The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1917, Page 16, Image 16

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    . 1
TUESDAY, 1 MARCH 0, 1917
Joseph N, Teal Tells Brother
.;bood of First Congrega
tional What City Needs.
ITalMS Old-Tim r Brnk tip Clio.
ana Help, nothing Hit Decay
' W1H Com to Fort.
"Portland lacks bold, progressive
men, .willing to take a chance.
"No chance is given to youtij meJ
in this city: lnaiead they are con
stantly suppressed.
"Wm do not five a new man a, chance,
Tnnl literallv starve to death for
" Want of sociability while we old tlm-
' ers. altogether self-centered, gamer in
clique and exclude them.
. "What a few men say in this town
goes, whether they know what they
are talking about or not. and usuai'y
Ihey do not TheJe few sit back look- j
ing wise and no one else dares U
open his head.
tThere is an aosolute lack of unity
of purpose and too much complacen.y
and a dee&lly inertia which can only I
be overcome by. young blood and new
Wood' ;
abject Discussed Zs Shipping.
- Speaking before the Brotherhood of
the First Congregational church last
night on the question of Portlands
shipping problem, Joseph N. Teal gave
the foregoing as c few, and the prin
cipal, reasons why this city has prac
tically gone to pieces as a seaport.
Mr. Teal began by showing the im
mense 'Increase in recent years of Sc
at tie's ocean-going commerce and the
constant shrinking, till now it is al
most negligible in comparison with
that of the northern port, of that of
Portland. Insisting as a beginning
that Portland has far and away tho
best of any other seaport on the Pa
clflc in point of location, Mr. Tea
' then proceeded to declare in plain Krtto-
llsh that the people of Portland are
to blame themselves for not taking
advantage of their unparalleled oi
. Navigation Obstacle Xemoved.
i i rue, ne nam, up till a year and a
half or so, big ocean liners could not
'safely get into the Columbia, despite
anything that was said Or believe!
to the contrary. But this natural ob-
stscle is now gone and the people are
till sitting back and waiting for
'.Providence to make good for them.
lie declared that 60 energetic yoo.ig
. men. imbued with a spirit of
i absolute and complete loyalty to Po;t
. land, "cotild revolutionise this town in
a year." The first essential, he in
- Msted, would be for them to declare
their independence of the 60' or 19'j
non-progressive men who now hold
lbe city in bondage.
. The speaker declared that Sacra
mento, under the ruling of the Inter
state Commerce commission that water
- tompetltion must be real and not mere
ly potential, and about 160 other cities,
v have already lost terminal 'freight
rates, and he warned that a similar sit
uation may develop as to Portland If
this city does not wake up.
Colombia Slver Zs Useful.
"I still hope to see the time come,"
.declared Mr. Teal, "when the Colum
bia river will serve some other pur
pose than to be pictured in railroad
folders and being used for tourists ;o
" look at."
Mr. Teal's reference to the men in
Committee Will "-.
Prepare Arguments
U. ' . Xnstos, X. JC XubU and rnak
. A, mow wm Train Baaaoas for
Supporting Ship Subsidy Amendment
8. B. Huston and K. K. Kubll of
Portland and Frank A. Rowe of Wheel
er are the members; of the Oregon
legislature who will, constitute the
committee. Jointly appointed by the
president of the house and senate to
prepare argument supporting the pro
posed ship subsidy amendment, which
the people will vote on at the special
June 4 election. Word of the appoint
ment reached W. D. B. Dodson at the
Chamber of Commerce this rooming.
A dispatch to The Journal from Sa-
lem nays: "Senate Joint resolution 13
will be the first measure on the spe
cial election ballot. Its official title
is:. 'Authorizing ports to create lim
ited indebtedness to encourage water
transportation.' " ,
The Chamber of Commerce, said Mr.
Dodson, will appoint; a committee to
cooperate with the legislative com
mittee. )
check and obtaining: money under, false
pretenses. - She - was arraigned itator
Presiding Judge- Gantenbeln. i who
granted her until Wednesday to solore
counsel. The girl passed a worthies
check bearing the forged nam of l'er
brother. I E. Reed, and was brought
back from Spokane to answer to th
charge. . ,
Recall Proceedings Set rfide. -
Los Angelas. CaL. March 6 (P. N.
