BRIEF INFORMATION (OOTH DAY OF ISM.) . Coming Events. AatwnbUe abow at La Grand . March IB, It and IT. . . OstUn and Bon Raiaera' AmocUUoo of Orj or usual eonrentluo at La Grand. April 24-28 National Educettoa AwocUtlon meeta Port land Inltr 7-14.. . Pacific Ooaat Claim Ageota ananal ceavea tlon. Portland. July 19, '9. 20. . Multnomah County txir from September 11 to la, at Oraanam..Or. Forecasts. Portland and vtetolty Ibnlgtot and Thursday wiulmil rain: nnthrtT winds. Oregon a ad Washington Tonight and Thnra- ear occasional run wm, wn ir , eonflierljr wtoda. Ida bo Tonight and Thnradar cloudy. Weather Oonditloiu. - mr MUtnrltanM haa move, to Iowa, nA th. .wiiiwMtm "bleb" baa shifted aootb- afward. tba centar UOa morning b1" r Colorado; this arrangement of atmospheric oondltkna, tocettior . with a dXreaae of pree- v cxtrem nortbweat and BrlUan '.rMnmhia- has rmulted tn nreclpltaition aloeig nnrth p.Mfln rout. In Wyoming. Ne- hra.k.. Tmduh and tba upper Mlaalaalppl Trjlpy. Tba weather la colder In moat of the Rockv mountain regkra and eorreapondlngiy tn ha MiuisHirvnl vallev and eaatward. Ti condition, ara favorable for occaalonal rain tonight ejid Thnraday In weatern Oregon and waatarn Washington, and for cloudy weath . ar aaat of tfca Caacade mountain. Tempera rm itunrH will not ' b. Important. Winds wlU be moatly southerly. T. FRANCIS DRAKE. Aaalatant Forecaatar, Observations. STATIONS Temperature baker, or . .. noeton. Maw. . . Buffalo, N. y... Chicigo. Ill Heaver, Colo. . Piilutb, Minn. . . Fureka, 11 Ftiwiv, C'nl Havre. Mont... Honolulu. T. H JackWJOTllle. Fin Juncun. Alaaka. Kanaaa City. Mo. Knoxrllle. Tenu. !a Antcelea. Cal. HanOifleld. Or. J llomphls, Tenn. Montreal. Que. . New Orleans. I.a New York. N. 1 N. Head. Wn N. Yakima. Wo. Oklahoma. Okla. Oroaiia, Neb... Pt. Angelea, W Portland, Or. . . Rad Rhiff, Col. Roacburg, Or . '. . RU Loula. Mo. . . Knit Lake. Utah San Franelaoo.. . Spokane. Wash. ' Tacoma. Waab.. Tarapa. Fla Tatooah I., Wn. VanooruTW. B. O, Walla Walla. W "Wablnrton, D.C SB n 24 22 to 42 ao 24 42 40 22 72 62 42 36 :to ofl 40 M 14 r.s 80 eo 42 40 an 40, 44 t 46 24 as 4 3 3 42 32 26 14 2 8 2 4 a 10 10 2 14 10 2 4 a 8 3 a r 4 4 14 4 2 4 2 22 4 4 8 3 1 CS j 12 3af 3 aal iS C2 i i ii - i i i i i i ii j . . , ... 1 i 80 82 28 4A RO 20 CO 4 84 76 CA 44 B8 46 79 r8 20 60 84 44 70 52 44 40 60 r.2 66 84 62 40 46 70 46 42 46 88 14 20 22 40 22 20 40 40 20 &' as' 28 o4 8A 49 8 S4 24 86 28 Ott 28 14 ii' 32 io' j 10 80 Afternoon report of preceding day 0 0 o o 0 0 .01 o o .06 0 .02 o o o '.06 .26 O o o .26 0 0 0 0 .OS o 0 o 0 0 o .02 0 .22 .08 0 0 Devenr oddoscA it. XJ M. lprer pro posed that tbs phrasai regarama; bane d stncKen oat, ana j tnerawpon me resolution was laid tba shelf. . Xom TsaTtlral BoaifflU A committee) composed of Frank B. Smith, 12. J. Jaeger and Charles F. Berg la . calling- upon SO persona suggested for Rose Festival board membership by a nom inating committee of! nine - members appointed b7 J. B. Warleia, president Of the Rose Festival auxiliary. The nominating committee has been asked to submit a list of z 4 candidates will ing to serve from which, with other nominations made from the ' floor. the 12 board members elected at a meeting of the auxiliary called for March 16, at 8- pi m. In the Ore gon building. afaiama XooaUgnf rWMlu The Ma. ntmas will enjoy a moonlight walk to night in the Washington -Park end Ar lington Heights districts. The crowd will assemble at Twenty-third and Washington streets at 8 p. m. and walk through Washington Park and over Arlington Heights along the ridge of the hill between Canyon and Barnes roads. The return to the city will b by the Barnes road; The distance is about five miles. Miss Nettle G. Rich ardson is the leader, Alderman On Way Home. City Bctiooi Superintendent Alderman, who attended the Kansas City meeting of the National Education association ex ecutive board, will return home Fri day, according to , advices received at his office today. 