The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 14, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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' Goal for Two Years of Work
' . Is to Bring Total Number
'of Chapters Up to 30,000.
lflsslonary liepartment KcjTlnlf
Calls From Sonth innrtct ul
Eves Turbulent Kexioo.
The Epworth league of the Metho
dist Episcopal churches throughout the
world will begin what Is known as a
"big- drive" on anniversary Jay, May
13 This drive will last for two years
a win on anniversary Sunday,
, 1919. May 15. 1919, will be the thir
.tieth anniversary of the organization
of the Epworth league, so the number
80 will appear several times In the
drives objective.
The goal that is aimed at is to (1)
bring the total number of senior arid
- . Junior chapters up. to 80.000; (2), to
V secure 300,000 -new membrrs; (3). to
place 30,000 on the morning watch
enrollment; (4), to secure an attend
ance of 30,000 at the annual league
Institutes; 6). to enroll 60.000 In
mission and other league study
'classes; (6), to organize 3000 chapters
into "Twenty-four Hour Day" leagues;
- (7), to secure 30,000 new subscribers
to the "Epworth Herald"; (8) to se
fnr an.ono new subscribers to the de
votional topic notes; (8), to enroll 60,
000 as Christian stewards or tlthers;
(10), to organize 1500 Junior chapters
fnto "Twentv-four Hour Day" leagues;
(11), to secure 3000 new subscribers
to the "Junior Quarterly"; and (12).
to secure 3000 life work pledges for
' the ministry or mission field work.
Portland Asked to Aid.
This clan will probably be Intro
. ducetf in Portland when the district
' convention comes next month. There
" are about 400 Epworth league dis
tricts in the United States and the
Portland district has been asked to
' assume its share.
There are about 10,000 Methodist
churches in America that have no
young " people's Organization In them.
Many of these churches are in the
' country, but the plan of the drive
also provides that workers shall be
sent Into the field to organize some
of these small churches.
The "Twenty-four Hour Day" league
is one that organizes its finances on
the duplex envelope system, with one
side for home work and the other for
foreign work. ,The idea is that the
part given to the home chapter works
, during the day and the part given to
, V the foreign work works during the
night. Every chapter having 60 or
less members, with 10 or more mm
. bers giving two cents or more a week,
: on each side of the envelope, will' be
placed on the list of "Twenty-four
Hour Day'" leagies. Larger leagues
i will be counted In the same ratio, with
-1 10 on the honor roll for every 60
"t- , members.
I South America Bands Call.
! , In the missionary department the
' , church is planning for greater things
at the close of the war. The central
office of the league states that a call
for workers has now come from South
America and that even turbulent
Mexico is anxious for worker. Over
60,000 Bpworthlans reside In India and
It is necessary to provide for the sup
, port of the ministers there. The gen
eral secretary of the league writes:
"At the close of the war we shall
have to reorganize our league work
"i 1ft Europe. It will need" our utmost
, resources to meet the crying needs of
that sorely smitten continent. Now
If 3000 chapters will .put themselves
on this 'Twenty-four Hour Day'
league basis for the world-wide work
t of the league we can make the league
a world power. Never have we had
such an opportunity as now."
Old Fashioned Love
Feast of Methodists
The First Free Methodist church of
. Portland. East Ninth and Mill streets.
- , is holding its last quarterly meeting
. ' for the year. Rev. Frank L. Bourns,
.. the district - elder in charge, will
preach an appropriate sermon at 11
a. m., after which a communion aerv
lc? wl-".be held. The morning sermon
" '."j, ""y "j i.iuucu
will preach at 8 o'clock p. m.. and Mrs.
Adelaide L. Bears will conduct tha
Young People's meeting, at 7 p m.
Special music will be furnished by the
. Young People's chorus, and Donald L.
MacPhee will sing.
, This Is the closing quarterly meet
ing of the year, and the pastor. Rev'
Alexander Beers, feels much encour
aged over the net results of tho past
'and prospects for the future.
; Rev. Dr. Skinner to
Speak on War Fund
' "Seven Billion Dollars for War" will
be the subject of Rev. Dr. J. M.
Skinner, pastor of the Rose City Park
Presbyterian church, on Sunday eve-
ning. The service will be patriotic
and special decorations will be dls
: played and patriotic songs sung.
The pastor will discuss the possi
bility of getting the most out of a
'. great fund for the advancement of
liberty and the building of manhood.
Easter Sunday was a great day in
.the Rose City Park church. An audl
' ence assembled for the Easter sermon
that completely filled all available
'seats. , Fifty-one new members were
? received and several individuals were
-'baptized. In the evening the double
; quartet gave the "Daughter of Jiar
us." Tomorrow will be Communion
Sunday,-and In the morning the
lord's supper will be administered.
The Junior choir, assisted - by the
' auartet,- -will sing.
First in Series of
. Addresses Given
By Prominent Men
B. F. Mulkey wilt be the
speaker Sunday evening at ?:
In the Pilgrim Congregational
church. Ilia subject wilt fee:
-The Bible and Science," This
will be The first tn a series of
addresses to be given every
Sunday fn the chvrrh by prom
inent men ef the city, -
"Socialization of
Healing," Is Dr. i
DiUehunt's Subject
Dr. Richard Dlllehunt will
$ speak on "Socialization of Heed
InG" at .the Central Methodist
church, Vancouver avenue ana
4 Fargo street, Sunday at 7:30 .
p. n4 this being the second of
a series of four popular Sunday
evening talks on the general
subject "Public Health and the
Christian Conscience," given
under the direction of the Young
Men's Social Service club.
The club plans to yoke up tne
Christian forces of its neigh-
4t borhood to those others waging
a nation-wide campaign against
4 preventable disease. - A large
crowd heard Dr. Calvin B.
White speak' last Sunday night
He' on "The Conquest of Disease,"
and it is expected that the ser-
tea will grow In popularity as
other prominent physicians
speak. All meetings are open to
both men and women.
Vestry Makes Pews
For Grace Church
Grace Memorial church has been fur
nished with new pews, made by the
members of the vestry in the basement
of the church during the Lenten sea
son. The Rev. O. W. Taylor, rector of
Grace Memorial church, is serving as
secretary of the Patriotic Conservation
league which Is promoting tne tnor
ousrh utilization of resources.
The Social Service league of the
church In Portland will hold a special
meeting the evening of May 14.
