'THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . THURSDAY. APRIL . 5, 1917. " ' m n j, ' ' " made this conflict V war of libera-lcalists, but who would IikTe ihs better than , copy the systems of A few minutes after that body had ad-1 ,PMfflD "f0r erauce of mankind heart to enforce it now when American, business. -- ft.' AEaS'S 5t -"rr from an unfit order. - prices of food are so extravagant? The very argument which back- m he had left there. Ha saw Alt INDEPEKDEKT KEWSPAPta c. a jacksom. . .mbiieber Measures taken by the American r-fci .r.7 .tteeo. Hi i., ferovernment against .extravagant serpt. guaday aftarsooa) n lb joanuil war profits onf munition supplied ' 'SlT'oSTv"?" ""u-,;",x""' this country are sound policy. There should h tin ranffftllsnflnn 'rtf war Sfatertd at the poetofflee at frofttaad. w.. for iJTA-n- t - MCOSu I ivvn , ivi ; a uvi va a a ex to ovu traD-uai-Mlon tbrouf to tin o-ii - 1 TELEPHONES Mala T173: Horn. A-OOM. All eepaUaesU reacted br toeee lumber. i . : leU tM operator waat v department yea ; rOBEION ADTERTISlSd REPRESEMTATlVg Befijamls lfatn Co.. Brosawlck Bids.. SUA rirtk .Aee., Near: Vera. UlS People! v moa;-. ccicag. enrichment. XO TIME TO TTNKER Ills is no time for Portland people to' be bedeviled with proposals , to change ; their form of government. It Is not possible now to have the calm and careful consideration T Subea-lptloa term br nail or to an addreae ur. trie united States or alealeo: - - DAlLlf (MORNiwa rin AirsattaoKi om rar.,.,....s3.oo i o moutfe.. 9 .coj necessary to choose .wisely. Prob- ' - sl'kdat . lems of JRed Cross ' organization ??u;i?JF?'& " occupying public attention. ? On year 80NOAX 17.60 On stoats.... War has been- made on America os and the country is preparing to meet the situation with every ; re source., :"v. Recruiting for land and naval forces is vIn progress. The bugle call and the voice of the drill sergeant are within hearing. There are local problems of the most weighty consequences with whlqh men are struggling. Many issues of vital local importance are pending. Within two months there is to be a Portland city election and a referendum election.' .. Nothing could be more ill-timed or more out of place than to throw confusion into an already confused situation: by undertaking at such a moment to tinker with our form of municipal . government. Thefl will be other and more approprl- A -a in - .. V am- opportunities. maeea, wnen a . change is to be made, - there NB-of the most vjremarkable-j should be' a long. and quiet period spectacles in the history of in which to work out the plan for the world is now presentei change. : The work should be, done in Siberia. by, a competent body of well It is the exodus of noUffrai nHoI known citizens with abundant time oners and omvicts from the nenal 1 or preparing the proposal and for colonies and prison mines 0r "ri. a still lofiger . period in which to berla on their return to Rimsl. give tne people run understanding I There are 100. 0Q0 of them, and of its provisions. . - ; - It will reaulre a month for th -Si- coining iiks inis nas oeen aone j' berian railroad to. transport them I la -the present instance. Scarcely a back to their homes ' two months is given for discussion r n .nrh . - 1 lQ Pia at amia tne mosi S :.",:r.:vr'i:uc" momentous conditions that have. $ .wv .uv euuato Ul IUO Colin. iiOkj . . t . nuru it no liberty worm aaruunc which la not a liberty under law. K. J. - sunon. 'A WAR OP LIBERATION 0 I .Hut th rnftstor with kll tiia'mn- era of aldermanic eovernment at-1 Governor Whitakr sming by' the stov sical charm does not lay eggvThe tempt to busy hens would lay Just as many government is a powerful argument, i doing- there, when the latter answered. without his presence to comfort I for. commission government. and cheer, them and thSeggs would ZZJLl"" ,n SS111: Letters; From the People: nuisance in the city henyard. He Slr. the other fellows have stolen aU paper, pens, knlvea, lhkatanae, vaste-baakets and aplttocna. Ther? U nothlna; left for me to steal but the i stove, ana 1 am waiting- for It to cool i eo that I can taka it? - -WlietheT or fCOmmnnlraMnna ant ta The, Journal fee I not he took It la not knDwn : but the la. A drone, a parasite, .. a-pOmpOUS J pnleatia la tbia prttnot aaeald be. writ- artory Illustrates the manner In which bum,; , - .."eeeT&'S: miMnii h. .w- . .iHMa h I aaia. ft,. 1. , t. I cuu"- i 11 toe. wriier aoe ooi aeuw h r The senate wavfirw to pass the tba ume pu b iouid ao atate. ttraO Bintntlnt T nivl MfnrtnaA I. - v I 1 - . . i. . . i . .Z. I A IV onolllitant, . Yet Would AIO. Portland. March To the Edi- ruies nave given mil m7 im Neubcrc. Or ArU J.- To the Ed-1 tor of The Journal I notice a. let power to act when it wants to act. ltn or The Journal I : saw. your ter in The Journal of March l, by -a It " now 'operates under majority "Foreign Crisis" ballot In the Issue of I Voluirter of 1898,- telling- of Roose- Airii d ana am marsuir it careiHUT I twii m near aisaster r. uiuuuwr. ana prayerfully. Will you grant me I wrucnever fits, it best at Santiago a little apace In The Journal to ex-1 while in command of a regiment of Plain my position and conviction in I volunteers. I vouch for tho truth of retard to tne present situation? ; I that, statement. I myself wat the l belonr to and was raised in the I chief bugler of th Third cavalry r A REGULAR READER. A.Story ot San Juan IHU. Portland, March 19. To the rule Instead of minority rule. . EFFICIENT AUTOCRACY n ; - - , I HE notion that autocracy, is by its nature efficient while ay. 1 PERTINENT COMMENT ANtf NEWS IN BRIEF : "- , -, . . Ra Tag and Bobtail 8A1ALL ' C1IAXUB - ; .'