The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 05, 1917, Page 18, Image 18

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iiinni ivluiiuiiu ui
".' e- -mm m m m-m m mm v w mm
'. m -
int Klolkvl uunro
t t .. ' O ... I-a. L. . -
natural Leaaers oougni iy
r fJnvArnmemt ns Wftil as
' ; Trained Officers,
Education, BnflnM Ability, Athletic
or IiWUUwhlp Ability to Bo TJssd
by Army Many Xxamlnsd.
9 i v
efforts aro being made by tho gov
rnment to build up the offlcera' r
oervo corpe provided for In the nation
al defense act pasaed by congress laat
June to aecure a reserve of officer
available for temporary duty.
In time of peace .members of the of
ficers reserve may be called upon to
duty with troops or In field exercises
"for not to exceed 18 days each year, or
with the consent of the officers to a
longer period. "
In-time of actual or threatened hos
tilities, as at present, officers of the
reserve are subject to temporary duty
with the regular army., volunteers or
other authorised orgranlzations.
Men possessing the necessary quali
fications, particularly those who bave
had previous military training or who
possess special educational attain
ments, are being sought to present ap
plications for appointment to the offi
cers' reserve corps. Young men are
wanted especially ' for lieutenants in
the line.'
Explaining the officers reserve corps
ts a bulletin recently issued by th
western department of the army, with
headquarters at San Francisco.
' Appointments to the officers reserve
corps are made by the president fol
- lowing prescribed examinations.
" Applicants must be citizens of the
United States 'and must beat least
Jl years of age. None will be .appoint
ed to rank of second lieutenant who
has passed the age of 32; to be first
lieutenant who is past 36; to be cap-
. tain who is past 40;. or to be major
who is past 45.
TWse age limits do not apply, how--.
ever, to appointments of officers of
the quartermaster, engineer, ordnance,
elgnal. Judge advocate, and medical
eecttons of the reserve corps.
"The war department today hasvspe
, Hal need for line officers in the grade
of first and second lieutenants for Table in time of war or emergency for
infantrv. cavalry, field artillery and services as:
coast artillery." reads the western de- "1- Temporary officers in regular
vartment's circular. I army,
Those desiring appointments inline "2. Officers of the quartermaater's
.sections Should apply to the "Officer corps and other staff corps and de-
In Charge, Officers' Reserve Corps, partments.
Headquarters Western Department, "3. Officers for recruit rendezvous
Ban Francisco." l and depots.
For those desiring- appointment to I "4. Officers Qf volunteers.
ranks below captain, application can! The war department is seeking to
also be made to Captain W. p. Cur-1 secure tho appointment of from 40 to
rier. Vancouver Barracks. Wash.- 160 reserve officers to each oongres
Those desiring appointments to I sional district.
other than line sections must armlv I Application blanks must be filled
to the bead of the staff corps or de- out to the satisfaction of the western
partment concerned, care the war de- department, applications to be ac com
partment at Washington, D. C. panied by recommendations and other
; Enlisted men of the rgular army documents of a commendatory or ex-
and of the national guano, both ac pianaiory nature.
tive and retired, if citizens, are eli-
X- . ... -...'.-.v.v.'
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I twq a I
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) If-
' sir- b'
"S. -'
7 -,y--
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1 w
Term as Auditor Expires in
1919, but Will Not Resign
for Present Race,
Anaounces Some of Thiasrs for Whicb
Ee Stands But Does Hot Beliro in
IXaklag promises.
The real strength of the Russian revolution is the Russian peasant,
v oppressed for centuries, but now in arms.
Germans Evidence
Loyalty to Country
Employes of mike's X7 Works, On
and All, Fay Their Honey and Of.
far Service in Cass of War.
. A striking example of loyalty on
the part of German-Americans is re
ported by Herman Enke, rroprietor of
Enke's Dye ' Works. A notice was
posted in the shop to the effect that
AJ L. Burbmr. city auditor, an
nounced his candidacy for city com
missioner today. H4s present term of
auditor expires July l.1919. He will
not resign to make the race, tils an
nouncement follows:
I was born In Polk county. Oregon.
June 4, 1861. Graduated from the
National Business college in 1879. So-
cured employment on I tTont street
with one of the wholesale grocery
firms as office boy in 1S80. Starting
la this position I received, my ooara.
