The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 06, 1917, Page 43, Image 43

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rRS. CARLTON B. SWIFT will be a welcome acquisition to Portland
society. Mr. Swift will arrive with his bride the latter part of this
month and they will be at home here after June 1st at 216 Summit
avenue. Mrs. Swift was Miss Lua Leonard of Chicago before her mar
riage, which was an event of April 14 in her home city. They have been
enjoying an extended honeymoon trip in the southern states.
Mrs. Roland Chapman of Oakland, Cal., and her two attractive chil
dren, Martha and Ann arrived last week to pass the summer with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Shea. She was formerly Miss Mabel
Shea. Announcement of the engagement of Miss Zola Parker to Jack
"White was made yesterday.
Miss Harriet Cumming is one of the clever girls of the Portland
chapter of the Girls' National Honor Guard who will appear on the vau
deville program next Thursday evening at the Heilig.
One of the most charming home weddings of the season was that
of Miss LaVelle Young and Frank Wellington Gilbert which took place
Saturday evening, April 28, at the residence of the bride's uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Charlton. The bride's attendants include Miss
Mary Warrack, maid of honor; Misses VOna Guthrie, Helen Honeyman,
Antoinette Mears and Marie Haller, bridesmaids.
Miss Mildred Woodward, fiancee of James M. Augus, is one of the
May brides who is being much entertained. Her wedding will take place
May 15.
Mrs. James K. Woodward (Regina Agnes Huerth) was a bride of
last month, her wedding taking place in Oregon City.
Mrs.- Earl Bethards (Agnes Carol Graves) a bride of last Friday
evening. .
moon trip In California and will
pass much time in Berkeley, attending-
the commencement exerclnes and
visiting relatives and friends of the
Babe." Dr. W. R. Hinson. the p'a.stor
Of th church, gave one of his ' inimita
ble addresses, mingling good humor and
coofl advice ia a way that delighted
veryone. The evening closed with a
social ihour during which delicious Iw
.cream and home made cakes were
, served.
' The Alumnai of Iowa State college
enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and !
Mrs. E. E. Faville of 672 East Twelfth
atret north, who opened their home
last Wednesday evening to their col
lege associates, especially honoring Mr.
I. A. Thornburg of Seattle, who had
been In college with both the host
and hostess.
Miss Clara Poppleton. bride-to-bo.
was charmingly entertained last Wed
nesday at the beautiful home on Port
land Heights of Judce Gilbert. Miss
Grace was the hostess and was assist
ed by Mrs. Fred De Slion (Katherine
Gilbert) and Miss Dorothy Gilbert.
' Spring garden flowers adorned the
rooms and dainty refreshments were
served by the young ladies. After the
guests had sewed diligently all the
afternoon, it transpired that the fin
ished product was all intended for the
.'bridal outfit, and Miss Poppleton was
most happily surprised by this gift,
ad well as by those of a heavy
"hower," which also soon fell upon
e fcer. the "drops" of which were found
to contain a great variety of presents,
useful and ornamental.
Mrs. Ralph R. Poppleton of Rock
.apur gave a luncheon in honor of her
: sister-in-law. Miss Clara Poppleton,
oon to be married. The rooms were
bright with Oregon grape and other
'wlldwood flowers, and Mayday baskets
each also containing a gift, marked the
places at the table. Sixteen ladies en
inved Mrs. Poppletons hospitality
and showed their appreciation of the
.Vinnnr Biiest in a charmingly devised
"shower of handsome and appropriate
- Dr. ann Mrs. F. C. McCann and
it.nrktor. iltiA Mrs. F. Belmont of
MOntana wer guesta of Mr. and Mrs
Arthur W. Huen at a delightful din
ner party at Forest hall on the Colum
bia highway last weanesaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hazen enter
tained about 30 friends at "500" party
t their attractive bungalow in Rose
r'ltv Park Tuesdav evening. Honor
were won bv Mrs. Conrad and J. C,
Verran. The guest list included: Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Verran, Mr. and Mrs. K.
VJ. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. "S. O. Krant'.,
'Mr and Mrs. J C Conrad. Mr. and Mrs
R ' F. Allshaw. Dr. and Mrs. G. E.