'Superintendent Ald erman has been spending a few days in Los Angeles surveying the' public school system there! while on his homeward Journey. Traffio Officials to Meet. Inequal itles in freight rates existing under the so-called . fourth-section of the interstate commerce act will be dls cussed tomorrow at a conference of traffic officials of Pacific coast rail ways. The meeting will be held either at the Transportation club or at one of the hotels. About 15 traffic of ficials of the various railroads will attend. j . Art of Judging Men. In the Wash lngton high school auditorium at 8 o'clock this evening. I Dr. Ernest H Lindley, professor of psychology in Indiana University, will give the first of two lectures on "The Art of Judg ing Men," which are Included In the Reed College free extension course on psychology in relation to business. The lecture is open to everyone with out charge. Open Meeting of Club. -The Alberta Commercial club held its regular monthly business meeting - Monday night and had a very large attend ance. It was decided to hold an Den meeting" at Alberta school bouse on Thursday, March 16. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and much good Is expected fori the district from the work of the clut). Meets Thursday Wight. Thursday evening the Oregon branch, National Pet Stock association, will hold the monthly business meeting at Central library. Room E. The association will hold a social meeting at the home?of Edgar Kline, 615 Chapman street. FULTONS MARRIED FOR FIFTY YEARS Ref erenduiii Sought In Franchise Case ' Mr. and Mrs. James Fulton. The Dalles. Or., March 7. Mr. and Mrs. James Fulton, pioneer residents of Oregon, had lived together happily for 60 years, Friday, February 23, and this date was the occasion of a celebration, which was held at the bis Fulton farm near The Dalles, and which was attended by representatives of three generations of the Fulton family. . Mr. and Mrs. Fulton crossed, the plaints with their parents when they were children. They have spent prac tically all of their lives in this sec tloru Mrs. Fulton Is 69 years of age and Mr. Fulton has Just passed his seventieth milestone. Among out-of-town guests who at' tended the anniversary celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Cal Collltts of Walla Walla, Ada Stone of North Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton of Sherman county and David Fulton of Portland. is a wide embankment overgrown with brush before one reaches the edge. Frequently the police receive com plaints of these gardeners driving in Eleventh street and going to sleep, their horses keeping in the car tracts and obstructing traffic. Teres! was married two months ago to Tenina Labua. whose parents live at 667 East Fifteenth street. Teresl's parents are said to reside at 708 Wood ward avenue. The body is at the public morgue, but an Inquest will not be held. POISON INTENDED FOR LLOYD GEORGE WAS EXTREMELY DEADLY (Continued From Peg Ova.) Heights, on Thursday. TOWN TOPICS will sxnlaln "Filibuster." Amer lea's preparedness for war will be dis cussed before tne rrogressivo ouo- . ness Men s ciuo at mncneuu m Multnomah hotel Thursday noon by Lieut-Col. U. G. MacAlexander of the United States army and inspector gen eral of the Oregon National Guard. Former United States Senator Charles W. Fulton will explain "Filibuster ing." Lieutenant E. T. Stretcher of the Oregon coast artillery, will pre tda. The club announces another of Its industrial excursions for Saturday, March 10, leaving the Multnomah hotel by automobile at 1:30 P. m. The Columbia Engineering Works and Portland Gas. & Coke company plant