the Oregon, daily, journal, Portland; Wednesday, February 21, 1917. beast fur a tak It. aa value hia haalta to PILOTS PRESENT TO ; ENGINEERS REASONS ! " CABLES ARE OPPOSED Seek to Retain at Least One , Good Anchorage Ground in Local Harbor Lines TOO BIG VESSELS ARE STARTED FOR EUROPE VON BERNSTORFF AND MEMBERS OF PARTY JUST PRIOR TO DEPARTURE GIRLS FEED MILITIAMEN ON DUTY IN NEW YORK Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. BY AMERICAN LINE Steamship Mongolia and the Freighter Algonquin Sail From New York, FOR THROAT AND LUNGS arrmmur co trass amu colds Eckman's Alterative 4 RADICAL CHANGE ADVISED Wall Street Bets on els. New York. Feb. 21. tU. P.) Bets of 2 to l,have been made in Wall street Jhat neither the Orleans nor the .Rochester. American ships now in the sub marine rone, will be sunk. sou bt au ULaJDnra sxxraazsTS "Ouster Cables CIom to All Bridges, t Inn Intervals Tree," Is Plea Offered Port Officials. 14 Bell-aws MB Restrain the laying of cable, except 'beneath or close to the bridges across the Willamette river. Is the request made of Major Jf. C. Jewett. Lnlted Ktates engineer corps. ty the Colum bia River Pilots' association. J '" A -request for permission to lay a cable across the river below the Broad ly bridge has been made by one t f "the telephone companies, and Major Jewett asked for opinions from the in- terested parties along the waterfront, "pilots are still talking about the time the- dredger Chinook fouled a cable with her anchor. The mudhook cut through the Insulation and elec trlcity was Immediately transferred to every part of her hull. The sailors standing on the forepeak escaped be cause they luckily were standing on hemp hawsers lying there. Her wire less was knocked out. Blue flame shot 1 from the masthead. On another occasion a steamer fouled the cable of the Albina ferry, which being suddenly drawn taut knocked a man Into the river and knocked a woman down, breaking Tier - thigh. M , The Port of Portland dredger Wil lamette working Just below the Mor rison Street bridge fouled a bunch of discarded cables ho thick that it was wlth some difficulty that her ladder was raised. The river bottom about the Sellwoo-1 ferry route !s so dotted with discarded cables that on the several occasions that Hugh Brady has been forced to grapple for bodies near there it has been Impossible to work successfully. Pilots point out, too, that when put ting a steamer through the bridges, 'the most dangerous kind of naviga- - tlon" both to steamer and the general public, it is Impossible to drop an an- ( chor without danger of fouling a cablj and endangering the lives of the men - on the vessel as well as the cable it self. They say that if the cables were i concentrated about the bridges, where ' there Is no need of dropping anchor, instead of between the bridges where it la always possible that such an ex pedlent may be resorted to, both the telephone companies and the mariners would be benefited. I I - I ' t I : y , w vv e ii :..' - mmt TiT' ' 1 V I " COUNTERS YOH BERNST01irr.42tKCE5S JiATZFEX-DT 9 COUNT VOU BRNSTOd"JFr TlsJ Above is a picture of Count von Bernstorff as he looked prior to his departure aboard the steamship lYederik VIII, of the Scandinavian-American, line. Elaborate precautions were taken by the United ' States government and city and state police to keep cranks of any description from either attacking or bothering the envoy. Police launches with machine guns mounted in them kept up a continual patrol on the water side of the big steamer, while secret service men and members of the neutrality squad watched the docks. at the McEachern yards, went to the oil dock and to the St. Johns Lumber Co. afterward, where she began taking her cargo for Port Pirie. She passed the government inspection Monday. PLEASED W ITU MOTpRSHIP SHIPPING FIRM ORGANIZED Viking Company to Own Ships Iluilidng at Astoria Yard. Articles of incorporation for the Vik ing Bhipplng Co. were filed by Arnold Reimaih, Charles A. Bdwards and Jesse Stearns. The new company will own