. Rubber heels are , contraband. ' but rubbernecka ea the lookout in the sub marine sones are at a premium. . Women's hats are to i be smaller, which makes it mora necessary than ever to hang the higher prices -onto the war. .. - . v.... r-- Ve have all become familiar with "Kultur" and "Uber AUes" and that line, of slogans, but what the world is reaily interested In Is whatever is the German tor "Enough! War with Geriany will be simply for ' the speedy finishing of a sail business. The "Hot Time in the Om Town Tonirhf spirit is enUrely lack ing. But the hand of America will be none the lighter for that; heavier, li any difference. -, Aa enthusiastic exchange admonishes the civilian:' "When you pass a Na tional Guardsman on the street these days, take off your hat to him." well. he deserves it. all riant, but who would be more abashed than he If you anouia ao coj . In every high crisis In American af- .xairs xoere nas been at tne ntim a master of English. Who can tell how much weight even our various most righteous causes may have . gained from the fact that immeasurable wrongs have been stated In measured i&usuagei j. . Both parties in' England promise woman suffrage is to be granted without further question, so we may expect knife, fork and' sooon to re- imme- aa an ' Dnlnr for Mm -tn comel110. With suffragettes their in an opening ror him to comt morlt voirne aa imDlements for ign. inen tne rest that were hiEtlno- the nrocess of majdllarv nrs- Stories From Everywhere (Te tale eoluma all Ireadera ef Tbe 7orMl are tsvlted to euaUibata eiiaal mittar ta atary, to vera or la baoaapbical otwerratloa ohly church that has in four centuries I troops at that time, serving under act democracy Is inefficient and I need Its belief, that war and the tak'jvelt had orders to wait until the col WaMeful ' has lost something Mng of humanMfe. 'Singly or collect-I ered troops got there, but he did not of ita rlitta In th rnnrnA (if r. Ivtlr. ,r" n always have -been con-I think there were so many in there as . . " .g"l. fJ.. 1 I.!:. ..i tfnr t Qods will, and. therefor, as there were, and he. thought "be- could wem events. uu u sun casts a t a consistent member? of the Friends whip them, and get the glory all him deceitful spell over some minds I (better known aa Quaker) church, 1 1 self. Tbe Spanish used about 26 or Dr Boyd is reported to have Bung Puia not conscientiously bear arma.o men as a bait for the enemy, and tu nniou .MAMfn in . ntih. I ui.a raysicany 10 as so. t nugwytii mougnt mat was tne extent 115 aaaress tue outer nigni, point-1 since th outbreak of the European I them and got Into the trap. (They had mg out its wonderful - advantages "r urging tnat tne united states iiext an AwM'-iiC ,. - nt..,t.A I should bear much and go slowlv In I through. M. ,1,.: I J Z ',!cln? a' th 'orc us j Vaitlng for him to come through closed I hension as It relates to food. -"' j "j --" -"" " - mm great contact. Ana, tnana 1 in on mm, and there would not nave ama canal, which stands before I God. -we have gono slowly and borne been enough men left to tell the tale. the world, BO Dr BoydN seems to mucn more than any other nation has I If it had not been for the colored troops lmHr,. n on of ,th ereat i tri-If Vf .or6 u"ea because of its coming" to the nick of time. As it , . t iuve ot pace. I was, tnose two colored troops saved I Br stwirntoo Cooler, umpns or autocracy. But pven pacifists and those who the day for him, and they fought lke pni,.i. at-. ir-.onfident nersons Unless our memory to widely len"?r their reputation for wis- ,.i. n,..m, ai a unlit I , ' ? "" " i "3 itwii. I aom on tne turn or iuture eventey as astray the Panama canal was built may come times when war is bumanly A REGULAR OF IMS. a gambler stakes his money on an lm- by, a democracy and not by an I inevitable. Axvaat majority of the! . ,,-.-,.,- mediate happening. The true prophet. Riifocracv. Rut the democracy America Deneve. witn tneir . - . " like the successful .gambler, is one v...:, '" tntna, that , the hour has struck I .V.orval"!!. ur ' Ma.rcn ..5- T . who happen, to aruess right. u4ii uu. bw" ror tne United States. wiiior or m journai-iiss isiuaoetn Qne of the q-tlnt predictions that sense to entrust the details of its Personally. I believe that had pub- Scott, who passed away in Corvallia nas caused many smiles was Napo- construction to a Single capable M fentlment been correctly crystal- recently, at the age of 81 years, was leon's statement that in a hundred had From thi fart we Run- ; the outbreak of the war, 'or.nln uperlntendent of the years all Europe would be republican neaa. r rom tnis fact, we sup- America vtreed not have been drawn Portland Woman's union. She was a or Cossack. He may have allowed too pose, arises Dr. Boyd s errjsr. Into It And that even now war . Is woman of unusual and beautiful char- little time, but present conditions give which is a very Common error. ItJflt ftd never ' has been, and, of jacter; distinguished for Qualities of startling proof of the accuracy of his rnnol.ta lfi Vio nntlnn that horo fnir wui De. tne laeai metn- Beii-aacriiice ana pa- vision. is mistake lay in supposing consists "V"ie notion xnar. nere od of meeting national or internaUon- tlence In affliction,- the latter being that tyranny and absolutism were Is no BUCh thing as democracy un- ai crUes, though, from a human demonstrated to a remarkable degree racial characteristics, and that liberty less every Tom, Dick and Harrv standpoint, it is now the only prac- after the loss of. her eyesight. I beg was mdre fondly cherished by one V OKEGOX SlfiEUGUTS -The Chrlsilaft church at Milton has commenced work on a new chorea buUdlns: that wUl oost S10.0. v - - , w w Mm y mi . . x-- , . 