THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 22, 1917. WAaVTEIWRKAL ESTATE 31 . IB -you want to aell your home, see a - Selling and building homes our spe cialty, i ' The Oregon Home Builders 1880 Northwestern Bank bldg.; BUSINESS OPPOHTUNITIES SO tContianodJ FOB SALE By owner, - shooting gal lery in Pendleton, Oregon, the cele brated "Bound-Up" town. Splendid chance to make big money.-. Good lo cation, Main street. Plenty of. tpac lur.tiKr mux iruu giana. item caeap. AT leant 7 room strictly modern, 1 d- ong .case. Owner unable to live in room, first floor. Prefer on carUne. Pendleton, therefore bum sell, price Have clear lots, ome cash, assume $275 casil or time on good Becurity, mall amount. VVant home, no aucy . lncluIt5l, rent paid to May 7. Act pries considered. R-336, Journals ; qUiCiily. Address P. O. Box 895. Port VY1LL buy cash Ior a big sacrifice in land, Oregon, or phone Marshall 2006 9.urainu.rtii, iou uivo lot nsinrer any time, and pric in first letter. R-360,..Jour-, 50a CASH, if sold in next 3 or 4 day.. "alt - , ' ,' . going east, high class confectionery MuKfiitN ilOUSB WAKTED, J ROOM8 and luncheon: season Just coming on Must be a bargain, in restricted dis- to make money. - Full ' equipment for trlct; can make good cash payment, making all kinda Of candles. Well es . Nellan & Pa'rkhill, 803 Stock Ex. bldg. tablighed. centrally located; Ion? lease ' bid. Marshall 244. hee TOe from 8. l? 10, T LBJL ; V.m i . .... k...,1 ; . lot STi ! riNAMfAt, IVSTRrTTOR. ' lorWHldn'rporato limit', of the "THE PAPKit WITH aTI'OUCT." citv FreTi V cprinan Co 72 Cham- , Jt contains investment news of all br of CominVrcr ' llnes of industry, it bus an investors' w ; t-ommrc-, j r aid, department which gives real eerv- WANT X-rooui strictly modem bunga- ice low, about $.000. for dear lot and ; ' mm? SAMPLE COPY- cash; preferably Hawthorne district, t upon request. Financial Instructor, 64 Powell fit or Sell. 890.' WANTKD Lot in Irvlngton Park; muM, ho cheap; state price and lo cation. R-33 1. Journal 1609 North American bldg.. Chicago, liVLNiSS OPPORTUNITIES .o -(Coaaauadji' - HIGH class clothing, shoes and men's furnishing store; town of 6000 popu lation; good farming and railroad cen ter, southern uregoa; a town; in voice about $9000 ; one-third cash, bal ance eaay monthly payments doing a business of $30,000 yearly. Grand op portunity for a little cash to the right man to go into a' business of years' standing; rent only $60 monthly; good building. See or addreas L. L, Blu menthai at J. L. Haxtman Company, Portland, Or. ' Grocery Bargain Located heart of business district, large oorn&B, new, clean stock, cheap rent with Liviiur rooms: well worth $700: on account sickness will give away for $325; terms. .Peters, lo N. 5th St. Ssiap in Grocery Doina- 125: Al stock, good fixtures: owner going away; must sell; Invoice $1400; $1000 takes it. Quigiey, 203 Wilcox bide. SLj-j me Tor a eood investment, safe. money secured, employment If you wish. E. K. Miller, 43U Worcester oia RAKE OPPORTUNITY Good clean cash grocery business new stock, fixtures of tha best, no de- V A N'T til 6-iuom house, some fruit, r .ivory, oia established business, popu prlce $1500 for client with $200 lar comer, excellent property., living cash, 1ml. monthly. Phone East D823. rooms. unencumbered: have other . c-;.n..vt-r--5!' property; wish ta retire; terms; no lYw Yii iwn. No agenu. F-lT- a"' " ageD,ts- B-531- JoUrnal Journal. " WANT B rrnm bungalow, good -cas ' payment, balance monthly. Owners tin:?., juui-iiai,: '..u.a. n W AXTfcli bitiall house. dr of debt, on hirvA h,in far acreage and cash. CIS) Worcester quired, rail room 436 Pittotk block. ril A t -' - 1 - - ..I., .. . i -, .... i, i , , r-r- : , NfcJW brick building. Kblso. W'ash 50x WANT lot or ; more. with nvamt snacK 6U: u,st complated; one story and on iw ni im rem. nie tui-aiiuii iu , rnfzzanliie floor, full basement; suit- rrirB, ffl'h.tTtns. Y-341. .Journal. able for any kmd ot business; long WE have . several parties waiting for lease and reasonable rent to respon- rlr,st'-lp arr-;igf- 010 Iokum bld. . siulu pei-son. Apply C. A. Hancock, RTAKDAl;!) AHSTRAPT (.. W. r. Kelso. Wash. WANTED 6 WANTED TO RENT- Furnished hotel or apartment house, 40 or more rooms, first class, to date. respectable, centrally located, west iaier on n am suiieu. JournaL side; might buy lat No agents. O-a&s, HKI.P WAKTED MALE (Continued) A LARGE EASTERN CORPOR ATION, lXINO A $20,000, 000 BUSINXSiS ANNUALLy, REQUIUEH THE BER VICES OF SEVERAL IIIGH GRADE 'DISTRICT SALEiiMEN FOR DEALER ORGANIZATION WORK. IF -YOU CAN MEA SURE UP TO HIGH STAN1 ARD, CALL AT 2 I1ROAU- ,VA -ANJ& ASK FOR ilft DOWNE3 SVtfcKbif can aavance. exclusive ter ritory, free outfit, selling guaran teed fruit trees and ornamental siouk In Oregon and . Wasclngton. - Exper ience unnecessary, free selling in struction Elderly men just aa suc cessful a younger men wicn us. A big line and a els company mane your suc cess sure. Washington Nursery Com ranv. Toppenish, Wasn. i WANT to gtt plowed 100 acres at Willmana. This is an old farm and easy plowing; will pay $2.&0 per acre for plowing and dragging; want il plowed quick, equivaicut to 4 plows; can furnish 1 plow and 1 drag; have house for man ' and barn room for horses. Call .Marshall 12 a 6, or Broad way 782. ULP WANTKD U1SC, tOoaAJjaua Get Well FREE. 49 r HLH WA.YTKD FEMALE 2 (Oounn4) ) WANTED At once, a housekeeper for i a widower on small rase b near city. i rtot much work, one to work tor re- fmm lii .' m. to 4 D. m. , Pctable place. A good home for the and Friday from 1 to p. m. i g "".rrom 19-.h. ' , A i 3- THOUSAND8 OF SUFFERERS WHO 1 WANTED A middle aged lady to do HAVE FAILED I housework for two; no children. To get relief in any way ar invited mall wage, and rood home for right to attend these clinics in our U clinic v?"- - hall. ; 7'tn at. . j WOMAN to do kitchen c leaning. Come THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC Will examine and diagnose your case ! live within walking distance of 23d and direct your treatment- 1 and HoytL $30 and board. Campbell FREE TO ALL.- ' notei. CHIROPRACTIC la the safe, sane, sure, and modern science of curing and preventing diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes tha cause, health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassaio at., at 7th, east aide. Pnone East HLLI WANTED MALE AND STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teieg- saieamanstiip, bagllin faphy. branches, at an accredited school. I Write or phone Main 90 for cata- t. c: ,. ... j ii : iosue: crauuaiea suaranieeu oobiliodb. u"CTtur ut uff"' ! Behnkerwaiucr Business CoQege, 1J liWM, PROFIT IN FLAtx tfiiCKERii. 