The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 03, 1917, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight and
Sunday cloudy:
Winds -mostly-easterly.
ity at noon,' 46,'
VOL. XV. NO. 305.
""vu a vw tTikTMi rnr rvwvi
IT'S ALL 'true' f I '" J
- . v -
Says She Had Right to
r ai t- i "1J
View of the Possibility
. .
( According to bemi-urticial bjatement Cuotea
in Dispatches From Berlin to Amsterdam.
German Minister to Mexico, Statement Says,
Was Instructed to Offer Mexican Govern
ment Alliance Only in Event of War.
Amsterdam. March 3. (U. P.) Ad
mitting: her endeavor to align Japan
and Mexico with the kaiser's govern
ment against (the United States, Ger
many today Justified that attempt on
the ground that she had a right to take
precautions in view of the possibilities
of war with America.
A' semi-official source was quoted to
this effect in dispatcher received from
Berlin today.
i --Germany decided upon this step
after making tier decision to wage un
restricted, submarine warfare. Tt was
impelled to such a course by the previ
ous attitude of the American ,govera
ment and subsequent developments
have Justified the course, it was
.The semi-official statement from
Berlin read: .
.. "After Germany s decision to wage
unrestricted submarine warfare, in
view of the previous attitude of the
American government, we were com
pelled to reckon on-the possibility of
conflict with the United States.
"The subeeduent .severance of diplo
matic relations by the United Statos
and the request by.. the United States
that other neutral nations join her in
such action proved that our calcula
tion was correct.
"Because we were anticipating such
a possibility, it Was not only our
right, but our duty to take precautions
so as to balance, if there was a pos
sible adhesion of a new enemy to our
enemies, "
-"Accordingly," the statement cor.
tinues, "the German minister to Mex
ico, In the middle of January', was In
structed, in the event of the United
Mates declaring war, to offer the
Mexican government an alliance and to
arrange further details..
"These Instructions expressly en
Joined, the German minister to make no
Reserve of Canned Goods As
Somewhat Low but Enough
Could Be Secured.
Portland food jobbers are expecting
almost momentarily the receipt of re
quest from war department officials
regarding the available supplies of
foodstuffs held In reserve with which
to' provide troops in the. event of mob
ilisation. No official circular ha been given
out here as yet, but the merchants are
r preparing to furnish such statements
I when they are required.
Majof Edwards, quartermaster' at
f Vancouver barracks, stated this morn
ing that no inquiry had been ordered.
- Jobbers say that ample supplies
could be obtained here at short notice,
. although the-reserve just now, espe-'-
clallyv of canned goods, is somewhat
low and hard to get. The statement
was made, however, that by cooperat
ing : among themselves, the merchants
" could mobilize enough food to last well
into such period as . other supplies
r could be assembled.
. The war department of late has
- placed orders for abundant supplies
i- of a general character which are now
jf ' la reserve:
Fletcher Presents ;
Credentials to Chief
! f Guadalajara. Mexico. March 8. (U.
P.) United States Ambassador Fletch-i-
w, ; in a1 ceremony of great pomp,
1 formally presented his credentials to
I First Chief Carranza today, marking
- -the complete restoration of diplomatic
interchange between Mexico and the
,1 United States and the final step in
entire recognition of the Car ran za
government.' - i v
Fletcher's first official act as am
bassador was expected to be present a
tt ion i of ; an irSqtitry at the Mexican
'--foreign office requesting a statement
from that government as to Its posi
tion with regard to the United States.
The inquiry was, ordered from Wash
ington in view of the revelations of
-Germany's attempt to align -Mexico
and Japan against America, v
Take Precautions, in
( nr hmh i
of War With America,
. - . .. . . .
advances to Mexico unless he Unw
certainly that America intended to de
clare war."
Berlin. Via Sayville Wireless, March
3. (U; P.) Foreign Secretary Zim
merman today justified Germany's ac
tion in seeking to ally Mexico and Ja
pan against the United States.