1 1 i . , - - v.- in I r atrlalas eaataUooe. freoa ear aowrea. Cos. oneratidn"iin llmaiurera finding toerit l" the outlook foF new construction very ",""' Pui.J . . promiaing; 1 - . . . -. ' According to the Baker Democrat. I 'Asking for the Ileal News. the spring of 189T in eastern Oregwa pEPRESENTATIVE HEFLtN. -of was just like the present one. On iV Alabama, known among his f rtonda March t$ it snowed all day and turned j0 congress as "Handaoma lif lin n. JtacSwaaoV0' "eputaUoHr UmJ wUh just. as backward. aa now., -- ... - unmuaii . mm-- - I BWIKI ThA nrMirjrt that canareta aldewalU I tha hwm ran h. ttAn.,i. - lr. A will built on either side of Main uln(, Tbere are some parts 6t the. street. Weston, and extend the .entire souU, unin savs vn. ii in. length of this thoroughfare from Ztl WiZ IT i Washington street to Broad. U con- People" are Democrats, Ju it as sldarea very ravoraoto, tne jjeaaer wm um nurva .wanri says. ...... , all the -"beat' are Republican. WhUa March. Us 'observed at Pen- In one of th southern towns, ac- dleton, was unusually cold and windy, cording to Heflin, the bulletin boards . it was not even normally wet.Tha of a newspaper flashed the news of weather records show, according -to what was going on in Chicaco wheu the East Oregonlan, that,thera waa a I the RepuWioan and Bull Moosa con-' ahnrtasa of on inch for the month. making a total deficiency for the wet seasonof 2.4 S inches. "According to the local officers.'' says the Roseburg News, "there ara a number of transients headed south at i) nrntnt time, and many of them are Very restless aa a result of the I lar Interest In politics. war situa-tlon. fearing that, tney win 1 nad no vote. be drafted. A few of the officers nave 1 suddenly somebody venUons were held last summer. In the crowd that stood in the street awaiting the messages was an. old colored man, who could not read, and was there merely because everybody ease was mere, lie took no partlcu- In fact, he near 'the old suggested to some of the fellows that j dark exclaimed .v, "? .,,,11 tv,m. nr mrmv I ur?7 exciairaea. but the replies they usually receive Ther -wu are! The Republicans not very encouraging. Beverai 01 1 numiraueo nugnes. Ana tne uuu t are, however. Intending to enlist I Moosers have . nominated Teddy but ne a going back on 'eral" "Humph!" said the old colored man, "Now, who is d white folks gain' to are them in the near future and are merely headed towards recruiting stations. THE MARCH OF DEMOCRACY nora'nater have their fingers in the. pie, while if the business is put in ca pable hands and no silly Mneddlinj allowed you have autocracy. Dr, ' Boyd and others might I tlcable solution of our International ! "Pace for the following tribute to her I people than another. These character- problems, and only God, by direct In tervention. could enable America : to memory: i body of human beings ever Jour- "t,n neved no far fill CitfnVl O ftiiefnnea I A. - T UUQUaCO and from such a cause. The f, emancipation of Russia from czar dom and - Its deliverance into the rVaa mm. Jt - I -W a ' continue in her championship of the I vA.,r "'.'"i J,'" ' rights of humanity In an other way j Through all the days that come and go uu""i present woricrjcrisis. 1 ao me are lost, dui ior a wniie, Before thin letter' shall havr. Wn 1 escape irom xueir error it WW '"".wu6 ras ,wU1 u&e x aave aeciww " ulin w7.. i t'..M. hmlllM. hu onlr in the last few would pause and reflect that both Y " leaJ And yen, through T earthirpaln and years been freed from the plottlngs democracy and ; autocracy must emment. And it ill behoove- any pce-.l Calm, purified, came forth as gold carry out tueir bcubuics iuiuubu i lovntg- American patriot to say or do The entry of the French on to side of the colonists in the Amerl- t . I - . i vix icvutuuuu gave mo wuna a r ,7k J7"nieni by tne Yorktown and a permanent start in ywfio uuci aicu mem I rom a 11V- I r.ti.,nn..i v i ing death in the convict mines and It la poasiDie that the American xa.awuy Bioena, entry into this war may give man a auu lucj axi 3 liuw lfiii n ir nnvna a . . -w - . - i auna a greater iorsiown. i ocuwuws to tne oiuerian prison , places was doom. It was living: 1 death. Scarcely anything so bru- tal has ever been in" the world as " i an, agency in the scheme of so- called .civilized government... w agents. Neither the monarch on ?Jrtin hich will tend to. postpone Pain you i hid with i gentle mirth; . r ... . the dav. when the- world haii onin Infirmities but gave you grace: nis throne nor tne democracy in bB nt BnA ,,-,..-- Z C" I Tour eye which sightless were HHii.utuiJ 47 vauos al I mortis BONDS FOR BONDS its myriad homes can do anything vindicated and society protected from except through intermediaries. I th cruel oppression of militarism in k uueiTver oi tne xioDe. Hratory ihows that democracy with unwaverin faith r loon- into 9 quite as apt t& choose efficient the future, with about 100,000 other of agents -as autocracy is. Most ot ".TT1""' America, ana tie- . . OTTO, . a hord that day -when human society the good things that have been and civilised nations shall be reoog- accomplished on earth have been nised on a basis of brotherhood and k .n-nntn it,..,,,!, ah ot. universal rroorl will, and wtivn nation. UUUC UJ UCUlVVllttlOB UUftU kUCH I . L t ' -.v-.v..a Wall t Mno f tha "Br " more ana Drainer na VUWal D aaa Aa.ww v a a,av I T WILL be wisdom If central Oregon communities Insist up on bonds gather than stocks in Tri , " .1 . itiiutu ivr ineir cuainuuuuDaia gon, vjaiiiomia & eastern railroad. tTeTo6 Pty and ter cold, lack of nourishment and " ? " "eL inieresc' cant clothing swiftly drove many C" ZZ "rlV i into rafi,., a v erfjntp, give no certainty of return. foolish things have been done by rotten autocracies. For it la characteristic of autoc- into 'rheumatism and tuberculosis Jt wis a life of horrors little short of death. Their value is dependent on the management of the enterprise, the returnina prisoners eviaencp nihai nrtTtrTuth.. m - . 