The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 04, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Programs for Larger Navy
. and Army Rotable Achieve
ments of Two Sessions.
;V- . . ' -4 .
hip Farohase BUI, rrm Zaa Act,
Adamson. Law ana Child Labor BUI
Among Host Important Msaaure.
Wh Inert on. March 3. (I. N. S.)
The sixty-fourth congress, which to
morrow pauses into the annals of
i.incra that were, will be Ion remem
bered as the conferees which responded
to the demand for national prepared
nena. While economic statute of pith
and moment have been written Into tne
;aw or tne iana, prepareune hk
tires. Inspired by the European war.
out-ton all other legislation.
Although ample provision has been
made for fortifications, and authority (
tia been granted by. congress to more
than double the standing army of the-,
country, the metamorphosis or tn,3
United States from" a commercial ijj
a fighting nation, has been wrought ;
ty the naval increases authorized, i
Content for lyears to be a doubttui
third or even- a fourth naval power,
the congress now expiring has au
thorized naval armaments destined to
make Uncle Sam eventually the per
of any nation on earth In sea power,
-' excepting, perhaps, Great Britain.
118 War Craft Authorised.
. ; In the two sessions comprising the
ixty-fourth congress there have
been authorized and appropriated for
no less than 118 -war craft. Nor Is
'tills all. The first session adopted a
; three-year-building program, the con
struction of which should be under
taken prior to July 1, 1918. This pro
g-ram included this allotment of fight
ing ships: Ten battleships, six bat'.L"
.cruisers, ten scout cruisers. . fifty tor-;
pedo boat destroyers, nine fleet subA
marines, fifty-eight coast submarine,
cn experimental submarine (NeTf
ryntem), three fuel ships, one repair
fclUP, one transport, one hospital ship,
two destroyer tenders, one fleet sub J
marine tender, two ammunition ship.?,
two gunboats. " i
By the act which adopted this buiid- '
Jng program congress appropriated for
four battleships, four battle crutsei.;,
four Bcout cruisers, twenty destroyer?,
"thirty submarines, and ono each o:
"these craft: Kxperimental submarine,
fuel ship, hospital ship, ammunition
hlp and gunboat. During the second
ression provision was made lor thrv
battleships, one battle cruiser, thrte
scout cruisers, fifteen destroyers, or.e
destroyer tender, one submarine tender
?ond eighteen submarines."
If the sixty-fifth congress adopts
the three-year' program the remainder
of . the units for the reorganized bat
s tl fleet will be, .appropriated for next
'n Staggering feums have been re
quired to meet thqse demands, the na
vVaP appropriation for the second ses
sion pf the expiring congress alone
Amounting to almost a round half bil
lion dollars.
Increases to the ,reguJa,arjr aid 1
Its reorganization under the national
, defense act were less striking than the
, naval increases. But the regular arn v
was increased from an authorized
rcare strength of 100,000 to art au
thorized peace strength of 216,000, ca
V Table of expansion In war time to
a2?6,000. After prolonged agitation l.r
Jireparedness both on land and sea, the
consensus of the military, experts was
. that the United States with its enor
mous length of coast line must ever
rely On its fleet to defend its shores.
Notable Legislation Enacted,
Although preparedness has been thef
Ueynote of legislation, the sixty-fourOi
,f ongress has found time also to enact
.a ship purchase bill, the Adamson
right-hour railroad law, a child laboi
lw a measure to forbid the lmml
rratlon of Illiterate aliens, a rural
.'-credits bill, a vocational educational
. bi.ll and art act reorganizing the gov
ernment of Porto Rico and extending
citizenship to the islanders.
