MARCH 6. 1917. . r- v x - " '" ' - -'V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .'PORTLAND, TUESDAY, - 1 - 1 1 - ; : i : --- , : ' . , ALASKA GALE GETS ! SHIP AFTER 6 MONTH BATTLE NEARS END Harold Blekum Wrecked as : She Heads for Home Port ' and Safety, TERRIBLE TRIP RECALLED Teasel Kd Been Mac OTmt 7 Delivering Single Carfo to roi - on Xodiak lilul; All Safe. rate terras, by J. J. Moore & Co- inc. (prompt); schooner Columbia, lumber from Willapa harbor q- Iquique. pri vate terms, - by W. R; Grace & Co ; bark McLaurin, 'redwood from Noyo to Melbourne, private terms, by J. J. Moore & Co. (September-October). Drlna Given Up as Lost. New York, March .(!. N. 8.) The big: British liner! Drlna of tb Royal Mail Steam Packet company, vessel of 11,483 tons, is given up as lost by Its owners, according: to ad vices reaching here from Rio de Janlcro today. Her passengers have been landed safely. The Drina was one of the first ships! to be reported as sunk by the German raider in south Atlantic waters! In the middle of January. Later reports stated she was not destroyed. ' . 'el.4ii. nr.rVi March 6. (P. N. S.) woVnlrt Blekum ahhore r'v UWWIH 1 . . . 1 , , e-i. u.rkn. rnko. Kodiak isiai -tJL u.h a. CaDtain. crew camped -" 4m kah" This brief messuage to the offices .here of W. J. Erskine & Co.. of Ban rV-rncitLco. owners of the vessel, inui , cated today that the Blekum was a It i said that Captain Kohlmelster, 1 First Mate Cavanaugn anu me .i.h men would never have de- t a " . . . . - .,11 .1 j. . . i , I lorn m Rickum " till tiie k . I torn Arcr wa liune." pri hofnrf. within the past few . month the Blekum started north and -was forced to turn back when I -it a . few miles from her goal ivouiaK. On November 7 the Blekum set sa.l snd returned here December 24 with rar tnr- Bulla and a crew worn to exhaustion fighting wind, waves, sleet ' and snow. Before she galled from San vranfiai-n with n. full carco for Seward and Kodiak. but after reaching Aias tered gale3 thj. " fm.rtit back so strenuously thji the vessel was defeated. The vessel then was ocated in ice the crew working in relays with axes : . chonDing it off the rigging and sides. , The Blekum started north from here -. Jannarv .20 last this time to ne final defeat by Alaskan waters. -v ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT - Tracked rudderVstocJt and bent wheel were the damages sustained by tn harbor catrol launch Klidor when sh - hit a submerged beacon in the lowe river. The vessel was lifted on rrane at the Port of Portland drydock Th itiimtr Daisv. carrying a full carro of lumber, sailed for San Pedro With her hold full of freight and fair passenger list, the steamer Rose -City sailed for San Francisco and Los Angeles. The steamer Northern Pacific, de parted from Flavel for San Francisco. The torpedoboat destroyer Goldsbor ' ough arrived up after a stormy 'trip from Bremerton. The wind having died down appre ciably, the motorship Astoria, Captain Swan son, got away for Port Pirie. For painting and cleaning, the schooner Alumna was lifted at the Oregon drydock. SUPREME OUR TAT SALEM Ti DOW onus N ITS DECISIONS Parr Makes Queer Charter. San Francisco, March 6. The Iaqua, former Union Iron Works wrecking steamer, was sold yesterday by Fred Parr to the Philadelphia snipping company under extraordinary conai tions. The Iaqua Is Chartered under three years' agreement,, and If the vessel is kept that long it will ne owned by the chartered' Otherwise It will i evert to the Farr-McCormicK Steamship company. The- rate of char ter is not announced Judge Davis Reversed in the Bagley-Block Suit to Quiet Multnomah Land Title. MEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals Hare 6. Goldabnrouch. U. H. ".. from Bremerton to Oregon Naval Militia. j Departure March 6. Rose Cltr. American stesmer. Captain Ran kin, no wugers and fre Jjrht i for San Francisco and Jim Angeles, ti. K. A I. 8S. Co. I Northern Pacific. American stesmer. Captain Hunter, peasengera and freight for 8an Fran cisco. O. N. I'. SS. Co Kalrr American etoamcrj Captain ??chnlt. lumber foe San Iedro, r'reeman Sb. (to. Marine Almanac. Weather at RiTer'a Mouth. Nortbr Head. Mai'ch 6.-4-Codition at tbj mcuth of tbe rlrer at aouii. moderate; wind, east. 8 mile; weather, partly rVwmjrr Sun and. Tidea March 7. Sun rlsea 6:39 a. m. Hna get 6:05 p. m. Tidea at AitorU. Hijh water. I Ijow water. ' C:17 a. tu., 7.4 feet. 6:r(l a. in.. 1.9 feet. 12:W p. ill.. 8 feet. tt:5sl p. m.. 0.4 foot. ine time Dan on trie i . a. nyarograpnic i flce waa dropped at noon, j Daily River Readings. Salem'.' cir..' March 6. Opinions were handed down by the supreme court to day as follows: !orar "Ft Baalev. SDDellant. vs. Moses Bloch. appealed from Multnomah eountv! suit to ouiet title involving 12 acres of fond In Multnomah: opinion by Justice Moore; Circuit Judge Davis re- Vec?arinds Trust Savings bank vs. Xf: R Dotv. aDDellant: aDnealed from Klamath; suit