4 w vii a vvuualiVUO iqe Burrenngs under which they rades that. they quickly rot, as We national danger and' sacrince. Can- commonplace and sordid Market took to stop thought by prohibiting may tee by glancing at Russia, "V govemraent provide me and street.:; -. How the commissioners es-1 its expression. 5 . . others of similar beliefs .-with somelarwvd "avenne" or Toulevard" la a I Vain endeavor!. Thourht reores- u ranee oi tne wia , riesime, ide- means of natriotia aerviea rhtrn ahn L.... HfAn.. ainn ra r.n aitunntMi f mm tha -h- land under the Stuarts, Rome un- be directed toward the saving of life j turn their attention to. place names I ginning of the world, but always der the emoerors . Persia under the Bn eviation and prevention of I ther usually riot in cretentions and without success. Wherever it has line of 5Cerxea nonstanunotila un- BUffrIn and distress? I inappropriate designations. The re- been repressed for a time it only has line Ot Xerxes tnstnopie un- AN ANXIOUS VOIiTJNTBBIU tention of -street- may betray a aav- been to gather force for the explosion der Its Byzantine tyrants. we ... . r I in. mnun ..! that win .nnn r- that swept away the oppressors. . in wish Dr. Boyd, or somebody who .JTiucise rrosecntors. I store Yamhill to the directory. The! the olden times when thought passed thinks as net aoes,; would tgire tis have lived. They are more like animals than human beings. Shag Municipal bonds are being sold by several central ; Oregon commu- gyfcnnVouTh7em;Tatedan every kind of Incongruous garb ! irom nioeous Jail uniforms to sheepskins, theyre an unparal- eierj assemblage of trial and I tragedy. with which to aid railroad con structlon. Interest must be paid on these bonds which must also be retired when due. The interest rate on railroad bonds is higher . I v va aaauuawac uwuuo 0,UU 11 UQ Exile to Siberia Is asnectre whi?h ...i n.- has stalked through Russia for gen-1 r ),, ntaA r-BnAi- . smfCi lAft m T IfcA i. a J - , M i va, ,u va5VU, MUlViUia x ,v . iur( wmcn lurgea Eastern railroad they will be abl Z t v Z. , . Iear to Pr not only the Interest on ru,wu,a rcaa m tne races or their own bonds, but leave ttur- "uoo,ou women. nlnn in ha rilar.6 In d elVI ine journey to the mines wa for the retlrfemant nt tha riAnrlo uus uiaue u cuicb on IOOl. USU- Ti Tnnrasl v n ally chained together. It requires stfahorn will flnd it good policy 7 v , ana to offer the bonds rather than tho two, years to the mines at Irkutsk. i.v av- o a t une man. who lost a foot in the r.. a,,i kn...(-- 7 Mi O0 wf8 .IO!cea 10 maKd t a rate and on. terms no. let ad wi journey on root in Spite Ot a U.n. .,- t i J!5.a.t5r. 'h.UB"d .wer.e ties will be offered to riastom in- "uo utivcu line came to tne aeaa- VABtnrs IV mines afffr : the nrtT-lnlnir n i'OlPS. In IxRx - I '"VC Dusgoius aio iu uruei, : ,. ; i - .line oougauon resung upon large Arrest was on the slightest rrov- , Ji. aa , . I lauUV W XA4 D , O a. VCl VUO tUUllii UU.A tlTa ; vv.tiuu. ueuuarmes na ' spies ; ,va- j peeked through every keyhole, Lnnt,M t ha tAft. , eucancQ ueiunu every curtain. HS-1 .v- ..Wi m r..n.b ot.- - . . - I - a aA lutj .,au La i.inn VjIuiih. imium i :rf rS!!?0 ath, H4niW and Lake rf many. ? ,V T"Yrur:"T o lrge tracts assessed ,at r.:: '7.;rf . r "er- $10,000 or more. Not one of these vYiiuoui a nearing, .... ana i,k.ii,A,... ' L,tr...i-t - . .. . I uo. i.au , tug Cii- TT J " f wc! l inelr fhaneement in actual valde through .., laaca in ralpf,.,. transnortatlon win r. at drladtd na?U 1 d,rray a10 tbe least $1 an acre. iF large land- lit P vDif -, A Pru" ne" ited at a rate of.$l liCn:Zalr acre, of their holdings , they I exile,-, heard a knock at his door. contributions in' the dead of night: Gendarmes I entered, and he waa carried away ; in a sleigh. Uvea to the day of h his death, he remained in complete ' ignorance of the reason for his exile ana puniBhment. . J . It was abSoluti8ma way of re . talnlng its power to govern. ..The menace of exile was ther agent for c hashing the voice of; liberty. The ? army; the sple and the 'mines 5 were the foundation i on which the czar' throne rested, t , In. a lesser decree .every autoc- r racy must stand on the army, the spy and punishments. These im- . plements are the ' despot's flubstl- ; tute for ' the ballot. ' -, Autocracy brought on the pres ent war. It has filled Europe with f rightfulness. , It has forfeited ita tight to survive. ,Vhen autocracy is driven off the -eaf th. there will - be . permanent teaee.' The revolution ' In vllnesla : has would thereby; not only i insure themselves of a hundred per cent return in direct benefits' but place the ' financing of the railroad : be yOnd ' question. ROOSTERS I T IS pleasant' to notice that the culture of chickens is lncreas Ingafld the culture of dogs de- ellbing in certain parts of Port land. Chickens enJoy some clear economic : advantages over dogs They lay egga and they do not bite people. 