HORNING. FEBRUARY 5. 1CI7. REUEF. COMr.inTEE OF Many Splendid Offerings Tomorrow in Bed Linena, Blankets and Com f or te ra, Floor Coverings9 Curtains and Draperies, Visit; each of these sections when in store. Hundreds of savings for thrifty shoppers. See Also BackPage This section for other Im portant Meier & Frank store new. VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP i 1 1 1 1 i in i i i i i . n i i .I -Patrons who come to enjoy the savings In oar Semi-Annual Sate of Bed and Bedding tomorrow and thia week wiii do well to take a few minute for Inspection of the many charming pieces of Gift Furniture to be found In our rnrnlture Gift Shop on the Ninth Floor. Take any elevator. Ninth Floor, Sixth St! ge 1.0.0! ITSELF TO GOOD DEEDS 1 ases -Tomorrow and balance of the month. go on March lie counts, payable April 1. THe quality" Stows op Portland Organization Looks After So- 3 mourning uaa reuows vvno . May Be in Distress, ; ire. n 3 4 WORK IS GENERAL ONE 3 THC OREGON GUlIDAY JOUrJIAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY IS DEVOTING ilMiMiiiiEefl Labors Have Vothlag- to So With XiOcal ZodfS Whloh Care to Ovi Members. i Georre ir. Hamilton, secretary of th IOOP. relief committee of Port land,' has submitted hi semi-annua1 teports for tho period coverin from July 80. -1116, to January 28, 1M Hamilton Johnstone, of Hassajo lodge. In president; Pater Larsen, of GoUn Uule Encampment, vice president: Itobert C Chrleman, of Orient lode. treasurer. The organization looks . after the members of other than Pot-t land lodges, and has paid out. to thjm In that period over 000. It has at' tended In this semi-annual term 125 1 brothers. Of these the commiUca ! cared for J 4 who died, ana looaea after the funerals of six. Right others were shipped : to their lodge in other points. Own Sufferings Oared Tor. Eaeh lodge looks after its own sick, but the general relief committee cares for the sojourners, communicates wl.h their lodges and relatives, looks after .heir property, cares for their do pendent ones, and with a fund obtained from a per capita tax of 16 cents an nually on each member In Portland, and a donation of 1500 annually from th Orand lodge, performs a multitude of -services as an organised good Sa maritan corps. . Money legitimately paid out in ac rordance with the legal benefits given by a brother's lodge in time of sick ness, injury, distress or death ar re paid by the lodge to which ho be longs, but It often requires weeks and months to secure a settlement. The brother, a stranger sojourning in Port land, needs the money, the care and the assistance without delay. There is often necessity of rendering more than the stipulated relief, and It is given. Sometimes Victimised. Tha Portland relief committee re reived 13134.20 during the last term sick beireflta paid and refunded by dif xerent lodges on behalf of their mem bers. Nurse hire refunds amounted to 1112; funeral benefits, $300; special relief. $145; loans repaid, $51. It loaned to sojourning brothers, Sll.bO. It has IBS outstanding loans. The re lief committee has headquarters in th Orient hall building at ast SUta and Cast Alder. s, there are dead beats. There are failures in Odd Fellowship. There are huniao weaklings and unfortunate who wear the three links. Some time the committee is vicumizea. bomo tlmes it is too generous. Sometimes It pays out money that is never re turned. Sometimes it is roundly cursed because it does not do more, in the course of a number of years a number of dead accounts amounting to nearly S500 were accumulated, and it was decided last year to wipe them off the slate lot-ret them and start over tainwd 'recompense Cor his efforts and . his expenditures. Tho record does not t comes out minus in the modern form -. cr such efforts. Money Sot Only TMnr. '. And so in all large citler a relief ; committee is at work caring to the i best of its abilltv for th sick so journing brother, or for the brother in A Many Equally Good Unadvertised Specials in ? Bedding ONE of the biggest events on our store calendar! Twice