THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1917. What BY NONA LAWLER IS compliment to Mn. E. P. Moss man of La Grande a number of parties are being given.' Mrs ' Mossman formerly lived In Port land and has a host of friends In the :cltv. Shs was formerly president of which organization of prominent wo-; vmam V vm rv. mti waar car t n Art museum as an art appreciation 'Class. This afternoon Mrs. I. Vanduyne gave a tea In compliment to the visitor at her "home In Lovejoy street from 3 until 6 o'clock. For Portia Club. Tha Portia club, an organisation of women, wives of prominent attorneys. will be entertained next Saturday night by Mrs. W. Y. Masters. Mrs. F. .Howell and Mrs. W. H. Powell at the home of Mrs. Masters. The husbands of the members will be Included In this affair. Honeymoon Novel. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Macleay (Bar bara Mackenzie), whose wedding was an event of last Tuesday, are enjoying " a .novel honeymoon. They were at North Bend Wednesday when the fol lowing account of their wedding trip was rtiihtlBtiori 1h tha CnftH Bav Harhnr Roderick Macleay of Portland and Rogue river, with his bride, passed through Coos Bay Wednesday . evening ' on their way to Wedderburn in Curry ' county, w-here they win spend trie sum mer. TfTey had quite a novel wedding tour In view of the fact that they trav r eled first by automobile then by train, then by river boat, again hy auto and " finally by team to the Macleay Estate company property at weauerDurn.- Mr. land to Salem. They had hoped to go by auto all the way to Rogue river, i. but the condition of the roads made this Impossible. At 8alem they took the train and passed through Coos Bay . to Coquille Wednesday night. At the i county seat a special boat was In wait t. Ing and took them to Bandon. Yester- day morning they went by auto from Bandon to Port Orford, but that was as far as the auto trip could b chanced j at this time of the year. ! , A team and conveyance from the f Macleay ranch was in waiting at Port I Orford to take the bridal couple to ; Rogue river where they expected to be I tomorrow night. . . i Mr. Macleay will be at Wedderburn i most of the summer to look after the salmon fishing and canning Dusmess ' and other interests nnd his bride will -. be there also. They may take a motor ' trip to the interior during July, for a t short time. . 1 Miss Sadie Parkin Hostess. i, jn compliment io uum. n" v- ham (Margaret McCoy) of Seattle, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Winifred McCoy, in Portland. Miss Sadie Durkln was hostess Thursday evening. Danc ing and music were enjoyed, after which a supper was served. Those present were: Mrs. M. C. Hatton, Mrs. W. O. Oearin, Mrs. Florence Mclnnls, Miss Hattie Petterson, Miss Anna Plettenberg, Miss Marie Landry, Miss Florence Spencer, Miss Elizabeth Mc Canlg, Miss Hazel DurkirW Miss Irene Crerar and Miss Clara Bolen. Ilonor Guard Class in Dietetics. . This evening Mrs. George Keller's social service department of the Girls' National Honor Guard will begin a class in dietetics to which all branches of the Honor Guard will be admitted. The class will meet at 8 o'clock in the Ladd school. 1 Laurel hurst Club Notes. f - The women of Laurelhurst club and . their friends will hold their weekly card party on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. 1 H. C. Rlnehart and Miss Rinehart will j'ibe the hostesses. Play will commence i at 2:15 sharp. ! A smoker will be held by the men i of the club In the evening, to which f, all men- are invited. The orchestra .' will also hold their weekly practice. c veir ni ias I rosrioia. y , A dinner was given for Miss Jean nette "Crosf leld by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. "t Wells last Wednesday evening at their In Tfvinirt 'I'i to hlQ TXT a S aglow with fresh spring flowers and foliage. Artistic place cards marked : the covers for 12 guests around the pretty table. After dinner was served i- tn kucsis enjoyea m remainaer oi S the evening singing and dancing. Those present were the Misses Jeannette i Crosfleld, Marvel Turnure, Elizabeth r Peters, Dorothy Stlne, Chlorlnda Wells j and Ellen Newbegln; Mesdamea Char t ley Prehn, Rudolph Cabell, Jack Grant, V Arthur Mltchner, Howard Dupuy and William Fordyce. Society Rotes', ' ' Miss Genevieve Clancy passed the week end at the University of Oregon, the guest of Miss Helen Enberg at 1 Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house. ' her throat expands and she grows to perfect womanbood. She may