4th st . near Morrison SITUATION'S FEMALE ( Oosuam) llOtSKKEEm'G KOOMS 8 rmurxszuu in - vidkksxzi STENOGRAPHER, prijrata aecreftary I - .--- and of I tea woman 01 orosu 1 1 vi- io tv r.civ -vr ampwwy nee. would like-' poeitioa wmBuc"- nisnea it. k. rooms, awsoiuieiy ciean, surat with her ability; havo . just hot water and bath, free at all hours; com to Portland; boat reference"1 large bay ' window suite, $8.60 3 alo from termor homo city; bo glad t lodging rooms , $1.50 week up. Deslr eiv peisonal Interview. R-333. Jour- abU -people nly. Save ir lore. THE Sal. ' -' CADILLAC, 3d. near Jefferson. -. MANUSCRIPTS and theses typewrit- TWO s furnUbed oonnectiag front ten in English. German, Latin. Ex- rooms, beautiful, sew, electric lights, pert proof reading in same languages, boat.' piiono and bath furnished, rear Work guaranteed. Tabor $683, 1 steel bridge, reasonable. 1&3 iiouaaay ti- 1 V'Tfrv x .UJL vLa 1atw wit rlave. PhoHe East 7741. son, employed, caro of apartment! STEPHENSON CT- 6lt MILL 1 . ' hriu for rent of aDgrtmtnL - R-33ol One 2-room furnished and 3-room ' Journal. I unfurnished If. K, suites. Freo phoao Alain i and water. Walking distance. itVc-rS-ilAKiNU ' AO 16110. DRESSMAKINo" aiteraUona. remodel- j BEAUTIFUL housfkeepluc suites and in: reasonable: ruaranteo satbsfac-4 -ainglo rooms., oloao in and very 213 W. Park. Mala reasonable. Call Ad be convinced. - inn vi. m. .viarsnaii . .-. CataT tton; reference. C827. DRESSMAKING or plain sewing for I FURNISHED H. K. buiu; alow Tabor S94. fixtures, some wiring. 1 v.v A . x 1 u. KiHuM v -Til ii 1 1 1 1 1 wnrK 1 11 1 11-. 1 ... : ........ . . i . . . I ; . . -' ... I WAWTN ijoniract to cut. luinut-i v Liirut -wav r a il f n hii$tins a nnrlnpr- nwnor v II r , , , rt I surest .way n 4r-u- - " . . -,.r.r " : ".. "i; Ues Dy tne mousana; uv ju-ai, Mondlv s . iTi" l".ew ""V mill, also planer. H. T. Gsannla. Or- ineton. j nast:" ujiu cb 1 SHORTAGE of draftsmn exists in machine1 shops, -ship yards and gov ernment service. Qualify now for good position, rapid advancement, big sal ary. The International Correspond ence Schools offer easiest, shortest. to success. Call or phone m. to it p. m., 34aVaVash- a partner to depending L ; small Investment re-1 200, - ACRJ1.& VMri A 1 1- .w LI U1 M aar a 1. 1 uil uii as? 6 ni Auanv ite Salmon land, with ambitious man who reads this ad to opportunity to make money. We have tne goods, pay . : l . l 1 .. M''bl I w liy Aii . 44 I weekly. The opuortumtv is yours. Cat- HK.AIj ESlAJiij I ital CUv Nurserv Company. Salem, or. .timber and modern fine home. Want writ u jjere ig mdse. stock. K-465. Journal, maka monev Wei iin v Miiint urirl p.uh lit iin rliktin spirit, iiu.uou stickers tsot packages or. PM U;KLl toV&MxffitM BJ.J)(LH P it? uw eacu; lor only 10. fcamVio lot 01 Teachs men and woman in we. OU0 SllcaelS tit) envelopes Of lU'J , ir,., .rhnl.r.hln unA tiw.1- tacli) lor only $1 For use on letters, while learning, Sena tor froo car packages, cards, bills, circulars, etc jJ,ue.i Second and Burnsido. toiick and stay. Red. white ana blue s ; - . , 1- lii inch tlag. itoney back H not ,li1rML",f'rr, satisiieu. x-urgst exclusive gum men z 7 .,1 i" .. TT n , " label plant in world. Doubl. your .kj.; too . free: paid vteU . le- pbia. Pa. . j '-aiii uiiin i hunl.r barber Scbool VE have- taken over th distribution . ,XJr Zl.?. VZZ tor the Pacific slope states of the . ??X"VrZ r.Vr.T7a' automobile accessory, which every au- , tomoulle owner needs, we are now ai-' loiiug exclusive territory. If you de- i sire come 7tlr "t. ,L v? ., 1 , i- rtu3t lar priced household necesaities. The Zt7L ,-r ' . . . 1 7, L -2 ii 1 .1". greatest line on. earth. Make $10 a day Hsizllp Co.. 105 Hto.k Kx. M. 6774. j ALASKA P-ETRDLKIi'M "fc COAL CO. 1 will buy and pay 15 cents per IMKXMING HOLSKH 24 Rooms, Rent $20 Close to courtjiouse, all on one floor, clty. TwrM-RT- in loan on farms ami business I WANTED Experienced and Inexpert blocks in following counties; aiuu-i encea salesmen. iuueru liros., nomah, Washington, Yamhill, Clacka-1 and Morrison streets. -,' share spot cash for any part of 5000 mas. Hood River. Wasco, Klickitat. i !,-, re. r.r a ijeiio uci r..un.. a. poi I Skamania. Clai'Ko; reabonaoie rated. stock. If you want the money, com- ipnn iei"i, vrviuyi. wa f"-1 INCREASING shipping crews, want mim KdlA tt; 1 1 V, m. -t nnA I n llnv UI&LlitCl tWUPOIllCB 1VT -fcCl.-. .rl..,inail m - tallvmAn r rav on1 i-roperiy nmucio uo.u w " v" I ! car loaders on contract; also 2 ex county. Write us. Hood River Ab- perienced men for small trimmer. Can I use 2 extra lumber Dllers on rood nay- lnR contract basis. Apply West Ore gon tjumber Co., unnton. ur, 2-rooms pay th! rent; you ean't lose; 1 GEN. mdse store; $6000 stock; $35,000 stract & Inv always full; price for all $295; terms. I per year business; established; Cur-I Peters, 15 N. 5th st. ry county. 1 BOOMING hous.) fo sale." 31. rooms. Oamy factory, established, wholesale part h.iusekefplng, doing a fair busi- an,Q retail trade; flno chance; -t.00 hese. The owner is Inexperienced in takes It; bis sacrifice, the rooming but lness. bi he has -has. tlngler & Co.. 228 Henry bldg. oth-er busin. s.s to attend to. PrU-o $30tf. CASH grocery for sale; stock and fix 175 wilt handle it. 107 VVf-st Park st. tures about $700; .best location in ROOMING iiousfe for -sale A hargain, J Portland; doing $760 per mo. and bet . 9 lureo well furnished rooms up- ter; excellent opportunity for anyone stairs, throe stores, good location, also ; w ith money to enlarge stock; books 8 room- apartment house. Owner, 737 ; kppt; will not sacrifice; call 635 Wsl mT Rpnd Or. i Wash.. St.. bet. 1 and 3 p. m. - MtK installment Plan is the best and j WANTED Men with autos to sell the 1AICK me an offer for 18 rooms. : THE People s Waving and Lioan com hounelc .-fcpinic: walking distance; ' pany, Savannah. Ga., issues certlfl ood inoiify maker. East 6113. East cates of deposit, secured by first mort- 33 0. surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 3G mouths, or 121.