''" : . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, APRIL 26. 1917. ' . JKXCTANCE-ALJ ESTATE 21 ! FINANCIAL mTrT,,,vMP t .1 ' t i NOT ITU! If yqur property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit, ana is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; to inflated values considered; have first class list to select from George P. Henry,-829 Henry bldg. References, Portland Realty Board. : 8 ROOM modern unincumbered Irvlng , ton home, garage. This is high class property, value $8000; exchange" for ranch of as-me value; might assume, some. O. A. Sarles, 404 Northwestern .-bank."- j WANT farm.prefer on stocked and equipped. Will give house in Port land and assume to $8000. 602 Spald-1 Illg PtOg. WILL exchange 1 or 2 acre tracts. U . m cultivation, on Oregon. Elec. for house In Portland. 602 Hpaldlng bldg. , . DON'T WORK If. X can sell or trade anything any wnewr bayman, 431 cnam. of com. CORNER lot, 2 houses, traJfor farm, j Wolfsteln. 712 Ch. of Commerce. ! t WANTlglKEAL 1ESTATE 81 WANT house; will give $100 in cash. $1100 first mortgage on Portland residence and two acres on Oregon Electric free and clear, whore there is steady work the year round. House must be clear. 602 Spalding bldg. ROOMINO HOUSES 53 . WILIi TRADB FOR. RESIDENCE. 0 room handsomely furnished apart ment house in good location and abso lutely modern, good lease ana making money. Retiring from business. Will trade for modern residence in good district. Mr. Do Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. Rooming Houses All sizes and prices. See my list. 11 ROOMS, jnicely burnished, fine loca tlon, 2 Mocks from Journal bldg.; cheap rent; going away. Main 8874. u. a. iiaijj. oix Jfanama Bide t RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 MOTION picture outfit for sale: com plete description In April Oregon Teachers' Monthly; includes Edison mechanism, Fairbanks-Morse dynamo, meters, etc.; portable; complete; now In operation; automobile supplies pow er. For further Information, price, faddress W. H. Hurley, Vernonia, Or. Moving Picture Show Doing $150 month clear; open to your investigation. Will sell reason- 2olVicpxidrin,t army- Qulsljr 1 , SALp Fully equipped motion picture theatre doing good business town 10,000. splendid opportunity owner cannot handle account other In terests; cash talks. Answer; H-327. Journal. , Don't Lose Time I can sell or trade your business quicker than any man in Portland. L. A. HALL, 512 Panama bldg. Grocery Store Snap- Dandy location, stock and fixtures invoice $1300; quick sale. $800. Quig- ley. 202 Wilcox bldg; C OR SALE At a bargain if sold by May 1, well located small cash gro cery store, fixtures, with 4 furnished rooms rent for all $15 per month. Telephone Woodlawn 2771. -A, SOLID cash buslnes for anyone able to wait on customers, sell flow ers, plants, etc., profits $5 to $7 day; .$700 required, secured. Call room 436 Plttock block. FUR" SALE A good vacuum carpet cleaning busings; have to leave city. Y-340. Journal. MEAT market, established 15 years, good trade; will sell for $1000. Call room 436 Plttock block. $475 takes fine grocery with furnished a living rooms, large stock, good fix- twrea. i,ne location; snap. 321 N. 17th GROCERY and confectionerv storu good chance for . young married fcOVP'e. H-318, Tournal FOR SALE Good 8-chalr barber shop, , 'half down. 384 Alberta, vol. Union. AUTO truck, milk and transfer clear Ing $250 month. Sell wood 1532. GOOD buttermilk route for sale cheap. Inquire 191 Stanton st. MONEY TO IXAN 27 RKAIi ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. - 832.26 per month for 88 mouths, or 821.84 for 60 months, or - $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. ' -' No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAV'GS. & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or. MONtfiV TO LOAN. -. On improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. , COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 202 Stevens Bldgi BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 21$ Falling bldg. Main 3407 CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. $500 to $6000 6. FRED S. WILLIAMS, 92 1ST ST. MONEY to loan iu amount of $luu to $5000 on city property A. H. BELL. 201 Gerllnirer bldg. $200, $250. $400. $1UU0, $3000. un city or tarm property. 3: C. COR BIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. TCASH paid for mortgages, notes, con- tracts;, mortgage loans, reasonable fates. F. H. Lewis, lobby 4. Lew la bldg. FOR SALE ?2000 mortgage on first-class residence .n Portland. A-477. Journal. MONEY to loan on improved farm at going rate of interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co.. 41 X Chamber of Cora. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7. Louis Saloman & Co.. 300 Oak rt.. near Bth. $1000 to $6000 to loan, no cotnoiisskoa; i principal. S-117. Jourrnri. MONEY to loan; jraal estate mortgages Fred C. King, 314 Sraldlng bldg. bo't. "MONEY to loan. to 8 W. H. Betti tt Co., 3io spaKimg Diag. WILL bu uy small mtg.: farm oricity. K. Hill, 419 Henry bldg? 8100. 