The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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' and
Tonight ini
Tuesday proba-
' bly fair; wester-;
"My 'windal "Hu-"
mtdlty at noon
75 per cent. ; V ..
VOL. XV. NO. 306.
os tkauts an vfs
tamdc rtvx csrr
Armed Neutrality May Not
Suffice, Executive Ex
plains, Dealing With the
Problem Now Being Faced.
By Robert J. Bender.
Washington. March 5. (U. P.)
President Wilson sounded a new doc
trine of internationalism and world
peace in his inaugural address today,
, but in the same breath warned that
the United States may require "a more
immediate association" with the war
titan mere armed neutrality.
lie spoke of a unity of American
thought, spirit and action, and -voiced
'the view that this must be an Ameri
canism steeped in world spirit. Instead
of the isolated national view of the
His principal pie for world peace,
upoken before the thousands attending
his second inauguration, called, for:.
limitation of world armaments.
Kiual- interest and responsibility of
all nations for maintaining peace.
l-iuality of nations in ail matters of
right or privilege.
. Destruction of the "armed balance
""of power,."
That all the world should support
no other power than the view that
'"governments derive all their Just
powers from the-consent of the gov
erned. 5
Freedom of the? seas equal lo all.
Crushing of any attempts within a
nation to organise or assist a revoru
tion against another nation.
Electric with the support of patriot
ism of Americanism, of a new work!
unity, the speech solemnly suggested
- (Coeetuaed on Pace root. Cohuus TmreeX
J . r . )
Senator- Stone, Opposed to!
Armed Neutrality Bill, Did
. Not Oppose Vote,
Washington. March 5. -'(U. P.)
Swinging into line, former Senator
I.ippltt. an absentee while the armed
neutrality bill was debated, wired here
today, asking that he be listed as one
of the ' supporters of the measure.
He said he would have signed the
"round-robin" of Wilson's backers had
he had a chance.
The following 11 refused to sign:
Ttepublicans t Clapp, Minnesota:
Cummins, Iowa; Gronna, North Dakota:
Kenyon, Iowa; La Follette, Wisconsin;
Norris, Nebraska, and Works, Califor
nia. Democrats Klrby, Arkansas; Lanv
Oregon; O'Gorman, New York, and
Yarriaman, Mississippi.,, Republican, of Washington,
signed tire "round robin" with reserva
tion, but did everything in his power
to defeat the armed neutrality bill.
Stone, while opposing the bill and
refusing to continue in charge of it
during the fight on the senate floor.
did not oppose a vote on it. He did
not sign the round-robin; it was not
put up to him.
The following, who were especially
active in opposing the vote and have
been referred to as the "little four.'
are: 1a Follette, Gronna, Norrls and
The addition of Lippltt's name today
and Tillman's yesterday brought the
signers to 77.
Jones Is Condemned.
Olympla, Wash., March 6. (C P.
After bitter condemnation of United
States Senator Wesley L. Jones by
Mark K. Reed, for Jones' "disgrace
ful part in the filibuster in the United
States senate," the house this after
noon passed a Joint memorial pledg
ing the support of the state to the
Three representatives voted no,
Reed declared Jones had "brought
disgrace on this state" and that it
was up to a Republican legislature
. to show President Wilson "this state
stands with him down the line."
Iowans Are Aroused.
Boise. Idaho. Murrh c I p M.S1
Former residents of Iowa 'residing
in canyon county plan to assemble at
SCaldwell tonight and burn in effigy
Kenators Cummins and Kenyon of
' lOWa because Of their nnnnsttinm ti
. President Wilson's armed neutrality
Sentence of Belgian
Woman Commuted
Berlin, Via Sayvllle Wireless, March
S(I. V ' S.) Kaiser Wilhelm has
commuted to a. prison sentence the
' death sentence of the Belgian woman)
Madeline Deutreligne, vand her accom
'rUce. Henri Bay ne,-it was announced
today, - i - - - - .
'4 y S'
Vice President in Address Fol
lowing Induction Into Of
ficSlOutlmes "Creed,"
Washington,' March 5. (XT. P.) Ex
pressing the, belief that the world is
moving toward "a far off divine yent.
wherein Honguesl- will be blended In
the language of j a common brother
hood,". Vice President Marshall today
outlined his "creed" following his in
duction" into office. - .