the five motorships built or build ing at Astoria by the McEachern Ship building Co. The incorporators are all officers of the 'A. O. Anderson & Co., ' owners of the shipbuilding plaat. The Actoria, first of the vessels built Bad Sprains or Muscle Strain Rub pain, ache, soreness and swelling right out with ;; "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it on a-Bpralned ankle, wrist, ahouldei. back or a sprain or strain anywhete, that's when you realize the magic in old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil. because the moment it is applied, out comes the paint ache, soreness and welling. It penetrates right into the injured muscles, nera, ligaments. tendons and bones, and relief comes instantly. It not merely kills pain, but soothes and heals the Injury so a quick recovery is errectea. Get a small trial bottle of "St. Ja cobs Oil" right now at any drug store and atop suffering. Nothing else sets things straight so quickly -so thor oughly. It is the only application to rub on a bad sprain, strain, bruise or welting. (Adv.) a nrel. An. tarn. w Municipal Astoria, Am. -n St. Johns Berlin. Am. sta Ouble Colonel P. g. Mlcfale, Am. dredger Unntoa E. K. Hill. Am. Kb...., Westport Levi G. Burreu. Am. h Gobie Manila, Am. sb Astoria Meteor, Am. ach I. -P. Lumber Co. Beace. Am. sb Aatoria Kok City, Am. aa Almworth tan Paane, Am. ma Supples St N'lcholaa, Am. lb Atorla Tatoe, Ain. as Westport At Neighboring Ports. Aatoria, Feb. 21. Sailed at 7:80 a. m.. A tin and J. B. Stetson, for San Francisco. Scboooer Alumna left Brook field at 7 a. m. for Port land. , Arrived down at 8:3(5 a. m., achoooer Manila. Arrived at 8:50 a. m., Tahoe, from San Pedro. Astoria. Feb. 26. Sailed at 2:15 p. m.. Northern Pacific, tor San Franelaco. Left up at 4 p. m., schooner Alamnm. Arrived at 0:15 and left op at 9:40 p. m., Rose City, from Sag rearo, via Ban Francisco. Point Reyes, Feb. 20. Passed at 10 a. St so wood, from Colombia river for San Pedro. Eureka. Feb. 20. Bailed at 10 a. m. Break water, from Portland and Coos Bay for San Francisco. San Pedro, Feb. 20. Sailed Tiverton, for uoiumDia river; Kecanicam. for Aatoria Astoria, Feb. 21. Sailed at 11:20 a. m., F. A. KUburn. for San Fransiaco, via Coos Bay and Eureka; J. B. Stetson returned en account of engine trouble San Francisco, Feb. 21. Arrived Anrella, mine me. via porta 7 a. m. : Daisy Uaasbv Redondo, 8 a. m. : Breakwater. Portland, via ports, 8:30 a. m.; Ba King, towing Rraklne m. rneips, rort on vain, 10 a. m.; Tatoosb. towmg Acapuico, comoi, iu:.JO a. m; M. . sierra, las Angeles, 11 a. to. C. A. Barckhardt Returns From . Launching of Oregon Happy. Enthusiastic over the new motorship built for his firm, Charles A. Burck hardt, president of the Pacific-Alaska Fisheries and the Alaska-Oregon Steamship company, returned from Se attle. r The motorship, the Oregon, was launched Saturday. She left the ways without a hitch, attaining a high speed before she plunged into the wa ters of Puget sound, and floated easily whem in the water. The vesa-el did not lealc a drop after being placed In the water, and is declared by her owner to be a beautiful craft. The,, name of the Alaska, steamship line which Burckhardt intends to op erate from Portland b&a been changed to the Alaska-Oregon In order not to conflict with the Oregon-Alaska Steamship company. Incorporated last year, but which failed to put on the line it contemplated. While in Seattle Burckhardt inspect ed the Kuskokwim River, which has oeen purcn&sea lor mo ruruiuiu-A1-, R,uT.m.i a ui... n,,. a . ka run, and found the work on her I Colonel E. I Drake. Vancouver. lO:0 a. m proceeding handily. She is tp start San Francisco, Feb, 21. (P. N. 8.) Arrived on her first with cannery - New York, Feb. 21. (U P.) The first American line steamship to leave this port since the German submarine warning was issued the Mor.fcolia to day i cast Sandy Hook and on her way to Europe. EThe was followed closely by the American freighter Algonquin. Both are bound for London, and are the first American line