8350.. StiOO taOU. 112UU. 11J.0U . Fred W: Qermsn Co.. 732 Cham. Com. Loans from $1000 and up. Call 1016 Chamber of Cdmmerce MONEY- TO liOAN 6' CHATTELS, SALARIES JfURNITURE SALARY LOANS. LOANS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD All that is necessary to establish credit with us Is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you ara working either will do, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO- Licensor 817 Falling bldg. : If You Need Money See Us 8 ALA RIES CHATTELS - Loans made .to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and ' other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; prlvata of fices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed!, 806-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N stabllshed by Portland business mn to protect borrower. C MYERS HEftRMAN, Mgr.. 894 Stark LOANS ON DIAMONDS. - JEWELRY PIANOS. HOUSKHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTEP SO WANT loan of $40W on 2 flat building. iy wpaiaing Diag. X WANT $300.v good security. JS!-47i; Journal. . ULfi-.2? "brtgages wurchased. also I . 1l- .7" v v.UAni ; wall IB c vunwm n or - HOU I wmi' vtklUUUU I DM Wh m.m'' tracts, or. and wash. H. B. Nobl" t,.iwir,T,Wf bld. . HELP WANTE13HALR 1 "ALESMEN wanted; we want every ambitious man who reads this ad to write us. Here Is an opportunity to make money Wo have the goods, pay liberal commissions and advance cash wffklT; Thre oPPO'n'ty is yours. Cap ital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. SINGLE man who understands garden .uwc! ana vegetables, wtio an team and cultivator, in cSr gfsirk" nCe" 94 6th WAWEXookkeeper: must b ac rfi iflguCe- Young man with J?I- 5 ln. 'wnolesale bakery office IfdT APPy Log Cabin Baking tja iTj Et. WAN TKD, experienced window clean ers for Seattle; steady work; wages I86 month. Write to R-362. Journal, for quick appointment. WANTED First class machinist for m ThJZ'i'in' cl?8e w.or eA-Uzs Armstrong Mfg. Co.. 4 2d T, WANTED 2 MEN FOR Night Janitors. Apply super, office, 7th floor Idpman. Wolfe & Co.. Fri day morning bet. 9 and 10 o'clock CA OIN1JTMAKERS and finishers waiitad at Albany Furniture Mfg. Co.. Albany Or. Apply Fletcher Linn, Northwest Bank bldg EX PETRI ENCEP firold quartz miner for position of responsibility and trust. Give references, address and phone number. H-331. Journal, WANTED General farmer, married. , Call F. A. Lehman, Sycamore. P. R.. Li. ft P., mile south on Foster road. WANTED Boy 16 to 18. for office and errand work. Apply Journal of- "gtween p ana o p. m. tonignt, fcTOCK BOYS 16 to 18 years of age. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to - - v.vsj. tt yt T.innii oc XWflt.' WANTED 2 boya with wheels; must be 16 years old; can earn $40, to $60 monthly. Apply 7 Board of Trade bldg. in. wiuh. ir Lilian tyr. i n sr TSllVRTTfn r,ln man. -.-. i. $2.60 per day, 10 hours; board $5.60 wawicu jrrana ooy Armstronf Mfg. Co., 4 2d t. A-XZ3& WANTEDA first-class planer man. H-81B. Journal. PRINTER wanted, young married man preferred. Standard. Stanfleld. Or, STICKER hand wanted. Kantz Mfg Co.. 86th st. and Nlcolal. t , HELP WANTED MISC. 49 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Men ara entering the Y. M. C. A, Automobile chool now getting training for truck service, quartermaster department, and ambulance service. This may be an.,,0,2Iortunity for you to render skilled and valuable service. Complete bulletin of information will be mailed V Z0xi. on request. Address division A, Y. M. C. A., Department of Educa tlon. Portland. Ore WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual demand is created by the war for wlreles operators, both naval and commercial service. Y. M. C. A. school offers thorough, practical and individ ual instruction. Serve your country in a skilled position. Begirr your train ing now. Address division A, for de tailed Information. Y. M. C. A., Port land, Oregon. PUBLIC NIGHT SCHOOL STUDENTS You can continue your work in many branches in the Y. M. a A. ,nt school. Our work operates throughout the year; no break. Ad dress, for information. Y. M. C A., Department of Education. Portland, r- OUR salesmen are making from $25 to $10 per week selling our well known nursery stock. You can do as well. Necessary outfit furnished. Only steady men wanted.- Openings also for salesladies. For particulars ad dress Nursery, Orenco. Oregon. WANTED Number young men and young ladies to prepare for tele graph service to fill vacancies caused by unusual number of enlistments. For full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept.. Room 606 Panama bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOIk 388 Burnslde st. Call or write for full Information about FREE TRIAL. OFFER. HAWTHORNE GARAGE AND GAS M M ENGINE SCHOOU 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. YOUNG men wanted, -overnment mall clerks, $75 month. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 384D, Rochester, N, Y. PREPARE to fill vacancies caused by unusual number of men at front Miss Decker's Business College. Aliskv bldg H1NSDA LE'3 COMMKKCIAL SCHOOL Broadway-Yamhlll bldg? Individual FANCY work sold on commission; i mfs' membership $1. 201 Globe bldg. UNCAL LED for tailor-made suits $8.6i UP- Tavlor the Tailor. tH94 Burnsidv, HELP WANTE1FEALJLE S GIRL for general housework. $25. Woodlawn 882. Take B. W. car on Broadway line for east side, get off Alameda drive, walk east 200 ft. to Woodworth av., turning off south from Alameda drive (to your right) around brow of hill, go to third housa "n leu siae. za wooawortn ave. WANTED Good reliable girl foe housework in country; light work and amall wages. Address R. F. D. 6. ihjx. in, Aioany, or. MIDDLEAGED woman for light house work, good home, small wages. Ta bor 7946. bet. 9 and 1 0 a. m. WANTED Competent girl to do shoo ping. 205 Columbia bldg. GIRL wanted for general housework; am all family. Woodlawn 3249. GIHJj or woman wanted for house work. Call Main 3650. HELP wanted; Union Laundry. 