The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 06, 1917, Page 23, Image 23

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I Continued;
You Feel-Safe and
When you own good land. Make
20 to 4000 acres adjoining Improved
your start now and get m mai posi-, farrnjn district. For sale bv lum
-n. - f ., , ' ber companies to settlers only. 25 to
3 to 6 acres mile "Tan Pi&ce. c , 40 mnt.s tram Portland. Rail, water
fare.. SOU per acre, only 10 per cent and auto transportation to markets.
oaan, , ,., ,, T3-ivi I Cooperative creameries and canneries.
6S ln,tlva"0n " p1nd j Deep rich soil, light clearing. Spring
, , T-t. rt in . I water. r'niy. employment. Ji.a
- 20 acres Columbia highway, between
Chanticleer and Corbet t. $2000.
8 1-3 acres near Tigard, all In culti
vation. $2700.
3 acres Powell Valley road, part in
cultivation. $1500.
1 to 6 acres at Sycamore station,
$326 to $400 per acre.
3V6 acres in cultivation, near Sandy
road. $1400.
Terms to suit on all these bargains.
.1. G. RAINEY, '
605 Yeon bidrr. , Main 3672.
Five acres, $250; $10 down. $5 per
month, buj'B 6 acres of land between
Portland and CentraJla, on the man
line of 3 railroads. 1 miles from a
town of K00 population, sawmills and
'ehingle mills. Home or this land is
partly cleared; running streams, eorrri
bottom and tome bench. Some of this
land is good onion land. Can give you
any kind of a piece you want.
$20 down. $10 per month, buys 40
iwres good land at $22.50 per acre. 2
miles from the Columbia river, be
tween -Portland and Astoria, in Cow
litz conntv This land is free from
rock and gravfl. laya nicely; good soil
and holds moisture.'
318 Hallway Exchange bldg.
terms. Main 9313.
517 Chamner of Commerce bldg
70 Acre Townsite
Postoffice, store, sawmill and
Operators' houses on the land.
3 or 4 acres under cultivation.
Sawmill' furnishes work to all.
Opportunity to' clean up $10,000
-In a few years.
Will take some trade.
Charles L, Wheeler Co,
Main 9313. 517 Cham, of Com.
ii ion. $2Fi rmvM. sin pet month.
2 blocks from Eandy blyd.; best of
soil, all ready for plowing, pressure
water, raise your own vegetables.
BACK TO THE SOIL, ypu can't find a
place to live cheaper. H1CKMAN-
WILSON. 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868
C-2121. Branch of J. L IIARTMAN
Buy an Acre or Two
25 minutes out. water all year, on
carline, adjoins park, 5b0 feet to sta
tion, fine soil. Take Oregon Electric,
Jefferson St. sta., 1:16 or 2:20. I Will
meet you at Metzger. Week days phone
Main 5456.
We have a beautiful acre on 5 cent
carline. lust the place to raise chick.
i i- i i ii rariinn. iubi me to
raae tor a buuurDan nomei. ?d on. .nun un water, good
and Laugh at the 'High Cost
of Living
Bungalow, 5 -rooms downstairs. 3 up-
schools. Price $600. Easy terms. This
is a snap. Geo. T. Moore Ob., 518 Ab-3r.rtr-n
10 acres on east side, close, to city
and electric railways, on main road;
stairs, electric lights, fireplace, ho, small house, good well, fruit trees,
and cold water, phoun, 2 acres, god etc.: sightly. Very cheap at $5750.
eoil, 12 fruit trees 12 years old, 36 Q-486. Journal.
young trees berries, etc.; 35 minutes :
on good electric carline. Want to trati
for hom In the city.
The Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern Hank Bldg.
17 Acres $425
Omortun!tv to live without worry, i
Good road to R. It. station and i
Steamer landing- on the Columbia.
Crossed by a small creek.
Nat cottage and 4 acres nearby i
Can Vie rented for the season. I
Plenty of work In the neighborhood.
Adloiulng 12 acres $480.
Adjoining 20 acres $S0O. !
Small cash payment and easy terms, j
Charles L. Wheeler Co, !
Main 9313. 517 Cham, of Pom !
"iOUK ctiMiice Is in fanfifia itivn iuu :
and business opportunities offer yoy '
independence: Farm , lands, $11 to $30
cere; Irrigated lands $35 to $50; Z0
)ears to pay; $2000 loan in Improve-:
merits, or readv made farms. Loin
of livestock; taxes average under .0a ,
an acre; no taxes on Improvements j
personal property, or livestock; good :
markets, churches, schools, roads, tel -'
rhones; excellent climate crops an-1 '.
livestock prove it. Special homesek-;
ers' fare certificates. Write tor free
booklets Allan Cameron, general su
perintendent land branch, Cbi.adlaa 1 -cific
Ky.. 112 Ninth av.. Cigury. At-:
berta. '
Less than 30 miles to Portland; I
'good, rich soil; asbsolutely free from j
rock or gravel. Good roads, best of '
marketing and transportation laciu
ties: rauli, water
v $25 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH.
Ievcl as the floor, not a shrub or
stump; all ready for plowing: raise
your own garden, berries, chickens;
build a small tent house or home.
"lose to car, pressure water, gas, lights,
fdrtpwalks; block and half to Sandy
bid v. Price $1500. HICKMAN-WILSON,
45th and Sandy blvd., Tabor 6868,
C-2121. Branch of J. L. IIARTMAN
3 rooms, good cellar, solidly built;
will make a dandy home; barn, smali
fruit trees, sidewalks, ga-s pressure
water. BACK TO THE SOIL, raise
chickens and garden, cut down ex
penses. See this quick; a sure enough
good buv. Terms hi cash. Hickman
A Wilfon, 4 5th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor
tiSKS, C-2121. Branch of J. L. Hart
lnan Co.
20 ACRES near Oregon City. 1L acres
cultivated, red shot soil watered iy
springs, 1 acre orchard, has R. F. D.
ana cream route. 4 mue to scnooi. z y
miles to K. K. eta. on good county
road. Will trade for auto to 1500.
Price $1500.
14 acres near Sherwood. IT miles
wett f Portland. 4 acres berries, 10
acres grass, all rich red shot soil. house
and outbuildings. Price $1800.
40 acres near Cottage Gr&ve, Or. 15
acres cultivated, good loam soil. 00
bearing fruit trees. 5 miles to R. R.
eta. on county road. 6 room house.
Price $1600.
40 acres near KaJamn, Wash. 7 acres
cultivated 35 acres timber and pas
ture, 1 acre bearing orchard. 2 miles
to a ii. sta. .Fair buildings, rarm toois.
Price $1700.'
94 acres near Cornelius, Or. 8 acres
cultivated., dark soil, watered by creek
and spring, has R. F. D. and cream
route on county roaa. 3 acres aiasneu. j
miles to school. 4 room house, barn
and outbuildings. Price $1100.
24 acres near Forest Grove. 6 acres
cultivated, rich loam soil, 23 acres
level, plenty of wood. 3 miles to R. R.
station, 1 mile to school. 4 room house,
barn, 75 fruit trees 5 years old. PrU
10 acres near The Dalles at Friend.
Or. 25 acres cultivated. 130 cares level,
volcanic ash soil, watered by creek
and well; orchard; 80 acres good tim
ber, 8 room house, barn, iyt mnes to
R. R. sta. $1000 down. Will trade for
10 acres near Woodburn. 7 acres
cultivated, dark loam boII, lies level. 2
horses, 1 cow, 2 hogs. 12 chickens. 4
room house, barn and chicken house;
bearing' orchard, farm implements.