vessels to sail from here for a British port since Germany's warning. Officials of the American line wert reticent over the Mongolia's sailing, re fusing even after she had been seen to pass out of the harbor to admit hci sailing. She is a vessel of 13.619 torn, and is an out-and-out American vesse' having been built in thls-cojntry, and never having flown any flag except th American. Np attempt was made to disguise her. She Is painted in regular colors, with her name and reglstr painted on her sidv-s in huge letters. The captain of the Mongolia is Ed ward Rice, an American. All sailings of passenger vessels have been cancelled by the American line. Shippers have been notified to take freight out of the hold of the St. Louis, where it had been lying since February 3, when her sailing was postponed. The Philadelphia Is expected to take her place alongside the St, Louis. Ne.v iork and St. Paul when she arrives nere tonjorrow from Liverpool. Speculation here as to the probable cause of the cancellation of American IN W . if I " W, I' W uu ENDS CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by The Owl Drug Co., Broadway at Washington St. Pcd Off Your Rough Skin To remove roughness, chap or any complexion difficulty, the best thing to do is to remove the skin Itself. Thla la easily and harmlessly done by fie application of ordinary mercollted wax. The wax peels off the defective outer kin, a little each day, gradually bring, lng the second layer of skln to view. The new skin Is beautifully soft, clear, white and young-looking. Just procure an ounce of mere oil zed wax at any drug store and use like cold cream. line sailings was along twe different The) above photograph shows Mis s Theodora Booth of Brooklyn, who has organized a corps of school girls to feed the men of the naval militia on duty on the chilly bridges of Manhattan. The girls make daily rounds of all sentries and famish them with hot cof fee and cakes. This is much ap predated by the xritizen sailors and helps to make the cold job a bit more pleasant. lines. One was that it might mean the final decision of the government not to aid in arming ships flying the Ameri can flag. The other was that the pres ent international crisis had caused th government to notify the ships' owners that they might be needed for auxil iary work. The Philadelphia and tha New York, under the names Harvard r.-tion ln brilliancy, but the ex and Tale, were so used ln the Spanlsii. h wa made. Then he grabbed American war. ki. v. t,rti to leave the room "Whv rhrrn are YOU going 7 She xiere s a tag laea. asked in surprise. Some time aro. says the Christian "To the florist's for more carna- Endeavor World, Mrs. Brown called Hons," he called from the front door, l at tne nome 01 aars. jonea xo xaia i I .1. - J .1.1 ..jl uver ma luuiuua uiu uuui,, situ i ma lnnneniaui nouci-iiB. "Bv the war. dear" remarked fra. U wwk'i run. Brown inquisitively, "where Is Mln- "Cheer up, old man,- said a eonsol nle? I haven't seen her for an age." lng friend. "Perhaps posterity will "Minnie Is at college," proudly re- recognize the genius displayed ln your s ponded the fond mother, and then plays. nanaiiy. Sine is tp start I san Francisco. ret. 21. (P. N. S.) Arrived voyage north, from Seattle f,eb- lel E- Drake. Port Angetas, -y aupplles. March 1. Later .ct??- "tZ- lu. she will come to Portland to begin j Mandalay. ls Angeles, 6:40 p. m.; PBsidena! th service. AJDioo. 6:50 p. m.: barze Fnllerton. In tow ef tug Fearless. Port Sao Luis, 6:40 p. m.; Aiumna arnyea at isortn oani qock. . , . ,,, EI Segundo. Port Wells, 10:30 D. m. ALU AlA.-li ll Vj WAlJi.tunu.lli Sailed Beaver. Los Anrelea. 11 i . m N'oyo, Los Angeles, 11:50 a. m.: Curacao, Bal if:oo a. m. ; Baotlam, ColnmbLa river, a. m. : Oneen. Heat tie 12-30 n m The motorship San Pasne. being Los Anreles. 