4 vr- -slS "-kj (3) JEr,.' . v$H Flaria. CorvaUa; M1m Ann - M. Powell, Astoria.; Mrs. U. Huuonr, A- orU.; Urs. E. R. Asr. Powll Butt; J. A. Jones. Newberc; MAam Kr 4wman. CornUas; M1m Irn Vj delbers, CorneUus; Mrs. Frank Har wood, Cornno; Urm. J. H. OoUina. Woodburn; Mr..Dlck Klser, Corvallis: Mrs. H. P. Chase. Salem; Mrs. C. H. Knickerbocker; Sheridan; Mrs. Ir. Cook. McMinnrllle: Mrs. a. S. Baton. Gr&nts Pass; Mrs. J. Dean Butler. Oak Grove, . Mrs. Ada MilUcaa of Pr4e vlllt, who la working to preserve the arts and crafts of Pacific coast Indi ans, sends in the names: Mrs. Rora Brink. Mrs. Ethel Edwards, Mrs. Cor Una W. Klklns. Mrs. Henry Howard. Mra J. H. Rosenberg. Mrs. O. W. Clif ton, Mrs. CX C i Clay pool, Mrs. R. A. Closke, Mrs. Ifif K. Evon. Mrs. Llda BechteU Mrs. E. El Evans. Mrs. E. J. Nelson. Mrs. Oeorce Eutln, Mrs. Y. SI J. Duffy. Mrs. J. K. Upton. Mrs. J. B. Bhipp. Mrs. J. Mlckel. Mrs, Cbarla Bhattuclc. Mrs. Robert avis. Mrs. Ua car Hyde. Mrs. W. H. Wits. Mrs. Jo seph, Letter. Mrs. M. R. Elliott. Mrs. Werlex Smitn, Mi Bertha BaJd- win. Miss Acnes Elliott. M of Prine- viUe Mrs. N. E. Fert!. Hood River Mrs. Ferruson. Hood River; Mrs. Vo.i nie -Webb. Seaside.. There is no doubt that every, club in Portland that is federated will be represented, but so far only the Lavender club has report ed. Mrs. Maude Burley. Portland; Mrs. Letltia Ross, Portland. Presidents X.uacaon. The larcn luncheon of the Presidents club on Thnrsdav last was a dsUrhtful affair, A lovely pink cyclamen 'plant graced the center of the table, a sprine trr bute to the club from Mrs. A. J. Sump- son. Guests of the club were jnre Marshal Stevens and Battalion Chief Youn who spoke upon the firemen a two platoon system. The secretary read the firemen's initiative petition so the matter could be impartially dis cussed. Mrs. Helen Ekin Starrett was the g-uest of honor and read from her own writing. "Unfinished work" ana Doem. "The Autumn Blue. ' showed the scope of Mrs. Starrett's pen, both being- written many years ago. Scholarship ZiOan msdr-Scholar ship loan fund contributions received up to March 1, 1917, are as rouows: Portland Woman's Auxiliary Ry. Mail Assn o.uj Monmouth Civic club . . A 6.00 Portland Monday Musical "Club . 6. JO Cornelius Oivlc Improvement nub Astoria Reading club Portland Woman's club Miss Fay Clark Por (J and Corrlente club Portland Council of Jewish Women Eugene Fortnightly club Wasco: Rav View Study club . . Mrs. Lillian E. Boarne zouo Portland Tuesday Afternoon club io Pendleton Thursday Afternoon Ky Vella Winner. mm HE outstanding event 01 me I wmIc in thii realm Of womdl's 1 affairs will be the annual Ore gon state conference of the 'Daughters of the American Rev olution, which will open Tat Eugene, Friday. March 9. at 1:30.- The Eu-1 gene chapter lias been planning for 1 months for thlH occasion and all plans Are perfected to make the . conference one' Of roth pleasure ana prom 10 an who are fortunate enough to attend. The .sessions will be presided over by the president, Mrs. Isaac Lee Patter son. The enrollment or delegates and 'registration of visitors will occupy the first hour of the afternoon. The pro-- gram will open with the singing of ' "The Star Spangled Banner." Dr. .Mary Far n ham, state chaplain, will pronounce the invocation. The address of welcome will be given by Mrs. Kdna Preecott Datson, regent of the Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter and the response will be made by Mrs. John F. Beaumont, honorary state re gent. Colonel C. C. Hammond of the United States army will deliver the ad&reas of the morning. Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons will give a reading. "Mrs. Patterson will giveJlhe report of i the f twonty-fifth continental : con gress. The Sarah Childress iPolk , 1 1 if -v -t "V Statewide i ; Clean-Up ! Outlined 10.00 5.00 100.03 5.00 10.00 60.10 100.00 4.00 Babies who rank high according to eugenics standards: 1 Lucile Beatrice M'illianis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Williams, who scored 99 per cent at three years. 2 Jesselyn Clara Riffle, daughter,, of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riffle, who, scored 99 H per cent at two and a half years. 3 Dorothy M. Carlton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carlton of Hillsdale, who scored 99 per cent at nine months. 4 Selma Goldie Weinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weinberg, who scored 99i per"cent at nine months. 5 Harold Rowley Met calf, son of Mr. and Mrs.jjRowley M. Metcalf, who scored 09 j per cent afclO months. 6 Iiila Vienna Stange, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Hallick Stange of . 