2d and Columbia st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 6TUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, tele? raphy, salesmanship, E n g 1 1 ill branches, at an accredited school. Write or phone Main b90 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positiona Behnke-Walker Business College, 167 4th St.. near Morrison. mM&w. miimz Teaches men and women in 8 weeks, gives a. diploma, scholarship and tools;" pays while learning. Send for free cat-alogue- ' Second and Burnslde. OREGON Barber College Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free: paid, while learn ing; scholarship and diploma; get you position: tuition reduced. 233 Madison WANTED Man and wife without children, to work on dairy farm, or woman to keep house. Will pay $55. board and room; 12 miles out. 431 Lumper rexenange, zq and stark. TUB Original Mohlcr- Barber School will teach yoi- barber trade free for limited time diplomas isaueu; pay while learning 88 N 8d corner Couch. WANTED AGENTS TRY realty business; ground floor opening. Inquire 252 2d st. w - SrrUATnjNSj MALE 3 EX PERJENCKD' truck driver wants work; well acquainted with city, suburbs and county roads. Call after g p. m. rjast dszg. GARDENING, planting, spading, etc., SOcts per hour; tools furnished. Tabor 6666. AUTO truck driver, or helper In or out of town; steady and reliable; bank reference. H-324, Journal. MARRIED man wishes steady work with chance of. advancement. Phone riast ostp, Koom 31. MARRIED man wants position aa - Janitor; thoroughly experienced oil m ciiiaii. x-nvire mr.a m, iv. vrumiey, BOY, 17. wants work on farm. R-367, MAN wants garden work. C-2474. -Tinting. $a.50'a rwm, O Mara, E. it II WOMAN wants fcousework or- house keeping in city, with little girl. 126 K. 15th N. MIDDLE-AGED lady, - housebeeping for couple employed, or caro of chll , dren; no laundry. H-825. Journal. EXPERIENCED milliner would like i work doing her vacation, mornings I oriiiiernoons. u-iii, journal. ' WIDOW woman wants day work, wash- ing or cleaning. Main 4S85. WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 8407. DRESSMAKING 40 LADY wishes sewing, $1.25 per day. Main 7098. . FLRXISIIEI) ROOMS 0 H6tl HOTEL HOYT8!!"' Fireproof. Strictly modern. Newly decorated. 75c to $2.00. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. Strictly Modern. Unaer New Managnt. 12th and Stark gts. Marshall 8823 RYAN Hotel Annex, 26Vs Bth; brick, hot, cold Water every room, steam heat; transient. Opp. City Hall. M. 9375. AUDITORIUM. 208 8d, near Taylor Kms. 6oc day, $2 wk., $8 mo. up. Under new management. Main 8527. HOTEL OC1CLKY. Morrison, at lutn RATES 60c day up, weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and bath ONE 2 room suite with bath. Wa have the cleanest rooms in town. Free pnone. ratiaee Hotel, 446 Wash, st. ROOM and board in private family; home privileges. All outside rooms. vim oiumuia ei., cor, inn. LARGE room, one or two. plain Ger man cooking. 831 Montgomery. REDUCED rates. Free phones. 8trict ly clean. Palace hotel. 446 Wash. ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel. , $1.75 week and p. 456 Alder $1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur, rme.. central. The King. 809 Jef. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam heat, running water. 8S6 8d st ROOMS AND BOARD 16 ROOM and board tor nusiness girls, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. $3. SO week. 12 EX 7th st. if 473:. THE MANITOU. 261 13th. Homelike, steam heat: rood board reas. M. 2676. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 DEL MONTE. 20th and Morrison. Fur nished H. K. apts., light, heat, hot water and phone, $6 up. ' Mar. 4305. ROYCREST, 175 lfthj comfortable suites and single rooms. Complete ir riouaeKeepjns. K(i,UIL unfurnished H. K. rooms. 60S c. iay; low rent. East 1525 flam Anto Fr hath. hot. cold water HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7b FTOHZSKES AND OTf FTMIS SCXS9 PRIVATE FAMIXiY NICE H. K. rooms and location, $8 and $11; yard, walking distance; also basement rooms. 564 E. 6th st. Sell- LAD1 has nice home, wishes torent . jv. apartment to select party; very convenience; walking distance. en naisey st.. cor. J-iaraoee. TWO neatly furnished rooms for llgnt i family; all modern conveniences. 627 I T.' 1... -1 1 $lii, THiiEK nice, larga lower rooms, furnished complete; yard, walking "iniaiit; near snipyaras. ia jfcrter. nune pen. 1IU3. NICE H. K rooms at low rates- 38? Taylor. 2 AND 8-room housekeeping close in. Main 3539. suites, 1 AND 2 very nice large, modern H. K. rooms., rirst noow 4Z9 Man. 2 OR 3 clean, furnished H, K. rooms. 540 E. Stark St.. cor. 12th. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 Phone Mar. 4600 A-6101 MEIER FRANK'S RENTAL, BUREAU 7TH FLOOR, have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc, in all parts of the city. Avail yourself tn.ia.. FREE aervice. InformaUon cheerfully furnished. FOR RENT Who wants to rant a nice little 4 room house with a lot, about 65x150, 2 blocks from Kendall atation on elec. line, 7ct fare, for $5 per month, or will sell at a low price on very reasonable terms. Dandy place for garden, chickens and berries. John S. Beali, Woodlawn 3171. ROOMS. $9.60 Modern. 3 story house, full base ment, on paved street and carline, bearinr fruit tree. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM cottage, concrete basement. gas for cooking, electric lights, all in good order. 914 Milwaukee, next door to Holgate st. With water $11 per month. Call 614 Holgate st. PORTLAND Heights. rooms, fire place, good furnace, porch, beautiful ; view, especially desirable for summer. 25. Marsnail 5073. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished, modern five-room house; 1 block from car line. Call D-1446 or si i ii. 4stn at., nawtnorne car MODERN 6-room house, walking dis tance, east side. Phone East 1923. Rent reasonable. MODERN 5 -room house, 868 Cleveland ave. St. Johns and Williams ave. cars. Rent $12. 8-ROOM modern house, garage, roses. fruit. Portland Heights, $20. Main 7153. MODERN 5 and 7 room house with nice yard and garden. Woodlawn 1799. MODERN, clean 6 rtora cottage, close in, within two blocks of four car- Unea. Phone Woodlawn 639. $16.60,' SIX room bungalow, all like new Inside; walking distance. East Main, can at zn Meaical bldg STRICTLY modern corner cottage, 5 rooms, ioo juunu st., near steel bridge: rent 314. 5 ROOM cottage, 4 lots, garden, fruit and berries; near Southern Pacific enups. niuiw jijiufi foo. evenings. RENT 409 B. Broadway, good 6 room house, good yard, cheap rent, walk ing aiatance. FOR RENT 6 room house, garden and shop. $18. Tabor 5412. t ROOM house adapted for large fam ily or rooming nouse. umi Mar. 217. 6-ROOM cottage, 448 Union avenue north; $14. E:. 462. 6 ROOM house, garage. 47th st, near Hawthorne. $16. Hill. 419 Henry bdg. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT 6 room Swiss Chalet, furnished complete; double garag, walking distance, west side. Phone owner, A6894. ; FOR RENT. 6 rottm cottage, furnished' ! or unfurnished, " $25 ,or $18. 798 Aiuunoman ct. iast t837. PARTLY furnished 7 room house. $67 6th st. $20. Apply within or 869 11 f L UWI . s FURNISHED 6 room cottage, modern, i Sellwood car. 63 Ellis ave. Wdln. 1032. . APARTMENTS 43 FfRVTSHKD AND UNFURNISHED THE EAJt.LT ON, 3 room modern apts., $16 and $13. Union ave. and Russell St. Last 3766 THE LESONCH, 3 room fur. apartment. private duo ouu pnone, rent 2U. 186 North 22rsl. BANNER APTS 4S9 Clay: 2 room fur basement apt, modern, $8. Clarke apts., 2 rooms, fur., d is. beds, phone, lights, heat. $12 up. Mar. 6066. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod, 4, 6.C mi. apts Mar. 330, M. 7516. A-2676. ROSEN FELD, 14TH AND E. STARK. 8 and 4- rooms, private: phone, quiet. HADDON. HALL, 411 11TH ST 2. 9 .AND 4 ROOi? APTS: 'MAR.113. BEIAUTIFUL NEW IRVINGTON APARTMENTS Fa 13th and Thompson. All outside corner apts. 4 room unfurnished, with built-in cabinet kitchens; bedrooms with real beds; thoroughly modern; flower conservatories. 4 choice apart ments left. Mgr.. EL 4622. New Merlin -Apartments Corner Broadway and Grant st. Fine i!, '.room apts..-Just finished, beau tiful view, all outside rooms, strictly modern. Rent $20 to $32.60. Adjoin ing garages if wanted. Mar. 426. VILLA ST. CLARA. . Hth and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance, References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave.. bet. Mon-is'-.n & Belmont; new t A t rooms, completely fur. ; sol d brick bldg.; white enamel and ma hoannv finish: wnlklng distance. NORTHAMPION APTS.. 407 liAlZT W have three 3 room apts. and one 2 room. All outside rooms. In clean est condition. Ideal for newlyweds or small family." Reasonable. Main 4299. LUCILE COURT, - 228 N. 20th St. Phone Mshl. 2027. "Three and four all outside sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished, with large sunny sleeping porches. - 'MK SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance, at very reasonable rfriT: ngr or service. Main 2606 LUZERNE APTS. 3d and Hall, mod em unt ujujs., 4 rooms. lurnisnea, phone in. each apt.; $14 and up. Call NEW SSUU H1L.L, APARTM kNTS .1 room suites, Dest location and out look. All mod. cony's. Reasonable rates. Marshall 267. GUsan. near 23d St. NOKOMIS. 665 Marshall Modern a room furnished, private bath, dress- mg room ana pnone: I5 to $22.60, HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison. Furnished apartments $16 per month and up. NICE roomy apartment of 8 furnished rooms, steam neat, 10 minutes' walk to business center. 448 Clay st. THE ALCO. 387 E. Couch. Nicely fur- uiHnea t room apis., ciricuy moaern; reasonable, new management. E 2403. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Elegantly furnished 2-8-4 rooms, walk lng distance., reasonable. Marshall 983. MAGNOLIA APTS., E. id and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.50 per week up: aliening rooms. East 212. THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt. Homelike and clean, z, 3. 4 room apts. Sleeping THE ALAMO. 494. Market at. BricfcL modern 3 room. Summer rates. $10. . . TIL . W AAA. ' ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con- vfniences. Marshall 1793. F fa. N INSULA APIS. C-1170. Concrete mag., i ana a rooms: -dox. and cold water, hathw. phone, steam heat. $12 up. 8-46 ROOM FURNISHED APTS. THE DEZENDORF. 208 6th St.. near Taylor. Marsh 2316 HISLOP HALL. E.-th and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 and 3 rr;m apts., $12.60 np: walking distance. East 882 THE WBS'I'Ij'ALL, 3 room modern fur nished apt.. 6th and Hall sts. I"HE Ormonde, . mod., 4 room, front 656 Flanders; Nob Hill. Main 8251. FOR RENT FLATS 13 -BOOM flat, modern. 16 minutes' ride, 1185 Mllwaukle st.. $10. SEE these flats at 20 i aa r w, ,,lco ywo, no cniiaren. and 204 Me. Millan st 5 rooms, $1250; also 7 and 8 rooms. Main 3001, or East 419j FIVE room flat. 409 Yamhill st., op poslte city library. Tel. Main 2960. FURNISHED FLATS 50 USE of comfortably fur. 4-room flat to refined couple for taking care of my flat and two sohool girls during day time. Tabor 1523. 8-ROOM flat. bath. yard. 226 Va Cook, cor. Gantenbeln. 5 ROOM furnished flat, water and phone, $10. 