This is fine land for. onions and pota
toes. $500 down. Price $2500. j
40 acres near Hermiston. 33 .acres
cultivated, sandy loam soil, 5 acres bot
tom land, watered by government recla
mation service, on county roaa, iy
miles to school. 4 mile, to K. R sta.;
house and 2 barns. $500 down. Price
40 acres near Summit, 5 acres cul
tivated. 20 acres bottom land, watered
by stream. 6 miles to R. R sta. on
county road, timber for wood, home
and barn. Free range for stock. Price
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
287 Washington St.
Small Farm Bargains
We have a hundred small
farms near Portland and can get
you just what you want. Just
think, 6 acres, 10 miles out. east
side, all cleared, best soil, 3 room
house, $1360; also 10 acres. 11
miles east, paved road, 8 oleared,
no rock, right at station, only
.$2000. Further 18 acres at
Orenco, 7 room house, bath, etc.,
only $3800. We have a bargain
in just the kind of tract you
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381.
Very Choice, 130 Acres
This farm very productive; ISO
acres, all cultivated, fenced and
cross-fenced; woven wire; dark,
rich soil; running stream; build
ings first-class; 6-room house,
fine large barn, outbuildings.
PERSONAL: Three horses. 14
cows, bull. 200 hens, 6 hogs, sur
rey, buggy, wagons, cream sep
arator, farm implements and
household goods. Price. $16,000,
60 miles south of Portland. 2
miles electric line.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43S1.
80 ACRES near Halsey. all cultivated. '
oil level, valley loam, watered - by WANTED Well improved farm rear
2 wells, I mile to R. R. sta.. improved Portland in exchange for Portland
county road. 1 acre orchard. 4 year oij acreage up to $12,000. Acreage lm
trees, 5 room house, small barn, out- proved with modern residences end
buildings, 4 horses, 9 cows. 14 hog, equipped for propagating and matur
all kinds of farm Implements. Pricing flowering plants and vegetables.
5600. j Best variety of full bearing fruits.
i Much f crop now planted. Well estab-
70 acres near Roseburg. at Yoncalla. lished business. Good income. Fine lo
S0 acres cultivated. loam soil. 25 acres cation. All cltv imrovfmntii In.
level, bal. rolling, 25 acres timber. Owner. 34 E. 62d st, phone Sunday or
spring and well. "4 mile to R. H. sta. evenings. Tabor 8.
on county road, 12 acres good bearing tstz - ...
horse. 1 cow. 1 calf, farm tools. A riJli W-i. iT? particulars
good fruit and chicken ranch. Price j TVe'vea new . room
" bungalow with bath, fireplace, China
160 acres near ClaUkanie. Or. S3 , ekc J?t5h k".h.
l .r.. .nmii k-. Ki.oir an . nirv orcnaru. Dairies. IjOI box
I acres level, cream .route and county i n to ,ct,? ffv.'0
i road, 5 room house, bern and outbuild- 3.oonA . AMre owner. 12J0 JOtn ave.
' ings. 5 cows, 1 yearling. 2 calves, farm - ,jge1ejO '
; implements, zi acres Dearing orensra , ha v k jsoo cash as first payment on
ana Derries. This is a good dairy iarm. ; improved 10 to 60 acres within zu
Price $6000. ; miles Portland; preferably on stream;
I h.l. easy terms or trade. Give full
205 acres near Alsea. SO acres cul- description, terms and price first let-
tivated, sandy loam soil, lies mostly ter. F.r.ra Nuckolls. La Grande. Or.
level. 30 acres good timber, balance WaNT farm Bt equipment.
open pasture, waierep oy nver j, ,lv- modern 2 flat bids. Income
reeK. 2 acres orcnard, s room now, ' 14500 T,r mnnth firt t,ovn.i,
tidings. 1 horse 12 rj!Lat -t6i or 65S lUlat Yamhill.
4 Ceatlaaed ) .
',-large barn and outbu
'cows. 6 hogs. 7 goa
goats 25 chickens. 6 ; inard.
j-yearlinps. 1 bull, 4 stands of bees, farm
I loois. 1 ins is a kuuu Uiiiry imitu,
kPrice $6J00.
Ralph Ackley Land Co.
287 H Washington St.
Have some good Portland property to
exchange, and some cash buyers.
wuigiey, Z02 wueox Hldg.
40 acres 23 acres in high state of
cultivation. 5 acres more mostly
ENGLISHMAN authorizes us to AH- , cleared, lays slightly rolling, drains
pose pf his ranch in Grant county, well, heavy clay loam soil, no rock or
consisting of 8400 acres; 1400 head of gravel, all gool tillable land 1 acre
Hereford and Shorthorn cattle, 150 assorted orchard Just coming into
head of good grade Percheron horses, bearing. 18 acres seeded to clover, bal-
100 head of hogs, 100 head of sheep, anA In potatoes and garden; house
about 500 spring calves, full set of ma- 24x24, barn 50x52. good potato house,
chlnery and implements, all necessary chicken house and .other outbuildings;
houses, barns, outbuildings and sheds; ferK-od and cross fenced, two good
plenty of good water, fine range. 1200 wells, plenty of fine water, 100 rods
I HAVE $4000 cash for first payment
I on a good Willamette valley rarm;
1 would like some stock and equipment,
' balanoe on time. D-376, Journal.
WOULD like to r-nt farm; have H
1 acres to exchange for stock; and 1m
1 plmentw. Main 7252.
WANT Oregon for the following Al
berts, Canada, property:
Adjoins town of Wetasklwln; t3
acres. 10 teres.. 16 acres, all in crop;
was subdivided Into lota 6 room mod
ern bungalow, furnished, lot 160xlOJ;
H Interest in nayutg brick yard. All
properties clear of incumbrance; total
value $54,000
Want Ore son farms for: 5 room
modern bungalow; stock of hardware,
furniture an. groceries and 10 Port
land residence lota All clear of debt;
total value 11,30
EARL 11. FKY, Land Dept..
The Oregon Home Builders
1S30 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Tine Little Farm
to acres,, near Motalla, with fair
buildings, good orchard, springs and
well, on main road: all good when
cleared; lot of it ready for cultivation
now; price $7500: will take house or
acreage to $4 5u0, balanco mortgage,
Lueddemann Company
913 fT.amher of Commerce.
Trade 21 Acres, Oregon
Electric, for House
-Rich land. 2 m acres. 1 mlleg
Oregon Electric. 28 miles Port
land; It acres cleared. I acres
beaver dam; running stream V
rolls boat landing; small - pew
house and new barn. Price $4500;
mortgage. 111(1, 5Vfc- Trads
for house and assume around.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6th st. Broadway 41SL
Of 304 acres in eige of good town on
electric, on main road, close to schools,
stortg and ohir;-hrj; 27 acres in cul
tivation, balance nasture. with runnina
... .. V ' . --i
waier. irooa iree boh I room noust .. - . . .
and barn, city water, family orchard. J W A BARNES 9
iifn1?- nlr.Ksa.rg-.1?n.C-e; 07-8 Henry building. Main lltt
ban home as psirt payment. D. Mc
Chesney, 332 Cl.-.unber of Commerce.
FARM for sale or exchange, contain
4A acres, 16 acres cleared ; an '
acres partially cleared. Good - e room ;
house, with water piped to same Other 'i
buildings, some stock and equipment. -No
rock, located in Gaston locality. . '
Mce for all only $S150. Will take
small property on account. In" ex-
change. i . .