to ' foreclose chattel mortgage; opinion by Justice Mcttriae, former Circuit JudK Noland, affirmed. Edward Summerfleld. administrator of the estate of Alma Summerfield, de ceased, appellant vs Southern Pacirtc roniDinv: action for damages; appealed from Clackamas; opinion by Chief Jus tice McBride; Circuit Judge Campbell affirmed. Jods Oateaa Bwrersed. -t. B. Ulbrand vs. Alan Welch Smith et al., appellant, appealed from Mult nomah: Miit to collect a debt; . opinion by . Justice Burnett; Circuit Judge Gatens reversed. Ida May Wicks vs. H. K. Metcalf et al, appellants; appealed from Lane Suit to enjoin prosecution of certain action at law against plaintiff. Opin ion by Justice Benson. Circuit Judge Skfnworth revemed Martin Johnson et al. vs. Josephine I times Paulson, appellant; appealed rrom Multnomah. Suit to foreclose mechan ic's lien. Opinion by Justice Benson. Judgment of Circuit Judge Duffy mod ified. Bay City vs. P. A. Sandberg et al., appellants; appealed from Tillamook. Involving street improvement assess ments. Opinion by Justice Bean. Cir cuit Judge Bagiey arnrmea. AiJa Finely Sung ty Boston Go. Society Atsent; Welcome Big Verdi's Opera Never' Before So Well Given for Port land Audience, Usual Fashionable Crowd Not There but House Is Most Enthusiastic One, -,..t?"f?? ""rr.. -,...., nart cf Amneris. the enslaved j- , -vt rninM,i I ross from Etn By Vella Winner. "Aida," the majestic musical master- niece. of old Egyptian life, carried tr.e audience from one plane to another of regal melody and dramatic intensity oi tJm nneninar nf Portland's all too btief season of grand opera last night when this favorite Verdi opera receivea iniomr.titlnn in many respects un-1 sumassed in Portland's history. The Boston-National Opera company is deserving of large audiences much larger than greeted it last night. It la uninue in its nresentatton of grand nnem: the stage settings, costumes and appointments used last night mark a new epoch in tne western presemanou cf that onera. The dramatic story of the Egyptian and Ethopian princesses both loving one man the scorned one revengmjr herself with truly imperial power, is nn which lends itself not only to beau tiful music, but to stage pictures ot vivid coloring and striking variety. Tna artistic realism of the settings oi tnenv selves brought forth bursts of sp plause. viliana's -Voice Brilliant. Louisa Vlllana, as Aida, has a voice nf not onlv luscious sweetness and great range, but of sparkling bril liancy and purity, which was at; all times fully eaual to tne great ur mands put upon it. The entire second act. which is practically a duet be tween the two women singers, was one of the most perfectly sung Inci dents of the opera, and carried the audience by storm, and the famous "O mia natria" was filled with a won drous, sorrowful beauty Mnria. Oav. meiao-soprano in the sa prin from Ethlopa, sings opposite STATIONS LewUtou . . . Uir.atilla Eit;ene . . . . Albany Salem ..v.. Oregon City I'ortland . . . S t 3 C o c C -ma a u X a 5 " P- 5! 24 Z. 9 0 0.00 25 0.0 0.1 0.00 10 0.7 0.5 0.02 30 8.1 2. 0.06 20 6.8 2.4 O.OO 12 I6.2 0.9 0.25 15 j; 4.0 Q.4 0.36 Casualty company, appellants; ap- Aida, and gave an lnierpreumon wima oeaJed from Columbia county, involv- for vocalization ana dramatic mien nsr jsurerv Donas, (minion dv justice i Cn rmii cearce v ti sumassea i ne Bean. Circuit Judge. Eakin affirmed. Mwr and resonance of her In the matter of the determination I " ,"v . , . f tho l.tlv. 1r,, t th water of voice na ucr v.v...6 Succor creek, findings or the; state uisuncmc v..v water board were affirmed. Justice ance. Changes and Charters. Ban Francisco, March 6. G. B. Knight replaces L. A, Carlisle as mas ter of the steamer Texan. Tho following charters are reported Norwegian motorship Bayard to carry case oil from San Francisco to Manila, private terms, by Standard Oil com pany (March); bark C, B. Bryant, red wood from Eureka to Melbourne, pri- () Rising. t ) Falliujj River Forefcast. The Willamette river at I Portland will rise steadily for the next two dara. Steamers Due to Arrive. PASSENGERS ANI FREIGHT Name From Date Northern Pacific . F. I Mar. 0 Bearer P. V. L. A Mar. 10 lioae Cltj .3. " tc. L. A. . . . .Mar. 16 Steamers Due to Depart. Kama Fori Da Nortbera Pacific.... S. F. i Mar. 10 Beaver A. S ,F Mar. 12 Roee City 8. F. & t,. A Mar. 18 Steamers leaving Portlaau for San Franclaco obit connect witn tne steamera ai ana Har vard, leaving San Francisco Monday. Wednes day, Fridaj aud Saturday for Los Angeles and San mego. Vessels in port. Name. Akutan. Am. sa ; Alpiia. Am. mi Alumna, Am. as , Berlin. . Am. ab Colonel I'. S. Michle. Am. dreJger. IbtI1 Evans, Br. sen j. tiolrtsborougb. V. S. as L ft. K. Hall. Am. erb j Herts . ..,.Gobl .Peninsula . ..Drydock Gubc . . . LJnnton ...Astoria ...Smith .Westport c 3 Children Cry for Fletcher's wvwwvw(vvy" niv The) Kind Ton Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. U. Fletcher, and has been made; under his . personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- Soric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither tpium. Morphine, nor other narcotic substance. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, ' and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the as similation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, Harris writing the ooinion. C. R. Barrow vs. scnooi uistnct No. Coos county, appellant; appealed from Coos. Involving site for school house. Opinion by Justice Burnett. Circuit Judge Coke reversed. Auto Driver Is Held For Death of Woman satixa Cast Capable. Zenatello, as the leader of the con quering army, Rhadames, - has that most famous tenor soio, "Celeste Aida," a charming romanza, in which we hear mingled the visions of Tri umph, of love and of glory and in this he was heard to splendid advan tage, although it was in tne tnira act on the banks of the Nile, in front of the Temple of Isis, that the real warmth, color of tone and great power Ob Becommeadation of Coroner's Jury were, fully evidenced. aivminj aiitt will ATt.w.i- to Orn Jose Mardones as uampms, tne nign 1 . . . -. T"t f V.nI,nn -wnu. mm t mia i priest, ana ueorge ouiunuun. rai iwuc, Jury for Xillinr Mrs. Lillian Omt. m,.t .rh l!lf.v filled On recommendation of a coronera well. Both men were received cor- jury which. Investigated the death of I dially by the audience, completing a Mrs. i-iiiimn ureru as mo resun ol I group of singers or superior vocat at being struck by an automobile at tne tainmenta and snlendid artistry. Ro corner of Washington and West Pari: 1 bei-to Moranzonl conducted the large streets, saiuraay aiternoon, Kaymcnu orchestra and chorus, which yielded Abst last nlrht was held to the grand I rn(viw tn his baton - Derfecting jury for further lnvestlgatpn. Deputy effectively one of the most satlsfac- wrentr ournu m tnrv onerstic Derformancea fortiana Anderson, wno requester tne corp- .rv,. n. 'Trt- t. hinir nreoented -T8 lnvestl8ation' fai,hr this afternoon with the Japanese prima ..ohn Anderson. 11 years old, who also d Tamaki Miura. in the title role. was sirucn oy me macmno wnen I- rr,w. "irt" will K irlven. rushed into the throng of people.- I lt1 ,,,, "TmU -h Martnierlte. and 1 hef woe n rrABrn4 a Cs " a wot. IV MO a VJ 1.U AtC L lit; I t 4 a XM .nhintnrVnl verdict nf th iurv Wflxr "We. the Jury, find Mrs. Lilliaii I I n mrxri -r Green came to her death by being ijCiJCv JLCUlCvl Otl tU bile and we recommend that the de lenuant De neia to tne grand jury ror further investigation. Abst Is now confined in the county jail under a charge of involuntary- manslaughter. He Is held without ball. By Nona Lawler, Never before has Aida been given In Portland with such splendid succeao from all the standpoints of fine ar The beauty of the youthful fresh voices of the artists, their unstinted giving of heir voices in their roles, tne wonacr lul orchestra, chorus, stage setting and lighting all combined to make the pe formance perfect. Yet socially speaking- the affair was a frost. The usual groups of fashion able people were with but few excep tions conspicuous by their absence. There was also absent, however, the characteristic chill for which Portland audiences are well known and tha. helped to offset the spectacle of tie many vacant seats on the' lower floor and in the boxes. The good work and spirit" of the artists was not lost on the empty seats but was reflected in tho reception given their work. Applause Hot Stlated. At each of the favorite arias, tun.i- ful bits of concerted work, or after orchestral triumphs the applause rose to the heights of an ovation, three or tour recalls being insistently mad though the artists did not repeat thsir arias In any case. Knthusiastic bravo 9 and encores were heard over the hand clapping. The "purring motors" were somewhat noticeable by their scarcity, and th usual "Jewels, handsome wraps ana stunning gowns" were somewhat dim. speaking comparatively with the usual first night performance. Beginning with the dress circle rail in the bal cony, however, the audience looked llk-- a first night gathering and every seat was taken back to the wall. Alda" No JTovelty Hare "Aida" has been given many times in Portland, which may account for the poor attendance, in which case the splendid artists offered in two per formances today will receive a better following in that "Iris' is being heard for the first time and "Faust" has never been given before in the city by stars of the first magnitude, Madame Tamaki Miura was a much noticed figure in one of the lower boxes last night. She had as her guests the Japanese consul and his wife, Mr. and Mrs: S. Akamatsu, and was accompanied by her chaperon Mrs. Morrison GOLDSBOROUGH, AUR TROUBLE AT SEA, IS ON 1 VAY UP THE COLUMBIA : 1 , Torpedo Boat Training Ship Ran Into Storm First Night Out From Bremerton. llama declared that a group of a dose senators did prevent the senate from iDrfoinr lta will legislatively. He warmly defended and indorsed tho pres ident's statement. Issued aunaay nigni, charging tha country had been mad contemptible and that no explanation of tho defeated army neutrality pro gram could be made to the world at large. The senate recessed at i::i0 until 3 o'clock this afternoon to permit the special committee to notify the presi dent it was In session. Swedish Minister Resigns. London. March 6. According to ad vices from Stockholm the Swedish ministry has resigned,' but at the re quest of King Gustavo consented to remain In office in hope ot coc posing the-crisis which has arisen over tho request for tho appropriation of 30. 