10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND. SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1917. 61 4 ROOM, furnished, neat home, chlck ea yard, garden, $800;terma. 3 room, new bung-low, furnished, $800; terms; chicken yard, etc. . . . . i ' 4 room,' eld house, 10x125, $600. v 4 room ML Tabor home, fruit, flow era, elev. lots, 60x100; coat owner $2200; o Tiered J loot); $100 cash, bal. f 10 a mo. Lot 60x100, 2 room shack, 100 foot ML. Tabor car, $500. . Others equally Interesting. Let's talk it over. C. P. Benedict, 26714 Oak at. Brong Co. Main 1743. -Beautiful Rose City Park Bungaiow, $3150 ' 6 large rooms, reception hall, cabinet kitchen,, oa floors throughout, except kitohen and bath, bath floor tiled. Ii ' noleum In kitchen; bookcases, buffet, fireplace and furnace, full cement base ment, large floored attic, beautiful lwo, shade trees, east front, lot 50x 106, streets paid. It Is a oeautlful home and the pries Is very low at $3160. Terms. The Oregon Home Builders " : 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. ' - - - YOU CAN'T SINK This new 7 room Laurelteurst bunga low, with garage, located on the south west corner of E. 41st and Ash sts., 1 , block east of Park.- Not a drop of wa ter came In during these heavy rains. It has 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, finished in old ivory and white enamel, with every modern built-in convenience. ' Must, sell for beat offer made this -week. Open Sunday afternoon. Dur ing week call W. T. DOWNING, Main 1700, A-161S. FOR BALK or trade, cash or terms, modern well furnished 5 room cot tage in Aberdeen, Wash.; splendidly located, one block from principal street of city. Business compels owner to re 1 main elsewhere permanently, nenc will dispose at sacrifice. A genuine : snap. Work available year around at very good wages. Cash price, $900, or trifle more if terms or trade. Inves tigate if interested. Address Pest Moore. 495 W. Davis at. Main 4695. 'B-IAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE DIST. RESIDENCE. SEK IT. MAKE OFFER, BEST BID GETS A -REAL BAK- GAIN." NEARLY NEWr 6 ROOMS, ' HARDWOOD FLOORS. MODERN AND IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. TERMS IF DESIRED. ,' SEB PATTISON, OWNER. , 213 BELLING BLDG. v ROSE CITY BARGAIN $1860 New bungalow finely fln . lshed, 6 rooms, bath, garage, inverted ' electric fixtures, gas. etc. Lot 60x120. . garden, flowers, walks, etc., block to car. Best buy in Rone City to person meaning business. Terms. See Mr. Logan, 400 Oregonian bldg. Main 3521. Sunday Tttbor 3040. ; HAWTHORNE LINE Strictly modern V bungalow, 419 E. 60th. right on Haw thorne line; 6 immense rooms first floor; plenty room' to finish 4 more up stairs. Place cost $5250; has $2000 mortgage. 7 per cent, runs 3 years. "Will sell equity $2250 cash. Owner, Tabor 8219. Main 4369. $50 DOWN and $10 per month buys a 3 room house, lot 50x100 ft.; shade trees; Woodlawn district. Price only $900. See our agent Sunday, 1 block - north of Woodlawn school on Union - avenue. THE BRONG CO.. 267 Oak at. $460. TOTAL PRICE. ' $10 cash, balance $10 per month. In cluding Interest; small house, 60x100 foot lot street Improvements partly raid; 3 blocks from Sandy bHd. Take Ross City Park car to 7 2d at. Bee Woodman, GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY SOUTH PORTLAND! ' SOUTH PORTLAND! S room house, lot 25x100, street Work all In and naid for: on Lincoln at. -walking distance; $1600, $100 cash, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 131 unamner or commerce. $1975 NEW. NOBBY BUNGALOW. 6 rm. modem, 100x100, H block car. tores, library ana o.; worth fSOOO. uruia snap; tonus. WOODHTOCK CAR TO 46TTT ST., THEN j BLOCK SOUTH. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. "Strictly modem; has been cold for ; $3000; will sell now for $2000: take around $500 cash, balance straight mortgage. 1245 E. 22d St.. near Yu kon. ,J. Haas. Dekum bldg. EOT 50x116, shack, 2 large rooms, lathed, plastered and shingled, side walks, city water in, Holladay ave.. MontavlUa; assessments and every thing paid up to date; $350 cash. Call 231 6th st. Scheuermann. HOME in Hawthorne district, 6 room 'bungalow; hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, .fire place, cement basement, laundry trays, fine lawn and rose bushes. Terms. See owner, 850 E. 62d st orphone Tabor 4227. SNAP for homo buyer or speculator, full Mot, some fruit, close to school, 7 room house, full basement, good plumbing. Owner says sell; come and get particulars and make offer. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. UNFINISHED house, full cementbase . ment, 2 lots. 80x125 and 20 ft. alley, 3 blocks to car. street graded, cement walks. Price $1100. Small payment down, bal. same as rent at 6. Owner. J. J. Oonboy, 6634 Woodstock ave. ROOM modern home, 3 downstairs, $ above; fuli cement basement lot 60x112. close to Sellwood car; $1800 and terms. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 Lewis bldg ' ONLY $1260 for 7 room cottage in good district; full cement basement, gas, r .electricity. This place cost owner ., $8000. See Mr. Jacobs. . ;" v. FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St.. FOR - Mr. Handyman $8 down. $3 - monthly buys 2 room house and a beautiful corner lot; Rose City Park .line; price $650. Fred W. German Co., T82 Chamber of Commerce. $2500 BUYS well furnished house, .west side; $4000 buys modern 8 room house, east side; owner must sell. Call morning or evening. Mar shall 1744. Terms'. ALBERTA district. $800. $60 down, $7.60. monthly buys neat 4 room cot-tage.-.lot 60x100. bearing fruit trees and berry bushes. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ! AM GOING to California. Will sell - at 'any price my 8 room modern co lonial home, corner lot. Alameda Park. Phone Woodlawn 8986. 3 ROOM plastered (house with sleep. Ing porch, well built; lot, $0x120, close to Woodstock car, $1275; terms. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 Lewla bldg. twuei) ror sale or trade for farm. 8 -room modern bungalow, fireplace, China closet, hardwood floors. Over look Add. 800 Patton ave. Wdln 8440 - NT FTY 6 room bunsalow ft '.: .modern plumbing, nice lawn, roses. mi eiawaro; iitoo. terms. Also ad- Joining lot. : $4200, PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, modern; 1167 Mallory ave. Improveimnts paid. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henry Bldg. SOUTH PORT. room house, fuU ce ment basement, first class furnace, ' $500 cash; easy payments, or clear lot, nurnocHsn. jtiarsnail 12Z. 1 ROOM house, with bath; 2 carline. good district; cheap; terms. Wood- iawn .se lo. $100 DOWN. bal. rent, new 5 room bun- galow, Rose City Park. For particu- trim tan owner, tam 1(. $1750, BUNGALOW, 5 r.; modern; large nw cur; easy terms; some trade. -no. ningier vx.. zzs llenrv BMr. 1XJUITY at sacrifice. 