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABl.K SAVGS, & LOAN ASSN. Z4Z t, k si., roruanu, ur, Anticarbon Gas iSaver and other au tomobile accessories; exclusive terri tory to the right men. Write for par ticulars. Pacific Auto Accessory to., 604 Journal bldg., Portland, or. Rooming Houses AH Sizes s.nd prices. See my list. tt. A. HALT., 513 "Panama bldg. Slu.'vtir TO LOAil. On Improved real estate or for bullJ- gaiee on Savannah real estate. They I tng purposes; very uexibia tonirc, bfcar six per cent interest annually,! bo commistions. which l3viemitted Quarterly. C. H. COLUMBIA 1.IF-F. tkujst t;u. lKirsett nr-sident 20: fctevns Bldg. R,LiAiiLE men in all pans of Ore gon and Was n in st on to sell our Old Line Health and Accident policies. Call or write I. O. Cunningham, man ager Pacific Northwest, tsar fNiorth western BUfiK bldif., Portland, or. WANTED Competent bookkeeper and office manager for lumber sawmill; permanent position; out of town. Must be thoroughly experienced ana com- pentent. J-3i9, Journal. "Rooming and Apt, Houses FOR TRADE . Several sizes 602 Couch bldg. : WANT a reliable man to take charge BUILDING loans on city u suburban WANTED Musician, picture theatre, i of th offiop ho eashipr Ptn in n I property; money advanced as work nightly; good chance to teach r nnl i.. i-na) anil w rt. 1 hn -.-! ni-es nq nnrt. I orosresses. W. G. Been. a 16 bailing 1 music during day; state wages ex '.iier:Dava good Drofita and your money bldg. Main 3407. pected. Address People' Theatre, ! fully secured. Call room 436 Pittock I pity AND FARM LOANS. 6 to 7 Per I Athena. Or biocn. cent. Our sale deposit boxes protect i liOY S wanted, over 16, with wheels. 92-ROOM apartment house close In, I . rent $70; income $2S0; "always full. I Price $800; easy terms. J-32S, Jour-aal. Don't Lose Time I can- sell or trade your business ouicker than any man in Portland. 274 MONTGOMERY. - 22-room art. L A. HALL, 512 Panama bldg. 'house cheap. Apply owner; sellmg WANTED State manager for patent Bret, .sickness.. Marshall 4208. i f great value. Require $600 for ROOMING house,- 11 rooms; will ell goods on hand; will stand strict in- cheap Invoice; nice for old couple; vestlgation; highly Indorsed: havo no raxh: rent. Mr Tapp, Beok bldg. other urgent business. S-316, Journal. 10 AND 20 II. K roo from fire and theft, Union Safe De- posit & Trust Co., z4 oak at, CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. $500 to $6000 6. FRED 8. WILLIAMS. 9Z 1ST 8T. MONEY to loan in auiuuuU of $100 to $6000 on city property, A. H. BELL. 201 Gerllnger bldg. $200, $250. $400, $1000, $3000. $35 to $70 per month, bicycle repairs paid, steady work, chance to learn trade and advancement. 1 Molien- hour, 253 Oak st STENOGRAPHER; experienced young man; good position open at right salary tor one witn ability. J-zz Journal Ou city or farm property. - t s ii ti- ft r r.'.i' f iii Tw r ma close to City' ONE-HALF interest in Multlgraphln, I - " w - hall: will sell cheao:cash or terms. Plant, doing nice business- Small I CASH paiu lor mongases. no tea. con ..Wtthrow, 411 Henry bldg. IiA P.UAIN; 31 H, fo- ' titek Kle. K 20 rooms; only 1290-iVff , 2 M Jefferson t. T amount of cash, balance out of busi ness. "Lady or Gentleman." J-376. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, also boy with wheeL Apply Sup't, 44 Front at, Sunday, a. m., or Monday 7 :30 a. m tracts; mortgage Toans, reasonable j EXPERIENCED gardener wanted. Good H1.LP WANTED MALE . ' SMALL private sanitarium income. i j $200 to $260 per month. Price $1160. rates. F. H. Lewis, lobby 4, Lewis bldg. j man to care for garden and lawn. WILL buy small mortgage, farm or t iwrr" 5?1 eav v city. A. IV. ntiL, 19 tlt-AKl rH-OfUJ. MIDDLE-AGED or young man to do i Good place for two nurse. Nice io- MONEY to loan on unproved larm at . 5ho.Aroua.Puil,ry JLtT ?. Z NOTICE. : i cation j-8 32. journal. . going rate of interest. Otto & Hark- 5 i?"" ,Tt, II, your Dronerty. eit her city; rarm or -wanted a oartn r In a sawmill I eon Beany uo., tu i.narautr ui v,om acreage, has merit.' and is for exchange ; proposition that will pay right from I MORTGAGE loans, 6 and J. , Louis j SUBSCRIPTION solicitor; good propo- w m rail or write iuii; the Start. JlaUU. terms. iuA.-io, Jour 'no Inflated values considered: have naK iirsi etas a usi to seiei!t num. tieurge fiftft uitys best navlnz litGe cash B-ru. llll bldK- references. tKL hoeistffct. coinmon av oi snft (ink rt or Rth I siiion ior live wire wno nag mean ri. ... ... ,-...T.i i- n- I ?f-w trovHnff t Vi rr 1 1 crVi onuntrif Uit flUUU tU f UVVV v .wsms. "V -w- mw , principal. S-117, Journal. &9, Dallas. Oregon. J4e,uoi' tnnui aeiurir.c and salesmen. Posul bill ties unlimited. ! From 3300 to J700 japital Tiecessary, , Comfortable rooms and cheap rent; corporation ; investigate of owne.r. J-319, Journal. WlKTVXl Vmini. mn n V.ln nn u. iVli'V trt 1a.ii- r. u i -.hIm mnrlnffMll ...... .... vu..e - - ' fcv .w : - laimrtrv rAiKA- li a Tnr .ivnn CHAIR barber shop, 2 baths; slop well equipped, doing good buslnes-1. Reason for selling. Price $460. C-X : 357, Journal. You handle own mo'..ey. Will pay ex -nensea to Chicken if vim are man we -want Km-rmm v KM' Kenni.lin hlrtir- - STORE for sale In new country place. Chicago. ' i Wash. $1500 will handle Stamps bo't. Fred C. King. 314 Spalding Plug. '"r MONEY to luan, to w. W. tl. uaitz & Co.. 310 tipaiaing bldg, . $200. $360. 3600. $00, $1!00. $1800 Apply Oregon Laundry. WANTED Aoorentice boy to 1 sheet metal trade. Apply bunoay bo -A j ,n At -1 Fred W. German Co.. 32 Cham. Com. i OANS trom SlowO and up. Call lolC Chamber of Commerce tween 10 and 2. 493 Alder. enclosed. WANTED Good janitor and wife fo first class, apartment house. Must have furniture. J-348, Journal. WANTED AGENT S ."tvv-rfA.!; ntVt AGENTS to travel by automobile to to Nw liork to close contract introduce our 250 fast selling popu- meet soa manager let us bear ar tlJttifZ.-Fhm 'ou- Ue.mfcil'Uiiini .e: greatest line on. earth. Make $10 a day. B'a ?I ? nc ttn i T-f,T Complete outfit and automobile lur JfTgW' Hudson Terminal ubed fre. lo worker. write today Qiog.. i. i. fOT exclusive territory. E. M. Feltman. STUDENTS) A complete and tnorougn bales Mgr., 72 American bldg.. Cincin- course in Electro-therapeutics, natl, O. Course is most comprehensive; in- vw UD-to-dat art knlf salMboard eludes anatomy and phioiogy, diag-, proposition for sideline. Unsold nosis, massage, kibration. light tber-; g00iia returnable Mak $5 to $25 apy. raradic, galvanic ana smueotaai Kast BeJler electricity, A-itay anu mgn nmjueatj i IOWA NOl currents, hydrotherapy ana suggestion. Dr. G. E. Blew, secretary, 122 Va Grand ave. Phone East 64S. VACANCY April 2 for competent IOWA NOVELTY CO- Broadway and Fulton ata, Keota, Iowa. FLAG EMBLEMS For window panes, automobile wind- salesman or ex-mercnaut, witn iro v,..rmu... nin. hi,. Cleveland comoraUon. to sell mer- V," ' chants a needed high class specialty in is' for"i2 postpaid Something new' Oregon and surrounding territory ; $300 0rdr 'f1 T?lgucS iu , u.wu.w. wv........ - .M.