a year we hold this grtat Disposal and each sale's record, eclipses the previous one. A more than usual significance attaches to this clearaway beginning tomorrow because of market conditions which render good merchandise infinitely harder to. secure than heretofore, even at considerably higher prices. Thanks to our tremendous purchasing powerand f oresightedness, we are irta positioa again to offer you such values as are nowhere else obtainable. EVERY BED EVERY MATTRESS EVERY SPRING (except a few contract lines) IN OUR GREAT STOCKS REDUCED! Prudent people will anticipate a year's needs while these substantial reductions are in effect. Sale begins tomorrow at 9 A. M. and continues this week only. COME ' 1 1 Many Equally Good Unadvertised Specials in Bedding One-Third of Comfort and Profit by Buying in This Sale This statement is as indisputable as it is meaning-fuU. It seems hardly necessary to emphaske the wisdom of devoting a Ita means for getting the most out of a time so long and fraught with such grave importance as one's life and health as this. The difference in cost between the ordinary variety and bedding of quality is small. The qualities and prices we offer m this sale are such as will enable : everyone to enjoy the maximum comfort during the period of rest and effect this at the expenditure of the very least money you benefit in health and pocket both by taking advantage of this sale. . . Every Bed, Spring Mattress in Our Stocks Reduced Think of reducing an entire stock at such a time as this! This announcement will be the signal for thousands to make thorough inventory of their bed and bedding preparedness and supply every need big and little - this week at Meier & Frank's. Although in most instances we have quantities enough to withstand the heaviest selliug, it will be wis? policy for patrons to purchase such articles as they want while the sale is still young. For lack of space here many equally good offerings have been omitted. If you don't see exactly what you want advertised on this page you will find that we have it, nevertheless, and at a price much lower than you would expect. . 4 need or distress. Much of the work of the relief committee of Portland cannot b Indicated in dollars and cents. Relief is afforded- in many ways other than the giving of money. Sometimes a brother Is aided in ob taining his Just dues, t or, perhaps in obtaining needed or better employment. ' Members of a brother's family are pro ' tticted, advised, given employment, looked after in various ways. "The relief committee fixed him up" is often the answer to Inquiries concerning someone who needed help. It can do it, and men like Secretary Hamilton, retain the faith of Odd Fellowship in splto of the failures they meet. A warm letter of thanks- from a brother who has arrived safely "back home" because of aid in time of unforseen need, is worth more than the record of some who may have with shrewd devise and plausabl tale gained a few slrnoleons. ALL OUR BRASS BEDS REDUCED To make room for rapidly incoming shipments of Spring goods we have determined on the drastic plan of affixing a new lower price tag to every brass bed in our stocks all samples and regular pieces included at astonish ing underprices. We have 37 entirely different and distinct patterns in brass beds for your selection every one desirable. Many of thee pat terns are supported by warehouse stocks, in some cases we -have samples only The accompanying illustrations and price quotations merely indicate the unusual offerings in this section all other patterns' of brass bed go at equally compelling discounts. $16.75 BRASS BED AS PICTURED $8.98, $26.75 BRASS BED AS PICTURED $14.85 $49.00 BRASS BED $27.20 $28.00 BRASS BED $1410 $24.75 BRASS BED $13.20 $32.75 BRASS BED $18.25 $26.75 BRASS BED $14.85 $24.50 BRASS BED $13.60 $30.00 BRASS BED $15.00 $26.00 BRASS BED $14.50 $21.50 BRASS BED $11.95 ALL BED SPRINGS REDUCED SPRING, LIKE frjl f ILLUSTRATION $HbLV This spring is constructed of the famous Garvy wishbone fab--ric, which is edged with yi-inch