- Such a course, he said, ;was merely
a defensive measure not to be carried
out except in case the United States
declared war on Germany. Moreover,
he said, it was no- more a "plot" than
the "plot" which vai reported in South
American newspapers as having been
undertaken . against Germany ; by the
United States when America sought,'
according to South American and other
newspaper reports, to line up. the
American republics in common action
against Germany.
.The foreign - secretary commented
on America's po-ally sympathies. He
refrained from '-admitting specifically
bis authorship ;f the letter to Minis
ter Eckhardt ac Mexico City. and his
entire discussion of the matter was.
he was careful to state, based on
"English reports" of the "German plot
to get Mexico to declare war against
the United States and to secure ; Jap
an's aid against the United States."
Official statement Issued.
The official press agency, today isr
sued the following statement:
"Foreign Secretary Zimmerman was
asked by a staff member of the offi-
(Continued on Pa pre Keren. Colnron Two
Dutch Steamer Arrives but
Mail Is Held Up; German
- Plot Is Still Doubted.
By Charles P. Stewart,
Buenos Alre, March 3 (U. P.)
The Dutch steamer AmsteDand ar
rived hero today bringing quantities of
securities and mail from Germany.
The Argentine government permitted
delivery of the securities, but seized
all the German mail, on the ground
that it was not stamped and postage
Local agents of the Amstelland said
the vessel would probably intern here
rather than run the risk of seizure bv
allied patrol vessels in the south At
lantic in retaliation for her aid ren
dered Germany.
Argentine newspapers foday contin
ued their comment on the Mexican-Japanese-German
plot reVealed by
President Wilson at Washington. Of
ficialdom does not question President
Wilson's good laith, but leading Ar
gentines, as welp ah practically all of-
iiciais, are well nigh united, in the
belief that the Zimmerman document
cannot be authentic. They mold that
Mexico was known to be proot against
German intrigue.
Austrian General
: Relieved of Duty
Amsterdam, March 3. (I X. S.)
General von Hoetsendorf has been dis
missed a? enter of the -Austrian gen
eral staff by Emperor Charles, accord
ing to Vienna dispatches received here.
General Freiberr von Straasenberg has
been appointed to succeed him, the dis
patch adds.
American Military
" Attache. Is Killed
Rome, March 3.-(U. p!) Major
Hetberg. American .military attache to
the Rome embassy. . was killed Thurs
day while at the Carso front, accord
ing to announcement today. ' v
:.faJor . Heiberg : was 44 years oU
and a native of Wisconsin. : 5 - v "
Toledo, Ohio. March 3. (U. P.) "The
activity ofiGerrhany in Mexico, revealed
in the German plot letter, was known
among Detroit motorcar manufacturers
at least three weeks before 'the letter
at jeasi mree weens Deioreine jenei
was given to the public- said Theo
idore F. McManua of Toledo and e-
troit, one of the country's leading ad
vertising men, here otday.
Pancho Villa's, secretary, an Ameri
can, and his brother, were in Detroit
recently, trying to buy 200 automobiles
for Villa's army. They had plenty of
money and certificates. They were
unablo to get the cars, MacManus said,
the rjnanufacturers taking the position
that the s;Je would be unfair, consider
ing the strained leiatlona between the
two countries.
"Tlio secretary seemed very much
surpiiscl, and during one of the con
ferences in? made the statement that
Car ran za wa being financed by Ger
many, and that Villa was receiving his
backing from Japan," said MacManus.
"This information has been in the
hands of th government at Washing
ton for days.
"The secretary said that 50per cent
oft the men in Villa's command are
American army deserters. He said only-
one, a machine gun operator, very bit
ter against the United States, would
fight for Mexico against the United
States, however."
It UP TO 10
Said to Have; Insured
They Stole, Then
- Them Over Again..- ..
Arrest of two suspects, one of whom
Is said to have made a full confession,
has bared what the Portland au
thorities believe -to be one of the
boldest and cleverest automobile then
conspiracies in the history of Port
land. i
Constable Mark Petersen said today
that present indications show that at
least. 30 Ford machines have been
stolen and sold in Portland in the past
few months. Besides, the two men In
custody the authorities are searching
for others Who are suspected of being
members of the cane The investlra
tions. It-is said, will lead into promi
nent circles- both in Portland and in
towns in Washington state.