-daivun t o.. Klsher bldr.. Chicago. experience. Aaarenn. t ..' . : .. , Box 17. StaUon C, V riturii' selling juouee Spar n.ignii ii I xntensmers to automobile owners. bA,hV12 rVel8 troubles; sells like, wlldfiro; brand unnecessary, earn wnue you learn- n. exclusiv terrltorv Writs tn. Write for large list of openings and jgw' j" Mfrr c Vtnt? 164-G testimonials from hundreds of our o7,,aha. Neb ' " members who earn $100 to $600 a L-A 7 . D' ; r : s : . , month. Address nearest office. Dept. you m uosa. iurmsning 31-, National Saiesmen's Training As- ' .."verL"JP men ana women, ju to social ion. Chicago. New York, San weeKy operating our -xsewsys- PU rooms. bImiuo. licht. hot and cold watr trv. 661 Wasliington st. ' -; EXPERIENCED dres-maktor will mw iN1E ,aia clt;4Ul' Bil. piiono. cot at home or by the day. ttatea rea-1 . vvu.71?' . , . . portable. Call Iiast 5523. Apt. 13. LSI",BI12.- a!"?"lni!L" EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2.60 per 1 week, housekeeping room, ireo Woodiawn 62. dayj references. NUIISES liKht: bath, phone, waiking -diatanoo. , I East 6113. ,- Uy J ONE housekeepior apartment of 3 or M1DDLE aged Scandinavian woman. I land. 4th st practical nurse, desires conf lnonwat i-t v ,,r.,..i.-,i t,,,iF' cafes, $10 a week: refs. Call Mar. 2442. roorna. srood for 2 srentluineii: S& per vac v fiv m Ask for Mrs. Malm, NURSING in own private homo; con valescents or chronic cases: ex perienced practical nurse; rates reas onable B-Z654. w month. 240 H 6th st. Main 2148. TWO room H. K. svutea $$ aud -' 64 5 H Washington, near 16th. i HOrSEKEEI'lXG KX)MS 7& FOR an experienced nurse call M. "V AJsO CUT V KXUBXD EXPERIENCED practical nurao riOTATS fAHILT IsjcasesLanymd TtNlSHED front room, first floor. n'nvisiit'ii rrtrtxta n ainglo housekeepior room, basement LjUN 1SHED ItOOMS room, close in, every oonvonteaco. 83JI FURNISHED rooms for young men m Montgomery. Main 2530 all ,.- ,-t - .r ihA rttu Atfta n Y XI . IKKW'I.V tiirni h4 '1-t-tii inu virj. A. building. Fireproof, telephone In thing modern; $10 and $12 per mo., each room, shower baths; single room at 326 Hail, 7 minutes' walk, to Jol $2.50 to $4.75; double rooms, single office. beds, $1.76 to $2.76 per week, including full association membership, gymnas ium, swimming pool. ' handball court and many other club privileges. Infor mation at Y. M. C. A. busineps office. $10. TWO continuing furuishd H. rooms, electric lights and phono free; walking distance. $8 E. (th, pi. East 15. , -. - .--' THREE nico houseneeping room, prl- cor. vate bath and reasonable price. E. 11th and Harrison. Homo Phono B-1876. HOTEL RITZ PARK AND MORRISON Elegant furnished rooms with or I . I. .... nlvA KfrV. a ,-. .4 A running water and ineo phono ovary """i"" . . ' r .T i ' i rr, X rat's toTpermaHcnt guests. ct,me. f 9. a Bcjmofit. Tabor BEAUTIFUL largo front room includ ing heat,- light, ptione. etc.. with kitchen, $14; without kitchen $12. 126 14th St.. cor. Alder. Marshall 4K. LIGHT housekeeping rooms uiid single tor tl.ib up; water, electricity ana gas- Both close In. Photwt East It. FURNISHED H K. rooms, close In; phone, gas and electricity. 843 Jaf.--ferson at., near Broadway. - - ' I OR 8 furnish?d H. K. rooms in pri- vate family, fre-s bath, liguta, phono. hot. cold water every room, steam transient. Opp. City Hall. M. 9375. room suits with" bath. Wo have Our work operates WANTED Men with autos to sell the phone. Palace Hotel, 44 Wash. at. L-ao-. nn. hramV A A. Anticarbon Gas Sivnr and othe.r an- x . . ; : HOTEL OCKEEY. Mormon, at lotn. AUDITORIUM, 208V 3d, near Taylor. Rms. 60c day. $2 wk.. $s mo. up. ITnder new management. Main 852 7. SAN MARCO HOTEL, MODERN RMS n Kt 14th K'orth n - itu nun T.u .i ,n 1 Vn ITU If r.-J). Mill jTHJIT.ll TRANHfBNT 60c UP. 422H WASH. FURNlSIiED H. t h, rooms. J blocks Rj AN Hotel Annex, 269 Vi oua; brick; stron g st. ' UBLIC NWHT-JWllWirstWEWTS Mltiml'kt'kW heat:'t' -You can continue your work In kio 'g'fcaOranjo. j816 ONE 2 tny branches in the "i. M C A. Wt fw , ,,. ,; the man: nii,hl . h n 1 1 1 -..-.. -,- --i- anilA.k.. c. i , .. ihKiiirAniir tha vpar- n ci dpuk. All- auuiu vjtt vm ,-i v di auu vLiitr u dress, tor Information. Y. M. C, A., tomobU accessories ; exclusive terri Departxaent of Education. Portland, tory to the right men. Write for par Or i ticulara. Pacific Auto Accessory Co., SALESMAN, experienced any line for 604Jornal bldg.. Portland. Or. unexcelled new specialty proposition A NEW, NOVEL AND CLEVER IN to s-eneral trade; 6plendid commission : VENTION; wonderfully attractive; .nt-ot Vs tin.iiin.v Ma lit 13.; a market in verv hotntt: emeu 1 nrnflta; weekly for expenses. uoniineniat : oig aeiuauu. particulars ires, enome- I luultci rates free pnonea. eiricu. RATES toe dav up. weekly II un. Running water. Free phones and bath. ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel. 11.76 week and up. 486 Aider. $12, 4 NICE rooms, fuuiished, include lights, bath lawn; walking dlstaoca. 134 Porter. Phono Sell. 1109! THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Diano. walkina disLauoe. aood neiahe borhood. $16. 166 E. 12th. B-2065. ' $12 FURNISHED IL K.. ground floor. suite, beat, bath, phone, lights. 116 13th st. Main 61. ' $1.60 WEEK up. clean, warm, modern JS4 ltvSSF?L T fur, rms.. central. The King. 30 Jof. 1??-;o 76 20tn - N- Jewelry Co., 29516 Continental bldg.. ' scope Mfg. Co.. 566 W. I3th St.. Kansas Cleveland. Ohio. - '-"v. r- . . . - . I HAM.n,ll N 1 II 1? V Ttl- A .r , aK 11.1. trade in Oregon to sell a new prop- sens on sight, big proms, unlimited I ONEK week OSltlon 01 merit, vacancy now, ai- vc Ul "x10! vnn.uiam "to. t. j. i Alan tractive commission contract, a uv viw uiuiui, nouuu, weekly for expenses. Miles F. Blxler Cal. - Co., wholesale Jewelera, 22716 Car lin TWO sollcitora, salary and commis- ly clean. Palace Hotel. 446 Wash. THE HA&EL turttuihed rooms; steam heat, running water. & Id t $8 FRONT room; ras range, fur aco. oath, phone. 429 Market. LARGE H. K. rxm, cook range and water, bath. 30oV 3d. bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. slon. New Homo Sewing Machine Co ' ANTED Number young men and; 3 4 Morrison. young ladies to prepare for tele-, LADY agents wanted; patriotic nov FURNISHED ROOMS 2P.IT ATE TAldZXtT 70 FIRST-CLASS rooms La modern homo. not water, steam neat, iz, , 14 2 AND 8 room housekeepins auilea close In. Main 8529. ' -. 2 FURNISIHCD housekeeping rooiSa centrally located. 492 Taylor st. - young laoies to i prepare tor ' LADY agents wanted; patriot! nov- water, steam 1 AND 2 very nice laraa. modern H. K. graph service to fUl , vacancies caused eity; good seller. Room 4, 300H 4th. rk, rates by month. Soiect table Vfift"oor ulln - " k- ...i.,i.i ,k rr .niuim.nt. Wrr . : hmr if doalred: working men or rooms, rirst rioor. 