A THE OREGON - DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY, MARCH' 7. 1917 10 LOANS "WANTED 30 16600 ON first lass residence, Irv- ington; very select location .;. Lot 100x100. No a gen lb. Lac iti. W. H. Ilrdmiin: HELP WANTED--LLE ASD FEMALE , 29 ComtU ined) , $5.0yt UN $!v.ooy. city anti-iarm prop erty. 700 on S20.04V improved - farm. 1.-373. Journal. FINANCIAL ; 51 Js and "id ' mortgages- purchased, also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bids. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, teleg raphy, salesmanship, Engllsn branches at an accredited school. Write or phone Main 690 for Catalogue; grad uates guaranteed positions.. Behkne Walker Business College. 1S7 4th St.. near Morrison. SITUATIO NS-L.M ALK FURNISHED HOUSES 30 FURNISHED FLATS Continued) 50 5 ROOM cottage, iornished, piano, steel range and gas range Modern. Woodlawn 4024. NICELY furnished room flats, river lew, close in. 280 Margin. ;ti. $15 NEW, modern 6 room house for rent, furnished. Phone Tabor 4363. HOTELS St 3 "HELP WANTED MALE 1 WKEKLY cash advance, exclusive ter ritory, free outfit, selling guaran teed fruit trees and ornamental stock in Oregon and Washington. Experience-- unnecessary. Fie selling la tructiot.. Elderly men Just as suc cessful as younger men with us. A big tins and a big company Diana your suc cess sure. Washington Nursery Com pany, Toppenlsh. Wash. It MEN at once for Co. E. New pla- toon Deing organized; an men- eli gible for promotion at once. Keport to Lieutenant Keldman at Armory be tween 7:30 and 9 v. rn. blNGLE man for ranch and orchard ' work; must be good teamster . Ap ply Thursday -morning. W. B. Dick : erson, Alexandra Court. 63 Ella st. Phone Marshall 6170. BOILERMAKERS and fitters required for Canadian Pacific railway. For further particulars apply at office. ft 5 3d ft. WANTED Piano player. Call at Clin ' - ton theatre. 26th and Clinton, eve nings. WANTED' Must be a work. A do i CUT coltonwood. good timber, 30 min utes st. car. Call evenings. 973 E. 10th N. ALL-ROUND auto repairman desires position; capable of j doing all elec trical repairs also; storage battery work a specialty; reference. D-326, Journal. I iOUNG man wants employment; steady, reliable, with some Knowl edge of bookkeeping. M-321. Journal. VIPU l.nnil irinnn mart A.rrcA 0 V uIll. . .i.iM uaiiu, juuii . .. f u - VL ing worker, desires good farm'bome. Please answer at once, j Z-248. Journal. COP Y. I NG Anything t)iat can be done on a typewriter; iOcipage; minimum 60c. Mr. Getchel. Marshall 4558. PLOWING wanted anywhere on Mt. Scott line. Tabor 3783. KALSOMININO. painting, plaster patching, reasonable.! Woodl'n 2490. iuUNU man wants work, in or out cf city. fe-292. Journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED New Modern Laurelhurst Apartments Garage Furnished and unfurnished, all 3 room apartments. Spe cial inducements for permanent tenants, and the use of a garage free for one occupying apart ment six months or more. This beautiful apartment bouse, with its hardwood floors, attractive kitchens, bathrooms and built-in effects. Is located at 39th and Belmont sts., near Laurelhurst park, and best of car service. Rates reasonable. See manager at apartment bouse. Palace Hotel PAINTING. tinting, Woodlawn 3263 paperhanging. DON'T experiment let experts prune your trees and biishs. Tabor 7259. SITUATIONS FEMALE GOOD hand laundry t vants bundle washing .or day wdrk. Phone Ta bor 4275. j . APARTMENT New, modern, exclu sive; convenient to best car service n the city. Beautiful" view-in South- moreland.- water: eras range: light ana air: fireplace ana sieep- ng porch. Phone Sellwood 291 office hours. Main 4835 A TEACHER of experience will give private tutoring. Main 3435 or A-4249. Room 403. j LADY wants fancy bundle washing and Ironing work, guaranteed; will : : -r-- call for and deliver. East 2892 Thorough concreie flnlshe-. ' j-,.T, ; -; rt. ; : .bMjlutely thorough, steady pMDOW lady would I ke to eal ess Frank Miller. Mend Of small child. Call Tabor 4.142. $100 MONTI! if you're cood cook; required. D-324, Journal. $300 WANTED Machinists ami dye mak , ers. Armstrong Mfg. i'",. 4 2d st. EXPKKIENClu 1 in'litel hi.u dairy man, single, at once. R-287. Journal. - HELP WANTED MISC. 49 re for WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 7630. Call at 7 p. m. WANTED 4 to hours' liable woman. Tabor work. r9is. by re- TEACHER Experienced, all grammar grade studies. tih h;.ji3tn in. oub .SET TOM Our new proposition Is a winner. " See L's Last. IMM AUTO L izx-il bWiiluNi ST. ADVISORY KMl'l-Ui ittli.NI' DtPAKl WENT, Y. M. C. A. .You may know how to do something and not know bow to get something to do. t We can tell you how or aend you to It. A membership in the Y. M. C A, -costing $5 gives you privileges for a year under guarantee tnat you win secure 'employment or refund of lee. See -Secretary J. VV. Palmer. tuLt-uni . rutfAKa 1 on 1 stnouL. -Fully accredited, excellent class room and laboratory equipment. Indi vidual attention and small classes make possible very rapid