12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, SATURDAY APRIL 21. 1917. EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE 2 1 ' 1Trrvtitnr , . -, t invu inJWvl.' . inwmv-' ytuuucuii property ior o to 80 acres near I i rornana, in gooa cuuiTa;ion on un proved road. Only owners answer.-i - utn. MMitiM ooinA 4.fin( inxo. I i tJon and address. Owner. R-349. Jour- '. nai - i iWlJO CLEAR lot. high and level, 2 diock or tsanay, near v-rs . ' etehooi. ror small modern Bunsaiow "Will assume to $1500. Rose City pre 'f f erred. Give details In first letter. - M.- Journal. i76 ACRE8 Improved, on McKensle riv er, near Eucene: general farming and ; stock. Price $16,000; terms If desired, ' or exchange for good merchandise. 60S Northwest bias. Main THREE lots in Redmond, 3 blocks from depot, for sale or trade for Ford auto, model not older than 1915. Phone East 3562. 307 K. 11th st. WILL take vacant lot as first payment oil well located aood six room houe. hat. like rent. East 777. . i RESTAURANT, rooming house, soft soft i Vhat ! drlnlt parlor, for sale or trade, wnat have you 7 381 N. 17th st. Main 231". t DON'T WORRY.- I. can sell or trade anything cny where. Layman. 431 Cham, of Com. SWAP good lot. in Vancouver, B. C, for lot In Portland or. nearby acre age. J-377. Journal. . 4 ACRE for trade tor farm. Write or rail 7 o'clock, 1021 Yale st. ' KOaMIXGJlOUSES 53 r ROOMING house for sale A bargain, 9 large well furnished rooms up ' stairs, three stores, good location, also "f 8 room apartment house. Owner, 737 e Wail St., Bend. Or. - ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 " CLEANING and pressing shop In town of 1000, making living, no competi- tlon; must leave at once; will take $75 cash, or something can take with me. , RX-323, Journal. ' ONE-HALF interest in Multlgraphln,? . ' plant, doing nice business. Small amount of cash, balance out of busi '.' ness. "Lady or Gentleman," J-276. " Hournsl. 1 SMALL private sanitarium Income, ' $200 to $250 per month. 'Price $1150. . Good place for two nurses. Nice Jo . cation. J-322. Journal. WANTED A partn .r iu a sawmill proposition that w:ll pay right from . the start. $1600, terms.. EX-359. Jour nal. $600 BUYS best paying little cash gro cery In west side apt. house district. Comfortable rooms and cheap rent; investigate of owner. J-319, Journal. 3 CHAIR barber shop, 2 baths; shop well equipped, doing good business. Reason for selling. Price $450. C-X - 357. Journal. GARAGE with power, all tools, filling station, cheap rent, good stand. Tabor 5926. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment Ptn is tn best and surest method of paying a loan. ' $32.26 per month for 36 mouths, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays a $1000 loan and interest. . Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAV'GS. & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 31S Failing bldg. Main 3407. . . ClTSf MORi'UACiB LOANS. $500 to $6000 6. FRED S. WILLIAMS, 92 1ST ST. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property, A. H. BELL. 201 Oerllnger bldg. LARGE or small loans, lowest rates. private funds; no commission. Mor rill. 106 Sherlock blk 3d and Oak. $200. $250. $40U, $1U0U. $3u00. On city or farm property. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDQ. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans, reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis, lobby 4, Lewis bldg - MONEY to loan on improved farm ttt , going rata of interest. Otto & Hark- won Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Com MORTGAGE loans. 6 ana 1. Louis Saloman ft Co., 300 Oak rt.. near 6th ' $1000 to $5000 to loan no commission; principal. S-117. Journal. MONEY to loan: real estate mortgages bo't. Fred C. King. 314 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan. V to Wing bl 'o. W. iri. belt $200, $350. $600. Jitoy, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co . 732 Cham. Com. .OANS from $luou and up. Chamber of Commerce Call 1016 V MONEY TO LOAN a; - CHATTELS, SALARIES - FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. LOANS. " YOIJR CREDIT IS GOOD All that is necessary to establish f- credit with us' is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you art . - working either will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed. " 817 Falling bldg. I If You Need Money See Us V SALARIES CHATTELS C Loans made to persons on salary or " fixed income, on household furniture. pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private of- flees. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed. 306-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N : Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERRMAN. Mgr.. 394 Stark - LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY . PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE LOANS WANTED 80 , WANTED, from private party. $1500 at 6. gilt edge first mortgage sa .v curity in any amount; no commissioa. Et-i1 unes. 2145 East GUsan st. Tabor WANTED, $10,000, first class security Call at 1117 East Market. ! WA,NT7-009 on good real estate. Ti" 322. Journal. FINANCIAL 51 j CASH paid for small mortgage, farm f or city. Prompt attention fair .-treatment. ; A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. . 1st and 2d mortgages purchased, also i,yers Inter. - i contracts. Or. and 'Wswh H. K. N'oh'- T -H..-,n, md ;V ". -MKLP WAN TED MALE 1 SALESMEN wanted; we want every ambitious man who reads this ad to t write us. Here is an opportunity to , I make money. We have the goods, pay liberal commissions and advance cash wef Ti!,e opportunity is yours. Cap- " v urwry company, saiem, or. j rr Aiii tuxj competent booKKeeper and orrice manager for lumber sawmill; ' Prmanent position; out of town. Must . . be -thoroughly experienced and com . Z pentent. J-379. Journal. EXPERIENCED eardpner wntH n.i r m?n t0 ca 6 'or Karaen and lawn, .5-60 for 9 hours; married man prc- - i u. . noncy, viresnam. ; EXPERIENCED Janitor for apartment ? . nouw, apartment, gas, llgnt and $40 x pgr niumo. xt-ao. journal. TEAMSTER, plow man: ate&dv wnrk- S 42.60 per day 10 hours; board $5.60 . 