I was employed witnout loss of time
for 25 years. I arose from office boy
to bookkeeper, from bookkeeper to
crecttt . man ana irom creau man x.o
manager of a branch house. I havo
resided in the city of Portland for 35
years. My family of eight children
were all born in the city of Portland.
Elected Auditor Pive Times.
The oeoDle of the city of Portland
bave elected me as auditor of the city
rive times, being elected tne rirst unte
in 1907. It has always Deen my en
deavor to appreciate the honor thus
bestowed upon me and "o transact the
business of the city which comes to
my department in a manner that will
indicate to them that I am ever mina-
ful of my responsibility and the trust
witK nrhl-h thev hava honored ma.
I am now coming Dei ore you lor
promotion- and if in your Judgment I
nave served the people of the city of
Portland in an honest and efficient
manner, then I solicit your support for
the high position which l seen, tnat
of city commissioner.
Soesnt Believe in Promises.
I do not believe that candidates for
office should make promises for the
individual orncer may not do ame 10
oarry out the promises made. There
fore I will simply announce some of
the things-in which I believe.
I believs that the city should dis
continue the improvement of streets
and laying of sewers except where the
nuhllo. health and safety demand.
I believe the auditor of the city of
Portland should be the bookkeeper and
accountant of the city ana tnat an ac
counting snouia oe under . rns super
vision and direction.
I believe that no public officer
should vote to purchase land for pub
he purposes where the price asked ex
ceeds the assessed valuation as shown
by the county assessor's books, plus
a o per toiu
Wants Vacant Ziand Used.
T believe that all vacant oroperty in
the city of Portland suitable for culti-
Sergeant Disagrees
With Dalles' Official
Becrolti&g- Officer Blames Commer
cial Club Kan for raw Enlistments
and Secretary Gives Kls "Views.
Sergeant John F. May. of Company
P. brought 1.0 recruits -for the Third
Oregon from The Dalles on Tuesday,
He said he would have had 32 more
if that number had not concluded to
wait for the formation of a volunteer
company later by J. W. Brewer, secre
tary -of the Chamber of . Commerce.
Sergeant May was disappointed there
by and blamed Mr. Brewer for making
the proposal.
The Dalles, Or., April 5. Replying
to the accusation -that he broke up O.
N. G. quota by promising organiza
tion of a volunteer company. Secre
tary J. W. Brewer says:
I used every endeavor to assist re
cruiting officers of the U. S. army.
Sergeant May of the O. N. G.. and
officers for the 'naval service who
were, here, I helped In every way pos
sible. I gave May a list of all mem
bers of The Dalles volunteer company
who would probably go with the O. N,
G, and several .of the men on that
list are now at Vancouver. A large
percentage of those who signed with
The Dalles-volunteers and Elks com
pany are leading business men of the
city who would not enlist In the
militia or regular army except in case
of necessity. The Dalles volunteers
were organized with the idea of get
ting some knowledge as to military
drill. The accusation is false that
prevented enlistments of any men.
have given much valuable time du
ing the past two weeks to the organ!
cation of the local company and in
assisting the army and navy recruit
ing officers."
vation should be used tor that pur
nose, and I would use my efforts
toward starting a permanent organ
ization of county, city, school and civic
bodies for the purpose of handling this
I believe that all nubile officer
should concentrate their efforts in the
promotion of shipping and manufac
turing in our city and state. Along
these lines home manufactured gottds
and home labor should be purchased
Exciting Adventures Feature
Work of Operators, LTwo
Cars Having Been Wrecked
$112,204, acosgding to th company's i
annual report filed today with the:
public service commission. Xt paid a
per cent dividend on ILT4.000 of
preferred stock and had left a surplus
Of $99,989.
Operating revenues for tho year
were $t:4.S10, while operating ex
penses were $253.4(1. Non-operating
revenues were $85,878. Taxes paid
amounted to $64,317.
0-W. R.&N. Getting
More Cars at Present
Motorcycles for the
Machine Gun Corps
Four tandem motorcycle outfits, a
slng-le machine and a donation of half
the purchase price to apply on another
machine have been secured by the
committee of business men who are
looking after the outfitting of the
Third Oregon regiment s machine gun
Allen & Lewis, the Northwest . Steel
company, Marshall-wells Hardware
company and the Portland Gas & Coke
company have agreed to purchase
motorcycles and side cars complete.