4 Main, t full particulars call or write Telegraph, Kill ATIO.NS 1AI,K Ismail family desired. Sleeping-porch . 1 AND 4 11. K., cite in. Main 8639. Dept., Room 606 Panama bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 3S8 Bumside st. Call or write for full Information kbout FREE TRIAL OFFER. v.lle.rieM and lant rounds. Ill M. I Uh-l-i v ..i..v.. j i l i.. .u,.J, ' ".-v0 JJA 2d. at Irving. Phone MarshalT?!. at gas. $10 "mo S PettygroTo -C a position where hard work ma hr mnTi.i:i. i.m. .n trnn, csrrr.-L77...vT-r. ... . -rl - tt-I? abUlty wll bo rewarded.. Experienced .ulM. for SI K ."'-' i room.. - In contracting lines, real estate mat ters and business affairs In general. xeet or rererenoes. u-bb, journal room, suitable for one or two gen tlemen, in modern .residence: reasona ble rent to right party. Phono B-2674. 1 or oan at 4 fj. Z4tn sc in. 13th st. I?mU.iiV I DESIRABLE front room, in beautiful LARGE front H. K. rooms; fro gaV bath, phone, heat, lights. 306 14th chanical, hydraulic 348. Journal. awimr at homo threo or four hourtt uy. k; MUST sell immediately , account of ?;ih linat l'lttl. ma n nf HPtiirtnir no"- t.rniKisiiinn r.r, f,.aat t- -mmint .,( GENERAL merchandise for sale at I work on hand and more coming In con-! discount; $2500; rent $12; living stantly. Excebtional obbortunitv for . rooms. 51 E. 24th at N. Phono machinist. $1500 Investment required. B-S088. ; auto Or real estate part payment. '. CLEANING and pressing shop; teady Write fi46 East 53d st. north. drop-la business; 9 years estab-: 'i-t-oo ir-w C- Dnrln ! 8hd ;. vnr reasonable. Call or phono MlCdl VjiutCiy OlUIC UaiAaill Mississippi ave. Will Invoice Btoek only. Fixtures, ' GROCERY store doing good business, stbro. 4 modern living rooms and gar- '- a money maker; good location; will dw ti act go with rent, price from $500 ; tand investigation; good reason for to $750 to suit buyer. Some terms, i selling. Tabor 1144. Best possible location,' 502 Couch .bldg. rvAMr.y Men witn autos and some ed. S. H. Clark, Tumwater. $500 OR more to loaii. 7 per cent; so- EIXPERIENCED janitor for apartment , R. R. No. 2. ; curlty must be good. E. 2305. M. 1940. hOUse; apartment, gas, light and $40 WANTED Experienced a leoman to sell' our fancy fruit temperance drawn drinks tn small country towns: liberal dailv rt trint with till w,klm .1 . I PlOll St. dTawirTg alcoun-jr. HandeL Sale.' VGU f TlSl LARGE, light, well furnished, rooms. Mgr., -09 Houser pidg at. -oma, mo. . .Tr,r.. Add-u .s jf fVn T.V running water. . bain: must do seen MAN and wife without children for Phone Marshall 3044. i? ?? appreciated. 767 Kelly st. S. work n small farm and dairy; mod- --oirT-Trvr TTC rir ern house, permanent position, good -irertenc want- nrk- -nit I NICE' room with homo privllogoa for I Could reat one half of house and make 1 . I m rnh U tniinv lanv v v rrtrk I v-r l i ,n nn t nirlv rl r fptn. wl.ur - located residence, modern .oonven- 1 en ccs. 8 blocks from P. O. S&0 Sal wages. Address J-323, Journal, giving anv where 1-XJ1C HE NT HOLfcES 12 yjtru-t-tXB-LEP : One Month Free Rent 18 room house on east alopo of MC - Tabor, tairly modern, flno condition, newly remodeled. 2 aeta plumbing. 6? MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, 8AJLAHIES FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. LOANS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD All that la necessary to establish I noons. credit with us is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you are working either will do. per month. R-326. Journal. MAN and wife without children to keep name and other information, not later than Thursday, house-and work' on small farm, near Portland. 206 Washington st. WANT elderly man to work for room and board, z.4 Main st. call foro- W ANT ED Boy or man, experienced in plumbing; steady lob. Apply Z6? Front at. CLEANING AND PRESSING COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, Licensed. 317 Failing bldg. iiaoiisniuent runv eouiDDea. rme i ,r. u i , cash to invest In exclusive territory i fixtures, well established hoUl and T T0U INeeQ lYlOney OQQ US LS; 1-' A-tn st. I oat r t tu r u ttc r a HAun.i.uu vA.n. ,n, ,j HIGH CLASS advertising men. Mr. Perry. Benson Hotel. Monday, be tween 12 and 1. BTEEN SEWING SCHOOL Block's system of ladles tailoring and dress- maing taught; patterns cut to meas ure. Phone East 8369. B-8807. 163 Grand ave.. near Belmont. STEADY employment. , good wages. Wimv ' . -r I lights, use of piano, very re day ana night classes, few months --t'ttr." kTT, T ,f--., 1 able, 628 Irving. Marshall 6098 TEAMSTER, plow man; steady work; J-.60 per day, io hours- board .60 per week; blankets. X-Z67. journal. selling the Anticarbon Gas Saver and regular trad fStro,.iV Atit' A?liaARA.aEJ rSnt: V; BlAa:rfulZ Loans made to persons on salary or AN Intelligent, clean man to milk two ------- ------v.- ' "'"'tT. ' ""vucni, - iiuuia, uviuu i rixed income, on nousenoia iurniture, cows, ao garuenmg, various cnorea. -" a.i..-Jh, m. eacn; aio mo. Agan, vu uregonuin pianos, diamonds and other personal I J-381. Journal. 306 Morrison. I WANTilD Ideas. Write for list of In-! bldg. ventioivs wanted by manufacturers and price offered, for inventions. Our 0 books sent free. Patents advortlsod froo. Victor J. Evans & Oo 614 Ninth, sua- " ' . , ' ; t . THE only exclusive confectionery an3 dw ouys tmrd. intereat in miainess fountain on east aide, first claaa paying irora to uo monuuy. trade, living rooms in rear. Owner Iporience not necessary. Single man has other business. Phono D-1116. w-ioii u. muii jr iruuiu, ooiiana property; legal rates. $475 .BUYS fine grocery, good cash Buainees confidentlalj prlvato X ousinoss with uving rooms, line i stock and rixtures. Room 2. TWO carpenters wanted. 4432. Call East learning, position. Watchmaking - E7n-S Det ot roforonooa. C-874. r-ii cv.i,wl til rnrn .- ...i.w ! Journal bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Portland. I MIDDLE aged FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel. ' demonstrate and sen oeaAera. SZ to . $50 oer week. Railroad faro bald. Goodrich Drug Co Dept. 700, Omaha. Neb. