FOREIGN COUNTRIES BUYING WOOL IN THE UNITED STATES Edited by? EG& TRADE SHOWING A VEMER FEELING 1 ALONG THE STREET Market I -Somewhat Depressed With Supplies Increasing and Accumulations More Generally Noted Future Is in Doubt. -," Eg g .trade showed weaker tone locally during the day a a result of accumu lated .holdings and Increased supplies now offered; from the country. . fuw Af Mr wpn tnmllr made to re tailer at 8te a dosen, although a rery - limited enpnly waa sold at a fraction above this. Large buyers are generally offering .4V -VIM I . g s-v - a. t1wr 1 an entire lack ht rvecultJon la .-the trade at this thmu ao faj as the local . . . . . , msrret la concerned, oujm sr mmi hold -only far ..their immediate requirement and aa supplies along the street are Increas ing there la Dot nni susp 10 ids saies. Wbils It Is impossible, for anyone to atate In colna t do within the Immediate future, -a-eni-ial ldeaa of the trade are. tUat value will eontlnae to recede. Just bow far prices -will go down before ateedy lag-, also a mere matUr of goeaa and one man's gueaa may -be aa another a. -, ONIONS TO SHOW BIG DROP While no changes were shown in We price vof onions alone tue street during the day d came thl week's arrlraia will be at high .f prices, 'tb first carload to come from the Imperial vsllcy of California nextweek will be at sharply , reaueeu tigures. v CAR OP PEAS . ARRIVES. IN Full crt-l of pes, the first of the sea "mm, arrived in from the Sacramento section 'during the day. The stock was packed In "druma.aad wti of good quality. Bales at 7s -714c per pound. ASPARAGUS PRICES ... DROP W'Hii rather liberal shipment of aapuragua irom aH parts or the coast; a full car being In jrom California, lower prices are abown for -11' offerings. Hood Hirer grass ki bunches .BUTTER DECLINE IN EFFECT ? limn of 2t4c a pound in the prlcn of all tjrrades of crvamery batter took effect in the local market during the any, while hutterrat i iiotatkins ! reduced lie a pound. The 'drop was influenced by ttus weakuesa In other ,? Amrlena mukets. ' A.f SALMON SEASON WILL OPEN Tueadsy the season for commercial salmon ? fishing starts along the Columbia river snd Its tributaries. There was a slightly weaker tone in the local market. wiji. sales during Jtltt day at 1820c a , pound" , Potato market continues' to Mi locally .and there Is practically no outside tmying report ed, in the local trade at the wment. Call fernla seems to Ae filled no with supplies for baits Imma-Aiat- rMitiiratxatnl. ? aiat wofd from uaere ircnirta YD? local represeniaiirrs w. rarious firms, tell the trade here to dlrooae of holdings here rather than ship in that dlrec- OTATO MARKET IS : STILL-SAGGING M NO OU TIE DEMAND California- ja - Filled Up and There Is No Buying ReportedforEast- ern Account at tlte Momenta Seedins Operations Halted". day; car BRIEF NOr.ES OF THE TRADE Itroccoti feora loal places lu better uppfy; jmarket firm. i Chicken trade is Just about holding steady -Sold stags lower. Cmutiry killed Teals aad hogs about steady ;at rortner priocs. ,V. No atrawbei rli' in markSt-&ov-Tbe . duo Tuesday mornlnit. Spinach market allgliUy weaker at $1.00 1J.2S par. box. t ' - " ' SHIPPERS"' WEATHER NOTICE i Weather burenu artvl!es: : I'rotwt shipments during the next 46 boors a faf'fcSrt.U a Seattle anlnst nUniuium. tem Iratnrea of ntxmt M dasreea; northeast to Hpokanej ' 34 degree. totubeat to Boise. 82 Mlegree; south to Anhland. 84 degrees. Mini irium . .teniperuture at I'ortland tonight about 40 degrees. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND Tbese prices are those at which wholesalers aril to 'retailer, except aa otherwise a&ttrd: Dairy Frodnets. I 'A BUTTER Creamery, prints in parafflne wrapper, extras, HOVie; prime tlrats, 33c; firsts,- 84c; cubes, lc less; cartons, lc ad' tance, BUTTERFAT TorUand delirery No. 1 fremn. uic. T , KUCS Selling price: Case count, Slc per doaeo; buying price, 80r; selling price, candied. lQ32c MVH POCLTitY Hens, heary Plymouth Rocks, 20c per lb.; ordinary chickens. 11)41 Vc; stags. 14c; Jumpers, under 2. lbs., $4.00 ftrfl.00 per rt'iaeC; turkeva. 2l)ffi21c: dressed iiK-j, mvisw. etuis, mkl&w: squuds. u.uu dosen; geese, lire, 12(13c; Pekln duck, young Sic; Indian Runners, young, Kel oid ducks. 20a21c ler lb.; pigeons, f 1.2ft dosen. :"4,IIBE8K Selling price: KlMh Oregon iarw-y iui cream triplets, jnifliai lomig America WifF.H- llli-o to lithhura. flats 'Jff- Young America, 'Me, f. o. b. ; cream orlck, 28413; Liluiburger. 3H!$32ci block Swiss, ii Trash Fruits and TfBtables. . FRESH FKU1TS Oranges, narel. $2.50(9 o.wi nvr uu, iMuuoaa, ay-' per ID,, lemous. fi.ion.ii; uauromia (tra permit, z.ifa; Fkyrtda. a.004i.00: Dears. gl.40(2U.on ncnjtuui sirawtx-rriea, Ijos Angeles. fl.GO Alans' ths wholflas r sales of potatoes are abown generlly to reUIlers at $.234.S0 per cental.' WT) lie, one or two tmajers are re Dorted to still be aatdn as blxh SS. $4.73 A.uO ner cental, the- bnlk of the trade l at th tower range; In fact tnen la so ntue tmst ness at tbe higher, price: that- tt cu scarcely be cotMdered aa a market factor. - With outside sections oat of tbe market at this time and weathes eooultions acainai fur. tber seeding at tbe moment, the potato trade's powttkxi la not oearljr se good aa it -has been. While stock here said ' at Oregon country points are small,, unless the demand improves, there will .be leas shortage than first antici pated. " Chicago, Wheat Has Eise at Start , but "Js. Erratic Later By Joseph F. PritcharO. Chloaco. Anril SO. (I. N. S.) The grain markets all closed quiet snd "choppy" and ail showed declines for the day. The May. wheat future was off $8V4o. September was 7(B2c lower, but July was