FleLschner, Mayer & Co. have agreed
to furnish a single motorcycle,
while the Honeyman Hardware com
pany will contribute half of the pur
chase price of a complete outfit.
W. P. 1a Roche. Lloyd Bates. F. B.
U pshaw. W. F. Greer, C B Waters, L.
H. Bullier. S. C. Bratton and R. C-
Mish are securing the equipment.
Second Battalion Is
Salem, Or., April B. Car shortage
on the O-Wi. R. & N. dropped from
2481 to 1504 cars VMltriliT acoordlns
Seven automobile theft suspects were I . . . . . , ...
captured" and three machines were re- I "' ' luo J.
covered by the police last night and J today by the public service commis-
thls morning. I sion.
In a third automobile adventure! Car shortage on the Southern Fa-
early today by auto Joy riders one ma- Clfte was reported today to be 768 cars,
came was wrecked in an acciaent. a
second machine was wrecked in an ef.
fort of the occupants of the first car Merchant's Wife Advises
stolen and In this machine the group I Portland Women
finally escaped. i , , ,
Dewey McElrath; Clarence Babideau, I "I had stomach trouble so bad
Louis De Seegher and ArthuV Johnson, 1 could eat nothing but toast, fruit and
alias Harry Kelly, all giving their ages hot water. Everything else soured and
as i years, were arrestee y xra-uvji-1 T ... .
m, t-ii .n N.l.nn at Union ave- foPTned s Dieting did no good
nue and Ivy streets. I wL-8 miserable until I tried buckthorn
Jack Hoover. 28 years old. Allen I bark, glycerine. ete as mixed in Adler
Tiller, 20 years old. and Louis Latou- , ONE SPOONFUL benefited me
'J..-,'-1:?- r"r7 ." t.V. INSTANTLT- Because Adler-l-ka
rabee street in a machine belonging I empties uyiH large ana email imes
to Mrs. M. J. Tiller, mother of one of I tine It reltev ANT CASE eonatlna
the prisoners, of Troutdale. Mrs. Tiller I . .
. ' V . .i. 1 1 v, .... I tlon. sour stomach or gas and prevents
had reported to the police that herl T, h. nmrKpa!r tirt
machine was stolen. Two fully loaded I '
revolvers wera found under the seat of or anytning we ever soia. Biia
this automobile, which was taken early I more Drug Co., 161 Third st.
Wednesday. afternoon. The arrest was
made at 10 o'clock last night.
The first crowd of four is said to'
have taken a machine belonging to J
T. Ryan. 82 North Sixteenth street,
from West Park and Washington
streets. . They drove' into Washington
county, and not far from Orenco the
car stalled in the mud.
Not far from this place is the ranch
of Ben Croenl. and the four are then
said to have visited his place and stole
his machine for the trip back to Port
land. The four were in the machine
when the officers intercepted them at
Union avenue and Ivy streets.
C. Fggimann of Orenco found Mr.
Ryan's machine near that town this
morning and notified the police.
The third affair was apparently the
result of an all night party at 1299
Fast Twenty-first street.
Northwestern Paid
Dividend Last Year
Salem, Or, April 5. Net income for
the last year of the Northwestern
Electric company of Portland was
Teach Your Children
How to Fight Off the Attacks . !
Deadly Disease Germs. .
used 20 drops to a glass of hot water
a mouth wash ana tnroai gargis
practically positive safety. Follow
directions la booklet, packed Into aU
For Sale at All Druggists
Insist on Genuine In RED CARTONS.
have a bottle
handy, one simp
le tei will prove
its remarkable
leallng quality.
JBtmmW FUm
t .a 4iFwt.A for treating
Stubborn old sores, ulcers, carbon
eles, cuts, burns, woonds of any kind.