5 But they are not without some perplexing problems. ; There is e the rooster, . for : in stance. He - is denounced br the profane as "a . noisy J cuss' who tunea Up at 1 o'clock in the 'morn ing and - continues, his song - until the middle of the forenoon.' When a : dozen Roosters join in a musical competition the night becomes too lively for sleep. There is a city or dinance against keeping these to- lstica are human; and, given the same conditions and environment, similar results will follow. e e The American republic baa had clear sailing from the beginning, but France, with its hereditary ruling earth Now seo Him face to face. on shall not rise up against brother. of pretenders. The Germana Caught fire for a moment in '48, only to sine back Into a smoldering heap; and the English have kept on developing pop ular government. In helr slow and tnhhnrn Wttv Tint AJlirlA . from thilt autocracy was generally accepted as the nrevailinz system of government when I miss you. friend of mine, m Europe and Asia, f This did not mean, however, that man has reached his final and fixed condition. Only those purblind bigots and egotists of church and state who assume all responsibility for their fellows bad cuch a thought. Beneath the outward calm the caldron was Had the- self-appointed dl affairs permitted There comes this sweet refrain X gladly to His will resign ily loss Is but your gain. . ANNA. M. FITTS. Restore Yamhill 1 fYotn tbe New ?ork. Sua, waxen 80. Tho city commission of Portland. 1 aeethins-. Or..- has succumbed to an attack of I MAtnr f K,nmn Although I could not conaclentionalv I mnrlt f.lee&nco and under its Influence 1 r n ba.-arm am ntt Physically I has erased from the map the excel-(would have known the people's quaimea to maae a fit soldier, I want 1 lent, lulcy and meaningful name of I thought, and they could have grown io rv my country in tnie time- oflTamhlll street, suDstituting ror it tne with them. But, instead, they unaer- The Omnipresent Alibi. Various people have various con- But liberty will not be satisfied with Europe part free and part bound, I ceptions ot what the Red Cross or- Nor will she be satisfied with aay I ganisation means, as the local wom part of the world bound. The leaven I en soliciting new members are find that worked in China and in Russia I ing out. says the Pendleton Kast Ore- is working in Germany and through- gonian's Veeklyt Bulhlogger. One ' out all countries. If the German lady refused to join becauae she Htm Junkers are wise, and yield a little, afraid she couldn't pans the examlna- tney may retain control ror a snort tion and another because she had a time longer. But if they cling to husband and two children whom ana their past stupid course which it is could not leave. But-the moat original to be hoped they Will the rising tide excuse for not joining was that of- will aween them away, root and fered bv the iwui voting fhlrtar V))A branch. It' Is not necessary, to name I said that she Just never could stand., the number of days that must elapse I the sight of blood. before the liohernxouerna ana the Hapcburgs follow the Romanoffs into limbo; but the fact is as certain as the persistence of human nature. What a magnificent event the Rus sian revolution has been. So quick, so certain, so tolerant, so compara tively bloodless. It has been so com plete that it suggests a play on the stage, where the several parts have been rehearsed, and each actor takes his appointed place. Not a misstep has been taken, not As Our Mothers See ls. Nelrhbor How did iit ntutntr little boy of yours get hfurt? . J-mto That good little poy of yours hit him on the head with-a brick. Of Course They Would. Election time was drawing near and an enthusiastic politician was ad dressing his constituents in a tren ded speech. Not a few of his asser tions, reduced to cold f hftn t-hf wm line mumbled, I diametrically onnowd in nn TiAl)i.r bnt all has moved smoothly not to 8aya the New York Times, but each ' Criticises Prosecutors. Wauaiaw Or.. March 29. To tha Kd.lvn rian arwirriinff- to th Tertian I br word of mouth, ideas of liberty aw .Vatnnla . n an antXrac? which itoc of hx Journal-l have noted in OregcrW demands the undoing Of grew .lowly; but with the printing an example of an autocracy Which uie papers the past few days the con- the 5 commission's work; the Ore- Press and ability to read, freedom waa noi rotten witnin a genera- t-roversy Between judge Gatens on one goaian itself cries for rectification of quicaenea its pace. s tion or two Of Its full establish- ' J1 uistwci Attorney JCvans and I ail error "thoughtlessly and igno-1 .when India. China and Japan sent ment And with rot has always n .rt. aAp" ;y; VUT- on. th nr' raatiy" committed. their young men and women to this . . j J1 I . i., y w i lauuuu i miwbiii, i csicwiauie, i country ana iu iuruinj iu im aivoam COme deadly Inefficiency. IF. W. Jobalmann Ot aL Not be tna- fa. ItvnlAal hlltnrb. . ll.nH.r H.nrv. tv... t..i-nd with mnr than t,l Th. Tniipfi ' nraloail afflnl a-nov nt 1 miliar with the facts of the cases that i a fur trail M- of tha Northwest com. I urulm thnua-ht. From that mamant A UAVM W.WXrf v...rfUWJ V A. I - . . , . . . 1 wa.wv. w n - ' f v. A Pntaslsn anfAr-rftr-w natt aant I wuitiiwu, noidiuii i'w uiw uniuiuwo i aDsoiuiiam waa awniso. japan i nas -t 7i aulocracy n8 enl I am not In position or have X any I Willamette country, met at Wlllam- adopted a constitutional government. Bovcitti uiuuuu men ,iu uoeicBa i oosire io uute siae witn juage Gatens I ette falls, januenr-10. 