29th and E Stark st. HOTELS 51 Palace 120 ROOMS FIREPROOF Hotel MODERN Cleanest Rooms In City. Reduced .'I 50c and Up. 446 Washington. Hotel Australia Two and -3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms. $1.75 per week and up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam heated, hot and cold water in every room. Only white help employed. 2034 1st., cor. Taylor. Main 4203. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or factory building' in South Portland for rent. Modern, 2 story brick structure, trackage; well lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood, 311 Journal bldg. BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring establishment; will give iong lease at reasonable rental. Apply K. W. Hagood, 311 Journal bldg, SEVERAL desirable offices and suites in Journal building. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. I A3 1 HE'S TALKING TO A STRANGER I-"--- . . off H5 cunrofe.- ixswwu' fH SUBJECT i Sour ( V0O & EVR rH0U6r lft,r 0 TO "TUB OC MAH'J A rrkiK.HCr V HSCE Except me- Ths j fiwr secw a i ccxh ccb plP I I s7 I .H -s ' ii 1 riU 71 W V W6k inin n asvfcwr r y T I TJjAxJI? ) i L T icrr APui IC I MAD Mt II fc CK building, barn or factory. East SPACE $2.60 month. East 4476. WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT tenant wants small fur nished house, bungalow or lower flat, with 4 or more rooms. Any part of the city desirable but must have room for flowers ana a small garden. Phone Marshall 1882 in a. m. or even ing. ' fclX or ? room steam heated flat or house, west side, by adults., good references, give details. R-340, Jour-. nkL WANTED Furnished bungalow, 6 or 6 rooms; must be in desirable loca- tlon and nicely furnished. Main 6887. WANTED to rent July and ''Tttrgust. fur. houm at Gearhart, fronting ocean. Marshall 88. YOUNG lady would like" furnished room In private family on Side. E. 283. E-288, Journal. West COUPLE, well fur. 3 or 4 room house or H. K. suite, near Williams ave, with good large garage. Wdln. 345ft HOKSKS. VEHICLES. ETC. IH FOR SALE 36 head of horses draft, logging, milk Baker wagons, 1 pair of mules. All stook guaranteed as represented or money refunded.. Farm wagons, harness, buggy. Columbia Stables. 802 Front st. Main 3030; A 8541. PHIL SUETTER. FOR SALE Team mares. 2800 lbs., and team of mares, 2200 lbs., wagon and harness, single and double. Will sell separate. At foot of Main at. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. $6 paid for cows, crip pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn 30, Portland Rendering Co FOR SALE, cheap, or trade for Ford. team of mules, wagon and harness; also bay mare, 7 years old. Kanno Grocery, 6th ave. eta,. Mt. Scott car. TEAM weighing 2800 lbs., good Plow team; will sell cheap. 546 Front st-, asic ror Jerry s team FOR SALE 20 good work horses, weighing from 1100 to 1300 lbs. Irv ington stables. E. 6th and Schuyler. GOOD saddle horse cheap. 1029 East Yamhill st. GOOD 1 ton wagon tor sale cheap Tabor 4647. HORSE and wagon, $1.25 day: 2 horses and wagon. $2 day. 646 Front. M. 2208. LIVESTOCK 35 Holstein Cows 16 head of big Holstein cows and heifers; 7 are just fresh, rest will freshen In 80 to 60 days; all are first class young cows and well bred. For particulars, isast 1611. arter p. m. JUST arrived from country with fresh 4 to 6 gals, dairy and family cows. Take dry and fat cows in exchange. 751 E. Ash. EXTRA fine young, well berd Jersey cow. Can use rood horse In ex- change. 1029 Bast Yamhill. BRED heifers and fresh cows for mares. Oliver Frost. .Oregon -City, Route 6. Box 88. GOOD small team and new harness, $90, or exchange for big horse or cattle. 1029 East Yamhill st. BIG, rough 3400-lb. team cheap, or will take driving rig or cattle In ex- change. 1029 East Yamhill st. IF YOU have any fat cattle, hogs, veal or sheep to sell, call Fast 290. SALE Jersevs. 5 head. good grade; all young. Phone Wdln. 2492. TWO cows for sale. Route 6, Oregon City. O. Anderson. FOR SALE 20 month heifer, Jersey. Sell. 3102. Mrs. Krell. after 7 o'clocc. FOR SALE: 30 Holstein heifers, terms. Bruce. Stock Yards. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND i7 PET STOCK WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from Vl.n r .. 1 . it n HTnnnnl.&l .Inn r C 2 per 100, for April. May and June. Safe 'delivery- ' guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. R. . RED eggs from Elliot Barron, bred to lay; prize winning stock, $1.50 for 15. Deep rich red stock. Magulre, 787 Oregon st. East 1805. WILD game eggs by mall. Golden, Sil ver, China pheasant and wild mal lard duck; cheap. S. M, Balterson, Mohler. Oregon. THOROUGHBRED Ughl Brahmas. Setting $1.50. 2121 E. Mill st. Ta bor 338. BARRED ROCK eggs from extra fine heavy laying farm raised stock, 15 for $1. East 1805. 787 Oregon st. FOR SALE 6 setting hens. Phone East 1194. 176 Russell st. F. C. Nulbrown. FOR SALE 11 thoroughbred W. Wy andotte laying hena, 20c per ib.; aiso wyanaotte rooster, wain, szas SALE Hen and brood. Eggs for set ting, $1.26. All thoroughbred Wyan dotte, white. Wdln. 1062. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandofte rooster. I1 years old, $3. Tabor rs8. FOR SALE, thoroughbred White Ply mouth R.. 11 hens, 1 rooster, $15. Marshal 6035. THOROUGHBRED baby Leghorns and eggs for hatching, 15 for $1.00. Phone Woodlawn 4344. D. M. Holbrook. SETTING nens, gon st. East 1SGS. 787 Ore- BARRED ROCK hatching eggs, low rices incubator lots'. Wdln. 2397. INCUBATOR. Rhode Island Reds, eggs, ror painting. Tabor 1692. HEAVY laying Leghorn young hens, 90c each. East llOa. 787 Oregon at. EGGS from Hoganized White Leghorns ti ror is. Fine layers. 