17 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917 REOPENING OF WASHOUGAL CON DENS ARY TO- BE AN EVENT Edited by Hymaa H. Cobem POTATO MARKET IS M; INDICATIONS POINT TO A CHANGE Congestion in the East Not So Seri ous, and Some Small Purchases Are Made; Farmers Freely Offer ing at $2.50 and $3.00 Per Cental Ths potato market continues very wesk Affair slong the wholesale wir, with aale Aj jobbers to retailers at IZ.j032.7J gene-ally for ordinary quality. Tor fancy shipping stock there. Is a very avail amount of buin reported at 82.7S3j " per cental, Country lot reata are offering very fieely at these prices. One of the moat hopeful signs, of the trade at present la the fnct that several care have been hold during the laat 24 hour, to eastern Interest, by local shippers. For work or so there was a complete stoppage ot business with the outside. This was doe to the fact that such heavy accumnlr tlona were ! show a tn the eaat. due to the arrivals there all In s bunch of many carloads that had been previously purchased, hot could not be de ilrered on account of the lack of cara. . There are algne that tbo eastern trade Is ' beginning to clean up tnlf surplus and within a abort time indication at prewnt are that . thu demand will be gem-rally resumed. In the 'meantime It must be noted that only small , locks are retained n the Pacific northweat. tost of these are In imai lots. Onion Market Now Extremely Weak at Much Lower Price ! i Sales In Country bown to $6 Com pared With $10j as the Extreme Record of, the Year, The price of onions ha shown a tremendous break during; the last; few day a. The (ray ing price at country points is nai si o pi cental, compared wlthi 'irmer aalea aa high as $10, while tbe Jobbing price along the street- rengee from 90.50 to $7 per cental. There Is Tery tittle detneud for onions at any price Just now. j Offerings of Australian onions Is one of the principal reasons j for the very serious break la the price of intone locally, although some of the trade are Inclined to believe that : the price here niovid entirely too high. and. above a basla whir consumption was pos sible on more than a i nominal scale. All told. It Is believed that not more than a duces. tr two sacks of onions sre sold, dally along Front street, slice the extreme values were forced. Tbe normal demand is but carload a day Outside markets are rahtee similar to that land trade. showing a break In Indicated la tbe Port GARBAGE PRICES ARE OFF With the arrival of additional, supplies , frcm the south, the local market for cab bag is allowing a -veaker tone with lower prices, loa Angeles is quoted at $4c, wita bt at local around ' 6 Vi tic a pound. ij-rrrucE market is down Greater aupplU-a ct lettuce are available In Cillfornla atid tha.,market price Is being grad ually reduced. Heat l.-a Angeles atock wai. quoted on the Tortland market during the day at 2.753.00 per tvste. JACK RABBITS ARE COMING Quite fair supplies of Jackrabblts have ar rived in the local trade during tbe last day so. Demand la steady with most ot tbe stock cleaned uu at (1.75 per doea for best quality. Wheat Is Bowered After Early Eise In Chicago Today 1 1 . Chlraro. March 7. iff. l'.i oralos. which without exception, opened higher today, de dined eharnlv later. I-To Improved car alt ui. t ion and a feeling! that prices had goi.e high enough were given as causes. ,A Slum at from 2n to Soc in the hoc market after tb official close, sent provisions tumbling from May wheat opened !up 4e, later declining lc, to $1.804;. Juljy opened op . subse quently losing le to $1.58. September onened no T. and later lost 4c to $1.464. Corn opened atronger. but prlcea reacted with wheat. May opened up He, bnt later de caned Hie to tl.Ofci July opened up lVsC, and later lct le tto $1.07. September opened up ic. subsequently '.oalng lc tv $1.06. t fiats onencd sharply higher, but the gal was eliminated whom other grains dropped Mar onened tin Ac. later losing "IVie to 5(14, while July, which opened up c, declined e to 67 c on the dropj Provisions opened lirea-nlar. Pork was tip, but lard and ribs remained unchanged. Later, with the decline In jtbe hog market, aharn loRoea were recorded, j Tork fell from 72 to 67c. I-ard and ribs iJowfii similar losses. WASHOUGAL CANNED ! MILK PLANT ViLL BE REOPENED VERY SOON Condensery Idle Since 1012 Has Been Purchased by Hazelwood Co.; Reopening Expected March 15; River Towns to Celebrate. MONTANA STEERS IN MARKET PRICE LOCAL IS GETTING TOO HIGH Killers Show liess Keenness in Tak ing Hold Because of Diminished Consumption; Hogand Mutton Values Looking Higher. By Hyman H. Cohen. It will be a gala oaf along the Upper Co lumbia- rlror towns when the plant of the Washougal milk condensery la reopened for business. Tbe plant was porenased by the HazelwooC' company of Portland and repair are new being made. It Is expected that the format opening will be held abjnt March 15. AU the tewns In that section have decided to Join in the celcoration, because tbe reopening of tbo plant means renewed Interest n tbe dairy iiduatry. The plant has been Idle since tbe spring of 1912, but aside from normal repair la said to be In excellent condition. It will be In charge of !. G. Milier, for seven years eou nected with the Holly Condensed Milk com pany, me plant will not only put up canned n.llk, but will -manufacture all other mllk prcducts, ns the market demands Sufficient number of cows bare . already been pledged to make the plant success. The msrket neTer was la better shape to absorb the production thsn at present and tbe out icok la exceedingly aright. Carl Schalllnger. manager of the Haselwood company, says that the company la preparing to name the opening day a holiday and will likely charter a spe-'ial steamer to take all Its employes to the celebration. Among others, the mayor of Washougal will speak. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Bogs. Cattle. Calves, gbeep. Wednesdsy Tuesday Monday Saturday Friday Thursday ' week ago Veer ago Two years ago Three years ago., . Four year ago. . .. 187 ..236 .. 444 .. 112 .. 151 .. 272 .. OAS . . 3M . . 4W .. Kt9 1S8 13W1 52 73 67 46 40 3 28 170 25 3 6 8 0 CASH WHEAT MARKET STRONG AND HIGHER OVER ENTIRE COUNTRY Extreme Demand Is Shown and Fur ther Premiums Are Offered in -Middle West ; "Europe Keen to Se cure Additional Supplies. Recession Follows; Strong Opening in N. Y. Stock Market i By Charles W- Storm. TJew Yerk. March T. (I. N. Xearij all the Importaat lisaee made gains ranging frost fractions te over a paint at ta onvsdnc f tbe stock exchange today, but before ths end eg the flrat 15 salsites nca nlosis were tn Finance :: Timber :: Industry NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Ca re ft 10 lose iiis 1900 4 377 483 AMERICA MVESTOCK PRICES CEIiERY IS QUOTED LOWER As In some of the other- vegethles, the - market for celery Is ahoiviug a weaker fone. A 4 carload enme in from tbo south during the . H.t 24 hours and U quoted at $5.&0(Utt per ajcrate. DRESSFJ) HOGS VERY FIRM Market for country kllltd hogs is very firir. at 17i: for exirene top quality. Veals are fairly steady- with best duality telling along the street at 144il4Hc a pound during the day. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE , Florida tomatoes are offering at $0.50 a ciate. . Peas are in small supply at. .517'ic 3 1 pound. i'otlonsecd oil Is up 4c a gallon again. Corn aural prlcea bae been lifted 5c a bale. Kgga are steady around previous prices. - Chicken trade rem..ns firm st full quotations. Ctcsgo range by United Frese: WHEAT May Jrtly 8epC May July Sept. May July Ma t July May July May July Open. . 191 '4 . 10 . 147 H . 1091 . I' Wa . 107 14 C0',i, . 58 .3;7 .8225 .1040 .1U12 .17S7 .17W) High. iti-J t MT' CO UN 10!) 107 OATS (5& P(JHK a:f7 3-JlK liRU lfH 1912 HIBS .17S7 1700 Low. 187 17 145 K 107 4 l'Wl, ioa fls4 3225 1S70 1875 1742 1750 Cloee. 1R714 157H 1454 107 lott 108 69 664 3:'.oo 3245 1S07 1895 1750 1700 COTTON PRICES HIGHER ' WITH GEXERAL DEMAND SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE , Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during, the next 48 hours aa far north ua Se attle against minimum temperatures ot about &6 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 24 degrees; outbauBt to Boise, 20 degrees; south to Ash land, 36 degrees. " Minimum temperature at Portland toulgbt about 3 degrees. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND These prices are those at which wholesalers sell te retailers, except aa otherwise stated: Dairy Produce, BUTTER Creamery prints lu paraffin, wrappers, extras, 8c; prime firsts, 37c; firsts RKi.i-t rubes, lc less: cartons, lc advance. BUTTKKF AT Portland delivery No. 1 sour eream. 40c lb. If OOS Selling pricey Case count, 2425c per dozen; buying price, 24c; selling price, candled 25c. ffivc DnfTTTnT lUni K,a,t Plvnvuilti Rorka. 20c lb.; ordinary cbickeus, 19c per lb.; - Siaga, IOC ID. ; VTVIier, I'uun lun., , tu. keva. 2t)Ci21i-: dreased fancy 2042c; culls sQ20c; squabs, $2 doacu, geee, lire. 12t ISe; Pekln ducks, young. 232oc; Indian Run ner,, young, r$23c; old ducka. Wtf21e lb.; t,leon. S1.25 doae.n. CHEESE Selling price: Fteab Oregon faoev fnll rraam triplet. 2oc; loqiii America. - jfc " Price to jobber : Flata. L3c; Young America. 24c f. o. b. : cream brick. 27Q28c Lluburger, 25'ctC6c; block Swlas. 34035c. Fresh fruits and Vegetables. FRKSU HtLi 1 Urauues, uti. ' 11.7SO S.UO per box; bauanas. be per lb.; lemona $J.tXm4.0O; Calltorula grapefruit, 12.0042-25 Florida, S5.OO0i5.75; pears. Jl.40ffl2.OO. HKKRlb; Huckleberries t t: cranberries local ( per box; eastern, Xo.00 per barret. AI'PLta Local, 75cU2.o0, according te - aualltr. ' ONIONH Xo. 1, .50a7.; No. 2. 15.000 6.00 per cental; selling price at country points. gexto per cental. POTATO K8 gelling price:- Ixcal, $3.50 .73. Buying price: Ordinary bippiog, $2.50 as.t0; sweets. No. 1, 94 50. VEGETABLES Tu nips, tl.B0QI.75 ssek; csrrotH, 1.25dl.50; parsnips, 1.75; Oregon cabbage. fS.00 lb.; grsen onions, 35c dozen bunches; peppers, 90Xr(35c lb.; bead lettuce, t2.7fto4 crate; celery, 5.50&tt per crate; artl chokee, 1.5: cucumbers, 1.50 per dozen; tomatoes, Klorlda, $6.50 per crate; egg plant, UUe lb.'; string beans ) lb.; innbarb. 11c .lb.; peaa. 1517Hc; cauliflower, California, s,2.3fie2-." per crate; asparagua, 50c lb. alrau, Fiak aoa Previsions. DRESSiiU ftlKAli ttclllug price; Conntrf killed beet bos. 10c; oruluary, 14(ijl5c; best veaU, 1414c; ordinary veeis, 13 lic; heavy, 1012c; poor. o'iOc; goat, 45 ttc; la, ltHil7c; mutton, 1215c; beef. t&rOe lb. bklOKtn MEATS llama. 23(226e per lb.; . hreakfaat bacon, 23Q33c; picnics, 18c; cot tage roll, 21c; abort clear,, 20tf22c; Oregon exports, smoked, 22c per lb. . LABI Kettle rendered, tierces, 20He lb.: standard, 0c; lard compound, 16c. OYBTKB8 Olympla, gellcn, g3.au; canned eastern, Q5c; 0.(W doacn; eastern la shell. tl.Su per 100; raaor cloms t l; eastern ,yetera. per gallon, solid pack. 12.75. i'lKH' Dressed flounders. 7e ; Chinook sal aoou ISci ateelhead. '6J17c: perch. Hc; lob aters, ); allver amelt 9c; salmon trout au.- per lb.; halibut, ltJaiSc; aturgeoa, li; Colombia smelt. IVittSe. CRABS large, 2.2B; medium, 1.7S doses -tarring, 6c; buck cod. Se lb. Oeeeeries. fcX'GAB-CD.be, -l0; powdered, t8.70j fruit " herrv. gH.10: Honolulu. S4.06: beet. g7.BO. ' eky grauuUUd $S.W: I) yeUuw. $7.50. .Above uuttailonv are w uaj uev caw, i HOMSX New. t3.yoa3.2f per case. KICK Japan atyle. No. 2. 