7 Thomas Russell Inskeep, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Inskeep, who he lntro-l scored 99 per cent at six months. chapter of Dallas will! duced, by Mrs. Joseph E. Sibley, re- j 8 William H. Lyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lyon, who scored gent. Reports of atate ; officers will, OQ ... mnnth . oe given aa iotiows; jvegeax, Airs. I i Isaac Lee Patterson; vice regetttMrs. j j tffV M. Wllkins; recordltigf secretary, Datson; Chemekta. Mis. G. J. Helt Mrs. Hubert Ferris; t-orrespondlng i zel; Sarah Childress Polk, Mrs. Jos secrttary Mrs. C. C. Clark; treasurer, i eph E. Sibley; Quenett, Mrs. C. J. Mrs. Anna Fllnn Hunt; historian, Mrs. . Jw Thorburn Ross; auditor. Miss Amu Dunn; consulting registrar, Mrs.. James K. , WeatherfOrd. j . The session will close with the stnfclng of "Ore gon, My Oregon." written by Mrs. Fred O. Frink. - Friday evening between the hours . or 8:30 and 11 there will be a re ception St Hotel Osburn at which -delegates will be honor guests. Sat urday morning reports of chapter re- gents will be given as follows: Mult- inomih. Mrs. Mary Barlow Wllkins; ''Willamette, Mrs. Edward Alden Beals; Crandall. Mrs. John J. Read will give a paper entitled, "In Search of an Ancestor." Reports tf the standing committees will be given as follows: Executive. Mrs.i Rociey E. Mason; special legislative, Mrs. C. S. Jack- son; American Citizenship Education of Mrs. John Schull on Thompson street- Miss Eugenia Woodbury read "The Lion and the Mouse," Mrs. Net tle Greer Taylor gave with splendid effect "Aria From Mme. Butterfly" (Puccini), "Araella" (Winne) and Hear a Thrush at Eve" (Cachnan). Miss Geraldine Coursen was at the piano. Mrs. J. D. Spencer spoke on the work being accomplished in the Mrs. John Pearson; crjapter extension, ' ,ne of reducing the high cost of liv Mrs. R. 8. Stearns; reciprocity, Miss J.0- Mrs. John MacKaull Wilson of Lillian G. Applegate; I old trails. Mrs. I Cla-ire, N. J., was a special gjiest Ormsby M. Aslv patHoUc educaUon, i of 106 1a-e. . The program given was TVirs. s L AihAiiffh: real rtuht.r,. ! 00 enjoyed that it was decided Tdrs. S. L Mrs. James K. Weatherford; interna tional peace and arbitration, Mrs. William A. Evans; liquidation and en Unn, Mrs. Levi K. Tracy; Oregon dewment, Mrs. H. F. Kendall; welfare Lewis and Clark, Mrs. Edna Prescott WORN OUT MOTHER TELLS OF BABY'S PIMPLY ECZEMA Became Hard Crust Like Scale, ' Very Irritating and Itched. Kept ' i Awake. Cuticura Healed. .f When my baby girl first became ill I noticed a tiny pimple on one of her checks. . 1 paid no attention till it became worse, and l was told it was eczema. The pimples I became red and hnally spread over her face and became a hard crust like a scale. It was very ifri- a. j - J taune- and itched a Brood deal, and she was disfig ured while she bad it. bhe kept me awake nights and I got ydis coaraeed and worn out. , - . '.'When I read of Cuticura Soap and Ointment 1 sent for a sample. 1 our- chased more, and in six weeks she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Robert UjprA 160 W. Central Ave., St Paul, Minn., Aumist 23. 1916. : While Cuticura works wonders in most cases of skin troubles its properties are so mild and so delicately combined that it is also ideal for every-day use in the toilet bath and nursery. For Free Sample Each br Return Mail address post-card: 'Cuticura, Dept. II, Boston." Sold everywhere. women ana cniiaren. Airs. A. C, Sctanltt; preservation of the flag, Mrs. A. H. Breyman; conservation and con servation of the home. Mrs. E. M. Sharp; preservation of historic Spots, Mrs. C. B. Willoughby; children of the American Revolution, Mrs. Wil liam D. Scott; magazine, Mrs. George M. Post. , '- I The guests will be given an auto mobile drive through the grounds and will attend the dedication of an old trails marker, followed by a confer ence luncheon. The chief business of the afternoon will be the election of officers and the I conference will closed : with the sin cine of "Roil R With You 'til We Mfeet Again." : 1 Women's Cooperative &4ra--The Women's Cooperative league has been very active since the holidays. A large and very enjoyable card party was given at the Hotel Portland. Mrs. A- H. Eilers was chairman of the committee. She was assisted by Meedames Bloomer, Henderahott, Bell. smith, Amett, and Miss Adelald Knapp. Lincoln's birthday a 'meet- tag was held at the home of Mrs. Lee Arnett. Readings by Mrs. Nina La-rowe-of Lincoln's favorite noem. oh. Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be . vuui mi, v. j. f ranxei, pres- Ident of the league. fA Perfect Trib ute, were much enjoyed. A charm lng feature-of the afternoon was the patriotic "sing under' the direction of the chairman : of the sine department of the Monday Musi cal dub, Mrs. J..E. iBonhrleht. Miss Lucy Case, Mrs. Lambert Beard, and Mrs. Flarell appeared in solo. t. r-o- P11 Quartet undsr jthe leadership of "J9- TrJpp gave several numbers. Miss EHzabeth Johnson sad Mrs. Percy W. Lewis, president of the Monday Musical ctuo were at ins piano. A very large attendance was recorded at thi irt. l ing, i Last Monday afternoon a 'purely wt miouiguu was neui at the home club Huber Ladies' Social and Im- provement ' 2.00 Knterprlse literary club B.00 Portland Chi Omega eororlty .. B.0J Oswego Woman's club 5.0 J Junction City Woman's Im provement club 2-50 Sheridan Civic Improvement club 3.0 rMsnburr "95 Mental Culture club 20.S5 ATarHhfioid Artistic Needle Workers 6-00 TCKrc Civic Imorovement crub B.00 Rnpnn Vista Rural club 2.00 The Dalles Sorosis club 102.55 Aurora Woman's club 2.50 Tnion Woman's club 6.80 Dallas Woman's club 25.00 Ontario Woman's club 20. CO TVu-tlarwi Shnkljn9T StudV club 7.03 Tualatin C. T. S. club 2.00 Prlnavilln Todies' Annex and Shumla clubs . 