o higher. Liquida tion was on a large acaie, especially in the September aad Hay, many milliona of the July being aold in order to secure pro tits There was little business done in cash wheat, either hers or at the seaboard, although ad vioea reoeirsd from there late told of noaaible business on export acoount with the July traded for tea cash article Cliicago. April 80. (U. P.) The wheat pit opened with a strong undertone, prices being slowly up. News was bearish, but no one cared to sell and prices advanced. Later the market broke, rrwing prices oown below SHtiirday's close. May Wheat opened up Ido later declining 2 cents to $2.74. July opened up Sc. but lost 474c on tbe break, going to $2.24 Vi. September opened up lc, later de clining 3V4c to $1.S8H. Corn was weak at the start. There was no outxlile trade of consequence, and locals were bearish, forcing a further decline. May opened down '.c. later gaining c to $1.40; July opened ttvn c, and lost lc, going to $1.43i. September opened down lc, and de clined an additions! i,e to $1.36. Oats gained sharply at the opening and lost Rlfll more latvr. May opened up lic and iropied 1T4 to tWJ. July opened tip 2S and declined 24 to 05c, September opened 4, and hwt 15 to 5f,?4. ProTWions were easy, pork showing slight gains white lard aud ribs dropped after the opening. Chicago range of prices furnished br the Culuid Press: , Opon. Uitfh. . 27K 27S . 22 234 . 11U 105 con.v. 140'4 160 : 14B 14QVs . 130& OATS. TO 7li 6TV 57 57 H PORK. . 3825 3S70. "Xard. rais7 jaimo HIES. 2000 207 I LAMETTE VALLEY WOOL SELLS AT 50 1 CENTS FOR THE BEST ConfirmatJn Is Now - Arailabt of - Business at , Half Century . Mark 'Growers Not : Offering "Freejy -Feeding the Blarket 14 -.Bad. CA1E PRICES GO VHEAT TRADE HAS A TO $11 .25 FOR STEERS . VERY ERRATIC TONE AT NORTH PORTLAND TN TRADING FOR DAY WHh Jaoan burlnr wool-ia this country and more liberal - order a , in- sight from the Orient, , the ,-market for wool continues , to bow booming tone ell oyer ids worm. Confirmed . . sales, of Willamette .. Yauey coarse wools are now1 available, out eren . at the higher price," there Is only a -eery nom inal amount or stock oixenng. Trend of the eastern trade indicates gain ing strength at all. points with, higher prices bid for choice clips. , " ' v .Efeoent stile of medium wool in aioniana at aOQHtte a pound. Indicate,; that sUU htaber orlces than at present offering, in Oreceni- WasfaiBston -and - Idatoo would be arauable, , prorlding growers,, were , not uto anxious to let go. "Present prices, are very at tract ire to some at tbe interior growers, and there has been selling here aad there. Tbisbaa been the means or -jreeaing" me eastern trade and as long aa this condition continues, buyers are not likely to offer more money. Spring Reseeding Necessary in the Big Wheat Belts W. C. Wilkes, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the 8., P & a railway, has the following from S- B Calderhead, general agent, N. P. R. R., Walla Walla, Wash.: "Hmv ralna throusrhotit entire ter ritory for the past week have delayed spririg seeding. Umatilla county. Or. On account of fall sown grain falling to come for ward, 70 to 7S per cent of crop will be spring sown. About 6 per cent yet to seed, and much of what is already sown Is making good showing and is well rooted. Plenty of moisture and no further rains needed for some "Walla Walla county. Wash. Seven ty per cent spring seeding. Nearly all done. About 6 per cent yet to seed, but this Is along the foothills andhas plenty of time to mature. The fall needing is making good growth and much errain seeded earlier in the spring is .well rooted and making good growth ana color. "Columbia county. Wash. Elghty flve. nor cent of croD Eorlnrr seeding. not more than 60 per cent done; de layed by rains and will be a weex before farmers can get to It under most favorable conditions. Crop will probably not all be In ground before June 1 to 5. No uneasiness is felt as to conditions, other than... a general opinion that it will be snort about 10 per cent w earner continues tnrcatening.- tt :' -! a. m . V HI'V I IIUM.r. I flllH III - II . . - " a- ' w " . ' mr. V " ; v ; - . Hyman H. CoW " T J, iT C T - rV 411741'? fc 1M HOI 1 11 fl 1 1 Cft wew xork stocKS at M itnsi . m, .mw,, j, Further Advance of 25c Forced in Chicago ? Is. Up "and "Down,'; iritb" . the Trade as - Forecast Demand , la , Great ' and Supply SrnaU-- Swlne Sell Up to ,$15.85. ; Records Made . and" .Unmade QuIcldyinterior Slarketa yflr4 Quiet and Show Wide Spread. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. Cars- Wheat. Barler. Fir. Oats. Har. j ortiano, nonoaj K . ' o .1 2D 27 Year ago . 23 , 3 ; ; 8 - 4 - 8TEER8 SELL AT-$11.15. . One let of extra good ateers, totaling $0 head and aTeraging ..(10 sounds, aold : at $11.85, an advanoe ef B0a. l7 .'r ( " .:; ', . ,. ... ... , ..u ,, mm jinn xt xx.ia were 4oaa anippea rromajuirnxo oy I Taeoma. Saturday 11 t Z'L. Xillar. Thar consisted of yearlings. I year ago 16 Tbe fll steers were shipped by George Dixon of Frlneville.' i ' ...";, Besson to , date..437 a 2lT r lS04 1686 " ' The Start Of Trade Portland Subscribes Twice As Much as Seattle to Government hoan y ' -, i . - . 1 . --County Koad Bond Election to Be Held in Douglas-Rall- ew Teri. Apra v. i.)TVe final roads. Order.. Steel 1UU Texly Two Years in Advancet r .. tone fat stocks waa streag weaeral Vetera e vaload'te 1MH while Xn4 as trial Aleoaol rose to IIT, gala ef. ever 7 otnt. .-y 8aIeV8,SM aaareet Vonda, M.Ml.OOO. POHTLAUD LIVESTOCK RCJi. Hoes. Cattle. Calrea. Sheep: Monday 2170- .612 I 220 Saturday .......... 3.V! . 3 .... FYidar ... 123' 39 S 1 Thursday 762 - 43 . 2 18 Wednesday ........ 