787 Oregon st. FLEMISH Giants for sale. Tabor 6422 foOGS. RIRDS PETS. ETC. 4 fl WANT an Airedale, will pay no fancy price. Address C. D. Cummins. 44 E. 76th st. N. WANTED Two good singers, also fe males. yellow preferred. Wdln. 2871 FOR, SALE St, Bernard dog. Phone Main 8981. AUTO 1 GONNA ASK HfM B0m aroUAWD WHEM V UlHOtE UCEK Off AbOVt SATLp DAY 'ERNOOA uc. MEAJTfOAjS BCU.T...Low''..U""l OUR HOME OFFICE HAS INSTRUCTED US TO SELL EVERT CAR WE HAVE REGARDLESS OF PRICE. WE HAVE J - 20 TO SELECT FROM. CALL AT ONCE AND MAKE , YOUR SELECTION. THE WINTON COMPANY. 23d AND WAS H IN GT ON STS. .. REAL BARGAINS CHALMERS BUG. the classiest one In town . ,$450 BUICK TOURING, model B-25. electric lights and starter, fin est condition 456 1914 STUDEBAKER FOUR tour ing, electric lights and start er . 395 1913 OVERLAND roadster, like . new, electric lights 296 1918 OVERLAND touring, like new. tires practically new 275 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, East 1199. - Home B-1166. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1914 Ford touring. ..$295 295 260 : ii3 -ora touring 200 1914 Ford touring...... 250 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. Authorized Ford Agent. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 1199. Home B-1166. BUICK. 1-ton truck..... $40? CHEVROLET delivery 275 ABBOTT-DETROIT touring 800 OAKLAND roadster 230 MAXWELL, 1916. touring, like new 456 MAXWELL touring 17S FORD touring 275 W. H. WALLINGFORD. Authorized Ford Agent. Main 1100. 16th and AlJer rta Garages $30 Up. Bee Samples, 644 Hood St. Phone Main 1167. Milimade Construction Co, NEW TIRES. What brand of new tire do you preferT We have them. Also we make tho famous O-V-C Double Tread .(sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 833-335 Burn slde. near Broadway. THAYER, SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $360 14 Ton. $400 S Ton, $460 Capacity BUILDERS OF EVERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS. Mfg. In Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437. GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $27.60 TO $70.00. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CON NELL LUMBER CO., BROADWAY 149. 854 ANKENY ST. BUYING AND SELLING HEMPHILL'S USED CAR CENTER, 127 Lownsdale, cor. 16th and Wash. Phones: Main 3643. A-2446. LAHER' Mfg. & Repairs, 8000 guarat'd springs In stock, prices reduced. 84 N. 15th st. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co Jlat and Washington. Main 6244. TWO ton Re truck, equipped with power hoist, 2 yard dumpbox. freight bed with top and sides, suitable for hauling anything. Owner going east. Must sacrifice. Call East 1676. FOR SALE International 1500-lb. truck; thoroughly overhauled and in first-class condition; price $75. 741 Alberta st. Woodlawn 1441. MITCHELL BIX, 1916. 7-pass.. a fine car at a low price. Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Wash ington. , WE- WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ex.. 129-31 Lownsdale. Main 1141. immffnc Vi. "'v ,rifl.V: wnee.s. and sell their" r,. 1,"' ur i.i ' 1 17 -.. 'f. "'""n v-o-. iortn uroaqway. FORD ROADSTER. $295; terms. Broadway garage, East 24th and Broadway. CHEVROLET. 1916, Baby grand model, $525. Covey Mo tor,Car Co., 21st and Washington: ... uji ku nuowa ili touring car. good running condition Make me an offer. Call Eact 1676. MUST sell my Ford touring car; used - t?lr Jor "rlvmt use; good as new Tabor 7749. WANTED At once, steel panel de livery top for Ford. Address G. C. -mna. niiigooro. vjr. STUDEBAKER. 1916. Lioht . ' x,2!SwAir4 tt P ft Al-CoVey "vt"i L"r w. fcint anu rv cLjsnington. WILL sacrifice my Buiek roadster. going east. Must sell. $150 takes It not M-azi, journal. i $75iT, 1916-Model player piano to trade ! lor satisiactory automobile. Schwan , Piano Co., Ill 4th St.. at Wash st WANTED A rwi.t.M. -ft...... , , " . . fc n i ic null be reasonable. C-1686. or VVdln. 261. 1917 MAXWELL for sale cheap. B-475T Journal. DE BECK AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES . GRANT SIX. In lst-class condition; a bargain at 8600. Covey Motor Car Co, 21st and Washington. ' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE pay highest cash price for late model used cars. Call us up. .A. M. FERGUSON CO.. 614 Alder t. Mala 8916. SPOT cash for late model used cars. Broadway Garage. East 24 th and Broadway. East 8666. OUT of town lot to trade for autoT .value up to $200. Phone Sellwood 1286. frvenT enmi ill- $600 WEGriAN nlayer piano with large assortment of muslo rolls for auto moblle same value. 108 E. 46th st. f AUTOS FOR HIRE 5a -LOOK HERE. New Ford for hire. Columbia high way, $6 round trip, 4 persons; $1 per - I ,roilnq town- Marshall 839T. AUTOS without driver, for hire. City . garage. 84 10th st. Mar. 1897. A-4246. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLKS l WRITE for Bulletin 140. giving lut of 30 used motorcycles, all In good running condition. We will ship to on approval. No obligations. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., 209 4th st. Harley-Davtdson service cen ter. Largest dealer in the state !l13 TWIN Excelsior. in A-l shape, 260 Hamilton -ueieiy equippeu. ave. LAUNCHES AND BOATS fl4 FOR SALE 18 ft. eklff. cheap. Phone East 6216, evenings. T DANIELSON. boat builder, foot of Nebraska, Repairing and painting- PIANOS OHGAAb AM MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used pianos, $35 $95. $145, $190 up New 1916 models. $195. 3235. 826V 1il2 u"a Plyr Pianos. $290. o. tso, . New 1918 model play er pianos, $4-35. $466. $495. $635; $5 or 810 cash. $6 or more monthly; no ln terest. Ill 4thst.. at Washington. Vern L.Wenger The 2d Hand Talking Machine Man. All Makes of Machines and Records. b.aral" Prices, easy terms. 