Stole Cars Twice.
That the thieves netted big profits
from their industries may be indicated
from the fact that in some Instances
the same car was stolen and disposed
of a second time.
According to the constable's office
the operators 'proved themselves past
masters at the art of automobile
theft. By means of substitution of
license numbers and wheels and other
parts of the car the work of tracing
and identifying the stolen cars has
been rendered difficult. The cars were.
(Concluded on Tajje Nine, Column Six)
President Wilson
Signs Revenue Bill
Washington; March 3. (I. X. S.1
President Wilson today signed the
emergency revenue bill at the Wh'te
House. The measure carries 4S(T,000,
000 for the depleted treasury.
"Bone Dry" Bill Signed.
Washington. March 3. (U. P.)
President Wilson today signed the
postoffice appropriation bill, carrying
the "bone dry" prohibition provision.
Federal Reserve
8n FmuHwo. March 3. (C. !1 Fdr!
WPiT bank of Sar Framrtaco aUtrmrnt of
common at cioee or tuma March 2:
Gold coin and gold certificate :
In own raulu.,. I3.02S.O(V)
In (fold settlement fn-id 7,8iR.OiO
In gold redemption fund 13.000
Legal tender notes. ailTer etc...... SoloOO
"Total reserve cb.. S2O.921.O00
Federal reserve notes in bands of
ban - l.45.O0Q
Other cash 778.O00
Checks for local clearing 761.000
Due from other federal reserrtt
banks .(collected funds) , J. Ml. 000
Transfer drafts purefcamd. 3,9S0.0OO
Total cash and" exchange S3O.les.0CO
Bills discounted member $ ln Onu
Acceptanoea bonsbt 8,123.001)
v. . bonds 3,429.00k
V. !. one-xear treasury notes .. l,.vuno
Municipal warrants nts ooo
All .ether resources 52000
Total resources $43,408, or,
Capital paid In. 1 ...$ S.9H.O0O
Reserve deposits 'itwrnbor banks. . . 531, ori
OoTerament. deposits (rross) . .. ... 1,757,000
Do to other Ifdsral twin banks
(collected fnnds) , 1,002,000
Cashiers', and other checks outstaad-
- ing ...i.t 12.000
All other liabilities . 183.000
Total liabilities ............... .43,4n 000
- " MEMORA?. DtTTit " j"
Federal reserve noten outstanding- . -
in hands of the -pubHe.........fl4,237,0t0
Federal reserve , notes : In handset
bank ..... , 1.045.0CO
Ket anfoant or federal restive not ,
issued to bank br federal reserot -1 -' .
arent ....... r. . . ........ . .. . . ... .18,182,000
Deduct sold and laWnl money rto- .
posited by bank with federal re- -
serve af-eot . . ....... .-.j. .... ... .. le.lSS.OOo
Detroit Auto
Men Knew of
Plot, It Is Said
Advertising 31an Asserts Villa's
Secretary Gave Informa
tion Weeks Ago..
Statement That Justification Existed for Ger
many !s Action in Attempt to Align Japan and
Mexico Agiinst United States Meets Sharp
Denial; Pan-American Conference Explained.
Lansing Declares Entire Truth as to Zimmerman
Note Known to Administration Whether
or Not Confirmed by German Secretary.
By John Edwin Xerin.
Washington, March 3. (I. N. S.)
Attempted Justification by Herr Zim
merman, the German foreign minister,
of Germany's efforts to line up Japan
and Mexico against tne United States
found no response in Washington of
ficialdom today. The Insinuations of
Secretary 'Zimmerman that there was
'justification" fcr Germany's action in
the activity of the United States in
South America met with sharp denial.
Their acts . as shown by the'' records.
known to the entire world for months,
were cited as complete refutation of
the Zimmerman accusation.