Henton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Breckel
Dr. and Mrs. A. P. DeKeyser. Mr. and
Mrs A. I.indquist, G. A. Moncrleff.
MiM Mann. Miss Gladys Applegate,
Miss Breckel, Miss Ruth Conrad, Fred
-P Houser. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Kltter.
5 Nearly 200 were present at the meet
ing pf the Iowa society Wednesday
tevening in the assembly hall of the
Multnomah hotel. In a happily worded
.speech P. H. Kneeland presented to
;Mr. H. C. Rinehart, the president oj
, the society, a Silver mounted gavel of
'California redwood, the gift of G. E.
Little of Jaeger Bros., a former resi
dent of Iowa and a member of the so
sciety. Vocal selections were given by
Misses Mabel HOlmes and William
--Williamson, and a dramatic reading
,by Miss Mae Williamson.
' The Iowa society will take active
'part In the entertainment of visitors
.from Iowa attending the N. E. A. con
tention. The following committees
"were appointed to work with the gen-
'eral committees: Reception or train
eemrolttee Mrs. Mary R. Spauldin;r,
Mrs. Mary O. Forest, Mr. and Mrs.
Burton,-Dr. and Mrs. G, F. A. Walker,
A. E. Brown, Leslie M. Parker, Mr.
and Mrs. lou J. Reno, Us:. Ticknsr.
registration or headquarters com
mittee Mrs. Robert C. Wright, Mrs.
H. C. Anderson, Mrs. J. J. Crossly,
Miss Mary J. Graham, Mrs. H. L.
Ganoe, Mrs. Hayse, Mrs. P. H. Knee
land, Mrs. Dabney, Mrs. Clara Lisle,
Judge and Mrs. J. B. Cleland, Mrs.
Hickok, Fred M. Rowley. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Pye, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. .Mur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. Fleck, Mr. and Mrs.
R. T. Byrnes. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. How-
ird. Mr. and Mrs. Swafford. S. G. Card.
Flower committee Mrs. Ida M. Hintz;
Mrs. Countiss. Mrs. Douglas. Mr.
Moore. All former residents of Iowa
are eligible to membership and are
invited to attend the meetings the first
Wednesday of the month at the Mult
nomah hotel.
Miss Aimee Bollack and Robert E.
Asher of Sacramento will be married
June 10 at the home -of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bollack,
"12 Kearney street. The engage
ment was made known last fall.
The Oregon Army and Navy fa.uxil
ary met Monday afternoon in the
east side Odd Eellows' hall and estab
lished permanent quarters in the East
Side Business Men's club rooms. Grand
avenue and East Alder street, at which
place they will meet at 2 p. m. Mon
day. At this meeting by a unanimous
vote the Grand Army posts were made
honorary members. Mrs. John I.,. May
was elected chaplain. Mrs. May is also
a vice, president of the Oregon Patri
otic Service league. A benefit tea and
nvusical for the Oregon Army and
Navy auxiliary was given at the home
of Mrs. M. E. Sims', 133 East Fiftieth
street, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whiteside of 6R0
Quimby street announce the engage
ment of their daughter. Miss Margaret
Hamilton Whiteside, and William
Franklin Robinson. The news was told
first Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs.
WWhiteside invited about 24 of the
bride-elect's girl friends in for the
celebration of her birthday, and when
the cake w&s eut a key, with a treas
ure lck, was found. In which ttte
newsCwas divulged. The wedding is
planned for the early part of June.
The house was prettily decorated for
the party with clusters of pink and
white blossoms.
Miss Agnes Carol Graves, the niece
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Alden Beals,
and Earl Bethards were married at a
pretty home wedding which took place
at the Beals residence In Irvlngton,
474 Broadway. Dr. Joshua Stans
field, pastor of the First Meth
odist church, read the ceremony be
fore a gathering of relatives and
friends. Miss Beulah Rhoades and
Clyde A. Beals were the attendants
to the couple and Mr. Beals gave his
niece away. The bride was a pretty
picture In her simple white satin
wedding dress, elaborated with silver
lace fashioned in round length. She
wore a tulle veil stayed with sprays
of orange blossoms. The bridegroom
is a former Berkeley man, having
graduated from the university there.
