The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 24, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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fc SATURDAY, MARCH 24. 1917.
Early Program to Be Ren
dered According to -Pro-
grams Agreed Upon,
oarlae Prayer Meeting- Committee
Xs Aaaounced; These Services "Will
XmMt One Bout is Each Caurcn.
In order to Impress the true spirit
of Easter upon Portland's young peo
ple, arrangements have been made by
tha young people's societies of Port
land's churches to hold early Easter
morning services In eight houses of
worship In the city.
The Christian kndeavorers. Epwortli
Leaguers, "and Baptist Unionists have
formulated plans whereby services will
be held at 7 a. m. Easter morning, and
whereby the designated churches shall
be so distributed ttfat everyone in Port
"land can reach one of tho churches in
short distance from his or her home.
The young people of St. Johns and
University Park will attend the St.
Johns M. E. church; those of the Pied
mont and Alberta districts, the High
land Baptist church; those of Albina,
. East Portland and Rose City Park will
attend the First M. E. Church, South;
-Residents of Montavilla and Mount
Tabor will go to the Montavilla M. E.
church; those of Sunnyside, the Sunny
side Congregational church; those of
Hell wood and Lad Ob addttlon the First
. Evangelical church; those of Lents and
.Mount Scott, the Millard Avenue Pres
byterian church; and residents on the
west side, the First Baptist church.
The congregations participating in
the movement include the Baptist,
Christian, Presbyterian, Congrega
tional, Methodist, United Brethren and
" Evangelical denominations.
The committee in charge of the sun
rise prayer meetings, as they have been
. designated, - comprises R. G. Lester,
: chairman; Emll Swanson- and F. J.
Leaders will be selected to conduct
the services lasting one hour at each
. church.
The idea embodied In the plan is to
promote a greater spiritual advance
ment In Portland's young men and
All Activities Center
On Church Services
All the activities at the First Chris
tian church are now centered upo.i
Pre-Easter Decision Services, begin -ring
Monday, April 2. During the week
the pastor. Rev. Harold II. Griffis. will
preach each evening and the mus.n
will be under the direction of a special
song leader.
One Important feature, in the prepa
ration for this service, is the specia
lessons arranged by the pastor for tho
j.'iible school; they deal largely witn
the fundamental principles of Chris
tianity. Rev. Mr. Griffis will hae for his
toplo Sundsy morning "What Is the
Matter With the Church," and in the
iventng '-The Invincible Strategy." Th3
quartet is preparing a special Easter
'Choir's Monthly
Praise Service
Muslo loving people of Portland will have ideal conditions for the training
,4 be happy to know that Sunday night Df as many officers as the war depart
the choir of the First Congregational i ment mav ak un to take in ).rr.-
church will give its monthly praise
service. The quartet consists of Mrs.
Jane Burns Albert, Mrs. Mitylene
Kraker Stites. Joseph Mulder and Wil
liam Montgomery, with Mrs. Lenora
Fisher Whipp as directress and organ
ist. In tha morning at 10:30 Dr. Dyott
.will use as his theme, "The Four
square Life." Special music will be
rendered at this service also. On Sun
day afternoon Congregatlonalists of
tha city are planning to attend the
dedication of the new Congregational
church recently erected it Scappoose.
Dr. Dyott will deliver the dedicatory
Will Start Mission
Study Class Sunday
Th Christian Endeavor society of
the) Rodney avenue Christian church
will start a mission study class start
ing Sunday evening at 6 p. m. and
tasting until the regular meeting time
at 6:30. The class will be continued
for six weeks. The. book "South Ameri-'
ran Neighbors" will be taken as a text I
book. H. T. Larson will be the leader.
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the society will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Larson, 790
Williams avenue, on Wednesday seve
ring. March 28. All members and
their friends are urged to bo present.
Savagery in the Sudan.
Rev. R. V. Bingham of Toronto, Can
ada, founder of the Sudan Interior
. mission, will be in Portland Thursday
and will lecture in the Gospel taber
. l.acle, corner of East Ninth and Clay
, ktreets, at 7:45 p. m., on "Savagery
nd Salvation in the Sudan.- As pio
neer and founder of this mission, Mr.
Bingham endured much hardship, and
his address, will most interesting.
Christ and Nature Theme.
Rev. E. O. Eldredge of Jit. Tabor
Methodist church will speak at T. W.
C. A. Vesper service Sunday afternoon
4:30, on "Christ and Nature." Mrs
K, N. wheeler will sing. Thera wlil
- ba a social hour at 5:S0. All girl
. ara mvuea.
; Second Coming of Christ.
Rev. B. H. Morse will preach on the
."Second Coming of Christ" before the
congregation at tha Central Free
Methodist church Sunday morning at
11 "clock. The pastor will occupy
-tha pulpit In the evening. All arts
cordially invited. The Toung People'
wcunj wi oe noia at 6:30 p. m.
s "WUl Conduct Praise SerVice.
: The . Epworth league of tha Sunnvw
Id Methodist church win conduct a
praise service for tha old people at the
Pat ton Home tomorrow afternoon.' At
' .t . regular league service : at :Sfl
o'clock Miss Dia Mllllgan, the league
oaviiuir m r cnarge oi una
service. , .
Dr. ' Boyd's Church
Program for Easter '
Sunday Attractive
At the First Presbyterian
church, corner Twelfth and
Alder streets. Rev. John H.
Boyd. D. D., pastor, music and
sermons are being planned to
make a great, day of April S,
Easter Sunday. On the after
noon of Easter this church will
have Its annual reception of
members. Already there ' are Mf
over 80 on the list of those who
are desirous of Joining on that it
day. Dr. Boyd's subject tomor-
row morning will have special
bearing on this question under Dt't
the title, "Ought a Religious
.Man to Join the Cffurth?" In
the evening there will be con
tinued the special series of Pre
Easter services with the large
orchestra augmenting the work
of quartet and organ. Dr. Boyd
will preach on "The Heroic Life
of T
(t jt Jf1 Jt 9t E jt "( t JC (t
Program Will Commence
With a Banquet Prepared
by the Ladies' Aid,
The annual meeting of the Methodist
Men's Social union will be held in
the Sunnyside Methodist church, at
corner of East Thirty-fifth and Yam
hill streets, Monday, March 26.