The sum of 342 was raised at All
Saints' church on Easter day. The
members of the congregation have ob
ligated themselves to care for an or
phan boy in France for one year.
Central Church to
Welcome Members
Sunday morning at 10:30 Central
Presbyterian church will celebrate the
Lord's supper, welcoming the 123
members who were added to the
church roll on Easter. Infants and
children will be baptized; Dr. Arthur
F. Bishop, pastor, will preach on the
topic, "The Eternal Atonement," Rev.
13: 8. At 7:46, the subject of the
sermon will be "The Great Salvation,"
Heb. 2:3.
On Wednesday evening the annual
meeting of the congregation will be
held. Officers will be elected, reports
for the year will be submitted and
important business considered. Among
the interesting reports will be that of
the pastor and session, which will
show a net gain in membership for
the year of over 100, making the
present membership of Central church
666. This is a most satisfactory
showing,, in view of the fact that the
church was without a pastor the first
half of the year. Since Dr. Bishop
took charge In October of last year,
169 members have been added to the
church roll.
Missionary Motive
Is Pastor's Theme
Following up the work of last Sun
day which in keeping with the true
spirit of Easter was marked in First
Methodist churtfh by large giving for
the missionary causes. Dr. Stansfleld
will have as his morning theme: "The
Missionary Motive."
The subject of Dr. Stansfleld's eve
ning sermon will be: "Wanted: Men."
He indicates the purpose of his sermon
on the theme in this manner: "The
country's call is for men In the navy
and the army, on the land and on the
sea and in the sky; also in mart and
farm and mill and forge. America's
greatest asset and need is men."
On Wednesday night the quartet and
vested choir of this church gave for
the second time within three' weeks, to
a crowded house, Mendelssohn's fam
ous oratorio: "Elijah." It will fur
nish two special numbers at both the
morning and evening services.
The Forum of the First ' Methodist
Sunday school hasWranged with Rev.
Walter Lee Airheart, the associate pas- i
tor, to give a series of five studies of
Raushenbusch's great book: '"Chris
tianising the Social Order." The first
of this series is to be given in tho
PArum'fl mnm An Qnnav a . tl.ic
o'clock. "The 'Revolutionary Destiny
OI unnsuanity."
Unshaken Pillars
Dr. Waller's Topic
"The Unshaken Pillars" will be Dr.
Calvin B. Waller's subject - at the
morning service of the First Baptist
church (the White temple). The
Temple quartet will sing "Arise.
Shine, for Thy Light Is" Come"
(Maker) and "Spirit of God" (Neld
llnger) and at the evening service
will render "Thou Who Like the Wind
Dost Come" (Ambrose) and JM Re
deemer and My Lord" (Sullivan), ;
At 7:30 p. m. a song service 'Will
be conducted by William Mansell
Wilder and the pastor will preach
the second sermon in a series enti
tled "Some Things We Need,"using
the topic, "The Women We Need."
Last Sunday evening's sermon on "The
Men We Need" was heard by a large
audience, which overflowed the church
into the lecture room and galleries.
TLe sermon was received with much
mthusiasm. as was indicated bv thai
applause which greeted the speaker
uurMW ine aaaress. and at its close.
Gospel as Applied
To Home Missions
W. Q. MacLaren, superintendent of
the Pacific Coast Rescue and Pro
tective society, and Miss Beatrice Pros
ser. matron of the Louise Home, will
peak at the Central Free Methadtat
church. East Flfty-flflh and Flanders
streets, next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Their theme will be the nrae.
ticallty of the gospel applied te
home missions work.
Ex-Chief of Polio Stover win speak
at the church Sunday eventn at t:sa
o'clock. Mr. Stover's large experience
In the police department has qualified
him to apeak on certain phases of lite
tn large cities. He believes In the
application of Christianity to business.
tai ana contest la ure.
Her. IlmSlej Win rrearh.
i Rev. Mr. Cheater lladley of tVest
rtedmont Frtende churrh will Breach
in feme! mission. 2(1 nrst street, at
mn 8un4y.
To Stimulate These Elements
Multnomah Union Will Hold
Meet April 17,
For the purpose of instilling great
er enthusiasm and vigor in the work
of the conversion and soul winning.
the Multnomah County Christian En
deavor Union will hold a meeting for
the lookout committee chairmen on
Tuesday, April 17, 6:15 p. m., in the
First Evangelical church. East Six
teenth and Poplar streets.
A. rousing, program will be - offered
following a banquet. Emel Swan
son, chairman of the Lookout com
mittee of the Multnomah County
Christian Endeavor union, is making
arrangements for the gathering and
distributing announcements.
Problems covering every detail ot
church and community work will be
discussed, as well as the getting of
new church members.
Reservations for the banquet should
be made with Mr. Swan son, whose
phope number Is Tabor 4201, or with
Mr. Davis, Main 6740. Plates will be
25 cents.
The program will be as follows:
Getting acquainted.
Mess (with toasts served hot).
"Two Heads Better Than One, or
Using the Other Fellow's Success."
Exhibit (a), "On' the Lookout."
Exhibit (b), "The Endeavor Greet
ing." Exhibit (c). The Lookout Commit
tee at Work."
Exhibt (d). "Recruiting the Mem
Exhibit (e), "Reasonableness of The
Exhibit (f). "Absentee, Application
and Pledge Cards."
Questions and suggestions from the
Committee organisation and divis
ion of work.
Why we ought to work for a larger
How we can secure a larger mem
bership and more converts.
(a), Canvassing the Sunday school.
(b) . New members' receptions.
(c) . Society socials as u recruiting
(d) . Other plans.
General open discussion, with ques
tions and suggestions from the floor.
AI 11
Lsira Topic
BpworUi League "How God Goldee."
Chiiwtlan QodeTor "The Lard's 0y. the
Bet Day."
B. Y. P. V. "Right and Wrong Usee of
Lather Lagae "The Qnadrl-Ceatsmilal."
Firat White Temple 12th and Taylor ate.
Ber. Oalrln B. Waller. 11. "The Unshaken
Ptllara." 7: SO. "The Women We Need."
Swediih-rinnlah Mission White Temple, 6.
East Side EL 20th and Ankenr eta. Rt.
W. B. Htaaon, peitor. Dr. Laontrd Kikty.
resident McMlnnTUle eoiltge, beta aarrloea.
acting pastor. 11, T:80.
Highland E. etb and Alberta Bev. Chaa.
IS tier, paator. 11, T:80.