He is a member of the Alpha Kappa
Lambda fraternity. Mr. and Mrs
Bethards have left for the honey-
Matthew Steele has recovered suf
ficiently from his double operation
which was performed at the Portland
sanitarium, to be removed to his
home. 948 East Taylor street, where
he will be glad to see his friends. He
is still unable to be up.
Mrs. J. G. Megler is here from
Brookfleld and is staying at the Ho
tel Portland. Mr. Megler was one of
the big salmon packers of that sec
tion, ajid since his dtath. a year ago.
the business has been successfully
conducted by Mrs. Megler.
Mrs. 1-eslle Conger and daughter.
Miss Pauline Marian, of Castlerock.
Wash., are visiting Mrs. Helen Voeth
Burnett, at the Chetopa apartments.
Mrs. Burnett gave a luncheon in com
pliment to Mrs. Conger Friday.
Mrs. John Gratke . and her gifted
daughter,' Ijoris. came down from As
toria early in the week and were reg
istered at the Hotel Portland. While I
liri c i ir .v..'. ........... -
eral musical affairs.
Mrs. Charles O Hill left Tuesday
over the Northern Pacific for New
Haven, to be present at the gradu
ation of her son, Herbert, from Yale.
In June Mr. Hill will marry Miss Edna
Wilcox of West Haven, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ixve have
taken apartments at the Hotel Port
land for the summer. They are ac
complished dancers and will be in
charge of the dinner dances at the ho
tel. Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley left Tuesday
t for the east to attend the commence-
! ment exercises at Yale when her sons.
j Roscoe and Willis Ashley, will be
O. E. I,lppincott ar.d hts daughter.
Mrs. T. H. Flint, have taken apart
ments at the Hotel Portland and Mrs.
Flinthas gone to California for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Olson are
being congratulated upon the arrival
at their home Thursday of an 84
pound baby boy. The youngster and
Mr. and Mrs Carl betering are be
ing congratulated on the arrival at
St. Vincent's hospital April 30 of a
baby boy '
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Tobias are down
from Seattle for a short time and are
registered at the Hotel Portland.
Wedding and visiting cards. Klumpp'a,
326 Washington street. (Adv.)
and will be at home to their friends
after May 6 at 65 East Eighty-fourth
street north.
Miss Emma Tormoehlin and Harry
H. Holgreve were married Wednesday
evening at 8:30 o'clock at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Tormoehlin. 408 Church streets.
W. J. Fenton, pastor of the Firt
Methodist Church South, officiated :n
the presence of about tin guests. The
house was decorated in spring flowers
and palms and made a pretty settfng
for the bridal party. Miss Sadie Wes
ton sang "At Dawning." preceding the
ceremony, and the wedding march was
played by Miss Harriet Weston Miss
va Jeanett was the bridesmaid and
was becomingly attired in flesh-toned
net with pink ribbons and carried i
shepherd's crook tied with pink bow.
Two little ring bearers. Dorothy Stout
and Alice Cosgrove. were prettily at
tired in white and carried lilies. Th,?
bride wore a gown of white taffe'a
made in girlish design with elabora
tions of silver lace, and her tulle veil
was stayed with orange blossoms
Her father gave her in marriage.
Bruce Baird attended the bridegroom.
A wedding supper was served during
the informal reception which followed
the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Holtgreve will be ac
home to their friends in Portland after
a short honeymoon. The bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William
One of the pretty weddings of the
week took place Wednesday. April 25,
at 8:30 p. m.. when Miss Edith Bylund
and Fred Holmes were married at the
home of Dr.' and Mrs. O. Onne Jurva
at 178 East Sixtieth stree. Mt. Tabor,
the ceremony being performed by
Judge J. H. Jones. Little lima Jurva
made a dainty flower girl leading the
wedding procession, the bride being
attended by her cousin, Miss Selma
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Johnson, while M. Ulin acted as best
man. The wedding march was played
by Miss M. Rundquist at the piano
and Mr. Wickstrom. viqlin. The bride,
was attired in a handsome gown of
silvery, white satin which was made
short. Her tulle veil was fastened
with ribbon and a band of orange blos
soms. The bridal bouquet was Ja
shower of Bride roses. Miss Johnson
was gowned in a delicate shade of
pink crepe de chine and carried pink
carnations. Just following the con
gratulations. Mr. Ulin sang "Oh Prom
ise Me." The guests were then in
vited into the spacious dining room
where a wedding dinner was served.