For sale at all cruggisis
nal Red Cartons.
ttnw Mn stand Tn As ut of Date
as norse vars
nil pmnlnvM whn wished to become
mmhira the American Red Cross I and employed,
mic-ht secure membership certificates I Tin an dug an Important Matter
I I believe that the financing of the
cans, comm-isin the entire male Portland is a very important
Applicants whb have served in the workine force of the establishment. 5ia""r fl. "".fff. "SJ-SfiiV:
glble to examination for the reserve I regular army, volunteers or militia paid their dollars and became mem-1 financing system could be' adopted I
corps, sublect to the nrescrlbed aa-e must suDnut oscnarge papers, or u bers of the society. I have orooosed a plan to the commls
iimttaHnj - still In service, must submit recom-1 ' u . . I sioner of finance, which I presume will
1 I ... i VjUIllIIirilLlllE Ull L11R UIL1UCUL. Air. . - . .
Commissions are for five years, menaations from superior officers Enke said: LP.'.iM ".SLr0,
When an officer reaches the age limU nose -Among my employes are some of Ued "ft financlrfg whTch I save the
for his rank, however, he is honor- In? at. chools or colleges or who have the most prominent members of Oer-1 tajcnavers 1250.000
ably discharged unless re-commis- "enQea scnoois wnore orncers or tne rnan-sDeakine societies in this city, t I believe that the city of Portland
sionea in a nigner rantc
Vancouver, Wash. April 6. The
second, battalion. Third infantry, O. N.
Q., was mustered in this morning.
One hundred and thirty-three re
cruits were received Wednesday,
bringing the total enrollment of the
regiment. Including officers, to 1662
Company L, Dallas, is the banner
upstate company, with 140 enlisted.
and is second only to Company
Says corn rings, plasters,
razor and eating salves
are taboo now.
Good things should be passed along.
F, I It is now said that a few drops of a
Portland, with 148 men. full strength I drug called freezone applied directly
of 150 having been halted by the re-J upon a ten.ier, aching corn relieves tne
jection, for physical reasons, of two I soreness and soon the entire corn, root
ppllcants. I and all, cu be lifted out without pain.
Recruits are now organized , as a I For littl cost a quarter of an ounce
recruit detachment, and other detach- I of freezone can be obtained from anv
ments have been designated as foU I drug store which Is claimed to be suf f!
lows: Auxiliary, supply, headauar-1 -lent to remove every hard or soft
Bays the bulletin:
"Reserve corps officers are avail-
"rJLA and they were the first to join.
is destined to be one or the great cities
of the Pacific coast, tand should you
cates of graduation, or if not gradu-1 rM,'Z 't"' tl choose, me (which I hope you will) as
ates. certificates showing the amount " ; " i aX ZZZiI.m I 7"r,, c'ty commissioners on
f tVninfno. iAfpTvAff the German and American peoples, I June 4. I will do my best to promote
r .i . .v but Is to be directed against the im- the things that must be done to build
V . ZXT a T , , . "f perlal government, and the feeling up a bigger, broader. Letter, busier
JSZLJI"1:91?1?.? the Hohenzollern. is as strong city of Portland.
lowing paragraph of the bulletin: I .v. rHu.. v.l 1 courtesy.
- , ," J . : American citizens."
No Dllffed-UD. burnino-. tender. .3Vl?fner or not '" "Mr to
' o ij vommana
S'tS ,dPenfield to Leave
..J" S-:?r.-"?52?flety-- - Py lx months to all with wives
-I! i;uTa7 onJ'.r,I ?? dependents, and is holding posl-
fmmiimt 1 Vcu V AA1 W CU1IBU
Vienna on Friday
aching feet no corns
or callouses.
the respect of officers unit
eniistea men.
"5. Whether or not he has adequate
"In event that the applicant has had
Tin mi Uflnr trotnlns A ..lit. a. i
Tiz" makes sore, burning, tired feet 7. Tf m , "Z" t ,"6'v"r i""lrrlrn
VI ..k 7ith,d11f?t' Away g, le8S recommended for a commission
ST-ifJSS &C.1- lieutenant (subject Totted
... " , VW . ,j v-tu. year age limit J, provided he is a col-
.nVlrA Vt &J&ASJF? to collet or
ter how hard you work, how long you
dance, how far you walk, or how long
you remain on your feet, "Tig" brings
restful foot comfort. "Tiz" is magical,
grand, wonderful for tired, aching,
swollen, smarting feet. Ah! how com-
, fortable. how happy you feel. Tour
feet Just tingle for Joy; shoes never
hurt or seem tight.