6S5 1-T .IS 607 TueedsLT 670 90 6 . eea ago ........ ilia ( 'u Year aro s 4257 4.14 29 800 Two reaxa aro.... lttao 7iW 4' 708 Three years sgo .. iVt i issi tvur years ago. . . . w w w As forecast in these reports, a firmer mar ket and sharply higher pribea for rattle with a new high record for the open market trade, were established in tbe North Portland yards at the own In a- of the week'a business. There waa a rery small run of cattle re ported In the yards orer night and tbe bidding for these was - aincreesiTe with tbe sharply higher prices easily forced. Top light steers adranced to $11. a new hich mark while cowa were quoted up to $0 and heifers sold as ion st isorta Season to date...rwm -1231 .4.. Tear -ago ..6614 - 408 .... Seattle, Saturday 9 1 - 8 Yes nea ..i., , t Season to -date, . .4084 309 lolt HIS 8588 Xear ago ......7421 VOVS2 041 3834 2153 2372 IMS 2206 . o . . . 14 904 1851 332 2184 ' 1 10 May Julr September May ... .. July September r .1. July .A 7f4 Septenmer .. 57 Ixw, Mat Juiy May .. July .. . .KS20 . .3545. . .2160 . .2100 1484 143 IMVj 67 64 66 8815 883o 2100 2180 Mfy July .20-17 . .2t2 Close. 271 225 1SD 1444 138 8 63 Vi 66 8822 8855 2187 22O0 2V70 2060 2082 MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT IS UP AND DOWN SHARPLY Minneapolis, Minn., April 30. (TJ. p.) opening at $2.04. 6 centa from Saturday's, close. May wheat went to :.6t4 taay ana then executed a per penaicular descent to $2.63. Flour quotation's remained at $14.60 a bar rel, a Record in this market. There was practically no demand for flour. More small bakeries were reported temporarily closed today owing to wneai prices. j I ... i , ' m ii LACK OF LIVERPOOL SNAP QUIETS' COTTON 01.05 per crnts, Sacramento, $3.00; cranber- . rm. octu.. m per oox; easiern, .barreU - ArKLES-'Docal, $1XO2.00, accordln qualltr. .. - ONIONS Australian; $10.00 per cenUl: Ttxaa, 8Ue per lb, . - POTATOES Selling price, table atock. lo eal. $4 254.50. Buying price, ordinary Sblp , pipe. 'l 75: new -pntatoea.. 10(3 lie lb. VEQk7TABLBS Turnips. $17762.00 seek; earrota, $l.V5fg!1.50; .penralps, $2.5v:' cabbage, talifomla, 4c lb.; green anion. 25c dosen .bunches; peppers, 4rc 11. t heed lettuce $2.60 2.IvS crate; celery. $7.00 per crate; artl-.ebokea,- tt0c31.10; cucumbers. 73c(g$1.60 . per dosen; tomatoea, $3.00 per lug;. egg plsnt, . 20c per lb.: Strlns- beans. 1: rhn-f : barb. 2a per lb.; peas, fUQOe per lb.; caull- 1 lower, local. i.wui..u pur (fcsen, apara-' gua. 7QSc per lb.; spinach, $1.0O31.25 per box, i -Keati, risk, and Provisional ' 'DRKSSEO MEAT-8.'lllng price, country killed best bogs, I8H19e; ordinary 171S per lb.; beet reals, 14iyi4Vic; ordinary reals, 130413c heavy, 124ajl24c; goat. 4c; Vunlw. 16J7c lb.; mutton, 12ri3c; beef, S " HSi:l2e per lb. 8MOKEl MEAT HAMS, 27 29c per lb.; i breakfast bacon. 2738c; plcniea. 22c; cot tage roll. 27c; short clears. 24026c; Oregon , exports smoked, 25V4e per lb. LARD--Kettle rendered, tierces, 26 lb.; standard, 24c; lard compound, 18Hc ' OkSTER Olytnpla. gallon. $3.50: canned astern, &5c; $6.50 per dosen; eastern in sheU.f $1.80 per 100; eastern oysters, per gal Ion, soUd pack, $2.75- FISH Dressed flounders, 7e; Chinook eal . man, 18$20c; perdi, lOe; soles, 6c; flounders. Be; salmon trout, 22c per lb.; haHbut, le , lb. 3 black cod, 6c: Oolumbla smelt, Is2; barring. 6c: raaor clams, 20e dosen. CUABS Large. $2,&o-r- medium, $1.75 doa. -.' -v .. .. eroosrieav " v SUGAR Cube. $8.85: nowdreL 7.5Bf '" DCTT' $&-95t Honolulu, $8.90; beet e'j vfj BT'nuiaieu. sjra; u yeuow, Sao. Above nuotatlona are So days, net eaab. HONEY New. ia.O0a)3.2S u, : RICB--Japaa style. No l.-Tc; Hew Orleans head, cj blue rose, 8c. 5 SALT Coarse, half grounds, lOOe. $11.50 t'Il:-J?0".,J3 00kt"Dle talrT $100; 100s viv-"v4 e.&; laacy oaoie ana dairy. .$22.00; lump rock, $20.00 per ton. ' BliA,8 Small white. 16c; large1 white, locj .pink, 1SC; limas, ,7)4c; bayous, l3e; , ' '' Hop. Wool and Bides. ..- nuPS Nominal; buying, prieo. 1816 crop. oruinary,, oiffttc; selected. , contracts, 10c , per lb. - ... WOOtr-NonJinal: Willamette ralley cearse CotSWOld. 4850i . medinm Rhnrhl. m 46c; fine, f401j42c: eaMern Oregon aUple. 88 4 .? Ibfc aad Hp, 14oi greea ami isaicea Kip, la lb., 20ej green snd salted Calf .una op 10 xa loe S2c green hides, 25 lbe. and up. 18M green stags. So lbs. and on. I8e; . ... u,u.-n, j w , in g mm 1 b uiun, ttr, UTT nOTSS - lildea $1.0O2.60; salt borss hides. $3,000 6.00J horse hair, 0ct dry long wool pelts, 30c; uu uw4 wv, ueiii. urr idimi lnre.. each. 13(gl5c: Salted sheep attearthea, eacn,25iS0e; salted kg wool pslts. each, 1.f-K?ia.50; salted abort weol pelts, each, 60c TAIX0W Kov4t; Uc Kov 2, 'tefgnui, ' CUITTIJI -OR CASCARA f BARK Buying J I poof JrTE i Tork, April 8a (I. N. 8.1 Llrer eables did not adrance as much as due mornina. but tte cotton market here opened steady and prices showed declines of bnly 2 to 16 points. Commission houses. New uriesBs ana iraae interests were geoa Doyers etna the supply came Horn room traders, Wall street ana lirrcrpooi. 1 It waa stated aroond the rlne -that eondl tkms In the south do not Indicate any sreat progress on farm work, and the Giles report came in for. considerable comment. At the time of the start LiTernool waa about 13 points net higher, prices were - due to come as4 to 35 points up. A nrrrate cable aala there was some eoverine sanlnst cotton sunk snd considerable short corering in trade calling was met by, large long llqtil- cianon on scaiea-up iimira. it was clear in uie eaat, but west- of the Mlasiaelppl river, ciouoy conoitiona prevauea. Range of New Tork prices furnished h Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216-21?. Board of Trade nuiiaing: Open. - High. low. Close ..192 1143 124 1MK 1V42 . 