1 . t WIT Kl.nlTata V 1C7 T 1 i AN intelligent, clean man to milk two cow,- do gardening, various chores. J-881. Journal. 1 wANTi Carpenters, cement men, , painters, exunvaturs, piumoers, lata I era. plasterers. 1117 Market. j WANTED Boy with wheel for deliv- - 4 ery. 5 ist t. MAN to work 8 acres on chares. J- ! 380. Journal. - WANTED High school boy to work after school. Address K-327, Journal, - WANTED Boy with t day. 410 Alder st. wheel; $2 per i " HELP. W ANTED MISC. 1 WANTED Names men wishing- to be. T come - railway mail clerks. Com. mence 75 month. X.-34, Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 (Co -tinned) HEMPHILL'S trade schools are msK- m( . ipkiu ontr ir iu- day to all students taking up the au- tomobil reDairini mi! driving of Jo owafLl.baia'nce ,6 .n.; -A pply V07 Hawthome, corner E. 20th St. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 383 Burnside st. Call or write for full Information about . FREE TRIAL OFFER. hawthorne garagpt and gas .eng:;e school. 445 hawthorne ave. YOUNG men w&nted, Government mall clerks, $76 month. S-uiple questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3841). Rochester. N. Y. WILL, sacrifice. $68, cash value, Y. M, u. a. tuition for $40. Can be used in any course. J. A. Scott. 966 Mon tana nv. at -pR p F Wn -.l, k - " T"".l unusual numbAr of men at front. Mls Decker' Business College. Alisky bldg. rUNtoO-Aifct. CUMMtKCIAL si.MUOl, Broadway-Yamhill bids. Individual Jrrriict Ion" - n't'on mn rnmprrrn' I'AACK work. aoid on coiniiiiMtiun. mos' membership $1. 201 Globe bldg. UNL'Al.LtU (or taiior-maue nuns $. ; MP. Tavlnr the Tailor Murnstd HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Experienced girl to work in 'country hotel. Wages. $25 per month, board and room. Inquire of Max K. Pluemke. Kent. Oregon. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on farm, good home. Telephone Broadway 88 be fore 10 a. m, or write R-353, Journal. WANTED Young woman for house- worK. hmall wages, very light work, F-305, Journal. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework; references required. Phone Main 1828. MI DDLAG ED lady, housekeeper for gentleman, with 3 children, city. II- 3. journal GIRL to assist with housework per month. 624 East 26th St.. north. GIRL to assist with housework. Clinton st. Sellwood 2748. HELP wanted; Union Laundry. 2d and Columbia St. GIRL to do housework, help with children, no cooking. 159? Elmore. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg raphy, salesmanship, E n g 1 i s n branches, at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 690 for cata logue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker Business College. 167 4th t.. nrar Morrison. muim mmi miimt Teaches men and' women in 8 weeks, gives a diploma, scholarship and tools; pays while learning Send for free cat alogue. Second' and Burnside. OKtuu.N Barber College Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks: tools free; paid while learn ing; scholarship and diploma; get you -o!iM-n- tuition reduced. 233 Madison. ...u wi ik mai fiohUr Barber School will teach you f- barber trade f re for limited time diplomas issueu; pay while learnin. 38 N. 2d. comer Couch. SITtA'llON! -MALE EXPERIENCED cabinet maker French polisher wants work. Front st. and 1195 CHAUFFEUR -desires position with pri vate family.. Reff. Call Main 1373. after 6 p. in. "Call for Harry. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; work done reasonably; pries esti mates. East 7474. MARRIED man, 60, want Janitor or insLde work. Reference. Main 6859. CHAUFFEUR would like position with private family. Tabor 5352. wiNTKT) Rv middle aeed ladv with son, employed, care of apartment house for rent or apartment. wdi. Journal. GOOD cook wants work on ranch, Saturday and Sunday at ' Willamette hotel. Slxtn and. marie. Main 8ia LADY Stenographer, fine experience, temporary or permanent position. Sellwood 1048. " HOUSE cleaning and washing by day or hour. Tabor 723d. WOMAN wants work by day. Call Main 7269. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Main 6524. LADY wants day work. Tabor 3407. NURSES MIDDLE used Scandinavian woman, practical nurse, desires confinement cases, $10 a week; refs. Call Mar. 2442. Ask for Mrs. Malm. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED rooms for young men In all parts 01 tne city; aiso in x. M. U. A. building. Fireproof, telephone In each room, ehower baths; single rooms $2.50 to -$4.75; double rooms, single beds, $1.75 to $2."76 per week. Including full association membership, gymnas ium, swimming pool, handball court and many other club privileges. Infor mation ni 1. sn. v .. j. Dusinesa oil ice. QUIET rooms, third floor housekeep ing if wish; very cheap. Also va cant today cozy 2 room apartment, ex clusive tenants. Fine locations. 293 10th st. ' AUDITORIUM, 208V4 3d, near Taylor. Rms. 50c day, $2 wk., $8 mo. up. Under new management. Main 8527. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN RMS BATHS. PHONES. $2.00 AD UP TRANSIENT 50c UP. 4224 WASH. ONE 2 room suite with bath. We have the cleanest rooms in town. Free phone. Palace Hotel, 446 Wash. Bt. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th. RATES 60c day up, weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and bath. ROOMS and apartments in modern hotel. 31.75 week and up. 456 Alder. $1.60 WEEK up. clean, warm, modern rur. rms.. central, l ne King. 809 Jef. REDUCED rates. Free phones. Strict. ly clean. Palace Hotel. 446 Wash. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms; steam neat, running water, rsb 3d st FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE P AMTLT TO LARGE, light, well furnished rooms running water, bath; must be seen to be appreciated. 