4c: New Or. Vans head. o4OViC. -blue rose. Ilia. SALT Uoarae, half grounds, 100s. $11 per , toa; 60s, $11.13: table dairy 60s. $lfi,00; 100a. u.iki, ww auia astry, $22.00; lump rock, $20.00 too, BKAHH Small white. Iliac: laraw who. $11.10; pink, eftc; llmaa. HVe; bayou, $8.20; - . Hose. Wool aa? Hides. HorB-xooouaai, nay tag pnee. lig cron, etdtnary, iic; selected. Q.10c; contracU. lie lb. WOOL-191 cllpi vni'roette agner eoarte UotswoKi. etc; meaium Ewropsnire, oc: fine. Sft440c; -esatera Oregoa etaple 85 p; HlbalB Salted hides. 25 lbs. end in. in.. ..ul 1 a - fui UM ...I nn 1 - salted kip, 15 lbs., JOc: greea and aelted calf agiua. up to ios iv; green nioee, Um. New York. March Sr. (I. N- 8.) Advsncea of 12 to 17 points wire recorded In cotton at the opening today. The tone was steaay. There was a good demand from a pot houses, Wsll street and New j Orleans, with large buy ing of the new crop rnontha. The selling came principally from several commission bouae and room traders. Alter, jtne cm mere profit taking, and prices receded 3 to 5 points, but the tone held Bteady. Prices at Liverpool were S points higher. Business in the laat hour was largely local. The close was steady at a net decline of 8 points to au advance lot 4 points. Range of New York cotton prices fur nished by Overbeek & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building Openi Jsnnary 106 March 1790 April V May f 177! Jtrae . . JtUir 175 lUgh. Low. Close. 1H65 1W5 1675 1790 17ti3 1765 i 176,) 1H8 1740 1766 1750 177S 1740 1742 1727 1673 1775 1747 162 ;83 loot) m HOGS BREAK AIL RECORDS Pittsburg, Pa., March 7 (L V. B.) Hoars tcday raa-oaed the highsst price ever recorded it the United States when they were equated op the livestock market at $16015.10. Only a uc aeusie-aecat car, containing about tuuu hogs, were received today and experienced livestock man said that unless unexpected ship ments arrive wttnia a lew days tne pnee will go te $17 by nest week. During the Civil war nog, aoid in the local market at $1. Cbloage Hogg $14. 9. "Chicago, March T. (1. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipt UZOOO, 25c higher. Mixed and butch ers. I14.40Q14.96; good heavy, $14.00(814.96; rough heavy, $14.45(14.55; light, $14.1043 14.(K; plga, $1S.50 14.00; bulk, $14.00(814.90. Cattle RecelpU 11.000. strofxa: to 10c higher. Rcevea, $7.7BQ125, cows and heifers', $4-TS ffj to.oi; a toe aers and feeders, ga.BOCfV.eo, Trxans, IS. 704410.83; calves,' $9.00iaoO. Sheep RecelpU 12.000, strong. Native and western, $10.001314.50; lambs. $11.85a 14.80. Kansas City Hogs, $14.0. Kansas City, Mo., March 7. (I. If. S.) Gsttle Receipts 4000, active and atreng to 10c ldgher. Steers. $9.OO(e12j00; cows and heif ers, $5.0010.7S; stackers and feeders, $3.00 10.50; calves. $5.00Q11.2c. Mogs Receipts 80U0, 26c higher. Top $14. KO; bulk, $14.4(14.75; heavy, $14.D0ai4.SO; m diums, $14.45(r$14.73; lights, $14.10 14. 8B. 8heep RecelpU B000, aBQ35c higher. Lambs $14.ood 14.85; cupped laisbs, $U.OOllZ.oO; jf ax lings, $13.65. Denver Heg tlCU. Denver, March 7. (U. t.) Cattle Receipts lOOiT. steady. Steers, $3.004110.60; cows and heifers, $6.258.60; atockera and feeders, $7.25 419.50: calrea, $9.50t7Ell.tM. Hogs Receipts rJ, 20Q25 higher. Top, $14.65; bulk, $14.00 14.60. Sheep Receipts 9000. 10431r3e hlfher. Ew $11.00(110; lsmbs, $13.00014.10. Seattle Hogs $13.70. Seattle, Woeb., March T. (P. N. S.) Hogs Receipts loo, strong, prime lights. $13.0041 IS. 70; medium to choice, $13.2018.60; smooth heavy. $12.7513.20; rough heavy, $12.25 12.70; plrt. $O.O0aiZ.7O. Cattle Receipts 47, strong. Best steers. $9.759.90; medium to choice, $9.009.75; common to . medium, $S.60as.oO: beat cows $ 35fa4.r0; common to medium cows, $4.G0Q OiO; bulla, $3.507.00; cslves, $6.60 la Sheep Receipts none strong. Lambs, $12.25 12.50; wethers, $10.2510.50; ewes, $9.002 10.00. ..$9.8O10.O0 . . 9.506k 9.73 ,. 7.75tJ 8.00 u nA .. 7.50Q 8.50 I . . 6.5f(( 7.00 . .. 5.O0Qt.00 .. .)10.50 . . B.70W 0.50 .. 3.0O(g 6.00 1 load Davie, August v September 1. October ..... 16T0 December 10M) New York spot market ateady. , DAIRY PRODLEON THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. March 7.-f(U. P.) Eggs Select ranch. 28c. ' t CSieet Oregon triplets, 21c; Wisconain trip leta. 23c; do twins, 23c; Young America, 25c. Butter Storage cubes, 38c; native Wash ington creamery, cube, 39c; do brick, 40c; atorage brick. 38c. j San Frari cisoo Market. San Francisco, Match 7. U. P.) Butter Extras, 33c; prime firsts, 32 Vic. Eggs Extras, 25c; extras, firsts, 25c; flrl 24c. i Cb'ese California ! fancy. 21: firsts, 20c; Oregon triplets, fancy, 23c. Las Anatelea Market. Los Angeles, March 7. (P. N. 8.) Eggs Per dozen, 24c. I Butter Per poundj 83c j m - San Francisco Grain Market. SUi frandiM. Marrh 7. Barlev calls: 1 March 7. March 6 Olen. Close. Close, May &13B 215A 273B rwwmhw UA4U 154 A 155 Snot nnotationa 4- Wheat: Walla Walla, $2.72M(g2.75; red Rurslan. $2.)(&2.82H ; Tur key red, s3.w!J3.tKj Diueem. va.wiao.uo r eed bariey-z. aaz none n, f-.uu154.ui,.. Bran H0.00rtc31.00: middUngs. $40.0042: Shorts, $32.00033. BUTTER Week Wed. Tues. Mon. Frl. Thura age. Extras 35 37 39 39 99 9 Dairy 29 29 28 29 28 29 EGGS Current receipts... 24 24 21 23V, 26 23 CHEEfJ: TU1. triplets 22 22 22 22 22 Ore. triplet 21V, 21 Vi 21 21 21 21 POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Xos Angeles Market. Los Anareles. Cal.. Match 7-(P. N. R.l Northern, $4.00; local, $1.00; Oregon Burbanks. $-t.O0; Idaho Russeta, $4.50; seed potatoes. White Rose. $4.00: sweets, $5.1065.23 ewt.: $1.63 lug. Seattle Market. Seattle. Waah.. March 7v (U. P.) Onions- Oregon, 10 12c; Yakima, 8 10c; boiling. 4 Vie. Potatoes Yakima Gns, $dOQ95; seed, $S3, hxala, $7fi. baa Fraaaisco alar set. Baa Franciaco. March 7 (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental Market extremely dull. Delta. $3.50(84.00; Oregoa Burnejiks, $3.504.00. Onions Brown, $70 snck ax-lcebouse. ; greei aid up, 19c; greea stxrs, to lbs. and op. 18e: d.y nldes, 32c: dry aait tides. 