Arleta Rer. W. T. Sprlgga.
University Park Re. Thomas Stephenson,
acting pastor. 11.7:30. .
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. Gideon
Bjolsnder, paator. 11:15. 7:80.
tirara Montavllla Rer. H. T. Cash.
11, "Our Unseen Ally." T:5, "Tne Touch, of
Sell wood Rev. F. H, Hayes, paator. 11
St". Johns ReT. B. P. Borden, paator. 7:80.
CalTary E. 8th and Grant Rer. J. B.
Thomas, paator. 11. "The World." 7:80, "The
Birth of Christ."
Mt. Calvarj East Pine and Grand are.
ReT. A. M. Machacek. 11, 8.
Third Knott and Vancouver are. Rer. W.
J. Bearen. 11, Rer. Dr. A. M. Petty. 7:80,
stereoptlcon, "Ufe of Christ."
Chinese J. C lis lone. 7.
Lents Rer. 3. M. Nelson.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe B. 45th and Main ReT. A, B.
Walts. 11. "Loving the Low." S, "The
Hand at the Helm."
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Msgrett. 11. 8.
Itsllan Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella.
11, 8.
First German its and Mill Bar. 3. Kratt.
11. 7:80.
North Portland Mission 8SO Kleolal at.
Friday.- 8.
Ruftsellvllle Mission Rer. Albert Langh
bridge. 8:45.
Tabernacle E. 4 2d and Holitate Rev. Wal
ter Duff, acting paator. 11. 7:30.
First Park and Colombia Rev. Harold H.
Griffls, paator. 11, "The Immortality of the
Invisible." 7:45. servlca In charge of Christian
Endeavor. '
Kern Park Rev. U. K. Berry. 11. 7:30.
East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Rev. El. H. Sawyer, pastor. 11, 8.
Sellwood lata and xenino Kev. j. K.
Johnson. 11. H.
St. Johns ftev. ueroerc r. Jones. 11, B.
Bethel E. 82d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
M on ta villa E. TOtn ana uoyt uev. Enseue
Burr. 11. ?:o.
Gladstone liev. kot L.. Dunn. 11. 8.
Rodney ATenue and Knott Rev. J. Carlos
Ghormiey. n, i:o.
St. Peter'a Lenta Bev. P. Beutren. 8.
fro-vaineorai join ana ubtm Kev. s. v.
O'Hara. , 7:15, 8:S0. 9:45, 11. 7:45.
8t. Lawrence 3d and Sbermao Kev. J. c.
Hushes. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St- fatnes a im ana oavier nev. fl. p,
Unrnhr. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Francla' B. 11th and Oak Bav. J.' H.
Rl. k. U. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. limlj. , 8, 9, 11
Holy Roaary B. 3d and Clackamaa Bev. B.
8. Olaon. o. 7, B, , ii, i:au.
St. Hose B. osa ana Alameda Bev. J.
O t arren. s. iu. i:av.
St. Andrew a k. wtn ana Alberta Bev. J.
Klernan. s. io:ju, iuw.
The Madeline K. 24th and Sisklyoo Rev.
Gatiraa F. Thompson. 7:30. . 10:3U.
Ascension K. XamhiU and E. 7eth-rrancls-ean
Fathera. s. 10:3U. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrsment Maryland ave. and Blaa-
dena Kev. r. n. biki, o. i:so, 1:30.
Uoly cmsa ii nowouta Bev. C Raymond
k 10:30. 7:30.
St. Ianatius' 3220 43d st S. X.Jntt
St. Stephens' 42d and B. Taylor BV. War
ren A. want, o, o:ou. iv.m, i:no.
St. ntlllD Men a., inta and Hlckary Bev,
W. i. Cartwrtsht. 8. H:S0. T:30.
: St. CWeaeata Smith aad N toe) Mam. Jm.
4ei.'h Chapoton. Bev. laeasaa Wee we, aeeiaUat.
, I.
Sacred cfesrt c ilia sue i eater Kev. a
Kobt. -S. lo:lW. 7:30.
linly Bedeeawr Portland Mvd. and Taaeoaj.
wr ave. Bev. r. t. MUiar. e. a. luao, 7JO.
sh. Afiaa c lain aaa aiuier alev.
Cawsaiawky. S. ie:3e, IJu.
St. Stanislas i Polish Maryland ave. sad
ratllac atev. F. Matthew a. 10: JO. TJO.
St. Josevh (Germsa) 13th a ad Loach Bev.
B. uorrer. a. n ju, nan.
St. Michael (ItaHaaV 4th and Mil'. Bev. U.
Baleatra. H. 2e:SM. 7:0.
St. ctare's Capltel Hill Fraaeiecaa Fath-
era. TJSO, 0:1a.
at. I ear lee S3d and Alberta Bee. G.
Suidtrhaes. a. IHJO, :au.
Firs Par aa lladls s. Lather B.
nratt. sniaassaa'. im-jn. "Srv LUrht fas Pvav
sr." 7:4i -De Man tawo War fcataep Taaa
mt Gerssaa B. 7th and Btastao Bav. B.
o. winaaaa.
Atslsaue MecMrtal rhar B. ttrfe end
Btwrett. Bev. Warren Mnrsa. paator. 11. "A
I"- Week. 7:44. "The Mlanaderafcead
i Brsst.
t itarlas Miaaoerl ave a ad Shaver sC Bev.
a--. " i
Rev. Dr. John H. Boyd.
"Two well known western pastors,'
the Spokane Chronicle says, "have been
added to the corps of speakers for the
big inland empire Sunday school con
vention in Spokane May 21 to 23. The
new men are Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, and Dr. Joshua Stansfleld,
Reorganization at
Friends' Church
First Friends church. East Thirty
fifth and Marn streets, effected re
organization for the year last week.
In the Sunday school. H. A. Hinshaw
and Mrs. Hattie Legg were appointed
as superintendents, ' while in the
ehMTch. S. L. Hanson was reelected
tlerk. C. J. Barnard treasurer, and as
Chairmen of departments, missionary,
E. W. Hall; finance. H. A. Hinshaw:
peace. S. L. Hanson; literature. Miss
Margaret King; temperance. Chesley
Bentley; music. Dr. A. E. George; home
missions, Maggie George; Christian
Endeavor, president. Miss Gertrude
Cook; vice president. Ward Haynes;
secretary. Fern Hudson; treasurer, M.