The program will begin with a ban
quet prepared by the ladies' aid of the
Sunnyside church at 6:30 p. m. and
will be followed by an excellent pro
gram and a general good time.
J. D. Lee, as .president of the social
union, will preside at the business
session, while O. V. Badley, president
of The Church Extension society of
the Methodist church foe this district
will act as toastmaster.
The main address of the' evening
will be made by Dr. Joshua Stansfield
cf the First Methodist church, followed
by short addresses by Hoc. Herbert
Gordon and .Hon. Robert S. FerrelL
A reception will be tendered Bishop
Matt Hughes during the evening. The
Ampheon Male chorus, numbering 16
voices, directed by Professor J. A.
Hollingsworth. will furnish music.
This oocaslon promises to be the big
foelal event of the year for all Meth
odist men and it Is expected some 300
ministers and laymen will be present.
All Methodist men In the city are in
vited. Chicago University
Offered for War
Chicago. March H.-r-(Jl N. S.) All
students and teachers of toe University
of Chicago will offer themselves for ,
service to the government in the event
of war hetweftn the TTnited States anrt
Germany and the buildings and equip
ment will be tendered for the same
Coupled with this announcement
today it was said that Major O. W.
Bell, In charge of military Instruction
at the university, has worked out a
plan whereby the university may be
come a great training center for army',
ofricers in the event of war.
"Of the 1500 men at the university,
approximately half would be available
for commissions," said Major Bell.
'With them as a nucleus I believe we
ment may ask us to take In charge.'
Bishop Sumner on
His Official Visits
Bishop Sumner Of the diocese of Ore
gon will make his official visit to St '
David's, East Twelfth and Belmont,
Sunday, at the morning services. At
the 9:30 service he will be present, as
will the wardens and vestry, after
which he will visit the school and meet
the vestry. At 11 o'clock he will ad
minister the sacrament of confirmation
to a group of adults and children, and
also be the preacher at the service. At
night at 7:30 about 20 boys and girls
r.f the Junior auxiliary will give a
short mystery play In the church in
place of the sermon. The play is in
tended to exact the value of religious
education, hence, .the leading character
is named "Lady Catechism." The of
fering is for the children's society.
Another American
Life Is Endangered
Washington. March 24. (I. N. S.I
One more American life was Jeopard
ized in the German submarine cone
when the Norwegian tanker Mai
manger was sunk without warning.
Consul Wesley Frost at Queenstown
reported to the state department to
night. George W. Stead, of Chester,
Pa., was aboard the Maimanger when
she was sunk. Consul Frost's report
said that the sinking may have been
caused by a mine.
Will Speak for Anti-Saloon Leajrue
Charles E. Lennon will speak at the
University Park Congregational church
at the morning service at 11 o'clock
.Sunday. Mr. Lennon was one of the
committee which drafted the original
ury jaw passed two years ago and will
represent me Antl-Baloon league.
Chorus at Vesper Services.
At the' vesper services of the Rose
City M. E. church at 4:S0 o'clock Sun-
aay, the cnorns of the Central Pres
byterian church will sing. E Maldwyn
.cvans win direct uie singers The
chorus will sing in its home church In
Pastor Again Takes Pulpit.
After an illness of two
Mr, Cox. the pastor of First Friends
church. East Thirty-fifth and Main
ktreets, will again occupy his pulpit
Sunday morning and evening. Ir the
evening the pastor will sneair
fcubject. "The Tragedy of an Uncared-
, Will Preach Welsh Sermon.
A Welch sermon will b
by John R. Griffith at the Church of
the Stranger, Grand avenue and Wasco
street, sunaay at ,z p. m, . ,k .,.
I lit it
Structure at 160th and Broadway
ever been held
Eev. W. B. Reed to
Preach Ten Sermons
Ten sermons on the subject of Spir
itual Regeneration, or "Scientific Spir
ituality," will be presented by Rev.
William R. . Reece before the New
Church Society (Swedenborglan) at
toiler's hall Sunday mornings at 11,
beginning Sunday.
These sermons are designed to show
Uie methods by which spirituality can
be- attained according to definite and
scientific laws given by the Lord, Just
as proficiency is attained in natural
science or art by obedience to the laws
of science and art.
Sisterhood's Regular Meeting.
The first regular meeting of Beth
Israel Sisterhood will be held Tuesday
at 2:30 in the vestry room of Temple
Berth Israel. All women affiliated with
the temple are urged to attend and to
become members of the sisterhood. A
suitable Passover program has been
arranged for this meeting, the plan
being that each quarterly meeting shall
coincide with one of the holidays.
Meeting of Interest.
A meeting of unusual interest will
be held in the First Nazarcne church
Sunday afternoon at 2:30, under the
auspices of the Foreign Missionary
society. The program will include a
talk by a Japanese pastor, on "Per
sonal Missionary Letters From Japan.'
Lesson Topic.
fOrtwarth League "Our Sooth America Mis
sion.' '
tThitntiiin BndeTor "Missionary Heroes."
Y. P. A.-'Tbe Quiet Ways of God, Prori
denre." B. Y. P. V. "Shall I Put My Money Into
Forim Mto"ls?"
Luther Leigue "Compromise or Cowardice."
First White Temple 12th and Taylor sta.
Iter. chlTtn B. Waller. 11, "Cords and Stakes."
7 :M. "The Call to War."
Swedish-Finnish HUstou Whits Tempi. 6.
East Side E. aoth and Ansenr sts. utrw.
W. B. Htnaon. 11. "The Character of Jesus.
T:- "Ttw Destruction of Jesus.
. "'D"ua.
E. 6 Lb and Alberta Bav. Chas.
Meier, castor. 11. 7:80.
Arlets Kev. W. T. Sprites.
I tilTeralij Psrk Rer. Thomas Stephsnson.
actlnc pastor. 11, R. O. C. Wright. T:S0,
"Jesus Led Up vt tlie Spirit Into the Wilder
liees to Be Tempted of the Detll."