148 2070 2070 Month January March . . May .... una ..... July .... August . September October . November December 1038 2017 ....2006 2018 1993 ...1920 1938 1917 !!.!l02i ioio 1921 1041 21 2007 2I1O0 1982 1935 1021 192 1923 high as $10 during the early Porthuid. General cattle market range Prime light beef steers Prime heavy beef steers Choice beef cows Pest betters Ordinary to good cows Prim heavy butcher bulla ... IJgbt bulla Calvea Stocker-feeder ateers Stocker-feedeir cowa - . Hogs Sell at $15.85, Very erratic ton with sharply higher and lower prices . followed quickly in tbe Chicago and other eastern: markets, daring the. early day'a trading. New high records were established ' in Chi cago in the first trading, but , the market seemed to have little -. strength when the records were made. Locally the trend of the trade la quiet. Some business is confirmed at Interior Pa cific Northwest points for eastern and middle west millers, but prices are so far apart that It ia hard to say Just what the tidewater basis in the interior stands at for the morn ing trade. Coarse grains continue firm hi tbe Interior and there is a very strong tone in ml Ua tuffs and bay, with some asking a further advance for the latter. SnlM nf inn, i tl M.f MMtHn imiim I Alftka UOl3 fair, but most millers bare already oversold ; Ji1 Chalmers, cv Seattle' Snnevcrlbes Salt lCUUoa. Se- nttle bankers are elated over th fact that the combined financial bouses of n.w T. 'Anrti so-41. X. 8V-Tridln I that city subacrlbefl s-ometnln sllrhtly vaa tinnsuiaiT Quiet at the opening f the I Over half a million" dotlats. toward the stork market thl inortlng and Vhan re, du-1 1250,800.000 .short tertn bond Issue f ins- the first is minotea were very narrow. 1 the rovernment. 1 lionamr nouses 01 UutteA Statas. Steel- cosntnoa ranaec .irom i,K. .itv nrA tra rve tvrATtahl 11., 116(4 to 115 and at the end of - the first J i00nno for th reamlar war bond' issue. eosrter o fan honr ahowed a aet Satnot 4 1c4a,rl.-tOPt Sookane. on the with sales at 116. lnaaatnai aiooikm pnea 1 - . up H at 1U. from wnkA tt dropped- to U014. Bhvt JIL Pll? and Utah tcopper after aa openlngadTaMaof ls subscribed IWO.OOO..' PorUand !i to 1114. oecuned to 115. . - . ivaiiaa siwictuer puukuiku tMi Bethlehem ' steel "B" moved aC about the I and of their subscriptions tn regional eaone way, making aa opening: gain of at (bank at San Francisco allotted II. 128 and then yielded t - . OZa.OOv.' incidentally tne , banks save : Marine sreferred yielded 4 at the openlag I nn.k1 far the hnnJi anrl it la nunnosed to T8i.-while Atlantic Gulf and West ladles I ,v,. A.riei.a ih.m. m - In. Ml. Af 1 XL . r I . I - . - . . - ... 1 negs will De sent out dv tne rovern- A firm too was noted In Uie late forenoon I Songljua County - Boad TotSv Rose when prices were generally at higher levels. I burgf , Or., "April JO".-rThe "county court Mexican retroieua jumpea to iaui-i made an .order calling for a spe- trial Alcohol rose to 1124. a gain of 1. I rll lnM .1.Mnn an. Tn fia - at tf tr fan nd-BethJeheta steel "B advanced o 124.1 0 th. ,uestlon o Issulng-lBSO.OOO in Jf-tLJL I! ?SS?.-J;- 'ih-SUonds for the construction, of roads In r,T ,r ,T.r?iaV Douglas county. Of thr ftmd. $200,000 weVe abour evenly dirldi- between -fricUofv.1 i will be used, on tha Pacific highway advances and loraes. . Money loaning tv4. for. graditr, preparatory to, receiving per cent. I J the bard surface allowed by the state . ieerty an or n interesr m ma um-uwa aiinwar commission. dllc'Tner; ri,t bT- -Jlfads Order lnthak bytroogterelu oTwbkh rocds have commenced negotiating for the price rose from 110 to 112, with the rail requirements to be delivered as buying accompanied by report of a coming far ahead as 1919, and the business lara-a dividenA. I involved amounts to several nnnjiwd General Motors hold strong although it re-1 thousand dollars, aava hm Trnn TrA acted some irom its niaa pricw h Review. The Korthera -Pacific bat cloeed an order for 40,000 tons of rails for delivery over the last quarter ot 1118. Large foreign orders are also under negotiation. Demand for 'shin steel , continues of record breaking -proportlcns, t Was Boad Furchase Arraared-.Th First Hebrew Benevolent association on Friday entered the market for $5000 worth of the -first issue of United States war bonds. A special meeting of the association was held for -the purpose of deciding on the else' ot the bond I'urchase. - Usages Goes SasV rt. "W.Fchmeer, cashier ot the United States National bank leaves today for New Tork to take in the meeting of the executive council of the American Banking asso ciation. Mr, Schmeer Is a member ot the council. I He will be gone ' three ; Weeks. - .-:. ;; . ,i ; - 7 St. Xeleas Bonds BoldvThe 128,004 issue of $ per cent funding, bonds. Is suod recently by the city of St. llel ens, was purchased Friday by Morris Bros., of Portland, and the entire lot sold the following day. These are !0-; year certificates.- Becomes Deputy State Bxemiaer. Edward P. ' Hoffman, secretary auj treasurer of the Yakima Trust com pany, has resigned his posltloh to be come deputy state bank examiner, with; headquarters in Spokane. Mr. Hoffman, was with, the Taklma Trust company ten years. . , . -? - ; In tbe strer that closer relations are planned between tbe Chevrolet and tbe General Mo tors company. Cuba cane sugar was excep. tkmally weak, dropping to 94 on sales of B00O snarea by Content a Uo. Range- of New York stock market as fur alshed by Overbeck tt Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: Openl High Low Close President Campbell a w ... n m Answers tne uaii DESCRIPTION. $11.00(911.25 10.00igl0.50 8.5UQ 9.00 their kmnedlate output. Broomhall cabled from Ldveroool. Llrerpooi wheat easier, influenced by weak ness in Winnipeg and Increasing- arrivals. 