- - t. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY, MORNING. APRIL .1, 1917. property, which Is owned by Rodney I. 'Oltsan', through Stanley Thompson. It Is In the same block as the Xlanley Auto company, which . adjoins it on Burnslde street. Heretofore the company has handled the Packard line exclusively; but has decided to add the Nasi , as ;a new line, which is expected to become pop-, ular. - A number of cars are on the way. and are expected to reach this city shortly. . . Farm Tractors Needed by France , Paris March 31. It lias- been" esti mated that IT.OOtf farm tractors could be"" used " for plowing " purposes ? la France. This is on- the assumption : that only one tenth of the total acreage-or 4.374.000 acres, admits of the" employment of machinery for plowing.; About 80.000 peopie are estimated v likely, to be .Interested in the use of, machinery for farming" purposes, - CO. ViLL OCCUPY NEW BUILDING BY JUNE 1 Agency of Packard arid Nash , Lines at Tenth and Burn ' side 'Stceets- . ' uiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiutiit: Portland Automobile Owners - Gladly Loao Cars and Time """in fnterest'of Service, ;' JOURNAL'S AUTO DIRECTORY , t'- PORTLAND MOTOR CAR " CARS VOLUNTEERED FOR RECRUITING, OTHER PURPOSES - " : ' s-r- A V rr-ry: I V - THE DUTIES ARE VARIED ZtoWD. VUmiftt WU1 Be Enrolled igsisf inconvenience. : 'lWWfcOttt On from citizen the machine Hdw-Portland motorists be of qral service toi their country 'jas dem onntrated Thursday rooming, when the newly: "t organised ,Motor Alliance an swene<s first ail to duty, which was in" the fiature of a Paul Revere Jaunt thiwga the countryside. " It l lit the interest of recruiting, and tbeflrst motor volunteer was M, Menkes, who Jrought withnim TV.. C.: Saunde rs, Ro)r Jlke and C. fow, all of ;the Northwest' Auto Co;- They placed' their car! a Ro. a Cole Eight and avMarmon, af the disposal Of Lleu . tenants Walker and Blanchard: and Captain Herjjiestod. who took charge of the expedition wslcb was In search of men In the utiytng districts . t One of tb carf went to Oregon City. vbar two "men Awere found. One of them had been dwnn the border with One of the ether'compatnies in the re-i cent Mexican trouble. ; H didn't wait a tnlnute. bfit - ejuanjsed clothes to uniform while waited, and carue, to Portland to re enllst lr the guard. :.' first i,Iay Successful. ' The other cars were equally success ful.' and brought. In men who could not bava en? reached any other way. This la !Hm one ot the ways lit which the Motor-Alliance expects to be of aid to. the rallltla. M the meeting Friday nlfcht Commissioner George L.. Baker, who. Is the originator of the Idea, out lined In, brief rtbo lan under which the Alliance wiy operate. ' Members whose' patriotism stirs them to algn forhls duty will be Ust - ed with the narhss. addresses and tele phones and this Information placed on duplicate lists. 4'fThese latter will be placed Mn t he , hnds! of several dis patcher Benonga Jtf them to make sure that one of thetn will, always be avail able. - r ! Enough members will be enrolled so that service to- the Motor Alliance will lit' li little Inconvenient as possible. "VVJille the fcobirnlttee believes that none would object to any outy to wnicn ne might b .called tinder this plan. It, nevertheless. Wants to make it as con venient as possible for those who re- . spond ' i t . t r Besponsee Are XJheral. Committees are now listing, owners ,who win,' when, called upon, Joan them selves and their cars to the cause. At the meeting . representatives of the Portland Ad club, the Rotary club, the East Side Business .Men's club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Dealers' Motor;. Car association of Oregon, th Oregon .State; Motor association and the Elluv.beeide numerous other dele-' get eg responded. ' , The. -Alliance .has received the tn-' dor semen t of Adrtant-GeneraPVhite, O. N. O., who" explained some of the ways In which It may be of ' help. Its "first duties will only be In the cause of enliatmenti, and will occasionally take an hour or two of .the time of those who respond. y In emergencies, the members maybe called to more .serious duties, such as rushing men to nearby points when other forms of transportation fail or are not considered speedy enough.' i At a meeting Friday Frank E. Wat lns was elected temporary chairman , and M. O. Wilklns secretary. C. M. lenrles, C. Si Bratton and D. C. War W make np arf organization