steel straps and connected at the ends by 54 oil-tempered helical springs. Each of these springs bears a 20-year guarantee labeL . SPRING, LIKE (P- rjr v ILLUSTRATION J0. I O The 100 spirals employed m the con struction of this spring are made from the best high carbon steel wire, oil tem pered and japanned. It has patented model steel constructed bottom with continuous angle-iron hangovers. Fit ted with patented, interlocking cross crimped top, which is thoroughly braced. Absolutely guaranteed by the maker and ourselves. The once is very special for this quality. Zoo's Animal Keeper Loses His Amiability 3 Charles Herrmann, animal keeper of Washington park, soo, heretofore the very spirit of geniality itself, is look ing for a writer on an afternoon oews- . paper. Herrmann has blood in his eye and threatens to do more 'damage to this particular newspaper man than : Nero, the ferocious lion, does to ham burger steak. - Herrmann is peeved because the , newspaper writer put him In a class , with . "Brother" Beals of the weather bureau, and had him prophesying sum mer weather - when, ' as a matter of ; fact, it is winter weather, pure and simple.. The newspaper man quoted Herr ; mann at length, saying that Herrmann could tell by th color of the animals' eyebrows, et cetera, that winter had departed, not to return for another L year,? and two days after the story ap peared it snowed, rained, hailed and froxe. Herrmann says he was mis quoted. - He told Park Superintendent ConviU ! this morning .that when h caught the newspaper man ha would maim him. for life. Herrmann, is about five feet tall. , ALL OUR IRON BEDS REDUCED -Our entire stocks of good, dependable iron beds are sale-marked 1 We have them in all sizes, in all styles,.at all prices. A substantial saving awaits every purchaser of an iron bed in this semi-annual sale. $10.00 IRON BED, AS ILLUSTRATED, PRICED $4.95 This especially good bargain is made pos sible by the fact that we purchased a large quantity of this particular pattern before th-i pronounced . increase in price which has taken effect, on merchandise of this kind during the last year. " Bed as illustrated in Verbis Martin finish, full size only, $4.95. Lecture Series at Community House 3 ries lectures delivered by Dr. J. K. Hart, Instructor in philosophy education at Reed college;: Robert p D ; Ixlgh, Instructor : In political sci ence, and Dr. William F. Ogburn. ln structar in sociology, will b. given at ;C tha Bellwood community house, on the - corner of Spokane aad Bast Sixteenth street The course la undr th -v ce of -ths Sellwood advisory commit- '2 ; tea lor wo community house, of which 5 Professor I H. Morgan of the- Sell wood publlo school. Is chairman, xha achfedule Is . as , follows: a. Trus ' and 'i Falsa Elements . In Vocational ' Train-" ng, ' ur. nm.rx.iA rn American Ideal' J '; of pducatlon,, Dr. Hart; -The Causes 1 or war.T ur. ugourw. i "Political Prob-i i ems or rermanni fmmcA.": ntr t - Xigh; !rh World Peace Problem and 1 3 , . America's Part in Iff -The Prejudices DECORATED BEDS REDUCED The illustration below at left gives you an idea of the beauty of these decorated metal beds. All. are, hand decorated; in the most artistic designs. They combine the beauty of the best wooden beds with the desirable' sani tary qualities of the enamel bed. -7-One is old ivory in "Satswna" finish, -with the most artistic Japanese decorated design. Flowers, birds, fishermen and butterflies are combined in charming effect. ; r-' " ' , ; Another is in Chinese red, lac ;quer, with design pf gold and black and touches of soft color. It would bevonderfully artistic in a room, furnished m white or ivory enameled furniture with the prop-r er cretonne hangings. '-Other beds are in black, with the most effective Vogue and Chi nese designs y m gold and soft shades of green and blue. No more decorative piece of furniture could be desired than one of these , ; , i Deas. , ; . Fascinating little nursery beds show cdecorations of "Kewpies," wooden Soldierr and Noah's Ark, See these delightful beds for little