000.000 crowns to be used in main taining the nation's neutrality. When writing to or railing 00 advertisers. aentioB is joarsai. (Adv.) Astoria, Or.. March . Swept by ter rific seas, which smashed two lifeboats. disabled her wireless and did other damage, tbe torpedoboat Goldsborough, No. 20. arrived here Monday from Bremerton navyyard, took on fuel last night and proceeded today on her way to Portland, where-she will replace the Marblehead as a training sMp for the Oregon Naval militia. The Goldsborough left Seattle Fri day night and the next day ran into a storm off Grays Harbor, and was bur feted about from that time until she made harbor here. Lieutenant Edward E. Scranton, retired. Is in command. There are 20 men in tbe crew. New Bridge Measure Up at Olympia Today Olympia. ' Wash., March . Sens e bills on second reading in the- house today include that permitting Clarko county to arrange for streetcar op erations on the approaches to the In terstate bridge at Vancouver. Senate bills in the house on the third reading include the appropriation to complete the buildings for the blind at Vancou ver, and the senate memorial to coti- gress on behalf of Benjamin F. Hays, formerly of the Oregon National Guard, who seeks commission in the regular army. Nine senate bU's are on third read ing and 21 on second reading in th house, including the bill levying a tax for higher educational Institutions over which a big fight has waged. The sen ate program for the day includes but tivo house bills. One, the bank bi.I, is expected to start a long tight. Hurrah ! How's This Cincinnati authority gays coma dry up and lift out with fingers. Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock Jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freesone ran be obtained at lit tie cost from the drug store but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. Tou simply apply a few drops of freesone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short ly the entire corn can bo lifted out. root and all, without pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once and is claimed to Just shrivel up any corn without Inflaming or even Irrl tatlng the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she will be glad to know of this. Albany Veterans Not Pleased With Lane If Food Disagrees Drink Hot Water When food lies like lead In voi etomach and you have that uncomfor: able bloated reeling and your stomac! Is sour anu burning it is usually be cause or insufficient blood supply me sioraacn comoineu wlln acid I food fermentation. In such a case the best and safest treatment you can possibly use is to take a teaanoonful of Dure bisuratc-d magnesia la half a glass of water a- hot as you can comfortably drink It. The hot water draws the blood to tne ftomach anu the btsurated magnesia, as physiclars can tell you. in a power ful but harmless antacid which qul.k ly neutralizes the excess acid, sweetens our stomai h contents and stops food fermentation. This hot water and magnesia treat ment is a far better plan than that of swallowing some pill or tablet whicn ISr2CJ HOT WHICH IS YOU? 1 1 ii Grouchy Chaafu TAKE pAUDRETH 12) PILLS i OoftOOttMfk wCl cleanse tbe ryrtem and keep vou well and happy. . One ot tha best laxatives ever pat on tha market Entirely Vegetable. There are many people who nave taken these puis for twenty years or more and would not be without them. AT TOUt NZAKEST D1DC STOtt UAocoiaU Oonttd or Maim "Thinness to Plumpness!" O fieri Great Reward to Thin, Anaemic, Bloodless Folks. Saya Hypo-Nuclane Tablet In- creaiea Weight steadily and Proyea It. Albany. Or., March 6. At the Com mercial club annual meeting last night Max H Houser was I a resolution was unanimously adopted nosi in anoiner or me lower Doxe, "fi''""B iTr.uci c..u - - i Kimr,iv artificially rtleest vnur fro-l his guests including Mr. and Mrs. meeting of Camp Phillips. No. 4. Span- inPsends It sHU a four fe?menUng Morris Whitehouse, Mrs. Martin Gay lsh War Veterans, a motion was passed acid mass :rto the intestines where It Lombard, Miss Blanche Burke and authorising the sending of a telegram Jordan Zan. I as follows to Senator Harry Lane: iravrnrnara Eatartais lav Warty. I "We view with amazement your un- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall- entertained patriotic failure to stand back of the president in tne present crisis. vt e hereby pledge our organization to pro mote by any means In our power the steps which are being taken to effect your recall as senator." in their box which they have taken for the three performances, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ainsworth and Harry Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas also occupied a lower box, their guests being Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Dr. and Mrs. William House. In the upper boxes were Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Hebard, and Mr. anu Mrs. J. E. Gantenbeln; and Dr. and I Mrs. Ben N. Wade and Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Jones. SENATORS WHO BLOCKED BILL BEGIN DEFENSE will do almost as much harm as ir, As there are various forms of magnesia be sur,- in follow Ins: above directions to ask the drugglMt for llisurated Magnesia (either in powder or tablet form) which is especially pre pared for correction of stomach acidity. l rv tnis simnie man or usln Bisurated Magnesia after meals to pre vent rood rermentation ana to neutral Ize stomach acidity. Tou will be astou Ished at the immediate relief and con. fort -that always follows the restora tion of the normal process of diges tion. AdV (Continued From Pte One.) Have Been at Fault By Supreme Court Levi O. Burgess, Am. ab Gobi Margaret, Am. ma Astoria Iteuee. Ana. sb ....Astoria San Pasoe. Am. ma Drydtx-k Bl. AK-aoias, am. in Aatoru Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of . j In Use For Over 30 Years I MM, I YORK OfinPe Getting Bowel Action With Paraf fine Oil Lubrication Method Wins Fa vor and Proves Effectual. Mt Is more principle than a mere remedy that has made the new lubrl ; cation treatment for constipation a marked success. The- new treatment for constipation by means of lubrication is a remark able one in many respects. While the paraffins or petroleum Is taken In wardly. it is not a laxative. Ameroil acta only as a luDricant, causing a gentle, natural movement, and it does not gripe nor weaken. ' Ameroil is a colorless, .odorless and , tasteless mineral oil, which is not ab- sorbed or assimilated by the system It simply softens the hardened, con tested charges and assists nature to ; perform her duty In her own natural wav. ' "-' '- Ameroil Is the Ideal treatment for constipation, and la being. prescribed by the medical profession in the most aggravated cases. It is sold at 50c - per pint bottle at all Owl Drug Stores prevents Infection. Heals Stubborn Old Sores, Cuts. Burns, Wound. Why don't old sore hult simnlv because they are infected in other worus, iney are any with germs Get a bottle of Benetol. Follow dl. rections In booklet. Bathe those sores, boils, carbuncles or jeczema patches with a solution of Benetol and-kill every; germ.- surprising results are immediate. Lon i tan to try Benetol if you are afflicted 1 - . For Sale at All Druggists In Original 1 nr,u cartons. . At Neighboring Ports. Astoria. March o. bailed at 8:55 a. m., gas oline achoouer Patrv, for coast ports; at t:10 a. m., motor shin .Sierra, for Valparaiso; at 10 a. m., nwtiT shin Astoria, for Port Pirie. Left up at 10 a. m.. U. S. torpedo boat Golds borough. Sailed at 11 a. m., . Westerner, for san r ranciscu. Astoria, Marcb 5. Arrived at 3:SO d. m.. TJ. S. torpedo boat Goldsborough. from Bremerton. Uoos Bay, Marcb a. Arrived at 7 a. m.. F, A. Kilburn, from Portland for Eureka and San Francisco. San Pedro. March S. Arrived Tiverton and isecanlcnm. Columbia river: Beaver, from Port. land, via San Francisco; boll of steamer FfarlUs, from Qoqulam, la tow of tag Defi ance. San Francisco. March 6. Arrived El Se- gundo. romt Wella, 5 a. m.; Cblna. Orient. via Honolulu, 6 a. m.; Aurelia. Huencme, 6 a. m.; Arctic, Fort Bragg. 6:30 a. m.; Olenm, Astoria, 8 a. m.; Adeline Smith, Coos Bay pons, o:u a. m.; Admiral Dewey, Seattle, 8:JU a. m-; Banrton, Bandon. 10 a. ra.; Yel low atone. Coos Bay ports. 10:30 a. n.; Cb balls. Grays Harbor, 10:30 a. m.; barkent S. N. Castle. Hilo, 11 a. m.; Yale, Los An geles. 11 a. m. : Manoa, Honolulu, 12 noon. Sailed Sea King, towing Erskine M. Pbelpa. Port San Luis, 1 a. m.; Bee, Puget sound ports. 3 a. m. : Burr bates. New York, 8 a. ni. ; Marsbfleld. Albion, 10:30 a. m. San Francisco. March 8. Arrived March 5 Dslsy Gadshy. Los Angeles, 6:20 p. m. ; Buyo Marn, Yokohama. 5 p. m.; Lus Blanca. Van couver, 2:15 p. m.; War ion Chilcott, Honolulu. 2:.W p. in.; F. S. Loop, Everett, 8:50 p. m.; (jucen. ijo angeies, iu:au n. m. sailed Msrcn 6 w lllamette. Los Angeles. 11 a. m.: U. S. Hopkins, cruise. 12:20 n. m.: Ses Foam, Mendocino. 12:30 p. nx; Saafiaui. Columbia river, 12:30 p. m.; Doris. Grava Harbor. 2:40 p. nr.; tug Sea Rover, with barge W. H. Smith to tow, Seattle. 3:30 p. m.; ProvMencla. Santa Bosalla. 