2c: dry horse bides, $1.002.&o; aatt hene hides, $3.001 ft.OO: bora hal 80c; dry tonr wool Delta. 24s dry abort wool pelts, 17c- dry abeep shear lings, each, 1030c; salted sheep ahearUags, e&Lb. lOeaaOei saUe-J kmr wool Telr , gl.5Ctl2.6i); salted abort wool peUa, each, 0e t!u20W No 1, Oc; No. a. 8c; areas, At CHITTIM OR CASCAH BARK Baying v MOHAIR 11. 85Q4A '., (l SAL Dark. Ua wJ Its, 18e rjb. ; Varata aal Oils. ' - COAL OIL Waur white la drama and Iroa sairvia. ic per gallon. . UN8IJW OlX BW : bbht., '. 1.M fX; -r- Seattle Seattle. Wash.. Grain Market. ' March 7. (P. N. S.) Wheat : Turkey red; $U"I2; fortyfold, $1.68; club $1.64; fife, $1.64; red Russia a. $1.91; barley, $36.50. Receipts: Wheat a, .barley 1. Butter Market Down 3 Cents Pound Today Both butter and butterfat prices will b reduced 3c a pound in thej Portland market , today, following a harp drop in prices' botn at Ban jrrants- H- Cisco and Seattle. This will ttt - place the pf ice of prints In parchment wrappers at 39c and He in carton 40c a pound. The ,4$f m price of No. I butterfat will ba reduced to 406 a pound. There .was a sharp break to m 3 3 Vic for butter In the San 3t Francisco market yesterday. 4t4j6 kettle boiled, bbls.. 81.10: raw. esses. SUB boiiea. cases, $1.17 jgsL; lets of 260 gala, lj T'rRPEOTINE Tanks. 7e: case. 74e cal. HITS LEAD TVa iota. 12c lb.; BOO lb. lota. i2V4e: tesa tots,- iz4te. OA80L1NE Baaia price. 21 Vie gal.; dla tl'o-te. iohc gaiion. tocka. BoadsJ Oottoa. Orala. 816-817 Soard ot Trad BtUldUg. Overbeek; & Cooke Co DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO AlX EXCHANGES Keabera Cblcare Soard mt Trada, " - Corraspoadeati of bofaa 8k Bxraa, ' OUoarat. Vrsy TPra, Prices between dealers: BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Clearings Monday Tuesday . .i Wednesday Clearings . Balances . . Clearing, . Balances Clearings Balancea Clearings .. Clearings . Portland Banks. This week. t 2,244.880.86 2.258.435.91 2.147,9.33 Spokaee Banks. Seattle Banks. Taeoma Tanks. Tear ago. $ 1.982.84O.06 1.941.468. 6S 1.962,360.21 .$ 1,050.246.00 35,835 00 .$ 2,650,614.00 806,813.00 ..$ 409.547.00 81.456.00 San Francisco Banks. .$13,802,432.00 Lea Angeles Banks. t 6.432,728.00 Four loads of Montana cattle arrived In tbe North Portland yards over night, being tbe first shipments from taere for the local trade this season. Condition of the cattle market in general is steady to firm. Stock Is now getting no high priced thst killers are no longer exceedingly aoxioua to take rare of the extreme quality staff, although there is by no meane any weak ness noted. The trade In that class of stuff Is not quite so active. It is the lower prices and poorer quality stun that Is selling best In tbe csttle dlvlnlon of tbe local trade. General cattle market range: Best heavy beef steer, Best light beef steers Beet beef cows Best belfers Ordlnsry- to good cows Best butcuer bulls Light bulla Calves Stocker-feeder steers 8tockerfeeder cows Hog Market Limited. With only a limited snowing of supplies In the North Portland yards orer night, the awlne trade la general was quiet. A really strong tone la shown In the market, but tbere was j practically nothing available to test extreme values. With the eastern markets again showing a further sdvance in price, and new high rec ords, dally established there, there la nothing in sight here bnt still higher values. General bog range: Heavy packing tl3.40 13.50 Best light 13.0U1S.2B Rough besey I2.utix iz.; Pigs 11.0o$ill.2B Blockers 10.25tl0.54 Lambs Expected te Rise. While no sales ot lambs have as yet been made above $13.23 in the North Portland yards, there Is every expectation among leaders of the trade that $13.50 would be obtained fot selected quality stuff, aucb aa comes from the Mount Adams country. There was only a handful of stuff In the matton and lamb division for tbe day. General mutton and lamb market: Best esst of mountain lambs $13.2013.::S Beat valley lambs 12.50 13.00 Wethers 11.504J11.75 Ewes 0.50a .75 Goats 4.25U 4.50 Wednesday Livestock Shippers. Hogs Union Meat Co.. Lyle, Wash., 1 load. Cattle 1. P. Mahoney. Drummond, Moot., 2 loads, K. Mf Brook, 2 loads. Cattle add cslves H. 1. Harris, Lawaon. 2 loads; R. II. Locker, rialem, 1 load. Mixed stuff Davis Pugh, Shedd. cattle, cal vea, boga and sheep; i. W. ghedd, 1 load cattle and hogs. Tuesday Afternoea Sales. COWB Av. lbs, 1013 1150 1000 1030 985 900 840 SrtO KOO HOGS 440 40 .420 178 V - 363 370 159 Wednesday Mciaing Sales. COWb Ave. lbs. 9.o 990 860 860 850 850 650 950 670 SO 9.T0 1020 S10 1130 900 950 8f : 606 96f. 910 806 BULLS 1370 d40 STEERS. 1124 0 HOGS lf.l 263 212 187 540 82C 440 , 250 173 810 I a ssaae JtiS 138 ltf i..... 280 195 160 180 250 160 242 220 .T 100 430 PortlsBd. Wed.. 1 Year ago..- 7 . Season to date. . 40rvr Year ao 92:40 Tacoma. Tuea. . . 23 Year ago 3 Season to date.. 6120 Yar ago 6065 Scuttle, Tuesday 8 Year ago Season to date. . 4186 Year ago $753 Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hsy. 1 176 1359 110 4W 1 '294 1165 4 S 1112 1348 7 3 12H0 ltWO IO 8 1934 84S S 2TT 276 3 4 13 17146 192S 8 3 1409 1546 No. 3 cow, 1 cow 1 cow , 1 cow , a cows 1 cow 1 cow , 1 cow I cow 8 hogs 1 hog 1 bog 24 hogs 1 hog 6 hogs 1 hog 7 hogs Ke. - 1 cow 1 cow . . 2 rows . 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow .. 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 cow . 1 cow ... 1 row . . 1 cow . . 1 steer . 1 cow . . 2 cows . 1 cow .. . 1 cow .. 2 cows . 2 cows . 1 cow ., 2 cow, , 1 bull .. 1 ball . 28 steers 1 steer Price t 6.10 7.50 6.00 5.25 8.00 7.00 6.25 0,25 6. 