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 106-301 ueKiim bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N MAN wanted in tailor shop; press r. repairer. A-47, Journal. HELP WAN A ED M1SU 4tf Bond &: Mtg. Co., 43r Chamber of Com. SMALL BUSINESS SNAP Clearing $100 to $150 per month, for quick sale at 1550; best money maker in city, iseiian Sc parkhui, 803 Stock Exchange bldg- Grocery and Confectionery Cement building corner, adjoininr FOR SALE, old established restaurant doing good business; good location; low rent. For . sale cheap. B-517, journao. automobile school Men are entering the Y. M. C. A. Automobile I school now getting training for 'truck Established by Portland business meu to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERRMAN, Mgr- 394 Star LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY pianos. HousKHObU KUHNiruRri ft service. Quartermaster department. , -. , . . , . rr -and ambulance service. This may be -JjjjgjJ Y ftn opportunity for you to render I , wi- a - m I 5uiea cuiu vuiiaui, servicoL tjomDiete Partner in blacksmith ul- w--i- bulletin of mformaUon will bo mailed WANTED BAAva swva uvi -t- nil w I - auu-t i . :-- . . . I rn u for good man. $160 required. T. O. I Zo09 ?n ,? OTK- one modern an , Thayer, Monroe. Oregon. Xi Vi'it .TV. . tton. Portland, Ore. to you on request. Address division M. C A. Department of Educa- BARGAIN if taken at once, good room dwelllne. west Rld I WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual t h1 t r . fo. ms).. iia itnrincaltlt-n I r- 1 ,.,,,.,, . . ...... r. , n .- . . I A n .1 n An w v- . theatre, near school, cheap rent, money ' cated In richest farming country in I 284 Oak st, I wireless operators, both naval and . maker: snap. Hall . 6 1 2 Panama bldg. Oregon. Address RX-357, Journal. WANT to borrow 11E00 at 7. wit-, 1 commercial service. Y. M, C. A school 1-KlR SALK-Good country store. t.-.k: OPENING for enerjretie man In a I !J?Jr 2 f ' .. I of f ers thorough, practical and indivld- buUding and lot; adjoining Q..E. Ry. strictly cash store business; pay-1 citv Parkt Cost $3500 AlT street and uaI instruction. Servo your country dpot, warehouse arid school; price $25 week; a small investment required . sewer imnrovements said in full I ln a skilled, position Begin your train- vau room ton rmocn diock. Housa is thoroughly modem, with i if, t4T.tTf v "VT - a ux . - $3000; one-third cash, one-third, trade, j vutiiiiru mil, j-oja, utturttai. FREE The Western Miner. 3 months to get acquainted; devoted to news and opportunity. The Western Miner. 3663 W. 37th ave.. Denver, Colo. CLEANING and pressing parlor, al ready equi.ped for business; cen trally located. A great chance for a live man. Inquire at 309 Oak at. GROCERY. "confectionery, .opposite school, near theatre; good ice cream business; worth investigating; owner going east. D-232, Journal. FOR SALE One-half interest in good money making-patent; will consider land or automobile as part payment. Lock TRox 781, Astoria, Oregon. SALESMAN with $1000 can bocorno manager of excellent business. Call at once. Commercial Specialty Co. 702 Title and Trust bldg. , -MAN with small capital can travel with best proposition of its kind. ti i -in st. in. lainor 35S5 THE safest place to bank your money hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, XZ rwSn X. M. C A Port ia in m. Kti-it-jc ranfn vnr nstnji. M I etc n -3iv journaj. I -"-o Sunday, or address Rm. 308. 811H WANT $1000 at 7. fine modem T STSRiP,lde 'X,.h.t?P1f y wan Ptark tttreet. - room house full lot. 1H blocks to I 48 companies, $2o-$100 each. OPPORTUNITY for a cook or man car, that undrstands the cafeteria busi-l RITTER. LOWE & CO. ness' to buy interest. $6000. half! 207 Board of Trade Bldg.- 7 tAnrnnl I V.. T ! . I WA.MfcP, irom private party, sibou Experience unnecessaryr details free. producers Leajrue, :o at. J-ouis. cash. R-337. Journal. BE a detective. $50-$100 weekly; over world; experience unnecessary. iu II. . . . . V.M u. , ... m.. . , . A WW I . . . . . . IF YOU havo some cash, want to get at 6, gilt edge first mortgage so-l o" aiL i 'f,. v' 4ns"tute, ln a cattle ranch with homestead I curlty in any amount; no conimissioq. I r -",, -- . F. Hughes. 2145 East Gliaan at. Tabor 1 1 WILL pay any honest man tip to $60 075. I monthly for part of spare time. No connected, let me tell you about It Surirlav at room SOS Jtll Vt Rf, SMALL grooery; good locatioiil7iean I WANTED To borrow $3600 on West sngd. .kliSfm aha-?NebdT tnlr ml tirtitM. . t iK9 tF! rt.n.n I Bide imnTOved nronertv. USM--A 1 vc-ornies, aesK l&A. umana. iseb. . ov'. Also Douo on improved larm I Ansa Take M V. car. FOR. BALE dgar .tore, soft drinks ."iL0.00' tXSl'U,!,??- no SMALL cash grocery cheap for quick 'sale; elosd in. Phono B-1890.,or V 323. Journal. . FOR S'ALE A good vacuum earpet cleaning business, .have, to leave city Y-340, Journal. '" RESTAURANT in good location doin o a uay, ior quica saie reasonable; rent $80 a month. R-338. JournaL " DO vou want to work for yourself, light manufacturing? Can you leave Portl-ano? If go phono Woodiawn 4001. LAW practice and good library In boat . ?lty i5-Y.7allay -for-.aalo.-at a bar- gain. TX-31 9, Journal. . $460 buys best confectionery and lunch depot,' waiting room. 4 furnished Uv-,-Jng rooms, a bargain. 248 U, Btark at and Doolroom: three tables. $600: Tart terms. 275 8d st. Price WANTED First mortgage loan $3000 on a flno residence In Laurel- hurst. Phone Mar. 4010. MATTINGLY'S shorthand and typewriting school; day and evening classes; $5 a month; 269 14th, near , jeirerson. jwain BE a Detective Greater opportunities now than ever before, representa- $1400 WANTED on improved city prop-1 "vef wanted everywhere. Hartley Do- CONFECTIONERY store and candy kitchen; rood location; $150 if taken at on-c . out i us tssippi ave. i ----w - .-i - --.j- ,i" I :.i.. . ez Tro .1 -nv mia t ia tf- I tective Aerencv. st Josepn. Mo ior i km , ' " i a -rn-i-rrt-rv . a . .. .v. -aa bit Westmoreland corner; has cost " ' rap xi loo. Broadway . ESTABLISHED wood yard; good loca tion; largo trade, for rent. G 473. Journal. A NICE clean stock of ladies' and chll- WANT $700 on house and lot. Pay bonus and 8 oar cent. Sellwood 1036. MEN. women, $25 weekly collecting I names ana addresses; no canvassing send stamp. Superba Co., S23. Balti more, Md. WILL sacrifice on good second mtg. 20 WEEKLY made writing hames for A GOOD- business; .good little garage, wall located: cheap rent; $1060, .x 810. Journal. Vancouver. Wash, tANDYs cash grocery; closo in; low rent. Owner, ESst 668. .-'V .RESTAURANT, also grtrago business; ----- aee rrie. Swank, 601 Northwest bldg. for Sale-La plumbing ahop, $100, M- 843, Jcturnai, dren'a furnishings, dry goods end I WANTED, $10.W, first olaas security company, Memphis. Term notion- IT Tt -Phttlfn- rviniilil. fi- I Call at 1117 East Market. 1 , - . I . - ' I want KB women 18 or over, govern ment clerks. $70 month; list poci or. a mm mi-,. I .ontt-..-- n-. A. . j ,,v . Kruw,,r. s, . 3 V 1 , well equipped; plenty -water, good pay; want partner. V-318. Journal. FiNANClAI. 