Swedish 15th and Hojt Ber. T. Gideon
SJolsoder, pastor. 11:16, 7:30.
Grace Mont a Tills Ret. B. T. Cash.
11. "ChfUtlanity's Debt to the noo-Chrlstlaa
World " 7:45. "Deoertln the Flas."
Sell wood Ber,
F. , U Hayes, pastor. 11
St. Johns Rev. B. P. Borden, pastor. 7:Sft.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant Kev. 3. K.
Tbnorts. pastor. 11, "Jesus' Sad Question."
7:3o. "Doubters and Ttielr Donbta."
Mt. CalTary Kt fins snd Grand are.
Rev. A. M. Macbacek. 11, 8.
Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Ber. W.
J. Beaven. 11. "The Philosophy of Tempta
tion." 7:30, "The Word oi uod."
Chinese J. C. Mslone. 7.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
U. 7:.W.
Glencoe B. 4Sth and Main Rev. -A. B.
Walts. 11. "Opposition to the Gospel." 7:45,
The Hand With a Kindly Touch."
Mount Olivet Kev. W. A. Msgrett, 11. S.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Saunella.
11, 8.
First uermaa ten ana sun ivsv. i. avratt.
11 7-JA
North Portland Mission sso Mlcolal at.
Friday, 8.
Kussellvuia Mission isev. Aioert Lanjrn-
bridge. 8:45.
Tabernacle K. za ana Hoigate bt. wai
ter Duff, acting uastor. 11, 7:30.
First Psrk and Columbia Rv. Harold H.
ariffla, pastor. )1, "What la the Matter with
the Church V 7:45, "Tha Invincible Strategy."
Kern Park Kev. u. K. Berry. 11, :3tl.
Raat Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Rev. E. 11. Sawyer, pastor. 11, 'The Mlrac
alonsl?) Conversion of Saul." 7:30, "If a
Man Die Snau He L,tve again 7 -
Seliwood 13th and xenino Kev. 1. B.
Johnson. 11, 8.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. ' 11, I.
Bethel K. 82d and Thompaon Ber. Aubrey
W. Wilson.
Montavilla s. 76th and Hoyt Bsv. Eareva
Burr. 11. 7:45.
Gladstone Kev. Roy L. Dunn. 11, 8.
Kodney Avenue and Knott Rev. J. Carlos
Gbormley. 11. "Soul Winning for Christ."
7:13, "Ltow to Meet- Temptations."
St. Peter'a Lent Bev. P. Beutaea. 8., 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral ISlh and Davis Rev. E. V.
O'Hara. o. 7:15, 8:39, :45, 11. 7:45.
St, Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Bushes, tt. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Patrick's lth and Savler Bar. B. T.
Murphy. 8. 10:30, 7:30
c rrancia u. inn sno uaa Bar. J. H.
Black, ti. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams a vs.
and Stanton uev. w. A. ialy. S. 8. 0. 11.
Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Rev- H
B. Olson, o, 1, s, v, Ji, :au.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J,
O'Farrell. 8. 10. 7:30.
St. Andrew's K. uth and Alberta Rev. J
Hkiernaj). a. luuw. y:ou.
The Madeline E. 24 tb and Siskiyou Rev.
Georze '. Thompaon, 7:30. 8. 10:30.
Ascension c lamnui ana E. 70th Francis
can Fathers'. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sscrament Maryland ave. and Blan.
oena uev. r. . macs, b, 10:30. 7:30.
uoiy cross it cowooio Kev. C Raymond,
5, 10:30,-7:30.
St. Ignatius' 3220 43d St. 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 4):3U. 8. 10:30. 4.'
St. Stephens' 42d and E. Taylors-Rev. War-
rei: a. want, o, a:3U, iu:3U. 7:80.
St. Philip Neri E. 16th and Hickory Rev.
W. J. Csrtwrlght. 8. 10:30, 7:80.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Be v. Jo
jeph Chapoton. Rev. Thomas Nealoh. assistant.
o, io:jo, 1 :ju.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Eev. G.
Bobl. 8. 10:30. 7:30. -
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. sad Vancou
ver ave. Kev. r. 11. MUler. a, g. 10:30, 7:30.
Ut. Agatha E. 15th and MUler Rev. J
Cuiumlni'ky. 8. 10:30. T:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Failing Kev. is. atattoew s. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Ber,
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30. i
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mm Rev. M.
Balestra. , 10:80. 7:30.
St. Clare's Capitol Hill Franciscan Fath
ers. t:su, :i. -St.
Charles 33d and Alberta Rev. G
Snldernorn. o. io:ao. i&o.
First Park and Madison Rer. Lother Jt
Irott. minister. 10 30, TTbe Four Square
is re ,1 MOU117 pram somoa Qy choir.
First German K. 7th and SULnton Rev. XL
U. wiuman. -t-
? Atkinson Memxrlsl tbarch E. 2Bth and
rrterett. Rwv. Wsres Manse, pastor. ' It.
Why Ooght I to Be a Chriatua?'; T:4S.- KeV.
Alt 4
will be completed about April 1, shortly after which what is probably the greatest revival that has
in America will begin. The dimensions of the building are about 25 O by 200 feet.
tr. Edward H. Pence of the West
minster church will discuss tomorrow
morning, the pending crisis in Ameri
can world affairs. He will preach on
the subject of "The New International
ism." Dr. Pence's discourse, which
will be based on the following argu
ment, promises to be exceedingly In
teresting: Problems of vast and far-reaching
significance now emerge. The United
States faces a moral crisis, and has
arrived at a time when Washington's
famous counsel in his farewell address
must be weighed anew and In the
"Cords and Stakes"
Dr. Waller's Topic
"Cords and Stakes" will be the topic
of Dr. Calvin B. Waller's sermon Sun
day morning at the First Baptist
church (The White Temple). In the
evening he will preach on "The Call
to War."
The Temple Quartet will furnish the
music; in the morning the anthem,
Teach Me to Pray" (Dresslor) and in
the evening. "There Is Rest for You,"
and as an offertory "The City of Love"
by Havens.