near Lipnton will be visited. Essay on Road Bonds. According to Senator W. D. Wood, of Hlllsboro, chairman of the committee In charge - of the Oregon good roads essay con test, much Interest Is already being manifested in the contest. A larg number of essays have been received, he said. The Judges of the contest are to be announced next week. It is the Intention of the committee to use tho essays as a basis for the argument for the JG, 000,000 road bonds in the state election pamphlet. The contest will close March 15, and winners of pHses will be announced March 25. Xane Resolution Tabled. A heated discussion at the East Side Business Men's club Tuesday followed the pre- - sentation of a resolution proposing - that the club go on record as favoring . a change in' the .senatorial rules to prevent filibustering and condemning Senator Lane - in his recent action against tha wishes- of President Wilson. Drs. A. M. Webster and A. . Ij. Bishop' were In favor of the reso lution and DaniKellaher and William V DoraeyB Steamship Railroad Tickets Bjcperlaaeed. Xafoxmatle i. Smith Tourist Agency US 3rd Utm reniaaav oa MALSTON & JACOBS SHOE REPAIRERS HAVE MOVED Now at TS Sixth St- corner of Oak; eat-a-eorner from WeUa-Fargp Bid. Formerly os Slit). St.. bet. Stark and Oak. Wa respectfully lnrite your trade at ear By .4. Mil ton. Succeeaar. new location. Portland March 15 Xetur on Photography The first of a series of lectures and demonstra tions In the recently) Inaugurated pho- tographio Instruction course of the Oregon Camera club was given In the club rooms to the members Tuesday evening. A lecture and demonstration of the use of soft or diffused focus lenses was given by !A. P. Milne. Will Give lectures. Mrs. Charlotte Weaver will give an illustrated travel lecture at the Rose City park church, East Forty-fifth and Hancock streets, at 8 o'clock Thursday evening. She will discuss Porto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, Alaska and the mountaineers of the south. The public Is Invited. Columbia, River Xlghway stage. Two round trips, Multnomah Falls to Portland, dally. ' Leave Multnomah Falls 7:S0 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. Leave St. Charles hotel, Portland, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Saturday and Sundav eve ning, leave Multnomah Falls 6:30 p. m. and Portland 11 p. m. (Adv.) Snow Delays Trains. Snow troubles on the Union Pacific railroad on Sun day caused the delay of trains arriving In Portland today. No. 6, due at 7 a. m., was reported, seven hours late, and No. 19 four hours late.. Other trains were delayed to a lesser extent. WU1 Speak on Reaalssaace. Miss Failing's lecture at I ths Portland Art association this wek Thursday, st 3:30 o'clock, at the Museum of Art. will' havo for its subject, "The Re naissance in Franca and Flanders." lecture on leadership 'Individ uals and Leadership" la the title of an address to be delivered before the Reed college students' assembly In the chapel Thursday morning; at 11 o'clock. The lecture Is open to the public. XlnTs JTewTurkln Baths, Board of Trade building. Fourth and Oak streets, the finest and most expansive baths in the northwest. Ws aim to please. Jack King, proprietor. (Adv.) Mali Clerks to Sanoe. A card danc ing party will be given on March 9 at 8 p. m. by the railway mailing clerks In Auditorium hall, ,2 OS Third street. Steamer Jessie Xtarktaa, for Camaa, Washougal and way landings, dally except Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock at I p.;ra. (Adv.) XHraclnr Carnival Thursday, serpen tine battle, human roulette wheel and prize waltz. Arbor Garden. 2nd and Morrison. Admission 10 c. Adv. Seaside, Or, Hotel Moore, overlook ing ocean, American plan; open all year, i (Adv.) Cumberland Bituminous buns Coal. 6.5Q per ton delivered. Bdwy 169. 