51 tlons now obtainable free. - Franklin SEVEN-room 2-story modern house. 1 Institute. Dept. 74D, Rochester, N. Y, GARAGE with power, all tools, filling! . largo reception nau. ouut-in conven- young men wanted. -vemment mail atatlon, cheap reat, good ataad. lencea, corneriot. 60x100, close to 1 clerks. $76 month. Sauplo questions A root "v I bfi sr: . . " - . . .,, I rree. ranniin lnsiiiute, uepu .4AJ, RESTAURANT, rooming house, soft I p ""-":-" " ,qg. Bocliester. .n. x. anna parlor, ror sale or traoo. what ! T, ik-.cji ijuinuctw, aiso l WILL aacrmce, s.b, casn value, x. ai have you.? 381 N. 1 FOR RALE V. Interest In club: can make largo profits and salary. Need partner, pnone Marshall 66. rootnil alo or trade. What ! 1st -and 2d mortgages ourchased. also WILL sacrifice, $68. ea; 7th st. Main 2318. 1 Alers. i" .,'' contract.. Or. and C. A. tuition for $40 rrrrt tn rnn WB"h Soh H n, hld. , any course. J. A. HEIJ WANTED tana ave. Can bo used Scott, 866 Mon PREPARE to fill vacancies caused bv FINE transfer corner: clears, tobacco. I WANTED Carpenters, cement men, I unusual number of men at front. Miss caoioy, . iruil. Olt'- CinnitS- Papers; I uutw-. eaihiis, iuuiuci o. mi l e-. ra nuoni -a v,nij , nr iu, groceries. Phone East 7318. I era, plasterers, uu maraet. t -rt-ti r-g cleaned Toe, mainspring 8500 TAKES mv 1911 WINTON KIST i MAN to work 8 , acres on ahares. J-I - 75c; work guaranteed. 3l -torn witn - good stage contract; -car thor-1 . juunmi. V 1 monwwim ptag., -tn and tuinenr. SALES.LVN wanted for new articles I FANCY work soid on ' commission: tn tne y-ocers line. -j-3.i. journal, l mor membership i. zoi uioao oia. oughly: overhauled. 606 Alder st. BUTTERMILK business- for rr1i- horse, wagon and route, cheap.-: J. K.I HOUSE paintinst in exchange for rent. I CNCALLED for tailor-mad. suits $8.6 Carrico, 41 East SOUart- . . - I 206 Seilins bids. Phono M-On 5830.1 up. Taylor tho Tailor, ii Vi Burnaida, E-37 6, Journal. HAWTHORNE OARAGE AND OAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE, avenue. Woodiawn 4687. OFFICE, delivery or collections after ecnooi and t-aturaays; commercial student. East f 81 96. r-..awvi Ai VI . AAV, rront St. aaroeaolo vouna ladv. Vary able; breakfast if desired, 968 Albina Several fruit trees. - Several lota adt DRUGGIST Single man. wanU do1- tion. city or small town. ZC-879, journaj. CHAUFr'EUR desires Doaltlon with nrl. vato family. Reff. Call Main 1S7, r o r. 111. van ior nwrry. roason- your own rent nearly clear. . Flno view. Joining. Could bo used for garden.- 4 LARGE, clean, well furnlahed front , i1. u Tabor rnS room, furnace heat, close to business C0?-'.? n1 ri7 "? month froo rent district, 536 Everett. I J. n. marief , .v timniiwr ft viv NICE, clean oleoptng room, suitable BEAT tho coat of high living by ran U for 2: $1 and $1.60 a waak. Phono n?T rooa. fottago. ln South and bath. 327 Hall trt. For liana, oloetrio ugato ana gaa, wita - r,ic.n,LT.- -v.- t bath. Vacant lot can bo had no tor ' tit"" "i;vJi iVT I that garden. Marshall 24. ern home, walking dlatanco. 187 E. 14th. Jast 3768 NICELY furnished room, oloc reason man wants ink ware n man or care taaer. or any lm- nar worn. rau, journal. VERY nice room, large and light, fur naco neat, nam Hth. near Yamhill naco heat, bath; $10 month. . 186ft Main 7397. House for Kent. Phono Marshall 2433. TTTT I 7 room houae, 86th and Keller.. 418.00 , " I 6 room house, 85 E. 8th St., N..., 16.09 iOn- I- v . . . . , , , . .a a A nn room nouse, ini xu. cvcitii,, ti.v 9 room house. 29th, E. Yamhill .Q FOR RENT 6 room house. Bath, g, electricity, good basement, laundr Bo owner. 42 SIDE lino mon; do you want a real one that on order a day will pay you $9T No sample to carry. Some thing new. write today. Oaniield Mfg. Co- 203 Slgel t, Chicago. I1L NO STRIKE 8-hour day. Mon where. Firemen, or axemen, bag gagemen, $120. Colored porters, expe rience unnecessary. 729 Railway Bu reau. E. St. Louis, ni. PAINTING. DAMr nanvin- tlntl-- reasonable; outside painting a poc I no' lany. Main 679 7 tr v. nl. vArd f n flmm AW nP. Aim $6 CLEAN, well furnished rooms. 1 k. 7th N ' nC walking ai.i- tX)R HENT-A mod.rn room bouo. ICO. ZO liin. -i. lAa,!!.. .11 In tmci ior a j .K A vui a -t.'ruu Hismior, 'V I U.A XT1 years' experience. chloTa IIcoxum I " r.eison. C-372, Journal. ' I N1C1a clean r-t.-- VI r.-XTT- Ir- ,. - . J ... . r. v . mm. . m. . k.1. Wl. va WIIVICl .... -.,-... .n A-.nt tin. trj I i.iii. lawn 227. I FINE plaeo for 2 roomers; widow' i i iih ic-tr-aB i ifin ui cuiivRuiniicn. x u FURNISHED room, for rent, clo-ao ln.l clean, first class condition. Will fuw at 6th and Bchuylor. Call East 5678.1 nlwh gas range. Sellwood 1318. ' E HrvTvl nod. n ro t Iaa a-. ln aoatt UV. furnlahed room anal with tOxiAA lot. 1 bl-xk trom - sloeplng porch. 474 Yamhill, cor. I h-. hv. 9.14 tst vt. - 7 ROOM cottago, with V aero garden, THE window cleaner, wishes work; hour or mornings. Main 2302. on Oreron City carllno. 816 Pr rred ti. wiuiamo, ist t. PAINTING. kalsomtnlng. Best- or wort. 'nc a to lowest GOOD money mad at homo knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on Sellwood 18?9. VSr-SZX? r-rlU.r "ZZ-,??? , MAN with experience wants djshwash - -.'-. --. " -. . WV b mmfmmmm. AAAJ v 1 nome. cio-e-in; cnesp. ilmbx h-.b day. Phoao TWO small front rooms, $2 week. (35 1 pxxM house, modern, ai lid atv- Yamhill t.. cor. 17th. Everott t, $21. Fred 14. WUilai papering. I FRONT steam heated room, doe In, I 92 H lt t. 337 Madison, Chicago. Hl.NSDALK'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL uroacway-. aroniu bldg. -individual lnct rn-t ion . positions wnen competent ins- or other kitchen work. Journal. E-376. lady only wanted. East 3726. , NICE, light room, bath; very reason able. 26 rargo. KOOMS AND HOARD 15 4 ROOMS, bcttb, sleeping porch, hard- wood iloors, bum in convonionco. 286 Tj. 30th. Tabor 7669. , NICE 3 room house, fruit troe. gar- . den, rosea, chicken house, 1 boc3 WANTED To manage or work ranch 44, "ID gi near College, "largo fur- from car. Phono Tabor 699, on snares, man and wire and son. d 1 it. -r.-. .,, m- tnr twa wits y-lynn, 3ZS Main St M. 7809. '., wlihMit hoard- s minutes from thin. - . - - 1 HE LMW' ANTED FKLALI .,aj MARRIED man. 48 year- old.- want; yard. Mar.hai 3712 ;rltS?.. 1 r--Z J-watchman's lob. Can glvo bond and I room and board 1 NEW 5 -room modern bungalow, one acre, chicken bouso and. barn. Tabof 1974; Mt. Scott car; 10. WANTED Experienced girl to work I city re fence. U-6I6. Journal in country hotel. wages. $25 par month, board and room. 