The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 07, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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lVnrn 4 fl rT4-i -Pi n a 4- o
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Prison Term, Await y
Presidio Fire Hero
Collector Burke Stirs Up Hor
nets' Nest in Advocating
Passage of Lane Bill.
: r- ,
ntrnioAL id am twin cu
XII How Being- Prepared for Coasldera-
tloa T Congreas Moving- Custom
Headquarters to Astoria.
San Francisco, March 7. (I.
JJ. S.) Fred U N wsome, , pri-
vate In the medical corps, has a
certificate of merjt voted by
congress awaiting j him at the
Presidio, but If he laims It, be
will be arrested, 'will face a
I general court martial and proo-
ably will go to Aioairaz prison
for a period.
Newiome 'helped rescus one
of the children of General John
J. Pershing, when fire destroyed
the Pershing home at the Pre-
sidio a couple of years ago.
Corporal Walterj C. 8c ha us,
First company. Coast artillery
corps. Fort Barry Is given a
similar nedal fop the beroio
part he played In the fire.
" Astoria. Or., 'March 7. Thomas C.
Burke, collector of custom for Ore
gon, addresed the port of Astoria Com
mission and others Tuesday regarding
thei proposed changes in customs laws
af fettnj, the mouth of the river. Col
lector Burke explained in his talk
What the effect would be of the repeal
of sections of the federal statutes
Which now compel vessels entering
May we show you something
Different In Veils!
Come to the .Veiling Depart
ment . We shall not tell you
what they are. You must come
and see them. But fust a
hint they are Van Raalte Veils
Pictorial Review
Make their Portland
home on our 2nd floor
C Merchandise of cJ
Merit Only
Sewings-Machine will do
your Spring sewing better.
SI Down SI Week
Second Floor.
Artists Do Our Picture
Framing to Your Order
And you'll note the differ
ence between our framing and
the ordinary framing! A most
wonderful collection of nevr
mouldings has just arrived!
Sixth Floor.
Here's an opportunity to save HALF and more!
750 pieces of hand-painted CHINA at 69c
the Columbia rtver to file their mani
fests at the custom house here. There
Jibs been much opposition to the bill
here, as It Is claimed that it would
eliminate Astoria as a port of entry.
Astoria Wants Keadanarters.
' At its last meeting the port com
mission authorized its attorney to pre
pare a bill to be presented to congress.
moving the headquarters of the Ore
gon 'custom district from Portland to
Astoria. The bill is now being pre
pared and will be sent to Washington
The session of the port commission
developed into a heated discussion oi
the subject between Collector Burko
: and G. C Fulton, attorney for the
Mr. Burke stated that he was it
. Jfiiend of Astoria and said it was ridic
ulous to contend that the bill lntro
duced recently by Senator Lane would
eliminate Astoria as a port of entry.
He said the measure was Introduced
- for the purpose of eliminating obstruc-
. tions to commerce in the river and that
commerce could be brought to the river
only by Portland and Astoria cooper
ating. Pulton Attacks Portland.
Attorney Fulton said Portland
In Writ of Mandamus Courts
-Are Told to fjroceed With
Work or Show Reason.
I II I ?Tfc I
j rrortaa.ll II
Every piece is of fine imported Feldt
pat hie china
Every piece worth double and many
worth three and even four times 69c. .
Included are salad bowls fruit bowls cake plates bon
bon dishes syrup jugs milk jugs chocolate pots- -mayonnaise
bowls marmalade jars celery trays ice
bowls teapots sugar bowls creamer cracker jars
mint sauce boats and comb and brush trays
Better plan to come early, for the choicest plums have
a habit of going first ! Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Salem. Or.. March It. In a writ of
mandamus, issued Tuesday by Chief
Justice McBrlde of theisupreme court,
the county courts of sMarion and Polk
counties are directed to proceed with
the construction of aj bridge over the
Willamette river at Salem or appear in
court at noon March $7 to show cause
why they have not done so.
In this manner, the long-drawn-out
Marlon-Polk county bridge controversy
is being brought to a head. D. A. White
and Pinckney Bros, are plaintiffs in
the mandamus proceedings. They are
represented by Attorneys McNary &
It Is contended that a bridge is a
part of a county highway and the coun
ties can be compelled! to keep It in re
pair. As the Salem bridge has been
condemned as unsafe,' the purpose is to
force the Immediate construction of a
As fair as Spring herself!