A cordial Invitation is extended to
all to be present at these services.
snd Mra. 0. M. Kelly, missionaries to India.
university park Haven at., near it in bard
Kev. F. J. Merer. nastor. 11 Honorable
CLarlea E. Lennon; 7:30, "Wanted, a Man."
tllgrlm Missouri ave and bhaver at. Kev.
W C Kantner.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Geo.
Edw. Lewis, pastor.
Waverlr Heia-hta E. 83d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses. .
Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 11, "Law's Defeat and tbe Victory
of Love"; 7:45, "MulUphcatlon by Division."
Zlon (German) E. Uth and Tremont liev.
J. 11. Hopp. 10-.TO.
Korvreglaa Danish Congregational chnreh E.
23d and Sumner Rev. Morton Olson. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. J. H. Bsrnett. pastor. II. 8.
innian Mrssion 107 Skiamore st. Kev. 1
Samuel Nevala. 6 p. m. and 7:30.
Laurelwood Oongreratlonal church 45th ave.
sod 66th St.. S. E. 11. Mrs. J. J. Handaaker;
5 Mra. Jennie Kemp, of W. C, T. U.. "Soma
Recent Legislation, and Some Legislators Who
Felled ta Their Dnt."
Ardenwald Ardenwald atatlon Howard W.
Ohriatiaa Belanee.
Bnbjset Leasoa Sermon: Matter.'
First church Everett, between 18th and
Uth sts. 11, 8. - .
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth MyrUs Park halL 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block,
St. Johns. 11.
Trinity 19th snd Everett Rer. A. A. Morri
son, rector. 8. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephens the Martyr
13th and Clay Tbe Very Rev. E. H. McCollls
ter. desn. Rt. Bev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
7 40, 11, 7:45.
St. David's E. 12th and Belmont Ber.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30, 11 7:80
St. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. J. - E.
H Simpson, rector. K-.-. J. G. Hatton. mnt
date rector. 7:30, lO.l. 11. 7:45.
St. Andrew's Hereford at.. Portsmouth
archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft sta
Bev. W- A. M. Breck, vicar. 11 a. m.
Grace Memorial Weldler and E. 17th it.
Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good SbeobeTd Vancouver and Graham Rer.
John Dawson 11, 7:30.
St. Mlcbasl'a and All Ana-els' E. 43d snd
Broadway Rer. T. . btwen. 8, 11, S. Bsv
Jt'hn Dawson.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41 at at
S. E.- Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11,
St. I'aul s woodmere Kev. Oswald w. Tay
lor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chinal . Good Samar
itan nospitai Kev. Frederick K. Howard. 7.
AH Saints' church 25th and Barter Ber.
Frederick K. Howard. 11. 6:3a
St. Johns church Corner B. 15th and Har
ney, sellwood Archdeacon Chambers in chares.
11, i;ov. rr. a. r . jHin.
Erangelical Asaooiatioa.
Carson Heights Ber. N. ShuDD." naator.
11:30. 7:S0.
First F-nellsh B. ath and Market Bsv bl
U. Hornscnucn. II, S.
First German Evangelical loth and Clar
Bev. G. F. Lien in. 10:45, 8.
Portland Mission church Carson Helehta
hot. in. onupp. puwr. :ao. o:ju, t:30.
Evangelical Synod.
German Erangelical Frienda' church Taeoma
ave. ana k. iota Kev. Ellas N. Hergert.
Free Methodist
Central 65th and E. Flanders Rer. w. w
Coffee. 11, 7:45.
First JB. Bih and Mil Rer. A. Baers. 11
St. Johni 61st and 57th are. 11.
Third Ber. R. H. Clark. 11. 7:30.
Frienda' Church.
First E. 85th and liam sta. Sm
11. 7:80. "Tbe TrsKedr of An Uncared tat
OOUi. '
Irenes sonin uaia St. Kr. John Rller. 11
West Piedmont- Friends' church rvn
uorxnwicK anu jesson si. cnester A. Hsu
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Jfaln
uanDi joaan a.' matt, rnaay , B p. m. -Lutheran.
St. James. English West Park- ud
son iter. .William Even Rrinkman. 11 8
Immanuel 18th and Irving 11. A -
' West Side Norwegian Lutheran 15 K. 11th
Rev. Wtlhelm Petterson. 11. 8.
Bethanta Danish Evangelical Lutheran church
onion are. sou orni St. Kev. L. p,
tvjouer. iu a. n. anu o p. m.
Immanuel German Sellwood Ber,
Ebelinc. 10:30.
H. C
. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams
ave. and tiranara uer. j. a. Rlmbach. 10:15
St,'" Paul's German B. 12th "and Clinton.
Ber. A. Kranae. German, 10:30; English, 7:30
Lenten service, Thursday.1 8 p. m.
Grace Engliah (Missouri Synod) Alhlna ave
and Mason St. Bev. E. Probst. :30. 10 -3a
7:30. - j . .-:
Evangelical Latberan Zlon (Missouri Synod)
Salmon and Chapman Rer. H. Konnehminn
Lenten services morning and evening. German,
xv:io; upsp, t
- St. John's Penlnanlar and Klrkpetrlck Ber
K. O. Sabnuann. 10:45, 7:30.
Bethel Norwegian Lstheran Free church
wygant and Koouey ares. Kev. J.. a. Star
aey. it. a. -
Swedish : Angoatsna Rev. H.. E. Sanstedt.
10:45. 7:45. ' '
Trinity (Norwegian) Portsmouth Rev. Slew
A. stensein. - ji, o. Berncee at Lundes bail.
15th and Alberta. .
Onr Savior East 16th and Grant Rer. Geo.
Henrtkson. EngUsh, 10U5J Norwegian. 11:15.
i tiniuM.jin wfffimm
accumulated light of these swift days
be scanned afresh. No advance upon
Washington's advice can be success
fully taken by our leaders upon which
the thinking people of this country are
noj ready to follow. The problem Is
now racial, moral, religious, not merely
political; hence the duty of the pul
pit to dlschss It. Are there sanctions
In the teachings of Christ for a duty
which America may owe, to enter
now into the great fraternity of the
new democracies just being born? Can
the elder brother refuse to enter the
family counsel?