767 Kelly at., S. .roriiana. WELL furnished sieepinsr room. Pri vato home, call forenoon or after 6 p. m. 422. Jefferson st. NICE, light room. bath;very reason aoie. gnu r argo. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 446 3D ST.. near Oolleee. iarera fur nlshed rooms suitable for two, with or wunout Doara; t minutes from ship yarn, aiarsnai Alii. ROOM and board for business giris, inuuci u conveniences, waiKlng dlS tance. $3.50 week. 13 E. 7th st. E. 4732 THE MANITOU. 261 13th. Homelike, steam neat: goq poara reas. M. 2670. ROOMS AND BOARD FMyvra fault ROOM and board in private- family. j ij nm uiBiriL-i. main 4ed WOOD home for children; price reason HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS "Ui teacher wishes 2 room light xv. wan inner lauies. central location. References. N-287. JournaL FURNISHED H. K. rooms, bath Phone, light, hot and cold water free. vvi- tv ctsiniigton st. 4 NICE and clean, liarht. uVion hnt and cold water and bath free; one FOR RENT -Two room suita modern ..cheap rent, hot water day and night. ojvuuenot. FWR unfurnished K. room. 391 . 11m, tow rent, fcAst 1525. Rpm Ant! F1" baln not cld water. CJCII! rtpui$i week up. 401 1st it. HOrSEKEKFTXQ ROOM8 8 nraaisHEP ajto uiruansiss f Cunt inn edt - STEPHENSON CT.. $16 MILL. ' One 2 -room furnished and 3-rootn unfurnished H. K. suites. Free phone and water. Walking distance. Main 6110. HOUSEKEEPING rooms cheap; free Hght. phone, bath. 6454 First. TWO room H. K. suites $9 and $10. 645 H Washington, near 16th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7 rtntaxsKEs avo tjtptjtsi FKXTATB PAMILT $12, 3 NICE rooms, furnished, includes lights, bath, lawn; walking distance. 134 Porter. Phone Sell. 1109. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, piano, walking distance, good neigh- borhood. $15. 166 E. 13th. B-2065. LARGE H. K, room, cook range and water, bath. 305H 3d. PRIVATE residence, light, heat. gas. phone, garage. 1117 East Market. 2 AND 3 room housekeeping suites, close In. Main 3539. . NICE H. K, rooms at low rates. Taylor. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, centrally located. 492 Taylor st. 1 AND 2 very nice large, modern H. K. rooms, first floor. 429 Main. 2 AND A H. K., close in. Main 3539, FOR RENT HOUSES UNFOBH1SHED 12 6 ROOMS. $9 64 Modern, 2 story house, full base ment, on paved street and carline, bearing fruit trees. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house. garage, sleeping porches, block and half from Irvington car line. Wood- lawn 197. $10 Modern 5 room house, full base' ment. garret, fireplace. Dutch kitch en. wash trays. 6916 41st ave., Mt. Scott car to 70th st. Phone Main 7910. 5 ROOMS. Bath, electric, gas. Hun dred and forty foot lot. 1704 Mor ris st., near E. 68th. Rose City car. r none wooaiawn 337. MODERN 7 room house, gas, electri city, iurnace, basement, good order yard. 54 8 2d St.. inquire 666 3d. near ltncoin st. HOUSE, hen house, fruit, berries, large garden. Ninth and Glbbs sts. Tabor 327. . FOR RENT Two houses on E. 21st st. Yards suitable for gardens. Phone Main 6792. 6 ROOM modern house, 30 East 11th North: key at 73 East 10th North. East 682. 7 ROOMS, all kinds fruit, 2 blocks Woodlawn limited. $12. Apply 1371 Hi. 8th st. N. $10 SIX room house on Rodney ave.; electricity, gas. batn: also 6 rooms. ti. tstn st. s. lOK RENT Two clean modern 4 room cottages: Just riKht for vouhk couule. ght for young c Phone East 298 42 1 tjast stn st FOR RENT Neat 5 room cottage. 38 tast stn st., xsortn. GOOD 5 room cottage, $11 month, paved district. 901 E. coucri; $14 268 Mill, 6 room house; can get half for Z rooms upstairs. $10 5 rooms, 507 E. MI1L clean, lights and bath. E. 2345. MODERN Just tne place you want jiose in. Kast loiu. $7.50 4 ROOM house. Apply Sun., Mon., East 50tn and MarKet. 7 ROOM house, 301 E. llth, low rent. Kast 1525. 9 ROOM bouse adapted for large fam liy or rooming- nous, can Mar. zi MODERN 5 room house. '868 Williams ave. car. Kent $12. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 FURNITURE for sale, 7 room flat for rent. 228 10th st. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 FOR lease to responsible adults only, new modern 5 room well furnished bungalow, roses, garden, fruit, or will sell furniture. Inq. 743 K. 7 8tn st. in FURNISHED bungalow for small fam ily on Portland Heights beautiful view of mountains, river and city, very reasonable. Marshall 3307. FOR RENT House with garden. Call 4527 69th ave. Take Woodstock car to 4in st. FREE rent, furnished house, garden. I fruit. 1 block Montavllla car. 99 N. f 2d st. Inquire at grocery store, 6 ROOM furnished house, $16. Williams ave. Wdln. 410. in A PA RTMENaS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED New Merlin Apartments Corner Broadway and Grant st. Fine I laree 3 rodm ants.. Just finished, beau- I tiful view, all outside rooms, strictly nuuciii. xvculo coovuttuic Aujviu- ng garages if wanted. Marshall 426. NORTHAMPTON APTS. 407 HALL. We nave tnree room apts. ana one room, aii uuiBiae rooms, in ciean-i est tuiiuiiivu, lucai mr iicnijrncua wr man xaiiiiiy. easonaoie rent, main 299. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. Reference. DAVENPORT APTS.. b05 Jefferson St.. fireproof brick building: 2 and 3 room apartments; also single rooms iurnisned, strictly modern, steam neat. iree pnone. reasonable. Main D43t. PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand ave.. bet. Morrie-.n A Belmont : new 2 & 3 rooms, completely rur.; sol id brick bldg.; white enamel and ia- hogeny finish: walking distance. K'tiRXlSHED 5 room anartrrwnr idenl ior summer, i Dearooms, real beds, . . . . large porcn, every convenience, cnoice location. ni juontgomery st., cor Broadway. - THE (SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. 