Blouses of silk 0 QO
you'll appreciate H--ii70
There's something "different" and "inter
esting" in these blouses, you'll recognize tlie
instant you see them ! Crepe de chine of a
very, very good quality, is the material the
colors flesh, black, navy and white." Hem
stitched on the deep collar and cuffs.
And best of all these waists
are made specially "blousey."
Third Floor, Lipman Wolfe St Co.
ciaimeu crean .or ail u 'f MW bridge, with the cost to be as
the Columbia river. He cited that a e8Sed to R counties In proper
lumber vessel with over 2.000 000 feet Uon t tnelr assessed valuation.
oi lumoer ianen on at. at. jieiens anu
Wauna with only a small amount from 1
Portland, was Cleared from Portland.
Jle said that at no time has Portland
f been a friend to Astoria. It had en
deavored to minimize every movement
Ijere, and now even tried to discredit (
the Dort bv takintr awav the last ves- 1
i tlge of Us customs regulation. . I
He claimed that the custom house
in Astoria is a disgrace while the Port
land office is a "glittering palace." He
said Astoria was Justified in making
a ight to get the customs headquar
ters removed to the . mouth of the
.Kemoval of Forest
Office Is Planned
'Bsadqnartsrs of Whitman Katlonal
Xeservs WU1 Be Changed to Baker
" Owing to Lumber Business There.
J Baker. Or.. March 7. Removal of
the 'office of the Whitman national
forest from Sumpter to Baker will
start this week, the office recently
leased here having been remodeled and
, made ready for occupancy,
z The office has been located at Sump
. ever since the forest reserve sys
i tern was Inaugurated and the change is
made for the' reason that the greater
part, of the business now consists in
the sale of lumber, and Baker is the
place where the business has to be
handled in any event, as there are no
tanking facilities In Sumpter.
The change of location brings to
Tlaker two national forest offices,
headquarters of the Minam reserve
having been maintained here for sev
eral years, with Ephraim Barnes as
Both counties have raised money for
a new bridge, but ithe two county
courts have failed to agree on the type
of bridge to be built. The highway
commission prepared plans for a steel
-bridge. j
State May Compel
Hospital to Vacate
Salem Association Must let Contract
for Haw Building and Paj Bent to
People or Surrender Premises.
Salem. Or., March j 7. If the Salem
Hospital association! does riot let a
contract for a new hospital building by
May 1, the state board of control will
request the attorney! general to bring
proceedings to oust the association
from use of its present building, which
was condemned- and purchased by the
state a year ago.
This was decided by the board Tues
day when Governor i Withycombe and
State Treasurer Kay put through a
resolution providing that if the hospi
tal association has let a contract bv
May 1 it may continue to occupy the
present building until the new one is
reaay Dy paying a rental or J125 a
month, or 6 per cent on the state's
; investment.
j Secretary of State Olcott offered as
a substitute to this motion the resolu.
tion adopted by the Joint ways and
means committee of the legislature,
which directed the board of control
j to instruct the attorney general to
bring ouster proceedings within 6J
! days if the hospital association did not
I relinquish the property within that
time. Withycombe sand Kay refused
to accept the recommendation of the
ways and means committee.
What woman has not
longed for one of these
Smart Cretonne
Shopping bags $1.49
Just for one day do we offer these new
bags at this exceptional price, which s
fless than you can make them!
The colorings are simpiy beautiful and
the combinations of soft shadings have been
accomplished by needlework artists. Both
hoop and straight bar styles, at the same
price, $1.49!
Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
The price of all MOD ART CORSETS
will advance April 1st!
Women who delight in wearing Modart corsets will be glad. to
have this advance information, in order that they may buy for fu
ture needs!
The present selling prices range from $3.50 to $15.00!
Stocks are remarkably complete more complete than they've been for a
long, long while! Let Our expert corseticies show you just which model
is best suited to your figure ! 4th Floor, Lipman, Wolfe fc Co.
$1,650,000 Freighter
Sold to Cimard Line
Highest Price for lk Vassal oa Pa
cific Coast Xa Given for Boat Under
Construction In San XTaaciaco.
San Francisco, March (P. N. S.)
At a price reported -to be $1,650,000
the highest price ever paid for a
freighter on thi coast a 12,000 ton
i vessel under construction at the Union
Iron Works has been sold to the Cunard
line of Bngland, it became known in
hipping circles today. This1 makes the
third freighter purchased by the Cun-
, ard line from the Union Iron Works,
the, first of which will not be com
pelted for six months.