120 acres, about half in cultivation. v
fair buildings, good land, located leas
than 50 miles from Portland. Equip- -ment
of machinery and tools. Oik good
road. Price $13,000. mortaaae onlr.
$2000. Will exchange for city prop-
640-ACRE HOMESTEAD Am living
on one In Lake county; been there 8
years, and know the central Oregon
country well: can place you near
school; very heavv bunch grass, plenty
to 1500 tom nt rlnvr anrl tfmnthr hav yv,.. .,.v,f nn hu i.if , o , i water, near timber, convenient to
annuajijr. t-rice -uo,uv;u; casn, i;o,uuu, : io miles rrom Vancouver.;
D&iance, mortgage.
EARL H. FRY. Land Dept..
The Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern Bank Mdg.
- - ' 1 .X 1 l tlfl 1 1
telephon, ' rvfa",ripW" nuv ior piuw. win
"Jrr.' land, 'you paonly-lf you f.lel'See me
l l wagn. 1 mower, 1 spring tooth har-j at Hotel Aldgr- Alvln s- Haw1
21 ACRES, $3760.
row. 1 spike tooth harrow. 1 disc. 1 160-ACRE relinquishment. 40 acres
plow, 1 horse rake, 1 potato digger, 2 1 bottom land, part cleared, hi acre
dozen chickens, ail other tools and j potatoes; water piped to house; tools,
machinery' on the place. Price $6000. j furniture and groceries; tons of ca-
Termn $3000 cash, balance 5 years at cara bark on place; cash or trade, or
$1300, $25 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH.
Not cleared, small underbrush, some
nice fir trees, a dandy building site;
sidewalks, gas, lights, pressure water;
close, to Sandy blvd. and car. Build a
temporary house, raise your own chick
ens and garden. Good soil. HICKMAN-WILSON,
45th and Sandy, Tabor
686S. C-2121. BRANCH OF J. L.
$25 down, $10 per month, on a macadam-
street: pressure water, cas. elec-
nlrt reff-nlar auto : trlcltv: best of soil, all cleared: one
service over newly paved Columbia i Mock, to Sandy blvd., close to car.
Hichway. Any size tracts; low prices; ; HH'IOTAN-WILSON, 45th and Sandy,
easy terms; every inducement to set- ;
tiers. Biir development now going on j
in this .Important district. For infor
mation call or write I
Scandinavian-American Realty Co.,
Suite 225 Henry Bldg. .
- A ORE 3 W UFl'UHTUNll IKS. '
yn illustrated booklet free. Mich-;
Igan has hundreds e thousands of ,
acres of virgin land. $u acre up.
all crops. Ample rainfall. Write W.
P. Hariman, A. & I, agent, Room 365,
Grand Hapids & Indiana Railway,
Grand Rapi'ls. Mich.
Tabor 5868, C-2121. Branch of J. L
A SUBURBAN home. 1 acre, large bun
galow, plenty fruit, berries, well,
cistern, other buildings. 5 cows, on E.
Glisan st., 2 ml. from citv limits; $2500
if sold coon. Box 880, R 1, Fail-view.
Buy this beautifully located and Im
proved acre at Courtney station, Ore
gon City carline. All kinds of choice
fruit, flowers, etc Early jrarden all
' ready ror you. b ine roads, sidewalks.
80 ACRES of land, about 60 acres in
cultivation, good lars-e aairy oaxn.
stanchions for 28 cows, small horse
barn, 4 stalis, chicken house, etc., o
room house, personal property: 15 good
cows. 1 bull, dairy outfit complete,
2 horses, all farm implements, railroad
station. Columbia highway, boat land
ing on place, 25 cent fare on boat to
Portland, daily boat. 2 round trips
daily, via St. Helens bus line. al3o 2
round trip daily trains, station mile;
Land all leveU 3 good wells, very rich
soil land within 1 mile of this place
selling for $200 to $500 per acre, farm
now making $175 per month income.
Price with all above included, $130 per
35 acres. 30 acres cultivated, black
loam soil, level land, 40 acres timber,
old house, new barn, phone, R F. D.,
good roads, rented on shares of hi clo
ver, 1-3 grain; adjoins the town of
Banks. Washington county. Or.; price
$130 per acre; incumbrance, $2000, pay-
hl. J100.1 in 1918 and $1050 in 1919.
A good buy for small farm or subdi
vision. .
EARL H. FRY. Land Dept.,
The Oregon Home Builders
: 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE by owner, near Beaverton,
6.7 acres. 5 under cultivation, good
dark loam, Dalance woods; new 5 room
bungalow house, cement cellar; 2 new
chicken houses, big woodshed and tool
room, a four-year-old orchard with 26
varieties of fruit trees, excellent water
with new force purpp. new wire ienc
ing; 4 blocks from school. 30 minutes'
'ride from Portland; good train service.
fare 12 cents bv monthly tickets, .trice
$3500. terms; no trade. T-322, Journal
Nearly all Improved; good
outbuildings. well. spring,
stream, bearing orchard; fertile soil,
iree. irom rock, part rich bottom land
close to cannery, on cream route
I 6. Will take $5000 for place without
. I stock, $2500 cash, balance 5 years at 6ft).
v. I Atkinson & Nichols, 112 West 6th st..
Vancouver. Wish.
flee open Sunday. Mlllerthlp,
Chamber of Commerce.
SMALL loeglnsr or milling proposi
tion. Near Hoi brook. Near river
t Cheap. Parker, 422 H Washington st.
125 acres 25 acres in cultivation.
25 acres more easily cleared fair
house and barn, on county roaa. near
school; about. JO miles -Port land; creek
and springs; 5 cows. 5 heifers, 25 hogs
and pigs, chickens, team, all farm im
plement; equity $3500. Will consider
residence clear.
Phone Main 2S41. 512 Cham, ef Com.
4i) ACHES Imp. good gn. farming, or
fruit land: 30 acres in cul.. fine loca
tion In Yamhill county. $5000. Take
a to 2-3 value In good farm land ir.
other locality, must change climate; or
will accept, city or country income,
clear preferred. More acres at market
value if desired. This is new today;
rive full description. Owner. H-351,
and . all
kxch ang b--kkai est ate -1
'acreag-k kxch angefor"
ti acres, highly improved, 2 a. in
fruit, fine garden soil; 5 rra. house,
; 120 ACRES, 40 under cultivation. 40
i acres more easily cleared, balance
phone R F. D.; mile from school, store rolling pasture with 800,000 ft. of saw i
ana cnurcn; 5 cows, team and imple- umoer on one zu, ail gooa soil, iivinK
ments; $2000 cash, balance terms, i water In pasture, water piped to house
Main 9313. i and barn from springs, good 6-room
CHARLES L WHEELER CO., I house with bath, hot and cold water,
517 Chamber of Commerce Building, etc.; barn 60x60 in good shape, with
"7- .' ... . , . . . . mnnnr. rnrrmr p- iH lrfr it Yirtr
.i vy.,m i.nrnuvrjj fAnji ..., . u, ;.. , , v , nam. etc.: 1 V. miles from Htllsboro. U
177(111 i-iai ip, iaut.iiicii i v ' 1 1 1 iui a 0 ii at. . i .. , - ..