11.75 Tiiiamnnii itlvic Imorovcment club 5.00 TaD. Tin Oivlf ImnroTemtnt Club i n0 Mrs. A. B. Mlllican S.00 T-TnVI River Woman's club . . . 75.0 Seaside Woman's club 6.25 Lebanon Woman's Civic club . . 5.00 Corvallla Woman's club 20.00 Total $681.70 Elberta Forward Club. Mrs. F. A. Olander. of 999 East Twenty -seventh street north, was hostess Thursday to the Elberta Forward club. The sub ject for the afternoon was James Wiit- comb Riley and roll call was answereo with Quotations from the Hoosier poet. Mrs. J. W. Phende. gave a sketch of Riley's life. The final worn on tne counties of Oregon was done and at the next meeting- a prise will be award ed to the member who can name the most counties and county seats. At that time Joaquin MUler will be dis cussed and roll call will be answered with Quotations from Ms works. The meeting, which will be in tne rorm or a luncheon, will be held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Panhorst, 992 East Thir tleth street. , sContsssorl Assoclatlosu The Mon tMaon-t association Celebrated ' th birthdays of Lincoln. Washington, Ed ison. Longfellow and Lowell last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. II. Farrlngton. 483 East Twenty fifth street north. The evening was riven over to games and music. At the refreshment table two large birth day cakes, with lighted candles, were cut. Those who had looKea up mci dents concerning the famous men, gave them in response to roll call and paper by O. "P: Miller on Lincoln was read. The program closed witn a spien did reading of Longfellow's "King Rob- . b v.. j ... . - Hudson Association Meets. The Hudson Parent-Teacher association held an Interesting meeting Thursday afternoon with a large attendance. A program was given by the children of Mrs. Harriet Shields' room. Two of the older pupils gave talks on th rub to repeat it later, giving It in the eve ning that the men might hear it. Art in stats Federation. That the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs is taking a- great interest In promoting the art of Oregon Is reported by their art chairman. Mrs. Alice Weister. The Genera.! Federation of Women's Clubs is sending an exhibit of American Dalntlnfrs through th WMtom ta toja The list of tRese pictures was found ber industry and the silk industry 11- veTy interesting Jy Miss Crocker and Miss lXinlap ln'jthe art museum and they expressed a wish that Portland might have them. There Is no doubt about Portland having them, but our city is rich ' ia exhibits "given at the art museum. What Is of more Import ance Is that ehe smaller towns of our state will have this exhibit and the public school children will be given an opportunity of seeing In .colors some of the great works of our own country. The work of handling this exhibit and sending it from town to town will be in the hands of the newly organised art department of the state federation. It was for this purpose Mrs. Weister or ganized an art department comprised of women from every federated club In the state. Mrs. Weister Is receiv ing these names every day. To show the interest being taken the following partial list of names Is given. More than three times this number . Is ex pected before the meeting of the fed- i oration in the autumn. List of names of those who belong to the art department of the .state federation: Mrs.'. Georgv Cochran. La Grande; Mrs. Raymond Logan. La Grande; Mrs. George Gilbert, -La Grande; Mrs. Arlette P. Lawrence. Woodburn; Mrs. J. W. Sadler,- Aurora; Mrs. A. J, LilUmrn, Roseburg; GeorgJo L. McKenzle, Hermlston; Mrs. E. E. DeCou, , Eugene; Elizabeth Cosper, In dependence; Mrs., O. V. Gerlinger, Dal las; Mrs. W. O. Ross, Baker; C J. Edwards. Tillamook; Mrs. Ethel Bales. Tillamook;; Miss Caroline Burcn. Dal las; Mrs. jW. W. Nelson,' Newberg; D, HLooney. Jefferson; Mrs. J. G. Foun tains, Jefferson; Mrs. J. O. Winkle, Jefferson; Miss Margarita Looney, Jef ferson; Mrs. A. M. Robinson. Oreswell Mrs. Beugwicj vruwui; jojs jiuna lustrated with specimens of the raw and finished materials. . Emerson Study Circle Entertains. Honoring Miss Llda M. Albright, who Is soon to leave on an extended visit to -her sister in New Tork city, the members of the Emerson Study circle enjoyed a delightful program Tuesday evening. Vocal and Instrumental mu sic, recitations and impromptu speeches gave pleasure to all. A happy feature of t-h evening was a love shower of remembrances