commit tee.: Further plans will be discussed at a meeting early this-week. H '-if y - -tj, t "'l w" i J If if v xi. ,1XA , Tr-- , ; "i" m,' 1 if Kespondlng quickly to a call from the government for automobiles for recruiting purposes, the Northwest Auto company tendered Reo ' ' 3larmon and a Cole. FuU Blood Indians At" Work on Autos The Willys-Overland Company Ha a Score of .Bed Man Employed In Va rious Capacities In Its Factory. Almost on the very site of some of the bitterest wars waged a century ago- by his ancestors In defense of their hunting grounds, the American Indian today helps the pale face build his "devil wagon.'f , Just a few miles from Fort Meigs. Fort . Miami and some of the other battle grounds of "Tippecanoe" Har rison, "'Mad Anthony" "Wayne. Te cumseh and.other warlike leaders of another day. Is the main factory of the -Willys-Overland company. In this factory are a score of full blooded Indians Chippewas. Navajos. Iroquois, Pomos, Pueblos sent there by Uncle 'Sam from their . western reservations to Learn another of the trades Of the white man. And these Indians are taking to their training like so many ducks to water. They are very interested In learning what makes the wheels of the automobile go round. One pair aids In chassis assembly: another pair . assembles wheels; five of them are engaged In final assem bly, while still others work on run ning boards, etc. ' Instead 1 of being confined perma nently to one operation, they are shifted every few months from task to task, in order to give them a gen eral' practical knowledge of motor car construction, such as Is required by good mechanics, garage men and au tomobile repair men. State Will Direct Koad Work in Coos A Bum of $362,000 Will Be Expended; County Divided Into Districts; Hoard master Named a Aide. The CoOs county court has turned over to the state highway department the superv ision of -the expenditure of the $362,000, county bond issue. The state mgnway commission .has ap pointed County Roadmaster Murdock assistant state highway engineer to superintend the work. The county has been divided in five districts upon which the bond money will be spent as follows: Coquille-Marshfield road. $150,097; Bandon-Curry county road, 166,237; Coqullle-Mjyrtle Point road, $47,491; Coquille-Bandon road, $49,616; Glas-gow-Haynes slough-North slough road. $60,989. The total cost of surveying and In spection Is estimated a.t 6 per cent approximately. A committee appointed by the Coos jounty uood Roads association has made an Investigation of the work thus far done and has reported that the bond money, thus .far is being wisely expended and that the Interest of the coynty is. being fully protected. Individual members of the committee say they have heard considerable com plaint with reference to engineering cost but in thetr opinion if the costs of engineering and Inspection do not exceed 6 per cent the amount is rea sonable. The committee declared Itself to be unqualifiedly In favor of centralizing In the county court authority to carry out a county road program and to hold the county court responsible for such, program. m . Packard Aircraft About Ready to. Soar a 00 Horse Power Aircraft Kotor, Work on Which Was Hastened on Aooount of War situation. Is Blpe for TrialJ The 200 horse power aircraft motor, which the Packard company has been developing In the past two7 years. Is about ready to take flight. The process of installing the engine in specially constructed planes Is now going on rapidly, and the first ascen sion probably will be witnessed within a fortnight. Final work on the motor has been hastened by developments In the in ternational situation that may create an urgent need for aircraft in America. The flying tests of the new engine will be made at the Joy aviation field, nearrMt. Clemens, Mich., where there are unusual facilities for trials over both land and water. W. B. Stout, chief engineer , of the Packard aircraft division, says that the machine will not be capable of more than 90 miles an hour, because of the peculiar construction of the planes made. for It, but it will be ca pable of mounting quickly to great heights. His observation Is that the machine promises ability to ascend with at least six persons. ' quired to complete the trail -blaring, for the route for the most part has never been charted, and the Saxon pio neers will have to feel their way along. Auto Owners Will Boost Bond Scheme Every, automobile - owner in Wasco naunty has been asked by The Dalles Chamber of Commerce to contribute $2to a fund being raised to carry on a campaign In the county in behalf of -the six million 'dollar bond issue. One of he first contributors was J, C. Hostetler, who wrote: "It is more pleasure for me to pay $2 for a bet ter roads fund than . to pay for a broken spring, extra tires and .gaso line and then have roads over which there, is no pleasure in driving." Cameron Squires, president and man ager of the Portland Motor Car com pany, completed arrangements last week for .their new, building to be erected, on ' the northwest corner of Tenth and Burnside streets. Full plans and specifications for the new building have been completed and the work will be begun at onoe and rushed to completion by June 1. The building is to be a one story modem fireproof structure of yellow-white brick construction, 100x100, and is to cost $15,000. Provisions have been made for a large service room and a work shop, besides offices and display rooms. The Portland Motof Car company is at present located, in the Keats build ing, but on account of crowded quar ters, Mr. Squires has endeavored to complete arrangements for a new loca tion for the Packard cars for some little time and. secured a lease on this r.iun!jniii!inmnuiiiniiiniiiiiiiniiiuiiininiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiinMiHiinuniuiiir Bailev's Tire Shon tire doctors litUICJ a "V JllUp x.tail Distributors Tlrestona Tn ' the Trianrle BTABK 'AT 13TK Goody ear Tires, Tabes , sorles and and. Aeoes- Saxon Undertakes Tour of Boundaries Starting frorar Washington Immedi ately following the inaugural ceremo nies, a stock Saxon Four roadster be gan a Journey to traverse the boun daries of the united states as near as roads will permit. " This trip, undertaken by the Saxon Motor Car Corporation, Is in the nature of a trail-blazing for a national boun dary highway, a road for motor travel that will circle the countrys edge from the. tip of Mains southward to the tip of Florida, thence around the coast and west along the Bio Grande and the na tional boundary to the Pacific, then northward to the Canadian line and eastward, following the contours of the Great Lakes to the northern limits ot Maine, and again to the Atlantic, com pleting the circuit Five months is estimated will be re- ' ' ' . L . II : CHAIN-LESS Rucks For lon? hauls, there is a silent, powerful PACKARD for every kind of a load. PACKARD TRUCKS are the means of reaching out for more business. Our new series trucks have four-speed transmission and worm drive. Unsur passed for heavy dusty work. HIGH POWER Po Broadway at Burnside rtland M OtQ LOW UPKEEP Car Co. Phone Broadway 52 1 fsMasssissMransasaawaa ' 3 r " - 9 9 ' t. " " - ' A Message to ymn wtoD. KNOW YOU wHo . are "motor wise," you sHrewd "buyers who want to compare and analyze and be shown before you spend your money we want to talk to you. . Don't be influenced by the . enthusiasms of lucky owners, or the personality of some bril liant salesman apply your regular principles of investment to your automobile. , Investigate. , ' Buy don't be sold. Compare, analyze, insist on finding o(it. Be sure you get the most for your money. Be certain that yours is a car of proven yALUE. OEE that it has at least 40 H. P. if it is a "Four" you'll need that poweron your tour next summer. If a "Six"- your car should have 50 H. P. the fascination of -r the Six is effortless power smooth steady, unfaltering power whatever the load, speed or grade. It is really bet ter to pay a bit more if necessary to get this power, than to be disappointed, in your car's performance. DE sure that your car is guaranteed by a great company, f a company of - known responsibility Studebafcer gives a twelve months" guarantee. '. Be sure that. your ;car has behind it a nationwide organi zation, of dealers, each of whom is prepared to give you ; systematic, generous service. .. ''. Be sure of these things before you invest, for without them you are: doomed to disappointment with them all, your permanent satisfaction with .your investment is as- ' . sured. ' ., . - , . . . V ' A FTER vou.have made certain of these points, com pare the Studebaker "Four" at $985 with other FoUrs having the same power, full floating rear axle, complete Timken bearings, other mechanical excellencies and su- ' perb beauty of finish '..'. .