The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 05, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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JustiCQjVIcKenha Expected to
; Write -'Opinion, Since H
- yyas: Author ot Last Une,
Tennessee case is cited
u eise wining to be postmaster. 6
imesa a .ne rficeljorder can b
!ina inc orrice will be dlscontlny
Senator Chamberlain ."1 has bees 1
iormea tnat no action will be . taken
for two week, giving him opportunity
to make suggestions in the meantime.
He would be glad to suggest If he
knew anything to say. .
Would Pension Mrs. Adair.
"Washington, April B. - Amosf eev
eral pension bills which Bepreaenta
tive McArthurwill Introduce In , the
session will be one to pay Mrs. Mary
K. Adair, mother, of 4he late Lieuten
ant Henry R Adair, $59 -a month.
Young Adair was killed' in action last
year at Carrizal.
Mrs. McKinney Gets Homestead.
,i Washington, April S. Representa
tive Hawley has : received ; notice of
the granting of a homestead to Mrs.
Fannie MoKinney, entered at the Port
land land office. The application has
been passed to patent. . .v
v The Peruvian , congress has offered
a prize of nearly $600, for the best
textbook from which to teach temper
ance in the public schools of that coun
try. - .-,.'.-;
Guardsman, Aged 18.
Marries Girl of 15!
Camber of Company ; 1C Tells : Bride
ICarrled Kan Em Better Cnaaoa of
. Advancement; May Be Annulled.
-. Telling her "a married ' man had - a
better chance for advancement in the
army; Henry ' I? Williams, ; IS' years
old, of Lebanon, Or., member of .Com
pany M. National guard. Induced Miss
Margaret Hohenleitner, aged IS. to be
come engaged to him and. on Tuesday swore to tbeir ages.
morning the couple were married at
According -torth' bride's story.' told
to the - police, she had met her' hus
band but twice before they .were mar
ried. He 4s her slster's brother-in-law
and... on last Sunday evening ac
companied her home from .her. sister's
house. 1 Mrs." VE. Williams, when he
"popped the 'question. " 1
! Tuesday . they went to Vancouver
and a third party swore that they were
both of legal age . Mrs, Hohenleitner.
463 Beech street,'- the bride's mother.
declares she will f have the marriage
annulled and prosecute the. person who
Noted Editor lauds
; Policy, of President
Colonel Xarvey, Whs Zaang-urated
;' nrst Oampalga of Xr. Wlleoa, Says
i latter Address- Was . Xasplrlas;.
J Washington; April (I. N. s.)
In , the mass of v congratulatory tele
grams' received at the . Whit House,
I following upon the president's enunci
ation or his international policy, in hla
address to congress; none created a
more profound Impression . than one
received by Secretary" to the Presi
dent Tumulty from Colonel , George
Harvey, editor of the North 1 Ameri
can Review. , T,he dispatch said:
"A great message of patriotism, evi
dencing masterful leadership, ' based
upon mutual faith of the president In
his country and of the country in Its
president. 1 was confident as one
could be, but even so, I was not pre
pared ' for so - splendid- a realisation.
For the nation it la glorious; for pat
riotism. Inspiring; for -the president,
noble.? : . -
Colonel Harvey, mora than eight
years ago, initiated the campaign for
the election of Wood row Wilson, then
president of Princeton' university, for
the governorship-, of New Jersey. In
1111 - Colonel Harvey ; -'supported.
HughesZj; ; -C'4-. . i'.-v- f : 1
. mm I , . ' -
- : Woman Is Elected Judge. :
Kansas City. Mo,; April 5. Nt S.