The essay on "Love" will be the subject for tho study hour next Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Metaphysical library, Broad way and Main street. Bass Una ZmprOTsmeat Club. The Base Line Improvement club held its regular meeting Wednesday, having as Its guests the board of the Women's Political R search club. Miss Fox of the city library and three members of the newly formed Improvement club at Rockwood. Tho regular business was transacted and each visitor pres. ent gave a helpful talk along Interest ing lines. a oounuxui lunon was served at 12:30 the ulual custom when an all day meeting is held. A community meeting win te held at RusseUvine grange Saturday at S o'clock for the purpose of arousing enthusiasm ana cooperation for civic improvement along the Base Line road. There will be speakers of each torn munlty. Ventura Park. Russellvllle anj Rockwood. followed by Mr. Jink of th-j Portland Railway, Light & Power com pany, and Judge R. G. Morrow, on "Civw improvement cooperation." XsssarcA dab Iinacasosw The Port. land Women's Research club will hold its regular : semi-monthly luncheon Thursday in Hotel Portland. Mrs. G, Mrs. Maud Rocho of Ashland, chair man of the civics committee' of tho Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, is instituting a vigorous campaign for the spring and summer looking toward a cleaner and more beautiful stats and to this end she has Issued a pamphlst setting forth suggestions for work among the club women as follows: Let us' work more earnestly than ever before for civic betterment; begin cur spring's work . by adopting . the slogan, "A dvio Improvement Clubyn Every Town in Oregon." and take for our motto: "Cooperation." Let every federated club urge upon the city authorities the necessity of having an annual clean-up week, the first week in may. Let us urge every club in our town to assist in this earn reign. Interest every organisation In your town to the end that each community b made so clean that not a fly will harbor in it. In August, especially of each year. let every club urge a campaign against the weeds, and do away with the mos quito and fly-breeding places. Clubs to "Vv"ork Up Semtlmsnt. The taxpayers can procure thesa conditions If they urge them. Let every club In the stats create a sentiment that will, in time, make our railway stations and surroundings more sanitary, comfortable and at tractive, and not th most dtlipidated spot in town. The appearance of community is usually the first thing to attract the attention of. a stranger. Are you proud of your community in this respect? What are some of the things you would select to Show a vis lcor in your community? What are some of the things that you would not want him to see? Let every club demand that the threshold of our town create a good impression for us. ' Public opinion can secure anything in time. Have Civlo Workers Talk. Hame some enthusiastic civic worker come and tak to your towns-people. Oftentimes a story of what has been accomplished elsewhere will inciters community to greater activity. Have your ordinances regarding1 th use of closed garbage cans, barn yards, anti-spitting, sanitary toilets, etc. published frequently. Never cease to "swat the fly." and circulate literature concerning the deadly typhoid fly. Let each club of the federation fol low the excellent advice of our State Federation president, "that we sum mon youth to our ranks; the young women in our midst are the club worn en of tomorrow. We need the inspire tion of their presence." And they need the benefit of our experience. Let the federated clubs put' forth every effort to encourage Oregon or western made goods. Too much money is going out of the state for dry goods and food products, etc.. than can be purchased at our own doors. Do you realize the fact that every time you make tntt an order from an eastern catalogue you are not only depriving your own business men, but that you are adding to the wealth of the east. which is now already rolling in wealth? Merchants Pay Taxes. Tour business men are paying taxrs on their goods, that help to keep up your cities and towns. Are the eastern merchants helping your town in any way? x On the other hand our merchants and producers can largely overcome this tendency by making .their prices cor respond ,to the more attractive ones that eastern markets offer. The federated clubs contribute to or ganizations for the prosperity and health of the state and receive, in re turn, little or no Information concern ing the expenditures and operations of such organizations. It is no more than just and right that each club receive a statement of not only moneys received, but expenditures and work accom plished by such organizations. The local health authorities do not seem to be alive to their responsibili ties in safeguarding the health of the community, and especially a proper oversight of tuberculosis. Most con tagious diseases, such as