1S14. seven I and China has become a republic deaths, ravaged Belgium and against his adversaries, but I can not -ugly, ill formed Indians" leading a while India has begun the Irresprea- Francn frivred th hottnm ftf rh refrain from wanting to give the public horse. Theywere of the Yamhela Slble struggle. Wr self-expression.1 r ranee, covereo. ine iwiiom oi tne a mtle Insight Into the worlolnss of tribe, as Henry spelled it in his diary. But the spark of western liberty Sea witn sunken ships and tno the district attorney's office, especially tho name being derived from the Tarn- that flared up in the east has broken bodies Of dead sailors, and loaded when they are trying through state- hela, or yellow river. Yamhela be- out anew in the west. Russia.; the thA VrV of mon with dohta th ments In the papers, to fool the Dublic came Yamhill, and: . bear that walked like a man, has be- mi.ot toil and atarva fni. oihrtaa l" mey we enaeayonng to 11 nas an nonorea ana Unaying conw muera a man. iud Kreaa uion- must tou ana Starve for centunes pMwecute erinunai,,- but being place in Oregon history. The Yamhill ater that for ages has lain in the to yay. waa Meuiuaai; wver bo j Handicapped by Judge Gatens. When 1 1 river was the seat of early navigation, I oonas or superstition is now arousea wasteful or so senselessly cruel? I read their arguments I at first thou eh t kand tha Yamhill country was the home I by the new thonfgbt and has shaken 1 . 1 . . . . . I 1 r . . ... ... . . . I t f tm lmmmmAm fll I I V. A rv .i.v. . v,4 1L sureiy muat bo vawiag s ciose to i ei many eariy settlers, wno ciearea i v "" - - " ""' - The truth IS that democracy election time, and thv vera niacin th land. tilled tha anil, fm.rwi-d Napoleon deceived himself. He with all its mistakes and faults is file llJktlfal sTArrta ' I SivriAnl t f:Kl1,r i el lAmrniinlf Us nlvl. I thought Europe would be republican iiatlv ld Tr1rtd1 Tt 1ni It I As before statedw t know nothlna- of I llaatlnn and thara Mtahltahad tha t. I Or COSSSC1C . it am not occur to him v.. v.... . w . , .vi - T. : I - : --. I th.l h rnxtarlr mlrtii h.rr. . . . . .. . . i nn v r rn, rjiflM inn dmi nn f vh i vmnfni ftf a. mtrntm i v Jl ,aB" r'J!:: n,a h, JudKe Oaten,' court, but I dW" -There are many leading citlsens of I republican. 11 1 men fc1""" u.c- that if District Attorney Evans or his Oregon who are proud to have hailed ficient through carelessness, It able chief deputy Collier, had been as from old YamhilL Well they may be Contains within itself regenerative anxious to perform their duty as they for they belong to the real aristocracy now nt-a which nnlrklv awoAn nwav ouM lead the publio to believe they of Oregon, the men and women of true POWerS Wnicn qUICKiy Sweep away ,-- mla-ht hava h.n Arr. Illne. lila-h thlnkne wnpthv mr,A luc n aDkv auu iu awii auu won-1 ant in the cass or tne man who ran sound patriotism. front great problems With great I over and instantly killed my little boy men. Democracy always' has a Lincoln in its bosom reared for the day of need the end but to the present stage. The hope that the Russian revolu tion may move on to the end is based upon the wisdom and self-restraint ot the leaders. When they proclaimed amnesty and freedom of speech they set the seal of. genuineness on their democracy. Vengeance has ever been the stumbling block of revolutions. Tyrants Judged as individuals may be deserving of the severest punish ment; but as representatives of other men, their, death marks their trans formation from despot to martyr. Had. tha revolutionists sought to set tle old scores by visiting upon the latest offenders summary punishment for the innumerable wrongs of the past, a revulsion of feeling would have followed similar to that of the French revolution. But instead they have wisely turned their backs to the past and resolutely faced the future. proposal was received with applause. A judge turned to his companion and eald: "This 'reminds tne of the Irlnh leader who was cheering his men on to battle. 'II In, said he, "ye are on the verge of battle, an I want to- ask ye before ye start, will yes fight or will yes runr "We will:' came a chorus of eager replies. " 'Which will yes do? es he. "We will not! says they. ' Aha. thank yet. me mln: savs he. I thought yes would.. ' 10 Armas Tis the tramp of marching millions. that assails the listening ear. While the bugles sound the martial - cry, "To Arms"! Uncle Bam Is in the saddle and hie uarvira inr aiiu near Are responding with all speed to The cure for tyranny Is liberty, not I Ever etata within tha Union Men- 4 vengeance; and the retnedr for or-1 dooino to Cape May. presslon Is freedom, not license. Jus-1 And from Texas to lakota hears tice is less concerned wim punishing I . lBm ,, . . evil-doero for , misdeeds of the past rA thJ PV'S'V'L Vh,i"t.yeomen thr than in preventing th. wrongs of the Tn JPlSS .6h.