnishlngs. Kast 45r. R-1944. PAY cash or trade on new. M. IL caier. 640 wiiliam ave. Kast 6417. OUT of town dealer wants used house hold foods. Marshall 7o3. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANT- hl. Main 2705. WILL pay you the highest price for yo'r furniture. Call East 294. SWAP COLUMN 21 OAK bookcase, lady's writing desk. buffalo robe. 2125 elk charm for lata model typewriter, wardrobe trunk or wnat nave your 304 Iewi bldg. TRAINED nurs and masseuse gives treatment for rheumatism, lumoago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and batiis; lady aaaistant. 310 Park U Mar shall 6038. Hours 9:3U a, rn. to 10 p. m. Open Sundaya ; HIGHEST authority on ail mature oi mx life. Dr. Hall famous book on "Sexual Knowledge." $1. with 10 cts. post-. Oregon Book supply, P. O. Bo lu64. Portland, Or. SPIRITUALIST, MRS. M. L. LA MAR, 225 6th sc. cor. Main, teach palm is try and card leading; also ln la th science of health and cca Daily. . DR. MARGARET HAY NIK treat fcr- vouaneas. - disease uf -women aal children; special offer to - chroaio caae. 617 bwetiand bldg. Main 1745. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M, A, Prlca Reading dally. ! iriirtNVlli l I ,UW matter 2. 8 P. m : Suna. 3 p. 293 Clay. Mar. 3940, WANT to exchange a fine diamond cluster ring for a motorcvcla ill N. 6th t PIANO tuning for anything useful. Webster. Tabor 6716: work a-uaran- teed. A TAILOR wishes to have painting done In exchange for clothing In quire 107 Park st. REFRIGERATOR. hornless phono graph, furniture for five rooms, rail or trade. Telephone Tabor 6716. CAMERA 6x7. and complete outfit for outsld work, to trade for horso or what have you. Tabor 64.8S. 876 BTKADIVARIUB violin in ex- change for fresh cow Mar. 4038. DINING room or ldroom furniture for gaa range. Phone E. 6911. LADY'S new rpir your watch no r how badlr broken. HM MOULD'S. Jeweler. 124 Fifth U DR. V. G KETCHUM Woman maia dles and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th and Waah. Rm. 441. Mar. 44a ELECTRIC treatments for rheurna tlsra, lumbago, etc., salt bath. 416 Clay. Maia6l5. HAVE your hair permanently waved.. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlor. 440 Dekum. Marsnall 1703. VIBRATORY massage, face and acalp treatments, 36 W Washington, room, 66. Marshall 4727T . r . I Qll.,ar Consultation FREE. Mala - Lawyer 4993. m seiunir bidg. REV. MRS. BCHORI teaches truth. Reads dally. 186 Park at. Main Ts3x ALMA S. JOHNSON. Wash hotel. lormeriy 417-20. N. W. Hank Mdg SHAMPOOING and electric scalp trau roent. 162 W. Park, room 80. hens. bicycle. Tabor 3299. exchange for also FIVE acres for automobile; ror piano. v-35. Journal. COLUMBIA phonograph or record plumbing. Sellwood 63. lot Tor WANT automobile; nice little rooming house for same. Main 3374. WANTED MI SUE L L A X EOl S FPU a A LK-M I St KLLA KO I lu ELECTRIC motor, 7 h. p.. saw arbor and elevator, all equipped for wood yardf will sell cheap or exchange for team engine and boiler. Tabor 3136. ONE Oregon, one Royal standard type writer, both in good repair. H-352 Journal MODERN houae. rented in Woodlawn section, to exchange for automobila Tabor 7343. NEW office furniture valued at $650; want late, model Ford. Call 622 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SPOT cash for lat model used car. Broadway Garage. East 24th and Broadway. East 2566. 1 CAN use your FORD DEPOSIT If annot wait for delivery. ii- 39 you 7, cannot wait for delivery. Journal. WILL pay cash for late Ford, in good condition. Phone Tabor 4440. WANTED 1916 Ford touring. 1121 E. Grant. Phone Tabor 27. WAYNE gasoline pump for filllnx stations and garage. E. H. Ruepp:i, 473 Washington st. Main 160. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.90; 32.90; . 500 envelopes. 8l.o; $1.90. Smith, printers. 204 1000. 1009. Stark at. FOR SALE $50 new evening coat for $20. This is a sacrifice but it must be aold. 69 N. 10 th at. LITTLE Wiiard w aching compound, Sayman vegetable, wonder soap. Acme flavoring. Phone B-2711. FOR SALE A baby go cart In order. Phone Marshall 2065. good PLUMBING auppllea, wholesale price. Stark Davis Co.. 21Z Third. Main 77. FOR SALE Leopard-skin rug. 896 Yamhill. Marshall 6162. ROTARY White sewing machin. $26. 