The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 22, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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t .
j VN.OtNl parties ars th order
I " 6f th 4jr In celebration ot
wJ Washington's . Birthday. The
4-v-r Scottish Rite at home will fee
: f ; among- tns 'important . events of this
. . , renin when the patriotic spirit will
prersJl la all the arran-ennts of the
.party. Both dancing and cards will he
enjoyed. . ' . , t
The University club's, last dinner
idance of the season u a Washing-
- ton's birthday celebration, though held
Wednesday evening' at the club. There
vfere over 100 diners gathered end
dancin followed after o'clock. Alan
'Green entertained at the largest of
these groups, having covers for 34
guests, the affair being for Miss Alice
Warren of St. Paul and Miss Rhode
, Rumelin, with whom Miss Warren Is
: Mr. and Mrs. Clark D. Blmonds en
tertained 3 0 guests and Mr. and Mrs.
C. SI 8. Wood gave a dinner for Mf.
Wood's nlsee, Ml Elizabeth Wiley, of
: Washington. D. C. who Is 'Visiting
. them. Besides their family they had
Miss Mary Bacon. Meredith Bailey and
MacCormao Snow v
Miss Wiley is the daughter of Cap
tain Wiley, who is a naval officer now
at Cuba In' command of the dread
naught Wyoming.
Rowing Club Formal.
This evening the seventh annual
Rowing club formal dance will be
given at the clubhouse, foot of Ivon
street The? elaborate preparations
which have been made for this event
bid fair to make this event a most en
. Joyable one.
To llold Dance.
The T. A. C. department of the Ore
gon branch of the National Pet Stock
' association will hold a series of danc
ing parties In the "W. O. W. hall on
Eleventh street - on the second and
fourth Saturdays of each month. First
dsnce will be held on Saturday, Feb
ruary 24. Card playing for those who
do not dance and prizes will be given
Thursday Club Dance.
The Thursday Night Dancing club
will meet this evening at Harlow
Orady hall for a colonial party. Be
sides the regular dances a few of the
members under the direction of Mr.
and Mrs. Crady will present a minuet.
tianrelhnrst Club Events.
The regular club night will be held
'next Friday evening for the members
only. Bridge and five hundred will be
played and Mr. and Mrs. Can Thomas
will be host and hostess.
-All the committees of the club will
meet nest Thursday evening, which
will be the second of their monthly
. gatherings. ,
At Irving-ton Club.
The Irvington club will hold Its
formal party Friday evening. Febru
ary tt. The hostesses for the evening
are: Mrs. John Pearson, Mrs. David
Goods ell Jr., Mrs. Hugh Henry, Mrs.
George Norman Pease, Mrs. Melvln EX
need and Mrs. E. I Whitney.
Society Notes.
Mrs. Holllck Stange and daughters,
Eva. Vina and Moan a, of lone. Or..
who had been visiting Mrs. Stange's
parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. O. F Oloor of
Kalama, Wash., have arrived here and
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Stange,
20 Borthwlck street, and other relai-
tlves before returning to Ranch "V,4
near lone, or.
- f c1 Ys- TV VV- "Jstr. NONA'
. I Pi; - tv ? , y v j : ' h
IFiv ?.Wt -X -4-i 1 tr. I
lis-' 1"j yV!'- - ' " -",- ark '-s. ;f I
"Dead" Fire Captain:
Kevivecl in Morgue
Lives Half an Hour
Memphis. Tentu Feb. Jt (t.
N. &.) After having been pro-'
nouneed dead at a hospital
where he had been rushed after
being overcome by smoke, Fir
Captain Thomas' Meredith's
body was turned over to an an.
dertsker -'
The undertaker put the body
In the "black wagon- and re
moved It from the hospital to
his parlors. An attendant
thought he observed a spark of
life while preparations for em
f balmlng were being made.
A pulmoter was applied and
the "dead" captain came back
to life. He lived half an hour.
Captain Meredith was overcome
while fighting a small residence
School Fair AssocUtlon Formed.