3 ana 4 room rur. ana uniur. apt walklng distance, at very reasonable rent: best of service. Mam 2506. LUZERNE APTS. 3d and Hall, mod ern brick Diag., z rooms furnished , phone in each apt,; $14 and up. Call Marshall 4637. HARRISON COURT. 6th and Harrison. Furnished apartments $16 per month ana up. CLASSIC APTS., 662 Gllsan, 3 room unfurnished, strictly modern. Mar shall 3610. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PL. Eleeantlv furnished 2-3-4 rooms, walk ing d i s t a n c e. r ea s o n a b 1 e . M a rs h a 1 1 983. THE ALCO. 387 E. Couch. Nicely fur nished Z room apts.. strictly modern; reasonable, new management. . 2403. MAGNOLIA APTS.. K. id and Beimont, Modern 1 and 2 room apis.. $1.60 per week up: sleeping rooms. East 212. A CENTRALLY located furnished. modern 3 room apartment, at 315. East 6157. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Marshall 173. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $iZ up. 1-4-6 ROOM FURNISHED API'S. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16ttst.. near Taylor. Marsh 281. HISLOP HALL. E. 6tb and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 and 3 rr.m apt.. $12.5 up: walking distance. st iz.- THE EARLTON, 3 room modern apts., lit ana 91a. union ave. ana it u s- sell St., East 2766. THE LAU RETT E, modern 3 room fur- nlshed apts. Mam a(. zzv 11th st. Clarke apts., 2 rooms, fur., dis. beds. phone, lights, heat, $12 up. Mar. 5056. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. 6, rm. apts. Mar. 860. M. 7616. A-2676. ROSENFELD. 14TH AND E. STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, private: pnone. -quiet. H ADDON HALL, 411 11TH ST., AND 4 H OOM APTS MAR. 3. 1163. THE WEST FALL. 3 room modern, f ur- nished act.. 5th ana Hall st. THE : Ormonde, mod- 4 - room. , front. 666 Flanders: Nob Hill. Main 8251. t A ND 4 room modern apt.. $8 and $10 per month, can Taoor isoi. . APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED j (CoBtfawK) " BEAUTIFUL NEW IRVINGTON . APARTMENTS FL 12th a nrl 'I'homDBOc: 4 room un furnished apartments, bedrooms with real beds, ihorouehlr modern, flower conservatories, vacuum steam heat; few choice apartments left. Mgr. E. 4623. 1W AUb. HILL APARTMENTS. 3 room suites, best location and out look. All mod. conv's. Reasonable rates. Marshall 2tV. GUsan, near 23d St. NOKOMIS. 566 Marshall Modern 3 room lurnished private bath, dress- Ing room and phone: $15 to $22.50. FOR RENT FLATS 13 BIG 6 room modern upper flat, gas. electricity: laree basement, bie at tic, garden space. 15 midute walk from town. 68 . .th. near Stark. jjt 1712, or East 4339. FURNISHED FLATS 60 MODERN 4 room upper flat, furnished $10.50. with water. Call 866 Glad stone ave. Phone Sellwood 1804, 6 ROOM upper flat, well furnished. iz.ou. including water. 57o . Sal mon, cor. 14th. FLATS and apartments. Tabor 5182 HOTELS 51 120 ROOMS FIREPROOF MODERN Cleanest Rooms in City. Reduced Ratea 60c and Up. Free P nones. 446 Washington. Hotel Australia T a mnA mom hmiBekeeninff anart ments. Sinsrle rooms. $1.75 per ween and up. Transients, 50c and up. Steam heated, hot ana coia water in evrejr room. Only bite help employe?. 103 1st. cor. Taylor. Main 4203. STORES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or factory building In South Portland for rent. Modern. 3 story brick structure, trackage; well lighted. Apply k. w. tiagooa. n Journal bide. BEST location in Portland for first class tailoring- establishment; will give long lease at reasonable rental. Arnlv Ft. w. Hasood. all Journal bldg. FOR RENT Store on Mt. Scott car at Myrtle Park. Call at 5729 42d ave S. E. SEVERAL desirable offices and suites in Journal building. Apply R. w Hagood. all Journal bldg. WANTED TO RENT WANTED By man and wife, 4 or ! room furnished bungalow bet. Broad way and KUMngsworth. not over $16 Z-929. Journal. WANTED to rent a or 6 room bunga low. Must nave good neatlng plan and garage, near carline. Rent not to exceed $30. Mrs. Griggs. Tabor 2971 MODERN house,- with garage or space ior one, bawy. 4 or Tabor .3643. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 JUST received a shipment of horses from eastern Oregon, consisting of some blocky built mares with foal; some farm chunks, and some heavy draft horses. I also have on hand some street sore horses that I will sell cheap. G. K, Howitt, Model Sta Die, mn ana uavis sts. FOR SALE or exchange. 30 bead of horses, logging, draft, milk, bakery, express horses. Six head of young mules guaranteed. Columbia Stables, 302 Front st. Main 3030. A-3541. Phil Suetter. SPAN blacks, 1 mare. 1 gelding, weight 2300 lbs., good wind and true in all harness, with heavy harness and farm wagon. Will be sold for reasonable of fer. Woodyard. E. 8th and Hawthorne. WANTED To buy all mares at cost. win buy irom 1200 to 1600, 4 to 12 years old. Must be serviceable, sound. tjoiumoia oiaoies. &z f ront st. Main 3030. A-3041, FM1 Suetter. DEAD horses and animal hauled away free. 36 nald for cows, rln Pledan played-outs. Call TVoodlawn 1 . run in nn npnaennr jo FOR SALE: 4 horses, from 1100 to 1600 lbs., all guaranteed good work- ers. U. S. vDafry. mile south of Wilson station. O. W. P. line. GOOD team of blocky mares, weight aDoul iarm wasron ana names. will sell at a bargain. Ask for Bill. 46 Front st 1 WANTED Low wheel 3 in, wagon Phone licrht r.rcihi. Hie. I TftDOr 7344 GOOD driving horse, buggy and har ness; aiso line saaaie norse, at a great bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill et. HORSE, wagon and harness for sale. Call 940 Macadam st. FOR SALE Horse and- mare, about zzsu los. trice iiva. lapor b3. BAY mare, 1050 lbs., with harness and steel tired buggy; $50. 228 N. 14th et. RANCH team, wagon and harness. very cheap. 1029 E. Yarrth 111 HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day; 3 horse ana waron. z nv. 64 Front. M. zzos LIVESTOCK 33 FRESH family cows. U. S. Feed Sta- pie, f ront and Madison. I m i int.