Decay of Nation's
Past and Present
Rev. R. It Sawyer, pastor of the
East Side Christian church. Bast
Twelfth and Taylor, will discuss the
relation of the decay of nations of the
past and present to the truths of the
Bible, Sunday evening. The subject of
the sermon will be: "If a Man Die
Shall He Live Again?" The answer
given in past ages by Pagan, Atheist
and Christian philosophers, all will
be considered. Mr. Sawyer believes
that the scripture's prophesy perilous
times for modern nations, and that
only such will survive as are made to
conform to the Divine plan.
German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Ber.
W. G. Llenkaemper. 11.
Latter Day Bainfaj,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormon) E. 25th and Madison. 11:45, Bev.
M. J. Ballard.
The Reorganized Church of Jeans Christ of
Latter Day Saints (not Moraona) B. 76th and
Irving sta. Evangelist H. T. Uaraare. 11, 7:45.
District Superintendent Rer. William Wal
lace Xoungson, D. D., 61 B. 62d st. N. Tabor
2790. r
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Joanna Stans
field, minister. Rer. Walter L. Alrheart, a
autant. 10:30. "A Great and Open Door."
:oo a Great lawrrogatlon."
Centenary K. Uth and E. Pins T. W. Lens.
11. "The Prayer of a Brave Heart:" 7:30.
Privileges of youth."
Taylor Street church Hall at ISO 4th at. Dr.
M. II. Marvin.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Bev. F. N.
Sandlfur. pastor. 11, 7:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beech Ber. John
A. Wellman. 10:45. 4, 7:45.
l-.pwortu zuth and Savier Ber. o. o. lie-
First Norweaian Danlsli 18th and Hovt
Rev. Ellas Glerdtng. tsstor. 8, Dr. George
Pratt, "Be a Choice One." (EiIlsn.)
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Bev. W.
K. K foster.
Sellwood Ber. Alexander P. Maclean. 11.
Sunnyside E. S5th and Tamhlll Ber. B.
Elmer Smith, paator. C. T. McPherson, assist
ant pastor. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. Stark asd Slat B. Olin Eld.
ridge, minister. 11, '"jhe Glorloue Past and
Brighter Future"; 7. Jo, Protvesor D. A. Grout
seven Lamps of Education."
Central Vancouver ave. and Farso Rer. C.
Raiick. 11. "Retlevmlng the Time A Mew-
sege to the Church"; 7:oO, Rer. D. A. Wat
ttrs. St. Johns Hsyes and Learltt Ber. J. H.
Irrlne. 11. 7:30.
Montavilla Rev. C. L. Hamiltoo. 11, 70.
Laurelwood 63d st. S. B. and Foster road-
Rev. C. A. Carlos.
Clinton Kelly Memorial B. 40th and Pown
Rer. A. B. Calder. 11. "The Mistakes of
Great Man"; 7:, God'e Proridenos."
Japanese Mission Rer. Ellsen Klbara. a-ao.
8::t0. s
Rose City Park Sandy bird, and E. 68th N.
A. A. Heist. 11, vespers. 4:30, monthly
German Rodney ave. and 8 tan ton Ber. F
. Schumann. 10. 8.
African Zlon 2SS Williams are. Ber. W.
Vt. Howard. II. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Corner
Kkldmore Kev. 11. p. nelson, pastor. 11,
Kev. D. A. Watters, D. D.. preaching In Eog
bb: 8. Stephen Allen.
I diversity Park Lombard and Flaka Ber
j. x. Aboett. it, t:a.
ints Kev. F. M. Jasper, ll. a.
Bethel Irrsbee and McMlllcn Ber. W. S.
Prince. 11:15. 8.
Westmoreland Mllwsukle are..' near Be.
moot-Key. F. N. sandirur. supply. 7:30.
inncoin r.. km ana uncotn. 1 1. 7:30.
Pstton Michigan and Alberta Ber. George
I. Feese. 11, 7:45. ,
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th eve. S. E.
Rev. li. O-. loor.
First Germsn Rer. A. F. Cramer. II, 8.
Brentwood Charles Wctley Miller, 11. 8.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Bev. L. C' Douglas, Kendall
Clark aohool bouse Ber. A. B. Wilson. 70.
lrrington Esst 10th asd Weldler Ber. S.
A. Dantord. 11.
Llnnton Rer. S. H. Dewert.
Bethel A. M. E. church Ber. W. H. Prince.
11:15. 8.
X. E. Church South.
First M. E Church South, corner Union ave.
sad Multnomah st. Rr. V . J. Ken too, pastor.
li, ins oecwu vamzujs; or uxin.
Swedish Mission Rer. B. 7. Thorea. 11. a.
Ellm chapel Ker. B J. Thorea. 10.
Bethel Free church Ivy St. and Williams
Bev. J. A. cttavney. 11. fc.
. . Hasatene.
Flrat Pentecostal U. 7th and B. Cbeeh irta.
Ker. Li. Howara uane. 11, 7:30. 2: MX, For.
elm MlasUmary society, "Japan."
s"iiwooa c. win sua opusane Ker. H. C,
Baker. 11, i.m.
Brentwood E. 69th and E. SSth are 8. E.
MT. 4. BOL. OUlCUiru. 41. O.
Rnaadlnavlan 04B Carfwld IT. r-9n
Highland Park 11W Ju 14lh N-Uer. 8. 11
aienaei. iv, i, 1 :au.
Trashy teriaa, ;
First 12th and Alder sta. Rev. John . H.
koto. iu:jl - vunt a Keunona Man
Join the ChurchT 7:30. ?The Heroic Lift ef
Central B. "13th and Pine sts". Rer. Arthur
F. Blafaop, D. D. 1:30. - "Qualifications for
personal workers." t:bv. "Why I am a Pres
brterian." '
Westminster E. lTth snd Schuyler sts.
Dr.- kuwsxa retire,' iu.mj. me Kew interna.
tionaJisra." . 7:30. "The Way That Seems
Arbor Lodge Ber. Geo. B CrotnVy, ll, 7:45
Calvary llfh and Clay sta. Wallace H.