Recently it was reported the Cunard
line had $100,000,000 to spend for
American-built ships. The purchase re
ported today makes $30,000,000 worth
of 'vessels under construction for the
Cunard line on this coast.
; ?
Annual Conference
I Of Y. W. C. A.Held
I Monmouth. Or., March 7. The an
nual T. yt.C A. conference of west
ern WilTametto valley schools was held
at 'the Oregon normal school last week
nd. About 60 representatives from
normal association, which has an en
rollment of 75. The program Included
falks by the following: Miss Fam
feam, dean of women at Pacific col
lege; Miss Isabelle Grover, of McMinn
"ylUe college; Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean
f women at the University of Oregon;
Miss Jessica Todd, dean of women at
th Oregon normal school, and Miss
fcess Owens, of the pallas high school.
Seaside Civic Club
Seaside, Or., March 7. The Seaside
Civic club gave a house warming Mon
day night in its. newj quarters on West
Broadway.- The bulldins- Is owned by
Clyde Mason, who donated Its use to
the club for three years. After games
and refreshments, speeches were made
by President Clarence Frost, Clyde
Mason and Captain Foster. Mr. Mason
spoke on the' war situation and a stand
ing vote was taken to send resolutions
to President Wilson backing up all his j
actions ana Diuerijr condemning op
posing senators. ;
Army Camp Bonds
Are Declared 0. K,
- i
Tacoma. Wash., March 7. (U. P.)
The last obstacle to condemning land
for the 70.000 acre army camp at
American L&jse was swept aside Tues
day when, thesuprerrie court at Olympia
handed down a decision approving the
$2,000,000 bond issue.
J. T. S; Lyle, special counsel for
the county, will begin, immediately
the preparation of the condemnation
suit by which the land Is to be ac-
The court's decision was unanimous.
Wardrobe Trunks
The Standard of America
When , you travel
with anj Innovation
Wardrobe, it's for
all the U world like
traveling' with your
own dresser and
clothes press!
Every Innovation
trunk is backed with
the ironclad Lipman
Wolfe guarantee!
Sold in Portland
only at Lipman,
Wolfe & Co.
Sub-Basement, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Ready! New skirts
And 3 to inches longer
than they have been!
The barrel silhouette, trie jupe
tonneau, graceful pleated affairs,
smartly tailored skirts Oh, we
cant' tell you how many individ
ual styles there are!
Khaki Kool, chiffon taffeta, gay
stripes, novel plaids, cathedral
check silks, as well as the al
ways fashionable serges, poplins
and gabardines, in colors and
combinations that are truly mar
velous. Come! See these newskirts
there isn't anything in town like
them and the prices are only
$6.45 to $15!
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolf Sc Co.
New style' notes in
Envelope chemise
Marvels of daintiness, splen
didly cut to fit without pulling or
bagging here and there.
Af 79c are longcloth chemise,
trimmed with lace insertion and em
broidery medallions, ribbon drawn.
At $1.19 are fine nainsook chem
ise, with organdie and embroidery
insets, lace and embroidery edging.
Af ,S1.69 the prettiest nainsook
chemise, with unusually fine laces,
French grey organdie medallions,
and featuring empire, round and V
necks. And at SI. 98 they'retsimply love
ly too many styles to attempt to de
scribe; so you must see them for
yourself !
fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co.
Half-tailored Spring suit for GIRLS
Have made their first appearance on the 4th Floor
Modestly priced at $22.95
How difficult it often is to tind good, up-to-date styles that are
becoming to girls and misses! These particular suits will more
than come up to your expectations for there isn't a girl in the city
that wouldn't be pleased with one of these serge or poplin suits, in
navy4blue, desert sand or mustard.
Just a word about their style points the jackets are fashioned with
deep yokes, from which narrow box pleats fall gracefully, carefully
belted in at the waist line. SJrirt is correctly full, and the only trim
ming consists of the new fancy silk stitching and buttons.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf Sc. Co.
"There's something different-
very different about the
Lipman-Wolfe HATS"
Just one of the remarks the writer over
. heard in the Millinery Salons yesterday. (
It may have been the great assemblage of hats as a whole
that inspired the remark or it may have been the very strik
ing wide brimmed tailleur model of black lizere, which she had
just that moment donned (and which she afterward purchased)
but whichever it was, she was completely won, and a glance
around showed her enthusiasm was fully shared by the others
.who were in the Millinery Salons looking and buying!