6 room mnH.m . bungalow, desirable location; - trade confiaereo; owner. Biain 8242 3 HOUSIES. for sale, easy terms: will gooa wd or uvestock in trade. NErw - bungalow. 6 rooms, modern. raooT iiz. h. Madison NEW bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, Co- lumma tst. 1S44 Jordan st. FIKB borne. 1 rooms, in Ladds add. i . VUV. A WlUfl) All VUV Must sacrifice. K-438. Journal , M . A ' . I , 3i $12506 room modern bungalow, nice lnt i1na ii .' PIiaiia n ! -w w m--m-. VA. A WW...i;...:. "FOR ' BALE HOUSES i?OR SALE HOUSES ' 61 ( You Should Live in an Oregon Home Builders' House READ DESCRIPTION OF THIS' ON11, 6 NICE LIGHT ROOMS AND ATTK Fireplace.' buffet. Bookcases, oak floors. x . - Pullman table in kitchen. Many cupboards, bins and drawers. French doors. Coat room in reception hall. Rooms nicely tinted. White and old Ivory enamel finish. Electric fixtures, shades. Garage, lawn seeded. Corner lot. streets in and paid. $i5oo, very easy terms. 4 WE HAVE MANY MORE AND "WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. NEW HOME (MT. TABOR DIST.). "YOUR OWN PLANS AND IDEAS. SIGHTLY, DESIRABLE LOCATION; HALF ACRE OR ONE LARGE LOT WE BOUGHT LOTS AT BARGAIN AND WITH f REASONABLE CABH . PAYMENT (OR A DESIRABLE LOT) WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU AND GET A REAL BARGAIN IN A "MOD ERN," WELL LOCATED HOME "AS YOU WAHT IT IN KVUX IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL. LET'S TALK IT OVER. SEE PATTERSON & BURKITT, (OWNERS). 212 SELLING BLDG. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SNAP? $H985"MDm 1030 E. 30TH.ST. N. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, beamed ceiling, gas and electric fixtures. Dutch kitchen, shades, built-in effects, run basement witn cement noor, 1 piumoing complete, irets, iawn. k. nly. .Mock to .car. Ixt alone is f wonn jaoo. see tnis tooay. jane Al berta car to 30th st., then go y block south. Owner there 1 to 5 daily or phone East 5465 for appointment. ROSE CITY PARK. $100 down. 830 month, interest only 6 per cent; straight contract, no mort- ri os n iivj 7 ltv w Anmo i - " r V- rinlflifvl never orriiniprt: extra srooa ' Koir stairway, reception hall, large colo- niai Hvlne room. thl todav Hick- man-Wilson. 45th and Sandy, (Branch of J. L. Hartman Co.). Tabor 686i, . C-Z121. PORTLAND'S BEST BUY. HAWTHORNE. SI 860. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Home Dareain. Hardwood lloors buf fet, fireplace full basemen 1, cement floor, wash trays, etc. Block from Hawthorne car, close in. Street paved. This is the biggest buy In Portland. Don't delay. Call at oftice and I will show you property. Probably tvever egain a chance like this. See A. G. Teepe, 104 5th st. 4 5-ROOM flats, furnished, modern. Nob Hill, west side. $8500. Income $1200 year. Half cash. Choice investment. 7 room new modern bungalow. Haw- mountains and river; close to faX thorne district, near car. $3200, terms. Helens, the county seat; best of trans Snap j portation facilities; less than 30 mil.es 3 rooms, 60x135, $400. Easy. ' v, ra"., water and auto over the new 2 rooms. 100x114. $800, Easy.. I li.., fld'"a 0 rooms, moaern, tiaou. uooa terms. R M OATEWOOn lsKiA 4th st Tlna.T.'MTv patilT a V I t pv ! ROSE CITY, PARK ARBAL BUY A4P-tJ!'RAlS. Tkl.k 1. . 1 .1..., . , I ith huninrnnH flortm flronlg iKin'-. ! 1 IUUA W 1 11. A. UCBiULltlll II II Tl K H til cases, beautiful buffet, paneled dining ' room, Dutch kitchen, large basement, ! cement floor, furnace, similar bunga- Tabor 8721 Sunday or see A. G. Teepe, uwa iiavo t?uii, iui Aivvu more. ' v a,i i 104 6th St.. during week. Main 6869. .Rose City New burvgalow, complete and strict ly up to date. Buy now at a very low price. See this today at 553 E. 63d st. N.. near Bra ee; Beaumont or Rosa City oar. Owner and builder. Tabor 266. ; DANDY modern home, 4 rooms and : sleeping porch, oak floors, electric-' lty, gas, fireplace, all built-in con-; veniences; built substantially for own ' home, but must sell now; worth $2800. i oee urea . wunams, sz 1st St., and make him an offer. vnn rat p ph... x. 5 rf cnlw with rl'rS W-?. JTri oJ. J Jnn-r?-i?A f?-2 district close in. East Sidesmall cash p "icui, usianue iM-raa. f-Jione lore- noons. eveUngs or Sundays Bellwood Z I : HAWTHO(R.NE sacrifice Large 10 rm iiuooc, mi uvjiauu, icbb man diock fippie iiiier, Dearing; nne conaltion from Hawthorne; worth $5000. Will close to Yamhill station on Big Red sell for $3000 and make terms. See Mr. i Electric; will sell cheap, cash, easy Jacobs, i terras or trade. I . C A 1 A . I . a, . . i ' FRED A. JACOBS CO, I 104 Fifth St. BEAUTIFUL suburban home and grounds; m acres, 8 room house and garage; orchard In full bearing: 25 minutes from town on good car line. Will sacrifice for $7000 your own terms. A. H. 427. Journal. NEW BUNGALOW AND 7 LOTS ONLY $1125. New 1A story. 5 room, nlasteriul. wired for Ushts, right at electric sta- .A 1 n r i . . . . . wuii, way oo minuses oui easy terms, noli .i Kftft 1,.. v,m. njt . o..-. v " " oiam. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, reception nan. electric fixtures, corner lot s xllO H. E. 10th and Shaver at.: cost me $3500; will sacrifice for $2150; only $600 cash. RICHANBACH Sr CO.. 707 Lewis bldg. A W LLL arranged bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, double constructed 2 hlnrlra nnrth nf l'ni. on 20th, near Vernon Park. Terms. Call owner, wooaiawn zot.J. EAST HARRISON ST. 6 room bunga- 4- low and sleeping porch; lot 38x100; all Improvements paid, no mortgage easy terms; $2500. wt H. Saw tell! Tabor 1811. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A nice 6 room bunsralow in Uni versity Park; (handy to mills and ship yard, at a great bargain If you can avi. quicK. A-.ua. journal. FOR . SALE Modern bungalow, fur nished complete: lmorovunent. in and paid. Terms. Price $2500. Owner Tabor 6352. 48 E. 89th st. S NO reasonable offer refused for ttann xtose -ny rarK oungaiow; must sell this week. Owner, East 1355. Call' after 1 p. m. . " ; rrr l - i i down, J10 month, buys 8 room plastered house; good big lot: a pleasant place t live; all for $550 J C. Corbin Co.. Lewis bide. $700 FOR 4 room house. 2 lots, 1 block from new Franklin high school. Owner. 