-n t i i mnca vows iur b viieay. 1950 i """f COW for sale cheap. 665 Highland St.. woodlawn. Phone wain. 436. WANT pasture for 5 head of young stock, sellwood 1198. IF YOU have any fat cattle, hogs, veai or sheep to sen. can East zo. ir Palace Hote HE'S TALKING TO A STRANGER de beck WgM 3foS 'p'wvrTiTr1 iff9 1 Vr J 1 1 "T " v I 'II' Pi AVERS'- 1 osTA V fOft Hrt J ffylf(T T 4 1 7- 1. 7'4SlZS " , ot -rcv r - .'--... '. .. - ' ' '' .'.'-'... .. . . :v- . ' . ,-: - . . ' . -: - -' . ' - , :.l . v -ft- : 1 . 33 FOR SALE 10 milch goats and fonr kids. Registered duck. wiumuu Stables. 302 Front L Main 3030. A 3541. Phil Suetter. TWO fresh cow for sale; Just moved into city. Inquire so s" Woodstock car. ; '' - : POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK ON Saturdays "Want Ads" appearing in this classification will be found In connection with the Poultry Feature on preceding page. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 40 FOR SALE Cheap, fine young Pan ama parrots, guaranteed to tai&. 1069 E. Morrison st. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 41 OUR HOME OFFICE HAS INSTRUCTED US TO SELL EVERY CAR WE HAVE REGARDLESS OF PRICE. WE HAVE 20 TO SELECT FROM. CALL AT ONCE AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE WINTON COMPANY. 23d AND WASHINGTON STS. REO. $250. CUTTING ROADSTER. $250. OAKLAND 7 PASS. $450. REO, $325. These, and 20 others on terms that can't help but sell ' them. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch. Garages $30 Up. SlE44 Hood St. 1167. Millmade Construction Co, NEW TIKES. What brand of new tires do vou prefer? We have them. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of lire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-335 Bum side, near Broadway STUDEBAKER 7 -PASS. Has had exceptionally good care and is a bargain at $450. New tires, electrio starter. Also many other used car at popular prices. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sta. Main 6244. THAYER, SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE CO. 1 Ton. $360 IK Ton. $410 2 Ton. $460 BUILDERS OF EVERREADY TRUCX ATTACHMENTS. Capacity Mfg. In Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437. GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $27X0 TO $70.00. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO., BROADWAY 149. 854 ANKENY ST. WE have three good Dodge cars which we have taken in on new ones. See this popular lrght car at once; these bargains win not last long. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Main 6244. 21st and Washington sts, $150 STUDEBAKER 20. good tires, ro built body, new gears. Will tak-e typewriter or double barrel hammer less -shot gun as part payment. R. K. Payne. McMinnvifle. FORUSED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21ct and Washington. Main 6244. LAMER' Mfg. & Repairs, 3000 guarat'd springs In stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st. LARGEST assortment ot cars on the coast. Hemphill', used car center. 127 Lownsdale st. corner 15th and Washington, new brick bldg. Phone Main 3843. OVERLAND 1914 "79" at a bargain. Just overhauled, good tires, in A-l condition. See this before you buy. Call C-2221. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels. axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 North Broadway. WE WRECK ALTOS. Parts for most all makes of car, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto ex.. 129-31 Lownsaaie. Mam not. CLASSY bug. cheao for cash: also da livery body, gas tanks and presro tanks. 353 Union ave.. No. East 1033. 191" MAXWELL for sale cheap. B-475. Journal. $160 BUYS 1912 Velie, If taken at once; party leaving city. Main 4394. FORD for sale, excellent condition. Child. Clifford hotel. East 502. AUTO SPACE $2.60 month. East 44 76. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE pay highest cash price for late model used cars. Call us up. A. M. FERGUSON & CO.. 514 Alder st, ' Main 3966. WHEN you want to ell your car ee us. We pay cash. HEMPHILL USED CAR CENTER. 127 Lownsdale. cor. Ifith ft Wash. Sts- SPOT cash for late model used car. Broadway Garage, East 24th and Broadway. East 2556. BEAUMONT lot for auto. 6 41 Pittock block. LIVESTOCK ' iCotiud) . 52 AUTOS without drivers fbr hire. City raraze 10th mt. Mar. 1M7. A-4S46 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 WRITE for bulletin 140. giving list of So used motorcycles all In good running condition. We will ship to you on approval. No obligations. MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY- CO.. 209 4th st. Harley -Davidson service cen ter l.nreevt 11 In th stst HENDERSON four cylinder motor cycle, fine condition, for quick sale. $100. Archie Ferguson. Beaverton. Or. SXAP Alder. -Extra fine wheel. $8. 410 LAUNCTIES AND BOATS 64 T. DANIELSON. boat builder, foot Nebraska Rr1rtnw nd rlntln SAILING canoe. Chute. Sellwood 621. PIANOS ORGAN- AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Phonograph Bargains $100 cabinet Victrola (new). 50 se lections. $87.60: $50 Grafonola. like new, 40 selections, $45; $60 fine cabinet talking machine. 60 selections, $35. Nice hornless talking machine, new. 15 selections. $11.50. Phonot raph rec ords. 5c and 10c up. Phonographs and records rented for all occasions. The cheapest and best place in city to buy rhonoeranha and records. THE ORIGINAL PORTLAND PHONO GRAPH AND RECORD EXCHANUh.. 128 1st. Main 4495. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used Dianoa. $35. $95. $145. $190 up. New 1916 models, $195, $235. $265. $290 up. 'Used player pianos, $290. $395, $435. $465. New 1916 model play er pianos, $435. $465. $495. $535; $5 or $10 cash. $6 or more monthly; no In terest. Ill 4th st.. at Washington. Vern L.Wenger The 2d Hand Talking llcliiue Man. All Makes of Machines and Records. bargain prices, easy terms. 