I have faith.? he said, -that this
government of ours was divinely or
dained to disclose whether; men are
fitted'by nature,! or can by-education
be made fit for j self government; to
teach Jew &nd ' Greek. bondman
and free, alike, the essential quality of
ail men before . the law and to be
tender and true ; to humanity every
where and-under! all circumstances to
reveal that service is the highest re
ward 'of life. ' I cannot believe other-s
wise when-1 read the words and recall
(Oontlnaed ontPajre Four. .Oentmn Two)
German Attack on
French Line Fails
Oayl Poothold Vortn of - Caorlares
Woods Oalned In Assaults Along
lOle and a Quarter front.
Paris, March 5. (U. P.) A violent
German attack made, with repeated as
saults On, a mile! and -a quarter front
was repulsed, the Germans only gain
ing . a foothold north of; Caurieres
woods. Tne attack, which was in suf
ficient force .to. indicate a general of
fensive, was in the region of Cauri
eres woods and. north of Verdun. The
enemy's repeated attacks were broken
down by the French curtain of fire.
x ne uerman assault came after a
redoubled and prolonged artillery prep
aration. . f;, j -.,....
Action Ito Come Up
Washington,' March 5. (I. N, S.)
The Democratic majority in the sen
ate will caucus at 10:30 o'clock to
morrow to decide whether an amend
ment to the senate rules which will
prevent filibustering is possible.
Senate leaders said this I afternoon
that- they thought i" some action j-of
At the same time a majority "leader
to succeed - John vV.-t Kernf Indiana'
irill be chosen. ' -.--
Z", "-'-''7
v v. a
- - 4 t -
,( . ..
.In his inaugural address .today, President. Wilson emphasized the
things that the United States shall stand for, whether in war or In peace:
.."That, alienations are. equally Interesited in the peace of the world
and in the political stability, of free peoples, and equally responsible for
their maintenance, " ,
"That the essential principle of peace is the actual equality of
nations in all matters of right or privilege,
"That peace cannot securely or justly rest upon an armed balance
of power, ,
"That governments derive all their just powers from the consent
of the governed and that no other powers should be supported by the
common thought, purpose or power of the family of nations,
, "That the seas should'be equally free and safe forthe use of all
the peoples, under rules set up by common agreement and consent, and
that, so far as practicable, they should be applicable to all upon equal
terms, ' " '
"That national armaments should be limited to the necessities of
national order-and domestic safety,
' "That the community of interest and of power upon which peace
must henceforth: depend imposes. upon each nation the duty of seeing
to it that all influences proceeding fronrits own citizens meant to en
courage or assist revolution in other states' should be sternly and ef
fectually suppiessed and prevented."
Oregon Citizens
st :
Senate Filibuster Denounced
r : ' t at .
Nation ys Foes
That'an Oregon senator Should have
a part in the filibuster that prevented
a vote In the United States senate on
the "armed neutrality" bill requested
by President Wilson is a source of
disappointment and chagrin to leading
citizens of Portland.
Senator Harry Lane, one of 12 sena
tors who killed the bill empowering
the president to arm the American
merchant marine in defense of Ameri
can rights on the high seas, is unspar
ingly denounced for his stand by in
dividuals, and the city council as a body
this morning went on record as con
demning the -filibuster. :
Mayor Albee and Commissioners
Daly, Dleckv Baker and Bigelow tui.
this morning and signed the following
TUibnstsr Is Condemned.
"The council of the city ot Portland
unhesitatingly condemns any. filibuster
that prevents a vote being taken on t.
question vital to the nation."
A copy was dispatched to the Nsw
York World in answer to an inquii y
by that newspaper as to what the city
officials thoughc of Senator Land'
actions : in. being a party of . the fili
buster. - - : ,
.: Other statements, on the filibus:er
and Senator .Lane's .-part in it fojkow:
Dr. John H..Boyd, pastor First Presbyterian-church
I don't think the
Oregon public should deal harshly with
Lane in their - thoughts.; . Considering
his brain weight, he is doing -the best
he can. : . .-,...'i ...
vs Vcatsr Criticises Congress. : Vx-:
Dr. W. T. Foster, president Reed college-!
ve ' tood behind the presl-
NEW INo Changes In
w i r t ' A' r f .... s. ' '
1' Sr
l .v'
' 1 v" . H
, v '' ' 'v
S -J.