D. Wells.
The pastor, H. L. Cox. will occupy
his pulpit Sunday and services of spe
cial interest are being planned.
cna." '
Mnlkev. 'The Bible and Science."
L'niveraity Park Haven at., near Lombard
Bev. F. J. Meyer, paator.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Bev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, paator.
Waverly Heichts B. S3d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moaea.
; Siuinyside K. 82d and Taylor Bev. J. J.
Btaub. 11. "A Warranty Deed to I Hopes'
Fulfillment." 7:45, "The Larger Christian
Zlon (German) B. 9th and Tremont Bev.
J. H. Hopp. 10:80.
Norwegian Danish Congregational Church B.
23d and Snmner Bev. Morton Olson. 11, 7:80.
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Barnett, paator. 11, 8.
Finnlah Miaaion 107 Skldmore at. Bev.
Samuel N avals. 6 p. m. and 7:80. I
Laurelwood Cona-reaatlonal chnrcb 48tn ave.
nd 65th at. S. B. 11, Rer. I. G. Tate, ft,
vesper service. Rev. Francis Sannello.
eraanwaia araenwaid station Howara w.
, Chriatiaa Beioaee.
8uheet Lesson Sermon: '''Are Bin. Disease
and Death Real?"
First church Everett, between 18th and
19th ata. 11, 8.
Second K, 6th and HoHaday. 11, t.
Third B. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emeraoa. 11, a
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science aocletr Holbrook block.
St. Johna. 11.
Eplsoopal. .
Trtnltr 19th and Everett Bav. A. A hfor
rlsou, rector. 8, 11, ..
Pro-Osthedral of sit. Stfhens the Martve
1 3th and Clay Very Rev B. H. MeCollieter.
deu. Rt. Rev. W. T. Snmner, bishop, 7:45,
H, 7:45.
St. Iavld's E. lth and Belomnt Rev.
Tbomaa Jenkine. rector. 7:30, 90, 11, T:80.
St. Mark's Hat and Marshall Rer. J. E.
. 81m neon, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton. aaao.
date rector. 7:30. 11, 7 45.
St. Andrew's Hereford St.. Portsmoath
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 7:80 p. tn.
Bt- Matuewa uorbett and Bancroft ata.
Bev. W. A. M. Brack., vicar. 11a. m.
Grace Memorial Weldler and B. 17th It
Bev. Oswald W. Taylor, a, 11.
Good Shenhera Vancouver and Siaatn a.
John Dawson 11, 7:80.
Bt. Michael s and AH Anrels B. 43d ud
Btoadway Bav. T. a, bt wen. 8, 11, B. Bav.
John Dawson.
Church of Our Savior OOth ave. and 41st St.
E. Archdescon Chambers is charge. 11,
St. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oawald W. tv.
lor. 4.
Blshoo Morris Memorial ehanel. Good Kam.r.
Itan hospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard. 7.
All Saints' church B5th and Sarler Ttv
Frederick K. Howard. 11, 6:8a
Bt. Johna en or en Comer E. 15th and Rar.
ney. Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers l
11, 7:30.
Zvaagallcal Aaaooiatiea.
caraon Helgnui Kev. N. BhUDD. eeatiw. rv . n
11 :w, l :ov.
First Enellah BV. th and VfaVat b m
D. Hornacbuch. 11, S. S. mass naeetlng, Bfbt
inetltute. Rev. Walter Duff and Rt. n'
L. Hutchison, on "The Second Comlnar mt
First German Evanrellcal 10th and dis
Bev. G. F. Lien log. 10:45. 8,
Portland Miaaion ennren Carana Hatrfcta
ut. n. anupp, paaior. o:w, TISU.
Bvaaraueal BTnsd.
German Evanrellcal Friends' chnrcb . -fraa
ave. and F 15th Bev. Ellas N. Haraart.
Free Methodist.
central rout ana js. Flanders Bav. nr. a?
Flrat H. Via and Bev. A. Baara n
7:30. Rev. Frank L Burns, both services.
St. Johns 01 st and 67th ave. 11.
Third Bev. B. H. Clark. 11, 7;80.
Friends' Church.
First B. . 85th and. Mala ata. Bav rv.
11, 1:30.
Lents Sooth Mala at. Bev. John Riley, n.
Went Piedmont Friends church Comer
paator. 11. 7:45. 7'
Conrreratloo Beth Israel 12th and u.i.
BSDDI joiisb o. niav. riiamj, a n. fa.
" Latharaa. '
St. lasses. Eeglian Wast : Park and Jeff,
e-HV, Tiuua m,wvm onoiBIL 11 M
laaaaaaael 1Mb and Irvine 11. a. '
West Side Norwcalae La there a as w i, .v
Bev. WUhelsa Petternoe. 11, a. . .
Bet ha sis Denis Evangelical Latheraa ehawa,
aBIUBI aw. u Btf. I. p
, . am! ILwtU . r,
KJotler. 10 a. as- sad p. av.
imasasen uvtbbbb owuwaDo nev. H. C.
aiina. 10:30.
Trtaity Gevsoaa Mlaeeerl 8yaedwuiisBiB
v. aad Graaass Bev. J. A. Rlsahacaw lO-ta"
at. Paara Geraaaji B. Rth sad Cllaioav
surv. M. a. ran. uglfcah. T;30.
Grace Baguae. (Mlaaorl Synod)--AlMa ave.
sad laaean st-ev. B. Probst., too, lojo.
Bvaegellca! Latheraa Eton CVlaaeerl BvaBd
Sa leans aad Chapsaaa Bay. H. Keppekaaaal
aveeiasi ptiht mmm m tmm i n a. iMrasaa.
io-lk: tHlU.l:U w-sassw.
Bt. Joha a realaealar aad Klrfcpa trick Bar
K. U. BaJsasaaat. 10:45. t JO. '
Bethel harwegUe Lathaeae Free chereh
vaysaat IN swwy btbsw swr. J. A. U?
ey. II. 6.
Owed tea Aagtaaa Bav. H. B. Baaataait.
IO:ee. TieS. .T"
, Trtaity i Korwee1aa Pertaaseeth Bev. Blew
A. ateaaeth. II. a.. Servlcaa at laadca saUL
1Mb and Alberta.
Oev aaehar Kaet-JOfB and Grant Rev. Gen
nearness, mafum. i aw-is; jvarsregua. UUJk
I " y
I ' 1 4? " .-'V- ' s ; i J ;
V"' 'w S..'$T
i j i
Rev. Dr. Joshua Stansfleld.
pastor of the First Methodist church
of Portland.