Lee.' sonnty minuter: 10:90. "A Dar'e Ka.
Uone." 7:30, "The Holy Spirit's Work Is the
WM f
i'oortb Flrvt and - Glbba'. ats. Ber. H. Q
Haneon. lo:au, t:w-.- . - - r
Keuilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Ber. E
P. Lawrence. 11. "Getsaemsne, or the Battle
or - tne wiu." 4 :o, -Grasping tbe Opoor.
tnnltv." - i -
Forbes Graham and Gaatenbela res. Bev,
Wni. MacLiFoa. 11. 1 :ao.
Mlzpati E. 19th sad lvIsioa Ms. 1Ut
D. A.- Tnomtseoa.- - 11.- "Preparedneas.' 7:45,
lai, rur vtiij ujnm. p- .
Hope Montavilla, atb and E. Everett Ber.
f. ' ".'"f H"'.
. X - .
ai. . ' .'Tk4rm -Kx V'.
tn r i 1
!'. otV
a ft .ay
Reasons for Faith
By Dr. A. F. Bishop
Dr. Arthur F. Bishop, pastor of Cen
tral Presbyterian church, will speak
Sunday -evening upon the subject
"Way I Am a Presbyterian." This is
the last of a -series of well attended
sermons on the general topic "Reasons
for the Faith That Is in Me." At the
morning service. Dr. Bishop will speak
on the topic "Qualifications of Per
sonal Workers.'
The Men's club held Its monthly din
ner Tuesday evening, and was enter
tained by Frank Leeds in a lecture ex
posing the frauds of professional spir
itualistic mediums.
Special evangelistic services will be
held In Central church each evening of
the week beginning April 1. and on the
evening of Good Friday the choir, un
der the direction of E. Maldwyn Evans,
will render John Stalner's oratorio,
"The Crucifixion."
The pastor's communion class, meet
ing every. Sunday at he church at I
o'clock, draws numbers of communi
cants. Will Hold Mass Meeting.
Under the auspices of the State Spir
itualist association an all day unton
mass meeting will be held in First
church, southeast corner of Sixth and
Montgomery streets, Sunday, April 1,
to celebrate the sixty-ninth anniver-
saxy of modern spiritualism.
rLJL SfISL- .11- Th Practice of the
Presence." 7:30. "Toe Cloud of Witnesses."
Vernon 19th snd Wygant su. Rev. Ver
non E. Todd. 11. 7:HO
Mlllsrd Avenue 7241 CCth sve. 8. E. Rev.
W. It. Amos. 10:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 63tn and Belmont ats. Rev.
Ward W. McHenry. 11. "Our Divine Ke " 7:3- "Th OaU of the Spirit."
Unity Tint and Sandy blvd. Rev. . w. Lee
Gray, 11, 7.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett ats. Bev.
A. I. HutcMnsoo. 11. -Venue, Suffering and
Tempted." 7:3, "Hell Why. What, Wher."
Rose City Psrk E. 45th snd Hancock ata
Rev. J. Mv Skinner. 11. 7:30.
Spokane Avenue H. ltu and Spokane Bev
W. 8. McOullagu. 11. 7:30.
Marshall Street 17th and Uinli.11
Rer. A. J. Harma. 11. 7:30.
Trinity Corner Vlrrlni. mr,A vhric
Dr. A J. Montgomery. 11. 7:30.
inuieae i-K nrst st. 7:45.
Anabel &Ath at. u4 mih e si t
John R. Nekwn. 11. 7:SO.
aixxxiver HeHrhta 38rt "T." .f b
C. F. Bennett, 11.
Xefermed Prrshyterlaa.
Flrat Cfanrrh Minnesota an A lnMn.i.
Bev. . D. Vrsser. 11. 7:30.
Reform sd.
First German 12th and Clar Rar. o n.r.
ner. 10:45. A
Second Columbia blvd. and tftd St. Ber.
, A. Wyss. 11.
Third Fifth in.. Lent Rr. w a T l
kemper. 11.
Salratloa Army.
Com No. 1 24.1 A.h r lrlnt.. mwiA
Frank Genre. 11. Hltnr-aa 'mMtln, n-i a
vpiaia ana nrt. Brnest lunxner
orpa No. 412814 Kirs. st. Enaln Pnn,.
and Captain Brown 11. liollneaa nuiln it
8. alraU0D meeting. t
0,wau v m y rjurosiae.
Seventh Day Advaatlsta.
Note Rra-nlar services ot this denomination
are held on tiatnrdar.
Central E. 11th axd Everett Elder P. 0
Hi v ward, paator. 11.13.
Tabernacle Weat Side, k"
aad Alder. 11.
ef P. kail, lltb
Montavilla C tOth and E. Everett n.
8. r. Bestty.
Lents Mth and CSth are. KM n r
Chit wood. 11. v
St. Johns Central art una and Charlaatna
Eider A. K. Folkenberg.
att. i oor m. euth and Belmont Rer. j. M.
vriiwagaoy. Ji.
aiouia uermao) ekldmore and Malka-y
Mlnlater. H. J. IMrksen. A. U. Schweitxar i.
csl elder 11:30.
Olden ball. Mlsslnalrml and Hh.w.-B..
O. U. Sandnea. 11.
Berrieea for the Dsax.
United Preabrteriaa Wasco nl Rrand a. a
Ber. S. Karl In Bois. lti:30. 7:80.
Sweden borgiaa.
Kew Church Mocla'jr Her. William n
Reeee. 11. "What tba Ktna-dom at nM. t.
la liar"
Chnreh of Onr Katlier Broad war mA Van.
hill Rer. T.'l,. Eliot. V D.. minis tee emer.
iros. iter. v. . uuoc jr., pastor, n. im
mortality In the World Storm." 7:45, Madam
Alno Mahnberg.
United Brethren.
Alberta 97th and Albtrta.
Klrst E. 15th and Morrison Rer. P. n
Bonsbrske. 11. 8.
Fourth Both snd S2d sve. 8. E.