4:10 n. m.: Hnmboidt. Rttl bMllt by Joseph Supple, was hauled to :3 p- .; Celilo, Los Angelas, 8 p. m.; the face of Supple s dock, and on Bl- -".Tr: wV urday will go into drydock to have her Honolulu, thence" Janoary 22, ln tow tag Wan propeller shaft installed, her hull derer. at 3 a. a. Salle Senator, for Ban painted and repaired. She is being Francisco, 5 m. m February 20 Arrived 50 built from the old liarhtship No, for Mexican coast trade. Tti mntftfijlln Anral left for St Helena, where she will load lath and Saund 2b, 20-8tl,dl'J rarragnt kong. via ports, 1 p. m.; Morning Star, Van- fwTer. i p. m. ssaiieo u. a. cable snip Burn- w uutuvtl noon. be towed to San Francisco for engine installation. Joseph Supple is repairing the steam er Woodland at his yard. Ketchikan. Feb. 20 Safled Snnkm. mii. ixjuuo, x p. m.; uiiy or aeatue, northbound t :3 a. m. Victoria, FVb. 20. Arrived Tapam steaai. Thie ateamer Pomona will haul grain j moceded for Yokohama t S:i n m '' from Peoria to Corvallls to the mills I Vanooover. Feb. 21. Arrived Admiral of tViA latUr rvnlTit fnf a fn Va I Schley, from Seattle, vie Ti corns rrtmirr IOO A wt V." I n. , . . With 2000 tons of cargo, one of tb Z. f olrlua lrD Officer Lillis HadQuickCure for 'Dumb' Man Professional Faker Picked Mrs. Mike as Easy Mark, bat His Delusion Suddenly Ended. A well dressed young man went to the home of Patrolman M. E. Lillis at 6(5 Hoyt street yesterday during the noon hour, and when Mrs. Lillis opened the door handed her a note. t .-. v. somewnere aoout xne sixty-rinn lap w th. k Tot TIism. V J w .r . v . .v. 'of tho conversation the caller re- Things looked black for the drama and dumb; that be had gotten in the ferred to the younr daurhter of the x.t vnr the fourth time in one sea way of an exploding shell in the war host. son a play had been withdrawn, after zone In Europe, and asked help for medical relief. "Mike, there's a deserving young fellow out on the front porch whom we might help," said MW. Lillia to her , added. "And 1 am so worried about "Maybe " said the dmatist bltter- auaoana, wno was at me aining tame. Mike went to the door. The visitor gave him the note. "Where do you live?" wrote Mike on the pad. "San Francisco," wrote the afflict ed one. "Did you ever have a fight?" wrote Mike, "No," was the answer. "Well, you speak up and tell me about yourself, or you are going to have the beat fight of your life," wrote Mike. "Wha do you want me to say?" said the visitor, before he thought. Mike took him to headquarters His prisoner was mute again. His name was William Saunders, alias Robert Wardcll. In municipal court today Warden had regained his speech and hearing He said he was guilty and blinked In painful recognition when Judge Lang guth murmured, "Forty days." Bertlllon records showed that the man had been playing the same game up and down the coast, and that he recently served 70 days ln Seattle for the offense. He said he had been pi cit ing up 13 or $4 a day on the "stall." BISURATEB MAGNEsia For Dyspepsia, Indigestion Heartburn. Belching, Sour Stomach, Gas ln Stomach, etc., take a teaspoon ful of Bisurated Magnesia In a half glass of hot water after eating. Is safe, pleasant and harmlass to use and gives instant relief from all forms of Htomach .disorder. Sold by druggists everv where. haven't had a letter for nearly cornpteritV1,,! her. I torn w m ' "There Is7 where you make a mis-1 fr" llat take," was the prompt rejoinder of Mrs. Brown. "Instead of letting her go to college why didn't you send her to one of those correspondence schoolsr some time, the steamer Rose City ar rived from San Franclco. Launch Sea Diver. Seattle, Waah.. Feb. 21. (P. N. S.) I The United States submarine N-3, last of a trio to be built by the Se attle Construction & Drydock company, will be launched here late today. A delegation of naval officers from Bremerton will be present. NEWS OF THE PORT v Don't Rub It On Bruises or Sore Muscles Sloan's Liniment quickly pene trates and soothes without rabbing. Cleaner than rnussy . plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for emergency. rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, lumbago, gout, strains, sprains and lame back, yield to Sloan's LJnlment. At all druggists, 25c 60c, and $1.00. Arrivals Fsbrnaxv SI. Hose City. American steamer. Captain Ran kin, passengers and freight, from San Fran-I rtsco and Los Angeles, San Francisco a Port land steamabip company. Marine Almanac Wsathsr at Biver's Mouth. Ntwth Head. Feb. 21. Condition at the month of the river at noon, smooth; wind west, I 17 nines; weatner cloudy. Son and Tides February 82. Son rises, 7:02 a. m. Son sets, 5:47 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High Water: Low Water: 1 :17 a. m- S.T f eet 7:32 a. m.. 0. foot 1:10 p. m.. 0.2 feet 7:53 p. m., 0.6 foot I Tho time ball on the TJ. S. hydtographlc of-l nee was oxoppea ac noon. Rheumatism Advice After each meal and at eedtime take a tablespoonful of the fol lowing home-made medicine used all over the United States and noted for Its remarkable results. Relief begins after the first dose. Syrup of Sarsaparilla.l ounce Toris Compound 1 ounce Simple Elixir Vt pint This recipe formerly called for whiskey, but the simple elixir is very much better. Published by Medical Formula i Laboratory. Dayton, O. The in- I rr.i) l.nt. .nlfl.1 n n V . V cured from any good drug store. Daily River Readings. STATIONS 9 s fi .a -2 3 Ss b.m ( g cS S Lwiston 24 2.2 0.1 0.01 L'matllla 25 1.0 0.1 0.00 Engene 10 4.8 0.4 0.4S Albany 20 .S 0. 0.56 Salem 20 5.S 0.5 0.50 Oregon City. 12 5.7 0.2 O.Sl Portland 15 4.8 Q. 5 O 27 t Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Manv fat oool fear ordlnartr mnn for reducing their weight. .Here is an traordinaxy method. Kxtraordinary cause while perfectly harmless no tting or exercise are necessary exactly in acco ( ) Rising. ( ) Falling. CE GARRY DISEASE -sA. SUllTheeePestaByUalng STEARNS' ELECTCIC PASTE -- - River Forecast. The WllUmette river at Portland will rise it Mich for 1 l-TeAdv alowiv dnrins the next tarn r w- iroii. Mien., for a large case. Adv ance with the famous Marmoia Prescription. A reduction of two. three or four oounda a week la tha rule. Procure them from any druggist or if you prefer send 73 cents to the Aiarmoia Co., gS4 Woodward ave., De- Steamers Due to Arrive, PASSIICNR1CRH IKtl rleilT Ma From n Northern Pacific. .. . 8. F Vrb. 23 Beaver 8.. a L,. A Feb. 26 vow yW -s- t. a U. A Mar. 4 Steamers Dae to Depart. sin . For Date nv . r. u. A.. Northern Pacific... E. F Beaver I.. A. & S. I'.. IVB.KBIB s. n HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS t - w. . vvioumutt 1 Akntaa, Am ss. I BOLD KVMYWHEKat-asc and im 1 Ahunaa. Am. aa Get a small package of Hamburg Feb. 22 1 firaaat Tea ' or aa ih r.rmin t Alka Feb! Is C,1;-,t ' "Hmb",f Brust Thee,- at Steamers leavins PnrtlaMi for 9n r-i. I of t ha tea. nut i cud of bolllnar wn.r OB IT Connect With th stMtnra V mmA Xlmm. f hiuik 1 1 mm A " ilmvrn . 1 2!VrwV.Dl..Sa.f.'!JM.M.0dV- W1du arink . teacup full at any tlm. it is Baa Biieao. 1 the most effective way to break a cold - . , I iiui eim .mn. aa it ooana ua tvni-M Vessels i Port. . i I relieving congestion. Also loosens the Name. - ,v - - . . . 1 bowels, thus breaking a. com at once. ............ ..v.. .Ooeie I K It is inexpensive, and entirely vege- .Ketta Baak taDie, tnereior narmiess. - - . - Fire Bureau Heads . Oppose Amendment "With a view exact meaning the proposed to he voted of determining the of the wording of Initiative measures on by the people A Brisk Trade. From the New York Times. A shy youag man had been calling for months on the sweetest girl ln the world,-but, being bashful, his suit languished. Finally she decided It was up to her to start something, so the next time he called she pointed to the carnation ln his buttonhole and said : "I'll give you a kiss for that car nation." The young man's color outdid the At Once! Stops Stomach Misery and Indigestion 'Tape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour gassy stom achs feel fine. GERMANS SURPRISED Heah Shin Diseases " AT DOUBT IN U. S. OF POSITION OF AUSTRIA It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. A lit -tie zemo, obtained at any drug store for 25c or $1.00 for exfra large bottle, and promptly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes and heals quickly I and effectively most skin disease's. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, Conferences Between Ameri-! SSStSSSfiSu can Ambassador and Aus-isff?"l?K!.?,l? IV uuy uiu save n iui uici uiiiin trian Minister Puzzle. NO OTHER GRAY HAIR RESTORER IS GUARANTEED In June, providing for the es tablishment of a two-platoon or double-shift system for firemen. Fire Chief Dowell and his assistant chiefs nave asKea city Attorney iA nocne for an interpretation of the proposed act. Fire Chief Howell and his as sistants say the bill as now being initiated is full of "jokers," that It will put an end to the fire prevention campaign as now handled under the supervision of Fire Marshal Stevens, place the fire bureau in the hands of the firemen, and cost between $200,000 and $300,000 a year for the operation of the fire bureau. Excess Tippling Is Now Crime m State of Oregon It is now an offense against the peace and dignity of the state of Oregon to get drunk. Hitherto overindulgence in 11- )fr quor meant a thaw-out in the tanks of the city jail, but the ) new state law provides that the 4t tippler must lay out his jag in 4t the county jail and tne rines go to the state. 1 The first cofnplaint under this unique -statute was drawn by Deputy District Attorney. T. G. Ryan yesterday. John Crocker. a north end saloonkeeper for it over SO years, and now propri 4tt etor of a soft drink place at 41 ijt North Sixth street, is the, de- fendant. ife Crocker is also charged with jjt -violating the prohibition law. ja Police Sergeant Oelsner and Pa 4t trolman Cameron, who watched him trying to lock the door of his place for 25 minutes yesler- day morning early before ar jjt resting him. declare that he is a it genuine bootlegger, asserting as a reason that he had a flask of jt whiskey hidden in a boot behind the counter of his place of busi- ; ness. - x Crocker will bo . tried for 4t - drunkenness and for' violating ifr : the prohibition - law under .the . ikl state statute this afternoon.- ; t-v tnnJim Ton eat hit back taste good, but work badly; term-nt into acids and cause a ica. --- stomach? Now. Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin helps neutralize the excessive acids In the stomach so your food wont sour and unset you. There never wa so safely quick, so certainly effective No difference now Daou w 1 7, " is upset you usually get happy relief 1 1 five minutes, out wu.w v - -most 1. that It regulate yovr D I T rx . stomacn so you , on t Use Uvea Let . j. .ithmt rear Qr c:.1. C.t. Most remedlea give you reuei sonic--oan. a simple, oare, I .,".,,,, -re -i0w. but not aure Sure Preparation, TlJg.K?u&lS& Crslrx Wk Terr aulckly. iiaiuiu wavs i wun v v...-. - - - id...'. ni.min" comes ln contact with tho v, Aiatreaa 1cst vanishes your - vl. Here is tne one sare. cleanly, heaitn- .tnmacfh rets aweeu no I"3. f ui and certain way to restore the nat- I .nictations of undigested food. ural color to gray or faded, lifeless ..' H,nrn and you feel fine. hair the one method Jn perfect good Z ow make the best investment 5?A,cceped by Amertca's fore- Oo J?. by -tting a large f If ty- golor Restorer will bring cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any . . . . . . i . I . -t . . t . a irk t vii in l ri - an your nair oacK to its original, even anig store. ... -. - ahade. and it will be rich, alossv. lus- needless it is to suffer from trous and sort. or women. J-Ban I indirestion. dyspepsia or any stomacn .....o -A t-w. ""i dinorder due to acia ierraeuuiiivu. and women. Q-Ban means the look of Q'soroer Amsterdam. Feb. II. (V. P) Ger man officialdom Is Intensely Interested and puzzled, by the conference at Vienna between American Ambassador Penfteld and the Austrian foreign min ister, according to Berlin advices to day. Astonishment Is expreaaedtb.t there should be any doubt ln the United States that Austria-Hungary does not fully approve and support Germany's declaration of relentless submarine warfare. On the