Klamatb Falls. Or- Feb. 22. To for
ward ths school district fairs which
proved so successful In dlf ferent "sec
tions of Klamath county last fall, the
Klamath Basin School Fair association
has been organised at Klamath Falls,
The following officers . have been
elected: C. D. Chorpenlng, president;
B. Ford, treasurer, and Miss Edna
Wells, secretary. Plans for more ex
tensive fairs then were given last year
are under way for the coming season.
Airs. Bert M. Denison, a patroness
which will be held this evening
Morrison streets.
for the Scottish Rite Colonial ball,
at the Cathedral, Ixrwnsdale and
Acacl Club Will Hold Social
and Opening Saturday Night.
High School Pupils
Try Hard for Dance
ilLsy &aek Twenty of Enongfc Parents
- to Attend Party Planned, for Bator,
day STlf-nt, Beq.alrd by Directors.
The Dalles, Or., Feb. 22. In an ef
fort to get 20 more parents to join
"112 wfto promised to attend a high
school "mixer," so their offspring
could dance, following orders of the
school board, students are working
desperately to get the required number
before Saturday night, the date for
which the "mixer" is scheduled. '
The school board put a ban on danc
ing a week ago, stipulating that all
high school entertainments must be
given In the "gym" rin future and 65
per cent of the parents must be In at
tendance If the students are permitted
to dance.
High schoolers have given up hope
- of securing permission to dance un
less their parents "dance attendance"
at their parties. There are 260 mem
bers of the student body, which means
there Will be no dance Saturday night
nnles 1S2 parents attend the party.
One hundred and twelve parents have
promised. The town is being combed
for the other 20.
Ethel Barrymore, known in private
life as Mrs. Russell Grlswold Colt, the
wealthiest actress on the American
: stage and a great society favorite, will
be seen at the Columbia In the big
Alaska drama, "The White Raven."
Russell O. Colt her husband. Is son or
the, founder of the Colt Arms com-
Jany, and one of the heaviest owners
n the V. SRubber Co. Adv.)
Aberdeen Mill Men
Ask Investigation
Dr. Ferdinand King Says:
. . '--
To put strength in her nerves
and color in her cheeks.
.There can
be no beau
tiful, healthy,
rosy cheeked
women with
out Iron. The
trouble In the
past has been
that when wo-l
m en needed
Iron they gen
' e rally took or
dinary metal
lic iron,' which
often corroded
the stomach
and did far1
more harm
than good. .Today doctors prescribe
s riiu iron fnoxsiea iron, xnis par
ticular form of iron Is easily assimi
lated, does not blacken nor injure the
teeth nor upset the stomach., it will
increase the strength and endurance of
weak, neryous,v irritable, careworn,
haggard-looking women 200 per cent in
two weeks' time In- many instances. I
have used It In my own practice with
most - surprising ? results. Ferdinand
King, M. f. .
OTIt STTXATED UsoiT recommended shore
, br Dr. Kiss, caa be obtain from Tb Owl
Pro Co., or any good druggist, wits or with
out s pfanlcian's prescription, ee an ahwint
Opening of Acacia Club frooms. The
Acacia club will hold Its opening, fes
tivities at the Central building, Tenth
and "Alder streets, Saturday nignt
Members and ladies are invited. The
Columbian Ladles' orchestra will fur
nish music. Miss MyrUe Johnson will
lag. Miss Gladys Johnson .will give a
cello solo. A good time Is assured alL
The Acacia club is composed of many
of the leading Master Masons of Port
land and la a center for social and
literary -groups. Chess playing is a
leading pastimat and a special ohess
room is provided for devotees. Tfte
members are justly proud of the new
quarters with its larger reading room.
special accommodations for ladies and
spacious pool and card rooms.
A roan am scolds Joint session. The
members of several different Royal
Arcanum councils enjoyed the Joint
session held in the Masonic temple
Tuesday night. Joseph II. Page acted
as chairman; B. S. Joseelyn, campaign
manager; J. FX WerhMn, chler of staff,
and George Ross man were the speak
ers. Musical numbers and refresh
ments completed the program. A gold
watch is offered as a prize for sen ring
membership applications, with 10 ap
plications as the minimum for entry.