"Both men are counted among the
strong preachers of their denomina
tions in the west. Dr. Boyd's church
Is credited with the rargest Sunday
school in the three northwest states,
the attendance not Infrequently pass
ing the 1000 mark."
Jubilee Meeting Set
For Tuesday Night
A jubilee meeting will be held in
First Methodist church next Tuesday
at 7:30 o'clock, under the direction of
the Woman's foreign missionary so
cieties. This will be one of 70 simultaneous
meetings held In different parts of
the United States. A prize of one life
membership, valued at $10. will be
given to the society having- the larg
est membershJo Dresent
Mrs. Matthew S. Hughes will pre-f
siae ana vr. carl Gregg Doney, presi
dent of Williamette university, will
be the speaker.
' Music will be furnished by the choir
of First church, of which Hartrldge
Whipp is leader.
Men and women Interested in mis
sions are invited. .fJfc-
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Bev.
W. O. Uenkaemper. 1L.
Latter Say Batata.
Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Salnta
( Mormoa ) B. 85th and Madlaon. 11:43. Rev.
H. J. Ballard.
Tha Reorganised Church of Jeana Christ of
Latter Day Salnta (not Mormona ) B. 7Sth and
Irving ata. Evangellet H. C. Barmore. 11. 7-45.
District Superintendent Rev. William Wal
lace Xoungaon, D. D., 691 B. 6 2d st. N. Tabor
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Joshua Stans
fleld, minister. Bev. Walter L. Airheart. aa-
sietant. io:80j, "Tba aneslonerT MoUve.
:iW. "Wanted Men."
Centenarr B. fith and B. Ptn T w. Tana
11, "A Mesaase From Afar;" 7:40. "The Lu
telling Detective."
Taylor Street church Hall at 12B 4th at Dr.
M. H. Marvin. Meetlna- place. Circle theatre.
IM 4th. 10:30 a. m.
Trinity B. 10th and Sherman Rev. r. N.
Sandifur. pastor. 11. 7:30.
swedian Borthwlck and Beech Bav. Joha
, Wellman. 10:45. 4, 7:45.
Epworth 20th and Sarler Bav. fi O u
Flrat Nut wealan Danish IM). and Rort
Rev. Uas GJerding, pastor
rvooQlawn u. luth and Highland Bev. W.
E. Kloater.
SeUwood Rev. Abvaader P. Maclean. 11
7:30, 11. Easter sermon. 7:30, Kaater aacrd
Mt. Tabor E. Stark and Slat B. Olln Eld-
rldse. minister. 11. "Eaater. tha Ererereen
of Humanity." - 7:30. Sunday School haiatcr
Central Vancouver ave. and Farao Rev. C.
Rarlck. 7:30. "SocUHzatloo of Healing," by
Richard Dlllebunt, M. D.
Bt. Jotius Hayes and Leavitt Bev. J. H.
Irvine. - 11, 7:30.
Montavilla Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 11. 7:30.
Lauredwood 63d st., S. B.. and Foster road
Rev. C. A. Carlos. .1. "The Strife Is Over."
8, "An Easter Concet."
Clinton KeUy Memorial E. 40th and Powell
Rev. A. B. Calder. 11. Rev Dr. W. N.
lousgaoa. 7:30, Rev. R. Hocking.
Jafaaeee Mission Bev. Eileen hJbara. t;30,
Boa City Park Sandy blvd. and B. 58th N.
A. -A. Heist. 11. vespers. 4:80. aunthlv
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Bev. T.
A. Scbamann. 10. 8.
African Zlon 288 Williams ave. Bev. W.
W. Howard. 11, &
Vancouver Avenue Norwerlan-Danlsn Oanmr
Skldmore Bev. H. P. Kelson, paator. 11,
Professor J. O. Hall, balem. 8, Sunday school
missionary program. -
Unlveralty fark Lombard and Flake Ka
J. T. Abbett. 11, 7:45.
Lenta Bev. F. M-Jasper. 11. 8.
Bethel Larrabee and McMlllea Rev. W. H.
Prince. U:15. 8.
Westmoreland MUwaakle ave.. near Ra.
moot Bev. F. N. Sandifur, aupplr. I; SO.
Lincoln Rev. W. T. Kerr. buddIt. k. rva
and Lincoln. 11. 7:80.
Patton Michigan and Alberta Ber. Gecrn
H. Feeae. 11, 7:45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. S. E
Bev. u. u. foor.
First Oermaji Bev. A. F. Cramer. 11. g.
Brentwood Oiaxlea Wttley Miller, 11 8.
Chinese Miss loo 11 and 7:80.
Caraon Heights Rev. L. C. Douglas. Kendall
Clark scbooinouse uev. a. b. Wilson. 7:80,
irvlnaton Ksst loth and Weldler Bev. a.
Unnton Bev. S. H. Dewert.
Bethel A. ,M. K. church itev. W. H. Prince.
:16. a i
Woodlawn 10th aod Hide Bev. W.
Kloater 11, 7:45.
X. E. Church South.
First M. E. Church South, corner TJnlna a
ana jauirnomaii st. mt. n. r enton. paator,
11, 'Patience." 7:80. song service.
Swedish Mission Bev. B. J. Thoreo. 11. g.
Elim chspel Rev. B J. Thoren. 1ft.
Bethel Free church Ivy st. aad Williams
Bav. J. a, eiavney. ai. .
If asarsae
First Pentecostal h. 7th and B. Conch ata
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11, 7:30.
Hellweoo. fc. via saa Bposane Kev. t rr
naaer. ii, :ou.
Brentwooa K. OMIU and K. 05th ava H s-
KpandiBavlaa s48 Carfuld 11. -an
HlghUnd rark 11 k. 14th N Kev. & L!
aieaaei. iv, it. aru.
First 12th and Alder eta. Bav. John H
Boyd. K.30. "The Care of the 8Dtrltnal Ufa
7 :3a, "The Two Germaniek, One to Revere.
One te Oopoee."
Centrsl a. I3ta anj rme ata. Bev. Arthur
P. Bishop. D. D. 10:30.."Tbe Eternal Atone
ment:" 7:45. "The Greet Salvation." .
Westminster B. J7th and Schuyler sta
vr. aajwaro) reaee. iv.i, i
Arbor Lodge Bev. Geo. R, Cromler. 11. T:45
Calvary ll'h aad - Clay eta. Y allace U.