Mrs. Roxar -- Rlalock' : has been
elected judge at Da Soto. Kas near,
here .She was the only 'candidate on
the woman', ticket to be elected.' Je- .
feating her opponent, a-man, by ten
votes. ' ' . ., -
For home use a billiard table top has
been invented that can be clamped to
any table of sufficient slse and. leveled
with screw blocks at each corner... ,
XX traited States Is Upheld by Higher
t Court. Beam B1U WiU Hot Stand
v - ' la the Xaw's Way.. ' v'
' J ' ' - -- . . ,
' - .T Washington; April 5. (WASHING
-VThe supreme cQ'jrt,' after a recess
of two weeks to consider cases argued
' befote It, will reconvene April 9 to
hand down opinions which have been
arreed- npon. The Oregon & Callfor
- ' nla land grant case. is one of those
s upon which attention is centered, and
no. surprise will oe created If It is
, heard from at that time. -'
- It la assumed that, the decision will
be written by Justice McKenna. who
wrote the previous opinion when the
case was before the supreme -court, j
Oregon forms a. part of the circuit
for which he is appointed, and the'
case is territorially one that Justice
McKenna is entitled to handle,
Procedure Is Clear.
" If the court sustains .the Chamberlain-Ferris
act the long battle will be
practically ' over. , The interior de
, partment will proceed without delay
: to pay up the taxes, complete the
- rlascif lea t ion of the lands, throw open
the agricultural tracts, and -other-f
, wire -administer the act.
'If the court frowns upon the act
, passed by congress there will be a
new state of confusion, unless the i
court should go ahead and clearly j
' define the powers of congress in i
f dealincr with the gTunt. The conf u-!
eion will be little less acute if the i
court should decline to pass upon the i
, validity of the act. However, in pass- !
Ing on the questions presented on the :
record from the court of appeals, the ;
- court can hardly fail to decide some j
df the principles upon which congress
- based its action. . j
What of Bean Bill? j
-, With the principle of the Ghamber-uJn-Ferris
act sustained, as the gov- '
'. eminent counsel believe it will be '
' Q1 o the Baain bill, passed by the !
Oregon v- legislature, which directs!
county assessors to place the grant I
lands on the tax roll? Apparently1
the supreme court has already fairly
Well answered that question. j
One of the. cases mentioned with
. approval by the supreme court in Its
opinipn in the Utah water power cases !
l was Van. Brocklin vs. Tennessee. It!
f happens that this case deals with thai
question of the right ot a state to tax ;
lands where title la held by the United I
btates. It ,1a found in 117 U. B re
ports, page ; 151, , 'w, j
2 The .opinion was written by Jus- 3
tie Grfty in 1886. Tennessee had at-'
tempted to tax certain " lots held by ;
he federal governmetft in a suburb i
of Memphis. The government bad ac
3ired the property by buying it in at I
, tax sale, the direct tax" laid upon ;
the owners by- the United states in )
, 18b2 not having been paid. The fed-
erai government held the land about
M years before it was finally re
deemed. ! .
. Ontt of the questions considered In
. the, lower courts was whether the con
. stltutlon and laws of Tennessee gave
the state the right to tax property
"y i urmea Htates where ex-;
elusive Jurisdiction had hot been ced--'
- d away to the state. The supreme
, ' court said this was immaterial because !
"this court is of the opinion that ,
njther'the people nor the legislature
of Tennessee hAs the power, by con-!
ei.iunon or statute, to tax the land
in question, so long as the title re
mained in the United Suites."
i.:,fe,s, M. Coaolusioa Zs 'Quoted. -
Tn the concluding part pf his opin
- Ion, Justice Oray said:
" "The imposition of direct tm.. n
the land was a lawful exercise of the
power conferred by the constitution
to lay; and .collect taxes. The pro- '
Visions authorizing the United States
to sell the land for non-payment of
-the taxes thereon, and o purchase the
.land for the amount of the taxes if
no one would bid a higher price. 1
were necessary and proper means for '
---carrying Into effect the power to lay''
. and collect taxes; and so were the '
.--provisions authorizing the United
' Stttes afterwards, to sell the land to1
, apply the proceeds to the payment of j
me taxes, ana to hold any surplus for
the benefit ,of the former owner
. t "While the United States owned the
land struck off to: them for the
amount of the; taxes because no one
would, pay more, for It, and until It
was sold by the .United States for a
- greater price , or was redeemed by
the former owner, the. United States
held the entire title as security for
the payment of the taxes: and it
. , could not be known how muclu if. any
thing, beyond the amount of the taxes
the land was worth, 5
' i Conflict Would Bssult.