smallpox, typhoid, etc.. are generally promptly dealt with, but houses are rented to and private families harbor and care for, to a greater extent than we real ize, those affected- with that most deadly disease, so-called white plague. All of these naturally frequent pub. He places, drink at our fountains, and are subject to no disciplinary restrict ive conditions. Kay Seem Baolcal. Some of these measures may seem extremely , radical, but they reach down to the very roots of the body oolitic. The influence of the women of our federated clubs, united and rightly expended, is calculated to be a tremen dous power, not only as regards the good government of our state, but in the work of civic betterment. Since enjoying the franchise, we are proud to note that our women take an active interest, not only in the mother of good government, but in conditions that affect the home and the comma nity. v Already they make up a large per centage of our voting population, and are bound to be reckoned with in everything affecting the welfare of the state. Women are the natural housekeep ers; they are house cleaners. They feel resDonsibllity for honesty, economy sanitation, right living more than men do. Perhaps our work can be estab lished on no surer foundation than decided effort to build up local con dltions. In conclusion, your state chairman wants to accomplish two important things. These are now new, but are a repetition of excellent work accom rllshed in the past. Let each feder ated club send in an appeal to the governor of the state of Oregon to pro claim that the first week in May shall be : the annual clean-up week. Second, that he also proclaim the first week In June to be the annual Western Club Woman's Consumer's week. By paying attention to the latter, the club women, and in time all the women of the west. can help in this way to build up the Industries of the west. - sumers league. Mrs. Millie Trarrrbull, -1500.900 en condition that the other represetitlnsr the Federation of worn- -1500.000 be Pledged br Jannanr 1. ISIS. en's Clubs, win, discuss "The Woman's John D. Rockefeller has now mads car- Legislative councu; " ' tain the success of Us fund, as only "While?" ' There will be muslo. .Baser- about 1150.000 mors needs to be sub- rations may be mads by telephoning scribed. Mr. Rockefeller's contribution Mrs. Charles Allen. East TS97; Mrs, I. s munificent, but there Is also a deal Helnta, Tabor S432, or Mrs. i& ft of appreciation sf Miss Dodge end Wheat. East 8062. the work of the T. W. C. A., in the m-wTti Tiim. girts to the fund of 30.000 others, half day Afternoon club held its meeting of whom withheld their names. John of February IT at ths home sf Mrs. - . g W. V. Magill. 74 Kearney street, a short business session preceded the program. A paper, "The Beginnings D. Rockefeller Jr. en New Tear's day made a gift to th New Tork West Bide branch ol the Y. w. ,C. of thetr building. This 1490.000 prop erty had been purchased' from Mr. Rockefeller in 1914 for SS00.000. , A cash payment of 120.000 was made, ths balancs being secured by mortgage bonds. Convinced of the increasing (OetiBued on Pollotrlns race) of ths Novel." by Mrs. Merwln, Push, was read by Miss Grace M. Amos, and Mrs. Frank McKay gar reaaings worn on of th first novels, Richardson's Pamela" A luncheon was served to the members of th club before th meeting was held. Mra . Harry L. Vors was a guest of the club.- Ths club will hold its next meeting March 6. at th horn of Mrs. W. A. Dickson, 49S Cast Thirty-sixth street, at S p. m. KM.' Thompsosi Koaored Mrs. Alex ander Thompson, who is an officer in th Old Fort Dalles Historical society. honored at a colonial reception given Wednesday ty that organization. Many of the ladles appeared in colonial costume, some of whom aired old heir looms which had been folded away in family chests for many a day. The program was appreciated by th 40 membecs end their- friends. A brief Tiy T6dav On&ii?HaiE; Ihenlomorrow "Well, You WOl Already Se a Start ling Difference. It's AS la What You Us. That's All," Says Valaska Suratt, th Diadem Among Ameri ca's Stag Beauties. BY TAUIXA STTaVATT. TT SOUNDS queer, but it' I the surest way to make , T .-- . -T.r ! WW. sy ana dcuuiui TV VttMUW W Vf srskVAUsu IV ivrr- 4 avsaf WaV.. Tift ATtiAr Wa.1 . a . kl.k umIUJ I. . 