Lee. awiy mmasiev. 7 :30.
loerth Fnet and Gtbba sta. Bev. H. o
Hsnsoet 11 "Being a Chrbtian, Outside the
caercn ; v :w, van aervice.
Kesdlwerta B. 4th and Gladatone Bev. B.
P. Lawrence. 11. "The Marvel of God's
urate;- i:ea. asae a ran la salvation."
rachsa Ursksat and Gaateabeia area. Bev
fn. MacLeod. 11. 7:30.
Mlaeah B. 1U aad IvUIob ata. Bee
D. A. Thosraaoe. 11. "The Value ef Life."
7:45. "Aaaoefatlng With Jeaoa."
Hope Moatavliw. 7sth and B. ETcrert Rev.
R. W. WoaB. ii, Ttie Comnaasaooate God."
7:W. The Basaaa Catholic Cblrrb,
Vemen 19th and Wrrant sra. Rev. Ver-
sn - inoe. ii, ise iitoaen Memes:" viarj.
"Uew the Canael Get late the eedle's Bye."
Resolutions of Loyalty to the
President Are Adopted With
Display of Enthusiasm.-
The regular spring meeting of the
Portland Presbytery was held in the
Fourth Presbyterian church on Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday this
week. Annual reports- from more than
40 churches In the Presbytery were
received. The Presbytery has about
7500 members, in addition to a Sunday
school membership almost as large.
As ministerial commissioners to the
general assembly to be held in uauas,
Texas, in the latter part of May, Rev.
Mr. Levi Johnson of the Men's resort
and Rev. Mr. J. R. Landsborough of
Oregon . City were elected, with Rev.
Mr. J. FJ. Youel of Tillamook and Rev.
Dr. S. w. Seemann as alternates. As
lay commissioners W. H. Markell of
Central Presbyterian church and Rev.
O. W. Davidson of tfc Westminster
church were elected, with A, Robertson
of Spokane Avenue church and Alex
Watt of Tillamook as alternates.
Resolutions of loyalty to President
Wilson as well as backlnar of the boys
of Oregon going to the front were en
thusiastically adopted. Major Gilbert,
chaplain of the Third Oregon, who In
private life Is pastor of the First Pres
byterian church of Astoria, held the
interest and attention of the Presby
tery for an hour as he spoke of the
soldier boys of Oregon and the mean
ing of the present war.
On Tuesday evening a popular serv
ice was held in the church, at which
Rev. Mr. Gelvin of Clatskanle. Rev.
Mr. W. Lee Gray of Unity church and
Dr. C. W. Hays were the speakers. A
unique part of the program was an ad
dress in the' Chinese language by Rev.
Ng Man Po of the Holt Chinese Pres
byterian church. Rev. Dr. A. J. Mont
gomery presided at the meeting.
School May Keep Open.
The Portland Church School insti
tute held its final session of the year
at St. Stephen s Pro-Cathedral Tuesday
evening. A resolution was adopted,
recommending to all the Episcopal
churches in the diocese that the Sun
day schools be kept open during the
Millard Avenue 7241 fth avh. B. B. Bev.
W. H. Amos, 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont sta Bev.
Ward W. McHenry. 11. "The Victorlooa
Church;" 7:SO, "New Ideala of ClttBenabrp."
Unlty 71st and Sandy blvd. Bev. W. Lea
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett ats. Bar.
A. I. Hutchinson. 11. "A Tremendous If."
7:30. Sunday school. Easter concert.
Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock ale
Rev. J. M. Skinner. 11, 7:30. "Seven Billion
Dollars for War."
Spokane Aveone B. 16ta and Spokane Bav.
W. 8. McCullasb.. 11. 7:30.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall ats.
Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11, 7:30.
Trinity Corner Vtre-lnia and Nahraaka a.
Dr. A. J. Montgomery. 11, 7:30.
Chinese 145 First St. 7:45.
, Ana Del otn st. and 37th ave.. S. B. Bar
John E. Nelson. 11. 7:30.
Vancouver Hela-hts 33d and "TV a T
C. F. Bennett. 11.
Reformed Pivsbyterian.
First Church Minnesota anri
Bev. f. D. Fraaer. 11. 7:30.
Reformed. '
Flrat German 12th and Clar Rev. a. n,
ner. 10:45. 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and It4 . n
E. A. Wyes. 11. -
Third Fifth ave.. Lenta Bev. w n n..
keniper. 11.
- Balvatioa Army.
Corps No. 1243 Ah st. Adlntsn and a-.
Frank Genee. 11. Holiness meetlna a-m a'
Captain and Mrs. Ernest Tnsmer.
corpa o. 4 128 H Flra. st. Ensln Poena
and Captain Brown 11. Hollneaa m.-rin. u
8. salvation meeting. '
Bweaisn orpa Bl'rnalde.
Seventh Day Adventists.
Note Regular services of thla d.nnmin.ii
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P C
Hay ward, pastor. 11.16, "
Tabernacle west Side. k. ef P. kail tt.
and Alder. 11.
Montavilla E. 80th ani a
S. F. Bestty. .-u.r
Lents-94th and 68 th ava Klda n r
Chltwood. 11.
St. Johns Central avenue and Charier..
Elder A. H. Koikes berg, 11.
m lira u. uu ua Bcimmt r. t u
Wlllouahby. 11. '
Albina (German) bkidmore and Mallory
Minister. A. A Meyer. A. O. Schweitaer,
local elder. 11:30. '
Oaden hall. Mlasisslppl and F h t n .
O. K. Sandnea. 11.
Servioaa for tha Sea.
United Preebyterian Waaco and firm A ...
Bev. S, Earl Du Boia. 10:30. 7:30.
New Church Bocletv 12 Rmailw.. d
William R. Reece. 11. "The Carnal Mind. An
Ajialyala" B
Church of Our Father Broadwav mi
hill Ha T" I. V.H..t I. n i Z -
. , ' iHiuiiier f mar.
itua. Rev. W. G. EJlot Jr., paetor. ..(Vo
taoi of Emotlone LHirlje rreaent lventa.'" -
uvea forum. Profcaar Robert D. Leigh. ' a.
UUoal rroblema ot World Peace."
United Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta.
Flrat B. 15th and Morrison R . n
Bonebrake. 11, 8. "
Fourth 60th and 82d ave. 8. B.