1 "To allow land, lawfully held by
; the United States as security for the
.payment of taxes assessed by and dne
to them, to be assessed and sold for
" state taxes, would tend to create a
conflict between the officers of the
- two governments, to deprive the
' United States of a title lawfully ac-
QUired under exnreu art. tt
' and to defeat the exercise of the con-!
siuuuonaj power to iay and collect j
taxes, to pay the debts and provide!
, , for the common defense and general
, welfare of the United States,
il ' ' Tax Zs Uncollectible. .
Th question whether the' taxes
- ,, laid under authority of the state
: (Tennessee) can be collected In this i
, suit depends upon the Question h.fs.
r they were lawfully assessed. But
. mum useasmcnia were -unlawful. '
-because made while the land was!
owned by the United States. The as- ;
sesaments, being unlawful created no
Ilea upon the land. Those taxes there- I
fore, cannot be collected, even since
the plaintiffs In error hav
, or purchased tba land from, the United
- Btates." -
i Kaskella Job Seeks an. '
" Washington, AprU 6. KaskeUa, Or
; has no postmaster ,-and. according to
the postof flee department, has small
chance of having, one. ; The one it had
died, and an Inspector sent ; to the
W hea ytmr shoes pinch er year- earns and
bunion acta, so that oa are tire all
: get Allen's Foot-E.a.. the antlaeptic poweer
la be shaken Inte the boe and sprinkled ia tb
(oot-batn. lrlll take tbe sUng ont ot tvtn
and bunion tad give Instant relief to Tired
AfblBf. Swollen. Tender : feet, i Over 100.000 !
packages are being naed by the German a4 I
allied troops at the front. Sold ever where.'
; Don't aooajt aay aaDttitate. , . J
S. & H. OreiftV -Tf-fl'rlJriff fomno nitron 11 "All ' rjmm.' A 'HiiVt' ul'lJ '5i.Ti .tl"' A '" :-r V."'" m '.- :- 1 - !iV-.-j ' ' .'. ' '' : :U- " - . -
: FishiiifaeB v v "Vi? or 'S me i ln of EachMontiiStamp Books Redeemed in Csh; Gift Room; Fourth Floor
. inning lackie, Haseball, tolf and Tennis Goods, 4th Floor Trunks, Suit Cases and r Bags, 4th Floor Cut Glass, Silverware, vDinnerware; 3d Floor- Tea Roomth Floor
v !?LN9PA.?' in.. i special j : ' ; ' : " ' - - -.-- - - - - l -:
-s HOME .
FridayrTRemnant Day
In the Basement
Every Friday will be "Odds and
Ends And Remnant DaMa the Base
ment. Look for the RED SIGNS spe
cials will not be advertised In the
newspapers, -. . -
The Standard Stor e of ; the Northwest .
Olds, Wortmai & lim
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Important Offerings in
$5, $7.50 and $10
The Millinery Salon will feature for Friday and Saturday a notable col
lection of beautiful new Easter Hats at the above prices. The 'showing
Is complete with the season's newest creations, from the popular sport
hats to the elaborately trimmed styles. Hemps, Milan Hemps, Rough
Straws, etc., In black and the wanted colors. Turbans, large and me
dium sailors, droop effect, high crowns and dozens of novelty shapes
here for your choosing. Many are shown In tailored' models, others
trimmed with flowers and ornaments Also many beautiful ribbon hats.
Visit the Millinery S.aloris and see .these new models priced at $5.00.
