The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Pure Milk & Cream
; Co, and Damascus Cream
J ery Join in Big Concern.
lExtension Lectures !f AQTCPfJ TfDlfJAI Q
ouueuuieu jiur wee
Country eceiYia; Stations Bs
Vlseed la Oregoa, Washington ud
; Idaho, If Em Been AanonncL
I The two largest creameries In the
fetate, which control more than 60per
- pent of all the milk, cream, butter and
fchetse business of Portland, were
nerged yesterday Into one , concern.
. Tfcey; were the Portland Pure Milk &
tream company and the Damascus
1 fcreamery company. The new concern
5s called the Portland-Damascus Mil
Company, and Its capital stock is fixed
t 1225.000.
Robert Ireland, ' vice president and
. general manager of the Portland Pure
.Mil A Cream company, becomes presi
dent of the new concern. The ether in
corporators are: Andreas Vetsch, pres
ident Of the Damascus Creamery com
pany, and E. E. Merge, capitalist,
through whose efforts the consolida
tion was brought about.
J : Big New Plant Planned.
, a The new firm plans to build a big
w plant In Portland, the capacity of
rfwhlch will be limited only by the aoll
Jty; of northwest dairymen to produce
tthe: raw" material. The site for the
- Jereamery has not yet been selected
thought It is the .Intent of the company
Jo be In Its new horn within a year.
Details of building have not been com
pleted, but among other features will
Jaa aallerles from which visitors, and
(embers of -Faculty, of TTnlvarstty of
Oregon Win Slake Tour During Cnr-
wa tj Vdteaes TeaeliSXS.
Eugene, Or., March 1 6. During;" the
I current week the members of the fac
ulty of the University of Oregon will
o out from the university campus to
lecture In response - tj requests that
have come In to the extension division-
Edgar E. DeCou. professor of math
ematics, will deliver a! lecture on "Ul
timata World Peace and the World
Wat" at Harrisburg Friday evening. He
will also speak to the high school stu
dents In the afternoon!
Albert H. sweetser. professor of
botany, will give an illustrated address
at Salem Friday evenign.
Henry D. Sheldon, dean of the school
of education, will speak to the teach
ers of Klamath county Saturday.
Earl Kllpatrick. assistant dean of
the extension division will attend a
Linn county local institute to be held
at Harrisburg Saturday. He will speak
on "Professional Reading for Teach
V j
Houses of Washington Legis
lature ?Keep Faith With
Each Other ana1 Pass Bills,
Movement of Freight Greatly
Facilitated Through Work
of Committee in Pittsburg,
Peanaylranla Uaec- Xopo to Xemove
Restrictions on Domestio Prelght;
Exports Embargo to Continue.
particularly "school children, will be j markets was the second
Sible to watch all the processes. i when the senate stoppexl.
J Thenew Incorporation will have its 1 house bills on the house calendar could
Olympia, Wash., Marih 6. The house
and senate kept faith jwith each other
Monday and promptly at noon each
ceased consideration of its own meas
ures ana took up those that had been
favorably acted upon; by the other
body. i
The worst wall came from Iverson,
whose bill creating a director of farm
to be reached
More than 20
jown country receiving stations at all
Important milk producing points in
Washington, Oregon and Idaho, where
nllk and cream, received from the
farmers will be scientifically tested
and cooled before being shipped to
? . Business $3,000,000 a Tear.
j The volume of business of the com
panies runs now to nearly 1 150.000 a
Snontb, and it Is expected this year to
treach the $2,000,000 a year mark. In
not be reached and of eourse there are
scores which died In committee in each
house. j
J. no senate louna uu Dujyticiu
votes so called up the; governor veto
of extra legislative expenses and passed
it over the veto.
Among senate bills! passed by the
senate Monday wasj one proposed
by thevpubllo service 'commission for
better protection of grade crossings
and a measure providing for a two pia-
ant general freight agent, chairman; 1
3. E. WeUer, general western freight
agent, Chicago, -. 111.; , John Callahan,
representing superintendent freight
transportation, lines west.' and O. H.
Burtls, representing superintendent
ireight transportation lines east.
Domestlo Freight need. ' -
Such nrogress has recently been
made in clearing up the freight con
gestion that the management or tne
Pennsylvania lines west hopes, within
a few days, to be able to remove the
greater part of the restrictions on the
movement of domestic freight, in
either direction, throughout that terri
tory. Comparatively few restrictions
on domestic freight in Pennsylvania
railroad territory east of Pittsburg
and Buffalo obtain at the present time.