3103 63d st. 8. E BARGAIN Six room house for sale! half blck from car line, very cheap. ,t wu i w n nvo. $760 5-ROOM houso and lot; toilet. sink; free from debt; $75 down, $6 a month. Tabor 6363. LAURELHUTtST Cosy home with all conveniences and sufficient ele gance Tabor 278S. IRVINGTON bargain. - Modern resi dence, - & rooms, garage, all assess- ments paid; some terms. East 1613. $100 CASH, balance $15 monthly, for 5 room bungalow. , 431 . Chamber of Commerce, ' ' - . . ... GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH READ Neat, modern home, large lot, 2 biks. car. $750. Act quick! Tabor 2646. MODERN 6 room house at 33d at. 8. E. real bargain; $500 equity.; Woodlawn 8741. Owner. A. Bailey. - " - - -. FOR SALIC LOTS lfl LOT at Lents, 60x100. Will trada for moioixycie. xaoor 3001. -, . v. $750 CLEAR, 100x100, Alberta district. $ 7 5 0 - 1 0 0x100, clear, in Alberta dig trlet, easy terms. Woodlawn 4703. ; AN absolute bargain, 8 room house. 1 full lots, 2 bits. car. Price $1645. Terms $67a cash. baL $1000, s yrs. Z- 26fi, Journal. 10 ( Contingent) $150 LOT, Rose city Park carilne; no city liens or mortgage to assume. , Laurelhurst lot, east of park. $475, SEE MR. JOHNSON. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Btlilding. ' 1450. V TWO LARGE LOTS. . 8. E. ' corner Slat and Sandy L 116 fe on R. C. carline; . Paving st. work, taxes all paid. TERMS. OWNER. MAIN 3780. ONLY $476 for 60x100 lot on 28th st, near Stanton. This lot cost $1160. Four blocks from Irvington. car. -. FRED A. JACOBS CO. . 104 Fifth St. - LOT 6, block 118. on 63 d. between Fremont and Klickitat, inRose City Park; $375 cash, or $400 on install ments. Address R care Journal, Ore gon sftty. FOR T3ALE cheap, seven lots, 25x100, all fenced, near Monta-illa, $700; half down, balance three or four years, 7 per cent. Box 222. -Oregon City. WILL sell my lot. 6 blocks south of Myrtle Park, cheap for cash or wul trade for acreage. Flora Bailly, New- oerg, or. $400 2 LOTS, Kenton car, north of peninsula jfanc; streets paid. A. R. JOHNSON. 1330 "Northwestern Bank Building. $225 TAKES my $1000 Westmoreland J "-..Vf 6 "" aw -in . $300 LOT, Falrport; streets paid. A. R. JOHNSON. 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. I AM leaving city and have an eauity in lot for sale cheap. W-272. Jour nal. , SNAP $75 cash takes my $260 equity in $360 corner lot. Main, St., . Sag. Hts.. Lenta. X-334. Journal. $125 CASH 50x160 lot. facing E. on E. 88th, 160 ft. 8. of Ankeny. Maifi 1068. ' $100 BUYS good clear lot, 1 block from Mount Tabor carline. Owner, 619 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Lot on Portsmouth ave., all assessments paid. Inquire, 646 Powell st. i BT owner, 100x100 cor.. Shaver and Mallory ave.; some cash, rest terms pnone tlaxt 329, week daya, c,ArKtTnR hv wnar fac SACRIFICE by owner of a corner view lot. 80x100; $700 to handle. Address Box 79, Route 3, Vancouver, Wash. 100x165 S. E. cor. E. 27th and Liberty sts.. only $750. McGuire. Main 1068. acreage: 57 X.'. K.a,. QAAA 1J itK4n . o .f c ywV avion, y uuha niuu 27 miles of Portland, divided Into 14 cre IT??1? aJi4 up ranting In price irom zo 10 oi an acre. Location is groo.d' 5UAch- productive and well at r11,r,oad throU8rD lafd' stores, postofflce and school handy. If you want to go onto a piece of land and make a home or it. we will give terms that any able-bodied man can meet. Very little money needed. Opportunity for good men to work. Lueddemann Company 913 Chamber of Commerce. et ST. HELENS FARMS. New unit Just being platted; good roads and better facilities than ever: low prices, easy terms- choicest lands on the Columbia river; fine view of the rr. . r, " . . .X ..i-.r i pects: every inducement to settlers. If iou 0 not know what is taking place here It will pay you to investigate. This mav be your bi onoortunitv. For SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., ( Suite 225, Henry Bldg. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. Something choice. The very first 'Wm taken up on the Columbia the best in the west logged 60 years ago stumps rotten clearing special ly easy. Warm, sunny, south slope, with little streams and springs, Ideal for home making. . Limited number of 20 to 40 acre tracts at from $25 to $50 an acre. Come early if you want the best there Is. One tenth cash, balance easy. G. Wynn Wilson, 820 Chamber of Commerce. 10 Acres 5c Fare $2500 $300 Cash 1V4 miles Lents. 8 In cultivation. I very ritfh land, free from gravel, some large tiraoer, good lences s sides. For truck gardening, fruit or chickens an ldeal Place- ess than half market ETce; investigate. J, G. Ralney. 605 Teon bldT Mafn 8672 fiAirr . tj 1 wceTflne?1 ?" SZS'Skcg 'ow Tirloesi. ajuv term ow prices, easy terms. 6 acres. 1 1 -venr-nld wnlnnt nrrliar rr -. 1 .... ' SCAN DIN A V IA IS-AMBK1CAN Suite 225, Henry Blflg. i-X)R SALE 9 acres, 1 acre in cultiva tion. balance in scattered timber, about 100 cords of wood, land lies level fenced and crossfenced, small house. Darn, cnicaen nouse, and yards. 1 mile to school, 1H miles to electric line and stores. Price $800, $300 cash, oalance 3 yrs. at 6. HOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main St . Vancouver, Wash. y jrznvr.r.v tanA iwWjuur XT land near Columbia river II rir Hfr Good oil. well watered, easy terms. This Is 'better land than the, kind u are paying from $25 to $35 per acre. Do it now. Gold- echmidt's Agency. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. One Acre $625 Near Wichita station. Just beyond Sellwood; lies fine; faces graveled road; about 4 in garden. cash, bal. terms. Bundy. 411 Henry bldg. I OPPORTUNITY Produce own living. raise 2 acres potatoes in town? flna bungalow, chicken house, near electric station; no Incumbrance; little cash; easy terms. Main 1493. TWO FINE ACRF1S on 82d, paved street, paid for; handy vo car; avu eaon; two more, J300 eacn; easy terma Logan. 400 Ore gonlan bl- BEAVERTON SEVEN ACRES Three cultivated; half mile to sta tion; price 11200; bargain, easy terms. J. Haas. Dekum bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranches .?ruana- 10 ce tracts. oo io juu per acre, easy terms. Me Farland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 1 ACRE. or ...i aOD i111. " "lns. out.: running stream all year and good soiL Terms. $10 Month Country place, close in, car line: cost of living. -! 218 Allsky Bldg. 10 ACRES. 6 room hntia- Vxa . fenced. 3 acres cleared a a Trm tr SPa .caJllne- Terms like renL Phone C-1606. 4 FOR SALE VS acre, clear, on So car llne, on 72dst.. gas. electric and city water, fruit trees. H. gchultze, 17$ 2d st.. care Wilson's. IF looking for acreage or small homes near Portland, see my list; 2 to 20 acres; some - great bargains. Neal a" vi 'hi ranana Plug. ilfin 4 acre. Bull Run water, close to good school, 6-cent carfare. Geo. T. Moore y).. n Aoington blag. ACREAGE 1V4 miles from town; small payment c down, balance like rent. Ic -1 11 A WOO, aiukh near Gaston, $35 acre. $i 00 a wi8iVbl1,a.nce nar ttlme. 