progress. lr. Is a school tor men only, tor bulletin offering complete information, address Division A. Department of Education, ' Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or. LADY wants washing sand ironing by the day. Woodlawn jM. EXPERIENCED officii "girl desires general clerical work! Milwaukle 95Y WORK, of any kind by jhour. Sell. 6Hi. AEOER APTS.. 701 Washington st. one d room and one 4 room apt.. beautifully furnished, all new and clean; best ventilated apts. in Port- iana; ail outside rooms. Cor. or King ndWash. Phone M. 7653 or A-7652. PENROSE APARTMENTS. Grand eve., bet. Morrison & Belmont; ew 2 &'3 rooms, completely furn.; sol- 1 oricK 01 a sr. : wnite enamel ana ma- hogany finish; walking distance. DAVENPORT APTS., 505 Jefferson st.. fireproof, brick building: 2 and 3 room apartments, furnished, strictly modern, steam neat, free phone, rea- onable. Main 6435. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKER wishesi to go out sew ing or take in. East! 1327. NURSES 60 DR. EMMA WICKSTROM, maternity ana convalescent hospital, ibi Mont gomery drive. Main 5$74. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 RYAN Hotel Annex. 26SH 5th, new brick; hot, cold water every room, steam heat; tratient. !Opp. City llail Main 9375. 1 HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at 10th. RATES 60c day up, weekly 12 up. Running water. Free phones and bath 60 ADDITIONAL' students can now bo accommodated; increased taoitities. Largest auto school in the west. Gaso line, electric and tractor engineering. -Theory and practice. Register today. Hemphill's Trade Schools., 7u7 Haw thorne av., at iOtli st. ROOMS and apartments Un modern hotel. 31.75 week andjup. 455 Alder. tl.50 WEEK ur. clean,) warm, modern fnr. rms.. central. T..e Kintr. 309 Jer. FURI7ISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 NICE, large, sunny front room ad Joining bath. 2 men only. Nob Hill good table board. Malm d41. A COMFORTABLE room reasonable piano. 325 Broadway. Main 3901. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 rwrrai. large. Hgrtt. unfurnished newly renovated rooms, all or part to adults, reasonable; Jree pnone, water. 374 2d st. 'W1RELE&6 TELEGRAPHY uvcr ZUJ ships beina constructed on Pacific coast requiring two wireless operators each. - School maintains best equip ment and instructors. Full informa tion. Division A, Department of Edu ratlon. Y. M. C, A.. Portland. Or. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL., conducted . on practical shop basis. Teaches thoroughly construction and operation ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE MAN1TOU, 201 13TH ST. Homelike, double oiS single rooms, steam ' heat, running; water, open grates. Good board, reasonable. Main 2670. ! of moior cars; special reieience 10 lg- nine- water liition and carbuietion. Address Divi sion A, iveparuiiem of Euufiation, Y M. C. A.. Portland. Oregon. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, with or without board; steam neat, run 385 3d st THB ADCOX AUTO AND GAS r - ENGINE SCHOOL .13 LOCATED AT 3x BURNS IDE STREET. r ;.v ilAWTHOHNK AUTO SCHOOL, 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. PART CAfeH WHEN YOU ENROLL. BALANCE DUE WHEN GOOD POS1- TION IS tSECCREjj. I WANTED immediately, names men, women wishing to become govern ment clerks, iiii month. cx-ii7i, Jour nal. . PORTLAND government clerk exami nations May Big pay. Sample questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 384-C. Rochester. N. Y. ROOM and board fori business girls modern conveniences, walking ais tance, 33.50 week. 12 E.7th st. E. 4" ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ROOMS with breakfast in modern home with refined couple to youn men who are tired frohi business an vfish to have a change lof thought and surrounaings in me oeauiies 01 nature, Call 606 E. 36th st. N. Tel. Tanor ls LARGE front room with board in pri vate family, suitable) for two. Main 14SS. ! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FTOKISKEP AP TTWrPayiSHED ROYCREST, 175 12th-i-Sulte 2 large rooms, first floor front; also slngl all conveniences; use or piano. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL, SCHOOL I fom Ane Fxee bathj hot, cold water. .... uroaaway-xamniii bldg. lndividuti 1 vjci 1 1 nwiom weeK up. 401 ist instructions; positions wnen competent. FANCY work sold on mos' membership $1. commission; u 412 MorNson. (JNCALL.ED tor luilor-made suits S.ii i pp. Taylor tne Taiior. iSj& Uurnside. HELP Wan 1 At KMALE -i 1 ., 120 ROOMS FlREl'HWr MODERN Cleanest Rooms In City. Uaunsil ipj jlf Rates .Fres Phones .441 Washington. Hotel Australia Two and 3 room housekeeping apart ments. Single rooms, ii.76 per and up. Transients, 60c and up. Steam neatea, not ana cum wn , i room. Only white nelp employed. 203 1st., cor. Taylor. aiam AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES , 44 A. M. Ferguson & Co. PORTLAND'S LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS. Have most every standard make auto mobile In stock. All late models and at very attractive prices. COMS IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. A. M. Ferguson & Co, 514 Alder st. Main 39ee STjOjiES AND OFFICES 11 WAREHOUSE or factory building in South Portland for rent. Modern, 2 story brick structure, trackage; well lighted. Apply R. W. Hagood. 