142 ft 2d. Main 7244. . $65 AND 2100 CASH buys $860 Emerson and $500 Weber uprigni pianos tomorrow. . $10. $15 AND $35 CASH buys $76 Standard l5n wtm rn. tage and $160 Eaey parlor organs, at pt:unty storage I'O., 109 4tn st. biurage sacrifice; $500 mahogany Ldlate cash. Security Storage Co., 109 (4th st., at Washington. ' ALt uiornuii unriBfir Tfv x i k s t m m HIGHEST cash price paid for used id- anos. Or will trade ur tn Ht talk- lng machine and allow full value. Har old 8. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st. FAMILY inuTt sell- $425 Smith & ..i1"1?" manogany upright piano for $100, Immediate cash. See at Security oiorasii o. iu m st., at Washington. VlCTROLA and records, used very Ht tie, need money Total value $90 For quick sale, $67.50. 1029 East 28th t., rxortn. PHONOGRAPH and recordi sold and exchanged. Hall day. 126 1st. Main 7098-. i bought, & Cassl- COLUMBIA grafonola. latest model. ana recoras, zor plumbing. Sell wooa Da $65 CASH tomorrow buys J. P. Hale uprigni piano, security Storage Co 109 4th st. I CAN PAY MORE for your Victrola, uraionoia, ,aison uisc or recoras. Vern L. Wenger, 142Mi 2d. Main 7244, EDISON phonograph with 25 records cneap. raoor 31 Z4. SMITH & BARNES piano, first class conoition; Bargain. Fhone East J40S TYPEWRITERS 11 NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rent als applying topurrhase. Visible mod els. $3 per month, $7.60 for 8 months utner models less. Remington Type writer Company, 86 Broadway. ' Tele- WE SAVE you from 50 to 75 on all ...makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder. Retail department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington st REBUILT typewriter. suppUee. Coro. na dealers. E. W. Pease Co..-110 6th. ALL makes typewriters rented and re palred. Royal T. W. Agency. 262 Stark. HOUSEHOLD OI)S f SALE 65 HALLET & DAVIS player in perfect condition, must be so hi this week. Tabor 1429. C-1212. FOR BARGAINS in used house fur- " "L". Vll. OU.r .MchMg.Japt nros E Morrison st.. at E. 34. FOR SALE Going away, dining room set, table, stove, dresser, dishes, typewriter-, etc. Tabor 6412. CHEAPER THAN AUCTION. Furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves Hall & Casslday, 126 1st st Main 70;M, FOB HALE M I SC ELLA N EO t S I 9 rOR SALE Brand new carom andi pocaet tuiuard tables-wlth complete outfit. $150isecond hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies: easy payments. Cigar store fixtures. Send for catalogue.- The B R U N S W ICK-BA LKE-COLLENDER Co.. 46-48 6th. Portland. Or. ALL machines sold for less. Renting $2 per month. No agents em ployed. Sewing machine Emporium. 190 8d. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-3S24. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type wrlters" arid "Household Goods" are separate classifications. - All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective clarifications. LOOK THEM OVER Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde. cor. 1 -TEN drophca. sewing machines with attachments, good condition, hewing machines rented at $2 per I"Cnh. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. near Blmont VACUUM CLEANERS $2 to $200 each. We sell, rent, exchange or buy. EXPERT REPAIRS DnnlUtr. A all Bentley Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 8582. A U T O M O S 1 LES. MOTORCYCLE:. launches or boa's are separate class! flcatlons. A largo listing can be found ! under these different classifications. ! VACUUM cleaners. $8. guar. 6 years. Phone for demonstration; all makes repaired, rented exrhangd. Jun, j Mfg. Co.. ?0l Hwetlsnd btdg. Mar. 60. DOUBLE spindle shaper, famous Dado saw table. 12 in. jointer, 5 H. P. D. C. rnqtor. All fine ahape. Tabor 1014. KNITTING machine, almost new. $U, Bllck typewriter and case. $10, or trade. R-841. Journal. VAYNE gasoline pumps for filling .,;tar,0",-"d Kfaare. E. H. Rueppe'l. 473 Washington st. Main 160. 100 BOND letter heads, $1.90; loo'l. ,.J-80; 600 envelopes, $1.90; 1009, 92.90. Smith, printers. 204 Stark n. WIRE fencing for sale or trade. Call Woodlawn 3265. FARM tractor, new, cheap.Main 1344. uwntr, una nooa st PLUMBINi supples, wholesale prices Stark Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. ELKCTRIC range; good as new; cost $86. Price $4Q. 837 E. Franklin. POTATOES for saleT Sellwood 29 9 H r,., -, njswAP rotUMt a WOMAN wants Guernsey. Jersey or grade fresh cow In good condition. WUl give old-style high grade piano in good condition, rosewood case, steel sounding board;' will not become tin- STOCK in placer mine in Idaho, devel- opedr; investigate thin; cash or trade: small car preferrxl. E-?64 Journal. OREGON CITY lots for Job prinUni outfit T-317, Journal. FIRST class sanitary couch to trade i 17 - FUTtXTTURB WANTED 1 PHONE East J81 whert- you wsnTt I seU your furniture. We come, at one! and pay you cash. M. R. Beater, 310 Hawthorne ave corner of Union, MUST ret stock of used furniture ai ones. W1U pay HIGHEST PRICE for anything you have. Marshall 3865. WE pay highest cash' prices for usea lurnienings. f.ast z, B-I944. AX; cash or trade v on new. M. H. Calef. 640 Williams ave. East 6417. WANTED An Axmlnster rug. slse nl. Call Main 2695. WAN 'I Kit Mlx MUM-.u s THE LEVIN Hardware A Furniture Co., dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hardware. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Four large stores are - ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need In home or elsewhere. 