The United States approached the
Latin-American countries of South and
Central America and called a conven
tion to arrange to meet the changed
trade conditions growing out of the
jsuropean war entirely in tne open.
The Fan-American conference held in
this city met in the open at all times.
It was a general . discussion of ways
and. .means -for assisting each otber
commercially. And at no time was
there the slightest suggestion from
any point that the conferences were
in the interests of any of the Eu
ropean belligerents.
Britain Objected to Conference.
As a matter r record, officials
pointed out today, the plans of the
conference found their chief opposition
in Great Britain. The British board
of trade was open in its opposition,
and In some of the South American
countries, ; notably Argentina, British
banking affiliations withdrew their
support from Argentine merchants
who had agreed to do business .with
the United States.
Reports from inspired sources at the
time, which intimated that an offens
ive and defensive alliance might be
Auto Skids Inter Crowd at
Tenth and Washington and
Painfully Injures 3 People
t Skidding on Washington street at
Tenth street this afternoon, a big
automobile driven by Raymond Abst
ran into a crowd crossing the street,
bowling over several people.
Those Injured were John Anderson,
9 years , old, son of the keeper of
Rlvervlew cemetery, cut and bruised,
taken to Good Samaritan hospital.
J. Ia Green. 195 West Park street,
cut and bruised.
Mrs. J. L, Green, fractured ribs, cut
Zimmerman Letter
May End His Career
Amsterdam, March 3. (U. P.)
Resignation of German Foreign Sec-,
retary Zimmerman and an abrupt ter
mination of the diplomatic career of
Count Johann von Bemstorff, former
German ambassador to the United
States, is .'regarded by Dutch officials
in close touch with German conditions
as certain to follow the revelation of
the Zimmerman letter in the United
States. , ;
Up to a late hour last night German
newspapers had not been permitted to
publish anything concerning the Zim
merman letter. Efforts to obtain some
word from these circles was unavail
ing..' - Dutch officials refused today to dis
cuss the plot for publication but pri
vately it was stated that the attempt
was "a crowning blunder of Teutonic
Fuller's Resideiice
Mecca fpr Burglars
;" " - s
' koim eecullar attraction for the
nimble Portland burglar apparently
hansrs about the residence of F. I
Fuller, vice president of the Portland
Railway. ? Light & Power Co, 603
Spring street. Last night another ef
fort was made to enter the bouse. It
was not successful. Some weeks' ago
members of the Fuller family returned
from an absence to frighten a war
burglar- who "had succeeded in' finding
only a small ornamental clock, 'Sev
eral efforts in the last few1 years have
been made to do violence to the Fuller
bolts and locks, -most of them unsuc
cessful. ;
the outcome of the conferences, met
with denial by Secretary of the Treas
ury McAdoo, who had been most act
ive in arranging the conferene. He
held that the spirit of the Monroe doc
trine would prevent any arrangement
ether than a trade agreement, and
that is as far as the conference ever
The further declaration by the Ger
man foreign minister that the United
States had been waiting for an oppor
tune moment to enter the war on the
side of the entente is sufficiently re
futed, state department officials as
sert, by the records of the submarine
dispute between this government and
Germany since the sinking of the Lu-
citanla. and also by t'je public .utter
ances of the president himself.
United States Gave Early Warning. -
It was pointed out that at every op
portunity the president . went to the
utmost , limits . to prevent an open
break with Germany, even going to the
extent giving warning of. what
mignt ne expected, in tne orrespona
ence that followed the sinking of the
Secretary Lansing, while declining
to oe drawn into any controversy re
garding the ' relations between the
United States and the South American
republics, made it 'wery plain tods?
that,' so far as we are concerned, the
entire truth as to thl Zimmerman
plot against this government is known
to -the administration.
"It is immaterial whether Mr. Zlm
mermann denies or confirms the mat
ter. We know it to be irue," he de
That is the position of the United
States. It does not care what
action Germany takes about the plot
(Concluded on Pis Seven. Column Flr
and bruised. Both Mr. and Mrs. Green
were taken to St. Vincent's hospital.