be as tender as dew at one time and a tower of strength when called upon to assert herself. The woman of 40 should glory In her development. At that age she la or should be quali fied to take her place In the world and in spite of all Impediments, live truth fully, accepting what is the Inevitable with grandeur, fortitude and love. The woman who starves herself and . . ... . . i . .. worries nerseir unui sne reduces ner clover8 and make ue.uuIL?! i ZR"a 8 clover Jewelry? v ici i wut;cu ncr iiiiim iu BedTiiweTaleXi BV CL14KRA. 1NORAM JUDSON Clorer Jewelry for the Play Hour. best, but be sure to bind It strongly OME warm afterno hardly know what lelry and you can dresa youraelYes up very grenuijr, ina tiara play king and queen with the clover ewelry for your crown ana scepters. Tomorrow The Greediest Robin. t strongly , , AOME warm afternoon when you j and firmly so that It wont fall to j I 'frt n br KUrCIiaSe UD 1 xo run. 1 i to do with pieces If you take a notion . m ,m . ,. 1 now tor we crown. . nua a long yourself why don t you sit down . . t , t . in the fresh green grass amid the -nd .Potlnd VOUP head till vou have a f""'"" "" thick rope of clover chain that fits snugly like the crown of a hat. Lift tho same quality I If yu don t happen to nave ciovers ; this ofl careruny ana lay it on in Her fad may develop Into satisfac-m youp yard- skip, over to a vacant grass In front of you, then with other tlon for herself, but she has dwarfed lot nearby or the park any place clovers or with blades of tough grass wnere me lougn Biemmeu wun civ- ; or vim long s Leiunicu untiei uinu me her womanhood beyond all hope of re covery. Tomorrow Broaden Tour Shoulrs. Bakersfield Woman Is Shot to Death vers grow. Pick a Dig ouncn or long stemmed clovers. Bring them home with you find a, cool, shady spot and you are ready for work. You think yon can't make Jewelry out of clovers. The very idea! That's simply because you have never tried. Now what kind of Jewelry do you like best to wear? Necklaces, brace lets, rings or maybe you like real royal crowns? All right, you can make them all. First, let's make a bracelet. Pick out Bakersfield. Cal.. April 80. y (P. N. S.) Mrs. Anna Gerardat was shot three times and almost instantly killed as she sat chatting with a friend in a 1 four clovers whose stems are about cafe here Sunday morning. Emll Rl-1 the same length, tie a loose knot In chaud. said to have been her suitor, the end of each stem, slip another HNELL, Miss Sara MoCullr, who entertained with an informal tea Sunday afternoon at her home In Wes t Park street, complimenting Miss Helen ldd and her fiance Al an Green. Beauty Chat BY LI mi AN RUSSELL. Bomb Damages Mayor's Home. . T-. . . W.I1..IH 11. ffrtfA A -1 TI . 1 1.T f jB.) The home of Dr. Hamlin Barnes, mayor of Wellesville, was badly dam aged today by the explosion of a bomb under .the front posh. Dr. Barnes is one ,of the leading antl llquor advocates in this disfcflct. Sixteen and Forty. HE is over 40 years of age and has a figure like a girl of 16!" That exclamation is heard very often now that the short skirts, high boots and tiny toques are the pre vailing mode. She may be' 40 and possess the figure of a girl of 16. But if she does carry around that Hthe, delicate figure at her age she is court ing the acquaintance of the undertaker. Banting for a time has its advan tages, for . It rests the overworked stomach and cools the overheated blood. But when continued until th-? faddist arrives at the emaciation point every ounce of llesh lost is a day nearer the tomb. Why should a woman of 40 wish to look like a girl of 16 unless she has been a soubrette all her life and played childish parts on the stage or on the screen, and her living depends upon her youthful appearance? There are a few In existence who are 40 or thereabouts who have never devel oped nor allowed themselves to de velop, beyond the baby age. Their wp.tarht is never nermitted to tip the scales at the hundred-pound mark ' naturally they are small of frame. When one sees them at a distance or from the back they appear about Iti years of age, for they have made a study of the dressing question and can arrange their hair In a youthful manner and wear high, fluffy tulle collars and feather boas to hide their throats. On the stage or on the screen they can make up to look 16 very cleverly. The woman who has height or a figure, and who has not worried her self to retain her 16-year-old figure, will appear younger by many years when met face to face thim the petite one who has