After dinner the guests numbering 70
repaired to the W. O. W. hall on
Sixtieth street, where dancing was en
Joyed until a late hour. Mr. an Mrs.
Hplmes will be at home to their
friends at 10 East Fifty-third street
north, after May 15.
A pretty home wedding was solemn
ized Sunday. April 29. at Canby. Or.,
when Mi.K Clara Kcil and Roy An
thony were marric, at the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Keil. The ceremony wa? performed
by Rev. F. I.uras at 2 o clock before
an assemblage of 50 Intirqate friends
of the couple. Their wedding is the
culmination of a romance of school
A bower of cherry blossoms, daffo
dils end lilies formed an . improvised
altar before which the couple plighted
their vows. Ferns and spring flowers
in abundance graced the rtooms. The
bride was given In marriage by her
father. She wore a becoming girlish
frock of wisteria toned georgett rrepe
and carried a shower bouquet of Bride
roses and white sweet peas, Mrs. Etta
Burns of Portland ac,ted as matron of
honor and Miss Senta Nickol as brides
maid. Fred Moeller and Earl Anthony
of Portland attended the bridegroom.
After the ceremony a delicious wed
ding dinner was served. Many beau
tiful gifts were received After a short
honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
will make their home at New Era. Or.,
where Mr. Anthony is connected with
the Dornbecker Manufacturing com
pany. Surrounded only by relatives and in
timate friends. E. I. Perkins and Ar
vllla Brown were married at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rrown. 992 live
ly street. Sunday last. Rev. R. E.
Smith of the Sunnyside Methodist
church, where the bride is popularly
known, conducted the service. Gene
vieve Brown. ,a niece, attended the
bride. ; J A. C. Oakcs was best man.
Accompanied by l.ts Oakes, Mrs. Mae
Wright, sistnr of the groom, sang "Be
loved. It Is Morn." by Aytward. before
the ceremony. The groom's grand
mother, who haa rounded out her
eighty-sixth year, witnessed the cele
bration with mu,ch satisfaction. Fol
lowing the ceremony light refreshments
were served. Mr. Perkins holds a re
sponsible position with the Marshall-
Wells Hardware company, and has long
been associated with the Orpheus Main
chorus of ihii city. The couple will
be at home to their friends at 662 Gin-
tenbein avenue.
At the manse of Piedmont Presby
terlan church, on Saturday aftrrnoon.
April 28, ; Mr. Frank Corey and
Miss Alice-' Pleren. both, of Banks. Or.,
were united in marriage by Dr. A.
1. Hutchison, in the, presence of a
few intimate friends. Their home
will be at Banks, whrfe Mr. Corey ha"
been a farmer for sortie years past.1
Wedding Invitations.
326H Washington stret.
Klutnp p .
. (Adv'.
EC ,
Haturnay evening, prii ip. wiiunt
occasion of a unique twenty-fifth an
niversary celebration. ; when- a host of
Cnntlnue4 nn K"ltr-in I'age I
The Emporium's Big Annual Sale of Dresses !
2' a
A very pretty weddiijg was solem
nized Wednesday evening. April 26. at
Hope Presbyterian church, when Miss
Abra Ehlers was united in marriage
to Carlyle H. Seemann. Rev. S. W.
Seemann. father of the bridegroom, per
formed the ceremony amid a bower of
ferns. Japanese quince and potted
plants. At Just 8 o'clock the bride.
very beautiful in a gown of white
satin and a georgette crepe, with veil
caught up with orange blossoms and
carrying a shower bouquet of Bride
roses and white sweet peas, came down
the aisle on the arm of her brother,
Edward Ehlers, who gave her In mar
riage. Preceding the bridal party were
little Miss Anna Jane McMillan, niece
of the bridegroom, as, flower girl, and
Walter Hanthorne as ring bearer, both
In white.