50 $18.38 12.00 12.85 13.83 13.33 13.35 12.35 13.25 Price $ 7.60 7.2o 6.75 6.73 C.23 5.00 T.35 3.00 6.7 6.00 7.00 5.50 6.00 6.7 7.00 6.00 8.00 7.50 6.75 75 $ 7.00 6.50 $ 9.73 9.00 923 A087 800 '3217 Wheat showed s firm tone at Chicago dnr lag the morning with liberal price advascea, bnt the trade was rathe? erratic at times. Cash demand Is so strong all ore- the world that leaden of the trade have came to tbr conclusion that even If the market should show temporary reactions, as is generally tbe case, the ultimate rsge ot prices will be higher. All through the central west they sre In creasing their premiums for cash wheat. This is especially noted In the Kaneaa City and Minneapolis sections. Foreign demand for wheat remain, fully h keen aa ever; In fact, tbe demand la even more pronounced than It has been to date thla seaaon. The call Is principally for immediate delivery, indicating that stocks of wheat abroad sre at the danger mark. Locally tbe trend of the trade Is firm, with country bida allgbtiy elevated again. r tour maraet u rirm, nut snowed no change tn price a unrig tne morning. ' MiUatuff market ia very firm, with millers quoting bran at $27 and shorts st $30t281 per ton. There Is a good outside call, bat no saies are oving made. Decease there Is eaffl cient demand at home to take care of tbe light holdings. , Broomhsll cabled from Liverpool: "Wheat strong with scarcity of import of. Cera. Oats firm. Flour and provisions farm." Argentine weather is clear asd warm, with some report of dryness from the south. It thought thst ths government report will confirm tbe extra low figure as reccatly gives out on wneat. India Crop and weather report ia favor able. FLOUR 8ellinr pries: Patent. !!. Wil lamette valley, $7.90, local straight, $7,600 ou; baser, ' kjeaL .n.208.40: Montana urine. $9.40; ei porta. t.'.Sa: whole wheat. $t.60; graham. $8.40; rye flour, $$.73 pea- barrel. HAY Buying price, new eroo: Willamette valley timothy, fancy. $17 00; eastern Oregoa- isabo rancy umotay. $2XbO; alfalfa, $14,004) 14.50; valley vetch, $13.00; cheat. $13.00: clov- er $11.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. llVillfac In car lota; leaa amounts are higher. M1LLSTTJFFS Selling price': Bran. $27.00; shorts. $30tt31. ROLLED OATS $7. 50 "(t 8.00 per barrel ROLLED BARLEY $41 .00 kj42.00 per ton. Chicago wheat tumbled at the closing, and there was s bearish tone on the local exchange. There was no weakness tn cash prlcea eloe- where, but the Portland Merchanta Exchange was neverthelese besriab. Bida showed s loss of 2 to 3c. Osts lost 50e a ton. while barley wss unchanged. Sales for the day were: 100 tone April bran. SI S2D-9U. Merchants Exchange March bids: WHEAT. Wed Toes. Mon. 1917 1918 1917 Blnestent 168 103 171 160 Ftartyfold --1 165 95 167 163 Club 163 94 166 165 Red Russian 160 94 1CI 161 OATS. Feed 8700 2C00 $730 S72S BARLEY.- Feed 300O 2000 800 8900 raited States Steel rosnmoa wss la steedr drmaad. however, advancing 4 to 111. end some specialties reflecting sccaaalarlon. Oo laaabU Gae advanced 1H t sAVW Betbleaeaa Steel "R' stock rose oter e point snd some o the minor tteels also showed a strong tone. Atlantic Galf A West Indies' rose 2 points te 106. Marine preferred after opening V higher at 77. declined to 74. Lehigh Valley was exreptlonslly weak. Aft er evening uu 4 te 6S. It dronped to 68Va I'tah Copper was tbe strongest of tbe copses group, advsnetag 4 to 115. Anaconda re to 80S. est reacted to S3. The toue was strong In the afternoon, with Dries movement, generally to lower levels, la some eaaea all the early galna were wined out Steel common sold down to 1004 points, and Marine preferred drooped to 75. Atlantic. Gulf A West Indtea and Central Leather both fell a boat 2 points from tbe highest range of tbe forenoon, and losses were sustained Ia a num ber of the minor steel kadaart rials. Renewed strength was noted la nearly all tbe leading! issues and In many epecialtn In tbe late forenoon. teel common, after sclUsa- et 110 Vi, advanced to 1.1 Vi- Utah Oooner rose 14 In aU to 116V4. snd all the ether copper producing aaares aaowca gslns of from fractions te ever a polat..Pee- Diss Oae lumaed 44 to S0. and marry otner specialties were In brtak demand at advancrag prices. The marine Issue, varied la tone. Money loaning at per cent. The stock market closed steady today. Gov ernment bonds unchanged, railway and other 7 bogs 4 boga 4 hogs 8 hogs 1 hog. . 1 hog . 1 bog 2 hogs , 8 boga 2 botes 2 bogs hogs 1 bog 1 bog . 2 bogs 2 bogs 2 hogs 2 bogs 1 hog 11 boga 1 hog 1 hog 2 hogs $13.30 13.33 13.35 13..16 12.85 12. 12.3 13.35 13.35 13.35 13.83 12.23 13.35 13.89 13.33 18. M 13.30 13.85 13.33 13.50 13.3R 12.00 12.35 Greatly Increased Capesckjr of the Oregon Hj Hwaien IUla Forces With, UeaVy Order School ef Inrveatmest Asked mt Univertitf f Oregon- lgwtte) Bank to Aid Cora laduntr. . : Financial Snaablaev The crest de mand for woolens la f ereing the- night and day operation of th several wool en mills In Oregon. The plant of the Orecon Manufacturing company at Ore- ren City is now being operated on a continuous basis and the working- force win be doubled to take care of the In creased period1 of production. It la stated that fully I960 people, will be employed at the plant. The Orecon City AVoolert Mills has recently areatly increased trie dally capacity of lta plant. Orders are said to be available to keep the plant runs ins for almost an unlimited period. Scaoel of Xn-ratames Asked The Salem bunch of the American Institute ot Banking has asked the University of Oregon School of Commerce to ira stall a .course of investment. Accord ing to Dean Morton, the request will likely b g ranted. Bead Dealer- Cemplaln. A boycott of all bakeries encased in house-to-house peddling is threatened by grocers of the city through