lines of responsibility and care in every feature. It is not natural for any woman who has arrived at the age of 35 and having fulfilled her mission in life by marrying and having children to retain a 16-year-old figure. Where is her vitality, her health, her strength? A desire for such a condition Is a desire for invalidism. Women who do things and get somewhere in this world must have strength of limb, firm hips, broad chests and well-set heads with something In them. A woman's figure is not perfectly developed until she Is 25. She is des tined to pass through the fires of love, renunciation and all the emotions of the soul before she is a woman in every sense of the word. The beauty or heroism, of virtue arud of self renunciation are the inevitable out growth of soul as fortitude, loo and truth a glorious beauty shines from the face of the woman who real izes the great truths of nature and recognizes them within herself. All these beautiful faculties which constitute soul and which are as soft as the petals of a flower and as fine and fierce as fire, require the con trol of a discriminating taste and the subjugation of an exalted will to pro duce the still higher beauty of spiri tuality. What can that calibre of woman do with a delicate 16-year-old figure? The woman with a soul discovered broadens in body as well as In mind. Her breadth -deepens, her bosom rises, was arrested immediately after, and Jealousy Is given at the motive for the crime. Mrs. Gerardat was recently di vorced from a well known business man here, and had been employed as a housekeeper. Bandon Mill Will . - Resume Operation Bandon, Or., April 29. The local woolen mill, which haa been closed for three years, will resume operations as soon as supplies, now en route from the east, arrive. The plant has been taken over by a local stock company capitalized at $10,000, with J. D. Lad ley as manager. The officers are George P. Laird, president; W. S. Wells, vice president; Guy Dtppel, eeo- retary; E. H. Boyle, treasurer; F. 8. Perry, director. Fifty people will be employed. Corvallis Veterans Of Civil War Offer T.R. Their Services Corvallis, Or , April SO. Ells- worth post, G. A. R., with 32 members, wants to go to Eu- rope, get Into the trenches and jjt 4k help Colonel Roosevelt shoot 4ft He the heads off the Germans, and 4 the veterans have officially written to the colonel that they stand ready to go with him at any time and to any place he 4t may name. The letter states jjt if- that many of the post members it are former officers; that all t saw active service during the $ 'Civil war and that the most of 4r them are physically fit for 0 Kc service at any time or place. $ clover through apd draw the knot tight. So on, until your four clovers are fastened together In a big circle. threads of clover tightly togethe- lnto a firm, thick crown. ' After you become very expert in making Crowns and necklaces and bracelets, you can make beautiful girdles and slipper buckles of fra grant flowers. Make a set of clover Jewelry some time for your mother. Slip up be hind her when she Is working, drop the clover necklace around her neck and fit the sweet smelling crown on her head and see if she is not sur prised. Then some day when some play mates come to visit you, you can show them how to make clover Jew- To Corvallis Voters Enlistment cf Tire Fighters Veeessary Addition to Xqnlpmeat to Cope With Possible Big Blase. Corvallis. Or, April SO. The pro posal that the city purchase a 110.000 auto fire iruck. carrying a 1 00-horse-power pump, with a capacity of 1000 gallons a minute, a new chemical out fit and new hose will be put up to the voters at the municipal election in June. This was decided at a meeting of prominent business men at the Commercial club Friday night. About SO men of the fire department -have unlisted in the army and navy' and with the present equipment the depart ment Is not in condition to cope with Y-g fire. The voters will also pass on a refer endum to close : the motion picture houses on Sunday. .The council passed an ordinance to this effect some months ago, but a referendum petition was filed against it, and since theft the picture houses have been operating on Sundays. " ' An initiative measure to be submit- , ted requires the cif y to pay the expense of paving the street Intersections. Pendleton Citizens Hold Morning-Drill Pendleton. Or.. April SO. Two hun dred men of Pendleton turned out . Sunday morning at Round-Up part at the first open-air drill of four units of cltisen soldiery. For more