8.0OG1 8.50 Corn firm. Oats dull and easier with in- 7.50(5 8.00 creasing world's shipments. Flour firm with 6.00a 7.50 light port arrivals. I I Argentine weather contlnuea fine. The O.UUUS 1,111 mnwamaa nf wmr .K. - , 1- ,t. i ana yieias are very disappointing. FLOUR Selline price: Patent. 112.20- W11- T. . . . I ,A erm (nn. 4Tiaf I Um.tla ..11. ft 1 1 Lm.1 . , I.K, jaj .... . .. . . . . .i. . - I ft 1 1 Ci. v.. i. i i , n rs, , o rv . , . . American woolen, c ruiea in tne swme uraue a.i nuriu uuuu i - f i..witj bohiuii a,ut tiininr rvi f vir tvkmrwmt Th,r waa i Bimns. exnarrs. sio.zu: wrmi whMr k falrincrease in the marketing over last $12 6; graham. $12 JO; rye flour, $9.25 per 11? 0 the trade was willing to take care oi. sale of top hogs were generally around do pfd. American Beet Sugar. American Can, c , do .pfd Am. Oar Foundry ,e. .. Am. Cotton OU. e.... Am. Unseed, c...... do pfd Am. Locomotive, e. . American Smelter, e. . da pfd, American Rnirar. e... American Tel. tt Tel. Did of Ear" HAY Buying price, nw crop. Willamette 5'?1wti c- h et ii valley timothy, fancy. 120.0)6122.00: eastern 1 . D'' .?" 1' saw ot top iiutp " tcir. .ht Oreifm-ldaho fancv tlraorhv oo r,ifoi. m- uetnienera Bteei, c. 15.75 with one load at $15 or 6c above "lleyS. ffi.SffiuMi I Pf4" :V -l' the extreme flgurca ot last week. cn(nt ie.ooiJi.0O- clover $10 oWwJoO. I Brook. napldTran. In general tbe swine market situation was SACk&ooX.t No. 4 cutts. B"1'' SP " 7V 25 93 " 4SH 21 57 68H 100 i iii 79 lOl all that could have been desired from a Bell er's point of view at the opening of the week General nog range: old Weather Has Fruit Men Scared Hood River, Or.. April 30. The continued ralirs and cold weather prevailing in the Hood River valley are causing the orchardlsts and strawberry growera eonsidersble concern. The orchardlsts are unable to apply the successlye spray dnrmg the rainy weather and many have omitted the oil sprays this yesr on this account. The scarcity of labor Is becoming serious problem with the apple and berry growers. In some instances, the house wives and grown daughters have assisted in the spray ing process In order to make the application during the proper stage of fruit bud and leaf development. A number of tbe high school students have contracted to do orchard work aa soon as school is out at mens' wages, ana some of ttie strawberry growers sre arrsng ing to make a trip to Che several Indian res ervations In order to secure hlep for the berry season. It is expected that pickers will demand 10 cents per carrier of 0 hallocks as against snd 8 cents last season, packers will aax 20 cents per crate for packing as against 15 cents paid last year. The berry fields In th lower valley are just beginning to bloom snd it is six weeks before berry season begins. The berry acreage is considerably larger than last season, and it is expected that fully 100. carloads will be shipped from Hood River this year. The Hood Hirer Honor Gaarda will engage in gardening on a large scale. A large tract of land bus been placed at their disposal near tbe city and the girls will plant the tract to potatoes and navy beans and care for the growing and harvesting of the crop without the aid or assistance of the men. The mem bers of the guard are holding weekly meet ings and training themselves ia many of the practical arts. At the present time the young ladles are receiving Instructions in the art of running and caring for aa automobile,' and competitive work - shows that the girls can change a tire or mend a puncture Just as speedily as the men. Best heavy Beet light .. Kuugn heavy Pig Stockers . . , $15.65(915.85 15.50il5.( 16.0015.29 14.00dj 14.60 , 12.0013.50 Nominal Showing of Cheep. But one load of stuff entered the sheep snd lamb division of tbe North Portland vardai over Sunday and Bob fitanfleld of bis namesake town brought that forward. General trend of uie anoep ana larao tram ia quiet but firm, owing to the lack ot ottering. Nominal mutton and lamo marxet: Cal. Petroleum, C do pfd. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Chesapeake a Ohio... Chi. A Gt. West., c, do pfd llldnrl in IHIft tluahsla Mav fnrt.fAM ao tu T11., Mil. SI. 1SUI, anri ftdon hnaheia Mav 4ii at s.9. n " ' Cki. & Northwest, c. . llMtllie in carlota; less amounts higher. MiiLitri-UKirs seuiss- price: Bran. 140.00: i shorts. $43.00. HHU.ED OATS Per ton. S58.00. ROLLKI BARLEY Per ton, $59.00. Wheat bids were araln firm and hieher on tne fort land Merchants' Exchange. Kales In 65 70tt 43 J 26 93 43 7V4 25 93" 46 67H 41 21 57 101 111 8$ 101 55 76 43 100 7 00 7 4t 21 67 68 W 111 49 79 101 43 and nooo bushels May club at $2.66. Merchants Exchange slay bids: WHHVAT. June Bluestem ' June-Russian Jane Jane April Best valley yearling .... ; 10.00010.50 Wethere . . ...; 10.00 Ewee 8.5Oai0.00 Goal . 4.25 4.60 Snrinar lambs .-. " oo Moaflay Livestock Shipper!, aa a-a- a-i TIM1I.... n 1 1 load; J. S. rilnt. Junctioo City. 1 load; DiUles j S.,:"'. sac a, aieat w( xm wiuw, Dickeraom. Welser. Idaho. 1 load: G. W. Har rtnaer. lnrham. Cal.. 1 load: C. H. Llbby, Huntinsrton. 2 toads; Farmers' Society of Brnltr. Caldwell. Idaho. 1 load; F. B. Flsk Parma Idaho, 8 toads; P. Coleman, Brogan, 1 load: J. I. Haa-kett. Joseph. 2 toads. Cuttle H. 8. Lemp tt Co., Staafield, 8 loads; Cooper St Delay, Union Junction, 1 toad; Geonre Dixon. Terrebonne. 4 toads; B. R, Slarton. 4 loads: W. W. Brown, Cove. 8 loads; H. L. Harnfrtt. St. Helens. 