Four miles frnm imnrl tnnm 58 mll. COWS,
chinery and potatoes Included
Four miles from 7 tnm rt miiM cow. large woodsheds. 3 hog houses, "7 "112 '5-JTSa?': r.? w, i?.???Ji
Portland; 15 acres under plow baT- "nd ?i"n!n s- or
KOOd onen Pasture: laiVs well to eio. ux-aien mues irom it- wn : ; "T ' r w '
this Is new land, not worn our "tr? V WHEAT LA NTT) FOR PORTIiANT)
is not hard to clear; verv Rood "-J ''""'"s. . inwna.. 1g( T.a . . . -
-room plastered bouse, bam and cut- " TVrlnV waion "bui ! m"r f110: as"' for grain rent three
uildines: well and n inn I hp- wntcr- tx 'tierces, i wagons,- spring wagon. Dug- k,,(ui Vu n
e to school and store: thick! v net- A ?t of single and 1 light set of tf-f,- Vk'"ivZZl "'"i'
neiirhborhood- hav frm doable harness, 1 heavy set of double; - mi . i i umto
1 i .1.1 1 1 mi . . i
harness. Dlow. harrow. disc.
if desired. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber vator grain drill, cream
of Commerce bldg. - , naX rack, mowing machine,
iwib, neaier ana
10 acres, 1 mile from high school on
Tii mrrZ 1 1 5"0,i roal 1" small farm community.
' '" "'. vi.cic. " ' : ' lll Ull.l-ll
1 1 1 n'rmo
ah in line state or cultivation: KOOd ; ct nio n ..
house, chicken house, barn, hog house. , House, 4 large rooms with bath, etc
etc, all necessary farm toois, good Jer- , Priced right. Terms or cash See
Bey cow; everything goes for $2o00.
reasonable terms.
. Lueddemann Company
i13 Chamber of Commerce.
Dandy little 6 acre tract; al
Priced right. Terms or cash. See
Cooper, 4th house eaet of station on
north side of Courtney ave. See it to
day. Pnone Oak Grove 147-W.
160 acre ranch, across the road from
Robert's postoffice. Crook county.
Or.. 20 miles from Prlneville. Neat
4 room house, barn 20x40, I cnicken
houses. 400 ft. to school. 40 acres In
cultivation, all fenced, creek through
center of place. The biKgest snap
east of the mountains. Price $1600,
$500 cash, $100 yearly, 6. Fred W.
German Co., "732 Cham, of Com.
30 Acres in Culti vatKn j fe-0,htulSi?r ,76,- Sy0-. Mc ca9h 1250
150 acres all told. Mocked, $8000. Y VhONa'n? I 'rTn" lT narn
UroTH v ,bnU, OU,rfn,llre 0lltpUt- I Bth "d Mal" StB - Va""vr- Ttc! in xllXy seuied vaHevn R. "
q ?oo 1h-tr?utiCJek-. h' mill, with best of markets for
f-n -enVf!' and tcold "water- garden truck. Price $2500. easy form..
Ster .X ,r 6 ear8- R)r.U A( Are kwb, 28 a sandy bottom, bal. up
Some trade, some terms nlCh 4U ACreS land: 15 a. cleared, bal. easv. Good
Charles L, Wheeler Co.
Main 9317. 517 Cham, of Com.
FOR SALE 2 acres, one block from
the depot, on Salem Electric, about
15 miles from Portland, all under cul
tivation; V4 acre in fruit and berries,
balance in potatoes; 3 room house, ga
rage and chicken house; all furniture
and enough good fire wood to last sev
eral years goes with the place. Price
$1160. $350 cash, balance 5 to 15 vears,
! per cent,, Readen, 207 Ry. E"xchg.
This Is a splendid piece of
land, about an hour's ride from
Portland, on Oregon Electric; 3
miles from station. 40 acres. 20
cultivated, running stream. 5
acres onion land; some nice cord
wood, 4 -room house, barn and
outbuildings; will put In team,
harness, wagon. 2 hogs, house
hold goods, etc Price $4000.
$2200 cash. bal. 6 yrs.. 6.
Hargrove Realty Co.
122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381.
S story building, furniture
Trade ror rarm.
Have clear cltv lots and land for
cltv- h"ues and lots.
R F. K.F!LLY. 723 Cham, of Com. bd
$27,500 Investment Bavin liei'
Propeerty consists of modarn brick
apartment-house anj two 4-flat bldga
win. iuuxivu corner on ueirooni u
Improvements all in and pd for.
Mortgage $7500 at 6ft long as Vanted.
Will trade eoultv for f&rm or orchard
or take in other smaller property and
it time-on oaiance.
3S8 acres near Willamfna. part river
bottom, part upland and finest pas
ture; good buildings, spring water
piped to thorn; dalrv cows, horses and
Machinery included; price $37,000.
Will take smaller farm as first pay
ment, halance 6.
91 4 :nambr or ( commerce.
160 ACRES near Sand Point, free of
encumbrance, to exchange for
house equity in a good district
A lot. 75x165, on Court St., beet resi
dence district In Salem, to exchange
for a house equity.
40 acres in Hood River; 6 acres un
der cultivation, 3 acres In orchard,
3 room house, small barn, all fenoed.
Mortgage $600. Exchange for a house
in good district. Will assume some.
Readen. 307 Ry Exchg. Bldg.
A GOOD BUY. ; -166
acres, well located, 3 mile from
R'y station; 30 acres unVr plow, ID
Acres timber, lialance pasture, consid
erable outiange available, running
water, good farm bulklings, family
fruit, mile school; team. I head
cattle, farm machinery included:
$600; take Portland home to $1000.
D. McCheeney, 333 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
I own a fine tract of fir and cedar
timber, tributary to Coos river, worth
$6000. unincumbered. Will give this
timber and cash difference for an
improved stock ranch, unincumbered,
or a good gen. mdse. store in country.
Give full particulars and legal de
scription first letter. JX-31. Journal.
114 miles from R. R. town, to miles
from Portland; 30 acres in cultivation,
some easy to clear; land is level and
soil rich. Fair buildings; orchard, fen
cing, running stream, etc. Value $7500.
Want ritv property or small acreage.
R. F. Feemster, 303 Ahlngton bldg.
80-ACRE ranch. 60 acres level. $0
acres bottom land, under cultivation.
$4500 Sacrifice country home, mod
ern 8-room bungalow: Kas. electric-
f i ity. water, 1 J4 acres ground, good lawn, f famiiy orchard; 9 room house, barn
ill in cul- I shade trees! garden planted; garage. I 8 heart of cattle eood team.
tivatton; t room nouse; cost uu;
small barn and woodshed; ' good well
and pump on porch; 3 miles to new
loganberry Juice plant; price $-1600.
!i00 down, $10 monthly, t red W. Oer-
man Uo
chicken houses, laundry; 30 minutes I wagon, harrow, cream separator. pi'w.
from Portland on Oregon City line, seed drill, mower, and small tools, on
.Mrs. A. jw. farK. Mliweukle. Or.. K. 1. ennri uto .tae roirt. 12750. S1500 cah
1 balance five year 6. A real snap.
Photos at office of Fred W. German
27 miles from Portlnnil K nnram n
cult,, fair house, barn; good family ult. ; i gooa team. 4 cows. Z vear-
llnrs, 2 hogs, new wagon, buggy, all
farm machinery and feed on place.
Price $3800: $1500 cash, terms on hL
Call Tuesday. 411 Henry bldg.