311 Journal Mdg. BEST location in Portland for first- class tailoring establishment; win rlv. innr lease at reasonable rental. Rent reasonable; heat, hot j Apply R. W. Hacood. 311 Journal bldg. iumisnea. neniy 1 . . .i,.i rr.. n.l suites in Journal building. Appiy ti. w. Hagood. 311 Journal bldg. OVERLAND 1 ti 3 nodel $325 bi uukbakkk. & pass, late model. 4tv CASE, late model, lisrht 6 Dais.... 6S0 CROW-ELKHART 191 model ... 686 CADILLAC, & pass, good shape... 42S HENDERSON. 4 cvl. motorcycle.. 176 Also several others. Terms it ae- ired. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. E. 1st and E. Morrison Sts. -1216. East 7272. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Tavlor. Modern, completely furnished apts. walking distance. References. FOR RENT HALLS 50 HALL for rent Wednesday and Sat urday evenings. Marshall 1-1 o. Main 744. WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE party would care for home for people leaving city for summer or for short time. Main 2613. P. O. Box 397. HOUSES, VEHICLES. ETC. IH AUCTION. HORSES, HARNESS, 'WAGONS. THURSDAY. 2 P. M. We sell for any one on 5 commission. PORTLAND HORSE S A EES CO., 308 FRONT ST. PORTLAND Auction Sales Stable, Everv Tuesday and Friday. 10 a. m. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought 240 E. sin. ,"".:A51??,4K5 "r and sold on commission. ,ivee.; eau"iuiir xurrusueo npu. phone East 8118. Walker. Auctioneer. Marshall 4448. NEW NOB HILL APARTMENTS. 3 room suites, best location and out look. All mod. con v s. Reasonable rates. Marshall 267. Gllsan, near 23d st. DEAD horses and animals hauled awav free. 16 Daid for cows, crip pled and played-outs. Call Woodlawn zo. Portland Rendering Co. J VERY large rooms, apts., furnished; beautiful place, ground floor. 816 ai- nlna. Mississippi car, ofC at Failing. A -J . . t , J U U I 1 . ATTENTION. Several chunky Eastern Oregon horses and mares to be sold at once. 308 FRONT ST. GLENN APARTMENTS. 984 Hawthorne ave. We have fur nished and unfurnished apartment for rent. ISO children. Tabor Bioo. U-Z33Z. LIGHT farm wagon for sale or trade. What have you? Tabor 7678. Call between 6 and 8 evenings. COMPLETELY furnished 3 room steam heated apt.. 122 per month. including lights. BELKNAP APART MENTS, 187 17th, near Yamhill. BARGAIN Ranch team, harness. wagon and plows. 1967 E. Stark St.. Trial allowed. BLOCKY span of well matched sorrel mares, weight 2300 lbs., with good narness. 546 .f ront st. THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S.- 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance, at very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 2506. GOOD spring wagon and harness; must be sold this week. 37 w. Skidmore, LEONCE apartments: nice large 3 rooms, furnished; private bath and phone, rent reasonable, walking dis- tance. 186 N. 22d. GOOD pony team and harness. 4Z Hawtnorne ave. Call GOOD saddle horse lor sale, cheap. Call - n? ii- 1 i a L I WW OOUW ,IU M.VC. THE ORMONDE 4 and 6 rooms. frbnt, light, modern. ' b56 Flanders sr.. Nob Hill. Main 8251. CHEAP, span of mares, suitable for ranch work. 646 Front st. HORSE and wgon. $1.25 day; 2 horses and wagon, ft day. 546 Front. M. 2208 STEAM heated, furnished apartments, 34 Der week ana up. Harrison court. 5th ana Harrison. LIVESTOCK 35 THE ORMONDE 4 and 5 room: front, lljtht, modern, b&b Flanders st.. Nob Hill. Main 8251, JTSRSBY cows. Just fresh; will sell cheap; going away; 4 miles eas Vancouver river road. Ask ror r rieaei farms. "JUST WHAT YOU WANT." Three room furnished apts, steam heat, close in. 448 Clay, near 12th. I IF YOU have any fat cattle, hogs, veal or sheep to sell, call East 290. msijip HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Modern 1. 2 and 3 room apts., i2.u up; walking distance, cast tsot. POULTRY, PIGEONS AND 37 PET STOCK MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.60 per week un: sleeping rooms. East 212. NOKOMIS. 565 Marshall Modern Z room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and nhone: $15 to $22.60. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con venlences. Marshall 1793. 244 KILLINGS WORTH AVE., co ner Vancouver. 1, 2, 3 and 4 room un fnrnished aets. Low rent. WTdln. 1765. WHITE Leghorn babv chicks, -from heavy laying (Hoganized) stock, $8 per 100, for April, May and June. Safe delivery guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. 1914 CHALMERS. e-PASS 6 CYLINDER. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS. STARTER. ETC. NEW TOP. NEWLY PAINTED. CAR IN FIRST CLASS CON DITION. PRICE ONLY $760. TERMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. TEMPORARY LOCATION. BROADWAY AT BURNS IDE. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Travel will soon commence. The conventions meeting here this summer will make big bust- -ness for the highway. Be ready for this business by electing jour car now, which our stock Is complete. We haye several cars, all In first class condition, which axe Just the thing for this work. Seven passenger, 6 cylinder care and the prices are right, too. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. TEMPORARY LOCATION. BROADWAY AT BURNS1DE. FOR QUICK SALE. 6-PASS. PACKARD, IN A-l COND1TION.JUST THE THING -FOR PRIVATE CAR. TIRES IN GOOD SHAPE. THE FIRST PARTY BRING ING IN $500 CASH CAN HAVE THIS CAR. -PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. TEMPORARY LOCATION. BROADWAY AT BURNS1DE. FORD touring car. good condi tion, equipped with shock ab sorbers, speedometer, cutout. Crown fenders. Klaxon horn, bumper bar, tire carrier. Price $300. TERMS IF DESIRED. A A. M. Ferguson & Co. S14 Alder st. Main 3966. PIANOS ORGANS AND a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : 1 (Ooatlaaed) SCHWA N PIANO CO. Used Pianos. $35. $5. $145. $190 tip. New 1916 models. $195. $215. $166. $290 up. Used player pianos. $290. $$96, $435. $466. New 191$ model player pianos, $435. $4C5. $495. $635; $5 or $19 cash. $ or more monthly ; no Interest. Ill 4th St.. at Washington. Highest Cash Price Paid for all kinds MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS. TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS and PLAYER PIANO MUSIC ROLLS. Main 4495. IS 1st. WE store pianos. 60c monthly, and buy or sell for cash for our Datrons. eld model pianos, $25 and $35: up rights. 345. $65. $96. etc Security storage Co.. 1Q 4th st. PHONOGRAPHS 1st class used me chines exclusively; expert reoairing, records and machines bought, sold, ex changed (not a Junk shop). Vern I, vnger. I42V 2d (upstairs. M. 7244 THE Levin Hardware and Furniture Co. deals In new and second band furniture and hardware. We bay or ell hotel and restaurant outfits and tooiir 01 every description. We will pay the top price for them, cash or exchange. Four large stores ere atr- pie proor that -we can furnish yon wlta practlclly anything you may need iu the hor-a Or elsewhere. 221 Front su main 97s. YOU can get the use of a new piano for 2 years without paying either rent or interest. See Schwan Piano Co. display advertisement or call 111 4th st WE buy. sell and exchange all kinds or pnonograpns. QEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 to 1S1 urst su Phone Marshall 6981. A-3224. YOU'D GLADLY SAVE $i80 On a home, why notion a $375 Weg man upright piano we're closing out for $9a cash tomorrow. Security storage o, 103 4 1 n St.. at Wash $25 CASH Buys old model F. & C. Fischer piano, and $65 buys a $325 Kmerson upright. SECUHITt KniKAliK to., 109 4th. CHEVROLET. We have two models of this popular light car. $50 and one at $395; both are in first class condition and a bar gain. We also have a Dodge at 45, and many other good cars. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 1st and 'Washington sts. - Main 244. FORD SPECIAL. It's some Ford, special streamline body, electric starter and lights. Cost nearly $1000. Phone Main 6244 ror Information. Starting & Lighting SYSTEMS. Installed and Repaired. C. B. MINERS & CO.. .Fifth and Gllsan Sts. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACritrs fj CO. 1 Ton. $369 1 Ton. $410 2 Ton. $469 Capacity BUILDERS OF EVERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS. .s Mfg. in Portland. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437, MOTORS. gears, bearings, wneeis, axles, springs, radiators, magnetos, windshields, tires, tubes. Everything for your auto at half price. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. EXTRA tire rim for Ford. Fits both sixes, changed In 4 minutes. $6.60. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. $$3-335 Burnside st.. at Broadway Broadway 379. HUDSON 1914 6-40. first-class mechan ically, good tires, oversize, many ex tras including seat covers, tuu. Chandler Agency. GER LINGER MOTOR CAR CO. Broadway and Oak. Broadway 512. LAHER' Mfg. A Repairs, 3000 guarant'd Borings In stock, prices reduced. 14 N. itn su FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., and Washington. Main 6244. 21st WENTED Two doxen White Leghorn pullets, year old this spring; state price f. o. b. car in first letter. Ralph C. Oglesby. R. R. 1, Banks, Or. WHITE WYANDOTTE cockerels from prize winners. $5; pullets, $2.50; set ting, $2 and $3. G. M. King, 1397 E. 27th st. N. PENINSULA APTS. C-1170. Concrete bldg.; 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths. phon. st -m heat. $21 up. 3-4-5 ROOM FURNISHED APTS. THE DEZENDORF. "08 16th St.. near Talyor. Marsh. 2316. Clarke apts., 2 rooms, fur., dis. beds, phone. lights, heat. $12 up. Mar. 6056. ROSENFELD, 14TH AND E. STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, private; pnone, quiet. 6 ROOM, unfurnished, modern, walking distance. The Giles. 307 11th st. HADDON HALL. 411 11TH ST.. 2. 3 AND 4 ROOM APTS MAR. 1163. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. R. 6 rm. a,pts Mar. 3360. M. 7516. A-2671 11. K. ROOMS $1 wk. up., brick bldg free lights, baths. 