Third 7th at. and" 32J ave. S. B fwk-.
F. White, pastor. 11. 7 .SO.
urat 1 and Harney, vanconver Wash
Bev. John D. Mae wonder, pastor. Preachlnc
United Ivaagelioal.
ronrth Rev. J. B. Conner. H 7 90
Radical Jessup St. Rev. A. H u."n.
11. J:30.
aianor, tircuit services cberrr Grove a a
.: Brush Prairie. 7:d0. reve. p.
Ockley Green Wlllanxite blvd. aad Bi,
Rev. 11. H. Kaxnham. 11, 8. nay-
First . lth and Pooler R t .
Goods. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Kev. A. P. Lsyton. 11, g.
Cnited Prastytariaal
Flrat B. 37th ana M-wtbome Bev. st.i.
Fraaer Given. 11. "Forward:" 7:ao t?.
Rise of the Turkish bnrptre "
Cburch of the Strangers Waaco street end
Grand ave. Rev. B. Karl Du Bola
Kenton United Presbyterian churcn-Lombaid
1 1 15 7 .Ho . v. A.M, pastov
Church of the Good Tidlnga Broadwav
K. 24b Rev. F. T. Soytt. 1J -The Divlnt
trge lanuB oyiriuMi xiraatlsractlon."
T. M. C A V W. O. A.
T. M. C A. th and lay tor H. W. Stone
general aecretary. 8:3U p. m. . alOD'
y. W. C. A. Broad ior and Taylor 4 -20
vesper service. Ensign Pogue.
Advent Cb-lstlan a Second at. seer na.l
St Rev. J. h. l.ocas. paj.tor. 10:jri. T:30.
asaociaiea zsiuie siuceots (t. B g. A-
N. M. Lewton. "Its School of rhri. S'
Stuart MchUaalck, "Ihe Battle of Armagei-
Regular Bahal meetings Sunday evenlee
8 0 clock. Friday. S p. m.. In room 616 of the
avurra eauaiBg.
The Church of God 361 FaUinar at. FT a
Keal. pastor. Services 11, 7:30. w
Church ef the Brethren 1124 Borthwlck ami
Brainard su 11, 7:a" f. n. ,Ba
umataaeipnias nuada. 10:30. 621
Wash log toe st. "
First Divine Science 1SI 12th.. r aim-.
Bev. laddens M. Mlnard. M.HQ, -our
fa s a.sawia Bavaa .
The Chlveraal Church 0 the Master Rev
" w V torn PTa.Ul im.
rare fcarle. paatur W. O. W. hall, en lltb
a p. sa.. "The Coatinalty el Life.".
uivara XJ-rm,
A patent baa been granted for stick
candy, having; a cor mad of peanut
putter. . - -
Renewed Interest
In AU Work of First
Christian Church
Will H. Daly, city com mis-
sloner, win discuss the subject t
"A Municipal Ughtlng Project,"
during the bible school hour at
th First Christian church.
Sunday. This series ot talks
by prominent business men is
.proving a popular feature and
is serving to Increase the at-
An Increase of 38 members
resulted from tha pre-Easter
He ' services at the church and re-
newed interest in all depart-
ments of the work is manl-
Kev. Harold H. Qrlffls -will
nave ror nis topic Sunday morn-
lng, "The ImmorUlity of the
m invisible." in the evening- the t
ff Christian Endeavors will have
charge t)f the services. The pas- 46.
If- tor will address the W ashington
se- county endeavorers at Hills-
boro at that Ume.
Presbyterians to
Meet on Tuesday
The Presbyterian annual meeting
win bn held next Tuesday In the Rose
City Park church. The sessions will
open at 10 a. m., and will continue
through the afternoon.
A "pot-luck luncheon" will be served
but the ladies of Rose City Park
church will odd various dainty dishes
to the menu. The ladles of the First
church will have a special "gueset
table" at which they will entertain
the out-of-town visitor.
A splendid program has been ar
ranged, including solos by Mrs. Lulu
Dahl Miller and Mrs. Mitylene Frakdr
Stltes. A playlet entitled, "Two Mas
ters." by the ladles of Rose City Park
church, and a short talk on "Work in
Turkey," by Miss Nellie Cole, are in
cluded. Mrs. J. W. McMichael will preside.
A specially interesting feature wiU
be the evening session which will be
held in Westmoreland church. East
Seventeenth and Schuyler streets. This
meeting will be devoted to the young
people and their work.
The music will Include selections
by the orchestra of the First church;
and Mrs. Ruth "Weyburn Tobias will
give one of her clever and Interesting
lmpersonat ions.
Mayor Albee will preside.
Eace Eventually
Will Outgrow War
"Do Men Love War Rather Than
Peace?" will be the theme of Err.
Dyott's sermon in the First Congregau
tional church on Sunday evening. In
the discussion of this topic it will be
shown that war becomes a terrible
necessity under certain conditions but
that the human race will eventxmlly
outgrow the desire for war. At 10:33
a. m. Dr. Dyott will preach on "New
Light on Prayer." There will be spe
cial music both morning and evenlna.
A mission study clas in connection
with the Christian Endeavor society
of the First Congregational church has
recently been formed, taking part in
the social service work of Portland,
and aiding in the regular activities of
the church. A monthly entertainment
Is given in the church parlors under
the auspices of the Christian Endeavor
to which all young people of Portland
are-always welcomed.
Musical Service at
St. David's Church
Sunday night the ciholr of Saint
David's Episcopal church will give a
musical service, repeating; a part of
the musio of Easter day. The order
will be:
Magnificat Chant by Aldrich.
Nunc Dimitla Chant by Barnby.
Psalm 96 Setting by Rlmbault.
"Art Thou Weary V By Chadwlck.
"As It Began to Dawn." by Martin.
"O For a Closer Walk." by Foster.
In the morning the children's choir
will sing at the 9:30 service. At 11
o'clock the anthem will be "To Him
Be Glory." by .Simper. A patriotic
hymn will be sung at every service at
Saint David's during wartime. The
rector will preach on "The Resurrec
tion Body" on Sunday mornllng.
Church Will Give
Literary Program
A musical and literary entertain
ment will be given In the Fourth
Presbyterian church next Friday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. The entertainment
is free, but a silver offering will be
taken, the proceeds going to tne organ
pump fund. -
Sunday morning the pastor. Rev.