contrary. It la aomi -officially declared that Bmperor Karl's determi nation Is to accord the most emphatic support to his ally. Participation of Austrian officials ln the conferences which decided upon the submarine war fare was also cited as evidencing Aus tria's full sympathy with the use of a weapon demanded by the allies' starva tion blockade of tne central powers. Semi-official dispatches received from Vienna, in detailing the text of the note presented by American Am bassador Penfield. hold the American lnoulry whether Austria still affirms her promises ln the Ancona and Persia cases as "vague." Officials take the position that the statements made In the notes mentioned were intended to cover these specific cases only and not to mark out a future course. vitality, health and youth. Simply apply Q-Ban like a shampoo. Surely, wet your hair with Q-Ban Re storer. Tour hair will gradually and evenly retufn to Its natural, uniform shade. Beware of Imitations. Beware, too. of dangerous dyes and chemicals. Q-Ban Is all ready to use. It is I guaranteed to be as harmless as the Dure air. It is sold under guarantee of "satisfaction, or money back." It is the only guaranteed preparation for the purpose. It costs only 50c for a GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Eat less meat if you feel Back achy or have Bladder trouble. Salts fine for Kidneys. large bottle, at Huntley Drug Co.. 4th anil Wash. Sts.. Portland. Or., and all good drua; stores, or write Ilesslg- Ellis Drug. Co., Mempnis, renn. Trv Q-Ban Hair Tonic. Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo. Q-Ban Toilet Soap; also Q-Ban Depilatory (ooor ess ror re- fnl-ma uric acid which excites moving superrioous nair. eena tor " ' " , - kMneva in their free illustrated book of lectures. "Hair and overworks the kidneys in ineir Culture." This tells how to take efforts to filter It irora tne "y" proper care of your talr. Write to- Regular eaters of meat must liusn dav. (Adv.) I ,. Mdn eva occasionally. You must : relieve them HKe you relieve your a.t..iTTT bowel?; removing all the acids, waste Girls If you want plenty of thK'k. beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by li mean get rid of dandruff, for It wlil starve your hair and ruin It if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve It. then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces or ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring: use enoug.t ti moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. Bv morning, most if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It. Tou will fino, too, mat ail itcnins. and digging of the scalp will atop, and' your hair will look and feel a hundred times batter. Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you win need. no matter how much dandrurr your nave. This simple remedy never falls. Request Under Consideration. Berne. Feb. 21. (I. N. S.) Ths American request that Austria-Hun gary make known her exact attitude on the submarine warfare ana en nounce her adherence or abandonment of the principles laid down in the An cona case is now under consideration by the emperor and the foreign office. said a dispatch from Vienna today. It is not known when an answer will b received. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH TcQs How to Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. Tou feel fine ln a few momenta. Tour cold in head or catarrh will bo gone. and poison, else you feel a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather i" bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the nht. . ., To neutralise m imuung acras coia in nwu r flush off the body's urinous waste Your ciogeeo o:iru. peo. , ,et about four ounces of Jad Salts dullness, headache: no hawking, snuf- 721 days' and 70ur kldnevs rmS?S&Z& nl '"j dfWTh. Icid ofragUrao?.Uan,5 bottle of Ely s Cream Balm. Apply a made from the actd of grapes and liUle f this fragrant-antiseptic cream lemon Juice, combined with lithia. and rt your nostrils. Jet it penetrate ha, been used for generation, to clean through every air passage of the head; and stimulate sluggish Sidney, and soothe and beal the swollen, inflamed stop bladder Irritation. Jad baits is raucous membrane, and, lellef eomes inexpensive; harmless ana makes a de- Irslantly ' - ligbtful fferrcscanit Mthla-water drinX, It Is just what every eold and cai which, millions of men and women take tarrh, sufferer needs. Don't stay now and then, thus avoiding serious stuffed up and miserable. .v kidney and bladder diseases. , .