It is planned to continue in effect,
indefinitely, the general embargoes
against export freight at the seaports
of New York. Philadelphia and Balti
more. Such freight, as heretofore, will
be accepted only where the shippers
present satisfactory evidence that ade
quate vessel space has been engaged
and that the cars will be promptly
unloaded upon arrival. it
Commission Dealers
Juggle Food Prices
San Francisco. March . (P. N. S.)
Supervisor Edward I Nolan, car
rying on his own independent Inves
tigation of food supplies in San Fran
cisco, declared today that he had re
ceived reliable Information that "a
handful of commission men" corner
the market each year, manipulate
prices to the highest point possible
and destroy all produce not disposed
of at these figures.
Acting on this information. Super
visor Nolan resumed his tour of the
waterfront and commission house dis
trict, visiting especially one ware
house which he declared he had been
advised was loaded with unsold prod
uce. . "
High School Boys
And Girls Seek Work
Great Improvement In freight con
gestion conditions at eastern termi
nals has been noted during the last
few days, according ' to advices re
ceived by 3. L. Campbell, general
agent of the Pennsylvania lines here,
chiefly because of the work jot a spe
cial joint embargo committee com
posed of officials of the Pennsylvania
system. "
Material progress in expediting th
movement of freight between the mid
dle west and eastern points Is being
effected through the work of the com
mittee, which has Its headquarters at
Special Committee Created.
This committee was created at the
direction of the executive officers to
devise means for more satisfactorily
handling freight affected by ertiDar
goes between the lines east and west.
Its'nurDose is to make, as promptly
as possible, modification of embargoes
where transportation conditions and
th ability of consignees to remove
freight from cars promptly permit
such exceptions. This makes more
effective the object sought In hand
ling freight under embargoes, which
is to nrevent terminal congestion by I Mr. Emolover. have yon a Job for a
senaratinc freight that will be held lnlbov or alrl attending- high school? If
cars at destination from that which lyou have, the Chamber of Commerce
will be taken off the railiWTs bands I of the Washington high school would
Salesman Contends He Was
Fooled by. Superiors, But
Letter Proves Knowledge.
San Francisco. March . P. N. S.)
The United States circuit court of
appeals yesterday affirmed the decision
of the United States aistrict court of
Oregon, which found O. E. Gernjrt
guilty of conspiring to use the malls
to defraud. ' Gernert was a salesman
for the United States Cashier com
pany, of which Frank Menefee was
It was claimed that the company
owned numerous patents and stock was
sold in the corporation, the buyer . b
Ing promised 'enormous" dividends
days after the purchase. The patents,
however, were mythical, and Menefee,
with, others, waa arrested by the fed
eral authorities and later convicted.
Oenert appealed separately, claim
ing -that be was merely a. salesman
and was the victim of his luperiors.
But Judge Ersklne M. Ross, who
wrote the decision filed today, quo'.ed
letters written by Gernert ; to F. M.
LeMonn, sales manager, and the
answer In which Gernert told of se
curing customers at Stockton, Cel.,
and asking LeMonn to write him a cer
tain letter so he could show it to pros
pective victims. These letters, toe
court held, were sufficient to convict
Melbourne to Hold Election.
Melbourne. March 6. (U. P.) The
government has decided on an Immedi
ate general election. It was announced
today, following the dissoluWon of the
present parliament. t
' Hula-Hula in Divorce Trial.
San Bernardino, Cel., March . (P.
N. 8.) -Filing secret divorce proceed
ings here, against George A. Doyle.
Mrs. Ethel Doyle, member of the San
Diego smart set has alleged that
her husband attended a small party at
ltaA of tmnortaintr dairv nroducts as Uoon fire system in the larger cities
Was the case a few years ago, Oregonjr.i House bills pa-rsed the house Monday
now exports butter, Cheese and con-1"frovide for licensing; attorneys and
densed milk in quantities that are in-i dogs, separate measures. The funds
creasing every year and will increase derived from the first are to be used to
still more rapidly as the result of the support a county law; library and the
new Incorporation.