'Inquire of Max K. piuemke, Kent, Oregon. KOOM and board tor Business girls, 1 6-ROOM house, garaao; 47tK neaf. WANTED Housekeeper, on farm, a t -at a-I -.a-.wma Anl v f- -mr r aTit w w y.f BVVU iiviu v a w -, n w w-ap. iiv V Jection to a child. J. J. Spcrb & Son, HUDDUO, Ur. WANTED Widower, 42, with 8 amail children, desires housekeeper; small city rerence. u-315. Journal. I modern convenience, walking dis- IU WATCHMAKER. 14 years' experience. I tsnce. 83. SO week. H FX 7th mt E7 4733. bldg. Hawthorne; $16. Hill, 419 Henry 1- martiftd. 29 year old. wanta Dosltlon I rtj l- uhcithi: urn inh t-iAm.iii. I civ mom moer- house. A87. Cra id- Phone East 2631. J-382, Journal. J steam heat: aod board rea. M. 267 I ton, Mllwauki at. 100x100 rround, CAN you use a clean young man ln I , w ' I Main 7116. . your nusines as salesman or ac- ---' xvr-tigu II7 5 ROOM cottago. bath.. gm-S countant? B-619. Journal. rKIYATE FAKU.T chicken house, 2 'good lota for gar- WACT work CM rou 1 Ate rv.Btlnn- 1.. -.1Iin 1 - t . I den 8141 45th OVO.. 8. E. , ' ; , r . , . Tt' I XWmSmntmtmf M1U WI,A AW, w. . AA. y f m , ; n u I II1 erate elevRtors, clerk, watchman. 867 1 ant homo. Ladd are-, near E. 12th. I FREE rent 1 month; 6 rooms, bath 1st. Mar. 36166 Walking distance. Sleeping porch S. St?"- i CEUHwol)dl!.e position .with "Tl LADIES to demonotrato residential, I 1. to 63 day As made. Koom 603-3. Columbia bldg. . private family. Tabor 6362. POSITION as hotel clerk, excellent rererencfts. c-3iS, Journal. if I baaoroent. olootrtcity and gaa, $8. 68 E. 87th st - - - . WELL furnished bedroom, $6. Brea 4 ROOM cottage, Sandy blvL7 last 11 deaireo. jaii evemxtga, .All lth. East zsoi GIRL for office work; must under-. stand bookkeeping and stenography; $50. 809 Morrison st. Sellwood 261. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework; references, required. Phone Main 1828. WANTED Lady with boy 12 -to 16 Vande-bllt st. Block of oar. I r ft 1 I A . I --- - - - - - I tW-A lliwci ma mattr MAM m 0 MARRIED man, 50, want Janitor or I WILL board, and room gentleman, I Md. Main 2474. . , . inside worlc. Reference. Main 6859. reasonab !, fifrne coojuxig, in --1 JJoDERTn'J ut th place you want. 1 , I cios- in. Last i ip, PLEASANT room with board. ultabTo jy tt. a -.Awi-ti hou. add) bUS! for 2: walkin- dUtanca. Mar.h-ll I $7.604 .ROOMhOU. Apply Bulk, - t r 1 rz. ri. ---- - u vftur hnm at nn Miriflt PATNTING and tinting; good work; cneap. Taoor 43B7t RELIABLE girl for light work Satur day in exchange for piano lessons, j FIRST class carpenter: want work by I 4- wnu.7 day or contract. Tabor S776. I 7 i : -- ssx 1 IaAKUU pleasant Silt .4 I ltlS H-MAI.K 4 1 goodDoaro. A NEAT, reliable woman want, po.l- Itoi,V tion as nouseaeeper. city or country. nt roorn welt turnishea, 7 g?Mi 101 & UU' w rBtl .'-. 10Q k.iIv nmi ROOM house ailapted for largo fam e Marshall toW ily or rooming houso. Call M.r. 31T. ilton ave 1 Hi 1" ' 1 a fc. 1 M -r-x rm. m m T m 0 t WANThl) Children to caro for by OX-1 i,.".' " "V-l ' , .Vi"' 16 E. Ankeny, cor nor GIRL wanted for No cooking. Don' m. Main 3929 years 01a. to assist in caro 01 am. t-zss. journal. , A . . . . , 1 , . , . a . 1 1 . . w m. r njm I ha, k , ntif-e ior 1 r n a tn m.n at-t. 110 .-1 . 1 lo.. t tru .,,.1.. h.nH u..n.i., 1 i r. , , .. . 1 . 1 , , - --v. . j . .- , v.a, . . Z - : - . AM.V U Ul V ..U. IIMIU , lilllAC. , -A . ,UJ u A, . a , , ,i a I UI J . A Al ' D- , . , . . ..... I,A. - - - - general housework. , called for: expert: reference. East I aita JUi- arnooi girl to ooara. 310 mo. Ur ,r.ZJ r.T :iTk.- rm t call before 10 a. 616.: . Tabor 529. . . .... I. WOMAN wanta any kind day work: BEST care In suburban homo for atrE ""iS" .'w. , "r-ru. . iur y. housekeeper for ) will Wmnder curtains. 20c pair.. Phono ! Tabor 3655. I , ZJ.'1 1 .'J , tJ-i..: children, city, ii- j Main 8928. ROOM and board In privaU faxnDy, "V. "-..Tkt. Ta ' I a vr.i;n l.dv would like no. mo- .. I Nob Hill district. Main 948$. I 8l"h ?- -r ... , ., housework; a cashier in restaurant or helpor li L..A. ..w, . ., ' JJTSJPJ wages, to tne right cafeteria. J-3.4. journal. 1 ii..i, -07 , w, t- -. near Broadway M1DDLEAGED lad gentleman, witn 530, Journal. WOMAN, to do light good nome, small party 6.6 day RELIABLE woman want day work. I BUSINESS woman desires room and I v JPH?4-.,it.? ' t-i : . . 1 A " 1 XVI WA aAjAC, - w'AH ... w I, u.j "VIA, I DSH ciOn W UVM IDS tWIll SJlQ I v-J..r.V. .7.1 a.f Ol, ,l . i WANTED Girl for small family. Good! also do family sewing. Woodiawn! - board In private family, weat lde.l brtdge; cheaprent., 825. Schuyler t. wages, can 31. TiHamook st. ! 138. walking distance; no other boarders. I $14 6 room house. 868 Mill, Grocery, " . '" i a v. t '. .i. Ann t .V.', J.r-. ' 1 lp.5.1 Tn-nA I Id and Mill. V, 1 0 L. IV nil iiuuocnui A iy i c.M' Li , r, . i-1.1 villi . n 1A H l .OUR. I a.-- -o-. - . 1 i i . i ing. servir-c or cleaning, by hour orlYOUNO LADY, employed during day, 1 626 829 SALMON, near. Broadway, a dav. Citv ref. Phocc Tabor 1768. I dir. room and Hoard- ',-.. I room house, close In. ' $12 NICE, clean 4 room cottago, 2J1 per month. 624 Ea5t 2tti St.. north. 454 GIRL to assist with housework. East 2It N. A RESPONSIBLE girl or woman to take care of children. Tabor 7996. MIDDLE AG ED woman, . Ugh , house work In plain home. Wdln. 1024. WANTED Girl toaaalst with house work and ehildrQ. Wdln. 1148. WANTED A girl for general bouse- work. 73ft Overton st. .- ' - WANTED Experienced skirt and waist . fjnishej-w. 206 Oolumbla bldg. - HELP" wanted; Union Laandry. 3d and WOMAN bookkeeper wishes half day I "changed. V-314, Journal. wo- Aome rvnew lti-ir Wdln i7', it ....... n u ..-r-, tiri 'ap.u'nic to do l.v no.,- , dvr HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and E. Ah. East FIVE room hone,-bath, $$; T room, 810r walklnr dl-tanc. 634 E. Palmon, CURTAINS hand laundered; called fori SUITE of H. K. room only 1 $1.50; I f 10 T . room house, near Broadway and delivered. Tabor 845. I sleeping room. $L26 Week. 202 Jof-1 bridge. Owner. E. 23)5. M. 190. C-2376. Coltunbla st. WOMAN 3673. want day work, Marshall I f'ron- m" ' I tlz ? room bouse. Lower AlbLn. 2. ruu UDiunuinei it h. roomi.. nil Zlfi, M. l4t. - , - - iv. Ilth, low rent. East 1626. ' -ObKtlN 8-room houa. 16,1 Eu.t tALn ALL klns of curtain hand laun- dered. lira. Pedersen. Sell. 232. GIRL want position at counter at small bakery- Call Tabor 2950. LACU curtains to iaonder. 2tL 718-. Ars4 Froobath. hot. cold water. I st.. Motrnt Tabor. Main 8476. UCIIinpitl woelc Bp, 401 T lat n. i THREE housea. 6? per month: elooo W HOUSEKEEPING rooms Jvoapl frool y.ry garden room. Call A-86?8. Aigat, pjione, patn, i4o xorst. ttAjauaaod on i.x 4