S.) Th district court of appeals is
sued today a peremptory writ setting
aside ' th recall ' proceedings ' brought
against District Attorney Barclay Mc
Cowan of Kern county. . This, followed
the certiorari proceedings by McCowan
against County Clerk F. E. Smith. The
recall election was to have teen held
March 27.. . -'
Death Being Investigated.
Bend. Or March (.Acting on or
ders from the coroner's Jury which ad
journed Saturday night after investi
gating th death of th two-months-old
son of Mrs. Henry Goodman of Band,
County Health Officer Dwlgbt T. Mil
ler and Dr. U- C. Co has mad th pre
liminary operations for an autopsy.
At th inquest. Dr. Co told of
examining the child Friday noon, said,
that there were no external Indications
that death had been from other than
natural causes and said that the
mother told him that the baby hat
never been sick, nor shown any signs
of a weak heart.
Goldsmith Base
Ball Goods Off
Bats, balls, gloves, masks, etc.
Sporting Goods, Basement Balcony
Store Your Furs
in Our Vaults
on the premises where they will be
safe from dust, moths, theft, fire or
loss. Perfect refrigeration.
Fur Shop, Fourth Floor
Trie Quality" Stotb or Portland
tVs SssMIbs YtslW4BSSB AM
Skirts Cut to
Measure Free
if materials purchased here; skirts ac
cordion, box or knife pleated, ready
to put on band, for $1.
Dress Goods Shop. Second Floor.
Consult Our
for all your foot ills. Appointments
by phone or personal visit. Satisfac
tion assured. Moderate charges.
Beauty Shop. Fifth Floor.
The Family and the Home Have Paramount Place in This News
Lucius Phetteplace
Is Dead at Eugene
Veteran, Who Was Captain of Mich
igan Zafantry la Civil War, raises
Away at Age of 83 Tears.
Eugene, Or., March 6. Lucius Phet
teplace, captain of Company A Nine
teenth Michigan Infantry, in the
Civil war, died at his home in this
city Monday at the age of 82 years,
after a long illness.
Mr. Phetteplace was a native of
New York state, but! went to Michi
gan when a boy. j He fought all
through the Civil war, emerging with
a captain s commission, lie came to
Kugene in 1901, residing, here up to
the time of his death. His wife
broke down about three weeks ago
after caring for him in his last ill
ness and died two weeks ago. He
did not know of her death, as he
was unconscious then and remained
so. i
Captain Phettyplac is survived by
a daughter, Mrs. Q. A. Tracy of
Hooker, Okla., and a son. H. E. ' Phet
teplace, living near Springfield, Or.
He was a member of jthe G. A. R. and
Unitarian church. j
Bend Firm Allowed
To Decrease Rates
Public Service Commission Issues Or
der Permitting Change; Bates Pre
viously Fixed by Commission.
Salem, Or., March 5. The Public
Service commission has issued an
order granting permission to the Bend
Water Light & Power Co. to lower Its
lates at will by filing a. proper tariff.
The order- was issued at the request
of the company. On; July 1. 1815, the
commission issued an order fixing tho
tates to bo charged by the company.
These rates, under the terms of ..h
order issued today, will be considered
the maximum rates which the company
may charge. j
Hundreds of Newest Dresses
Have Just Arrived
Everyone is talking about the smart new
styles in Spring frocks which we are now
showing. There are lovely taffeta dresses,
taffeta and serge for street and office, plain
serges and the most fetching models in Crepe
de Chine, Georgette and combinations of
Georgette and Crepe de Chine.
New frocks for all occasions dainty light
shades for evening wear and the newest shades
for daytime occasions. All sizes are here from
misses' 14 to women's 54 moderately priced.
Serge Dresses $12.50 to $29.50
Silk Dresses $17.50 to $150
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Finest $1.00
Splendid quality mercerized
finish webbing in attractive
novelty and striped patterns.
All made with fine calf,
stitched ends. Good looking,
well finished, durable $1.00 sus
penders Wednesday 69.
-Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor
"Not Young in
Years But Still
Youthful in Ap
One often hears this said of a well-gowned woman:
It is STYLE that makes one woman stand out above
all others, regardless of her years she is the distin
guished figure in-the scene.