-lSSi hnnr,, Ve to future. If the new government shall I a. live up to the professions set forth it wui be as a beacon set on a hill. Ner will the example affect Europe alone. , While it will at once and for ever put an end to the claptrap of kings and preferment by birth, it will raise the band of admonition to their Imitators , in this country. For We have borne with stole patience loss, of men and loss of ships fill - An . . ... V. a !... n itl-!wrL ' A,., uui (viiiiiiQiv, mmm vwv. w . v from the sea; While our plea for peace has ever fal " len vainly from our lips Jimr hPAthftr it ( tin Ia Vftll and me there are welWfneanlng men here I That the ruthless foreign vandal shall fatuously bent upon suppressing thourjht. They would set up a een sorship. They would permit an of clflaU a man. to decide what may and what may not be said; what may and what may not be printed.. And this after it has failed in Russia,. If the docile, and loner-suffering peasant cannot-be stopped, from thinking by all the powers of the. cxar, where is to be respect bur flag and rndght. In the message that we send across tha mi: - . That our glorious, starry banner stands . zor justice, trutn ana rignt . The proud emblem ot a nation that is free. Tire NOSH ON YOUR FACEi (NO. S.) We should be careful about our Tha cltv commission ahouM iind I nasal tolletr the regular use of nasal In thAp.itv of Portland. - Tt mi I ita biundae and ivi har-tr m titn I douches Is not advisable. They are aa Judge Gatens says, -they may now a fine and characteristic place name Injurious and Impair- the protective be trying to imitate Whatman and from which the townsfolk will learn ahillty f the mucous membrane. Jerome, - but certainly were no at more geography and history than they Whe" th Rle"1ra"e lniu,. that time. . , could gt out or all the Market streets " . e ZwL". .Z.2 JT. hll Space prevent my going into details in' the world. If the commissioners I ! lnsI 0"?n" "T3!! resoiTnthesenaTr is a gratifying -notice to the rorld Uish them with data ehowlng conci- be eliminated, and put the Kelly clan. may)? bro"eht 15. bXheu-en ik-4 4t. iJ.u... - 1 tu.t jrltAv,. , J,..I -rhtr.1. lvmm r,A Ar-A ..I..4M I ""8 ot sprays auiu uuutuca. . m. all ; Hs branches is united. The f w r.u"l,'?f. ? dl'trtct l- m?n!Tn,nl!f 1,-lous MIIUOY HIU VlaaVa M vlU a. J I Hasnns vs. vi ejsaasMleV W. C SOnaBT. I - IThe Bun's article is reproduced be cause- it is believed it will be of In With only six votes against the war The Eternal Triangle. Sunday three Chinese pheasants, one. hn and two roosters, flew into town had a mean that will stop an Amerl-I and lit down on the lot bai-k of Will- can from thinking? iarn Corwln's residence, says the But it is the mark of tyrants that ""lton rald. The two, male birds they never learn. Though a thing be rK: engaged In a rierce rooster attempted-innumerable times and re- f,ht "na fro'n, n ,waJ,.,th mud?r suit in failure, still will the despot Pl"n V-..,0"1" ed. l WM J?'JJ try again. Tyranny is tyranny no ant,r b"U...royH 16 V"lCh i.. whin 'minmirt k. . v.- could vanquish the other one and be- majority than when perpetrated by I "ie the husband and "solid Muldoon . half hour, when the "conquering hero" and hen took their flight back to tbe tall timber, the vanquished following In pursuit, realizing perhaps that he would have to select a wife from the more inferior damsels of his feathered tribe. They acted almost aa foolish as two men do sometimes over one wom an, where pistols are brought into requisition. Rlar Kelley cays it was about the most vicious fight he ever aw two blrde engage in. a single autocrat. HOW TO BE HEALTHY by 3. a IW, 1 1 eeley. I house vote, today will undoubtedly show a similar unanimity Of. pur pose. Skunk For and Oil. nasal wash Is necessary at ail it should be -used cautiously In the lower part of the nose. A gentle ! Warm spray of weak .salt and water may be ... 1 ..... . -tll.. wttk .M. l!?A.i-fc,f5r8r ,ourn? and dust. If the nose is dry and con- THEJ midnight plan gested there la a frequent tendency T Mabel. Or.. March 29.-To the Ed-1 altogetlnef Irrespective of the faut . - . -i- a . . aa.a I a a a . a . . I KCak.OVa VUB1 W a--waaw itor or me journal riease aovise me i n me cy vommission, on reoon-to and pick the nostrils. The if it. would be a good Investment forisldering the matter,, -had decided, on I utter la a bad habit, aa it i Injures a common working man to raise skunKji Maruh 28. two days before the Sun's I tho mucous membrane and carries ln- HOSE who demand return by for fur eMid for skunk oil, and what I editortal was published, that tbe name j faction from the finger nails Portland to aldormaYil arn 1 la the average price for large sites of I should not ""be changed.1 eminent argue that the body "rJ.J'ri 7 ' "TZ ?m I . v i i. . i -x. , , t J I xnana tor uie "'i a. j. oi . ; wuma gties taxes bbouiq not t - The Inquirer will be best answered expend, me money. . iby a publication or tne xeaerai gov Why - not! - Is there any ftinfa rrflclaTit In ItneHxnn llfalj.. tiMwii o.m,.v than the big business corporaUons? Department of Apiculture, .Washing- sneeze you may be giving Their boarda of dirsntor. la ton, D, U, inclosing 6 cents to pay for I .t!i.:n."i.(t fi.vr.11 1 '. V V ,k X. " I H, and ask for Farmerr Bulletin N-1 lv..li 4;.",T... VZa"T'"L 7''.; wnwiauua as- $j74 which has the above, ti tie. J i PERSONAL MENTION f .. t ' ' . . -Petfchased MttltnomaA fode. O.-J.-vKaufmann, weil known Port- In blowing the nose care should be taken to close one nostril com pletely and blow through the other without i undue force. Otherwise In fection may be carried Into the ear passages and give rise to serious trouble.' Handkerchiefs should be j changed frequently. Remember, when some one else the grip. Small squares of gause or cheeee cloth, which may be used Instead of handkerchiefs and then burned, are to be recommended) Talcum powder on the nose Is . un objectionable. The inflamed red nose that we often ascribe- to dflnk Is frequently due to sluggish bowels. Pimples are often caused indirectly by the same condi tion. It la marvelous bow a bulbous Thelilttle Bay Mare, t miw you. beautiful little bay mare. A aa SI f SfervTMetri sWk fflPnUrll Bl ttPi ST red nose will frequently clear up after J But my heart was heavy and full of jroper regulation of the bowels and I pain. simpie local treatment. Although I For I Knew many think these fleroe red noses are I wrong. of the great, great incurable, as a enatter of fact they i . can usually be relieved 'by fLtSul I Teu were on Jr"ur "r. O little bay Ti i7X-k ??T. V" WJ When you arched your nck so high. tion. However, these whose face are To chaos and death, and horrors un- constantly exposed to bitter winds told.' , may find It hard to restore their Why must you go; Oh, why? skin to norma) condition. They suf few ' k- .... . , from the mechanical iirltatiou of coldf TN"5f . .Vf. 