Right at station. 45 minutes out. im-
lAi Lnamner or ommerce. i nrovemento nlono cost S4finn Vmion
2 ITIXl AfrnVM I 1 in v nil nnttr fn- t9Knn tlrtflft ODV,
$600 each, on 82d, paved st. paid, ' Ne'ilan & Parkhill. 303 dtock Exchange
near car. z more, ou eaan, on mac- ' imuk.
adamlzed st. Easy terms. Priced so I POULTRY farm. 160x210. Small house;
u u lj m nn, vs. we n. a,iiu ivccli v ir ii i
Co.. 732 Clam, of Com.
family. For acre tracts at half price
wee Jas O. Logan, 400 Oregonian bldg.
1240 ACRE grain and stock ranch, 1180
acres tillable, 400 acres under culti
vation, 150 acres hay land; all fenced,
large orchard, buildings, water to irri
gate about 1000 acres; $35 per acre on
terms. J. O. Ostby, Crane, Harney Co.,
A most sightly tract of 10 acres, hi
mile from station, large first growth
fir trees; $500 cash, balance, to suit.
Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of
WE HAVE some special bargains on
close in acreage with terms that
anyone. can pay. We have one piece
ready for potatoes. Crop will almost
pay for It. $100 handles this. 610
Dekum bldg.
We can Bell you a hi acre on 6c car.
lln for $160 where you can raise your
own vegetables and chickens. Will fur
nish money to build house. Geo. T.
Moore Co., 618 AMngton bldg.
Two and a fraction acres in Fair
view, 2 good houses, very sightly view
river and mountains; snap, $2100;
'terms. S. P. Osborn, 610 McKav bldg.
barn, fruit, berries, sanltarv coons.
10c fare. Price $1100, $160 cash, $15
monthly. Phone Bird. Main 8517 Mon.
$1200 ACRE, 4-room house, near
Dents; obicken . house; terms like I purchased on easy terms
rent. E. B 844 Division. Sell. 1199.
FOR RENT 5-room modem.log cabln.
hi rrffle from Lents; hi acre; $6.50
per montn. write 36 East loth st.
40 ACRES, Ciarke Co.. $900.
40 acres. Tigard, $4700.
80 acres near coast. $2750.
180 acres, Sllverton, $1500.
151 acres, Sllverton. $1800.
160 acres. Silverton. $2500.
168 acres, Swennson, $2940.
All of the above have some build
ings and cultivated land and can be
Fred w.
.ACRES, improved 4 miles New
berg, on river; choice location: ISO
acre, terms.
15 acres, improved. 8 room hnuaa
hard-surface road, 35 minutes from
Portland; $3500. half value: terms -
20 acres, all cultivated, choice land.
16 miles Portland; $3000, terms
It. M. QATEWOOD, 185 4th st.
German Co.. 732 Cham, of Commerce.
2100 acres. Wheeler Co.. abundant
hay land, lots of outrange; will run
son nead cattle year around: rood
buildings. A going cattle ranch, price
FOR SALE 75 acres, 46 acres in high tie at market price. Consider small
vi ..u.v. .oi. , o mm hi mu?- amount trade,
ture, the best of soil. 2 sets of build- LUEDDEMANN COMPANY,
lngs, houses, barns and outbuildings. I on rhmh.r nt rnramrc.
iway between Astoria and
es Astoria, lhi from War-
renton. Fine 3 story barn, 40 by 100
GOOD orchard and 8 ROOM house cn
10 acres upland. Outhouses. Renter
must furnish own stock. Gome and see
at once, do not write. Dr. Owena-
Adair, Warrenton. Or.
20 ACRES. $500
Down the Columbia, 3 miles to R. R.
station and boat landing. Close to
school and macadam road. Easy terms.
F. B. Holbrook Co.. 214 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
Gibson Half Acres
Good soil, city water, close In ear
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall lsS5 or S ell
woo i 47t vf r?hort owner.
160 ACRES. $18 PER ACRE.
In Multnomah county, 1 mile from
Llnnton road, river and R. R. No
207 Board of Trade Bldg.
FIVE acres near Oregon Electric, 28
mllftl mm Pnrtlanit PMrtu lnu.l
all cleared and under good fences i
have left Oregon and want to sell. Ad-
cress r. O. box 455, fresno, Cal.
CHICKKN. frKUlT. UAnutiV ranches
- near Portland; 2, 6, 10 acre tracts,
$66 to $200 per acre, easy terms. 11 c
Fartend. K05 Yeon bide. .Portland.
HALF ACRE, 4 room furnished house;
snap for cash; between 5c car lines.
JT-840, Journal.
20 ACRES. $600:
$1 fare from Portland, $100 cah,
bal. terms. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg.
ONE acne, fine soil. 5c fare. 8150 raah.
MSllexshtp. 723" Chamber of "Com
MADISON VILLA quarter acres, $560,
Installments; Oregon Eleotrio 8 miru.
rr rare; water, gas, tnone Mam 8166
Z ACRES, 6 room house, spring and
crew oc canine. au rtoss st.
$5 AND $8 acrev Washington County.
Or.; good terms. F-824 Journal.
6 ACRES on Oregon Electric. $1200;
line location Phone wootiiawn
Pacific highway, 2hi miles from city rn itt niVh
limits of Vancouver, Wash. Price, in- i&tfd- 5 JSi,
c.iiidino- omn. unit ctncir f? (inn- I beasiae, & min
third cash, balance terms to suit; can
be divided to suit. W. W. Wilson, 112
otu sr., Vancouver, yy as n
IK firf-f Rfk nnn unilar MirllTflftr.n
i.o acres reauy ior ine plow, good WHEAT FARM
nouse and oarns, outnouses 7 cows 2 6S0 acres. 12 miles from Lyle, Wash..
. , " " -c"i, 1 large nouse and oarn. otner outnuiid-
wagons an df complete implement outfit. in . n t-n mn nnir nil tni
a-yi vi uiuiuuu tum yienty in omaii plenty water, gbo acres winter wheat.
"mi anu vauiea. new . (uou 1 rin Tnd. avprilfj nunriAIs ner ncr
WIU sell cheap and give good
104 Sherlock bldg.
250 acres summer fallow. Price $45
per acre. $5000 cash, balance own
time at 6. Address P. O. Box 137,
lyle. wasn.
Stock and Dairy Ranch
miles from railroad station; about 80 barn in good repair, fenced, well and
nr in ctiiMvntton A ocroa hnttnm pnnK; 90 acres in wheat, telephone,
land. 4 acres orchard; rood 10 room BCI1TO1 k-i.
house. Much now can be cultivated. p?'. 55l'c d01,?1"
AUU1 CO! vnuci, X V. CUJ. liH,
480 acres. 10 miles from Lvle.
room house, large shingle roof frame
Rxcellent pasture; river through the
place. Very easy terms. E. Nelson,
a 15 uoncn pioy. xaain 4is.
at 6.
Liyie. wasn.
$1160 20 ACRE little home La Center
Wash. Owner must change climate:
almost giving it away. Terms $750
cash, balance long time: 6 room house.