Condemn LaneiBi
tt " tt -;-' ' at
dent in -everything and every effort
he has made, and I stand with him
how. Congress should have given the
president the powers he. asked. Last
Thursday evening,, by unanimous vote
of the Reed college faculty, I sent the
following message to Senator Lane:
"We give and urge full support of the
president in any event.'
Oswald West, former governor of
Oregon -"Every man in th house and
senate ought, to have stood back of
the president in this crisis. I am
strong for peace. I have no sympathy
with the jingoes that are trying to
force us into war. But I am sorry to
see any senator stand out and fail
to give the president full support.
Support of the president would have
done much to keep us oui of war. for
t would have shown that we stand
an undivided nation upholding him."
Democrat Disapproves Action.
Dr. -Elof T. Hedlund. president of
the Jackson club "I heartily disap -
prove of the filibuster. I . am, very
much .disappointed in the senate. As
a result or the filibuster, I think wo
are nearer war."
' Ll C. Gilman, president of the North f
Bank railroad I do not believe that
Senator Lane's -action in blocking the
policy of: the president of arming our
merchant marine In defense .of . our
rights- upon the high seas correctly rep
resents the sentiment of the people of
Oregon or any. genuine American clti
Mtt?' '- . : ..,.'s.-.- , ' :
J:wmaf boo . stoekaovC .
? Mayor'H. R. .Albee What an any-
l Concluded ea Page Two. Colama Three.)
uaDinet win
Be Made Now
Wilson Slay Send Names of Pres
ent Members to Senate To
morrow for Action.
Washineton. March 5- (U. P.)
President Wilson may send to . the
senate tomorrow the names of all his
present cabinet members. No cabinet
changes will be made at this time.
If th is decided on. the cabinet
names are expected to head-a list of
nominations which failed of action
last session.
However, the cabinet matter was not
completely decided, on just before the
president took his Inaugural oath. It
was said he might change his plans
and merely let his cabinet "run over,"
since it is not essential that they be
formally reappointed.
Man Arrested in N. Y. Con
fesses Part in Black Tom
and Kingsland Explosions.
New York. March 6. (I. N. S.)
Secret service "of fleers and a squad of
police ihroke into a room in the Com
mercial hotel. Hoboken. N. J.. and ar
rested a man who gave his name as
Richard Kalb. 36.
A large supply of bombs, dynamite,
nitric acid and nitroglycerin was con
fiscated. According to Chief of Po
lice Hayes bf Hoboken, Kalb not only
confessed to having participated in the
Black Tom and Kingsland explosions,
but agreed to give the names of 14
men who, he said, were associated with
him in a conspiracy to assassinate
President Wilson in Washington today.
Kalb is said to have told the secret
service men and police that "something
went wrong" with the plot against the
president and that it had to be aban
doned. Attempt on Vrealdmt Flanned.
Sixteen completed bombs were found
in Kalb's room and it was reported ho
was working on another when the of
ficers broke In. Kalb is said to have
admitted that the 16 bombs were to
have been sent to Washington to b
y sed j n an. . aAtero pL.nPresideni Wli ..
Vofi's Itfe. ""Further search of his room
developed the fact that besides other
explosives he had In his possession a
considerable quantity of the deadly
crystals known as "T. N. T."
Chief Hayes, Captain Thomas Gar
ret and six Hoboken policemen accom
panied the federal detectives to the
hotel. Kalb submitted to arrest calm
ly, but evidently was greatly sur
prised. The Black Tom explosion, in which
Kalb is said by the police to have
admitted' participation, occurred on
the morning of July SO, 1916, rocked
five states and did $25,000,000 damage'.
The Kingsland. N. J.. plant of the
Canadian Car Sc. Fotrndry company was
wrecked by a $10,000,000 explosion on
the night of January 11, 1917. The
company was manufacturing munitions
for the Russian government.
Four Chinese Shot
In New Tong War
San Francisco, March 5. (P. N. S.i
Four men were shot In a battle of
the tongs invChlnatown this afternoon.
One tongman died on the wny to tlie
hospital and another was near deat:i
when he arrived, shot five t tinea
through the breast. Two others were
taken to the hospital in a critical con
dition. The war also started in Oakland
one Chinaman there being killed
at about the same time the San Fran
cisco fight broke out. A second Oak
land Chinaman was reported wounded.