their organisation, the Retail Grocers' association. It ka said by the grocers that several bak eries are la the habit of sendlnr their wagons about the city and delivering day-old bread at half the price of fresh bread. This procedure naturslly cuts down the number of bread sale through the grocers. The plan advo- DOma etrsay. Ullarf . ...ivl.llnn la nr ...ra n,A .tMb mmIt wma Mnarallv haitT one- 1 j u D . v. m w - - ing the greater part of the late dealings, when member of the organization te refuse further recessions were noted in nearly all of the Important Issues. United States Steel com mon declined to 109Va points and closed at 100. Marine preferred sold down to 74 pointa and closed st 73. Range of New York prices furnished by to handle the product of those baker ies that peddle their bread from hou to house. Great Xorthern Ore. Announcement Is made of the sale of the properti of the Great Northern Ore Co. in Min- 0tE.,Tk Cook 21-217 ?rd ot Tr,d8 nesota. among the greatest in the coun- DESCRIPTION. IQpenj Hlgh Low j Close Futures ware quoted: WHEAT. April bluestem April fortyfold April club April Russian April April FEED OATS. FEED BARLEY. Bid. . 170 . 166 . 164 . 161 .8700 .8958 New York Metal Market. New York. March 7. (I. N. g.) Lead firm. spot offered at 104c; April. e94c; May. 9(g9ViC. Tin firm, spot 53V653c. Bnelter firm, wlme western STof. 10 e: later. March 10HKc; April, 10V,C10c; May and Jon. 10V4Q10c. Copper Strong. July August, 32 41 32 Vic; Eeptetrjber, 31H&82e- Alaska Gold Allle-Cbalmera. c do pfd American Beet -Sega r. American Can, c. do pfd 4. American Oar Fdy.. c. American Oottoa Oil. c American Unseed, c. . do pfd American Loco., c. . . . American Swelter, c. American Wugar, c - - . Americas Tel. A Tel. . American Woolen, c . . Anaconda Mining Oo. . Atchison, c do old Baldwin Loco., c do pfd Beltlanore A Ohio, c. Betharbem Steel, c.... donfd Brooklyn R. Transit.. Butte A Sapertur Calif. Petroleum, c... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c. . . . do Pfd Chesapeake A Ohio.... Chicago. Ot. W.. e do pfd Chicago, M. A St. P.. Chicago A N. W., c... China Copper Itolcrado F. A I., e Cose. Gas Corn Products, e do pfd- Crucible Steel, c do pfd D. A B. G., c do' pfd DWUlera w... aaasrtt C seeeseeeee so 1st pfd General Electric Goodrich Rubber Ot. Norttv, Ore Lands:'. Gt. North., pfd Ureeae-csa 1 Hide A Leather, c do pfd. .. . Ice Securities Illinois Central , Industrial alcohol I uapi ration t.. Interboro. e Kennecott Kan, City Southern, c Kelly Springfield Lackawanna Steel. Lehigh Valley , Maxwell Motors, e... Mexican Petroleum... Miami Copper Mid-rale Meel M ., K. T., C National Iead Nevada Consolidated. . New Haven New York Air Brake. New York Central.... N. T., O. A W Norfolk A Western, Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Railway Peoplea Gas Pittsburg Coal, c... do pfd. Pressed Steel Car, e. oo pro . . Money and Exchange. New York. March 7. (U. P.) Money on call 2V4 per cent; irlx months. 4Vi per cent; mercantile paper. 4 V. per camt. Bar sliver, London, 37 3-lnd; New York, 73 Vic; demand sterling. $4JoV4- - Xew York Sugar and Coffee. New York. March 7. IV. P.) Spot Ne. Rio, 4c; Ne. 4 Santos. lOVtc. Sugar Centrifugal, $5.392S.S2. 15 bogs .. 2 bogs . 4 hogs .. 3 bogs .. 27 hogs .. 47 bogs .. 217 460 430 127 162 182 18.85 12.3ft. 12 JO 13-2A 13.20 13.50 lambs LAMBS. 93 812.50 When writing to ot calling a advatrlsste. please mention Tne joerusi. taey.f 7V4 28 3 20 V, 64 72 101 110 126 V 33 85 Vi 102 "ii" 7iii 140 69 i 491.4 26 85 V, 154 03 58 V. 11V4 S6 83 115U 34 49 23, U5 67 314 20 20 V, 40 165 Vi 56 Vs ST 113V4 44 12 04 12 61 13V, 47 68 83 41V 7'i 28V, 93 1, 474 8 "it" 54 724 101 III 127 33 85 102 55 76 147 60 4Vi av 36 134 MS 69 56 88 7VI 279, 92' 4i',4 7 26" 33 4 71 100 llOVi 126 V 51V, 834 101 63 V4 75Vj 140 68 481k 3 53 152 82 e B8 11H 36 81 V4 7 -27 86 92V4 try. The sale was reported made te the Inland Steel Co. and Jones & Mc Laughlin Steel Co. The estimated con sideration was $110,800,000. XaUroad Bandars Oreater. State- ment of the Pennsylvania Railrabd Co, for the year ending December 81 shows earnings ef 10.47 per cent, compared wun s.49 per cent In 11S Trade Oatlook wsvorabis. That 100H after th-',rt shock: of surprise from 110 I uirmeu aiiuautn, iraoe conaiuong 126V, generally steadied, according to the March report of tbe National City tMuik of New York. Aside from a more con- servstive feeling in financial elrcl as to future commitments, due to the 101 probability that government financing 75 Va would have tn h dnn. Smln,.. wn iu I ... 1164 BO4 84 j 101 Va 90 53 oa about as before. Export shipments have- been Interfered with fey that sub marine menace, but la the oUsorganJgj-l stat4 of domestie traffic that has been a minor factor. Tbe submarines will undoubtedly ds a great deal ef dam age, but It is not believed they tan greatly curtail cur export trade, par ticularly if our own government takes steps tor Its protection. The announce, ment of the new British embargo, Im posed for the purpose of curtailing purchases abroad and thus reducing th safstrorahte trad beJaneo, w received with Interest. The propriety of the action, tinder the circumstances. is sot questioned, and our trade 1 so great at this time that the prohibi tions) will aav- small effect apoailt. particularly aa tn the moat Imports n; lines the action Is Intended simply to bring transactions within tbe purview ef the government, under licenses. Cora for the Taller The Sank 0 Commerce of Eugene ia coming- to. the front ranks as an upbullder of com munities. The bank management has announced tbe donation to IT) farm ers of 80- pounds each. The. seed la from prise winning ears. There Is suf ficient corn donated to plant ITl acres. which will be a very good start tor that locality. . Tsbruary Trad OoodL John V. Far . well company of Chics go say In, ths eekiy review of trade: Events . of national and International Interest dur. . ing this past week hava not adversely effected waoinsaJe dry goods business. iiouse and road business for February was very much larger than a yeaf ago. Collections show a substantial gain, Sales ef upholstery goods, draperies and lace curtains far immediate dellv. ery are very good notwithstanding the fact that merchants generally antici pated their spring requirements by placing heavy advance orders.