T&E OREGON , DAILY ; JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917. THOROUGHBRED BUL L Ifor fatal accident- were approved by ; C iiufl iiaie loausinxi eurciaenr, commiB CAUSES RUCTION BOARD OF CONTROL j slon. One wu tor ; the widow and son of Carl Hendrlckson. 438 Slmpaon street, Portland, who . waa killed at--i the Btandifer-Clarkaon shipyards. - Tha ' widow, who la SO rears old, will ra- ceive " $30 a month during tha re-' mainder of her life, and tha son, who la -14, will receive t S : a month until be reaches 16. : ( The other claim was for t.ie father and .mother of Ola W. Carson, who waa instantly killed while: employed by tha Fiscner-Doutln dumber com 0 n..' kt..Ul I -y tne jfiscner-uouun number com- UOVemOr WOUra . Ignore Leg" pany , at Sprlnefleld. . The father la fslative Refusal to Aid the State School for the Deaf, 61 and the mother 60. They will re ceive a monthly payment of $10.39. Irrigation Bonds Suggested. Salem, Or., April 6. "Attorney ' Claude McColloch .of Portland haji .OTHER MEMBERS OPPOSED -up with State Engineer Lewis U I 11 tn Wltmutno vrrwwk.fcF the qUestion of bavin bonda of tha 3 .'' " . ' PavtttFnn Stnu Irrlrallnn Aim- ! trict certified under tha new law en acted by tha last legislature. .Tha project covers 6700 acres and Is ir rigated by pumping- water from Snaka river. It Is about three-fourths set tled, having: 115 resident land owiters. A new bond Issue is being: proposed to- take up outstanding- bonds and other indebtedness. Salaries of Several Employes Are '. Balssd and Girls' School Is 1 r.mJt W AwareravAld. 7; - , - Salem, -Or.,. April 5. ' - Should tha 'state board of control use an Institu tional betterment fund to make pur chases which were definitely turned down by the legislature? , This question came betore the board Wednesday afternoon . when Public Utility Reports Profit. Salem, - Or., April 5. The annual report of the Salem Light & Power company, filed Wednesday afternoon Superintendent E. S. Tiliinghast or with tne pudhc service commission, tho state school for the deaf asked shows total operating revenues - for the board to authorize th purchase of the last year to have been $73,479. a thorouahbred bull and the building and operating expenses were $41,986. of a garage out of the Institution's , Taxes paid amounted to $8741. Aftsrf betterment . fund. The ways and interest charges and other deductions means committee of the legislature , were made, the net Income for the had refused to grant such a request Vhin It was presented to them. :., opvernor Withycombe favored dis regarding the action taken by the, leg islature, while Secretary of State Ol cott and State Treasurer Kay pre- . vented this by voting against allowing the request. Division Over Scrub Boll. The question is whether we should allow a request which the legislature Jias definitely turned down, t rr . . . - i . A I- it m the herd for two years because some I narrow-minded legislator said so, re torted the governor. "Not much. Rer gardlesa of what the legislature did I favor purchasing the animal." The board voted to raise the sal . N8 of five employes at the indus tiial school for girls, as the payroll Still will be within the budget. Sal aries were Increased as follows: Car penter and plumber,; from $60 'to $80 a monthr bookkeeper and commissary, from $40 to $50; domestic science tcucher.and cool;, from $2G to' $35; Industrial teacher and laundry worker, from $25 to $35; woman gardener and xuirne, from $25 to $40. The Salary of the cook at the state 4 . 1 . 1 1 J t I. . 1 1 I from $60 to $70 a month. Haw. Domestic Science Teacher. Sirs. Minnie Darst, superintendent of the girls' school, announced that the domestic "r.clence teacher hacl re signed and Miss Eva Miller, a grad uate of the O. A. C, had been ap pointed to the position. Airs, parst reported that County Judge Reasoner of Washington county had committed a clrl to the institu tion,' and sent her-without notifying her. As the legislature made an ap propriation for maintaining only 4( fcirls at the retool, and 44 cirls ar. there now, the board directed Mra. burst to send the firl back to Wash ington county and to refuse to receive any others until the number is re duced :below 40.. . The; board authorized Superlnten .idimtoteiner or the Oregon State host Jpltai-to purchase a pedigreed Hol-tUi-Krieslan" yearling bull from the Colony Farm at Essendale, B. C.. for ." v.. year Waa $8675 1 m Rate 'Discrimination Forbidden. Salem, Or- April 5. The state pub lic, service commission' has received notice v that the case Involving the $17.50 discrimination against Portland In round trip tourist rates from the east to San Francisco has been opened by the Interstate Commerce commis sion for further heaHne. Tha rnmml. said Ol- Sion had decided that the discrimina tion must be discontinued. CHICAGO PACKERS AGAIN TO