The Suey Sings and the Blng Kongs
figured in the shooting. Chim Sins
with four bullet holes throuh
Lee Soon, another Suey Sine
shot through the chest.
One Killed at Oakland.
Oakland, Cal., March 5. U. P.)
The Chinese tong war which caused
the death of two persons in San Fran
cisco broke out in Oaklyand this aft
ernoon simultaneously with the out
break across the bay. A member of
the Bing Kong long was shot and in
stantly killed at Eighth and Webster
streets, in Chinatown, by a Chinese
said to be a member of the Stfey Sings.
The shooting occurred In the Quong
Chung Wo store.
Shot Go Wild in Seattle.
Seattle. Wash., March 5. (U. P.)
Eight shots were fired in a renewal of
hostilities among tong men in China
town here this afternoon, but none of
them took effect, according to police
reports, iing iee ana Hi Jon were
German Flyers Drop
21 Bombs, England
Berlin, Via Sayville Wireless, March
5. (U. P.) German hydroplanes, on
the morning of March 1, dropped 21
bombs on merchant vessels anchored
in the Downs and -on the railroad at
Ramsgate. an official statement Je
H clared today.
I Good success i was observed. the
statement said, "and all machines re-
J turned undamaged.
Germans Believe I
Mexico Will Fight
Berlin, March 8 (L X. 8.) Mexico
will : begin hostilities against the
United States at once if war breaks
out - between the - United States ; and
Germany, a, portion of - the' German
press believes. .v .- -j -
Upon Decision Will Depend
Whether President Will
Proceed to Arm Merchant
Ships Despite Failure.
Views of Legal Authorities
Desired Within 24 Hours,
It Is Announced.
Washington. March, 5. (U. P.)
President Wilson has asked the les?a'.
authorities of tho government to rive I
him a formal opinion within 24 hours i
as to whether or not he has the power
to furnish navy armament for Ameri
can merchantmen without special au
thorization by congress.
Upon this docison depends whether
tho president will go ahead despite the
fenate'n failure to act on the armed
neutrality measure and take the steps
which lie lies feared he old not have
the power to take.
If the president finds lie has the
power to go ahead and arm mer
chantmen It probably will delay his
calling an extra session of congress.
On the other hand, if hi.i legal ad
visers report that lie has not the
necessary authority without a special
enactment, lie will call an extra ses
sion just as soon as the senate acts
upon revision of the rules and will
reintroduce his "armed neutrality"
Washington. March 5. (L N. S.)
The following statement was Issued
at the White House last night by au
thority of the president:
"The termination of the last session
of th sixty-rourth congress by con
rtltutlonal limitation discloses a sit
uation unparalled in the history of the
country, perhaps unparalleled in the
history "of' any modern government.
"In the Immediate ; presence of ' a
crisis fraught with more subtle and
(Oooclnded on Pace four. Column Sereo)
Osaka Paper Makes
Attack upon U. S.
Criticism Offered la Editorial Com
ment on German riot Says Japanese
Are Treated Won Than STegroes.
Toklo, March 5. (U. P.) A bitter
attack on the United States for Amer
ican discrimination against the Jap
anese was the most significant part
of editorial comment here today on
theGerman plot to align Mexico anl
Japan with Germany against the
United State.
The attarlc wan mad by the news
paper Osaka Mal-Nlchi. Revelation
of the plot, it declared, "illustrates the
weakness of .American diplomacy
toward Germany," . and, continuing its
criticism along these lines, it added:
"The United States of America
treats the Japanese worse than ne
groes. ' We advise the government to
take the opportunity to open negotia
tions to correct this unfair attitude on
the part of America."
Election Bets Held
By O'Leary Are Paid
Chicago. March 6. (U. P.) By 11
o'clock today. Betting Commissioner
James O'Leary' strongbox, said to
have contained between $500,000 and
$650,000 in election bets, was practi
cally emptied. O'Leary announced yes
terday, after the president took the
nnth. that he would brein rsvlnr off
. .... . i .
toaay. ncn nis saioun openra a long
string of winners wete waiting.
O'Leary efused to pay bets last fall
after Wilson's election, contending
that the issue would be in doubt until
after the electoral college had assem
bled. Later, he deckled to wait until
the inaugural.
Bandits Kill Clerk
Who Resists Holdup
Chicago, March 5, (I. N.a S.)