Redfern Corsets
give that rare quality distinction to their wearers,
in whatever walk of life they happen to be. If you
have neglected your figure, it may take a little time
but your figure will quickly respond to the modeling
influence of a "Redfern."
Demonstration by expert Redfern Corsetiere.
Corset 8hop, Third Floor.
G. A. R. Commander
Dies at The Dalles
3Lwls Johnson Dies of Pneumonia Just
48 Honrs After He Presided at An
nual Sinner of O. A. H. Post.
gress as filibustered, like those who f.T" i th
prevented action in the .United States fl. A
senate on the armed neutrality bill. Tt " .
The Dalles, Or., March . Lewfcs
Johnson, commander iof Nesroith Post
S2. a. A. R., pioneer resident and pop-
.Ij 1 JI.J . J 1.. r j
:V:.. L. Z;:L.flg pT Funeral announcement will be made
was caused by pneumonia.
. lu wm I uuok -jo uvuia m.a ici vviiuiiaiiuHu i l
drew unanimous applause. Indicating . V J, . tn Pe"'
how hi. nitnr. k .k. . sion dinner" table, given annually by
lormance at waaninarton. v' .auucio w ..wutds imc
In answer to a niiMtlnn h a.i ,. corps, happily conversing' with his
'th Tort of Portland commission will comrades, death came. He leaves only
in a short timetcommence bararinr coal 1 1J surviving memDers or the local
to this city from British Columbia tD Pst. which originally numbered 80.
supply ocean liners, the lack of col
supply being one of the greatest draw- n..,4- rri1- TA f..A..
cacKS to tnis port. Um i KIlL I K I L I .
Pork. MonrA T W&VI tt 7
- vjf.
II said the cost-of transoortinr
would not be in excess of 60 cents
ton, probably conslderablv
the oorrcommT--i Z-l, inti 'Th Rr Log of a Bottle- might!
$6:00 Table
Cloths $4.00
Extra heavy table clothi of
pure Scotch linen. Size 68x86
inches on special sale for
Wednesday only 4.
Good heavy huckaback tow
els of union linen, with hem
stitched or plain hem and dam
ask border. ' The plain hemmed
towels arc 20x36 inches -and
the hemstitched towels 18x36
inches. For Wednesday only
35c. :' - V '
Linen Shop, Second Floor
$1.49, $1.98, $2.48
Three g6od value Wednes
day in splendid honeycomb
bedspreads. "In full bed sires
(78 by 88 inches) with neatly
hemmed endsl Wednesday at
1.49, 1.98 and 2.48.
$2.48, $3.48, $5.48
Handsome Marseilles bed
spreads with scalloped edges
and cut corners at these spe
cial prices Wednesdayl
Linen Shop, Second Floor
50c-$1.75 New Sample
Neckwear 39c
, t m
Collars, Sets, Fichus and Vcstecs
about 500 pieces of fine organdie, voile,
net, lace and washable satin neckwear.
Just one or two of most pieces. Many
in the popular large cape effects, others
in round and sailor shapes. Plain and
embroidered style, many trimmed with
' hemstitchings, tucks and laces. Both
white and colored designs. Supply
Spring and Summer neckwear needs in
this sale at only 39.
Neckwear Shop, Main1 Floor
1,1 i
Mill M if"
35c-75c New
Laces, yd. 25c
Net Top, Piatt VaL, Venlse
and Shadow Bands and Laces in
white and cream shades, rang
ing in widths from 14 to 25
inches. Dainty patterns suit
able for dresses, waists, fkunc
ings and undermuslins. Special
Wednesday at, yard 25c.
65c TO 75c DAINTY
Pretty patterns in Swiss em
broidery, 17 and 25 inches
wide, in floral and eyelet pat
terns. Some have Venise edges.
For waists, undermuslins and
children's wear.
Lace and Embroidery Shop.
Main Floor
75c yd. Fancy
Cretonnes 37c
fA big Wednesday special tint
will enable you to have lovely
new hangings for Sprint clean
ing days at foodly savings.
These are 50-inch cretonnes in
beautiful shadow print effects.
Market condittonAmake it im
possible to duplicate these, so
lots are being closed out at,
yard, 37c.
White Irish point net curtains
in attractive designs. On spe
cial sale Wednesday at, pair
Drapery Shop Seventh Floor
Tide Brought It Back a
ui w iu ici inai 11 is to a
great aegre responsible for the com
merce of, this port and that its duty
is not confined "to digging a trencn
uown in -oiumDia river to the sea."