Get a 25 cent bo of Tiz" now from
any druggist or department store. End
foot torture forever wear smaller
. shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet and
happy. Just think! a whole year's
foot comfort for only 25 cents
$9 Per Barrel New
High Flour Record
fruited States Ambassador, Accom
panied by Wife, to Come Home; ZTo
Explanation Is aXade.
Washington. April 5. (I. N. S.)
Official announcement was made by
Ever Recorded In Paciflo Horthwest, Mrs. Penfleld, will leave Vienna for
further sUse of SO Cents. I Washington tomorrow. No exptana&
.., , . , , I tlon for the return of the ambassador
Cl"ftavWeU educteJ an. and pro- in the Portland wholesale market dur- tJTL ?t hn
vided he has demonstrated in business. Ing the day. This Is a further rise of P?11- " was said that he would
athletics or other activity, that he pos- 20 cents a barrel for the day and e- J? h wav S I v
r""". 841 unusual degree, tho abU- taonshes again the highest price ort t . ,i
ity to handle men."' . record for the Pacific northwest would "be as safe as .any other citl-
m I 1 I with th riH tn n-r , h.h.i -zen' in making the trip.
CI J Tvi i I wheat in Chlcaeo. th- w. a wrl Officials continued today to refuse
OP6a.&erS iieQcTft strong demand for supplies in the Pa- to the Austrian situation in
i " vtfty . . cific northwest, not oniv for Mt-m any way.
KOQ ll-TT of UnAi shipment but for Europe. wuesuons as to wnetner tne amoas-
CdlbV Clib J3dnCUeii On the Portland market horse feed 8ador would return to Vienna went
. . i and
ters, band, machine gun and sanitary.
McMinnville Will
Send Company, 100
"When need comes, McMinnville col-
lege will offer a company of nearly
100 men, trained and ready," said Dr.
L. Wi. Riley, president of McMlnnvilie
college, while in Portland this morn
"For a few days when the first call
for enlistments was Issued It looked as
I A 1 .1 i 1 . I . . .
Ktudent would send thnm all to the I Ti3X. OlSCOUraCreCi leeUXM? Olteil
recruiting stations. But we had a comes from a disordered stom-
xwrlencft in military affair and aCIl. Or ail ITjaCtlVe UVCT. Kjt
they advised them that their best VOUT digestion in Shape and
service to the country would consist II. o-nrr rrv-,TT-Ur fVen
is finishing their year at college, " . .ft Vr
going ahed with their work and TJie DIUeS Will QlSaDDear. IOU
2?2dTi,l"fnd-,!tli2. r will soon be cheerful, if you take
on. Our boys are getting ready to go
In a body whenever their country
needs them."
The ."Come-back" man was really
never down-and-out His weakened
condition because of over-work, lack
of exercise. Improper eating and liv
ing, demand stimulation to satisfy
the cry for health-giving appetite
and the refreshing sleep essential to
strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU
Capsules, the National Remedy of
HoWi irtU do the worlt Thenar;
wonderull Three of these capsules
each day will put a man on his feet
. "J.? ""ww : whether bis
trouble oomes from urio acid poison
lng. the kidneys, gravel or tor,. i
-. the bladder, stomach derangement or
other ailments that befall the over
sealous American. Don't wait until
you are entirely down-and-out. but
kI, tnn? tciday- Your druggist wiU
gladly refund your money if they do
not help you. SSc, 50o and Si Mr w
Accept no substitutes. - Look for the
name GOLD MEDAL on .very box.
They are the pure, original, imported
Haarlem OU Capsules. For sale and
guaranteed by The Owl Drug Co. Ad.)
...w c uciarauons of and shorts are quoted at record prices.
unswerving realty to the flag; . from w"h California trying to purchase
speakers at the banaut or ,.v-1 everyinmg m sight.
council. Knights and Ladles of Secur- charTge new' hVgT' recros Tor'whe
ity,- at the Multnomah hotel Wednes- were established, with Oluestem bids
day night. up to $1.81. or 2 cents above nrevious
Commissioner George L. Raker saint. I high marks, although as hleh m ft ss
ca n eiuqueni wora picture Of the c- uas was reported in the countrf.