4.f 224 iwliBiVH WlUg. ' ' ' ONe acre, near Lents? will n oh-sn M consider terms. Tabor 2352. Call week nays only. - -. OIP i:cro- Hawthorne carUne at 64th . A Jasy xerma. see owner, 2932 62J ST. 8. EL - TSW.I.HGER Nvd. acreage; terms. jv-na, journal. .v. ... . ,, ic!?AGE ln ,trult. Alberta car. Terms " oeumgv Alain 13(7. - - - FOB SALE LOTS S? CHEAP ' ACREAGE. 6 acres. 1250! tie down t& nr month buys 6 acres of land between Portland and Centraha on the main line of 3 railroads, 1V mile from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shlngla mills. Some of ; this land is partly cleared; running streams, some bottom and some bench. Some of this lana is good onion-land. Can glvs you any kind of a piece you wane - S20 . down 110 tier month, bu-rs 40 acres good land at 322.60 ner acre: Ztt miles from tha Columbia river, be tween Portland and Astoria in Co wilts county. - This land is free from rock and gravel, lays nicely; good soil and holds moisture. . BELL REAL ESTATE CO 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE IN TUALATIN VALLEY. $500 PER ACRE I am able to offer for a short period the best buy in lcl04 in suburban property in the Tuala tin valley. This property has never been on the market before. It commands an unsurpassed view of the valley. Only a quarter of a mile west of the beautiful Wilcox estate and three miles from the court house. An Ideal site for a country home. For particulars see E. T. AMES. 317 Beck bldg. Bdwy. 6563. YOUR chance is in Canaaa Rich lands and business opportunities offer you independence: Farm lands, $11 to $30 cere; irrigated lands. $35 to $50; 20 years to pay; $2000 loan In improve ments, or ready made farms. Lopn of livestock; taxes average under -0c an acre; no taxes on improvements, personal property, or livestock; good markets, churches, schools, roads, tei s- f bones; excellent climate crops an-1 lvestock prove it. Special homesetk ers' fare certificates. Write for free booklets Allan Cameron, general su perintendent land branch, Canadian Pa cific Ry.. 112 Ninth av Calgary. Al berta. CHOICE SUBURBAN 2-ACRE TRACT Fine 6 room modern bungalow, liv ing room and dining room with built in bookcases, desk, etc.. Dutch kitchen, bathroom, hot and cold water, elec tric pumping plant, basement and furnace, ' good chicken house and brooder; 2 acres land cleared and un der cultivation; fine creek, all kinds fruit and berries; right at station; 8c fare. Price $3100.' reasonable terms. Lueddemann Company 813 Chamber of Commerw. SACRIFICE 3 acres, $2100; on Foster road; good 4 room house, small house 3 rooms; barn, henhouse, brooder. 2 dos. laying hens, fruit trees, berries, etc.; halt cleared, balance in fir trees; mile to Mt. Scott car, on paved, road; Estacada car 1 block. 10c fare. Call Tabor 6331, or 4521 Home. Mrs. C. Bruce, Lents, Or. Foster road and Lenox ave. Columbia Highway Bargain 10 acres near Corbett and Chanti cleer, near the highway, for only $1000. Wonderful view of mountains, Washington side, and Portland. Creek, lays on practically level bench, very rich soil. 10 to 20 acres more .wit)) it at same price if desired J G. Ralney. 505 Yeon bldg. Main 36f2. lo ACRES, 8 miles from center of city, hardsurfaced road, 4 room house, large barn; 11 acres cultivated! good fences, good water. Price $4500, very easy terms. EARL H. FRY. Land Dept. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 10 acres, all set to best rommMi-Jil apples just coming into bearing, best i nun, on main county nignway 3 miles from R. R,, 3 miles to county seat, 65 miles from Portland. Wil lamette valley: will except a clear lot as part payment; $1000 cash, balance easy terms, raone today Tabor 3805. LOGANBERRY TISTT?ir!T Dandy little 6 acre tract! all 1 n Mil tivation: 5 room house: cost lano small barn and woodshed: eooA well and pump on porch: 3 miles to new loganberry lulce olant: nrice tlfiuu $200 down. $10 monthly. Fred W. Ger- iiiq.ii ua namwr or commerce. FROM 3 to 18 acres for sale, claem In on hard surface road: Improved fr soil, buildings; $550 per acre; terms. 80 acres on Columbia Hlrfrwav. half n cultivation; prica $100 per acre; worth oounie mat twice. JORDAN A GAR BADE, 212 Allsky bldg. 8 1-3 Acres in Cultivation lx. mil. Ttai 1m... 1..l. 11 rm .aiu nc-ijr 1 11,11 itcii drained land, all fenced, good loca tion for a home. A genuine bargain 1 or ou per acre. j. u. itainey. 505 leon tldg. Alain 3672. LOGANBERRY DISTRICT. DandV littla 6 scm tract all In cul tivation: 6 room house: coat 89(10: small barn and woodshed; good well ang pump on porch; 3 miles to new loganoerry juice plant; price 31600; $200 down, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce. - 20 ACRES $600. Good soil and roads, running water. mall and cream route. 35 miles from Portland; mile to good town and sta tion. If half cash paid, balance lone time, no Interests See AKERSON. GOOCH & CO., 603 Stock Exchange bldg. - 4 ACRE HOME. TUALATIN. $1700 for very sightly 4 acre tract, all under cultivation, mile from depot, 4 room house, fair condition, 1 acre large bearing orchard, apples, pears. chernes; reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $350 Cash Buys 40 .Acres Of land, about 1 mile from town and Ry.. about 30 miles from Portland; a u pargain ana money mater. i. re. wuL.fr, eig jn. or com, bldg. ACREAGE for sale 200 acres, all or part, some cleared, balance timber- best of soil, and spring water; 1-3 down, balance at par cent, at terms to suit purchaser. P. O. Box 685, New berg, Oregon. OSWEOO LAKE. NEW ADDITION Prices from 3350 Per . block, -easy terms; water, lights, telephones, rock road: a few particularly fine nieces. Call at 600 Concord bldg. for partic ulars.: A GREAT BARGAIN Two and a fraction acres In Fair. view, 2 good houses, very sightly, view of-river and mountains; real snap at 82100: terms. S. P. Osburn. 610 Mc Kay bldg. Main 6229. J, Gibson Half Acres ClooA soil, cltv water, cloaa In nr. line, easy terms: will build to suit tu-. chaser. Phone Matt-hall 1585 or Sell wood 476. J ".in H Gibson, owner. TIGARD. $225 PER ACRE. A most sightly tract of 10 acres. L mile from station, large first growth iir trees; aoo cutn. Daiance to suit. FredlW, German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. HOME AND HOMESITE. llirhtA' inrl vb(ap nnlv SA mlm,fr.. n. . . pric $400, on very easy terms. Call at 600 ooncord nidg. . v 8UBVRBAX ACREAGE re 2 ACRES IN PARXROSE. Over 600 sacks of potatoes . raised on tih-ese 2 acres last year; south front, close to Sandv blvd. and Just off of a macadam road.- Terms $50 down. $25 month, interest 6. ; See this today. HICKMAN-WILSON, 45th and Sandy. (Branch of J. L. Hartman Co.) Tabor 6868. C-2121. FOR .RENT 5 acres. 