- Orders for handkerchiefs are being placed , freely. ' Strikes ef hemstltchsrs and embroiderers to the, east and precari ous shipping- conditions handicapping imports, sre liable te produce a short, age of handkerchiefs this fall.. An un usually heavy demand has sprung: up for all light weight fabrics on the mohair order. While navies and ether staple shades are selling la wool res goods the lighter pastel shades such as gold mixtures, etc., are 4 he ones most sought for. fashion's decree la regard to millinery is giving a big impetus to the ribbon business. -j - 115 114 63 02 49 '23 10c v. 67 82 Zl 26 40 165 66 37 113 44 12 03 124 01 13 7 58 I 85 68 68 88 41 48 23 104 63 "Got 'Em on Hip," Says Ally Soldier 31 18 26 39 164 56 35 113 41 11 64 122 -69 13 47 I 33 152 92 113 58 11 35 81 114 6Z 47 120 24 100 5 112 12 80 19 26 39 164 57 83 67 71 to 87 40 Ray Cone. Copper. . . . Railway Steel Springe Reading, c- do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic 1. A &, c. . . do pfd Rears, Roebuck A Co.. 8 ha truck 8tudebeker, e Sloaa Sheffield j Southern Pacific Son them Railway, c. . do pfd Tennessee Obpper Texas Oil Texas Pacific., Third Avenue L'nlon Pacific, c TJ. a. Rubber, e do pfd tT 8. Steel, c.. L'tah Copper Virginia Chemicals, c. . W. U. Telegraph Westlnghoaaw Electric WlUye-Overlsad Woolworth Salea 802.200. 2 44; '3 127 1U3 24 54 9f 47 SC' a6 M lea - ,2-12 29 IOI 63 l22 26 fS 15 134 b6 5 1 2'4 44 V 96 127 103 24 64 I CrCk ' -sr 48 V 80 Centralla. Wash., March 7. Tom Wilkinson, a former Centralla realty dealer, who Is known to railroad men hroughout the northwest as "Whis pering Torn" owing to a voice lost in a railroad accidsnt while an O-W. I;. & N. conductor and who left hers tan yeara ago to enlist in a Canadian con tingent for service In Europe, was dis charged from the British army on No vember 27 owing to physical disability following a fever, according to a letter received from him yesterday. I am not going to say anything about the war.- wrote Wilkinson in t5 j closing, "except this: I am absolutely 35 I ftlirjb th. Ancmw will ,..nn..,.V. u I rummer. I Mnnnt ,ra nnt tnv 43a I . . . " ' t 12 I v a .vi m mbci ovu. UUl 11 wiu ma I Buun ue over, 26 I nip ana without the shadow of a doubt sooner or later we will throw him. And then Peace! O blessed Peace! And It will be peace with victory." American Wheat Option. May July Pwmrh 17 - l$i Wtswlpeg 188 , 184 Minneapolis 188 '" 111 At. Lonla 1M 184 58 26 43 "86 '127 I102U 22 53 96 46 78 yoeesis ef the Aaaaal gtatemest sf the MA8Ba6hU8ETTS BOHSWa ASD IXStTn- ACa? C0MAT, ef Bnsean, la tse tste of Msaseebasetts, on the Slst day of Peeember.' 1816, made te the Insurance Cemmtssloser ef the stats of Oregoa, pursuant te law: " . CArfTAL. - ' Asaaost ef capital pa'd P $1,800,000.00 MOOMX. Net premiums received dariag tbe year 14,830.818.87 Isterest. dividends snd rents re- i ' ' reived during tbe year 133.472.32 Income from other sources re ceived during tbe year 317.814 JV , Total Income $3,213,729.04 nilRTf RBEMZsTTa, i We've got 'em on the Lapses paid during the rar. la. " eluding adjust isenl sxpessea. He $283.820.11 Ouwamlasloas and salaries paid d tar ing the rear 1.808.318 S8 Taxes, licensee aad fees paid dar i log tbe year " SS.iaft.40 Anaoont of all other expendltoree.. S01.424.e Total expeadltures $3.0va,443.3 A88ZT8. . 1 - ' Talus of real estate owned (star- ' ket valuer 7.0TJ0.00 Value of storks sad. bonds owned j market value) 3.380.321.50 Loaaa on mortgagss sad col utt er, 1. etc 8,132.83 Cash Is basks snd oa baad 843.BO3.0l Premiums In coarse ef col lection written since Sent. SO. 1916 744.8T 6 All other aaaeU 111.632 Interest asd rests 4se asd scented 42,847.35 Cold After Measles Is Cause of Death . . cnenaiis, nasn,, March 7. Ida Smith, the 18-year-old daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. George K. Smith of the Ford's prairie section, died this morn ing. She was a member of the aenlor 6 I class of the Chehalis high school. R- a ...i. . . . ,07a: i.u auuarca an attaCK Ol I m,a,T.. V m h.K I aV. . V. . , . lUi 1 -'- o nui'-u aue revvvcreu sui I iicieuiiy to return to scnooi last Frl 1 aav. xnen aaisa Mnnn caurnt mmvmrm cold and complications followed thst caused her death. Total assets 81l 30 61HI 51 944 1 82 81 79 232'232 29U. 2 1034a 101 65 68 2 92 l 27 38 I 57 13 15 ,228 W 1227 V 40 "40" 134134 111 100 lJ5lU7Vk:il3 40 40 I 40 96 1 94 1 93 Vi 4S141 4 ew S41 341 34 4i 111 78 lot 30 31 ' 92 eo ivs 102 232 lri 1 3 01 13 226 40rj 134 58 109 1' 110 40 94 49 t 3 '140 Leas sneeisl deposits Is say state (if aay there be) .$4,877,193.00 8.414 83 L 1 1 A BANK f ACCOUNT E 2 i a creates sound busi- Open a check- f 1 I 1 ness habits. in or savings t 1 ads system to O account with thU i i your affairs. n hank. 1 J ! NATIONAL BANK 3 '- Capital aad trarpras tiJOOQfiO. I Third aad Oak ta, Portland Oregon, 1 STOCKS-BONDS-MORTGAGES SECURITIES OFFERED BY PORTLAND HOUSES PEACE OR WAR? Prudent investor are carefully invest Ing- their surplus funds in protected bonds Insuring safety of principal and regularity of Interest. Municipal bonds are free from Federal Income Tax and their possession is a matter of personal confidence ownership is not required to be reported. BLarrlage Licenses Issued. Vancouver, Wash.. March . Mar riage licenses were issued today to the following persons: Charles Wsraer. 