95 Russell. C-2569. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FTTR.HISHED AND XTrTFUKlf ISHED paryATX ; PAMiiT PARLOR, kitchen, two! bedrooms, fur nished complete, piano, gas. wood ranges, phone, $13 month. 7 31 Rod ney, near Fremont. W. A., Alberta, WorVllawn cars. r- Several neat appearing young lauie.-i for outdoor ,work. no so$i itirig or can vassing; no experience, nec essary. Position tempor ary, pleasant work, saiary payable daily (not a coin ' mission imposition: Ap ply 30 1 Journal Hldg. be tween 10 and 1-; or I and 4, FURNISHED and unfurnished house keeping rooms. 328 Clay st. Mar- ; TELEPHONE OPERATORS rerjnanent positions ror young wum-n, saiary paia wnile learning. Apply .to the Pacific Tel. i- Tei. Co. 6th floor. Park and Oak sts , between 8:30 a m. and 6:3u p. m. shall 4771. TWO front housekeeping rooms with iences; reasonable renti 70 N. 14th st.' FOR RENT? FLATS 13 MODERN lower 5 room flat. 163 E. 17th st., $15. Marshall 4317. FURNISHED FLATS 50 4 ROOM, well furnished flat, strictly clean and modern, with piano, gar age. 825 E. Buxton ave. E. 1908. HATCHING eggs. O. A. C. strain Wh.te Jueghorns. 1 setting; write for mut ing list; quantity prices. W. J. Wil cox. Gaston. Or. WHITE WYANDOTTE cockerel to ex change; heavy laying strain. Call Columbia 252. BARRED ROCK eggs, $1.2a setting; special price incubator lots. 795 E. t 8th N. BARRED ROCK eggs, $1.25 setting; special price incubator lots; setting hens. Woodlawn 1656. 147 Mallory- FOR HALE or trade for clear property. good mares or cattle, a rive passen ger Stearns automobile. In excellent condition, at a bargain. J. S. Beall. Woodlawn 3171. A ITSW GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS LEFT. 191C GRANT KIX. like new $650 1916 OVERLAND, run 3000 miles. oo 1915 STUDEBAKER 600 1916 BITICK. -cyl.. 7 P 1916 HUPMOBILK Other good buys from ioo up. Manley Auto Co. llth and Oak at Burnside. Phone Broadway 217. $136 AND $160 CASH. Buys modern $325 and $275 upright piano tomorrow at Security Storage t o., tr t wmhhunn. PHONOGRAPH and records bought sold and exchanged. Hall & Cassa- day. 126 1st. Main 7098 Garages $30 Up. See Samples 544 Hood St, Phone Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. GARAGES. PORTABLE OR READY CUT. $27.60 TO $70.00. CALL FOR CATALOGUE. SAM CONNELL LUMBER CO.. BROADWAY 149. 354.ANKENY ST. OAKLAND SIX. 1916. in first class condition, good tires, good paint. looks and runs like new. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. l(th and Alder. Main 414 AUTOS FOR HIRE S2 AUTOS without drivers for hire. City garage. 8 10th st. Mar. 1897. A-4246. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 $330 IN notes paying $10 monthly, backed by good mortgage; trade for irord auto, journal. $400 EQUITY In lot and $200 cash for auto. S-i9, Journal. W A VTTin VnrA rnadstvr 1917 mrwlrl for pash. Call 135 N. 3d st., near Hoyt WANTED 1917 Ford. Call Main 1855 MOToltCYCLES-BICYCLES 5-1 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycles end accessories; large stock of USED MACHINES. Lists and specifications on request. Machines sent on approval. Largest exclusive motorcycle dealers In tbe state. MOTORCYCLE it SUP I PLY CO.. 209 4th st. 488 Union ave. N. FOR SALE or trade for auto equity in Federal truck, cheap, if taken thl week. Main 4127. Main 1442. 346 N. 23d st. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, engines, transmissions, etc. Oregon Auto Ex.. 1 29-31 Lownsdale. Main 1161. JIFFY STARTER FOR FORDS. (Improved model) 30 days' trial to re sponsible parties. A. L. Breckenrldge, 336 Halsev st. East 6D9S. C-2260. AUCTION sale of all kinds automo biles every Tuesday. 7 p. m. Bought. sold on commission. 240 E. 8th st. Phone East 8118. Walker, auctioneer. BROWN Leghorn eggs $1 a setting; laying pullets and hens for sale. 1406 E. Stark. Tabor 994. WANTED Ancona rooster, 2175 E. Washington. cheap. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 40 WANTED St. Andresberg Rollers. male and female. Phone C23JML GENTLE little female puppy to give away. Call Marshall 6904. TWO male thoroughbred French poodles, $10- 2175 E. Wa-iHngton. FOR-D touring In good mechanical con dition, good tires. $225 cash; no trade. 445 Hawthorne ave. CHALMERS "30" bug, Just overhauled and newly painted, ttoscn magneto. Main 8112. . OARAGES built on easv terms: plans and estimates furnished. Building and repairing. Phone Woodlawn 2634. $395, BU1CK, A-l condition, at once. 319 Henry bldg. Must sell 1917 MAXWELL for sale cheap. 365, Journal. K- I CAN use vour Ford if you can use a Maxwell auto Call Adams. Tabor 630. FOR SALE. 1914 Ford, $225. Call Main 910. electric lights. USED bicycle, cheap for Taylor st.. cor. 4th st. cash. 276 MOTORCYCLE cheap, also 7 h p. com plete naney motor, only. Z73 3d LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 TYPEWIilTEKS NEW REMINGTON retail plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rent als applying to purchase. Visible mod els. $3 per month. $7.50 for 3 month Other models less. Remington Type writer company. 