6 room house. pasture, all fenced, crtose to carline and school, raona n-zz74 ror particu- lars. - -;- ; - ' - ACRE, well improved, fruit, house fur. nished or unfurnished. -- Fred Waring; oaroen Home. - - ' IF you are looking- for improved acre- . age, call on G. A varies, 4U wortn- western Bank, - - v : . ACREAGE ' (Con tinned) SUBURBAN HOMES' v Suburban Home Bargain . Nearly new S room bungalow, doable ronstructid; : fireplace, full basement, city water, gas, electric lights. Jfc acre ground;- Errol station. Kstacada car line, 5c fare: price $1600. 4 cash, balance lika rent, 6 per cent interest. JOHN H. GIBSON. (Owner). 12 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phones. Marshall 1685. Sell wood -476. TWO ACRES GARDEN HOME. Only 20 minutes out on O. E. R'y. About mile to station; all trains stop. Good 5 room house, small barn. Chicken house, all electric lighted and well arranged for every convenience. Good family orchard, small fruits and shrubbery. This is a beauty and you must see it to appreciate it. Low price ami easy terms if you mean business Owners. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. Suite 225. Henry Bldg. MUST sacrifice on account of aickness. our llhi acres of land, 7 in cuitiva tion. en carline. 20 miles' from Port land. Fruit trees, good well, runhins water, rood 8 room house, all outbuild ings. Bee owner. 225 Monroe st. Phone 6 Acres $1050 Good house, nice orchard, dandy home; snap. Qulgjey. 202 Wilcox Bldg. - j FOB SALE FAHMS WELL EQUIPPED FARM. 150 acres, about 75 acres In cuitiva tion. good S room plastered house; brick separator room, concrete floor; separator, milk cans, air pressure water system; 2 barns. 40x44 and 4tx 96; binder, mower, rake, tedder, riding disc dIow. 2 walking dIows. riding and walking cultivator, disc harrow, 7 good horses, 5 milch cows. 10 head young cattle. 44 well bred ewes, registered Lincoln buck; sow, 6 shoats. 100 chick ens; mile to school. Vt mile to church, 2 miles from M R. depot and boat landing; K. D. at door; good auto road: miles from uregon city, i: miles of Portland: $120 per acre. In eluding stock and machinery; will take 85000 in trade, saouv casn. naiance - years at 6. UlLliMAn UW.IU. 8th and Main sts.. Orego City, Or. 21 ACRES. 12 acres in cultivation, ex cellent soil. 6 acres apples, prunes and other assorted fruits, fine well and water system. 7 room modern house, full concrete basement, barn, new hog house, garage, chicken house; 2 miles to hieh school. Dostoffice and R. R. station, 10 miles from Vancouver: tele phone and R. F. D. service: price leaou; 3iuu casn, Daiance at y0. THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main sts..- Vancouver, Wash. POLK county 160 acres near Falls City. 86000. 20 a. cult., black loam soU, roiling; 100 a. good Umber (2,000,- 000 ft- saw timDeri. zm mi. to it. u. sta-. on main Co. road; S room house, larra barn and. outbldra.. 4 horses. 13 cows, 10 hogs, chickens, -farm tools. Trade tor a store m country town, zs-a Ralph Ackley Land uo. 287Wah mU Rothchlld bldg. For Sale 86 acres. Deal with owner, stave commission. Land is practically level 50 to 60 acres in crop now. Stock ana tools go with place. Will sell at a bar gain if sold in the next two weeks. No reasonable offer reffcsed. Ten miles west of Roseburg, Or: Fine gravel road. Jack Dawson. Melrose, Or. 23 ACRES; 3 miles from Oregon City Improvements; good roads; R. F. D. S1800. 30 acres; 8 miles of Oregon City improvements, stock and Implements 83000. 46 acres; 7 miles Oregon City; SO acres in cultivation; improvements $4000. 81000 casn. T-v T T T "A." A -A.T A tTA llf I A I A V A J.-l-Ll.lirV .1 CK XiW 1 -.J-W.J.., 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Oregon. NORTH YAMHILL, 304 acres. 230 cleared, old buildings, fruit, spring, snap, $17,000. Hood River, 40 acres, 20 cleared, 12 acres apples, f room house, barn, 84x54 4200. 40 acres, 13 cleared, 6 slashed, four room house, new barn, orchard, 9 miles east of Oregon City. $3000. W. H SAWTELL. Tabor 1811. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 255 acres, 200 In cultivation, 65 In pasture, oak, ash and maple timber, fine stream. 6 room house, large barn, other buildings, orchards. R, R. sta tion on the place, public highway through place; $60 per acre; $5000 cash, balance on time; will accept Portland home. Call at 832 Morgan bldg. Phorte Main 8429. 465 AC One of the finest farms in Western Oregon; 1 hour from Port land; 300 acres in high state of culti vation; very rich and all level; extra fine set of buildings; fine water sup ply; about $10,000 worth of live stock and machinery goes with this farm, all for $60,000. or will sell land without stock. Very favorable terms to right party. J. C. Corbin Co Lewis bldg. STOCK RANCH. 130 acres in forest reserve. 10 acres improved, 70 acres level enough to plow. 7 miles from town, mile from main road. This is a fine place for a mountain stock ranch. Young or chard. 3 room house, small barn. You must have homestead right to handle this. No trade. $10 per acre. Terms. J. A Hodges. Elk City. Or. 65 ACRES, 60 improved, buildings. 26 miles Portland. Near Newberg. $80 acre. 20 acres Improved choice land, level, 16 miles Portland. $3300, terms. 51H acres, highly improved, in crop. New buildings. Good, choice location. 82 miles Portland. $7000, terms. Splen did buy. R. M. G ATEWOOD, 1654 4th st. Fine Little Farm 25 acres of A-l soiL 14 acres In high atate of cul.. 7 a. clover, living water, good set buildings, fine family orchard. 2 miles to good town. Price 83000, 4 casn. - J. R. WOLFF, 618 Ch. of Com Wdg $29 PER ACRE. 102 acres, all level, good land: 1 acres In cultivation; 3 good springs. good well; mile to school, 6 miles to z railroad stations; good roads $1500 cash. balance terms; no trade. IMMman & Howland. 8th and Main sts.. uregon Li'?, vrtggn. FOR SALE, 200 acres southern Wasco county: 65 acres . in cultivation: water for irrigation, good improve ments; acres auaifa and clover: plenty rruit. z mnes to school price $3750. $2000 cash, balance terms, from 6 to 40 years. No trade. C H. Yockev. wamic. kit. 41 ACRES 8 under cultivation, good house, barn. S chlcekn houses, farm ing implements. 2 cows, incubators, brooders, 90 chickens. Price 82000; will taae - or 9 acres ana gooa nouse in part payment. Mrs. A. m. Barrett. t U. U i. aye ti u 1 im iiacii. FOR SALE 110 acre farm, 8 miles north Vancouver, on' Main street road, : paved, 2 trout - streams', farm tools, household goods, all stock, good aairy ranen. . jeweii, route 6 Vancouver, waan WILL sell 50 to 60 acres off my farm part cleared, for 850 per acre: fur. nlsh rough timber to build; can accom modate with team and tools; small cash payment. Daiance long time, low inter eat; exceptional -offer. 41fr Piatt bldg. FOR foALE 16 acre prune orchard. lino lunuiuvii; vajra, it per cent in terest. SOO yards from station on !. trie line. . 10 miles- from Portland. liooa terms. journal 257 ACRE farm, over 160 cultivated. 9 nines itvw ruriiajia. - a oargain. 