Our Way
the Right Way
We have maintained at all
times that the scientific ex
amination of the eyes and the
furnishing of glasses, when
needed, deserve our entire
time, thought and effort, and
have conducted our establish
ment f on these lines, holding
at all times your eyes and biP
profession above selfish inter
ests. . '
2Q9-10-11 Corbett Bldg, 2d Floor
Sheriff R. w. Phillips has to" relate.
and one which challenges the credulity
of a Doubting Thomas, but which is
Substantiated by proof.
On the occasion of the opentnr of
the interstate bridge, Deputy Phillips 1
cast a bottle Into - the Columbia. A !
note in the bottle asked the finder to I
communicate with Phillips. Sunday.
M. 8. Warkentin of 611 Harrison street
notiried"the sheriffs office that he!
had found the bottle on the river's
edge at Supple's shipyard, foot of East
Pine street. The bottle, in its river
Journey, had gone down the Columbia
and was brought bafck Into the Wil
lamette with the tide.
Citizens' Le'ague to
Build Vyarehouse
Drugs, Toiletries 10c
15c Velour Powder Pads
reduced to
15c Face Chamois, priced -
special at AVIC
15c Wash Cloth and Case, "I A.
special at XUi
5 c Lurline Soap reduced to JQ
10c Williams' Soap, special "tfn
at 2 for ; xvi
Bath Soap, JQ
10c Armour's
special 2 for .
1 5c W 1 1 1 1 a m$ Carnation - A
Talcum for XVI,
25 c Javola Face Powder,
special at
15c Rikers Tooth Powder -J A
reduced to ............ 1VC
Colgate's Cashmere Bou- - A
vquet Soap, cake .. XUU
Colgate's Sandalwood Soap -j fg
(guest size), cake JLUC
5c Wash Cloths reduced to
3 for
f "ht.,s 10c
10c Crepe Paper
priced 2 for
25c Buffers priced special 1 A A
at only .
Tooth Brushes,
shapes, priced
Hand and Nail Brushes
priced at only
Hard Rubber Dressing
Combs priced at
l5c Aluminum Soap Boxes, 1 A
special at 1UL
15c Ca'cara Compound Ca- " f
thartic Pills for UC
Zinc OxMe Ointment, 1-oz. " A
tube, priced at -LUC
Main Floor
New Wilton Rugs
The latest arrivals in Wilton Rugs are of beautiful
designs rugs that will furnish a pleasing motif for
the decoration of almost any room. Many are in
handsome Oriental designs with lovely combinations
of colors. We list a few of the newcomers
Bundhar Wiltons, 8-3x10-6, $58.00
9x12 ft, $62.50
Hard wick Wiltons, 8-3x10-6, $65.00
9x12 ft, $70.00
French Wiltons, 8-3x10-6, $75.06
9x12 ft, $82.50
Rug Shop, Seventh Floor
Special rWa-a- CkinU
Prices nn
S ST r VVV sT sF
"Kleinert's" shields com
bine daintiness and complete
protection in the highest de
gree. Regular Gem double
covered nainsook shields.
25c Size 2, Pair SSc
30c Size 3, Pair 37
35c Size 4, Pair 30
Feather - weight interlined
silk dress shields, regular
32c Size 2, Pair 28
35c Size 3, Pair 30tf
40c Size 4, Pair 35
65c Kleinert's 'Eton gar
ment shields with net or
ruffled back, size 32 to 44-
inch bust, 59S
$1.25 Kleinert's Lady
Edith brassiere garment
shield, $1.10.
50c "Omo" Zouave gar
ment shields, serviceable
and economical, 45.
25c Sanitary Aprons,
35c Kleinert's Sanitary
Belts, 30s.
15c Sanitary Aprons,
25c Sanitary Napkins,'
pkg. 19.
Naiad silk and nainsook
shields in pink and white. .