Archibald Easterby, clerk, died today
of wounds Inflicted by one of four
taadlts who lined up customers in
restaurant and rifled the register.
Easterby and Thomas Fernwick resist
ed. Fernwlck was shot in the h!p.
The robbers escaped.
Robbers Tie l Woman.
Chicago, March 5. I. N. S.) Two
bandits entered the office of Merri
man & Co., loan agents. In a big of
fice building in Michigan avenue today,
bound the woman cahier hand and
toot, forced her to tell where the
money was and escaped with $100.
Deutschlandj Turned
Back After Break
Baltimore, Md., March 5. (I. N. S)
The German undersea freighter
Deutschland turned back when shewa
but two days from America on he last
voyage from Bremen. This informa
tion came to officials of the Kastc. n
Forwarding eompany,! agents of th
Deutschland, today. It Is understood
that a wireless message was flashed
from American shores ordering her to
return soon after diplomatic relations
witfr Germany were broken.
Following is the list of United
States senators who succeeded In kill
ing measure designed to plxce con
gress squarely behind the president:
Republican, - Wisconsin.
31. E. CLAPl. Republican, Min
nesota. AV. F. KIRBV, Democrat Ar
kansas. W. S
KEN'YOX, RepabUcan,
B. CVM.M1XS, Itepnblican,
North Dakota.
1IAKRV IjANE, Democrat, Ore
gon. G. W. NORRIS, Republican, Ne
braska. J. A. O'GORMAN, Democrat,
New York.
J. K. VARDAMAN, Democrat,
J. D. WORKS, Republican, Cali
fornia. W. Ij. JONES, Republican, Wash
Twelve Senators by Filibuster
Prevent Passage of Act to
Authorize Protection.
Washington. March 5. (I. X. S.)
Facing a future fraught with dire pos
sibilities for the nation. President
Wilson rested on his own authority
without congressional aid or support
lust nicht. As tho sixty-fourth con-
cress passed dramatically lntc history
at noon Sunday, the solemn request of
the president for a congressional sr-
firmation of his authority to arm
American merchant' ships and protect
American rights against the Herman
submarine campaign was refused.
A determined filibuster, led by Sen
ator La Follette of Wisconsin, sup
ported by 11 other senators, pre
vented the enactment of the adtnlnls
tration bill designed to place con
rress sauarelv behind the chief ex
ecutlve in His plans for placing, the
United States on a baala of armed
Majority Cannot Win.
Not all the eXforts of an over
whelming majority of the senate could
swav the little group or obstruction
lata who. by parliamentary tricks and
device, filibustered tho measure to
death in what will be remembered as
one of the most bitter sessions of the
senate the United States has ever
The presidential authorisation bill
died after 76 .senators. Democrats and
Republicans, had signed a manifesto
declaring that they favored the mea
sure and would vote for It If a vote
could be secured.
Eleven Senators Obstruct.
Eleven senators, La Follette, Clapp,
Cummins, Kenyon, Gronna, Klrby,
Lane, Norrls, O'Gorman. Vardaman
and Works, refused to sign the de-
( Continued on Pise Four. Column Flr
Minister Flees at
Spirit's Appearance
Table Sapping Demonstration Before
Ministerial Association Too Much
for Iferres of One of the Andieaoe.
An exposure by Frank Leeds of the
methods employed by the most noted
spiritualists, at , the Y. M. C. A. to
day before the Portland Ministerial
association, met with sudden Inter
ruption. Mr. Leeds was Just in the
act of demonstrating how a medium
tips a table and had the lights above
the stage turned out. when an emo
tional voice in the back part of the
hall spoke up and with decided Ger
man accent cried:
"In the name of God stop this bus'-
i ness.
It is not the spirit of ChrUt
; v
but the spirit of the devil." Then th
rpeaker got so excited that his Eng
lish was undistingiitshable and thougl
he was seen by all the audience, he
made his exit so rapidly that no ons
knew who he was.
Mr. Leeds made several sensational
exposures of the tricks of the med
iums, especially those of 'slate writ
ing. 4
Previous to Mr. Leeds' demonstra
tions a committee was appointed by
the president to drifw up a re-solution
congratulating President Wilson on his
second election, and to take the place
of one submitted by the resolutions
committee, which was objected to be
cause it contained the worJs, "We
pray God that in the ensuing term we
may be spared the horrors of an armed
conflict with other nations.
kv. w . ts. seeman reported over
half of the churches had reported fa
vorably on tne Billy Sunday campaign.
that two were noncommittal and two
were unfavorable.