45, and Elisabeth Peplow. 40, of Portland; Michel Naion Barrett. 48. and Lucille Fletcher, 21. of North Plains, Or,; N. is. cummings, 68, and Mrs. Harriett F. Stephens, 69, of Portland; Terrjt R. Nelson, 25. and Marrerlte Johns. 21. or r'ortiana. gysepais sf ths Ananal Statement ef the VTW ZSQLAJTD MUTUAL U7Z LsttTAAJICI COMr AJTT of Boston, la tbe State of Masasebssetts, en the Slat day of December. 1916, made to the In aura nee Commissioner of the state of Oregoa pursuant te law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital stock paid np nrcoxz. " Total premlnm income t 11.067,837.14 interest, dividends and rente re ceived doling ths year 3.387. 648.21 income rrem outer sources re ceived during the year 821.260.76 Total Iscome t 14,778,146.11 DIBnTJXBXMIirri. Paid for losses, eodowneala. in. sal ties and snrrender values.. g S.73S.S6B.B3 inviaenos paia to poney noioera auriDg tne year Z.010.S40.21 Oommiaslons and salaries paid during the year 1.454.172.40 Taiea, licenses aad fees paid during the year Amount of all other expeodltares Total assets admitted ia Oregoa. $4.868, $79.13 UASIXJTIZa, ' Gross claims for losses sapald. Is- eluding expenses ...si.oao.DSl.02 Aannaat ot a warned pretnisms aa all eatstaadlng rUks I, BIB. 114 T8 Doe for romentseloa aad brokerage, Jft7,8t8-06 AU ether llsbilltles. 223,477)4 Lumbermens Trust Company Stars We Offer $50,000.00 Carolina Power and Light Company First Mortgage Five Per Cent Qoid Bonds due August 1. ISIS, yielding S.20 Per cent, we regard then bonds as a very good investment. CLARK, KENDALL & CO. 805-30 afosthwestera Baak Slda. Mi & Oia Lewia Bldg. Phone Mar. 655 Investment Bonds Preferred Stocks Local Securities Amounts as small as $100 may be Invested through us. and sues orders receive as careful consideration as those for larger sums. I mum: mmm " . IWIta a 'O ,tsSJ4eV' Kiilwa Exchange Bldg.'- TAX BONDS issued by the roost sub stantial communities of the Pacific Northwest GOVERNMENT and RAILROAD BONDS ; Total liabilities ....t3.8v2.181.f7 Total premiums Is force Dec. tl. 116 ..I3.Wl.173.3J buslvxss i oirsov to tux yxajl . Ccpaa premiums . rscrtssg" dorlsg tbe year 8 a4.eofl.4a Premlnms rerarned dwrlag the year ' 8.4711.1s Leasee paid dnrlng the year JO 44 Sj MA88ACHuBZTT8 Ana UBVaV AVCX 00XPAVT, By T. i. rALVET. Presioeot. Statutory resident general sgeet sad sttnraey tor service: rmitg v. smith. Srncpsi, ef the Ansasl SUtessest ef the i VULCAat yrax XnSUBAKCS COkCTAVT. of OakUnd. in tha state of California, es the Slat day of December. ISIS, made to tbe In surance Commissioner ef the stste ef Oreges, pureusst te law: CATITAaV. Assoust ef espltal paid as 9 600,000.00 nrCOMX. Net premiuma received daring the year a 330.111,71 Iaterest, dividends ssd rents re- etived during the year... H.I13.I1 Income from other sources re ceived daring the year.......... ' J. 335 .00 Total' Income, increase Is vslse of assets - -9 2T844.3 187,884.00 98,7ia.83 Total expendltares ASSZTS. Msrket value of real estate owned 8 1.787.808.00 1 Amortised vsiue or stocks snd bonds owned 4S.718.872.o0 Loans on mortgages aad collat eral. te. 13.7Z.3MiX Ft, ml am notes aad policy loans. 18.006.600.8 Caaa ia bank, and oa hand...... 1.030,006.63 Net aneolieeted aad deferred premiums .- 784.S72J0 Other assets (net), Isterest due asd accrued ,, 1.06,OMi6 BinTunmrrs. Net losses paid dariag the year.. .8 Cnreislsaioee snd salaries paid dur- , t 10.088.08347 J T.,, ueanees "sid ieei pa'td dur. tag (be yesr . Asaeuat of sll other expendltares. . 74.704.12 80.111 J4 4JM8.87 18A46JS Total czpesdltares lt...... I77J66.il ASSZTS. . Value of storks snd bonds ewsed (msrket value) S74JS42.44 Loaaa on saortgages ssd eotlst- eraL etc. Cash ia banks snd en band........ Preralanas la eoarae of collection written since Sept- so, 1916. .. . , Interest sad rents due asd accrued 870.0687 WCOOO.J'J e0.im.Ta I0.17a.7t; Total assets 8 7.0O8.800.flB Total assets admitted Is Oregon. $ 78,009,00049 UASIUTIXa. Ket seserve Total nolicy claims anpsid.... Dividends payable 1017 All other liabilities..... 1.883.476.47 Total assets ...tl.fl.Ot.l' Toul sssets admitted is Oregon... $l,0v ,016. 12 v a wv nil i " S-2loross elslms for losses anpald....S Zli ZTTiZ I Amount of oneernea prrmiomS' oa 2,687,644. SO I .e-.,.-!!-- rtaka Due for entnnilaeloB sad brokerage. All other liabilities... 11,202,6s JS6A3S.S 10.H8.0f llJAi.it. during the Total liabilities, etetnslve of . . ..... . i iBmuim. v., iwi?. Totsi insuranee m gores wee, si. i mtBW, saooooo... S 17T2D1J. 116 3337,404.704.00 I -.T.T f rw. Si " T, BTJ8IBES8 IH OXEOOJT T0X TKZ TZAX. I 1016 , 2M.096.S.- Total teaarance wrltUa during, nTrSTJTESS TV OXTOOIt TOM. TKZ TZAX. the yesr ..................... euO.z77.O0 1 rM.i luearaBca written dortiie the uroes preonnms reeeivea auring ymat $l.22&,iZI.( I flma aa a in iiina received dnrlas tha 8,700 jo I -Z!"Lr:i:iiiii' avslsass- tlka a,erryvW I nran.an - . 10.060.00j Mid dnrlna tbe rear Lowes kvnrrred during the year J.rii.7-3.r)i stsadlaar ta Orecon Dee. 31. 1914 l.V5.M.y bttw- raatAXD msuxastcz j rtacAw raz rirstrjiAwcz costpArr c: . . r. 'r"..: . - i oaxlaju, calitobbxa. "w . baoii, secretary, i a. inoI,D HOIr.KI.vhoS. feeretarv Statutory resident general agent and attorney I Statatory resident general agent sad aoorae tot service: HuttALK Hu;Mr.M. i tor service; a. i: tbumiii. hortbweeters Bank Uulkiing. furtlssd. Or. SpaMlng Bida., portUsd, Orrgnu the year Premiums returned rear (divMeadat , l.naaeg paid during the year..... Loaoes incurred during the year. Total saaoent of taaoresee eet standing la Oregon Dee. 31, 1916 23.100.T; : ..'sm.o ,T44." , s,S42.i