folk. EVERY DECORATED METAL BED IN THE HOUSE AT SPLENDID REDUCTIONS SEE THEM TOMORROW. V, " Furniture Shop.; Eighth -Floor, i ' Mill I THIS YUM YUM SPRING NOW AT $2.39 Hat been known to thousands of our patrons for many years as a very dependable spring , at little cost. This sale brings you these celebrated springs at the exceptionally low price 3jJ of $2.39. We ar exclusive agents for the "Good Nighjt Spring .7 It b the nw comioiTBDie spring maae. do sure ana see it. ALL MATTRESSES REDUCED (7Ti Every mattress in our entire fine stocks at good reductions. Supply an your mattress needs in this great semi-annual sale. OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES The filling is 100 per cent cotton of selectca fabric. Various pro cesses, both chemical and mechanical, form it into lotty, spring)-, - fibrous Ostermoor Sheets. These are hand made and built sheet upon sheet, layerwise, within the tick. By this method thev are "built not stuffed." Ostermoor mattresses will never mat or pack or become nara, uneven orlumpy. Absolutely guaranteed. $30.00 OSTERMOOR MATTRESS, 60-LB. SIZE, $19.50 In either one or two parts. Made with French edges and covered witn uerman linen ticking. 50-LB. TWO-PIECE OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES AT $15.50 We have not increased the "old" price of $15.50 for the 50-lb. Oster moor mattress. The Nationally advertised price On this mattress is now $i8.oo. . GOOD COTTON FELT (Q P MATTRESS AT LEFT pOa4D A good cotton felt mattress made with full roledge, round corners, art ticking, special in mis saie at $8.40. M. & F. SOLID COMFORT MAT TRESS PRICED AT S10.50 Made from lavers of oure felted cotton. Full roll-edge, round corners, good grade of art tickiner. This mattress is made to our own exacting specifications and bears our absolute guar antee laoei. M. & F. SPECIAL MATTRESS (SAME AS ABOVE) M. & F. HYGIENIC MATTRESS (SAME AS ABOVE) Special This Week Only :cfCfiTTtJlj"iil flfj n a ri 11.50 13.25 ANY BOX OR HAIR MATTRESS LESS... 10 The box and bur mattress combinttion is positively the best thlnr known In me way or Deaoinc. it is extremery comiortabie as weu as durable. These mat tresses are not particularly expensive almost everybody can afford to own one. Consider tha-t'leasure and many other advantages in enjoyinri luxury such as this for a little extra charge. All box or iiair mattresses hand made In oar own shops. Every one bears our. absolute guuantee. 10 per cent . - - . --. - .' t Special this week, only, less Easy. Payrrie nts If Desired All we require is one-tenth amount of purchase down,' balance in proportionately small monthly ' or . weekly sums .j " ." . ' ; :' ALL WOODEN BEDS REDUCED We show 146 entirely separate and distinct patterns of wooden beds. u.very style and period ot design in all woods, finishes and sizes. Com plete suites to match every wooden bed. The items illustrated are merely examples of the values offered. jWULf BED AS ILLUSTRATED $13.65 Constructed throughout of quar tered oaic. first-class in every par ticular. In either full or twin sues. Also in mahogany, $13.85. BED AS ILLUSTRATED $19.90 It is made of Circassian walnut; Best of workmanship and materials. Comes in either full or twin bed sizes. In quartered oak, $17,50. BED AS PICTURED BED AS PICTURED $13.90 I $13.90 $24.85 Each of the above three beds lighted wtth antique ivory. . BED AS PICTURED in either full or twin sizes. Ivory enamel, high- Twin or full-size. BED AT LEFT SAME AS ABOVE $28.50 BED AT RIGHT WHITE ENAMEL $9.65 fij'lj Full size bed only. MAHOGANY BED AS ILLUSTRATED $39.50 This mahogany poster bed is product of the famous shops of W. Cowan. Twin size only. a MAHOGANY BED AS ILLUSTRATED $29.50 - This Napoleon bed Is made of -mahogany and is first-class throughout. Either full or twin sizes. ' - MAHOGANY BED AS ILLUSTRATED $27.50 Willtim and Mary design, made . of mahogany In full bed, size. MAHOGANY BED AS ILLUSTRATED $29.50 fvory Made in mahogany or antique enamel in fall or twin sizes. t'urnlturs Shop, eighth Floor. S- t- ox uemocraiic uoreroment. ; i