Oklahoma Town Is
Swept by Big Fire
Wirt. Okla.. March 5. (L N. S.)
Nearly all tho business section of
this town was destroyed today by a
fire that originated in a rooming
house. Twenty buildings and con
tents were destroyed. The loss will
exceed 930,000.
Bridge Earns $265
Day First 2 Weeks
- Tho total toll receipts of tho Inter
state bridge; during the first 14 days
oz opera i ion was or an aver
sgs or; 36S per day. " .
Raw Breeze, However, Forces
Throngs to Stamp Feet to
Keep Warm; Many Pre
vented From Hearing the
President's Words.
Thrill and Solemnity of War
Also Stamped on Simple,
Democratic Proceedings
Which Mark Second In
auguration of Wilsons
Hy Carl D. Groat. ,
Washington. March (IT.
Flanked by thousands upon thousands
of his countrymen. President' Wilsoa
was inducted into his second term to
day. .''-'
The spirit of the time harked back
to the days of Lincoln. The thryi and
solemnity of war was stamped upoa
the simple. democratic - ceremony,
though a strain of peace ran tarougu
the proceedings too.
It was Just 12:47 o'clock when Wil
son kissed the Bible, completing tne
oath which he had taken twice within
two days.
Standing' with bared head,- he ac
cepted the solemn, seMous gift 'Of -a
nation still at peace, but touched on
all sides by the flames of war.
At 13:30 o'clock the president ap
peared at the front door leading from
the capltol to the platform,.
He was-accompanied by Mrs. .Wil
son and his aides
By this time a raw breexe was
sweeping the crowded stand and' the
stamping of 'thousands of feet as
the peopla struggled to keep warm,
changed to a roar of applauses.
Simultaneously the son burst out
from an overcast sky. .The presides t
looked up hflsmlled.T " . ,
"Well, that's fine." he said. -
The. president was preceded to hi
place on the platform by members of
the United States auprera court in
their sombre Judicial robes.
Then followed. the diplomatic corps
(Coattooed oa Pag 8es, Colsnm Twl
Marion-Polk County Bridge
Bill, Forbes' Resurrected
Cudgel, Becomes Law,
Salem, Or.. March 5. House bill 373.
the widely known. Marion-Polk county
bridge bill, was signed by tho governor
This is the bill which acquired fam
from two sources. First it was used
by Representative Vernon A. Forbes. -Into
whose' hands It fell as chairman
of a conference committee appointed
to agree on amendments, as a club to
whip Senator Bishop of Marlon county
Into line in support of, too $. 000,00 tf
road bond issue. .,..
Next it mysteriously disappeared.
remaining out of sight for several
days after tho legislature had ad
journed and all the other measures
had been presented to the governor
and disposed of by him. Then it an
mysteriously reappeared. Chief. Clerk
Drager "finding" it among a bundle
of papers.
The bill provides a method for Ma
rlon county to proceed with the con
struction of an Inter-county bridge over
tne Willamette at sal em, in spite of
the opposition of Polk county, if the
two counties continue to fall to reach
an agreement. ,
President of China S
Disapproves Break
Action of Cabinet Osastag mtrpture
With Germany Zs BoaelaAod TtmmUt
msslgva aad Xlalstrr Vustalas glm.
Pekln. March (I. N. S.) The
president of China declined to appro?
the action of tho Chinese cabinet lit
breaking off relations with Oermany.
today, declaring that such power rest
ed entirely with htm.- - 1 ,
Premier Juan Chi Jar resigned im
mediately and departed for Tien Tsir ,
accompanied by several other rnen
bers of the cabinet. It Is expect i
that tho entire cabinet will resign.
The action of the cabinet is almot:
unanimously approved by parliament
and leaders of all parties are criticis
ing the president's action. The cabinet
is supported by the rice-president.
Senate Adjourns to";
Tomorrow; at Noon
Washington. March . E(C. .
After a formal session that included
only the inauguration of" the vice-president-and
the swearing in of th
new senators, tho senate adjourne 1
early this afternoon until noon Tuts
Jajr, ' - . , .