Third 67th at. and 32d ave. S. B Fterhert
P. White, paator. 11. 7:30.
a, . i . . ti ... .A .
r li l . i ,uu ctvuvj, iincwfcr v asn.
Rev. John D. Nlsewooder. pastor. PreacbLnr.
10:30. 2:30. 1:30.
United ZraagaUoal.
Fourth Rar. J. E. Conner. 11. 7:30.
Radical Jeasnn st. He. A. r! HvBderaon
11, 7:30.
Manor, Circuit Berrieea Cherry Grove. S d
.; Brush Prairie, 7:H.
Uckler -Green Willamette bWd. and (imw
Rer. li. U. Farnham. 11, b.
First E. loth and foolar Rer. J. i
Goods. 11. 1UX.
fit. Johns Ker. A. P. La j ton. It. 8.
United Preatyteriaa.
first E. 87th and U.wtburne Rev. Hna-h
rraser Olren. 11. "Commanlrin and Rsceptlua
of Menabere." 7:30, 'Thtt Redemotiuo of a
Church ef the Strancera Waaen atr- ami
Oread ave. Ker. &. tatrl Do BoU. lO:30 3.
Jonn K- Utlffltu. 7:10. "Let It Alone This
Kenton United Presbyterian church Lombai ri
att Chatham sts. Kev. J. C. tXle, nsato'.
11:16, l
' Chnreh of the Ouod iioiags Broadway ana
B. 24 tit Rer. . T. Scott. 11. "Watchman.
What ot the Sight?" 7:45. "Oompulaury MilH
tcay Edvcatiou hi' tbe High Scbooia."
T. M. C. AWT w. a A.
T. M. C. A. Mb and taylur U. W. Stone,
gtneral aecrelary. 3:itU v. w. ,
y. W. C. A. Bro.d vkj and Taylor CO
reaver aerrlce. Rev. K. u. aUdrldbe. "Christ
and Nature."
Advent Chnatlan as tstound at. near nail
at Bev. J. . l-ucaa. pe.ator. )0:Ji'. -7u.
Aasociated Bible Students (1. H 8. A )
CfcristeBeen'e laUI. lllh and YamUll sts. 3
N. M. Lewton. , c. W. Field. "The Two
Pathera ot the Homan Race." . . . ,
Kegnlar Bsbal meetings Suadsy even Ids
8 e'rwea. Tiday. r. ni., la rooaa 61 e( iu
titers balldlng.
1 he Chvrca of God 361 Fstllng et. H O
Keel, paster. Services 11, 7:3U.
Church of the BretOn-ii tit Borthwlck and
Bralaard sts. 11. N iu.
The w Thought Ten.ple ef Truth Soeleti
Metaphysical Ijovaty Women of Woodcraft
hau,. lutn ud Taj p. w., ChrUtiaa D.
Larson.-- '" ' " -- - ' '
- ChristaeelphlaB Sunday. 10:30. 21 R.
Waahinguat et. -
First IMrlne Science 1T1 12th., cor. Alder
Ber. 'i-naaoene at. Hiaaro. ll.
MM L-J-r . .... v.. v.i-4 f I
w rrs'-oi s
Madame Malmberg ;
Before Open Forum
On Sunday Evening
Madam Alno Malmberg wUl Hi
speak at the Sunday Evening
Open Forum, Church of Our
Father, Broadway and Tamhlll,
Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Madame Malmberg Is a grad- t
uate of the University of Hels-
ingfors. Finland, and Is official-
ly representing the League of
Oppressed Nations.
In the morning service at 11.
the pastor. Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr..
will deliver the concluding ser-
men on Immortality, "The Proof
of Immortality and What It
Means In the World Storm."
Great Religious Meetings to
Begin in April; Portland
Plans Depend on Support.
Founded on the most stupendous
scale that the world has ever witnessed
In evangelistic work, plans are under
way for an immense Billy Sunday re
vlval In New York City.
A special tabernacle of huge propor
tions has been constructed at One
Hundrey Sixty-ninth street and Broad.
way. The services will begin the first
week In April, and will last Indef
This revival will follow that held In
Buffalo with great success, which was
preceded by revivals of phenomena
success In Kansas City. Detroit and
These last three cities mentioned
contributed 35.000., 40,000 and 3.000
converts respectively.
Biff Beamlts Expected.
Basing estimates on these figures.
there is little question but that Billy
Sunday will In New Tork convert at
least 160.000 people, and possibly
quarter of a million.
In either case, the most remarkable
evangelistic service, as far as conver
sions are concerned, will obtain.
The Ministerial Association of Port
land is negotiating with Billy Sunday
to hold a series of revival services In
Portland. If these negotiations are
successful, the series will probably bo
held some time In the spring of 118.
Whether or not he cornea deipends In
a great measure, not only upon the
spirit of Portland's religious bodies) In
regard to the project, but upon the
support of the civic organizations and
business men of Portland as well.
Financial Burdea Kaavy.
It Is necessary to raise a large sum
of money, as Billy Sunday Is essential
ly a business man. as well as a
er. He carries a company of from 75
to 100 people with him, and requires a
tabernacle of unusual sice to aocommo
date the enormous number of people.
Even the new auditorium would be too
small. Salaried singers are included
in his splendid chorusea, arid a compre
hensive accounting department accom
panies him. "
The unified action of Portland's
churches la being outlined, and the
matter is already under consideration
by the boards of the- different
Pendleton Pastor
To Leave Pulpit
Bar. Oharla Qulivney, for Tea Tears
Sector of Charch of the Bedeamer,
Is Oetttng- Along la Tears.
Pendleton. Or.. March J4. Rev.
Charles Qulnney, for 'the past 10 years
rector of the Church of the Redeemer
In thl city has tendered his Designa
tion to the re try because of advanced
years and falling health.
The resignation will go Into effect
not later than May 31 and In the ln
tertrim the vestry will secure his suc
cessor. Rev. Mr. Qulnney came here 10 years
ago from Virginia City, Mont. He has
been in the Episcopal ministry for 3S
yeara and is entitled to the benefits of
tne pension iuiiu uvin mcauiQ n
and service. Seven years of his min
istry were spent among the Indians of
Saskatchewan. He, and his wife are
undecided whether to remain in Pen
dleton. Case Involving Island Appealed.