Committee Preparing' Reception. A
special committee from each of the
local camps of the Royal Neighbors of
America is making preparations to re
ceive Vie ' 70 delegates of the state
triennial convention of the order, which
will convene in Portland on March 20
and 21. Mrs. Henrietta Ready of
Portsmouth camp is chairman of the
committee, assisted by Mrs. Franc
Hood, state recorder. The state camp
will meet In M. W. A. hall and will be
presided over by Mrs. Rose E. Corl of
Corvallis, state oracle. A competitive
drjll has been arranged for March 21,
which will be participated In by teams
from Eugene, Salem, Lents, Ports
mouth and from Marguerite camp of
Portland. Two delegates will be elected
from Oregon to attend" the supreme
camp In Buffalo In May.
w. a. C. Card Party. Lincoln-Gar
field corps. W. TL C., will give a card
party with prizes and refreshments,
Friday night, at the courthouse on the
fifth floor. A cordial reception will
be extended to visitors.
mosebnd's Old Tims Dancer-Rosebud
council, Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity, has announced a card and danc
ing party, old fashioned dances, music
and calls, on Saturday night at the
club room of the Bast Side Business
Men's club. Alder and Grand avenue.
Sagls Creek -Beady. Woodmen of
the World of Eagle Creek are expecting
to welcome the Arleta Neighbors and
the team of Portland camp next Sat
urday night with a trig dance and vari
ous demonstrations of hospitality.
Sose City Old Tims Dance. Rose
City camp, W. O. W., will give an old
time Washington birthday dance to
night It 334 Russell street, to which
members are invited to bring their
Anchor initiated. Class. Anchor
council. Knights -and Ladles of Secur
ity, initiated nine candidates Friday
night at Its hall, 129 Fourth street,
and received eight applications. - It
will be strongly represented at the
Joint celebration of the twenty-fifth
anniversary, of the order at Hibernian
ball, Russell near Rodney avenue, to
night. - .
Multnomah Will Save Open Meeting,
Multnomah camp, W. O, W will
hold an open meeting Friday night at
East Sixth and East Alder-streets. The
card games will be in charge of a spe
cial committee of ladles. All members
and friends Invited. A good' program
has been arranged. ,
cnan Macleay 'VTin Dance Clan
Macleay, Order Scottish dans, will
give a, dance .following the business
meeting Friday night at the Masonic
temple. On March there will be a
supper and. dance given at the same
Teuton Ships Wrecked. .
Washington, Feb. 22. (U. P.) The
machinery of the eight German liners
Interned in Honolulu ; harbor, was
wrecked beyond repair by their crews
when the United States severed rela
tions, the department of commerce was
officially informed today.,- The dam
age will amount to hundreds of then.
&nmbe and Shingle Mannfaetnjess
Protest Failure of Soaos to Provide
Cars Charge Discrimination.
Aberdeen. Wash. Feb. 22. Lumber
and shingle manufacturers from all
parts of the county met Tuesday to
protest the failure of the railroads to
provide Cars for the mills and made
plans for a searching investigation of
the'ear shortage.
That the lumber Industry of this
and other sections is receiving less
cars than it is entitled to, was the gen
eral opinion of the manufacturers. The
Grays Harbor district, particularly. Is
being discriminated against, it was
freely charged.
Ohio Women Now Voters.
Columbus. Ohio. Feb. 22. (TJ. P.)
Governor Cox yesterday signed the
Reynolds bill, which grants preslden
ttal suffrage to Ohio women.
Save Your Hair!
25 Cent Bottle
Stops Dandruff
Every bit of dandruff disap
pears and hair stops
coming out.
Try this! Your hair appears
glossy, abundant, wavy
- and beautiful.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scaip; of aanarun mat awful scurf,
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its luster. Its strength and Its very
lire; eventually producing a feverish
ness and itching of - the scalp, whlcn
If not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then the
hair falls out fast. A' little DandeMne
tonight now any time will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any drug store or tol
let counter, and after the first anullca
tion your hair will take on that Hie,
luster and luxuriance which is so beau
tiful. It will become wavy and fluffy
ana nave tne appearance or abundanc,
an incomparable gloss and softness:
but what will please you most will be
after Just a few -weeks use, when you
will actually see a lot of fine, downv
hair new- hair growing all over the
Danderlne is to the hair what fresh
showers and rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the root.
invigorates and strengthens them, its
exhilarating and life-flroducins sroo
erties cause the hair to grow long,
iruuj iuu oeautiiui. (Aav )
Ham and Eggs
Buttered Toast
A cup of GOOD
Golden West Coffee
s- o V-X T 1 19 THE FOCKJET
nnnrinin wiMkiiM
UilUeslI OBKaK,iUUIi4;j
. ) TaHc'ont Fairie. .