240 ACRES Celery and peppermint : X rm. near uiana xutpias. Mien.; nufst have some cash. . A. C. Kriger, b. mirnoii r-ortianq, JT, 85 ACRE Columbia highway diversified farm. $23.50 per aere, easy terms; genuine bargain, Call . Monday. 612 Kgynrums. - - 167 82-100. ACRE ranch: nrica XSSftfl Write to Edward M. Greene. Milton. RivW mnntv W 1 m - - ' . : - - IF you want to buy a farm, see Kill lngiana. j 101 Cham, or Com. bldg. FOR A1J FARMS 1? ( Co-tinned 1 . " . : 48 ACTUO chicken ranch. 12 acres cul tivation, buildings, good house, barn. garage, nen nouses, weii xencea, gooa creek bottom and hillside land. 1 miles from Corvallls. good road year around: an Ideal chicken farm; price 92800. , ,- ,r .-- 57 acres river bottom sandy loam olL 40 acres cultivation and d lowed. Daianoe pice good pasture, some good 1 . i -.v9, WCV. .- f,V W I ... A.. I ly new, fenced and cross fences, well located near town anl school, good level gravel road; give possession Im mediately: price 36300 until crop planted; part cash. latf acres, 100 acres cultivation, good Jurr 4 TeS rc' oxiul S??1 ndhlm.; Srln JrmL ii.l Mv.i oLfJtr?sLf.om.5?IVai.1i?: an absolute. bargain; write us for par- ucuiars: price xooo. I MILLER & WALTER. Corvallls. Or. V A i ArlU! )i crk , , A A o . . 1 1 1 u., I i.. I excellent bulidlnrs. well stocked and I fully equipped, A-l farm, shows big in- .ee8in nvesim. close to i-ortiano ,vvv win ii luie, wiuuio iuuk viuic j" t; -7.. ,"i TiV 'r..v., and strictfy model farm. Registered oairy cows, very aesiraoie. xerms. 825 acres rlosa 1r hleh-class dairv I "VeSS firm, onebetlef'in the vallev: full stocked and eouinned 825.- 000 cash, balance long time at 6yc. All of the abova farm's ara on ex cellent auto roads, all A-l and good sate Duy. au goin xarms. EARL H. FRY, Land Dept. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. A COUNTRY HOME 14 acres. Just across the river from town, 1 mile to postoffice, on fine rocked road. mile to Pacific high way, -laces on river and county roao. acres cleared, ail level and undr fence. 8 room house, good small bain. Just the place for chickens, berries, po tatoes. A fine country -homo. Prise $3000. Terms $750 cash, bal. 1. 2 and 3 years. D. W. WHITLOW, WOODLAND. WN. 80 ACRES. 30 acres agricultural land, good buildings, living water, on Macadam road. 1 A miles rrom electric line sta tion. 21 miles south of Portland; $30 per acre; will take a small property to $1000 In exchange, $500 cash, bal ance terms to suit. 20 ACRES. All In Wirh state of cultivation. 4 acres beaverdam land. good build ings, hi mile from railroad station, on Pacific highway to Portland. 25 miles; owner going east; will sacrifice $4500; good terms. F. B. MADISON & CO. 216 Seventh st.. near S. P. depot. Oregon C4ty. Or. lUKAl. FA KM Consisting of 20 acres 17 a. in high state of cultivation, 3 acres along the creek pasture. Creek . runs by barn; nice cedar grove along creea; a acres in bearing orchard; fair buildings, good silo 10x30; 6 milch cows. 4 Tielfera, 2 years old; 6 heifer calves; team work norses, harness, wagon, milK wagon and buggy, farm machinery: milk cool er, incuoator and brooder, o stands bees, 60 hens; 2 wells. Am selling the milk at the barn. Graveled road by place. teleDhone in house. 1 mile to good school. 2Vi miles to R. R. sta- tion. at St. Helens. This Is a fine llt tle farm, and if sold soon will take ioduu; terms lr aesired. j. il huh head, owner. Warren. Or.. D. 1. 80 ACRES DIKED LAND. $8000. The price Is cut in half to sell at once. No richer land in the world. A few acres of high land: fine water; or. chard, buildln--- 60 acres under plow. Think of it, $100 per acre for tills won. derfully ttich land. If you want a farm and have $4000 cash here is your chance. Balance long time. Will be sold at once, so get busy. W. V. Hyde, uastierocK. wash. REAL FARM BARGAIN. Choice dairy and stock farm. 205 acres. 75 acres under cultivation. 100 acres Improved pasture. SO acres tim ber, excellent soil: house. 2 barns, silo. other outbuildings, family orchard. creea ana springs, on mall and cream route, telephone; one of best farms In Willamette valley; 6u per acre. A. K, HILL. 41 Henry bldg. r un &ALAr-ii acres. 1 -miles rrom Lyle. on good graveled road, good house, fair barn and outbuildings, 10 acre apple orchard, in A-l condition. wen ano mnngs, spienoid view or jo- umbia river; an ideal place for a sana- ionium; price is,uoo, 1-3 casn, balance I terms or trade. Geo. A. Snider, Lyle, vvajn owner. Bargain A 9 A bum. vtV-i aot nni cf. . 1A miles from Lyle. Wash., good house, lrame barn, both in good repair, plenty water, on Columbia highway between Lyle and uoiaenaaie, 100 acres in wheat, all fenced. Price $20 per acre. nan casn. Daiance your own terms, ua zn. journal 20 ACRES. 15 In cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, good orchard of sorted fruits in full bearing, good house, fair barn, chicken house, pig pen, 3 blocks to H. R. station and store; price $3600; $1500 cash, balance 3 years at 7. 1'UO1'SOaN ft oW AN. 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 8 first class alfalfa dairy ranches, close to good market for ooth milk and cream; with price guar- ntAAd fnm aHv mnnlhi in a .1 ,m n a good place to live, good schools and churches; part cash, balance on good terms to dairymen, P. O. box 132. Manrieio, or. FOR SALE 640 acre, nearly all In cultivation, running waier, l am leu ell. house and bam. 2 other bldgs. The best place in Gilliam Co. Will sell it for reasonable price. For full partic ulars Inquire at A. C, 718 W. 6th St., i ne lajies, or. NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 40 acres. 24 under cultivation. 6 room house and barn, 4 cows. 2 brood sows, good team, wagon, harness and I implements, v mile off of hiehwav: price iU'J, 2uuu casn. Ted vv. uer- man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 63 ACRES level river bottom, adjoins good town: all city conveniences available. New buildings. Price 8150 per acre. Terms to suit. Stock, enuin- ment, feed, seed, etc.. Included. R. 1. nox varnon. or. 50 AC, 46 in cultivation, 4 acres timber, mi. io raiiroaa, mi. to boat; nouse, Bam ana ouiouiiaings; line or chard. 4 cows. 2 horses and farm tm pieraents; $1500 payment, bal. terms. 3zz Henry piag. FOR SALE Good stock, grain and al- taiia rancn. ciose to market, 2000 acres, good range, one band Merino1 ewes, orchard, running water In bouse ano, oam. lerms. .No trade- Box 1ST, fitneyme. or. 160 ACREH west of McMinnville. 