(.uapiiies or war and the heaw numon.
siuiuuei resung on every" American
citizen. v
George M. Thomas referre
fact that Eureka council has on its
membership list between. 300 and 400
persons ox German descent, or who bear
merman names. He pld compliment
to their loyalty to the arovernment A
L Moulton reviewed historical charac-
and cow" feed are folliiwinir Hnaolf I unanswered. In the absence of Mr,
after the price of flour. Both bran I Penfleld the embassy in Vienna will
De in onarge or secretary tire w
- increases strenrth .
of delicate, nervous
rundown peoole 100
per flit In ten days
la many Instances.
$100 forfeit if n
falls as per full ex
planation in large
article soon to ap
pear In this paper.
Ask your doctor or
druggist about it.
The Owl Drug Co. always oarry- It
I Lay Brings Record Price.
Bend, Or., April 6. Probably the
highest price ever paid for hay in
central uregon was paid by Dan Hel
sing of Sisters. Heislng purchased
one ton for $80.
For the past fourteen years we navel
Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Relief for
Add Indigestion.
ters who had fought for chlvlrTVrS been lUng Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. , ?-ca;1,,ed 'omach troubles, such as
lrJiSSS'Si &tJlXT ArVn fdTare
order of their mutual obUgaUons. " hf. ,.aJ1fd to accomplish bene- in probably nine cases out of teiCsim-
D. L. Povey related how
Tears came to the eyes of many when !lf.ef8faFor..w?lcn
' a member of rtSr.i- kST - Vs Xi,"
evidence that excessive secretion
aAtd tfl tAjclns- T 91'A in thA tnmi.h
Eureka council ls own : r,inthr"l re meayw " 1 atways brings - satisfac-1 causing the formation of gas and
. . . i lory reiei 10 inose wno use it mrwt thav i actus.
rwa uie Boanian enuin in th. . ... z . i . . .
PhUtnnin. ,.4 ' jntlji ZZ 77. ways speag 10 tne nignest terms re- r."".ufrlc"aB lu lon ana causes
tTUiippines and displaced them with warding the results obtained. that full oppressive .burning feeling
the American flag, and how he was Very truly yours - sometimes known -as heartburn, while
brought back home wrapped - in . the DUOOVAL nm rt a ipanpi'tir the acid . irritates and inflames the
folds of Old Glory. - DIAGONAL RUO Jk;wKL.RT CO. delicate lining of the stomach. The
. jjwb. r-n. u.- I trouble lies entirely in. the excessive
Circuit Judge R. G. Morrow added AprilH. 191.
tribute to the democracy of the nation,
and recalled how freedom had from
time immemorial been won only-by the
shedding of human blood.
Among the other soeakem w rtr
J. J. Rosenberg, Dr. A. K. Higgs. Maud
Johnson and F. L McKnlght.
i no Danquet was in celebration of the
better to
Br. sTIlmsr si Co., 1
Btnghamton, H. T.
letter to '
Dr. xiuner Co.,
Blnghamton, Jf , T.
Diagonal. Ia. I development or secretion of acid
to kxop or prevent ttUg souring; of
the food contents of the stomach and
10 neutralize tne acid, and make It
bland and harmless, a teaspoonf ul of
bi sura ted magnesia, a good and effec
tive corrector of acid .atnmnoh ihnnM
be taken in a Quarter of a glass of hot
or cold water after eating, or when
ever gas, sourness or acidity is felt.
membership campaign of the last ouar- ore What Bwamp-Jtoot Will So forTh1,? sweetens th stomach and neu
Ton. 1 1 rallies the acidity in a few moments
Send ten cents to Dr .Kilmer & Co.. I and ? P",ectly harmless and inex
Blnghamton. N. for a. samnli sire Pr??1 to.: .
by MrsTpT HaieyT'ohalrnoa rou L'i whlchoe otneTfarf;
dent McKnlsrht. I will also receive a booklet of valuable I druggist in either Dowdw
tet, djurlng which time more than 100
recruits were obtained.
The banQuet program was managed
corn or callus from one's feet.
This is a drug recently announced
from Cincinnati. It is gummy but
4rles the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels up the corn without
inflaming or even irritating the health
tissue or sain.
Cut this out -and lay It on your
wife's dresser.