0NB night a little . girl and her
mother sat down In front of a big
glowing fire, te talk about fairies
you know there Is 'really a great deal
to talk about concerning fairies it one
once gets started. -
-You have lots of time now. said
the -little girl, comfortably, "and 1
want to know, all about them."
-Alright,- said her mother. - "I want
to know, too; . so let's begin. What
comes firstr
"First, I wsnt to know where they
live- w '
X wonder where they do 11 ve," pon
dered her mother, "where would you
suppose T
"I don't know," said the little gtrV
but l am Sure about one thing, fairies
in ths houses are Quits different from
forest fairtea'
"Really t Howr
"Forest fairies," answered the lit
tle 'girl, wisely, "work and play in
ths day time and sleep in ths flow
ers at night everybody knows that.
But house fairies are different they
hide all the dsy time and play la ths
"How do you knswr asked her
"I know tt because X have watched
and watched, and X never saw a fairy
In ths daytime never ones in this
whole house!"
"No 7" questioned her mother, "but
have you seen them at night V
"Oh, yea, indeed 1- and the little- girl
dimpled happily. "Many times:
"I've seen them in the firelight;
A trhole row f flamo fairies cams
out t bowed to th littlo girl.
I've seen them playing with' the moon
beams on ths living room door I
know they are hers at night!
Tee, I've seen them, too," said her
mother. "I wonder where they hide
during the day.
"Maybe they hide behind ths books
or under the piano or some place like
"Maybe they do." said her mother,
"only behind books and under pianos
don't seem suite like fairy places
look and see If they do."
The little, girl looked behind the
books and she got down and looked un
der ths lano. "No. she - decided,
those places are not - where , f alrrts
hide X wonder where they do start"
Jut the ': ths- fire, glowed sod
sperkled brighter than nsuad and a
whole row of flams fairies came sut
and bowed to the little girt. ' -
"Listen, mother V-' she exclaimed
they're talking to n!".
-They both listened sad watched till
ths firs died down and ths firs fair-
fcs vanished up ths chimney.
"X know all about It now." said the
little girl, happily. "They told mi"
Th. firs fairies said, 'Don't worry
about where . the fairies live. Just
watch them and enjoy them when
they are, here. and. if they go away
why, never mind they'll come, again.'
And really, mother. Just to know there
are fairies that's something. X don't
cars where they lira" :
Tomorrow A Good War ta Kftd m.
vjuarrei. .
Mrs. Fannie RIealey
Is Dead at Foster
3Crs. Meaiey Wss a JTatlvs daughter,
Bora Year Waterloo la OTs she
Xteaves a JEashaaa sad. Six Children.
Poster. Or., reb. 2 Mrs. Fannie
Meaiey died at her -worae near Foster
Monday at ths age ef el years. In
terment took place in the Gllliland
graveyard, the Rev. IL Howard and
Jacob Stocker officiating. She leaves
her husband and six children.
Mrs. Meaiey was born near Water
loo, Or In 1176. She was married
te Mr. Meaiey in 1S01. Bix children
were born, David, George. Mary Klita
beth, Margarette Jane, Robert Hamil
ton and Rachael Fannie.
Betides her1 husband and children,
Mrs, Meaiey leaves her mother, Mrs.
M. E. Hamilton, -ef Holley, or, four
sisters. Mrs. 8. V. &arr ef Waterloo,
Or.t Mrs. Ruth Hand of trlnevUle.
Mrs. Jennie Rice of Holler, Or, Mrs.
Bessie Dickinson Of Raymond, Wash.,
and -three brothers, Charles and liar
ley Hamilton, of Holley. Or and Willie
Hamilton of Altoona. Wash.
Ute Cocoanut Oil .
v For Waihina Hair
If you want to keep your hair In
good condition,' bs careful what you
wash it with. ; .