191 14th St.. near Yamhill. THE LEVIN Hardware at Furniture Oo., dealer in new and second-hand furniture and hardware. W buy hotel and reataurant outfit and tools of any aeacription; win pay the top prices for tnem, caan or exchange, t our large stores ar ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anythln M HI UCA Iaiearnbaths263J4,8.lnn. . NOTICES J MOHAIR POOL TO BE OFTERRD FOR BALK. Tbe Uraage and Farmer' luioa aiatoan pool f Llna roaaty will arfer far sale atvaral tfrnv BMBd fleeeva ot mofcalr at tbe store f the Oo peratle Kxciiaure. In Lebanon, I Jr.. oa Ha tor- -day. May 12. 1617, at 1 o'elmk p. u; aoara. Hmim will b saad to t blgbast raapooalbl Uddet. bat U rigbt la rii i,rd to relaet aay sc U bids. 1 B. 1". IXll'OUKilXX, IL C. PYLB. Joint t'nnmftta. ' you nd in home or elsewhere. Front. Main 9072. A-7174. ling 221 SECOND-HAND CLOTHINGW ANTED. J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYd $7.60 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS HE PAYS MORS FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229. 229 MADISON. I QUA Ml OH Portlana. i-i vji inn f jJt Oragon. 812 tVnnt Hide Metal ltubber Writ tot prices and shipping tags. Main 1499. Want Household Furniture Will pav each. Phone Main 3332. rXSHls Office, department uartanatr, 21 Pin at., Haa (sartBo. Cal. Healed pnaals will be reeelTad her antll 11 a. at Maj 21, 1917, for furnishing coal repaired at ' pus Li in WMtsra departntent daring flseal ' ;ar comioeaclag July 1, 1W1T. In for mat la tarntabed a application. - ( I WILL aot be rewnslhle for any dehu traded by my wife. Laara Kaa, fmra flay oo. w. tala MAC. TRANSPORTATION WANT all kind FRUIT JARS, tenia, far den toola, tova, sawing m ne. bicycle aad everything. Main 4495. 128 1st. WANTED Second band furniture, range and stoves. Beat price paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 E. Morrlsoa t. Phone Eat 2228. TO THE HoUSidWlVES. HE'S TALKING TO A STRANGER DE beck AUTO truck driver, win go any place; 6716 40th ave. S. E. PAINTING, paper hanging, tintina-. I irnT UPVNT Modern 5 room bunza Good work, cheap. Tabor 4367. I low newlv tinted. 1 block from car FULL" string milker. Swiss want line. 4827 70th st. S. E.. Mt. Scott car, MODERN 6 room house, steady Job. Z-3S1. Journal. " MAN Wants garden work. C-2474. Tinting. 3.60 a r om. O ilara. E. 171. grounds. 587 waukie. Main 100 bv 100 Cramp ton. cor. Mil- 16. SIUATJOtS VKjIALE 4 WOMAN wants housework, wages rea eonable, city or country; small fam ily; wants work for. 3 month if con venient; references. Room 209, Hotel Menlo. ' COLORED woman want day work or curtains to launder, east side. Call any time. Reasonable. Wdln. 4760. COMMERCIAL high school girl desire office work afternoohs, typewriting, tc. References. Woodlawn 3324. LADY employed part of time wants work for room and board. T-334, Journal. f . - EXPERIENCED clerk and bookkeeper wishes position In atnall store. C-387, 1 jgurnaj. CAPABLE bookkeeper ror general mer chandise store, will clerk spare time. HOUSE. 8 room, bath, $10; cottage. E rooms, bfftn. ; gooo. conauion. 634 E. Salmon. East 6604. $16j MODERN 6 r. house. Clos in. S. rnone r.. a. m. Sellwood E-. nice district. K nnOM modern bungalow car. Rent $12. CaJl Main 3953 5 ROOM cottage, including water, 914 Mllwaukle t.. 111. Call 14 Holgate. GOOD 6 room cottage. $11 month. E. Couch. Paved district. 901 MODERN 7 room house, $15; beautiful yard and garden, woodlawn it. ATTRACTIVE cottage, 6 rooms, bath, 310. 293 Cherry, near Williams. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 0-876. Journal. LAY work, neat, good worker, good ; lroner. ATter a p. m. gseuwooa nil. , WOMAN, wining worKer. wisnes day i . , wort, f none alter o p. m. aiainavoi. X PASTRY cook wants a position. E. M. Draws, East 7025. - WOMAN wants day work. lara cSoset. corner lot. at 81st St. and 64th ave. g. E Tapor eiig $5.50 FURNISHED bouse in Myrtle Park, 6709 42d ave., ait. scott car. near car; raspberries. : 7 ROOMS partly furnished. West side! nice neighborhood, : yard, garage near. Taoor 1901. NURSES Tabor 8407. 9 ROOM house. 