$7.50 and $10. See Special Display in the windows, '
Special Showing of Children's Hats $1.50 to $5.00
Easter Hats
$1 to $4.98
, The Basement, Millinery inyjtes your
attention to a special showing of Wom
en's Easter, Hats-at. the above prices.
Hats with utmost charm, style and in
dividuality that lifts them far above the
ordinary. An alluring array of-color
combinations and. dainty tints, as welt
as blacks. All the season's newest
shapes vsailors, turbans, drooping brims, high crowns,, etc., .ire repre
sented and we feel confident you will find a raoder here t0 suit you,
both in style and price. Many conservative styles for elderly women.
Hats at $1.00 to $4.98. Special showing of Untrimmed Hats.
60c to $1.75 tair
Center Circle, 1st Floor The special display of Women's Silk Gloves
featuring the celebrated Portland Maid and Kayser makes at the Center
Circle Friday. . All the new andpopular shades silver, aluminum,
medium and dark greys, pongee,' champagne, navy, brown, also white
and black and colors, with fancy contrast stitching and two-toned
effect. Full range of sizes. Priced at 60c. 85c $1.25. $1.50 and
$1.75 pair. -
French Kid and Wash Gloves
FRENCH KID Gloves in full as- WASHABLE Lambskin Gloves
sortment of colors, trimming in In pearl, ivory, gray, butter and
latest styles. $2 to $2.75j?air. Newport $1.75 to $2.50 pair,
Kid Gloves shown and fitted at the Glove Department -
s Fine
At $4.48
Sho Dept., Main Floor Extra special offering
Friday and Saturday. Women's high grade shoes
the most wanted of all materials. VICI
on sale at a substantial price
Button or lace,, with medium or
heels, pointed or round toes, "light
weight or extension soles, cloth or
soft ' kid tops. Shown in the popular
8-inch height very dressy for any and
all. occasions. 8 full lines, all IQ
widths and sizes. The pair 4re'0
Sale of Men's
At $4.48 Pair
Main Floor Here, men, is an opportunity to save money on your Easter
shoes. Friday and Saturday we shall sell men's black or tan calf English
shoes also men's vie! kid . shoes In comfortable wide toe last shoes
of well-known makes in practically all sizes and widtns, at OA AO
special the pair U $4s4o
fOT - I art!
KID t "O I
Shelves Spec
ial 54g
. Third Tloor On sale Friday only at
.wis price. Crystal glass shelf, with
.brackets similar to the "Illustration
shown' herewith. s Size of ET4
5x18 , Inches, i Each i
metal plated wall posts,, Size 5x8
x24 inches. Extra special 00
offering for Friday, izch yVk
fiff ;!-.vr :.-t. .;-;..'r;j'-' -C-y ,
glass . 5x18 , Inches. t Each
NICKEL; PLATED holders for
tumbler and tooth brush. These
are of good weight and nt?
pleasing design. Special A 4 DC J
White Ivory
Main Floor Ivory articles make
dainty and acceptable gifts for. the
Easter season. Note these special
offerings for Friday's sale:
MIRROR, large size, round style,
with extra heavy glass. 1Q fin
Our special price, each pSeUU
COMBS, all 'coarse or-Or
coarse, and ftae Special, -t)C
concave backUrge slzetPV
HAIR BRUSHES in medium size,
with ll rows of bristle. CM) eyjr
Our special Jow price VssiesiO.
De Jerklss Talcum Special 69c
Sx7i Picture Frames, special 50c
shoe horns, button hooks, cuticle
nives, etc., etc. Special at 19c
NAIL BUFFERS nice size, with
removable chamois Special 50c
Perfume Bottles at special prices
Small size round Special at 25c
Medium size round Special 50c
Large, size square Special 50c
Hand-Painted ,
The latest novelty in Toilet
Ware for Milady's boudoir. Don't
fail to see this when in. the store.
Combs, Brushes, Talcum Holders,
Hair Receivers, Mirrors, etc., of
white ivory, beautifully decorated
with dainty flowers or stripes In
lavender, light blues, light pink,
and black. See these Novelties i
And Toilet Requisites
Main Floor We showa complete
assortment of the following lines
of Imported and Domestic Per
fumes and Toilet Preparations.