-. Turkey Reaffirms Pledge. Washington, Feb. 21. (U. P.) The Turkish government has reaffirmed Its pledges of alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary in a successful pros ecution of the war. Ambassador EJkus cabled the artate department from Con stantinople. It was announced today. While tho Ottoman chamber Of dep uties express the greatest desire to "strengthen our good relations ln neu tral - countries." the "foreign policy will continue faithful to our treaties with our allies,' the Elku cable stated. This action was taken by the cham ber of deputies with the grand vliler appearing before that body and ask lng for a vote of confidence in the new cabinet. The request was unanimously granted. 1 Unfair. . From the Waahioston Star. Loton liorton, a New York milk distributor, was talking to a reporter about milk prices. "But our adversaries' questions are not fair." Mr. Horton said. "Our ad versaries are like the cross-examlnJng lawver. "'Is It true,' this lawyer asked a witness, 'that you were the only sober man at the banquet? " 'No. of course, not,' the witness answered indignantly. ""Who was, then? said the lawyer. For His Health. from the Wahtogon STar. "Where's Three-F 1 n g e r e d Sam? asked U visitor at Crtmon Gulch. Travelln' fur hi , .health." "Is be sickT v "He isn't, lie's got. his health now. But the- boys ha was - playln eaatfa with last night, say that - unless be travel he's going to Ite in. the .hospital An' every, tlm they's-a, perseription Hke- that dealt cut la a card, game It' The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. Dandruff Soon Ruins The Hair DRINK A bUSS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST 8ays ws wltl both look and fesl clean, swset and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary sclenee has of late made - rapid strides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research is the recommendation that it Is a necessary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as It Is to the drains or the house. Those of ns wno are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arts, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold. foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, reel as rresn as a daisy by opening the sluices of the ; system each morning and flushing out - l II a WUOll Ul 1 1. 11.1 VCWMWW stagnant matter. . Kveryone. whether ailing, sick or -ell. should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot. hAnhl In It to waah from tha at rim- ach, liver and bowels ths previous 1 dav's indigestible wast, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus, cleansing. sweetening ana jruniyms in cu w r alimentary canal before putting more food into ths stomach. The action of an empty stomach is wonderfully In-; vlgoratlng. It cleans out all ths sour,. fermentations, gases, wast aad acidity . and gives one a splendid appetite for'"' breakfast, v While you ara : enjoying. your breakfast tha phosphated hot- water Is quietly extracting a large vol-" ume of water from the blood and get-1-. ting read for a thorough flushing f all the inside organs. The millions of people who are bom- ered with constipation, bullous pella stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness::; others .who .have sallow skins,, bloody disorders and sickly complaxlpus' are urged to get a quarter pound of llme-i stone phosphate from the drag store. This will cost very little, but Is suffi cient to -make anyone a : pronounoed ; crank, of the. subject of internal san itation." - . ' -