Do you ever have
0 x x V
Colds follow exposure
We can't stay in doors in
bad weather, and colds often
follow exposure. When you
have grippe symptoms with
sneezes, sniffles and sore
throat, get a bottle of Dr .King's
New Discovery, for here is a
remedy that for nearly fifty
years has been the favorite.
The soothing healing pine bal
sams relieve the irritations and
stop the cough and the anti
septic qualities kill the germ.
Have it handy for grippe croup
and all winter colds. Your
druggist has sold it for years,
Llko ifOn
tho Market
For Colds in
-Read. Masai Ca
tarrh. Catarrhal
One simple test
will convince
Catarrh Jelly
absolutely without equal, pleasant and
effective. The only powerful antlaeptlo
and germicidal eatarrn lelly ever offered.
Hold at all druggists in IS cent
tubes, packed with fuu aireouen is
tons. Try it.
Eases Quickly 'When You Appt
a Little Musterole
- n
And Mo.ttrole won't Wiiter ftiVS'tC pwf."Vh. !TJ"-l tUuij:
er or germs tr aciuai test.
old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers. It pen
etrates to the tore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens -. the congestion and
draws out the soreness and pain.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment
made with oil of mustard. It is fine for
quick relief for sore throat, bronchitis,
raliria. hadache. conffestion. oleurisv. I JJnnlC t
rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches I Gargle with it
of the back or joints, - sprains, sore I A test will prors
muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted
feet, colds on tha chest (it often pre
vents pneumonia). Nothing like Mus
terole for croupy children.
To sale y All Drug gists tm SSs
Tabes tn Sed Caxten.
VES 2 t?S
its remarkable
Jimm9m fttim
Marine Almanac.
Weather at Biver'a Month.
North Head. Aoril &. Oooditloa of th month
of the rWw at noon, moderate; wind aoaUi-
eut, 15 miles; weather, partly cloudy.
Bun and Tides April 8.
Son rlaee. 6:41 a. m. San sets, 8:45 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
tria ir.. i n nr. .k .
OrOO m.. 8.1 feet 6:42 a. m 0.7 tnat I lnro onH vtxxrlc and CTkrtrt rMT.
The time bail on the u. s. hydrographic of. I ulate and strengthen these lm-
flce was dropped at noon. 4Tao T3,,1,r rArro
Astoria, April 5 Arrived at 7 and left np at
a. m.. Alia.
Astoria, April 4. Arrived at :30 p. m.,
San FrKoelneo, April 5 ArrtTed Daisy Free
man, juanoaiay. m 'lXKteka. loauutt.
Johan Poulsoti, Santa Barbara. Northfork, Yale.
uruMWIru, whltuer. Ueorje W. Blder. Fear
lew (with Fuller toi In tuwl. trmatnia. Ad
miral Watnwrlg-bt, Helen P. Drew, Norwea;iaa
ereamer iauci-eo, uuicu sxeamer Bniteoaorg,
San Pedro, April 4. Arrived Rose City audi
Seattle. Wash.. April Arrived Dolphin.
1 :10 a. m. prU 4. rrlTed Prestdjeat. 9i30
p. m.
i San Franrico. April 5 ArrtTed April 4
Alntni 1:15 o. m - Avaltin l:Ati n f
Northern Paciric. 8:140 p. m.; F. A. Kllburn.
S0 p. m.; tne Arrnba, with barge Santiago la
tow 4 : Ji p. m. ; uoru, o.w p. m.
Akukan reaaela
Skagwar. April 4. Arrtred Humboldt, i
xi JJ a. m.
Otber iwrts
Port Angeles, April 4. Ajrlred -Sobooner
Harrester. 2:30 V. m.
Point Wialla. prll 4. rr1el El SeirandX
Port Blakely. April 5. Arrl-red Valdes.
Tacoma, April 4. Arrl-red Oelilo, 7 a. m. ;
Bene tor. p. m.
Daily River Readings.
the people's remedy for life's
common ailments. They act
thoroughly on the stomach,
table contain no harmful
drugs. Whenever you feel
despondent a few doses .will
Make Things
look Brighter
Lams Sale ef As Medlclae ietheWaeU
Sli erarrwW. la box, !Oe 2&e.
sed Internally as directed In book
Home Remedy
for All Pain
Are von In paint This Is tho onestlom
Sou will boar dally, and to be able to re
ars pain, whether it be a slight nervous
bead ache or the moat excruclatlns sui
te rings of neuralgia or rheumatism,
brings the height of pleasure to both
patient and doctor.