30 head; M. Mai- heweeo, 17uead; L. U Miller, DllUrd, 2 toads. Sheep kT N. Btanfleld, Stanfleld, 1 toad. Mixed Stuff J. 0. Bowker. I'ayette, Idaho, 2 loads cattle and hoes: Eerl Buck. Welaer, Idaho. 1 toad cattle and bogs; Miller A Wolf, Meriden, Idaho, 2 loads cattle and hoars: Cotes tt Dodd. Ha Uvea, 1 load cattle. bcea and sheep; Redmond Lumber A Produce On.. Redmond. 1 load cattle and hogs; W. A. Leaper, Yoocalla, 1 toad cattle, calvevs aad hoes: Goodrich Bros.. Ridge field, Idaho, l toad cattle and bogs; Pickett Bros., Weiser, Idaho, 1 loea cartie ana nog. Monday Horning Bales. STEERS. Monday Sat. 1917. 1916. 1917. Bluestem ,....$2.72 $1.03 $2.70 Fortyfold 2.07 .92 2.65 Club 2.66 .91 2.63 Russian 2.61 .90 2.60 OATS. Feed $54.00 $26.00 $58.50 BARLEY. . Feed $55.00 $26.60 $55.23 Futures were quoted: WHEAT. Bid. Cbloo Copper Col. Fuel A Iron, c. Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products, c. . . . do pfd Crucible Steel, c... do nfd Den. A Rio Grande, c do pfd Distillers Brie, c do 1st pfd...... General Electric . Goodrlrh Rubber . Ot. North., Ore Ianda Gt. Northern, pfd ..$ 2.72 Ureene can .. 2.fl Hide tt Leather, c... .. 2.65 do pfd .. 2.61 I lee Securities I 1 11 mole Central a ,$34 so j Industrial . Alcohol .... v". I lnffiilrstiou m ' Interboro, e ..03.OU Kennecott Copper Kan. City Snatbern, e. Kelly Springfield ' Lackawanna Steel .... AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES I'high Vsiiey . . . . louia. at r,aau,iii ..... Maxwell Motors, e .... Ohlcaro. April 30. (I. N. R.) A half Mexican Petroleum ... century boc run broke prices 10 cents and Miami -Coppet erased the $10 quotation today. Iowa was M! drake trteel mainly resnonaUile. receipts at other markets Mo. Kan. A Texas, c. . being light. The recent advance in corn Do pd rorced a lot of cattle to market, causing 106$ r.lfxnuri racinc w. i. 15c declines on all but choice grades. Sheen , National Lead ....... and lambs were 1015c higher. Nevada Consolidated . Chicago Hogs $15.90. r.ew fiaven . . .j. ...... ,iA . .n 'ir , i u at tt t . I New York Air Brake . ceipts 40.000. Market stesdy. slow to ftc , NewYor Ceptnil lower. Mixed and batcfaera. 1S.MtZH5 85; . T., tmt. we as 80 54 48 25' ii" 61 S3 100 43 64 48 FEED OATS. FEED BARLEY. Ires tern DAIRY PRODUCE OX THE COAST Flour Prices Rise. Sa Francisco. ADril 20. fT. "W 5? Family flour took another skyward jump in price ncre toaay. advancing 80 cents a barrel. This fixes the whole sale price or .ramuy. nour at $13.40 a barrel or $3.60 a sack retail. S.) Flour jumped 60 cents per barrel this morning, bringing the price of the Desi paiiers product to tne record smashing figure of $15.60 and tbe, heat family flour to 814.40. - : V NewXork Metal Mai-ket, ' New ToHc, April 80. (I. N. S.) Copper, firm; spot, 31 He; May, 80V4c; June. 30c; July. 29&30c; August-September, 2829c'. Tin, o.uiet; spot, B8459c. v Lead firm; April j: May, 9Hc; June 9c. Spelter, stronr; May. 99.0; June c; July. 9c . Seattle Karket. Seattle. Airll 30. U. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery cube, 37c; ditto brick, 3-c: rresh caliiomia cube, aic; auto brick. 3TC. KKira select ranch. S6c. Cheese Oregon triplets, 2Te. Wisconsin triplets, 28o; ditto twins, 2Sc; Young Amer ica, 2SC. - ..- .. San Franoiaco Karket. Ran -Prancisco, CaU, April 30. (TJ, P.) Butter Bxtras. S3c: Drlme flrats., 32 Vic. Eggs Extras. S2c: extra firsts, 31c; extra nnlletit. 30r: extra firsts pullets. 29c. Oiecae California fancy, 20 c; firsts, San Francisco Grain Market, San Francisco,. Appdl 30. Barley calls: v April 30 April 28. vT.- Onen. Clone. Cloaw. May ....3.6A $2.0A . $3.02 A Deoeraber ........2.13 2.12 2.17 Barley sales: 200 tons July and 800 tons December. Spot Quotations Wheat--Bluestem, $4.70 4.75: Turkey Red, $4.754.SO; Bed Rus sian, f K)t-.0. Feed nariey. asktwvstSA.vo; wnite oats 2.R7A(B2.90. Millatuiffs Bran, $48.0047.00; middlings, f59.00ti0.00; shorts, f 4&UUC9.00. . i Money and Exchange, New York, April 30. (U. P.) Money on caul, 2 per cent; six months, top 4 per cent; mercantile paper, V4 per cent; bar silver, London, 376-16d; New York, 74 cents; demand. Sterling 14.75 9-16. - --New York Sugar and Coffee. , New York. April 30.--(Tj. P.) Cof fee Spots No. 1 .Rio, 10c; No. 4 Santos, lOHc - Sugar Centrifugal, 36.21. I - -ST ir , ' "la. Sugar Market Down 15 Cents for Day K0 Av. lbs. Price. 7 steers 1000 $11.00 2T steers HM 1O.70 27 steers 3207 10.15 22 steers 14 10.00 8 steers 1054 10.00 21 steers ....t - H57 9.75 4 ateera ., 952 8.92 ' 9 taeers 3 8 90 3 steers 1053 7.00 COWS. 4 cow 1299 $ 9.00 6 cows 002 8.T5 6 cows 2 8.50 1 cow -720 8.25 6 cows 910 7.50 1 cow 700 1 COW 700 6.00 HEIFERS. T heifers 1100 $10.00 3 heifers 785 9.00 rood heavy, ir.zrr 15.90; rough heavy, C.: . J., ' $15.25015.43; light. $14. 75 15. 25; pigs, $10.00 STixn 1 a,i u tu. k.iv ciiavtuaA , Pacific Mall t Peamwylvania uairway Peoples Gas Pittshurr Coal. e. ... do pfd preeaed Steel Car. c . do pra Ray Onos. Copper . n HUM , , ABBI I19.WI, Kansas city. April 80. (I. N. 8.) Cattle 10.000. Steady to uneven. Steer. cows and heifers, $11.50; 9 University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., 7 April 30. President P. I Campbell. vice president of the National Asso 93 elation of State Universities, left Eu- 45 . . . . 103 I re Eiunaay evening ior Washington r. C, In answer to & call from Ouy 21 Benton Potter, president of the assocla 67 I tlon. to attend a. anecial mlne t v- 68 a..n'n.tinr, UaZL : .r"..r n. Ji3 mobilisation of trained forces of the m university men of the country. 124, Every university president has been oO I IriiViteA tr tkitenA tKa, rn r...... 1. 1 i. .v.. ,t auim 101 I '"v jumv session wiuj tne ?u I national defense council on Saturday. rata i Trcaiucm v-ampoeu nas Deen asked to 76 I submit Diana for th mnhllitin ..t 04 I "amen mea anu tne turning over 43 I of all chemical laboratories to the 2 i government. 