IMPORTED Cotys, ( Plvers',
Roger & Gallet, Violets, Kirkhoff s
and Pinaud's. DOMESTIC Miro
Dena, Richards',' Hudnuts Mau
rine. Palmer's, Colgate's, Williams',
Melba, Muehlens & Kroppf, and
many others. You will find our
stock complete and SEASONABLY
PRICED, v Drug .Dept., 1st Floor.
Very dainty for Easter remem
brances. Colors, green, blue,
pink, yellow, red and violet
Priced very special at only 35c
Easter Jewelry
25c, 50c, 75c
EARRINGS Now : more popu
lar than ever before. We show an
exceptional assortment in pearls
of all sizes." Latest style mount
ings. : Priced at 25c. 50c, 75c
PICTURE FRAMES of platinoid,
look like sterling silver and wear
better. Spec'l 25c. 39c. 50c. $1
Leather Handbags
Special $1.00 w 1;
Main . Floor Women's leather
Handbags, and Purses ,ln various
up-to-date ; styles. Worth fully
one-third more than the sale J-
price. : Priced yery special $1
RUBBER Bath Caps for divers.
Colors black, navy, red - Q
and green, r priced special XaC
L ia a Remarkable
: MAID .'
: ' FOR" t
EASTER Novelties
In Great :Variety
-Special r showing of fancy Easter
Baskets and novelties of all kinds at
the Bargain Circle, Main Floor. Also
good display of favors, etc., at Sta
tionery counter on Main. Floor.
Beautiful Easter Linens
id Linen Sets, Pattern Cloths, Napkins
j And Table Damask by the Yard
RICHARDSON'S Linen Sets, con
sisting, of pattern -cloth and one
dozen napkins to match, put up In
neat box. Sets $13.25 to $75.00
RICHARDSON'S Dinner Napkins
Table Damask by the yard. Assort
ed patterns and splendid ?Q
weight Special at, yard tf) 1.0 O
Sale of Remnants
cial low prices Friday and Saturday.
Wearmore Sheetings, Qpri
2i yards wide, the yard 0120
Wearmore Sheetings, A
yards wjde, on sale at, yard UC.
Wearraofe - Sheetings, a OCT
yards wide, on sale at, yard ODC
Short lengths of White Goods,
Vn!I Rjtlf Pr.1. Ma4... . A
otter weaves suitable for dresses, waists, children's dresses, etc.. on sale
Friday AT SPEQAL LOW PRICES 1st Floor. eic- on
Special, 2-pound square ?UC
Monopole Shrimps, can at 20c
Matzos, special package, at 15c
day at, the dozen JUXJC
Home-made Pies, Cakes and
Pastrv Model RL-rv ath vivr
KAOLA a shortening made' from cocoanut oil the can 75c
See Special Demonstration In Grocery Department, on Fourth-Floor
Girls' Easter Apparel
Distinctive Styles
Second Floor Bring the little lady in and let
her see these captivating newgarments coats.
suits, aresses, skirts, middies, etc. Our showing
"this season Is larger and better than ever before.
Moderate prices prevalL - Dept., Second Floor.
Girls' Easter Coats -
$&98 to $24.50
-Girls' Easter Coats in becoming styles, 'made
up In wool Jersey, gabardines, velours and taf
feta silks. Ages 6 to 14.' At $6.98 to $24.50
Girls' Dresses '
airls Silk Dresses for all occasions, in all the
latest colors. New high waistline effects with
large collars and pockets. $14.75 to $24.50
Girls White Dresses for confirmation and
graduation. - Lace and embroidery trimmed
Ages 6 to 14. Prices range $2.98 to Si 4 Rfi
INFANTS' WEAR SPECIALS Long and Short Dresses 79c.
and 98c Cashmere Sacquef and Wrappers In white or with
and blue embroidery, 20 off Wool Knit Sacques 77cWool
Bootees 27c Infants' Blanket In pink or blue. Specialist
VeSiViw m tot
it .