853 Stark sc n (Adv.) CblropraoUo or Osteopathy There ara cuiierences; si treatments 116. fftsphssv Carrsr. la Effort to mToestloa of rraaefelsa by VXlwaa kU, Hag xau&ehd Referendum. Stephen Carver, promoter of ths Ore gon City-Portland Railway company, has launched ths referendum against the revocation of his franchise by the Milwaukis city council. The franchise was revoked recently on the ground that the railroad had not lived up to Its agreement "to maintain a gas or electric line." Sixty-five signatures must be obtained , in order io put the matter up to the vote of the people. Tomorrow is said to be the last day In which the signatures may be so licited. The question will not be voted on until the first Monday In December, It is stated. J. N. Hart, a Portland attorney. Is Interested m the referendum measure in behalf of the road. According to Information from Mllwaukt today. many protests have been registered as to ths manner of conducting the line at present. .A pacsenger automobile with trailer -and freight carrying equipment Is temporarily taking the place of the heavier rolling stock pro posed-' Formerly a steam engine was used, and spark from the locomotive are declared to have caused fires In buildings In Milwaukie. e Ths automobile vehicle runs bn standard gauge rails and covers the distance between Baker's bridge and Twenty-second and Powell Valley road. It is stated that Mr. carver is now seeking to float a $350,000 bond Issue for the installation of his ' proposed adequate line. House Collapses; Girl Is in Debris OUR ALARMS FAIL TO BRING FIREMEN SHOP AND' CONTENTS BURN Men Who Can Train . Recruits in Demand Reglaental Commanders on Border Asxsd to Ian 60 la Bach Command Cjoallflsdi Stay Bs Beaded UUr. - Washington. March 7, (U. P.) Willi a view of training an army of a half million men. If needed, ths war department has issued orders to regl- Tionhnnpfl Firfl Alarms MIS-' rofental commanders on tho bordtr ta r nranra Hats of CO men In each cow- linHPFStnod hv Firfimerii nand who could be appointed to of UIIUCIMUUU UJT , ,,y',,&,,f fleers places as high as captain to do Who Go to Wrong Address dence Of the extremely poisonous na ture of these drugs. Dr. Bernard Henry Spillsbury. path, ologist for the home office, corrobor ated Dr. Webster's testimony. He es timated that half a grain of the strych nine hydro-chlorate would be fatal, but e Lad there was no evidence of the exact amount of curare necessary to kill, as it was a rare poison, although known to be extremely deadly. Use of Poison Planned. Later the crown will connect the deadly poison-carriers with the de fense through Inspecotr Booth, who posed as a friend of Miss Alice Wheel don and became her confidante In the alleged plot, receiving the -poison, it Is claimed, from her. The crown is ready to prove by. Booth that Mrs. Wheeldon's plan, approved by her fellow-conspirators, was to use the curare on a dart, like rust, mixed with strychnine powder, shooting It with an air gun. The strychnine, it was planned, was to be administered by the mouth, although Us Injection was also recommended. Booth said. Mrs. Wheeldon, according to Booth, boasted that all would cause death In 20 minutes. Testimony adduced yesterday was to the effect that the conspirators, among whom Alfred Mason is an expert chem ist, known as a toxlcologist. planned to poison Lloyd George by a poisoned nail driven Into his boot while it was left outside the door of a hotel room for cleaning, and to do away with Minister Arthur Henderson by "penetrating his skull with a poisoned nail or dart." Berlin Reports on Submarine Victims Berlin, via Sayville wireless, March 7. (U. P.) "From March 1 to 8 re ports of submarines have arrived In dicating that ships totaling 204,000 gross tons have been sunk," the offi cial