3 apts. two on second floor, sleeping porches. Cheap to riant panv. wai. im. FURNISHED cottage $10 per month. b .fettygrove st. i;. . HOTELS Palace Hotel 120 ROOMS FIREPROOF rS1t Jl J. i.i Z tt Hi S 8 lit (Mill wm Cleanest Rooms In City. Reduced Rates 50c and up. Free phone. 446 Washington. iitcu 19tti noar Waah. St. Strictly CLEAN. RESPECTABLE House under PROPRIETOR'S management. MODERN. ! HOME-LIKE it uPmJ? week. Transient. 60c up. Marshal 3790, Hotel Australia Two and 3 room" housekeeping apart ..... .. giMiri. vw,m 11 Tl nr wees. $8 NEW, neat, 4 rooms. fumished and up. Translent,-60c and I up. Steam r nfployed. heated, hot and cold water i ww,m nnlv whit halo ei 203 ia 1st., cor. Taylor. Slain . -i .i '- STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or factory building In South Portland for rent. - Modern. 3 story rick structure, trackage- well lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 J ournal bldg. . ROSE BUD HOME For children. Shops, park, playroom. Motto: "Fair piav." juast eU9. ' " - i FURNISHED S room house $15. 763 William ave. woodlawn 410. . . 13 ROOM house. Inquire 344 Tillamook. BEST location in Portland for Tirst class tailoring establishment; will give long lease at reasonaol rental. Applv R. W. Haa-ood. 811 Journal bldg. bKVtrtAlj oeairabl ottioe and auitaa In Journal . building. Apply, R. W. Hagoodji sfl Journal bldg - .. UgV OLD MfiN- -n$ee- Hi Sao a I 1 FAB. OOT -- - 1 R iwo LTft' ' v-vV- xr . Vh. u :i "s-v: for any kind of funk. Will call with nvt- cnine. nrnn tin. LOOK. We nay hlgneat price for your ud furniture, ruga, carpet, stoves, ranges, etc. Phone N. W, Fur. Ex.. East . I buy. sell. Positively pay highest price KODAKS: rent ana ex change Kodak, lenses, shutter. See oaoaya aoaak shop, Stndv first, Washington, next Sunset theatre, 329 WANTED The reopi of Portland tu know I pay the highest caan: price for household goods. Prompt attention Kast 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st WILL pay $1 for second-hand Scienc and cieaitn. tau aiain 111 eve ning CORDWKJOD wanted, 100 t 3000 cord. Call or writ Jaa C. Logan, 400 oregonian Did g., portlana. GOING EAST 1 Household good hipped at reo. rate. I'ac. Coaat w'd'g Co.. 201 Wilcox bid. Mar. Ziii WANTED to buy 10 sack of good small DOtatoe. Must b reasonabla. Phone Marshall 5614. WILL BUY or trade for hoisting en gine; give particular. u-J.i. Jour- ral. WILL oav 31-320 for old falsa tecin: get. trowu, uriuMwa wutni; Dring or mail. G. riaiwoipn, ins eon blda. LOOK.!! Hlgheat price paid for Id hand ciotning, t run as. w a call im mediately. Broadway 356. Mbotguna, kodaks. Wanted Rifle. cmera. lenaea Main 3681. Hocnfieltf. li il 15c to $1 paid. for old- pyrography Darning -neeaiea,' new or broken, ail looar, tr. u. no znz, city. WANT fruit jar, tents, garden tool! coves, oicycies. nan caidy. 126 1st L WANTED a rood second hand baby curry. -none a-iv. HIGHEST h price paid for furni- tnre ana gen, wait. Bimmonds. E. 58Sf HIGHEST cata pric paid for fuml tar. Call A. B. P., Marahall 4763. CASH paid for good second-hand fur niture. ifi ia st. Mm ii. PAYS hlght prlc for 2d band cloth inc. tool, eto. i7i p-ront. Main 4812, YANKEE bench drill No. 1004.- Phon Broadwar 1678. FURNITURE wanted. Tabor 6309. CLOTHING wanted. B-3258 UNION PACIFIC SYSTEJ.l o-w. rt. n&N. "Harveit Queen" ; -far- I ( ) I NORTH BEACH VA U llfMCvaattalllllltt Leave Aah Street Dock at 8:00 P.M. caDy except Saturday. Returning leave Aston 7.00 Ala. daily except Sunday. . - .. OTY 0IT1C, TWri at Hathtam ortUDock . WM. 3AanmiAY. I San Francisco Los -Angeles OrUaMt Ckart aa kaata.) , Taa Big Claa CaatfertaM Clagaatly AyyatctaA $H ; , lit i - i i SS. BEAVER AXXA rSUSAT, MAT 11. 100 Ooide Mite I Colombia Blv. : Alt ai f alni4a ttertha Me la. Table and Barrice I'BexceUed. far saOlag 4a tea ty ta Tka fa rraa ciam Partlaa ga. Ce.. Tair aad Waea lagta straata (with O-W. 3U i 31. 0) Tai. Sraadway 40. A411L rgJWNRCeS rsrtlaad t Kaa rraali -BS. ITO&TKXsB? VACHTO, May 1, B, 10, IS, 1, S4. Cau farat UtaasMr E Koreas Ihim 9M -m. rare $. 61190. 818, 117 80. 65 00. OVn TXI $38. Til-WXIKLT bCKXD. IJU. Taaadaya, Thandaya, aWtaroay, t ke resaised XI ay 1st. TIC 8.8 1 . orricu 3f art Baak, t aa4 I I ttatlaa, lt aa4 JLtJ . M aaaMstilasa, 31. M I 4 Was.. O. M. Br, ' ' la 84. aasilagaa s( a, Ita aa4 ft ay - a. -