3:40 p. m.; National City, Fort Bragg. 4 p. m. ; Governor. Lnn Angeles, 4:15 p. m.; Great Northern, Honolulu, via Los Angeles. 4:20 p. m. Santa Cruz, Central and South American ports, 6:10 m. wesiport. union lvanaing. :io a. m.: Pasadena. Albion. 7:13 p. m.; Charles Cbrt- tenson, W Ilia pa Harbor, 8:10 p. m.; Daisy Gadsbv. Grays Harbor, 8:30 p. m. peaiue. waan.. aurcn a. Arrived Presi dent, Sju Dlego. via San Franfiaco and Vic toria, e a. m. Sailed Cclonel E. L. Drake. Ssa Francisco. 7:30 a. ui.: Umatilla. San Pe dro, via San Francisco, 4 a. m. Seattle. March 5. Arilved Alaska. Taco. ma, 12:30 p. m. Sailed Spokane, Mratheaatera AiasKan norta. mionirnr. Beward. March 5. Sailed Admiral Watson. wesiooano:. 11:10 a. m. Juneau. March 6. Sailed Cltv of Seattle. southbound. 1:20 a m. ; Northwestern, south- uuuuu. :.r p. m. yeaieiaay. wrangell. Marcb &. Suited Humboldt. BoutbDOuno. u I, a, r Sydney. March 6. Arrived Barkentlne La. bain, from BelUngham. thence December; 20. Astoria. March 6. Arrived U. 8. 8. QoMi boroneU. f roc Puget Sound Navy Yard. 3:30 p. m. Victoria, b. v.. Marcb a. sailed President. lor peatcte, i I, u. ancoover. a. I... Marcn 6. Arrived Bark entlne Amason, from Uilo, thence February 17. Sailed Elthu Thomson, for Tacwma. at noonf. Vancoover. March 9. Arrived Empress ot Asia, rrom Hongkong, via xokoaama. Mnaimo, Maris a. Arrived Motor Darken tine Marie from Sn Francisco. Belllngbam, March 6. SUled Valdea, for aontbwestera Alaskan norts. Port Tom-nseod. March 6. Paased out Captain- A. F. Lucas towing barge 05, at 8:45 Port ' Tow nsend, March 6. Passed out W S. Portrr. st S o. m.: Quadra, at 2 D Bverett. March 6. Arrived Wipama. San Francisco; Davsopert, trom San Francisco via Taenia veoterdST. . Mukllteo, - March' 5.-Arrived- Governor for neiiuignam mo . 1 --. Baglo Harbor. Marcb 6. Sailed Bark Cur son- fir Port oamble in tow of tag Wanderer. Taeoma. Wash..' March 5. Arrived Ixioa, Canada Mara and Admiral Schley, from - Se attle. ' Washington, March 6. (I, N. S.) The supreme court today placed responsibility for the collision between the American ( steamer Beaver and the gor-' weglan steamer Selja, off Point Reyes, Cal., In which the Selja was sunk, on the Selja. The California courts had granted Olaf Lie, master of the Selja, which was owned by WU--liam Jebsen of Norway, and chartered by the Portland and Asiatic Steamship company, damage? much less than the several hundred thousand dol lars they had claimed, on the ground that the Selja was be lieved to be partially responsi ble for the collision.' His suit was brought against the owners of the Beaver, the San Fran cisco and Portland Steamship company. Frederick Heilia had as his guests a party of Tacoma people who have that I in any way aided In a filibuster j come down each year for the opera, or attempted to block a vote on the They Included: Mrs. R. G. Walker, bill Is unqualifiedly false, and every Mrs. Elliott Kelly, Mrs. Walker Foster senator here knows it." shouted Sena tor Kenyon. Much as I wanted to discuss the armed neutrality bill, I did not occupy one second of time. i Signiar ox raper vnjecxea xo. "The plan seems to include In the alleged filibuster against the bill all those who refused to sign a certain paper declaring for the passage of the bill He explained here that he offered to Frank Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- j support the bill as passed by the house MacMaster, Miss Henrietta Fail- or witn the Stone, Cummins or Mc- C umber amendments. "But I am not in the habit Of sign ing papers stating how I will vote on any bill because you never can tell about its final form." he added. "I don't believe that signature of that paper was a correct indication of whether a man was a patriot or a traitor. "However much opposed I waa and Mrs. Ralph Stacy Many Xdne Parties. Among those noticed in the audi ence were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selling, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Porter, Miss Sal ly Patrick, Miss Helen I.add, Alan Green, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Haller, Miss Marie Haller, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlln, Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mr. snd Mrs. liam lng, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horlbut. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Erwln. Dr. Max Cushing, Dr. Ralph Fenton. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Miss Elisabeth Wiley, Mrs. Dallas Bache, Miss Mary Bacon, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Plagemann, Mrs. C. I Horn, Mrs. Julius Louisson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. George Wil bur Reed. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Old Folks Need "Cascarets" for Liver, Bowels Salts, calomel, pills act on bowels like pepper acts in nostrils. A 1'hlladelphia physician writes: "Having had occasion to observe the marked effect of Hypo-Nuclane Tab lets on one of my patients, I would be grateful for all' Information and samples for clinical purposes." The patient wrote: "Having been changed from terrible thinness to a lovely plumpness, right under the eyes of my skeptical physician. I told him that Hypo-Nuclane Tablets -did it. and now he is deeply interested 1 your little tablets" The process of Increasing nutrition is intricate, but the results are well- nigh certain. A salient extract from the yolk of .eggs combined wltlt hypophosphites. Iron and simple vege table tonii-8, when taken with the meals produce astounding changes, in nutritive processes and red blood with flesh-forming qualities soon bring the weight so much desired by thin, bloodless, anaemic people, young or old. One or two packages wilt prove It for anyone. Sold by druggists, 90 cts., or direct from the laboratory ef fhe Blackburn Products Co., Dayton. Ohio. Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious, ' sick, headachy and constipated. Miss Helen Barber, Miss Dorothy Gil- I to the bill. I would have voted for it bert, J. William Belcher, Clifford I Woodland. Miss Jocelyn Foulkes. Mrs. Foulkes. Mrs. Fallenius. Mr. and Mrs. 1 R- L. Sabin. Mrs. Thomas Emory. Mrs. R. CamDbell. Mr. and Mrs. Corricinl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holman, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Petzel, Mr. and Mrs. John R: Latourette. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- in lta final form. trusting- to the president's Judgment not to arm mu-1 nitlon ships. But I refuse to be a party to sending' this nation into war for the benefit of munitions makers engaged in building enormous divi dends or to maintain the alleged right of American citizens to travel on bel ter Jelllff. Stuart Blythe. Clarence Ugerent ships. Useful at Last. From the Milwaukee Sentinel. Cross-eyed men would be invalua ble to the navy on account of being able to see a periscope in any direc tion. . SAGETEA BEAUTIFIES Olmstead, George Tyler Taglleri, Mrs. Preston C. Smith, Henry Smith, Miss Catherine E. Lambertson, Mrs. Charles Abercrombie, Mrs. Charles Shea and the Misses Sophie and Mabel Lawrence. Don't stay gray! Sage Tea and Sulphur darkens hair so natur ally that nobody can tell. AND DARKENS HAIR Russians Make Attack. Berlin, March 6. (I. N. S.) (Via Sayville Wireless.) Repulse of Rus sian attacks south' of Brezezcny and In the wooded Carpathians was report ed by the war office today. Capture of a French outpost on the Macedonian front was announced. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 'Ho ruibnster," Bays Xenyoa, "If this country is called upon to 1 fight, the munitions makers won't do it. This congress won't do it. The people out through the country will do it. I will do all possible to back the president in this crisis. ' He declared he did not believe there was a filibuster against the bill. The debate seemed legitimate, ho declared. and there was no indication of dis loyalty. . "I wish merely to brand as false, coming I care not from whence, any statement tnat l was a party to any filibuster against the armed neutrality bill," said Senator Kenyon. senator james insisted mere was a filibuster. For Stiff Neck Apply Sloan's Liniment without rubbing to th sorc leaders and the pain wilPsoon be relieved. For rheumatic aches, neural eia, eout, lumbago, bruises, strains, sprains' and muscle stiff ness, have a bottle handy. Quickly penetrates and soothes, cleaner than rnuasy plasters or oint ments, does not stain the skin. At all druggists. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. Most old people must give to the bowels some regular help, else they suffer fron constipation. The condition is perfectly natural. It is Just as nat ural as U Is for old people to walk slowly. For age Is never so active as yodth. The muscles are less elastic And the boa-els are muscles. So all old people need Ca scar eta One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes Tou can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully darii and lustrous almost over night If you 11 get a ou cent Dottle oi Wyeth s sage and sulphur compound ' at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addition of, other in gredients, are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and even ly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose nair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two ap plications the grey hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired. unattractive folks aren't j wanted around, so get busy with Wyath's Sage and Sulphur Cou pound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark. handsome hair and you- youthful ap pearance within a few days. . This preparation Is a toilet requisite snd is not intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. (Adv.) "The enemy might invade this coun- with glasses as to neglect this gentle try and