50 I Fretiident rimnli.H m v. t .v. , v. . . , w ,u L II j - I aaar twa r .ait . nw. 694. In Woman Doomed to Lingering Dth Reserve Officers in ; 6uard;6ain Eeleasfe ICea WIH Be SUoharged to Aoeepi Axk iraiaimnii vv anun in jreaera. serv ice or Sot Civilians Examined. ' v , Washington. April 30. V P.I Memlwra nf . f Vi a, Tilutinnal 1ui,n whether in federal service or not, who i .w. m 0t - . , , . l . i : in uii etiicers reserve wm oe Qia- . charged in order to enable them to accent such nnnntntment strlTT1 tret ' intrt' L the training camps. ;.,.? This was ordered . today, as a result of an opinion of Judge Advocate Gen eral Crowder, approved by, Secretary i- 1 of War Baker. . - - 6 Civilian candidates for appointments; t in the regular army are taking examl-t nations this week. . j.- The department announced that th I next, ciass win oe selected irom tne,, 40,000 attending the officers' training camps, established by-order ot April ; 113 64 47 113 23 ! 62 Seattle. Wash., April 30. (P. N. S.) Doomed to death, and yet to live in 12 consciousness for several days. Mr. juee Bteeie, wife of a Yukon mining "J? man, lies in the City hospital here to 41 day arter swallowing poison. W. II. 1163 Tolln of Butte, Mont., who waa with f2 Mrs. Steele late Saturday night when 33 1 v. vl, ... I . . Mt . L -, . ,m i muv iwa, i no yviBuii, was a. i xi l neia 43ty me ponce, out later reieasea wnen i3isne comessea sne naa attempted sul ! eide, I T. , l . . , . . 104 I rnjian aitenuiog ner amy sne will 117 Dynamite Is Found Under Grand Stand Auburn. Wash., April 30. (P.. N. S.) 1 Six sticks of dynamite have beeni discovered here underneath the grand -1 stand at the ball arounds of tbe Au-1 r burn schooL An lnrestigatlod 1 under way. 1 ' About two weeks ago this Q. A. It. flag was taken down from the fiatr r- l. . . , lAnwAaa, avatar . .1 w... Mt,a4-t ; 013.60; bulk. $15 .SOCd 15.80. t.atue ueceipts, iu.uou. steaav te mwer. Beeves. $8.8513.40; cows snd heifers. $6.00 frfll.&O; stockers snd feeder. $7.75(910.13; exans. u. 7oU.7&: calves, $10.00(211.60. Sheep Receipts, 11,000. 1025c hlcber. native and western, $9.60(313.40; lamb, Spring way Heading, do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Rep. Iron A Steel, c. fogt-Rceipt., 1O.000. Steady ,0e ! Jk. laaap.aaaai FfVua. S 1 OX a Sua.. f 1 J tVI jgSl S . . ivv, fw-oui uuia:, i.OTwio.u; Sbattuck 1 bull , 1 bull 1 bull 7 bulls 118 hogi 10 nogs 30 hogs S3 bogs 77 hogs 1 hog , 71 hog SS hog 11 hog 8 hog 1 hog 2 hogs 1 hog 1 hog : 23 bogs -35 bogs 1 bog BCIXS. HOGS. . 1620 . 1180 . 970 . 1366 . 194 . 162 . 178 . 108 . 183 . 170 . 177 . 113 . 192 .. S30 .. 490 .. 2K0 .. 128 .. 3211 .. Ill .. 113 ..160 heavy, $15.00315.86; mediums, $15,504,15.80; UKirtn, M.Wttji.u Sheep Receipts, 2900. 23340e higher. Lambs. $16.00(816.90; mixed sheep and yearl' log, $14.35; clipped lambs, $13.40. SeatU Hog $16.00. Seattle. Wash.. April 80. (P. N. S.) Hogs Receipts 2300. Strong.- Prime lights, Slf. ftrt1A OA- malMm r. Kr.liu a- a kA 4 $ 8.00 115.73: smooth hear lea. f I3.00izl9.50: mnrii 1 Third Avenue I heavies. S14.0S15.0O: Din. S13.60tt215.00. I Union t'scilic. c... 6.T5 Cattle RecelpU 450. 8trong. Best teer. I do pfd 6.50 I $10.23 10.80; medium to choice. $9,753 TJ. S. Rubber, e 10.00: common to medium. SC.60at9.25 Int I OO Did $15.75 I cows, $8.75&9.00; common to medium cowa. ' TJ. S. Steel, C io.ia i o.wii .o; pniia, i.wiagw; calves. So. Ml 1J.HO (Ltll.UO. Srudebaker. e Aa tfrf A Sloes Sheffield I 48 Sontbera Pacific ) 94 Southern Railway. e.. 28 do Pfd Tennessee Copper 164 Tts Oil 207 Taa Pacific I 14 30 I 30 96 (96 81 81 80 15.69 I Sheep. Receipts nose. Strong. Lambs. 15.05 1 $13.TKc13.50r yearlnlgs. $12.60aii75: ewes. 15.00 i $lO.O011.00; wethers. $11 AX12.60. J3 Denver Hog $1.0. 15.25 1 rtenvar. r!nk, InHl :lt tl x T.'. 16 l cattle receipts 1600. Steady "to 10c lower. i Hteers. su.iXKn l i.kt: rows and neifM-a X7 ui 1 wiu.xa; stocsers ann leeoer, fT.7j V.S3; I caives. is.avii.vuk. 14.25 Hogs. Receipts 400. 10 cents lower. ii.-totxj3.5o: buikuSl5.1texX3.50. 14.3o I Sheep Hecf tdi.ta 2700. 27HOe higher. " iswei, fii.otnaix.zo. unit, $13.5013.60. ll.W t do pfd Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, e w. II. Tnlfiiiult ... Weatlncbouae Klectrie. Willys Overland Wonlwerth 67 106 lie mud made leaa than an hour before a schvd-t live for several days, but that death Is I tiled game by pupils of tbe school. The 67 I certain. 10 sticks were eight Inches long. 88 1 86 lSi 212 14 29 1304137li 67 iuo lie. 4S 94 27 207 67 106 116 43 H 95 123 114 78 102 4 95 H 41 42 81 175 1T5 25 87 104 94 27 67 16 K 2114 14 20 1H7 79 67 1W!) 116' 117 11 43 6 4 80 1824 Top YAlvEilA MAN SELLS WOOlV TO JAPANESE BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Clearings. Monday . price, per ear lot, tJTe per ! - MOHAIR 1917. 66o- per fb. - , Rope. Saints. Oil. - ROPE Sisal, dark, 20c; , white. 20 per lb.: atandar Manila. 26c. " COAL OIL Water white la drams and Iron barrels, lOe per gallon. LINSEED -Raw, - bble, $1.2S per gallon; kettle belled, bbls., $1.30: raw. iaeV $1.85: boiled, easea, $1.37 per gallon; lota of 250 ga Hmft' -. -.. , - ,.- . ftWHlTB WEADTtm lot. I2e lb.J COO' lbs.. TURPBNTINE Tanks, 67c gallon lots, i2cr lesTloti. isui , 'J4 w- -is 8. .per Aunorea ,em tvn , . . a. . . - m ujvoui.i., c iuia price, 1M gauoa. dla- llata. 