86 Broadway. Tele phone Broadwav 21. WE SAVE you trom 60 to 7aVa on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folde. Retail department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Waxhlneton st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 3 - . - . - (Qot i-iedi - I Pay Spot Cash For houses of furniture, restaurants, cafeterias, grocery stores or furnish ings and fixtures ot every kincL Call Main 4557. SQUARE deal, pay positively highest Prices ror rent lerrven'n u4 plAih. Ing, shoes, trunks, valises, etc. Wm. Morris. 143 llth st. Phone Main 7880. call anywhere. WANTED - Second band furnitur. ranges and stoves. Hkh nripu Morgan Furniture Co.. 39t E. Morrtann st. Phone East 2238. WANTED The Deoole ot PonlanH tn know 1 pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention East 6707. N. M. Seatcr. 143 Russell st. PHONE East 7SI5 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R. Beat er. S0 Hawthorne ave., corner Union. . Want Household Furniture Will pay cash. Phone Main 3332 Look We pay highest price for your uia furniture, rugs, carpets, stovt-s, range, etc. Phone N. W. Fur. Ex.. Eat 614 MLfeT get stock of used rurmture at once. Will pay HIGHKST PRICE tor anything you have. Marshall 3KSA WA.NT- U k,nda BICYCLES AND PARTS, tents, drophead Bewtng ms chlne; must be reasonable. i;a int. GOING EASTT Household goods shipped at red. rates. pae. Coast Fw'd Co.. 201 Wilcox bid. Mar. 2467. AU ruMATIO rlfies. nntnguna. pump guns, kodaks and lenaea. Hochfeld. 85 3d st. nied. Tabor H0 Kl'K.NITUHE UNDERWOOD Just like new. with 14 inch carriage. Guaranteed in every way. Only $46. $10 down $5 per month. Vern L. Wenger. 1424 2d st. CORONA portable and Hammond. El W. Pease Co., Agts. 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD (iOObS Tor SALE tr CHEAPER THAN AUCTION. Furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves. Hall 4: Cassiday. 126 1st st. Main 7098. $175 WILL buy entire furniture and furnishings complete of 4 room mod ern flat. 940 Alblna ave. 19 Y" BS. linoleum, $3j fruit jars and Jellv classes, half Drue. 940 Al blna ave. NICE furniture for 6 rooms, valued to $300: will sell for $100 cash. Call 286 Eugene st. BEAUTIFUL davtnport and large gas range, cheap. 392 Benton st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE Whitlock cylinder print ing Dress, size of bed 28x40 Inches two form rollers, front printed side up (carrier) delivery. $1200 cash F. O. B Portland. This machine cost $100 new and has seen less than 9 months careful use and Is in condition equal to new. Our only reason for wlshfug to dispose of same Is that we are no longer doing the class of work for which It was Installed. An ideal Job machine: would also handle two pages of a 7 -column newspaper. Also 1 V4 horsepower. 220 volts single phase variable speed motor wit h con troller used on above press, $160 cash F. O. B. Portland. Cost new $225: has seen same amount of service as prest. A good press and motor buy. Either press or motor sold separately. Port land Label Co.. Inc.. Drawer A. Mil waukle. Or. LOST AND FOUND THB following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company: March C 2 lunch boxes, l cap. 1 book. 1 pair pants. 1 package nails. 4 purses. 1 pair glasses. 1 package mdse.. 4 umbrellas. 1 plant. 1 pair short, l suit cur. l vrin 1 package night shirt. 1 package honey. 1 package rice. 1 key. 1 card case, 2 baskets, 1 hsnd saw, 1 package blanks, 1 package shirt, 1 sack oranges, 1 hand bag, 1 package smelt. 1 single glove. 1 glasses case. 1 bracelet. Owners may obtain lost property at 1st and Alder. LOST Saturday, tan puppy, male, small scar on head. Reward. East 1950. LOST, gold pin. valued as an helr loom. Main 3164. PERSONAL 22 GLASSES AT A SAVING. The same service and quality you pay double the money elsewhere: correctly fitted glasses as low as $1.6J. 'Thousand of satisfied customers. Ches. W. Good nian. optometrist. 209 Morrison st. WANTED, names of witnesses to ac cident on November 13, 1916, at Grand ave. and Hawthorne, where ladv was thrown from a street car to pavement. Reward ftr definite truth ful Information. T-264. Journal. MOTORBOAT for sale, without en gine, 22 feet long. 1833 Burrage st.. Kenton. . T. DANIELSON, boat builder, foot of Nebraska. Repairing and painting. FOR SALE Brand new catom and nocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $150; second hand tables st re duced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures. Mend ror catalogue. The BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLLEN- DER Co.. 4H-48 5th. Portland. Oregon. PIANOS UKuA.Va AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .14 HIGHEST cash price paid for used pi anos, or will trade up to date talk ing machine and allow full value. Har old 8. Gilbert 384 Yamhill st. $145 CASH Buys modern $325 upright piano, un equal ed elsewhere. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 109 4th. FOR SALE or rent, mahogany grafo nola, $3 per monthr 145 llth st. Main 186U. OLD master violin; trade for cabinet Vlctrola, Grafonola, Edison Diamond Disc. 128 1st. WANTED Hornless talking machine must be reasonable. William Stan ley. Gen. Del.. Portland. TOMORROW $S5 cash secures a $400 narvara nano to upright at Se curlty Storage Co.. 109 4th st. iirtiwmibK wanted in part pay ment ror uprignt piano. 109 th rt VICTIM NO. 581 By DE BECK 3 ROOMS and kitchenette, first f loo , well furnished, pleasant location; close In. 314 Columbia! TWO ' rooms furnished for house keeping. 631 Thurman st., bet. 19tn and 20th. j 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 294 Eugene st. i ONE - 2 room suite, i. housekeeping room with kltchenett-e. 200 14th st. IT K. ROOM. S2 week; light and bath. 201 lth. cor gas, iihon. Tay lor. 3 FURNISHED IiousTsKeeping 294 Eugene st. I rooms. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. 3 in family, no chil dren. Phone mornings. Main 6282. Address 1025 Sayler st. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanttd to ' o Address FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MODERN 4 room cottage, lot 75xU'0 garden spot and fruft trees, $12. 165, Woolsey St.. Columbia! Park addition, Sellwood 3053. j STRICTLY modern ne,w 5 room bun galow, lot 60x125, corner. 2 blocks to car. 1677 Oregon St.. cor. E. 64th. M. V. car. MACHINES makes ot ail sold for less. No agents Pt-4r'M'Tt employed. Machines rwt. 1 ft-ed, $2 per month. A-32. NSraf- Main 9431. Sewing Ma- chine Kminrliim 1 fid 3l "MUSICAL. lAtil Hbilt.. IS. "lyur writers and Household Goods ar seta rate classifications. All idvu- tisements of these goods are publish-! under their respective ciaeslilcauons I,OOK THKM UVWt. GERMAN trained nurse end masseuse' gives treatment for rheumatism. lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and nains; laay assistant, siu 1'arK -si. Marshall 6033. Hours 9:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. Open Sundays. GUM AND PINE" knocks cougu while other remedies merely think about It. Fifty cents the bottle CLEM- ENSON DRUO CO.. Front and Morri son. We give green tradlnr stamps. ALL courts, all cases, full con-u Ra tions free. Prompt attention. Fees reasonable. Mahone ii Pirkey. lawyers. 402 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sta. MASSAGE, electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia.' etc. 256 llth st. Marshall 3637. Open Sundays MRS BERRY teaches crystal gaxlng,' mind and palmistry. Readings 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Room 411, 350 Morri son. Ladies only REV. MRS. J. C. KCHORl teacii-a Truth. Circle every night, readings dally. Beverley, cor. Park and Yajn hlll. Marshall 6978. BARBER, . wVn ,i. Circle Tilth. MRS. MABEL medium, readings daily. days and Thursdays, 8 p m. Evenings by appointment. Main tiz. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vi bratory massage. Office 49 3d floor, 145H Broadway. SPIRITUALISM Rev ing dally. 292 Clay. May A. meetings Tues. 2 and B P. m. Mar. 3so. A-ZZH. Price. Read- n..i.:. m.i 3. -rt LlcUU IU V UlU 5 ooubiil, iu iu, ichicu iiu im paired. Walker Klectrlo Works. 413 Burnside. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674. $10 TEN drophead sewing machines with attachments, rood condition. Sewing machines rented at $2 per month. East 2359. B-3307. K. li. sieen. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. run FT - AUTO M OBI l.ES. MO i one CL.fc.ei. launches or boats are separate classi fications. A large listing can be found under these different rlaf -cMon FOR SALE 1 National cash register. model 54.. in A-l shape, cost $390; will sell cheap lor - cash Henry Schnltz. LatourHlf. Or. WANTED Baby girl at birth or few days old. by refined couple, good home; confidential. N-233. Journal. MRS. CARVEL, magnetic healer. Spir itual card readings taught. 2d floor. 2d and Yamhill. DR. V. G. KETCH UM Women s mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg 4th and Wash. Rm. 44$. Mar. 44J REV. M. LA MAR. Spiritualist me dium, teaches palmistry and card- readjn g dally. 236 6tn at., cor. Main. HAVE your hair permanently wave-iT Guaranteed to laat. Sanitary Beauty Parlor- 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. DK. MAKIE JOHNSON. 429 Taylor eU chiropodist ftS- ! T--li,. III.'VT 1 sist in housework fnr familv f 9 ! Vf": :S ?c : small wages and good home, . iocK box 22. Mill City. Or. EXPERIENCED nursemaid TZ take" , charge of children. Call at 345 E. 17th st. -GOOD competent girl Tor general housework. 161 N. 24th st. Main 31it. VANTEiv- Ex perienced laundry help. ' State experience X-241. Journal GIRL for general housework. 828 :. Skidmore st. Broadway car. modern house. 2 lots, chickens, fruit trees, close to car; owner. Tabor 258. i $16 SIX room house,! electric lights. rurnace, yard. 121 E. 27th N. J. J. Oeder.. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. 'j FINISHERS on pants. 