27c Size 2, Pair 23c
30c Size 3, Pair 27
35c Size 4, Pair 30
--Notion Shop, Main Floor
Morton. Wash.. March 6. Consider
ing every standpoint, what old mem
bers term the best I meetinc of the
Citizens' league or eastern Lewis coun
ty was held at Bremer, seven miles
west of Morton. Friday. March 2. Pres
ident R. T. Slier of! Handle preslJed
for th first time sine his election
to fill the place made vacant by the
resignation or f. S. Thompson.
a n league voted to build a ware
house in Morton, the! details of which
were- left to a committee composed of
members from all sections covered by
the league. This committee will meet
at the call of President Slier within
tne next two weeks.
Suffragettes Quit
White House Gates
; Washington. March fl. i TJ. P.) For
the first time in weeks th purple and
orange banners of th Congressional
union surrragettes were absent today
from the gates of the White Bouse.
"Picketing th president" has been
temporarily abandoned for new courses.
lo n maae puoiic soon, of pursuing th
Continuing Our Great Sale
White and Gold China I
6c 12c 29c
Still a good selection at each of the above three prices.
Basement. Fifth Street
L.j!tilllili-l''lc-..ltt..tll.Ill.lHIlU-.l.-ll.t4;S.j.t---t. ,..l.tiH.t.,.lE..1,.)1
Client Too Talkative;
Attorney Quite Case 3
Lottie M. Reed's naive admission "I
had- an attorney but he said I talked
so much that he could not An nvl
gooo.",; gained ror her yesterday a two
1 days'.: respite, in which, to : enter her
I pleas to th 'charges of forging
6 Pounds of POTATOES Special for 25c
Splendid quality, medium size, 6 lbs. 25c. Limit 6 lbs.
Delivered only with other groceries.
Onions, delivered only with other
- groceries limit 3 lbs. to cus-
' tomer fo 25c
Lard, Swiff $ Silver Leaf, one of
the purest and best, No. 10 large
'pails $2.15. No. 5 medium
i pails $1.10.
Hawaiian Pineapple, broken slices,
: No. 2 cans, doz. $15. can 11c
CoffM, Mocha & Java type, freshJv
i roasted, 45c grade, 2 lbs. 75c
lb. 38c
Walnata, new crop, Urge size, me-
; dium hard shell, lb. 14c
New Teas, choice of basket fired
i Japan, Ceylon or Gunpowder,
S oc trade, lb. 39c
Brazil Nuts, limit 5 lbs. to cus
tomer; while any remain, Ib.l5c
Sliced Peaches, good quality Cali
fornia fruit in light sugar syrup,
No. 2S cans, doz. $1.45. large
can 12Hc
Raisins, seedless, guaranteed new
crop, lb. 12sc
Rice, broken head, large, clean,
new crop, S-lb. package 22c
Macaroni, elbow cut, best quality,
Portland-made, lb. 6c
Prunes, Santa Clara, new crop,
small size, 4 lbs. 25c 1. 7c
Peaches, good quality California
Yellow Cling in light sugar
syrup, No. 2J4 large cans 12 He
- Ninth Floor.- Fifth btieet
AH Our Cedar
Chests Reduced
: , S
This is the season for cedar chests and this a noteworthy
sale. We offer a splendid variety of these chests construct'
ed with a utilitarian purpose and designed for beauty and
ornament as we.ll. Artistic pleasing pieces of furniture es
pecially noteworthy for the select woods used and excellence
of finish. Here ate chests for storing fabrics of all kinds,
furs, precious things. Equipped with good locks, some copper-trimmed,
all contain a bag of cedar shavings.
124.00 chest, as illustrated, corners and air exposed edges oak
bound, making for greater durability, $19.95.
-We have them in all sizes ranging in price from $9.75 upwards.
'.' -";--:" ',.v - i Furniture Jshop. eighth. Floor
"Community Plate" Silver of Every Kind
We are Portland agents for this nationally known silver
ware and our stocks are the newest and most complete to be
found. "Community" has all the richness and beauty of solid
silver and costs considerably less. Community Plate is guar
anteed for 50 years. A handsomer, more welcome gift could
not be found. See our newest arrivals.
Silverware Shop. Main Floor.
$15.00 Pneumatic
Dress Forms $7.50
Splendid pneumatic forms that can be in
flated to reproduce any figure up to its own
size. Adjustable rods regulate the height.
An exceptionally good aid to the home
dressmaker at a very special price. Just
10 in this lot to be placed on special sale
Wednesday at only 7.50. Early shopping is
advisable as there are not many of - each
size. ': v Second Floor, Fifth Streets