224 Front Main 9078. A-7174. ! SQUARE DEAL - . Williams, the tailor, pays positively 82.60 to $10 for gentlemen's discarded clothing, shoes, trunks, valises, etc jrnone Main 7SSP,- A-3349. I4 11th. SECOND-HAND CLOTHlNGWANTEll. J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS !L?AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND uwi-Hiwo. MAR. 1231. 129 MADISON. 812 L, SHANK CO. poVetSi Front. Li Olinim jJ, Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers Write for prices ana snipping tags. Main 1699. Want; Household Furniture; Will nav cash. Phone Main 3332. WANT all kinds FRUIT JARS, tents, garden tools, stoves,- sewing ma chines, bicycle and everything. Mala 4495. 123 1st. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., $90 E, Morrison st. Phone East 2238. to the Houaawivia. - Positively pay highest prices for y ama ox junits wiu cau Wlin tax chine. Marshall 8865. LOOK. ' . We pay highest prices) for your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, rangMi, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. East 684. KODAKS: I buy, sell, rent and ex- change Kodaks, lenses, shutters. See Bandy first, Sandy's Kodak shop. 823 Washington, next Sunset theatre. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices iw nouseooia gooas. rrompi attention. East 6707. N. M. Seeter. 143 Rui ell St. WILL you furnish the seed for one or . more acres beans or potatoes on scares T I have the ground. 11-321, Journal. . GOING EAST? Household aoXf shipped at red. rates. Pao. coast rwq-g uo., zoi wnew bid. Mar. 2467, WANTED to buy 1000 cords 4 foot - cord wood. Money advanced. A-47Z, Journal. WILL, pay $l-$20 for old false teeth sets, crowns, bridges bought; bring or mall. Q. Randolph, 1218 Yeon bldg. WE buy old clothing, shoes, furniture; also junk; highest prices paid. UN, 2d. Broadway 2482. . WILL pay highest price for furniture. mr iTavh and office futures. Main 7714 WANTED Rifles, shotguns, kodaks cameras leasee, Jiocmieia. e& m Main 8681. WANTED A good 2d hand wickp baby buggy. East 6199. HIGHEST cash orice naid for furni. ture and gen, mdse. Slmmonds, E. 6663 HIGHEST cash price paid for furni ture. Call A. B. P.. Marshall 4783. CASH paid for good second-hand fur niture. 191 2d st. Main 8961. PAYS highest price for 2d band cloth. ing, toots, etc 278 Front. Main 43 - Rldgeffeld, Wash. - - - . TOOLS wanted. 128 1st. .Main 4495." LOST ANI FOUyP gl THE following articles were found on' car, of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.. AprU S and 24 191T: Four lunch boxes,' 6 umbrellas. 2 tie clasp. 1 ouff link. 4 books. 10 grips. 9 packages, 1 thermos bottle. 1 letter. 1 handbag. 1 spectacle case, 1 pair gloves, 1 pair rubbers. 1 overcoat, 6 purses, 2 gloves. 1 package seeds, 1 suitcase, 1 can oil, 1 basket, Fkey, 1 pipe, 1 bar. I weed cutter. 1 veil, I cap. I coat, 1 bundle plants. 1 pair shoes, 1 hat rack. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder sts. station ! GOLD handled parasol, left on bench. . cor. - Union and Alberta. Finder kindly phone owner. Wdln. 4768. Be ward. LOST Female pit terrier, brlndle with white breast: reward. Notify Rose City Shining parlor. 231 Alder st; Phone A-27S6. PERSONAL 22 GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same service and Quality you pay double the monev Iwhr- rnrrlv fitted glasses as low as $1.60. Thou sands of satisfied customers. Chas. W. tjooq man, optometrist. 209 Morrison s. GERMAN trained nurse and masseus gives treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and baths; lady assistant. 810 Park st. -Marshall 5033. Hours 9:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. Open Sundays. ' - . REV. MRS.. J. C. "SCHORI1 teaches truth; circles Sun.. Tus.,x Thyrs., 8 p. m. Readings dally, ilillth t cor. Salmon. Main 7920. - ELECTRIC treatments for. poor clrcu lation. rheumatism. ' lumbago, face and scalp; salt baths. 421 Clay st Main 8859. j : . . -, , SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. 3L Price." Circles Tues.. 2. 8 p. m.; Bunt, 8 p. m Reading dally. 392 Clay. Mar. 3960. LOUIS Lit. scientific hand reader. Goodnough bldg., room 419, 6th and Ylamhlll. Will repair, your watch no -V U Will matter how1 bad It brolum. REINGOLD'P. .rwr. 124 Fifth st DR. V. O. KETCHUM Women's mal: dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th and Wash. Rm. 441. Mar. 446. VIBRATORY massage, face and scarp treatments, 386 Washington, room 66. Marshall 4727. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1762. ' SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. La Mar. 285 6th st. cor. .Main, teaches palm and card tea din si daily. Phone A-S94S. SHAMPOOING and electric scalo treat ment. 162 W. Park, room 80. WANTED Baby boy for adoption, un- der 1 year.. ooniawn Z874. - ' - ALMA 8. JOHNSON. Wash, hotel tiwvor Consultation FREE. Main LaVYVer 4993. 613 Belling bldg. NOTICES 2 N01'ICF--I a- dlToreed troe mf former wlf.. EIU K. Campbell, and save so eoeneettoe teter wlta feer roomiag beose saslnn at 822Vt Stark st, and will sot be rtepoaalble fr or credit aor Mile OMttractea by fcer. H. U Csmpbelt v i'KOPUHALS iXjll BOATa, OKI tto Uon tm boats. Infer-matfam upon appileatlam. ' TRANSPORTATION -TWIN PALACES rertlaa te lu yusatsas H. fliTirtf JACIYIO. April 2a, Utr 1. ft, 10, 16 19 24. Callfonds Staamar kxpra kavce f-60 a. av fit 64. 612.60. 916. it, $.oa ww. s. n aiaiia as Astoria. Vartaaaak, ta sad Stars Ttcm omexs ywnBww, r i muw Ma rre ftcune. Cat Seated promeale wiu be rMrM acre nstUJ 11 o'clock A. U, May 16, U1T, for troctlral and iB ring tram I in aistni . r3 jc; M a4 Marrtaoa M. g, X,. Waaa.re... . 11 U. Barhsftoa Br. ' for taby crib. . H-326. Journal. i