205H Jefferson st. experienced. HOUSE, close-in, modern conveni ences: fireplace; furnace; yard. Call mornings, East 1510. j $10 MODERN 5 room fcottage, garden, Woodstock. Sellwood 1335. N.. HELP WANTED MALE AND .. FEMALE- - 29 ;iMim Bmwm miiwz Teaches men . and w-omen in 8 wet-its, give a diploma, scholarship and tools; pay while learning. Send lor free cat alogue. Second and Burnside. .THE i Original Mohler Barber school. Men and women te learn the bartser trade In ! weeks. Tools free. - Paid while . learning. Scholarships and di plomas. ',.Get you a- position. Tuition reduced 38 N. 2d st..' cor. Couch. - OREGON r barber College Men' and women to learn barber trade- in 8 weeks: can earn $15 to $25 a week. Tools freeetuititn reduced;, paid while learning. zsa waawon st. - 1WLANT man and wife, without children. to work n dairy ranch, man to do team -work ana help milk, wife to cook tor 4 men. Phono Sellwood 747. . b-ROOM cottage. 446 (union ave $14. East 462. NEW 6 room house, garage if wanted. sn5 Monroe st. Adults. koomo, o; rigui ut car line Frsd W. German Co . 732! Cham, of Com. FURNISHED hOl bES au $19 FIVE room modern bunalow, sleeping porch, surtnv. convenient Kitcnen, garaea; aduitst Beaumont car. 4atn st. in. - . FOR RENT Furnishe4 i, rr,.-m hnnci, low, modern, hardweod floors, fire place, lurnace, z,v. DiKsj Hawthorne car. iiu viiuuiui, journal PARTLY furnished hosse, lots of fruit ana nernes. izsi k. 33d st. N rnone wooaiawn v 291 E. 905. j room hi ilisan. FURNISHED 5 room house: garden. SIX rooms, furnished, hear -t-l ni-nr Inquire 710 4th st. f Marshall 449L 5 ROOM furnished house. 7 63 Wil liams ave. - Woodlawn 410 FOUR rooms, furnished, modern- low er floor. Tabor ISO, . . i ylOciu PIRATE WHOS BE EM S . 1 Roo& x , I N swiping- supples v y UTTie Yfa TAW- ' I HOW LONG HAS 2) fc- VTHA A Xu. ) Vruis been ooin&. JJ t (Mr oUs Fjj-oxl fAc y . wvfy4 . Ss t1h -fvA i . -- ii m iv i i i ll j-v &mx.sm?&& as:i iff i ,-. i j i I-., ,'-T n III I ff 11 ' If-'l 1 -. t:m-lM$&S&(& u V NEi? j. i - I &su : w a- mi tzj:& mmTr t n,""" ti,'j'f a. . 1 i i nil i i i ra r; lita-1 rgfesgvi. k - i . i 1-4 i - i nil a : mt mmtmi- i I 'S 4- I II J.I U1I I 'S3iaeA-v(ir ' ' II I li t 1 W V HI er-r I I grz - i lilW II I ri-. : I l i - "?-f x - i 1 - i ii j ' - ii JAEGER Vacuum Cleaners. 'Inline. Guar. 5 yrs. Carpet sweepers and vacuums rented, repaired and e chanred. 701 Swetlanrt bide Mar o. FOR S A L.E Adjustable dress ion... was $18. Will sell for :l mornings. Slo Htght st. I nutiar onsultatlon FREE. S Lawyer 4993. J12 semng bidg. TRANSIORTATIOX 3il AUTOMATIC Winchester rifle. cost $55; trade for Victroia or Graf onola. 12S 1st. LOO BOND letter heads. luuo. $2.90; 500 envelopes. J1.S0. 1000. $2.90. Pmlth. printers. 204 Stark t. WAYNE gasoline pumps lor liiiing stations and garage. E. H. Kueppell, 47H Wahineton Main lo. LEAKY I oof renewed, repaired ai.d guaranteed 10 years. $15. Main 6S-'. A-30ol. mornings. sacks of seed. Wdln. 3675. He. l SURA YING machine for rent, wagon, chickens, rugs, couch. 6 E. 3d. COMMODE, comforter. sanitary couch, mattress. new; snap. 395 Yamhill. SEED potatoes for sale: lots plowed. Call evenings. Tabor 330. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prirea. Stark-I'-vl Co.. 212 Tnlrcl. Main 77. PLOWING end planting, seed . f ur. ntshed fertiliser delivered. East ri4 SWAP COLUMN 'FLKN1TLKE V.NTEI PAY rash or trade in on new. M. II. Calef. MO William- ave. F-t M17 25 FOR SALE A good row boat. oars. chain and padlock. i will exchange for good bicycle. K-414. Journal. NO matter what you have to sell or trade, phone Main 4495. House of looo bargains. 129 1st. WANTED Bed. rocker an -p-yment on hornless talking marliln. frell 3. San Francisco Los Angeles (Without cbarse la Koutf.l The Big l Clrto 14 tVrtjifortible $12 ElesDtlj Appolii ted T S.S.BEAVER Balls fro a AU.worlh Dork . f 3 T. K, XOVSAT, HAKCI 13 ion Ooldea UIVs a Columbia Klr. All Kate Irw-lod Bertha sod Meals. Tible and SerTlr tse-relled. The Raa Fmnelr A rortlasd '.. Third and Waablogtna alreela wllh O-W. H. A N. Co. Tel. Broedvay 4jO. A-12l. EXCHANGE dental work tor ladii-V or gent's tailoring O-301. Journal WANTEIJ M1SCELLAKEOCH 5 OREGON Junk. Metal fc Hide Co high est prices "hides. "ool. Junk rags, cable. Mar. 1940. Salem phone $99. DIAMONDS sold on commission by Belding. the Jeweler. 24&H Alder. Main 19T ; - SECOND-HAND clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison. HIGHEST cash - price . paid for nlture. Call A. B. P.. Mar. 47. fur- PAYS highest price for 2d hand cloth ing, tools, etc. n r-ront. si am ioz. CASH vid for good second-hand fur niture, rora Auction t,o.. in zn et. 5TW15 PALACES i A Partlaad U Sea rraactaoa 11. -OETXZXaT raCITlC, Mareb U . lO. IS. . 24. . .April 1. 0 11 fora la itMawr ripreas keataa j :dv a- . area se, six. ia, fiio, sze. S- OEZAT irOmTK-E. aa rrasc-fe a-4 Loa Aogelae te Hoootala. Uarrfe a, 3. April 11. 30. f 130 reosd trip. Ttk Beak. Sts as4 Itark ncnT omcxi HetUa. 19ta sad Hart 14 asd -atriaea. Jf. Jr. y. U Wash.. O. V. By. . 19 M. SsxUsgtae ay. Highest cash price paid for furniture I and gen. mdse. Slmmonds, East 6S$. I Anerican-Hayf-Saii Stcacship Co. All mailings bctwea. U. ' S. -' Atlantic; and U. ' S. Pacific . port are - canceled s until further notice. C. D. JUaaesy, Art.. t79 tUrk It., Tart u,!. u 1 1 8