1 1 skll si 1 1 w f s ' u t ssu.a tkf VU IV W (is 17(1 ae-ney rvi4""- - is-sT-M s , (JUia n7V IV IM, vivacious manner. That th She told how her compel your hair to grow ut it's true. aake hair grow X :lful Is the eas- 1 y but this way. , Is will actually iw faster, long- et. chief aim among th lawmakers had , er, and, with a superb gloss of lif e and r . . : vlnr. Is as sure as the sun will rise oeea io uo ner won; in a way --1 ,-,,: , Th.M nn 'nnhi at th - .. i. v- . fleet credit on the women who bad r0 do It.VnVt tKuiands of wUhbuTdeUyr " helped to ptac her there and to labor others have already done. There are for the best Interests of ths state as lots of "hair-teasers" sold, but to tell . . ,h MW them. Mlii Corlnna Mats read you the truth, I have never yet found MRS. McB. I would rather go an. Medium dibm on the formation . on that actually mad hair grow, around with th hairs on my forearms -.IV.r. i p , Mri After all. that's what you want, a real than get them off the way you men- and work of the D. A. R. society. Mrs. rrow"x few days' us of my hair tion; that is. with those --burning" Auviufciwu -- - - - xormuia, wnicn i giaujy mass puo- i nr irnair, rauusn ma pin. of the United Daughters of the Con- uc here, will convince you that what up the skin, often for weeks after- federaoy. which was listened to. with : r say is right. The fact is I have ward. By molatenlng the superfluous absorbed attention. She ended with ! not told half of its wonderful work, hairs with sulfo solution, obtainable at v, -Hrin.l , riy,iif th Stars and "ur nair wui nop lunni, lum . iyj jan ""' cfi'-STo , ifr Ji vT faioubt wl lD- yor hair will be the away like snow in the sun. There's no Stripes which left no, room for doubt . length and beauty, of your spot or mark left. of th loyalty th old conieaeratos mln, trinAn. Add on ounca of beta- feel for our national banner, and it qulnol to a half pint each of alcohol was pointed out mat wnue ine wuib ana waier iot iiuup ' omrum WONDERING Tou certainly can. fought against our flag in ths sixties Instead), and mix thoroughly. Now My wrinlae formula will get those and lost her cause, she was the first . J nafvt t MffiJ d-,p li,ne" n1 crows' feet out of your ened by a foreign foe in the nieUes. omical. . . Tou'U look as young as your Picture. Wiilamstts Chapter Colealal Party. Willamette chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, gave a delight ful colonial party Wednesday evening at the Laurel hurst dub house with AJUWEita TO QUZST103TS. yes. 15 years younger, if you will make up this cream as follows and use it freely, daily: To two ounces of eptol add on tableRpoonf Ul of glyrer ine and stir Into' half a pint of hot water. You'll have a cream that will do the work as nothing can or has ever MTLS. S. W. What if beauty la skin deep, it la one of the powerful things that makes the world -co round. and nor t-hn ioo in attendance. Many of makes men's head go round, too. I the chapter members presented a pic- think It s sour grapes to you.-'-but It don. Try it. tureaoue annearance in their powdered won' tb In a couple ?f weeks You'll " , - " . . wonaer wny omer women ar iucn hair and patches and quaint colonial r TOmplexiona!" Go to the drug TOODLES Yes. the name of my costumes, some, or whicn were rea- store and get one ounce of zintone. own face powder la "Valeaka Suratt neiriooms. IDC iniviur vi i" " OUT. Wlin two laoieipeumuw Ul B'- x-svc rowutr, a-iiu uia lur liiiy wnn -PPiy at drug stores, in nesn, wnite ana it was maae alter my bouse was decorated in numerous flags cerine 'in one pint of water. , Aj i. ... o..r- nttv. a i-utA this cream rather thick and rub it In brunette tints. J " , , . tlrkr,ol .1.., thoroughly, every day. You'll see own formula, to get away from that UBU, " " """. every blemish disappear quickly, and agpravating pasty chalkineea so com- The following delightful program was your aream-. wiu comt true. jt never mon in other powders. Mine 4s al- glven: Minuet, Mra A. R. Moore and faiis to give a queenly, adorable, extra- most invisible. It stays on. and I tell Miss Alice Russell; song. Miss Wini-; ordinary complexion. you. my dear, it stays on, too. It fred Evans, accompanist, Mrs. Beals: . . gives a perfect rosy bloom. dance. Delight Innjld, a member of . . Columbia chapter. Children of the SEEKER T don't wonder you be- ,ri . . -,v-. : Revolution; violin solo. Miss Vivian come embarrassed from your exces- A"i, T7n hilTkh.-5- mhZi n.ni.t Mi Hulda aive arm tit nersoiratlon. Yon can whatever for having blackheads, when - - - vftii can sFs t rifl -nr I nm faimftsiT maisTi- Faust; dance, Frances Hanranan; sog, n-v .11 the u nnleaVan t odor in- "5 -n moments, by get- Mlas Emma Sorenson. accompanist. " x1 hVdroltsed.talo to t,n om Powdered neroxin at the Mrs. BeaU; dance. Frances Hanrahan can get it aTany A?r f"1 Th remainder of the time was spent arug 8t0re. It beats any prepared ?" .aK1??ilrw?iH"po"Ff?- .nd 'vn r"m 'k M ST walesfSrff ZS?J I RrtlC,e 801,1 Pnn"e- -."ed rTowerf ullvd oullkVy ciability during which coffee and sand- ... thu wiir r.mov all f them, hi -ani L. Buland, presiding officer, has ar ranged an excellent program. The talks will be along legislative lines Senator Conrad P. Olson will explain the referendum measure which Is t be voted on in June, while the work of the last legislature will be dis cussed by one who was a member of that body.