'trS ,0b 1 b5wS.2d1 Ch,!lrr?.raaJ,a- mt'rrsacrurcedrittl. glsh bowels and to blame them for bay mare. overindulgence in liquor may be ton- But pity 'Us. 'US you," just. , -The nose is our quarantine station It ceeraed we were cafe in the Golden Sgalnt microbes and worthy of our West " . thought. By old ocean m wave-lapped shore, ... . . But wars vampire .has soeght us out. Tomorrow! Examlnlne- RnmlAai - oar mare, - - for Health. ' " 1 Ever searcning more victime, mora, eessea gainst the public and the same : boards make the company expenditures. If 'one !;body to : make the . levy A Legislature's Getaway, of The JournalApropos of the state- C. Gil man, president of the B., P. ! rh. tnnmii im. M.v. I 8. R. K. company, and W. D. Skirl- -i . A h. -tva. vi l-.-1 ner. traffic manager, have aone to St. ou auuuiOT to uiaae espeuaiturea I lamented legislature and the way I trMl v" oubiikw mp. were me Detsr. plan, . American Cor-1 ome oi wis uuuumuum . worwiitrs t , GlACe , FTuit Blaker GUest. porations is not chased Multnomah Lodge on the Co- lAdame are Walla Well visitors at tne iryrtiana. Vs. It EL. Car ruth of Yamhill is at himbia iiver highway. ilWlroad Blen Go to St. Fanl. .ne uesi pian,. American cor- come oi wie uuujuuto .worwiw ' ' Glace Jrul TX" atUnpTwownnae , Max Mayer of 4 corporation ltt America Of lowing story. was clipped from an oid "Mfim'I,.0f 1 the Multnomah. R. N. sCan field of SUnfleld, speak er of the house of representatives, Is at the Imperial. '- -L Clyde Leghorn; A. I Beardsley and H. W. Lang are 'among the Arling- San Francisco, a rep-1 ton arrival. at the Perkins. . the Lryons- Calif ornial - George R. Wllbuf of Hood River. in the WOrld that doa bnalne In newSDaoer found on a wall of the back ai ITttl : company, or tne member of the State aenate. is t the w . ..... .a .a I I m eto-eerT ma rAM -itT a-? easa w-ei lea I a.t.aai. that mt 5 , I room of tbe writers nome in rortrand. I . . 7 - .v . "1 worwuia. ine trntn JS that -responsibility 1 serves to relieve any mutds 'that may America, la a guest at the Portland. Hotel Man Enlists. is better fixed and mora dearly have. labored under; the delusion that indicated when the body .that levies wiZZ tne taxes mages tne expenditures, i their ' predecessors, and . that ; the-r Hiahlv oraaniserl and bih1r offt.i feemtag penchant for the annexation Jame S. Braldwood of Vancouver, B. O, is at the Portland. ; . C C. Xjaa'-enaMe, at the Hotel Vaa tha" MVltnomahT" r ii i . . a mmmim 1 1 . . . .""- - w . Oregon National-Guard. W. C. ' threr. fialem insurance man. I h 1 W Ik.l. .141 n. . 1 ih. Sw m.. - cient American business , wants J.Q 1 Daye Deen perfectly clear i not. ty Gebrgo A. Beavi is registered " at know exactly Who Is responsible I any means a new trait among our law. ! tha Cornelius f rom , Tbe Dalle. . " for its losses or Its profits, and I : -. : ' - - j a m. coay or Bemngham is at, the I ImuI,ii .hi., v A ..iVi.. 1 verai years ago uoTernor V nita-i wasmngton. . .American ciues can no nothing ler. was presid-M of the state senate. 1 Mrs, s. f. Adams . and - Miss Helen Charles Dick is registered at the ; Carlton from Salem. ' Mrs. El R. Zlmmef Of Kelso-, is a guest at the Oregon, ' j -Airs. N. R- jworris is. a uoiaenoae i visitor atthe Cornelius, - i xyr, and Mrs. K. -Mlnirus ot Marsh field are at the Imperial, t Mrs. Melville F.- Johnston fat Rlch- tnoad, XnL, is a guest at the Mult-1 war for greel and Tboaa men should saffrr their share. But no, 'tis the innocent that . are gorged with blood. Just "folks" and you. bay msre . ( Our Dumb AtilmaH." Vnct leff.SnOw Says: -Llge Blllblower, who bss a half cousin In the penitentiary, Towe they nomah. . s A. c. Wood la a Meupin arrival at the Nortonle. ' - U. I. Poole of Seaside la at the Perkins. - - - Mr. and Mrs. C B. Durbin of Van couver are at the Washington. I V. Nash of Nashville. Or4 la at B.itt. Kelson Is an Astoria visitor at need tlOO.000 up there bad so' to the Carlton.- i have the place fit fur a decent con- : A. w. Stone, Hood River brchardlst, vict to reform nisseif in. I axtd.hlm lsat the Oregon. what was the matter with lettln the George W. Carer of San Francisco, cone live In camps, the way they do In a 'representative of the Hartford la- Colorado, and build us some roads and surance company, u at the Portland. help the farmers plant and dig spuds. M. A. Qowan is a Minneapolis visi- He give-it up, but mebby we'll find tor at:the Nortonla, out in time to fix up the place if It B. C Liutepage Is a Hosier arrival needs it. Down la Callforney a fel- at tne r-erams. ler worked sn' fued a whole Jot to Mrs. W. Bertram Hancock of Sea- fence in his goats 'fore a Jap come side Is a guest at the Portland. : along and showed him bow to cut the ' "om. v . ii. naiioa si tsatn, I cora in one teg os wnen ur. uoti Maine., are aroeots at tha Pnrtt.n Hiinu k. tit 4 v. k... t.. .t.4. -William Schneider and family of if rom.' Mebby we don't awwy how to Detroit are at the irnltnomah, " I handle convicts in Oregon any mora. n