than two hours they were drilled by squads, platoons, companies and bat talion, and a large crbwd was there to applaud. Motion pictures were taken of. the drill. - i Guardsmen "Shot in Clash With Aliens, ScrVnton. Pa.. April 80. (I. N. 8.) In a clash between members of Com pany C, Thirteenth Pennsylvania regi ment, and s crowd of aliens Sunday, near Pittstcn, Sergeant James Haran and Private Dudley Wight were shot. Two of their assailants were Injured. ECONOMY Make a set of clover Jewelry for your mother. Now double your chain together into two circles and slip it up on your arm. Makes a pretty good bracelet, doesn't It? The necklaces, of course, take a good deal more tjme, for they may be as elaborate as you wish. First make the bare necklace of clovers that will go around your neck and hang down in front about half way to the waist. Then take a bunch of six short stemmed clovers, bind the stems to gether firmly with some flat grass, suspend them from the front of your chain. That's your locket. Or maybe you would rather have a red pose pendant or a daisy hang ing like a pearl from the fronjt of your necklace. Make It any way you wish in the way that pleases you means buying better quality for the same the tiest o n 4 cups for a cent Awarded Gold Medal San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize San Diego, 1916 Double Stamps Tuesday rwJ:SS All Over the Store Join the Army of S. & H. Stamp Savers and Reap the Benefit of This Great Profit-Sharing Plan Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash in Gift Room, Fourth Fir. 1 Stamps Given On f delightful I I LUNCHEON SODA FOUNTAIN AND ICE CREAM PARLORS . IN THE BASEMENT UNDER PRICE STORE Diamond Rings Special $12.50 Main Floor 1 4-K. Tiffany Set Neat size for graduation or birth day remembrances. Only a lim ited number to sell g- cy pr at the price. Each, tpX.DU I I I The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods lung Charge Accounts if paid in full on or before the 10th of each month. Trading stamps will be , given on mail orders upon request. Shop here and get your S. & H. Stamps. LUNCHEON SERVED FROM 11:30 TO 2:30 DAILY IN t OUR TA- ROOM, 4Tlj FLOOR The Apex Electric Washer Saves you Money Time ' Worry Labor Health and Strength 2c worthy of electricity is ample. Pay with your laundry bills. Dem onstration withont obligation. Eliminate Blue Monday call now. J. C. Engish Company E. 124S Tuesday Will Be "Betty Wales Day" In Garment Store2ndFlr. FRATERNAL NOTES Multnomah Woodmen Make Chil dren Happy and Enjoy the Fun. ASK FOR and GET KInrD iicMs The Original Malted Milk Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price Oblldraa Glva Entertainment. The children of Multnomah camp, W, O. W., made a decided success at the social Friday night. There were 25, ranging in age from 2 to 14 years. Each participant was given a new half dollar for his own, and all chil dren present were given popcorn and candy by J. O. Wilson, clerk of the camp. The dancing by Miss Gertrude Donery, Ellenor Geary. Louise Hat field and Violet Denxinger was espe cially artistic and greatly pleased the large audience. P. H. Drake, chair man of the committee, certainly scored a high marlc on this occasion. mabakafca Win DmI Cards. Omega Rebekah lodge. No. 87. I. O. O. F., will give a card party at Eaat Sixth and East Alder streets on Tuesday night, at which all Odd Fellows and friends are invited. Attractive Stay Starts Expected. There will be aomt attractive stag social stunts at the M. W. A. gather ing tonight at Williams avenue and Russell street. n ? X.adles' Baseball at .Kcnlc. The ladies' baseball contest tS to be a fea ture of the K. and I of S. picnic next Sunday at Crystal lake park. The Kirkpatrlck council teams are won derful players and always attract a crowd of enthusiastic rooters. Ittefctera of Covenant Party. Ore gon auxiliary, Slaughters of the Cove nant, have announced & card party 5n the afternoon of Tuesday, May 1, at the B'nai B'rith building, the funds secured to go to the benefit of the sicK. - TI& Beaver Social CluTi, an auxiliary of Beaver chapter, No. 106. O. E. S., of Beaverton, Or., will give a benefit ilance Saturday evening, May S, in Mors hall, at Beaverton. Ths pro ceeds will be used for the benefit of Beaver chapter. Several large parties of O. E. 8. members of Portland ledges will motor to Beaverton and delegations from Hills bo ro and Forest Grove chapters will also be present. ' GreatSale of HatShapes It! QC $5.00 to $12.50 1 QC P-J V O Grades for $0 sO At This Special Price