- Representative Herbert uor don. There will be brief talks by' the representatives of the four state or ganizations that compose the woman Legislative council. Mrs. C. W. Hay hurst, representing the Mothers' Con gress, will talk on the purposes of th Woman s Legislative council. . Mrs, Jennie M. Kemp, representing the state W. C. T. U., will give a toast to the 1917 legislature. A toast,-to our next legislature rwill be given by Mrs. R. W Montague, representing tne -on OBUGED It must be -your drag- gist ran out of stock of the eptol for wlohes were served. Mrs. jmwara ai- i little onea en Beals is regent of this chapter ana miss n a. F. It la th alkali in those presiding at tne rwrewuneui i- the soaps and prepared snampoos you FUSSY So you've heard about the ble were: Mrs. W. H. 1. ureen ana . use rnat aoes mat. J our nair win os gurmtt pillow top. too. Well. I do Mrs. John F. Beaumont. Dr" "-ViV " loJlK Z Q,. think it elegant indeed. I have ar- . "" -w -'" ranged to supply tnese at trie special Carrls Jacobs Bond nab. The Car-1 in soap destroys natural oily secre- pric, of fifty cents each. It Is made rie Jacobs Bond Musical ciud met i ions in nair. nri wona.nui iu. Jn orange and purple, with my large with Helen and Louis Webber bat- " "'. 'r i "c "uw5It- - 2 T Photograph and signature m the ren- urdav March 3 2 p m . at their home, bit of fatty subsUnce and scale ter. Send fifty cenu to "Secretary to uJmk .rreetT The President trTl 8,calp,' leve! hJ!L!Sd,,f1? Valeska Suratt. Thompaon Bldg.. Chi- 950 Hancock streeu J. ne presiaen-, auittT clean. A teaaooonful of eg- m ..fr -,m ,.n- .n C..11. V. VUal r.rti1Al .t tl bUal- i 1 . . . V. . 1 J " OVCAUk It - SVI 1 1. . n WUfcT v& Sil.w Lit. ess meeting. The following program greatest shamooo imaginable. Twelve was presented under the direction of shampoos can be gotten from only r a.. . v. i a. a. a . . 4h. &ak ass t Mrs. earn R. Beaumont, aner weicn iwimjrim !: 1 c w- uviiii hour was aiven xor ceceiia. 1 " and Nina 0"Day. members movmc away front Portland, airs. j. tnns. CDay gave pleaaure by assisting witn vnoai mimtri Following was the nramm' 'Duet "Remembrance," making up my wrinkle formula. If and half a cup of sugar In a half pint (Frarjs Behr), Ruth Battin ana Mrs. "V I .' ..J1a;.: " . ...i. .' . 'T (.ZTrJ Beaumont, Ureama OI lOUlO, e. A. i v. c.,t) -rhnmnsnn TlAr rV,l- m,nr or fm Wachs). minuet (Rufus Rogers), Marv. " " -; " " , Lou Moser; Recitation. "A Little Giri sj Wish," "The Water Lily," Dorothy I Louise Webber; Violin melody, (Moer- I kowski). Alfred Van Vleet; "Birds in. the Woods" (Hollender). Ruth Battln; duet, "Cooing Doves" (Ludwig Andre-. Lucine McKay and Mrs. Beaumont; Hardlequln Pranks" (H. Erfglemann). Helen Webber; "The Knight and the Nuns." (Dutton). Stella Van Vleet; "Dolly's Funeral" (Tschalkowsky '. "The Water Nymph" (Schotte), Lu cille McKay; valse lentek Sylvia (Dellbes). Etelka Parrish; "Will ' the Wisp" (Cedrlc Lemont), Alice Pear son; duet, mazurka (Ferdinand Wrede), Etelka Parrlah aid Mrs. Beaumont; vocal selections, Mrs. J. Chris CDay. Central W. C T. U. Central W. C. T. l. met Wednesday at Central li brary. After the opening .devotional exercises a llttl time was devoted to the national organ, "The Union Sig nal." Many members testified to tn help they had derived from this fine paper. Mrs. Lucia -F- Additon was the speaker. She talked on th de partment of labor, the subject being "Our industrial Relations" Shs touched on the unemployment prob lem, the seasonable trades and their menace to the prosperity of the state; the problem of social wastes, and eJ- ucatfon in the trade school - She said dollar diplomacy must give way to golden rule diplomacy and Lhla not a theory but a sound workable principle airs. Aaaiion is national superin tendent or this department and is pr- f Xf t: t 1 i J : $t Hi) 1 lSaL....J one. mum BLUE Well, you'll feel worst if you keep -on using those Instruments for bust development. They are ruinous. Nobody can promise you such thing, but there ia one thing that should de velop It If anything can. and that la a mixture or two ounces or ruetone 7KePbCTOR! f Zr. Zews, 3aAer The questions answered below are general In character, the symptoms or dlaeaaea are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar nature. Tho wishing further advice, free. may address Dr. Lewis Baker. College Bldg.. College-Elwoof streets. Dayton. Ohio, enclosing self-addreasod stamped envelope for reply.. Full nam and address must be given, but only ini tials .or fictitious names will be used In my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked' drug' store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. "Reduction" writes: "I am seeking some safe method to reduce my flesh, nihil, m-r irmrnmt la large I am getting paring a. number of leaflets for ptrli-1 ,i fmj and. of course. It Is embar- Ucatiorr to follow her 'course on th e rasslng." . line of work. A vote of thanks was given her for her able and Interesting address. Central union has an inter esting program every WedaesJay aft ernoon at Central library. President to Eatertala Cotsrla T : Coterie meeting -next 'Wednesday wit' oc novel in me ract that It is to t.s held at the home of the president, Mrs. C. J. Allen. 