Ruth Ehlers. gowned in pink silk.
was maid of honor, and Mrs. Lillie Ol
son, also In pink silk, was bridesmaid
Alber Ehler was best man.
Mrs. L. V. Dickson sang "I Love You
Following the ceremony an elaborate
reception was held at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. R. J. Ehlers.
East Eightieth street. About 80 guests
were present. The dining room was
very pretty tn daffodils and ferns,
while pink and green predominated in
the living room and library. The bride's
bouquet was caught by Miss Florence
Mr. and Mrs. Seemann left on the
12:30 train for Seattle and the Sound
Helen Igoe, Inc.
t-J Seattle Portland
Engraved Wedding Invitations met An
nouncement. Social and Business Cards.
Steel Die Embossed Personal, Lodge, Profes
sional and Business Stationery State kind
qf samples desired.
l j
; j
T IS almost unnecessary to say more every woman
knows what our Big Annual Dress Sale means.
This year we have planned this event on even a
bigger scale than ever before. Because of the unsea
sonable weather, dresses have not sbld as they should.
Now we put our entire stock of New Spring and Sum-,
mer Frocks on sale. Costs have been almost disre
garded. Buy your dress now for your vacation trip-rat
the beach and all Summer's wear. Attend this
The Most Important
Event of the Season
Every stunning dress model of the season included
every new style. Do not let anything prevent you from
attending this sale. The values are the biggest we have
ever been able to offer. - ; "
; . ! . -
Every Smart New Serge
Dress Reduced One-Third
Serge frocks will be worn this year more than ever be-j .'
fore. Despite this fact, we are including every new v
serge dress in our stocks in this sale. All the newest
styles Billy Burke, New Russian and Basque effects, V.
$12.50 Serge Dresses. . .$ 8.85 . new shades- A11 sizes from misses' 16 to omen's 44. M ;
$14.75 Serge Dresses. . .$ 9.85 $19.50 Serge Dresses. . .$13.00 $24.75 Serge Drettes. . .$16.50 1
$17.50 Serge Dresses. . $11.65 $22.50 Serge Dresses. . .$15.00 $27.50 Serge Dresses. . .$1835
200 Silk Frocks Greatly Reduced i I
Now is
a big reduction.
Grouped in Four Lots
vour opportunity to secure charmincr silk dresses at
In these four big lots we have included the
season s most desired suk uocks. stunning styles in sports.
Street or Afternoon Models. Fine Taffetas, Crepe de Chines,
Crepe Meteors, Khaki Kools and Shantungs in every new shade
shown for Summer. Also pretty styles in'Georgette Crepe.
Women's Knit Sport Suits
(Exceedingly good looking)
In purple, reseda, green, rose, Co
penhagen blue, tan, Oxford and
heather mixtures.
K. S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd.
Custom Clothing
And Shirts
Imported Dress Accessories
! English Coats for
Men end Women
- Second Floor Selling Bldg.
; i ' Sixth and Alder Streets :
$13.50 to $16.50 Silk Dreszt. . -$ 9.85
$17.50 to $19.50 Silk Dresses. . .$13.85
$21.50 to $23.50 Silk Dresses. . .$16.85
$24.50 to $28.50 Silk Dresses . . . $19.85
21 Exclusive SilkDresses Sacrificed
HereMs an assortment of the most stunning frocks. Many of
them reproductions of beautiful Paris originals. (Materials in
Crepe de Chines, Crepe Meteors, Khaki Kools and cool Shan
tungs. These dresses were marked exceedingly ! low at the
original prices. Our Annual Sale brings them within the reach
of everyone. ;
To $33.50 Silk tjoi Of To $37.50 Silk
Dresses... ytlOD Dretse. .
Fashion Says White Hats
Just one peep at our big showing of White Hats would make you feel as if you were in a $ummer"Garden. White
Hats will be worn this Rummer more than ever before, we are showing beautiful White Milan, White Milan
Hemp and White Georgette Crepe Hats.; A big showing here Monday. Prices frpm
$7e50 to $12.50
i. :i ; Mmki
See Our Big Windon
Showing on Dresses
124 H28 JixthJUvjiiJlolfWc
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