Pendleton, Or., March J4. Colonel J.
n. Raley, local attorney, today received
notice that the Northern Pacific com
pany will carry the case of McComas
against the Northern Paclflo to the
United States supreme court on a writ
of review. The case, which Involves
ownernshlp of Switxlers' Island. In the
Columbia, was decided In favor of the
plaintiff in the circuit court and In the
state supreme court.
26 I jambs From 12 Ewes.
Pendleton. Or.. March 14. An In
crease of 20 lambs from 12 ewes, when
mutton and wool are soaring skyward;
Is the blessing that came to Frank
Frazler at his Tutullla farm. The
most remarkable feature of the In
crease, though, was the birth of trip
lets to four of 12 ewes.
Barracks Offered
By Salvation Army
Command st Evangeline Booth Also
places Industrial Xomii aad Kospl-
. tais at Disposal of Army aad Bavy.
New Tork, March I. (L N. 8.)
Commander Evangeline Booth today of
fered 900 Salvation Army barracks to
he war and navy departments for re
cruiting stations. They are located In
larce cities from coast to coast.
Two of the organisation's officers
left last night for Washington to dis
cuss the matter with Secretary Baker
and Secretary Daniels.
The Salvation Army's 121 Industrial
Domes and more than 100 hospitals In
its control -will be placed at tbe gov
ernment's disposal. They can be used
s hospitals.
Potatoes Shipped to California.
Woodland. Wash.. March 28. Two
cars of potatoes were shipped from
hers this week by Phillips ac Howarth.
local merchants and potato buyers, to
California,1 This shipment cleans np
all they have on hand, and reduces the
quantity to bo shipped front tho val
ley to possibly one ear, should all of
ferings be pooled. '
Prominent Clergymen, In
cluding Bishop W. T; Sum
ner, Will Be Speakers, -T
Jtea, Woman and Childrea Have Beea
Cordially Iarited to Be Present
to Hear Blrtiag-aiahsd Ireaders.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew f
the Episcopal church, which included
among its exponents such prominent
clergymen es the Rt. Itev. W. T. Sum
ner, bishop of Oregon, the Rt. Rev. Y.
W. Keator. bihot of Olrmnla: tha
Very Rev. E. H. McC'olUster. of Port
land; Rev. Thomas Jenkins, of Port
land; Rev. E. T. Simpson, of Corval
lis. and Rev. R. S. Gill, of Salem, will
hoia a series of noon-day Ienten ser
vices from April 2 to April 7, Inclusive.
Tne services will last from lt:l
to 12:30 at the Baker theatre. Men.
women and children have beea eordi
ally invited to hear the men above
mentioned, esch of whom will speak
on days allotted to them.
The sole object of the Brotherhood
or M. Andrew is to spread Christ's
kingdom among men. It works under
two rule-s, the rule of prayer and tha
rule of service.
It has about 12no active chanters la
this country and about 13.000 members.
The officers are Edward It. Bonsall.
Philadelphia, president, and Kranklin
S. Kdmondo. Philadelphia, general sec
retary. The brotherhood extends
throughout almost every part of the
Demand for Boy
Workers U nsupphed
Will F. Bpeneer, Chief of Kome-Placing
of Juvenile Court, Issues Call for
Tcmths of Weedy Pamlllee.
Boys of needy families, who want
work can get it. says Will F. Spencer;
chief of the home-placing department
of the Juvenile rort.
According to Mr. Spencer, there seems
to be a dearth of working boys between
the ages of 14 or 15 and 18, while nu
merous good Jobs are available almost
from day to day. Yesterday a re
quest came to his office for half
doxen boys of 16 or IS yeara and he
could not furnish one.
"Every day or so." Mr. Spencer said,
"this department is asked If we can
send a boy to a job. We have these re
quests from both out-of-town and la
the city, but there are many occasion
when we have to say that we know ef
no one to fill the Job.- ,
"If any boys looking for workr will
men 111' 1 1 n o auu i c 90tt n Hll
this department, we will be glad to
send them to employers whenever tbe
opportunity offers."
Marketing Scheme
For Fruitmen Aim
Willamette Valley Growers to Discuss
Flans at Albany Heat Wednesday;
Cannery May Be Built at Albany.
Organization of Willamette valley
fruit and berry growers with a view
to scientific and businesslike market
ing and processing of their products
is the purpose of a meeting to be held
et Albany Wednesday, arranged by
W. C. Wilkes, assistant general freight
ana passenger agent of the 8., P. tt B.
W. H. Paulhamus, head of tha
Puyallup & Sumner Krult Growers' as
sociation, one of the most successful
leadera of the cooperative fruit move
ment, will address a gathering- of
business men and growers.
A definite proposition is also to be
made for the establishment of a can.
nery at Albany, this being regardr
as the focal point of the Willamette
valley fruit and berry industry.
Mr. Paulharaoa will endeavor la
point out to the growers that they eaa
act together and dispose of their crops
on tne eastern ana otner markets at a
Will pw
for ihe
to heal
After an experience of 25
years, during which time 50
million Americans have used
Koodon 'a Catarrhal Jelly, the
manufacturers of this remedy
feel so sure that it will relieve
catarrh that they offer to pay
I or a cnance w prtrvc ii
to any catarrhal sufferer. They
announce that any resident -of
this community can go to almost
any drug store and get a com
plimentary trial can at the
expense of the rnanuiacturera.
If the druggist has no gratuitous
packages, the person may buy. a
25 cent tube witn uie unquaunea
trraderstatkding that if that first
tube does not do that person
more than a dollar's worth of
good, he or she can get their
quarter back from either the
druggist, or the Kondoa Com
Sny at Minneapolis. Over
,000 druggists know Kondon'a
Catarrhal Jelly is effective,
harmless, dean and pleasant to
apply and -they know tbe
Koodoo people will gladly live
?t to this offer "Quarter back
not worth a dollar.? Address