10 acres cleared, lots pasture, over 100 acres good plow land, also lots out range, good stock piace; price $1600, BASE LINE. 32 ACRES. Close to highway., part cultivated I air buildings, good road, j Haas rial ein price zsv; no trades, kum bldg. ' 48 V4 ACRE Improved,' equipped and '' stocked dairy farm. Near PortlanJ. All conveniences. Good soiL $7500 Mtg $2500. Assume. Cash $3000 and term 1Z3 i aiaoieon. CALIFORNIA farms near SacTmon-.o for sale. Easv terma. Writ f. it.. T- n ' - i.r-.A- ." " a. rj. rv. sue, nniwiiM, Oltia. twousaabs of acres rich prairie land in Montana; - also Improved rarms in Judith Basin; part trade. 8e rtptr, n wunams ave. K. 6683. 640 AC. ready for plow: heaw v..A r"het' oats, barley, flax, potatoes. rv nv . , iiutv casn. Dai. crop pay. ment plan. N. M. Appl 606 Hen rr bm. r a . -m . . r.'. , - i 60. ACRES!, Banks. Or- part cleared. nittgs.. fins soiL t miles to station, good plnce. $30 an acre. J. Haas. De- t u 111 mux. ISO ACKtS, Lincoln Co., Or, $1600, terms or 316(H) cash. Glen Beldon. pyAig, nu- , 17 FARMS FOR SALE 280 acres. 70 acnes In cultivation. 200 acres stump pasture. Farm house, barn and 2 feed sheds. Fine outrange. -aa in K mil to school; $3a per acre; bail .k 1(0 acres. 12 miles from Portland. 50 acres cleared: running water; fine soil; good buildings; fine road. $100 per acre. vlewT family ore hard: VoTuT bTy bushes; all kinds berry bushes and -w-u 8 '" cattle, span of mares, farm Implements and tools, xfollfll. hkrn ..d outbuiidinrs. S400J: Lrni lernM- . -t . 40 fruit - hum -v,a.ka- $250 cash. ba.lance installments. consider 2d band Ford auto in part trade. 100 acres near Bstacaaa. bo acres cleared. 40 acr .Laiiv -lal! snrin .nd -iir " Vamiiv ohara anH a11 kinds, berries. 7 room house, large d. outb1Win8--.. Span horsfs. cows. nenera au larm impie- ments On good road. A, W. LAMBERT & SON 404 East Alder st. . Cor. Grand avenue. Portland, Oregon. A Farm Bargain We certainly have Just farm you are looking fori the We are .about the oldest farm deal ers in Portland. We make our services always satisfactory. Here is a genuine bargain in a 20-acre tract, all in a high state of cultivation, all the bent of land. One-half in clover. Running water. 8 room house, barn 48x66. good outbuildings. Fenced woven wire. All kinds bearing fruit. 1 mile from town. Pretty part of valley. Price only J3250. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 43 81. A CHOICE FARM Of 63 acres Well located in Willam etta valley on main highway. 2 miles town. lty. station joins place, owner must co east, hence the rock bottom price of 360d0. 60 acres cleared rarm- lng land, nearly ail in crop, j acres grove along pretty stream, tamiiy fruit, good farm buildings. 7 room house, barn for 25 heexl. all needed out buildins. Rich soil, free from rock or gravel. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of commerce. Main yiz. $4500 Terms B0 acres. 30 acres in cultivation fair buildings, some fruit, on Pacific highway In Clarke county. $2500 Terms 190 acres Columbia river bottom and easy to cleaar; does not overflow except in extreme high water. ATKINSON & NICHOLo. 112 West Sixth St., Vancouver. WaBh J MARION county 41 acres near Hub bard. 86200. 36 a. cult., dark brown loam soil, level, 2 mk to K. n. sta. 1. ml. to school, creek and 2 wells. horses. 4 cows, 4 hogs, 60 chickens. farm tools. 5 room bouse, bam and out buildings; 6 acres timber, win trace for plaoe In Idaho or eastern Oregon. 23-8 Ralph Ackley Land Co. I87J4 Wash st-. Rothchlld bldg HIGHLY STOCKED AND ROITIPPED 138 acres. 80 acres in cultivation. balance all tillable and easily put under the plow; 26 cows and heifers, one registered bull, six young horses, full set of machinery, up to date buildings and water system; one- fourth mile to station; 13 trains oaiiy; price $1800; terms. 803 Stock Exchange bldg. 120 ACRES. 21 acres cultivated, bal ance ODen pasture and timber, easily cleared; shot loam,, good nouse. Darn. outbuildings, fenced: 6 ml. from good 1 town on rock road; 4 mile school; I spring, stream and well, 1 acre fruit wall settled community. 14000: easy I term-. Mendenhall &. Hill, SOO Henry bldg. PAYING FARM SACRIFICED $30 PER ACRE. 160 aores 60 In cultivation, as much more partly cleared; good buildings and fence, running water; 6 miles to town. 36 rnlles 1 to p"fJVJiT terms. NEJLAN A PARKHILT,. 303 Stock Exchange bldg. 33600 80 ACRES 40 miles down the river, 3i acres in cultivation, iroou house, barn, orchard: lays fine, 4 miles from station. This belongs to an estate and must be soM. $1500 down. bal. time. This is a big snap. A. J. FAKMKK, 407 Stock Exchange. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. . 40 acres. 11 in cultivation, fair bolldrngs, running water, 4 miles to town, 36 to Portland; price $1250. $600 cash, balance five years, 5 rer cent. IS EI LAIN i'A Itn. filial 803 Stock Exchange bldg. FX)R RENT FA RMS II NINE acres. 27 miles from Portland. V mile from R. It. station, store and postoffi'-e. all buildings pratlcally new-, house, big barn, chicken house, pens, duck pond, large woodshed and work shop: orchard, good school, water piped to house and barn, red shot soil; all can be plowed except U acre; plen ty of work close at good wages; rem $120, payable quarterly In advance. Box 72. Chapman. Or. Dairy Farm For Rent 400 acres, 50 in cultivation, balance pasture, some outside range. 48 stanchions, good barn, guod house, outbuildings. 5 miles from Astoria. Good road. Stock and Implements for sale. Long lease. A. F. Brown. Holly wood Farm... Warren ton. Or. MODERN DAIRY. 84 acres. 32 acres in cultivation, near Stayton; rent reasonable; stock and Implements, $1500. Mr. Journo, 207 Board of Trade bldg. 14 ACRE farm, ltf miles out near sta tion, alft in cultivation. Douse, trarn. fruit, spring and running water, fine soiL R. F. Feemster. 309 Ablngton bldg, . METZGER. 2V6 acres, good house (furnished). barn, chicken houses, fruit, etc Rent reasonable. See Mrs. Francis or phone Ney. Marshall 4100.J 10 ACRES FREE RENT. 40 ACRES CHEAP RENT. E ACRE DAIRY. CLOSE IN. C. P. BENEDICT. 267 H Oak. Main 1T43 GOOD 7 room house and 5 acres; 1 cleared, town of handy, near schools. Good for cnicken ranch. E-234. Jour nal, s I TWO adjoining farms. 160 acres each. 50 acres clear, 8 acres orchard. Will la - 9 lt' , I , A.. iee tor a jr awu v. 9. a 278. Journal. 160 ACRE orchard, about 100 acres in- bearing, ail equipped, to rent, either cash or share rent. Address C-344. JournaL AiR. 2?nf: .ALi" JSHTJi1?, house, barn, small orchard; fine for potatoes. Call 608 Beck bldg. - 10 ACRES in cultivation, 2 acres or chard ; west side; close to car. - Good soil. K-43D, Journal. SMALL farm for rent, close to city limit. ideal place for raising chick ens or for gardening. Q-447, JournaL TWO acre, near-Multnomah, with sDlendld 4 room bouse, large barn. $35 year. Main 7785. FOR RENT 10 acres red loam soil Hood River. T-TM Journal. 