142 Vs 2d. Main 7244. $65 AND $100 CASH buys $350 Emerson and $500 Weber upright pianos tomorrow. $10, $15 AND $35 CASH buys $75 Standard. $S0 Western Cot tage and $150 Estey parlor organs, at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th street. rAMlLY must sell Hia binila ac Barnes mahogany upright piano for $100, immediate cash. See at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st, at Washington. STORAGE sacrifice; $500 mahogany Emerson UDriaht for $165: imme diate cash. Security Storage Co., 109 4tn st. at Washington. HIGHEST cash price jjaid tor used pt- uius, wr win irttuo up iu unit tout ing machine and allow full value. Har. oi.u n. jiux.ri. ismniu st. I CAN PAY MORE for your Victrola. Grafonola, Edison Disc or records. Vern L. Wagner, 142 M 2d. Main 7244. PHONOGRAPH and records nought; sold and exchanged. Hall Cassl dav i;fi lit Main 7098. $65 CASH tomorrow buys J. P. Hale upright piano. Security Storage Co., iu 4tn st. WILL sacrific piano, good as new, far cash. Tabor 6560. SMITH 4e BARNES piano, first class condition: b; at t. phone East 3403. SMALL upright Main 5210. - piano, reasonable. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON retail plan, wlta manufacturers' guarantee and rent al applying to purchase. Visible mod el. $3 per month. $7 60 for S month. Other models leas. Remington Type writer Company. 86 Broadway. Tele phone Broadway 621. WE SAVE you from 60 to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder. Retail department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, 821 Wahtnton St. RtEBUlLT typewriters, supplies. Coro na dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. HySEHOLPODSOT SALE C.5 LEAVING city, will sell cheap: 1 kitchen range, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 sanitary couch. 3 dressers. 4 rockers. 1 lawn mower, and other household goods. R. S. car end of line. 902 FOR sale cheap, 2 bedroom sets In good order, together with chairs and other furniture. Inquire at 1112 East Washington St., Portland. Phone Ta bor 1432. GOING east. mahogany chairs. 1)8 years old; piano, and household fur niture; Rhode Island Red hens. Tabor 5412. GOOD new furniture of 8 room house. close in: house makes rent clear. Phone Mar. 197. $300 cash. FOR BARGAINS in used house tur nlshlngs. visit our exchange dept. Cslef Bros K. Morrison st. st K. 3d FOR SALE Furniture suitable for large apartment or small house. Best style, practically new. Marshall 6073. GOING away Furniture and garden tools cheap. Tabor 5412. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE: Franquette English wal nut trees, grafted on black walnut stubs. 50c each. E. J. Hulford. St, jonns, ur. 600 BOND letter heads. $1.93; 1000. $2.90; 600 envelopes. $1.90; 10l9, iz so. smitn. printers, 204 Stark ONE set single hand-made harness. food snape. woodlawn 4762. C. T ingham. 1199 E. 16th st. N. WAYNE gasoline pumps for fllllox stations and carage. E. H. Rueppell. 473 Washington st. Main 160. LAWN sets, hor 4264. gas water heater. Ta LOTS plowed. 3630. Call evenings. Tabor PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. rtark lavi m.. 31? Third. Mam 797 TENT 12x20. N. 17th st. used 2 in6nths, $12. 235 HAVE 16 sacks first class seed pota toes, $3 hundred. Tabor 3719. ROTARY White sewing machine, like new. $25. 191 14th, near Yamhill. AUTOS FOR HIRE FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Conttnnea) We Will Clnsn nut our hi- stock of used machines to save storage charges, to a each. All makes. Guarantee 349 MORRISON ST. You will be astonished at the bar- galns we offer. tort a A I.e. tsraqid nuw v4vta in pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $160; second hand table at re duced prices: bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payment. Cigar store fixtures. Send for catalogue. The BRUNS WICK-BALKE COLLEN HER Co. 46-48 Rth. Portland fm-rOO- "MUSICAL IMihi jit.MS, ' AV- wiiter" and "liousehold Goods-' are separate classifications. All' adver tisements of these goods are published under their, respective classification. . IX) OK VH KM OVER. 1 OK SALE one Curtis x6 double cylinder air compressor, like new; one air tank. 2 ft. by 6 ft. Main 7798. FULTON PARK MARBLE WORKS. End of Fulton carlne, Riverview cemetery. A iiiacmuett soid lui less. Renting $1 per month. No agents em ployed. Sowing machine Emporium. 190 3d. near Taylor M!n 0431. A-34I6. ri.i a J . a r p i ! luinnii v paired. Walker Electrio Works. 41S Burnside. cor. ICth Broadwav or A-S674. 1" TEN dropneaa oewing oiicninni with attachments, good conditio. hewing machines rented at $2 per month. East 2359. B-3307t E. R. Steed. 162 Ornnd sve.. near Belmont. FOR SALE 1 McMillen automatic baseball pitching machine complete, with balls, bats, nets, canvas, etc.; quick sale, $100. Cost $800. Can be seen 309 1st, near Clay. Geo. Welnsteln. FOR SALE second nana steam neat ins apparatus. We will furnish es timates on material Installed and guar antee equipment and results. Main 6492. B M. Hnrt. 811 Front St. FOR billiard and pool tables, show cases and store fixtures, see W. J. Quigley. 212 1st st. - Lowest price and easiest terms. VACUUM CLEANERS i to $200 eac We sell, rent, exchange or buy. EXPERT REPAIRS. Duntley A all. Bentley & Co.. 739 Hoyt. Main 8513. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLED. launches or boats are separate classi fications. A large listing can be found under these different rlsswlf Icatlons. FOR SALE 1 new salmon net, 26 fathoms long, 6 in. mesh, 6 ply linen; no reasonable offer rejected. Z-924. Journal. VACUUM cleaners. $8. auar. 6 y Phone for demonstration; all makes repaired, rented, exchanged. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 Swetland bldg. Mar. 608 CHEAPER THAN AUCTION. Furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves. Hall & Cassiday, 126 1st st. Main 7098. FLAGS Transparent, 6x7. for window or windshield, 10c each, postpaid. Conway, 51 Union N. SWAP COLUMN 25 EXCHANGE automobile hire work for seed potatoes. C. J. Anderson, 41 Blackstone st. Marshal 1772. STOCK in placer mine in Idano, devel oped; investigate mis; casn or iraae; mall car preferred. E-364. jouit lai. CARPENTER work for groceries, snots or any thing. Marshall 2664. BEACH lot, clear, for diamond or mo- torcycie. J-a&. journal. ROOMS furniture for sale or trade for chickens. Call A-l 335. FURNITURE WANTED 74 PHONE East 7815 when you want to ell your furniture. We como t ence and pay you cash. M. R. Seater, 880 Hawthorne ave.. corner or union. MUST get stock of used furniture at once. Wll pay HIGHEST ftllC ior anything you have. Marshall 9865. PAY cash or trade on new. M. H. Calef. 540 Williams ave- East 6417. WE pay highest cash prices lor used . , ..1 , - . . r . u . . novse iurnisninitg. at m. p-iytt. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS 5 THE LEVIN Hardware Furniture Co.. dealers In new and second-hand furniture and hardware. We buy ho tel and restaurant outfits and tools of any description; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Four large stores are ampie prooi that we can furnish you with practi cally anything you need In home or elsewhere. 221 Front. Main vz. -7174. SQUARE DEAL. Williams, the tailor, pays positively $2.50 to $10 for gentlemen's discarded clothing, shoes, trunks, vailse. etc. rtione Main 7880. A-3249. it ilt Call promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANT-D J. MEYER THE TAILOR, PAIS $7.60 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS,! HE PAYS MOKE FOP. SHOES AND CLOTHING. MAR. 1229 22 MADISON. I I OUAMl Pn Portland. Front. Li Ol minr lUi Oregon. Hides Metals Rubber. Writ for prices and hlpplng tags. Main WANTED becond nand furnitur. ranees and stoves. est price paid Morgan Furniture Co4 S0 hi. Morrison t.v Phone fc.ast zzas. TO THE HOUSEWIVES. Positively pay highest price for anv kind of Junk. Will call with machine. Marshall 35. LOOK We pay highest prices for your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stove, range, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. Ea . KODAKS: 1 buy. sell, rent and ex change Kodak. feee bandy first. Sandv's Kodak shop, 328 Washington. next Sunset theatre. WANT all kinds FRUIT JARS, tent. farden tools, stoves, sewing ma ne, bicycle and everything. Mam 4496. 128 isi WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest casn price for household goods. Phorapt attention. East . w- ltl- eaier. nj rtuaaeu st Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 333S. WANTED 20.000 ft. hardwood, short length or odd sizes wil, do. in large or small lots. U-287. Journal. GOING EAST? Household goods shipped t reo. rates, rae. 'oat Fw'd g Co.. 201 Wilcox bid. Mar. tin. WILL pay highest price for furnituie. rugs, stove and office fixture. Main 771 4. WANTED Large range, electric or R- water power washing machine. S28, Journal. WILL pay $l-$20 for old fale teeth ts. crowns, oriages oougnt; oring or mail. . Randolph, 1218 Yeon bldg. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, kodaks, cameras, lenses. Hochlleld. 85 Sd. Main 8581. Highest caah price paid for furniture and gen, maae. mmmone. m aaaa. HIGHEST cash price paid for fur niture. Call A. P. P.. Mar. 478$. CASH paid for good second-hand fur- nlturtL ui zo st. Main ai. PAYS highest pries for Zd hand cloth ing. tool, etcr 278 Front. Me:n 4et FURNITURE wanted. Tabor 480. CLOTHING wanted. B-3253. TOOLS wanted.. 128 1st. Main 445jI 2D HAND lavatory. Woodlawn itl. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Varied colored female Persian cat. Reward. Phone E. 2724 or 721. E. Broadway. - LOST Lady's breastpin, crescent, shape.' 8 pearl In cenUr. Phon' Main 766J. Reward- ! FOUND Masonic charm. CaUl at Journal on ice. AUTO No. 33.274. lost between Oregon . City And -Portland. Marshall $478. nhi .21 '-. :L LOST AND FOUND i -t . coinswtt) . ' t . THE following articles were found In cars of the Portland Railway, Light St Power Co., April 20, 1917: One book, 1 handbag, 1 lunch boxes. 1 pair shoes. 6 packages. 12 umbrellas. 2 pairs gloves,- 1 roll wire. 3 gloves. 1 coat, I music roll, 1 pair overalls. 1 watch. 2 purses. 1 box tooth oast 4. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder st. station LOST Lady's gold watcn. Elgin. Mon- - - day evening, initials E. McP. on back, between Washington at Broad way and out Mississippi ave. Liberal -reward, as valued greatly a keepsake. Phone Main 859. LOST at chattuck school swimm.ug tank, envelope containing watch, .3 rings, stick pin and fob and email amount of money. Reasonable reward. LOST One black walrus ;rip on Wll- tamette Diva., Between St. Jonns ana Portland. Reward If returned to 66 Sherlock bldg. E. S. Karr. LOST Purse, between Brooklyn ahops ana 356 . unsan st.. contains lio In gold, some silver. Call Phone East 600s. Reward. STRAYED from Warren, or.. April 18, 1917, two horses, sorrel and bay. shod, halters on them, light horse. Notify N. J. Devln, Warren Or. LOST A striped laundry Uag, E. 21st. Ankeny, 12th to 2l8t, Taylor, electrio Iron, small kodak. Phone E. 1615. LOST Ladies' purse In Haxelwood Thursday afternoon. Return to Hotel Multnomah and receive liberal reward. PEltSONAL ROBERT O. 1NUERSOLL said: "I have never studied astrology, but personally have received great bene fits from my horoscope." A HORO SCOPE FORECAST WILL HELP YOU ALSO. Adams' Astrological school, 350 Morrison st. Ella Wheel er Wilcox said: "If you have common sense, have your horoscope cast." -" OLASSta 1 A OAllAo. The same service and quality you pay double the monev elsewhere: rnrrvil ' fitted glasses as low sj$i.(o. Thousand of satisfied customer. Chas W. Good men, optometrist m Morrlelon t. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse gives treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc,; massage and -baths; lady assistant, 310 Park st. Marshall 6033. Hours 9:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. open Sundays. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circu lation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; salt baths. 426 Clay U Main 8359. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI teaches truth; circles Sun.. Tues"., Thurs., p. m. Readings daily. 2lV llth L, cor. Salmon. Main 7920. SPIRITUALIST Mrs. M. La Mar. 235 5th St.. cor. Main, teaches calm and card reading daily. Phone A-3946. VIBRATORY massage,, face and ca!p treatments. as Washington, room 66. Marshall 4727 DR. V. G. KETCH UM Wumen uii,- dies and acute diseases of men. Vut. bldK.. 4th and Wash Km. 441. Mar. 44.- SPIRITUAL1SM Rev. M. A. Price. Circles Tues., 2, 8 p. m.; Suns., 8 p, m. Reading dally. 292 Clay. Mar. 3960. HAVE your Lair permaimntiy wavau. ' Guaranteed to laL Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1701 T JT 7 I Q T ' t r.laniiriA k-nl . 1 , , Goodnough' bldg., room 419. Ith and Yamhill. ?! rhVmWlll repair your watch no W U mWW matter how badly broken. RE1 NGOLD'S. Jewelers. 124 Fifth St. SHAMPOOING and electric scalp treat ments. 162 W. Park, room 30. MAY IRV1N. electric massaging. 29l Morrison, office 7. I Quwor Consultation FREE. Ma.u Lawyer 4 si? sntng hM. ALMA S. . JOHNSON, Wash, hotel, formerly. 417-20 N. W. Bank bldg. . NOIICES IN THE DISTRICT t'OL'RT OF THE UNIT ED 8TATKM. EASTERN . DISTRICT Of WASHINGTON. Matthew A. Mnrrisna. Complainant, va. Nortlx-m Ida&o and Montana Power Company and Orrguo iower Cutopao. Drfeodaata. la Equity No. 2V4o order t'lalag Tim Within Welch to Hie C la Una. To the Credltara of Nurliiera Idaho' aod -Uontana Power t.'ompany: NOTICE 19 HKUEBY GIVEN that aU claim aealnat Nortbern Idaho sod MoaUDa Power Company anall be ravaented to the re ceiver. Elmer Dorer. at Tacoma. Waablng ton, properly verified by affidavit, bens' July 1, 19 IT. Clalma not preaented before aid date aliaQ be -forever- barred from any participation In the proeeeda of the .property of Northern Idaho aud Montana Tower Com pany at the eloae of tb recelverabln. Clalma presented will cither be allowed or rejected by tbe receiver. In raae of rejection the claimant wll be not 1 fed and will bare th lrt r (Ml) daya after aucb notice within which to file aa Intervening; petltlva In this court for allowance of bla claim. All disputed claims will thereafter be adjudicated under ordera giving tbe claimant ample opportun ity to present proofa. Wltbln ten OO) dava after Jaly 1. 1917. the receiver la directed to make a further re port abowtng clalma presented and allowed,' and all penuia affected will be allowed twen ty ('JO) day thereafter wltbln wnich to file objectiona, together wltb proof aupportlng the a me. Dated tbla 6th day of April. 1917. FRAN- II. Kt'DKIN Judze. PROPOAA KOR STATU Ot' OKtiiON KARM CREDIT BONDS. pled bkla will bo n- eel vel by te Mat of Oregon at the office of the State Land Board up to 11 o'clock a. m.. May Zi, 1917. for XjOO.oGu Su year 4 On Con farm Credit Bonda, dated June 1. 1917, In denomination to aalt tbe purcbaaer, of Z, $100, $600 and f HMO; 10 per cent of lb Uxif redeem able In five rears and tbe balance of tbe laaue in lO rears at tbe option of tbe board; Interest parable aeml annually; prind rat and Interest payalrfe at tbe office of tbe -Stat T aaarer at Halevn, Or. Tbe bond wlU be furnished complete by tbe board. . II blda must be acromfanled by certified e-eck. payable to tbe Mate Land Hoard for S per cent of tbe amount of tbe bid. whlca check will be forfeited t tbe aUte In caa tfce eucceeeful bidder fall to complete bis purcbaae. The board' reeervte the rlfbt to reject any ad all bids. Offers should be add saed to G. G. Brown, Clerk Btata Land Board, Oalem, Or.; and Barked "Bids for Oregon mrm Credit Honda." O. O. BROWN. Clerk fttata Land Board. Dated at Balera, Or.. April 20. 1917 T1UBKR 8ALKS. Klamath Reaervatloe. Ore torn. Sealed bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon. Pacific time. Thursday, May SI, 1917. for the porcfaaae of tbe timber a post three Urce tracts on tbe Klamath Indian reaarvatioa.- southern Oregoe. L'poe one tract eootalainf 2W.OOU."0O feet, and apoa another eoatalslag 170,000,000 feet, a mlnnaoia price of tX& per thousand baa been placed upon yellow sad sugar pine, and upon the third tract of SuO. 000,000 feet, the minimum price for sogsr sad yellow pine baa been made $3 per tuoaean feet. Tba minimum for red fix la 75c and fa wblte fir SOe. but tba cutting of these specie la optional with tbe purchaser. Tbe timber la " early all yellow and eugar pine. The right t reject any and all blda la reaerved. Veil Infor mation may be obtained from the euperlst ass ent of tbe Klamath Indian school. Klamath Ageticy. Oregon. Washing too, D. C, Uarrh 24. 117. Cato Sells. Comailsalooer of ladiaa af faire. oEAl.h u Dioa ior sewing supplies an geoe eaeral school supplies ior - acboot eiatlict Ne. 1. Multnomah county, Oregon, for the school year 10)7-1018. will b received at the office of R. H. Tba aa. acbool clerk, 401 eoerthoue. Port land. Or., until a p. m May Z. 1017. and will ' opened by the boerd f director at 4 p. m. '- " V. ATri-T-. Vt .VT' "i-"'"cm tloue ana be obtained at tbe office of the u-r-Arraigned. Certified check for 10 per cent t . the amount of tbe propoaal. payable to R. H. , Tbomaa. school clerk, moat accompany each propoaal. Board of directors reserve the tight to reject any sad all propose la or divide the ' award. B. U. THOMAS, Apr" 1, 1017. School Clerk. TRANSPORTATION -TWIN PALACES QWmmi'MWJiVM rartUad ta Saa gtaaatsae II. VOftTXUUI rACiriC. April g. 7. 12. 17. SI. M, May 1. S. California Steamer gxpraaa leaves 0:S . aa. rare $a. $12.30, $10. MM. t2SJM. M. figXAT aORTHX&jr. u rracee aad Laa Angeles to lloooiulu. . .- $130 reaad trip. vTcm orricxs ! Sd. Barllagta Ry. fettk Baaa, th 4 Stark -llBth al er I .- -arria . g. y. J U Weak., eV. Rv. A