335 Halsey stree. and the unusual feature Is a deba'e by Six llttl Russian-Jewish hv the subject: "Resolved, that Arbitra tion Is Preferable, to War In Settling All International Difficulties." They have been trained by Miss Fannie Por ter, principal ft the Failing school. Baby : Geraldine Peterson will sins. aance and play several plaao number-. airs. jw. i. x.- Hidden will discuss woman's i-ejwtjrij-rtbllUy in handling the lmmlgrattoa ' problem Take any Cnion avenue car, leave at Halsey street, ?nd walk two blocks west. The orewth of the T. W. C. A. Tha x. w . Ks. a. nas no truer zriend than Miss urace H Answer: For many fears I navs placed reliance in the formula known as five rraln artolorje tablets packed in sealed tubes with full directions for home us Borne have reduced as much as 40 pounds in a few weeks. " C O. C asks: rt am constipated, tongue coated, have headache, dizzy spells and indigestion sometimes. Please advise?" Answer: I advise that you begln;us lng three grain sulpherb tablets (not sulphur ) These tablets ars laxative, act on the liver, kidneys and -bowels and tend to keep th blood pure, by arousing the elimlnatlve functions. Relief should follow quickly. , a i "Grateful- asks: -About a year ago I was afflicted with a bad-care ef dandruff. I used pialn yellow minyol and three treatments-cured me. Now. I want to know if I. can increas my weight about 10 pounds ? Answer: I have ry frequently ad vised thin, aenemlc. bloodless people to use three-grain hypo-nuclane tablets a l mem lime. - " w 'i Answer: In all such rases, the - as similative functions have not kept place with waste functions and a -ow-erful harmless tonic, treatment is needed. I find three grain cadomene tablets unexcelled and astonishingly Dcnciinu in aucn cases ana savi them for you. -Laura" says: -Some time sgo I con tracted a very severe cold and cougi. do not seem to help me at all. I wish you would advlss me what to do." Answer: What you need is a laxa tive cough syrup, one that will drive the cold from, your system. The fol lowing prescription , will check your cold and eourh: Get a itt-os pack- ago on oonceniraiea essence raentho laxn and make according to direc tions on the bottle. Taks a teaspoon ful every hour or two or until your cold la better. This will rellev you In a very few day. T T T2 i.ba. "VTw kal la.ta. lt. and ray scalp Itches with dandruff, and of late it is combing out too much. What 1 a good treatment V Answer: Obtain plain yellow minyol f Vcvtiai A rn a In A-m ' la, a n.l apply as per directions. This cleans, purifies, cools and invigorates the hale and scalp, thus stopping the death of th hair. Dandruff and itching ar at one relieved. Men and women all over the country now use it regularly. , . e "Weakness- writes: Hav been doc toring ror Kidney Dodge. 8b (It to it!t.KM th nutritive process s sot only money, but devoted her ta-!riva atrenrth and flesh to suoot ent, time and personality ; to its up- pie. Several -months treatment is s-1 followed by burning pain ana am very building. At her death she left a 1 sentlai to produoe results. ITrlfX.friVvS.1011 S1 "A"''' legacy of SSOO.000 to the work ana! .. IovmA Kinr-. thn an f fW ,a- K. "Awful -Pln" Writes: "FOT OVST S mad to' add legacy, thus maki trouot and now her ta'-! irlv atrentrth and flesh to sues, peo-1 want your advice. . Frequent deeir is its up- pie. Several -months treatment is s-lxoliowed by burning pain ana Also backache affects me dreadfully. Can hardly move when I awake in the morning. Weakness, too. is a ymp- tom." . . r - en an effort has been "Awful Fain" writes: -iror over a k,nUUan mer!,- 1 k,SJJne,nri '"Iral-STon ons side f my fac. Can worthy ' of Miss Dodge's devotion to the association. By the promise of Hair On Face Mvee it. Werke easaily weU fee I ilag hair freaa ssefc. si-sae er liasb. - you prescriD xor iru" Answer: Apply freely ones' or twice dalir to th parts affected Pine-o-latum This fin ointment stops pain, overcomes chest colds that are deep seated, relieve rheumatic pain and is useful in many ways. "Secretary writes: T have pains in my spins and frightful head acne In back of head, fainting spells, twitch ing and trembling, nerveusness, sleep lessness, loss of appetite and strength, and in fact am a 'has been.' when It comes to performing accustomed work and duties." - . - Answer: I think if you will take balmwort tablets regularly for a few weeks your kidneys and bladder will become normal and such symptom vanish. Tbts is unequalled or such IVMHrtlaifllsl In fas a-- I mm -imm, ' mrmr mMy mmm i aaa-v .aaaa- , , NOTE For many years . Dr. Baker nae teen giving free advice and prv sertptlons to millions of people through the press columns, and doubtless has helped in relieving nines and distress more than any single individual in ths world's hlseory. Thoueands have writ ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence. . - -