Tuesday and Wednesday Millinery Department, 2d Floor Hundreds of beautiful new Untrimmed Hats are shown In this remarkable sale. Milans, Milan Hemps, French Hemps, Lisere, Shiny Straws, Leghorns and a few Panamas. Every new and desirable shape is represented sailors, turbans, tricornes, roll brims, back roiis, etc., in Diactt ana tne latest colors. Here is a wonderful chance to choose from beautiful, high-grade hats at a tremendous saving. Shapes which would ordinarily sell at 5.00, $6.50, $7.50 3Q QC and up to $12.50. Specially priced for this sale at. each vOaD Millinery Flowers, Ornaments, Etc. Now at HALF PRICE In conjunction with the above sale of Hat Shanes we offer our entire stock of Millinery Flowers, Ornaments, Fancy Feathers and Wings at Just half the regular prices. All the season's newest nov elties tresh, clean merchandise latest colorings. Women who trim their own hats should take advantage of this saying opportunity. New Reversible Handbags Main Floor A very new novelty Women's Handbags of black leather, with steel or fancy trim mings. By simply turning half of bag inside out you change to gray, navy, green, purple or brown. Ask to see these in the Leather Goods Section. JpT ff They are priced at only tJwavlU Over Night Bags Main Floor Large, roomy bags for carrying night robe and other articles for short trips. Splendid assortment, fitted or plain. Sev eral qualities of leather. All black. Priced from $5 to $20. Baby Week Specials Second Floor BABY BOOK free to every customer visiting the In fants' Wear Dept. this week. INFANTS' Long Slips and Short Dresses of fine nainsook with dainty yokes and tucks. Priced at 69c, 79c and upward. INFANTS' Silk Shirts, famous "Alma" make. Sizes from 1 up to 6. Special, a garment $1.19 INFANTS' Wool Shirts in sizes 1, 2 and 3. While they last 39c SPECIAL LINES of Infants' Cassimere Shawls, Sacques. Wran- 1 pers and Nightingales. On sale special at 49c, 98c up to $4.49 Jewel Wax Polish 50c, $1.00, $2.25 Third Floor A remarkable preparation for floors, woodwork, furniture, linoleum and au tomobiles. Produces a beautiful, lasting finish. Jewel Wax Polish, l -lb. size, full weight 50c Jewel Wax Polish, 2-Ib. size,-full wght. $1.00 Jewel Wax Polish, S-Ib. size, full wght $25 Headquarters for Garden and Lawn Needs IWAX POLISH UWUUM eAUT0MCaO- Royal Hair Restorer Not a dye acts directly upon the roots of the hair. Re moves dandruff and all impuri ties from the scalp and" pre vents hair from falling. Strength ens and rives luster to the hair. Treatment given and for sale in our Beau ty Parlors on the Second Floor. Drc4scs For Girls and Youthful Womsn $12.50 Up to $35.00 To be youthfully gowned is the desire of every woman, no mattef what her age. Betty Wales Dresses are designed to give that youthful appearance and are unquestionably the most popular garments on the market today. More than this, there is a perfection of line and up-to-date detail about every-, Deny waies uress tnat stamps them witn charming Individuality. Made up in wool serges, crepes and taffetas. Models for sport, street, school and evening wear. The prices are attractive, ranging from $12.50 to $35. Dainty Waists Special 89c Center Circle, Firt Floor Striped, figured and plain voiles and lawns also soisette and striped sateen. Dozens of pretty styles in the lot fancy and tailored effects. Large sport collars or convertible collars. Many are neatly finished with tucks, laces, OQ embroideries. Special for this sale Oais W V WW V Boys' s Suits At $4.45 Main Floor Boys School Suits with two pairs of pants special lot of about 200 suits priced for quick selling. Made up in nov elty mixtures in good serviceable dark col ors. Pants full lined with double gJ IpT taped seams. Ages 6 to 18. tPxfx9 98c Boys' Corduroy Pants Special Main Floor Parents having boys to buy for will do well to take advtantage of this spe cial, tale of Corduroy Pants. Cut in full standard sizes and all seams are QQ taped. Ages 6 to 18. Priced a pair aCC BOYS' BLOUSES Special now at only 55c Boys Stors Main Floor Remnant Sale At Bargain Circle Main Floor REMNANTS of Tap estry, Velours, Brocaded Silks and fine imrorted Cretonnes 1 i'A o 2V yards at HALF PRICE.!; Other Specials Art Cretonnes of best quality, special the yard at Mlv Fancy Colored Curtain AO Madras, 36 ins. wide, yard frOC Carpet Hassocks in as- sorted shapes, special at iUC Squares of high grade QQ Carpets; bound; special at OC Raj Rugs with fringed A ends, special at 38c and tJC A x minster Rugs, JQ' f Q sizes 27x54 ins., each $4C