H. O. Hanson, will speak on the
theme. "Being a Christian Outside the
Church." The usual evening service
will be held at 7:30, when a letter to
the church from Miss Elizabeth Fran
cis, who went to Bogata, South Amer
ica, as a missionary, will be read.
The Christian Endeavor society has
taken up the study of the interesting
text booJc "South American Neigh
bors." at their Sunday evening meet
Rev. Mr. MacHenry
Will Be Installed
The Rev Ward "W. MacHenry will
be Installed as pastor of the Mount
Tabor Presbyterian church on Tuesday
evening at 7:45 o'clock. Dr. 8. W. See
mann. moderator of ' trie ITesbytery,
will preside and the sermon win be
preached by Dr. John H. Boyd. The
charge to the people win oe given tv
Dr. A. F. Bishop, to the pastor by Rev,
E: P. Lawrence.
Rev. MacHenry was called to tho
nastorate late in February and has
been acting pastor since that time. .
Will Give Secular Concert.
A secular concert will be given in
the Mount Tabor Presbyterian churcn
on Friday evening for the benefit of
the choir. The public is invited.
Another Strikes Mine.
London. April 14. U. P.) The
British hospital ship Salt a struck a
mine and sank In the English channel
April 10. the Adrriiralty officially an
nounced Friday. ' Fifty-two persons per
ished. There were. no wounded aboard.
Of the 62 persons who perished, nine
were nursing; sisters, five were medi
cal officers and St were members of
the royal army medical eorpc. , . .
Started by Laymen and
isters at Y, M. C, A, Meet:
ing Thursday,
This Schema Xs an Outgrowth, of tha
Portland Bible Conference Which
Presented Dr. One be lain.
An Interdenominational Bible Inst! j
tute intended to follow up and elabor
ate on the work of Dr. Qaebeleln, the
noted Bible scholar, lecturer and lin
guist of New York, was established
last Thursday afternoon, when a num
ber of Portland ministers and laymen
met m the Y, M. C A. Those present .
were: Rev. Walter Duff, Dr. A. I
Hutchison, Rev. A. C. Moses, Dr. J. J.
Staub. Harley K. Hallgren, R. D. Shay
and R. E. Millard.
The Rible Institute scheme is ao
outgrowth of the Portland Bible con
ference which presented Dr, Oaebelein, ;
in a series of Bible lectures at the.
First Congregational church, during
his visit to Portland recently.
The, srreat popularity whldi that
conference has attained in .its three
years of existence. haa shown the deep
and increasing interest in Bible study
among Portland people; and the" pur
pose of the newly organised institute
Is to continue the same line of work .
through the year.
The institute will hold several week
ly Bible classes in different parts of
the city and a conference once a
month, at which some of the best Bi
ble teachers In Portland and the north
west will be heard in expository lec
tures. The work of the institute will be
gin Sunday afternoon at S o'clock,
when a mass meeting of Christian
workers will be held at the First Evan
gelical church, corner East Sixth and
Market streets.
The subject of the afternoon will be
"The Second Coming of Christ" whlcn
will be covered by two addresses; Rer.
Mr. Walter Duff will speak on "Christ
Coming For His Saints." and DrA.
L. Hutchison's topic will be "Christ
Coming With JIls Saints."
The meeting and the weekly bible
classes are free to all, and the publts
is invited to attend.
Following is the weekly schedule of
Institute Monday, 7:J0 p. rn Cen-
4vn, llkr. Mr rnnM la
Tnaarlav afternoon. 2:30. Central li
Tuesday. 7:30, Sunnyslde Congrega
tional church, Albina.
Wednesday afternoon. 1:80, Forbes -.
Presbyterian church, Albina.
Wednesday, 7:30. Tabernacle, Hoi
gate and Forty-second streets.
Germany Will Be
Dr. Boyd's Topic
At the First Presbyterian chureh.
Twelfth and Alder atreets. Rev. Dr.
John H. Boyd, the paator. will discuss
in the evening the changes which have
taken place in Germany since the days
of Bismarck. The subject will be
"The Two Oermahies,- the One We
Should Admire and Revere and the
One We Should Oppose." The musio
will be of a patriotic nature and the
sermon Is urged to be heard , by all
those In doubt as to the true meaning
of the German character.
In the morning Dr. Boyd will give a
heart talk to the church people on "The
Care of the Spiritual Ufe." This will
come as a sequel to the large addition
which was made last Sunday to the
membership of the church. There were
152 persons who united with the church
on Easter. Of these were by let
ter from other churches and 6 by con
fession and examination. Also there
were 22 children baptlxed. NextThurs--day
the annual meeting and banquet
of the church will be held. About 100
of the members will sit around the ta
ble and listen to the reports of the
past year and the plans for Ihe future.
Dr. Hiison Gone to
Caldwell, Idaho
Rev. Dr. W. B. Hlnson left Portland
Thursday morning to lead in services,
of Union gbspel meetings In Caldwell,
Idaho, beginning Sunday.
The "Methodist, Christian, Presby
terian and Baptist churches will par
ticipate in the meetings there, and
Dr. Hlnson will undoubtedly speak to
large attendances. !
Dr. Hlnson, who is pastor ef the
Bast Side Baptist church, will return
after the 10 days' duration of the
Caldwell gatherings.
Dr. Leonard Riley, preaident of Mc
Mlnnville college. - will "preach in the
East' Side Baptist church Sunday, at
both services.
St. Andrew Church
Is Being Eemodeled
The rebuilding of Bt. Andrew's ;
church, on Hereford street, near Lorn- ;
bard, has been began. The building t
was badly damaged during a storm
last summer, and when the present ,
work of construction Is completed It
will be practically a new church. The
building will be taingalow etyl with,
a battlement-topped tower. There will :
be an assembly room in the basement. -'
and the church proper will be on the
main floor, together with a sacristy -and
choir and vestry rooms.
This work has been carried through -by
the enecgetic efforts of Archdeacon
Chambers. r
June 26-29 Is Date
Of Oregon Summer
School for. Clergy
The committee of .the Oregon
Summer School for Clergy an-
nounces that the next session 4
At of the school will be held at St,
Helens hall. Portland, June 26- . '
2. The lecturers will be the
Right Rev. William "Walter
M Webb, bishop ot Milwaukee; the m
Right Rev. William Hall More-
m 'land, bishop of Sacramento, and "
the Rev. Dr. H. H. Oowea, ef
Seattle. , .v, .- .. ; ; - '
O O ft 1