THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 18 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917. PORTLAND. OREGON. i f ISS GRACE DE GRAFF ANSWERS CRfTlClSMS i OF DAN J. MALARKEY Statements Declared to Have Been Based Upon Misin formation, fShe Declares, VIEWS ARE WELL KNOWN Vsae AATOeate Bay Sha Xs Opposed ' V to War ul Honors Praaldant for . " ' Xaaplac V Out of War. .-" JftVapaptr Quotation of Attorney. Dan NMalarkay as saying that Miss Oraca -D G principal of tb Ken ton achobi, wag making "spineless Americans" of her pupils through the hrourht forth a -statement from Miss 'AAAAaMAAAAAAiAiAAAiiAAAJUST IN'THE WORLD ALMANAC 1917," 35c BOOK SHOP, FIFTH FLOOR aM.U iMV414'4.1444144'.11? Corset Demonstration by "ftEFERN0 Expert 1 The newest models in Redfern Corsets for Spring and Summer wear have been received. An expert "Redfern" corsetiere is here to fit you. Corset Shop, Third Floor. MEN! Why Not Plan to EAT LUNCH HERE DAILY? A delicious, wholesome luncheon, daintily and quickly served here Priscilla Tea Room, Ninth Floor; Dutch Room, Ninth Floor j Soda Fountain, Mezzanine. The Quality' Sto e or PORTLAND Goldsmith BASEBALL GOODS 1-3 Off "Old" Prices A complete line of this famous make of base ball foods including bats, gloves, mitts, masks and all accessories. On sale at one-third off "old" prices. Basement Balcony. Learn to Knit, Crochet and Make Lace and Lamp Shades iur free classes of instruction are under best direction Knitting, Mme. Chundelah, 10-12 and 1-6; Lace-making, Miss Bode; Lamp Shades, Miss Pearson, 9-12 and 1-6, Second Floor. t Our Greatest Sale ot tarts pa O raff a to her views, following .v )iinnt of correspondence be tween Mr, lJlarkey and Miss Uo Graff.- Miss ,Da draff wrote to Mr. Ma- larkey to Inquire . if he was cor-rxtiv- auotd In cVaracterlzlnjr' her with other well known peace advo ntH ""traitor" sind to ask how he could speak authoritatively of her school without having rirsi nana m formation or having visited the achdoL Jn, reply Mr. Malarkey said he was . incorrectly ouoted and that he did not call-Miss Xe draff or any other pacifist a "traitor." mead of Ultra-Pacifism, . "I did, however, lnclade you among those il named as betng typical of the pacificist class I was criticizing," wrote Mr. Malarkey, "and in naming you referred to th? fact that you wer n-prominent teacher in our public schools. "I did not undertake to say In my remarks to what extent you ex pounded your views on patriotism or peace or preparedness in your scnooi work. . But I will say that I havo , heard many times, -rand I think 1 read it in Portland, papers, something substantially to the effect that your ultra pacifism went so far that you disapproved of the children march ing. In and out of school for fear such marching would inculcate a military spirit:" . Mlsa De Graff discusses this mat . ter .In the following letter to The -Journal: . MCalarksy Information Discussed. Editor of The Journal: Will you accept my appreciation of your edit orial . In Thursday's Journal on the Jtnjolsm", In the land today? In a recent morning paper It was Stated that Mr. Malarkey said I was teaching "a doctrine of untold injury" In the public schools. As Mr. Malar key has not visited my school, I im mediately wrote him. : i Yesterday his reply came. I Mr. Malarkey evidently, based his re marks on an article in a morning paper last . year In which a woman who lives In Kenton school district, but who at -that time had never sent - h Awn-chilli to R nuhltn nrhnnl tnvA h!1 ODlnlon about rhlldron mnrcliln? ' . When' criticism was directed against v m because of her opinion, the teach ers and I asked her. to correct the im pression that Kenton school was . meant. She refused, her judgment . tbein( that no one who read the article . could think she meant Kenton school or roe. Cannot Change Course. I thought that the crftlcism could not be sustained by the public, be cause anyone who thinks knows that - no teacher can eliminate any subject from tha school course.;' Subjects . taught are prescribed by state law or ' - rules of the school board according '.o law. I, .also, thought tnat any one who wished to be fair would investigate. I found that true. Greatest This Town or the Entire West Has Ever1 Known 3 : A - : : : : , New Shirts Just Received . in a Huge Purchase 12,000 I -t- i On Sale Thursday at Unprecedented Low Prices I ' te ill w We Brought n Ab '' il ' flirP illljr How we brought the seemingly impossible to pass ;how in the face IJMiMwclr) 2. PflnSi Amt$j of merchandising conditions such as the world has never known we XJ!ill5ISILl 4 . lAii&ii&mr IS . 