Kam eni-in,. a n .1 w.ll 11 . n J .
h.; "5 v, c;,u:;iii -r.irr erty. phonk main 2941.
ture, 40 bearing fruit trees. 1000 1 HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS.
strawberries, other smalt fruit, horse, 1 Beautiful 4 acre tract, all in. culti-
ouggy ana namess. Barr, Mam 118, i vation. about 1 acre bearing fruit. b
t&4 j. oiog. civenings. wood, z 888. I mile from Tualatin. 4 room nousr
small barn. Price $1700. $650 cash
40-ACRE FARM. 33650
All stocked and eauinped: team.
cows, chickens and Implements, good
nouse, new oarn, 7 acres cleaned, 20
acres slashed, spring water, all per-
sonai property v worm tvuu) included
Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of
40 acres. 24 under cultivation.
rftnm TiottM tLriA harn. 4 cows 9 fornnA
in the price; only 6 hi milev from I sows, good team, wagon, harness and
New berg. See A H.
Stock jarcnange bldg".
Akerson. 603
imolements. hi mile off of highway
price $5200. $2000 cash. Fred W. Ger
20 ACRES. IMPROVED. 81500. I man Co.. 732 cnamDer or commerce.
4 -room house, barn, chicken houses. I v-r kai.r .cm firm i fin u
spring water piped, some cleared, fam- under plow, 100 acres bottom land !n
ily orchard, en county road, 2 miles cultivation, balance in pasture, with
from R. R. sta. and boat landing, 40 80 acres of good saw timber. $85" per
miles from Portland; terms. Se A. H. acre. Address Joe Schwindt. R. F. 1.
Ajcerson, pu block -mccnange oiog. I No. 1, 8cio, or.
FOR SALE 110-acre farm. 8 miles j FOR SALE 680-acre stock ranch, half
norm Vancouver, on Aiain street! meadow, oaiance grain land, cuts
road, paved. 2 trout streams, farm J about 400 tons of hay, f nliy stocked
tools, household roods, all stock, rood 1 ard eauioped. with or without stock.
dairy ranch. S. M. Jewell, route 5, 1 located in Silver Jake valley. Address
Vancouver. Wash. owner. Lock Box 00, Silver Lake. Or.
22 ACRES, level. In cultivaUon, New I DAIRY ranch. S miles from Elk City
1 house and barn, on highway. 5 acres I -at the head of tide. 170 acres. 4
; I In. clover. Joins schooL S miles from I cleared, good orchard, farm tools ttrj
6$ acres in Willamette valley, well
located on main highway, Ry. station
Joins place. 2 miles to town: 60 acre
cleared, nearly all in crop now; 3 acres
grove, along pretty stream; all rich '
SOIL rr from nwlr v arm 1 - rr-jt
7-room house and barn for 25 heart- Ji - v , per aore of volunteer wheat; 1
needed outbuildings: $6000 D Mt- I 7.ii..u7.r( 1 X;. in alfalfa. Will trade for city
Chesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce I right at edge of' town of Woodland! . or vailo3r
on Pacific highway, good barn and
other bullrings.' 9 milk cows, 6 heifers.
1 horse, farm tools, wagon, buggy; a
fine buy for $8400. hi cash, balance to
house and other buildings; 6H miles
from city. At good school and R R.
sta. Graveled road. Includes 1 cow, 5
yearlings, 1 sow and pigs. Price $3600,
very favorable terms.
P. E. Alvord
21$ Board of Trade.
P. S. 320 acres best of, wheat land
for $15 per.
This place is well watered, lie be
tween two rivers whlcti form the boun.
1 drry line, on two sides of the place
which furnishes running water in each
J pasture. This land is all sublrrigated.
j can get water at 10 feet at any point
on tho ranch.
! Tho place is fully stocked and
! equipped; owner threshed 80 bushels
5 acres
80 acres near Lyle, Klickitat Co.. all
rood. 20 acres apples. IS alfalfa. 16
wheat; aome buildings; stock and
tools; price $16,000, clear. Trade for
valley farm and assume.
13 jnamner or commerce.
32 acres, 10 acres In cult., and plant
ed; all good buildings; some stock.
Price $6000. Will exchange for bun
galow in a good district valued $60
to $4500; will take mortgage backs
deal with owner only. ; A- H. Clare
Skamania, Wah. ' '
40 Acres-AII Stocked
80 ACRES, 25 acres in cultivation, 40
in pasture, 15 timber; all can be
easily cleared, running water, 6 room
house, good large barn, all fenced.
good orchard; price $2000. one half
uown, bal at 6; 2 miles from hieh
school with free ' transportation of
children. B- F. Lane, Vernonia, Or,
1 t
11 acres. 7 in cultivation, large hons
and barn, running water, only 00 feet
rrom station on line, one hour
out from business center of Portland. , eio-HT acres, citv limits. 6o fare
whole thing now for $3300. Neilan &
Parkhill. 303 Btoek Exchange bldg.
SIX room bungalow, lot 50x100 west
of 84th st. near Hawthorne, all clear
and some cash for good improved farm
j 40 or 50 acres in good locality not
Modern 6 room bungalow. Rich
mond district, clear, to trade for small
place near car line; will assume. Price
For exchange for farm in the valley,
8 room modern house with garage and
vacant lot, all clear. price isooo.
7-room modern seaside house, in-
WILL sell my lease and improvements, pjeash tTays, fireplace, cooling closets,
crorts and garden in and up. on 10- , etc: built 3 years: nicelv furnished:
acre farm. 1 block to car. 5c fare. 20 1 two rood boats, with landing on Ne-
mln. out. beautiful house, 9 rooms, ; canlcum Price $3000; no debt. Will
nicelv furnished: 2 horses. 1 cow. 100 exchange for 6 or 7-room house in
chickens, farm Implements, lots of , good residence district. Will assume
fruit: might : consider a nice, smaii , up to xi&ou or pay iuua ca&n and as
same tuu. see my agent, iieo. jr.
Henry. 329 Henry bldg.
Ranch .In Town
lhi acres.' on 57th st.. all under culti
vation, lots of fruit and berries; 2
houses, chicken house and barn, near
car and school; $25.
Lueddemann Company
91$ Chamber of Commerce.
rooming house and some cash. C-8S4,
Dandy Little Ranch
15 acres, near Rldgefield. Wash. 15
acres in cult.; good buildings, fine or
chard, I a, in clover; living water.
fenced, fins potato soil. $2500, terms.
H. WOLFF. 618 Ch. of Com. Bldg.
31 ACRES, 23 miles east of Portland.
near Columbia highway, 18 In cui
ii...,in. i i . . i . . 1 1
uiauuii, Aeiiuc-u. liuunc, luiii. O.I1U nil
kinds of buildings running water;
team, cow, pigs, chickens, implements,
feed. etC; $3500: terms. Millershlp.
723 Chamber of Commerce.
fruit trees berries: 7 room bunga
low good barn; partly plowed; a fine
home. Horse, cow and pig goes with
place if wanted. Electricity, hot and
cold Bull Run gas. toilet, etc. Address
Y-317. Journal.
FOR RENT. If desired for term of
years 10 acres clear land with good
buildings and abundant water, 6 mile
from Portland, West Side. Inquire
R. Buetikofer. 207 3d. st
40 acre farm, equipped, $2500.
200 acres, well improved, dalrv and
stock farm. $65 per acre.
270 acres, an tilt loam bottom.
worth $200 acre. Price only $80 acre.
A. K HILL 419 Henry bldg.
40 ACRES, $1200.,
Good soli SDring water, on lower
Columbia river and highway, 40 miles
irom Portland, 2 miles from town, sta
tion and boat landing, easy terms.
603 Stock Exchange bldg.
A BARGAIN in 60-acre stock or dairy
rancn; ia a. in cultivation, oaiance
good pasture iopen timber andjiruah).
Price $1200. half down, balance T.o suit.