DISTRIBUTE (FITS TO EMPLOYES PRO Armour & Co. Adopts Policy Wfyich Other Companies Are Expected to Adopt. Accident Claims Allowed. Salem. Or.', Chicago. April 5. (I. N. S.) The big packing companies are to share their unprecedented prosperity fur tner with' their .employes, according to announcement made Wednesday. The amount to be distributed in the way of bonuses and wage Increases run into the millions annually ' and affect all classes of help. Armour & Co. arranged for the Immediate distribution of $500,000 among the 6000 employes receiving $1800 or less annually. The bene ficiaries Include workers In branch houses throughout the country. ' j. Ogden Armour,, In -announcing the bonus, said: .'"', "We must do something for our employes to enable them to survive, the high cost Of living. We distrib-; $1,000,000 last November but $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 420 .$20 $20 $20 $20 S20 320 $20 $20 Fr uted 11,000,000 last November but lis suppose. xnai is au used up oy mis April 5. Two.claims'time." . ( Other packing houses, are expected to announce bonuses in a few days. A general 10 per cent increase In the wages of . packing house employes, amounting to more than ' $1,000,000 a year, goes into effect this week. , Twenty thousand workers will be Every 20th Suit Sold This is Laff's method of . advertising his new. clothes shop. It's a small shop, but Laff has the goods : Y iinest selection of $15 and $20 suits . ever sold in. Port land, Tailored by - " one- of America's foremost- good v clothes makers. You'll be clad to get '. one of these splen did suits, even if you have to pay for it. Waffs AS i Cli. .41 J-EL-J I iis i, S2tt $20 - 263 MORRISON ST. Bet. 3d arid 4th Sts. $15 $15 SIR $20 $20 $20 $15 $15 $15 I 1 A R K E R EN S E RAKi N S H'ABMACY 5th at Washinrtoa '-v . TACTOBT AQKHTB. Superintendent at Eoseburg Keelected Protest Xs Kade Hamlin Xs Kalatlve of Hember of School Bord, and Cannot Hold the Office. ' j Roseburg, Or., April i. City School i Superintendent Hamlin has been re- i elected to the position for another year by the Roseburg school board, with one member,, R. L. Stephens, vot ing no. Mr. Stephens also registered a protest against. Hamlin's reelection at the tneeting, and will later protest the election in writing, claiming that under the Oregon school law the superintendent is related to one mem ber of the board and consequently Is not eligible to serve unless the elec tion be- unanimous. Chairman' K. L. filler of the board was unable to be present, and it is understood that he also did not favor Mr. Hamlin's elec tion. ' A petition to the school board to defer the election of a superintendent until after the annual school election was tabled. Professor H. O. Bennett. principal of the high school, was also reelected, as were all other teachers who made application for reelection. Crook Officials May Join Army i Keep Pay County Court . BesolTss to Allow Half Pay for six Mouths to Officers or Umployes Who Jola Army or Vary. Prlneville, Or April 5.The county court of Crook county Wednesday passed the following order: " . w - "In view of the apparent state of war now existing between our coun try and Germany, it is hereby ordered i that half pay be granted to any offi- cer, deputy or regular employe of Crook, county for a period of six I montha from the date of his enlist ment in any department of the United States army or navy. t Several county deputies and employ es are thinking seriously of tender ing their services in the event war is declared. . - Sample picture frames 69c . To clean up. Sizes large, small and mediuni. - ' All fitted with glass and in many of them the glass alone is worth this sale , price. Bring .your pictures and let us fit thera to the frames without charge. ' Gold, brown... black and many other finishings. v Picture Galleries, Fifth Floor, Lipmaft, Wolfe ic. Co. I : : ; . . ,. . , . ; - - -v .. - cMercriandiso of C Merit Cbly My! but how A nnua 1 New. things in' NECKWEAR -V Priced at from SOjcte-; $$.CO (i - v-vKil Collar and cuff sets, Georgette toilars in rolors, and sports collars of linen and Khaki Kool. " - -." : ' - ; ; - All sorts of new ideas heavy colored floss embroideries, col ored oriental designs, net and new laces aif take part In this collection. - - First Floor,. LVman, ; Wolfs & C. men did come buying in our Easter " - -1.. v i saie o f SfiMTS:! you know what a "milliner-made" hat means you will appreciate this sale of Trimmed hats at $7.50 Some are blocked shapes, smartly tailored but a great many of them are hand made and trimmed in tour own milliner's shop. All have, the grace and re finement of line that make for real charm. All sorts of colorings. Black and white. 