3 mm Just In New Lorgnettes Latest Styles and Mountings A larte shipment of handsome lorgnettes has just been received ster ling silver, gunmetal, gold-filled and zylonite lorgnettes in latest designs. Moderately priced $2 to $10. t Our Optical Shop is equipped with the latest instruments and equip ment, ana we .nave irainea emcient optometrists to examine your eyes. Lenses duplicated from pieces. Optical Shop, Balcony, 6th St. How we brought the seemingly impossible to pass ;how in the face of merchandising conditions such as the world has never known we have been able to launch a sale of such magnitude, such epochal sig nificance, as would have created a furore at any time in the history of shirt-selling space would not suttice to tell in full. But the proof, the grandest evidence of our supreme success, is herein the form of one thousand dozen crisp, new arrivals from one of Amer ica's foremost manufacturers of high-jrrade shirts. These ate the famous "Artistic" brand. and the Artistic label, is full assurance that every shirt is faultlessly cut and tailored, perfect in fit and workmanship, and absolutely fast dye. To win the rood will of the zreat Meier & Frank store, and to establish a basis for future business dealings between the two concerns, this great purchase was con- summated. Twelve thousand new and perfect shirts for Spring and Summer wear have been received, unpacked and marked at prices that should induce every man and every woman who buys for a man to purchase liberally in this tremendous money-saving disposal. ALL SIZES TO FIT MEN OF EVERY BUILD. ALL OF THESE SHIRTS HAVE SOFT CUFFS. iSI Are You Looking for A New Spring Suit? Almost every woman is thinking of a new Spring suit these days and hundreds of them are finding just what they want here. Thursday we will show some charming new styles in SERGE, BORELLA CLOTH, TWILL, WOOL AND SILK JERSEY AND GABARDINE suits. Many are in the popu lar sports models. Norfolks are smart and good, and suits in plain straight lines of hard surface materials have come to stay. Good colors are black, navy, Copen, gray and all the high sports shades. In -sizes from misses' 16 to women's 54. Priced $17.50 to $65 Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Some real soldiers fh the city, those' who were at the battle's front during1 therCivii war, and seme ladies from j the W. R. C. did Investigate, and were tatlsried with what I was teaching' and the conduct of the school. The' children at Kenton school do not march; into the building in the morning or . Out at dismissal, the same as in hun dreds of other schools in the United States. There are several reasons for this, which I will be glad to give to ' anyone Interested, but there would oe j aa little reason In abandoning march- I n v .... j4lm.'At V. . . 1 J I march as there would be in abandon- 1 2 ing eating because soldiers eat. I will ; state, that I have never used mill-1 tarv' dlsciDline in m v work onvr- i ,lng a period of 16 years, excepting one! year, when it was required. In othr I - schools . it , was not required an l i 1 I never ound it necessary. I do not I relieve- in it, except where it prop-j efljr belongs, 'and I have my reasons , ,tor;my belief, which I am unafraid to . give at any time. Teaoher Oppose to War. ; I am opposed to war. I believe the - president has honorably kept this I county out of war and I hope it will be I ' possible for him to continue to do so ' , I have spoken publicly too manvi. .limes to need to state what the men , and ' women, with whom I am identl-I ' Tied,-nd Who are organized in 21 countries of the world, are working ! for to find a way to abolish war 1 through international agreement. My lovaltv to the children of America to!i th nmaldent. for whom T votori Wcaue he wants to keep America at' peace so mat sne can te ready to help 1 4 ltv ine reconstruction or ,Kurope, and 1 xf Tnv r.niintrv ara wpII trnrtwri t n nsus wu s welcome. I I- feel that an apology is due you for ! this, lengthy explanation of my own opinions, for I have digressed from my purpose of expressing my appreciation or your . xairminaea editorial, to an-) awering a statement which resulted from gOsslp. . The public has been and will be wel. come to visit my classes at any time. -' r - f GRACE DeGRAFF. 704 Lovejoy St. 1 $1.50 Shirts for ,j : j . . : 97c It has become almost impossible to secure first quality shirts to sell around the dollar rnark shirts a man will delight in wearing. We take special pride in offering to our pa trons thousands of these smart new shirts, every one of which is a good 1.50 value, for only 97c. They will wear as long as any man could expect, and keep their good looks to the last. You can judge of the quality when we say that materials ' include such standard fab rics as fancy Isoisettes, crepes, madras and handsome mercerized cloths. All have soft French cuffs and there is a world of attractive patterns. All jsizes. $2$2.50 Shirts TYl7 lo(jj fl V t More than five thousand of these spotless new Spring 1917 shirts in beautifui