Address owner. R. N. Stevenson, Wll
lamina. Or. No agents.
40 ACRES. . $ 100 YEARLY.
32 miles from Portland 3 miles from
electflc. 10 acres in cultivation. 4 room
house, barn, outbuilding, large orchard.
Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com.
NEW one-story 60x100 ft. brick store
building and a lo-room modern bun
galow in Walla Walla valley; wlU
trade for wheat land la eastern Wash., ,
or Ore. Monthly rental. $136. Own
ers may write to Box 8, Touches,
Wash. - -
SALH or exchange, large west
residence, good place for roomers or '
boarders. Owner wants suburban home
of 20 or 25 acres on elecfS-li? line near'
town. Washington Co-, preferred. V
849, journal. ; - -
$3000 MODERN 6 room house, east
xroni, 0'ixiuo lot. l riK. to car. K"uii
basement, hot and cold water, gas and
electricity. Clear of incumbrance. To
trade for clear close In acreage with
house, west side or Oregon City lines.
C-396. Journal.
Modern residences and good business
property, from $12,000 to $14,000. to
exchange for city Income or improved
acreage in southern Cal. Owner, 34 E.
62d St.. Porfland. phone Sundav or
evenings. Tnbor 8.
0 ACRES, ll fare from Portland.
Rich soil. Unimproved. Clear. Want
house and lot clear. 160 acres, Gilliam
Co., close school, rural mall delivery.
small house, barn. 80 acres under
plow, Want clear houae and. lot. Claude
t oie sou tienry bldg.
ROSB CITY line, dandy new bungalow,
hardwood floors, built In conveni
ences, fireplace, on 60x100 lot, also an-
otner boxioo Rose city lot. Total
valuation $4000. want farm or acreage
of equal value: or what have you?
ox 4ii, iiiaostone.
It Costs Nothing tDrTry
Our exchange department. We - can i
trade your property and guarantee1
quick results, fair dealing. I
quigley, 202 wha'ox- bldo. .1
Want to help feed nation. .1
Will trade my stock in . one of the ;
bes. manufacturing companies. In the '
city, fully paid, non-assessable, at $10,- i
000 for A-l Improved land. Investi
gate. Phone C-1612.
WANTED to trade my $600 equity in
3 acres of beaverdara land, 9 milee
from courthouse: 4th st. electric cars.
49 minutes' ride; for eecond hand car,
no junk. Address 9226 63d ave. S. K..
C. A Dan lei a '
4S acres, near Salem. New, modern
bldgs., fully equipped. A fine home
ami a money maker. Cash price $B0.
000, clear; will take city Income clear.
Clsude Cole. 300 Henry bldg.
TO EXCHANGE 2 acres Garden i
Home. All improvements and con-;
veniencea Want 6 -passenger car In H
good condition as first payment. Bal
ance to suit. A. W. Stewart. Cornelius,
Or. ;
WILL trade my 6 room house and lot . '
near car with $225: mortgage for few
acres with improvements; mortgage .
can run thi years. Address Lv Conlee,
6131 84th st. ft. E. j j ,
40-ACRE ranch, near Grants Pass, uni
incumbered; good buildings soma -
fruit, grain, pasture land. $4600. for '
smaller place. Wm. Jeffers, Murphy, '
Or. '
$3000 TO $20,000. Farms and city :
property. Bee out list of choice ex- -
changes. Member ! Portland Realty :
Board. . i
A. K. HILL. 41 Henry bldg. ' ..
WILL trade, immediately, a cornea
tot. z-etorv ouuuing. nne location.
for farm or tlmler land not over 29 :
miles from Portland, Owners only, '
H-l 71.; Journal. .) ; ;
CITY property, from $2000 to $8000, to
trade for close in Improved acre- -age;
prefer Mllwaukie district. Owner ;
only. j. jr. Kicnaras, eui ADingxoa
ning.. rortittw, ur.
TWO cloae-in west aide lots, cost
$3000, and one lot on Hawthorne
ave., near $9tb, worth $3000, clear;
trade for Improved farm of same value
near Portland. A. J. Farmer, 407
atoca Excnanga.
HOUSE and lot. value $8500. trade for f
. J J . i, A ,..,! 1
I inn. AuurcBi owuer, o. a, ii umi-
son. 916 S. lvanbqe et, Bt, Johns,,
Portland. Or. (
34 ti ACRES. 32 acree 1h cultivation.
near Stayton. Rent reasonable.
Stock and Implements. $1500. $700
cafch. bal. to suit.
MR JOUNO. 207 Board of Trade bldg.
FOR rent on shares; 6 acres, clear
outbuildings some fruit; lots of
berries; 6 miles court house. Address
357 ri 34th St-
21 ACRES, house, etc. 35 miles from
Portland. Kererences. stall szi.
Yamhill market- phone East 6710, 8 p.
FOR RENT Eight acres 1 mile east
of Ients: 3 acres clear; reasonable.
Call Col 119. Monday.
40 ACRES, lhi miles from. Cove Or
chard, Yamhill county; ' 3 room
house and outbuildings; family or
chard, spring and running water, cheap
and easy, terms; $1600. tl !
E. NELSON, 315 Couclt; Bldg.
157 Acres $800 .
Close school, station, Umatilla Co.,
readv for the plow: a gift. $400 cash.
Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange. 220 acres, all
in cultivation, one of the best farms
in Santiam valley, stocked and
equipped. Owner; 721 N. W. Bans:
bid: Main 9438. 1 i j .
IOR SALE 640 acres, running water
1 drilled well, house and barn and
other bldgs, the best in that Co.. $39
per acre, easy terms; school on place.
Write A. C 718 W. 8. The Dalles. Or.
THOUSANDS of i acres; rich prairie
land in Montana; aisojirhp roved farms
in Judith Basin; part trade. See IS.
Pepper. 642 Williams ave. East 668S.
20 ACRES, 2 cleared; good house, out.
buildings; 13 mJL Portland. R-377,
TO RENT 18 acres cnoice -potaoto
land. 11 miles from city. Marshall
1 ACRE, 4-room house, chicken house,
fruit; $4 per mo. W, Scrutton, Os
wego, Or., R. 1.
1 mile station on Red car line, near
Forest Grove. Every part In cultiva
tion, nearly all in crop,' lair building
running water, orchard, team, cow
chickens, implements. This place is
in beax of condition. Will take some
trade, a little cash, balance terms
Pries $10,000.
803 Stock Exchange.
85 A., ALBANY, '$6500 TRADE.
70 a. high stato cult., bal. pasture;
A-l buildings, crops in; mtg. $3400,
runs 4 years: owner wants to come to
city to educate children; take clear
city home to $3100 for equity: might
assume $1000. Barr, Main 1189. 233
C C. bid?.
Very high-class bldg's.; all cult.; aH
black loam soil; orchard. Price $6500;
take city home to $5000, baL $1500 cau run. or take 2 or a. near
city, with bldgs. Barr. Main 1189. 233
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
N5TiCE7 '
If your property, either olty. farm
or acreage, has merit, and Is ror ex
change or sale, call or write full par
ticulars; no inflated values considered;
have first class lists to select from.
Oeorge P. Henry, 829 Henry bldg. Ref
erences. Portland Realty Board.
Good $1250 Equity
In house and lot. E. Morrison St., for
clear lots or auto. J. R. Wolf. 618
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
HAVE several pieces of city property,
some free and clear, to exchange for
farm property. Will assume.
607-8 Henry building. Main 2826.