34 Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. And it's no wonder that men did buy so. enthusiastically for these shirt3 are all made of the same splendid quality of fabrics that were used in pre vious years (just compare them with this year's fabrics) and these prices would have caused a sensation even when selling prices were down ' to present cost prices! You will find Ribbons-wide and narrow at all sorts of prices ' Brocades Chinese and 'oriental things grosgrains ffor hats and bags. I Plain and fancy ribbons for hair bows and sashes. ' Narrower satin and brocaded ribbons for lingerie and incidentals. Main Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Shirts at $1.39 High grade shirts of ma dras, oxfords, Russian cords, crepes and fancy novelties in a galaxy of pat terns and colors! Made with either stiff or soft French cuffs! All sires! Shirts at $1.69 These are of new self-figured shirtings with fancy colored stripes and of heavy Russian cords in attractive pink, green, blue and tan stripes t Made with soft French cuffs! All sizes! Shirts at $3.95 Beautiful' tub silk shirts that compare with those you'll find about town at much higher prices! They're all in the attractive candy striped effects ever so many colors! Shirts at $4.45 , Rich, heavy, satin striped tub silks in the very color- ings that men like the best! They were- tailored by shirt makers who have a national reputation for making shirts that fit! Wonderful new SILK SHIRTS $5.85 These, shirts have just been taken from their wrappings they'll be shown for the first time Thursday. All of them have wide satin stripes in pink, cadet blue, red, gold, green, helio, purple and other new shades! Silk shirts at $8.95 Many men will vote these the star values of this sale! They're made of the popular Finko silk crepe! Silk shirts at $6.95 Shirts of unusual character in exclu sive patterns and colorings of heavy Empire crepes. A full range of sizes! Main floor lipman, Wolfs & Co. The boys store U coffering Easter clothes for Utile chaps 200 boys' wash suits at $1.59 This is a chance for mother to buy enough of these wonderful suits to last ?.ll summer. They have just come by express in time to be ready for Easter! ' New materials and new Ideas. Boyl; will like the nover collars, belts and pockets. Mothers will be pleased with their style, ana. with the splendid materials. ( There are linens, galateas. Palmer linens. repps and poplins. And they havu the very best workmanship. Suits $3.95 to $12.50 That every boy will want to waar. Of blue serge, cheviot, shepherd checks and mix tures. ' Some with extra white f collars and cuffs. 1 Reefers $3.95 to ?i 12.50 Of serges, cheviots and mixtures. Belted, pinchback and pleated models that will find their way Into a fellow's heart. : Boys' hats for sprinjj 50c to $6.00 All new. You can match almost any suit here, too." And there's a hat for every boy in wn. Fourth Rloor, Lipman. Wolfo & Co. mm Men's ties 12c Wash or silk ties with nar row or wide flowing ends. Come in early. Economy Baa.mrat Lipman, Wolf & Co. J 'WHERE YOU SPEND THE LEAST AND GET THE MOST FOR IT"' Stockings 35c Bilk lisle and silk boot black and colors. fiber con'mr Batamant. Lipman, Wolfo A Co. For Friday we have planned an extraordinary Easter i saie ORES SES at $15. 00 o degrees FUmltss, Uniform, UnDtay tng. ferfectt ylOt ERICH, i can Uao Pencil CoiJ.Y. Cowlitz Kecruiting : ' For Army Is Active ; ,- . . .' Kelso, Wash.. April 5. Many re . crults are bains' aent to Vancouver and Portland from Cowllta county. -During the past 10 days nearly 60 young: men from this county have enlisted in va ; rlous .divisions of the United . States army. -V-: '.- - ' ; ;:-;''fiv'?.t-;-iJ Y-i - Three men " of this place have been fined for expressions of disloyal sen timents. Fred Smith, a ahinie weaver, "waa fined J10 and costs by Justice Knapp for tearinsr down a flar. nd today two local men were fined IS eaen for expresaine disloyal sentiments.. I There'll be much talk about this Easter sale of HATS This basement millinery store of ours' has been growing in popularity every day. Hundreds of women who do not patronize basement stores ordinarily have been de lighted with the styles found here: and mightily surprised at the lowness of the prices. In this Easter sale there are" hats at $2.95 at $3,95 and at $4.45 and $4.95! A great many of the hats included are priced 'way, 'way less than they'd cost us ordinarily! ' But of even more importance to you than the fact that they're underpriced is the fact that they are fresh and crisp and new the very styles that are in greatest demand right nowl Then, too, there are untrimmed hat shapes and trimmings at extremely tow prices. Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfo & Co. 185 boys' new Spring d Q Q C SUITS for Friday at CD J. V J -This is some of the most exceptional news our economy basement garment store has printed in months and months. Brand new SILK DRESSES at $15! Why, they're lb? very kind of dresses you've seen at much higher prices! These would have been marked more. too. but we want to make this pre-Easter sale an event that will set a new stand ard in value giving and in friend winning 1 Three of the dresses are pictured there are almost a dozen other styles ! Most of them are of taffeta though quite a few pongees are included ! There's a wide range of new spring colorings in all sizes! Economy BaMosont, Lipman, Wolfo Sc. Co. Pongee sport dresses $12.95 They're in the popular Jacket styles, many of them with trimmings in sport colorings and designs! At 12.95 they should cause no end of a stir! conomy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. M, Every one of these suits made with 2 pairs of pants These suits ought to, " every one, find a new owner by the time the store closes Friday! They're all made, of smart new fabrics in gray, tan and brown. mixtures! v " ' All sizes 6 to 18 years 1 Economy Basement. . Lipman.' Wolfe A Co. Boys' Blouses 25c Sturdy wash blouses with lots of wear to them. Set of six colonial glass tumblers 10c - Not Theres no mistake! We are really going to sell a set of six tumblers for ten cents! '; That is, we're going to sell them while 560 sets last! No phone orders on these r-none sent C. O. D. none delivered and only two sets to a customer. , Economy Basement. Lipman, Wo(fo & Co. Novelty silk skirts at $5.45 Besides the unusualness of the values, these skirts have much in the way of new patterns and colorings that will appeal to you! - Other new skirts at $3.50 and $6.50 Those at 3.50 are of black and white checks those at 6.50 are of black and navy taffeta made up in shirred effects. Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe Sc. Co. Some smart new d i o rn SUITS specially priced JplO.bU It would be difficult for us to make statements too strong for these suits to back up! They're new and more they're very, very much underpriced at 18.501 They're tailored in Spring's best models and of the mosf wanted suitings! All sizes are included! Black and white checked Vf qH suits are to be featured atpl4eOt) Here's an Easter sale that ought to arouse a good deal of interest! New suits in the smart black and white checks that are so favored for wear this spring! A-number of pretty models in all sizes. Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. V Hundreds of COATS In tfhis Easter sale There are sjme for as little as $5.00 that will surprise j ou then there arc'others at $6.75 and $8.95' that will win all sorts of praise I New VELOuW COATS $1 7.85-$ 19.85 New empire ?fid other styles In ever so many at tractive colors! 1 . You're going rto wonder where we got such coats to sell for so liltle! ' Ecciiomy Basement, Lipmaa, Wolfe & Co. Dress checks Q8c Block, checks, pin checks and novelties for sports and dress-up. Corset covers 29c . Attractive ones of extra quality Ion gc loth with deep embroidery or lace.'. Boonomy Basement Petticoats at 98c New black and white stripes with. flower designs. Black sateen and taf- feteen with fancy figured ruffles. X conomy Baesmemt. Titpman. Wolfe ft Oo. . Breakfast dress sets 89c' Jacket and skirt with pockets, and white collars. Of gingham and cham- bray. . v . ; . House dresses $1.23 Ginghams and percales in a ' dozen pretty, styles that you will like. : , ' ,' . Economy Basement, v . , t - Lipman, Wolfe A: Co. Confirmation dresses Three special items At $1.79 Lace and embroidery . trimmed. Some with , bolero ' ' waists. At $2.49 Dainty and lacy new styles that every girl will adore. At $2.95 3 With deep embroidery, and lace the fluffy soft kind. . . , ; ' loeaony BMwt 1000 yards curtain SCRIMS Friday at 10c This is just about the present wholesale cost I It's a pretty bordered scrim in white, cream and ecru! Full 36 inches wide! - j No phone orders and we reserve the right -to limit quantities! .' - ; Economy Basement Lipman. Wolfe St C'-o. . Sale of SPORTS SILKS 89c $1.19-0$1.29 i :. t More than one pair of eyes -will 4 pop wide 6a en when these .silks are put on sale Fridayl . ; ; , Included are Tussahs, , failtes and pongees la smart sport designs! ; ' j . Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe A 'Co. Specials in cooking utensils ' No. ; 1 Eadd egg betters special, for Friday at 29c. v Enameled ware at 59c - - '- 4 qt: Berlin kettles.-. '-; 6qt; Preserve kettles. ' -6 qt. Sauce pans; t -4 qt porridge pots. " ; -.-T6 !"; covered bakers. . ' Alurrunum ware 79c ' . . ' ' 4 ind quart saucepans . - kettles -and mixta g bowls 1 Food choppers at $1.19 f vj No. 2 o the famous Univer- - sal brand. , - ; Wooden Chopping- Bowls The Jt-in. size 9c. t The 13-in. size 29c. - V ' The 15-in. size 49c. ; Of well-seasoned, first quality maple, .. No . phone orders for - these items and; none sent C O. D. Economy Basement, -ii . Lipman, ; Wolfe St Co. n n it u e i 1 0 0