press bureau announced today. Berlin Press Lauds Filibuster Senators Xrftkal Anzelger Refers to Pre at dent Wilson as "Man of Big Ambition to leaks Power PelV Amsterdam, March '7. (TJ. P.) Senators Stone and La Folletts are lauded by the German press comments as "representatives of the best spirit tn America," according to dispatches received here today summarising German editorial views on the senate filibuster. As a whole, the German press re gards the filibustering senators' stand as proper In stemming "Wilson's un reasoning ambition," and in voicing the sober sentiment of the American people who "do not propose to Join the insanity of war." Bitter comment on President Wil son's inaugural address was made by the Lokal Anselger, which dubbed the president as a "megalomaniac" and declared his speech "desecrated" the national capitoL Philadelphia, Pa.. March 7. (I. N. S.) Firemen and policemen are desper ately clearing away the wreckage of a collapsed dwelling house here in hopes of saving the life of a 12-year-old girl, believed to be buried in the debris. Two three story brick dwellings collapsed today. All of the tenaniJ with the exception of the little girl are known to have escaped. ( Fund for Families . Of Patriots Raised Lo Angeles, March 7. (P. N. 8.) At a meeting last night of the Prac tical Patriots' league, an organization of prominent business men. $110,000 was subscribed to be used as a fund for the families of men in the naval service or men tn tralnlngg. Of this half was given by EX L. Doheny, presi dent of the league, who announced he would give dollar for dollar to ths total amount contributed. Misunderstanding of four tele phoned alarms resulted In the total loss by firs of a tool nous tiongin to the Portland Railway, Light t Power comnanr. at Grand avenue where crossed by the Southern Pacific tracks near the foot of Lincoln street, at an early hour this morning. Ths loss Is estimated at -about $150. s - Records of the fire department show that the first 'alarm was received at 5:30 o'clock; a Mrs. Ward of 409 Grand avenue telephoned at 5:86 o'clock; Pa trolman B. A. Waddell phoned at 5:40 o'clock and again at 6:46 o clock. A single, lonely fireman from engine company No. 7 reached the scene at 6:16, after tha structure had been destroyed. In ths meantime trucks anal other apparatus bad been sent to where the O-W. R. & N. tracks Intersect Grand avenue at Sullivan's gulch. Confusion , as to which railroad crossing on Grand avenue was meant prevented any at tempt at saving the building. . General Maude Promoted. , London, March 7. (I. N. a) Major General Frederick Stanley Mauds, commander of the British army that recaptured Kut-el-Amara and Is now driving the Turks back oh Bagdad, has been promoted to become a lieutenant general, ths war office announced today. training work. The promotions will b made only In ease of actual need. While the war department said of ficially there Is no move afoot toward raising a big army of volunteers it wishes to be prepared with sufficient tsalnlng officers should the emergency occur. At present ths army Is admittedly Ul-squipped to train any considerable number of recruits. Te PrsTsmt Ths Oris. Cotda esnw Qrj Laxatlra Broom Quinine vy more eaoaa. TKtm Is only en "BROMO QVl- 1K." K. w. Grawe'e anraatara a o. ac.- jar. - .Marine Corp .Officers Sought. Chlosgo, March 7. (L N. S.) Cap tain William Brackett. in charge of the naval recruiting station, has re- ! celved instructions from Washington to take up with heads of the western schools and academies having military training the question of drawing on the schools for men to bs trained as officers for the marina corps. It Is proposed to have those recommended by the schools commissioned as second lieutenants. DENTAL SKILL TRIED ATVTTV vv . AINU PROVEN It wtiat you need and what you win receive It you corns to this office. Every day the papers show ths im portance of aound teeth If you wish to preserve a aound body. - I will give you dental work that cannot be excelled and at Prices that will- prove extremely attract ive. Painless Extraction of TsetJa. Dr. B. E.