patterns and color combinations without end. Neat plain and effective combinations of stripes a bewilderingly beautiful assortment. Such rich-looking and serviceable materials as woven cheviots, fancy woven striped sbisettes, luster cloths, crystal crepes, woven madras, fancy Oxford cloths, etc. Think of choosing from thousands. of these fine new $2.00 .and $2..50 shirts in this sale at $1.37. Buy a year's sup ply it will prove one of the best investments you ever made. All French cuff styles. All sizes. $3.50-$4 Shirts $n O T Men and women who see these shirts so rad ically sale-marked will admit that the values are simply unparalleled! This great group is made up of wonderful new fiber silk shirts in an endless array of desirable patterns 'and col orings. The best quality of fiber silk enters into these shirts and fiber silk, you know, whilst having the appearance of pure silk, will ordinarily give even better service. Pat terns include striking designs in self-materials and figures combined with stripes tff plain blue, black, lavender and combinations. All made with soft turned-back' cuffs and all. sizes are included. $2.20 Scrim Curtains $1.60 Good quality scrim curtains, prettily cdped or made with plain hems and bands of filet insertions. Attractive new cur tains to freshen your windows for Spring special, pair $1.00. 35c Chintz, Yard for Only 28c Chintz in many quaint and artistic designs. In attractive striped, Japanese, Indian and futurist ' patterns. On sale for Thursday only at, yard 28C. Drapery Shop, 7th Floor Stranger Is Sent ,; To State Hospital riallas. Or, March 7. A stranger, James- Eaton. 45 years old, was found wandering aimlessly in the rain at Air lie Sundry and was taken into cus tody 'by, Deputy Sheriff T. B. Hooktr. Today he was committed to the state hospital fOr' the insane at Salem. Eatn claimed- he - was a native of Canadt, and that he came to Polk county from Portland about two months ago to work Sn'the quairy of; tho Portland Cement company at Bridgeport. - . :From papers found In his pockets r la believed jto be the owner veral lots In La Angeles, - , EXTRA! $2.00-$350 Flannel Shirts : i : r Z : : : V : ; 1200 New All Wool and Wool Mixed Shirts Pa F7 New Welworth Blouses $2 ONE ILLUSTRATED For Thursday's, selling wc have two delightfully new models in our popular "Wel worths." Fhc one illustrated is of fine voile with rcvers and collar edged in lace. The other has a touch of or gandy embroidery and lace edging, with large hemstitched collar. "Wer worths'axeuriquestionab!y the best blouses you could buy at $2. Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. ma 7- r5 rrrz a witn muttary or Low Collars Attached cJ5 JL o4t u . . , We will m?.tch the values in this sale of flannel shirts against any we have ever known! Many of these shirts go in this sale at LESS THAN) PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES and every shirt, without exception, represents a decided saving. There are all-wool and wool-mixed flannel $hirts in heavy, medium and light weights. A goodly! number made with two flap pockets, some with double turn back cuffs for dress wear, others for out-of-doors fishing, hunting, work-shirts, etc. in fact, a flannel shirt for every occasion and need. Colors include Tight and dark gray, khaki, oliive, blue gray mixtures and navy blue. Most of these shirts are single-breasted styles, but there are a few doijble-breasted shirts in navy blue. All sizes to fit all men. " t Sale Begins Promptly at 9 A. M. Extra Selling Space, Extra pople See Our 4 Great Windows at 5th & Morrison Corner r "; -T! 3 " v ' " IrT :7"! H"- . - Men's Furni$hints Shop, AUin floor Otttttmti TT?VTTTyTTTTTyTTTTTTTTtTTTyTVTVTTTVTTVf t? TTTTVT? t; 7TTT? TfTTTTUM ttty?yyTTvwf TTTTVTf VT 1 1 y '? y y f 'f t ? i v t y f ' y f y T TT T y f T t y ? y y y y '? ? f f f f y t ? t i t y i y y y'y y t t y 1 1 a y y y y y ? y y y y y y r y ? y Salesp 49-tb. Sack Flour $1.95 Advance brand, good fam.Iy Raisins, Not-A-Seed VkC flour, 49-lb. sack $t.9S. Jt dozen $-60. Pck- Poanut Buttar. freshly made stricl- p.S.4 Monte, halves nr ly pure, none dehvered, lb. lZc. s,icedf No , cans doz $, Vanffla Eatraet, Burnett's "Nu.f tne can iQc Said," 4-oz. bottle 57c, 2-oz. pears, California, one of bottle 29c the best brands, dor. $1.95, 3 Coffe. Victor Blend, freshly roast- f0r 50c, can 17c ed, popular 30c grade, the lb. old Dutch Cleanser, child's bank 25c ' free with every purchase of four Cream of BarUy, sample package cans at 30c free with every purchase, pkg. Soap, Crystal White, delivered only ' jg with other groceries, to bars 39c f CO-OPERATING WITH THE PARENT-TEACHER ASSN. Yellow Com Meal, No. to sacks .priced at 35c Ground Chocolate, strictly pure, . 1 -lb. package 19c. . Codfish, best quality Alaska, 2-Ib, brick 27c . , .'Ninth Floor, nfth Street t t p