burn our homes and murder I aid to weak bowels. The bowels must our citizens and yet a fw men in this I be kept active. This is Important at TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES It yon bave Catarrhal Deafness or besd aolses go to your drngglst sad get one ounce of Partnlat (double strength) and add to it M plat of not water and 4 ounces of granulated sug ar. Talc 1 tablespooniul (our times a day. Tbls will often bring qnick relief from tbs distressing head solves. Clogged nostrils should oprn. breathing become easy and the mucus stop drop ping Into tbe throat. It la easy to pre pare, coats little and Is pleasant to take. Any one who has Catarrhal Deafness or besd noises should give tbls prescription a trial. a ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes IndlCestlOn. GnGnnckarra : JprovesiL 25cat all druggists. NUXATED IRON I BP congress would prevent the voting of money and authority to the president to defend the country, he declared. Senator Kenyon retorted that he fa vored revision of the rules but in sisted "time must be allowed for rea sonable debate.' Senators Vardaman and Williams, Democratic colleagues from Missis sippi, detained the proceedings by a colloquy over responsibility for the defeat of the armed neutrality bill. Senator Vardaman objected to being classified by the president with those who defeated the bill. He declared that he consumed only 10 minutes of the senate's time In his remarks on the bill, although he was not disap pointed that the president program was defeated. "I was not for It then." Vardaman said. "I am not for it now. He said he would have voted for the measure If the senate had ac cepted the house amendments and the amendment offered by" Senator Stone, chairman of the senafe foreign rela tions committee. Williams Backs rreslaent. Senator Williams had only gone far enough to say "filibustering is ex cusable in small matters, bat filibus tering to make the country contempt ible in a great crisis is a flirrerent thing." when Senator Vardaman all ages, but never so much as at fifty. Age is not a time for harsh physics. Touth may occasionally whip the bow els Into activity. But a lash can't be used every day. Whst the bowels of tbe old need Is a gentle and natural tonic. One that can be constantly used without harm. The only such tonic is Cases rets, and they cost only 19 cents per box at any drug stora Gall Stones. Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines. Auto-lntoxlca-tlon. Yellow Jaundice. Acute Indiges tion, Appendicitis, Gastritis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach, Trouble, Thousands of Stomach Suf ferers owe tbeir complete recovery to Mrr Wonderfal Kemedr. Unllks sny other for Itoa-- Ailments. For sals by Tbe Owl Drag Co., and droraiots everywhere- KIDNEY MEDICINE TESTED AND PROVES ITS VALUE increases strength of delicate, nervous rundown people. 200 Mr .M tn tenoayai to bls feeU ,' --. bope my colleague is not cnarg ing me with complicity in tbe filibus ter," said Vardaman. 1 "I do not know what-complicity is." was Williams , rejoinder. "Only he himself and God knows what was in bis mind." . - -1 Without further Interruption .Wil- - - r. - I am positive that one of the most popular medicines on the market to day is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. The people call for it and want no other and if it did not poasess merit for the ailments' for which it is intended It would not have lived for nearly twen ty years In this place. Very truly yours, BENJAMIN JONES, Truggist. Nov. 4. 181. Ipswich. South Dakota. I never hesitate to recommend your preparation since I have heard the favorable remarks of the people who have tested It and proved its value. I am confident that it wtll da all that . Is claimed for it as I have been sell ing it for the past fifteen yeare and have not received a single complaint. Very- truly yours, v P. U BERR. Druggist. J Nov. 4. 191. Belvldere, S. Or in many- Instances. $100 forfeit if It fails as per full ex planation In large article soon to ap pear in this paper. Ask your doctor or druggist about It. . The Owl Drug Co. always carry It in stock.' . r Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. When your back aches, and your bladder and kidneys seem to be disordered, remember it is needless to suffer go to your, nearest -drug store and get -a, bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It Is a physician's prescription- for die-.: eases of tbe kidneys and bladder. It has stood the teat or years and has a reputation for quickly and efectirely giving results tn thousand of cases. - . . ' Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N." Y for a sample nice , bottle, it wilt convince anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing. ! sure and mention the Portland Daily Journal. '-Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar sise bottles at all drug stores. : . -'' . ; I