- Wright North we at Comer f Sixth anal Washington, North weat Bldg. PhmM M.; 2119. A-2119 Office Hours 8 A, M. to 6 P. M. Consultation Fro. Italy Calls Xote a Fraud. ' Rome. March 7. (U. P.) An "Im pudent fraud" was the characterissa- tion of Austria's note to the United States, voiced In the newspaper Idea Nationals today. Practically the same attitude was shown by all of ths Italian newspaper comment. Change in Sleeper Service. The O-W R. N. Co. has announced a change In the operation of Its sleeper service as put on a short time ago between Spokane and Portland via Col fax. Hereafter ths car will run only between Portland and Colfax, Inas much as other cars already take cars of ths Portland-Spokane business. The car will leave Portland on No. 18 at I 7 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, returning Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays on No? 11. The change was made principally to allow more time for lata slsepers at Colfax. Mrs. Wilson Laid to Rest. Mrs. Effle J. Wilson, who died at the Good Samaritan hospital on March 3, left her husband. C W. Wilson, and three daughters and one son. Funeral services were held on Monday after noon at the Erickson parlors and in terment was In Douglass cemetery, Troutdale. Mrs. Wilson was born In Butte villa, Marion county, Oregon, July 11. 18(7. Two brothers ar A. J. Cone, of Salem, and A. H. Cone, of Portland. Mrs. Olive M. Edmlston, of Sherwood, Is a sister. is mirrored V tr in every garment XtK $7 that is made in eft g this establishment. V 2? Here you'U find weaves lg I and patterns that define F3 i good taste, and work- 3 3 manship that is trust- E3 i worthy. EH rail VI Step tip and 4Wl U order that pft I new Spring y5? I mSar THE VERY FINEST Player Piano For $450 THE EUPH0NA !M msa toJf&JT HORTHWCSTERN BANK BLDG. Nowhere can you equal the Euphoria Player Piano at its nrice. and that orice, when you carefully compare its tone and construction with other players, is exceedingly low. Simplicity, aurapnixy - and musical . quality abound in the tupnona, ana inc beauty of its construction, its design and its finish wi.l prove its high quality. So well do we know Euphona quality that we unhesitat inrrlv nlare our refutation in its keeoincr. You may trust fully to it for your musical satisfaction and pleasure,and know you are sale. ' $450 the price, with Thirty Months to pay. mw . 1 . 11 1 - Tour oia piano iaicen at iuii tsiuc. Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back Hmrranraimriniinmutnmn Brotherhood of American Yeomen K (PORTZdLR3 STAR BO. 48) The largest lodge in the United Spates admitting both men and women. POBTZJLB9 MJrauejnnlH'rt OTXR tlOOO. BECOME A MEMBER NOW! Oreat membership campaign now la progress. KTECZAZi SISPXBBATZOB. Social Psatuxs Unexcelled. For Information regarding rates and different policies phone or write Rose Blood. District Mana ger.804 E. 9th St, Phone East 77)0. Grand Opening LADIES' SUITS Ready to Wear or Made to Order SAVE 50 TIT in. l 11 .. r uuierences; si treatments $15. Dr. worn cats ana mattresses p1000- ABT SXZS A2TS WEIGHT. Bar Direct Prom Manufacturer. Blankets. Mattresses a a d Peathar Renovated. We do Custom Carding, j Crystal Springs Fimslimg Works 135 loth. Beer aider. hone BCala 9874 HERE'S A PIANO - BOGCTOBXTT STORAOB CO loe 4th at, at Washington. mm I is tn y.iai aki rrarnYiWIH CHVAB PRINTING CO BEN F.GREENE-HARRY FISCHER STARK STREET SECOND 1 Xet Vs Build Tour Catalogue Rlarfct. F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165. A-1165. Ad. Dancing