-' Compare other Sixes with the Studebaker Six at;$I250 in tne same way. we'll aoide by your decision. rOXTB Chassis .......... f 885 TOV oadster - 985 TOJjn Tonxlac Car .... .V 985 TQVM lAndaa BoaOster 1150 TOTTB STerr-Waataar Oar 1183 . ' - . " , AU Prices T. O. . Detroit v THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA . - Wholesale Only . Chapman and Alder Streets. Oregon Motor Car, Co. Local Distributors 1 T Park and Davis Streets Phone Broadway 616 SIX Oaassls $1150' ; SIX moadstsr . . . i860 8XX Tourlar Car ....... 1250 ; SIX Xfaadaa moadster . . . 1350' Xrerr.Weataer Car. 145ft Touria- Sedaa ..... 1700 BXX Cxmpe 1750 lAmouslae 8800 AU -prices T. O. 8. Detroit & CLEAN, HONEST, SERVICE v nrst-Class aarag-e aad Kepalr Bliop. Hewly and Pally Xqttlfcped. klUed Mechanics. CRAWFORD-HOUGHTON-SNODGRASS 65 33P 8T. If. MaE8AlIi 14391 See the Chandler Four .Passes fr Roadster"- , GERLINGER MOTOR CAR'CO.r , BROADWAY AT OAK ST. . . ' H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., Broadway at Burnside. Broadway 536S New Demonstrating the New 3400 R. M. P. $1090 . F. O. B. Factory AMPLER Chalmers Trucks ?i, la, 2, 3H and 5 Ton WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC. Formerly the Columbia Carriage & Auto Works 209 FRONT ST., PORTLAND. OR. Edwards-Tire Shop Vulcanising Tire Repairing i 331 ANKENY Broadway 1034,-1132 Ooodyaar Ssnrlee Station. AJax. Blstrlbntoxs Francis Motor Car Exchange Phone E. 1199 E. 13th ht Hawthorn o Garford Motor Truck Sales Company 533 aLS BTXXXT, POBT&AWD. O&EOOH A complete line ot- motortrucks made from the bet material obtainable , and backed by reputation, resources nd facilities. t Grant Six Orarnead tuts motor. Ho flnsr motor, from tne standpoint of all-around efficiency has srer been built. MAniT ATTTO CO 11 tn aad Oak at Burnside. Croad. SIT. HAWTHORNE VJULCANIZING WORlCS ; Ouaraateed tire repairing or every description. All standard brands of new tires aad tubes sold. Also seoond-nand aad double-tread tires. OOOBxXAJt sxsviozs BT&iiOA, xost Sao. Ma utwtuorne aTeaue. . l mi mm " ii ii i mii ii .i. i iiil.i. i sjww siM-a-jjijsasa " r fT America's Greatest Light Six Havnes h. l. mann motor car co. M"m-M J pJ 69 NORTH 23D MAIN 299 eUDSOISI-Supp-SIx: , f Super means superior where others are inferior" BOSS Sc PEAKE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 615-617 Washington Street A WOITDEBrUZi CAB IB rXBTOBstABCB. HABUrr ATJTO oom- ; . v. "- i lltn and Oak at Burnside.- Broad. 817T Mack&baurer, Tonv. gf atwM.u- ' MOTORTRUCKS Washington at 21st. TeL Mar. 440 MAXWELL "I got the facts well then took the Maxwell" BOSS & PEAKE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY . 615-617 Washington Street . - National cars of today represent unquestionably the ' highest stamlard In motor cars.- ; Hupmobile National MAaXxV AUTO CO., 11th and. Oak at Buraslds. Broad. 817. Oldsmobile .Distinctive High Grade. . Light Weight. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Coach . ." . Phone Broadway 1640. ' Oakland OREGON OAKLAND MOTOR COMPANY, Wholesale OAKLAND AUTO SALES COMPANY, Retail . - 522 Alder St. at Sixteenth Mais 414 OweriMag netic Gibson Electric Garage & Storage Battery Co.v ; 144 Twelfth Street 3 8020 CAFACTTT XV TOBB 1 1W Sia25 SKS25 S1935 Zrlces Delivered at Portland JtOBXBTS HOTO CAB CO.. Bark aad JTlandeni Bt.- Smith Form-a-Truck B&WoSF Boms unoecupled territory; open; write Distributors for Qregos or ympmiui Morelsnd Distillate, 94 ton to 5 ton. Vint Delivery 14 - ton capacity. , - - .- . MeCRAKEN MOTOR COMPANY v Main 9019 v ' - 445 Storfc Street rn 1 i rucKs U. Me Ma Van Matre Storage Diamond lind . Battery Co. ' Raf fpnP! 32 North Broadway Sales and Service IvullCiiCO - Expert Advice About Tour Battery rreely Oivea , Velie The BiltweU Series represents the latest and best in motor , ears. New value at medium prices. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58-60 N. 23d Street. Phono Main 7o0: -:'':'- VULCANIZING Let us do your Ore repaltlnr. All our wbfk is abso lutely guaranteed. Our prices are always rlsht. We ' sell all leading brands of tires and1 tubes, gasoline. ' oil. and tire sundries. . 1 BACxriO TTOCABTXIBO CO- : ' i "J t Phone' Broadway 476. 34 Third St. White Pleasure Cars and Motor Trucks - The White Company, Park and Couch Streets' Wo Itock Win, Wi BepaliThata: We Cnarge Tbeu. , ; Free Advice aad Inspection. ' -atjio bixctrio zoumuar co. Sixth and Bnraside treets. alio w I r . ' our Put an ILLUMINATED FLAa on Your Radiator Cap & Broadway at Oak Portland