It is the purpose of the company to
Investigate the most important city
creameries in the east, including those
of Sheffield Farms-Slawson packer,
company of New York, and of the "great
Wlllis-Jones-McEwen plant of Phila
delphia, which was built to handle 100,
000 quarts a day. i
Vlant to Be Firs Class. '
The services of an architect will be
fees from the other are to be used to
pay for damage done livestock by ca
nines Other successful house meas
ures provide for an industrial survey
of the state, increase! powers of port
districts and to extend time for suits
on contractors' bonds, j
Senate measures wnt through the
house with little debate. Among them
were these: I
Providing for thejaeceptance of fed
engaged who has made a special study! eral aid for highways., reappropriating
of.creameries, to the end that Portland nearly $1,000,000 from the permanent
hall have a nlant second to non on ! highway fund and i reappropriating
the Pacific coast and the equal to any J about 11,000.000 from .the public high
in the east in point of sanitation if not
In else
For the present, the main office of
the company will be at Third and Hoyt
streets from which plant milk and
cream will be supplied, while butter,
cheese and other products will be han
dled at the .Damascus plant on Hawthorne-avenue
at Kast Seventh street.
The board of directors of the new
corporation are: President. Mr. Ireland;
vice president, M. L. Jones of the La
bish Meadows, Marion county; secre
tary. Mr. Merges; general manager. A,
M. Work; an,d Mr. Vetsch.
Aeroplanes Drop Bombs.
Ijon&on, March 6. (U. P.) Naval
aeroplanes on Saturday dropped nu
merous heavy bombs over the .German
blast furnaces at Brebach, an official
statement declared today.
way fund eacn to complete existing
contracts. j
Hegulatinr leasing of harbor areaa
Pftrmrttintr street car comnanies to
combine with consent of a majority of
! stockholders and approval of the pub
lic service commission.
By agreement the I senate has for
special order today consideration of
a Jitney-bus measure, to meet objec
tions raised by the attornem general
and harmonize the various bills that
have been acted upon! this session in
either house.
without delay.
Embargoed rr eight Moved.
As a result of the committee's ef
forts, there have been moved in the
last week, through tho Pittsburg and
Buffalo gateways, more than 8100 car
loads of embargoed freight of all
kinds, which could not have been
handled with equal promptness, if at
all, except by this special arrange
ment Of this freight, approximately
2000 cars were eastbound and 1100
cars westbound. At the close of thj
week, arrangements were pending for
the movement of 4 1C0 additional cars
Durlne- the period In question, the
committee has had presented to it for
consideration nearly 1500 separate ap
plications for individual shipments
under special modifications of the em
bareoes. It has been possible thus far
to grant about half of these applica
tions. All shippers seextng special
permits have been placed upon an
equal footing.
Is Clearing House.
""The committee virtually constitutes
a clearing house for handling all re
quests for the special movement of
freight affected by embargoes. From
systematizing the work, the average
length of time require to arrange a
special modification of an embargo has
been more than cut in hair.
The active work of the committee Is
in charge of: . John M. Gross, asiet
like to have their employment bureau
know about it. The youthful mem
bers of th reorganized chamber ot
commerce believe that cooperation Is
reeded to get Jobs and seekers after
jobs connected - up, and also to enable
bovs and girls lo obtain employment
before and after school, neai to their
Employers should notify Principal
H. H. Herdman or the student officers
cf the body, If they can provide em
the Best Start
that parents can give their children is to teach them thrift.
First, a good constitution, then good habits. Cultivate
saving habits, pay a definite amount for certain work, allow
pending money, hut develop tho restraining instinct by
requiring them Kf render account of what they do with it,
and having a bank account and doing their own banking.
Encourage them by opening a savings account in a good
bank One DOLLAR will start one here.
Ladd & Tilton Bank
Washington and Third
I -
Everybody- likes APPLESTAFF.
-.Generously good, with the sweet
frajrance of new-picked apples
JTo avoid substitution, be sure to
;i ay APPLESTAFF by full name,
it soda fountains, cafes, hotels,
I'clubJ, etc. ,.
Order a case- for the Home.
A. H. Greenberg
& Co.
Distributor for Oregon.
"$'N'0,hone': Broadway- 474
: 135 N. 3d St., Corner Hoyt
Multorpors Pledge
Support to Wilson
- r i
Multorpor -Republican Club Is in Unan
imous Accord With the Position of
ths President in the Present Crisis,
The Multorpor Republican club went
on record at Its annual meeting Mon
day night, as being in unanimous ac
cord with the position of President
Wilson In the present Crisis. It adopted
the following resoltuioins by unanimous
vote, and directed that they be tele
graphed to the president toiay:
"We are Republicans. Every man of
us did all in his power to elect an
other distinguished citizen to the ex
alted position which you now occuuy
"But above all questions of party or
creed we are Americans. Wc sincerely
regret the action of aismall number of
United States senators who prevented
tne passage or a giving you ths
necessary power to protect American
lives and property. We wish to assure
you that in every action which vju
may take in upholding the rights of
American citizenship and the honor of
cur country we will sapport you to the
very best of our ability."