Informal Tonight at beau tiful Cotillion hall for congenial people. Dr. B. C, Brown, Bye, Ear, Mohawk I ouuoing. (Adv.J 1 1 is aa i CAR AND DRIVER ARE CRUSHED IN 150-FOOT PLUNGE OVER CLIFF ? (OceUaoed From Page One.) - - ; mangled. The accident is supposed to have occurred around 3 or 4 o'clock this morning. The body was not en tirely cold, j Kay Rave Been Asleep. It la thought that Teresi. following ths custom of Italian truck gar deners, went to the produce depot of the Italian colony j at East Third and Main etreets some time during the night, and was returning home. -" Deputy coroner i Smith - was rum- mened. Ths morgue wagon was left at the foot of Cramp ton street and the body had. to be carried half a mils. An examination of the tracks In the Mreet above show that the automobile ran off the road and did not skid. t Sheer Drop of loo Peet. -. The pavements j Is flush with the ground.- there being C no restraining curb or fence on the outside, but the machine left the road at a point where there Is only a gentle carve, and there A PAGE AD in The Satur day Evening Post costs $5000 for one issue most costly in the world and most ef fective. We are using six pages this year $31,000 worth (the extra thousand is for the color page that comes out August 18th),. v i Think of the good advertising that the State of Oregon is get ting as the source of this delicious drink, AND it doesn't cost the state a cent. - In fact it makes a market for Loganberries and gives the grow ers a profit which they never had before. , Hurrah for Come here first or l&st, but be sure to come and judge for yourself bef ori pur chasing elsewhere. We are manufacturers of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments. Every garment made here on the premises in our own factory all the latest wanted styles and patterns. If we cannot fit you from our stock already manufactured ready to wear we will make you a suit to your In dividual order without extra charge our years of experience at your service. 5. .. Grand Opening Tomorrow Portland Cloak and Suit Manufacturers Cloaks Suit Skirts Dresses Second Floor, N. E. Corner Fifth and Morrison Suites 4-5-6. Ea trance 291 K Morrison MASON St HAMXJN PIANOS. PLAYER PIAN08, MUSIC ROIX& MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY Other Stores flan Pranclsoo, Oakland, San Joee, Raoramento, Angeles, San Diego and Other Coeet Cities. Lea RAISE Your Own Pay How, you ask. This way : Save SlOOO-rinvest it at 6. The in come will be $60 a year. This is a "raise" of $5 a month in your income. Why don't you give yourself that kind of raise every year? , LUMDERMEN5 National BaniS Fifth and Stark Reliable Dentistry Wa guarantee ear work for 10 fears. We will examine joor teeth free and tell jam ust wbat tier Teiiulra aad waat it will east. a 'Ma. laiUi Gold Fwealain Cold Filling;. Juice of the Loganberry PHEASANT FRUIT JUICE CO. Salem, Oregon . Tsa FHXEZ ea dry cereals Instead eg crease ....ts.a-ia.j .fl.OS aaa Ua Fall set of T4h for.M..M.M Palnleaa Fxtreetkxia........aOe Silver rnilcga ...SJ. t slv r Defsooal attention t all work. Br. Vavtaa BK. X. T. XTWTOV. Pres. Opaa Zvaaiaga Tatil is.. Boston I Painless Dentists' Batweea th aai Sth erl WaaUagtas St. - -5 THE (MED ARTISANS INSURE THE WHOLE FAMILY Spfcial Dept. for JaaSors ' i ! .- Fear vp-to-cUte Plane Adequate . Ra tes. , AsaeU Over Sl.100,000 Headquarters 608 Beck Bldg. Mam 1220 :'- I A-1112 Mb Mt a Household Word Teach the children to be thrifty. Habita formed in childhood are not apt to change in after years. The key opening box of ShxkoiA with more than fifty shines and a JSiiEOiA HOME SET - for polishing is an outfit txncqualled - f or economy and convenience. ' BLACK -TAH WHITE At all dealersTaks ae sabttltuts. SHIE wrni &SA AWD CAVE