Mrs. Green is believed o be danger
ously injured.
Abst is 22 years old and lives at Zr.
East Thirty-second street. He stated
to the police that after striking the
people who were crossing Tenth stre.1.,
his car skidded 20 feet before he could
stop It.
Miss Mercedes Wallace, who was ac
companying the Greens, escaped ir
Jury. Torpedoed Ships to
Be Named Weekly
Paris, March 3. (I. N. S.) The
French government announced todav
j.hat names of vessels torpedoed by
German submarines would be published
weemy nerearter instead of daily.
No word of torpedoinss have beer
received either from London or Pari
ror three days. It Is possible that tha
entente powers have entered Into an
agreement to withhold reports of sub
marinings from publication except at
certain times.
Steamer and Bark
In Collisoij at Sea
Norfolk, Va.. March . (U. P.)
The steamer W'alter B. Koyes and the
bark Alcides collided at sea off the
Virginia capes today.
The Noyes has a large holestove in
her side and Is limping north, it was
stated. t
The Alcides will enter 'he capes late
this afternoon, and is believed to be
seriously damaged.
Thirteen Convicted
In Conspiracy Case
Chicago, March . (t, N. S.)-T'nlr-teen
men were found guilty in federal
eouTt today, of conspiracy to restrain
interstate commerce.- Four were mem
bers of the Electrical Workers union.
They are subject to imprisonment.-for
one year and a Xine of $100d each.. At
torneys for the defense gave notice of
appeaL. . , r...
' ' : ' '..-1. - ' -1 " i ' v-,
Wilson to Take
Oath of Office
Sunday Noon
Members of Cabinet and Supreme
v Court to Witness Public
Ceremony Monday. j
Washington. March 3. (I. X. I S.)
President Woodrow Wilson will take
the oath of office as his own sue
cessor at noon tomorrow. He will
go to the capitol to be present at' the
final session of the sixty-fourth con
gress, which expires by constitutional
limitation at that hour. Chief Justice
Ldward Douglas hite of thj su
preme court of the United States will
meet the president in the later's of
fice off the senate diamber and will
administer the constitutional oath. It
is expected that most membersOof the
supreme court and all of the cabinet
will witness the ceremony.
Otherwise it will be of a private
nature on account of the day Sunday.
The president will take the oath i
second time in public at soon on Mon
day. It was at first intended that he
would be sworn in at the White
House but it was finally decided that
the capitol was the proper place for
the ceremony. The president's inaugu
ral address was completed by him to
day but it will not be furnished to
the pits s associations for distrlbu
tion to the newspapers of the country
until Monday.
Failure to Pass Armed Neu
trality Act Alone to Bring
About This Action.
XTaval Officers Inspect liners.
New York, March 3. (I. S.
S.) Lieutenant Garland Ful
ton, assistant naval constructor,
and two ordnance officers made
an exhaustive Inspection of the
American liners St. Louis. St.
Paul and New Tork yesterday.
Before their survey wss com
pleted they had taken measure
ments for guns, examined the
gun platforms that the liners
were equipped with during the
Spanish-American war and drew
rough plans for the construc
tion of a magazine between
While officials of the line
hinted that the survey was
merely in connection , with the
prewideiit's plan of arming
merchantmen, the officers of
the vessels deduced that the in
tention of the government is to
requisition all three .vessels as
auxiliary cruisers.
By Carl I. Groat.
Washington. March 3. (U. P.)