Men's and YoungMen's Easter Suits
$15, 20, $25, $30, $35, $40
Men's Store, Main Flooi
All men who seek to dress well at a minimum cost will be interested
From every point of styl
I ac . -
showing of high-grade Suits. We're certain It, the most comprehensive Collection of uil l!:
tnis season. From everv point of stvle rnrHn .. .
of the clothes-maklne- Industrv. At fnr .?n. a . . . ine 10temOU genius
" - . " v" Fciiu upon ii oeing in eacn ana every one of these iuftt
In abundance. No good reason whjTyou shouldn't step in and try on these new hiodels now on dlsrlar -
Men's Easter Shirts $1.50 to $10.00
Main Floor We show a .complete
line of Men's Shirts In all the wanted
materials. Such well-known makes as
Arrow, Savoy and Bates Street here
for your choosing. Just now you
will . find a particularly attractive
showing of the newest stripe patterns
in all colors. . Shirts $1.50 to $10
Main Floor Easter would not be
E aster without a new tie. Be sure to
make your selections at this store,
where assortments are large andyour
fancy can have full sway as to pat
terns and color. Friday will be a .
good day to choose Easter Neckwear.
Prices range from 50c up to $2.50
Boys' Easter Suits
Garment Salons, Second Floor
New Suiti, New Coats, New Gowns and Dresses, New Skirts, New f
Waists, In a masterful presentation of authentic Easter mode's. - It will S
be well worth your while to come and see these new garments, for they
represent the season's newest creations for Spring and Summer. . ;
Women's Easter Suits!
$15. S18.50. S22.50
$25, $35 and Up ;
Second Floor Tailored Suits, Sport Suits and Dressy Suits no matter
what particular style you have In mind for Easter, rest alsured oi.find
Ing it here and at the right price. Every wanted weave is represented
gabardines, serges, velours, Jerseys, cheviots, homespuns fnd other
woolens, as well as tafeta silks and silk Jerseys. Belted and Semi-fitting"
styles In great variety. Suits in all the popular plain colors 'and. In
stripes or checks. -Many models especially designed for 'large women.
With Two Pairs
Of Pants, at
Boye Store, Main Floor If your boy needs a new Easter Suit, act promptly and
secure one of these before they are cjosed out Smart new belted styles, with
: patch pockets. Pants have all seams double-taped and re-enforced at points where
strain is greatest These suits are shown in attractive patterns and are excep
tional values at the price. Ages 6 to 17 years. Boys 2-Pant Suits. C A OP
Specially priced for this sale at . . . : . J . . r, , $400
Boys' Blue Serge and Novelty Suits, one or two pairs of Pants, $5.00 to $16.50
Children's Wash Suits $1.5i
' : Shirts and Blouses 50c to
Main - Floor Billy Boy, junior NOrfolks
Tind Middy styles, -made ; op in. linens,;
' repps,", cheviots, chambrays, galatea, etc
f Plain colors with white or fancy stripe
collars and . cuffs. Boys' Wash Suits, i
Prlceslrange from $1.50 up to $3.50
Prices Have Been
Reduced to :
:,,::$2;2 5:
Main Floor Our entire stock of
Men's High-Grade Hats, Including
the famous "Wellington", -and
"Napoleon" at the above special
prices. Soft Hats tn all the new
shapes and colors, black stiff hits.
Choose your Easter- Hat here
Prices range from SOc'tip'to $1.50 Land LOWER PgiCE FOR IT
to $3.50
Main Floor Special showing of Boys
Blouses and Shirts Friday and Saturday.
Newest styles for' Spring and Summer.
Plain colors, also a wide ran ge of nov
elty stripes. Flat or convertible collars.
Easter Sale
. hi ii . , . .