20 - ACRES, cultivated. good orchard. ciose in. $90 Roes st Phone C-2390. PARTLY furnished farm, side money maker. Reasonable rent East 6328. FOR SALE FARMS 14 CoBttnaea 76 ACRKtf, stock, feed,-seed and Im plements ror aaie. $0 acres including stock and lmnlA- ments. . . t r 1A 1A6 AtnA It ........ . I . I. -. . - u AW aviw wtlivib atock or implements. - These are ail wen located, good buildings and im provement. EARL H. FRY, Land Dept. The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Buildlng.v FAHMS WANTED 9H 11K.NT OK BUV FARM OWNERS. ATTENTION. Wo have constant calls for Willam ette valley farms for sale, cash or terms. We want detailed descrlotion'fcf , property offered at business like prices. aiso tne following clear rurtland properties to exchange: a 13090 modem bungalow on paved street, all improvements paid. Will as sume to $2000, for place worth the money. 16000 clear, modern home with 2 lots and $3500 cash for a well located farm of 40 to 50 acres, stocked and equipped. u.ikiy. 3 modern homes, an rent ed to permanent tenants, and will pay cash or assume to $5000 for Improved lartn with equipment. Many other uealralil exchange. ' 13. McChesney, 333 Chamber of Commerce. .Mam vioz. Farms Wanted . ' Have buvera and tome xchan on farms. What have you? quick results, write us today. Uuigley. 202 Wil cox bldg. 1 CAN LEASE VOUR FARM. I have leased others, whv not voursT Will buy stock and implements if nec essary; send description. Wilbur F. louno. ZOu-7 Board of Trad hid g WANTED FOR IOWA FARMER. 0 to 60 acres with good 1 mu rove- men tH; will buy personal property If necessary; want option to purchase. M r. J on no. a 07 Board of Trade bid g. WE have a cash buyer for cheap tills- oie lands, any number of acres. v also hav Improved property to offer in exchange ror suoh lands. Give full particulars. J. c. Corbin Co., Iewls bWl. WANT small, cheap ranch vu easy pa -ments that will take care of 5 cows Give particulars. J. C. Corbin Co. Lewi bldg. It A I K my equity In 6 room inoiiem bungalow In Portland for otock and machinery and feed, and- rent farm. rtox 6-i. WhltfMon. Or. IF you have a farm or acreage to rent. i can rind a good tenant for you. J. A. Turner. 202 FaiMng Bldg. 47 ACRES, 100 acre, 1 acre, 3 acres. several 5 nor en on shares. J. A. Turner, 202 Failing Bldg. WANT to rnt 6 to 10 acrrs nar city. Mrs. Mabel Becker, 4 861 66Ut st. S. E. WILL buy homestead relinquishment for caxh. Call 431 Chamber of Com mrce b 1 il g. WANTED Farm or dary, furnlsheu. by experienced men. Have security in real estat e. N-272. Journal. WANTED To rent 10 or 15 acres cloe to Gregham. all Wdln. 3148. W A NTE1 To rent farm, close Evenings, Tnbor S630. HZ HOMKSTKA11H 47 640 Acre Homestead Been living -on homestead in Iike county. 8 yearn. Can get you the best. Will be at Hotel Alder until Wednes day. AI.VIN S. HAWK. (I show the land you pay only if you file). . WILL locate you on 320 or 640 acre homesteads in Malheur, Harney, Crook or Lake counties. Or. Also 160 acre homesteads under irrigation proj ects; will furnish best of references. Inquire room 2. Manx hotel, 63 N. 6th Bt Portland. Or. Broad way 1800. 4 0 ACRE HOMESTEAD. Good soil, fine running water, close to Tillamook. Price $75. 160 acre homestead, good soil, river through the place, 9 miles from Tilla mook. Price $250. 411 HENRY BLDO- 40 ACRES, part of old homestead; aom- clearing, no buildings. 2 miles to sta tion and Columbia highway; $1000. Iay $100 now, your own time on bal ance. G. Wynn Wilson, 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Timber claim. 4 to 6 mil lion feet Douglas- fir. at assessed valuation; I)oiiglas Co. Owner. 1618 Patton ave. Wdln. 25SK. TIMIIKR 28 40 ACRES good timber to exchange for horse, cattle; might consider house. R. M. Gatewood, , C 1Z T.--.. I. J W , . I. I . rt KACHAXtj F-tKAL JgfT ATK j 4 STOCK FARM of 120 acres, reason ably close to Portland, nearly M In cultivation, fair set of buildings, good orchard and lasting running water; priced very low: onlv mnsll mort gage and lor trade for' Portland prop erty or acreage. , -SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow on 4 lots, equipped for 1000 cblkens. two blocks to car This is a high class home. Am too old to care for sama. Will exchange for small bungalow and one lot up to $2600 and take mortgage back for difference at 6 per cent. If you want something good, call oa O A. Sarles. 404 Northwestern Bank. NOTICE. If your property, either dty. farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale, can or wnie run pmcuiera; no Inflate') values considered: hav first clam i Met to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 829 Henry bdg. References, Portland Realty Board. ' - 80 ACRES. $3750. New house and barn, water piped to . both. 15 acres in cultivation. Good team. 20 cows, machinery. 6 miles to town. 35 miles to Portland. Will take -clear house up to $2600. NEILAN k PARKHIITa. 803 Stock Exchange Bldg. DOES anyone want a nirn Ilttl country home, ciose to Portland? t have three beautiful llttl ranches, highly improved, slock and imple ments Included. Some cash and bal ance in city property, for either of them. Holhrook 214-2 1 5 Panama bldr. WILL trade clear Portland lot, re stricted, for fresh, clean stock groc eries, equal or part Invoice value, bal. cash, or consider good Ford. Owners only. K-40. Journal. b ROOM cottage. East I2d st lot -Ox 200; no Incumbrance. Exchange for Ores ham or Newberg acreage. If price r'rht. Will assume small mortgage. K-436. Journal. j HAVE some very choice stock. wheat and valley farms, highly Im nroved wit h or without stock and Im plements, for sale and exchange. Hol-' brook. 21 4-215 Panama bldg. ' . Ar'Rl-'Sl alt In cultivation, will ex- change for unincumbered property. -This tract is 6 miles from courthouse. Car stops on place. 6c fare. Sarles, 404 'Vorthwestern Bank. TRADE equity S-room house, lot l$0x 100, price $1600. $460 mortgage; want clear ranch near Tillamook. Ad- areas rtox muu, ui, a uuu D 61-3321. Bring in Your Trades ' For quick results and square deatln.. Jno. B. Gollard. 602 Coucli bid g. - -r HAVE eight room house, lot 60xl0! " garage; cash value $3000; exchange ' for Improved acreage. Sarles. 40 4 Northwestern Bank. ' ' 160 ACRES, McLean Co., N. Dak.; all fine plow land, no waste, no stone: will exchange for acreage near Port -land. Sarlen. 404 Northwestern Bank. LOT at Milwaukie. 80x100 feet. 1 blook Oregon City carline. Clear. Take land, any place. R. W. Tripp, Brownsville, . Or. KANSAS 160 acres. Wallace Co. Raw land. Cheap. What have- yon ta Orc gon? Box 228. Brownsville. Or. liOU'feK, clear, to trade for Eastern Oregon farm. 60$ Henry bldg. Wood liiwn 2583. evening. ' TWO Spokane houses, $3000 each, cies,r and two. Omaha City lots. $660, for PortlsCTl. Owner. X-841. JotimaL -' FOR REST P-AK1S (CoaUaued oa Seat 2aJ