Most soaps sad prepared, shampoos
contain too much alkali This dries ths
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and Is
Very harmful, -Just plain roulslfled
cocoes nut oil (which Is purs and. en
tirely greastlese), Is much better than
ths most expensive soap or anything
else you can use for shampooing, as
this can't possibly injure ths hair. -
Simply moisten your hair with water
and rub It in. One or two teaapoonfuls
will make an abundance of rich,, creamy
lather,' and cleanses ths hair nd scalp
thoroughly. . The lather rinses out
easily, and removes every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and exeesslve oil.
The hair dries quickly and evenly, and
It leaves tt fine and silky, bright, fluffy
and easy to manage. . -
Yon can get mulslfied cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It Is very -cheap,
and a few ounces is enough to
last svaryons in the family for months.
HERE is a reproduction of an
actual letter received from the
firing line " somewhere in France."
Read it.
It comes from st soldier over in the
shot-torn trenches who is thinking of
the days when he can come home
again and is looking forward to own-,
ing the "Handy Volume" Britannica
whenthathappytimecomes. Hesays:
"When we get this little affair fixed up
over here we hope you will still have a
copy of the Handy Set waiting for me."
Our answer in this case must be
"Yes." Under the circumstances, we
will make this one exception and re
serve a "Handy Volume set for Gun
ner Townsend. It will be waiting for
him when the war is over.
m i "" Jw si sa .
To YOU the-Answer Would Haye to Be "No"
Why? Because unless the war stops very suddenly, the
few thousand remaining sets will be all gone before that time
comes. Thousands of people are going to be disappointed
when they find that they are too late and come to realize
what we have been telling them almost every day that no
more "Handy Volumesets can be published because the war
in Europe has cut off' the supply of India paper indefinitely.
If Gunner Townsend were here in America, as you are. he
would take advantage of this offer NOW. No set can be
reserved for you. When the'remaining sets are gone, your
opportunity is gone. too. 'No more can be sold because no
more can be made. Today is the time for you to decide. It's
something that can't be put off. Unless you act now it will
be too late. The Encyclopaedia Britannica is a clear, concise,
complete collection of the whole world's knowledge, 'a work
that cost a million and a half dollars to produce. People of
all ages, occupations and positions in life not only own the
Britannica. but use the Britannica. . ,
They use it in business, in reading for entertainment and
culture, in buying supplies for the home, in rearing children,
for self education and countless other uses that make for a
bigger.' broader viewpoint and greater joy in living. The Bri
tannica will tell you everything you want to know and ought
to know. It is supremely practical in every sense of the word.
To put the Britannica within reach of all it was published
in the "Handy Volume" form to sell at about 60 less than
the more expensive Cambridge issue. Yet not a page, not a
word, not a comma has been changed except in size. The
pages are smaller and the type is smaller, but every word of
the 41,000 articles is the same as in the Cambridge issue
all of the 15,000 illustrations and maps are there. You have
29 easy-to-handle. one-inch-thick volumes, each printed on
the famous thin, strong, opaque, genuine India paper.
But if you want one of these last remaining "Handy
Volume" sets, don't wait until they are all gone. And that
won't be long. Better send for further information to-day.
Don't let this chance go by.
It's so easy to pay for the Britannica, too $1 down and $3
a monthjf or the cloth binding) during a limited period only
ten cents a day. There's no excuse-now for you to be with
out the Britannica any longer. If you have children, think
of them. What a wonderful help it will be to1 them to grow
up with the Britannica in the home to answer questions, to . '
settle arguments, to help in school work! The Britannica
is for every member of the family, for every member of
your family.
Send the coupon.
This is your opportu-.
nity. A nip of the
scissors, a dip of the
pen and it's done.
You can see sets and leave orders at:
15) 11. 3i. (Bill Company
Tkirct-'and Alder Streets
. Chicago, IHiaoia .
Gentlemen :
Please send me, ree, yonf Illustrated book con
taining fall information about the new Encyclopaedia-Britannic.
Also ten me what I will hare to
par for one of the remaining- gets of the "Handy
Volume" Issoe of the Britannica printed on genuine
India psper. . .