The second session of the sixtyrfourth
congress will adjourn aiae die at noon
Adjournment actually . may come
several hours after noon Sunday,-- but
tonight the congress clocks will be
(Continued on PatM Two. Column Five)
Society Folk Have
Trip All in Vain
Case of Acme Compamy Against ICr.
and Krs. . TonUhonx Over Down Zs
Settled Out of Conrtl
Society was drawn to the Courtroom
of Judge Bell this morning, but dis
persed disappointed when it was an
nounced that the case of the Acme
company against J. Andre Foullhoux
and Mrs. J. Andre Foullhoux had been
settled out of court and continued tn
defintely. The case was brought to
recover $90, alleged to be the value
of a gown ordered by Mrs. Foullhoux
from Madame Doree Tracer, but re
jected upon delivery . with the refusal
of payment. Madame' Tracey had as
signed her claim to the plaintiff com
pany. The gown had been ordered for
attendance at a function to have been
given by Mrs. T. B. Wilcox In the
fatter part of last December. The At
fendants replied to the complaint that
the gown had not been delivered at
the specified time, and that It also had
been of inferior workmanship. This
was denied by the plaintiff. ;
Berlin Press Backs
. Japan-Mexico Plot
Berlin. March 3.--V. P. The Ber
lin press today upports the govern
ment in its action of taking precau
tionary measures against attack by
the United States through the pro
posals submitted to the German min
ister at Mexico City.
The Lokal Anzeiger in. commenting
today upon the admission of the gov
ernment that steps were taken through
the minister to Mexico, .says:
, "With beneficial frankness, the gov
ernment sets its essential explanation
against the ..tendency toward sensa
tion of the American - report of : the
precaution to which the government
not only proves It was diplomatically
entitled but which was its . duty to
meet in view of possible attack,"
Acknowledgement by Germany of Conspiracy;
to Align Japan and, Mexico for Invasion of
United States Removes Opposition to Meas--ure
Giving President Enlarged Authority. - J
Senator Brandegee Opens Debate and Urges
Unison in Stand Against Germany Declares
Germany Now Waging War Against US. .
By Robert J. Bender.
Washington, March 3. (U. P.)
Germany's unabashed acknowledgment
today of conspiracy to align Japan
and Mexico for invasion of the United
States appears to have removed the
last vestige of opposition in the sen
ate to the armed neutrality bill.
First news of the Berlin admission
was conveyed to the senate In United
Press dispatches, read into the record
at the request of Senator Brandegee.
They created a profound impression
on senators, being reread by unani
mous request.
It made absolutely certain that be
fore midnight President Wilson will
have the fullest authority of congress
to arm American merchantmen against
submarine .attacks and uphold Ameri
can rights at -sea, through "other in
strumentalities." JtepnbUcaas Aaaonnee tapport.
Republicans, amazed at what some
called "brazen" admissidn from Ber
lin, announced the measure would have
their ungrudging "support."" "
Senator La Follette loomed up as
the great unknown quantity.
Up to noon he had maintained an
ominous silence. Republicans and
Democrats alike were in the dark as
to his Intentions.
"Of course, if La Follette wants to,"
one leader said, "he can defeat the
bill. A. rollcall will be demanded, and
it is a question whether he will under
take to go on record before the coun
try as refusing to uphold the presi
dent's hands in this crisis."
Senator Brandegee of Connecticut
opened the debate on the bill at the
close of the morning .routine, urging
unison of all factions in a face-about
against Germany. He declared war
should immediately result If Germany
First of Its Kind in Umatilla
County; Cost $35,000;
Others Promised,
Pendleton, Or., March 3. Pendle
ton's new $35,000 grain elevator, the
first in Umatilla county, was dedi
cated this afternoon at 1:30, the cere
monies consisting of a flag raising
and. several short addresses by F. C.
Burrell of the construction company
and Directors R. O. Earohart, W. W.
Harrah and If. J. Rosenberg.
Following the formal dedication the
many farmers gathered here for the
occasion adjourned to the Eagle-Wood
sman hall, where the whole subject of
bulk handling or grain was aiscussea
by some of the leading authorities In
the northwest.