The annual election resulted in the
election ox the following officers and
uireciors: i
uus u. xaoser, president; A. S. Dresn
er, urst vice president; Dr. A.. W.
f flAt.nn.1 ..In. t J a. n. .
. vi cajuen i; xnco-
dore O. Gladding, secretary; John GUI,
Board of directors:; John Gill, Dr.
a. vy aipore. a. s. juresser, C, M. Idle
nelius, Robert Treat I Piatt, Theodote
v. ui&uaing ana uus V Moser. ?
oenerai Charles PJ Beebe1 military
vviuiuuiuMll, j
Kailroad Promoter r
Discusses Project
j. . xranora Tens About Bale of
Bonds in Klamath Palls to Plnanos
Hew ilat
. San Francisco,
Jm. stranorn of Portland, who is
behind a scheme to build about 600
miles of railroad, at a cost ofabout
1 ftftn An A. i .i . v.u
..ww,vv, " vumm uregon, passeC
through the city yesterday from ma
matn aiis. Or., en route to join his
Five-Foot Grand
"Its Tone h Wonder-,
tful" write Caruso
Occupies'" no more room th&a"
Uptight EaryTefms if Desired
which San Diego telephone rirl
danced the hula-hula in negligee. The
case was continued. " -. " - - ur-rrt.
xSv Evtn. ths words bUnd I )
IP. O. B.'
Makes the Whole World JGn!
No clitmte affects it for the package pro
tects It SO WRIGLEVS fioes to
all parts of the world: hlfih. low bote
cold: In all seasons, to alt classes
Morrison Street at .Broadway
o : r.r, r
Qamath Palls to Plnanos ; , .
and Other Developments. Don t DO OlSCOUTaiTed
seo. March . (P. K 8.) - m
xvesinoi ooap
will clear yowskiii
And the happy owner near or far who
opens the savory flavorv packet finds
the contents fresh clean wholesome
and delicious always.
Itatds appetite and digestion, allays thirst
elves comfort and best of all .
The Flavor Lasts.
Three of
a kind
I Minv and man a nrt 3
Stranorn said h. wa. mi1 . I V.avmi..: j i .
ivu in Donas its people authorized I nut omyis oengni
i. v7 " r"ro proposition he is
me town or JBurn sirA.v.
V0.tld i88" '126-P in bonds.- he
said. "The cities of I Bend and Lake-
uavo uso votea nonds.
. " caasea me to pay
"f " pocet tne expense
" - s "ios or tne pro-
r,t D..i I "-""-
fully clearuine and refreshin?. but its
daily uio reduces the tendency to pirn
ples,offsets puny ill-effect of cosmetics,
and gives nature the chance she needs to
make red, rough skins white and soft.
miles of right of wair. v.u.
m. - m . . m ' a. aa .m? ibs
r,v. eview also have procured
I! th. klB b la bA thap- thro-rh .Wt or m-
rap- wmamim. a mum Keslaoi Oiatmnt shoald
at Sret b. Md with th. ReaW
04 beam to bastea the retars
toeermaleofMUttoiis. Reslnol
ixm and Kial CXntaaeat
I are teta by aU araggUsv
Chew It after
every meal
see bow much
better you will
To lasso aroma lasso Omar,
crowded with aroma to the last
genial whiff!
Omar aroma! It's a racy yet smooth
aroma a thrill to the senses, a joy to
the soul.
Aroma makes a cigarette they've
told you that for years. 'And Omar
is aroma. It's the perfect Turkish
blend the triumph of rich Turkish
and ripe accentuating leaves. Then
Omaromar spells aroma. Even the
words blend.
t'Stnoke Omar for Aroma
I Lents
fj eoftTfi st
"Let Me Give You $8
in Automatic Service"
ONLY 50 more homes can take advantage of
my offer of Automatic service without
cost! 1 have given 2950 families the advan
tage of Automatic service. My offer was for
only one purpose, that was to show Portland
a newer better telephone system." 1 believe
everyone has appreciated what I have done. I
want you to take advantage of my offer. You
must act promptly. Better call A-6221 and give
ykur application today.
Swift Sure Secret