10Ac nee llv . . tlllate,.10c per. gallon There was a drop of 15 cents ' ja per hundred pounds in the price a of all grades of ref toed sugar ijr during the. day, this cut in. a prices being made by the manu s ' facturers. It is the first one D made for an extended period; in fact the first time that the. a refineries offered sugar at any a price. During the day they no- -titled the trade that all their requirements could not be filled. ' a ? The new price here for gran- pounds. Korth Yakima. April ,30. Stanley Coffin, .-,. ..hmuMl thia waafc er,wn a trin 4n the Orient, announced today the sale of 6000 j Clearinga ei-uai vml tn a laMlua. firm. tha. ah In. I lUUSnceS ment to be made from Tacoma in about 30 days. He alo haa negotiations pending for I Clearings th sale of 1O.00O fleeces more, the a vera re I xwiauces weight of the fleece to be 10 pounds. He learned while on tbe trip that Japan la not able to bay wool of either Australia or New Zealand, and must supply hex needs la tbe United States - or in Soutb America. The price la not announced, but is said to be bigner thaa any yet paid nerc. Clearinga Clearinga Portland Banks. This week. Year ago, . $ 2.889. 494.60 $ 2.48&,286,6S Seattle Banks. $ 3,278,217.00 721,880.00 Taooma Banks. $ 829,570.00 ...i. 21,616.00 San Francises Banks. $15,123,223.00 Lo Angela Banks, $ 6,080,042.00 PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Maxkat. v Seattle. Wash.. April 3Q. (0. P.) Onion; lnatMllaa. lie. . Potatoes Yakima gens, $95;0O; . seed $85.00 I Dairy .. . . txuu-vu; ' iocaia, ssd.wiuv.uu. San Traaciseo Xarket. San Francisco. April 3ft U. P., Potatoes per cental Delta good, $3.5OQ6.00 aaked for teehonae stock; lit to "plow" lot $3.6U 4.00: Ore iron Bin-bank, 64AOA5.0O. Onions Australian, $7 per cental;, ditto Imperial and Texas, $3.25 per SO pound crate. Lo angelee Market. Los Angeles. Cal., April 8a (P. N. 8.) Peutoee. northern, So.Z530.dO; Prices between dealers: BUTTER. Week Cubes i tlon. Frl. Tbn. Wed. Tne. ago. Bxtra 4 84 34 T 83 &i Prime firsts... 33 34 30 36 37 87 nrst - .... 96 86 3d .. 29 20 30 30 $1 82 EGGS. Current receipts 81 31 81 81 82 83 Oregon trips... 25 24 25 25VS3 28 Total sales for the day were 325,300 share. Extra dividend 1 per cent. Ex. Div. 2. j ' $Ex. Div. 1.. Breweries Fined for Corrupt Practices Pittsburg. Pa.. April 30. (I. N. S.) A total of $60,000 In fines was as sessed today against S3 Pennsylvania brewing corporations on their pleads of no defense to charges of violating the federal corrupt practice act before Federal Judge Thomson. The fine, range from $600 to $3000. -The United States Brewery association was fined $10,000 on Saturday. Land Fraud Case Decision Keversed Washington. April 80. (U. P.) The supreme court today reversed the Montana court decision which dis missed an indictment against Jesse Moorehead in connection with alleged land fraud in Montana. Coupons Due in May, 1917 Present for Payment at the Office of the ' - - ' - - i Lumbermens Trust Company auabenneas Bldg KAY 1 Bay City, Or., Imp., Vm. Boise, Idaho. 3. X. 9. B"o. 90, 6s. Boise, Idaho. LLP. Wo. 35. 6's. Central Point, Or., water, 6. Coos Co- Orn m. P. Ho. 13 (Bonn Bend), BH'a. Douglas Co., Or S. D. Ho. 4 (Kosaburg), 6's. Forest Oorve, Or Imp. CPs. Fremont Co- Zdaho, B. imro: 88, H'a. tone, Or4 ZHeo. Xrt. rs. King- Co.. Wastu, Coml W. "Wn Bo. 1. 6's. ItArshfleld, Or, Zap. es. KcCormlck Zitunber Oo. rs. OltOB, Or. Xg. t Water tra, ICyrtle Point, Or, Imp. 6's. Pendleton, Or, Water Bs. Folk Ctk, Or, B. Tt. Bo. 85, rs. . Rainier, Or4 Imp. rs. ItasisUns Co, Cat, B. 9. (Mo desto) rs. tavlem. Ox, Zaup. rs. eeslfle. Or wates rs. Portland, Orefoa KAY X (Continued) teaslds. Or, Xmp. rs. Bherldaa, Or, City XaU 's. Shermaa Co, Ox, B. 9. Vo, 7, rs. Sllvertoa, Ox, at. Zap. rs. Tillamook Oo, Or, B. 9. Ho, 4s, rs. . Tudor Anas Apt, rs. KAY a Peadletoa, Ox, Zap Series "TJ," 6'S. Pendletca, Ox, Zap, Berles X rs. 7 Cottage Orore, Ox, Zap, - Berles . rs. .KAY 10 Bay City, Ox, Pnadlnr rs. Beaatde. Ox, Sewer rs. KAY IB ." roxest Otots, Ox, Hefuadlaa rs. . . KAY SB . Seaside, Ox, Jrsadiar . V KAY St YoaeaUa, Ox, Zap, Series H,? rs " Seattle Grain SlArket. "Seattle, Wash., April 80. (P. N. S.) Wheat, bluestem. $t.70; turkey red. 1 TV- f,.h,fnM . Hlta. .Ik t.A. Oreson. I Fife. St.64: Russian. $2.62. Barler. $55. 6c, new 8ig8e pound, sweet. 7c; Tenne-1 Receipts wheat, nine cars; barley one e. car. Frost at Rtdgef leld. Jtldgefleld, Wssh.,-April 80. A heavy frost visited this place early Saturday -. morning, whldi has not occurred for many yearn, s far no damage 1 reported, but It Is thought that, tbe peach., cherry, plum and prune tree now . 1b . bloona . XoUx aacaja the anusoelly I late frost. . - DiTOrce Snit Piled. ' In a shit tor divorce filed in the cir cuit court today, Katie Magrari alleges, that William Magrari deserted his home In March. 1916. She asks for the cus tody of the two children, William. 2 years, and aymon lerear. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc 216-217 Board of Trade Building Overbeck & Cooke Co DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES " - Kembers Chicago Board of Trade, ; CoxTarpomdemts of ZvOgaa B Bryaa, v-i"" Chicago, Hew York. . MAY INVESTMENTS We own and offer a large list of tax exempt bonds at prices to yield ' i y 4y4 to &A- STOCKS- BONDS r MORTGAGES SECURITIES OFFERED BY PORTLAND HOUSES 7 MUNICIPAL BONDS ... ' at . -, $100, $800, $1000 Pox Cash r on Partial Payaeat Plan Lumbermens Trust Company Plfth BtarB Mi 8 Uwis Bids- Phne Mar. 65S InvrctrnenT , Ronrlei Preferred Stocks!- Local Securities Amounts as small as $100 .may t Invested through as. and : st.cS ordrrs receive as car ef nl consideration as those for larger tumtw MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., Railway Exchange Building, ; a-" a-aa. r 1 k aa Vsaatsi 1 - a MUNICIPAli .RAILROAD;- V; - CORPORATION as -. e e . j. Atrf aflv WM BB V akafBB sabs ' ay m ; sttf m?f AV t? t ' i.lIl-l ' a