The program opened with an address
of welcome by Mayor J. A. Best and
response by Marshall Dana of The Ore
gon Journal. The following addresses
were made: "Outlook for Bulk Grain,"
by Professor O. R. lfyslop of the Ore
gon Arricultural college; "Elevators
Built and in the Course of Construc
tion." by F? C Burrell of the Burrell
Rns-inerlnz Construction company, and
"Grain Standards." by M. A. Yoder
(Coorlnded en Page 'lne. Column Berro
Germans Penetrate
Russian Position
Berlin, March 3. CI. N. S.) (Via
Sayvltl Wireless.) German storm
detachments tore a gap nearly two
miles wide and about a mile deep in the
Russian positions west .of Luck
fortress and returned with 133 prison
ers and four machine guns, after de
stroying Russian dugouts, it was of
ficially reported today. ; '
r. France Prepares for Action. v
: Paris. March . CI. N. S.) An order
prohibiting the running of ail express
trains In France, with the exception of
those trains carrying malls and long
distance trains, nas ' been - published.
This action Is taken to facilitate traf
fic connected with national1 defense
and commercial trarnc. - ,
should sink another American .ship
after , arming hy the government.
"Hscessary to Arm Ship." -"If
another of our vessels is sunk
after this action by the. congress, then
there would be war, if this country is.
fit to live!" shouted Brandegee. "The
president says ships should be armed,
if it becomes neressary. Greet Ood, Mr.
President, Isn't it necessary, if we keep
to the seas at all?
"Won't you stand up land fight like '
men, or will you lie on your backs? -
"Shall we sit supinely by and alio
the edict of a foreign potentate to de
stroy American commerce? .;
"Must we wait until the slaughter,
actually comes?
"It is timidity, as the ' president
says, for our merchantmen to hug the
shores," Brandegee continued. "It
would be manslaughter, however, tor
them to leave without being armed
against , the homicidal maniacs now
scouring the seas. ''--X
- ays Otnrmsd.Watsw-Wsjri-i-
, "Germany is even now waging it
war against us, and we hesitate to de
fend ourselves.. ' , ' '
"I am willing today to vote this
authority to the president, and farther
direct him to use any means- neces-
sary to bring this state of war to a '
successful end.'
Senator Fall, New Mexico, followed
Brandegee, stating that the passage
of the bill would be a virtual declara
tion of war. ; .- .,;,- ,
"The president -knows it congress
passes this bill, it amounts to a decla
ration of unlimited war.".
Asked by Senator Reed, Missouri,,
the attitude of congress ss to a decla
ration of actual war. Fall retorted a v
(Concluded on Pa:, Seven, Column Tarae)
Citizens' Auxiliary Organized
to Receive Instructions
From Colonel McAlexander
More than 100 Portland cltlsens from
alt walks of life, including many pro
fessional men, appeared for instruction
in drill at the Armory last night, in
response to a call, issued by some of
those who attended the military, train-'
lng camp at American Lake, Wash. last
summer. Temporary organisation of w.
citizens' auxiliary was perfected and
the men will meet for drill every Friday
The rfspoflne was a surprise to Colo
nel U. O. McAlexander, Inspector-instructor
of the Orgon National Guard,
an.l as an indication of interest being
taken in the international situation,
was regarded by those who called it
as significant. Not only men who at-'
tended the American Lake "encamp- '.
ment, but many others who have ha l
some military training or who are'
anxious to secure knowledge . that
would be of help in case of war, were,
present. - -; . '.
She primary movements of .facing
turning were given - and some'
marching was done. Colonel McAlex
ander is inspector-Instructor for . th
Oregon National Guard and ranks as
a lieutenant-colonel in the United
States army. It 1s expected that ji
much, larger contingent of citizens in
terested In preparedness will be pres
ent next Friday. , . . .. - ;
Lost U-Boat Sank ;
Nine Russian Craf t
. . .
Berlin, March'. -L N. S.)-(Ti
SAyvllle Wireless.) The German sub
marine which recently sank, near Ilam
merfest, Norway, had previously de-:
stroyed nine Russian steamers boun.l
to Roomanos. according to a Chri-
Lttanta dispatch to the Neue Zurich er
Zeitung. .These ships werebought by
Russia in South' America. ";
; ;Xew Zeppelin Explodes. ''"K
Amsterdam, March '3. l?. P.) A
new Zppei:rr on- its , speej trial at
Ghent last Monday exploded burning
10 of those aboard, her, according t.
dispatches received here.from Belgium.