TRADE Am leaving state: will trade
40 acre orchard, house, barn, well.
Clackamas Co.. sec. 23. township 4.
range 4 cast. What have you 7 243
Tillamook st.
$1000 EQUITY in three stores with
living rooms, mostly rented, on Kll-
Ungsworth ave.. to trade for land, va
cant lot. or late raoaei auto. list
Campbell st
FOR SALE or tTade. 1 acre, 1 block
from school. In Bal Is ton. 6 roomed
house, barn, S0x4Ql Would take good
car as part pay. time on bal. Owner,
Adarews koi. Z78, iteamona. irr.
WANTED Portland income property I
in exchange for improved ifcu-ecre
tock and grain ranch, eastern Oregon.;
.'-343. Journal. j :
F desiring to buy, sell: or exchange,
.It. r r . t m , . , 1 n h., a a , II .mm ;
lands, communicate with Brewer-Knapp
.i i.orwn o:ng. - j -
28 ACRES for rent on ahares. Stock
and implements for sale, and crop.
$860. X-3 85 ; Journal, j
80 ACRES. 1$ mile from Portland. 20
acres in cultivation: good, new build-
lngs; fine brehard. 316 Couch bldg.
20 ACRES, 14 miles from Portland, ijp
to-date chicken farm. Rent $35 a
year. 315 Couch, bid.
FOR SALE or trade 10 acres in cul
tivation. On rood road, 1A rrnles
from street car line; would consider
auto. w. w. wnson, jiz west sixtn
St.. Vancouver. Wash.
240 ACRES in Clarke county, good
buildings and water; price $11,000;
will take Portland or Vancouver prop-
A-OQ journal, vncouver, wawn
116 ACRES, 60 acres in cultivation, in
Benton co.: item joo. hiock 'ju.
MR. JOirNQ. 207 Board of Trade bMy.
IMPROVED Iarm on sharea
2S34 Wash., room 8.
40 ACRE Improved; farm. 9 miles north
or waiem on o; ti, , . a. very
3 ACRES, 6-room ; house .spring and J McMinnvllle. $3500, terms. Owner. I gasoline launches, a snap at $4JO0. 1 beautiful home. $5000; -hi cash; terms.
. a ..1. . C aa m li..; .QUA YMc m ..... T a 111 TirilT.WhimA ft ' - . . . ,'. ( 1 1T.J a, TTil W , ,r n . r 1 .o,C W 4 91 . T..
i wm. vv V ,' v V... -i VA.VM, II J.Amnw WA. -,v?r,- v f v, 'IIM, J.xwa,f 1 fcj , VI 5V i ilUUf JUA11A 9919 111 'UOV. if TV ' f 1 1 1
HAVE cash Iniver for Improved farm.
40 to M acres, good, soil and well
watered, - owners only.; Neal Brown.
207 Panama bldg.
WANT cheap land' forfeash: location
-.' no obJecCi31 Chambiir of Commerce.
.:!. '--7- 1 -t-
Anything and Everything.
72S Chamber of Commerce.
160 ACRE stock farm 8 miles south
of The Dalle. 30 acree cleared, rU-
ance timber: spring and creeic; for city
property, withrow. 4ii-tLenry bldg.
CLEAR acreage, value $500; payment
on small bouse; Jit. bcott or wood
tock district. 431 Chamber of Com.
2 CLEAR lots. Klamath. What have
you? Millership, 723 Chamber of
3 LOTS, value $6. Newport. What
have you? Millership, 723 Chamber
of Commerce,
CRETOR popcorn ! wagon to trade for
clear lot or sell cheap. Vrithrow,
111 Henrv bid. 1 ' i-
LOT la LaureUiuret. Mtg. $20d; equltv
$7 eo. ror auto, clear (lot or acreage.
V-317. Journal. . -, i
FOR RALE or trade. 10 acres land. 28
miles north of Jacksonville. Ti.
jevei, pari cie&rea, water, clear line.
good roaaa: two miles rrom cisv or
1200. Jas. N. HarKness, rtalnler. or.
A MODERN home in Portland to ex
change for eastern farm land. New
York or Virginia preferred. Ad. ownor.
liox 4, tcean j'arg. wasn.
CLOSE! N. clear, west side lot. cost
8Z500, to exchange ror acreage near
city: tract witn nouse prexerred. own
sr. Main 1963.
HOME in St. Paul. Minnesota, one in
Ogden. Utah, ror Oregon property.
Webster. Tabor S716. Address. 1008V4
Heimont, rnnwna
IMPROVED 20 acre ranch for sale, ex
change or rent: also city property
for Seaside house. Owner, phone 29-R,
EQUITY at sacrifice in 6 room bunga
low, nicely located.; for 3 acres close
m. ownerf Main 824 3.
TRADE Bayocean lot for anything up
- to 4&v. -aii ix liugene et. Phone
wfeK nays- rast iw.
120 ACRES wheat, land, near Kalotus.
Waeh... house and barn, $2400. -for
bouse epual vlue. 825Lomber Exch
B UN OA LOW a nd other clear city and
su our nan property ror small rarm
about $5000 or less, v-374 JournaL
WOLFS TEIN. now located 212 Mot.
risen rt, sella and exchanges real
eeiaie. - '-
n.;. i-. Aii. . " ii . K
sovue tuuii i in jjaureinurst noma
i ror l or 2 smaller house or a farm.
for stock, close in, running water, lis
AUsky bldg. f
DOUBLE flat building, entirely mod
ern, close in. income mommy.
Will exchange for modern bungalow-
end assume email amount. Kast 7f.
$926 DALLAS, $700 mtg. . Z room,
bath, Lot 43x140. Hx. lots and.
some cash. Or what have yout Wood
lawn $37. -J
1 ACRE, all in cultivation, near Ryan
station. Would consider vacant lot.
as part payment. - i
MR. JOUNO, 207 Hoam or -rraqs niogj .
20 ACRES 13 miles south Oregon,
City, small straight mortgage; trade,
for Portland home and assume. Tabor
6082. : .
FOR. SALE or exchange, 149 acree
good Umber, section 38. township 2 '
north. 9 west. Clatsop county. H-JT0,
TRY our exchange department for re
aults. : Great Northern Investment
Co.. 610; Dekum bug.
200 ACRES Improved Wis. farm to ex?
MR JOUNO. 107 Board of Trade. tldrV
I can sell or trade anything-' aay
where. Iivman. 431 Cham, of Com, y
FREE and clear timber land; trada
same for house equity am asacme
debts on same. Phone Tabor 6082.
We can sell or trade anything. The
Pacific Investment Co.. 248V4 Star st
CHOICE 4 acre tract, in cultivation, on
Oregon Electric, to exrnange ior cut
property.' Sellwood 1086.
CLOSE in acreage or some lots to
trade for your house equity an q a
wume incumbrances. Phone Tabor 6082.
HAVE California 10 acres near Santa
Rosa, mortgage $100 due 1920; trade
for Oregon equity. m-, journm.
40 ACRE farm 15 miles out. well Im
proved; will takfe part trade; a splen
did place. Woodlawn 4001. ''-"
FOR SALE or trade, 330 seres land in
Lake county, ao incumbrance. 1$I
Red f-1362.- '
LOT and 6 room Itouae in Sumpter, Or.,
cheap for cash, or trade for equal
value. Owner. V-3B0, Journal.
v iTrades of Every Kind
We'll match jo. 602 Couch ldg.
(Coatlaaea ea Seas laf e)
- A