Every woman who has watched the Millinery
situation knows she must look to this stbre for the
new style ideas first I Right now there is an en-
tirely new style ide) ready to be given out watch
for its announcement in our advertisements the,
next few days I
Our windows hold much that is of interest to every woman.
Third Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co.
19C MEN , For the Famous
Notaseme sox
Which means a clear saving of many cents a pair, because
the mill sent us these sox which did not pass the close inspec
tion of the grader 1 The slight imperfections will not injure
the wear or looks of these sox.
They're made with double spliced soles, heels and toes.' The
colors are black, mode, grey, garnet, navy, natural and white. In
all sizes. First Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co.
ijjBmmmmmmM! f
f 111 Grape-Nuts
ni l' -IS RtCOCNl2R I m
I i: ansa food ofb I
-i ! ' H I ' flavor no III
f Jill'; : rxcwnoHftiKoot III -
' ' lift ',finH HI
One Can Edt Spuds
Every Single Meal
On Beach 'at Waikiki
San Francisco, March 7. (P.
N. S.) Potatoe are 140 a ton
In Hawaii.' In i Honolulu they
can be bought by the pound at
the rate of 12
Is no shortage
any part of the
a sack. There
of potatoes in
This news wis brought here
today by passengers on the
Matson liner Manoa. Louis von
Tempsky. a cattleman of Maui,
said potatoes grow rapidly in
the sandy soil j of- the islands
and that they 1 might just as
well be shipped to San Fran
cisco, but sugaif. fills the holds
of steamers bound hence.
' The retail price of potatoes In -Honolulu
Is a little more than
one-third of the retail price- In
San Francisco. I -- - v -
Huck Towels 20c
The great big kind that will
stand all sorts of wear ani .
laundering the kind that will
pay you to buy" iy the -dozen.
Note the size. 19x42 inches!
Economy Basement.
Xdp&ian, Wolf ft Co.
Now comes by far the greatest sale of
SERGE DRESSES we've ever held
Table Cloths $1.25
The finely mercerized, high
ly finished damask cloths,
that you and erery honaewtfe
will feel proud to own. 64x
72 Inches is the size of these
splendid cloths.
Zoononty Basemen,
XJpmaa, Wolfe ft Co.
There's a mighty interesting story back of this great
purchase and sale but the dresses themselves are even
more interesting; so 'we're going to give them all the
space I
The pictures tell you more about the styles than could a whole
page of words but the serges ah! you must see them and feel
them to really appreciate their extraordinariness 1 You never in
the world would imagine that such serges could be put into dresses
at such a low price and it couldn't be if the maker hadn't taken a
decided losl
Ordinarily we would have been glad to have bought these
dresses from the maker for a good deal more than S7.95.
Because of their extremely low price, wc will reserve the right to
limit the number sold to any one customer, and we will accept tie
phone or mail orders. None will be exchanged 1 None on approval !
See the window on Alder street tonight ! ,
Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolf St Co.
Sale TRIMMED HATS at $3.95
An event that will win scores of new
friends for the Basement Millinery Section I
There are all straw models some of straw and satin combined,
and others of ribbons I- Hats that have every right to demand a
much higher price !
, Economy Basement, Lipman, Wolfe St Co.
i n m i
Up! Up! I UPllt
Goes King Cotton
DOWN l Down 1 1 Dovn!!!
Go prices of these
BUT the price is lowered just
for one day only ! So be on hand
early Thursday morning and sup
ply your wants for the season to
Extra heavy,. linen finished and
free from the usual dressing. All
are perfect.
72x90 inches 79c
81x90 inches. . ... . .89c
Pillow cases of the same 00
heavy quality, 45x36 in. 23c
Second Floor, Lipman, Wolf A Co.
Is a charming et J 1 AQ
for mornings. . .
Not the conventional, cut-and-dried
apron, but the dainti
est jacket and skirt setou ever
.saw I Some are in plain colors,
while othersare of the freshest
looking black and white per-?
The Jacket and bottom of the
skirt are In deep scallops,
bound with black and white
and all white pipings.
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co.
For the baby!
Crib BlanketsOQ v
One Day Only OJC
The softest, downiest little-blankets
that you can imagine! Pinks and bines,
with amusing nursery designs, that will
Interest the baby when be grows a little
Full size, 30x40 inches. And, re
member, one day only at 3c!
Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co,
d' r ... - r
j -... ' it