The ship purchase bill established
n government shipping board to su
pervise shipping matters generally it
appropriated $50,000,000 to be obtained
from the sale of Panama canal bonds
for the purchase or construction of
ships to be leased to private indi
viduals in an effort to restore th.-'
American merchant marine. I
The Adamson eight - hour railroad
law was enacted on the eve of ai
Joumment of the first session of the
closing congress. Some persons f'x
'he date as the eye of election. Tha
enactment of the measure prevented
f nation-wide railroad strike. It, how-i
ever, has never become effective. Be-
tween the time pf its enactment ar,d
the time for the commencement of i's;
operation, January l last, the' const'-!
tutlonality of the measure was chal-l
.., lenged by the railroads, and the whole
. matter is now pending in the supreme
' court. . , j
Supplemental railroad legislation.!
proposed by. President Wilson in his
nnnual message last December, failed
. of enactment This legislation would
have provided for the prevention of
strikes by-compulsory legislation. It
was heartily opposed by all of the
bodies of organized labor which hai
'"","U8' sougni tne eight-hour rail
road . law.
Child. Labor X,w Enacted.
, The child labor law hn era i
tr.?iato commerce all products o'
children under 16 years of are r
mines or of children under ,14 iSfac
; lories.
iTk MSf.f of th ,rniiKration bill
Zl' ,lte!?Py was accom
plished ovei- President Wilson's sec-
been a subject of controversy fee-
. branches of the government for the
' ,20 ,years- Presidents Taft and
, Cleveland both vetoed lmmigratioa
"ures because they carried the
i" feature, which all three Presi
created twelve frtrTr J1.11'
with $750,000 capitarch V. Kfil
provides a. r,-Jr L i . The bill
, -'-r" wney oans taa
,Brwerg lor
. Ml k . SJvVA'X AA V',- I Adding to our line of t
'mtmWk 't- i i r i i ffr";t'r - urX 1 successful photo-J nil
1 ruly the Bernhardt t::v'stA yC-k' r4vv: I dramas, we today show If I
mwMW C U C L ' P;X-',; I Panthea - a feature of 1 i
W Mm 0t the Screen m her . tlVU' 'rtA V-A s . - I extraordinary power- f f J
WmWm ramnfip Kinmnh 'ZHfAAl : ";x V v'.' 'f-AH? ? VV.A I plus the play and player 1 i V. ,
Wtmm ClramatlC triumph CVV-: .:rc&jr YJ:A' ' I we offer Columbia serv-
ill her artistic beautiful S m , i''C;A l; " ice - that real atmos- , N
' Ififi i- - I 'V$ - k rVc;;.';;.V ;::v! l-X'A , I Phere of comfort and VII
1 appealing presenta- kV V-; x-vf- ' XsAt'V ,''J-:vv" IV-A convenience that com- - i)J
WmWm r o ,1 Vr-i; '' pletes your enjoyment. AMI
mM-M tion of Panthea fc S4t: 'feC'iV-' V'" We request yoV eany V
WfMim ' 'VV;v: i'A attendance. I VtAV
P - &';d 2ttSeS:-" X& ' Jensen &VHerberg, . M
mfm tAm 4 - wzx L Managcrs- i
asi. - . . yJ IM
Bll TTTn A' "TX t . in Ki T7tt rrs. i a,.- ' ' .' il l
At : rA 1 v n Av m
Living Models I
displaying the
newest and niftiest
in Spring creations. I
S - H
I Gowns courtesy
Eastern Outfitting
Company 1
1 he lavish screen adaption of Monckton Hoff
great play -The story of a love that was greater
than life or death -Opinions will differ as to the
moral aspect of the sacrifice made by the heroine
of this pulsing play -but there can be but one
conclusion as to the' story's power to arrest atten
tionto hold the most blase picture patrori spell
bound to the end
it shows at the theatre of big events ithe
The Theatre Beautiful
Sixth at Washington
.i m . a h
- 'x ' . . r - . ' . " -." ..,..-..-.".-. r- . ' - . w r," . """"fl mttt ,l.illlllill.,.. , .
nit Inn 1 .
asBoclatlona. It Vfii wt " loan
in the west and aouthf ertculturlst
Under the vocational educational
act the federal goyernment on J
xiaUy increasing scale covers evry
elate appropriation f dollar ; for
secondary school Instruction in
the mechanical an 1
agriculture and
Industrial arts,
; Brazil to. Bay Ships.
Bio da Janeiro, 'March 3. The rov
ernment of Brazil is negotiating; for
the purchase of the JO or more Ger
, man steamers interned in this harbor
. Santos; Bahia and Pernambuco. "