Touching (his point, Hogo Englo, A.M.
If. D-. says. "AnU-kamnl tablets has
become tavoattes with members of she
medical profession; they are very re
liable In all kinds of pain, and act a,
once. To atop pain quickly, the does tar
one or two tablets repeated ia two or.
three hours 11 required.
Antl-kamnla tablets reuevs an pamc
doar to rheumatism, headache, sciatica,
neuralgia, toothache, gout, and are espe
cially useful for all conditions knows as
women's aches and pains. Antl-kamnla
tablets bave no unpleasant after-en1 octa.
and la VI per cent of ail case they stop
the pain immediately. Ask for AK
Tablets, Obtainable at drug stores la say
quantity desired."
let packed In all original red cartons.
ll, gas on the stom- ,
nob. lower bowel troubles, gastritis.
rives permanent and positive relief
from Indigestion, gas on tho stom-
catarrh of the stomach, ulcerated
stomach, sore throat, biliousness.
ptomaine poisoning; and similar U
Beats. r .
For tale at all druesJsts
Insist on Genuine In Red Cartona.,
Im tha one arrest truth In medicine.
Results prove It. Bvery claim, every
statement, every promiite, every word,.
published concerning tne wonoe
Benetol. has been
fruth la AJyartls-
Benetol Is not a "patent medicine.":
It la not a "eura alL' It Is a heallnaT
agent that kills germs aad the only
reason that It Is good for so many .
ailments is the simple reason that so .
many aliments are caused by germs.-
For sale at all druggist.' .
I Insist on genuine In o.lgmal med Car
ton, run directions in seen pacaage.
should use it for
personal eleanll
nees Instead of tho
and bladder.
druggist in either powder or. tablet
lurm enaDies inn stomach tn ii.
When writing be sure! w)rc properly without the aid of arti-
f 5 e
! "1 I
f STATIONS Jx ft 5f
i ?a it:
! s S 5s as
1 es 53 3
LewUtou 24 i 4.S 10.3 I 0.02
Umatlll ............. 25 2.8 O O.OO
Bagmoe .............. lO .7 0.8 0.1O
Albany 20 V.l l.S O.OS
Salem , 20 S.S l.O O.10
Qreron City .......... 12 7. 0.2 0.29
Portland 15 .8, 0.1 0.12
McMinnville ; 80 ....
A new egg boiler for . r.V.. I m." r," ' , VJVJU.. "
taoiea la operated br an .alcohol limn m T)-mi-- r j I several forma euv he mrii f -w
...... . ' - W , . B ... t, W VCiiL .11.1 IIIIMini a ...... .
wnicn no4d only enough fuel to cook I Ur sUe bottles for, sale at all drur .tse only Bisumted Magnesia
Its contents, for a predetermined 'time. I stores. . lllili, eepecljally . prepared for the
-.--w" i' er- . " -- "
CijKtltsiili Odtf
Slaveys feffesy
Spend a Dime! Liven
iYour Liver and Bowels
and Feel Fine. " .
fusing. ( ) K.Uiag. . .
r . ' River Forecast,
Tbe Wniasnette river at Portland wfll re- Enjoy life! tvur. system 1S filled
mala nearly scateonary for tne seat two er I with an accumulation ef bile fad bowel
tares daj .. . ; . poison which keeps you bilious, bead-
achy, dlsxy, tongas coated, breath bad
and stomach sour Why oon't you get
a 10-cent box of Cascarets at the drug
store and feel bully. Take cascarets
tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest
liver and bowel cleansing you ever
experienced. Toull waks np with a
clear bead,, clean tongue, lively step.
rosy sain ana loosing ana reeling fit.
Mothers can give a whole Cascaret '
a-, sick, cross, bilious, feverish child
any time they are harm J sea novae
grip or sicken.
Instead of carbolic add. bichloride et
mercury tablets. Iodine, etc whlck
are deadly poisons.- Benetol does all
their work better, and ts harmless as
ordinary salt.. ; - ,
v ;Por Bait At An rrris
. fnalst on Qenulno In BED CABiOlgiy
' "